Why do they sleep with their feet to the door. Why can't you sleep with your feet towards the door or towards the exit? Why you can't sleep with your feet to the door and your head to the window

  • The date: 27.04.2022

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


A long time ago, when the scientific point of view had not yet appeared and was not widespread in people's lives, our ancestors tried to understand what was happening by observing the world around them. Everything inexplicable was deified, since it was impossible to find out the true nature of things. Since those times, superstitions have gone that are present in modern life and occupy the minds of a large number of people. One of them is a question that torments many: is it possible to sleep calmly with your feet to the door in the bedroom? You will find the answer below.

What happens if you sleep in front of the door feet first

It would seem that in the modern world there should be no place left for old beliefs and signs - for example, that looking into a broken mirror promises seven years of misfortune, and a black cat that crosses the road guarantees failure. However, there are many people who fully or partially believe such things. There is nothing surprising in this, because for thousands of years, before the latest discoveries in the world of science, all inexplicable phenomena were considered the machinations of divine or vice versa - diabolical forces.

Such superstitions include the controversial question of whether to sleep with your feet to the door. Where did it come from? The fact is that earlier, when our ancestors did not have the opportunity to realize what was happening through the understanding of physical or biological laws, people watched the world. Observing, they systematized the acquired knowledge, revealed their own patterns, which eventually led to the emergence of certain beliefs. Read more about why in ancient times they did not sleep with their feet to the door, read below.

Superstitious folk signs

Interest in whether it is possible to sleep with your feet towards the exit arose among different nationalities. The Chinese, Scandinavians, Slavs - everyone thought about the correct location of the bed for sleeping in order to better fill up with strength and avoid unpleasant consequences. Our ancestors came to the conclusion that you can’t sleep with your feet to the door, and there is an explanation that justifies this state of affairs:

  • Slavs. Many peoples, including the Slavs, perceived the door to the room as a kind of portal that opens the way to other worlds. Our ancestors believed that just behind the legs, evil forces are able to take the soul to the Underworld. And if you sleep with them to the door, then they have the opportunity to easily do this. So, falling asleep in a similar way, a person could no longer wake up. This superstition can be explained by the fact that many people in the old days died in their sleep.
  • Scandinavians. A beautiful explanation why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door contains an old Scandinavian legend. It says that there are three worlds: one is visible, where people live, this is Midgard. Everything we look at and touch refers to him. The other is Asgard. This is the other world of the gods, divine creatures that protect the Scandinavian people. And the third world is Utgard, a terrible place immersed in darkness, inhabited by monsters, dead people, monsters and evil spirits.

The northern people also did not become an exception, considering the doorway to be an exit to another world. They considered a night's sleep like a little death, during which the soul leaves the body and goes on a journey. The position for falling asleep with feet to the door meant that the soul could go out and go to Utgard, and returning from there was much harder than getting there. If the soul failed to return, death occurred. What, according to the beliefs of different nations, leads to if you sleep with your feet towards the exit:

  • Terrible nightmares are dreaming, awakenings are possible, lack of strength after sleep.
  • The general state of health worsens, diseases appear.
  • Possible death.

Why not - Feng Shui explanation

Feng Shui is an ancient teaching on the organization of the surrounding space, contributing to the best circulation of energy for certain human purposes: sleep, rest, work. The belief that one should not sleep with one's feet to the door, according to this teaching, is not associated with the dead or death, but another explanation is given. Energy circulates through the human body, and its main goal is to preserve and accumulate it in order to feel good, maintain health and excellent mental well-being.

People who study feng shui or are masters in it do not recommend the position to sleep with their feet towards the exit of the room. It is believed that too much energy flows through the door, which a person must receive to replenish his strength. If you sleep like this, then after waking up there will be no feeling of rest, on the contrary, a person will wake up tired, broken, will not be able to rest or work normally. A few more signs are associated with feng shui and folk beliefs with sleeping in front of an open door or mirror:

  • A mirror is an object that doubles everything: both bad and good. According to Feng Shui, a mirror is able to double the negative energy that sharp corners carry in a room.
  • Through the mirror, according to ancient stories, a pair of eyes from the other world watches a person.
  • If a person sleeps and is reflected in the mirror, this can adversely affect his personal life. And if a couple is sleeping, it is possible the destruction of relationships, betrayal.
  • Mirrors can absorb information, and therefore if bad things (quarrels, death) are reflected in them, it is not recommended to sleep in front of them.

Is it possible to sleep with your feet to the door - the opinion of psychologists

The opinion of psychologists about whether it is worth sleeping with your feet towards the exit is ambiguous. Much depends on how the person himself relates to the position of the bed, the head of which is located on the opposite side of the door. If a man or woman does not believe in signs, preferring a scientific view of the world, then no problems should arise - it is allowed to sleep, as convenient or pleasant.

However, many people, even unwittingly, partly believe that sleeping with their feet to the door is harmful or dangerous. If there is even a slight psychological discomfort associated with this belief, it is better not to torture yourself and place the bed with the headboard towards the exit or place it perpendicular to the entrance. Some psychologists believe that if you close the doors, people will be much easier to endure sleep, they will feel more comfortable.

Other experts have the opposite opinion, arguing that you need to sleep with your feet towards the door. Why is that? This is due to the fact that some people are much more comfortable seeing the exit, especially if someone else lives at home. You can always see who comes in and out. Professional psychologists talk about patients who could not sleep with their head to the door, because they felt the "pressure" of the outside world from there. This applied to large families, where it is almost always noisy.

How to sleep correctly - head first or feet to the door

There is no consensus on how to sleep correctly - head first or feet to the door. Each person must decide this for himself individually, evaluating his own faith in otherworldly forces, as well as psychological comfort in certain situations. If the bed is initially located with its feet to the door, and during sleep a man or woman experiences discomfort, it makes sense to rearrange the piece of furniture as you like.

There are many old superstitions that explain why you should not sleep with your feet to the doorway, and tell what consequences this can turn into. There is no scientific evidence that it is dangerous. However, a person's attitude strongly depends on what he believes. If a person is superstitious, then sleeping with his feet to the door will not bring him anything good.

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Can you sleep with your feet to the door

Arranging a rearrangement of furniture at home, we often recall superstitions that recommend a certain position and arrangement of things. For example: a mirror must hang in the hallway, but not in the bedroom. Below we will talk about one of them: why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door or window, what it threatens.

Why can't you sleep with your feet towards the exit?

Like all signs, this one came to us from our ancestors. The ancient Slavs had such beliefs on this topic:

  1. The door is a corridor to distant worlds, when you lie down to it in a certain direction, you may not wake up, as the soul goes into it through the legs for a walk. But in the morning she may not have time to return and the owner will not wake up;
  2. The Slavs escorted the deceased from the house feet first. It was believed that sleeping in the same position means becoming a dead person yourself;
  3. The portal works and vice versa. Evil spirits are trying to get through it to us, and they can also grab the legs and drag the soul through them.

Superstition has taken root so much that we still know about it and remember it when we put a bed in a room. Subconsciously we try to do it so that the legs do not look at the exit.

In this video, the esoteric Peter Marin will tell you why you should not sleep with your feet towards the exit:

Scandinavian legend

Sleep has always evoked magical associations in people, whether they are ancient people or modern people, Slavs or Scandinavians, Celts. Everyone had a rule how to sleep in order to wake up.

The Scandinavians divided the world into several parts:

  • Asgard is the home of the Gods;
  • Midgard - the world of people;
  • Utgard - the domain of demons.

According to their version, if you lie down incorrectly, you can activate the corridor to the demon world. Since the soul of the sleeper is weak and unprotected, it becomes vulnerable. Black demons take these with them, and they roam Utgard.

If a person is strong, he will be able to get out, but he will become mad forever. If not, he will die, and his spirit will wander around the world of demons, doomed to suffering, become embittered and become a black spirit.

Why can't the bed be placed with its feet towards the door?

East Asian peoples look at the problem from the perspective of Feng Shui - a Taoist practice that indicates how to organize space in relation to the energy around us. It helps to create harmonious and inharmonious structures in the room, distributing objects in a certain way so that furniture and interior items do not fall into the wrong flows and are charged with positive energy.

The philosophy of Feng Shui believes that if the bed is in such a way that you will lie to the exit with your feet, the forces will throw you, as disruption of the circulation. Of course, you will not die, but you will feel tired in the morning, as if you had not slept. Depression, spleen, and possibly headaches will begin. Because of this, problems at work, quarrels with loved ones are inevitable.

However, do not wind yourself up, look around, for sure, many acquaintances are sleeping with their feet towards the exit and feel great.

What is the best way to organize space?

Correctly positioning the bed can be difficult, it simply does not allow the size or features of the room. Scientists have recognized that it is better to rest, repeating the direction of the Earth's magnetic fields - head to the north, feet to the south.

  • Between the window and the door, streams constantly passing between them will provoke disturbances in the body. Or a cold back, at least;
  • If this is a house and the ceilings in it are sloping, organize a resting place so that it does not fall under the sloping wall. Place the bed at least between inclined surfaces, without leaning;
  • See that there are no holes on top;
  • Feet to the corner;
  • Feet to the reservoir visible outside the window.

Contrary to popular belief, do not hang talismans at the head, fans or paintings. The space must be free for the movement of energy. But under the bed you can put happy objects.

Other features of the bed location

If you navigate in the directions of magnetic fields, orient the bed to the cardinal points as follows:

  • To the north - for excellent intuition, foreboding;
  • Northeast - favorably affects people of creative professions, scientists;
  • East - gives everyone a sound restful sleep;
  • Southeast - gives strength, helps to be persistent, not to give up in difficult situations. This direction is good for people who are insecure, poorly resistant to stress;
  • South - affects reputation and fame. If you want to become famous, raise your reputation, choose a place to the south;
  • Southwest - favors good relations with close loved ones;
  • Western streams are good for children, their health. If there is a baby bed in the house, place it against the western wall;
  • Northwest for irritable, those who have problems with nerves, bad self-control. You will become calmer, more positive.

If the sleeping place is intended for two, their birthdays matter, how much they contradict each other, and disrupt the energy flows. But that's another story.

Why can't you sleep with your feet to the window?

It turns out that it is also not good to rest with your feet to the window. Superstitious people believe that not only the door, but also the window opening is a transition to other worlds, through which evil spirits can take you away. However, all these are signs and superstitions that have no scientific justification. You can sleep any way you like. and as far as space permits.

It happens, of course, that you go to bed and cannot close your eyes all night, you rearrange the bed and get a good night's sleep. But most likely it is self-hypnosis. Sleeping at the window is harmful with your head, as you can chill your neck, catch a runny nose or blow your head out, which will start migraines.

Or, on the contrary, batteries are usually located under the window, next to which it can be stuffy. Resting in stuffiness is bad, the brain does not get enough oxygen, you wake up broken. But people lie down with their feet to the window and then feel good. Unless, of course, they are superstitious to the extreme.

So, we considered several options for why you can’t sleep with your feet to the door and where this sign came from. They also gave some Feng Shui placement tips. We wish you good health and good sound sleep.

Sleep position video

In this video, Alexander Boyarsky will tell you in which direction you need to keep your legs in a dream and why:

A huge number of superstitions are associated with sleep and this is not surprising. The human body is most vulnerable to external energy during sleep. One of the most popular and controversial beliefs is where exactly to direct the head in a dream.

Most people just explain everything with mysticism and say “in ancient times everything was like this, they better know and all that). But if you look at the versions of this legend in different countries, you can see a certain pattern that has already been described and told. Let's analyze their opinion together, as well as what Feng Shui and the opinion of Chinese thinkers advise us.

In accordance with Slavic and Scandinavian mythology, during sleep, the door symbolized a portal to another, other world. First, let's analyze our Slavic history. In accordance with this, it is most dangerous to sleep not with your head to the door, but with your feet. This is due to another sign - the dead man was carried away feet first.

And if a person fell asleep in such a position, he may no longer wake up, because with every second with which he was in this position of sleep, his soul leaves his body. In such cases, fortune tellers advise sleeping for about 1-2 hours so that the body does not feel empty inside. Another explanation, again connected with the portal, is that evil spirits enter our world through it, who want to steal the soul and body of the sleeping person.

According to Scandinavian mythology, you can’t just sleep with your head to the door, because then a portal to the world of demons opens - they penetrate the heads of the sleeping ones, can hypnotize him or even steal his mind and soul, leaving only an empty shell.

Let's take a look at the opinion of professional doctors from the very beginning. So, for example, several years ago, Sverdlovsk scientists conducted several experiments, the essence of which was as follows - they took 2 groups of volunteers (moreover, they were not told that they should not sleep with their heads to the door, or other advice), people from the first were deadly tired and ready were even on the rocks to fall asleep.

From the second group of people, on the contrary, they excited them with external stimuli (they showed militants, pumped up coffee, etc.). From the very beginning, one of the first group was led into an empty room. He lay down on the floor and fell asleep. There were no restrictions for him. After that, the experiments continued, only with a person from another group. And after a few repetitions, they found out that the tired lay down face

I would like to say that despite the huge number of different theories, superstitions and even the magnetic field of the Earth itself, this is the business of every person.

The best thing that the author can offer is just to practice placing your bed, and even better to get an “airfield” bed, which became famous not only for “erotic adventures”, but also for its huge space, so you can not move the bed, but lie down yourself as he wants it.

Many of us already subconsciously go to bed so as not to lie with our feet to the door. This sign is deeply enrolled in the subcortex. Why it happened and who really should not sleep with their feet to the door - further in the material.

What is the essence of superstition

It is believed that you should not sleep with your feet to the door, because it is similar to the funeral ritual - the deceased is carried out with their feet forward. And people began to believe in it a very long time ago. Here are the versions of the occurrence of signs:

Old Norse

People in Ancient Scandinavia believed that there were three worlds: the world of the gods in the sky, the world of people on earth and the other world where all the dead live. It was believed that only walls protect a person from the souls of dead people and monsters, and any doors are an exit to another world. Therefore, they always, and especially in a dream, tried to stay away from them.

Esoteric version

Esotericists are convinced that sleep and death have a lot in common. Like, the soul in one and the other case flies away to wander into the astral plane. And if the soul flies out the door, then it can get lost there and not return to this world. Then the person will naturally die.

By the way, it is because of this that the dead are carried away feet first - it is believed that this is the last path and they should not look for their way back.

What Science Says

Scientists and psychologists are convinced that there is nothing to worry about in a dream with feet to the door. Modern science refutes all versions. But some people really should not sleep with their feet to the door - those who are too worried about signs.

Sleep should be comfortable and deep, but if you worry about the position of the legs in relation to the door, then the dream will be disturbing, restless. A person can be tormented by nightmares or even insomnia. Therefore, scientists advise choosing the position in which you will feel maximum physical and psychological comfort.

Recall that we previously wrote about how gypsies raise their children. Perhaps our parents didn’t scare us with them for nothing in childhood? In any case, the methods of education and attitude towards children leave much to be desired. How do you look, for example, on marriages at the age of 13? Or distrust of doctors, and hence the lack of medicine? You can read about this and other interesting facts

A person needs sleep to restore the forces spent during the working day, and also for the brain to streamline the information received, the body to rest and prepare for a new day. A person spends about a third of his life in the arms of Morpheus, so properly organizing a night's rest is a paramount task. An ancient belief whether it is possible to sleep with your feet to the door indicates what this is fraught with and why this position of the sleeping person causes so much gossip among the people.

Why did our ancestors believe that you shouldn’t sleep with your feet to the door

The first traditions of home improvement came from the time of the birth of civilization, when a person was just beginning to learn about the world around him and draw conclusions and assumptions about its structure. At the beginning of time, the location of the human bed was explained only by security considerations.

None of the ancient people would have considered it reasonable to place a rookery at the exit. For the simple reason of a possible sudden attack by enemy peoples and tribes. The person had to have the maximum margin of time to react to a possible intrusion into the premises.

It was considered unacceptable to sleep with both head and feet towards the door. Over time, when people began to set up a night watch, live in fortified cities, etc., the traditions of not sleeping with their feet towards the exit not only did not disappear, but even got stronger. They received a "scientific", at that time, justification, having entered the world mythology and religion.

The ancient Slavs preferred not to sleep with their feet towards the exit

Ancient Slavic mythology considered the door a division between the worlds: the other world and the ordinary, earthly. The ancestors referred to the dream itself as “a little death”. They believed that the soul of a sleeping person leaves his body and travels in space. The doorway symbolized the transition to the other world, where mythical creatures and spirits lived.

If a sleeping person is positioned with their feet towards the door, then this made it possible for the spirits to lure the soul into their world when it left the body during the next rest at night.

If a person went to bed with his feet to the door, then he, as it were, showed otherworldly forces the predisposition of the soul to move into their world. When the astral body passed into the parallel world of spirits, it became impossible to return. In this case, the body of the sleeping person, without waiting for the soul that lived in it, also could not remain alive and died. All cases when a person did not wake up in the morning were explained in this way.

Explanation from the point of view of the ancient Scandinavians

The Scandinavian peoples also believed that it was impossible to put the bed with your feet to the door. Their mythology in this matter was similar to the ancient Slavic. The Scandinavians believed that the whole world was divided into three parts:

  1. Asgard is the highest central circle in which the gods lived.
  2. Midgard is the earthly world with the people inhabiting it.
  3. Utgard is the habitat of all kinds of monsters, monsters and evil spirits.

The ancestors of modern Swedes and Norwegians also thought that the human soul leaves the body during sleep and walks around the world. Positioning with feet towards the exit made the following fatal scenarios possible:

  • The soul of a person, which came out through the legs, could mistakenly cross the threshold between Midgard and Utgard and get into the other world. The impure force living there tangled the newly arrived soul, it could not return to the body, the person died.
  • Approximately the same scenario, only the monsters and monsters of Utgard took the initiative. They waited for the soul on the edge of the worlds, when she was near, carried her along. There was no return from the other world.

Similar views of the Scandinavians and Slavs are quite understandable. Many traditions and customs of neighboring peoples were intertwined, borrowed and supplemented.

What do Orthodox Christians think about such a situation in a dream

Orthodoxy has no explanation about the transition of the soul to the other world and its possible eternal stay there due to sleep with feet to the door. Direct statements about the position of the bed in the bedroom also do not exist. But the opinion of the Orthodox is unanimous: in no case should you sleep with your feet towards the exit.

It comes out of clear associations with the deceased. The coffin with the body was always placed in the direction of the entrance, the dead man was carried out in the same order: feet first. For this reason, one of the persistent folk signs was born.

Sleeping with feet forward in Islam

Faithful Muslims do not have direct recommendations in the Koran whether it is possible to go to bed in this position. Their religion assumes only that the head of a sleeping person should be directed towards the holy city of Mecca. Based on this rule, it can be assumed that a Muslim can lie down as he likes regarding the exit from the sleeping quarters.

What does feng shui say

The ancient Chinese take a strict position - you can’t sleep with your head or feet to the door. According to their deep conviction, Qi energy circulates inside the house. She enters the dwelling through the front door, and leaves it through the windows. You can not have a bed in her path.

The worst position would be when the head and legs are lined up in a door-window line. In this case, the Qi energy will actively interact with the sleeping person's life energy and partially take it with him. A person will sleep badly, get up tired. Then the body will weaken, and diseases will creep up.

According to the ancient Taoist teachings, in order for the sleeping position to be ideal, several recommendations must be followed:

  • The bed should have a high headboard and stand close to the wall.
  • Regarding the door to the room and the window to the street, it should be located somewhat diagonally, to the side.
  • The bedroom should not have sharp corners.
  • The color scheme should contain pastel tones of natural filling.
  • No need to sleep in front of a mirror.

Modern supporters of the use of ancient Chinese practices in today's everyday life believe that it is also impossible to place your feet in the direction of the balcony door.

The doorway is a separator between different areas in the house that have different energies. If the sleeper lies with his feet to the door, he risks losing too much of his own life force, respectively, the restorative night's rest will not succeed.

Choosing a bed with a cat

Since ancient times, there has been a steady tradition when a feline representative should enter the house first. In the beliefs of different peoples, a cat is considered a creature that is associated with the other world and is able to conduct a dialogue with its representatives. Therefore, by launching a furry friend into a new home, people hoped that the four-legged lawyer would establish a friendly dialogue with the brownie and other representatives of the astral world.

We also watched where the animal would sit down to rest. It was believed that he would find the most favorable area for organizing his bed or installing a crib.

The opinion of scientists on the admissibility of sleeping with your feet towards the exit

The well-known skepticism of physicists and mathematicians, who are unequivocally sure that all these traditions and signs are just idle conjectures of loafers, psychologists are not so categorical. In their opinion, healthy sleep can be ensured when not only physiologically acceptable conditions for sleep are created, but also there is a healthy, calm atmosphere during a night's rest.

Every person on a subconscious level has a number of prejudices and fears. Only people with a stable psyche, unwilling to trust signs and superstitions, sleep equally soundly in any position. Often, sleepers, head to the door, complain of anxiety, a constant need to control the space that is not visible to the eyes, the doorway. The same applies to those sleeping with their feet towards the exit. They often note weakness and depression, increased morning irritability after spending the night with their feet to the door.

Therefore, each person should individually approach the arrangement of the bedroom and the position of the bed in it, based on their own beliefs, beliefs and habits. The main thing is that sleep is calm, healthy and restorative.