Windmill as a disease occurs in children. Symptoms and methods for the treatment of windmills in children

  • Date: 12.04.2019

Chickenpox, or in common windmill is very contagious and, despite ambiguous opinions, dangerous disease. It is difficult to protect it difficult because the main signs of the presence of infection appear already a day after infected child It becomes contagious. The disease itself is accompanied by a strong itching and the likelihood of obtaining concomitant infections and various complications. Therefore, it is important for parents to know the first signs of chickenpox in a child and to begin a facilitating state of the therapy in time, as well as to protect others from infection.

Symptoms and signs of chickenpox in children

The sharpness of the symptoms and the first signs of the windmill in children is always different and primarily depends on the immunity of the baby. However, a considerable role in the intensity of manifestations of symptoms windmill Playing and indirect acquaintance of the organism of crumbs with causing disease The virus of the sliding deprivation. If the mother's mother has long before pregnancy, the symptoms and the power of their manifestation of the baby will be weak. But if the child's mother did not have a windmill earlier, the child's illness will be, after 5-10 days after the primary getting of the virus in the body, accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

  • almost constant throughout incubation period, high temperature, reaching the mark of 38.5-39 * C;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • hardness and breathing;
  • drowsiness;
  • sludge in the body.

Rash on the body in a child who did not pain her windmill, from the very beginning very intense and extensive. Inside the majority of bubbles are formed by pus yellow or white colorAnd they are very strong. Often, such a form of illness has to be treated in the hospital.

The first signs of the chickenpox in a child

The kids whose moms are long before pregnancy and childbirth silence the windmill, in most cases it is easily transferred to illness. To the first signs of the development of a chickenpox with such a child, there is a weak rash. Often it is about 2-5 reddish pimples that appearing disappeared after a few hours. On the same day, the sick child will increase the temperature, up to 37-38 * C. Often, such light forms of windmill are easy to confuse with scarletina.

Usually the next day after the first redness of the children, whose moms have been sick before pregnancy, symptoms appear, which are already hard to confuse with other diseases:

  • weakly pronounced, which is preserved for 2-7 days;
  • the constant occurrence of rash in the form of red spots throughout the body, which very quickly become bubbles with liquid;
  • total lethargy;
  • lack of appetite;

The appearance of rash is more often localized. Initially, it manifests itself on the body, then in hand and legs, and later on the face, as well as the hair part. A new wave of bubbles appearance is always accompanied by an increase in body temperature, but it rarely exceeds 38 * s.

How the windmill begins in children the first signs

For most children, regardless of whether their mother was sick to pregnancy, the first signs of defeat the organism and the development of a chickenpasal disease are the same.

Even before the first pimples, the child can feel headaches and discomfort in the muscles. Also at the end of the incubation period, when the chickenpox virus overcomes the corrosions of immunity and enters the blood, often the baby is observed:

  • irritation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleepiness in combination with sleep disorders and unfortunate concerns.

Increasing the body temperature at the same time can be still lowered and until the first redide redness appears to reach only 37 * C.

The first signs of the windmill in the child treatment

Since the first explicit signs of the presence of a chickenpox virus can entail infection and development of pathologies, it is important for parents to immediately begin the corresponding severity of disease treatment. The main drugs that can be used for the child are assigned to the attending physician after inspection and confirmation of the diagnosis. At the same time, the child's age is also necessarily taken into account.

In general, the treatment of a diseased child is such events:

  • providing beddown for time increased temperature bodies;
  • protection against the possible infection of inflamed areas by treating green-tree bubbles, penitille-fencyclovir, fuccinine or Kalamin Lotion;
  • compliance with the diet consisting in the refusal of fried, smoked and fatty products.

As auxiliary antibacterial therapy, after meals, it is recommended to rinse purph cavity Furacillin solution. And it is permissible to use some antihistamine drugs, suitable kid by age.

The first signs of the chickenpox in the child and the treatment considered. Drying bubbles and crust formations occurs 3-4 days after their appearance. The disappearance of crusts usually occurs after 10-14 days. Up to this point, observance of hygienic procedures should occur very neatly and in the form of light rinsing. It is recommended to use a faint solution of manganese. Wipe your baby with a towel. It is permissible only to dry the body with a towel. It is this method of hygiene that will avoid infection that have not yet heal completely skin cover.

Chickenpox in children, or just a windmill - this is a disease caused by the activity of the virus simple herpes VARICELLA ZOSTER (3 Type of herpes).

The windmill is usually sick, children 2 - 7 years old. The risk of infection is more subjected to those kids who visit kindergarten and developing teams.

Breasts of the 1st half of the year of life with a wind inspiment practically do not suffer, because Have a maternal immunity, preserved after birth. After 7 years, the windmill in children meets less often and proceeds, as a rule, in severe form.

Causes of chickenpox in children

The causative agent of the disease "Windshnaya Opa" is herpess. To the question of how the windmill is transmitted, doctors answer: the virus is distributed by air-droplet, in the wind. Hence the name of the aless.

You can get infected, just being in the same room with a sick child or adult.

The only episode of the windmill allows the body to form a steady immunity to variety zoster, but the cases of re-infection are not rare in medical practice.

A starting mechanism for activating the windmill virus can serve as stress or contact with adults, which is ill (deprived) or chickenpox. Air flow Easily spreads strains to a distance of up to 20 m. The source of infection is a person with active form Diseases.

It is noteworthy that on the street in hot conditions summer period VVG-3 can not exist. Cobbled windmill infection is typical for spring and autumn months.

The incubation period and infinity of the windmill

The formation of liquid bubbles on the body and the skin of the head is a characteristic sign of a windshield sip, specialists do not consider the initial stage of pathology.

After infection within 1 - 2 weeks, the HVV-3 passes the incubation period, developing in the cells of the epithelium and blood. In the incubation period, the contagious of the windmill should not be worried - the contagiousness is still on the zero level. Actively stand out in environment The pathogen begins shortly before increasing the body temperature of an infected child.

The acute stage of the disease is replaced by the stage of restoration of the affected organism lasting up to 3 weeks. But the child becomes safe to those surrounding on 5 days from the moment of registration of the last Ospina. The crumb does not bother neither itching nor bad state of health. This speaks about the beginning of recovery.

Thus, to the question "" the answer can be obtained by this - from 2 to 3 weeks with the incubation period 7 - 21 days. The incubation period itself has three stages:

Hazardous complication of chickenpox in children is windmill pneumonia. The risk of its development increases for premature babies, children born from complicated, and adolescents. Treat pneumonia due to windmill only in the hospital.

Symptoms and clinical forms of chickenpox in children

All parents should know how the windmill begins in children. So they will be able to begin treatment and prevent the development of complications. So, the chickenpox at first declares itself a sharp jumps of body temperature up to 39 - 40 ° C. The baby complains of headaches and weakness, refuses to feed. Some children have nausea and / or diarrhea.

But in the coming clock, the stains turn into bubbles filled with viral content. The rashes cause the unbearable itching of the body and apply to the skin and mucous membranes.

After a couple of days, the papulas break through and expire in contagious liquid. The ulcers are gradually tightened with crusts, which subsequently, if they are not lying hand-painted, fall off their own and without a trace.

In children over 2 years old and under 12, the chickenpox sometimes flows in an atypical form without hyperthermia and multiple rashes. Teenagers, the windmill passes in medium or severe form.

Depending on the peculiarities of the flow in children, a windshield is divided into three forms:

What the windmill looks like, can be seen in the photo shot of children.

Ospins are formed on any parts of the body and even mucous tissues. The intensity of the rash is different.

Therapeutic and diagnostic measures for windmill

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may write a referral to laboratory tests on the windmill:

  • Light microscopy of elements with silvering reagents.
  • Serological examination of blood for identifying a viral agent and determining the activity of antibodies to the causative agent.

Medicia treatment

The specifics of the treatment of chickenpox in children doctor determines, focusing on the symptoms and signs of the disease of each particular case.

For high temperatures The child will be prescribed antipyretic drugs with ibuprofen or paracetamol. In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics need antibiotics. But antibacterial drugs Useless in relation to WSG-3, so the main course of therapy is the doctor of medicines of different groups.

  • Antichetic and immunomodulating: acyclovir in different forms, Viferon, Vidarabin, Leucinferon. In the typical course of the disease children's organism (up to 7 years) independently copes with the causative agent and does not need antiviral drugs.
  • Antihistamines helps to eliminate unbearable itch and establish sleep. Of the preparations of 1 generation, Diazolin, Supratine, Tavagil are prescribed. Drugs 2 - 3 generations include Loratadine, Claritin, Zirtek, Cetirizin.
  • Sedatives. Soothing prescribed with elevated capriciousness and excitability of the baby. If a child already takes antihistaminesIt is necessary to figure out whether they give a sedative effect. If not, the patient additionally prescribe the means of homeopathy: Nervochiel, Valerian, Notta, EDAS-306.

For outdoor treatment, OSPIN is customary to use green. Hydrogen peroxide also has excellent drying effect. water solution Manganese or, Castellani fluid.


Treatment with folk remedies

Adherents folk Medicine They offer to carry out the treatment of chickenpox in children with severe itching with phytogram. For example, the patient can be held in the bath filled with the Nasty of Yarrow. The drug is prepared at the rate of 200 g of dry raw materials on 5 liters of water. Session time - 15 minutes.

For the healing ablution of the child's body, you can cook the barley decoction. 1 kg of grain boil into 5 liters of water, cool and strain. Liquid on the body should dry independently without wiping.

Useful swimming in the windmill, if his doctor approves, arrange with a herb beam 2 p. A day to 5 - 10 minutes. The fluid is brewed on a quiet fire from the daisy flowers pharmacy, cleanliness and calendula (all - 3 tbsp., Boiling is carried out 10 min.). The means is filtered and poured into the bath, then fir oil (6 drops) are introduced.

If a child in a period of sickness with a windmill complains about itching in his mouth, make the sage for him (20 g for 2 glasses of boiling water) and give half an hour. Then straighten the decoction, and let the kid puts the mouth.

Hygiene, food, day mode

Since the development of windmills accompanies strong itch, It is necessary to tell a child about the importance of abstinence from combing bubbles. Due to elevated temperature, the baby can sweat greatly, why itching increases. The patient needs a frequent change of laundry and maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. While the child is sick, it is better to wear it in cotton things that paste the air and do not allow much sweat.

A full bathing in the bath with windmill is prohibited. But warm shower when normal temperature The bodies do not take place, because the water of a pleasant temperature slides a little itching. Wash the child with soap and washcloth can not be avoided by Ospin's irritation, wipe the hard towel - too. Taurus can be lightly lined with a sheet or a soft terry towel.


Some children are very hard to carry the windmill symptoms and refuse food because of poor well-being.

It should not be forcibly feeding the patient, it is better to offer him a light snack in the form of a beloved dish. But also to order the child with sweets and the fact that he soul is also not worth it. Sour, sharp, salted, smoked and food with an abundance of seasonings in the children's diet should not be to recovery.

What can feed the child with windmill? Doctors recommend cooking dairy cereals, low-fat fish, broths. From fruit benefits will bring bananas and avocados.

Walking and communication

Once the health of the baby goes on the amendment, take it on the walk. Dress the cloth on the weather and do not walk for a long time.

Watch that the child is not in direct sunlight and has not in contact with healthy children. Do not allow you to infect others.

Is it worth spending vaccination

Make children vaccinations from chickenpox doctors have become relatively recent. The composition of the vaccine is represented by alive, but weakened causative agents of the disease. The first vaccination is made in 12 - 14 months. Repeated the vaccine against the windmill is introduced in 3 - 5 years. Teenagers and adults who do not have natural immunity, vaccinations are twice with an interval between the injections of 1 month or more.

Little children feel well to vaccinate from windmill, and pediatricians do not fix adverse Reactions. However, if the child is part of a group of frequently ill children, at the expense of vaccination, it is necessary to consult with a precinct pediatrician. The weakened organism can respond to the vaccination unpredictable phenomena.

With a chickenpox risks, each mother risks, because this children's infection is characterized by high infinity. What is it, how does the windmill are transferred and how is usually transferred? At what age is it better to overcome the wind inspi? What is treated infection And how to protect yourself from the causative agent of the windmill? Is it possible to quickly get rid of windmill rash? Answers to these and other questions about chickenpox are worth knowing all parents.

The reasons

A chickenpox is a viral infection, the causative agent of which is the DNA-containing VARICELLA ZOSTER virus. It refers to the viruses of the Herpes group, in particular, is the grain of herpes of the third type. In addition to the windmill, the same pathogen provokes the appearance of a "shelling herpes" disease, which is also called zooming deprived.

The susceptibility of the person who did not painl the VARICELLA ZOSTER to the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus is up to 90-100%. For infection, it is enough to be next to the ill-friendly child for 5-10 minutes. In addition, this pathogen is distinguished by high volatility, since it is capable of flying with mucus particles to a distance of up to 20 meters.

At the same time, the windmill virus is small-building to the action of external conditions.If the causative agent of such an infection is outside the human body more than 10-15 minutes, it dies. Accelerate his death help sun rays, disinfectants, High temperatures and other external factors.

A person who has previously ill-suffering a person can become infected with a carrier of infection in 90% of cases

When the chickenpox passed, and the child recovered, the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus disappears from the body of the passage of the usas. It is preserved in inactive state in nervous tissues.In people over 40 years old in 15% of cases, this virus becomes active, which is manifested by the symptoms of herpes of herpes.

Ways transfer

The windmill is transmitted from sick people healthy kids and adults who have no immunity to this infection, such as ways:

  1. Air-drip. This is the most common variant of the spread of the windmill virus. The causative agent is transferred with mucus particles after sneezing or cough, as well as in conventional breathing. The sick person begins to highlight the chickenpox virus even at a time when there are no signs of the disease (on the last day of the incubation period). Further, it is a source of infection during the entire rash period (this is the most active period of infection). As soon as it takes five days after formation on the skin of the patient of the last new bubbles, the child ceases to be contagious.
  2. Contact. This path of transmitting VARICELLA ZOSTER virus is more rare. With it, the pathogen falls to healthy people When contacting with windmill bubbles, within which there are many viruses are contained. Theoretically you can transfer the virus on the underwear and different objectsBut in practice, infection through household items or third parties is almost no happening.
  3. Transplantar. This way is infected with a windmill, if the mother did not hurt this infection before pregnancy and did not make vaccination. In this case, infection at an early stage of nose threatens the development of serious pathologies in the child. If the virus enters the body of the crumbs later than 12 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of developing a congenital windmill - infection, which manifests itself clinically immediately after birth and proceeds quite hard. It is especially dangerous to consider the period 5 days before delivery, since with an earlier infection, not only the pathogen falls, but also developed in the mami organism of the antibody. If the crumb is infected immediately before childbirth, antibodies do not have time to work out and are not transferred to it, which leads to a congenital windmill.

You can get a windmill with air-drip, contact and intrauterine path

I mention about where the windmill comes from, it is worth noting the possibility of transferring the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus from patients with listeners, because in the bubbles that appeared on their body there are quite a lot of virus. And if a child who has not yet been a windmill, will accidentally contact with such bubbles, he will have a windshish. That is why the windmill could be a carrier of the disease, but, provided that such a person has an active stage of herpes of herpes.

At what age is more often sick

Most often, the chickenpox is diagnosed in children over two years old, but under ten years old, and children of 4-5 years old are considered extremely susceptible to VARICELLA ZOSTER virus. At the same time, the course of the disease in preschoolers and younger students are predominantly easy.

For up to 6 months, the chickenpox almost do not suffer. They are protected by maternal antibodies that get during pregnancy, and in breastfeeding. Newborn babies can be sick with a windmill only if the mother did not have such an infection before (they do not have protection).

From the 6-monthly age of the antibodies received from the mother in the body of the child, it becomes smaller, so breast kids from this age, in 1 year and older can get a windmill at contact with a sick person. In such situation one-year-old child also transfers the disease mainly in easy form.

Teenagers can also be infected with windmill if they did not go to more early age. As in adults, the course of the disease they often have severe, it is possible to develop an atypical form, and the risk of complications is increased.

In adults and children over 10 years old windmill has more heavy form

You can learn more about this by looking at the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

Stages of the disease

Starting from the moment of contact Varicella Zoster healthy childThe disease undergoes such stages:

  1. Incubation period. In it, the pathogen actively multiplies and accumulates in the cells of the mucous membranes, and there are no symptoms of the disease.
  2. Promotional period.This is the time when the virus penetrates into the blood and the infection begins to manifest themselves with ailment, but it is still impossible to accurately diagnose chickenpox.
  3. Rash period.In it, the pathogen attacks skin cells and a rash characteristic of the chickenpies appears on the body of the child, and general state Baby worsening.
  4. Period of recovery. At this time, antibodies are formed, new elements of the rash cease appear, and all the existing bubbles are healing.

Incubation period

The duration of this period can vary from seven days to 21 days, but most often in childhood The windmill manifests itself two weeks after contact with the virus. The decrease in the incubation period is observed in children up to a year, as well as kids with weakened immunity.A longer period of incubation occurs in adolescents - they occasionally have the first symptoms of infection begin 23 days after infection.

The duration of the incubation period of the windmill depends on the immunity of the child


First signs

The beginning of the windmill is similar to the beginning of any viral infection and manifests:

  • Weakness.
  • Headache.
  • Deteriorated appetite.
  • Complaints that hurts the throat.
  • Scob in muscles.
  • Capricious behavior, irritability.
  • Broken sleep.

In severely, the child may have vomiting, increased lymph nodes are detected. Cough and runny nose with an uncomplicated wind inspection not found.

The first signs of the windmill are similar to cold illness

As the windmill manifests itself in the first days, you can look at the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

Temperature increase

Fever appears one of frequent symptoms Windshore smallpox, and its severity is directly related to the severity of infection. If the disease proceeds easily, the body temperature can remain within the normal range or slightly increase. In the case of the mid-heavy flow, the mother will see 37-38 degrees on a thermometer, and a heavy chickenpox usually flows with a temperature above + 39 ° C.

High body temperature, is a sign of a heavy flow of chickenpox

Rash with windmill

Rashes can be called the most characteristic sign Wind smallpox. Cases of windmill without rashes are practically not found. Even with very easy course At least a few bubbles arise on the body.

As a rule, rash is found on the body of the child simultaneously with the increase in temperature.The first elements are celebrated on the body, and then they arise on their hands and legs, as well as on the head. They are quite strong, causing children strong discomfort. It is important to note that the windmills are not found on the palms and feet, but they can occur not only on the surface of the skin, but also on the mucous membrane, for example, in the language, on a soft nurse, in front of the eye or in genitalia.

First, the chickenpox is represented by small reddish spots that quickly become papulas (at this stage of rashes look like insect bites). After some time, the top layer of the skin in Papulach begins to peel, and the transparent liquid is accumulated inside, as a result of which one-chamber vesicles are formed on the place of papules. Around such bubbles is noticeable red rim of inflamed skin.

The contents of Vezikul soon becomes muddy, bubbles are bursting and covered with crusts. Under crusts, the skin gradually heals, and if the rash does not scratch, there will be no trace from it. Simultaneously with the formation of crusts near the skin of the child, new specks appear, of which vesicles are also formed.

If krohi light windmill, the new "waves" of the rash can not be observed, and in the severe form of the vesicles are formed during the week or longer, and their number is very large. At the same time, as a new "wave" of bubbles appears, the body temperature also rises.


With considering clinical manifestations and the currents of the chickenpox stands out typical formwhose symptoms are described above, as well as such atypical forms:

  • Bullous, at which rash is represented by large vesicles filled with pus.
  • Hemorrhagic, in which inside bubbles bleeding content.
  • Gangrenous-necrotic, at which vesicles contain both blood and pus.

These types of chickenpox are usually found at severe course Diseases. However, there is a rudimentary form of infection with asymptomatic flow.

Atypical forms Windmills are found in severe disease

Duration of illness

Reply exactly, after how many days the windshish passes, it is impossible, because every child transfers such infectious disease in its own way. The long period of the majority of children lasts 1-2 days, but sometimes it is so short that the rashes begin to appear almost immediately after the kid felt bad.

The rash period, depending on the course of the disease, can last 2 days, and 9 days, but on average, new vesicles cease to appear 5-8 days from the beginning clinical symptoms infections.

Full healing of the skin after formation on top of all bubbles of crusts lasts 1-2 weeks. If child easy Windmill, the disease can completely end for 7-8 days, and with a more severe course and the appearance of complications, the child may be sick for several weeks and longer.

With a light course, the windmill lasts up to 9 days


The appearance of complications in the windmill can be provoked by both the virus itself and the addition of bacterial infection.

Severe chickenpox may complicate:

  • Pneumonia (most frequent complication).
  • Encephalitis (the most dangerous complication).
  • Bacterial skin infections (due to combing bubbles on the skin).
  • Stomatitis (when infected by bubbles in the mouth).
  • Otitis (in the formation of bubbles in the ear).
  • Defeat the cornea.
  • Jade.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the joints, muscles, genital organs and others.

Many are interested, whether it is possible to die from the windmill. This risk really exists, since mortality in complications, for example, windmill encephalitis, reaches 10%. No less dangerous inflammation of the lungs and chickenpox.


Most often, the diagnosis of "Windshield Opa" is based on complaints and clinical manifestations of such an infection, because with increasing temperature and the appearance of ravis, almost all mothers cause a pediatrician, and an experienced doctor has a problem, how to determine the child with a chickenpox, often does not happen. However, the question of how to distinguish the windmill from allergies, enterovirus, streptodermia, allergies, measles and herpes, can be quite complicated, because with such diseases, rashes and other symptoms are very similar to the chickenpox.

In such cases, it is possible to understand that this is a truly windshield, you can additional examination venous blood. From the first days of the disease to identify the virus using pCR reactions (This study reveals the DNA of the pathogen), and from the 4-7th day from the beginning of the windmill in the blood of a sick child with the help of ELISA, antibodies (immunoglobulins M) are determined to the Herpes Virus 3.

With the appearance of the first signs of the windmill, only a doctor should put

Treatment of chickenpox

  • In childhood, most cases of windmills are treated at home without the use of antiviral drugs.The child is given only medicines aimed at facilitating the symptoms of infection. Antiviral tools, for example, acyclovir tablets, apply only with severe flow. Antibiotics with windscreen OPAP are prescribed only when bacterial complications appear.
  • Toddler and adults with chickenpox isolate to eliminate the risk of contaminating people without immunity. This is especially important for such categories of people like pregnant women, patients with immunodeficiency, people with chronic pathologies and some others.
  • If the temperature is very high, the child with windmill prescribe bed mode.With a low or normal temperature, it is constantly not required to be in bed, but physical activity It is advisable to limit.
  • Nutrition with chickenpox should be easy, Therefore, the menu includes soups, dairy products, Fish and meat for a couple, fruit puree, dishes from vegetables. A special diet is not required with a light form, but parents should know that it is impossible to eat with windmill. Such is considered sharp, fried, smoked, as well as everything that is hardly digested. If bubbles appeared in the mouth, the food is given in a semi-liquid form.
  • A child with a windmill advise to give more warm drinks. He is offered their frost, fastening tea, wild rose, clean water, unsweetened compote and other drinks.
  • To reduce the temperature, antipyretic drugs allowed in childhood - Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Both drugs are effectively fighting with fever, but their dosage should be consistent with the pediatrician. Application aspirin during windmill is prohibited.
  • To reduce the nervous excitability and the capriciousness of the child with windmill,often use homeopathic or vegetable preparations, for example, Nervochel or Notta.
  • Treatment of bubbles in the windmill is aimed at reducing itching and skin protection against infection. The use of diamond green and fuccin is quite common. Also used antiseptics such as manganese (prepare a pale pink liquid) and hydrogen peroxide.

  • To reduce the activity of the causative agent,the skin of the child can handle gel or ointment Viferon.
  • To reduce itch and more rapid healing Registration means based on zinc, such as sysynsitis, cydol or Calamine lotion. Such drugs are allowed from birth.
  • For children over 2 years old, you can smear the skin with the preparation of Pokox.It is a gel based on aloe vera and other natural components (packed like spray). The tool is easy to apply, quickly acts, not toxic and does not cause addiction.
  • To speed up the healing of bubbles, you can lubricate their tea tree oil. Also regeneration processes in the skin stimulate the treatment of salicylic alcohol.
  • If rash is very much drawn and worried about the child, it should be discussed with a doctor, which can prescribe antihistamines To reduce itch. These can be such medicines like suprastin, zoda, claritine, Loratadine and others. From local drugs use gel phenyatil.
  • When bubbles appear on the mucous membrane The child is recommended to rinse the throat of Mirismine, herbal decoctions, Furatcilina solution. If painful wounds were formed in the mouth, they should be lubricated with painkillers used in teething (Calgel, Kamistad and others).
  • Some parents are interested, whether the windmill vesiculi iodine can be caught. It is not recommended because such a processing will cause the strengthening of itching.
  • To remove the scars formed due to combing bubbles and inward infection, Use those local meanslike counteablex, Medgel, rescuer, dermatix, Medherma and others.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on how to treat a windmill, you can find out by looking at his transfer.

Immunity after windmill

In children who have overdoled a chickenpox, there is immunity, which is persistent and life (it protects against this infection for life). It is extremely rare to re-infected with the windmill. Such cases are diagnosed by no more than 3% of overcoming and bind mainly with immunodeficiency states.

Re-infection wind abscess is possible with strong immunodeficiency

Reduce itching helps frequent short hygienic baths.Walking at the windmill is not recommended only at high body temperature. When the child has become better, the baths are allowed to 4-6 times a day, but use detergents And the washcloths should not, and after the procedure, do not try the body with a towel, but only lightly blocked water. Read more about this in the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

  • Watch that the room is not too hot, And the clothes of the child was natural and rather spacious, as overheating helps to increase the skin.
  • Pay attention to the prevention of combing bubbles,after all, then you will have no problem, how to remove traces and scars after the disease. Cut the short nails or put on the kid of mittens (if it is baby), and also constantly distract if you noticed that the baby is trying to scratch rashes.
  • The fact that the child has developed complications can suggest such symptoms,as a cough, skin planning, shortness of breath, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, seizures Svetuboyaznny, conjunctivitis and other symptoms. When they appear, you should immediately call a doctor.
  • Do not hesitate with the appeal medical help and at high temperatures Especially if it is hard to knock it off. You should also alert the temperature rise in a few days after the normalization of the overall state. To appeal to the pediatrician follows 2 weeks from the beginning of the disease, if the rashes have not passed.
  • Although the child with the windmill is no longer infected 5 days after detectioning on the skin of the last new visits, do not hurry to go out with him in crowded places. About returning to the children's team is best advised to the doctor, because the time when you can go to school after a windmill or start attending a kindergarten, for each child will be individual.

Adhering to the recommendations of the doctor during the windmill, you can shorten the term of the disease and facilitate its course in a child

So that the child understands what happens to him, tell him about the windmill and show the cartoon, For example, about kitten Musty. Thanks to viewing the child in understandable and interesting form It can understand how the disease is manifested and transmitted. In addition, in the cartoon it is shown why patients with windmill should not receive guests.


To prevent the spread of the windmill virus, such measures are used:

  • Isolation of patients for the period of their contagious.
  • Highlighting a child of separate dishes, linen and other hygiene items.
  • Separate washing of the child's child's clothing.
  • Application of gauze bandage.
  • Frequent ventilation and wet cleaning of the room in which the sick child is located.

Observing preventive measures, you can avoid a windmill infection

More effective way Protect yourself or a child called vaccination from chickenpox. In our country, it is not mandatory, so parents can purchase a vaccine and make it at their own wishes.

There are 2 vaccines from chickenpox - Okavaks and varillirix. They contain a weakened virus and transferred predominantly well.

What looks like

  • Dr. Komarovsky
  • How to remove itch
  • Bathing
  • Walk
  • Complications
  • In children. Usually it is sick aged 5 to 10 years. After transferred disease Immunity is preserved for life. This disease is very infection and is transmitted with direct contact with the sick child. Therefore, almost the whole group usually sick in the kindergartens. Windmills in the child do not appear immediately. After infection passes 1-3 weeks, but the baby will be infected and before the appearance of rashes.

    A chickenpox is caused by herpes virus. Usually children are ill not seriously,

    complications and high temperatures are only in adults, so it is better to transfer this disease in childhood. Especially dangerous pregnancy.

    The first signs of the windmill in the child are similar to the usual viral infection. It becomes a capricious, weakness and indisposition appears, sometimes pain in the throat or abdomen. High temperature rises. These symptoms appear at the time when the rashes are not yet visible.

    What signs of the windmill are most characteristic of this disease? Of course, it is a rash. When small red specks appear, which are converted to bubbles after a while, it is easy to determine that your child has a windmill. The rashes are most concentrated on the stomach, chest, neck and face.

    Then rash spreads to the back, limbs, maybe even on mucous membranes, which delivers the most easy sensations. A few days later, the red specks are converted into blisters with transparent content. Then crusts appear, which after a while disappear, without leaving traces.

    The rashes appear every few days, so you can notice on the body all the steps of rash. Usually according to these symptoms and determine that the child has a chickenpox. The first signs of the photo of children show visual. Each child has the amount of rash individually. They may be little, or they spread throughout the body.

    Each mother should know the first signs of the windmill
    child to start treatment in time. After all, rash causes a strong itching, and when combing the baby can be infected. In addition, if you pull the crusts formed on the bubbles, there will be ugly scars on the skin for a long time. In the absence of treatment, complications may occur. Most often it is the suppuration after combing bubbles.

    Special no, do not act on the virus also antibiotics. The patient is desirable to lie, drink a lot. At high temperatures, antipyretic agents are prescribed. For quick healing of rashes, they need to lubricate with green daily. Carefully inspect the whole body of the baby, especially folds and crotch, because untreated bubbles can be thrown.

    It is also very important to observe sanitary and hygienic rules and a special diet eliminating allergens. It is necessary to give the baby vitamins and means to strengthen immunity. To reduce itching, herbal baths are recommended, and in severe cases, antihistamines.

    The first signs of the chickenpox in a child should be able to recognize not to confuse with other diseases, for example, cortel. In addition, the diseased child needs to be isolate from other children so that it does not expand the infection.

    Windmill is a disease that had to overcome the majority of us. It is considered an easy childhood disease and usually does not cause serious concerns from their parents. Anxiety and concerns begin when the child rises the temperature, the whole body is covered with a strange rash and well-being deteriorated sharply. Then the majority of parents begin to worry, wondering how to facilitate the state of the child, was it possible to avoid infection and, of course, are accepted for fun folk art - Drawing a child with green.

    In order not to panic and do not make something nonsense, when the windmill will come to the house, it is necessary to prepare for her arrival in advance - to find out what it is, is it possible to prevent this arrival, as well as how to treat the sick child.

    Which is a windmill and how it is infected

    Chickenpox or windmill it viral diseasewhich is caused by one of the varieties of herpes virus. The main symptoms of the windmill is to increase the temperature to sufficiently high marks and the characteristic paunching rash, and the headache may be observed, lethargy, the deterioration of appetite. It is important to take into account that the child becomes contagious about 2 days before the symptoms of the disease appear. And the symptoms themselves appear almost simultaneously.

    The windmill virus is able to affect the cells of the skin epithelium, which leads to characteristic changes in it. First, red specks appear, which in just a few hours are converted into small bubbles filled with transparent liquid. Already on the second day, the liquid inside the bubbles is grieved, and they are shrivened safely and covered with a crust. After about a week, the pimple disappears and the pimple disappears, as a rule, without a trace, but if we construct a crust or injure the acne, then a small scar can remain. New rashes appear on the continuation of several days, from two to five, depending on the severity of the disease.

    It is very easy to infect the windmill with a sick child. The probability of infection with a windmill did not painful child is almost equal to 100%. But it should be borne in mind that outside the human body can no longer exist, therefore, if not in contact directly with a sick person, the probability of infection is zero.

    Windmill: Is it worth afraid and avoid infection

    As we said, the windshield is a disease that does not cause serious concerns from parents and doctors. For most children, it flows very easily, often parents do not even notice when their child got over. But this concerns only children up to 12 years. If the child does not pass to this time, the older it becomes, the more dangerous for him is the disease. In adults, the windmill proceeds very difficult.

    With windmill, the temperature can often rise to high marks. If she confidently exceeded 38 degrees and / or cause discomfort in the child, the temperature must be reduced. For this, any preparations based on paracetamol or ibuprofen are suitable. But in no case can not use aspirin for the treatment of windmills. Aspirin itself is a good medicine, but in combination with a chickenpox can lead to serious defeats.

    The second is no less unpleasant symptom - Itchy rash. Permanent itching gives discomfort to the child, makes it get nervous, and worsens a general condition. It is noticeably strengthens itching the sweaty sweat, so it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room, adequately apply to the child and limit motor activity. Clothes and bedding should be made of natural breathable fabric.

    Good help to cope with itching water treatments. Previously, children were often forbidden to swim in the windmill, modern pediatricians, on the contrary, recommend taking barely warm shower or. Of course, use the washcloth or rub the skin towel is prohibited.

    It is very important to a child, a sick chickenpox, to ensure comfort and abundant drink. You can feed in this period of children only at will, something unfounded. The first days, if the well-being is really bad, you need to lie down in bed, then you can begin to walk a little. After new rashes stop appearing, it is necessary to wait 5 days, since that time the child is no longer infected and can communicate with other children.

    Use of drugs in the treatment of wind sieves

    As we said, the chickenpox virus is a very close relative of ordinary herpes. It comes out to the idea of \u200b\u200busing all familiar acyclovir against him. This drug Really used in the treatment of windmills, but only in those situations where the body cannot overcome the virus itself. The acyclovir is often prescribed to adults and adolescents who are difficult to carry the disease, and children, most, easily fused with the virus without the help of drugs. The use of acyclovir for the treatment of children is justified only in two cases:

    • if the disease proceeds in a very difficult form;
    • if there were cases of severe disease.

    A lot of questions cause a rash processing. Previously, in our country, all children, patients with windmill, were treated with green. There is nothing wrong with that, but it's useful, it brings a minimum, rather, it's easy. The main and indisputable advantage of the greenstock before other disinfection means is a bright color. As soon as you noticed that the child has green hot acne, and there are no new, after five days the child will become unsuccessful. If you do not follow the number of acne, you can safely use any antiseptic or not to use anything at all.

    New look at the old disease (video "Windshore

    We are all accustomed to treat the windmill, as a light disease, which, besides unpleasant itch and some weakness, no longer brings any problems. But the consequences of the windmill can be much worse. After ravis on the skin, scars can remain, and when immunity decreased, the virus can be activated and returning in the form of a loose-hazing. That is why modern doctors are increasingly recommended to vaccinate from chickenpox and prevent the disease.