Single focal changes in the left frontal lobe of a dystrophic nature. Focal changes in the brain

  • The date: 02.04.2019

Brain damage resulting from a chronic, slowly progressive disorder of cerebral circulation of various etiologies. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is manifested by a combination of cognitive dysfunctions with disorders of the motor and emotional spheres. Depending on the severity of these manifestations, dyscirculatory encephalopathy is divided into 3 stages. The list of examinations performed for dyscirculatory encephalopathy includes ophthalmoscopy, EEG, REG, Echo-EG, ultrasound and duplex scanning of cerebral vessels, MRI of the brain. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is treated with an individually selected combination of antihypertensive, vascular, antiplatelet, neuroprotective and other drugs.

General information


The etiological factors of DEP in one way or another lead to a deterioration in cerebral circulation, and hence to hypoxia and disruption of the trophism of brain cells. As a result, the death of brain cells occurs with the formation of areas of rarefaction of the brain tissue (leukoareosis) or multiple small foci of the so-called "silent heart attacks".

The most vulnerable in chronic disorders of cerebral circulation are the white matter of the deep parts of the brain and subcortical structures. This is due to their location on the border of the vertebrobasilar and carotid basins. Chronic ischemia of the deep parts of the brain leads to disruption of the connections between the subcortical ganglia and the cerebral cortex, called the "disconnection phenomenon". According to modern concepts, it is the “dissociation phenomenon” that is the main pathogenetic mechanism for the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy and causes its main clinical symptoms: cognitive disorders, disorders of the emotional sphere and motor function. It is characteristic that dyscirculatory encephalopathy at the beginning of its course is manifested by functional disorders, which, with correct treatment, can be reversible, and then a persistent neurological defect is gradually formed, often leading to disability of the patient.

It was noted that in about half of the cases, dyscirculatory encephalopathy occurs in combination with neurodegenerative processes in the brain. This is due to the commonality of factors leading to the development of both vascular diseases brain, and degenerative changes in brain tissue.


According to the etiology, dyscirculatory encephalopathy is divided into hypertensive, atherosclerotic, venous and mixed. According to the nature of the course, slowly progressive (classic), remitting and rapidly progressive (galloping) dyscirculatory encephalopathy is distinguished.

Depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, dyscirculatory encephalopathy is classified into stages. Stage I dyscirculatory encephalopathy is characterized by the subjectivity of most manifestations, mild cognitive impairment and the absence of changes in the neurological status. Stage II dyscirculatory encephalopathy is characterized by obvious cognitive and motor disorders, aggravation of emotional disorders. Stage III dyscirculatory encephalopathy is essentially vascular dementia of varying severity, accompanied by various motor and mental disorders.

Initial manifestations

Characteristic is the inconspicuous and gradual onset of dyscirculatory encephalopathy. In the initial stage of DEP, emotional disorders may come to the fore. Approximately 65% ​​of patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy have depression. Distinctive feature vascular depression is that patients are not inclined to complain of low mood and depression. More often, like patients with hypochondriacal neurosis, patients with DEP are fixed on various uncomfortable sensations of a somatic nature. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy in such cases occurs with complaints of back pain, arthralgia, headaches, ringing or noise in the head, pain in various bodies and other manifestations that do not quite fit into the clinic of the patient's somatic pathology. Unlike depressive neurosis, depression in dyscirculatory encephalopathy occurs against the background of a minor psychotraumatic situation or without any reason at all, and is difficult to treat with antidepressants and psychotherapy.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the initial stage can be expressed in increased emotional lability: irritability, sudden mood swings, cases of uncontrollable crying for an unimportant reason, attacks of aggressive attitude towards others. With similar manifestations, along with the patient's complaints of fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, distraction, initial dyscirculatory encephalopathy is similar to neurasthenia. However, for dyscirculatory encephalopathy, a combination of these symptoms with signs of impaired cognitive functions is typical.

In 90% of cases, cognitive impairment manifests itself at the very initial stages of the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy. These include: a violation of the ability to concentrate, memory impairment, difficulty in organizing or planning any activity, a decrease in the pace of thinking, fatigue after mental stress. Typical for DEP is a violation of the reproduction of the received information while maintaining the memory of life events.

Movement disorders accompanying the initial stage of dyscirculatory encephalopathy include mainly complaints of dizziness and some unsteadiness when walking. Nausea and vomiting may occur, but unlike true vestibular ataxia, they, like dizziness, appear only when walking.

Symptoms of DEP stage II-III

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy stage II-III is characterized by an increase in cognitive and motor disorders. There is a significant deterioration in memory, lack of attention, intellectual decline, severe difficulties, if necessary, to perform previously feasible mental work. At the same time, patients with DEP themselves are not able to adequately assess their condition, overestimate their performance and intellectual capabilities. Over time, patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy lose the ability to generalize and develop a program of action, begin to orient poorly in time and place. In the third stage of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, pronounced disorders of thinking and praxis, personality and behavioral disorders are noted. dementia develops. Patients lose the ability to work, and with deeper disorders, they also lose self-care skills.

Of the disorders of the emotional sphere, dyscirculatory encephalopathy of later stages is most often accompanied by apathy. There is a loss of interest in former hobbies, a lack of motivation for any activity. With stage III dyscirculatory encephalopathy, patients may be engaged in some unproductive activity, and more often do nothing at all. They are indifferent to themselves and the events taking place around them.

Movement disorders, subtle in stage I of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, subsequently become obvious to others. Typical for DEP are slow walking with small steps, accompanied by shuffling due to the fact that the patient cannot lift the foot off the floor. Such a shuffling gait in dyscirculatory encephalopathy is called the "skier's gait". Characteristically, when walking, it is difficult for a patient with DEP to start moving forward and also difficult to stop. These manifestations, like the very gait of a patient with DEP, have a significant similarity with the clinic of Parkinson's disease, but unlike it, they are not accompanied by motor disorders in the hands. In this regard, similar to parkinsonism clinical manifestations Dyscirculatory encephalopathy is referred to by clinicians as "lower body parkinsonism" or "vascular parkinsonism".

In stage III DEP, symptoms of oral automatism are observed, severe violations speech, tremor, paresis, pseudobulbar syndrome, urinary incontinence . Epileptic seizures may occur. Often, stage II-III dyscirculatory encephalopathy is accompanied by falls when walking, especially when stopping or turning. Such falls can result in limb fractures, especially when DEP is combined with osteoporosis.


Early detection of symptoms of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is of undeniable importance, which allows timely initiation of vascular therapy for existing disorders of cerebral circulation. To this end, a periodic examination by a neurologist is recommended for all patients at risk of developing DEP: hypertensive patients, diabetics, and people with atherosclerotic changes. Moreover, the last group includes all elderly patients. Since the cognitive impairment that accompanies dyscirculatory encephalopathy initial stages, may go unnoticed by the patient and his family, for their identification it is necessary to conduct special diagnostic tests. For example, the patient is asked to repeat the words spoken by the doctor, draw a dial with arrows indicating a given time, and then recall the words that he repeated after the doctor.

As part of the diagnosis of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, an ophthalmologist is consulted with ophthalmoscopy and determination of visual fields, EEG, Echo-EG and REG. Importance in the detection of vascular disorders in DEP has ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck, duplex scanning and MRA of cerebral vessels. Carrying out an MRI of the brain helps to differentiate dyscirculatory encephalopathy with cerebral pathology of another origin: Alzheimer's disease, disseminated encephalomyelitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The most reliable sign of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is the detection of foci of "silent" infarcts, while signs of cerebral atrophy and areas of leukoaraiosis can also be observed in neurodegenerative diseases.

Diagnostic search for etiological factors that caused the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy includes consultation with a cardiologist, measurement of blood pressure, coagulogram, determination of cholesterol and blood lipoproteins, analysis of blood sugar. If necessary, patients with DEP are assigned to consult an endocrinologist, daily monitoring Blood pressure, consultation with a nephrologist, for the diagnosis of arrhythmia - ECG and daily ECG monitoring.

DEP treatment

The most effective against dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a complex etiopathogenetic treatment. It should be aimed at compensating for the existing causative disease, improving microcirculation and cerebral circulation, as well as protecting nerve cells from hypoxia and ischemia.

Etiotropic therapy of dyscirculatory encephalopathy may include individual selection of antihypertensive and hypoglycemic agents, an anti-sclerotic diet, etc. If dyscirculatory encephalopathy occurs against the background of high blood cholesterol levels that do not decrease with diet, then cholesterol-lowering drugs (lovastatin, gemfibrozil, probucol) are included in the treatment of DEP .

The basis of the pathogenetic treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is drugs that improve cerebral hemodynamics and do not lead to the “steal” effect. These include calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, flunarizine, nimodipine), phosphodiesterase inhibitors (pentoxifylline, ginkgo biloba), a2-adrenergic antagonists (piribedil, nicergoline). Since dyscirculatory encephalopathy is often accompanied by increased platelet aggregation, almost lifelong antiplatelet therapy is recommended for patients with DEP: acetylsalicylic acid or ticlopidine, and if there are contraindications to them (gastric ulcer, GI bleeding, etc.) - dipyridamole.

An important part of the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is drugs with a neuroprotective effect that increase the ability of neurons to function in conditions of chronic hypoxia. Of these drugs, patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy are prescribed pyrrolidone derivatives (piracetam, etc.), GABA derivatives(N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid, aminophenylbutyric acid), animal medicines (hemodialysate from the blood of dairy calves, porcine cerebral hydrolysate, cortexin), membrane stabilizing drugs (choline alfoscerate), cofactors and vitamins.

In cases where dyscirculatory encephalopathy is caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the internal carotid artery, reaching 70%, and is characterized by rapid progression, episodes of PNMK or small stroke, surgical treatment of DEP is indicated. With stenosis, the operation consists in carotid endarterectomy, with complete occlusion - in the formation of an extra-intracranial anastomosis. If dyscirculatory encephalopathy is caused by an anomaly of the vertebral artery, then its reconstruction is carried out.

Forecast and prevention

In most cases, timely, adequate and regular treatment can slow down the progression of stage I and even stage II encephalopathy. In some cases, rapid progression is observed, in which each subsequent stage develops 2 years from the previous one. An unfavorable prognostic sign is the combination of dyscirculatory encephalopathy with degenerative changes in the brain, as well as hypertensive crises occurring against the background of DEP, acute disorders cerebral circulation (TIA, ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes), poorly controlled hyperglycemia.

The best prevention of the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy is the correction of existing lipid metabolism disorders, the fight against atherosclerosis, effective antihypertensive therapy, and an adequate selection of hypoglycemic treatment for diabetics.


Hello! Today my mother underwent a study - an MRI of the brain, after passing in the clinic, they gave a conclusion: "On a series of MRI tomograms weighted by T1 and T2 in three projections, sub- and supratentorial structures were visualized. The lateral and IIIrd ventricles of the brain were slightly expanded. IVth the ventricle is unchanged, the basal cisternae are of normal caliber. The chiasmatic region is without features, the pituitary tissue has a normal signal. The subarachnoid convexital spaces and sulci are slightly enlarged in the region of the parietal lobes and Sylvian fissures with moderately pronounced atrophic changes in the substance of the brain. Median structures are not displaced. Cerebellar tonsil In the white matter of the parietal and temporal lobes, multiple hydrophilic foci of various sizes, small areas of gliosis, enlarged Virchow-Robin spaces are determined. a." My mother is 41 years old. AT recent times she began to complain about: - "shakes like waves"; - Nausea; - Dizziness; - Periodic severe headaches (in the occipital region); - Pawns ears; - Deterioration of memory; - Unable to concentrate on anything; - Sleep disturbance; - Weakness; - Nervousness. Please explain the situation, diagnosis, treatment ... Thank you in advance! PS: Before the study, she underwent a course of treatment prescribed by a neuropathologist: "1) Actovegin 2.0 intravenously in saline; 2) Mexidol 2.0 intramuscularly; 3) Platifillin 1.0 intramuscularly." During the course of treatment, the health situation worsened. At the end of treatment positive results did not have.

Hello! Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature - this is literally - as a result of a local (local) disturbance of the blood supply (age-related, toxic or other), there are atrophied (dead) areas of the brain tissue. This is how encephalopathy manifests itself. Treatment usually includes vasoactive drugs, the so-called "brain circulation optimizers": trental, cinnarizine, stugeron, etc. In vascular insufficiency of the vertebrobasilar system, preference is given to stugeron, sibelium. betaserku. If the patient has a combination of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the brain and extremities, an appointment is indicated. Nootropics (gliatilin, cortexin, ceraxon). Decongestants (diakarb, veroshpiron).

Consultation of a neurologist on the topic “Please explain the conclusion of an MRI of the brain” is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About consultant


Neurologist, candidate medical sciences, medical experience: more than 17 years.
Author of more than 50 publications and scientific works, an active participant in conferences, seminars and congresses of Russian neurologists.

Area of ​​professional interests:
-diagnosis, treatment and prevention neurological diseases(vegetative-vascular dystonia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of strokes, arterial and venous disorders, memory and attention disorders, neurotic disorders and asthenic conditions, panic attacks, osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic radiculopathy, chronic pain syndrome).
- Patients with complaints of migraine, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness and weakness of the limbs, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, depressive and anxiety states, panic attacks, acute and chronic back pain and herniated discs.
- Functional diagnostics of the nervous system: electroencephalogram (EEG), ultrasound dopplerography of the carotid and vertebral arteries (USDG), transcranial dopplerography (TCD), rheoencephalography (REG), echo-encephalography (ECHO-EG).
- Anti-stress back mesotherapy.
- Shock wave therapy.
- Hirudotherapy.
- Mistletoetherapy.

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anonymous (Female, 37)

Hello, during the CT examination, they made a conclusion: CT picture of limited atrophy of the parietal region on the left. Calcification of the parietal region on the left. Deviation of the nasal septum. Please explain the situation, what is it and in general, can it be treated? I'll add a conclusion...

Against the background of circulatory insufficiency, focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature develop. The brain is supplied with blood from 4 vascular pools - two carotid and two vertebrobasilar. Normally, these pools are interconnected in the cranial cavity, forming anastomoses. These compounds enable the human body to compensate for the lack of blood flow and oxygen starvation for a long time. In areas that experience a shortage of blood, blood flows from other pools by overflow. If these anastomotic vessels are not developed, then they speak of an open circle of Willis. With such a structure of blood vessels, circulatory failure leads to the appearance of focal changes in the brain, clinical symptoms.

Clinical picture

The most common diagnosis in the elderly, made only on the basis of complaints, is dyscirculatory encephalopathy. However, it must be remembered that this is a chronic, steadily progressive circulatory disorder that develops as a result of the suffering of the capillaries of the brain, which is associated with the development a large number microstrokes. Focal brain damage can be diagnosed only if certain criteria are met:

  • there are signs of brain damage, which can be confirmed objectively;
  • constantly steadily progressing clinical symptoms;
  • the presence of a direct relationship between the clinical and instrumental picture during additional methods surveys;
  • the presence of a cerebrovascular disease in a patient, which is a risk factor for the development of focal brain damage;
  • the absence of other diseases with which the origin of the clinical picture could be associated.

Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature are manifested by impaired memory, attention, movement, emotional-volitional sphere.

The main influence on functional state and social adaptation of the patient have cognitive disorders. When there is a focal lesion of the brain substance in the area of ​​the frontal and temporal lobes of the dominant hemisphere, then there is a decrease in the memory of attention, a slowdown in thought processes, a violation of planning and the consistent execution of daily routine work. Cognitive impairments are explained by dystrophy of the brain of vascular origin. With the development of neurodegenerative focal changes in the brain, a person ceases to recognize familiar objects, speech suffers, emotional and personality disorders join. First, asthenic syndrome and depressive states appear, which respond poorly to antidepressant treatment.

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Progressive dystrophic, degenerative disorders lead to the appearance of egocentrism, there is no control over emotions, an inadequate reaction to the situation develops.

Movement disorders are manifested by staggering when walking, coordination disorders, central paresis of varying severity, trembling of the head, hands, emotional dullness and amimia. Steadily progressive focal lesions of the brain lead to the final stage of the disease, when the patient cannot eat due to constant choking. Violent emotions appear, for example, laughter or crying out of place, the voice becomes nasal.

Additional examination methods

The main method for diagnosing this pathology is MRI of the brain, in which hyperintense foci, small heart attacks, postischemic degeneration, and expansion of the ventricular system are determined. The number of heart attacks can be from single to multiple cases, the diameter is up to 2.5 cm. Small focal changes say that this is such a serious lesion that can lead to the patient's disability. It is in this place that blood circulation suffers.

Doppler ultrasound, duplex scanning is used, which can show blood flow disturbance in the form of its asymmetry, stenosis, occlusion of the main vessels, increased venous blood flow, atherosclerotic plaques.

CT scan will allow you to see only traces of past heart attacks in the form of gaps filled with cerebrospinal fluid, i.e. cysts. Thinning is also determined - atrophy of the cerebral cortex, expansion of the ventricles, communicating hydrocephalus.

Modern approaches to therapy

Treatment should be directed to the underlying disease that led to brain disorders. In addition, it is necessary to use means that prevent the progression of the disease.

AT without fail vascular agents are prescribed, such as pentoxifylline, vinpocetine, cinnarizine, dihydroergocriptine. They have a positive effect on cerebral circulation, normalize microcirculation, increase the plasticity of erythrocytes, reduce blood viscosity and restore its fluidity. These drugs relieve vascular spasm, restore tissue resistance to hypoxia.

As an antioxidant, nootropic, antihypoxic treatment, cytoflavin, actovegin, thioctic acid, piracetam, ginkgo biloba are used.

Treatment with vestibulotropic agents reduces the effects of dizziness, eliminates unsteadiness when walking, and improves the quality of life of patients. Treatment with betahistine, vertigochel, dimenhydrinate, meclozin, diazepam justifies itself.

With high blood pressure, regular monitoring of pressure and heart rate numbers and their normalization according to indications is necessary. Aspirins, dipyridamole, clopidogrel, warfarin, dabigatran are used to thin the blood. Statins are used to treat high cholesterol levels.

Currently, special attention is paid to calcium channel blockers, which, along with the function of normalizing blood pressure, have a neuroprotective effect. Cerebrolysin, cerebrolysate, gliatilin, mexidol restore cognitive functions well.

Neurotransmitters, for example, citicoline, has a nootropic and psychostimulant effect, normalizes memory, attention, improves well-being, and restores the patient's ability to self-service. The mechanism of action is based on the fact that the drug reduces cerebral edema, stabilizes cell membranes,

L-lysine aescinate has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and neuroprotective properties. Stimulates the secretion of glucocorticoids, restores vascular permeability, tones the veins and normalizes venous outflow.

Selective therapy for cognitive disorders

To restore memory, attention, performance, donepezil is used - a drug that normalizes the metabolism of neurotransmitters, restores the speed and quality of transmission of nerve impulses as intended. Restores daily activity of patients, corrects apathy, thoughtless obsessive actions, eliminates hallucinations.

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Galantamine normalizes neuromuscular transmission, stimulates the production digestive enzymes, secretion of sweat glands, lowers intraocular pressure. The drug is used for dementia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, glaucoma.

Rivastigmine is an effective remedy. But its reception is limited by the presence peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum, conduction disorder, arrhythmia, bronchial asthma, obstruction urinary tract, epilepsy.

With severe psycho-emotional disorders, antidepressants are used. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have proven themselves well in this pathology. These drugs include venlafaxine, milnacipran, duloxetine, sertraline. Drugs of this group in pharmacies are sold only by prescription. The attending physician prescribes these drugs, taking into account the severity of intellectual-mnestic disorders, depression, delusions.

Cerebral circulation disorders are:

  • diffuse;
  • Focal.

Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature are disorders that affect not the entire brain tissue, but only certain areas, foci. The functions of the brain tissues are disrupted due to a lack of nutrients that should be supplied to them. As a result of such changes, the entire part of the brain cannot perform its tasks.

Focal changes combine a number of different small changes in tissues of a different nature and degree of prescription, areas of necrosis, medium-sized cysts, gliomesodermal scars.

A number of reasons can cause focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature:

  • Ischemia, which is just characterized by a decrease in blood circulation to the brain;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis in the acute stage, as well as with a change in the patency of the main vessels that supply blood to the hemispheres, brain stem, cerebellum;
  • Head injury;
  • Tumor as it grows.

Symptoms of such changes in the human body are severe and prolonged headaches, insomnia, constant dizziness, which do not have neurological symptoms. The memory and intellectual abilities of a person deteriorate, coordination of movements deteriorates, and working capacity decreases. The emotional-volitional sphere suffers, sensitivity decreases. Paresis and paralysis appear.

Diagnosis of cerebrovascular accidents is quite difficult. To make a correct diagnosis, it is initially worth trying to identify signs of atherosclerosis, aneurysms of the vessels of the spinal cord and brain, arterial hypertension, and vasomotor dystonia. It is also necessary to exclude other somatic diseases and possible neuroses.

The treatment is the normalization of the regime of work and rest, the right diet and the appointment of a number of drugs that improve cerebral circulation, as well as analgesics and sedatives. If focal changes are recognized in time, their further development can be stopped or significantly slowed down. What can not be done with the development of senile dementia, the cause of which are atrophic changes in the brain.

Scientists cannot name the exact cause of these problems, one or another external influences play only a provoking, reinforcing role. In rare cases, the disease is associated with heredity. The main factor in this case is the age of the person: these problems occur in older people, progressing over time.

Otherwise, atrophic changes in the brain are also called dementia - a synonym for dementia, a disorder of thought processes. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Pick's, Huntington's chorea and some more rare diseases are referred to as atrophic dementia.

Since science finds it difficult to determine the causes of these diseases, their treatment is also difficult. In the sense that the processes in the brain tissues are irreversible, and it is impossible to stop the progressing course. You can only alleviate certain symptoms. For example, with severe excitability, sedatives are prescribed. In general, for such patients it is desirable to organize a fairly active and at the same time calm, measured lifestyle.

When dementia becomes pronounced, the patient needs careful care and constant supervision at home or in hospital.

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Do not self-medicate! Be sure to see a doctor!

Focal changes in the white matter of the brain

The human body is not eternal and with age it develops various pathological processes. The most dangerous among them are focal changes in the substance of the brain of a discirculatory nature. They occur as a result of impaired cerebral blood flow. Such a pathological process is manifested by a number of neurological symptoms and is characterized by a progressive course. It will no longer be possible to return the lost nerve cells to life, but it is possible to slow down the course of the disease or even prevent its development.

Causes and signs of pathology

What to do with a focal change in the substance of the brain should tell the doctor, but the patient himself can suspect the presence of pathology. The disease often has a postischemic origin. It is characterized by a violation of blood flow in one of the sections of the hemisphere (hemisphere). It is difficult for some people to understand what it is, therefore, for convenience, the development of changes in the brain substance was divided into 3 stages:

  • First stage. At this stage, signs of focal lesions in the substance of the brain do not appear. The patient may feel only slight weakness, dizziness and apathy. Occasionally, sleep is disturbed and headaches bother. Foci of vascular genesis are just emerging and there are small disruptions in the blood flow;
  • Second phase. As the pathology develops, the course of the disease worsens. This manifests itself in the form of a migraine, a decrease in mental abilities, ringing in the ears, outbursts of emotions and a disorder in coordination of movements;
  • Third stage. If the disease has reached this stage, then focal changes in the white matter of the brain have irreversible consequences. Most of the neurons die and the patient's muscle tone rapidly decreases. Over time, symptoms of dementia (dementia) appear, the sense organs cease to perform their functions, and the person completely loses control over his movements.

Subcortical lesions in the white matter, localized under the cerebral cortex, may not appear at all for a long time. Diagnosis of such failures is mostly accidental.

White matter changes frontal lobes are manifested noticeably more actively and mainly in the form of a decrease in mental abilities.

At-risk groups

If there are no signs of the disease, it is advisable to find out what risk groups this disease has. According to statistics, focal lesions often occur in the presence of such pathologies:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • High pressure;
  • VVD (vegetovascular dystonia);
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathology of the heart muscle;
  • Constant stress;
  • Sedentary work;
  • Abuse of bad habits;
  • Overweight.

Damage to the white matter of the brain of vascular origin may appear as a result of age-related changes. Usually there are small single foci in people after 60 years.

Dystrophic nature of damage

In addition to damage caused by vascular genesis, there are other types of disease, for example, single focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature. This type of pathology occurs due to lack of nutrition. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • Weakened blood supply;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical region in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Head injury.

Damage to the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature usually manifests itself due to a lack of nutrition of the brain tissues. The patient has the following symptoms:

  • Decreased brain activity;
  • dementia;
  • Headaches;
  • Weakening of muscle tissue (paresis);
  • Paralysis of certain muscle groups;
  • Dizziness.


In most people, with age, focal changes in the substance appear due to tissue degeneration or due to disruptions in the blood flow. You can see them using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):

  • Changes in the cerebral cortex. Such a focus occurs mainly due to blockage or clamping of the vertebral artery. This is usually associated with congenital anomalies or the development of atherosclerosis. In rare cases, along with the appearance of a focus in the cerebral cortex, a vertebral hernia occurs;
  • Multiple focal changes. Their presence usually indicates a pre-stroke condition. In some cases, they can prevent dementia, epilepsy and other pathological processes associated with vascular atrophy. If such changes are detected, a course of therapy should be started urgently to prevent irreversible consequences;
  • microfocal changes. Such damage is found in virtually every person after years. You can see them with the use of a contrast agent only if they have a pathological nature of occurrence. Small-focal changes are not particularly evident, but as they develop, they can cause a stroke;
  • Changes in the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes subcortically and periventricularly. This type of damage occurs due to constantly elevated pressure, especially if a person has had a hypertensive crisis. Sometimes small single foci are congenital. The danger arises from the growth of lesions in the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes subcortically. In such a situation, the symptoms gradually progress.

If a person is at risk, then an MRI of the GM (brain) should be done once a year. Otherwise, it is advisable to do such an examination every 2-3 years for prevention. If MRI shows a high echogenicity of the focus of disculatory genesis, then this may indicate the presence oncological disease in the brain.

Methods of dealing with pathology

Gradually affecting human brain tissue, the disease can cause irreversible consequences. To prevent changes in the white matter of the brain of a vascular nature, it will be necessary to stop the emerging symptoms and improve blood flow with the help of medications and physiotherapy. Treatment should be comprehensive, which means you will have to change your lifestyle. To do this, you will have to follow these rules:

  • Active lifestyle. The patient should move more and play sports. After eating, it is advisable to go for a walk and do the same before going to bed. Water treatments, skiing and running are good. Treatment with an active lifestyle improves general state and also strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Properly formulated diet. For successful treatment, you will have to give up alcoholic beverages and reduce the consumption of sweets, conservation, as well as smoked and fried foods. You can replace them with boiled food or steaming. Instead of purchased sweets, you can cook a homemade pie or eat fruit;
  • Avoidance of stress. Constant mental stress is one of the causes of many diseases, so it is advisable to relax more and not overwork;
  • Healthy sleep. A person should sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. In the presence of pathology, it is desirable to increase the sleep time by 1-2 hours;
  • Annual survey. If a change in the white matter of the brain is diagnosed, then the patient should undergo an MRI 2 times a year. It is imperative to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and take the necessary tests on time.

Treatment of focal changes usually consists of lifestyle changes and the elimination of the cause of their development. It is desirable to detect the problem immediately in order to be able to slow it down. For this, a complete examination should be carried out annually.

The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only, does not claim to be reference and medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Consult with your physician.

MRI for focal brain lesions

MRI in focal lesions of the brain helps to identify the problem in the early stages, coordinate drug therapy. If necessary, based on the results of the examination, minimally invasive surgery can be prescribed.

Signs of focal lesions

All violations of the activity of the brain are reflected in the natural daily functions of human life. The location of the lesion affects the work internal organs and muscular system.

  • Hypertension - lack of oxygen supply to the brain caused by vascular degeneration leads to the fact that the brain speeds up and increases blood circulation.

Carrying out diagnostics of changes

The picture of focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature is observed, according to various sources, from 50 to 80% of all people as they age. Ischemia, as a result of which the normal blood supply stops, causes a provoking change in soft tissues. Resonance tomography helps to identify the causes of disorders and conduct a differential analysis of the disease.

Small focal changes that do not cause concern at first can eventually cause a stroke. In addition, foci increased echogenicity vascular origin may indicate an oncological cause of disorders.

  • in the hemispheres big brain- indicates the following possible reasons: blocking the blood flow of the right vertebral artery through a congenital anomaly or atherosclerotic plaque. The condition may be accompanied by a hernia of the cervical spine.

Types, causes, treatment of focal changes in the brain of a vascular nature

Each part of the brain performs certain functions - it regulates speech, thinking, balance, attention, controls the work of internal organs. The brain stores and processes an incredible amount of information; at the same time, many processes take place in it that provide a person with normal life activity. The functioning of this entire complex system directly depends on the blood supply. Even a small damage to the vessels leads to serious consequences. One of the manifestations of this pathology are focal changes in the brain.

What pathologies exist

Due to the lack of oxygen in the brain, cell starvation begins (in medicine, this process is called ischemia), causing dystrophic disorders. In the future, these disorders affect areas of the brain that partially or completely lose their natural functions. There are two types of dystrophic disorders:

  1. Diffuse, covering the entire brain tissue evenly, without the appearance of pathological areas. They appear due to impaired blood circulation, brain injuries, concussions, inflammation caused by infections. Symptoms of diffuse pathologies are often reduced ability to work, unbearable constant pain in the head, apathy, lethargy, and insomnia.
  2. Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature, covering a separate area where blood circulation is disturbed. Foci are single or numerous, randomly scattered throughout the brain tissues. Basically, it is a sluggish current chronic disease that develops over the years.

Among the focal pathologies are often found:

  • A cyst is a small cavity filled with fluid. Often it does not cause discomfort and pain in patients, but it causes compression of blood vessels and nearby areas of the brain.
  • Necrotic necrosis affecting areas of the brain due to impaired transport of nutrients. Dead cells that form dead zones do not perform their functions and are not restored in the future.
  • Brain scar and hematoma that occurs after a severe injury or concussion. These focal changes in the brain lead to small structural damage.

Stages of development of dyscirculatory changes

There are three stages of this pathology:

  1. Initially, dyscirculatory changes are characterized by a slight disturbance in the movement of blood in certain brain areas. Because of this, the patient quickly gets tired, often experiencing bouts of circling and headache.
  2. When the disease develops and flows into the second stage, the lesion is aggravated. Memory deteriorates, intellectual abilities decrease. The person becomes extremely irritable, emotional. Coordination of movements worsens, tinnitus appears.
  3. At the third stage, a significant part of the neurons die. At the same time, the muscles noticeably suffer, obvious signs of dementia appear, and the organs of touch and senses may fail.

The location of focal diffuse changes of a vascular nature in the brain and spinal cord determines how the functionality of organs that are sensitive to such disorders changes.

Symptoms of focal lesions

Focal lesions of the brain are caused by damage to blood vessels, which lose their elasticity with age. In some, this manifests itself minimally, while in others, violations flow into pathological form. Can appear:

  • high blood pressure, provoked by a lack of oxygen due to the degenerative state of the cerebral vessels.
  • Epileptic seizures, in which a person should not put metal objects into his mouth, pour water on him, beat him on the cheeks, etc.
  • Mental disorders, memory impairment, distorted perception of reality, atypical behavior.
  • Stroke or pre-stroke condition, which can be identified on CT or MRI.
  • Increasing throbbing headache in the back of the head, eye sockets, superciliary areas, radiating over the surface of the entire skull.
  • Uncontrolled muscle contractions, tremor of the limbs, chin, eyes, neck.
  • Tinnitus, ringing, stuffiness leading to nervousness.
  • Regular bouts of dizziness leading to nausea and vomiting.
  • Photophobia, decreased hearing acuity, blurred vision, double vision, marked visual impairment.
  • Constant fatigue, apathy.
  • Slurring of speech.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Muscle paresis, pathological reflex reaction of the extremities.

Many people ask what diseases are provoked by focal brain damage, what it is, and why it occurs. It is known that the causes of this disorder may lie in:

  • Vascular disorders associated with natural aging, cholesterol accumulation in the walls of blood vessels.
  • Osteochondrosis of the neck.
  • Oxygen starvation.
  • neoplasms.
  • Injuries, open and closed injuries heads (here age is not important).

Who is at risk

Any disease has its own risk groups. People belonging to such groups should carefully monitor their health and immediately consult a doctor at the first suspicious symptoms. With focal pathologies, this group includes patients:

  • Hypertension, hypotension.
  • Diabetes.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • obese.
  • Sensitive, emotional people living in constant stress.
  • Leading a sedentary life.
  • Elderly people, regardless of gender (starting a rally).

They also provoke the development of vascular pathologies:


Focal lesions of the brain are often asymptomatic. Even if there are minor symptoms, patients rarely seek medical attention. It is difficult to identify the pathology. This can be done by undergoing an MRI scan. It allows you to see even the smallest degenerative lesions that can lead to stroke or cancer.

MRI may indicate such disorders:

  • With changes in the hemispheres, clogging of the arteries is possible due to a hernia of the spinal column, abnormal intrauterine development, and atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Violations in the white matter of the frontal region are characteristic of hypertension (especially after exacerbation), congenital developmental anomalies, as life-threatening progresses.
  • Multiple foci entail a pre-stroke state, senile dementia, episyndrome.

Numerous small foci threaten life, cause many serious illnesses. They are mostly found in older people.


The doctor explains to patients why brain dystrophy is dangerous, what it is and how to deal with the disease. Determining the tactics of treatment, the neurologist collects a general history of the patient. Since the only and true reason pathology cannot be found, it is necessary by any means to improve cerebral circulation. Therapy, both with single foci and with multiple foci, is based on several specific postulates:

  • Adherence to the correct regimen and adherence to diet number 10. Every day, the patient is advised to devote enough time to rest. Do not overload yourself with physical work, eat right. The diet should contain organic acids (raw or baked fruits, compotes, juices, fruit drinks, almonds). Patients at risk, or those who are diagnosed with "focal brain changes" after the examination, it is necessary to exclude foods enriched with calcium. It impairs blood flow, which leads to oxygen starvation and single focal changes in brain structures.
  • Drug treatment is carried out with drugs that positively affect the blood supply to the brain. Such drugs stimulate blood flow, dilate blood vessels, reduce viscosity, and prevent thrombosis.
  • The patient is prescribed analgesics that relieve pain, sedatives, vitamin therapy.
  • With hypo- or hypertension - taking medications that normalize blood pressure, necessary for correct operation brain.

If focal lesions of the brain are not treated and the disease is started, severe disorders develop that modern medicine cannot fight. This is:

  • Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common forms of degeneration of nerve cells and structures.
  • Pick's syndrome is a rare, progressive disease that affects people over 50 years of age.
  • Huntington's disease is a genetic disorder that manifests itself in flight.
  • Cardiocerebral syndrome, in which the functions of the brain are impaired due to severe diseases of the cardiac system.
  • Arterial hypertension, the exacerbation of which can lead to serious problems with the patient's health.

It is possible to develop an oncological process.


The consequences of a severe traumatic brain injury, signs of old age, provoking focal changes in the brain - this is not a reason to despair and give up. You can overcome and prevent the disease by following simple recommendations:

  • Walking, running, swimming more often. Play team games, 2-3 times a week to visit a fitness club, do any activity that requires physical activity.
  • Exclude or limit the use of alcohol, do not get involved in fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods. If possible, replace sweets with fresh fruits and vegetables. But you don't have to give up your favorite foods either. If there is a desire to eat sausage, it is better to boil it, rather than fry it.
  • Stress and anxiety should be avoided. The mental state directly affects not only the brain, but also other organs. It is very difficult to treat diseases associated with depression, and the result is not always positive.
  • At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. To control the state of health, you need to undergo an examination 1-2 times a year.
  • Self-prescribe medication, take medicines, or use prescriptions traditional medicine Absolutely forbidden. It is better to first consult with a specialist and strictly follow all the procedures that he recommends.

It is not possible even to predict how focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature and diffuse disorders will behave in the future. qualified doctor. The patient's condition largely depends on age, the presence of concomitant diseases, the size of the focus, the degree and dynamics of development. It is important to constantly monitor the patient, take preventive measures to avoid the growth of the affected area.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and cannot replace the advice of your doctor.

Dystrophic changes in the substance of the brain treatment

Please explain the conclusion of the MRI of the brain

Hello! Today my mother underwent a study - an MRI of the brain, after passing at the clinic, they gave a conclusion: On a series of MRI tomograms weighted by T1 and T2 in three projections, sub- and supratentorial structures were visualized. The lateral and third ventricles of the brain are slightly dilated. The 4th ventricle is not changed, the basal cisterns are of normal size. The chiasmatic area is without features, the pituitary tissue has a normal signal. Subarachnoid convexital spaces and sulci are slightly enlarged in the area of ​​the parietal lobes and Sylvian fissures with moderately pronounced atrophic changes in the substance of the brain. Median structures are not displaced. The tonsils of the cerebellum are usually located. In the white matter of the parietal and temporal lobes, multiple hydrophilic foci of various sizes, small areas of gliosis, and enlarged Virchow-Robin spaces are determined. CONCLUSION: MR picture of moderately severe mixed replacement hydrocephalus. Multiple focal-dystrophic substances of the brain. My mother is 41 years old. Recently, she began to complain about: - shakes like on the waves; - Nausea; - Dizziness; - Periodic severe headaches (in the occipital region); - Pawns ears; - Deterioration of memory; - Unable to concentrate on anything; - Sleep disturbance; - Weakness; - Nervousness. Please explain the situation, diagnosis, treatment. Thanks in advance! P.S. Before the study, she underwent a course of treatment prescribed by a neuropathologist: 1) Actovegin 2.0 IV in saline; 2) Mexidol 2.0 i/m; 3) Platifillin 1.0 i/m. During the course of treatment, the health situation worsened. At the end of treatment, there were no positive results.

Hello! Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature - this is literally - as a result of a local (local) disturbance of the blood supply (age-related, toxic or other), there are atrophied (dead) areas of the brain tissue. This is how encephalopathy manifests itself. Treatment usually includes vasoactive drugs, the so-called "brain circulation optimizers": cavinton, trental, cinnarizine, stugeron, etc. In vascular insufficiency of the vertebrobasilar system, preference is given to stugeron, sibelium. betaserku. If the patient has a combination of atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the brain and extremities, the appointment of sermion is indicated. Nootropics (gliatilin, cortexin, ceraxon). Decongestants (diakarb, veroshpiron).

The advice is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor.

The health of your head

Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature

Sooner or later, all people grow old, and the body ages along with them. This primarily affects the heart, brain and spinal cord. If the heart ceases to properly cope with its task - pumping blood - then over time this will affect the state of the brain, the cells of which will not receive enough nutrients to sustain life.

According to various sources, from 50 to 70% of the elderly (over 60 years) suffer from a similar disease.

Symptoms of dystrophy of the substance of the brain

Any disease is better to prevent than to treat later, and for this you need to know its external manifestations (signs) and symptoms.

  • First stage. In the first couple, a person feels a little tired, lethargic, dizzy and does not sleep well. This is due to poor blood circulation in the brain. The degree of significance grows along with the development of vascular diseases: cholesterol deposition, hypotension, etc.
  • Second stage. At the second stage, the so-called “center of the disease” appears in the brain, the damage to the substance of the brain deepens due to poor blood circulation. Cells do not receive sufficient nutrition and gradually die off. The beginning of this stage is indicated by memory impairment, loss of coordination, noise or “shooting” in the ears, and severe headaches.
  • Third stage. Due to the discircular nature of the course of the last stage, the focus of the disease moves even deeper, the affected vessels bring too little blood to the brain. The patient shows signs of dementia, lack of coordination of movements (not always), dysfunction of the sense organs is possible: loss of vision, hearing, shaking hands, etc.

It is possible to establish the exact change in the substance of the brain using MRI.

In the absence of treatment, over time, diseases such as:

  1. Alzheimer's disease. The most common form of degeneration of the nervous system.
  2. Pick's disease. A rare progressive disease of the nervous system, manifested by rally.
  3. Huntington's disease. genetic disease nervous system. developing rally.
  4. Arterial hypertension.
  5. Cardiocerebral syndrome (impairment of the basic functions of the brain due to cardiac pathology).

Reasons for change

As already mentioned, the main cause of the manifestation of the disease is vascular damage. inevitable with age. But for some, these lesions are minimal: small cholesterol deposits, for example, - while for someone they develop into pathology. So, diseases lead to a change in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature:

  1. Ischemia. This disease is mainly characterized by a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Tumor (benign or malignant).
  4. Severe head injury. In this case, age does not matter.

Risk group

Any disease has a risk group, people who are in it should be extremely careful. If a person has similar diseases, then he is in the primary risk group, if only predispositions, then in the secondary:

  • Those suffering from heart disease vascular systems s: hypotension, hypertension, hypertension, dystonia.
  • Patients with diathesis, diabetes mellitus or stomach ulcers.
  • Those who are overweight or have an unhealthy eating habit.
  • Being in a state of chronic depression (stress) or leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  • People are older regardless of gender.
  • Those suffering from rheumatism.

For people of the main risk group, first of all, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, followed by the recovery of the brain. Particular attention should be paid to patients with hypertension and all its manifestations.

How to overcome?

Despite the complexity of the disease and the problems with its diagnosis, each person can avoid such a fate by helping his body fight the signs of old age or the consequences of a serious injury. To do this, follow simple rules.

First, lead a mobile lifestyle. Walk or jog for at least two hours a day. Walk in the fresh air: in the forest, in the park, go out of town, etc. Play outdoor games that correspond to physical abilities: basketball, pioneer ball, volleyball, tennis or table tennis, etc. The more movement, the more actively the heart works, and the vessels become stronger.

Secondly, proper nutrition. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of alcohol, excessively sweet and salty foods and fried foods. This does not mean that you have to keep yourself on the strictest diet! If you want meat, then you don’t need to fry it or drip sausage, it’s better to boil it. Same thing with potatoes. Instead of cakes and pastries, you can treat yourself to homemade apple and strawberry pies from time to time. All harmful dishes and products can be replaced with their equivalents.

Third, avoid stressful situations and overwork. The mental state of a person directly affects his health. Do not overwork yourself, rest, if you are tired, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Do not overwork yourself with physical activity.

Fourth, 1-2 times a year, go through a medical examination to monitor the condition of the body. Especially if you are already undergoing treatment!

It is best not to try to help your body with “home methods”: drink medicines on your own, inject injections, etc. Follow the instructions of the doctor, go through the procedures that he will prescribe. Sometimes, to determine the accuracy of the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo many procedures, taking tests is a normal situation.

A responsible doctor will never prescribe medication unless he is sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature

Without exaggeration, the brain can be called the control system of the entire human body, because different parts of the brain are responsible for breathing, the functioning of internal organs and sensory organs, speech, memory, thinking, and perception. The human brain is capable of storing and processing vast amounts of information; At the same time, hundreds of thousands of processes that ensure the vital activity of the organism take place in it. However, the functioning of the brain is inextricably linked with its blood supply, because even a slight decrease in the blood supply to a certain proportion medulla may lead to irreversible consequences #8212; mass death of neurons and, as a result, severe diseases of the nervous system and dementia.

Causes and symptoms of focal changes of a dyscirculatory nature

The most common manifestations of impaired blood supply to the brain are focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature, which are characterized by a violation of blood circulation in certain areas of the medulla, and not in the entire organ. As a rule, these changes #8212; this is a chronic process that develops over a sufficiently long time, and in the early stages of this disease, most people cannot distinguish it from other diseases of the nervous system. Doctors distinguish three stages in the development of focal changes of a dyscirculatory nature:

  1. At the first stage, in certain areas of the brain, due to vascular diseases, a slight violation of blood circulation occurs, as a result of which a person feels fatigue, lethargy, apathy; the patient has sleep disturbances, periodic dizziness and headaches.
  2. The second stage is characterized by a deepening of vascular lesions in the area of ​​the brain, which is the focus of the disease. Symptoms such as decreased memory and intellectual abilities, impaired emotional sphere, severe headaches, tinnitus, and coordination disorders indicate the transition of the disease to this stage.
  3. The third stage of focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature, when a significant part of the cells died in the focus of the disease due to impaired blood circulation, is characterized by irreversible changes in the functioning of the brain. As a rule, in patients at this stage of the disease is significantly reduced muscle tone, there is practically no coordination of movement, signs of dementia (dementia) appear, and the senses may also fail.

Categories of people prone to the appearance of focal changes in the substance of the brain

To avoid the development of this disease, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being, and when the first symptoms appear, indicating the possibility of a focal change in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature, immediately contact a neurologist or neuropathologist. Since this disease is quite difficult to diagnose (a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis only after an MRI), doctors recommend that people predisposed to this disease undergo a preventive examination by a neurologist at least once a year. The following categories of people are at risk:

  • suffering from hypertension vegetovascular dystonia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • suffering from atherosclerosis;
  • having bad habits and overweight;
  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • in a state of chronic stress;
  • elderly people over the age of 50.

Focal changes of a dystrophic nature

In addition to changes in the dyscirculatory nature, a disease that has similar symptoms, are single focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature due to a lack of nutrients. This disease affects people who have experienced a head injury, suffering from ischemia, cervical osteochondrosis in the acute stage, and patients who have been diagnosed with benign or malignant tumor brain. Due to the fact that the vessels supplying a certain part of the brain cannot fully perform their functions, the tissues in this area do not receive all the necessary nutrients. The result of this #171; starvation#187; nerve tissues #8212; headaches, dizziness, decreased intellectual abilities and performance, and in the final stages, dementia, paresis, paralysis are possible.

Despite the seriousness of these diseases and the difficulty in diagnosing them, each person can significantly reduce the risk of focal changes in the substance of the brain. To do this, it is enough to refuse bad habits, lead a healthy and active image life, avoid overwork and stress, eat wholesome and healthy food and undergo a preventive medical examination 1-2 times a year.

Galina Mikhailovna asks:

The basal cisterns are moderately dilated.
The chiasmatic area is without features, the pituitary tissue has a normal signal.
Subarachnoid convexital spaces and sulci are enlarged, mainly in the fronto-parietal lobes and Sylvian fissures with moderately pronounced atrophic changes in the brain substance.
Median structures are not displaced.
Cerebellar tonsils are usually located.
In the white matter of the left frontal and parietal lobes, there are foci of demyelination (2) up to 0.5 and 0.6 cm in size, respectively.

Conclusion: MR picture of external replacement hydrocephalus. Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature.
A 62-year-old patient is worried about headaches in the crown region and noise in her right ear.

You can decipher the description, otherwise none of this is clear whether it is worth going to the doctor, seriously. The doctor who made the description said that there was nothing to worry about. Thank you very much in advance!

According to the examination, it is possible to judge changes in the brain typical for this age. However, if there are clinical symptoms, a personal examination by a neurologist is necessary.

Irina asks:

I am 50 years old. I am very worried about headaches. I did an MRI of the brain. A picture of moderately severe external replacement hydrocephalus. Multiple focal changes in the substance of the brain, probably of a dissicular-dystrophic nature.
You can decipher the description, otherwise none of this is clear whether it is worth going to the doctor, seriously. Thank you!

In this situation, you should definitely contact a neurologist for a personal consultation. Focal changes - most likely are age-related. But the signs of hydrocephalus indicate a violation of liquorodynamics, this is what causes headache attacks.

Elena asks:

I am 51 years old. I was admitted to the vascular department with a diagnosis of a cerebral stroke, after treatment and discharge I underwent an MRI examination of the brain, where it was determined: in the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes, foci of demyelization are determined, without signs of perifocal edema, most likely of dystrophic genesis. Lateral ventricles of the brain not dilated, with a moderately pronounced zone of gliosis along the periphery. The 3rd and 4th ventricles are not changed, the basal cisterns are moderately dilated. The chiasmal area is without features, the pituitary tissue has a normal signal. Subarachnoid convexital spaces and sulci are unevenly expanded along the convexital surface of the brain and cerebellum, against the background of moderately severe cortical atrophy. The expansion of the perivascular cerebrospinal fluid spaces of the penetrating vessels is determined, mainly at the level of the basal nuclei on both sides. The middle structures are not displaced. The cerebellar tonsils are located at the BZO level. Conclusion: a picture of external replacement hydrocephalus. Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature. Question: probable causes and prognosis for the future.

Specify your anthropological data, comorbidities and current condition. As well as the treatment received and the drugs used now. Read more about stroke.

Elena comments:

Thanks for the answer! I add: height 167, weight 80 kg. In childhood, she suffered from rheumatism, pyelonephritis, until now there was vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type 110/70, menopause since 2006, without features. She was admitted to the hospital after several attacks of hypertensive crisis with all the symptoms of ischemic stroke ., after treatment with IV Actovegin, vitamin therapy, glycine, magnesium IV, was discharged under the supervision of a neurologist and further examination, continued treatment with indalamide, lisinopril, thromboas, sermion. for a month, but dizziness, headaches, impaired coordination did not pass, now I am undergoing treatment: Mexidol IV, vitamins and the same drugs in tablets, R-graphy of the cervical spine did not even reveal age-related changes, my state of health improved, but only slightly. Stress, physical activity (except for gymnastics to remove body fat), alcohol consumption was not the cause of my health condition. I would like to know other probable reasons for preventing the recurrence of attacks and the prognosis. Maybe you should not pay attention, because the most important thing is that the arms and legs work and speech is not disturbed, but I really don’t want to wait for attacks with more serious consequences. Thank you very much in advance for the answer.

Elena, the most important thing is to set yourself up so as not to live in anticipation of the next attack. You need to achieve weight loss, constantly monitor blood pressure, take antihypertensive drugs. Be sure to control the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is necessary to consult with a neurologist about a possible replacement of the diuretic. The forecast in your situation is favorable.

Elena asks:

Hello, I am 23 years old. Did an MRI of the brain. Made the following conclusion - MR picture external hydrocephalus. Single focal changes in the substance of the brain in the right frontal and right parietal lobes (discirculatory character? demyelinating process?). Tell me if I need treatment and is this diagnosis dangerous?

You need a comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a neurologist. In the absence of adequate treatment, damage to the central nervous system will progress leading to irreversible consequences. First of all, it is necessary to prescribe drugs that would normalize intracranial pressure.

Elena comments:

Tell me, please, is intracranial pressure treatable and can it be caused by constant work at the computer in a sitting position?

Intracranial increased pressure in some cases can be stabilized with medication. In any case, to determine the cause of increased intracranial pressure and prescribe adequate treatment, a personal consultation with a neurologist is necessary. Prolonged work at the computer can be one of the factors for increasing pressure.

Elena asks:

I will repeat just in case. In September of this year, she was admitted to the vascular center through the SMP with a diagnosis of ischemic stroke, the diagnosis was made according to clinical data, although CT data for stroke was not received, after the course of treatment she was discharged with a doctor: ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar system. Cerebral atherosclerosis. Hypertension 3 risk4. IHD: atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis., for further treatment and observation by a neurologist. In October, she was admitted to the hospital with a repeated TIA, after treatment she underwent an MRI of the brain, where the stroke was also not confirmed (in conclusion: a picture of external replacement hydrocephalus. Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature). vertebrobasilar basin with left pyramidal week, severe ataxia, dysphagia, elements of dysarthria. Dyscircular encephalopathy 2 with severe cognitive decline. Cerebrovascular disease. I was sent to a commission to establish disability, where it was refused, citing the fact that there was no stroke, and the rest does not correspond, although I need constant medication and observation by a neurologist. At present, my state of health is not satisfactory (constant headaches, unsteadiness, I cannot do the lightest exercises, I only move around the house). Question: did I have a stroke, as the doctors at the vascular center claimed? and is it worth it to apply again to establish disability, because you need to constantly purchase medicines, and there are financial difficulties, but you really don’t want to experience the humiliation once again to prove your poor health. work book I didn’t work for 10 years (I worked part-time at a private trader, now I can’t). Thanks in advance for the answer.

Unfortunately, in the event that the diagnosis of "stroke" is not confirmed instrumental methods examination (MRI), it will not appear in the documents of the VKK. In the event that you wish to reapply for disability status, careful medical examination and advice from a lawyer dealing with similar issues, who will be able to advise you on the legally justified possibilities for assigning this status in your particular case. You can read more about stroke, methods of diagnosis and treatment of this disease in our section: Stroke.

Ainura asks:

I want to know. What are you waiting for me. Thank you

Can you please clarify your question again? In the event that you are sick, please specify your full diagnosis in order to receive an adequate consultation.

Marina asks:

Hello, please help! My father is 47 years old, he suffered from headaches for a long time, right ear does not hear at all, numbness of the right side of the face. Sent for MRI, MRI showed - In the right - cerebellar corner, a solid volumetric formation is determined, with clear even contours, irregularly rounded in size 27x 20x 17 mm with an inhomogeneous hyperintense MR signal for T2 VI, an isointense MR signal for T1VI. In the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes revealed discicular foci of irregular shape up to 4 mm, without signs of perifocal reaction.
Tell me, how serious is this? what consequences? and what to do??? Thank you. Sincerely, Marina.

In this case, it is recommended to consult with an oncologist to conduct a personal examination, study the results obtained during the examination and decide on further tactics of treatment and examination. In the event that the above complaints are present at the moment, the situation is very serious, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed, because. any delay can only aggravate the situation and worsen the general condition. Read more about oncological examination by clicking on the link: Oncology.

Leah asks:

Hello! I have periodic severe headaches (several times a month). It starts with a headache, ends with vomiting, and there is no pressure. Recently I had vomiting all night with a temperature of 39. I donated blood, a swarm of 20, then 41. only slight expansion of subarachnoid convexital spaces in the frontal and parietal lobes. What kind of expansion is this? What to do? Where to look for the cause? Thank you!!!

Julia asks:

Hello, I was 30 years old and had an MRI examination. worried about frequent headaches. After the MRI, the conclusion: “In the white matter of the frontal, parietal and left temporal lobes, small subcortical foci of increased signal intensity on T2 VI and FLAIR IP d up to 0.4 cm are determined. Please tell me what it is? And what could be the consequences?

The increase in signal intensity can be for several reasons. It can be of inflammatory or vascular origin, and can also be determined even in the absence of pathology. It is not possible to draw any conclusions based on the information you provided. First of all, you need to see directly the pictures, which should be evaluated in conjunction with other studies, your complaints. Only in this case it will be possible to speak about probable violations. It is also not possible to make a conclusion about the consequences, since they are assessed only after an accurate diagnosis has been established and adequate therapy has been carried out. In your case, I recommend to consult with a neurologist. Read more about diseases of the nervous and vascular systems, causes of headaches in the section: Headache

Julia comments:

Conclusion MR is a picture of focal changes in the substance of the brain, most likely, of a disciculatory nature. I would like to take this seriously???? and what is this??? and whether cancer or a stroke can develop from these foci, for example?

Discirculatory changes do not lead to the development of brain tumors, and the cause of a stroke is in extremely rare cases. You need to be regularly observed by a neurologist and receive appropriate treatment that restores normal microcirculation of the brain.

Tamara asks:

Tamara Leonidovna is 61 years old. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension of the 3rd degree, angina of the 3rd degree, asthma were diagnosed, 5 months ago there was a hypertensive crisis, on August 14, Bell's palsy, was sent for an MRI. conclusion of MRI: a picture of moderate phenomena of external replacement hydrocephalus. areas of gliosis changes in the left fronto-parietal region and the pons of the brain, of a postischemic nature. Focal changes in the substance of the brain, dyscirculatory nature. MR signs of intraosseous formation in the right parietal bone. At the moment, the improvements are minor, headaches, noise anxiety, trimer, weakness. The face has improved a little but is far from normal. Sugar on average 10-14mmg.

Nelly asks:

Hello! My mother is 51 years old. She often suffers from headaches, her blood pressure is normal. Mom made an MRI, here is the diagnosis - “MRI picture of multiple small focal changes in the brain substance of a dyscirculatory nature, not expressed mixed substitution hydrocephalus” Please tell me if this is a serious diagnosis? And what will happen further? How can this diagnosis be treated. Thank you in advance!

In this case, if there are changes in the brain associated with impaired hemodynamics, if there are complaints, it is recommended to consult a neurologist for a personal examination and assessment of the state at the moment, as well as prescribing adequate treatment. With the appointment of timely treatment, the condition may improve and the changes will not progress. Read more about the causes of headaches in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Headaches.

Natalia asks:

My husband has a high pulse (120 - 140 beats) and is worried about headaches .. There are seizures - very strange, the neurologist sent me for an MRI, EEG. Here is what is written in the conclusion of the MRI MRI - a picture of external, internal hydrocephalus. Expansion of a large cistern. Single focal changes of vascular origin in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres. Cystic expansion of the large cistern. The pain is very disturbing, but the neurologist prescribed only pills for epilepsy .. And my head hurts! and what to do?? what to drink for pain than to remove this fluid from the brain?? I read that diuretics, but which ones are possible? I'm desperate.........

According to the provided examination, there are pronounced disorders: internal hydrocephalus, expansion of the ventricles of the brain, impaired hemocirculation, the presence of a cyst. In this case, you need to go complex treatment, the appointment of antiepileptic drugs is justified, tk. all of these changes can cause seizures. It is recommended to re-consult with a neurologist to resolve the issue of the need for hospitalization, for complex treatment, or for the appointment of adequate therapy on an outpatient basis. It is also recommended to consult with a cardiologist to prescribe adequate treatment as well. pulse is much higher than normal. Read more about headaches in the section of the same name by clicking on the link: Headache.

Catherine asks:

I did an MRI of the brain angiography of the arteries of the brain. Conclusion of the MR signs of expansion of the subarachnoid convexital and perivascular spaces. Single focal-dystrophic changes in the substance of the brain measuring 0.2-0.3 cm. .Podskazhite please what is it? And is it dangerous?

In the presence of such changes, a violation of the blood supply to the brain is possible. You need a personal consultation with a neurologist to evaluate the result in combination with clinical picture, complaints and anamnestic data. AT this moment there are no threatening and dangerous changes, but the selection of corrective treatment is required, which the treating neuropathologist can do for you. More about this study You can find out from the thematic section of our website: MRI

Ludmila asks:

MR picture of focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dyscirculatory nature, moderately severe diffuse bihemispheric atrophy

According to the results of the examination, there are signs of atrophy of the brain tissue, perhaps the atrophy is associated with insufficiency of cerebral circulation. To clarify the situation, a personal consultation with a neurologist is necessary. You can read more about decoding MRI results in our section on this diagnostic method: MRI. You can read more about the examination by a neurologist and what questions you should ask this specialist in the section: Neurologist.

Barbara asks:

MRI showed focal changes in the white matter of the brain, apparently of a vascular nature. it on how much is dangerous and to be treated?

nadia asks:

mr picture of uneven expansion of the subarachnoid convexidal space. A solitary focus of gliosis of a disciculatory nature

Unfortunately, on the basis of the results of the examination you cited, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the severity of the brain damage. You need a personal consultation with a neurologist to evaluate the results of the examination. You can read more about the examination of a neurologist and why it is needed in the section: Neurologist.

Nina asks:

MR picture of external replacement hydrocephalus, slightly pronounced. Single foci of demyelination in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature. what does it mean? do i need to see a doctor? I am 45 years old.

In this case, you must be examined by a neurologist, since if you have hydrocephalus replacement, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment for you, depending on the data of the general examination, neurological status and existing complaints. You can learn more about this from the section: Hydrocephalus

Andrew asks:

MRI-picture of post-traumatic, postoperative zones of cystic-glial changes in the right hemisphere of the brain and in the right hemisphere of the cerebellum. Internal non-occlusive and external hydrocephalus.

MRI revealed hydrocephalus (internal and external), as well as post-traumatic and postoperative changes. In this situation, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, a detailed study of the medical history and an assessment of the present neurological condition, which will allow choosing an adequate treatment (drugs that reduce swelling of the brain, improve microcirculation). I recommend that you personally consult with your neurologist. You can learn more about hydrocephalus from the thematic section of our website: Hydrocephalus

Marina asks:

Decipher, please, the diagnosis:

On a series of MR tomograms, weighted by T1 and T2 in three projections, sub- and supratentorial structures are visualized. The lateral ventricles of the brain are of normal size and configuration. Subarachnoid convexital space is locally unevenly expanded, mainly in the frontal and parietal lobes. Median structures are not displaced. In the white matter, in the region of the basal nuclei and semioval centers, the expansion of the perivascular Virchow-Robin spaces is determined. The cerebellar tonsils are located at the level of the foramen magnum. In the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes, subcortically, single small foci of elevated T2 and FLAIR signals are determined, without signs of a perifocal reaction, probably of a dystrophic nature. Conclusion: MR picture of a single expansion of the arachnoid spaces in the area of ​​the frontal, parietal lobes. Single focal changes in the substance of the brain of a dystrophic nature. Thanks in advance.

Denis asks:

Volumetric and focal formations in the brain are not determined. The cerebral ventricles are not dilated, the lateral ventricles are symmetrical. lateral fissures. The occipital cistern is reduced in volume, the cerebellar tonsils prolapse in the BZO up to 5 mm. worried about burning and tingling in the head and in different places, then in the frontal crown, then in the back of the head, then in the temples! Help tell me what's wrong with me and how to treat it please!

Unfortunately, only on the basis of the presented results of the study in the conditions online consultations it is not possible to prescribe treatment for you. I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist who will be able to compare the research protocols with your complaints and data. clinical examination. Only then will it be possible to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment. More on this issue You can get information in the relevant thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Computed tomography (CT)

Elena asks:

I'm 36 years old. For 10 days now, my head has been hurting a lot in the back right below, I didn’t suffer from headaches before. I did an MRI, that's what they wrote - focal changes in the white matter of the frontal lobes, the genesis is in question (foci of vascular beliosis? Hemeelination process?) Moderate external hypotrophic hydrocephalus ... it's scary like that. Please, tell me what to do and what awaits me?

Elena comments:

Good afternoon, thank you for your participation! Passed additional examination, everything is fine with the eyes, the vessels of the neck are also normal, but the x-ray did not please - osteochondrosis and uncovertebral arthrosis, instability. Milgamma was prescribed and physiotherapy, but the head does not go away. Can osteochondrosis cause focal changes?

natalia asks:

Hello. I am 35 years old. So far, there is no way to contact a neurologist, so if you can, I would like to hear an explanation-decoding of my conclusion here, as well as possible consequences, preventive/treatment measures. The conclusion of the MRI: "There is an expansion of the subarachnoid spaces around the penetrating vessels of the GM in the basal-nuclear zones. In the region of the anterior horn of the left lateral ventricle, single foci of a dystrophic nature 1-3 mm in diameter are visualized. Initial dyscirculatory changes in the GM." Everything else according to the scripture is not changed. Thank you in advance!!!

These changes are age-related, of a moderate nature. In the presence of clinical complaints, a personal examination by a neuropathologist is required. Treatment can be prescribed only after a doctor's examination, depending on the indications. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website: MRI

natalia comments:

Thanks for the answer! Excuse me, did I understand correctly that the presence of such complaints as poor memory, absent-mindedness, inattention, mental lability and instability, a tendency to depressive states, are not indications for visiting a neuropathologist? and can the above complaints affect the size and number of foci in the future? and also, such foci of a dystrophic nature and dyscirculatory changes, like mine, are not yet indications for the use of some drugs, for example, which improve the blood supply to the brain?

In any case, if you have any complaints, you should personally visit a neurologist who can prescribe you adequate treatment. You can get more information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Neurologist and neuropathologist


Hello! I am 22 years old. They did an MRI of the brain. Conclusion: A single change in the brain of a dystrophic nature. Tell me how it is treated? Is it dangerous at all? Could it be in the background cervical osteochondrosis, recently there was an exacerbation.

A single change in the brain of a dystrophic nature, as a rule, is a consequence of impaired blood circulation and vascular patency. As therapeutic measures, drugs are prescribed that improve cerebral circulation, microcirculation, and strengthen blood vessels. This condition is not threatening, but requires correction, so I recommend that you personally visit the attending neurologist, who will be able to prescribe you the appropriate treatment. You can get more information about this study in the thematic section of our website:

Lily asks:

Hello! I am 54 years old. I have frequent headaches on the right side of my head and face, sometimes I feel numbness on the right side of my head. Nausea, dizziness and weakness. Did an MRI. Conclusion: On the basis of the MR picture, data for a volumetric brain mass were not obtained. A solitary focus in the left temporal lobe, probably of a dyscirculatory nature. Cystic thickening of the mucous membrane of the right maxillary sinus. A variant of the development of the circle of Willis. A pronounced decrease in the signal from the blood flow in the intracranial segment of the right VA (hypoplasia?). It is impossible to exclude areas of stenosis in the A2 segment of the left ACA and in the P1 segment of the right PCA.
Can you please tell me how serious this is? Which specialist should be contacted?
Thank you.

In this situation, the complaints you have are most likely related to impaired cerebral circulation. With adequate treatment, existing symptoms can be eliminated. I recommend that you personally visit a neuropathologist who will prescribe you the appropriate medication. Read more about this study in the section: MRI

Anna asks:

My husband is 37 years old, for about 10 years he has been suffering from constant headaches, while the pressure is normal. I had a concussion in my youth. Examinations (several years ago) by a neurologist revealed nothing, painkillers were prescribed. Lately my head hurts a lot. I did an MRI of the brain, according to the results: "Based on the MRI picture, data for focal and diffuse changes were not obtained. A slight expansion of the main and quadrigeminal cisterns. Edema of the mucous membrane of the left maxillary sinus, mastoid caverns on the left." What might this conclusion indicate? What else necessary examinations what needs to be done to make a diagnosis? Thanks in advance!

These changes are possible in the presence of increased intracranial pressure, which may be a consequence of trauma. I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist, who, based on the available results, as well as taking into account the anamnesis and clinical symptoms, will be able to prescribe adequate treatment for your spouse. You can get more information on this issue in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the link: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Read about the causes of headaches and their diagnosis in the information section of our website: Headache

Oksana asks:

Hello! I am 43 years old, I had an MRI of the brain, the conclusion is a picture of moderate dystopia of the cerebellar tonsils. Single focal changes of vascular origin in the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres. What does "focal changes in white matter" mean? I am periodically disturbed by dizziness (when changing the position of the head, when bending down), pain in the back of the head.

Focal changes may indicate that blood supply is disturbed in certain areas, which requires drug treatment. Dizziness may be associated with dystopia of the tonsils of the cerebellum, since it is this organ that is responsible for the coordination of movement. I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist to prescribe adequate treatment. Read more about this study in the section of our website: MRI

Alena asks:

help decipher what is - Focal lesion of the left parietal lobe, Deterotopia of the gray matter? Are they drafted into the army with such a diagnosis?

Marina asks:

Hello! My son is 18 years old, the psychiatrist diagnosed him with depersonalization, direalization, MRI conclusion - A single focus of discirculation of the left frontal lobe. Pineal gland cyst 11x8x6 mm. Cyst of the intermediate sail. Moderate open internal hydrocephalus of a replacement nature. Could these changes cause psychiatric illness?

Unfortunately, these changes may be the cause of the development of psycho-neurological disorders. You need to personally consult with a neurosurgeon regarding further treatment tactics, and I also recommend that you visit a psychologist who can provide real assistance in correcting such manifestations. Read more about this in the section: Psychologist

Victoria asks:

Based on the results of the MRI, I received the following conclusion:
MR picture of uneven expansion of subarachnoid spaces. A single focus of demyelination in the right parietal lobe (probably dystrophic). Tell me, is this something terrible? What to do?

Expansion of the suarachnoid space is often observed due to craniocerebral trauma, increased intracranial pressure, and past infections of the central nervous system. Foci of demyelination are often found in a disease such as multiple sclerosis. In this case, a personal study of the obtained images is necessary, therefore I recommend that you visit a neurologist who, after studying the study protocols, will be able to draw a conclusion, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. You can get more information on this issue in the section of our website: MRI

Galina asks:

I had an ischemic stroke twice (July 2008 and November 2011 - there are MRI study protocols). Today in July it was again - the legs gave up and again weakness. I made an MRI-conclusion in November: MRI-picture of focal changes in the brain of a dystrophic and postischemic nature (past lacunar infarctions) of a nature. Mixed replacement hydrocephalus. Doctors are sent to the commission (VTEK). Worth it or not? (I have already been refused 2 times (after the first and now on October 1). Age-60 years, weight-58 kg, height 164.

In your situation, there are all indications for obtaining a disability group, the issue in this case is decided by the medical commission. I recommend that you prepare all the documents and visit the VTEK commission. You can get more information about your disease, its course and treatment in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Stroke

svetlana asks:

Hello. My 27-year-old husband began to suffer from severe headaches. They did an MRI: on a series of MR weighted by T1 and T2, sub- and supratentorial structures were visualized in three projections.
The lateral ventricles of the brain are of normal size and configuration. 3rd and 4th
the ventricles, basal cisterns, are not changed. The chiasmal area is without features, the pituitary tissue has a normal signal.
Perivascular spaces of Virchow-Robin are expanded, mainly in the area of ​​basal structures.
The roots of 8 pairs of cranial nerves in the region of the pontocerebellar angle can be traced from both sides, symmetrical.
The subarachnoid spaces are locally expanded along the convexitatal surface of the brain and in the region of the lateral fissures. The median structures are not displaced. The cerebellar tonsils are usually located.
In the white matter of the right parietal lobe, a rounded focus of gliosis, 0.5 x 0.4 cm in size, is subcortically determined, without a perifocal reaction.
The mucous membrane of the turbinates is thickened, the nasal passages are narrowed, the patency is preserved. The deviation of the nasal septum to the right by 0.5 cm is determined.
Conclusion: MR picture of external replacement hydrocephalus. Focal changes in the substance of the brain of a residual nature. Curvature of the nasal septum.
Consultation of a neurologist, otolaryngologist.
Laura was told that everything is fine. We live in the region for a consultation with a neurologist will not get soon. I'm very worried about what it is, how serious it is and whether it is curable.

According to this conclusion, there are signs of replacement hydrocephalus, which happens in such cases: increased intracranial pressure, changes in blood vessels and metabolism, encephalopathy, etc. Treatment in each case is prescribed by a neuropathologist based on the study of anamnesis, research protocols, personal examination and patient complaints. You should not worry ahead of time, but try to get to a neurologist in a timely manner, who can prescribe adequate treatment. You can get more information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website: Replacement hydrocephalus

Andrew asks:

MRI of the brain revealed residual focal changes in the left cerebral hemisphere.
with mra of cerebral vessels, a violation of the course of the intracranial section of the right vertebral artery is determined.
explain in simple terms what is this? and is it curable?

Residual changes is a term meaning residual effects of encephalopathy, that is, those changes that could have formed as a result of trauma, hypoxia, intoxication, etc. In the event that you have any complaints, you must personally visit a neurologist to conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Magnetic resonance imaging

Faith asks:

In the white matter of the frontal, parietal lobes, numerous small foci of gliosis with fuzzy contours, without signs of perifocal edema, are determined subcortically and periventricularly. What is it in simple terms, does it mean that there used to be a micro stroke?

Gliosis foci can be figuratively compared with scars that develop in the tissues of the central nervous system as a result of past illnesses in particular: encephalitis, tuberous and multiple sclerosis, hypoxia, chronic hypertensive encephalopathy, epilepsy, long-term hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, etc. This change does not indicate a microstroke. I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist to prescribe adequate treatment. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Galina asks:

Hello.. I am 46 years old. I recently had an MRI of the brain.. because in the last month I had two hypertensive crises. I have hypertension and I take medication. Biprol, indopamide and lisinopril.. Until recently, there were no crises and I didn’t feel bad .. After the last attacks, my blood pressure dropped to 95 and frequent headaches began. MRI conclusion is as follows: MRI picture of arachnoid changes of the liquor-cystic nature. Focal changes in the white matter of the brain, dystrophic. Periventricular zones of gliosis changes .. Tell me what it means and whether I need to see a doctor .. Thank you ..

Polina asks:

Hello! I am 20 years old.
The history of my illness is as follows: at the age of 4, episyndrome was diagnosed, there were 3 attacks, after 5 years the diagnosis was removed. At the same age, there were 2 craniocerebral injuries - strong blows to the back of the head.
At the age of 10, migraines began, every year they became more and more frequent. No painkillers are helping anymore.
With a migraine, the right side of the head hurts, spasms depart from the temple, the eye, cheekbone and jaw turn out. Very very sick. It hurts to walk and talk.
Sometimes there are very strong sharp and dull pains in the back of the head and to the left of the top of the head: a few blows and everything goes away.
Two months ago, pains began in the arms and legs: as if pressure points were pressed on the elbows and knees, such sharp attacks of pain, and then weakness.
I had an MRI and a duplex examination of the vessels of the neck a few days ago. The doctor diagnosed: VVD and moderate angioencephalopathy.
I have my doubts because some of the symptoms, such as seizures, are not explained by these diagnoses.
Here is what is written in the MRI: in the subcortical regions of the frontal lobes of both hemispheres, single foci of gliosis of a dystrophic nature are detected. There is an expansion of the perivascular spaces along the perforating vessels of the brain at the level of the basal ganglia at the supraventricular level.
In the conclusion on the duplex: signs of a slight extravasal impact V3 segment of the VA on the right with a slight drop.

Tell me, is it possible that the doctor made a mistake and I have something else or something besides this?

Unfortunately, it is possible that the previous seizures were a manifestation convulsive syndrome which could be the result of injury. I recommend that you also do an EEG, which will allow you to judge the presence or absence of a tendency to develop a convulsive syndrome. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: EEG

Polina comments:

This is clear, thank you. What about foci of gliosis? I read that a brain tumor - glioma - consists of gliosis. Can it develop from isolated lesions into something more serious?

Gliosis foci and glioma are different concepts. Gliosis foci are the replacement of nervous tissue by neuroglial cells. Gliosis foci appear as a result of hypoxia, encephalopathy, encephalitis, prolonged arterial hypertension, multiple sclerosis, and many other diseases. Treatment in this case is carried out by the underlying disease. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography - the latest diagnostic method

Ludmila asks:

Hello! I had an MRI at the age of 52. In the white matter and subcortical regions of the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, foci of gliosis up to 0.4 cm in size are determined, without a perifocal reaction: please explain what this means? more likely, dystrophic in nature. MR signs of moderately severe mixed substitution hydrocephalus! How to understand this, please explain, and is it worth raising a panic about this !!! or not scary !!!

These changes do not cause panic - they are age-related and could result from hypertension, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, hypoxia, etc. In this situation, you need to visit the attending neurologist on a planned basis, who, after an examination, a thorough study of the anamnesis and an assessment of the results of the studies, will be able to prescribe you adequate treatment. You can get more detailed information on the questions you are interested in in the thematic sections of our website by clicking on the following links: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Marina asks:

Hello, I am 20 years old. Here are the results of the mri.
Received T2 weighted and FLAIR tomograms of the brain in the axial projection, FLAIR tomograms - in the frontal projection, T1 weighted - in the sagittal projection. Focal formations, pathological changes in the intensity of the MR signal in the cerebral hemispheres, brainstem and cerebellum were not detected. Median structures are not displaced. The ventricular system is not deformed, of normal size. The lateral ventricles are slightly asymmetric (S>D). The cisternal spaces of the brain are usually expressed and symmetrical. The convexital subarachnoid sulci are unevenly expressed, the pattern of the sulci of the cerebral hemispheres is enhanced. Slightly expanded subarachnoid space of the parietal lobes, left occipital lobe and right lateral fissure. The pituitary gland is differentiated, not enlarged. Cerebellar tonsils on the Chamberlain line. Bridge-cerebellar angles without additional volumetric formations, the internal auditory canals are not dilated.
Tell me, is this serious and who should I turn to for treatment?

These changes are not threatening and can be observed with intracranial hypertension, with replacement hydrocephalus and other pathologies, so I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist to prescribe treatment. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography

Nicholas asks:

Conclusion: MR-picture of ischemic stroke in the basin of the terminal branches of the left posterior, middle cerebral and partially anterior cerebral artery (acute-subacute st) against the background of small-focal changes in the white matter of the occipital, parietal lobes of vascular origin from both starons.
Woman, 54 years old, 110/65 sugar and cholesterol are normal. Recovery prospects. Thank you.

The existing changes are quite serious, therefore, they require monitoring in dynamics. You need to receive comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a neurologist, as well as continue monitoring, which will determine the prospects for recovery. You can get more detailed information on the issue that interests you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Stroke. You can get additional information about magnetic resonance imaging in the relevant section of our website: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Ludmila asks:

Hello, my son is 13 years old, in the last month he started having seizures, before that he had never had them. We were sent for an MRI.
MRI of the brain showed no mass lesions. Supra, paraventricularly at the posterior horns, small single foci, up to 2 mm in diameter, with a hyperintense MR signal in the T2w image are determined. Subarachnoid spaces are moderately locally enlarged over the surface of the brain. Sylvian fissures are not widened. The differentiation of the gray and white matter of the brain is not disturbed.
Basal cisterns of the brain (parasellar, interpeduncular, big vein brain, pontine) are not dilated.
The lateral ventricles are not dilated, symmetrical, at the level of the bodies on the right 8 mm, on the left 8 mm.
The third and fourth ventricles are not dilated.
The median line of the brain is not displaced.
The basal ganglia are unchanged.
Stem departments, area without features. Bridge-cerebellar angles without changes.
Turkish saddle - location, shape, contours, dimensions are usually visualized. The pituitary gland, its funnel and epiphysis are usually located, the shape and size are not changed.
Craniospinal transition without changes.
Eyeballs, retroorbital tissues and optic nerves without features.
Paranasal sinuses - local edema of the mucous membrane of the ethmoid labyrinth on the right, mastoid processes, middle and inner ear are usually visualized.
Bone-destructive changes were not revealed.
At the level of C1-C4 in spinal canal- without pathological formations.
Please tell me how serious and dangerous it is for my son?

According to this conclusion, signs of intracranial hypertension are not excluded. To determine the nature of seizures, I recommend that you do an EEG and personally consult with a neurologist. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: EEG

Tatyana asks:

I was 39 and had an MRI without contrast.
Conclusion: MR-signs of calcification of the crescent, a single vascular focus in the parietal lobe on the left, expansion of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces.
Didn't understand a single word. What is it? The unknown is frightening.

These changes in themselves are not a diagnosis, they reflect the visible changes that could be identified as a result of computed tomography. In this situation, intracranial hypertension, changes in the vascular nature are not excluded, therefore you need to personally visit a neurologist for an examination, study of research protocols, comparison of the available results with clinical symptoms etc., after which the attending physician will be able to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography (CT)

Marina asks:

Hello! A 10-year-old son was diagnosed with focal gray matter heterotopia in the region of the central part of the left lateral ventricle. Please tell me what is it?

Gray matter heterotopia is not a diagnosis, this change characterizes a shift in the localization of gray matter in a certain area, which is a malformation of the brain. Clinical changes in this case may be absent. To determine further management tactics, a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures, you need to personally consult with your neuropathologist, who will conduct a personal examination and evaluate changes in dynamics. You can get more detailed information on your question in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon! Age 36, frequent headaches. According to the MR picture, there are single foci of gliosis of a vascular nature in the white matter of the frontal lobes. Mild external hypotrophic hydrocephalus. According to x-ray data, SHOP - osteochondrosis, 2-4 period. Tell me what it is all together? Thank you.

Gliosis foci are damage to the tissues of the central nervous system of a different nature. Proliferating glial cells are supportive cells of the nervous tissue that protect and help repair nerve tissue. Given the vascular nature of gliosis, its probable cause are vascular disorders that could occur against the background of vascular disorders - arterial hypertension, encephalopathy, impaired microcirculation of the brain, as a result of trauma, etc.

I recommend that you personally visit a neuropathologist for an examination, a thorough study of the research protocols and the appointment of adequate treatment. You can get more detailed information on the subject of your interest in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Natalia comments:

Thank you very much for your reply. Whether it is possible to specify, this diagnosis is how much serious.

This conclusion in itself is not a diagnosis, but only reflects the changes that have developed against the background of the disease. Your attending neuropathologist can establish an accurate diagnosis after studying the study protocols, familiarizing yourself with the anamnesis data, complaints and conducting a personal examination. You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Natalia asks:

Please tell me what the conclusion means
MRI of vasogenic brain lesions, I am 49 years old, thanks in advance
how to proceed

This conclusion indicates vascular changes, which may be age-related, associated with cerebrovascular disease, encephalopathy, hypertension, etc. In this situation, I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist to prescribe adequate treatment. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: MRI

Elena asks:

Small-focal process in the white matter of the frontal and parietal lobes, the picture is non-specific, it is possible with the outcome of perinatal damage, with angioencephalopathy 1 tbsp. Suspicion of pituitary microadenoma, prima clinic. Left sinusitis. Please decipher. 7 years ago, an operation was performed on the thyroid gland, hemithyroidectomy with the removal of paratracheal fat on the left, I took L-teroxin, TTG 1.9

Given the suspicion of a pituitary microadenoma, a personal study of the research protocols and monitoring over time is required, which will allow you to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, so I recommend that you personally visit a neurologist.
You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography (CT) Neurologist and neuropathologist.

To correct the dose of L-Thyroxine, it is necessary to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland, so you need to pass a detailed analysis for thyroid hormones, including the following indicators: TSH, T3, T4, AT-TPO, as well as an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, after which you will personally consult with your doctor endocrinologist. You can get additional information on this issue in the sections: Thyroid gland - hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, as well as in the section: Endocrinologist

Svetlana asks:

Good afternoon! A 2-year-old child has a white matter cyst on tomography on the left and an expansion of n / cerebrospinal fluid. Is it dangerous? When do I need to do a second tomography?

In the presence of such changes, observation in dynamics is recommended, including repeated tomography after 6-12 months. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the relevant section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography. Additional information you can also get in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Julia asks:

Good afternoon. did the child 2 g 3 mri in conclusion they write signs focal formation cystic character in the white matter of the temporal lobe of the left hemisphere goal. brain - a local expansion of the perivascular space of Virchow-Robin, or a small cerebrospinal fluid cyst. Tell me please. what does it mean and what does it mean. The child during sleep apnea. Could this cause what is shown on the MRI to be apnea?

Unfortunately, without a personal study of the study protocols, it is not possible to draw a conclusion. However, such a symptom as apnea can be caused by a CSF cyst, so I recommend that you personally consult with a pediatric neurologist or neurosurgeon, as well as continue monitoring over time - MRI should be repeated at least once a year. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: MRI. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Elena asks:

conclusion: MRI signs of Arnold-Chiari I anomaly. Small-focal changes in the frontal lobes of both hemispheres of dyscirculatory genesis

Arnold-Chiari anomaly is a congenital pathology of the rhomboid brain, often combined with hydrocephalus. If the only symptom of this disease is a pain symptom, then conservative treatment is prescribed, including muscle relaxants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the event that the effectiveness of such treatment is not observed and signs of a neurological deficit appear (numbness and weakness in the limbs), then it is recommended surgery.

I recommend that you personally visit a neurosurgeon who, after examining and studying the protocols of the study, will prescribe an adequate treatment for you. You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Computed tomography (CT) . You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Valentina asks:

Hello, please explain the MRI diagnosis - a picture of external internal hydrocephalus. Dystopia of the tonsils of the cerebellum.

The changes found as a result of the study are mainly associated with vascular disorders, that is, they could arise due to arterial or intracranial hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. I recommend that you personally consult with the attending neuropathologist, who, after a thorough study of the study protocols, examination and study of the anamnesis data, will prescribe you adequate treatment.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon! Decipher, please, MRI. Dad is 55 years old, he has frequent headaches, lately he often has chills, shakes his whole body for 10-15 minutes, then passes. MRI shows multiple foci of hyperintense MR signal on T2WI and FLAIR ranging in size from 3 to 9.4 mm without perifocal edema.
The third ventricle, up to 4.4 mm wide, is located centrally. On MR angiography, the basilar artery is elongated and wide. There is asymmetry of the vertebral arteries, the right one is narrower than the left one. Conclusion: focal changes in the brain of a vascular nature, an elongated basilar artery.
This is dangerous? retrocerebellar cyst

Thanks in advance for your reply!

A retrocerebellar cyst is a formation in the form of a cavity or bladder filled with fluid. Such a formation can occur in any part of the brain. In modern practical medicine, such formations are not considered pathological and are considered as one of the options for the structure of the brain. Most often, they are discovered by chance during an MRI, since they are not accompanied by any complaints.

The expansion of the perivascular spaces in the area of ​​the basal structures, as well as the expansion of the subarachnoid convexital spaces, are signs of external replacement hydrocephalus - the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricular system of the brain due to the fact that its movement to the places of absorption into the circulatory system is difficult. I recommend that you personally consult with your neuropathologist to conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Hope asks:

I suffer from headaches, I turned to a neurologist and sent for an MRI. On MRI they gave a conclusion: MR picture of a single focus of demyelination in the substance of the brain. It is also written that in the right frontal lobe, a focus of increased intensity of the MR signal up to 0.5 cm in size with fuzzy contours is determined subependymally - a focus of demyelination of a residual nature. I would like to know the interpretation of the diagnosis, because my neurologist cannot decipher and how to treat such a disease, headaches still torment, the right side of the face comes to numbness, the neck hurts.

The appearance of foci of demyelination is not a diagnosis, it is a symptom that occurs in a group of autoimmune neurological diseases and, in some cases, multiple sclerosis. Also, foci of demyelination can occur after suffering encephalitis, meningitis, influenza, borreliosis, yersiniosis, and brain injuries. In this situation, a detailed study of the neurological status is recommended, so I recommend that you visit your neuropathologist, and you also need to study the immune status, in connection with which you need to make an immunogram and personally consult with an immunologist.

Neurologist and neurologist. You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Immunity is the basis of good health

Alice asks:

I am 21 years old. From the age of 14 VVD and hypotension, anemia. They treated him permanently with injections, prescribed massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, drank mainly Piracetam, Cavinton, Glycine, vitamins. In June there was an exacerbation: headaches, deterioration of memory, vision, bad dream, emotional outbursts, depression, fatigue, nosebleeds appeared, with heat and weather changes, a fainting state. previous x-ray diagnoses: signs of hypertension. Has addressed to the neuropathologist has sent on MRT.
in the white matter of the left frontal lobe, a linear section of a hyperintense T2-WI T2-TIRM mr signal up to 0.4 by 0.2 cm is determined paraventricularly. The lumen of the vessel is visualized in the area of ​​the zone of changes.
everything else is within the normal range.

The MRI concluded:

MRI picture of a single focal change in the left frontal lobe.

Decipher please the diagnosis of MRI and give recommendations, if you can.

Such changes may be of vascular origin, but, unfortunately, personal study of study protocols is required for evaluation. I recommend that you personally visit the attending neurologist, who will conduct an examination, study the protocols of the study, and then be able to give further recommendations.

You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Ella asks:

Hello! Help me figure out my problem. I'm 36 years old. Six months ago, my head began to hurt sharply. There was a strong jump in pressure 170/110. At the moment, the head constantly hurts (whiskey, back of the head - pain it can be different), at night, including, lays the ears, periodically the pressure rises to 150/110, sometimes the hands go numb, or there is a tingling sensation in the fingers, I feel that vision is decreasing. It also hurts the neck and spine in the upper part. I went through some tests. Here are the results. SKT SHOP-Determined by a decrease in the height of the intervertebral spaces in the C2-7 segments; sealing the end plates of bodies C2-7; marginal bone growths along the anterior contour of the C4-6 apophyses. Manifestations of uncoarthrosis C4-5 and C5-6 are noted. In the atlanto-axial articulation, an uneven narrowing of the joint space, subchondral sclerosis of the articular surfaces, and marginal osteophytes are determined. Conclusion: CT signs of widespread osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Arthrosis of the atlanto-axial joint, uncoarthrosis. MRI of the head - subarachnoid convexital spaces are slightly expanded in the parasagittal parts of the fronto-parietal regions, single furrows are slightly deepened. middle structures not revealed. Hydrocephalic signs are weakly expressed. The M-echo signal is split. Ultrasound of the heart - conclusion: moderate hypertrophy of the left ventricle, impaired diastolic function. Ultrasound of the brachiocephalic vessels - conclusion: the tortuous course of the vertebral arteries on the right and left is hypodynamically significant in segments 1 and 2. Velocity indicators in the vertebral arteries on the right and left are increased (more on the right) - impaired blood flow. Venous dysfunction according to the VAV on the left. Ultrasound of the kidneys - no pathologies. Examination by an ophthalmologist - angiopathy of the retinal vessels (signs of moderately severe intra/cranial hypertension). 11.00), high-density lipoprotein 1.13 (norm >1.15), atherogenic index 3.04 - risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease (norm 0.00-3.00). Are these test results the cause of my headaches, and what treatment is needed? Thanks in advance!

Given the data provided, it is possible that your condition is due to many reasons, including hypertension, ischemic heart disease, widespread osteochondrosis and intracranial hypertension syndrome. I recommend that you personally consult with the attending cardiologist and neuropathologist, who, after the examination, will prescribe you a comprehensive, adequate treatment.

You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: High blood pressure. Arterial hypertension and in a series of articles: Osteochondrosis

Svetlana asks:

in the cerebral hemispheres - foci, hyperintense on Flair (residual changes). What does it mean?

Please indicate the age of the patient, after which we can interpret the existing changes. You can find out more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: EEG (Electroencephalogram). You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

popova asks:

Age 22 years. Violations occur throughout the year menstrual cycle, concrete daub in the middle of the cycle. Menses always come on time. She underwent an examination, no infections were found, the harmots also seem to be normal. They sent me for an MRI of the pituitary gland. Results: the pituitary gland is usually located, has dimensions: sagittal - 1.2 cm; vertical - 0.7 cm; frontal -1.6 cm.
The contours of the pituitary gland are clear, even, its structure is one-year due to a small cyst of the intermediate zone with a diameter of up to 0.2 cm. The neurohypophysis is clearly differentiated by T1 VI. The infundibulum is located sagittally, the optic chiasm is without features, the distance from the superior pituitary cone to the chiasm is 0.3 cm. The siphons of both ICAs are without features. The mediobasal parts of the temporal lobes are not changed, the distance between them is 2.9 cm. The sagittal size of the entrance to the Turkish saddle is 0.7 cm. Conclusion: MR picture of a small cyst of the intermediate zone of the pituitary gland.
Tell me what does it all mean? And is it related to menstrual irregularities? What to do with a cyst?

The presence of a cyst in the intermediate zone of the pituitary gland can lead to menstrual irregularities, provided that this feature accompanied by a violation hormonal background. To obtain an objective picture, we recommend that you take a blood test for sex hormones and personally visit an endocrinologist. You can get more detailed information on this issue in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Hormonal tests - types, principles of conduction, diagnosed diseases.

You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Hormonal disorders in men and women - causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and in a series of articles: Changes in the vascular nature detected as a result of MRI can be associated with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, intracranial hypertension, head injuries etc. The presence of a maxillary sinus cyst requires a more detailed consideration and careful study of the examination protocols, therefore we recommend that you personally visit both a neuropathologist and a maxillofacial surgeon who will examine you and prescribe adequate treatment for you (conservative or surgical, depending on the exact location of the cyst, its size). , growth dynamics, etc.).

You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

Lusine asks:

Hello! Thanks in advance. I am 29 years old, due to frequent headaches, I had an MRI of the brain and an MRA. Conclusion: MR picture of single small foci of altered signal in the white matter of the frontal lobes, more likely of a vascular (dystrophic) nature. Solitary small cysts on the right maxillary sinus. A variant of the development of the circle of Willis.

These changes are not pronounced or threatening: the variant of the development of the Circle of Willis means anatomical feature and is not a pathology; single small foci in the white matter can be formed with long-term vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, intracranial hypertension, etc. I recommend that you personally visit the attending neuropathologist for an examination and the appointment of adequate treatment.

You can get more detailed information on the issue of interest to you in the thematic section of our website by clicking on the following link: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) . You can also get additional information in the following section of our website: Neurologist and neuropathologist

sergey asks:

mr picture of the white matter of the brain, more likely, discircular genesis, expansion of the subarachnadal space of the convex. this is the last mri. and this is on the electroencelophogram.
According to the EEG data, it is possible to assume general changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain of an irrative nature against the background of dysfunction of the stem structures with paroxysmal activity from the fronto-central region and local paroxysmal activity from the right fronto-center-temporal region. both hemispheres. Indirect signs of intracranial hypertension.
doctor what is it and what to do?

According to the conclusion provided, you have moderate changes bioelectric activity brain, there are signs of intracranial hypertension of a moderate nature, as well as a decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness, that is, the possibility of developing a convulsive syndrome is not excluded. We recommend that you personally visit a neurologist for an examination and the appointment of adequate treatment.