Planning walks 2 ml gr for a year. Walk in the second youngest group. Summer period

  • Date: 27.01.2019

Walk in the summer for children 2-4 years on the theme "Musical guys"

Purpose:  form the right attitude to living objects in children: to teach not to be afraid, not to offend them.


The children went for a walk after the rain, watching: the sun hid behind the clouds, everything was wet all over. Birds can not be heard. Puddles under your feet! Children try to bypass puddles. Suddenly, two frogs jumped out of the grass on the road. Across the jump track! And again they dived into the thick weed. Now not to find! The educator happily exclaims: “Hello, frogs, frogs! How good it is that you have come to visit us, otherwise mosquitoes will fly at us, they all bite! ”

Giving the right attitude, the teacher says that frogs do not offend anyone, they are useful. Children will know where the frogs live, why they are happy when it rains (their skin is tender, it should be wet, not dry). And how happy? Sing their little song: “Kwa! Kwa! ”

The teacher summarizes:  “All people protect frogs, and we — too. Let come to us more often. We will not offend them. We are good! "

The teacher reads a poem by P. Zologov "Musical guys."

Then the teacher asks: “Who did you see? What color are frogs? Show how they jumped. Where do you think they were? Now where did the girlfriend frogs jump? How do they sing their funny songs? ”The teacher makes a riddle about frogs. Children guess it and rejoice.

After returning to the veranda, a lively game called Musical Guys is held.

Walk in the summer for children 2-4 years on the topic "We are waiting for guests"

purpose: show role-playing patterns; clarify children's knowledge of which animals they eat and how; learn to be polite.


Children go for a walk, start to play. After some time, the tutor informs them: “Today guests will come to us: the hare, the bird, the bear cub, the squirrel, the pussy, and the goat. And when guests gather, their hosts treat them. Would you like a treat? ”

An adult on a tray puts a colorful salted dough on the table. Children mold carrots, nuts, donuts, candy, etc., at will.

Adult: “The treat is ready! (Lays out on a tray.) Let's get ready for the arrival of the guests. Where will we meet them? Where to treat? Invented? Of course, the best on the veranda. Come on, we'll clean everything beautifully first. Who sweeping the floor? Who will wash the dishes? And who will arrange the plates? Let's think about who we will treat.

Bear will come. What should we put on the table? Right, honey. Come here honey! (Strong tea is poured in a jar.)

Comes up bunny. What to him? That's right, put carrots on a plate. Carrot he will ..? (Gnaw.)

A small bird will arrive. What will we treat her? Of course, poured her pips. The pips it will be ..? (To peck.)

The goat goat. And what shall we give him? That's right, the weeds are fresh, fragrant. He will weed ..? (Chew.)

Come baby-murysenka. What do we offer her? Milk kitty will be ..? (Lacquer.)

And squirrel? Nuts, she will be them ..? (Click.)

Will you drink tea? Where is the kettle? Cups and saucers? Anyone have a treat? Are you ready to welcome guests? How are you ready when not yet dressed? Come on, dress up soon! (Children choose outfits for themselves: skirts, kerchiefs, beads, and wreaths.) They just dressed up, and here and the guests came. How we meet guests: „Hello, dear guests! Welcome! Welcome! Glad to see you! "" (Guests come, bring: a bouquet of dandelions (bunny), a big red flower (bird), berries (bear)), fungus (squirrel), donut (goat), big candy (kitty).) Gifts spread on dish, flowers put in the center of the table.

The teacher continues: “Now sit down the guests. Where do we put the bunny? Remember what we prepared for him. And what a treat prepared bear? Plant him closer to the honey! ”

When accommodating guests, children with the help of an adult remember who they can treat. Then tea drinking and dancing begin.

After a while, the guests are about to leave. “How to properly conduct them? —The teacher asks. - Thank you for coming. Thanks for gifts. Come again to visit us. We'll be waiting for you. Bon Voyage!"

Having guided the guests, the children, with the help of an educator, remember who brought what gift to the children.

The game with kids can be abbreviated.

At the end of the walk the game “Gray Bunny” is held.

Walk in the summer for children 2-4 years on the topic "Our Daughters"

Purpose:  teach children to handle water carefully; clarify the procedure for undressing dolls, the name of body parts; give role-playing patterns


The children went for a walk, play independently. Then the game "Geese" is played.

By the end of the walk, the teacher offers 5-7 older children to bathe the dolls (in hot weather). Children respond with pleasure to the offer of an adult.

All go to the veranda, put the tables in one row, arrange baths on both sides (according to the number of children), clarify what is needed for bathing (the deputies are sponge, shampoo, soap) and towels. Bring water, fill the bath, try it to the touch.

The teacher asks:  “Is it possible to bathe the daughters with cold water?” And suggests: “Maybe we can add some warm water?” The children agree. The teacher dilutes the water (water is prepared in advance), asks each child: “Warm water? Can I bathe my daughter? ”

The teacher demonstrates the behavior of affectionate mother (role-playing behavior): “My sweet daughter, my beloved, do you want to swim? Vodichka tender, warm, try it yourself! Look, the duck is already swimming in the bath, the balls are waiting for you. Let's get undressed. ” (She undresses in the sequence in which children are used to undress.)

Then the caretaker gently puts the doll in the bath and performs the necessary actions, accompanying them with the words: “First we wash the daughter. Now we wash the sponge and rub her hands, legs, back and tummy. ”

After washing her head with shampoo and rinsing, slowly wipes it, clarifying the names of the body parts. Then he puts the doll on his nightgown and puts it to bed: "Sleep, my baby!"

Then the children act. The teacher monitors the correct sequence of actions of children, the thoroughness of their implementation.

Vodicka, vodichka,

Wash my face:

That eyes glistened,

That cheeks reddened,

To laugh rotok

And bit a tooth.

When bathing, children say: “Kup-kup! Do you like to swim? Vodichka gentle, warm.

Adult specifies:  “Dima, did you rub your daughter's knees with a sponge?” And heels? Did you remember to wash the foam from your shoulders, from your neck? ”

Children try, wipe their kids. When putting the dolls to bed, an adult asks: “Masha, when your mother puts you to bed, she hugs you, kisses (sings a song, tells a fairy tale)? And you, like mom, are also laying your daughter. What are you kind, gentle, affectionate mother. "

The educator suggests: “Now, carefully pour the water into a large bucket. I will carry it out, and you go for a walk while the daughters are sleeping. ”

Returning, the teacher puts on the dolls, puts them in a row and invites the younger subgroup of children, offering a reduced version of the game.

Walk in the summer for children 2-4 years on the topic "The Red Maid in the Dungeon"

Purpose:  give children an idea of ​​the plants in the garden (carrots), learn to take care of the plants; clarify the meaning of the words "red girl".


As soon as the children went for a walk, the teacher suggests going to the garden to see what grows there.

Educator: “Look at how high the leaves of the carrot are, how tall, curly, and green they are. And where is the carrot itself? Here it is! Hid in the ground, and the spit on the street. Look, what a red maid is sitting in a dungeon. Let's pull! Do not pull out! Sit down, look, where else the carrot - the red maiden hid. What does it mean: red maiden? And here, and here. Only you can not pull it out, the earth is solid. It is necessary to water it. Let's bring water. What will we carry? That's right, in watering cans. ”

All take watering cans and go for water. The educator ensures that the children take up water not more than the mark. Children together carry water to the garden bed.

The educator teaches the children: “Tilt the watering slowly so that the water does not spill over the edge. Follow me slowly. ”

Teacher goes first, the children follow him and repeat:

You, water, lei, lei!

You, carrot, drink, drink!

The water quickly disappears into the ground, the children listen as it flows in a soft stream: shhhhhhh!

The teacher says: “Here it is, the red maiden from her prison appeared. And you, Kate, seemed! And you, Misha, too! Now slowly drag the red maiden out of the dungeon. They pulled out! ”The educator poses a riddle about carrots.

Older children carry watering cans in place. Younger carry carrots.

All go to the washstand, wash their hands and go to the veranda. The teacher washes the carrot: “Look how clean it has become! Even shines. What colour? Carrot is long, orange, and what else? Spend your hand: smooth, strong. Feel how strong it is. Hard, not soft. I'll cut it, and we gnaw it all together. "

The educator cleans and cuts carrots on the plate with effort: “This is how solid, juicy.” Spread sliced ​​pieces on a plate in which sliced ​​carrots are pre-cooked: “What does a carrot taste like? Right, sweet. And what? Right, juicy, solid. And who likes to gnaw carrots? Children. And who else? Hares, rabbits, kids ".

At the end of the walk is a mobile game "My goat".

Walk in the summer for children 2-4 years on the theme of "Zoo"

purpose: consolidate children's ideas about the animal world; clarify the children's knowledge about what living beings eat.


The tutor in advance has all objects familiar to children in the free area: large soft toys and some representatives of the living corner. Decorates the site with garlands, flags, balloons, includes music.

Before going out for a walk, the tutor announces that today everyone has a holiday, everyone will go to the zoo. He asks children: “Who knows what a zoo is? Who was at the zoo? What did he see there? ”Then he clarifies that all kinds of birds, fish, animals live in our zoo.

Sounds of music. At the entrance to the “zoo” flags are flying, ribbons, multicolored birds (made of paper) are sitting on the branches. Children and adults enter the "zoo".

Children pay attention to the cells suspended low on the branches of shrubs. Birds jump in cages. All view birds, remember what they eat.

The teacher offers the guys to look up. A monkey is hiding among the branches. Children are considering a bright toy, asking a monkey to go down.

Among the branches above the aquarium notice a squirrel (soft toy). Children remember how to treat her.

Under the next bush is a cage with a rabbit. Everyone considers it, treats weed. A fox peeps out of the bushes (a soft toy). Children threaten her: "Do not hurt our rabbit!"

Turtles crawl in the grass, chickens sit in the aviary. On the trees are colorful birds. In the large bath there is a crocodile, and in the den under the Christmas tree is a bear (soft toys).

The teacher is not in a hurry to take the children out of the “zoo”, once again he and the children go from one object to another. With younger children, he clarifies: who is it, what and how does it eat, how does it move, how does it give a vote? Asks the older ones: is it a bird or a beast? How many paws do each have? Are there wings, teeth, beak? What are the names of the young birds, bear, hare, fox?

Back at the site, the children play on their own.

At the end of the walk is a moving game "Beads".

Eremeeva Natalya Nikolaevna

tutor MBDOU 6 "Cornflower" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Surgut

Abstracts of observations with children of the second younger group. Summer.

Watching dandelions.

Objective: to raise children's interest in wildlife, curiosity, consolidate knowledge about flowers, bring up an ecological outlook, develop observation, dialogue, thinking.


Guys, look how many beautiful yellow and white flowers we have in the clearing! Do you know what they are called? (Yes. Dandelions.) That's right, those are dandelions! Invite the children to consider the flower, to draw their attention to the structure - to help identify the stem, leaves, flower. Tell why the seeds of dandelion parachutes. Play with the children in the breeze - to help the wind smash the seeds of dandelion across the meadow. During the observation, to bring the children to the conclusion that it is impossible to pluck dandelion flowers with unripe seeds.

Watching the weather.

Objective: to learn to notice weather changes, to form an understanding of dependence on weather phenomena (warm - dress easy, cool - dress warm sweaters; sunbathe, rain - do not go for a walk).


Let's look at the sky! What do we see: dark clouds or white clouds? And since such big clouds, then do you think: will it be sunny or rain? The rain is really starting. Are we going to walk in the rain? (No.) When it is cold rain and puddles outside, we do not walk. Because you can get wet and cold.

Watching the wind.

Objective: to develop attentiveness, curiosity, to give the concept of this natural phenomenon, to show the power of the wind, the formation of the ability to blow a strong directional jet.

Equipment: light feather, paper sheets of different density, module for training jet breathing - “Birds”.


Do you guys feel the breeze blowing on you? What is it: warm or cold?

To show the children that a light feather flies farther than a thin piece of paper, and the heavy cardboard almost never flies away - the concept of wind power. Offer children to blow on the paper so that they fly away, as far as possible from the palm of your hand. To draw the attention of children, that the stronger they blow, the farther the piece of paper flies.

Then invite the children to be a breeze - to blow on the “Birds” module, adjusting the expiratory force so that the birds fly up to different heights.

Observation of the trees.

Objective: to learn to allocate trees according to their characteristic features, to consolidate the knowledge of the main parts of the tree - trunk, crown, branches, leaves, roots.


Guys, what trees do you know? (Christmas tree. Pine. Birch.) Well done! Let's find these trees in our garden.

Bring the children to the tree. To draw their attention to the characteristics of this tree: the color of the bark, the shape of the leaves, the color of the needles. To help children select the same trees from the total.

Play with the children in the game "Belkin house": the teacher calls the tree, on which the squirrel has a house, and the children - squirrels find such a tree.

Ants watching.

Objective: to expand the horizons of children, to consolidate the knowledge of ants, to educate the ecological outlook, careful attitude to the living, to develop a dialogic speech, to form the ability to ask questions.


Observation is carried out on the territory of the kindergarten on the ecological trail.

Guys, look what an interesting little house! This is an anthill. Do you know who lives in it? (Bugs. Ants.) Ants live right in it. Let's see what they are and what they do.

To consider with children an ant hill, an ant path, how ants tolerate a blade of grass. To draw the attention of children to the size of ants and an anthill, to clarify that it is impossible to ruin an anthill, as it is very difficult for ants to build them. Watch the movement of ants along the paths - to compare with the movement of people on the sidewalk. Tell the children about the importance of ants.

Sparrow watching.

Objective: to consolidate knowledge about birds, foster curiosity, instill respect for wildlife.


The observation is carried out on the ecological path near the "Bird's dining room" and "Sand bath".

Guys, you and I wore crumbs and seeds in bird feeders, let's see who came to visit us today. See, what an interesting birdie: small, jumping. Tell me, what do birds have? (Wings. Paws. Beak.) This bird is a sparrow.

To examine sparrows with children from a distance, to note the presence of wings, legs, tail, beak, feathers. Invite the children to imitate the sparrow's movements. Watch sparrows basking in the sand. Explain to children the need for such a swim.

Observation of the clouds

Objective: to develop attentiveness, curiosity, to expand knowledge about the world.


Children, let's look at the sky. What color is it? Yes, the sky is blue, and what else do you see in the sky? (Birds. Airplane. Cloud. Clouds.) In the sky, we still see clouds. Look at the beautiful clouds: white, fluffy. What do they look like?

To draw children's attention to the movement of clouds, to color, to help determine the similarity with cotton wool, snow, etc. Tell about how it rains from the clouds.

Supervision over work of the younger tutor.

Objective: to cultivate respect for work, to show the importance of the work of the younger educator, to teach frugality and accuracy.


Guys, what is the name of our junior tutor? Let's see what Natalya Y. does.

To observe the work of a junior tutor with children, to draw children's attention to the complexity and thoroughness of work. On the need to keep order in order to facilitate the work of a nanny.

Sand observation.

Objective: to acquaint children with the properties of dry and wet sand.

Equipment: clean dry sand, water, sand tins, shovels.


Guys, look what I cooked! That's right sand and water. What kind of sand? (Yellow. Dry.) Yes, the sand is dry, see how it is well frayed. Let's try to put it in a mold and make a figure of it. What do you think will work? Vasya take a shovel and fill the sand in the mold. Did not work out. And now we will add water to the sand and gently mix the scoop. Look, the sand has become viscous, it is not frayed at all. Sofa try to fill the mold with wet sand and make a figure. Happened!

During the observation, explain to the children that the sand in the sandbox is watered specifically so that it is better molded from it.

Observation of the flower.

(Conducted in two stages)

Objective: to consolidate the knowledge of the main parts of the flower and the main methods of care (loosening, watering, rubbing the leaves), to show the importance of proper care and sunlight for the life of plants, to foster respect for the plants.


Let's look at the shelf with flowers. Do we take good care of our plants? (Yes.) Therefore, our flowers are very beautiful. But this new flower just appeared with us. What do you think is wrong with him? (Dusty. The leaves are hanging. The ground is dry.) Exactly! This plant was poorly cared for. Let's wipe him the leaves, loosen the earth, pour it and put it in the sun. See how the flower has changed! (Leaves have risen! Glitters!) You see how a flower smiles at us! He liked being groomed! We will now constantly look after him well.

On the second observation, besides the above, we draw the attention of the children to the improvement of the plant.

Monitoring the work of the janitor.

Objective: to cultivate respect for work, to show the importance of the caretaker's labor, to teach frugality and accuracy, to teach children to clean up after themselves on the plot.


Guys, what is the name of our janitor? Let's see what Yuri Viktorovich does. When you came to the garden, the paths were clean? (Yes.) This is because the janitor comes to work early and early, and by your arrival he has time to sweep the tracks and collect all the garbage.

During the observation to draw children's attention to the complexity and importance of the work of the janitor. Ask the children if they know where the litter bins are located in the garden, if they use them. Offer to collect garbage on your site (paper, fallen leaves, broken twigs, etc.) and carried to the urn.

Watching the feeding of the fish.

Objective: to consolidate knowledge about aquarium fish, to teach how to feed the fish (choice of food, the amount of food, pour it into the feeder), to cultivate love for the living, caring.


Babies, today we came to the living area to feed the fish. Who knows how to do it right? You need to take food correctly, but how are we going to pour food from a jar? (Yes.) No, you need to pour the food in a measuring spoon. Look, you need to pour food exactly into the feeder. Then the fish can eat food without dropping it to the bottom. And you can pour a lot of food, a full feeder with a slide? No, the fish will not eat so much, and the food will fall to the bottom and spoil. Then the water will become dirty, muddy and the fish will breathe heavily in such water and it can get sick.

During the observation, show the children different types of fish food, let them try to measure the food.

Supervision over unloading of the car with products.

Objective: to acquaint children with the work of the truck driver and the loader, to enrich the vocabulary with new words.


Look, a truck drove into the garden. Do you know why he came? And let's see! This brought the products to cook for you delicious food. What heavy boxes, it is difficult for the loader to lift them. And in these big boxes there is milk, there is so much of it that all the children have enough. You see how the driver helps the loader to carry them.

To acquaint children with the words: loader, unloading, delivery, packaging, box.

To draw the attention of the children that fresh products are brought to the garden every day. What cooks prepare for children every day delicious food from fresh ingredients.

Shrub observation.

Objective: to consolidate the knowledge of the main signs of the bush, to note the difference from the trees, to educate respect for objects of wildlife.


Children, see what a beautiful plant is in our kindergarten! Who knows what it is called? (Berries. Tree. Rowan.) Quite right, this is Rowan. But it is not a tree, it is a bush. Look at how many trunks he has: one or many? (A lot.) That's right, but still the trunks of the mountain ash thin or thick? (Thin.) Right at a mountain ash, like all shrubs, the trunks are thin and there are a lot of them. Now let's see what her leaves. The leaves are very beautiful, openwork, with carved edges. Do you like this plant? Remember you can not tear the leaves, without them the bush is sick and may even dry out.

During the observation, to pay attention of children to the difference of a bush from a tree: height, number of trunks, flexibility of trunks, etc.

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Tendent M.N. Walk in the second younger group . Summer period. MAUDO Yalutorovsk "Kindergarten №9" Card №1 To cultivate the desire to help the teacher in the preparation of the site for a walk. Wipe the bench with a damp cloth from dust. Labor To develop attention, dexterity, coordination of movements. “Flags up” The teacher reads a poem and asks to perform all the actions that are described in it. We’ll take the checkboxes in hands Two flags in two hands. Raise it up, lower it. Raise it to the sky again. We’re trying, playing. Individual work. Creating conditions for independent activities. Sandbags, hoops, balls, small toys. Remote material. Learn to run fast on the signal, not bumping against each other. "Sparrows and a car" "Get in a circle" Outdoor games Instill a love of the artistic word. The cloud is hiding behind the forest, Looking at the sun from the heavens - And so clean, kind, radiantIf we got it, We'd kiss it. Fiction word. To continue the work on the formation of children's knowledge about weather and weather phenomena. Develop observation. Ask the children to look at the sky, whether there is sunshine or clouds in the sky. Mark what the sky, what the weather. Pay attention to the tops of the trees (swaying - the wind blows). Weather Observation Tasks Content Activity Card number 2 - to bring up the desire to help adults. Dig sand, clean it from debris. Labor - to develop the main types of movements. Suggest a child to ride a hoop on the ground and run for it. Individual work. - create conditions for independent activity of children. Wheels, scooters, buckets, shovels, tins. Remote material. to learn to observe the rules of the game, to move only at the signal of the educator, to engage sedentary children in the game. "Sparrows and cars" "Happy trailers" Outdoor games. To cultivate a love for the artistic word. Jumps, jumps sparrow, Calls small children: "Throw crumbs with a sparrow, I'll sing a song for you: Chick-tweet!" Art word. To continue the work on familiarizing children with birds of their native land. Expand the vocabulary of children. To cultivate love and respect for nature. Talk with children about the birds that live near the dwellings of people in the city. This is the swine. They can often be found on the street. Small nimble birds chirping loudly, flying from place to place, as if they were not afraid of anyone at all, but try to catch them! It is very difficult. So rapidly they fly and keep at a safe distance from everyone. Their plumage is very modest, gray, inconspicuous, especially in females. Birdwatching (Sparrow) Tasks Content Activity Card No. 3 To cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants. Watering flowers in the flowerbed. Labor Develop basic types of movements Teach children to jump on one foot. Individual work. Create conditions for independent activities. Multicolored flags, pins, watering cans, buckets, ball. Remote material. exercise in running. learn to listen attentively to the teacher’s teams. learn to navigate in space. "Carousel" "Bear" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. I wanted to pick a flower, I brought my palm to it, And the bee flew off the flower, And buzzes, buzzes: “Do not touch!” Art word. To form an idea that plants are alive, they grow and change. Educate a love of nature. The teacher offers the children to walk around the site and find flowers in the grass, then go back and tell them what flower they have found. After all the children have returned, they should be listened to and, on the basis of their stories, should be told about the field and garden flowers, their benefits and beauty. Observation of meadow flowers. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 4 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Watering the sand in the sandbox. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Learning to walk on a narrow bench with the support of a caregiver. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Pails, ribbons, ropes, shovels, molds. Remote material. - exercise in running .- teach attentively to listen to the commands of the teacher "Stream" "Naughty Geese" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Teach children to guess riddles. The beauty of the birch dress is silver. The beauty of the birch is green kositsy.S goats jumped out of the yard to the birch. Fiction word. To continue the work on the formation of knowledge about the trees of the native land. To consolidate the children's knowledge about spring phenomena, to cause positive emotions. Develop your imagination. Nurture respect for nature. Look carefully: what trees surround us? Yes, they are beautiful, slim, green. And what tree is called white-barreled? Why? Remember: what was it in the fall? In winter? In the spring? Birch watching. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 5 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Collect dry twigs and stones on the plot. Labor Learn to speak out, choose the right words. Game “What? What? ”Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Pails, ribbons, ropes, shovels, molds. Remote material. To form the ability to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. Develop attention agility, speed. "Bubble" "Housing and chickens" Outdoor games. To form a sound culture of speech. Expand children's vocabulary and activate their speech. The ant is not a slacker. For the whole day he is in an anthill. He wears, wears without a hitch. Overgrown needles. Fiction word. Expand children's knowledge about the life of insects (ants). Foster respect for the natural world. Look closely at the ground and you will see little black insects crawling one after the other, very quickly. These are ants. And what are they, ants? The little ones themselves are tiny legs, the antennae are thin. What are they doing? What for? (children's answers.) let's watch them. What did you notice? (Ants do not push each other, do not take away from each other. They are all busy with their important business.) What ants? (hardworking.) - Let us and we will play together, it will be more interesting and more fun. Ants watching. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 6 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. My street toys Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise: "jumping with claps" Mosquitoes fly, hover And we are not given in the hands. Let's start from the very morning: We catch, we catch mosquito. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures. Remote material. Exercise in running, walking, crawling. Develop coordination of movements. “I lived with my grandmother a goat” “The Cat and the Mice” To form a sound culture of speech. Expand children's vocabulary and activate their speech. Look, what's the tussock under the birch tree at the stump? The ants run along the paths here and here. That straw, then a blade of grass Together dragging along the path. An ant is a house, it is made by ants. Ant house we have to guard with you. Fiction word. Expand children's knowledge about the life of insects (ants). Foster respect for the natural world. Look at this ant house. Who knows what this house is called? An anthill. What does it look like? (children's answers.) let's take a close look at what it is made of. Here and small sticks, and straws, and blade of grass, and fluff, and plant seeds. Ants have brought a lot of everything they need. In an anthill like in a big house, there are also bedrooms, and children’s, and many corridors. Observation over an anthill. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 7 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Collect dry twigs and stones on the plot. Labor To develop the sound culture of speech. Exercise "Engine" Buzzed locomotive And the trailers took Chu-Chu-Chu! Chu-chu-chu! I'm rolling cars! Tm-tu! Ta-ta-ta! We take a cat with us. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Blind-man's buff" "Hen and chickens" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. From a puddle of water in any way can not be washed. Only at the well We will have to wash. Fiction word. Expand children's ideas about the phenomena of nature, about their meaning in our lives. Develop speech, thinking. Guys, what happened to our paths? It rained and left puddles on the paths. What do they look like? On small lakes. What is there in the puddle? It displays the sky and clouds. And if we look in a puddle, we will see ourselves there. Each puddle is like a small mirror. Observation zaluzhicami. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 8 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. My table and benches Work To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Obedient ball" I hand roll the ball -Kati-kach, kati-kach. It's easy for me to roll his Kati-kach, kati-kach. Give the other hand - Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Bear-bear" "The sun and rain" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. What a strange blizzard? Snow sprinkled on a hot day. Snowflakes fly, Heat does not melt, Climb everywhere: in the eye and in the nose. Wow! It turned out that ... Pooh! Fiction word. Reinforce knowledge of trees; learn to distinguish between different types of trees; foster interest in plant life. - Pay attention to the trees with bunches of white fluff. What is this plant? White, similar to cotton wool, hangs from the branches, flies in the air and lies on the ground - this is poplar fluff. In late spring and early summer, the poplar down falls to the ground; if you look closely, you can see small poplar seeds. Watching poplar fluff. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 9 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. My table and benches Work To develop the main types of movements. Invite the children to jump from hoop to hoop. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, hoops. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Planes" "The sun and rain" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Learn to guess riddles. Riddles: Good, good, looks at people, And does not order people to look at themselves. (Sun) Yellow loaf in the skyLoves everyone and warmsVery brightly shinesWhat do these children say? (Sun) Art word. To consolidate the idea of ​​the sun and its role in the life of all living things; develop cognitive interest; bring up observation. In the summer the sun is very warm, so the children walk in shorts and panama pads: in the morning in open areas, and in the afternoon in the shade. Why not walk in the hot sun? It can burn our skin. Summer sun - hot, bright, high. It gives light and heat to plants, birds, animals, people. Watching the sun. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 10 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Weted weeds in flowerbeds. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Dexterous Bunny" Jumps alternately on two legs, on the right, on the left are performed on command. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, hoops. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Planes" "The sun and rain" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. A cloud, like fluffy cotton wool, Floats and hurries all the time somewhere. And the lower the cloud falls, the rain comes closer and closer. Fiction word. Exercise in determining the state of the weather; develop cognitive interest; bring up observation. - Listen to how they knock on the window or roof of the veranda raindrops. Summer rain is warm, quickly ending. He waters plants, cleans everything around from dust and dirt, makes the air clean and fresh. Rain is very necessary, especially in summer. Watching the rain. Objectives Content Activity Card No. 11 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Sweep up the veranda, wash the benches. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Soldiers" march in place. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, wipes, ribbons. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Day-night" "Geese-swans" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. A breeze suddenly came to us in the window to the lesson. A breeze suddenly blew very weakly, the curtain stirred. It started playing - at the same hour I started blowing on us harder! Fiction word. Exercise in determining the state of the weather; develop cognitive interest; bring up observation. Pay attention to the tops of the trees. What happens to them? They sway slightly. This is the wind. How can you feel it, notice? Swaying tree branches, clouds running. Watching the wind. Objectives Content Activity Card No. 12 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Collect stones and dry twigs on the plot. Work To develop the main types of movements. Walking on a narrow stool with the support of the teacher. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, wipes, ribbons. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Day-night" "Hares and the wolf" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. If the clouds are running across the sky, So their wind pulled off the leash. Light paws, ears and tail. It is easier to get fluffy every watchdog. If you are so naturally light, run well On-re-gon-ki! Fiction word. Exercise in determining the state of the weather; develop cognitive interest; bring up observation. Look at the sky, fluffy, white clouds are floating on it. Consider what they look like: here is a horse, here is a lamb, here is a big butterfly. What are clouds? These are crystals of water high up in the sky. Observation of the clouds. Tasks Contents Activity Card №13 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Collect stones and dry twigs on the plot. Work To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Snake" Walking on the line drawn in the sand. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, wipes, ribbons. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Cat and sparrows" "Airplanes" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Learn to guess riddles. Riddles: Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose, like a needle. Fly - beeps, but sits down - silent. Who will kill him, shed his blood. (Mosquito) He did not ask permission, He flew up and bit! To fix ideas about insects; develop the ability to compare; highlight common and distinctive features; bring up observation. Why do we go out with insect creams when we go for a walk? So that mosquitoes and midges do not disturb us. They squeal and bite. Their bite is not dangerous, but very unpleasant. A mosquito is a small insect, and the midge is even smaller, but their sting is very sharp, when they bite, you may not notice, you will feel when the bite begins to itch. Watching for mosquitoes and midges. Tasks Contents Activity Card №14 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Collect stones and dry twigs on the plot. Work To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Snake" Walking on the line drawn in the sand. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, wipes, ribbons. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Cat and sparrows" "Airplanes" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. He grew up todayDirectly on the track-Yellow dandelion, The sun on the leg! Soon he dressed up in new clothes: White became, the air-Cloud on the leg! The breeze dispelledAll the crumbs. Develop in children elementary ideas about flowering dandelions. Encourage children to recognize dandelions and name them. Develop a vocabulary of adjectives (yellow, golden, like the sun) to cultivate a feeling of sympathy, respect for the plant. Look at the clearing. What flowers did you see? Yellow, bright, small suns are dandelions. There are always a lot of them on a sunny day. When they bloom, everything around becomes bright, sunny and fun. Watching dandelions. Tasks Contents Activity Card №15 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Harvesting of dead flowers and dried leaves Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Heron" Stand on one leg. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Butterflies and a cat" "Cars" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. A beautiful butterfly, In a bright, colorful dress, Circled, flew, Sit down on a flower, tired ... - I didn't sit down for rest, I ate floral nectar. Fiction word. Learn to recognize and name already known insects; raise interest and respect for insects. Notice how butterflies flit over the flowers. See what they have bright and large wings. They themselves are like flying flowers. These are the most beautiful insects. Butterfly watching. Tasks Contents Activity Card №16 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Sweep up the veranda Labor Develop basic types of movements. Exercise with the ball "Throw, catch! The ball does not drop! ”Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Bees" "Cars" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. The bumblebee was heavy, striped. The whole day flew in the garden. He didn’t just fly, He considered flowers in the garden. He grumbled: "Work is hard! After all, there are no flowers in the garden!" Art word. Learn to recognize and name already known insects; highlight their main features; raise interest and respect for insects. Pay attention to the appearance of a bumblebee flying over the flowers. It is rather large, bright yellow-black, the body is covered with hairs. Strongly similar to bees. Bumblebees feed on pollen and floral nectar. Observation of shmely. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 17 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise with the ball "Throw, catch! The ball does not drop! ”Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Carousel" "Cat and Mouse" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Why in the garden Chervyakov is not visible, sort of? Because the wormsRest by the river - For the whole week without a scoopDidid the beds! Fiction word. Continue to acquaint with the diversity of the animal world of the planet; develop cognitive interest. After the rain can be found on the ground earthworm. Look how long it is, smooth, pink. This is a very useful worm, it loosens the soil and the roots of plants, thanks to it, they get oxygen (the air they breathe). When it rains, the worm crawls to the surface of the earth, for which it was called - the rain worm. Watching the earthworm. Tasks Contents Activity Card №18 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise with the ball "Throw, catch! The ball does not drop! ”Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Shaggy dog" "Catch me" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. From the grass, from a green bump, A strange sound is heard. A number of hammers are knocked down Knocked out: knock-knock-knock! As if the anvil stood A very clever little man. Threw a grasshopper in the grass. Fiction word. To fix the idea of ​​insects; learn to highlight their main features; introduce the features of the external structure. Listen to how grasshoppers crack in the grass. Consider the green body of grass and the length of a grasshopper's mustache. He jumps, he has long legs. If you put it on the palm, it will jump, spread its wings and fly away to the side. The grasshopper lives in the grass and looks like a blade of grass. Watching a grasshopper. Tasks Contents Activity Card №19 To bring up the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Train the ball" The ball around you catama do not let go of your hands. Practice, do not be lazy, do not hurry again. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. “Get in a circle” “Catch me” Mobile games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Watering can, do not regret water, Flower beds, beds of fields! Rain pours over the beds. Waters in order: There will be fresh flowers of Unprecedented beauty. Fiction word. Teach how to water plants, teach them not to pour water without need. - Do you like to bathe in the bath and under the shower? Plants also love, their code is watered, wash off the dust from them, give the roots to get drunk. The whole plant is watered only in the evening. So that the sun does not burn it, during the day it is watered only at the root. Observation of watering flowers. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 20 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Watering flowers. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Catch the hoop" Rolling the hoop on the ground. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels, hoops. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Sunny Bunnies" "Bees" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Summer bees all day Collect nectar is not lazy.Otnesut it later.In the hive, your wonderful house.Over the flower bee buzzesI nectar to gather in a hurry.The whole nectar that collects, Turns bee into honey Fiction word. Expand children's knowledge about the life of insects (bees). To cultivate attentive and careful attitude to nature. Bees are buzzing above the flowers, collecting sweet nectar. Let us and you buzz like bees. Children pronounce the sound "g". And then where will the bees fly with nectar? In your houses, beehives, to turn nectar into honey. Bees should not be afraid, the main thing when meeting with a bee is not to wave arms, not to frighten a bee. Bites only a frightened insect, and after a bite, it dies. Bee watching. Tasks Contents Activity Card №21 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Collect large debris (sticks, leaves) Labor Develop the main types of movements. Walking with high elevation of the knees, try to touch the chest with your knees. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cures, steering wheels, hoops. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. “The sun and the rain” “The wolf and the sheep” Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. A cloud, a cloud, give some water! For me and for my sister! For a birch tree and an osinki, And for a thin ashberry. Fiction word. Expand children's knowledge of natural phenomena; develop cognitive interest, observation, memory, thinking. When the clouds bring summer rain, all nature rejoices. Clouds run across the sky like big baskets and they carry rain. What is the color of the clouds? (children's answers) Why do you think? (children's answers) And how do they float across the sky: easy or hard? (children's answers) They are filled with water. It's hard for them. But the clouds float easily. They have less water. Observation of clouds. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 22 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Collect large debris (sticks, leaves) Labor Develop the main types of movements. We fix the knowledge of the concepts of "right" and "left" side. For this we use cubes of two colors. We shift the cubes on the signal of the educator: yellow - in the left, red - in the right hands, and vice versa. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Carousel" "Day-night" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Thunder rumbled in the sky, The whole house is shaking, After all, there is a thunderstorm on the street. I shut my eyes. The lightning sparkles brightly, It was very hot in the morning. I can't sleep at all, I better hide under the bed. No, I am not a coward at all! Fiction word. Continue work to familiarize children with natural phenomena (thunder). Look at my drum. Peter knock on the drum. How does the drum sound? “Boom boom boom, tram-there-there!” Thank you, Peter. We have a small drum. Thunder rumbles threateningly and loudly, as if someone is very big, very big knocking on a huge drum. After the roll of thunder, there is always lightning. It illuminates the whole sky with a bright flash. Watching for thunderstorms. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 23 To bring up the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Sweep up the tracks, scavenge. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Frog" Jumping on two legs in a sitting position. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. "Carousel" "Day-night" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Frog-crochet Smile from ear to ear! Cheerful girlfriend AND fish and mice. Jumps over land - Floats in water, Cheerful frog Do not disappear anywhere! Fiction word. To continue acquaintance of children with the nature of the native land and its inhabitants. Tell the children about the frog's habitat, how it eats, what benefits it brings. Look at the frog in the picture. What is she like? (describing a frog) What fairy tales does a frog live in? Well done, you know fairy tales well. But in life the frog does not like to be disturbed. She hides in the grass, in the shade. And if you suddenly saw it, then do not rush to pick it up, but rather try to consider it carefully. Frog restless, curious. She catches mosquitoes and black flies. He likes to splash in the water and bask in the sun. Frog watching. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 24 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Watering flowers. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Exercise "Snake" Walking on the line drawn in the sand. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. “Get in a circle” “Catch me” Mobile games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. The echo is hiding in the mountains with stones and in the bushes. Someone will laugh loudly, the echo will immediately respond, someone will shout loudly, the echo will not be silent either. Fiction word. To acquaint children with the natural phenomenon (echo). To develop observation, thinking. To bring up the desire to learn more about the world of things and phenomena around us. The teacher tells the children about the echo. If there is an opportunity to demonstrate it, then by all means do it. The echo sounds best in the mountains, in the forest. In urban courtyards high-rise buildings also live an echo. Observation: "Echo." Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 25 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Walking on a narrow stool with the support of the teacher. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Cat and sparrows" "Airplanes" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Why does our kitty have sneakers? The pussy has fluffy legs. Why does our kitty have a fur coat? The pussy has fluffy skin. Why does our kitty have a scarf with a bow? The pussy is covered with a fluffy tail. Why does our pussy have glasses? Sees perfectly, But the mouse play with our pussy is dangerous! Fiction word. To continue the work on the formation of children's knowledge about pets. To acquaint children with the habits of the cat, its love of freedom and independence. Raise the desire to take care of pets. Notice who there is sneaking in the grass carefully, tracking down the little sparrow? It's a cat. What is she like? Fluffy, agile. He likes to wash his tongue, hunt birds and mice. Very affectionate, but it can scratch if she does not like something. Cats on the street can not be picked up. Watching the cat. Tasks Contents Activity Card №26 Raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the sound culture of speech. Sound "H" teacher reads a poem, the child must repeat the words with the sound "n" We are going, we are riding a horse: "But-but-but!" We are glad, glad all the guys: "But-but-but!" We are glad, happy to ride: “But-but-but!” The hoofs are ringing: “But-but-but!” Individual work on the CCR. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. “The sun and the rain” “The wolf and the sheep” Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Blooming daisies On the edge of the forest, White shirts, Yellow tops. Fiction word. To continue the work on the formation of children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the native land. Learn to find similarities and differences in field and garden flowers. Develop thinking. Explain that mindless plucking of wildflowers does damage to nature. The teacher brings the children to the place where they grow field chamomiles. Carefully consider the structure of the plant, its height, color. Compare with daisies that grow in a flower bed. With the help of an adult, preschoolers conclude that chamomiles are generally similar, but there are also differences. The teacher said that the field chamomile scattered the wind, and the garden planted the caring hands of people. Children analyze and conclude why flowers are needed. You can add during the observation that chamomile tea is healthy and tasty. Chamomile watching. Tasks Contents Activity Card №27 Raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Watering flowers. Labor To develop the sound culture of speech. “What are they doing?” This is a broom - sweeping with a broom. This is a shovel - they are digging with a shovel. This is a rake - a rake is harrowed. This is an ax - they are chopped with an ax. This is a saw - ... This is a scissors - ... - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Sunny Bunnies" "Bees" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. They ate on the edge of the sky - Crowheads to heaven - They listen, they are silent, They look at their grandchildren. And their grandchildren - Christmas trees - Thin needles At the forest gates They dance. Fiction word. To develop an idea of ​​the originality of spruce - To cause admiration for the Christmas tree, which is not afraid of cold weather; awaken the feeling of admiring her beauty. Look near our site grow spruce. Let's get closer to one of them and stroke her needles. Look at them, they are small, fluffy and always green, they do not fall off in the fall, like leaves from trees, spruce remains green even when it is cold. Herringbone brave, brave, not afraid of autumn, cold and strong winter blizzard. Spruce observation. Tasks Contents Activity Card №28 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Collect large debris (sticks, leaves) Labor Develop the main types of movements. Exercise with the ball "Throw, catch! The ball does not drop! ”Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Carousel" "Day-night" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. At the fence, where there is a plum, Nettle has grown in our place. You don’t touch her hand, She burns nettle like fire. Look, lurking, And furry pretended! We know you, nettle, We will never break you. Fiction word. To acquaint children with the properties of nettle (it is burning, it is healing, and therefore useful). Develop the ability to use the accumulated knowledge in everyday life. Cultivate interest in medicinal herbs. The teacher finds the area where the nettle grows. Using a glove or paper, gently tilts one stalk to the side so that children can properly consider it. This is nettle. It can burn, it is better not to touch it with bare hands. Nettle is a useful plant, it is considered a medicinal plant, it has a lot of vitamins. The leaves are dark green, like curly, the stem is thin, tall. Nettle monitoring. Tasks Contents Activity Card №29 To raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the sound culture of speech. The sound “H” The teacher reads the poetry and asks to repeat the words that have the sound “H”. A small cricket settled in our house. Only evening comes, he takes the bow. Individual work on the W. R. R. - the creation of conditions for the independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Cat and sparrows" "Airplanes" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. Water is what life gives us. It gives us strength and vigor. It is crystal clear or very dirty. It is useful in any state. Fiction word. Show water properties. Expand children's knowledge about nature. Instill respect for earthly riches, in particular for water. Look, it rained and puddles appeared on the asphalt. What are they made of? Of course from the water. Compare the water in my bucket and in the puddle. The water is heated in the sun and becomes warm. Water is watered on plants; birds drink water from puddles. When the water is clean, it is clear. Water pours, it can be poured from one vessel to another. Monitoring the properties of water. Tasks Contents Activity Card No. 30 To nurture a desire to provide all possible assistance to an educator. Sweep up the veranda, wipe the benches. Labor To develop the main types of movements. Teach children to jump on one leg. Individual work. - creation of conditions for independent activity of children. Buckets, molds, shovels, balls, cars, cuts, steering wheels, hoops, skipping rope. Remote material. Develop attention agility, speed. Contribute to the motor activity of children. "Day-night" "Hares and the wolf" Outdoor games. Develop an interest in the artistic word. Expand children's vocabulary, activate speech. We play in the sandbox, We build a house out of sand, We are carried away, we do not notice, Socks are full of sand. Brought water in a bucket, So that the house does not break, Painted on a hillock, We will polish it with water. Fiction word. Build knowledge about inanimate nature, continue to acquaint with the properties of sand, develop curiosity. Compare sand and earth: sand is yellow, and the earth is black, sand is crumbly, and the earth is in the form of lumps. It is convenient and fun to play with sand. In the morning, the sand is poured so that it is moist and the air in the area is fresh. Dry sand is scattered, and from the wet sand you can sculpt the kulichiki. You can draw on the wet sand, and if you step on it, a trace will remain. Monitoring the properties of the sand. Tasks Content Activities