Selection from the blade. Features of the secretions of urethra in women

  • Date: 03.04.2019

The reasons for the secretions from the urethra in men are quite diverse, which does not make it possible to independently determine the nature of the disease or pathological process. Noticing the secreted secret or other liquid, it is necessary to refer to the doctor for conducting research and confirmation of the diagnosis. Depending on what contributed to the appearance of discharge, appropriate therapy will be assigned.

What are the normal allocations from the urethra

The separation of urethra in men is the yield of liquids through the urethral channel. It should be noted that the urethra is connected:

  • prostate duks;
  • seed-throwing ducts;
  • ducts of the urethral glands;
  • duels of bulburetral glands.

From the penis, men regularly distinguished those or other liquids. And this is a physiological norm. But allocations must comply with certain criteria. If the characteristics are violated, this indicates the presence of diseases, certain complications or pathological processes relating to the genitourinary system.

  1. Urine. It has a high degree of transparency, and the color varies from golden to straw. The smell almost does not have. In the urine there are no impurities;
  2. Secret from prostate. It is viscous in its consistency with a whitish tint. The smell is specific, resembles cum;
  3. Ejaculate. Or sperm. In fact, we are talking about a mixture of sperm, urethral and bulboelectral secretions, which mix and acquire a gray-white shade when the consistency mucosa;
  4. Smegma. It is a white lubricant that comes out of the prepasual gland. The initial color may gradually change to greenish or yellowish. It is worth noting that Smegma stands out from the urethra constantly. It accumulates under the inner sheets of penis, as well as in venereal grooves of genital organs. The composition of natural lubrication includes fat and bacterial residues. With their help, the friction is reduced between the head and extremely flesh;
  5. Urethrorea. This isolation without color and virtually odorless, the manufacturers of which are urethral and bulboelectral iron. Such a lubricant is formed during the excitation;
  6. Polleutia. It is an uncontrolled sperm yield, not caused by sex. It often occurs in the morning, because during this period testosterone is significantly increased. It is a normal phenomenon in boys during the ripening period. In an adult man, a pollution can occur if sex is missing or is very rare;
  7. Prostutor. The liquid that leaves a small amount through the urethral canal. It is a mucous membrane, which includes seed and the secret of prostate. The color is transparent, but there are grayish-white splashes. With increasing volume and clouding, you should consult a doctor, since there are suspicions of the development of prostatitis.

Pathological processes

At the selection from the urethra in men, the causes can be different. The male organism is subject to various diseases, some of which in one way or another affect the excretory system.

If you notice uncharacteristic white seals from the urethra, unpleasant odors or other changes, it is necessary to visit the urologist or Andrologist. These specialists will conduct the necessary analyzes, inspections and determine the diagnosis. Allocations may indicate the development of serious diseases, because it is not necessary to ignore the abnormal fluids.

The pathology may indicate various signs that distinguish them from normal discharge. Discern their help in the following criteria.

  1. Volume. Intense, minor or even moderate allocations can talk about the presence of diseases or disorders in the body of men;
  2. Color and transparency. Transparent allocations from the urethra are not always the norm. However, the main fears should cause fluids that are cloudy, steel from transparent white or acquired an uncharacteristic shade (yellow, green, etc.);
  3. Impurities. The presence of blood, pus or uncharacteristic lumps is a sign of problems;
  4. Consistency. Depending on the pathology, the fluid can become liquid, too thick, viscous;
  5. Smell. Unpleasant odors of the urethral secret should push the thought to the specialist;
  6. Appearance. Some normal allocations are regular, others rarely appear. With the deviation from the norm of the regularity of education, measures should be taken.

On the characteristics of liquids allocated from the urethra, quite a lot of factors affect. Any changes that you have not previously observed potentially act as a signal about developing diseases or their transition from acute form to chronic. Therefore, it should be attentive and follow the state of the genitourinary system.

All pathological discharge can be divided into three groups, depending on the causes of diseases:

  • diseases without the occurrence of inflammatory processes;
  • sexually transmitted fees;
  • nonspecific inflammatory phenomena.

Non-specific reasons

Non-specific inflammatory processes arise due to the harmful effects of the microflora of the man. Although it is considered a conditional pathogenic, under certain circumstances the microflora is capable of harming. It is manifested in the form of a number of diseases.

  1. Nonspecific urethritis. He is a negonoric. With such a disease, urethral fluids come out in a small amount. It is possible to notice them by change in the urine, since the mucous-purulent impurities are formed. There is a burning sensation and itching in the process of urination. In the development of the disease, the inflammation of the bladder, ureter and kidneys begins, because of which the selection is connected to blood impurities;
  2. Candidiasis. This is a fungal disease that arises an advantage in the fall of immunity due to the effects of antibiotics, chemotherapy or other types of aggressive treatment. Isolations have a curly structure and an acidic smell. In parallel with this, pain in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin, pubis and loins, as well as burning in the process of ejaculation and urination;
  3. Balantostitis. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe extremely flesh, where inflammation occurs, the pus accumulates, the mucous impurities are possible. Such a disease is characterized by redness and swelling of the leftmost flesh, as well as painful sensations on the penis head;
  4. Gardnerellosis. Allocations are distinguished by a fish smell, a small amount, as well as a yellowish or greenish tinge. Causes no usual dysbacteriosis;
  5. Prostatitis. With such an agement, at the end of the urination process, a turbid liquid comes out with urine. Moreover, large volumes are observed in a sharp period, but if prostatitis goes into a chronic form, then the secret is white and more scarce.

STD (sex)

Here we are talking about diseases that are sexually transmitted and can provoke the appearance of uncharacteristic liquids from the urethral canal.

Given the characteristics of the discharge, you can make assumptions about possible diseases. But to accurately confirm the diagnosis, and the doctor should appoint treatment.

  1. Mucosa consistency. Such liquids have a transparent color and a durable structure. Volume is often small. Accompanies diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and mic photography;
  2. Moxie with admixture of pus. Liquid white or translucent color. Characteristic during the exacerbation of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis;
  3. Purulent liquid. It is distinguished by unpleasant odors and often accompanies gonorrhea. Selection of yellowish or greenish adhesive and thick consistency.

Selection without inflammatory processes

The discharges overlooking the urethra in men can be in no inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

  1. Hematorium. Isolations are distinguished by the presence of blood impurity. The liquid may appear due to the injury of the urethral canal, the exit of stones and sand, the inflammation of the kidney gloms. If the urethral channel was damaged by the catheter, as a result of the samples, then the selection will be insignificant and quickly will pass. With more serious causes of isolation, the pressure is accompanied by an increase in pressure, edema and an admixture of protein in a liquid;
  2. Brown selection. The appearance of a liquid from the urethra, which has impurities of mucus or blood, as well as pus, indicates the likelihood of a malignant prostate tumor, urethra or bladder. Also brown isolations occur when the tissues are resumed after the swollen on the mucous membrane;
  3. Prostutor. The discharges that go through the urethra are the secret of the prostate gland. Such liquids are formed if men are diagnosed by prostate adenoma, neurogenic bladder or chronic prostatitis;
  4. Spermatorrhoea. Selection is a liquid based on sperm. This is not due to masturbation or the onset of orgasm. The causes of the fluid yield are the diseases of the nervous system, inflammatory long processes in the genitourinary system, spinal injury, etc. The liquid comes out, because the tone of the seeding flow is reduced.

Smirnova Olga (Gynecologist, GGMU, 2010)

The quality of secretion among representatives of weak gender is the main criterion for which not only the health of the sexual system is determined, but also the overall condition of the body. It is accepted to believe that the allocation of the urethra in women is a sign of the disease of various etymology. Whether this will find out in this article.

Features of the secretions of urethra in women

Urethra - urethra. This organ refers to the urinary system and performs the function of removing water-soluble products of the body's life from the bladder. The urethra of beautiful sex representatives is significantly different in size from male: it is shorter, but has a larger diameter. For this reason, pathogenic microorganisms attack the woman's urethra in more, respectively, inflammatory processes occur more often.

The women's urinary system constantly produces various allocations that perform important functions. The secretion generated by glands and the uterus changes depending on the flow of the menstrual cycle.

Since the organs in the intimate area are located quite close, and the urethral canal fits tightly to the vagina, the mucosa secret from the urethra is mixed with the vaginal at the output. That is why the woman is difficult to determine the nature of their occurrence. In this case, noting changes in the discharge, should be visited primarily a gynecologist.

Possible character of discharge

You can allocate such features of the substance of the substance of the substance:

  1. Liquid is a regular urine removal, the color of which varies from transparent to dark brown, which depends on the state of health, age, lifestyle, nutrition and the amount of fluid consumption.
  2. , burning and difficulty urination is the norm. The sign is due to the work of the urinary system.
  3. Blood - liquid selection consistency, a mixture of urine and blood. Color depends on the number of blood present.
  4. Sand - small grains, urinary crystals and flakes that go under the ICD.
  5. White, yellow, brown, transparent with blood streaks, say about an inflammatory process or infection.
  6. Purulent secretion indicates a running inflammatory or infectious process. There may be a temperature, severe pain at the bottom of the abdomen, nausea, weakness and indisposition.

Selection with urethritis

In most cases, the release of urethra is associated with inflammation of the urinary organ, which is called urethritis. The undercooling, transferred stress or colds, excessive physical exertion, improper lifestyle and nutrition, bad habits, infections and bacteria are caused by urethritis and all kinds of ureter. Uretritis is divided into a specific and non-specific.

Specific urethritis

The first group of disease develops when sex infections getting, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, human papilloma virus. The diseases are manifested by pathological discharges. This is a mucus of yellow, green, white, gray, liquid, thick, inhomogeneous, with lumps or flakes (as in the photo) having an unpleasant smell of rotten meat, fish, rot, acids, sometimes observed.

In addition to the vagina, infections affect the mucous membranes of nearby organs, including the urethra.

Nonspecific urethritis

Selection from the urethra - the main symptom of urethritis, but it is not always associated with the infection in the body. Non-specific urethritis arises due to microorganisms, such as intestinal wand, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Candida. These inflammation causative agents are present in all women and men, but the immunity of a healthy person is holding back their number and prevents the development of diseases. The weakening of the immune system causes an increase in their number and the development of the inflammatory process. All symptoms of non-specific urethritis are similar: abundant pathological discharge, itching, burning in urination, frequent urge to the toilet.


The urethritis, which is characterized by the appearance of cotton white discharge in urination in women, is a sure sign of the reproduction of the fungi of the Candida family (see photo).

The disease is transmitted and with sexual contact. White plaque covers mucous vagina, falling on the urethra. Candidiasis is accompanied by burning, itching and sour milk smell.


The urethritis is manifested by a thick secret of dirty and white or gray with lumps ,. The inflammatory process amazes the mucous meal and provokes a bacterial vaginosis. It is transmitted as sexually, it is developing against the background of the growth of conditionally pathogenic bacteria living in the local microflora. Symptoms are enhanced after sexual intercourse.

Non-infectious causes of secretion

The reasons for the selection from the urethra can have such a base:

  1. Mechanical damage or injury of urethra. Incorrectly installed or sharply extracted catheter, gynecological manipulations and rude sex using intimate devices are able to injure the canal mucosa, which cause red mucus separations. When urine, painful sensations and burning sensation are possible. In rare cases, the process passes independently, but most often develops into pathology requiring treatment.
  2. Allergic reaction to synthetic linen, intimate hygiene products, lubricants, contraceptives. The stimulus, falling into the vagina, applies to the mucous adjacent organs, which gives white, yellow, brown discharge from the urethra in women without odor. Symptoms disappears after removing the stimulus. Otherwise, we are talking about infectious disease.
  3. Often, the bloody bodies that are distinguished with urine are the usual monthly or consequence of the follicle break and the exit of the egg cell in the ovulatory period characterizing the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  4. In old age, urinary and changes. Urina acquires a dark brown, orange color, sometimes with the content of white mucous deposits.

Selection of urethra during pregnancy

The reasons for the secretions of urethra in women during pregnancy are divided into physiological and pathological.

With an increase in the term, the growth of the fetus in the womb leads to squeezing and constant influence on the bladder. This explains frequent urination with unusual discharges. They are bright yellow, orange and brownish. It makes itself felt a high concentration of urine in a graduated bladder, hormonal changes and restructuring of the body. This is a natural phenomenon for a pregnant woman, when it is not accompanied by uncomfortable and painful sensations with concomitant symptoms.

If it is sensible, carved, burning, pain during urination, and the released liquid has white, blood, purulent impurities and unpleasant odor, then we are talking about a pathological urethritis or an infectious process that bear danger to the fetus and the future mother.

Ureretrite for diseases

Often urethritis develops against the background of already existing diseases:

Inflammation of internal organs

There are strong inflammations of female genital organs, which are transmitted to the bladder and provoke urethritis.

Nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys. In many cases, it is not indicated by explicit signs. But sometimes it makes itself felt by bloody streaks and a pus, painful urination.


Urolithiasis, sand in the kidneys and urinary bubble are characterized by frequent or difficult urination, burning, sucrovice due to the injury of urethra when sand and stones hit. Deals may occur asymptomatic. Bleeding after urination often talk about mechanical damage to urethra, kidney problems.


Sometimes a slight amount of blood in the urine develops into a rich blood loss. In this situation, it is necessary to immediately apply to the doctor, as we can talk about neoplasms of different etymology, and even cancer.


Many women who have discovered such symptoms begin to be treated at home. This is mistaken, since this kind of inconsisions require a competent comprehensive approach.

The treatment of urethral discharge depends on the type of pathogen that caused inflammation. Basically, therapy is based on antibiotics, which for each case are selected individually.

In combination with general-action medicines, it is recommended to take seating baths with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents. All sorts of ragners and tinkers are suitable. Complex therapy includes local suppositories, and tampons impregnated with medicinal substances.

Physiotherapy (electrophoresis) helps to get rid of the illness and without harm to the body.


In order to prevent such diseases and their symptoms, some preventive measures must be observed:

  1. Proper nutrition. Eat less acute, oily and fried food, fast food. The operation of the excretory system directly depends on the quality of food. All sorts of preservatives, seasonings and carcinogens carry a large load on the bladder and kidneys.
  2. Refuse bad habits. Smoking and alcohol with a special force affect the urinary system. In people who suffer from alcohol addiction, the selection of the urethra in women, give a detrimental habit of a terrible odor.
  3. Avoid hypoints. According to statistics, each fifth young girl discover inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Many of them are frivolously affected in thin pantyhose and short skirts in the bubble frost.
  4. Dress warm, paying special attention to the bottom of the body.
  5. Do not wear synthetic underwear.
  6. Follow the rules of personal and intimate hygiene. After hiking to the toilet, scrape the crotch with a clean napkin, so that the remnants of urins do not accumulate, allowing the bacteria to multiply and not irritated the mucous membrane.
  7. Avoid stress and large physical exertion.

Selection from the urethra - a fairly common topic on medical forums. Expert reviews indicate the need for diagnostics before any type of therapy. If any selection described above is found, you should contact a specialist for passing urine, blood and smear analyzes, and, learning an accurate diagnosis, get timely treatment. Modern drugs allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of many of the listed ailments.

Selection from genitals in men is separated from the urethra (urethra) and secret precautical Hotels that are located on the penis head under the skin of the extreme flesh. Opened in the urethra seed-makingdoc, prostate ducts, urethral and bulbouretralgloomy.

Options for physiological discharge

Criteria for normal discharges corresponding to the functions of the urogenital system organs:

  • Urine - transparent, from straw to golden-yellow color, virtually odorless, not containing flakes or other inclusions;
  • Secret prostate It has a viscous consistency and white shade, there is a specific smell of samper;
  • Ejaculate: Seed-milling duct sperm mixes with highlights from a litter (urethral), cooper (bulburetral) and a prostatic secret, purchasing gray-white color and mucous consistency;
  • Fresh Schegma From the prepasual glands looks like a thick white lubricant; Over time, it can become yellowish or greenish.

Precautical lubricant - smegma - allocated permanently, accumulating under the inner leaflet of the forefront and in the Crown Penis Romor. Lubrication consists of fat and bacteria residues, it is evenly distributed and reduces the friction between the skin of the extreme flesh and the head. The maximum activity of prepasual glands is inherent in the period of puberty, with age, secretion decreases and completely stops to the old age.

If you neglect the rules of personal hygiene, then Smegma is able to accumulate under the folds of the extreme flesh. In this case, the fatty part of the lubricant is oxidized, and the protein decays (in fact it is rotting), and mass are becoming greenish, acquiring an unpleasant smell. The same process comes when, due to the battle of the extreme flesh, it is impossible to completely free the penis head from the skin and remove SEGMU. The accumulation and disintegration of lubricants can lead to chronic balanitis and balanopostitu (Inflammation of the extreme flesh and head of the penis), increase the risk of developing tumors.

figure: Possible forms of Balanopostitis - hygienic and pathogical

Urethrorea, mucous colorless selection from bulburetral and urethral glasses. Appear only when the libido is excited. The excretion of transparent mucus is designed to lubricate the urethra and improve the passage of sperm. The amount of the secret ranges from scarce to abundant, these parameters are associated with the individual characteristics of the organism and the frequency of sexual activity. After a long abstinence, the discharge volume increases.

Full range - spontaneous sperm emissionnot conjugate with a sexual act. It is usually observed by the morning when the testosterone level rises. It depends on the age and intensity of sexual life: it appears in boys in a puberty period, in adult men - with irregular or rare sexual acts.

Prostutor, selection from the urethra of a small amount of transparent mucus with grayish-white inclusions. It occurs after the stress of the abdominal muscles (for example, during constipation) or after urination. The secret consists of a mixture of seed liquid and separated by the prostate, an increase in volume and turbidity can be signs of prostatitis.

Pathological discharge

In men, the reasons for the occurrence of the selection from the penis can be the STD, tumors, non-specific inflammation of urogenital organs, various injuries, medical manipulations or surgery.

Pathological discharge from the urethra differ from normal:

  1. In volume (too abundant or scanty, perhaps - moderate);
  2. In color and transparency (from white to yellow-green color muddy);
  3. On impurities (blood, pus, lumps of mucus);
  4. Consistency (very liquid or too thick and sticky);
  5. By smell (sour, rotten, fish);
  6. In the frequency of appearance (depending on the time of day, constant or episodic allocations);
  7. Due to urination, sex excitation, with alcohol, acute and spicy food.

The nature of the discharge depends on the causative agent of the disease, the status of the immune system, from the concomitant ailments, as well as on the severity and duration of inflammation (acute or chronic).

When the quantity, density or color is changed, when an unpleasant smell appears, it is recommended to obtain a consultation of the doctor and make analyzes. It is not necessary to engage in self-diagnostics, one by one just a symptoma correctly recognize the disease is very difficult.

Penis allocations associated with STD


Mucous: Transparent discharge, drig and small in quantity are found in chronic form, or urethritis. In microscopy, a moderate number of leukocytes is detected in the discharge (norm - up to 4 cells in the field of view).

Mucoby-purulent: white discharge, translucent; It is observed in the aggravation phase during chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. When chlamydial infection accumulates on the head of the penis, as if "nagward" on the skin.

Purulent dischargehaving an unpleasant smell characteristic of. They are sticky, thick, on the color of Yellow or with a greenish tint, with a grinding smell. In microscopy, epithelial cells from the urethra are visible in the material, many leukocytes.

Symptoms accompanying gonorrheal urethritis: constant and abundant allocations; Especially strong when urinating.

In venereal diseases, combined infections are often observed, combining several pathogens at once. Gonorrhea and accompanied by chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis are usually found "in a pair". Symptoms of such diseases differs from classical manifestations, urethral discharge can also acquire a completely different character. Therefore, modern analytical techniques with a high degree of reliability are used for final diagnosis, rather than characteristics.

Nonspecific (non-venereal) inflammation

The cause of nonspecific inflammation becomes its own microflora, which refers to a conditional pathogenic and is activated only in case of problems with the immune protection of the body. Streps and staphylococci, genus fungi Candida. And the intestinal wand is always present on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, but actively multiply and displacing useful bacteria begin after supercooling, long stress, uncontrolled treatment with antibiotics, after radiation and chemotherapy courses.

Negonoretic (nonspecific). Inflammatory discharges are small in volume, visible in the urine as mucous-purulent chips or lumps, appear at the very beginning of the disease. Symptoms in the form of burning and itching with urination is less pronounced than with gonor, but the urges are frequent, non-relief. When rising infection, the bladder is inflamed first, following him - ureters and kidneys; Appear isolation with admixture of scarlet blood.

in the photo: signs of candidiasis (candidoid balanopostitis) on the surface of the penis

, fungal defeat of urethra. Usually develops against the background of the oppression of the immune system after the course of antibiotics, chemical or radiotherapy; Sexual path of transfer of candidiasis in men - rarity. For thrush, cotton-free seals with sour smell, which are combined with itching and burning during mixes (urination) and ejaculation(ejaculation), may be accompanied by stupid pains in groin, above the pubic and lower back.

Urethra. Character fishing smell of discharge; they are scarce Yellowish-whiteor greenish. According to some classifications, Gardnerellites refer to the STD, but men infection with Gardnells in sexual way - more courier. In fact, this disease is associated with a violation of normal microflora, that is, with dysbacteriosis. With his treatment, immunocormers and probiotics are necessarily used (lactic acid bacteria).

, inflammation of the extreme flesh. Abundant purulent discharge are locally observed, mucus is possible. Always accompanied by an echoing and hyperemia (redness) of the leaflets of the prepucium, the painfulness of the penis head.

For A muddy separated at the end of urination appears, abundant discharge - in the acute period of inflammation; Scarce and white - when moving a disease in a chronic form. Prostatitis is usually complicated by the difficult urination and weakness of the erection, in severe cases - up to anuria (the complete absence of urine disheava) and impotence.

Election not related to inflammation

Sperm - highlighting in the form of passively flowing sperm,there are outside of sexual intercourse or masturbation, without a feeling of orgasm. Causes are some diseases of the nervous system, spinal injuries, chronic stresses and any long inflammation of the sexual sphere. Sperm is associated with innervation impairment and a decrease in the tone of the seed-handing ducts.

Hematorium bloody issues. Often appears during the injuries of the urethral canal obtained at burning, after setting Catheter Or when taking a smear smear. In these cases, blood is fresh, without clots, the amount is small, the bleeding quickly stops. With the disheve of small renal stones or sand, the blood is allocated during or immediately after urination, the hematherer is accompanied by a very strong pain ( renal colic). Blood isolation hematuric form Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney glomers) are combined with eats and steadily elevated arterial pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine.

Selecting brown, With blood clots or mucus, with an admixture of pus appears with malignant tumors, emanating from prostate, urethra or bladder. Brownish mucus can be formed during the healing of the ring on the mucous membranes, is released during the polypose of urethra and / or bladder.

Prostutora - The context of the prostate gland flowing from the urethra. It is found in chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, innervation violation ( neurogenic bladder).

Examination algorithm in the presence of pathological discharge from penis

  1. Inspection of the perineum, penis, extreme flesh and head.The goal is to identify the deformations of the genital organs, trails from their injury, signs of external inflammation, discharge, rash, etc. Traces from the selection are sometimes noticeable to the linen.
  2. Palpation of inguinal lymph nodes, assessment of their status: Size, hotter or colder than surrounding fabrics, painful or not, soft or dense, movable or smeared with skin, is there an ulceration over them.
  3. Finger examination of the prostate; Prostate massage through the rectum and selection for microscopic examination. Before the massage is preferably 1-2 hours to refrain from urination. With the prostate prostate adenoma, it is approximately equally equally, tight tights are tested. For malignant tumors, the unevenness of the growths and their consistency is typical, during palpation of prostate from the urethra can be distinguished with bunches.
  4. Material - for microscopy and. When examining a microscope in a painted smear, blood cells, epithelium, sperm, fat inclusions are visible, some pathogens (intestinal wand, gonococci, gardnerells, yeast fungi). Increased number of leukocytes Characteristic for acute urethritis or exacerbation of chronic inflammation, eosinophils - For urethritis with allergies. Erythrocyteswe are found in severe inflammation, tumors, urinary injuries, urolithiasis. A large number of epithelium- Sign of chronic urethritis, urethral leuccoplakia. With a sperm in the smear find spermatozoa, with urethrorea - slime, prostutors - lipid grains.
    For the informativeness and reliability of the results of the smear, not earlier than 3 days after the local use of antibiotics, antifungal and disinfectants. If treatment with antibiotics was systemic, then after the course should pass at least 3 weeks. Before taking a smear, it is impossible to do washing, try not to urinate 2-3 hours.
  5. General blood test, Blood on sugar - In the morning, on an empty stomach. Deployed urinary analysis (Morning portion, immediately after sleep).
  6. Ultrasound of prostate, bladder and kidney; CT and urography.

If the manifestations of genital inflammation are strong, then before obtaining results of analyzes, the patient immediately prescribe antibiotics of a wide range of action. With abundant bloody discharges showing hospitalization And active actions to stop bleeding. Confirmation of the suspicion of a malignant tumor can be only the result of biopsy, the final diagnosis is exhibited on the basis of histological research.


  • Selecting from the penis - only one symptom for which cannot be navalized when diagnosing.
  • Unacceptable Independent assignment Farm. Preparations, even if manifestations seem obvious to a particular disease.

Video: allocations after sexual intercourse in men - the opinion of the doctor

By the number of secretions and their form, it is possible to judge the state of health and occurring processes in a particular organ.

Not exceptions are the discharge from the urethra in women.

Since the distinguishing system of a person helps the body get rid of various slags, decay products and metabolism.

What do you mean allocations from a woman's urethra

The female organism at any age is subject to various infections and inflammatory processes. By virtue of the anatomical features, in women, more often than in men, such phenomena appear in the form of a secretory substance from the urethra - urethra. This is the main symptom that determines the violations in the work of the urogenital system, the presence of infections in it.

During the menstrual cycle, allocations from the uterus are changed. Since it is close to the wall of the vagina, then the secreted secret from the urethra is difficult to distinguish with similar from the vagina. The secreted secret can be different color, transparency and have a different smell. The reasons for its appearance can also be absolutely different.

What color are there

The secreter secreted in its composition contains various components, due to the difference of which and there are different color of the substance allocated by the body:

  1. Yellow-green selection. Always formed in infectious lesions of the urethra due to the abundance of pus. The stronger the infection, the more purulent allocations. If a unpleasant smell of rotted is added to this color, then this infection of gonorads. With the gonor, the selection is very abundant, accompanied by itching and pain when urine, in the kidneys.
  2. White curd discharge. Accompanied candidiasis or thrush (fungal lesion). Abundant and thick discharge are formed in the vagina, and in the urethra, accompanied by the fermented by an acidic smell.
  3. Yellow selection with reddish or brown tint. Characteristic by the accumulation of pus and blood, appear with and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, urinary bubble and urethra.
  4. Transparent and mucous allocations - The norm appears during the period of ovulation, after sexual intercourse, as well as the appearance of such a secret at small inflammations in the field of the urethra mucosa.

Often inflammation of the urethra and, as a result, the occurrence of secretions, women are manifested without special symptoms, but sometimes observed:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain at the end of urination;
  • kidney pain;
  • discharge from the vagina;

All these are signs of various diseases in the urinary sphere, as a result of which there are allocations from the urethra in women.

Causes of secretion and unpleasant odor

The emergence of excretory secretions of urethra urethra occurs for various reasons. When it is transparent and does not have an unpleasant smell, then a woman may not notice their occurrence. But in infectious diseases there is always a change in color, unpleasant smell and abundance of the secretory substance. Causes can be both physiological and pathological.

Physiological features

Normal physiological state - transparent, without color and smell, secreted from the urethra. In such cases, it is not necessary to worry and carry out any therapeutic actions.

This happens in the following cases:

  • during the period of ovulation, when the egg fell into the uterine tube, transparent, thick substances from the urethra appear and can manifest themselves within a few days;
  • after sexual proximity, as a result of excitation and emissions of a large number of hormones;
  • incorrect meals

After a certain period of time, the secreted secret, which arose due to the listed physiological reasons, stops manifesting and resumed when reducing these circumstances. But when it acquires an unpleasant smell and changes color and transparency, this indicates pathological processes.

Pathological diseases

The main such cause of the secretions from the urethra of a woman is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra (urethritis).

The causes of the occurrence of urethritis and the appearance of various secretory substances are several:

  1. Infection. The most dangerous are venereal infections, as well as all other sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes virus and others). There are nonspecific bacterial infections excited by an intestinal wand, fungi, streptococcus and staphylococcus. The flow of illness is usually asymptomatic, which is very dangerous. The disease goes into a chronic form. Exacerbations of the disease occur after sexual contacts or supercooling. The color and smell of the secreted secretion of the urethra is specific to a certain type of infection. and. Basically, infectious urethritis occurs after contact with the sexual partner, that is, sexually transmitted.
  2. . The causes of this type of disease can be: injuries of the urethra in urological, gynecological manipulations, as well as coarse sex using special devices; As a result of allergies on synthetic underwear, gaskets or when receiving contraceptives.
  3. . With or small concrections, the mucous membrane of the urethra can be injured, it swells and infection penetrates in the wound. Selection of urethra includes blood, through time - pus, if not taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory funds.

In the case of weakened immunity and the presence of provoking factors (supercooling, mechanical damage), noncommunicable urethritis can go into infectious.

Causes of selection from urethra during pregnancy

When a woman is waiting for the birth of a child, her body is working under load: a hormonal background is changing, the load on the organs of the excretory system increases. All this leads to an increase in the appearance of the secret from the urethra and from the vagina, which have a characteristic color: yellow or brown. As the term increases, the fruit increases. As a result, the pressure on the organs of a small pelvis, the bladder is deformed, the urine is delayed in it and acquires dark color when urinating. This is not pathology.

But in the case when the pregnant woman has all the symptoms of infectious urethritis: itching, burning, frequent urination, purulent discharge with blood and unpleasant smell, doctors take urgent measures to establish the cause and treatment of such pathologies.

The fact is that such types of urethritis can lead to pathologies and even the death of a future child in the womb of the mother or cause premature childbirth, therefore it is very important to diagnose the cause of inflammation of the urethra.

Diagnostic methods

A woman even with weak manifestations of discomfort and the appearance of substances from the urinary channel should be referred to a doctor. At the beginning to the gynecologist, since it is often a gynecological disease or infection. If necessary, the female doctor will give direction to the urologist.

Most often, the specialist is appointed to go through the following types of research:

  • general blood analysis;
  • bacteriological analysis for the presence of a certain infection (scraping from the walls of the urethra);
  • urine analysis by the method of "three-fold" sample ();
  • bacteriological analysis for the presence of infection;

After passing all the appointed analyzes and methods of the survey, a specialist, having studied the results, as well as all the symptoms and complaints of a woman, establishes an accurate diagnosis and assigns therapy.

In most cases, the course of antibiotics is assigned depending on the specifics of the bacterial infection. It is selected individually. Previously, the doctor may assign a sample to a certain antibacterial drug for a more efficient infection.

It is also important in parallel to take immunomodulatory drugs, comply with the diet, abandon sex life. Additionally, it will be useful to take baths or baths in the field of urethra with herbs with anti-inflammatory effect. The use of tampons and candles with therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects are comprehensively used, which the doctor appoints.

So, if a woman noticed the transparent discharge from the urethra during the period of the time of ripening and the exit of the egg from the ovary to the uterine tube, then this is a normal, physiological process that will end in two to three days.

But in the case when all the sections of any color with an unpleasant, specific odor appeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor, to undergo a survey and find out the cause. Because not cured to the end of urethritis, especially caused by bacterial infection of any kind, will lead to chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys and in other organs of the female organism.

The separation from the urethra can be both the norm and the sign of the pathological process occurring in the body. In women and men, the structure of the urinary organs is significantly different. In particular, the urethral canal of a woman is much shorter and wider than men.

That is why representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more likely to have diseases of the urinary system organs, since pathogenic microorganisms are much easier to reach the urinary bubble, the genital organs than in men. In the appearance of the selection, their consistency and smell, it is often possible to talk about the origin and reason for the exudate. Of course, only a specialist can do it on the basis of visual inspection and laboratory conclusions.

Selection from the urethral canal in men

Selection from the urethra in men can be both physiological and pathological. The physiological disclosures include:

  1. Watering, which is normal to be transparent, straw color, odorless and extraneous impurities.
  2. The secret of the prostate gland (viscous consistency, a little white color, characteristic smell).
  3. Sperm, which, before leaving the urethral channel, is connected to the seals from the urethral, \u200b\u200bbulburetral glands and a secret from the prostate gland.
  4. Fresh reshegma, thick consistency, white. If you do not adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, then Smegma can be stated in the folds of the genital organ and acquire a yellowish or greenish tint and unpleasant smell.

Pathological discharge in men differ from the physiological number of specific signs. They may be too much or, on the contrary, there is little, on color - white or yellow selection, sometimes with blood or purulent impurities.

The consistency is thick, liquid or sticky, the smell may be acidic, fish or rotten. Pathological exudate can be distinguished periodically or to appear permanently. It often traces the connection with the use of alcoholic beverages or some food, excitation, urination.

Causes of an unpleasant phenomenon

Depending on the cause of the pathological process, resistance of immunity and the presence of chronic diseases, various discharge will appear. The male body is normal enough strong and resistant to different pathogens, so if uncharacteristic allocations from the urethral channel are noticed, you should immediately contact a specialist.

A selection of urethra can appear due to sexually transmitted diseases. In this regard, the men are leading, because they rarely think about protection, have a lot of sexual partners and are often inclined to random sexual contacts, where the venereal disease is cling.

Thus, when chlamydia or mycoplasmas is released in the organism, there will be no abundant, adhesion consistency and thick. Pump in the discharge can appear in gonorly, while the characteristic malware smell will be present, yellow or green exudate.

White separation from the urethra can appear as a sign of ureaplasmosis (the exudate is clusted on the head of the sexual organ) or candidiasis, especially if the selection has a characteristic consistency and an acidic smell. Men's thrush can develop as a result of a long course of antibacterial therapy, less often when transferring genuine sex.

If men appear transparent discharge, it is observed painful urination, pain in the field of back or abdomen, this may indicate a urolithiasis. The emerging pebbles from the kidneys hurt the gentle mucosa of the urethra, causing inflammation and the appearance of related symptoms. For non-union urethritis, the appearance of non-abundant inflammatory discharges is characterized, with the symptoms present: burning, itching, frequent urination. If the infection is ascending (from the bladder to the kidney), there may be blood impurities in the discharge.

Selection from the urethral canal in women

The discharge from the urethra in women is constantly present. So the female organism is arranged, in particular, the urinary system, which in normal condition in different period of the menstrual cycle produces various discharges: mucous membranes, abundant and meager, bloody. The exudate mucosity can appear as a sign of the normal functioning of the organs, if it is without unpleasant odor and unwanted symptoms, not abundant.

By virtue of the anatomical features, the female organism, in particular, the urinary system is subject to various inflammation. At the same time, the urethritis, at which the walls of the urethra are inflated. When the urethra is affected, there is inflammation of his glands. This is accompanied by the accumulation of pus or blood, which can be seen in Urin when urine.

Ureretrite can be specific and nonspecific.

For a specific characteristic of infection in sexually transmitted infection: chlamydia, herpes virus, mycoplasma, etc. arises against the background of penetration of intestinal sticks, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.

Some adverse factors can provoke urethritis. The disease may result from:

  • supercooling;
  • disorderly sexual life;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • nourishing disorders (the presence in the diet of a large amount of acidic, sharp, salty, fried products);
  • chronic inflammation of the genital organs, as a result of which the vaginal microflora is disturbed;
  • injuries of the genital organs (the reason may be too hard sexual intercourse);
  • imminent immunity;
  • various medical manipulations;
  • urolithiasis.

As a treatment of the disease, a change in the diet is prescribed, with the exception of food, which can irritate the inflamed mucosa of the urethra. Antibiotics can assign if the causative agent of the disease - bacterium, or together with the urethritis there is a disease associated with pathogenic flora.

The selection of a characteristic white exudate, cotton structure and with a characteristic odor is a clear sign of the candidiasis from the urethra of the characteristic white exudate. The fungi in the female organism belongs to a conditional pathogenic flora and themselves do not bear dangers (not counting discomfort and strong itching), but they are a good help for the penetration and reproduction of infections. Candidiasis in women often occurs during pregnancy, against the background of stress, weakening immunity. To cure the disease is quite simple enough, but to begin with, it is necessary to identify the reason for the activity of fungal flora and eliminate it.

With the appearance of abundant discharge of incomprehensible etiology, which concern the appearance, unpleasant odor and other accompanying symptoms, you should contact the doctor. In the office of the gynecologist, an inspection will be carried out, a stroke will be taken, it is less common to assign an ultrasound.

Based on the results of the inspection and analysis, treatment will be prescribed using special drugs. The main thing is to identify the disease in a timely manner and start its therapy to avoid the transition of the disease from the acute stage in chronic. It is prohibited to engage in self-treatment before passing the survey.