What should be a diet with enterocolite? What you can, but why not? Clinical manifestations of acute enterocolitis. Treatment of enterocolitis: folk remedies

  • Date: 22.04.2019

Garlic has properties to improve digestion. It excites appetite, enhances the release of digestive enzymes and bile, contributes to the best absorption of food, has an painful and soothing effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Use of garlic when treating worms

Methods of treatment:

  • Daily make warm garlic enemas.
  • To enter the anal hole to the anal hole for garlic.
  • Cashitz out of 5 garlic teeth cooking in a glass natural milk On low heat in a closed dishes 10-15 minutes, let it be in a closed dishes and drink a warm on a teaspoon 4-5 times a day on an empty stomach. Course treatment - 6 days.
  • 5-10 g of garlic magicians mix with 250 ml of cool boiled water, insist a few hours, to make an enema for 1-2 hours to sleep. Course treatment - 6 days. In the evening, make an enema from a pale mortar solution. So that the worms do not go through the throat, after each enema should be chewing fresh onion.
  • Freshly prepared juice of garlic take 10-15 drops with warm boiled milk 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach.
  • 1 tbsp. A spoon of powder Flowers of Pijmas and Cashitz from two garlic teeth pour 2 cups of milk, cooking in a closed dish on a weak fire for 10 min, cool, strain. 2 glasses of milk decoction with garlic and pizhma in warm formation as an anthelnamic agent into the intestines in the form of the enema and to hold this mixture inside the intestine. Course of treatment for 6 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 10 days break.
  • 10 heads of garlic taken with fucked milk expelled worms well. 2 hours after receiving garlic, it is necessary to take a laxative.

Use of garlic in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Methods of treatment:

  • The grinding brick is put in the bucket, which is poured finely chopped garlic or garlic powder. As soon as he begins to burn and smoke, carefully sit on the bucket so that the garlic smoke has warmed the rear pass. Course treatment - 10-15 procedures.
  • Apply hemorrhoidal nodes 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes a multi-layer marla, moistened in the juice of garlic, or to which Kashitz from garlic is laid. Then it is necessary to lubricate the irritable surface of the skin sea buckthorn or hyperic oil. In the evening, gently introduce into the back passage drilled along the garlic teeth, dipping them into the baked interior pork fat, vaseline or vegetable oil, and leave overnight.
  • Finely cut the head of garlic, dissolve in 5 liters of warm water and take it in it with a hemorrhoid sedent bath for 10-15 minutes. Sitted bath take every day to complete recovery.
  • For treating hemorrhoids, it is useful to swallow entire pieces of purified garlic. Garlic is not digested and, leaving the feces, burns the affected surface, helping her healing.

Use of garlic in the treatment of solitator

Methods of treatment: Eat on an empty stomach of about 100 g of purified pumpkin seeds. An hour later, after that, drink a glass of natural milk with small sips, in which garlic head was cooked. After 30 minutes, drink a strong laxative and after 1.5-2 hours to put an enema from a warm infusion of garlic.

Use of garlic in the treatment of pancreas and spleen

For the treatment of these diseases, broth of garlic bulbs are used. Cooking method: 1 tbsp. Spoon of raw materials pour 200 ml of hot milk, boil 1 min; insist for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1-1.5 st. Spoons 3 times a day after meals.

Treatment of gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice

Method of treatment: 2 garlic heads clean, rub, fold into the jar and pour two glasses of unrefined vegetable oil. After a day in the oil infusion pour juice of two lemons and mix thoroughly. Insist one week in a dark cool place. Garns oil take on a spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course treatment - 3 months. Break - 1 month, treatment if necessary, repeat to complete recovery.

Use of garlic in the treatment of dysentery

Methods of treatment:

  • 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry crushed leaves of Portulak pour 1.5 glasses of boiling water, insisted in a closed dish on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, then in the decoction to add Cashitz of one or two garlic teeth, insist, shitting, 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Every day to eat for one whole head of garlic during the day.
  • Powder of purified birch coal (carboral pharmacy drug) Mix 1: 1 by volume with garlic juice, to withstand in a warm oven to the complete drying of the juice of garlic. Take 1/3 h. Spoons 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. Garlic juice is absorbed into the carbolne powder, is slowly released from it only in the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly enhances therapeutic action garlic.

Use of garlic when treating diarrhea

Method of treatment:

  • Take 2-3 g of garlic powder 2 times a day after meals.

Use of garlic in food poisoning

Methods of treatment:

  • 3 finely chopped garlic teeth pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, inspired in tightly closed dishes, shook, 30 minutes, strain. Take one glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Grinding garlic teeth pour cold melt or spring water, insisted in a tightly closed dishes in a dark cold place, periodically shake the contents, strain. Take 1/2-1 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • 100 g of garlic casher to pour 1 l of dry grape wine, insist in a dark cool place for at least 2 hours, periodically shaking the contents, strain. Take 100 g 2-3 times a day.
  • Mix 1: 1 by volume of garlic cassea and honey. Take 1-2 Article Food Poys. Spoons 3-5 times a day.
  • Mix in equal parts by volume of powder from carbolne and powder from garlic, prepare from them tablets of 0.3-0.5 g each. Take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Use of garlic in the treatment of jaundice

Method of treatment: 10 g of chopped garlic and 5 g of the grass powder Celebre and the wormwood of an ordinary (Chernobyl standard) pour 0.5 l of white grape wine, bring to a boil, cool, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. Spoons in the morning on an empty stomach. Course treatment - 6 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated 6 days before complete recovery.

Use of garlic in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the stomach

Methods of treatment:

  • With colitis (inflammation of the thick bowel mucosa) by 1.5 liters of red dry wine take 100 g of dry crushed rooties of the Snake Highland, insist in a dark cool place for one week, periodically shaking the contents, then cook in a closed dish on a boiling water bath for 110 minutes, Soak, catching, 1 hour, strain, add 100 g of crude crushed garlic teeth, insist in a dark cool place for two weeks, strain. Take a glass of tincture per day in 4 receptions with equal intervals.
  • With ancidn gastritis, intestinal atonia, the colitis of 40 g of Cashitz garlic pour 100 ml of medical alcohol or vodka, insist in a dark cool place for 10 days, periodically shaking the contents, strain. Take 15-20 drops 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals, drinking in the infusion of birch leaves. Course for 3 weeks. After a 10-day break, the course of treatment is repeated to complete recovery.
  • When enterocolitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of thin and thick intestines) is useful to boil 10 garlic to 250 g of potatoes and eat during the day.
  • Garlic head to grind and pour in 1 l apple vinegar. Insist in a dark cool place 1-2 months, periodically shaking the contents. Take to normalize the process of digestion of food under Art. Spoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Use of garlic with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Methods of treatment:

  • Regular use of small amounts of garlic with reduced acidity gastritis contributes to the normalization of the activity of the stomach, pancreas and intestines.
  • Garlic applied at atony gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to systematically 2-3 teeth 3 times a day along with normal food.
  • The bulbs and green leaves of garlic improve the digestion and excite appetite, they act spasmolitically with gastrointestinal colic, meteorism and chronic enterocolitis.

With inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucous membrane, in particular, thick and thin, diseases weighing occur common name Enterocolitis. In this article, we will tell you in more detail what is the disease and how to carry out the treatment of enterocolitis herbs.

Like many other diseases, enterocolites are divided into chronic and sharp. Acute enterocolitis often accompanies gastroenterocolitis, that is, acute gastritis. The acute form of the disease is divided into infectious and noncommunicable. In addition, the cause of the development of the disease can be allergic reaction, as well as poisoning drug drugs Or all sorts of poisons. Acute enterocolitis, in contrast to chronic, only affects the mucous membrane and does not affect deep layers.

Most often, the development of chronic enterocolitis leads incorrect or insufficient treatment acute form Diseases. Chronic inflammation intestines - disease flowing for a long timehaving stages of exacerbation and remission. This disease can lead to pathologies of the mucous and submucosal layers of the intestinal walls. A long course of the disease can lead to a violation of the intestinal function; serious problems With digestion.

The acute enterocolit is manifested in this way: suddenly the patient occurs painfulness, flare in the language, nausea, often vomiting, rushing in the stomach. Palpation detects abdominal pain. Diarrhea is also an ordinary symptom. For infectious enterocolitis, the appearance of mucus or blood in feces, an increase in body temperature, weakness, lubrication in muscles, headache, that is, the symptoms of acute intoxication.

Chronic enterocolit It manifests slowly sharp, but in some cases the symptoms are pronounced brighter. In addition, this type of enterocolites may entail the appearance of complications life-threatening.

Treatment of enterocolitis by folk remedies.

Chronic enterocolitis is treated with folk remedies. Such treatment of herbs is aimed at restoring the intestinal functioning.

  • Infusion from the tablespoon of mixed herbs: daisies pharmacy (flowers), AIR ordinary (rhizomes), valerians of medicinal, fenhel of ordinary (fruit). Herbs mix like this: Chamomile - three hours, Air - two hours, the remaining plants for 1 h. Pour herbs with a glass of boiling water and insist. Drinking with diarrhea and colic warm by half a cup of three times a day after eating.
  • Papestry silver, grass. Art. l. on art. Boiling water, placing in a thermos for three hours. Clean the infusion from the grass, drink half an hour before meals. Dose: Fullack of three times a day.
  • Carrot sowing, seeds. One art. l. Seeds pour into a glass with boiling water, put the fluid in the thermos for five to six hours. Recommended for diarrhea. Drink hot on a glass.
  • Melissa Drug, leaves and tops of shoots. Four art. l. On the glass just boiling water, put in a thermos for four hours. Clean the infusion with the help of gauze from the plant. Before taking food, take 4-5 times a day under Art. l.
  • For the treatment of enterocolitis herbs, an ordinary yarrow is perfect. Make juice from this plant. Take before taking food or after an hour after it on a cellular spoon. Recommended when swollen.
  • Laptop goose, blooming. Make juice. For half an hour before meals, we take three times a day on a tablespoon. It is useful in diarrhea accompanied by colic. Action disinfecting, astringent, relieves inflammation.
  • Ingredients: Oak ordinary, bark; Blueberry ordinary, fruits; Cherry ordinary, fruit. Mix in equal shares. Insist. A method of use: half a cup of half an hour before eating a couple of three times a day. Shown in conservation.
  • Olkhovoid twist, bark; Joster laxative, fruits; Fennel ordinary, fruit. All ingredients must be necessarily as a powder. The latter you need to take one part, the first two - two parts. Use in chronic confuses for half an hour before eating two or three times a day half a teaspoon.
  • Olkhovoid twist, bark; Flax ordinary, seeds (not shredded); elderberry black, flowers; Fennel ordinary, fruit. The proportions are as follows: 5h - 3h - 2h - 2h. Make infusion. With the conservation of drinking twice a day after an hour after receiving food on a glass.
  • Senna, leaves (three parts); Joster laxative, fruits (two parts); Olkhovoid twist, bark (two parts). Also anise ordinary, the fruits (one part) of the licorice naked, the root (one part). In a glass of recently boiled water, pour a couple of tea spoons for collecting. After half an hour, strain. With constipation, drink a glass before going to bed.
  • Altea medicinal, root; licorice naked, root; Olkhovoid twist, bark; Fennel ordinary, fruit. Mix in equal shares, make a decoction. With chronic confuses, drink after an hour after receiving food on a half package.
  • Senna, leaves; licorice naked, roots; Fennel ordinary, fruits; sulfur peeled; powder sugar. All ingredients take in the form of a powder in the following proportions: two parts of the roots and leaves, one - fruit and sulfur, four - powders. The tool is recommended for chronic enteritis with conservation. Dose: Teaspoon twice a day. Drug water with clean water.
  • The cortex is crazy with Olkhovid - five parts. The leaves of the nettle is two parts. Milestone ordinary - two parts. With confuses, take a sleep before bed.
  • Olkhovoid twiser, six parts. Dinner medicinal, grass and flax ordinary, seeds - two parts. Take the same way as in the previous recipe for chronic conservation.
  • Segless salt, honey bee, seventiethhovel alcohol, Senna leaves (all ten parts) and water (75 pieces). Mix from these ingredients to leave for a day. Take on the night on a tablespoon with tormenting constipation. You can increase the dose to two spoons.

I want to tell in this article about the main intestinal diseases - enterocolitis (simultaneous inflammation of thin and colon) and colitis ( inflammatory disease The inner shell of the large intestine).

Causes of enterocolitis and colitis

The occurrence of acute enterocolitis most often gives the use of poor-quality food, passing alcohol and various seasonings, allergic to some products, bacterial and viral infections, etc. Typical manifestations of disease are, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a feeling of cutting and pain in the opposite region, dizziness and an increase in body temperature. In the absence of treatment, acute enterocolitis usually goes into chronic.
Even when easy course Diseases should be observed bed regime until nausea, pain and gravity in the stomach will not pass.

To do this, you need to drink for 10 minutes 5-6 glasses of warm water and immediately cause vomiting, pressing a finger to the root of the tongue, and then take digestive enzymes. Watch that the vomits do not hit the patient in airways. Within 6-12 hours after washing the stomach, observe the water-tea diet, during which the total fluid consumption during this period should not be less than the volume of adopted food. It is recommended to drink rice decoction. For pain relief, heat is used on the stomach.

Treatment of enterocolitis by methods of traditional medicine

Eliminating the attack, right there, proceed to the treatment of enterocolitis using methods folk Medicine.
First of all, it is necessary before the termination of the diarrhea (diarrhea) and the bloating of the abdomen (meteorism) to drink the infusion or the tincture of Olhi. It is necessary to 1 tbsp. Grinding raw materials Pour the glass of boiling water, insisted before cooling, strain and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. To prepare a tincture, 1 part in terms of the volume of Olhi hill 5 pieces of vodka are poured and left for 2 weeks. After that, take 0.5 cl. tincture 4 times a day. Olhi no contraindications. During the treatment, brewed as tea, and drink infusions of the pins of rosehip, the leaves of the cherry and the Budry of ivy-shaped.
With success to eliminate enterocolitis, heel is used. It is necessary to 1 tbsp. Grinding roots and rhizomes of plants pour in an enameled glass glass hot water And drown half an hour on the verge of boiling. After 2 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. (Children - 1 tsp) 5 times a day for half an hour before meals. With the termination of diarrhea, the reception is reduced to 3 times a day, continuing after this treatment for another week.
No less severe healing agent - the lapprontation is represented. It is necessary 4 billion Grinding plant roots pour 0.5 liters of hot water, bring to boil and peak 20 minutes on low heat. After that, strain, bring boiling water the amount of decoction received to the original volume and drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
The decoction of cancer shekets (Snake Highlander) brings an improvement in enterocolitis with bleeding and acute, as well as chronic colitis. Need 4 tsp Grinding rhizomes of plants pour 0.5 liters of water in enameled dishes, bring to a boil and peak 15 minutes on weak fire. After the filtering, take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. After calming the pain and elimination of bleeding, reduce the one-time dose to 1 tbsp.
Chronic enterocolitis leads to atrophically changes in the mucous membrane and disruption of intestinal functions. To eliminate it, it is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to sleep on 1/3 cup (children - 1 tbsp.) Fresh carrot juice.
Conduct with diary, constipation and meteorism accompanying chronic enterocolitis, fresh garlic juice will help. He is drunk at 1 tsp, spreading in milk, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
When diarrhea with a pronounced inflammatory process and colic, it is necessary to grind and mix in volume 3 pieces of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of the rowing of AIR, 1 parts of the roots of valerian and fenhel fruit, pour 1 tbsp. Mixtures with glass boiling water, insist of half an hour, strain and drink warm at 0.5 glasses 3 times a day after meals. The diarrhea with colic is well eliminated by freshly squeezed from the blooming plant of the laggy goose juice. It is taken by 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Chronic enterocolitis accompanied by constipation is treated with a mixture of oak bark of ordinary, cherry fruits and blueberry berries. Components are mixed equally in volume, poured 1 tbsp. Glass of boiling water mixtures, insist before cooling, filter and drink 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
When enterocolitis leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and increase pressure, it is necessary to grind and mix equally for the volume of the color of the linden, the grass of the Hyverico, the nettle of the downtown and Barwinka, pour 4 tbsp. Mixtures of 1 liters of boiling water, insisted before cooling, strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before improvement.
The disease with a shorter name "colitis" occurs when the mucous membrane of the fat intestine is inflated. So, with a decrease in the amount of feces allocated and the lengthening of the defecation time should be thought about the state of health. When colitis, urges arise on vomiting, especially after consuming oily food, all the time it torments thirst, and also felt pain in the back and heads. If there are such symptoms, you should put the enema and for 3 days to completely abandon meals. At this time, you need to sleep anymore and do at the sore parking lot with hot millet and salt.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis - Folk recipes for its treatment

One of the most serious variants of colitis is a non-specific ulcerative colitis, characterized by a chronic inflammatory process in a colon with the development of ulcers, bleeding and dumping. Inflammation that occurs after certain intervals, often lead to chronic colitis. Diseases lead long irritation of the walls of the colon, constantly used enemas, candles, all sorts of bacteria and viruses, food poisoning, as well as non-compliance with the power mode.
The most easily diagnose symptoms of colitis is frequent Ponos. Or alternating diarrhea and constipation. At the same time, the patient feels incomplete devastation of the intestine. Pain with colitis is usually stronger after meals and before the act of defecation. You can eliminate it with applying a sick place of heating and warm compresses. If the inflammation that occurred with colitis has spread to serous shell The colon (this deterioration of colitis is called pericolite), then the abdominal pain is sharply enhanced from shaking and walk. It is possible to ease it, if you lie down a little.

Chronic colitis

The course of chronic colitis is long or gradually progressive with alternation periods of exacerbation. Complications - a rupture of ulcers in severe ulcerative colitis, intestinal bleeding, narrowing of the intestine and the occurrence of adhesions. The inflammatory process is called toxic exposure Non-free food, infection, some medicines, especially antibiotics, genetic predisposition and a number of other reasons.
Dyspeptic manifestations are eliminated by the same plants As enterocolitis, but more often colitis is accompanied by atonic and spastic constipation, ferry and grinding processes. In this case, the hindral hitch best helps. It is necessary 5 tbsp. Grinding herbs pour in three glasses of boiling water, after a hour to strain and drink 1/3 cups for half an hour before meals. If the chair is liquid or normal, just one month of treatment. When constillation in the infusion used, 1 Article is added. Tincture Highland Ensured (5 tbsp. Grinding grass poured 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 2 weeks). It can be taken at 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals and without infusion. Take a month, then make a weekly break and repeat the course.
You can mix equally in volume with the grass of the gold masculine, then 4 tbsp. Mixtures pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted before cooling, strain and drink warm 0.5 cup 4 times a day before meals. It helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach, eliminates heartburn, constipation and meteorism.
As a binder and hemostatic remedy for ulcerative colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis, dyspepsia, gastritis, stomach ulcers, spasms and colic helps the decoction of the goose lapping. In order to prepare it, 5-10 g of chopped rhizomes of the plant poured 500 ml of hot water in the enameled dishes, bring to a boil and boil 20 minutes on a weak heat. After that, they focus and take 1 tbsp. 2 hours after meals. You can drink the leaf of herbs. For this, 20 g of chopped raw materials are poured 200 ml of hot water, adjust to a boil, insist 2 hours, filter and drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Freshly squeezed from the grass of the laptop of a goose juice takes 1 tsp. 3 times a day, spreading in a small amount of water, with colite with constipation. The treatment of the palm card is carried out from the beginning of the flowering of the plant until the autumn.
The decoction of lop seeds is indispensable with colitis with a poor intestinal peristaltics. It is necessary 3 tbsp. Raw materials pour in the evening in thermos with two glasses of boiling water, insist the night, and in the morning straighten and drink with equal portions 3 times during the day. Drink after eating. Molds colitis with poor intestinal peristaltics and depth of burdock. Needed 2 tbsp. With a slide of crushed raw materials in the evening in the thermos 2 glasses of boiling water, insist the night, and in the morning straightening and drinking 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This tool not only has a relaxing effect, but also contributes to the elimination of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the fat intestine.
I do not use without success, with the colite and a bowel atony, the grass of flaxies ordinary, assembled with seeds. It is necessary for an incomplete handful of grass to pour a glass of boiling water, insisted under the cover before cooling, strain and take 1 tbsp, several times a day. Thus, it is treated in this way for 2 weeks, then make a weekly break and repeat the medical course again. Treat such courses with interruptions for 3 months. It should be remembered that long use Lincase increases pressure, so this plant is contraindicated hypertensive.

Treatment of chronic colitis herbal fees

Very successfully used to eliminate chronic colitis herbal fees. You can grind and mix equally in terms of leaves of nettle and peppermint leaves, daisy flowers pharmacy and blueberry berries, pour in the evening in the thermos 4 tbsp. Mixtures of 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist the night, and in the morning straighten and drinking on a glass 3 times a day. Effectively mix robust in volume, pre-grinding the grass of the Hypericum, the horsetail of wild, wormwood bitter, the gold male and the roots of the Dyagil, pour 2 tbsp in the enameled dishes. A mixture of 0.5 liters of red grape wine, bring almost to a boil, then take a saucepan from the fire and leave for 15 minutes. After that, add to the wine decoction of 1 tbsp. Crumpled leaves of mint pepper and roots of valeriana, cover the dishes with a lid and insist everything to a complete cooling. Then strain and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals, drinking a glass of water. Very good to grind and mix at 1 tsp. Gold grass, sage and flowers pharmacy chamomile, pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, after 30 minutes to strain and take 1 tbsp. Every 2 hours. After 3 months, extend the intervals between the receptions of infusion. Treatment is long.
To cope with exacerbation with colite, it is necessary to grind and mix on 1 tbsp. Herbs of the gold masculine, sage and daisy flowers, pour a mixture with a glass of boiling water, insisted under the cover before cooling, strain and take 1 tbsp. 5 times a day.
Colitis with will help to lose a mixture, consisting of altea grass, plantain large, heel, porch and loving, taken equally. It is necessary 3 tbsp. Crumpled raw materials pour 1.5 liters in the evening of boiling water, insist the night, and in the morning straighten and drinking 2/3 cups 4 times a day before recovery.
Stop gastric bleeding In chronic colitis, it is possible if 4 tsp. Ground leaves or raspberry berries pour 2 glasses of boiling water, after 30 minutes to strain and drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Very important element of treatment with enterocolitis and colitis is nutrition

Be sure to first 2 days should be refrained from receiving any food and drink small portions only Mineral Water "Borjomi" or strong sweet tea. On the third day of treatment, it is allowed to eat low-fat broth, mucous soup, crushed rice porridge and kissel (except cranberry!). You can also eat puree, rubbed meat, eggs sick and crackers.
The small intestine is loaded by the work to the limit, so it needs to help the stomach, which turns the foreign one for the body into a mass capable of learning. It is in a small intestine that creates an organism even from monotonous food the compounds you need. The reserves of these substances are small, so we must regularly use various products, not abusing anything.
Therefore, coping with colitis and enterocolitis, in the future to prevent recurrence I recommend regularly drinking strawberries. It is necessary 2 tbsp. Crumpled leaves and rhizomes of plants taken equally, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, withstand 15 minutes on a boiling water bath, strain and drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals for 3 weeks.
If you manage to get the leaves and the seeds of avocado, I recommend 1.5 tbsp. Crumpled raw materials Pour 2 glasses of water in enameled dishes, bring to a boil and peak 8 minutes on a weak heat. After 3 hours of insistence, strain and drink warm, slowly swallowed, 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.
Very good 2 times a day drinking serum from the cheese, as well as daily in the morning on an empty stomach in half a cup of cucumber puree.

Prevention of colitis and enterocolites

In general, the prevention of acute enterocolites and colitis is constantly observing the rules of personal hygiene and rational nutrition, use of only thoroughly washed vegetables and fruits and exclude from the diet of all products that may have toxic action on the body.
Believe in the efficiency of the funds offered, and the colitis with enterocolite is not ascended.

Enterocolit - a gastroenterological disease flowing in a thick and small intestine, the main characteristic of which is inflammation of the mucous membrane. Acute enterocolitis develops fleet, has a number distinctive signs, treats medicines, is healed while compliance medical nutrition and all the recommendations of the observing physician. Consider in more detail why enterocolitis, symptoms and treatment of disease by drugs and folk remedies appear.

IN last yearsIn connection with the growing rhythm of life, regular stresses and non-compliance with the rules of rational nutrition, the problem of the development of gastroenterological diseases, in particular, enterocolitis, has become particularly relevant. The shortage of nutritional connections in the daily menu (vitamins, dietary fiber, pectin, minerals) and the abuse of heavy food, saturated with preservatives, taste amplifiers and flavors, Food Fast products and semi-finished products.

Clinical manifestations of acute enterocolitis:

  • paints in the field of epigastria, especially in the lower abdomen and in the navel area, which are most often manifested in the second half of the day;
  • sharp cutting pain characteristic with inflammation of the mucous intestine, moderate, buty, stupid - fine intestine;
  • amplification of pain at the time of defecation, physical exertion and after the meal;
  • increased gas formation, rumbling, systematic bloating (meteorism);
  • disgust for food, nausea, loss of appetite;
  • flaw in language;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy, loss of working capacity;
  • chalk problems (may be observed as diarrheaand constipation);
  • symptoms of intoxication of the body with infectious enterocolitis (fever, lump in bone, vomiting, muscle pain);
  • the rapid weight loss during localization in the small intestine of the inflammatory process.

Chronic enterocolitis can proceed asymptomatic during remission. Easy sensations occur during periods of exacerbation, which can provoke both a power disorders and viral infection. Stress, emotional overvoltage, reinforced mental loads often lead to a failure of digestion and appearance acute symptoms.

Due to the violation of the suction of nutrients from the consumed food in patients with a chronic form of enterocolitis, anemia may be present and other specific changes in blood plasma. Related immunity as a result degenerative changes In the bowel tissues leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to any infectious agent.

Causes of enterocolitis

  1. Intestinal infectionscaused by staphylococci, dysentery stick, salmonellawhich can provoke inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Glice invasions and giardiasis.
  3. Long breaks between meals.
  4. Abundance in the menu of sausages, fatty varieties of meat, refractory fats, fast food dishes, fried food, smoked, canned food, semi-finished products.
  5. The uncontrolled use of laxatives and food additives, causing a decrease in the level of useful microflora in the intestine.
  6. Dysbacteriosis, leading to the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  7. Constipation (chronic), in which the carte masses injury the walls of the intestine.
  8. Violations hormonal background Against the background of stress.
  9. Diseases gOOD SYSTEM and liver.
  10. Food allergy.
  11. Alcoholism.

PseudommBratosic enterocolitis can develop against the background of use antibacterial agents And some dosage forms. In rare cases, pathology is due to anomalies in the structure of the intestinal system. As a rule, enterocolitis is manifested simultaneously with other pathologies of the gastrointestinal organs.

Complications and prevention of enterocolitis

In the absence of adequate therapy inflammatory process He adds in deep bowel tissues, enterocolitis goes into a chronic form accompanied by persistent disorders of digestion.

the main preventive measure To prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies, and enterocolitis, including - rational nutrition.

  1. Prepare food for a couple, lean or bake.
  2. Daily include in the diet dairy productscontaining acidophilic and lactobacillia.
  3. Watch out for sufficient antioxidants, minerals and fiber in the diet.
  4. Do not allow large breaks between meals.
  5. Fit often, but fractionally.
  6. Refuse abundant evening trapes and feasts, especially with the reception alcoholic beverages.
  7. Do not prevent the prevalence in the fats menu, especially animal origin.

For digestive system Useful the following events:

  • daily gymnastics;
  • sports, yoga and dancing;
  • visit the sauna;
  • admission Aromavand;
  • hour walks in the fresh air before bedtime;
  • hardening the body.

Diet and therapy with enterocolitis

For acute flow Diseases, as well as during periods of exacerbation of chronic enterocolitis, treatment provides for the mandatory observance of the diet appointed by the gastroenterologist. In the first day from meals, as a rule, refrain. Recommended only abundant warm drinks: Failure faint tea, mineral water without gas. If necessary, the patient is injected with saline.

Starting from the second day, the patient is transferred to diet No. 4, from which whole milk and foods saturated with food fibers and stimulating the enhanced selection of bile are excluded. Food fractional, 5-6 single one. Food should be prepared for a couple, boil, wipe.

In the diet there are crackers from white bread, soups on water or low-fat meat broth (frustration), mucous porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat), boiled dietary meat and fish. Creamy oil is introduced into finished food in limited quantity. From cottage cheese it is recommended to prepare steam souffle or casserole. It is useful to kissel, infusion of rosehip and blueberries, herbal tea.

For diet number 4 is unacceptable next products Nutrition: Sdob and pastry, Fresh bread, flour products, strong broths, roasted and steep eggs, dried fruits and any fresh fruits, legumes, honey, jam, canned, salting, smoked, sausage, all kinds of fats, except butter, carbonated drinks, cocoa, coffee, sour cream, cheese, whole milk, grape juice. Food and drinks should be warm, but, in no case, not hot or cold.

Compliance with diet nutrition is required at least for three months. In the future, it is necessary to closely monitor the diet, not allowing abuse of prohibited and harmful products. Flexible proteins must prevail in the menu, and the amount of carbohydrates is required to limit.

Folk recipes They are considered a good addition to the main therapy of enterocolitis.

➡ Carrots. Chronic enterocolitis, accompanied by diarrhea, is well treating the infusion of seeds of carrots sowing. The tablespoon of dry seeds is sealed in a thermos of 0.3 liters of boiling water, insist at least 5 hours, filter and filtered. Drink on a glass of infusion in warm form several times a day.

➡ Collection of herbs №1. Helps with chronic enterocolitis with regular constipation. Combine in equal proportion of a crushed oak boring, dried fruits Blueberries and. A tablespoon of a mixture to fervent in a thermos, with a volume of 0.2 liters, insist a few hours, strain. Reception by ½ cup drink three times a day for half an hour before meal.

➡ Collection of herbs №2. Helps with meteorism and putrefactive processes. According to the reviews of experienced phytotherapists, the decoction is useful for treating acute and chronic form enterocolitis. Mix in an equal ratio of dried blueberries, cherry, cumin., Blueberry leaves, Chamomile Breasury Breeding, Grind the composition in a coffee grinder. To prepare a decoction, take a teaspoon of collection, filter 250 ml of hot water, protont the water sauna about half an hour, cool down at room temperature, profile and fold it with boiled water to the original volume. Reception of 100-150 ml of beverage on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day.

➡ Propolis. Reception of the alcohol pharmacy tincture of propolis (20%) is carried out against the background of the diet over the month. An hour before meals, a glass of water is drunk, into which 40 drops of tincture are added three times a day. The second version of the application of propolis is the addition of the fruits of the cherry of ordinary to the decoction. Cutting spoon of dried raw materials to peel on a small fire in a glass of water, filing. Drinking 80-100 branch with adding 30 drops of a 20% tincture of propolis three times a day 25-35 minutes before meals.

Since enterocolitis is nointed by the people of the "misuse of incorrect nutrition", then only you depends on the restoration of normal digestion and all the gastrointestinal organs. Observe the diet, do not disturb the mode, perform all medical prescriptions, systematically use the recipes of traditional medicine, and your health is definitely normalized.

Enterocolit treatment

Good day, dear visitors to my medical blog. Thank you for visiting this page in search of new information. And the topic of today's article is very relevant, because ahead is time - it's time gastrointestinal diseasesrelated to the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, poor-quality products with expired Storage, etc. It will be about how to treat enterocolitis by folk remedies.

The causes of the emergence and symptoms of enterocolitis

● Enterocolitis occurs due to bacterial contamination when eating poorly washed or at all unwashed fruits and vegetables, spoiled poor-quality food products and beverages, overeating and allergies for some types of products. Incubation period Enterocolitis on average lasts from several hours to 7 days (this is the period between the human causative agent and the emergence of the first signs of enterocolitis). If briefly, the clinic of the disease is as follows: pain and rumbling in the abdomen, frequent liquid chair (diarrhea), weakness, increased temperature Body.

● In addition to the causes of enterocolitis listed above, there may still be poisoning chemicals and medicinal preparations, avitaminosis (insufficient amount in the body), chronic constipation, (worms - ascarides, a dwarf chain, sharpness, etc.), diseases of the digestive system - and.

● In the enterocolitis are affected equally a thin and large intestine. If most part is amazed small intestine, arise blunt pain In the field of navel, nausea, bloating and liquid stools with admixture of mucus from 4 to 7 or more times a day. And when the thick intestine is more amazed, diarrhea is accompanied by grazing pain at the bottom of the abdomen until 15 times a day. The diagnosis of acute enterocolitis is quite simple, due to the suddenness of the occurrence and presence of pronounced symptoms, characteristic this disease.

● Chronic enterocolitis manifests itself somewhat differently: diarrhea occurs in the morning, shortly after the usual breakfast, after which the diarrhea is replaced by constipation, but not always. The pain is not very pronounced and does not have a specific localization. It usually appears in the afternoon, passing a couple of hours after meals. The pain is enhanced by exercise, Sports, running. The bloating is noted, and in the intestine there is a transfusion (bugger) of the content. The appetite is reduced, the patient is losing weight, quickly gets tired and becomes pale.

Treatment of enterocolitis by folk remedies

● At the first signs of enterocolitis, begin such treatment. Immediately rinse the stomach and take the salt laxative (dissolve 2-3 cent. L. Magnesium sulfate in half-liter boiled water). In your home aid kit there should always be a tincture of a golden root homemade cooking or pharmacy extract of Rhodiola Pink. These medical agents Have invaluable assistance in any poisoning. Golden root tincture Take 8-10 drops with a small amount of water 2-3 times a day. Then drink a glass of boiled water with one tablespoon of honey.

● for treatment Enterocolitis When vomiting you will help you a sip of vodka with a pinch, then choose a glass of orange juice or eat an orange. Pain syndrome They will remove two tablets of no-shop, and immediately put on the stomach warm height. Spend in bed a couple of days and definitely boot. You can drink hot tea without sugar with a white cracker and eat rice decoction. Another two-grained fresh apple is allowed, preferably Antonovka. During a week and a half after starvation, stick to the gentle diet: mucous soups, crushed porridges on water, meat broths.

● During the treatment of enterocolitis, the patient must normalize the nature and, not take drugs that violate the intestine function. The main argument is the strictest diet. Eliminate from your diet black bread, raw vegetables, Salo and other fats (except butter), fried, salty, sharp, meat, dairy dishes. The emphasis should be made on food, containing dietary fiber: celery, carrots, green salad.

● In the treatment of enterocolitis, food is not less common 5-6 times a day, the dishes must be warm, boiled, cooked pair or dirty. During the day diarrhea, there are two starve, using only apples, the daily rate of which is 1-1.5 kg.

● To eliminate spasms and inflammation of the intestine during treatment, take a liquid porridge from flax seeds: pour a glass of boiling water or milk of three teaspoons of crushed raw materials and give it up for 10 minutes. You can add half a teaspoon of honey to porridge, eat it in three receptions 15 minutes before meals.

● To prevent and normalize intestinal flora drink half a cup per hour before eating three times a day medical herbs (Mix one tbsp. l. Sage, 3 tbsp. l. Yarrow and; Fill one tablespoon of a mixture of floor-liter boiling water and insist 40 minutes).

● Diarrhea (diarrhea) in the process of treatment will help you. Grind flowers and plants stems, three art. l. Cheese Fill half liters boiling water and insist one hour. Take all the infusion of small portions within two days. For strong diarrhea - in a day.

● Drink an empty stomach with a tablespoon or ordinary sunflower oil constipation. Take bran: Two tablespoons pour boiling water with a glass, and in an hour, drain the water. Eat should be on an empty stomach. Bran can be mixed with kefir or spokes.

● From the bloating, associated with, chamomile or mint will save you: a tablespoon of raw materials pour hot water with a glass and insist 40 minutes. Take three times a day for 1/3 cup.

● and anemia The lack of vitamins will fill vitamin tea: thoroughly mix equal parts of red rowan berries, forest strawberry leaves; The tablespoon of the mixture fill the glass of hot water and insist half an hour. Drink in a warm form twice a day for a whole glass of infusion.

Other information about enterocolite can be found by clicking on the link \u003e\u003e\u003e, as well as "". About the ischemic colister you can read this.