What is the pain in the chest. Causes and Treatment of Breast Pain

  • Date: 20.06.2020

Pains in the chest can be a manifestation of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory organs, less often - for diseases of the esophagus, a bone-muscular apparatus, nervous system. An important role of organs in the chest cavity requires the need for extremely serious and attentive attitude to the appearance of pain in the chest and as early as possible for medical care.

If there is pain after the injury injury

Fracture ribs. It occurs in the injuries of the chest (punch or blowing on the chest) during falls, in a fight, at a traffic accident.

Manifestations: Sharp pain in the fracture. Pressing the injury may be accompanied by a crunch, enhances pain. Movement of the chest with breathing is limited due to pain. Breathing becomes frequent, shallow. When breathing, you can hear the crunch of the rib bone fragments of the ribs. In the breath of the patient, trying to spare the chest on the face of the fracture.

Treatment Exercises a surgeon, traumatologist. Before that, you can take painkillers.

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets.

The pain is not removed by reception of 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets, its duration is more than 20 minutes, you can assume myocardial infarction.

Myocardial infarction. It occurs due to a long disturbance of the blood supply of the heart muscle (violation of coronary blood circulation), complete blockage and arising due to the death of muscle cells.

Manifestations: The main sign of myocardial infarction is pain. It arises at the very beginning of the disease. Pain occurs both after exercise, and at rest. Pain occurs in the left half of the chest, it can give in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw. The character of pain: Breathing, gazes. Differences on the attack of angina: pain in a heart attack significantly exceeds the power and duration of a conventional attack of angina (duration - from 10-20 minutes to several hours. The duration of a pain attachment: from one hour to several days. Pain does not decrease on nitroglycerin intake. The attack may be accompanied by cutting overall weakness, fainting.

Treatment: Immediate hospitalization of the patient in a cardiological hospital! Prior to this, you can take 2-3 nitroglycerin tablets. The late appeal for medical care or an attempt to self-medication with myocardial infarction is fatal!

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. Does the chest pain accompanied by a high body temperature, a cough with a grid and yellow and yellow?

Pneumonia. Inflammatory processes in the lungs are called, as a rule, infection. With pneumonia, not only the tissue of the lungs is involved in the inflammatory process, but also covering their shell - pleura. In Plevra, there are a large number of nerve endings, with the irritation of which the inflammatory process and pain occurs.

Manifestations: The disease begins after hypothermia. Headache, weakness, ailments, an increase in body temperature up to 39-40 ° C, chills are noted. Cough appears for a day, first dry, then with a wetty yellowish or greenish color. At the same time, pain appear over the affected part of the lung. The pain is associated with breathing movements: enhances with deep breath, cough. Because of this, breathing becomes frequent and shallow (superficial). The skin of the cheeks is bright red, on the rest of the sites pale, lips are blue.

Treatment: Selection of treatment is conducting a therapist, a pulmonologist. Before that, you can take antipyretic drugs.

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. If suddenly arose in the chest is accompanied by a breath, dry cough.

Pneumothorax.It arises suddenly after the injury of the chest or spontaneously, without a visible reason. In this case, the air penetrates through the damaged lung or bronchus directly into the pleural cavity. This leads to an increase in pressure in it and squeezing the lung, to a decrease in its volume with the disappearance of the underly sections from the respiratory process.

Manifestations: Sudden sharp pain in the chest, increasing with breathing, conversation, during exercise. Pain constant, long. A characteristic feature of the pneumothorax is shortness of breath and dry cough. They are accompanied by the pallor of the skin, the general weakness, cold sweat, frequent weak pulse. To facilitate breathing, the patient takes a sedentary position. With breathing noticeably behind the movement of the ribs on the side of the lesion.

Treatment conducted by a surgeon doctor. Before that, you can take painkillers.

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. If the pain behind the sternum is accompanied by heartburn, exterminated acid

Ezophagitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. It occurs, as a rule, when taking into it the contents of the stomach.

Manifestations: Pain when swallowing, located behind the sternum. May be given in the neck. The pain is accompanied by a painful feeling of burning, heartburn, acid exhaust, nausea. The pain is associated with food, occurs in a horizontal position. The patient wakes up at night because of pain and heartburn in order to drink water to reduce them. Reducing the intensity of pain and burning occurs if the patient sits in bed.

Treatment: Selection of treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist.

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. If the pain is localized in the course of intercostal intervals and at the same time appear rashes on the skin in these places

Shingles. Infectious disease caused by herpes virus. The virus affects the oil-star nerve nodes from which the spinal nerves come out. The zone of the damage and the propagation of inflammatory manifestations corresponds to the spinal node.

Manifestations: The beginning of the disease resembles a cold: headache, general malaise, an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C, nausea. Then there are sharp pains along the nerves in the intercostal intervals. Strong pain, burning, are constant. Often pain is accompanied by a skin itching. Soon the skin of one or two intercostal gaps blushes, a group of small nodules appears on it, then converting bubbles filled with turbid liquid. After 3-4 days, they turn into crusts of yellow-brown.

Treatment Picks up an infectious doctor. Before that, you can take painkillers.

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. Pain in intercostal intervals in the absence of rashes on the skin in these places

Intercostal neuralgia. It is a manifestation of diseases of the thoracic spine. Most often, intercostal neuralgia occurs during osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. The degenerative destructive processes in the spine lead to a change in vertebrae, their displacement, change in intervertebral disks, while irritation of the roots of the spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic spinal cord.

Manifestations: The pain most often is permanent nature in the course of intercostal intervals. Pressing on the points side by side of the spinning processes, painfully. The pain is traced throughout the entire intercreic gap: from the spine to the front surface of the chest. The pain is intensified with deep breath, cough, sneezing, when driving a torso. It is often noted to numb skin over the appropriate intercostal interval.

Treatment: The selection of treatment is carried out by a neurologist. Before this, you can take painkillers, apply anti-inflammatory ointment.

If the pain is located in the heart area, giving up in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw, is it occurs under load. If the pain is removed after taking 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets. The pain lasts no more than 15-20 minutes

Stenokard attack with ischemic heart disease. The disease occurs when the blood flow is reduced by coronary arteries, supplying the heart muscle with blood. Reducing the lumen of the arteries, as a rule, is due to the development of atherosclerotic plaques in them.

Manifestations: Suddenly emerging parlor pain in the heart area, behind the sternum, in hand, shovel, neck, lower jaw. Duration of pain attack: from a few seconds to 15-20 minutes. The pain is intense, according to the description - burning, puper. Pain may arise less often - after physical or emotional load, less often - at rest or during sleep. The pain is accompanied by anxiety, a feeling of anxiety and fear. Pain is not related to breathing movements. The pain is removed by nitroglycerin.

Treatment: Selection of treatment is carried out by a physician, cardiologist. Prior to this, 1-2 nitroglycerin tablets can be taken. Communicably inspected by a doctor with electrocardiography! The timely started treatment makes it possible to avoid the formidable complication of ischemic heart disease - myocardial infarction!

Pain in the chest (thoracalgia) is an unpleasant feeling that occurs during pathological processes in the internal organs, chest injuries or spine. Such a state leads to difficulty breathing, stiffness of movements and a significant deterioration in the quality of human life. To eliminate the manifestation, contact the medical institution.


Pain in the chest in the middle, with the right or left side are provoked by pathological changes from the cardiovascular system or upper respiratory tract. Also, not the exception of pathology that are associated with the spine. In general, the pain in the chest may be due to the following etiological factors:

  • posttramatic syndrome;
  • neurological diseases;
  • coronogenic heart lesions;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • aortic bundle;
  • back injuries, sternum and spine;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • pathology of the abdominal bodies;
  • psychosomatics.

The character of the chest pain may indicate a possible primary factor. The graceful pain in the chest can point to the pre-infarction state, so it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance.


Chest pain can be complemented by the following additional signs of the clinical picture:

  • , without visible for the reasons;

Depending on the etiology, the common clinical picture can be complemented by specific features, which helps them differentiate:

  • sharp, severe pain in the middle or in the left half of the chest, with irradiation in hand or neck can be a sign of acute ischemia or myocardial infarction;
  • the pain in the chest on the right or on the left, which occurs during exercise and is completely disappearing in a state of rest, may indicate the stress angina;
  • sharp pain in the left side of the chest, with a recycle in the back can be a symptom of aortic bundle;
  • pain in the chest when coughing or with deep breath may indicate the development of the disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Also, pain in the chest when inhaling may be a sign and. In this case, the common clinical picture can be complemented by the following manifestations:

  • and fever;
  • cough;
  • labored breathing.

The cause of the pain in the chest in the middle can be .. In this case, the clinical picture may have the following signs:

  • when trying to make a deep breath or exhalation pain increases sharply and has a stitching character;
  • there is a discomfort in the field of right or left hypochondrium;
  • pain gives to the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, liver, in some cases in the heart;
  • pain attacks occur periodically or only in physical activity;
  • pallor skin;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • reducing the tone of the thoracic muscles.

If there is such a clinical picture, you should urgently apply for medical help. Otherwise, it is possible to develop serious complications and even a fatal outcome, if the cause of pain has become.


Why the chest hurts, only a doctor can say, after conducting a survey and formulate an accurate diagnosis. If the patient's condition allows, the doctor conducts a detailed physical inspection with the clarification of general anamnesis. It is necessarily taken into account the history of the disease. For accurate diagnosis, the following laboratory and diagnostic measures are used:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • wet analysis (if a strong cough is observed);
  • pulse oximetry;
  • radiography of the chest;
  • blood on myocardial infarction markers;
  • diagnostic reception of medicines;

With suspicion of osteochondrosis, as the rootary factor of the chest pain on the right or left, the general diagnostic program may include such additional examination methods:

  • computer tomography of the cervical and thoracic department;
  • contrast discography;
  • myelography is a study of the spinal cord with the help of a contrast agent.

Additional research methods can be assigned to the discretion of the doctor, depending on the current clinical picture, anamnesis and illness history. Treatment can be assigned only after the exact diagnosis.


The treatment directly depends on the etiology of the pathological process, which provoked the development of such a symptom. Sometimes, the attachment of such symptoms requires urgent hospitalization of the patient.

In general, drug therapy in the thoracic pain on the right or on the left may consist in reception of drugs of this type:

  • anesthetic;
  • vessels;
  • chondroprotectors.

However, treatment with drugs is completely coming from the etiological factor provoking pain in the chest area.

As auxiliary therapy, to eliminate pain in the left side of the chest or with another localization of the symptom, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • shock-wave therapy;
  • mud.

Depending on the etiology of pain, manual therapy can be assigned.

In any case, the therapy should appoint only a competent medical specialist. The pain on the left side of the chest, with the right or in the middle, may indicate the development of a serious pathological process, therefore, self-medium is fraught with severe consequences.


Specific prophylactic methods, in this case, no. It is determined by the fact that pain in the chest area is a symptom, and not a separate nosological unit. It is necessary to adhere to a general healthy lifestyle and nutrition, to charge or go to sports sections, not to transfer, to seek medical attention in a timely manner, not to neglect the preventive inspection of medical professionals, as well as every year it is mandatory to do fluorography.

Pain in the chest or chest can be a symptom of many diseases, including those that present a serious danger to human life. It is difficult to recognize which organ hurts, for example, sometimes pain in the heart pain may indicate problems with the spine or stomach. That is why it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms dangerous to life and in time to provide first help.

Causes and symptoms of chest pain

Diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular system, chest, digestive organs, spine, malnutrition failures - all these factors can cause pain in the chest. It may be accompanied by rapid breathing, increased temperature, numbness and cough.

Some chest pain can be safe for human health, while others can lead to death. That is why with pain in the chest you need to consult a doctor. It will prescribe the necessary research and on the basis of their results will diagnose and write treatment.

Diseases of gasts

Sometimes pain in the stomach may be mistakenly perceived by a person like a chest pain. Typically, such pains are caused by the muscle spasm of the organ. But the main difference is that they are longer than pain in heart disease and have significant differences. The main diseases of the digestive organs that can cause chest pains:

  • Ulcer stomach. In this case, pain syndrome depends on food intake. Usually, the pain occurs on an empty stomach, and as soon as the person is a fellow, it passes. The disease may be accompanied by the following symptoms: heartburn, nausea, vomiting, disorder of digestion. Pain in the stomach can not be stopped nitroglycerin, in this case, antispasmodic drugs usually help.
  • Diaphragm hernia. Through the defect in the diaphragm penetrate the internal organs from one cavity to another. The diaphragm is compressed and the organs are infringement. The hernia appears suddenly, mostly at night, characterized by a strong painful syndrome, which is similar to angina. The attack cannot be removed nitroglycerin, but the patient becomes better when it is in a vertical position.
  • Outdoor gap. Serious pathology, in which its integrity is disturbed, and its contents falls into the region of the chest. Most often, the gap occurs during vomiting. Pain syndrome, in this case, pronounced, can give in the back. Pain is usually enhanced by coughing and when changing the position of the body. Such a state is very serious and requires immediate surgery, any delay can lead to a fatal outcome.
  • Bile colic. Pain gives to the left chest. Usually, a pronounced pain syndrome occurs, which is removed using antispasmodics.
  • Acute pancreatitis. It can also be confused with heart pains, such a pain syndrome is difficult to stop independently. It is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting, patient in this case needs immediate hospitalization.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Diseases of the respiratory system

Lightweight occupy most of the chest, so the pain may occur due to lung diseases, bronchi, trachea and pleura. Often pain appear in tumors, injuries and inflammatory diseases, namely:

  • Inflammation of the pleura. This is the most common cause, which may appear pain in the chest. Pleverra is a serous bag that covers the lungs, consists of two sheets, and between them is a pleural cavity. If the cause of pain is in the inflammation of the pleura, then the person will have the following symptoms: cough and temperature increase. Pain syndrome is usually enhanced with deep breath and cough. With genetic disease, which is manifested by periodic inflammation of the pleura, may also be felt in the chest. The disease is most often unilateral, much less often the defeat is two-way. All the symptoms of this disease usually pass independently within 5-7 days.
  • Lung tuberculosis can also be the cause of the thoracic pain. It is usually having a good character and enhanced during coughing. In addition to painful sensations, the patient will have the following symptoms: a long cough, a sputum of blood streaks, a decrease in body weight, an increase in temperature and night sweating. With tuberculosis and light liquid or air abscess or air can get into the pleural cavity, a strong pain appears, which is accompanied by a breath, a person decreases blood pressure, skin covers are shine, it is difficult for him to breathe and move. The pain can give in hand, neck and in the stomach, while the chest increases in volume, and intercostal gaps are expanding. A person needs urgent hospitalization, he can only assist in hospital.
  • Pneumonia. This disease can also be accompanied by pain in the chest. The lung plot is usually inflamed, cough cough appears, the body temperature rises. As a rule, pain in this disease is one-sided, can be felt under the spatula, enhanced when driving and cough, in the position lying the pain syndrome decreases.
  • Lungs' cancer. Pains in the chest occur at the last stages of lung cancer, when the tumor has already sprout into the surrounding fabrics. Painful sensations can be constant, sometimes enhanced to unbearable pain, which can give back, neck and shoulder. In addition, the patient may suffer from dry cough, loss of appetite, weakness, it will seem to him that there is not enough air.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis.

Heart diseases

  • The obstruction of the coronary artery. Acute penetrating pain in the chest area can be caused by the obstruction of the coronary artery, because of this, blood access to the heart muscle ceases and the myocardial infarction occurs. The painful syndrome is very strong, can give to the left hand and left blade. Due to the unbearable painful syndrome, the patient tries not to breathe, as the respiratory movements only increase it. Blood pressure rises, man starts pale or blushing. Such pain does not need to endure, nitroglycerin should be taken and immediately cause ambulance, otherwise everything can end with a fatal outcome.
  • Myocarditis. Sometimes chest pain can be caused by an inflammatory process flowing in the field of myocardium (heart muscle), myocarditis is a complication of transferred purulent angina or rheumatism. The disease mainly occurs in about two weeks after the suffering disease. Painful sensations can resemble seizures of angina, but they are not removed by nitroglycerin. The pain is intensified during exercise, wears, as a rule, a stitching or more character.
  • Pericarditis. Another complication of various infectious diseases is the inflammation of the serous cord muscle shell. Pericarditis manifests itself with a stupid moderate pain, but sometimes pain can intensify and resemble the attack of angina. As a rule, pain becomes stronger when driving, so the person tries to breathe superficially and makes as much extra movements as possible. In addition to pain in the patient, the temperature increases, there is general ailment, there is an increase in leukocytes in the blood test.
  • Aortic aneurysm. Pain in the chest may arise due to aortic aneurysms when the site is expanded on a large blood vessel due to atherosclerosis, inflammatory lesion or during injury. A person usually torments constant pain in the upper half of the chest, which does not give to other parts of the body and does not stop nitroglycerin. If aortic rupture occurs, strong bleeding will begin, which usually ends with a fatal outcome.
  • Thromboembolia. The blockage of the cloth of the pulmonary artery is also the cause of severe thoracic pain. Pain sensations are similar to the attack of angina, but they are not given to other parts of the body and are not removed nitroglycerin. Anesthetic drugs do not help, pain syndrome is accompanied by severe heartbeat, shortness of breath and decrease in blood pressure. A person needs an emergency operation, otherwise he will die.
  • Angina.
  • Mitral valve prolapse;
  • Aortal aneurysm;
  • Myocardial infarction.

Psycho factors

  • Cardionerement. It is the most common cause of prolonged pain in the chest. It occurs due to the functional disorder of the nervous system. The reason is all sorts of mental shocks, they can be both long-term and short-term. In this case, a person feels permanent pain in the heart of the heart, pain sometimes can be sharp, they can be confused with the attacks of angina. But from taking nitroglycerin, a person does not get better. In addition, other symptoms may be present, for example, the patient has a blush face, blood pressure is increasing. Almost always there are such signs of neurosis as an increased anxiety, weakness, irritability, sleep disorder. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish cardioneering from coronary heart disease. In this case, it is necessary to observe the patient. If the diagnosis of "cardioneeurosis" is made, then the person is pressed by soothing drugs, sleeping pills, with a breakdown of sleep, and the correct mode of the day.
  • Climax. Sometimes pain in the heart may occur during the menopacteric period. They are caused by a violation of the hormonal background and are usually accompanied by blood tides to face, loss of sensitivity in some areas of the skin, chills and sweating. Typically help soothing drugs and replacement hormone therapy.
  • Hysterical syndrome.
  • Vegeth vascular dystonia.

Diseases of the circulatory system

  • Acute leukemia.

Chest injuries

Chest injuries are customary to divide on open and closed. The first type is rare, as more is characteristic of wartime. The second type of damage occurs much more often.

  • Fracture ribs. A fairly common injury, if it is serious, the fragments of the ribs can damage the pulmonary fabric, pleura, vessels. In a patient, with such a injury, there is a pain in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, which is intensified when moving, breathing becomes short and superficial.
  • Injury. In the injury injuries, there is also pain, the hematoma is formed on the injection site. If damage is small and no fractures, then no treatment is usually required. In the case of strong bruises, extensive hemorrhages may occur, as well as the tear of tissues and organs, which can lead to death.
  • Ground grinding. When squeezed, its volume decreases sharply, which leads to the compression of the organs. In this case, skin covering shines, and point hemorrhages appear on the neck and head, they can be extensive. Naturally, such a condition is also accompanied by severe pain in the chest.
  • Displacement of the vertebrae.

If the pain in the right breast

Painful sensations in lactic glands often appear in a few days before the start of menstruation, this is a normal phenomenon associated with a change in hormonal status. But sometimes the pain can be a symptom of some diseases:

  • Mastopathy is the growing of iron tissue, which is characterized by the presence of cyst and fibrous seals.
  • Tumors. If only in the right chest hurts, the reason for this may be benign tumors. It is necessary to visit the doctor and make the necessary surveys.
  • Oncology. Breast cancer usually affects only one milk gland, pain appears at the last stages, when the tumor starts growing into the surrounding tissues.
  • Renal and liver colic. The whole right half of the chest can also be sick with renal and liver colic. The painful syndrome is usually strong, the renal colic often hurts the lower back, but sometimes pain gives to the right half of the chest. In this case, the patient needs to show a doctor, as first aid, antispasmodic drugs usually give.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis.

If the pain in the left breast

Pain in the chest can be caused by injuries, changes in hormonal background, malignant and benign tumors. It often happens that it is difficult to determine where it hurts, for example, it seems that pain is localized in the left breast, and in fact slightly lower.

Under the following diseases, left chest may be sown:

  • Muscle spasms. The reason for this can be spasms of the muscles of the sternum, they may appear after physical exertion.
  • Osteochondrosis. Unilateral pulling pains are due to diseases of the spine, for example, with osteochondrosis.
  • Cardiovascular diseases (angina,).
  • Cancer breast. It turns out that in most cases, breast cancer is affected by the left chest, so if a woman has the following dangerous symptoms such as: seal in the chest, severe pain, a packed nipple or other skin on the chest, not related to breastfeeding, then you need to immediately consult a doctor.

What to do and when to call an ambulance

Of all the above, it becomes clear that the pain in the chest can occur due to different diseases, some of them do not represent a serious danger, while others can lead to death. That is why, when painful sensations in the chest area appear, consult a doctor for diagnosis.

In what cases should not pull the emergency call?

  • If a strong pain arose suddenly, a person cannot breathe, shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat appeared.
  • The pain is not removed nitroglycerin and does not pass within five minutes.
  • Man coughs, he had a sputum with blood impurities.
  • Loss of consciousness, increased sweating, nausea and vomiting, pain that gives left hand, shoulder and neck.

The symptoms described above are a serious reason to appeal to the doctor, any delay can cost a sick life.

Symptoms of heart attack

In the heart attack, there is a lack of blood supply to the heart muscle, as a result, necrosis of fabrics occurs. In most cases, death from a heart attack occurs in the first two hours. This is due to the fact that the heart cannot maintain normal blood circulation in the body. That is why it is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack:

  • pain and burning in the chest;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • fear and panic;
  • pallor skin;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cold sweat;
  • cough;
  • sometimes fainting.

All of the above symptoms are a serious reason to alert, you need to quickly cause ambulance, the road has every minute. When a person arises a heart attack, first he feels in the chest. She can give in hand, shoulder, neck, in the back and even in the stomach. The painful syndrome usually lasts from a few minutes to several hours. When changing the position of the patient can become better.

Sometimes some patients may have the so-called "quiet heart attack", it is usually diagnosed in people over 70 years suffering from diabetes. In this case, the symptoms of the heart attack may not be pronounced or not to appear at all, so it is difficult to suspect the heart attack, the disease is progressing, and the person without treatment is dying.

To precede the infarction, such symptoms as anxiety, insomnia and the feeling of discomfort can be preceded. Sometimes heightened heartbeat and disordered pulse can be felt. The symptoms of the heart attack can be confused with a joining deprive, but there is one important difference. With a leaning on the skin in the intercostal nerve area, bubbles will be noticeable.

Diagnosis and Differential Diagnostics

Pains in the chest can be caused by many diseases, so doctors are difficult to diagnose, based only on the symptoms of the disease, you need to carry out differential diagnostics. Mainly doctors prescribe the following studies:

  • For a start, a patient's survey is carried out, the character of the chest pain is learned, is there any connection with physical activity or food intake, gives painful syndrome to other parts of the body and the like.
  • The patient is then carried out: arterial pressure and temperature is measured, the pulse, heart, and the lungs are observed.
  • An x-ray of the chest is prescribed. This diagnostic method is very informative. It helps to identify the diseases of the lungs, hearts, as well as fractures and other diseases of the organs located in the chest.
  • With the help of the ECG, the work of the heart is determined. With this study, you can recognize the heart attack and angina, as well as the lung artery embolism.
  • Computed tomography is the most accurate diagnostic method that allows you to identify changes that have occurred in the body that were not visible on an x-ray.
  • Fibroesophagastroduodenoscopy (FEDDS) - This diagnostic method is carried out to eliminate digestive diseases, which can also cause pain in the chest area.
  • Common blood test is carried out in order to understand whether there is inflammation in the body.

Since pain in the chest may indicate many diseases, then there are no actions that could facilitate the state of a person. If the symptoms are similar to a heart attack, then you need to give it nitroglycerin and as soon as possible to call ambulance. In other cases, you should also go to the doctor to accurately identify the causes of chest pain.

Which doctor is Lechit

If there are pain in the chest, which do not require lower hospitalization and are not similar to a heart attack, then it is recommended to refer to the therapist. He will examine the patient, will conduct the necessary research and direct the patient to other doctors. If the heart hurts, then to the cardiologist, with suspected intercostal neuralgia to a neurologist, and if the stomach hurts, then to the gastroenterologist, in the case of breast disease, you need to contact a mammologist. In any case, the therapist should be directed.

Pain in the chest can talk about different diseases. In order to find out the cause, the doctor checks her character how much it lasts, the patient must necessarily pass all the necessary tests and only then can we say that it provoked the appearance of pain. It is impossible to tolerate the pain in the chest, because, no matter how much causes, in this area the appearance of unpleasant sensations are quite dangerous. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the cause in time and start efficiently treated. Why do pain in the chest area arise?

Pain in chest after exercise

An unpleasant feeling occurs most often after the person is overly physical distorted, also after injury, stretching, damage. In cases of severe physical activity, the chest pain may occur and localized between the ribs. Such pain is called - attachment, it most often may appear after active classes, physical work. It does not provide dangers for humans, because it is related to the fact that muscle connecting tissues are isolated by milk acid, due to this, muscle and ligament structures of intense muscles are slightly damaged. It has a pulling nature, with a sharp movement begins to grow greatly. Such pain can be avoided if you properly train, calculate the load and your strength.

Post-traumatic chest pain

Pain in the chest appears due to the fact that injury was inflicted, as well, if damaged internal organs due to it. When, pain is stitching, especially when to grind the chest. It can enhance when a person coughs strongly, passes after relaxing. The bruises are immediately noticeable, bruises, bruises begin to appear. If the lung injury, it does not provide dangers, but if he is heavy, everything can end with death, because because of it there may be a break of lungs and hemorrhage.

Pain in chest due to viral and infectious disease

Such pain arises when a person deeply inhales, sneezes or coughs. At the same time, it appears in the place that infection has affected. In cases of cold, the pain passes after its cure, also when the patient adheres to the beddown. In cases of deterioration of the patient's condition, it can be suggested that serious complications arose in vital respiratory bodies, such as:

Breast pain due to cardiovascular diseases

1. When pain in the chest is a sudden character, it can occur on one side or give immediately to both. At the same time, a person torments the gone pain, it arises at any time of the day - after exercise, at night, etc.

2. With myocardial infarction in the chest field, acute pain appears, this is caused by the fact that a person died one part of the heart muscle, because of this, he lacks oxygen. The pain has a sudden character, is sharp, can give to the left hand or shoulder. Here you need to act quickly, cause urgently ambulance.

3. Pain in the chest due to, which occurs when the necroserous bag is inflamed. This disease may be independent, or accompany infectious, oncological and autoimmune diseases. Pain resembles angina, but at the same time a person becomes breathing hard, his shortness of breath is, the esophageal system begins to squeeze. At the same time, a feverish state appears, the face swells, the neck, veins are noticeable.

Thus, the chest can be sick with different reasons and all of them are quite serious, so do not hesitate, it is necessary to urgently turn to a specialist who will definitely help diagnose pain in the chest area.

Pain in breasts are syndrome that can meet as with non-hazardous diseases, so for serious, sometimes life-degrading heart pathology. In this regard, any patient should know and be able to distinguish the basic signs of "dangerous" pain, as well as to seek medical attention in time.

Why can the chest?

The painful syndrome in the chest can be localized anywhere - in the heart of the heart on the left, in the intercostal on the right, in the inter-opumen space, under the blade, but most often there are pains in the sternum. The chest is the bone to which the clashes and ribs are attached through the cartilage. It is easy to grope her - it is located between the jugular cut from above (the vertex between the internal ends of the clavicle) and the epigastria region (one of the areas of the abdomen between the edges) from the bottom. The lower end of the sternum has a small protrusion - a mild process.

Often the patient argues so - if the grower "covers" the region of the heart, it means and it can only be rooted because of heart pathology. But this is far from that. Due to the fact that the chest is the anterior boundary of the mediastinal region in which several organs are located, the pain syndrome may be due to diseases of any of them.

So, the main reasons why the grower hurts are the following:

1. Pathology of the cardiovascular system:

  • attacks
  • development of acute
  • - the emergence of thromboembolism in pulmonary arteries,
  • And - inflammatory processes in the outer shell of the heart and the actual heart muscle.
  • or her gap,

2. Intercostal neuralgia - "Infringement of" intercostal nerves spasped muscles between the ribs or located along the spinal column. At the same time, the stubble pain is called the thoracalgic of vertebrogenic genesis, that is, the pain in the chest caused by the pathology of the spine.

3. Pathology of the stomach or esophagus:

  • GERB (Gastro-Ezophageal Reflux disease),
  • ezophagitis - inflammation of the inner wall of the esophagus,
  • out of the mucosa of the esophagus, for example, with Mallory-Weis syndrome (bleeding from the veins of the esophagus, with injury to its walls with frequent vomiting, is more common in persons abusing alcohol).

4. Traumatic damage - bruises or fractures of the sternum.

5. Congenital or acquired breast deformations - chest of shoemakers (funnel deformation), a cylinder chest (chicken breast), a heart hump.

6. Inflammatory processes in respiratory organs - tracheitis (more often determines the painfulness of the sternum), pneumonia (rarely, but can manifest themselves to pain in the sternum region).

7. Oncological diseases - metastases in mediastinal lymph nodes, lymphoma.

How to distinguish pain in breasts with various diseases?

Differential diagnosis is carried out on the basis of refining the nature of the patient's complaints. The doctor needs to know the set of nuances relative to pain in the chest with different pathology.

typical zone of pain irridation during angina

So, under angina Pains for the sternum almost always occur in a few minutes from the start of the physical activity, for example, when lifting onto their floor, when walking down the street, when practicing in the gym, after sexual intercourse, when running or intense step, more often in men. Such pain is localized in the middle of the sternum or under it and has the character of the goded, compressing or burning. Often the patient himself can take her for the attack of heartburn. But when hearted there is no connection with exercise, but there is a connection with meals or with an error in a diet. That is, the prudent pain after physical activity is a practically reliable sign of angina (chest toad). Often pain during angina can be given to the blade area, in the jaw or in hand, and stop todding.

If the patient has evolved acute myocardial infarction, the oversized pain becomes intense and is not removed by taking nitroglycerin. If after 2-3 reception nitroglycerin Under the tongue with an interval every five minutes, the pain in the chest is preserved - the probability of a heart attack is very high. Often, such pain is combined with shortness of breath, a common heavy fortune, the face of the skin of the face and a dry cough. Abdominal pain can be joined. However, in some patients, pain may not be strongly pronounced, but to characterize as light discomfort for the sternum. Nevertheless, even in this case, he needs to call an ambulance brigade or contact the 24-hour hospital to perform an ECG. Thus, the sign of a heart attack is a prudent pain, not a nitroglycerin intake for more than 15-20 minutes.

diversity of irrride pain with myocardial infarction

TAL - deadly condition accompanied by the sad pain

For thromboembolism (TEL) The pain in the sternum region can be spilled in nature, it occurs sharply, suddenly, accompanied by a strong breath, a dry or wet cough, a sense of lack of air and the formation of the skin of the face, neck and upper half of the chest (strictly to the inters40). The patient may be hoarse, lose consciousness, and in particularly severe cases lightning to die. The gagging data from anamnesis is the presence of operations on the veins on the eve or strict bed regime (for example, in the postoperative period). TELE is almost always accompanied by the oversized pain or pain in the chest, as well as the blue skin and the common severe condition of the patient.

Dislaiming aortic aneurysm (Breast Department) is extremely dangerous and prognostically an unfavorable urgent state. Pains for breaking aneurysm apply to the sternum area into the inter-opacculent region, in the back, in the stomach and are accompanied by a severe patient's condition. Blood pressure drops, signs of shock develop, and the patient may die in the coming hours. Often the aortic break clinic is taken for renal colic or for the acute surgical pathology of the abdomen. A physician of any specialty should have an idea that intensive, very pronounced stubborn pains, giving in the stomach or in the back with a shock clinic - signs of possible bundle of aorta.

For Hypertensive crisis Pains in the sternum areas are not very intense if the patient does not develop myocardial infarction. Rather, the patient feels an easy discomfort under the sternum, due to the high load on the heart at high digits of blood pressure.

Any of the described states may be accompanied by acute heart failure (deficiency of left ventricle, OLZHN). In other words, the patient with the stubborn pain may develop swelling of the lungs, which is manifested by wheezing with a cough with a pink color and a foam character, as well as pronounced.

So, if a person hurts in his chest and it is difficult for him to breathe hard - it is necessary to immediately seek medical care, since it is likely to swell the lungs.

Pains for diseases of other organs are slightly different from the heartbroken pain.

So, for intercostal neuralgia (most often in women) sore under the sneaker or on the sides of it. If the muscles of the spine are recharged or inflamed, the pains are localized on the right side of the sternum, if on the left side of the left side. The pain wears a shot, amplifying at the height of inhalation or when changing the position of the body. In addition, if you forgive intercostal muscles on the edges of the sternum, there is a sharp pain, sometimes so pronounced that the patient cries and tries to dodge the doctor's fingers. The same thing happens on the side of the back in the field of interstilated muscles along the edges of the spine. So, if a patient has a grief with a breath, most likely, he has problems with the spine, he took the wrong position of the body ("hanged"), or it could be somewhere over.

For breast injuries Feelings are the character of acute pain, weakly bubbied by the admission of painkillers. After injury, it is necessary to urgently perform the radiography of the chest cavity (if the fracture is suspected), since the rib fractures are also possible, and this is fraught with the injury of the lung. The deformation of the chest is characterized by a long-term pain of varying degrees of severity, but usually the patient has pain in the sternum in the middle.

If the patient has pathological processes in the esophagus and stomach, then pain from the field of epigastria is given to the breast. At the same time, the patient can complain about heartburn, belching, as well as celebrate bitterness in the mouth, nausea, urge on vomiting or pain in the stomach. There is a clear connection with nutritional impairment or with food. Often, pain gives to the sternum during the localization of the ulcerative defect in the stomach.

In the case of gastro-esophageal reflux or with hernias, the patient may make it easier for himself as a glass of water. The same is observed during cardia ahalasia, when food cannot pass through a spasmated area of \u200b\u200bthe esophagus, but then the pain in the sneakers area takes a driving character, and the patient has abundant salivament.

Inflammation of respiratory organs It is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature, first dry, and then a wet cough, and the pain takes the nature of sneakers.

Each patient needs to share acute and chronic progress pain:

  • Acute pain wears sudden, acute character, but the degree of intensity varies from different patients - someone is more pronounced, someone is comparable only with minor discomfort. Acute pain is caused by acute pathology - infarction, paroxysmal tachycardia, sparking aneurysm, esophageal rupture, sternum fracture, etc. As a rule, with extremely dangerous states with a high risk of fatal outcome, the pain of unbearable.
  • Chronic pain can wear not so intense, so faces with progressaries later turn to the doctor. Such pains in the field of sternum are characteristic of angina, sternum deformations, GERB, Ezophagitis, etc.

In order to determine what the progressed pain is caused by, the doctor must carefully evaluate the complaint from the patient.

What actions to take with progress?

When such a symptom appears as pain in the chest, the patient needs to analyze the preceding pain factors (load, injuries, staying on drafts, etc.). If the pain arose sharp and is very intense, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is advisable to call the ambulance brigade or contact any round-the-clock separation of the nearest multidisciplinary hospital. In the presence of minor pain or discomfort in the sternum, in the view of the patient not caused by acute heart pathology (young age, anxnemonically lack of angina, hypertension, etc.) is permissible to appeal to the clinic to the therapist in the same or the next day. But in any case, only a doctor should install a more accurate cause of the sad pain.

If necessary, the doctor will be scheduled to be appointed:

  1. Radiograph of the chest,
  2. Samples with exercise (, - with suspicion of stable angina),
  3. Biochemical blood test,

Emergency care for the progress

Emergency help can be rendered to the patient if it is estimated that this pain is due. Under angina, it is necessary to put a patient with a pill or sprinkle one or two doses of nitromint or nitrosphrey. With high arterial pressure, it is necessary to dissolve or drink a hypotensive drug (25-50 mg of captopril, anapriline tablet). If there are no similar drugs at hand, it is sufficient to dissipate the validol tablet or drink a glass of water with 25 drops of Corvalol, and Valokordin or Voserina.

In the case of acute severe heart disease, as well as the difficult state of the patient (TEL, myocardial infarction, the swelling of the lungs), the patient needs to unbuck the collar, open the window, sit down in the middlehouse position or with lowered down legs (to reduce the heated lungs) and urgently call ambulance, When describing the dispatcher, the severity of the state.

If a trauma occurred in the patient, it should be given a convenient position and immediately call ambulance. If a person is not in serious condition, it is possible to give it a drink of anesthetic pill (paracetamol, Ketorol, Naz, etc.).

Chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestion organs in the exacerbation stage do not require emergency care to the patient himself or others, if it is not in serious condition. It is enough to wait for the arrival of ambulance or reception of your district physician.

How to treat stubborn pain?

Zaughty pain should be treated according to the appointments of the doctor after a thorough examination. Heavy pathology of the heart, esophagus, trachea, as well as injuries treated in a hospital. Hypertension, tracheitis, esophagitis, intercostal neuralgia is treated under the supervision of a district doctor in a polyclinic at the place of residence.

The angina treatment is prescribed by integrated treatment - hypotensive (ACE inhibitors), rhythmore (beta-blockers), anti-aggregants (blood-based blood-based) and hypolypidemic drugs (statins).

After undergoing heavy cardiological diseases (infarction, TEL, the stratification of the aneurysm, the pulmonary edema), treated under a cardiological or cardiac surgery hospital, requires regular constant observation of a doctor in the clinic at the place of residence. Treatment is selected strictly individually.

Inflammatory diseases of the trachea and lungs are treated with antibacterial drugs. Thoracalgia is treated by rubbing anti-inflammatory ointments and preparations from the NSAID Group (Naz, Ketorol, Diclofenak, etc.).

What consequences can if ignore the progressary pain?

It often happens that the patient has long tolerate pain attacks for the sternum for a long time, and as a result, it may be on a hospital bed with a heart attack or with another severe pathology. If you do not pay attention to the attacks of gallings or burning pain behind the sternum, it is possible to obtain a dangerous complication of angina in the form of an extensive myocardial infarction, which will not only subsequently lead to chronic heart failure, but it can end with a fatal outcome.

Ischemia and myocardial infarction and their development

If we talk about the pathology of other bodies, then the consequences may also be not the most pleasant - ranging from the chronicization of the process (in the pathology of the stomach or lungs), and ending with non-diagnosed malignant formations in the mediastinum organs.

Therefore, with any acute, rather intense, or with chronic progress, it is necessary to obtain qualified medical care.