Lung cancer: signs, symptoms, stages and treatment. The first stages of lung cancer: dangerous symptoms of the disease Stage of lung cancer 5 cm

  • Date: 19.10.2019

malignant tumors, originating in the mucous and glands of the bronchi and lungs. Cancer cells divide rapidly, increasing the tumor. Without proper treatment it grows in the heart, brain, blood vessels, esophagus, spine. The bloodstream carries cancer cells throughout the body, forming new metastases. There are three phases of cancer development:

  • The biological period is from the moment the tumor appears to the fixation of its signs on the x-ray (grade 1-2).
  • Preclinical - asymptomatic period manifests itself only on x-rays(2-3 degree).
  • Clinical shows other signs of the disease (grade 3-4).


The mechanisms of cell regeneration are not fully understood. But thanks to numerous studies, chemicals have been identified that can accelerate the transformation of cells. All risk factors are grouped according to two criteria.

Causes beyond human control:

  • Genetic propensity: at least three cases of a similar disease in the family or the presence of a similar diagnosis in a close relative, the presence of several in one patient different forms cancer.
  • Age after 50 years.
  • Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, scars on the lungs.
  • Problems endocrine system.

Modifiable factors (which can be influenced):

  • Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. When tobacco is burned, 4,000 carcinogens are released that cover the bronchial mucosa and burn out living cells. Together with the blood, the poison enters the brain, kidneys, liver. Carcinogens settle in the lungs for the rest of life, covering them with soot. Smoking experience of 10 years or 2 packs of cigarettes a day increases the chance of getting sick by 25 times. At risk and passive smokers: 80% of exhaled smoke goes to them.
  • Professional contacts: asbestos-related factories, metallurgical enterprises; cotton, linen and felting mills; contact with poisons (arsenic, nickel, cadmium, chromium) at work; mining (coal, radon); rubber production.
  • Bad environment, radioactive contamination. The systematic influence of air polluted by cars and factories on the lungs of the urban population changes the mucous respiratory tract.


There are several types of classification. In Russia, five forms of cancer are distinguished depending on the location of the tumor.

  1. Central cancer- in the lumen of the bronchi. At the first degree, it is not detected on the pictures (masks the heart). The diagnosis may be indicated by indirect signs on x-rays: a decrease in the airiness of the lung or regular local inflammation. All this is combined with a hacking cough with blood, shortness of breath, later - chest pain, fever.
  2. peripheral cancer embedded in the lung array. pain No, the diagnosis is determined by X-ray. Patients refuse treatment without realizing that the disease is progressing. Options:
    • Cancer of the apex of the lung grows into the vessels and nerves of the shoulder. In such patients, osteochondrosis is treated for a long time, and they get to the oncologist late.
    • The cavity form appears after the collapse of the central part due to lack of nutrition. Neoplasms up to 10 cm, they are confused with abscess, cysts, tuberculosis, which complicates the treatment.
  3. Pneumonia-like cancer are treated with antibiotics. Not getting the desired effect, they end up in oncology. The tumor is distributed diffusely (not a node), occupying most of the lung.
  4. Atypical forms: brain, liver, bone create metastases in lung cancer, and not the tumor itself.
    • The hepatic form is characterized by jaundice, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, deterioration of tests, enlargement of the liver.
    • The brain looks like a stroke: the limb does not work, speech is disturbed, the patient loses consciousness, headache, convulsions, bifurcation.
    • Bone - pain symptoms in the spine, pelvic region, limbs, fractures without injury.
  5. Metastatic neoplasms originate from a tumor of another organ with the ability to grow, paralyzing the work of the organ. Metastases up to 10 cm lead to death from decay products and dysfunction internal organs. The primary source - the maternal tumor is not always possible to determine.

By histological structure(cell type), lung cancer is:

  1. small cell- the most aggressive tumor, quickly occupies and metastasizes already on early stages. The frequency of occurrence is 20%. Forecast - 16 months. with non-spread cancer and 6 months. - with widespread.
  2. Non-small cell more common, characterized by relatively slow growth. There are three types:
    • squamous cell carcinoma lung (from flat lamellar cells with slow growth and low frequency of manifestation of early metastases, with areas of keratinization), prone to necrosis, ulcers, ischemia. 15% survivability.
    • adenocarcinoma develops from glandular cells. It spreads rapidly through the bloodstream. Survival 20% at palliative care, 80% at surgery.
    • Large cell carcinoma has several varieties, asymptomatic, occurs in 18% of cases. The average survival rate is 15% (depending on the type).


  • Lung cancer 1st degree. A tumor up to 3 cm in diameter or a bronchial tumor in one lobe, no metastases in neighboring lymph nodes.
  • Lung cancer grade 2. The tumor in the lung is 3-6 cm, blocks the bronchi, growing into the pleura, causing atelectasis (loss of air).
  • Lung cancer grade 3. A tumor of 6-7 cm passes to neighboring organs, atelectasis of the entire lung, the presence of metastases in neighboring lymph nodes (the root of the lung and mediastinum, supraclavicular zones).
  • Lung cancer grade 4. A tumor grows in the heart large vessels fluid appears in the pleural cavity.


Common Symptoms of Lung Cancer

  • fast weight loss,
  • no appetite,
  • performance drop,
  • sweating,
  • unstable temperature.

Specific features:

  • cough, debilitating, for no apparent reason - a companion of bronchial cancer. The color of sputum changes to yellow-green. V horizontal position, physical exercises, in the cold, coughing attacks become more frequent: a tumor growing in the zone of the bronchial tree irritates the mucous membrane.
  • Blood when coughing is pinkish or scarlet, with clots, but hemoptysis is also a sign.
  • Shortness of breath due to inflammation of the lungs, recession of a part of the lung due to tumor blockage of the bronchus. With tumors in the large bronchi, there may be a shutdown of the organ.
  • Pain in the chest due to the introduction of cancer into the serous tissue (pleura), sprouting into the bone. At the onset of illness alarms no, the appearance of pain indicates advanced stage. The pain can be given to the arm, neck, back, shoulder, aggravated by coughing.


Diagnosing lung cancer is not an easy task, because oncology looks like pneumonia, abscesses, tuberculosis. More than half of the tumors are detected too late. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to undergo an x-ray annually. If cancer is suspected:

  • Fluorography to determine tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung tumors. In case of deviations, an x-ray should be taken.
  • X-ray of the lungs more accurately assesses the pathology.
  • Layered x-ray tomography of the problem area - several sections with a focus of the disease in the center.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging with the introduction of contrast on layered sections shows in detail, clarifies the diagnosis according to explicit criteria.
  • Bronchoscopy diagnoses central cancer tumors. You can see the problem and take a biopsy - a piece of affected tissue for analysis.
  • Tumor markers examine the blood for a protein produced only by the tumor. NSE tumor marker is used for small cell carcinoma, SSC, CYFRA markers are used for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, CEA is a universal marker. The diagnostic level is low, it is used after treatment for early detection metastasis.
  • Sputum analysis with a low percentage of probability suggests the presence of a tumor when atypical cells are detected.
  • Thoracoscopy - examination through camera punctures in pleural cavity. Allows you to take a biopsy and clarify the changes.
  • Biopsy with computed tomography is used when there is doubt about the diagnosis.

The examination should be comprehensive, because cancer masquerades as many diseases. Sometimes they even use diagnostic surgery.


The type (, radiological, palliative,) is selected based on the stage of the process, the histological type of the tumor, and anamnesis). Most reliable method- operation. At lung cancer 1st stage 70-80%, 2nd stage - 40%, 3rd stage -15-20% of patients survive the control five-year period. Operation types:

  • Removal of a lobe of the lung - meets all the principles of treatment.
  • Marginal resection removes only the tumor. Metastases are treated in other ways.
  • Removal of the lung completely (pneumoectomy) - with a tumor of 2 degrees for central cancer, 2-3 degrees - for peripheral.
  • Combined operations - with the removal of part of the neighboring affected organs.

Chemotherapy has become more effective thanks to new drugs. Small cell lung cancer responds well to chemotherapy. With a properly selected combination (taking into account sensitivity, 6-8 courses with an interval of 3-4 weeks), the survival time increases by 4 times. Chemotherapy for lung cancer. conducted by courses and gives positive result for several years.

Non-small cell cancer is resistant to chemotherapy (partial resorption of the tumor in 10-30% of patients, complete resorption is rare), but modern polychemotherapy raises the survival rate by 35%.

They are also treated with platinum preparations - the most effective, but also the most toxic, and therefore they are administered with a large (up to 4 l) amount of liquid. Possible adverse reactions: nausea, intestinal disorders, cystitis, dermatitis, phlebitis, allergy. top scores achieved through a combination of chemistry and radiotherapy, simultaneously or sequentially.

Radiation therapy uses gamma-beta-trons and linear accelerators. The method is designed for inoperable patients of 3-4 degrees. The effect is achieved due to the death of all cells of the primary tumor and metastases. Nice results receive at small cell carcinoma. With non-small cell irradiation, it is carried out according to a radical program (with contraindications or refusal of surgery) for patients of 1-2 degrees or with a palliative purpose for patients of the 3rd degree. The standard dose for radiation treatment- 60-70 gray. In 40%, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the oncological process.

Palliative care - operations to reduce the impact of the tumor on the affected organs to improve the quality of life with effective pain relief, oxygenation (forced oxygen saturation), treatment of comorbidities, support and care.

Alternative methods are used exclusively for pain relief or after radiation and only in consultation with the doctor. Relying on healers and herbalists with such a serious diagnosis increases the already high risk of death.


The prognosis for lung cancer is poor. Without special treatment 90% of patients die within 2 years. The prognosis determines the degree and histological structure. The table presents data on the survival of cancer patients for 5 years.

lung cancer

small cell

Non-small cell

1A swelling up to 3cm

1B tumor 3-5 cm does not spread to others.
areas and lymph nodes

2A tumor 5-7cm without
metastasis to lymph nodes or up to 5 cm, legs with metastases.

2B tumor 7cm without
metastasis or less, but with damage to neighboring l / nodes

3A tumor over 7cm
diaphragm, pleura and lymph nodes

3B spreads on
diaphragm, middle chest, lining of the heart, other lymph nodes

4 tumor metastasizes to other organs
accumulation of fluid around the lung and heart

One of the first questions a person may ask when diagnosing stage 1 lung cancer is "How long do I have to live." Unfortunately, lung cancer has a bad reputation. However, stage 1 is an early stage of invasive lung cancer and many people survive for a long time with the disease. Let's take a look at some of the variables that can affect your prognosis, as well as the achievements that improve survival.

Definition of stage 1 lung cancer

Stage 1 lung cancer is an early stage of invasive non-small cell lung cancer. (Stage 0 lung cancer is the pre-invasive stage of lung cancer or carcinoma in situ).

Tumors that are classified as stage I fall into two classes:

  • Stage IA cancers are found only in the lungs and are 3 cm in diameter or less.
  • Stage IB lung cancer is 3 to 5 cm in diameter and may a) spread to the main bronchus, b) spread to the inner membrane overlying the lung, or c) part of the lung may collapse.

Life expectancy

Since lung cancer has a reputation for being aggressive and has a poor prognosis, there is often a question of survival. Before we go any further, it is important to note that lung cancer treatment is improving and survival rates are also improving. Besides, every case is different.

Variables that affect survival rates

Some of the variables that can affect lung cancer survival include:

  • Your specific type and location of lung cancer: Approximately 85% of lung cancers are considered non-small cell lung cancer. These cancers tend to spread more slowly than small cell lung cancer, although small cell lung cancer tends to respond well to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, at least initially.
  • Location of your cancer: Although surgery is often chosen for stage 1 lung cancer, some of these tumors are located in areas that make surgery risky. If surgery is not an option, there are two types of radiation therapy that can be used with curative intent: stereotaxic body radiotherapy (SBRT) and proton therapy. (Survival is somewhat better with VATS vs. SBRT lobectomy).
  • Molecular profile of your tumor: We currently have treatments for people with some genetic changes in tumors. Molecular profiling (gene testing) should be done for all patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Drugs are available for people with EGFR mutations, ALK rearrangements, and ROS1 rearrangements, and clinical trials are evaluating the treatment of lung cancer with other genetic profiles. (These treatments are not usually used for stage 1 treatment, but are available if the cancer is to recur or spread.)
  • Your age: Younger people tend to live longer than older people with lung cancer.
  • Your gender: Life expectancy for a woman with lung cancer is higher at every stage of the disease.
  • Your general state Health at the Time of Diagnosis: Being generally healthy at the time of diagnosis is associated with longer life expectancy and greater ability to resist treatment that can prolong survival.
  • How do you respond to treatment: side effects treatments vary from person to person and may limit your ability to tolerate treatment.
  • Other health conditions you may have: A health condition such as emphysema or heart failure can reduce life expectancy in stage 1 lung cancer. Those without COPD have a better prognosis.
  • Smoking: Quitting smoking before surgery for stage I lung cancer appears to significantly improve survival. Currently, most people who develop lung cancer do not smoke, but for those who do, there are many reasons why people with cancer should stop smoking, including survival.
  • Where you are treated: Several studies have shown that people who have lung cancer surgery at a facility that performs the majority of these surgeries (such as a cancer center) have better outcomes.

In addition to all the differences noted above among people, each cancer is also different. From a molecular point of view, if there were 100 people with stage I lung cancer in a room, they would have 100 different types of cancer at the molecular level. Different molecular characteristics can lead to different behavior of tumors.


In addition to variations between different people and various types cancer, it is important to keep in mind that statistics are often several years old. Many of the treatments now available for lung cancer were not yet available when these numbers were made. For example, there are several immunotherapies and targeted drugs that have been approved since early 2015.

Currently, the overall 5-year survival rate is 49% for people with cancer. lung stage IA and 45% for people with stage non-small cell lung cancer. These rates may be higher for people who have lung cancer found only through screening, and can be as high as 90%.

Stage I and risk of relapse

After treatment for stage 1 cancer, there is a chance of recurrence of lung cancer. It is estimated that 30 to 50% of stage I cancers may recur, and adjuvant treatments such as chemotherapy are sometimes used to reduce this risk. Repetition can occur in one of three ways:

  1. Local recurrence refers to cancers that appear in the lungs, near the original tumor.
  2. Regional recurrence refers to cancers that recur in lymph nodes near the original tumor.
  3. Distant recurrence refers to cancers that recur at distant sites in the body, most commonly in the bones, brain, liver, or adrenal glands. When cancer recurs at a distant site, it is referred to as metastatic or stage 4 cancer.

Unfortunately, most stage I lung cancer recurrences are at distant sites. But even with repetition, survival improves. In fact, most of the recent advances in lung cancer treatment are in stage 4 disease.

The Importance of Clinical Trials

Every person suffering from any stage of lung cancer should consider participating in a clinical trial. For stage 1 disease, there are currently several studies looking at the causes early cancer, which may be repeated, as well as adjuvant therapies that can reduce this risk.

The prognosis of stage 1 lung cancer is higher for other stages of the disease, but at least a third of these tumors will recur. Treatment is improving, but there are also things you can do on your own to improve your survivability. Ask a lot of questions. Get a second opinion, ideally from a cancer center that performs high volumes of these surgeries.

Lung cancer is the most common localization of the oncological process, characterized by a rather latent course and early appearance of metastases. The incidence of lung cancer depends on the area of ​​residence, the degree of industrialization, climatic and production conditions, gender, age, genetic predisposition and other factors.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the glands and mucous membranes of the lung tissue and bronchi. V modern world lung cancer among all oncological diseases occupies the top spot. According to statistics, this oncology affects men eight times more often than women, and it was noted that than older age the higher the incidence rate.

The development of lung cancer varies with tumors of different histological structures. Differentiated squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by a slow course, undifferentiated cancer develops rapidly and gives extensive metastases.

The most malignant course is small cell lung cancer:

  • develops secretly and quickly,
  • metastasizes early.
  • has a poor prognosis.

More often the tumor occurs in the right lung - in 52%, in the left lung - in 48% of cases.

The main group of patients are long-term smokers aged 50 to 80 years, this category accounts for 60-70% of all cases of lung cancer, and mortality is 70-90%.

According to some researchers, the structure of the incidence of various forms of this pathology, depending on age, is as follows:

  • up to 45 - 10% of all cases;
  • from 46 to 60 years - 52% of cases;
  • from 61 to 75 years -38% of cases.

Until recently, lung cancer was considered predominantly male disease. Currently, there is an increase in the incidence of women and a decrease in the age of initial detection of the disease.


Depending on the location of the primary tumor, there are:

  • central cancer. It is located in the main and lobar bronchi.
  • Aeripheric. This tumor develops from the small bronchi and bronchioles.


  1. Small cell carcinoma (less common) is a very aggressive neoplasm, as it can spread throughout the body very quickly, metastasizing to other organs. Typically, small cell cancer occurs in smokers, and by the time of diagnosis, 60% of patients have widespread metastasis.
  2. Non-small cell (80-85% of cases) - has a negative prognosis, combines several forms of morphologically similar types of cancer with a similar cell structure.

Anatomical classification:

  • central - affects the main, lobar and segmental bronchi;
  • peripheral - damage to the epithelium of smaller bronchi, bronchioles and alveolus;
  • massive (mixed).

The progression of a neoplasm goes through three stages:

  • Biological - the period between the appearance of a neoplasm and the manifestation of the first symptoms.
  • Asymptomatic - external signs the pathological process does not appear at all, they become noticeable only on the x-ray.
  • Clinical - the period when noticeable symptoms appear in cancer, which becomes an incentive to rush to the doctor.


The main causes of lung cancer:

  • smoking, including passive smoking (about 90% of all cases);
  • contact with carcinogens;
  • inhalation of radon and asbestos fibers;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • age category over 50 years;
  • influence of harmful production factors;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • Availability chronic diseases respiratory organs and endocrine pathologies;
  • cicatricial changes in the lungs;
  • viral infections;
  • air pollution.

The disease develops latently for a long time. The tumor begins to form in the glands, mucosa, but metastases grow very quickly throughout the body. The risk factors for the occurrence of a malignant neoplasm are:

  • air pollution;
  • smoking;
  • viral infections;
  • hereditary causes;
  • harmful production conditions.

Please note that cancer cells that affect the lungs divide very quickly, spreading the tumor throughout the body and destroying other organs. Therefore, timely diagnosis of the disease is important. The earlier lung cancer is detected and treated, the higher the chance of prolonging the life of the patient.

The earliest signs of lung cancer

The first symptoms of lung cancer are often not directly related to respiratory system. Patients turn to various specialists of a different profile for a long time, are examined for a long time and, accordingly, receive the wrong treatment.

Signs and symptoms of early lung cancer:

  • subfebrile temperature, which is not knocked down by drugs and extremely exhausting the patient (during this period, the body undergoes internal intoxication);
  • weakness and fatigue already in the morning;
  • skin itching with the development of dermatitis, and, possibly, the appearance of growths on the skin (caused by the allergic action of malignant cells);
  • muscle weakness and increased swelling;
  • disorders of the central nervous system, in particular, dizziness (up to fainting), impaired coordination of movements or loss of sensitivity.

If these signs appear, be sure to contact a pulmonologist for diagnosis and clarification of the diagnosis.


Faced with lung cancer, many do not know how to determine the stage of the disease. In oncology, when assessing the nature and extent of lung cancer, 4 stages of the development of the disease are classified.

However, the duration of any stage is purely individual for each patient. It depends on the size of the neoplasm and the presence of metastases, as well as on the rate of the course of the disease.


  • Stage 1 - the tumor is less than 3 cm. It is located within the boundaries of a segment of the lung or one bronchus. There are no metastases. Symptoms are difficult to discern or none at all.
  • 2 - tumor up to 6 cm, located within the boundaries of the segment of the lung or bronchus. Solitary metastases in individual lymph nodes. Symptoms are more pronounced, there is hemoptysis, pain, weakness, loss of appetite.
  • 3 - the tumor exceeds 6 cm, penetrates into other parts of the lung or neighboring bronchi. Numerous metastases. Blood in mucopurulent sputum, shortness of breath are added to the symptoms.

How does the last 4 stage of lung cancer manifest itself?

At this stage of lung cancer, the tumor metastasizes to other organs. The five-year survival rate is 1% for small cell cancers and 2 to 15% for non-small cell cancers.

The patient has the following symptoms:

  • Constant pain when breathing, which is difficult to live with.
  • Chest pain
  • Decrease in body weight and appetite
  • Blood coagulates slowly, fractures (metastases in the bones) often occur.
  • The appearance of seizures severe cough, often with sputum, sometimes with blood and pus.
  • Appearance severe pain in the chest, which directly indicates damage to nearby tissues, since there are no pain receptors in the lungs themselves.
  • Symptoms of cancer also include heavy breathing and shortness of breath, if the cervical lymph nodes are affected, difficulty in speech is felt.

For small cell lung cancer, which develops rapidly and affects the body in a short time, only 2 stages of development are characteristic:

  • limited stage, when cancer cells are localized in one lung and tissues located in close proximity.
  • an extensive or extensive stage, when the tumor has metastasized to an area outside the lung and to distant organs.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Clinical manifestations of lung cancer depend on the primary location of the neoplasm. At the initial stage, most often the disease is asymptomatic. In later stages, general and specific signs of cancer may appear.

The early, first symptoms of lung cancer are non-specific and usually not alarming, and include:

  • unmotivated fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • slight weight loss may occur
  • cough
  • specific symptoms cough with "rusty" sputum, shortness of breath, hemoptysis join in later stages
  • pain syndrome indicates the involvement of nearby organs and tissues in the process

Specific symptoms of lung cancer:

  • Cough - causeless, paroxysmal, debilitating, but not dependent on physical activity, sometimes with greenish sputum, which may indicate the central location of the tumor.
  • Dyspnea. Shortness of breath and shortness of breath first appear in case of tension, and with the development of a tumor they disturb the patient even in a supine position.
  • Pain in the chest. When the tumor process affects the pleura (the lining of the lung), where the nerve fibers and endings are located, the patient develops excruciating pain in the chest. They are sharp and aching, disturb constantly or depend on breathing and physical tension, but most often they are located on the side of the affected lung.
  • Hemoptysis. Usually, the meeting between the doctor and the patient occurs after blood begins to come out of the mouth and nose with sputum. This symptom indicates that the tumor began to affect the vessels.
Stages of lung cancer Symptoms
  • dry cough;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache.
2 The disease manifests itself:
  • hemoptysis;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • elevated temperature;
  • increased cough;
  • chest pains;
  • weakness.
3 Symptoms of cancer appear:
  • increased wet cough;
  • blood, pus in sputum;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • dyspnea;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • hemoptysis;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • epilepsy, speech disorder, with small cell form;
  • intense pain.
4 Symptoms get worse, this is the last stage of cancer.

Signs of lung cancer in men

  • Exhausting, frequent cough is one of the first signs of lung cancer. Subsequently, sputum appears, its color may become greenish-yellow. With physical labor or hypothermia, coughing attacks intensify.
  • When breathing, whistling, shortness of breath appears;
  • Pain appears in the chest area. It can be considered a sign of oncology in the presence of the first two symptoms.
  • When coughing, in addition to sputum, discharge in the form of blood clots may appear.
  • Attacks of apathy, increased loss of strength, increased fatigue;
  • With normal nutrition, the patient loses weight sharply;
  • Without inflammatory processes, colds body temperature is increased;
  • The voice becomes hoarse, this is due to damage to the nerve of the larynx;
  • On the part of the neoplasm, pain in the shoulder may appear;
  • Swallowing problems. This is due to tumor damage to the walls of the esophagus and respiratory tract;
  • Muscle weakness. Patients, as a rule, do not pay attention to this symptom;
  • Dizziness;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm.

lung cancer in women

Signs of lung cancer in women are discomfort in the chest area. They manifest themselves in different intensity depending on the form of the disease. Discomfort becomes especially severe if the intercostal nerves are involved in the pathological process. It is practically intractable and does not leave the patient.

Unpleasant sensations are of the following types:

  • stabbing;
  • cutting;
  • shingles.

Along with common symptoms, there are signs of lung cancer in women:

  • changes in voice timbre (hoarseness);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • pain in the bones;
  • frequent fractures;
  • jaundice - with metastasis to the liver.

The presence of one or more signs characteristic of a single category of diseases respiratory organs should prompt immediate medical attention.

A person noticing the above symptoms should report them to the doctor or supplement the information he collects with the following information:

  • attitudes towards smoking with pulmonary symptoms;
  • the presence of cancer in blood relatives;
  • a gradual increase in one of the above symptoms (it is a valuable addition, as it indicates the slow development of the disease, characteristic of oncology);
  • an acute increase in symptoms against a background of chronic previous malaise, general weakness, loss of appetite and body weight is also a variant of carcinogenesis.


How is lung cancer diagnosed? Up to 60% of oncological lesions of the lungs are detected during preventive fluorography, at different stages of development.

  • Only 5-15% of patients with lung cancer are registered at stage 1
  • For 2 — 20-35%
  • At 3 stages -50-75%
  • 4 - more than 10%

Diagnosis for suspected lung cancer includes:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • cytological studies of sputum, bronchial lavage, pleural exudate;
  • assessment of physical data;
  • radiography of the lungs in 2 projections, linear tomography, CT of the lungs;
  • bronchoscopy (fibrobronchoscopy);
  • pleural puncture (in the presence of effusion);
  • diagnostic thoracotomy;
  • scaling biopsy of lymph nodes.

Early diagnosis gives hope for a cure. The most reliable way in this case is an x-ray of the lungs. The diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopic bronchography. With its help, you can determine the size and location of the tumor. In addition, a cytological examination - a biopsy - is mandatory.

Treatment of lung cancer

The first thing I want to say is that treatment is carried out only by a doctor! No self-treatment! This is very important point. After all, the sooner you seek help from a specialist, the more chances for a favorable outcome of the disease.

The choice of a specific treatment strategy depends on many factors:

  • Stage of the disease;
  • Histological structure of carcinoma;
  • The presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • A combination of all the above fatcores.

There are several complementary treatments for lung cancer:

  • Surgical intervention;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Chemotherapy.


Surgery is the most effective method, which is shown only in stages 1 and 2. They are divided into the following types:

  • Radical - the primary focus of the tumor and regional lymph nodes are subject to removal;
  • Palliative - aimed at maintaining the patient's condition.


When small cell cancer is detected, the leading method of treatment is chemotherapy, since this form of tumor is most sensitive to conservative methods treatment. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is quite high and allows you to achieve good effect for several years.

Chemotherapy is of the following types:

  • therapeutic - to reduce metastases;
  • adjuvant - used as a preventive measure to prevent relapse;
  • inadequate - just before surgical intervention to reduce tumors. It also helps to determine the level of cell sensitivity to drug treatment, and establish its effectiveness.

Radiation therapy

Another method of treatment is radiation therapy: it is used for non-removable lung tumors of stage 3-4, it allows to achieve good results in small cell cancer, especially in combination with chemotherapy. The standard dosage for radiation treatment is 60-70 Gy.

The use of radiation therapy for lung cancer is considered as a separate method if the patient refuses chemotherapy, and resection is not possible.


To make accurate predictions for lung cancer, perhaps, no experienced doctor will undertake. This disease can behave unpredictably, which is largely due to the variety of histological variants of the structure of tumors.

However, the cure of the patient is still possible. Usually, To happy outcome leads using a combination of surgery and radiation therapy.

How long do people live with lung cancer?

  • In the absence of treatment almost 90% of patients after the detection of the disease do not live more than 2-5 years;
  • at surgical treatment 30% of patients have a chance to live more than 5 years;
  • with a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy the chance to live more than 5 years appears in 40% of patients.

Do not forget about prevention, these include:

  • healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition and physical exercise
  • giving up bad habits, especially smoking


Prevention of lung cancer includes the following recommendations:

  • Giving up bad habits, especially smoking;
  • Compliance healthy lifestyle life: proper nutrition rich in vitamins and daily physical activity, walks in the fresh air.
  • Treat bronchial diseases in time so that there is no transition to a chronic form.
  • Airing the room, daily wet cleaning of the apartment;
  • Contact with harmful chemicals and heavy metals should be kept to a minimum. During work, be sure to use protective equipment: respirators, masks.

If you have the symptoms described in this article, be sure to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm of epithelial origin that develops from the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree or alveolar tissue. Modern medicine is trying to find positive methods treatment this disease However, the mortality rate from this disease has reached 85% to date and is one of the highest among oncological diseases.

Determining the stage of lung cancer is necessary in order to understand how widely the tumor has spread in the human body. In modern medical practice, lung cancer has 4 stages of the disease.

When determining the degree of lung cancer, it is necessary to take into account the size of the tumor, how deep its penetration into the walls of the organ, whether neighboring organs are affected and how deeply the lymph nodes are affected by metastases, the defeat of distant internal organs.

lung cancer stage 1

Early stage lung cancer the most favorable in terms of its prognostic signs and the cure of the patient. small in size and has a size up to 3 cm, which has not yet become widespread in, that is, it has not given. in the early stages, it may be located in one part of the lung or within the region of the bronchus. The initial stage of lung cancer does not metastasize. It is possible to recognize lung cancer at stage 1 only in 16% of patients.

When determining this or that method of treatment, doctors, first of all, pay their attention to the stage of the process in detail. During the course of the disease, the stage of the cancer cannot change, as it is necessary to assess the prognosis. After the course of treatment, the degree of prevalence of cancer in the body may decrease, but the stage initially established in the diagnosis rarely changes.

Recognizing grade 1 lung cancer is quite difficult, since the tumor is still so small that it practically does not make itself felt. One of the most alarming symptoms is a cough, the manifestation of which begins in the form of a sore throat, which constantly intensifies and is subsequently accompanied by sputum discharge.

At every stage malignant process symptoms and signs of the disease have their place, which should be paid special attention.

Symptoms of lung cancer stage 1

Symptoms of the disease

The first symptoms of lung cancer to watch out for are:

  • a cough that doesn't go away
  • dyspnea
  • general weakness of the body;
  • deterioration or loss of appetite;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • sweating;
  • causeless change of mood;
  • development of depression;
  • increase in body temperature.

I would like to note that persistent cough, shortness of breath and wheezing are the first signs of lung cancer only conditionally, since it is they that force the patient to visit a doctor. In fact, these symptoms indicate the transition of cancer to a more severe stage.

Signs of lung cancer:

  • decrease in vitality;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • causeless, periodic increase in body temperature.

The latter often makes diagnosis difficult, since cancer in this case is mistaken for Chronical bronchitis or pneumonia.

Stage 1 lung cancer: diagnosis and treatment

In specialized oncology centers, diagnosis begins with a study of the medical history. The doctor must carefully study the information about what lung diseases the patient has been ill, whether he smokes, and if yes, how long this has been happening. In addition, it turns out the presence of oncological diseases in the patient's family.

  • x-ray;
  • ultrasonic examination (ultrasound);
  • bronchoscopy;
  • blood tests for, a detailed analysis;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • sputum examination.

Treating early stage lung cancer

There are a number of basic methods that can be used alone or in conjunction with each other:

  1. surgical;
  2. radiation therapy;
  3. chemotherapy.

The survival rate at stage 1 is 43-58%. The situation is much worse if the onset of symptoms lasts more than 9 months. In this case, about 75% of patients are difficult to treat.

lung cancer stage 2

Patients who have lung cancer stage 2 experience symptoms similar to those of a cold. At stage 2, the tumor reaches a size of more than 5 cm. In patients with stage 2, the focus of the disease can be located in one part of the lung or within the region of the bronchus. At this stage, single metastases can be observed in.

Lung affected by tumor

Often, patients do not pay attention to symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and self-medicate, in the hope that a protracted cold with time will pass. However, the disease does not go away, but rather the opposite. New unpleasant symptoms and pain sensations. This is already an alarm, and in some cases the main symptom of lung cancer.

Despite all this, stage 2 lung cancer can also be asymptomatic, so very often help in treatment is delayed.

Symptoms and manifestations of lung cancer in stage 2

Symptoms to look out for in stage 2 lung cancer:

  • cough, prolonged nature, not amenable to treatment;
  • pain in the chest area when taking a deep breath;
  • voice change (hoarseness);
  • a sharp decrease in weight and poor appetite;
  • dyspnea;
  • pulmonary diseases of a long-term nature (bronchitis, pneumonia), recurring at short intervals.

Despite all the above symptoms, they are not always lung cancer. Often, such symptoms are very common in smokers, or smokers with experience. But if cancer tumor began to progress and go beyond the lungs, then a number of the following more significant symptoms join these symptoms, such as:

  • increase lymph nodes;
  • bone pain;
  • change in skin color (skin becomes more yellow).

In the presence of such symptoms, you should immediately consult an oncologist.

As mentioned earlier, the main causes of lung cancer are:

  1. smoking;
  2. air pollution;
  3. carcinogens (work with harmful substances);
  4. genetic propensity;
  5. lung diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of lung cancer at stage 2 consists of:

  • Positron emission tomography;
  • chest x-ray;
  • CT and MRI;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • biochemical blood test.

These diagnostic methods are necessary to identify and carefully study areas in lung tissues, establishes the location and magnitude of the oncological disease.

Stage 2 lung cancer treatment

In the second stage of lung cancer, most often resort to surgical method treatment. In this case, it is one of the most effective methods, which allows you to remove the tumor in full, since metastases appear only at stage 3.

There are people for whom surgery is contraindicated - these are elderly people or patients with other diseases that are a direct contraindication to surgery.

Chemotherapy, which is prescribed before and after surgery, has its significant place.

There are such methods of treatment as irradiation, medication. What method to treat the patient is determined by the doctor individually.

Important! With cancer, the choice of treatment method is made in favor of saving and prolonging the life of the patient.

How long do patients live in stage 2?

According to the statistics for The 5-year milestone is experienced by 50-70% of patients.

  1. In the early stages of the disease, after surgery, about 40% of patients will be able to live for 5 years.
  2. When the forecast is 15% with a survival of 5 years.

lung cancer stage 3

- is one of the most common causes death due to cancer. A patient who turns to a doctor in the early stages increases the chances of his recovery, but very often the early stages are asymptomatic and only when symptoms and signs of the disease appear does a person apply for medical care. Often this moment comes when the disease reaches 3 or 4 stages.

lung cancer in stage 3 reaches everything large sizes. During this period, the tumor affects the neighboring lobe of the lung, grows into the neighboring bronchus or the main bronchus. In stage III lung cancer, metastases are found in the lymph nodes in even greater numbers.

In turn, stage 3 is divided into two substages:

  • stage 3A reaches 7 cm or more in diameter, has spread to neighboring lymph nodes and organs. This size of the tumor can interfere with the passage of air through the respiratory tract;
  • stage 3B - a malignant neoplasm grows into the lymph nodes on the opposite side of the sternum, onto the diaphragm, mediastinum, membrane of the heart, etc.

Symptoms and signs of stage 3

Symptoms and signs of stage 3 lung cancer:

  • prolonged persistent cough;
  • pain in the chest, aggravated by inhalation;
  • pain in the shoulder with numbness of the fingers;
  • sudden weight loss and decreased appetite;
  • sputum streaked with blood and pus;
  • shortness of breath and fever for no apparent reason;
  • recurring infections of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis and pneumonia);
  • the appearance of wheezing in the lungs;
  • headaches, dizziness, impaired speech and vision.

Diagnosis and treatment of stage 3 lung cancer

Diagnosis of lung cancer stage 3 completely coincides with the methods of diagnosis in the initial stages.

Stage 3 lung cancer treatment includes methods such as:

  1. chemotherapy;
  2. radiation therapy;
  3. surgical intervention;

The result and effectiveness of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. The main treatment for grade 3 lung cancer is chemotherapy in the preoperative period followed by surgery. The effectiveness of treatment is manifested only after 2-3 cycles of chemotherapy.

Lung cancer of the 3rd degree, how long do patients with this disease live?

  • Survival is only 25% of patients.
  • For small cell cancer lung prognosis is less than 25%.

Stage 4 lung cancer: signs and symptoms

Lung cancer is the leader among all cancers. Over the past few years, lung cancer has grown several times. Most a large number of The population of patients with this disease lives in industrialized countries. The peculiarity of this disease in diversity clinical forms and prone to rapid metastasis.

Smoking, alcohol abuse, exposure to radiation, carcinogens, are the most unfavorable factors in the progression of the disease.

lung cancer grade 4, at this stage, uncontrolled processes of the spread of malignant cells throughout the body occur. Metastases damage all organs of the human body and during this period new foci of a malignant neoplasm are formed. Metastases fall into, and other organs.

Lung cancer

The last stage of lung cancer and its clinical picture:

  • severe paroxysmal cough, which is present throughout the disease;
  • hemoptysis (streaks of blood are found in the sputum, then the sputum becomes a brighter color and contains pus);
  • pains in the chest area increase each time and become sharper, mainly from the affected segment;
  • shortness of breath progresses, angina pectoris begins to develop, heart problems appear;
  • heavy bleeding from the respiratory tract.

All these symptoms are due to the fact that the main parts of the lung stop supplying oxygen to the body. Digestive disorders occur, the passage of food through the esophagus affected by metastases is difficult.

Diagnosis and treatment at 4 stages

Stage 4 lung cancer is confirmed by the following diagnostic procedures:

  1. general clinical diagnostics;
  2. X-ray examination of the chest;
  3. cytological examination of sputum, carried out in 5-6 stages;
  4. biopsy and puncture of bronchial tissues;
  5. chest ultrasound;
  6. percutaneous puncture of the tumor;
  7. laboratory research.

Treatment of grade 4 lung cancer is based mainly on the palliative and symptomatic nature. The main task of an oncologist is to limit the spread of a malignant tumor, reduce the rate of tumor growth, preserve the functioning of organs, and prevent life-threatening complications.

The main methods of treatment:

  • palliative surgery;
  • hormone therapy;
  • and etc.

Radiation therapy is often given to shrink the tumor and alleviate the patient's condition. In some cases, it may be supplemented with chemotherapy. With the development of pleurisy and damage to the pleura by metastases, thoracocentesis is recommended to reduce the amount of fluid in the lungs.

Also, in order to improve the methods of treating cancer in the later stages, it led to the use of new methods of treating oncology:

  • chemo-radioembolization;
  • the use of monoclonal antibodies;
  • radiofrequency ablation;
  • individual cancer vaccines.

After using the latest treatments, patients can maintain employment and communication opportunities. An important method easing the patient's condition is analgesic therapy.

At the end of the course of treatment, the patient should be regularly observed by an oncologist. This is necessary for the timely detection of a possible relapse. A prerequisite is a ban on smoking.

The prognosis for stage 4 lung cancer is not very comforting. In many cases, this is fatal.

This is due to the asymptomatic course of the disease and inattentive attitude to one's health. But only stages 1 and 2 of lung cancer are amenable to the main methods of treatment and have favorable prognosis. Even full recovery is possible.

Stages of lung cancer

Determining the stage of cancer, the specialist takes into account the histological characteristics of the tumor. In small cell malignancy, the degree of spread of the tumor to other organs is:

  • extensive (a malignant tumor "went" beyond the lung in which it appeared, and "hit" the breast tissue or distant organs).
  • latent (the tumor, as such, is not yet in the lung; cancer cells are found in sputum or in the fluid obtained during bronchoscopy);
  • the first (the tumor grows in the lung, affecting deep tissues);
  • the third (cancer cells are found in nearby organs, the chest wall, diaphragm, vessels or lymph nodes (including in distant parts of the body));
  • fourth (cancer cells affect more than one lobe of the lung or another lung; metastasize to distant organs (liver, bones, brain)).

Stage 1 lung cancer: characteristics of the pathology

The size of a malignant tumor in the first stage of cancer is up to three to five centimeters. Cancer cells are concentrated in one lung segment(peripheral cancer) or within the region of the bronchus (central cancer). There are no signs of metastasis. In addition, the malignant tumor has not yet affected the lymph nodes.

Grade 1B (the size of the tumor in the largest diameter is from three to five centimeters; lymph nodes and other parts of the body are not damaged; five-year survival at this stage for non-small cell cancer is from 45 to 60%; for small cell cancer - about 25%).

How to diagnose the first stage of cancer?

Unfortunately, only 15% of patients can recognize the disease at stage 1. Therefore, regular medical examinations. Since the first stage of cancer in many cases is asymptomatic, diagnostic procedures cannot be neglected.

  • fluorography of the chest (a mandatory annual event that allows you to see gross pulmonary pathologies);
  • bronchoscopy (doctors advise doing this procedure every year for heavy smokers and those who have a history of cancer diseases; the study allows you to visually detect the tumor and take a piece of it for a biopsy);
  • sputum analysis (the mucus secreted during coughing is examined; the detection of atypical cells makes it possible to suspect a tumor);
  • computed tomography (a spiral helical section is performed to diagnose the tumor). These methods make it possible to suspect lung cancer and give the doctor a reason to prescribe additional, more informative tests.

First stage lung cancer clinic

Most often, the first stage is characterized by an asymptomatic course. The following symptoms are quite rare:

dry cough that occurs reflexively, sometimes hacking;

shortness of breath. The prognosis for stage 1 lung cancer is quite favorable. The main difficulty lies in its detection.

Lung cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases worldwide, including in our country. According to statistics, men are much more likely to suffer from lung cancer than women, especially those whose long-term bad habit is smoking.

Features of cancer of the 1st degree

To determine the stage of cancer, it is necessary to take into account its histology. In small cell carcinoma, the degree of spread of the tumor to other organs and systems can be:

  • limited
  • extensive. In the first case, cancer cells are localized only in one lung and adjacent tissues. In the second, a malignant tumor extends beyond the lung, in which it was originally formed, and affects distant organs or breast tissues.

Non-small cell lung cancer has six stages of development, each of which has individual characteristics.

  • hidden stage. The tumor, as such, has not yet formed in the lung. Cancer cells may be found in sputum or in fluid taken for bronchoscopy.
  • Zero stage. Cancer cells are found only in the lining of the lung. At this stage, the patient is diagnosed with carcinoma.
  • First stage. The tumor grows throughout the lung, affecting its deep tissues.
  • Second stage. malignant neoplasm metastasizes to lymph nodes.
  • Third stage. Tumor cells are found in neighboring organs, the diaphragm, chest wall, blood vessels, lymph nodes, and also in distant parts of the body.
  • Fourth stage. The tumor affects more than one lobe of the lung or the second lung, metastasizes to distant organs - the head, brain, liver, bones.

A malignant tumor in the first stage of cancer has a size of 3 to 5 centimeters. If its cells are localized in one segment of the lung, then such a disease is called peripheral cancer, but if within the region of the bronchus, then central cancer. At this stage of the disease, there are no metastases, as well as tumor lesions of the lymph nodes.

Grade 1 A
characterized by a maximum tumor size of up to 3 centimeters. Five-year survival at this stage of the disease is 60-75% for non-small cell cancer and about 40% for small cell cancer.

Grade 1 B characterized by the largest diameter of the tumor from 3 to 5 centimeters, non-damage of the lymph nodes and other parts of the patient's body. The five-year survival rate at this stage is 45 to 60% for non-small cell cancer and about 25% for small cell cancer.

As practice shows, cancer at the 1st stage is diagnosed only in 15% of patients, since it is asymptomatic. That is why we should not forget about regular medical checks and examinations, especially for those who are at risk. They are primarily smokers.

Tests that can detect lung cancer at stage 1 include:

Lung cancer, by item

- malignant tumors that originate in the mucous membranes and glands of the bronchi and lungs. Cancer cells divide rapidly, increasing the tumor. Without proper treatment, it germinates in the heart, brain, blood vessels, esophagus, spine. The bloodstream carries cancer cells throughout the body, forming new metastases. There are three phases of cancer development:

  • Genetic propensity: at least three cases of a similar disease in the family or the presence of a similar diagnosis in a close relative, the presence of several different forms of cancer in one patient.
  • Age after 50 years.
  • Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, scars on the lungs.
  • Problems of the endocrine system. Modifiable factors (which can be influenced):
  • Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. When tobacco is burned, 4000 carcinogens are released, covering the bronchial mucosa and burning out living cells. Together with the blood, the poison enters the brain, kidneys, liver. Carcinogens settle in the lungs for the rest of life, covering them with soot. Smoking experience of 10 years or 2 packs of cigarettes a day increases the chance of getting sick by 25 times. At risk and passive smokers: 80% of exhaled smoke goes to them.
  • Professional contacts: asbestos-related factories, metallurgical enterprises; cotton, linen and felting mills; contact with poisons (arsenic, nickel, cadmium, chromium) at work; mining (coal, radon); rubber production.
  • Bad environment, radioactive contamination. The systematic impact of air polluted by cars and factories on the lungs of the urban population changes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.


There are several types of classification. In Russia, five forms of cancer are distinguished depending on the location of the tumor.

  • Central cancer in the lumen of the bronchi. At the first degree, it is not detected on the pictures (masks the heart). The diagnosis may be indicated by indirect signs on x-rays: a decrease in the airiness of the lung or regular local inflammation. All this is combined with a hacking cough with blood, shortness of breath, later - chest pain, fever.
  • Peripheral cancer invades the lung array. There is no pain, the diagnosis is determined by x-ray. Patients refuse treatment without realizing that the disease is progressing.
  • Options: Cancer of the apex of the lung grows into the vessels and nerves of the shoulder. In such patients, osteochondrosis is treated for a long time, and they get to the oncologist late.
  • The cavity form appears after the collapse of the central part due to lack of nutrition. Neoplasms up to 10 cm, they are confused with abscess, cysts, tuberculosis, which complicates the treatment.
  • Pneumonia-like cancer is treated with antibiotics. Not getting the desired effect, they end up in oncology. The tumor is distributed diffusely (not a node), occupying most of the lung.
  • Atypical forms: brain, liver, bone create metastases in lung cancer, and not the tumor itself.
  • The hepatic form is characterized by jaundice, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, deterioration of tests, enlargement of the liver.
  • The brain looks like a stroke: the limb does not work, speech is disturbed, the patient loses consciousness, headache, convulsions, bifurcation.
  • Bone - pain symptoms in the spine, pelvic region, limbs, fractures without injury. Metastatic neoplasms originate from a tumor of another organ with the ability to grow, paralyzing the work of the organ. Metastases up to 10 cm lead to death from decay products and dysfunction of internal organs.

The primary source - the maternal tumor is not always possible to determine. According to the histological structure (cell type), lung cancer is:
Small cell tumor is the most aggressive tumor, it quickly invades and metastasizes already in the early stages. The frequency of occurrence is 20%. Forecast - 16 months. with non-spread cancer and 6 months. - with widespread. Non-small cell is more common, characterized by relatively slow growth.
There are three types:

      • squamous cell lung cancer (from squamous lamellar cells with slow growth and low frequency of manifestation of early metastases, with areas of keratinization), prone to necrosis, ulcers, ischemia. 15% survivability.
      • adenocarcinoma develops from glandular cells. It spreads rapidly through the bloodstream. Survival is 20% with palliative care, 80% with surgery.
      • Large cell carcinoma has several varieties, asymptomatic, occurs in 18% of cases. The average survival rate is 15% (depending on the type).


Lung cancer 1st degree.

      • A tumor up to 3 cm in diameter or a bronchial tumor in one lobe, no metastases in neighboring lymph nodes. Lung cancer grade 2.
      • The tumor in the lung is 3-6 cm, blocks the bronchi, growing into the pleura, causing atelectasis (loss of air). Lung cancer grade 3.
      • A tumor of 6-7 cm passes to neighboring organs, atelectasis of the entire lung, the presence of metastases in neighboring lymph nodes (the root of the lung and mediastinum, supraclavicular zones). Lung cancer grade 4.
      • The tumor grows in the heart, large vessels, fluid appears in the pleural cavity.


Common Symptoms of Lung Cancer

      • fast weight loss,
      • no appetite,
      • performance drop,
      • sweating,
      • unstable temperature. Specific features:
      • cough, debilitating, for no apparent reason - a companion of bronchial cancer. The color of sputum changes to yellow-green. In a horizontal position, physical exercises, in the cold, coughing attacks become more frequent: a tumor growing in the zone of the bronchial tree irritates the mucous membrane.
      • Blood when coughing is pinkish or scarlet, with clots, but hemoptysis is also a sign of tuberculosis.
      • Shortness of breath due to inflammation of the lungs, recession of a part of the lung due to tumor blockage of the bronchus. With tumors in the large bronchi, there may be a shutdown of the organ.
      • Pain in the chest due to the introduction of cancer into the serous tissue (pleura), sprouting into the bone. At the beginning of the disease, there are no alarms, the appearance of pain indicates an advanced stage. The pain can be given to the arm, neck, back, shoulder, aggravated by coughing.


Diagnosing lung cancer is not an easy task, because oncology looks like pneumonia, abscesses, tuberculosis. More than half of the tumors are detected too late. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to undergo an x-ray annually. If cancer is suspected:

      • Fluorography to determine tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung tumors. In case of deviations, an x-ray should be taken.
      • X-ray of the lungs more accurately assesses the pathology.
      • Layered x-ray tomography of the problem area - several sections with a focus of the disease in the center.
      • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging with the introduction of contrast on layered sections shows in detail, clarifies the diagnosis according to explicit criteria.
      • Bronchoscopy diagnoses central cancer tumors. You can see the problem and take a biopsy - a piece of affected tissue for analysis.
      • Tumor markers examine the blood for a protein produced only by the tumor. NSE tumor marker is used for small cell carcinoma, SSC, CYFRA markers are used for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, CEA is a universal marker. The diagnostic level is low, it is used after treatment for early detection of metastases.
      • Sputum analysis with a low percentage of probability suggests the presence of a tumor when atypical cells are detected.
      • Thoracoscopy examination through chamber punctures into the pleural cavity. Allows you to take a biopsy and clarify the changes.
      • A biopsy with a computed tomography scanner is used when there is doubt about the diagnosis. The examination should be comprehensive, because cancer is disguised as many diseases. Sometimes they even use diagnostic surgery.


Type (surgical, radiological, palliative, chemotherapy) is selected based on the stage of the process, the histological type of the tumor, history). The most reliable method is surgery. With lung cancer of the 1st stage, 70-80%, 2nd stage - 40%, 3rd stage - 15-20% of patients survive the control five-year period. Operation types:

      • Removal of a lobe of the lung - meets all the principles of treatment.
      • Marginal resection removes only the tumor. Metastases are treated in other ways.
      • Removal of the lung completely (pneumoectomy) - with a tumor of 2 degrees for central cancer, 2-3 degrees - for peripheral.
      • Combined operations - with the removal of part of the neighboring affected organs. Do not recommend surgery for serious concomitant diseases (myocardial infarction, diabetes, kidney and liver failure), if the tumor affects the trachea.

Chemotherapy become more effective with new drugs. Small cell lung cancer responds well to chemotherapy. With a properly selected combination (taking into account sensitivity, 6-8 courses with an interval of 3-4 weeks), the survival time increases by 4 times. Chemotherapy for lung cancer. is carried out in courses and gives a positive result for several years. Non-small cell cancer is resistant to chemotherapy (partial resorption of the tumor - in 10-30% of patients, complete rarely), but modern polychemotherapy raises survival by 35%. Treated with platinum drugs- the most effective, but also the most toxic, and therefore are introduced with a large (up to 4 l) amount of liquid. Possible adverse reactions: nausea, intestinal disorders, cystitis, dermatitis, phlebitis, allergies. The best results are achieved with a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, either simultaneously or sequentially. Radiation therapy uses gamma-ray installations of beta-trons and linear accelerators. The method is designed for inoperable patients of 3-4 degrees. The effect is achieved due to the death of all cells of the primary tumor and metastases. Good results are obtained with small cell carcinoma. With non-small cell irradiation, it is carried out according to a radical program (with contraindications or refusal of surgery) for patients of 1-2 degrees or with a palliative purpose for patients of the 3rd degree. The standard dose for radiation treatment is 60-70 Gy. In 40%, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the oncological process. Palliative care surgery to reduce the impact of the tumor on the affected organs to improve the quality of life effective pain relief, oxygenation (forced oxygenation), treatment of comorbidities, support and care.

Folk methods used exclusively for pain relief or after radiation and only in consultation with the doctor. Relying on healers and herbalists with such a serious diagnosis increases the already high risk of death.


The prognosis for lung cancer is poor. Without special treatment, 90% of patients die within 2 years. The prognosis determines the degree and histological structure. The table presents data on the survival of cancer patients for 5 years.

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