What is melanoma and how it manifests itself. Diagnosis of melanoma at the initial stage, symptoms and treatment of malignant neoplasms

  • The date: 21.10.2019

About 40 years ago, the skin melanoma was a relatively rare disease. However, in recent decades, its frequency has increased significantly, and annual growth rates are up to 5%. What is dangerous melanoma?

Causes of development and risk factors

Melanoma is one of the varieties of skin malignant neoplasms, which develops from pigment cells - melanocytes producing melanins, and characterized by aggressive, often unpredictable and variable character of clinical flow.

Its most frequent localization - skin cover, much less often - the mucous membrane of the eyes, the cavity of the nose, mouth, larynx, the skin of the external auditory passage, the posterior hole, women's outdoor genitals. This tumor is one of the most severe forms of cancer, disproportionately affecting young people (15-40) age, and occupying 6th place among all malignant tumors in men and 2nd place - in women (after cervical cancer) .

It can develop independently, but more often "masked" against the background of the birthplace of spots, which does not cause concern in people and creates significant difficulties for doctors in terms of its maximum diagnosis. In how quickly develops and it is difficult to reveal in the initial stages, this neoplasm is another danger, often preventing timely diagnosis. Already within 1 year, it applies (metastasizes) into lymph nodes, and soon on lymphatic and blood vessels, almost, in all organs - bones, brain, liver, lungs.

Video: The simplest test for skin cancer


The main modern theory of the emergence and mechanism of the development of melanoma is molecular genetic. In accordance with it, in normal cells, DNA is damaged by the type of gene mutations, changes in the number of genes, chromosomal rearrangements (aberrations), disorders of chromosomal integrity, the DNA enzyme system. Such cells become capable of tumor growth, unlimited reproduction and rapid metastasis.

Such violations are caused or provoked by the damaging risk factors of an exogenous or endogenous nature, as well as their combined effects.

Exogenous risk factors

These include chemical, physical or biological agents of the external environment, which have direct impact on the skin.

Physical risk factors:

  1. Ultraviolet spectrum of solar radiation. His connection with the emergence of melanoma has a paradoxical character: the latter arises mainly on the closed clothing of the body. This testifies to the development of the neoplasm not so much as a result of direct, how much mediated effects of UFO on the body as a whole. In addition, it matters not so much duration as the irradiation intensity. In recent years, attention has been drawn in the scientific literature on a particularly high danger of sunburn - even obtained in childhood and youth, at the old major age they can play a significant role in the development of the disease.
  2. Elevated background of ionizing radiation.
  3. Electromagnetic radiation - the tumor is more common among those who are professionally related to telecommunication equipment and the electronics industry.
  4. Mechanical injury of harm spots, regardless of its multiplicity, is a high risk. It is definitively unclear whether it causes or a starting mechanism, but this factor is accompanied by 30-85% of melanoma disease.

Chemical factors

Mainly mainly among those operating in the field of petrochemical, coal or pharmaceutical industries, as well as in the production of rubber, plastics, vinyl and polyvinyl chloride, aromatic dyes.

From biological factors have the greatest meaning:

  1. Features. High levels of daily use of animal proteins and fats, low consumption of fresh fruits and high-content vegetables "A" and "C" and some other bioactive substances are risk in terms of the development of superficial and nodular (nodular) forms of melanoma, and Also tumors of non-classified type of growth.

    Regarding the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, it is the possibility of provoking the growth of melanoma, but there is no practical confirmation of this. The absence of communication between the use of drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee), and malignant neoplasms is precisely proven. Therefore, food during melanoma skin must be balanced mainly due to products of plant origin, especially fruits and vegetables, and contain a rich amount of vitamins and antioxidants (blueberries, green tea, apricots, etc.).

  2. Reception of oral contraceptives, as well as estrogenous means appointed to treat disorders of the menstrual cycle and vegetative disorders, concomitant period of menopause. Their influence on the development of melanoma is still only an assumption, since a clear relationship is not traced.

Video: How Melanoma develops

Endogenous risk factors

They are divided into two groups, one of which is the factors that are a biological feature of the body:

  • low pigmentation degree - white leather, blue and light eyes, red or light hair color, a large amount of freckles, especially pink, or a tendency to their occurrence;
  • hereditary (family) predisposition - the value is mainly a melanoma disease in parents; The risk increases if the mother was sick or in the family there were more than two people with melanoma;
  • anthropometric data - a higher risk of its development in people with skin area more than 1.86 m 2;
  • endocrine disorders are a high content of genital hormones, especially estrogen, and melanomulating hormone (melatonin) produced in the middle and intermediate fractions of the pituitary gland; The decrease in their products aged after 50 years coincides with a decrease in the incidence of melanoma, although individual authors, on the contrary, indicate an increase in its frequency at older age;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • pregnancy and lactation, stimulating the transformation of pigment nonsense in melanoma; This is typically primarily for women with late first pregnancy (aged after 31 years), and a large-scale pregnancy.

The second group is non-nurses, representing the skin changes in pathological nature and characterized by the maximum degree of probability of rebirth in melanoma, as well as its predecessors. These are benign formations consisting of pigment cells (melanocytes) of varying degrees of maturity (differentiation) located in different quantities in different layers of the skin. Congenital Nevi is called the birthplace of the spot, but in everyday life of this type (congenital and acquired) are called rivable spots. The greatest risk is:

  • black or dark brown pigment nevys in size from 15 mm and more;
  • the presence of 50 and more of these formations of any size;
  • dubreil melanosis - is a small, slowly increasing over the years, a brown spot with incorrect circuits, which is usually localized on the face, hands on the skin of the chest, less often - on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • skin pigment Keroderma, characteristic of high sensitivity to the sunshine; This is a hereditary disease that is transmitted to children only in the presence of specific DNA changes in both parents; These changes lead to the absence of cellular ability to restore after damage to ultraviolet radiation.

How to distinguish the birthplace from melanoma?

The real frequency of development of the latter from the nevus is not clarified. Neva types are installed with the highest risk: complex type is 45%, border - 34%, intradermal - 16%, Blue neust - 3.2%; Giant pigmented - 2-13%. At the same time, innate formations are 70% acquired - 30%.

Symptoms of melanoma

At the initial stages of the development of a malignant tumor on a healthy skin, and even more so on the background of the nevus, explicit visual differences between them are small. Benign birthplace spots are characteristic:

  1. Symmetric shape.
  2. Smooth smooth outlines.
  3. Uniform pigmentation that gives the formation of color from yellow to brown and even sometimes black.
  4. The flat surface located on the same level with the surface of the surrounding skin or slightly evenly over her towering.
  5. Lack of increasing in size or minor growth for a long time.

Each "birthmark" stains the following stages of development:

  1. Border Necess, which is a spotted formation, whose cell nests are placed in the epidermal layer.
  2. Mixed neust - cellular sockets migrate to the dermo across the plot area; Clinically, such an element is a pitual education.
  3. Intradermal Nevel - formation cells completely disappear from the epidermal layer and remain only in the derm; Gradually, education is losing pigmentation and is subjected to reverse development (involution).

What does melanoma look like?

It may have a form of a flat pigment or non-spots with a small elevation, a rounded, polygonal, oval or irregular shape with a diameter size of more than 6 mm. For a long time, it can retain a smooth shiny surface, which in the future there are small ulcerations, irregularities, bleeding with insignificant injury.

Pigmentation more often is uneven, but more intense in the central part, sometimes with a characteristic rim of black color around the base. Coloring of the entire neoplasm can be brown, black with a bluish tint, bugmar, motley in the form of individual unevenly distributed specks.

In some cases, it acquires the type of scratched papillom, resembling a "cauliflower", or the shape of the fungus on a wide base or on the leg. Next to melanoma sometimes there are extra individual or merging with the main tumor of foci ("satellites"). Occasionally, the tumor is manifested by limited redness, which turns into a permanent ulcer, the bottom of which is filled with expansion. During the development against the background of the harmful stain, the malignant tumor can develop on its periphery, forming asymmetric education.

A sufficient representation of the population about what the initial signs of melanoma is largely contributing to its timely (in the initial stages) and effective treatment.

Video: How to recognize melanoma?

Stages of development of malignant tumor:

  • Initial, or local (Insitu), limited;
  • I - melanoma with a thickness of 1 mm with a damaged surface (ulceration) or 2 mm - with intact;
  • II - thickness up to 2 mm with the presence of a damaged surface or more than 2 mm (up to 4 mm) with a smooth surface;
  • Iii - a tumor with any surface and thickness, but already with nearby foci or metastases at least in one "duty" (closely located) lymphatic node;
  • IV - germination of the tumor to the subjectable tissues, remote skin seats, metastases in remote lymph nodes, light or other organs - brain, bone, liver, etc.

Of great importance is the knowledge of reliable and significant symptoms of the transition of benign entities into active state. How to recognize malignant education and the moment of transformation into it is a godded stain? Early signs are as follows:

  1. An increase in plane sizes to the constant or very slowly increasing moles, or the rapid growth of the newly emerged nevus.
  2. Changing the shape or outlines of the already existing education. The emergence on any of its seals or asymmetry of contours.
  3. Changing the color or disappearance of uniformity of the color of the existing or acquired "godded" stain.
  4. Change intensity (increase or decrease) pigmentation.
  5. The appearance of unusual sensations is itching, tingling, burning, "cutting".
  6. The emergence of redness around the godded stain in the form of a whisk.
  7. Disappearance of hair from the surface of the formation, if they were, the disappearance of the skin pattern.
  8. The appearance of cracks, peeling and bleeding with insignificant injuries (easy friction of clothing) or even without them, as well as expansions by type.

The presence of one of these symptoms, and even more so, their combination is a reason for treating the patient into a specialized medical and prophylactic institution of an oncological orientation for the differential diagnosis and solving the issue of how to treat melanoma, which depends on its type and development stage.


The diagnosis of malignant tumor is carried out mainly by:

  1. Familiarization with patient complaints, clarifying the nature of the change of "suspicious" education, its visual inspection, inspection of the entire patient in order to count the number of births of spots, allocations among them differ and further research.
  2. Carrying out general blood studies and urine.
  3. allowing to examine in the skin layers enlarged in several tensions (from 10 to 40), the neoplasm and to make a fairly accurate conclusion about its nature and boundaries according to the relevant diagnostic criteria.
  4. Ultrasonic study of the abdominal cavity organs, computer and magneto-resonance imaging of the spine and brain, the radiography of the chest organs, allowing to determine the distribution and the presence of metastases in other organs.
  5. Cytological examination of the smear (in the presence of ulcerations) or / and material obtained by puncture of the lymph node (in rare cases). Sometimes the study of the point from an increased lymphatic node allows diagnosing the presence of a disease at the apparent absence of the primary tumor.
  6. Excision biopsy, the meaning of which consists in excision of education, "suspicious" on a malignant tumor (in the range of 0.2-1 cm in the edge of the edges) followed by urgent histological research. When confirmed by the diagnosis of melanoma, its further radical removal is immediately carried out. Such diagnostics are carried out in cases where all other preliminary research results remained dubious.

Some species of melanomes

There are many types of melanoma, depending on the cell composition and growth character. Such a classification is explained by the fact that different forms have a different trend towards the local propagation and metastasis rate. It allows an oncologist to navigate in the choice of treatment tactics.

Achromatic, or unmanned melanoma

It is much less common in other types and is difficult to diagnose due to the fact that it has the color of ordinary skin and is noticed by patients already in late development stages. Its formation begins with a small seal, which, as it increases, covered with fine-plain epithelial scales and acquires a rough surface.

Sometimes this neoplasm has a scicure of non-uniform edges, sometimes a festral shape, pink or whitish color. The appearance of an inflammatory character is accompanied by an edema, itching, sometimes hair loss and ulcers. Is it possible to cure an unmanned melanoma? This form of the disease is very dangerous due to late detectability, a tendency to aggressive growth and very rapid, in the early stages, metastasis. Therefore, at the I stage, effective treatment is still possible, in later stages of the disease, even after intensive radical treatment, tumor recurrence or the development of metastases occurs.

Roshetoecellular melanoma

Received such a name due to the characteristic form of cells defined in histological or cytological examination. They have the type of spindle and are located apart from each other. Overbinding cytoplasmic processes of various lengths, which extends sometimes at considerable distances, tumor cells form heavy, clusters, beams.

The shape of the nuclei and their number in different cells of unequal: can be cells with two and more elongated, oval, rounded nuclei. Melanin concentrates mainly in the processes, so that they acquire a grainy, crappy look, which distinguishes them from sarcoma or tumor of nervous tissue (neuromy).

Because of the significant similarity with the cells of Moles, cytological diagnostics often represent considerable difficulties.

Nodular, or nodal melanoma

Among the diagnosed occupies the 2nd place and ranges from 15 to 30%. It occurs more often at the age of 50 years in any parts of the body, but usually on the lower limbs in women and on the torso in men, often on the background of the nevus. Due to vertical growth, it is one of the most aggressive and characteristic of the rapid flow - 0.5-1.5 years.

This tumor has an oval or rounded form and by the time of the patient's appeal to the doctor, as a rule, already acquires the type of plaques with clear boundaries and raised edges, black or unusually blue-black color. Sometimes the nodal melanoma reaches significant sizes or has a polyp form with a hyperkeratic or ulceration surface.

Subnotal melanoma

The shape of the acral-lentigin tumor, affecting the skin of the palms and stop. It is 8-15% of all melanomes and is more often localized on the first finger of hands or legs. The tumor often does not have a radial growth phase, and therefore the diagnosis in the early stages is difficult. For 1-2 years, it extends to the nail matrix and a part or the entire nail plate that acquires brown or black color. Appearing papules and nodes are often deprived of the pigment, so the disease first does not attract the attention of the patient and lasts for months. In the future, the ulceration and growth of the mushroom type occur.

Metastasis melanoma

In this article you will learn what Melanoma is, as it looks like and how to detect it. We have prepared for you detailed information about skin cancer and signs of melanoma, how to understand that you or your loved ones are predisposed to melanoma and how to prevent the disease.

What is melanoma?

Melanoma- This is a malignant education, which develops from pigment cells of the skin - melanocytes. They are located preferably in the skin and pigmented epithelium of the retina. The accumulations of melanocytes form moles.

Highlighting Pigment melaninMelanocytes protect the body from the effect of ultraviolet radiation. So it turns out the tan.

The mechanism of the occurrence of the tumor is not fully established. Like other types of cancer, it arises due to spontaneous changes in the genetic code, the effects of harmful substances and adverse factors. Also, the development of the disease leads injury to moles.

The division of pigment cells and their growth becomes uncontrollable. Unlike benign formations, melanoma can germinate in deep layers of leather, and together with a current lymph or blood - migrate through the body, thus struck by vital organs, that is,. metastasis.

Melanoma is a malignant tumor of the skin, which arises due to the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes and is characterized by extremely rapid development.

Every hour in the world, one person dies from this disease. Scientists believe that the number of patients with such a diagnosis will increase in the coming years, which means that each of us needs to pay special attention to their moles.

May 17 - World Melanoma Day. On this day, the day of open doors, the doctors hold lectures to raise the public awareness of a dangerous disease. Often on May 17, everyone can check their moles with a dermatoscope for free.

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Types of skin cancer

Alone with melanoma allocate othermalignant Skin Education, among them basal cell Cancer (Basaloma) andflake carcation cancer. They are found in 88% of cases of all types of cancer.

Why melanoma is not cancer?

It should be remembered that skin cancer and melanoma is not the same thing. Cancer is formed from epithelial cells (skin cover), while melanoma is made of pigment (melanocytes).

  • What types of skin cancer are most often found?
  • What are the features of basal cell and flat-belling skin cancer?
  • What modern method of treatment allows you to save healthy fabrics?
  • How do skin cancer in later stages?

Answers - in video from BookImed.

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Types of skin cancer

Basaloma, basal cell Cancer Cancer

PlateLock Cancer Cancer, Cell Calcinoma



  • Develops from the basal layer of the skin;
  • Leads to local tissue destruction;
  • Does not metastasis.
  • Develops from the cells of the spinged layer of the epidermis;
  • Grows quickly;
  • Metastasis.
  • Develops from pigment cells - melanocytes;
  • Characterized by extremely rapid growth;
  • Actively metastasizes;
  • Very malignant view of skin cancer.


Very common.

Less common.

It meets less frequently, but among the types of skin cancer - the most dangerous.

Appearance (signs)

A knot, similar to a furuncle, which does not ripen for a long time; Over time is ulcerated, destroying the skin.

A tumor that can go deep into or tower over the skin; It is ulcerated and becomes painful.

Looks like as a asymmetric mole with an uneven contour, in size, more ordinary; Painful, it can get it, swelling, bleeding.


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Melanoma and Mountain - what's the difference?

According to various oncological communities, in 30-40% of cases of Melanoma develops from the already existing moles, non-residents and pigment spots.

Moles, Netures are accumulations of pigment cells that every person has. We are not born with them: they appear in early childhood and can disappear in more mature age. Often, new moles are formed on the body up to 40 years. Normal moles do not change throughout life, they are clear and homogeneous. For melanoma is characteristicdynamics: If the mole is growing and changing, it is likely malignant.

How do Displastic Neva and Melanoma correlate?

Displastic Necess is an atypical mole, which has a high risk of malignancy (transformation into malignant education). This is a brown tumor, which rises above the skin surface. In the amount of such neutres are from 1 mm to 20 and more see

Forecast of the rebirth of the dysplastic nevus in melanoma

The more nonsense on the body, the higher the risk of melanoma. In people who have 10 or more atypical moles, the likelihood of the development of the disease increases 12 times. Netures are subject to observation and timely surgical removal. After the operation, patients undergo regular annual control.

In the photo Melanoma in comparison with ordinary moles.

How does Melanoma develop?

Melanoma develops in this way: pigment cells begin to share intensively and grow rapidly. They turn into cancer and distributed in the epidermis, and then germinate into a deep layer of skin.- Derma, where blood and lymphatic vessels are located.

So the cells fall into vessels and may apply to organs. The process of propagation of cancer cells is called metastasis, and remote tumors that are formed from melanoma cells - metastasami. First, skin cancer gives metastases in the closest lymph nodes, and then to the long organs - light, brain, liver and bones.

How is melanoma grow rapidly?

This disease is developing quickly: from the moment of the detection of the first symptoms of melanoma to the development of metastases can pass 6-8 months. Therefore, it is very important to follow the moles and contact the dermatologist in a timely manner.

To get the consultation

Signs of non-safeness of moles

1. Asymmetric form

A normal, not threatening your life, the mole must be symmetric, that is, round or oval, its parts should be equal to each other. Its edges are clear, smooth and bright. Dangerous Mountain has an arbitrary shape, torn, fuzzy, blurred edges. If your body has such a burning spot, urgently consult a specialist. Only he can accurately determine the birthmark is or melanoma.

2. Color

The non-hazardous mole has a smooth brown or dark brown, it is evenly painted, does not have stains or impurities of other colors. Potentially cancer mole is uneven in color, has stains and impurities of different colors. Check the color of the moles on your body, also ask your relatives to inspect pigment entities that are in the places inaccessible to your eyes.

Size 3

All pigment formations on the skin, which exceed 6 mm, should examine the doctor. Moles in the amount of more lasty Pencil can be malignant.

4. Transformation of moles

Pay attention to whether the change does not occur with your mole. A sharp change of color, form, increase - evidence of potential danger.

5. Unprotected leather

If you are often visited by the beach or solarium, without using sunscreen, you risk your health. Proved that ultraviolet rays increase the likelihood of the rebirth of a healthy mole in malignant by 74%.

How to distinguish the birthplace from melanoma?

At the initial stages, it is not easy to distinguish a cancer mole from ordinary. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that any formations that are minimally different from other present on your body are subject to control.

The table contains a list of orientation symptoms of melanoma. It will help in determining the safety of your moles.


Benign Mountains

Melanoma (malignant mole)

Education on the skin




smooth and clear contour, smooth outlines

uneven, fuzzy contour, with a toothed or blurry edge


homogeneous, more often brown

uneven coloring, black or red formation, attacking another color

The size

no more heads

size more than 6 mm in diameter


not subject to change; with age can disappear

growing and changing


no unpleasant symptoms

peeling, itching, swelling, redness, ulcers, bleeding

What does a malignant mole look like?

The appearance is determined by the type and stage of development.

As a rule, the skin melanoma looks like a flat spot, a bump or knot towering over its surface. Education color can be rich black or dark brown. Because of this feature, it is also called "black skin cancer".

Sometimes malignant moles are completely different from the skin or have white, red.

To get the consultation

Why is melanoma so dangerous?

  • What is dangerous for the disease?
  • Why does she arise?
  • How common is the disease?
  • How to suspect the disease?
  • How is it diagnosed?

Watch video from BookImed:

What does melanoma look like and how to determine it at an early stage?

At the early stage, melanoma is hard to distinguish from the usual mole. It manifests itself as a stain or nodules on the skin, mucous membrane or iris eye. If you have noticed a birthday in the amount of more than 6 mm, and it delivers inconvenience (growing, changes color, hurts or itches), you should contact the doctor to establish malignancy of education. At a later stage, nearby lymph nodes are involved in the oncological process.

Lymph nodes act as a filter that protects the body from harmful factors, including microbes, viruses, poisonous substances and malignant cells. That is why, with inflammatory processes and various diseases, lymph nodes increase in size.

General well-being in a metastatic melanoma worsens. The patient notices weight loss and weakness, which indicates a violation of the normal life of all organism systems. It must be remembered that the sooner the diagnosis is made, the higher the healing of this disease.

How to suspect melanoma in symptoms?

  • Do you or your relatives diagnosed with Melanoma or other types of cancer?
  • Did you have new moles since the last inspection?
  • Molenaya has an uneven contour?
  • Isymmetric mole?
  • Old mole increased in size since the last inspection?
  • Mountain Zudit, peeling or bleeding?
  • Molenia changed the color or became heterogeneous in color?

If you responded at least one question approved, you should consult with a dermatologist.

To get the consultation

Causes of melanoma

Today Melanoma is considered one of the most dangerous types of oncological diseases in the world, the number of patients with such a diagnosis is growing rapidly. Today, it was not yet possible to finally determine the specific reason for development, but the factors that significantly increase the risk are known. Knowing about such factors, you can limit them, and thus reduce the risk.

Risk factors in the development of melanoma:

  • Genetic predisposition

If someone in your family was discovered melanoma, the probability of the case increases. It is necessary to regularly examine the skin and with the slightest suspicion of Melanoma to consult a doctor.

  • Ultraviolet radiation (sun, solar lamps, solarium)

Uncontrolled in the sun and frequent visits to the solarium lead to excessive insolation (UV irradiation) of the body and burns. The latter are especially dangerous in childhood, because they can lead to the development of melanoma in adulthood.

  • Multiple and / or atypical moles

The larger on the body of the moles, the higher the likelihood that they can be reborn in malignant education. Timely control will allow you to reveal suspicious elements on the skin and spend treatment on time.

  • Light phototype skin

The skin of people with light or red hair is poorly protected from the effects of ultraviolet. They are more prone to the appearance of sunburn, and they are statistically melanoma occurs more often.

  • Reducing immunity

The immune system protects us not only from viruses and bacteria, but also from the formation of malignant cells in the body. Immunity activity can decrease in chronic infections, as well as against the background of receiving some medicines.

  • Pigment Keroderma

This is a rather rare hereditary disease in which the skin is not able to recover after exposure to sunlight. It is easily burning, and it increases the risk of developing melanoma and other types of skin cancer.

To get the consultation

Prevention of melanoma

Healthy lifestyle, timely treatment of infections is the first step in the prevention of oncological pathologies. These factors cannot fully protect against cancer, but reduce the risk of getting sick. For prophylaxis is necessary dosing to stay in the sun, use sunscreen with a high degree of protection and periodically pass inspections from a dermatologist.

In order to determine the melanoma, it is very important using an inspection to notice any changes on the skin. It should be inspected in front of a mirror in full growth, a mirror can be used to inspect the back sections. You can also ask you a loved one to help in the inspection of hard-to-reach areas of the skin.

With the help of a special algorithm you can promptly notice suspicious education on the skin at home.

Inspection of the Moles at home

1. Determine for yourself regular inspection time: It can be done once in the season. But if you are subject to any of the listed risk factors, inspect the skin more often.

2. Get diaryand make a note about the date of the inspection, moles that recently appeared and cause suspicion.

3. For visual fixation of the changes that occurred make photos of the moles.

4. Find a place for inspection - it should be a bright room with a large mirror; For inspection of hard-to-reach places, use a small manual mirror. Also in the inspection you can help you have a close person.

5. Inspect the entire surface of the skin, in all. Persons, ears, neck, armpits, chest, sides, palms, fingers, front and back surface of legs, genitals.

Pay attention to the nails and interpal sites; Visually examine the reflection of your eyes and the skin in places that come into contact with clothing and shoes (for example, with underwear, glasses, belt). Women should explore the skin under the breast.

Melanoma is a malignant tumor of the skin, mucous membranes and an involuntary path (vascular shell) of the eye. It grows from pigment cells of the skin, so-called melanocytes, has a high tendency to early metastasis and low sensitivity to treatment.

There are several varieties of the disease, each of which has its own symptoms, development dynamics and forecast.

Localization and prevalence

More than 90 percent of all melanomes are developing on the skin, but this kind of cancer can attack any tissue where there are melanocytes (pigment cells) - eyes, mucous membrane of the genital organs, oral cavities, larynx, esophagus, intestines, stomach. Most often, it arises on the spot of pigment stains and moles (Nevids), but can also develop on unchanged skin.

Melanoma is a very common problem. It is 5% -7% of all malignant human skin neoplasms. About 130,000 cases of the disease are diagnosed annually. Most patients are representatives of the European-like race living in high solar countries. The peak of morbidity falls on the seventh and eighth decade of life, people under the age of 40 practically do not suffer.


The main factor generates malignant melanoma is considered UV radiation. In melanocytes, as in most cells of the human body, there is a genetic material in the form of DNA. Under the influence of negative DNA factors is irreversible damage (mutation). Under normal conditions, the mechanism of death of pathological cells (apoptosis) is launched upon detection of mutations. Nevertheless, if the genes responsible for this mechanism are damaged, mutated cells are not dying, but continue to share. Normal melanocytes present in the tissues of each healthy person are reborn into cancer melanocytes.
The face with light skin, blue eyes, light or red hair is predisposed to this process. However, there are other provoking factors:

  • long exposure to sunlight is especially dangerous solar burns at a young age. Huge harm also applies the use of solarium;
  • individual patient sensitivity to sunlight;
  • the presence of numerous pigment spots and moles;
  • pigment Keroderma (hereditary disorder associated with the work of pigments);
  • states accompanied by a decrease in immunity - chronic use of immunosuppressive drugs in patients after organ transplantation, receiving glucocorticoids by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), congenital immunodeficiency;
  • genetic factors (scientists revealed a family predisposition to this oncological disease);
  • hormonal factors - a period of puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, long-term use of oral contraceptives and substitution hormone therapy.


There are 5 main varieties of melanoma skin:

  • lentigiosis is a relatively soft type that is localized mainly on the face and other open areas of the body, often in contact with sunlight; slowly develops for many years, has a favorable forecast;
  • the acrolntigious is a rare shape that is placed on the tips of the fingers and legs, slowly develops and can completely destroy the nail plate on the affected finger;
  • superficial-propagating is the most common type of cancer, which develops from pigment moles, including atypical (that is, those that on microscopic examination showed a predisposition to oncology). The neoplasms often occur in the middle and lower part of the body (torso and lower limbs), they are developing relatively slow;
  • a nodal - a rare dangerous variety, which is usually localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head, neck and back. The nodal form shows the rapid growth and abundance of metastasis;
  • achromatic (unmanned) is the most dangerous of all kinds of melan. It is characterized by a reduction in melanin production in cancer cells.

As for the tumors of other organs, it is found in medicine:

  • melanoma retina eye;
  • lentginal melanoma of the mucous membranes (vagina, anal opening, nasopharynk);
  • meligated melanoma of soft tissues (localized on bundles and aponeurosis).

Symptoms and Stages

The tumor is growing either on the site of the already existing moles, or on unchanged skin. Here are some features of malignant neoplasms:

  • changing the shape of the stain - the more it is characterized by asymmetry, the stronger the suspicion of cancer development;
  • uneven edges;
  • itching and burning;
  • uneven or atypical color - new, previously unnoticed places with black, blue, brown, red or pink stains with possible intrinsic colors;
  • increasing the size of the change - no avuses with a diameter of more than 6 mm should be alert, or rapidly growing stains;
  • the appearance of a red or pink rim around inflammatory changes - this indicates the activity of immune cells and the development of a local inflammatory response in response to contact with alien antigens (obtained from cancer cells);
  • the neoplasm and surrounding fabrics can be swollen or hardening.

There are 5 stages of melanoma, depending on the depth of her germination:

  • stage I - Pathological cells tight only the upper layer (epidermis);
  • stage II - the puffy layer of the dermis is affected;
  • stage III: Cancer reached the border between the papillary and mesh layers;
  • stage IV: The mesh layer is affected;
  • stage V: Changes reached fatty fiber.

At the last stages, the changes are covered with ulcers from which serous-bloody contents flows.
Melanoma gives metastases in lymph nodes, lungs, liver, brain, bone. At the same time, symptoms appear by damaged organs:

  • an increase and painfulness of lymph nodes;
  • hemoptia, shortness of breath, symptoms of lung inflammation;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding, blood coagulation disorders, swelling of the lower extremities, the liquid in the abdominal cavity;
  • headache, nausea, vomiting, temporary violation of consciousness;
  • pains in the bones, frequent fractures.

It should be noted that each of the above general symptoms may indicate other nosological problems.


The most important elements of the diagnosis is an independent body inspection - if you noticed one of the above signs, let me know the doctor. Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

The specialist makes a preliminary estimate using a dermatoscope - an optical device through which you can consider deep changes in the mole. If there is a suspicion of malignancy, the doctor cuts all the neoplasm with a reserve of healthy skin, and part of the fabric poisons to histopathological examination. This analysis allows you to determine the type and severity of the disease.

Since Melanoma initially gives metastases only into lymph nodes, the doctor will definitely assign an ultrasound of the regional absorption zone (closely located lymph nodes). It will show if there are metastases. When the study does not give a clear answer, the doctor removes the so-called trial lymph node - the first lymphatic assembly along the path of lymphatic vessels coming from the tumor.

In developed stages of the disease, analyzes of internal organs are appointed to assess the degree of damage.


Doctors use 3 basic methods: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In the early stages, it is possible to do only to surgical resection (removal of pathological tissues with a margin of healthy skin). This is done by the traditional or laser way. Be sure to remove the surrounding lymphatic nodes.

In later stages and in the presence of metastases, chemotherapy is assigned. This is the main method of treatment, when there is a diffuse expansion, not amenable to resection. With extensive and multiple metastases, treatment is limited only to the relief of the symptoms and support of the affected internal organs - painkillers are prescribed (potent analgesics, morphine and its derivatives), metoclopramide, diuretics, dietary food.

With lesions located on the limbs, a special type of chemotherapy is used - isolated perfusion. It includes an introduction to the artery of high doses of cytostatic when heating the limbs to 41/42 ºC. These two factors interact with each other, destroying mutated cells.

Radiation therapy is usually used in extreme cases, in the absence of consent to treat or impossibility to perform an operation.

In recent years, a breakthrough occurred in the treatment of melanoma. Scientists revealed the relationship between the BRAF gene mutation and the progression of the disease. Such knowledge helped to develop molecular targeting therapy, which operates by blocking anomalous protein encoded by a mutated BRAF genome. This gene is present in more than half of the patients with melanoma. The action of the new drug (VEMRAPENIB) is that it closes access to tumor cells - they do not receive food, resulting in dying (tumor ceases to grow). Such therapy is effective in 90% of patients.

Folk remedies

Naturopaths recommend to process growing moles with chilli juice, miluine, calangean, ghivitsa, or to catch up with matches. However, these techniques cause doctors skepticism. Oncological diseases require immediate medical actions, so it is better not to risk your own life and trust in the hands of a competent specialist.

Folk medicine will be useful during the rehabilitation after chemotherapy. Regular reception of teas from rosehip, chamomile, Melissa, Taricar, barley and Echinacea will help to restore immunity and strengthen the body as a whole.

Forecast and complications

If the disease is detected at an early stage, the chances of recovery are very high (95% of patients live longer than five years). The third and fourth stage is successfully healed in 40-60% of cases, but the chance for the treatment of the fifth stage is only 25%. The most favorable forecast has lentigiosis and superficial varieties. The most dangerous forms are nodal and achromatic, as well as neoplasms that develop during pregnancy and childbirth. Thus, the prevention and early diagnosis plays an extremely important role in the fight against melanoma.

Death occurs as a result of complications caused by metastases (liver failure, respiratory stop, internal hemorrhage, etc.).


Prevention includes:

  • safe tan (it is forbidden to stay on the beach between 10:00 and 15:00);
  • use of sunscreen;
  • regular inspection of skin cleanings for the identification of suspicious elements;
  • regular visits to a dermatologist (every six months).

Especially important prevention for people who have a lot of non-love on the body.

A photo

Melanoma is a type of cancer, in which the death of melanocytes - pigment cells located in the human skin occurs.

Melanoma is characterized by a high risk of rapid metastasis, which leads to the development of severe complications and, in severe cases, the death of the patient. Every year in the United States registers about 50 thousand new cases of melanoma.

The first link in the timely diagnosis of the disease is the patients themselves, since melanomas usually occur on open, visible areas of the skin. This is important, since the early detection and diagnosis of melanoma provides rapid cure with minimal surgical intervention.

Disease statistics

Skin cancer ranks first in the prevalence among oncological diseases in the United States and Australia. In other countries, this group of diseases is in the first triple. Melanoma is the leader among the skin forms of cancer in the number of deaths. Every hour in the world, one person dies from this disease. In 2013, 77 thousand confirmed diagnoses "Melanoma" and 9,500 deaths from it were registered. The share of melanoma in the structure of oncological diseases is only 2.3%, while at the same time as the cause of 75% of skin cancer.

This form of cancer is not exceptionally skin and can affect the eyes, the skin of the scalp, nails, feet, oral mucosa (regardless of gender and age). The risk of developing melanoma among representatives of Caucasian nationalities is 2%, 0.5% among Europeans and 0.1% among Africans.


  • Long stay in the sun. The impact of ultraviolet radiation, including solarium, can cause the development of melanoma. Excessive stay in the sun in childhood significantly increase the risk of the disease. Residents of regions with increased solar activity (Florida, Hawaii and Australia) are more susceptible to the development of skin cancer.

The burn caused by a long stay under the sun increases the risk of melanoma more than twice. A visit to the solarium increases this indicator by 75%. Agency for the study of cancer in the WHO structure classifies tanning equipment as "a factor of increased risk of development of skin cancer" and relates solarium equipment to carcinogenic devices.

  • Moles. There are two types of moles: normal and atypical. The presence of atypical (asymmetric, rising above the skin) of the moles increases the risk of melanoma. Also, regardless of the type of moles than them, the higher the risk of rebirth into the cancer tumor;
  • Type of skin. People with more delicate skin (for them there is a light color of hair and eyes) belong to the group of increased risk.
  • Anamnesis. If earlier you had a melanoma or another type of skin cancer, and you recovered, the risk of reuse of the disease is significantly increasing.
  • Weed immunity. The negative impact on the immune system of various factors, including chemotherapy, organ transplantation, HIV / AIDS and other immunodeficiency conditions increase the likelihood of melanoma.

An important role in the development of cancer, including melanoma, is played by hereditary. Approximately for each tenth patient with melanoma there is a close relative, suffering or suffering this disease. A burdened family history includes melanoma from parents, native brothers, sisters and children. In this case, the risk of melanoma increases by 50%.

Types Melan

By type of melanoma are divided into 4 categories. Three of them differ from the gradual start with the development of changes only to the surface layer of the skin. Such forms very rarely acquire an invasive flow. The fourth type is characterized by a tendency to rapidly germinate deep into the skin and spread to other parts of the body and internal organs of the patient.

Superfinal (Surface) Melanoma

it is the most common variant of the course of the disease (70% of cases). This is a melanoma of the skin, the symptoms of which are characterized by a long preservation of relatively benign growth in the upper (outer) layer of the skin. Only after a long period of time, the superfial melanoma germinates in deeper layers.

The first sign of this type of melanoma is the appearance of a flat asymmetric stain with uneven boundaries. The color on the affected area is changing, becoming brown (like a tan), black, red, blue or white. Such melanomas may arise on the site of the moles. Despite the fact that the disease may occur on any skin site, more likely the development of these symptoms on the body (in men) and on the legs (in women), as well as in the top of the back (regardless of the floor).

Malignant lentigo

for the flow similar to the surface melanoma, since a long time develops in the upper layers of the skin. Visually lento is manifested in the form of a flat or several raised unevenly painted skin area. The color of the stains are varnish with brown and dark brown elements. This type of melanoma "on-site" becom is often registered in elderly patients due to the constant chronic effects of solar radiation and is usually developing on the face, ears, hands and top of the body. This is the most common form of melanoma in Hawaii. When moving to an invasive stage, the disease is called a lentigo melanoma.

Aklen Lentginal Melanoma

also develops superficially before continuing growth deep into the skin. This form differs from the rest of what is manifested in the form of black or brown spots under the nails, on the palms or on the feet. The disease progresses faster than previous forms and more often affects dark-skinned people. This is the most common form among Africans and Asians, while it is least subject to Caucasians and Europeans.

Nodular melanoma

it is an invasive course of the flow. Usually by the time of detection, it will sprout enough deep enough into the skin. Externally, such melanoma resembles a bump. Usually it has a black color, but there are other options (blue, gray, white, brown, red or even unchanged, skin color). Localizes more often on the body, legs and arms. Basically, the older people are striking. This is the most aggressive version of the melanoma. It is diagnosed in 10-15% of cases.

Symptoms of melanoma

Melanoma can develop from the already existing mole or against the background of another skin disease, but often it occurs on unchanged skin. The most common localization of melanoma are legs and top of the back. Due to the continuing generation of changed cells of melanin, the tumor has a black or brown color, but colorless melanomas are also found.

Less often melanoma arise on palms, nails and mucous membranes. The elderly men melanoma appear more often on the face, as well as on the neck, the scalp and ears.

Early symptoms of melanoma

The main signs of melanoma are to change the size, form, the colors of already existing moles or "birthplace of spots" or the appearance of unpleasant sensations in this area. The development of listed symptoms may occupy for a long time (several weeks or months). In addition, Melanoma can be perceived at first as a new mole, but at the same time have an unpleasant appearance. The emergence of such a subjective symptom should serve as an alarming mark and a reason for visiting the doctor.

The first signs of melanoma include:

  • Bleeding
  • The feeling of burning
  • Education crust
  • Changing the height of the stains (thickening or elevation above the skin of the mole, which was previously flat)
  • Ulceration
  • Consideration of the consistency (the mole becomes soft)
  • The appearance of any secretions in the field of tumor
  • Increase the size of a changed hearth
  • Redness or swelling of the surrounding tissues
  • The emergence of new small sections of pigmentation around the main focus

Late symptoms of melanoma

Further development characterizes the following symptoms of melanoma:

  • Disturbance of the integrity of the skin
  • Bleeding from Molenia
  • Bleeding from other pigmented skin sections
  • Pain in the affected area

Symptoms of metastatic melanoma

These symptoms develop when cancer cells of melanoma in the bloodstream and distribute them to other organs:

  • Chronic cough
  • Seal under the skin
  • Gray skin hue
  • Permanent headache
  • Causes
  • Increased lymph nodes
  • Inexplicable loss of body weight, exhaustion

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if you have:

  • Bloodfaction from Moles or in Pigmentation
  • Changing the color of nails on hands and legs, not caused by injury
  • The asymmetry of the growth of moles or individual skin sections
  • Damage skin not associated with a tan
  • The emergence of pygmentation sites with uneven edges
  • The appearance of moles with sections of various colors (the spread of pigmentation from the mole on the surrounding fabric is an early sign of melanoma)
  • Increase diameter more than 6mm

Stage melanoma

According to the new approved international classification, when determining the process of the melanoma, diagnostic criteria are the thickness of the tumor (the thickness of the Brescou), the presence of microscopic ulcerations and the fission rate of cancer cells. Thanks to the new system, it became possible to put a more accurate diagnosis and plan the most efficient treatment.

The thickness of the Bereloou is measured in millimeters and characterizes the distance from the upper layer of the epidermis to the deepest point of the tumor germination. The thinner melanoma, the higher the chance of cure. This indicator is the most important aspect in predicting the flow and effectiveness of therapeutic measures.

  • 1 and 2 stages

melanomas are characterized by a limited tumor. This means that cancer cells are not yet metastasized in lymph nodes or other organs. At this stage, the risk of repeated development of melanoma or further spread of the tumor is quite low.

Depending on the thickness distinguish:

  • Melanoma "in situ" ("on site"). This is the initial stage when the tumor has not yet sprouted the epidermis. This form still refers to zero stage;
  • Thin tumors (less than 1 mm). The development of the tumor indicates the initial (first) stage of melanoma;
  • Medium thickness (1 - 4 mm). From this point in the course of melanoma proceeds to the second stage;
  • Thick melanomes (more than 4 mm in thickness).

The presence of microscopic ulcerations aggravates the severity of the course of the disease and means the transition to late stages. The cell division rate is also an important criterion in determining the flow forecast. Even a single confirmed process of dividing the culture of cancer cells per square millimeter characterizes the transition to more severe melanoma flow stages and increases the risk of metastasis. In this case, the choice is a more aggressive treatment tactic to achieve the desired effect. In the first and second stage for melanoma, a asymptomatic increase in the size of the pygmentation sites is characterized, the elevation of them above the skin level without bleeding and pain.

  • 3 Stage

At this stage, important changes are observed during the disease. At this stage, the thickness of Bereloou is no longer taken into account, but the definition of ulcerations becomes indicative.

The third stage is characterized by the propagation of tumor cells in lymph nodes and in the surrounding areas of the skin. Any spread of the tumor beyond the boundaries of the primary hearth is characterized. As a transition to the third stage. This is confirmed using the biopsy of the lymphatic node nearest to the tumor. Now such a diagnostic method is shown in increasing the size of the tumor more than 1 mm or in the presence of signs of ulceration. For the third stage, the late symptoms of melanoma described above are characteristic (pain, bleeding, etc.).

  • 4 Stage

means that tumor cells metastasize into remote organs. Metastases with melanoma are distributed in (by time engaging in the pathological process):

  • Lungs
  • Liver
  • Bones
  • Gastrointestinal

At this stage, symptoms of metastatic melanoma appear, which depend on the defeat of one or another organ. In 4 stages of Melanoma, it has a very unfavorable forecast, the effectiveness of treatment is only 10%.

What does melanoma look like - Photo

Malignant melanoma is not always characterized by dark pigmentation. Because of this, it is often difficult to put the correct diagnosis. Photos made with some time interval help to assess the degree of tumor growth and changing the size of the focus.
Left - monophonic
Right - Color varies within one element
Left - Smooth edges
Right - no clear boundary
Left - ordinary mole
Right - change of shape, size and color
Left - Normal Mountain (symmetrical)
Right - Melanoma (asymmetric)
A brown or dark line along the nail must be regarded as malignant melanoma, especially if the irregularities of the edges and its gradual thickening are noted.


The diagnosis of melanoma is quite a difficult task for an experienced dermatologist. Since the characteristic symptoms are not always performed on the first place, it is necessary to pay great attention to self-diagnosis and inform the doctor immediately after the detection of suspicious moles or stains. This is especially important if your close relatives have a similar disease. After inspection to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a skin biopsy, as well as the biopsy of lymph nodes. The final diagnosis of melanoma is confirmed only after histological research of the biopsy. Obtained from the pathological focus.

Early detection of melanoma can save the life of the patient. To do this, it is recommended to make self-examination monthly for timely detection of skin changes. For this you do not need special devices. All you need is a bright lamp, a large mirror, a manual mirror, two chairs and a hairdryer.

  • Inspect your head and face with one or both mirrors. To check the skin of the scalp, use hair dryer;
  • Check your hands, including nails. Using mirrors, inspect the elbows, shoulders and armpits;
  • Carefully appreciate the skin condition on the neck, chest and torso. For women, be sure to check the skin under the milk glands;
  • With the help of a mirror, inspect the back, buttocks and the back of the neck, shoulders and legs;
  • Carefully appreciate the skin condition on the legs and feet, including nails. Be sure to inspect your knees;
  • Using the mirror, make an examination of the skin on the genitals.

If you have discovered suspicious pigmentation elements, compare them with the geanoms below.


The forecast of the disease depends on the time of detection and degree of progression of the tumor. With early discovery, most melan are well treated.

Deeply sprouted melanoma, or spread to lymph nodes, increases the risk of reuse after treatment. If the depth of the lesion exceeds 4 mm or there is a hearth in a lymphatic node, then there is a high probability of metastasis in other organs and tissues. With the emergence of secondary foci (3 and 4 stages), the treatment of melanoma becomes ineffective.

If you had melanoma, and you have been recovered, it is very important to regularly carry out self-examination, since for this category of patients the risk of repeated development of the disease is very high. Melanoma can recur even in a few years.

The degree of survival with melanoma varies in wide limits depending on the stage of the disease and the treatment carried out. In the first stage, the cure is most likely. Also, the cure may occur in almost all cases of melanoma of the second stage. Patients who have undergone treatment in the first stage have 95 percent five-year survival and 88 percent ten-year. For the second stage, these indicators are respectively 79% and 64%.

On 3 and 4 stages, cancer applies to remote organs, which leads to a significant decrease in survival. The five-year survival rate of patients with 3 melanoma stages is (according to various data) from 29% to 69%. Ten-year survival is provided only by 15 percent of patients.

If the disease passed in 4 stage, the chance of five years of survival is reduced to 7-19%. There are no statistical data of ten-year survival for patients with 4 stages.

The risk of recurrence of melanoma increases in patients with a tumor of large thickness, as well as in the presence of ulcerations of melanoma and nearby metastatic lesions of the skin. Repeated melanoma may occur both in close proximity to the previous place of localization and at a significant distance from it.

Despite the fact that this form of cancer looks frighteningly, its treatment prediction is not always unfavorable. Even with a re-occurrence, the early start of treatment leads to curable and provides long-term survival of patients.

Melanoma skin is a malignant education, developing from the moles (very rarely appears on clean skin). Most often it occurs in open areas, but can develop even on mucous membranes. It is characterized by high aggressiveness. Daughter cells quickly apply throughout the body. The diagnosis is made according to the results of histological examination, blood and urine analyzes for oncomarkers. Tactics of treatment depends on the stage of the oncological process. The most efficient operational removal and targeted (targeted) chemotherapy. Radi methods, classic cytostatics are used for palliative care.

What is melanoma: the mechanism of appearance

Where does Melanoma come from, not a single scientist knows. Increased risk of skin tumor in people with I-II skin type. In dark-skinned and dark, the likelihood of the occurrence of the disease is very low.

Inheritance plays an important role, since pigment malignant neoplasms appear in people with a genetic defect. The risk of developing melanoma is higher in people who received solar burns in childhood or adult age. The substrate for the tumor is melanin, which contains pigment cells-melanocytes. This cell population forms nevi (moles). Cancer can also develop on clean skin.

Most of the melanoblast develops from pigment notes, which include:

  • giant;
  • blue;
  • nesus OTA;
  • complicated;
  • border.

Often, atypical cells appear in the zones of the pigment kservoch and melanoma dyole. Malignization of tissues occurs, that is, their malignant rebirth. The provoking factors are injuries, irradiation or internal faults of cellular regulation.

Domestic and external risk factors

High risk of malignant tumors in people with light skin color. According to the international classification, 4 phototypes of the skin on the phytzpatrix are distinguished. I and II class refers to the group of highest risk.

The first phototype is Celtic. People belonging to this category have light skin, gray-blue eyes, freckles, red or light straw hair. They are hardly tolerated the effects of sunlight. Even after a minor insolation (effects of ultraviolet rays) burns appear on their skin.

The second type includes European people who have light skin and hair. Their eyes can be blue, green or gray. Skin covers also react poorly to the sun, but burns appear only after long-term insolation. The proof that ultraviolet rays negatively affect the skin is melanoma on the face, since this anatomical area is in constant contact with sunlight.

So the melanoma looks like, visually not every person can distinguish it from ordinary moles.

Internal factors include diseases of the endocrine system, cellular transport disorders and genetic failures.

Than dangerous melanoma

Melanoma is considered the most aggressive tumor. Even a small neoplasm gives major remote metastases. Often, patients do not understand how Melanoma is developing rapidly, in connection with which they are treated for medical care in the later stages.

Pigment tumors are characterized by endophytic (internal) growth. With rustling in a blood or lymphatic vessel, they immediately give metastases. Daughter cells apply throughout the body. Most often they are localized in the brain, lungs, liver, bones. After the metastases appear, surgical treatment is inefficient. Such patients are prescribed costly targeting therapy.

The course of the disease is lightning. To save your life, you need to consult a doctor before the start of metastasis.

Types and stages

The clinical form depends the tactics of treatment.

Morphological options for pigment neoplasms:

  • Surface shape. Often meets, mostly in women. It is characterized by horizontal growth. It has a favorable course, since it does not affect vessels.
  • Nodular (knot) melanoblastoma. Gains deep into the dermis. The most malignant form.
  • The acrolntigious melanocarcinoma is characteristic of representatives of the Negroid race. Amazes the skin of the palms.
  • Melanose Die. Developed from a pigment spot (freckles) on the face. Amazes most often women. For melanosis, Die is characterized by a slow, favorable course.

Melanoma symptoms are quite specific. Knowing them, a person will be able to independently suspect the Malignation of the nevus and seek medical attention.

Tumors are most often developing from pigment non-pigment. Preceded the development of neoplasms Mechanical or chemical traumatization of moles.

The first signs of melanoma according to the international ABCDE system:

  • ASYMMETRY. Asymmetry of the mole.
  • Border. A pigment stain has clear edges, and malignant neoplasm is blurred, curves. His borders sometimes have a faster shape.
  • Color. Color or shade changes indicate maligancy of the mole.
  • Diameter. An increase in education is more than 6 mm.
  • Evolution. Changing the outlines, shapes, colors - an external sign of zerdy-quality.

On the territory of the CIS countries also use "Accord Classification":

  • A - asymmetry.
  • To - uneven edges.
  • K - bleeding.
  • Oh - inhomogeneous color.
  • R - size large.
  • D - dynamics of changes in the structure.

The initial stage of cancer is healing. It is necessary to understand how skin oncology manifests itself:

  1. If the moles look like scramble eggs (light diameter with a dark center), they must be deleted.
  2. Inhomogeneous nevi structures are more often soligrated.
  3. Healthy Mountain does not hurt. Any skin cancer can be manifested by pain syndrome.
  4. Hair loss from the mole is another adverse symptom.

Melanoma on the skin is classified according to the stage and clinical flow. TNM-classification of melanoma is accepted worldwide. T is the size of the primary tumor, n is metastases into regional lymph nodes, M are remote metastases. The exact diagnosis can be defined only after a complete laboratory, instrumental and histological examination.

How to diagnose melanoma

The first question of patients who suspected skin cancer: to which doctor to contact. Dermatologist is engaged in skin problems. But the skin cancer can only be treated by a dermatologist-oncologist.

During inspection, the doctor estimates the borders, density, the price of education with the surrounding tissues. Be sure to conduct dermatoscopy - inspection using a magnifying device. Doctor palpates regional lymph nodes to identify metastases.

The diagnosis of "Melanoma" is histological. You can distinguish malignant education from benign only after biopsy. Under the microscope is carried out by a stagnation-imprint study. It is forbidden to carry out an invasive biopsy (taking a piece of fabric), as it can stimulate the growth of onku formation. After excision of the neoplasm, it is sent to the detailed morphological diagnosis.

Additionally, computer, positron-emission tomography, radionuclide study. Instrumental methods allow you to detect metastases in other organs.


How to treat melanoma leather depends on the stage of development. Melanoma is healing with an early appeal to the doctor. Sensitive to therapy horizontal tumor without metastases. In this case, enough operational intervention.

In the germination of cancer deep into the tissues and the appearance of metastases simultaneously with surgical excision, immunotherapy α-interferon is carried out. If the foci is affixed by regional lymph nodes, a radical removal of nodes is shown.

With the appearance of remote metastases use targeted chemotherapy. In the Russian Federation, Zeland drugs are registered, errors. Before appointing drugs of this group, a molecular genetic study should be carried out. Targeted therapy often helps to completely get rid of skin cancer on the body and internal organs. The main disadvantage of such treatment is its value. The price for 1 jar of the drug is 5-10 thousand dollars. Treatment of melanoma in Russia is identical to treatment abroad. Domestic oncologists work on international standards.

In the propagation of oncological foci beyond regional lymph nodes, palliative care is provided to patients. Showing radiation therapy, excision of large metastases.


To fully cure melanoma, even when using modern medical technologies, it is not always possible. Five-year survival accompanies 48%. Disappointing statistics are associated with late treatment of patients. It is possible to achieve a resistant remission in the absence of metastases with the help of surgical treatment. If lymph nodes are affected, it is necessary to carry out targeted chemotherapy.


Specific prophylaxis of skin cancer has not been developed. However, attentive attitude towards his health will help diagnose cancer in the early stages or to prevent its development. Moles with signs of mischief should be removed from the oncosurgeon. On sunny days, the skin is applied with protective factors (UV filters). People 1-2 phototypes should use minimum cosmetics with 20 SPF (Sun Protecting Factor). It is forbidden to remove nevi alone or in beauty salons.

Myths and truth about melanomah

We will try to dispel a few common myths about melanomes:

  • Myth 1: Melanoma can be infected. The etiology of the disease is unknown. The most reliable cause of the disease is molecular genetic mutation. The relationship of pathology with infection was not established.
  • Myth 2: A tumor cannot appear in a healthy mole. Malignant rebirth appears even in visually unchanged tissue.
  • Myth 3: skin cancer is not treated. With timely handling of the tumor is healing.
  • Myth 4: Melanoma appear only on the skin. This type of neoplasms appears in all organs where Melanin is.
  • Myth 5: Sun is safe solarium. The source of the rays does not play an important value in oncogenesis.

To protect yourself and your loved ones, a medical examination should be regularly undergoing, including oncological. Summer skin must be protected from direct sunlight. The American Association of Oncologists prohibits Taking sunny baths from 12 to 15 hours.