The child involuntarily tilts his head. Tone or congenital muscular kryvoshoya (ICD)? The child holds his head

  • Date: 03.11.2019

The tendency to epilepsy and the beginning of its development is expressed in the peculiarities of the child's behavior, which should pay attention to parents: the earlier the diagnosis is, the more successful is the treatment.

Candidate of Medical Sciences M. Weintrupt

In most cases, epilepsy is a disease "come from childhood." The beginning of the disease falls on 6-10 years (18-20%), for 11-15 years (30% of cases). Usually, children themselves cannot understand that they are not in order, so adults should come to the rescue.

Most people believe that epilepsy is expressed exclusively in the form of convulsive seizures. However, there are no inclusive forms from which, as a rule, the disease begins. They usually do not notice or do not refer to signs of illness, although they are very important for early diagnosis.

So, for example, children are often predisposed to epilepsy, they get up and walk around the room, can move light furniture, shift things. On the winds, they do not answer questions. Then go to bed and, as a rule, do not remember anything. In other cases, the child sits in bed and falls asleep again, sometimes disappointing in the dream of unbearable words and sounds. Some children have such activity in a dream is the only manifestation of epilepsy, so parents should be obsessed with the child if he has such a feature.

Another distinguished symptom is nightmares. At the same time, the same "plot" of dreams repeated many times for a week. Nightmares about the attack, beating, murders are accompanied by a feeling of fear, sweating, heartbeat. When waking in memory, bright episodes of dreams are preserved. Children tend to talk about them and ask for help.

Often in a dream the child shouts, crying or laughs several times overnight. In the morning, children do not remember their dreams. In this case, the cry, crying, laughter is automatic speech and motor phenomena, accompanying an incompatible attack of epilepsy.

Such phenomena indicate the gradual development of the disease.

The initial stage of epilepsy is sometimes accompanied by short-term losses of consciousness in a child - the so-called absans ("Absans" in translated from French - the absence). At this point, the "disconnection of consciousness" occurs when from the side it may seem that the patients are freezing, thinking, frozen in place. In other cases, the patient rubs his hands in this state, compresses his fingers into the fists, tapping on the table, pale or blushes, it is studded or slowed down the pulse, muscles twitch. Two-three-month children can "nod" - rapidly tilted their heads forward. At six months, these "nodes" can be replaced by the outer head and the body forward.

These attacks arise under the age of 6 years. Later, at the age of 5-10 years, during the attack the patient rolls his eyes, throws the head back or raises hands. There may be impulsive attacks (aged 7-20 years), when various muscle groups, especially hands and shoulders, instantly shudder. Crossing the muscles can be observed when popping asleep, awakening, in a dream. These phenomena are found in 3% of patients in the initial stage of epilepsy.

One of the most frequent initial manifestations of epilepsy development is repeated headaches. For many weeks and even months, they may be the only symptom of the disease. Pains arise often and suddenly, fit, without any reasons, sometimes combined with nausea and vomiting, most often in the morning and in the afternoon, less often in the evening and at night. Headaches are usually not associated with head injuries.

Epilepsy sometimes begins with fainting. The difference between epileptic fainting from the attack of illness is that this faint arises slowly and is accompanied by muscle relaxation, and with epilepsy muscles are tense. In some patients, the only sign of epilepsy is a short-term speech disorder. Patients are well oriented well, everyone understands, continue to work or conversation, but can not speak. Sometimes they poorly understand the speech facing them, her sounds seem muffled. Usually such attacks occur 2-3 times a day.

The behavior of the child can also be an alarming symptom. If the child of preschool and early school age is too moving, easily excumbered, the eavesdown, scattered, then parents should relate to it more carefully. Usually, the "difficult" behavior of the child is informants of the kindergarten or teacher of primary school classes. However, the most often educators or parents themselves regard such behavior as flawed upbringing or the peculiarities of the age period.

But when the motor dismissal, the "swelling" of the child does not pass, and increases, aggressiveness is joined to it, the decline in the perception of new information, worsening attention, memory, low performance, then all this indicates the progression of the disease.

Noticing the phenomena described, you need to show the child to a neuropathologist. It is better to doubt and still go to the reception to a specialist, rather than hope for "maybe". Unfortunately, most parents are in no hurry to doctors for various reasons: someone believes that all this is connected with the peculiarities of the children's body, overwork, overheating in the sun, in touch, someone hopes that "everything will pass with age." However, dismissed forms of illness beaten by the road to convulsive supplies. But even after the first convulsive seizure, the doctor adds only 40-45% of cases.

Part of the patients begins to be treated in psychics, folk healers. After disappointing results, they finally appeal to doctors. A specialist can diagnose epilepsy only after the electroencephalographic study of the brain (EEG). Sometimes it happens that the first results of EEG do not reveal the inclined to cramps, especially if the attacks are night, and the study was made in the morning or during the day. Therefore, it is necessary to study the EEG in the dynamics.

If on time (and as early as possible) begin treatment, then it leads to effective results in 50-60% of patients. The seizures quickly disappear, mental disorders do not occur, memory, attention and other intellectual functions of the brain are not worse. Children continue to learn, and adults - learn and work. In short, the dangerous moments of the disease remain behind.

How many experiences delivers kroch parents, in the event that he has any feature of development. For example, you noticed that the child holds his headAnd immediately start to panic, but everything is not so scary, first you need to understand possible reasons.

So, when the kid only appears on the light, and more accurately his head is born, then she immediately turns the side, face to the inside of the mother's legs so that the body is easier to be born. It is, so many kids have a small deformation of the head and the tendency to keep it a little side.

The child holds his head

In the event that it was noticed from birth at once, but it became only a few weeks later, the reasons why the child holds the head of the side, maybe several. So often manifests which makes the neck being in such a position. To eliminate this cause, it will be enough to pass one or more massage courses and everything will be fine.

If, then the reason is either in generic injury, or in the underdeveloped muscles of the cervical and chest departments. It is necessary to treat this diagnosis in several ways, according to the means of special physical education, massage and the "proper" laying of the head. Under the last item implies the lining of a special pad in the form of a semicircuit or a dense roller rolled out of a nice skin fabric. In the complex, applying all these measures, starting from two or three weeks, will quickly return everything to its place.

Another of the most common causes may be pain in the earHere it can simply get water when bathing or prank draft. Accordingly, experiencing a certain discomfort, the baby is trying to bother (tilt) head to alleviate pain.

In any case, as soon as you saw that the child periodically holds the head of the side, immediately consult a good and competent doctor to make a diagnosis in a timely manner and start as quickly as possible, treatment. The main thing is not to panic, but to act and then everything will be in perfect order!

We continue the cycle of publications about congenital pathologies in newborns. In this article we will tell how to distinguish the muscular tone from Krivoshei.

Congenital Muscular Krivoshoye (ICD) One of the most common diseases of the newborn and takes 2-3 place after the congenital dislocation of the thigh and congenital closure. This diagnosis is often raised by experts, but sometimes it is not confirmed. Perhaps the baby is muscular tone. We will try to figure out what the different diagnoses are different and what to do parents in each case.

The main cause of the ICC is considered to consider congenital underdevelopment of breast-curable-bed-like muscles, injury during childbirth, as well as the generic injury of the cervical spine. The breast-curable-bed-like pair muscle is located on the side surface of the neck. With the reduction of the right muscle, the head leans to the right, and the face turns to the left; With the reduction of the left - on the contrary. If both muscles are reduced simultaneously, then the head throws back and moves somewhat.

Thus, when the head of the head is inclined towards the affected muscle and turned in the opposite direction with a simultaneous deviation back. The adapter and the blade with a pronounced curve on the side of the defeat above, the head of a healthy side is often bevered. The secondary changes in the IMD refers asymmetry of the face. With the average and severe degrees of the IMK (II-III), the child's lag in psychomotor development may be celebrated. With the growth of children who have undergone the ICD, the smooth of the cervical lordosis is noted, the formation of pathological kyphosis, the backlog in the growth of the vertebral bodies due to the injury of the sprout zones, the phenomena of osteochondrosis.

If you did not find the above signs of the ISK, but the baby loves to keep his head in one direction, sleep on one side, most likely there is a muscular tone. Watch your baby, and you will notice that the movement of the child is random and messy, it is not able to lift his head and keep it in a vertical position. Hands and legs are bent in all joints and pressed to the body, cams are compressed. This is explained by the fact that up to 3 months of age, the tone of the muscles of the hands and legs is increased (the so-called physiological tone). But the tone is different. Distinguish hypertonus (increased muscle tone) and hypotone (reduced tone).

We reviewed the main signs of diseases. Now let's talk about their treatment.
Treatment of IMD It begins early, from 2-3 weeks old, and necessarily includes the treatment of the situation (laying), massage and therapeutic physical education.

When treating the position of the child should lie on a half-life mattress, better without a pillow. Instead of the pillow under the head lay a folded twin-fold. It is very important that light, toys, chat with adults were from the affected muscle.

You can lay a child in a corrective position with the help of a ring wrapped into a cloth and laid under the back of the back, as well as incomplete sandbags (salt, beam), which are placed on bed on both sides of the head or from krivoshei (above the adapters). The procedure is carried out 2-3 times 1.5-2 hours per day. Since newborn children and breast-age children most of the time lie or sleep, this means is easily and efficient in use.

The correct position of treatment is the correct position of the entire body: it must be symmetrical, directly related to the head. To do this, you can put bags or "ruts" from the blanket from the armpits to the knees of the child. First time you have to watch the baby. Frequent jacks exclude the proposed laying.

Child need to easily lay the side. If a child sleeps on the side of Krivoshei, a high pillow is put under the head, if he lies on a healthy side, the pillow is not used at all. Very important properly wear a child on hands:

1. Taking a child in the hands of a vertical position, press it with breasts to yourself, your shoulders and shoulders of the baby should be on the same level. Turn the baby to the sick side, fixing this position with its cheek.

2. Taking the baby in a vertical position with his back to himself, turn his head into the sick side with his cheek and slightly tilt it into a healthy one.

3. Wear a child on the "patient" side face or back to yourself. At this time, maintain his head, lifting it in a healthy side.

Muscular Krivoshes can develop (and often occurs) in children with impaired muscle tone (asymmetry) or with a constant unilateral position in the crib. To avoid this, you must often shift the baby, approach it from different sides.

From the very beginning of the treatment of IUD massage It occupies the leading place, is carried out against the background of a secreting complex, corresponding to the age and development of the child. Massage appoints a doctor, and a qualified specialist should hold it. After the first course of massage, conducted by an experienced specialist, repeated courses can conduct parents carefully observing and trained by a massage therapist.

The course of the LFC is 15-20 classes, which are held daily or every other day with a break between courses in 1-1.5 months (parents are engaged in the main exercises). Until a year, the child should receive 3-4 courses of comprehensive therapy and another 2-3 course to 7 years of age. In addition, daily up to 2 years old parents should deal with a child 3-4 times a day for 5-15 minutes.

From an early age, children with Krivos are shown classes in the pool at a water temperature of 35-36 ° C. Special exercises in water:

1. The hands of the methodologist (or parents) under the back of the child lying on the back, the stroking of large fingers is carried out by stroking the breast-curable-bed-like muscle (neck of the child in water).

2. Smooth movement of the child in the same position per head, then right, then on the left side.

3. The circular movement of the child under the water is behind the head so that the affected side is on the outside of the circle.

4. The child in a sepper lies on the back, the legs are omitted. Methodist performs movement with hands on the parties - down, carrying out smooth correction of krivoshai, reinforcing craving from damage.

5. The child under the abdomen is supported under the chin, lead along the width of the pool. With the other hand, smooth spring movements, elevated adhesive hold in the water.
With light shapes of the ICD, it is recommended to use orthopedic devices. If it is impossible to correct the krivoshi massage and exercise leaving for operation. Pre-and postoperative periods are isolated, at the polyclinic stage of rehabilitation, the classes continue to 9-12 months. The main task of the LFC is a complete restoration of the functioned muscle function. For this purpose, various movements are used with resistance and burden in various positions. Correction of posture continues (especially in the thoracic).

Massage will help to cope with muscle tone. This is the most effective way to bring muscles to normal state, i.e. To balance the tone of the muscles of flexors and extensors of the limbs. However, the neurologist is needed before conducting procedures, as there are cases when the use of only massage is not enough.

The massage should be guided by the state of muscle tone. In particular, the muscles of extensors and flexors. On the hand, the bends are located on its inner surface, on the foot - on the rear surface. Flexors massage must lower the tone. In this case, relaxing massage techniques are applied: stroking, light rubbing and gentle kneading, vibration, shake. The massage of the extensors is aimed at improving the tone. Firing massage is being done: stroking, more energetic rubbing and kneading, stimulating pinching and impact receptions.

Complexes of daily classes with the baby you can find on our website. Classes are recommended to hold 2 months at the achievement, if there are no other appointments of the doctor. Before starting classes, consult your experienced masseur on how to make a massage correctly. After all, classes on the tone of the muscles have its own characteristics. For example, only those exercises that are associated with extinguision can be used for hypertension of muscle-flexor muscle limbs. In this principle, all active (i.e., when the child performs the movements on his own) exercises. As for passive (performed with the help of adult), the movements of the limbs, then up to 3 months they cannot occur, since if there is an increased tone of flexors, the execution of these movements is associated with the sharp resistance of the child and the danger of violence over it.

The main goal of the massage in the testimony of muscle tone is to balance the tone of the muscles of the flexors and extensors of the hands and legs. The number of sessions and their duration is assigned individually.

Grow healthy!

24.05.2008, 13:31

Hello. Please, help figure out. The barrancy proceeds normally, the birth of almost 42 weeks. The genipoxies did not have during pregnancy. The souls dropped at 32 weeks. FIRSULATED DURING THE INT Effectiveness Fights: The intervals between the fights were not reduced. 8 \\ 9 in AGPar.3880.53cm, head 36cm, breasts 35. In 2.5 weeks, colic and diarrhea began, which still did not pass. In 2 months, the neuropathologist has diagnosed: damage to the central nervous system, motor disorders syndrome, vegetative violations. The daughter did not hold the head on his stomach, did not rise from the position on the back. The obligion of the tone, walked on his side. I didn't sleep from noise, I practically didn't sleep. If you turn to her, Agukala, smiled (if not crying, usually immediately after waking up). Sucked right fist.Added injections, tablets, massage, LFK.Thopedoped put Krivoshei.I did the exercises that he showed: a frog, breeding of her hands. Massage, after which the daughter began to raise her head on his stomach, leaning on the palm Yeah in Kulak. In 3 months, Tremera Hand appeared, began to strongly squeeze his hands, pressing them to the body, the frog generally it became impossible to do, although in 2 months I did it calmly and my hands could have been breeding. You have stopped the brief. and spits around the river. The river. Sometimes can tell GU, but sleepy in the chest. When handling can smile. It's a hand with a hand, foot foot. The big finger stretch the toy, it takes better left. Maybe convey to the mouth, and maybe The bridge is highly like a bridge, especially when she doesn't like it: when I have been bathing in the bathroom, I want to feed the ass. At the stomach, I began to raise the ass. When you pull your hands, gets up on my feet. The notorologist said that it is neurology. Stand left to start the right. Put standing, then rose on the tiptoe. The head in the stomach position began to hold worse. Hands up, and then the plafhmy falls his nose. More than a massage course, electrophoresis with eufulin 4 months began to laugh at the goal S. The first time when the ears kissed her somewhere in 3.5. When I laughed once my grandmother, my husband and my height language 3 times in a row, when I distracted her from the roe. Now it is sometimes laughing when the ears have a whole and belly. But it is very rare. There is a taste of its reflection. Palsy tert-gums. It's tongues. Holds my hair and takes toys with two hands, says English. The teether in the form of plates on the ring takes, keeps, goes through sometimes. On the abdomen can take it, but I think unconsciously. The fur hare first did not cause interest, then began to touch him, take, suck (not always). With interest, it tightens his feet when I pull them up. I'd not keep my head, I decided to injeces: Cortexin. (I looked at how her peer behaves and her problems were obvious: it all the time smiles, does Bicycle, takes steps without tension, rises from the back, keeps his head on the abdomen) Now the 3rd injection. I do not see the results. I don't see it to massage it, do exercises, and it is compressed, and it is constantly (neurology is it or intestine? ??) when not sleeping, it cries almost constantly. After the scream, it seems. The urine's droplets emerge. The result of the urine analysis: the leukocytes 5. I did not wash it. The doctor said that this is normal. Discacteriosis never cured: From the phages allergic, normoflorine, Linex - no sense. I am good: 1st month + 900, + 2 cm, 2nd month + 1200, + 4 cm, 3rd month + 500, + 1cm, 4th month + 900, + 4 cm (now 7400.64 cm). Kataly 2-3 times. The last month of 5-8 times. I thought it would lose weight, because it eats bad. And I added well in the last month well. In the past month com, it grows and adds. I drink Normoflorin. And here neurology is very bothered. Why is it fraught with a stomach, swinging (the asymmetry of the tone, apparently). When I keep it vertically, clones to the side, leans cheek to your hand, which lies on his hand, My shoulder. Do not gulit. When a good mood can pronounce: Ha, Ho with the overall, A, W. Boogo, whimsides, something similar to GU, ha. Deposit of Ukolov (and maybe not) began to walk in the foot on the feet . From the positions on the back climbs the whole compressed and shrinking the angle, shouting after that. It turns on and turns on one, then on the other side. In such moments one hand in the mouth (plus some thing she took it), the other clings to Hair (she walked them so much!) Often it ends with a coup. After a meal, I have to hold it from the coups, and then it is Riven. When I ask you to turn it over, persuading the toy, it's not turning over, it's necessary to leave, it can immediately turn over to the left side ( It seems there is her damaged muscle, although one orthopedist said that she has no Rivosha: She looks at both sides, only with the inclination of the face and, depending on which side, the head is turned on the sofa at night, and then bends in the wheelchair. On the face of the eye below). On the face, too, can turn over, but very rarely. To send the hand, turns over. With 3.5 months turns over. There are almost always at the top holds, the right more pressed to the body. The irrigator prescribed more surmion, but I want the interval to do after injections and a course of massage. Tell me, is it dangerous that the daughter does not hold her head (drops it)? Today I observed for her: now it seems to not drop his head, lowers down and raises again. The hands tries to hold ahead, although they are driving around. 4 months and 4 days. Total that it can threaten the PCSC :-(. Can any coniferous baths led? I tried to bathe in a small bathroom in Valerianka, she was so sniffed. Only in a large bath, sometimes without a rheva bathes. In a small bath starts Koilding your legs and hands and hits, it doesn't get out of the big way. I had a sleepy endured. It slept for 2 hours. Now I'm not sleeping, screaming. Sometimes calms down, sometimes it can shout in the park :-(. Tell me, please shout :-( Do with a tone and how to make her keep her head.

24.05.2008, 14:19

From your text, I could not understand that with a child, there is not a single statement. Emotional descriptions do not clarify the picture. Definitely do not need "neurological medicines" (Cortexin, Sermion, etc. - see Search for the Forum), because They do not treat anything.

24.05.2008, 14:27

It is not clear why to stimulate walking in a child of 4 months. : EEK:
The transition from the walking towards the "rattling" lips just also corresponds to age. Generally written a lot and not entirely clear.
The algorithm will be like this: first respond to Vasily Yuryevich, because neurology worries you.
After that, if you decide to deal with the girl, we will pick up a set of exercises.

24.05.2008, 15:19

Map in the clinic. I am on Monday. The presentation for 2 months: 1st neurologist: a satisfactory condition, the reaction to the inspection is calm. Increased nerves within the norm. The head of the head in the right. Tonse of the muscles of the hands is moderately reduced in the proximal departments. Such Hands Live DS.Tonus Music Muscles-Dystonia. The reflex is revived by D \u003d S.Poras practically no. The track for (incomprehensible, truck ...) + - DZ: hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system, recovery period, motion syndrome. on right.
2nd neurologist (very illegible): In the neurological status, the installation krivoshoye on the right, tone disorders with an extrapyramidal (?) Component are more in the hands, with \\ x reflexes with a wide zone in ... vania, more right. Top-emotional, deoperate development corresponds to age Features Mr. Ischemic damage N.S. (Combined), motor disorders syndrome (genisindrome? Right), Vegetheological visceral dysfunctions, installation Krivoshoya .... Vacation of the head 3 points. Naklon heads left, turn to the right. Ton of muscles Domestic... Drawn thighs 90.Tlin the legs equally. Dz: Consequences ... Injuries ... Installation Krivoshoye.
In another 3 months, a neurologist watched. Napice on Monday. Expert inspection at 5 months from orthopedic and neurologist

24.05.2008, 15:22

Polina, Vasily Yuryevich I can answer only on Monday (as I wrote). And working with my daughter is ready now :-)

24.05.2008, 18:09

Then begin with the survey. Let's start with motor features. Try to answer exactly and informatively:

Pose on the back:

On stomach
Describe pose

On the side
on belly
on the back

stretches and takes a toy
Hold her in hand

pulls toy in mouth

25.05.2008, 10:25

Pose on the back:
1. Does leg raises if yes, then whether the crushes rises
2. Does your hands behind a toy, straightens the hand completely, or only forearm
3. When sitting down the head behind the case, on the same level, is ahead of

2.De. Yes, only the shoulders are clamped.

25.05.2008, 12:29

Pose on the back:
1. Does leg raises if yes, then whether the crushes rises
2. Does your hands behind a toy, straightens the hand completely, or only forearm
3. When sitting down the head behind the case, on the same level, is ahead of

1.De, no.
2.De, shoulders clapped, more on the right.
3. Laptops (head a little forward throws out)

On stomach
Describe pose
Lie with a support on the elbow. How long.
Can take toys in this posture
Can straighten your hands in the elbows

First lies with a support on the palm of the palm (your fingers are almost okay), then immediately falls on the elbows. When it gets tired, tilts the head and fist in the mouth, then rises again. And how is the time to count? Maybe it's time to lie, but often the head lowers on the fists and them mouth. So only a few days. Stayed leaning on the palm, after a few minutes I was tired and the plafhmy nose fell :-(
Toys do not take.

On the side
on belly
on the back

Turns over on the side and immediately on the stomach, without delaying. On my side it is uncomfortable to lie

Small Motorika: What does a girl do from this?
stretches and takes a toy
Hold her in hand
Whether shifting out of his hand in hand.
pulls toy in mouth

Does everything. Other time toy holds, sometimes it immediately throws. Laptop out of his hand rarely.

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25.05.2008, 15:44

Go to communication and predetermined development.

ZY The girl is extremely pretty, poses correspond to age, movement too. Life would be happy: rolleyes:

25.05.2008, 17:14

Normal development for a 4-month child. I do not understand what embarrassed you, the fact that she does not cross legs? So for the automatic gait is already late, and for conscious movements - early. Where did you get the idea of \u200b\u200bputting a child to your feet, stimulate walking? You are not the first who does it and therefore it became interesting to me.

It confuses that he keeps his head constantly short time; when I wear it vertically, falls in the side of the hand and the legs can not dilute. The handle, all squeezes. And she has a strange development: first began to lie on the stomach, leaning on the palm, then turn From the belly on the back, then leaning on the elbow. And there is no longer a long time for a long time. I didn't look much like children less than her by age do it. It's going to teach a nurse from the clinic that it will be too early to walk, muscles will be strengthened .

How does a girl behave when you come to her, lean, smile, talking?
What sounds girl gives? The most conversational time is usually in the morning.: Bo:

It is usually not responding. Very rare. The sama usually says. Maybe you can say a little on funny faces and say something. When smiling, says: "Gi-I-and". With toys sometimes says. Maybe it's possible to laugh at the ears I bunching a basin, showing a language (only when a good mood). Now I first walked when my husband took the hand. It always smiles and talks and talks. When it falls asleep, says: "Gu, Agu, A, E, PU". When crying, says: "GUA, ha". Heavorites: Ho, Hay, Ha, Hay, Gih, Ia.Br-R little speaks. Little for an hour could be browsed and the face to pour saliva

Can I watch her TV? She will stand and longer holds his head :-)

25.05.2008, 21:14

I answer in order. The duration of the head hold does not have a special diagnostic value, unless this is not a few seconds. If the child lifts and keep his head, raises the chest straightening his hands and periodically falls to rest - this is normal.

2. Wear an airplane on the weight of the face down, bring the girl to an interesting subject and when it is interested in them, start slowly omitting the girl. In order not to lose the subject from the view, it will lift and hold your head. The TV cannot, if you want it to smile, and not a box. Well, think about you, you care that it does not immediately answer you, not enough contact and, instead of seeing a smiling face, you are going to lay it out in front of the TV.
About the game on the stomach wrote, now poses on the back

And add one exercise:

While all. As you can see special exercises, there is practically no, mostly game and contact postures. Making a massage, stroke more, sneak songs, do not try to make movements for the girl. If you want the girl to raise his hand, turned and so best attract a toy or yourself, :) how do it for her. The child should be active, and you are passive. Help you have to be minimal. Then the girl will not shrink. Good luck, write as it turns out.

26.05.2008, 09:22

Thank you, Polina. Today we start :-)

27.05.2008, 08:59

Vasily Yuryevich, here is an extract:
NSG for 2 months:
Brain structures: well differentiated ..., Substorehion-dolly pr-smka to 3 x mm, MP u to 2.5 mm (written very inseparable)
Left ventricle: 3,2mm
Right ventricle: 3.1mm
III ventricle 2.0 mm
IV, the cavity of the transparent partition in N
Focical Su .. Porenshima brain are not defined

Neurologist at 3 months:
Objectively: the condition is satisfactory. Treatment to the inspection is calm. Periodically unbrub the symptom of the Gref on both sides. Eye apples in full. The muscles of the hands are reduced in prashimal departments, rougher on the right. Such reflexes from the hands of the middle liveliness D<=s.Тонус икроножных мышц повышен.Каменный рефлекс повышен,d>\u003d s. Powder short-term.
DZ: hypoxic-ischemic damage to the central nervous system, recovery period, motor disorders syndrome, vegetative disorders.

It worries that the circle of her head from 3 months has not increased (41 cm), and the breast is also 43 cm. We have been for 4 months and a week.
About inspection in 2 months I wrote earlier

27.05.2008, 22:07

Hello, Polina. So yesterday to write yesterday, only the daughter stopped to sleep during the day and shouts constantly. It's a little by little to do your exercises and to paint everything just now succeeded.
The duration of the head hold does not have a special diagnostic value, unless this is not a few seconds. If the child lifts and keep his head, raises the chest straightening his hands and periodically falls to rest - this is normal.
At the same time, attracting interesting toys, their face, the mirror helps to make this time longer. Here with this and start. Pose on stomach
When I put a daughter on the stomach, she tries to raise his chest high as much as much as much as much as possible. Holding his head, shaking seconds of 5-10, a maximum of a minute, then slides down. The elbows do not want to lie down. When slowly, it does not want to go slowly and keeps several minutes. , but still swinging. It doesn't seem to do not focus. He does not look at me, in the mirror a couple of seconds. So the feeling that the head is spinning. When it suffers from the belly begins to sleep, raise legs up and turn over. Rises, after a second 5 falls down his head, lies, stops breathing, it doesn't guess it sharply, and I don't know the head in the side. I turn it out. It's not a lot), so that it turns over, turns only the head. As if she does not know how to consciously roll over and raise legs up.

1. We put the girl on the stomach and attract it with your face, for this you can lie in front of it on the sofa, put it on my chest or putting it on the table to sit on the contrary, to raise my head she saw 8. Your face. Call it, blow on the head, stroking from the nape to the ass helps longer hold the head.

I don't want to lie on my chest, my eyes do not raise me when it calls. Paras of seconds considers drawings on my clothes. Golov hangs on the right-left, walks.

2. Wear an airplane on the weight of the face down, bring the girl to an interesting subject and when it is interested in them, start slowly omitting the girl. In order not to lose the subject from the view, it will lift and hold your head.
When I wear the airplane, she lowers the head down, sucks the hand, which I support her. When something interests something, pulls his hand (only the left, although I wore it in different hands) when I lower it, it only raises for a couple of seconds.

3. Contact pose on the back. Sit comfortably on the chair, put on the chair, put the baby to my knees, legs raised and lie on your chest, talk, sing, give your face, hair.

I don't like this posture at all. He starts to sleep, kick in tense legs in the chest. It doesn't look at me when calling, can only consider my feet. Maybe you can look at me when I don't know her legs. I can't Feet do not give.

4. In general, at this age, the posture posture is mainly on the back. Children learn to pull to the toy, capture her, pull in the mouth. Make sure the toys are diverse in color and texture. You can already use toys with details, such as a ring with keys.
The toys stretches from the level of the chest and to the legs, if the toy in the field of view. If the toy is higher than the chest level, it does not stretch. The back of the back is bad for her the fact that it is almost always stelling and starts shouting.

5.Was and feet relax with swing on the ball on the back and on the stomach - back-back and from side to side.
Muscles of the shoulder belt and neck will be strengthened in the pose on the stomach, in

On the ball only on the stomach lies, I scream on my back. And even when I turn it out of my belly on my back, she always shouts. How long can you roll it on the ball?

6. Pose on the back when sitting - sit down a girl to an angle of 45 degrees, pump forward back and gently omit.

When I sit down, the head is hanging forward. When I put back, shouts, even though I am aslending it carefully. How many times can you sit down?

7. Original Pose: Keep the child face from ourselves, the legs of the girl are bent in the knees, you keep her for the femoral part of the legs, it will be leaning back to you. That is, a peculiar pose sitting canopy.
In this posture, go around the room when the girl will donate to anything interesting - it will deviate from you and will rely only by the ass.

She does not deviate, but pulls his left hand. After hand in the mouth. Holov hangs on my hand, which under her breasts.

8. When it starts to get add to turns: When the girl became interested, slowly turn away to the baby, trying not to lose the object from the species turned his head.

When we turn around, she looks at a second, turning his head, and turns away, the hand continues to touch.

Making a massage, stroke more, sneak songs, do not try to make movements for the girl. If you want the girl to raise his hand, turned and so best attract a toy or yourself, :) how do it for her. The child should be active, and you are passive. Help you have to be minimal.
My face does not attract her at all, reacts to toys like this: it will be interested, stretches, stops looking at the toy, and the hands continue to move and grab the touch.
Waiting for your advice :)
P.S.Vasiliy Yuryevich does not answer. Maybe you need to create a different topic to discuss neurological issues with it?

27.05.2008, 22:58

Good evening, Vika. First of consultation by Vasily Yuryevich. He can skip the message here, it is better to talk to him on "neurology" to not be confused.
Let's make amendments to the complex. First of all, observe, in which pose the girl feels comfortable. Perhaps you should wear it more often in your arms, you can use the sling.

On inclined knees - if the girl is actively against - do not. Instead - play with her when she sits in a chair.
For toys, she stretches well.

If the girl screams when lowering, try using a children's chair, the lowest tilt. That is, raise will be with 30 degrees to 45-50, and omit back. If you scream - we cancel.

ZY Make just what the girl likes.
I will not be on the forum for three days. Discuss everything with Vasily Yuryevich. Good luck.

27.05.2008, 23:26

The results of the inspection do not indicate anything specific. Gross violations are not described, so just do exercises.

01.06.2008, 20:35

Hello, Polina. The phone is still badly holding. We do it. I liked the weight on the weight, we touch our hands (I became my right hand :-)), but I don't want to tilt the case. I don't like it very much. She was interested. In contact, I don't want to go, he says herself, but he does not want to answer, a maximum smile. Loves to speak the sounds of Wu and BU (this corresponds to age?)
First of all, observe, in which pose the girl feels comfortable. Perhaps you should wear it more often in your arms, you can use the sling.
Do you have a car chairs or a children's chaise lounge. The girl can spend part of the time there (the tilt of the back is about 40-45 degrees. Perhaps this pose will like it.

In your hands, we are almost permanently walking like this (in the wheelchair shouting lately). She does not like it. It is necessary to change the postures all the time, but it will cuddle: standing face to me; aircraft; sitting on weight. Sometimes lies on My knees on the back along and on the stomach across. And what is preferable: put on the back on a straight or inclined surface?

At this age, the child has a complete right not to turn over, so if the girl does not like - no need to do this.
Help the baby lying on the elbows - fix your hands your hands in this position. You can fold the hands of the girl under the breast, maybe it will like it anymore. When we carry the airplane, your hand should be in the girl under the mouse, her hands are removed forward as on the roller.

My daughter is already 4.5, and she doesn't even turn on the side :-( When I try to fix the position on the elbows, a rapid protest and tries to climb with folded hands under the breast. When I wear a daughter with an airplane and when she lies on the ball, she is not completely Impretches hands in the armpits area (everything is compressed there). The photo will do.

On the ball, make exercises only on the stomach. Rather as much as a girl likes.

Like her daughter likes on the ball, but long does not tolerate: 2-5 minutes. He almost does not put it, but hands and legs do not relax: hands rests on the ball, and kicking your legs

I did not understand what the head would hang ahead. When you start pulling, the first 30 degrees should either be at the body level, or is ahead of it, i.e. The chin is pressed against the chest. If the head throws back, you do not need to sit down.
If the girl screams when lowering, try using a children's chair, the lowest tilt. That is, raise will be with 30 degrees to 45-50, and omit back.
When I raise it and lower her, she presses her chin to her chest. When I lower, she first puts his back, after a few seconds. I take off only from the inclined surface (car seat), it does not cry :-) I tried to raise it with the help of the rings, it turned out sometimes . How many times can you sit down? And then it is so puffing. I raise 3-4 times / day 5 times. What is useful? Ideally, the head should be at the case level?
What to do to me answer me (except for a monologue on my part)? How else can you relax your arms and legs? How to fight with a shiver in your hands (when the daughter stretches to toys, she is very shaking his hands)? How else to develop enough? Toys takes , ties in his hands, nibbles them, sometimes raises the face and looks at, although it happens that it just throws (rather due to unwillingness, and inability). In addition to your response with impatience :-)

01.06.2008, 21:30

Head is badly kept. Vika, good evening. Quote, from which h began not random. Three days ago, we started discussing the complex with you, so it's too early to write "while" :) Especially since some exercises that I didn't like the girl are now perceived by her with pleasure. Pose sitting on the weight we liked it, we touch hands (I became my right hand :-) But the body does not want to tilt)
Well, not at once, two weeks should pass, so that the girl felt safely in new poses and began to enjoy exercise.
When contacting - a smile at this age is very good. She may be accompanied by sounds, but not always. The sounds of Wu and BU are the beginning of the laying and corresponds to age.
If the girl plays herself, it is better to lie on a flat surface if you are better on the inclined. You can use a chaise lounge or car chair. Tilt no more than 40-45 degrees.

My daughter is already 4.5, and she doesn't even turn on the side - learn: bo: on the side not all children turn - often - immediately on the stomach. Look at the "search" coup on the stomach and play if the girl likes it. An independent coup on the belly can also appear at 5, and 6, and at 7-8 months.
If you do not like when you fix your hands - cancel. So far enough, to lay on the stomach, how wants and how much does it want. On the ball will relax when it gets used.
The chin is pressed against the chest when tightening - this is the optimal option and expression "head hanging forward" - no way corresponds to this. I do not quite understand why raise the rings, and not for hands, but if you like you with the girl: rolleyes:
What to do to me answer me (except the monologue on my part)? Talk, smile, and most importantly - to do a pause.
How else can you relax your arms and legs? Stroking your hands and legs from the periphery to the center with light movements, shaking the hand to the back of the upward side, then dilute on the sides. Legs shook out, bend in knees and dilute slightly.
How to deal with a shiver in your hands in what position does it happen - in the chair or on the horizontal surface?
With toys, the girl plays well, nothing but the selection of interesting toys is not necessary.
So far, we carry, love, and most importantly, yourself, calm down. Everything will be fine.

03.06.2008, 18:48

Hello, Polina.
The daughter shouts almost constantly in the afternoon, problems began with urination. We will take tests. Take analyzes. With respect, we make a minimum of exercises in the minutes of the clutch. Only wearing is sitting on the weight (stretches well, both hands behind the suspension toys that are spinning. We are even thorough The whole design. The other such interest does not cause anything. There is a sharp on the ass), skating on a bowl (very little) and lying on the stomach. Today I suggested her a small plate when she lay on his stomach. She tried to take her, leaning on the brush of another hand :) Then I realized and lay down on the elboc. So she managed to take a toy, bring her to him and bite her. I once again repeated the experiment. I lay again on my elbows and reached for a toy. The toys immediately get up, leaning on the brushes, though swinging. Tomorrow repeat.
Hands are shaking when stretches for toys. It can make an exciting movement with two hands and how to miss, but the hands at the end of the maneuver is still in the mouth.
I tried to put on the floor, it seems that it seems stable on the stomach lies. The right foot makes the move, as if crawling (bends in the knee and put forward ahead). You can turn over one way to one way to one way. But it swings, horror is simple, that and looked at the side.
Classes will spend despite the disease, because it distracts it.
P.S.S. Photo While the problem.

03.06.2008, 22:03

Lika, good evening. The way a girl bends his hands in the elbows when he wants to take a toy, and straightens them when he wants to just look around. Attempts to crawl is also a good sign. The fact that the girl does all this is not very confident - temporarily. What she does is the best, and the main thing is the natural way of development. The main thing in the stimulation of development is a child should enjoy what makes.
ZY Why the girl is restless, you need to find out from doctors in real life. I hope the tests will help you figure out.

16.06.2008, 21:35

Hello, Polina.
So far, there are no problems with the intestines and bladder :-( Our urologists, unanimously prescribed one drug, to which, as it turned out on an in-depth analysis (which I did on my own initiative, after listening to the doctor's council from your club) No sensitivity. And the result of the analysis became Ready today (4 days of the holidays ...). Now let's start competent treatment (in vain, and rushed us and the rash went). The lead to the unprofessionalism of our doctors. This is a small child, not an adult. How can such heavy preparations of Naobum?
And now about our achievements. On the stomach your head is not bad, we are spoiled in one direction (because of Krivoshei, I think). Every time turned red with the belly on my back (but it can just fall).
The exercises did little, because they were treated violently (it is a pity almost to no avail).
The airplane does not love at all, the head down and everything.
Sitting on the weight-only posture in which almost not wech, despite the pain. In this pose, we all grab, bend, we are tightened, and we are tested in your mouth with both hands.
I'm afraid to roll on the ball: it seems it is cold for her bladder.
Sit down well and from a horizontal surface, do not cling to hands, you have to keep hands (and before it clouped so tight ...). Only she is trying to sit on 90 degrees. Drain. Yesterday lay on my knees and, leaning my elbows, sat down and leaned towards His legs (almost lay). Can it
Toys are kept well. Today I was very closely considered the palm of your right hand (I wonder why?)
It worries that it is vertically very bad head. When I raise her for armpits, the head forward is issued and hangs, and the torso and shoulders back. What exercises strengthen the necessary muscles?
When they are lying on the stomach, very rarely until the end of the fingers are splashing. And when we get tired with everything your nose in the floor ...
Here is so. Please, please, a new complex. On the 20th of the 20th for 5 months! We will do a little.

When there are moments of sickness of illness and we can do:
On the stomach:
Support on open palms;
We stretch to toys, we can rely on one hand at the same time;
We are trying to crawl, it turns out back;
Standing tanning (only on tiptoe);
When tightening up to 30 degrees, they immediately sit down and we like it. Can I send it to it?
On the back:
Hands hold the feet, sometimes we pull the legs to your mouth (only one leg), try to suck;
I turn over the stomach masterfully, there is no back on your back (it was a couple of times, but, in my opinion, by chance).
When they say, we speak Mom Mom Mom.
Skating on the stomach and airplane reject.
What other exercises will advise? Hands do not relax in the armpits when I raise the armpits, a head in a couple of seconds ahead of the shoulders goes away. I do not hold me the neck when it is pressed vertically.
We correspond to development for 5 months and week?

28.06.2008, 18:13

What other exercises will advise? Hands do not relax in the armpits when I raise the armpits, a head in a couple of seconds ahead of the shoulders goes away. I do not hold me the neck when it is pressed vertically.
We correspond to development for 5 months and week? If it keeps not very good, these poses are for wearing and will be useful to use when wearing babies.

Good morning. Girl oochen cute. Something is alarming you in her position ?: BN: In my opinion, this is the usual pose of a child during sleep. :)
If the hands lifts and takes itself, I do not see any problems. If you want to lie yourself, do it slowly with shocking. Try to offer toys on top of the side and the girl herself will adjust the tone.
With unexpected movements, the child can react in different ways: to be frightened, shudder, shrink and so on. Try to do more and more predictably for the girl. If you do not sleep, first talk to her if you want to take in a dream, move your hand under the girl, let it get used to and understand at the corpulence that it takes on his hands and only take it.
ZY If I have unexpectedly dragged somewhere in a dream, I would jump out of my myself :)

29.06.2008, 10:39

Thank you, Polina. To two months, I did not think that something was wrong with my daughter, until a familiar is a very experienced neurologist on a pension that worked as a pediatrician and a neurologist of 40 years old. Ividov, that my daughter does not hold his head, hands up all the time Trying to keep, etc., she funked me by terrible consequences. We went to the special center, there we even did X-ray: - ((because of the intended krivoshi), a lot of injuries and medicine were prescribed. With the time I jerks constantly. Probably when the daughter goes.
Now I'm worried about the other :) I have been worried about the stomach. But when he does not bother us, we get up on all fours and swinging (yesterday it got up to 30). Patoma, when ahead is a tempting thing, plunge on the stomach and try to reach your hand. Back Seeing the toy, we crawled back, now we get up on all fours, the day before yesterday they began to rummate. And how soon can we start crawling? Toys do not cause such delight, like a remote, phone, book (ordinary, children's bright rejected immediately), package with seeds. .
When nothing hurts, it smiles at me, laughs. You have played to play in the ladies (slapped with my palms on her palms), she really liked it. Wall only, when she does, when he hurts and not looking at anyone, noticed when I start with her Speaking (I call for a crawler, for example), she immediately stops doing it, falls on his stomach and looks at me. I'm silent, I'm afraid to distract. And when I try to help her crawling (I support my stomach, moves with legs), I get fierce resistance. I got to help , silently contemplate .. :-( And so I want to help, I see how hard it tries ..
As soon as they started to get up on all fours, interest went to sit down, completely ceased to like. Lovely pose, immediately on the belly. How starts to jump, you have to prohibit, such hysteries ..
Here is a photo:
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04.07.2008, 21:21

Good evening. According to my estimates, the girl is about 5.5 months. All that she does - corresponds to age. Do not try to help her. At this age and at this level of development of skills, it is only annoying a girl. You do that you try not to distract her attention when she is trying to do something. You can try in general to leave the room. Lost interest has lost interest - perhaps herself will soon sit down from four.
Now your strategy: comfort, when it feels bad, play when the girl wants and do not interfere when it starts moving. Good luck.