Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVD): Review, manifestations, treatment principles. Diseases of the cardiovascular system CLEAN CAS

  • Date: 01.07.2020

Cardiovascular diseases - diseases of blood circulation organs at the beginning of the 20th century occupied no more than a few percent in the structure of the pathology of the population. Back in the 50s. According to a mass examination of more than 50 cities and areas of rural areas of the Russian Federation, they occupied the 10th - 11th place in the ranking of diseases. Approximately the same position was abroad. In the future, the changed lifestyle of the population, industrialization, urbanization with psycho-emotional stress and other risk factors of a civilized society, as well as the improved diagnosis of IBS, GB and other lesions sharply increased the share of blood circulation organs. Today, CSS diseases are in the first place for the reasons for disability and mortality of the Russian Federation.

Cardiovascular diseases such as hypertensive disease (GB), atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease (IBS) are the so-called group of "social diseases", i.e. The culprits of these diseases are the achievements of civilization of humanity, and the reasons are:

1. Chronic stress;

2.Gype machine - small mobility;

3.Full body weight due to irrational nutrition;


Hypertonic disease- This is a state of persistent increase in blood pressure. According to the WHO nomenclature for the hypertension indicator (from Greek. Hiper + Tonos - over + voltage) is considered the value of 160 mm Hg. Art. and above for systolic (the greatest value during the reduction of the heart muscle) and 95 mm Hg. Art. And above for diastolic (the smallest value during the period of heart relaxation) pressure.

The main cause of GB is neuropsychic overvoltage. And hazardous consequences - the walls of the blood vessels due to the high pressure in them. If this happens in the thickness of the heart muscle, then this is a heart attack, and if in the substance of the brain - stroke.

Atherosclerosis (from Greek. ATHERE + SCLEROSIS - Cashier + seal, hardening) - is the defeat of the arteries (blood vessels, according to which the blood enriched with oxygen, from the heart to organs and tissues by a large circulation circle), in which numerous arises on their inner surface Yellowish plaques containing a large amount of fat substances, especially cholesterol and its esters.

The essence of atherosclerosis is reduced to the fact that cholesterol in the form of lipid spots is deposited on the inner wall of the vessels, and then in the form of plaques that act in the clearance of the arteries. Over time, the plaques germinate with a connective tissue (sclerized), the wall of the vessels is damaged over them and thrombus may form in this area. Sometimes the plaques themselves can completely climb the clearance of the vessel, which leads to the cessation of cell power around it. If this happens in the thickness of the heart muscle, it is called - a heart attack, if in the brain substance, ischemic (from Greek. ISC + Haima - delay, deficiency + local anemia) stroke (from lat. Insulto - row, attack, hit).

Cholesterol - We need our body for: Constructing the cell membranes, the formation of bile, the synthesis of sex hormones, producing vitamin D. Only 20% of cholesterol enter the body with food products, and 80% are produced by them (in the liver). Ischemic heart disease - the defeat of the heart muscle (myocardium) caused by the disorder of the coronary (inside the heart muscle) of blood circulation. The main forms of the IBS are angina (breasting toad), myocardial infarction (a piece of dead tissue in the thickness of the heart muscle) and post-infarction cardiosclerosis (the scar arising from heart after healing of infarction wrecks).

The first step of IHS is angina, which manifests itself in a patient with the withdrawal pains of the grain, compressing or burning character, which can be given to the left shoulder, shovel, remind of heartburn. The chest is the bone located in the middle of the front surface of the chest to which the ribs are attached. It covers his heart, located in the middle of the chest, and only a small portion - the top, protrudes because of it on the left. If you feel the pain of a stitching nature in the field of the heart, then they do not have relationships to the CUCT - it is manifestations of neurosis.

The pain under angina signals us that the heart muscle lacks oxygen. When working the muscles of the heart, like any other, the decay product is formed - lactic acid, which should be washed out of it with sufficient blood. But if the vessel is amazed atherosclerotic blush, and also compressed as a result of the blood pressure, the amount of blood passing on it is reduced, and even can completely stop. Any acid, acting on the nerve endings, causes pain, burning.

With myocardial infarction Due to the cessation of oxygen access to cardiac tissue, muscle, at the site of occlusion (vessel blockage), eliminating it. But this process is not developing immediately, but after 2-4 hours from the beginning of the heart attack.

Stroke, "Brain Blow" - acute violation of cerebral circulation in hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc. It is manifested by headache, vomiting, disorder of consciousness, paralysis, etc.

Stroke is currently becoming the main socio-medical problem of neurology. Every year in the world, cerebral stroke tolerate about 6 million people, and in Russia - more than 450 thousand, that is, every 1.5 minutes of someone from Russians is developing this disease. In large megalopolis of Russia, the number of sharp strokes is from 100 to 120 per day. Early 30-day mortality after a stroke is 35%, about 50% of patients die during the year.

A stroke is currently one of the main reasons for the disability of the population. Less than 20% of the patients survived after cerebral stroke can return to the former work. Among all types of stroke are dominated by ischemic brain lesions. Ischemic strokes make up 70-85% of cases, hemorrhages in the brain - 20-25. Stroke is the second "killer" after myocardial infarction.

Risk factors for the development of stroke serve: Genetic predisposition to vascular diseases of the brain, body metabolic disorders, hypertension, obesity, insufficient physical activity, smoking, patient age, repeated stress and long-term neuropsychiatric overvoltage.

Strokes can be classified by the nature of the flow. The least dangerous stroke is a transient ischemic stroke, or a small stroke, which is caused by a short-term violation of the cerebral circulation. The progressive stroke first causes very small changes in the nervous system, and after 1-2 days there is a deterioration. With an extensive stroke, the nervous system has been experiencing a strong "blow" from the very beginning. The earlier the patient appeals to the doctor and starts treatment, the more favorable forecast.

Chinese medicine considers diseases of the cardiovascular system as a violation of the passage of energy (excess or disadvantage) in the heart meridian, blood circulation meridian, and associated meridians of the small intestine, the meridian of the endocrine system, the liver meridian, the meridian of the spleen / pancreas, the meridian of the kidneys and the lung meridians .

Meridian Heart refers to the system of manual inisk meridians, pair. The direction of energy in the Meridian centrifugal. Maximum activity of the Meridian Hearts from 11Do 13 hours (at this time it is recommended to engage in physical work), the time of minimum activity from 23 to 1 hour.

According to the canons of ancient East medicine, the meridian of the heart - a functional system that affects mainly on the functional state of blood circulation and hearts. In addition, the ancient canons argue that mental activity, consciousness and emotions are under the control of the heart. A person stays to those cheerful and cheerful while his heart is great. The deterioration of the heart leads to small activity, irritability, lethargy, indecision, etc. In connection with these points, the heart of the heart is the main importance in the treatment of various kinds of emotional-stress disorders, neurosis, depression and some other functional diseases. Akupressur in these cases gives "to improve the mental state of a person and the calmness of the heart." Eastern doctors believe that the language is a heart mirror, and the face is a reflection of his condition. " The heart also affects the condition of the eyes and ears. A pleasant "fire, raging in the heart," makes a man with a temper, and "lowering the energy of the heart" is accompanied by a deterioration in hearing.

Circulation of blood in the arteries and veins is the result of the interaction of Energies Yang and Yin. Heart pulsations, felt in the arteries, are due to the system of blood circulation itself. All life processes proceed as rhythmic alternation of stresses and relaxation (relaxation). Blood moves from the lungs, where it is enriched with oxygen, it acquires a bright red color and is filled with Yang energy, to the subtle intestine, where it gives oxygen and is saturated with Yin's energy.

The flow of blood flow is controlled by Yang and Yin, which are associated with two opposing organs- light and small intestines, representing two poles of energy. Heart is not beating without blood flow. As oxygen saturated and depleted blood moves through the heart, causing its abbreviation and subsequent relaxation.

Changing the rhythm of the heart is felt by all body, it is manifested in all organic processes, driving and existing their rhythms. From here, the provisions of the ancient medicine - the heart meridian controls the arteries between the lungs and the small intestines and the "light driven by heart".

Meridian blood circulation (pericardium) and sexual function manages the main circulation of "vitality" (QU energy), providing the connection and joint work of the internal organs. It also performs the function of protection against penetration of pathogenic microbes. As meridian himself and its internal organs are closely connected with the heart. Both meridians and heart have the same external signs of impending danger, they use similar mechanisms to ensure optimal functioning and begin in the same part of the chest. Exercising general control over the regulation of circulating the energy of Qi in the entire vascular system, the meridian also provides the energy of the genitals for their satisfactory functioning.

The maximum activity of the pericardium meridian from 19 to 21 hours. By this time, Chinese doctors recommend complete physical exertion and go to mental classes.

Heart S. positions of Chinese medicine and the theory of five elements as the basis of all the existing (including the human body) belongs to the fire element. Heart emotion - joy, color - red.

The heart manages the activities of all organs, and therefore in Chinese medicine it is called "an official who leads the rulers." If the spirit of the heart is broken, then the person becomes restless, he suffers from insomnia or heavy dreams, he has forgetfulness, inattention - up to a violation of consciousness.

Diseases of the heart can lead pathologies in any organ. The most common violation syndrome in the cardiovascular system is "heat in the liver and stagnation of the blood of the liver." This heat rises up, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure, to tachycardia.

In patients with "liver heat and stagnation of the blood of the liver" inflamed red eyes and a red face.

Another common syndrome syndrome is associated with the kidneys. Hypertension caused by kidney pathology is also known in European medicine. In Eastern tradition, this syndrome is called the "emptiness of the kidney energy".

You can call qi energy of life circulating through the channels of the body. The syndromes of completeness and voids qi indicate a violation of the harmony of human life and, consequently, about the disease.

The "Empty Energy Energy Energy" syndrome has a second figurative name "Water kidneys does not fill the fire of the heart." The kidneys who in the system of Chinese medicine are considered the "first mother of the body", lacking energy, the harmony of life is disturbed. The result is tachycardia, heart rate disorders, an increase in blood pressure.

Another common heart disease syndrome is associated with the pathology of the spleen. With incorrect meals, addictions to oily, sweet, raw and cold food, the spleen and stomach are damaged to alcohol, dampness accumulates. "The mucus, which the spleen produces, scores the heart and brain"

In addition to other cardiac manifestations of the syndrome, in this case the brain fortue is closed, "the person is confused, in difficult cases - up to nonsense.

The "voids of blood" syndrome is close to the European diagnosis "iron deficiency anemia".

Thus, the diseases of the cardiovascular system can be treated with complex, applying Eastern Medicine methods and the methods of fuel and a vegetative-resonant test based on them are the methods of electropuncture diagnostics. This approach is carried out in the "Center for Energy Information Medicine".

Diagnostics allows you to identify the causes of cardiovascular diseases in a particular person, choose an individual recovery program:

1. Balanced nutrition for the treatment of obesity and hypercholesterolemia, drinking mode;

2.Boresonance therapy, needleflexotherapy, hirudotherapy for the treatment of "causes of organs";

3. Emotional imbalance and increase stress resistance through psychotherapy, induction programs;

4. The problem of hypodynine problem with the right exercise (LFC, Bodiflex, Oxicez, Yoga, Qi-Gong, Thai Ji).

It must be remembered that the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and their complications is primarily in a healthy lifestyle and timely appeal to the doctor!

Mortality of the population of Russia from cardiovascular diseases is very large today. The risk group includes, as a rule, people who have reached older age. However, recently there is a "rejuvenation" of many pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Poor ecology, frequent stress, modern rhythm of life can not not affect the work of our heart. Most often, cardiologists register cases of myocarditis, angina, myocardial infarction, heart aneurysms or brain vessels.


Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium), arising against the background of any infection, an allergic reaction, reducing the protective functions of the body. It rarely arises primary myocarditis - inflammation that is not related to the presence of any third-party pathology. In the case when it is impossible to establish the exact cause of the disease, they say idiopathic myocardium. The heart muscle ensures normal heart performance and constitutes the bulk of all its mass. Her inflammation adversely affects the ability of the heart to shrink and distilted blood.

Symptoms of the disease often vary depending on what caused its cause. Sometimes it is possible to determine the presence of inflammation only by conducting an ECG procedure. Myocarditis, developing against the background of an infectious disease, is usually manifested by strong sharp pain in the chest area, shortness of breath, general weakness, with a minor increase in the size of the heart. At myocardium, there is often a violation of heart rhythm, its acceleration, feeling of fading or stopping the heart. A more severe course of the disease is accompanied by heart failure, thrombosis in the cavity of the heart, which leads to a heart attack.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, a radiograph of the organ, echocardiography, is carried out. With infectious myocarditis, antibiotics are shown, the remaining drugs can be assigned depending on the general state of the patient. Treatment is carried out, as a rule, in a medical institution.


Atherosclerosis is chronic pathology associated with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumens of the vessels. Such plaques are a cluster of fats and the growing of their fabrics around them. The procurement of vessels leads to their deformation and the emergence of obstruction, resulting in a violated blood circulation on the human body. The plaque-ripped out of the vessel is very dangerous to human life and often leads to instant death.

The disease is usually accompanied by a circulatory disorder in the lower limbs (the threat of gangrene), the brain and the heart. Atherosclerosis of the heart vessels leads to ischemia. At first suspicions of this pathology, you should call a doctor. Thus, the attack of the atherosclerosis of the blood vessels begins with the occurrence of gulp pain in the chest and dizziness, the appearance of shortness of breath and the feeling of air shortage. Such an attack can be crossed by nitroglycerin. Frequent repetition of such states ends with myocardial infarction, fatal outcome or disabilities.

Coronary artery disease

Ischemic heart disease - a condition in which the heart muscle does not receive the amount of blood necessary for the normal functioning of the organ. The cause of this pathology is a narrowing or complete closure of blood vessels. There are several forms of ischemic disease. Each of them can be considered as an independent disease.


Angina is one of the main manifestations of ischemic disease, manifests by frequent pains in the heart area, which can be given to the left shoulder, hand or neck. Most often, the attack of angina begins after experienced emotional shocks or exercise. In a state of rest, cardiac pain, as a rule, subsides. A separate type of angina is characterized by the occurrence of chest pain in the absence of any stress and motor activity. The attack of the rest angularity can occur suddenly, for example, at night and ends after taking the validol tablet or nitroglycerin. In addition to pain in the chest, the attack of the disease is accompanied by excessive sweating, slowing the rhythm of the pulse, pale. Road angina is dangerous for human life and can end myocardial infarction.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. First, the patient is subject to an integrated examination, then the specialist appoints the reception of the necessary drugs (to prevent attacks in the future). The patient shows the observance of the diet, the alternation of physical activity with rest, the absence of stress and excessive loads on the body. A good effect in the treatment is given preparations with a vasodilatory action.

Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is an extremely dangerous condition for a person's condition characterized by the dying of individual sections of the heart muscle. The occurrence of this pathology leads oxygen starvation of myocardium due to the violation of the blood circulation process in it. Most often, myocardial infarction develops in persons who have reached forty years. In general, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases with age increases dramatically.

The main sign of myocardial infarction, as well as the attack of angina, acts intensive pain behind the sternum. The pain during angina is easily fastened with nitroglycerin tablet, either runs on its own for 10-15 minutes. Paints with heart attack can be saved for several hours. At first, his suspicions should be called medical workers, put the patient on a soft smooth surface, give it a drink of 30 drops of the drug Corvalol. Next, no action should be taken before the arrival of physicians. Among the other symptoms of myocardial infarction: darkening in the eyes, sweating, the pale of the skin, fainting. Sometimes atypical cases of the disease are noted when the main symptoms are missing or they are either very erased. A person can experience pain in the abdomen, difficulty breathing, dizziness.

Myocardial infarction requires urgent premises of the patient in the resuscitation department of a medical institution. The absence of help can lead to severe consequences in the form of heart failure, heartbroken, cardiogenic shock. Conservative treatment implies the introduction of patients with patient drugs lowering venous pressure that bind pain that normalize the work of the heart. For a person's life, only the first infarct hours is dangerous, then the possibility of a fatal outcome is reduced. After the normalization of the patient's condition is transferred to the hospital. The rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction lasts at least six months, some drugs are prescribed for life.


Aneurysm - the pathological state of the wall of the vessel, in which the expansion of its separate site occurs. Often aneurysta is localized in the aorta, blood vessels of the brain and heart. The reason for the development of this pathology may be atherosclerosis, an infectious disease, injury. There are congenital aneurysms. Regardless of the place of education, aneurysm is always dangerous, its gap is a greater danger to human life. Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the place where the vessel expansion occurred. The aneurysm arising on the wall of myocardium is most often the consequence of the experience of infarction. The presence of this pathology affects the work of the heart as a whole and contributes to the development of heart failure. Female outcome when the head aneurysm is ruptured instantly.

In medical practice, the aneurysm of brain vessels (intracranial) is often found. The disease proceeds, as a rule, without any basic symptoms, until the vessel plot filled with blood does not reach huge sizes, it will not break. His gap is accompanied by the strongest headache, clouding of consciousness, twin in the eyes, vomiting, fainting. The discontinuation of the intracranial aneurysm is preceded, lasting for several days in a row. Complete disposal of the disease is achieved only by the surgical method.

The timely diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system is extremely important, since the fully functioning heart and healthy vessels are a pledge of adequate blood supply to all organs and systems of the body. In a certain part of cases, even serious heart disease proceeds asymptomatic, but often cardiac patients (that is, persons having heart pathology) prevent typical complaints, on the basis of which one or another disease can be suspected. What symptoms are we talking about? Consider below.

Basic signs of heart pathology

The main signs of the pathology of the heart are:

  • pain in the chest, especially behind the sternum;
  • feeling of lack of air, or;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart, (tachycardia);
  • and periodic loss of consciousness;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • severity, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Also about cardiac pathology may indicate voice hoarseness and cough, the complete absence of appetite (anorexia), an increase in body temperature (hyperthermia) and, or nicricacy.

Chest pain

Patients with heart disease are often borrowed by pain in the chest.

Pain in the chest area (the so-called cardialia) is the most frequent symptom of the pathology of the heart, but it can be caused by diseases not only the heart, but also other organs and systems.

Crop the thoracic pain may be the following heart diseases:

  • all forms;
  • pericarditis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • pathological sports heart.

Ischemic heart disease (IBS) is the cause of more than 50% of all cardialgies. The most terrible forms are angina and. It has a number of signs, on the basis of which it is not difficult to suspect this pathology:

  • the pain is localized behind the sternum, may be irradiating (give) to the left hand, the left blade, the left half of the neck;
  • usually the acute pain lasts from one to fifteen minutes;
  • the pain, as a rule, is intense, has a baked, pressing, compressive character, accompanied by the fear of death, often and cold later;
  • pain attack occurs after physical or emotional load, overeating, exposure to cold;
  • maintain peace, half-sideways in bed, the reception of nitroglycerin.

Sometimes even at first glance, you can define the disease in the heart "patient with which he suffers.

With heart failure (in easy cases) patients prefer to lie on the right side, since lying on the left side causes their unpleasant sensations in the heart.

In case of lack of left ventricle, patients prefer sedental position.

Increasing the inverse suction of water by the kidney channel. DYSPNEA. In case of heart disease, dyspnea is one of the earliest symptoms. In easy cases, it worries the patient only in a state of physical activity, in the diseases of moderate gravity - when performing common work, and in severe cases, even at rest appears.

The appearance of shortness of breath in diseases of the cardiovascular system can be explained by several reasons:

Stagnant in a small circulation circle;

Brain blood supply disorder and hypoxemia (insufficient oxygen supply) of the oblong brain;

Lung diseases (emphysema, pneumosclerosis), when their respiratory surface decreases, breathing becomes frequent and superficial, which further worsens blood supply with oxygen.

Heartbeat. Heartbeat is a subjective sense of heart abbreviations. In a practically healthy person, it may occur during exercise, after dense food or under stressful states. In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the heartbeat appears in the early stages of the disease.

Often, the heartbeat is the result of heart neurosis and occurs with the increased excitability of the heart.

PAIN. In a healthy person, the pain in the heart area also may occur with the increased excitability of the nervous system, but more often it is the result of the pathological process. The pain is a caretaker of our body, and when the watchman gives a signal, then somewhere there are failures.

If pain arise as a result of spasm of coronary vessels, then they are called angina. In these cases, acute myocardial myocardial develops, and the pain is a "cry of starving myocardium". Stenicardic pains wear burning, compressing or pressure.

With inflammation of the heart shells, pain can be constant dull character. In case of aortic diseases, it also carries a stupid constant character and felt behind the sternum.

Dyspnea - frequent and often basic complaint of patients with insufficiency of blood circulation, its occurrence is due to excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide and decrease in oxygen content as a result of congestive phenomena in a small circulation circle.

In the initial stage, the insufficiency of blood circulation patient is experiencing shortness of breath only during exercise. In the case of progression of heart failure, shortness of breath becomes constant and does not disappear at rest.

The attacks of choking are distinguished from shortness. Characteristic for cardiac asthma, which arise most often suddenly, at rest or after a while after physical overload or emotional overvoltage. They are a sign of acute insufficiency of the left ventricle of the heart and are observed in patients with acute myocardial infarction, with heart defects and high arterial pressure (AD). During such an attack, patients complain of extreme lack of air. Often in them very quickly develops swelling of the lungs, which is accompanied by a strong cough, the appearance of bubble in the chest, the release of the foam liquid, the sputum of pink color.

Heartbeat - Sensation of strong and frequent, and sometimes neurotic cuts of the heart. It usually occurs with frequent cuts of the heart, but can be felt in persons without violations of the cardiac rhythm. In the presence of heart pathology, the heartbeat may be a sign of the functional insufficiency of myocardium in patients with diseases such as myocarditis, myocardial infarction, heart defects, etc. Often, this unpleasant sensation occurs in patients with heart rate impaired (paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystolia, etc.). However, you need to know that the heartbeat is not always a direct sign of heart disease. It may occur as a result of other reasons, for example, the hyperfunctions of the thyroid gland, anemia, fever, reflexively due to the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, after the use of certain drugs (euphilline, atropine sulfate). Since the heartbeat is available to the increased excitability of the nervous apparatus, which regulates cardiac activity, it can be observed in healthy people with significant physical activity, unrest, in case of coffee, alcohol, tobacco. The heartbeat is permanent or arises suddenly in the form of attacks, such as proximal tachycardia.

Often, patients complain about the feeling of "interruptions" in the heart, which are accompanied by a feeling of fading, stopping the heart and mainly associated with such heart rate disorders, such as the extrasystic arrhythmia of the sine-arterial blockade.

Special attention should be treated with patients who complain about pain in the heart area and behind the sternum, which is observed during various diseases. It can be caused by a violation of the coronary blood circulation (most often occurs in the development of angina or myocardial infarction), pericardial diseases, especially sharp dry pericarditis; Acute myocarditis, heart neurosis, aortic lesions. However, it should be known that they often complain about "pain in the heart of the heart" or "pain in the heart" when the organs and fabrics surrounding the heart are affected, in particular the ribs (injury, fracture, periostite, tuberculosis), intercostal muscles (myiositis), Intercostal nerves (neuralgia, neuritis), pleura (pleurisy).

Paragic in the heart

The course of various diseases of the heart is characterized by pain, it has a different character, so when the patient is asked, it is necessary to figure out its exact localization, the place of irradiation, the causes and conditions of the occurrence (physical or psycho-emotional overvoltage, appearance at rest during sleep), character (spiny, compressing, A burning, a feeling of gravity behind the sternum), the duration, from which he passes (from the stop during walking, after the adoption of nitroglycerin, etc.). Often observed pain caused by ischemia myocardium arising from the insufficiency of coronary blood circulation. This pain syndrome is called angina. In the case of angina, the pain is usually localized by the sternum and (or) in the projection of the heart and irradiates under the left blade, neck and left hand. Preferably, its character compressing or burning, its occurrence is associated with physical labor, walking, in particular with the rise up, with excitement. Pain lasts 10-15 minutes, stops or decreased after admission nitroglycerin .

In contrast to pain, it is observed during angina, the pain arising from myocardial infarction is significantly more intense, long and does not pass after taking nitroglycerin.

In patients with myocarditis, the pain has a non-permanent, of course, non-intense, stupid character. Sometimes it is enhanced with exercise. In patients with pericarditis, pain is localized in the middle of the sternum or on the entire heart. She is a barbed or shooting character, can be long (a few days) or appear in the form of attacks. This pain is intensified when moving, cough, even pressing a stethoscope. The pain associated with the lesion of the aorta (aortalgia) is usually localized by the sternum, has a permanent character and is not marked with irradiation.

For neurosis, the localization of pain on the top of the heart or more often in the left half of the chest is most characteristic. This pain has a prickly or shorter character, it can be long - may not disappear within hours and days, it is enhanced by excitement, but not during physical exertion and is accompanied by other manifestations of general neurosis.

Patients with heart disease may be disturbed by cough caused by which is a blood stagnation in a small circulation circle. In this case, a dry cough is usually marked, sometimes a small amount of sputum is distinguished. Dry, often dummy cough is observed in the event of an increase in the heart, mainly the left atrium in the presence of aortic aneurysm.

The hemoplary in patients with heart disease in most cases is caused by stagnation of blood in a small circle of blood circulation and a lightweight release of red blood cells from the gloves of capillaries into the lumen Alveol, as well as the breakdown of small bronchv vessels. More often, the hemopying is observed in patients with stenosis of the left atrioventricular hole and the thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. In the event of a breakthrough aortic aneurysms in the respiratory tract, profuse bleeding occurs.

Edema. As a shortness of breath, is the most common complaint of patients with heart disease in the decompensation stage. They appear as a symptom of venous stagnation in a large circle circle and first are determined only in the afternoon, usually in the evening, on the back surface of the stop and in the field of ankle, and overnight disappear. In the case of the progression of edema syndrome and the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, patients complain of gravity in the abdomen and an increase in its size. Especially often the severity in the field of right hypochondrium due to stagnation in the liver and its increase. In connection with the circulatory impairment in the abdominal cavity, except for the indicated signs, patients may have poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating, stool disorder. For the same reason, the kidney function is disturbed and diuresis decreases.

Headache (cefalgia) can be a manifestation of blood pressure. In the case of complication of hypertensive disease - a hypertensive crisis - a headache is enhanced, accompanied by dizziness, noise in the ears, vomiting.

In the presence of heart diseases (endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.) patients complain of an increase in body temperature, more often to subfebrile numbers, but sometimes there may be a high temperature that accompanies the infectious endocarditis. Asking patients, it is necessary to clarify, at what time of the day the body temperature increases, it is accompanied by the increase in chills, a profuse sweating, how long the fever is held.

In addition to the above basic, most important complaints, patients may notice the presence of fast fatigue, general weakness, as well as a decrease in working capacity, irritability, sleep impairment.

The most interesting news

Symptoms of Cardiovascular Diseases

The most frequent signs of circulatory disorders during diseases of the cardiovascular system are shortness of breath, pain, heartbeat, blue and edema. They constitute the content of the first complaints of the patient, they are (shortness of breath, blue, swelling) in most cases are first noted with an objective study. In any case, if the patient himself does not indicate, the presence or absence of these symptoms is necessarily noted by the study physician. In addition to these symptoms, which are noticeable noticeable for the patient, often non-patients with blood pressure changes are of great importance. All these symptoms are combined with each other with other symptoms (increased fatigue, loss of performance, etc.), give a picture of blood circulation deficiency.

Dyspnea in heartful patients is one of the early and most constant features. At the very beginning of the development of heart failure, it appears only with more significant physical stresses, and with the full development of insufficiency, shortness of breath does not even take place.

The causes of the development of shortness of shortness of breathtaking patients are mainly: 1) Blood stagnation in the lungs and the worst aeration - mechanical shortness of breath; 2) reduced excretion or elevated formation of exchange products, especially acidic nature, and carbon dioxide - toxic shortness of breath. The accumulation of unsophisticated exchange products during operation and a healthy person goes somewhat faster and more than the delivery of oxygen required for their complete oxidation. The difference between the necessary and actual oxygen consumption is called "oxygen debt". In the heart failure of unsophisticated products, the "oxygen debt" is accumulated longer; Enhanced breathing goes into shortness of breath. With severe heart failure, "oxygen debt" becomes constant. In addition, a more or less significant role is played by: 3) increased excitability of the respiratory center on the soil of oxygen starvation; 4) accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestines, as well as liquids in the abdominal cavity leading to the raise of the diaphragm.

Dyspnea, as an indicator of heart failure, mainly the left heart, concludes a subjective feeling and objective signs, and then subjective, then the objective side can prevail in some cases.

Dyspnea of \u200b\u200bthe cardiovascular patient can take various forms. The following is most often observed: 1) difficult breathing in physical voltage; 2) constant difficulty breathing; 3.) Inability to delay breathing; 4) rapid breathing without painful sensations; 5) shortness of breath appearing in the morning, as a result of lowering the tone of the cardiovascular system during sleep, but passing in the middle of the day: the usual work often raises blood circulation dynamics; 6) shortness of Chein Stokes type; 7) shortness of breath appearing with the transition to a horizontal position that causing awakening after two or three hours of sleep; 8) The most painful shape of shortness of shortness of shortness of the heart patient, coming in the form of choking episodically, Cardiac Asthma (Asthma Cardiale).

The attacks of cardiac asthma are usually developing suddenly as a sharp shortness of breathing, not associated with physical voltage. On the contrary, asthma develops more often at night. Abundant food and drink for the night contribute to the appearance of asthma. The patient wakes up with a feeling of an extreme lack of air (suffocation), with a feeling of a chest compression. Pain usually does not happen. The face is blue, the skin is covered with cold sweat. A frequent small pulse up to 140 beats per minute. Frequent heart rate disorders. Breathing is rapid up to 30-40 per minute. When the seizure passes, a new attempt to lie down again causes his appearance. Percussionly marked the increased sonicity throughout the light, auscultative - often small wet wipes, mainly in the lower dollars (stagnation). The mechanism of cardiac asthma is explained differently. The most adopted explanation: in a lying position, due to partial absorption of edema, the number of circulating blood is increasing, often already enhanced with heart failure. If the left heart weakened more than the right, then the small circle goes more blood than the left ventricle can be pulled out of it; The capillaries of the small circle are overwhelmed, and the sharply decreases both the respiratory surface and the mobility of the lung. In addition to the mechanical moment, it is important, invisible, have shifts in the vegetative nervous system towards Vagotonia. For this, it says the sudden of the beginning, and often the end of the attack, and often after it is a rich separation of liquid urine with a specific weight of about 1003-1000 (Urina Spastica). In addition to muscle failure of the left ventricle (for example, in the vices of the aortic valves), another obstacle to emptying of a small circle can be sharply pronounced mitral stenosis. With it, asthma attacks are observed only if there is a strong right ventricle and an increased demand for the work of the heart. Under these conditions, the phenomena of stagnation in the lungs are sharply and sharply enhanced, and the attack occurs. As soon as the right ventricle begins to weaken, asthma attacks in the stenosis pass. Thus, cardiac asthma is an indicator of the weakness of the left ventricle with the stored power of the right.

With a significant strength of the attack of asthma, blood serum begins to pass into the alveoli cavity, and acute lung swells develop. The edema of the lung begins in the lower dollars, and the liquid, squeezing the air from the air paths, gradually rises higher and higher. Depending on this, a strong cough appears, shortness of breath is sharply enhanced, while listening to a large amount of very small, and then large wet wheezing, and a foam liquid wet is released in large quantities, usually reminiscent of cranberry mousse.

Pain is a frequent complaint of heart patients. When considering the values \u200b\u200bof pain, you need to remember two main positions: 1) the individual sensitivity of the nervous system can change and pervert external manifestations of subjective sensations; 2) the intensity of the pain is not always proportional to the danger and the more anatomical changes.

With pain in the heart area, it is necessary to eliminate the diseases around the heart of the fabrics and organs - ribs (fracture, tuberculosis. Gumma), intercostal muscles (myiositis), nerves (neuralgia, neuritis), pleura (pleurisy), etc. Polyure-dependent Hearts are called:

1) Diseases of Pericardia, most often sharp dry pericarditis:

2) sharp stretching of the heart muscle;

3) acute myocarditis;

4) diseases or functional violations of the activities of crown vessels;

5) the aortic lesions;

6) the pressure of dilated departments of the heart and vessels for nervous formations.

When analyzing heart pain, you need to pay attention to the following features: 1) accurate localization, 2) intensity, 3) character, 4) Communication with other phenomena, 5) duration, 6) Direction of return, 7) Related characteristics.

For differential diagnosis, the following characteristic features can serve as pain.

When pericarding pains are usually localized in the middle of the sternum or throughout the heart; The intensity varies to a very strong pain; Pains wear stitching or shooting. Pains are intensified when driving, cough, even when the stethoscope is pressed. Pain can reach continuously for several days or appear separate attacks; Retreat is rarely observed - in the left shoulder. With adhesive pericade pain may appear when the head is backpacking back (adhesion tension).

A sharp stretching of the heart is always due to the preceding excessive physical tension - lift of gravity, record junction, etc. Pain does not represent characteristic features. Their intensity is not very high. The soreness is caused by stretching both the muscles of the heart and the pericardia.

With myocardium, pain is not constant, usually weak and deaf, more often than gravity; Appear in the presence of severe infection and the duration approximately correspond to it.

All specified types of pain usually can be easily explained by analyzing the nearest past and present, thanks to clear communication with just transferred or still tolerable infections or injury. In addition, they are characterized by relative constancy over a certain period of time, non-repeatability and lack of return.

A group of periodic painful manifestations associated with acute violation of the coron-circulation is much greater diagnostic interest. This group of pain symptoms are combined into chest syndrome.

Breast toad (angina pectoris). The basis of the chest toad is acute the coming sharp insufficiency of blood supply (ischemia) and violation of the exchange in a limited section of the heart muscle. The cause is a temporary violation or a complete stopping of blood circulation in the trunk or in one of the twigs of the coronary arteries, more often in the left.

A violation of blood flow or full blockage of artery (thrombosis), or spasm, which may occur in a healthy vessel, but more often if there is a changed atherosclerosis or inflammation (syphilis) of the vascular wall. To anatomical changes, up to the development of ischemic or hemorgic infarction. Maybe the story of spasm and a completely healthy vessel. The reflex arising from the spasm can go with a wide variety of organs: skin, stomach, genital organs, etc. The reflex of the skin is usually caused by the transition from the warm room in the crude (cold-wet) atmosphere with a strong oncoming, especially cold wind, even with contact with cold-molded linen Sheets or, on the contrary, the transition to the unusual hot atmosphere. The reflex effect on the coronary vessels is supported by the mechanical effect of frequently observed in the same conditions of lifting blood pressure. The reflex with the gastrointestinal tract is supported by the mechanical action of the diaphragm raising with the stomach, crowded with food and stained air, the chemical action of food, strengthening the blood current. Walking after meals is particularly often indicated by patients as a factor causing an attack of pain.

In general, mental moments can cause an attack (emotional injuries, mental overwork), chemical (infections, tobacco) and mechanical (temperature. Overload). Often attacks are observed at night: the most likely reason for this is the night predominance of the tone of the wandering nerve.

Not only high, but constant subfebrile temperature may cause complications in people with diseases of the cardiological sphere. What to do when it is raised and how to prevent dangerous health problems? So, today it is worth telling you about a sharp increase and lowering the body temperature without symptoms in an adult and a child associated with cardiological problems.

What is dangerous such a phenomenon

Patients with heart disease constantly suffer from a variety of symptoms. High body temperature and fevering condition may be provoked by different factors, but with cardiological problems, even its short increase has a negative impact on the heart. There is an increase in the number of abbreviations (sometimes 2 times!), Heart transfers excessive loads.

This video will tell about a sudden temperature rise without symptoms:

Sign species

  • very high (more than 39 c);
  • elevated moderately (37-38 C);
  • subfebrile.

We will tell about signs of the process of increasing body temperature.

How to identify

It is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that accompany the temperature. Even a small increase in temperature is often combined with weakness, decrease in performance, sometimes with headaches. On problems with the heart can indicate such signs as:

  1. . Dry and long-term, mocryt may occur gradually, and sometimes even with streaks of blood. Differences from the cold cough are several: the duration, attacks in the lying position, it weakens when taking a vertical position.
  2. . It appears even on the background of small physical exertion.
  3. Chest pain Different character. Sometimes they are felt throughout the chest and in the back of it.
  4. Slabs in the joints. This symptom is characteristic of both influenza, but rheumatism can be manifested.
  5. and pulse frequency.

About the causes leading to an increase in body temperature in the evening and during the day of the child and adult, we will later tell me further.

What may indicate the temperature rise

Heart problems

Increased temperature can occur under the influence of ARVI or, for example, with a long stay in the sun. Many violations in the body are accompanied by its lift, especially having an inflammatory nature.

But most of all the symptom is dangerous in the presence of a heart disease. It may indicate the following problems:

  • and thrombophlebitis;
  • heart weakness;
  • , and other inflammatory heart pathology;

Scientists have established that the long-term fever associated with the temperature lift is dangerous for the muscular layer, which has already been damaged (for example, with myocardial infarction).

Sometimes in diseases of the heart, the temperature rise occurs against the background of receiving some medicines. In this case, the symptom is accompanied by skin rash, itching and near other side manifestations. Accurate nature it turns out after surveys. If the reason really lies in the drug, the doctor will replace it on the appropriate and alone, so that no side effects do not appear in the future.

Other diseases

In addition to heart disease, the symptom accompanies problems such as:

  • cystitis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • prostatitis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic diseases (bronchitis, salpingooforit, etc.),
  • cold, angina.

How to deal with such a symptom

Generally accepted means

  • It is necessary to take the antipyretic at temperatures from 38.5 C, and if febrile convulsions were noted earlier, the drugs were drinking even earlier (at 37.5 c).
  • You must not forget to drink warm water in a large number, and when you delay, drink diuretics. This will help to quickly lead a state normal. Preparations are better to apply in rare cases, but it's not worth tightening with a visit to the doctor. For short treatment, you can use the following means:
    • Ibuprofen.

If the temperature is raised for a long time, a mandatory examination is necessary. In accuracy, it is difficult to determine the diagnosis when visit to one doctor, so the survey is better to go from several doctors. There can be a lot of reasons for this problem, but constantly taking antipyretic and antibiotics is strictly prohibited.

Self-treatment such serious drugs can lead to a deterioration in the work of the heart, which on the background of the main pathology will lead to a deterioration in the state.

Avoid in the future increase in temperature will be able to comply with all the recommendations, data regarding the treatment of the disease provoking the symptom. Additionally, it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy procedures (massage, mud, balneotherapy, etc.) to increase immunity.

About how to lower the temperature of the child will tell this video:

Folk remedies

Recipes from alternative medicine that have an antipyretic effect is enough. Together with the designated drugs, it is still worth useing champs aimed at strengthening the muscle and to reduce inflammation (from a rosehip, hawthorn). Regarding the use of each recipe, it is better to consult with your doctor.

Help with cardiac pathology provoking temperature increases, the following recipes can be:

  1. Abundant drink includes not only water, but also, for example, the fruits. You need to pay special attention to cranberries, lingers, sea buckthorn, currant.
  2. The decoction can be prepared from clarity, elderberry leaves and nettle. Rosehip, rowan and lime tea also have antipyretic properties.
  3. Honey (0.5 Art.) Mix with propolis and crushed garlic (1 h.). Take 4-5 spoons per day.
  4. Lemon juice is stirred in water and add honey. Insist the means for 20 minutes and drink. You can repeat the reception to 4 times a day.
  5. To remove heat on the forehead impose a potato compress. Cashitz from raw potatoes is mixed with apple vinegar (1 tbsp. L.) Apply to the forehead (in marl). If necessary, the compress varies periodically.

Among the folk remedies at temperatures, it is necessary to refuse the recipes that have a pink, St. John's wort. And, of course, self-treatment can be dangerous, so it is not recommended to neglect the qualified help.

About folk remedies and ways to help lower the temperature will tell this video:

Causes of CVD are banal and are known to everyone, but not every person takes into account the importance of these factors.

Many people spend all weekends on the sofa for watching any TV show, not forgetting to be supported by gashed water and sandwiches.

The worst thing that may occur - the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They occupy a leading position among diseases in the number of deaths and prevalence.

Because of the changed lifestyle of people, the disease was widespread in the late XX - early XXI century.

Cardiovascular diseases

Only after studying the overall characteristics, we can talk about the causes of cardiovascular diseases. Among them there are 5 different groups:

Artery, as a rule, carry blood saturated with oxygen. Therefore, their diseases lead to a lack of oxygen in the tissues, ulcers and gangrene can develop in advanced cases. Vienna carry from the tissues of blood saturated with carbon dioxide.

Western venous thrombosis of the limbs, leading to their numbness. Coronary vessels supply heart muscle with blood. In their improper work, angina may occur.

Heart disease can be associated with the disorder of its muscles, vessels or valves. Since the human life directly depends on the work of the heart, the failures in its work can quickly lead to death. Infarction - leaning tissue as a result of improper blood supply, lack of oxygen.

The need for a person in physical exertion is explained very simple. The human body was formed as a result of centuries-old evolution.

Ancient people moved a lot. It was necessary for them to survive, so the circulatory system developed in accordance with these loads.

The level of activity fell so quickly that she did not have time to adapt to it.

The heart is a body that is fully consisting of muscle tissue. Everyone knows that without proper physical stress, the muscles become flabby. Due to the vidiation, it can no longer function fully.

Vessels are dependent on physical exertion. With insufficient activity, their tone is reduced, it can lead to varicose veins.

Also, blood flows slower, plaques inhibit on the walls are growing, atherosclerosis occurs from here.

Bad habits

Smoking and alcohol - can be said, the main causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system. These harmful habits have a negative impact on the entire body, but are particularly dangerous for the circulatory system, as they can most quickly lead to death, acting on it. Everyone knows about it without exception, but few people give proper meaning.

When smoking in the human body, such poisons fall as blue acid, carbon monoxide, nicotine, etc., their number from one repurchased cigarette is very small, but many smoke in a pack for a day for decades.

As a result of smoking, the clearance of the vessels is narrowed, which slows down blood flow and leads to the disorder of their work. Their elasticity is reduced, the content of cholesterol in the blood increases.

Also increases the risk of blood clots due to the compound of blood formation elements (platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes) with substances incoming during smoking.

Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood, under its effects, the vessels are first artificially expanded, pressure drops - and there is no sufficient amount of oxygen to the tissues. They are then dramatically narrowed, due to such frequent changes, their elasticity is lost.

Also ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, destroys the erythrocyte shell carrying oxygen, they stick together and can no longer perform their functions.

Emotional loads

The nervous system controls and interacts with all other organs and organs of organs in the human body. Emotions often affect the circulatory system.

For example, a person blushes from embarrassment or shame, since blood sticks to the face, the vessels are expanding. And during the excitement and anxiety, heartbeat.

There is an opinion that stress negatively affects a person. This is not entirely true, this reaction is needed to save lives.

Another thing is that after it requires emotional unloading, a rest, which is not enough modern man.

Here again it is worth mentioning exercise, which are the best rest after the tested stress.

In the modern world, the load emotional load is increasingly increasingly reduced. Media, Internet, daily stress lead to the disorder of the nervous system.

As a result, hypertension and atherosclerosis can occur with all the ensuing consequences.

Disturbation of the endocrine system

The endocrine system affects the human body with hormones that reach their goal (the necessary organ) with blood flow. Her disorder inevitably leads to the appearance of heart disease and vessels.

Women's hormones, estrogens support the normal level of cholesterol in the blood. With a decrease in their number below, the risk of atherosclerosis has appeared.

Typically, women who have reached the period of the Climax are subject to this problem.

Women taking hormonal contraceptives are in the risk group due to an increase in blood viscosity. Accordingly, the possibility of formation of thromboms increases.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine affect the vegetative nervous system. The first hormone makes the heart beat more often, raises blood pressure. It is produced under stressful situations.

The second is the opposite, reduces the heart rate and reduces blood pressure. Violation of the development of at least one of these hormones can lead to serious problems.

How can not eat

Nutrition "Forbidden" products in excess quantity leads to obesity and enhance cholesterol. These two factors can be considered as certain causes of cardiovascular diseases.

In people with overweight, the heart works with additional load, which leads to its gradual exhaustion. Fat is postponed not only on the sides, but also on the walls of the vessels and even on the heart, making them a reduction.

Because of this, blood pressure is increased - and hypertension appears, varicose veins, etc.

Increased cholesterol content leads to its deposit on the walls of the vessels and a decrease in their elasticity, the formation of plaques.

As a result, blood can not move in normal mode, there is a lack of oxygen in tissues and intoxication with carbon dioxide and other substances that are in normal blood.

As a rule, people whose food is far from healthy, the necessary vitamins and trace elements are not allowed.

They can be very important for the cardiovascular system.

For example, potassium strengthens the walls of the vessels, vitamin C feeds the heart muscle, and magnesium normalizes the pressure.

Other factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases

A lot of other reasons for the development of cardiovascular diseases. They are less common, but no less important.

Cardiovascular diseases are very dangerous and can be caused by ordinary habits.

Smoking, alcohol, unbalanced nutrition and lack of physical activity - the main causes of the appearance of diseases of the vessels and hearts.

If you want to extend your life and stay healthy, consider what diseases appear. Try to minimize the impact of these factors. All in your hands.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy the first place in the incidence and number of deaths around the world. This contributes to many reasons, among which the wrong lifestyle, bad habits, poor nutrition, stress, heredity and much more. Every year, the age of heart pathologies is rejuvenated, the number of patients who have received disability after infarction, strokes and other complications is growing. That is why doctors strongly recommend carefully to their body, immediately contact the hospital when anxious symptoms appear.

What is cardiovascular diseases

Diseases of the heart and vessels are a group of pathologies affecting the functioning of the heart muscle and vessels, including veins and arteries. The most common pathologies consider the ischemic heart disease, diseases of the brain vessels and peripheral arteries, rheumboards, arterial hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, heartfall and much more. Vices are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital develops in the mother's womb, acquired often become a consequence of emotional experiences, improper lifestyles, various infectious and toxic lesions.

Important! Each disease requires timely diagnosis and competent medical treatment, since with a negligence the risk of developing severe complications and death of the patient.

The list of common diseases of the cordial vascular system includes ischemic heart disease. This pathology is associated with a violation of blood circulation in the field of myocardium, which leads to its oxygen starvation. As a result, the activities of the heart muscle are violated, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms IBS

In case of disease, patients have the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome. The pain can wear a crossing, cutting, pressing character, intensify with emotional experiences and physical exertion. For IBA, the spread of pain is not only on the sternum region, it can be given in the neck, hand, shovel;
  • dyspnea. Lack of air appears in patients first with intense physical exertion during hard work. Later, the shortness of breath occurs more and more, when walking, while lifting the stairs, sometimes even at rest;
  • increasing sweating;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • feeling heart failure, rhythm disorder, less fainting.

From the side of the psychological state, irritability, attacks of panic or fear, frequent nervous breakdows are noted.

Due to the circulatory disorders, ischemia arises of certain sections of the heart.

The reasons

The factors provoking the IWC include the anatomical aging of the body, gender features (men are more often), racial affiliation (pathology is more likely to suffer from residents of Europe, rather than no-face races). The reasons for ischemic disease include excessive body weight, bad habits, emotional overloads, diabetes, increased blood reducing, hypertension, lack of physical exertion and so on.


Methods of treating IBS include the following directions:

  • medication therapy;
  • surgery;
  • eliminate the causes provoking pathology.

Medications use antiagregants - drugs that prevent blood clothing, statins - means to reduce poor cholesterol in the blood. For symptomatic treatment, activators of potassium channels are prescribed, beta-blockers, sinus node inhibitors and other drugs.

Hypertonic disease

Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases relating to the heart and blood vessels. There is a pathology in a rapid increase in blood pressure above the permissible norms.

Signs of hypertension

Signs of cardiovascular pathology are often hidden, so the patient may not guessed about his disease. The person leads a normal lifestyle, sometimes it is disturbed by dizziness, weakness, but most patients write it down on ordinary overwork.

Explicit signs of hypertension are developing with targeted organs, may be such a character:

  • headaches, migraines;
  • noise in ears;
  • flickering midges in the eyes;
  • muscular weakness, numbers and leg numbers;
  • difficulty speech.

The main danger of this disease is myocardial infarction. This is a difficult condition, often ending with death, requires immediate delivery of a person in the hospital's condition, carrying out the necessary medical events.

The reasons

For reasons causing persistent increase in pressure include:

  • strong emotional overload;
  • excess body weight;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of viral and bacterial origin;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive amount of salt in a daily diet;
  • insufficient motor activity.

Often hypertension arises in people who spend a long time at the computer monitor, as well as in patients whose blood is often arising with adrenaline bursts.

Frequent cause of hypertensive disease - bad habits


The treatment of a cardiovascular disease accompanied by an increase in pressure is to eliminate the causes of the pathological condition and maintaining blood pressure within the normal range. For this purpose, diuretics, inhibitors, beta-adrenoblays, calcium antagonist and other drugs are used.

Important! A sharp increase in pressure is called a hypertonic crisis. This dangerous complication requires urgent medical care with integrated therapy.


The list of cardiovascular diseases includes pathology, accompanied by a violation of the functioning of the heart muscle and the valve systems - rheumoritis. The disease develops due to the defeat of the streptococci of the group A.


Symptoms of cardiovascular disease develop in patients in 2 - 3 weeks after transferring streptococcal infection. The first signs are pain and edema of the joints, an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting. The overall health of the patient worsens, weakness appears, depression.

Classified pathology on pericarditis and endocarditis. In the first case, the patient is tormented by painful pain, lack of air. When listening to the heart, the deaf tones are heard. Endocarditis is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, painful sensations that arise regardless of physical exertion.

The reasons

As already mentioned, the damage to the heart of the disease, whose pathogens are streptococci of Group A. They include angina, scarletin, pneumonia, corrosive inflammation of the dermis, and so on.


Patients with severe rheumlocarditis are treated under a hospital. For them, a special diet is selected, consisting in limiting salts, saturation of the body by potassium, fiber, protein and vitamins.

Among the medicines are used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids, painkillers, drugs of quinoline, immunosuppressants, heart glycosides, and so on.


Cardiomyopathy is called violation of the functioning of the heart muscle of unexplained or controversial etiology. The cunningness of the disease is that often it proceeds without visible symptoms, the cause of death is 15% of patients with this pathology. Mortality among patients with characteristic symptoms is about 50%.

Cardiomyopathy is often the cause of sudden death.


In patients with cardiomyopathy, such signs are observed:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • disability;
  • dizziness, sometimes fainting;
  • pallor of dermis;
  • tendency to swelling;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • the increase in cardiac rhythm.

It is cardiomyopathy that often becomes the reason for the sudden death of people leading an active lifestyle.

The reasons

Causes of cardiovascular disease, such as cardiomyopathy, are as follows:

  • poisoning;
  • alcoholism;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • damage to myocardial infectious nature;
  • neuromuscular disorders.

Often it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease.


Treatment of cardiovascular disease requires lifelong observance of preventive measures aimed at preventing serious complications and death. The patient needs to abandon physical exertion, bad habits, comply with the diet and the correct lifestyle. The patient's menu should exclude sharp, smoked, sour, salty food. Basic tea, coffee, carbonated sweet water.

Medical therapy includes drugs such as β-adrenobolds, anticoagulants. The difficult course of pathology requires surgical intervention.

Important! The lack of treatment of cardiomyopathy leads to the development of heart failure, the valve dysfunction of the organ, embolism, arrhythmias, a sudden stop of the heart.

On cardiovascular diseases, it is customary to say when a person has any violation of heart rate or electrical conductivity failure. This condition is called arrhythmia. The disease may have a latent flow or manifest itself in the form of heartbeat, feelings of sinking of the heart or breath.

Arrhythmia is accompanied by cardiac rhythm failures


Signs of arrhythmia depend on the severity of the course of the disease, are the following in nature:

  • the rapid heartbeat is replaced by the sinking of the heart, and vice versa;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of air;
  • fainting;
  • suffocation;
  • stenicard attacks.

Patients worsens general well-being, the threat of fibrillation or ventricular fluttering is developing, which often entails a fatal outcome.

The reasons

The development of pathology is based on factors provoking morphological, ischemic, inflammatory, infectious and other damage to the tissues of the heart muscle. As a result, the conductivity of the body is violated, the bloodstream is reduced, the heart failure develops.


To prescribe treatment, the patient must be referred to a specialist, pass a full examination. It is necessary to find out - arrhythmia developed in the role of independent pathology or is a secondary complication of any ailment.

Treatment methods:

  • medical physical education - helps restore metabolic processes, normalize blood flow, improve the condition of the heart muscle;
  • diet - needed to saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals;
  • medical treatment - beta blockers, potassium, calcium and sodium channels are prescribed here.

People suffering from various heart pathologies are obliged to take preparations for the prevention of complications. These are vitamin complexes and sedative drugs that reduce the load and nutrition of the heart muscle.

Atherosclerosis is called a disease characterized by the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. This causes the blockage of vessels, circulatory disruption. In countries where people feed on fast food food, this problem takes one of the leading positions among all heart disease.

Atherosclerosis causes blood clogs


Atherosclerosis for a long time does not exhibit itself, the first symptoms are noticeable with a significant deformation of the vessels, due to the swelling of the veins and the arteries, the appearance of blood clots in them, cracks. The vessels narrows that it provokes a circulatory disorder.

Against the background of atherosclerosis, such pathologists are developing:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries of feet, which causes chromium, gangrene of the limbs;
  • atherosclerosis of the kidney arteries and others.

Important! After transferring ischemic stroke, the risk of infarction in the patient increases three times.

The reasons

Atherosclerosis cause many reasons. Men are more susceptible to pathologies than women. It is assumed that this is due to the lipid exchange processes. Another risk factor is the patient's age. Atherosclerosis is ill primarily after 45 - 55 years. An important role in the development of the disease plays a genetic factor. People with hereditary predisposition need to be carried out by the prevention of cardiovascular diseases - follow their meals, move more, to abandon bad habits. The risk group includes women during pregnancy, since at this time the metabolism in the body is disturbed, women move little. It is believed that atherosclerosis is a disease of the wrong lifestyle. His appearance affects excessive body weight, bad habits, improper nutrition, poor ecology.


To prevent complications of the disease and normalization of the functioning of vessels, patients are treated with medication preparations. It uses statins, LCD sequesters, nicotinic acid medications, fibrats, anticoagulants. In addition, a leaf and a special diet is prescribed, implying refusal of products that increase blood cholesterol.

The growth and scarring of the connecting fibers in the field of myocardium, the violation due to this functioning of the heart valves is cardiosclerosis. The disease has a focal and diffuse form. In the first case, we are talking about local damage to myocardium, that is, only its separate plot is affected. With diffuse form, the scarring of the fabric extends to all myocardium. It is most often happening with ischemic heart disease.

Cardiosclerosis causes connective tissue hypertrophy


The focal form of cardiosclerosis is sometimes hidden. With the close location of the lesions of the lesion to the atrial sinus node and the areas of the conducted system, there are serious violations of the functioning of the heart muscle, manifested in arrhythmias, chronic fatigue, sandwich and other symptoms.

Diffuse cardiosclerosis causes signs of heart failure, such as heartbeat, fast fatigue, chest pain, swelling.

The reasons

The following diseases may cause the development of pathology:

  • myocarditis;
  • myocardiodistrophy;
  • infectious myocardial lesions;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • stresses.

In addition, the provoking factors is atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease.


Therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pathologists and the prevention of the cardiovascular disease, which is carried out in order to prevent complications, helps to cope with cardioosclerosis, prevent such negative consequences, as a gap of the wall aneurysm, atrocadic blockages, paroxysmal tachycardia, etc.

Treatment necessarily includes restriction of physical activity, the exclusion of stress, the reception of medicines. Among the medicines are used diuretics, vasodilators, antiarrhythmic agents. In particularly severe cases, surgical intervention is carried out, the installation of an electrocardiotimulator.

Myocardial infarction

The heart attack is a dangerous state that has been provoked by the blockage of the coronary artery thrombus. This causes a violation of blood circulation report in brain tissues and hearts. The condition develops against the background of various cardiovascular pathologies, requires the immediate hospitalization of the patient. If medical care is provided for the first 2 hours, the forecast for the patient is more likely favorable.

The heart attack causes acute pain in the chest, a sharp deterioration in general well-being

Signs of heart attack

For infarction, pain in the field of sternum is characteristic. Sometimes painful syndrome is so strong that man screams. In addition, the pain often applies to the shoulder area, neck, gives in the stomach. The patient is experiencing a feeling of compresses, burning in the chest, marked numbers.

Important! A distinctive feature of myocardial infarction from other diseases is an incessant pain in the state of peace and after taking nitroglycin tablets.

The reasons

Factors leading to the development of heart attack:

  • age;
  • transferred small-scale heart attacks;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • high cholesterol;
  • excess body weight.

The risk of severe conditions increases with the combination of the states described above.


The main goal of therapy is the rapid restoration of blood flow in the field of heart muscle and brain. For this, drugs that help resolve thrombus, such as thrombolytics, heparin-based agents, acetylsalicylic acid are used.

When a patient's admission to the hospital uses angioplasty coronary artery.


A stroke is called a sharp impaired blood circulation in the brain, entailing the death of nerve cells. The danger of the state is that the death of brain tissues occurs very quickly, which in many cases ends for a patient with death. Even with the provision of timely assistance, the stroke is often ends with the disability.


The development of stroke indicates such signs:

  • severe weakness;
  • sharp deterioration of the overall state;
  • numbness of the muscles of the face or limbs (often on the one hand);
  • acute headache, nausea;
  • violation of coordination of movements.

Recognize a stroke in humans can be independently. To do this, you need to ask the patient to smile. If one part of the face remains fixed, it is more often about this state.

The reasons

Doctors identify the following reasons:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • excess body weight;
  • alcohol, drugs, tobacocco;
  • pregnancy;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • high cholesterol and other.


The diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and its treatment is carried out in a hospital in the ward of intensive therapy. During this period, antiagregants, anticoagulants, plasminogen tissue activators are used.

How to prevent this pathology? Identify the individual risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies on the SPORE scale. Make it allows a special table.

This technique allows you to determine the level of risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies and severe conditions developing on their background. To do this, choose the floor, age, the status is smoking or non-smoking. In addition, the table should choose the level of blood pressure and the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

The risk is determined in accordance with the color of the cell and the number:

  • 1 - 5% - low risk;
  • 5 - 10% - high;
  • over 10% - very high.

With high marks, it should take all necessary measures to prevent stroke development and other hazardous states.

Pulmonary embolism

The blockage of the pulmonary artery or its branches of blood clots is called pulmonary artery thromboembolism. The clearance of the arteries can be completely closed or partially. The state in most cases causes a sudden death of the patient, only 30% of people are diagnosed with pathology during life.

Signs of thromboembolia

Disease manifestations depend on the degree of lung damage:

  • with the defeat of more than 50% of pulmonary vessels, a person develops shock, shortness of breath, pressure drops sharply, a person loses consciousness. This condition often provokes the death of the patient;
  • thrombosis 30 - 50% of vessels causes anxiety, shortness of breath, blood pressure drop, nasolabial triangle bias, ears, nose, rapid heartbeat, pain in the chest;
  • with lesion, less than 30% of the symptoms may be absent for some time, then coughing with blood appears, pain in the chest, an increase in body temperature.

With a slight thromboembolism, the prognosis for the patient is favorable, treatment is carried out by medication.

The reasons

Thromboembolia develops against the background of high blood clotting, local slowdown blood flow, which can provoke a long-term lying position, severe heart pathology. The factors causing pathology include thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, vascular injuries.

Formation of thromboms in light


For the treatment of pulmonary artery thromboembolism include the preservation of the life of the patient, preventing the re-development of blood blocking of the vessels. Normal veins and arteries are provided by surgical or medication. To do this, use products that dissolve blood clots and medicines that contribute to the discharge of blood.

Rehabilitation for the disease of the cardiovascular system in the form of thromboembolism of lung vessels is carried out by correction of nutrition and lifestyle, regular surveys, reception of drugs that prevent the formation of thromboms.


The article lists only the most common cardiovascular pathologies. Having knowledge of the symptoms, the causes and mechanism for the development of a disease, many difficult conditions can be warned, to provide a timely assistance to the patient. Avoiding pathologies will help the correct lifestyle, healthy eating and timely examination with the development of even minor alarming symptoms.

Cardiac surgery

Higher education:

Cardiac surgery

Kabardino-Balkarian State University. HM Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU)

Education Level - Specialist

Additional education:

Certification cycle on the program "Clinical Cardiology"

Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov

Many cardiologists are convinced: the spread of cardiovascular diseases acquires the scale of the epidemic. This is a fee for evolution, civilization and progress. Heart treatment is the most important component of the struggle against the problem. But this measure will be effective only with appropriate prevention of the ailment and its early diagnosis.

Systematics of heart disease

Depending on the peculiarities of the appearance and flow of heart disease refer to several main types:

  • congenital (anatomical damage to the heart, its valves or vessels are laid during intrauterine development);
  • rheumatic (heart disease is formed due to inflammation of the connective tissue after pharyngitis or angina, provoked by one of the types of streptococci);
  • functional (disorders of the heart muscle do not lead to organic changes);
  • atherosclerotic (chronic change in coronary arteries), which are also related to the disease caused by increased arterial pressure;
  • syphilitic (lesion of the heart muscle syphilis).

Important! One of the main The causes of the disease of the cardiovascular system is its chronic "undertaking".

Causes of heart disease

Causes of cardiovascular diseases are diverse, each species has specific risk factors. But there are a number of factors common to all violations of the activities of the heart muscle. The condition of the heart affects:

  1. Infections and viruses. Sometimes microorganisms provoking inflammation get access to heart. Not durable virus and bacterial diseases can lead to irreversible pathologies of the heart;
  2. Spinal disease. The vertebral pillar includes many nerve endings whose damage can provoke vascular diseases and affect the work of the heart;
  3. Hydodine. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the loss of elasticity of vessels and their atrophy;
  4. Unbalanced nutrition. Overweight, salty, sharp food provokes cholesterol formation in the blood, and protein deficiency leads to the muscle atrophy of the heart;
  5. Obesity. Excess weight is usually accompanied by a violation of metabolism. To provide the body with sufficient oxygen, the heart works at the limit of possibilities;
  6. Abuse of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol provokes the development of hypertension and blood cloves;
  7. Tobacco Leads to spasm of vessels, deposition of cholesterol on their walls and to oxygen starvation;
  8. Psycho-emotional overload. Stress, depression, emotional bursts activate the nervous system. Adrenaline emissions contribute to the healing of heartbeat and acceleration of metabolism. As a result, the pressure rises, the vessels are deformed;
  9. Heredity. Genetic factors affect the reaction of a specific organism to a particular external impact.

The main symptoms of heart disease

Cardiovascular ailments are accompanied by manifestations similar to symptoms of other diseases. Curliologist consulting is the best that can be taken in such a situation. Alarming symptoms may be accompanying cardiovascular diseases:

  • cough. If it is dry and does not retreat when the patient is in a lying position;
  • pale skin. Appears in the spasms of the vessels, the inflammatory process in the field of the heart;
  • fast fatiguability. If accompanied by poor sleep, loss of focus concentration, sometimes - the tremor of the limbs, signals the neurosis of the heart;
  • high body temperature. Accompanies inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, sometimes causing fever;
  • high blood pressure. Able to cause hemorrhage into the brain;
  • rare or rapid pulse. Satellite processes causing heart activities;
  • edema. Caused by kidney problems provoked heart failure;
  • frequent dizziness. Signs of high blood pressure;
  • labored breathing. It is observed during angina and heart failure;
  • nausea and vomiting. Due to the neighborhood of the bottom of the heart and the stomach;
  • "Osteochondrous" pain. Registered in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal column, in the left hand;
  • pain in the chest. The pain is obvious or not very, noving or manifested in spasms - the first sign of the disease of the heart.

Signs of cardiovascular diseases - an excuse for an immediate visit to the doctor. Only he will be able to evaluate the symptoms of heart disease.

Important! Edema for heart disease is not the only manifestation of the disease. Even before the swelling, other signs of heart failure can be seen.

Features of common heart defects

Breast pain is characteristic of many diseases, and not only hearty. Injuries, neurological lesions, diseases of respiratory and digestion systems, disorders in the musculoser have a similar symptom.

Only your attending physician, but there are characteristic features:

  • coronary artery disease. The pain is in hand, neck, throat, back. In the formation of development prerequisites, psychosomatics plays a major role;
  • myocardial infarction. The attack continues about half an hour, the reception of medicines does not help. Pain grow up, but sometimes it is not at all (with diabetes mellitus);
  • arrhythmia. There is a feeling of "jumping" hearts. In some patients, signs of the disease appear episodically or not manifest themselves at all;
  • beaming cardiac valves. There is a feeling of gravity in the chest when inhalation of cool air. The symptoms of damage damage do not reflect the course of vice - they may not be in the patient. And vice versa - quite serious signs of the disease can overshadow the life of an almost healthy person;
  • heart failure. Frequent non-medical movements of the heart. Sometimes the disease accompany all the symptoms, but the heart works properly. And the opposite happens - there are almost no signs of death, and the heart is worn;
  • congenital heart defects. Signs of the disease may not be, it is detected unexpectedly only during the medical examination.

Important! Systematics and the pharmacology of medical drugs used for the treatment of the heart are provided in the "rational pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases". Being instructions for specialists,« Rational Pharmacotherapy Cardiovascular Diseases »facilitates a specific approach to the choice of a medical drug and therapy scheme.

Sick heart: "Men's" and "Women's Symptoms

It is noted that sex of patients has an influence on the pattern of the disease of the heart: symptoms and treatment are somewhat different. Men sick more often - usually after 40 years. Women are at risk after 55 years, when the level of estrogen is reduced. Signs of heart disease in men manifest as in the textbook.

In women, the disease has a number of differences:

  • pains are negligible;
  • prevail heartburn, nausea, colic;
  • pains are usually localized in the back, in hand, between the blades;
  • often appears cough;
  • a clear relationship between emotional splashes and the occurrence of a heart attack is traced.

At the same time, surgical operations in men in men are more effective than women; Medicinal preparations are more efficient in use.

If the electrocardiogram is made as soon as the first symptoms of the disease of the cardiovascular system appear, the chance to set the correct diagnosis will increase significantly.

Heart problems and "Interesting Position"

When using modern preparations, women with cardiac diseases can endure a strong baby. But there are certain nuances. During pregnancy, the patient with heart failure is increasingly tired, even if it is not strained and properly feeds. Special medical control falls on 28-34 weeks of pregnancy, the heart of the future mother works for wear.

The lesions arising from the narrowing of the lumens of the heart valves during pregnancy increase. The damaged valve, besides, accounts for an enlarged load due to the increased frequency of heart cuts.

A woman with rheumatic heart changes before the expected pregnancy shows an operation on a mitral valve. It can be done during pregnancy, but manipulation on the open heart will increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Important! In psychosomatics, the heart is well sufficiently favorable when it comes to yoga and active meditations.

Basic heart disease syndromes

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, signs of disease are often grouped in syndromes. These are similar complexes associated with the unity of pathogenesis:

  1. Syndrome of acute coronary failure. There is a disease of the blood supply to the myocardium ischemia and the accumulation of lactic acid. Manifested by irritation of nervous endings, which patients are perceived as pain;
  2. Arterial hypertension syndrome. The blood pressure (140/90 mm mercury and higher) increases. Primary hypertension occurs without organic causes, secondary - with kidney lesions and endocrine system;
  3. Arrhythmia syndrome. Occurs after inflammatory changes in myocardium and its feeding disorders or after lesions of the cardiac regulation system;
  4. Cardiomegaly syndrome. The heart increases significantly, cardiac insufficiency and arrhythmia are manifested;
  5. Hypertension syndrome of a small circle of blood circulation. Increases pressure in the lung vessels;
  6. Chronic pulmonary heart. The right ventricle of the heart increases. Occurs after the disease of the lungs or with incorrect respiratory gas exchange;
  7. Circulation deficiency syndrome. Insufficiency can be cardiac and vascular.

Important! Against the background of disorders in the vegetative nervous system, a cardiac vegetary dystonia may develop, which is manifested by cardiac disorders.

Urgent help with a heart attack

Heart disease behave unpredictable. First aid for the disease of the heart, rendered on time, can save a sick life. When manifest symptoms of a heart attack necessary:

  • call a doctor;
  • after freeing the chest and the neck of a person, to lay it;
  • ensure the reception of the necessary drugs (nitroglycerin, validol);
  • with the unconscious state of the patient - to make artificial respiration and indirect heart massage;
  • raster limbs.

If one of the family members is sick, the rest of the household should know the basic defense rules for cardiovascular diseases. The nursing process is also of great importance in the treatment of sharp heart disease.

Important! The nursing process facilitates the external response of the patient to the declared diagnosis.

Treatment of heart disease

Based on the diagnosis, appropriate therapy is assigned. Sometimes it is combined with a diet and a special exercise program, which is underway under the control of the doctor. With some forms of cardiovascular ailments, massage use. With diseases of the cardiovascular system, massage improves blood circulation, raises the heart tone.

Treat heart disease will have long, sometimes - until the end of life. Need regular medical advice and adjustments to treatment. In the acute or severe course of the disease, surgery can be shown - the valve prosthetics, the implantation of the heart stimulator or the aortocortonary shunting.

The doctor can recommend a psychologist's consultation to the patient, since psychological rehabilitation for diseases of the cardiovascular system is sometimes vital. We will definitely be given recommendations for preventiveness and, if necessary, on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in sanatoriums.

"Heart" plants

At home for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, phytotherapy is used:

  • soothing plants (Zyuznik, Verbena);
  • plants with antisclerotic, vasodilatory action (Anis, Hop, Hawthorn, Pasternak, Fennel, Barwin);
  • plants preventing blood thickening and thrombosis (acacia, white, chestnut painter).

Beneficially affect patients with room lemon, poplar flavors, eucalyptus lilacs, laurel. The phytoncides of these plants improve well-being, stimulate performance.

Important! Many pharmaceutical preparations aimed at treating diseases of the cardiovascular system are developed on the basis of medicinal plants.

Psychosomatics of cardiovascular diseases are simple and complex at the same time. The heart is remedy love, and blood is joy. If there is neither one or the other, the heart is lit and becomes ice. Blood slows down. Sit anemia, sclerosis of vessels, heart attacks. The sick life of the patient saves in the ball. And this tangle is so great that he does not give him to see the joy living around.