Permanent bleeding between monthly. Menstrual-like bleeding in the middle of the cycle

  • Date: 18.03.2021

Menstrual bleeding at a healthy woman occurs in a clear chart. Its volume is strictly defined so that the body does not experience heavy consequences of blood loss. But sometimes there are allocations in the middle of the cycle. What diseases they associate them, and is it possible to consider the norm by an option?

During the month, a woman of reproductive age, besides menstruation, physiological blees may be observed, the volume of which does not exceed 20 ml per day. They consist of a mucous membrane of the cervix, a small amount of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide produced by normal microflora, and dead cells, bacteria. Almost colorless, more resemble mucus, sometimes with a white tint. The smell can be slightly sour, but unbearable.

Color changes, the volume of natural white can occur on the eve of ovulation. They become more abundant, mucous, whitens. But the appearance of brown streaks, blood, unpleasant odor - alarming signal.

Normal options

If brown highlights appeared in the middle of the cycle (even without pain and odor), it should be alert and make attention to the events preceding them. There are some situations in which such manifestations can be considered the norm.

Breakthrough bleeding

The most common cause of nonpautological interventor bleeding is ovulation. During the first phase of the cycle, under the influence of pituitary hormones of FSH (follicle-suiting) and a little LG (luteinizing), ripening of the follicle occurs. In particular, the number of vessels that feed it is increasing. They can tare the entire surface of the bubble as a network.

By 10-12 Day of the cycle, the secretion of estrogen reaches a peak level. After 12 hours, there is a response peak release of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. This means that after 24-48 hours you can expect ovulation and, accordingly, intermenstrual bleeding. It occurs as a consequence of the follicle break and damage to the vessels, so it is called breakthrough.

The discharge is not delicious, in color - from light pink to dark. Maznia lasts one or two days and does not require a special laying (enough "daily"). Treatment in this case is not carried out.


Dark "unscheduled" allocations may indicate pregnancy. If a woman has a menstrual cycle stretched or not always regular, she can miss the moment of ovulation. Usually the embryo passes from ovaries to the uterus in the uterus in seven or ten days. Normally, implantation should occur at the peak of progesterone - this is the seventh day after ovulation. If a woman has an early ovulation, then the moment of attachment to the uterus will also shift.

During implantation, the embryo allocates enzymes that melts the endometrium along with the vessels in it. The embryo is gradually immersed in fabric and hides them. Of the molten vessels, some blood can be isolated, which will be released through the vagina. The number is scanty, there is no smell, color is usually dark.

Consequences of contraception

Against the background of the admission of most combined oral contraceptives (COP) during the first three months, bloody sections may appear in the middle of the cycle. The reason is the lack of gestagennes in the preparation. The following factors also affect:

  • smoking;
  • unstable hormonal background;
  • missing tablet;
  • violation of the instructions for the drug;
  • inappropriate type of coca;
  • low doses of hormones;
  • concomitant gynecological pathology.

If on the fourth month of use of the drug bleeding was not lost, you need to finish the record to the end and consult a doctor to select another means. With strong bleeding, the formation of jelly-shaped bunches, a urgent examination of the gynecologist is needed.

Formation cycle

Teenagers, menstruation does not always become regular immediately after the onset of Menarche. This is required before the year. The concentrations and rhythms of the secretion of LH and FSH in girls are often knocked down, so bleeding between menstruation can appear. If they are mosgeing, without pain and smell, then nothing to worry about. But with constantly repeating bloody discharge, abundant bleeding you need to urgently consult a doctor.

The cargo separated by nursing women when the menstrual cycle is just starting to recover after pregnancy.

Consequence of pathology

Detacked from the vagina can acquire not only brown tint. Sometimes it all starts with the appearance of atypical white: they are accompanied by itching, become curly, thick, the sour smell is enhanced. Most likely, this is a sign of thrush. If it is not treated, the inflamed mucous membrane will begin to bleed slightly, and pink impurities will appear.

But the reason may be in sexually transmitted infections. If the dischargeable watery, abundant, and also appeared pain in the stomach, then this is an inflammatory process. The yellow tint usually indicates a nonspecific process, and greenish - on trichomonas.

To suspect pathological bleeding in the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • abundance;
  • the appearance of blood clots;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • temperature increase;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • long metrragia;
  • scooty menstruation.

Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia

The pathological growth of endometrial in nonypical places leads to a hormonal failure. This fabric has its own hormonal activity and is capable of changing the general background. In turn, an overly high level of estrogen leads to endometrial hyperplasia. It can be diffuse and local, in the form of a polyp on the leg. Thickened endometrium is able to braid, which leads to the emergence of metrragia. In this case, for the woman of reproductive age, the medical and diagnostic procedure simultaneously becomes scraping.

Sometimes the emptying of endometrium foci in the uterine cavity, which can germinate into the muscles. They emptied without a clear connection with the menstrual cycle, the blood is almost black.


The growth of muscle and fibrous tissue leads to the appearance of foci, which at large sizes or arrangement under the mucous membrane are capable of disrupting the degeneration of the endometrium. This happens regardless of the cycle day. Also manifests itself in the form of a protracted menstruation, which first went on a decline, and then intensified.

Mioma can lead to abundant intermenstrual bleeding, a woman develops anemia. The only method of treatment in such a situation becomes the removal of the uterus.

Pathology of cervix

The selection of blood from the cervix during erosion is often a contact nature. It appears after sexual intercourse, examination of the doctor. Sometimes brown detachable -
The consequence of the ignition of erosion: ten days after the procedure begins to move Strick.

In itself, bleeding is not dangerous. But you need to undergo a survey and treat erosion. Signs of cell atiphy indicate the risk of transition of pathology in cancer.


Oncological diseases are increasingly meeting at a young age, and in women in premenopause and during the period of Klimaks are one of the most frequent causes of bleeding. The tumor is able to be located on the neck, in the uterus cavity. Sometimes discontinued becomes extremely unpleasant smell (split flesh). Only timely diagnosis and radical treatment will help get rid of the disease on time and increase chances of survival.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen and blood release in the middle of the cycle can be the consequence of interrupted ectopic pregnancy. This condition is accompanied by internal bleeding, and the blood flowing out is only a small part. The severity of the state will gradually increase, arterial pressure will fall, tachycardia will appear and signs of vascular collapse. This situation requires immediate response.

When the fetal egg is attached in the cervix, it also happens bleeding - first at the time of implantation, and then in a new cycle as the embryo grows. It is dangerous for the life of a woman.

In patients of the premenopause period, pink bleaves become a consequence of atrophic processes on the mucous membrane. There is no lubricant not enough. Therefore, after sex, microcracks arise, which is why the discharge is painted.


To establish the causes of pathology, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • vagina smear;
  • Pap-test;
  • colposcopy;
  • general blood analysis;
  • hormonal profile;
  • Ultrasound of small pelvis organs.

Other methods of survey are applied according to the indications depending on the primary results.


Already from the first menstruation is important:

  • daily regime;
  • proper nutrition;
  • sufficient holiday;
  • physical activity;
  • protection against STIs;
  • strengthening immunity.

And the patients of reproductive age doctors additionally advise the following:

  • regular sex life;
  • proper means of contraception;
  • no abortion.

Women who gave birth to more than one child are less subject to the development of misa, endometriosis. And with regular use of oral contraceptives, the risk of developing uterine cancer is significantly reduced.

Thank you

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Many women consider any discharge from the genital organs a sign of some disease, and seek to get rid of them. This is the root of an incorrect representation. Vaginal discharge Alsiological, as the secretion of salivary and tear glands, gastric juice, etc. Trying to get rid of all these discharge not only meaninglessly, but also unsafe. In some cases, this applies to blood discharge. But the appearance of them occupies a special place in gynecology - Blood adherence in the vaginal secrecy often serves as a sign of various pathologies. Let us try more about dealing with bleeding, and in what cases when they appear it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Blood selection of girls

The allocation of the secretary of the genital organs is characteristic of the female organism almost at any age, with the exception of the period from birth to 9-11 years. Prior to the beginning of puberty, girls should not be selected from the vagina. This is due to the structure of the genital organs and the peculiarities of the hormonal profile in this age period. The menstrual function is not yet absent, the eggs do not ripen, the products of female sex hormones are very low, and their influence on the girl's body is minimal. This is the so-called period of physiological peace.

Therefore, the appearance of a vaginal secret in the girl up to 10-12 years old, and even more so bloody secretions in a newborn, unambiguously indicates the presence of problems. It can be pathologically early puberty, infectious damage or even a disease of the digestive or urinary tracts that are located nearby.

In any case, the appearance of bloody secretions to a puberty period is an occasion for applying for a consultation to the children's gynecologist.

Blood selection of girls

Blood selection in this period is called juvenile, or pubertate.
Most often these are uterine bleeding, which are a violation of the menstrual cycle in girls aged 12-18 years. Also often they are called dysfunctional - associated with violations of the hormonal function of ovaries.

Clinical signs
Most often, bloody allocations in girls appear after the delay of the next periods for several weeks. They continue, as a rule, more than a week. In some cases, such juvenile bleeding can be observed over several months, periodically weakening, then intensifying. With such long bleeding, the patient's condition may be sufficiently heavy. Intense and prolonged bleeding are capable of developing anemia. This condition requires urgent medical intervention.

Treatment of bloody secretions from girls
Adequate therapy of juvenile bleeding is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of such severe complications as hemorrhagic shock or anemia.

With timely appeal to the gynecologist and the beginning of treatment, in most cases, bloody discharge disappear, and the menstrual cycle is normalized. But if the bleeding in adolescence remains unbearable, it can move into the bleeding of reproductive age, which can cause infertility and develop diseases by an adult woman.

Blood allocations in women of reproductive age

When can they meet normally?

As a rule, such discharges appear in women in about a few days before the start of menstruation, and smoothly develop into more abundant menstrual bleeding. In addition, they can continue for several days after the end of menstruation. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in women protected with intrauterine spirals. In such cases, if the allocations are not very abundant, then they are considered a physiological norm, and no special treatment is required.

Blood selection from the vagina as a sign of pathology

An important factor in determining the danger in the appearance of such discharge is their number and communication with the menstrual cycle of a woman.

Abundant bleeding
If a woman has abundant bleeding, not related to the physiological menstrual cycle - it serves as a sign of the presence of serious pathology. Such a patient should be examined as soon as possible by a gynecologist. This symptom is potentially dangerous for the life of a woman, and the loss of time is able to turn into severe consequences for women's health.

Brown bleeding, and in some cases even black, are a consequence of the destruction of blood cells in the uterine cavity. It is necessary to determine the cause of bleeding as soon as possible.

Scarce and Mozhing Blood Selection
If the bleeding not related to the menstrual cycle, scarce, then they may indicate the following pathologies:

  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • presence endometriosis;
  • erosion of the cervix in severe form;
  • cervical cancer;
  • infectious damage (with systematic separating bleeding, related, or not related, with the days of the menstrual cycle, and possessing a malicious smell).

Communication of bleeding with menstrual cycle

Bleeding before and after menstruation
Blood selection after menstruation and in front of them is a fairly common phenomenon. In his life, almost every woman at least once noticed unexpected vaginal bleeding.

It should be remembered that the scarlet bleeding, which are gradually becoming more abundant, are considered the norm on the first day of menstruation.

Brown dark cargo bleeding before menstruation indicate the presence of a pathological process in the uterus: endometriosis, polype, hyperplasia (expanding) endometrial, etc. Pink allocations by type of diluted blood with an unpleasant odor before month and after them - a symptom of chronic endometritis or chronic endocervicitis.

Abundant and long-term bleeding after menstruation and in front of them are most often dysfunctional. They must be stopped, and then find out and start treating the cause of their appearance. They arise due to violations of the hormonal function of the ovaries. It is in these organs that the eggs are cyclically ripen and women's sex hormones are produced, which take part in compliance with the normal menstrual cycle.

The causes of bloody discharge after menstruation and in front of them can be:

  • hormonal disorders in the body with various diseases and stress;
  • endocrine pathologies, most often - small number of thyroid hormones;
  • termination or start of reception of hormonal contraceptives;
  • the use of emergency contraception drugs: postinora, hynepriston, etc.;
  • eating some drugs, as well as the beginning or termination of the use of additives containing estrogen.
Blood selection in the middle of the menstrual cycle
Experts argue that intermented non-delicate bleeding from the vagina is a phenomenon that does not carry the dangers. It is caused by hormonal oscillations associated with the beginning of ovulation. Blood allocations between menstruals occur almost 30% of women.

Normal allocations during ovulation are characterized by the following features:

  • a small total volume (separating bleeding);
  • duration - not more than 72 hours;
  • mucous consistency of scarlet, pinkish or brown;
  • there is no need to use female hygiene;
  • during the examination, other causes of bleeding from the genitals are not determined.

Often unexpected bleeding from sex tract, even minor in quantity, can also serve as a sign of gynecological diseases.

Bleeding between menstruation usually begins on the 10-16th day, counting from the first day of the last menstruation, that is, from the beginning of the cycle. Normally, they look like poorly noticeable mucous membranes with streaks of blood, which continue from semissive to three days. If, over time, bleeding is becoming more stronger, or more than three days are stopped, it should be referred to as a gynecologist.

The doctor must stop the bleeding and assign the necessary surveys. But even if such bleeding stopped independently, then pass the gynecologist and perform an ultrasound of the organs of a small pelvic is still worth it. Such a phenomenon can serve as the only symptom of the presence of a hidden gynecological disease.

Causes and treatment of bloody secretions in the middle of the cycle
The most common cause of the uterine bleeding between the monthly, a healthy woman is a sudden sharp fluctuations in the estrogen level in the body. During ovulation, the level of this hormone increases rapidly. And since it affects the mucous membrane of the uterus, a similar symptom appears. Blood discharge during or after ovulation is considered a physiological norm if there are no signs of other diseases in a medical examination. Nevertheless, they are subject to drug correction. For the treatment and prevention of such hormonal bursts, a woman is usually recommended to avoid stressful situations and plant preparations are prescribed.

The separating bleeding of brown brown, pink or dark, in the middle of the menstrual cycle occurs when:

  • outlet of the egg from the follicle at the time of ovulation;
  • availability of intrauterine helix;
  • receiving hormonal contraceptives;
  • the use of some other drugs affecting the menstrual cycle;
  • conducting gynecological procedures, for example, causthing or causthing of the cervix;
  • low functional activity of the thyroid gland;
  • polypose, endometriosis, cervical erosion, chronic inflammation of the uterus (endometritis);
  • sexual infections (for example, gonor);
  • injuries of genital organs;
  • fibroms and other genital tumors.
Blood selection during menstruation
Of course, bleeding is an integral element of menstruation. However, in some cases, the change in the consistency of the separated may be a sign of pathology.

So, if the bleeding instead of menstruation acquire the nature of large clots, this may indicate:

  • pathological beating of cervix;
  • violation of blood coagulation and leaning to thrombosis;
  • the insufficiency of the vitamins of the group in;
  • pathological processes in the uterus (moma, polype, endometriosis).
Blood selection to menstruation, after them and in the middle of the cycle, require special attention and careful surveys, which should include:
  • consultation of the gynecologist;
  • bacteriological and microscopic analysis of the discharge;
  • Ultrasound of small pelvis organs.

Blood selection during pregnancy

Blood selection as a sign of pregnancy
A slight bleeding from sex tract can occur when introducing a fertilized egg (implantation) into the wall of the uterus. It is associated with microscopic damage to the uterus and possible trauma of small vessels in it. Such discharges, called implantation - scarcs, are minor and not carrying any threat to health.

Implantation bleeding is most often observed about 7-9 days before the expected beginning of the next menstruation. Many women, noticing him, believe that this is a precursor of ordinary monthly, and do not consider this symptom as a sign of pregnancy.

Blood selection in pregnant women
A woman should alert any bloody discharge (every duration, in any quantity, of any color) that arose during pregnancy, even if they do not accompany pain. The reason for such discharge can be:

  • premature placental detachment;
  • detachment of a fetal egg;
  • improper location of the placenta (preview);
  • the threat of interrupting pregnancy.
Such bleeding more often have a brown color, and can appear almost on any gestation.

Another one, but not such a dangerous cause of bleeding discharge during pregnancy, are microtraumas and bursts of the vessels of the cervix with its erosion. Only a specialist can accurately establish the true cause of bleeding, therefore, when any such discharge, it is necessary to undergo a survey at the gynecologist.

Bleeding during pregnancy is distinguished by the fact that they are capable of sharply and suddenly increase, leading to very difficult complications and consequences. The danger to health, and sometimes the life of a pregnant woman, can represent the appearance of abundant bloody discharge of brown, scarlet, pink or carnaming dark.

It is necessary to urgently cause ambulance with the following symptoms:

  • sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • weak pulse;
  • general weakness;
  • pallitude of the skin;
With the appearance of such bleeding during pregnancy, it is necessary to observe the bed and complete peace. In addition, gynecology specialists almost always recommend urgent hospitalization. From this may depend on the health and life of a pregnant woman and her child.

Blood selection in early pregnancy
In the early period of pregnancy, the appearance of bleeding can mean the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. As a rule, such sections in the first trimester occur if the process of rejection of the fetal egg begins. Therefore, in order to prevent the abortion of pregnancy and the threat of a child's loss, a woman needs to be hospitalized as soon as possible to the gynecological department. Only specialists in the hospital standing will be able to spend all the necessary activities aimed at preserving pregnancy.

Allocations in late pregnancy
At the later deadlines, bleeding may indicate the threat of a premature delay of the placenta, or mean a premature beginning of labor. In such cases, emergency assistance of gynecologists is needed.

However, the appearance of brown bleeding on 38-40 weeks, not red, in small quantities is not a reason for special concern. In many women, such discharges arise as a result of weak bleeding from vessels that are located on the cervix. Nevertheless, with the next scheduled visiting a gynecologist, a pregnant woman, it is necessary to tell him about the observed vaginal discharges.

Bleeding when miscarriage

The bleeding from the genital organs during pregnancy is the most frequent symptom of threatening miscarriage. At the same time, accompany the discharge, or precede their appearance, maybe pain in the lower back and pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

It must be remembered that if a woman suddenly had bloody discharge from the vagina, and she was diagnosed with "threatening miscarriage", it does not mean at all that pregnancy will interrupt anyway. Most women, despite the presence of bloody discharge in the early or later dates, with timely and adequate treatment, successfully moved pregnancy and give birth to healthy children.

Blood selection after childbirth

Normal discharge after delivery (so-called Lochi) have a pink color and resemble dilute blood or sucrovitsa. These are postpartum physiological discharge from the uterus, which includes blood, mucus and unfinished non-visual fabrics of the seduction shell of the uterus.

Most often, the duration of allocation of such succeeds is from 3 to 6, occasionally up to 8 weeks after delivery. The necessary sign of the normal course of this process is the trend towards a decrease in the number and clarification of the separated. Lochi in the first week resemble ordinary monthly, only more abundant and sometimes containing blood clots. Every day their quantity should decrease.

Gradually, Lochi acquire a yellowish white tint due to an increase in the number of mucus, they begin to resemble egg proteins, but can still contain small blood impurities. Approximately the 4th week after childbirth, only the scanty, "cargo" of the allocation should be observed. By graduation, 6-8 weeks after labor, vaginal discharge should acquire the same character and quantity as before the start of pregnancy.

Bleeding after inspection at the gynecologist

The appearance of poor blood discharge after gynecological inspection is not uncommon, and should not cause special concern. In the survey process, the microtraums of vessels and minor damage to the mucous membranes are not excluded. Often such discharges occur in cases where the doctor enjoys when an inspection of a mirror, or takes a smear. The taking of the smear is derived from the mucous membrane of the vagina, the urethra and the channel of the royal cervical neck. Simply put, the cells of the mucous membrane simply scrape from the wall of the vagina or other organ. It is quite natural that the damaged cloth can bleed for some time.

The main thing is that it is necessary to remember - bleeding should stop in the very near future. In any case, a woman will be useful to trace his condition. If the discharge of blood does not stop, or it is joined by itching, burning or painful sensations, then you need to immediately contact the gynecologist, describing all the details.

Blood selection after abortion

Any abortion is associated with more or less extensive trauma of the vessels of the wall of the uterus. Therefore, the appearance after an abortion of bloody discharge, various color and quantity, almost inevitable.

Approximately 80% of women after drug influence the full abortion occurs in a week, and bleeding completely stopped. In 95% of women, the total abortion occurs to the 14th day after the manipulation. Scooty separation of a succulent nature after a drug abortion can be observed until the next menstruation.

Monthly after medication abortion should begin approximately through such a period, the duration of which for a particular woman is a normal menstrual cycle. In addition, their delay is possible to 10 days. Although in some cases (approximately 13% of patients), the first monthly after drug abortion can begin only 2 months after the pregnancy interruption procedure.

Abundant bleeding after abortion is rare enough. This usually serves as an indicator of blood coagulation disorders. It is necessary to remember that after an abortion, uterine bleeding is considered strong if:
1. Two hygiene strips of the largest size are completely soaked with blood for an hour.
2. This continues for more than two hours in a row.

In such cases, a woman needs to urgently pass a re-consultation from the gynecologist and make an ultrasound. To stop the uterine bleeding, the doctor may assign additional preparations that reduce the uterus and reduce bleeding.

Regardless of the presence or absence of bleeding, a week after an abortion, it is necessary to turn to the gynecologist again and pass the control ultrasound.

Blood selection after sexual intercourse

Blood selection of brown shade, pink or dark oscillations arising after sexual intercourse, most often have enough reasonable reasons that are easily eliminated by timely appeal to the gynecologist. However, it must be remembered that if there is plenty of bleeding during or after sex, and are accompanied by pronounced pain, then you need to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Blood seals arising from women after sexual intercourse are called post-person bleeding. Consider the main reasons for their appearance.

Mechanical damage
The discharge of blood after sex from the genital organs may be caused by physical effects. Most often it is injuries that a woman can get in the process of too rude or active sex:

  • injuries and breaks of walls or vaginal arch;
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • damage to erosion cervix.
The probability of injury or breaking of the vaginal wall is especially high if the pain and blood appear unexpectedly, right during the intercourse, and the bleeding is quite abundant. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately cause an ambulance, as with any serious injuries accompanied by bleeding.

Infectious diseases
Often the cause of bloody discharges after sexual intercourse may be infectious damage - chlamydia and other sexually transmitted diseases. Another symptom of infectious pathology of the sexual system becomes an accession to the secretions of a stench odor.

Inflammatory lesions
Blood sections after and during sex may arise due to inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Most often, blood selection after sex occurs at Cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) or vaginine (vaginal inflammation). In both cases, the bleeding from the genital organs of a woman occurs not only after sex. Sexual intercourse in this situation is only a stimulating factor.

Polyps and erosion cervix
Polyps and erosion of cervix cervix are common causes of bleeding seques. Such a selection, as a rule, is very violent, disappear literally after a few hours, but they are renewed again at the next gender contact. To get rid of this symptom, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and to undergo a course of treating the erosion of the cervix. But the polyps that can cause development in further malignant tumors must be deleted.

Use of drugs
After sexual intercourse, bleeding may be a consequence of receiving some medicines that reduce blood clotting (for example, aspirin) and contraceptives. The reception of such drugs is associated with the risk of the development of hypoplasia (reducing the thickness) of the uterine mucosa, which can lead to its trauma.

The cause of blood discharge may be errors in the reception of contraceptives. Skip the next reception of these drugs, or using them late, can provoke bleeding after sex. In such cases, the gynecologist can advise changing the drug, which caused a unwanted reaction, or temporarily cancel it if the cause of bloody secretions were errors in its application.

Other pathology
In rare cases, the cause of blood discharge after sex may be in pathological changes in the cervical cells (dysplasia), certain blood diseases and uterine cancer. The presence of such pathologies is determined with the laboratory analysis of the discharge vagina, and other surveys.

Blood selection when applying contraceptives

Brown-made allocations in the first two months after the start of receiving hormonal contraceptives are considered option for the norm. While using such medical preparations as regular, Yarina, Jes, bloody discharge can appear in any phase of the menstrual cycle, which is associated with the suppression of ovulation. After applying post-cell hormonal contraceptives, such as postinor, bleeding may also occur due to sharp changes in the hormonal balance of the body.

It should be remembered that if the bleeding is not stopped on the third and fourth month of constant reception of the drug, the woman should appeal to the gynecologist. Most likely, this oral contraceptive is simply not suitable for her, and you need to replace it.

Blood selection when climax

Bleeding during menopause (even the most minor bleeding) are symptom of diseases, and sometimes quite serious, up to the uterus cancer. Therefore, in no case cannot ignore a similar situation.

Many women are hard enough to bear climax. Signs of his pathological flow are:

  • strong and frequent tides;
  • disorders of metabolic processes in the body;
  • raising blood pressure;
  • the emergence of psychological disorders;
  • periodic bleeding from genitals.

A common view is that any symptoms are possible during Klimaks, lead to the fact that many women ignore bleeding, which should not be normal. They arise quite often - according to statistics, more than half of the patients older than 45 years old appeals to the gynecologist due to bloody discharge during climax.

Causes and treatment of bloody discharge during menopause
The symptoms of pathological climax are due primarily to the hormonal perestroika of the female organism, that is, are dysfunctional. But it is impossible to forget that in some cases bleeding indicates the presence of tumor neoplasms of benign (polyps and misa) or malignant character.

Blood selection may appear if a woman after menopause applies replacement hormone therapy. In this case, the reception of progesterone can stimulate the restoration of non-human menstrual bleeding. They can be observed within 1-2 years, they are usually painless and easily, continuing for no more than 3-4 days. This is the only type of bleeding during climax, which do not require immediate interruption of the course and treatment. But if a woman takes progesterone, and menstrual bleeding starts inadvertising, continue longer than it should be, very abundant or contain blood clots, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of bleeding in the menopausal period:
1. Bleeding during premanopause.
2. Bleeding during postmenopause.

Blood selection in Prhenopause
Bleeding during the premanopause period is usually caused by violation of the products of sex hormones in women aged 45-50 years, up to complete cessation of menstruation. Their cause - disorders of ovulation terms, which lead to a collection of cyclic changes of the thickness of the uterine mucous membrane.

Usually, menopausal bleeding in premenopause appear after the latency of menstruation, and sometimes their beginning falls on the day of the expected menstruation, or even a little earlier. Such bleeding may have different intensity, and have been observed for several weeks, or even months. They are characterized by recurrences that occur sometimes for 4-5 years.

Especially often bloody discharges during menopause are observed in women suffering from metabolic disorders and various endocrine diseases. Therefore, the appearance of the first signs of menopausal bleeding is a reason for compulsory surveys in order to identify violations of the functions of the thyroid and pancreatic glands, liver, fat and carbohydrate exchange.

Bleeding in postmenopausal
Any bleeding in postmenopausal period, that is, after complete cessation of menstruation, should always be considered as a threatening symptom. Such bleeding are a sign of tumors, including malignant character. In such cases, diagnostic scraping is almost always carried out, affecting the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus and the channel of its neck, as well as the subsequent histological examination of Soskob.

Diagnosis and treatment of bloody secretions

What doctor to contact when bleeding out of the genital tract?

When there are bleeding of various nature and quantities in women and girls of any age, you should contact gynecologist (sign up). If we are talking about teenagers or girls under 10 years old, then you should contact the children's gynecologist.

Despite the fact that bloody discharge from the vagina can be evidence of not only diseases of the female sexual sphere, but also the symptom of the blood coagulation system, contact with their appearance is still needed to the gynecologist, since coagulopathy (blood coagulation disorders) are much less common to gynecological pathology. . So, the doctor examines a woman and, if necessary, will send to hematologist (sign up).

In addition, every woman and the girl should know that the selection of blood from sex tract in some cases is a sign of an emergency condition, the essence of which is that there is some catastrophe in the body and immediate medical care is required to save lives. If there are signs of such a dangerous state, it is necessary to immediately cause "ambulance" and hospitalized to the hospital so that the doctors can assist the doctors to rescue life.

So, urgently cause "ambulance" and it should be hospitalized in the hospital, if during or after sexual intercourse in the abdomen or in the vagina there is severe pain and abundant bleeding begins. In this situation, urgent help is needed due to the fact that during sexual intercourse, organs occurred and it is necessary to earn gaps and traumatic injuries so that the woman does not dilute from blood loss.

In addition, it is necessary to cause "ambulance" and hospitalized to the hospital for pregnant women on any period of gestation when they appear bleeding out of the vagina. Any blood release from the vagina during pregnancy needs to be considered as dangerous. Although theoretically, bloody discharge from the vagina during pregnancy can be both non-hazardous, due, for example, the erosion of the cervix, but to distinguish them from dangerous difficult. Moreover, at the beginning of bloody discharges may have signs of non-hazardous, but it is deceptive, since at any moment they can increase, take their true character and become very dangerous (for example, with ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, pairing placenta, etc.) .

In addition, it should be dangerous to be bleeding from the vagina in women and girls of any age, if they increase or do not decrease with time, may be combined with severe pain at the bottom of the abdomen (right, on the left, in the middle or everywhere) or lower, high body temperature, Strong and rapid deterioration of well-being after the start of bloody secretions, pale, reduced pressure, heartbeat, abundant sweating, possibly fainting. Remember that with a dangerous discharge of blood from the vagina, the Women's condition is quickly and dramatically worsens so much that it can not literally stand and sit, and almost falls into fainting.

Treatment of bleeding from the genital organs in women of any age sets several goals:
1. The speedy stop of the strong bleeding and the replenishment of blood loss.
2. Elimination of the cause that caused bleeding.
3. Compensation of the effects of blood loss (for example, anemia).

Survey in bleeding
Before appointed treatment, the gynecologist conducts a survey to establish the true cause of bleeding.

The survey program usually includes:

  • detailed patient survey, on the basis of which the doctor makes conclusions about its psychological condition, hereditary diseases in the family, etc.;
  • visual inspection of the vagina using mirrors;
  • laboratory study of vaginal smears;
  • survey of cervical tissues with colposcopy or biopsy;
  • ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs;
  • in certain cases, the diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity followed by microscopic study of endometrial tissues;
  • determining hormone levels;
  • general blood analysis .

What tests and surveys may prescribe a doctor with blood discharge from the vagina?

Blood discharge from the vagina can be provoked by various diseases and states, for the diagnosis of which various methods apply. The choice of the diagnostic method in each specific case of blood release from the vagina is carried out by the doctor individually, depending on the accompanying symptoms, thanks to which you can pre-assume the disease that caused bleeding or blood blood. Below we will consider which analyzes and surveys may prescribe a doctor with blood discharge from the vagina with various associated symptoms, and we will touch only those situations when it is not necessary to urgently cause ambulance assistance.

Dark bleeding from vagina (brown, brownish, dark burgundy, dark red, etc.) in a large or insignificant number that appear outside menstruation or before menstruation, make a doctor suspect a pathological process in the uterus (for example, endometrial or cervical polyps Channel, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, etc.). In such a situation, the doctor appoints the following tests and surveys:

  • Bimanual gynecological examination;
  • Inspection of sex tract in mirrors;
  • Vagina smear on the flora (sign up);
  • Hysteroscopy (sign up);
  • Ultrasound organs of a small pelvis (sign up);
  • Separate diagnostic scraping (sign up);
  • Magnetic resonance tomography (sign up);
  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis ;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Coagulogram (sign up);
  • Blood test for luteinizing hormone;
  • Blood test on a follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • Testosterone blood test.
First of all, a bimanual two-handed study and inspection of sex tract in the mirrors is always carried out. Also climbing the smear on the flora, an ultrasound of a small pelvis is prescribed, since these methods of surveys allow you to diagnose the disease or narrow diagnostic search. To assess the general condition of the body, general blood and urine tests are also prescribed, biochemical blood test and coagulogram (assessment of blood coagulation system). Further, if the results of the ultrasound and inspection identified the disease (for example, a polyp of the uterus, the mioma of the uterus, endometriosis, etc.), the doctor to clarify the data on the localization of the pathological focus and the assessment of the fabric state assigns hysteroscopy or magnetic resonance imaging. If the endometrial hyperplasia is identified according to the results of the ultrasound, the doctor prescribes separate diagnostic scraping. If the survey revealed endometriosis, then additionally, the doctor may assign blood tests to determine the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-wing hormone (FSH) and testosterone in a woman.

If the surveys did not reveal any diseases, and there are bleeding, the doctor prescribes tests for sex infections ( chlamydia (sign up), mycoplasmosis (sign up), ureaplasmosis (sign up), trichomoniasis, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea (sign up), syphilis (sign up)).

If a woman systematically appear oscillations of bloody discharges, emitting an unpleasant or fettered smell, and they can be observed on any days of the menstrual cycle, the doctor moderates the infectious and inflammatory process in the genitals and prescribes analysis of sexual infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis , Gardnerellosis, Gonorrhea, Syphilis), as well as ultrasound of a small pelvis. For infection analysis (sign up) You can donate blood separated by vagina and urethra. As a rule, the doctor recommends a woman who needs to be needed, and what kind of biological material should be passed.

If periodically, pinkish discharges reminiscent of diluted blood appear before the monthly, and eased odometrite or endocervicitis. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and surveys:

  • Gynecological inspection (sign up);
  • General blood analysis;
  • Smear on flora;
  • Bacteriological sowing of the discharge vagina;
  • Uzi small pelvis organs;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Separate diagnostic scraping with histological examination of the material;
  • Extended colposcopy (sign up);
  • Mazz from the cervix on cytology (sign up);
  • Bacteriological sowing smear from the cervical canal;
  • Blood tests or vaginal separated on sex infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis) methods of ELISA, PCR (sign up) and etc.;
  • Biopsy of the cervix.
First of all, the doctor holds a gynecological examination, prescribes a general analysis of blood, smear on the flora, sowing the discharge vagina and the ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, since it is these surveys that a woman suffers from endocervicitis or endometritis. Next, other surveys are prescribed to clarify the parameters of the pathological process and clarify the causes of the disease. Thus, with the detected endometritis, separate diagnostic scraping with hysteroscopy is carried out or without any. Hysteroscopy allows you to see the endometrium inside the uterus and evaluate its condition, and the scraping makes it possible to only get the result of its histology and understand whether only inflammation has a place, or we are talking about precancerous states or even cancer. From the point of view of caution of cancer, doctors prefer to make scraping with the subsequent histological examination of the material, and hysteroscopy is carried out only in some cases.

If the endocervicitis was revealed, then, first of all, an extended colposcopy is appointed and carried out and the smear is closed to cytology to identify whether there is a cancer in the cells. The following is prescribed analysis of blood or vaginal separated infection and bacteriological sowing from the cervical canal in order to determine the microbe, which has become the causative agent of the infectious process. If the results of cytology will reveal the presence of tumor cells, then assigned biopsy (sign up) The cervix for early detection of cancer.

Scarce and cargo bleeding of any character (pink, red, brownish, etc.) in various parts of the menstrual cycle (in the middle, before menstruation, after menstruation) are forced to suspect the menstrual cycle disorders, endometriosis, polyps, endometritis, misa, sex infections The injuries of the genital organs, the erosion of the cervix, cervical cancer. In such a situation, the doctor first of all appoints a gynecological examination, inspection in mirrors, smear to flora and ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, since these simple surveys make it possible to identify a number of additional features that can be quite accurate to diagnose the existing disease and further conduct other additional research for Confirmation of diagnostic guesses.

So, if the inspection was identified damage to the genital organs, the doctor produces its elimination - eats the gaps, removes foreign objects, processes the antiseptic mucosa, etc. In such a situation, other surveys are not appointed, as they are not needed. If, during the inspection and ultrasound, erosion or incomprehensible education on the cervix was revealed, the doctor prescribes colposcopy, a smear to cytology or immediately takes the biopsy of the affected area to understand, erosion occurs or is it a prejudice or cancer.

If endometriosis is revealed according to the results of the ultrasound, tomography is prescribed to clarify the localization of ectopic foci and blood tests for hormones - testosterone, luteinizing and follicularity. If inspection and ultrasound detects polyps or a tumor (mioma, etc.), hysteroscopy is appointed. If the inspection and ultrasound revealed endometritis, separate diagnostic scraping is appointed. If the ultrasound and inspection revealed signs of sex infections, it is assigned a blood test or a vaginal separated inflammation (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis). And when the results of the ultrasound and inspection did not reveal any pathology, the doctor appoints blood test for thyroid hormones (sign up)Since in a similar situation, most likely, poor blood discharge is due to a violation of the work of this particular organ.

When, during menstruation, a woman appears large bunches in the blood, it makes it assume the cervical bend, the pathology of blood clotting, the shortage of group vitamins in, endometriosis or neoplasms in the uterus (polyps, mioma). In such a situation, the doctor, first of all, produces a gynecological examination and inspection in the mirrors, prescribes an ultrasound of a small pelvic organs, a general blood test, a coagulogram (AFTV, PH, TV, Fibrinogen, a thickening retraction, etc.). If the results of the coagulogram revealed pathology, the woman is sent to the hematologist. If results Ultrasound (sign up) And the inspection was revealed to bend the cervix - prescribe therapy. If the ultrasound and inspection revealed endometriosis, tomography is prescribed blood tests for hormones - testosterone, luteinizing and follicularity. If the ultrasound and inspection revealed polyps or mioma, hysteroscopy is assigned.

If a girl or a woman in front of or after menstruation develops abundant and long-term dysfunctional bleeding, a hormonal balance disorder is suspected, and in this case the doctor prescribes the following analyzes, allowing to understand why the ovaries function not normally and do not produce the required amount of hormones to maintain the correct menstrual cycle:

  • Blood test to the level of thyrotropic hormone (TSH, thyrotropine);
  • Blood test to the level of triiodothyronine (T3);
  • Blood test for thyroxine level (T4);
  • Blood test to the level of the follicularity immuling hormone (FSH);
  • Blood test to the level of luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • Blood test to prolactin level (sign up);
  • Blood test to estradiol;
  • Blood test to testosterone levels.
If a woman has bleeding after sexual intercourse, STIs, cervicitis, vaginitis, polyps and erosion of cervical cervicals are suspected, and in this case the doctor prescribes, first of all, inspection in the mirrors, a bimanual study, a smear smear, smear a smear The cervix on cytology and ultrasound of the organs of a small pelvis. Further appointments are based on these primary surveys. So, if the erosion of the cervix was revealed as a result of the inspection, colposcopy is assigned and carried out. When polyps detection, treatment is carried out (they are removed). Ate was revealed by Cervicitis, then colposcopy is also carried out and analyzes for sex infections are prescribed to understand exactly which pathogen provoked the inflammatory process. If, according to the results of the survey and smear, the inflammatory process is revealed, then analyzes for STIs are prescribed. After the result of the smear for cytology from the cervix comes, the doctor decides whether to take a biopsy. So, if the cytology did not reveal atypical (tumor) cells, then the biopsy is not taken, but if they are detected, then the biopsy of the cervix is \u200b\u200bprescribed to understand whether there is a malignant tumor, or atypical cells are a random find.

If, after an abortion, a woman's abundant uterine bleeding, then the doctor, first of all, conducts an ultrasound to make sure the absence of residues in the uterus. If such are discovered, scraping is carried out. If this is not found, the coagulogram is assigned, and the woman is sent to the hematologist, since the bleeding is considered due to blood clotting pathology.

If abundant bleeding develops in a woman in menopause, separate diagnostic scraping with histological examination of the material is necessarily assigned, since such a situation is often a sign of tumors or precancerous background diseases.

If bloody sequels appear in the girl under 12 years old, the doctor prescribes a full range of diagnostic manipulations - ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, analyzes for sexual infections, analyzes for hormones (cortisol, triomiodinine, thyroxine, follicular hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, estradiol, testosterone). In addition, a general urine analysis is prescribed to eliminate the kidney disease, and to eliminate the pathology of the digestive tract - a biochemical analysis of blood and Abdominal ultrasound ultrasound (sign up).

Treatment of bloody discharge

Conservative methods:
1. Most often the basis of the therapeutic program is hormonal therapy. Such therapeutic courses are usually appointed for up to 3 months. After its completion, a break is taken in treatment, during which the gynecologist assesses its results.
2. In addition to hormonal funds, symptomatic treatment is also used - hemostatic drugs and medicines that enhance the contractile activities of the uterus.
3. Lowing therapy that helps restore the female organism as a whole.
4. Specialists also recommend avoiding physical and psychological stressful situations.

The selection of the optimal pattern of therapy during blood discharge occurs individually. It should also be remembered that the treatment will last from 3-4 weeks to six months or more, depending on the cause of violations. In order to restore the normal functioning of the female sexual system, it may be necessary for several months.

Operational methods
Surgical methods are used to treat strong bleeding. For example, in patients in menopausal age, the scraping of the uterus is the main diagnostic method. And with juvenile bleeding, teenage girls have such a procedure exclusively on life indications. After applying operational methods, treatment is prescribed aimed at preventing re-occurrence of secretions.


Treatment of bleeding out of the genital tract should be carried out only a gynecologist. Self-treatment is absolutely unacceptable even if the woman is confident that she is known for the true cause of bleeding. Error diagnosis and inadequate therapy of bleeding from genital organs can lead to the development of serious complications.

Recently, the asymptomatic flow of gynecological diseases is increasingly found, including tumor. Even pathological discharge from the vagina is not always observed. Without laboratory analyzes and professional surveys, such diseases are not possible to diagnose such diseases. Therefore, every woman, at least once in half a year, must pass a prophylactic examination at the gynecologist.

There are contraindications. Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Features of the female body should know every girl. Otherwise, sooner or later, his incomprehensible reaction to those or other stimuli can scare. For example, it is important to know under what circumstances are the allocations are red, but not monthly. A fairly common phenomenon, but it still scares many. So what can cause this phenomenon? When should the trouble be alarm?

Still month

The female organism is an eternal mystery, and often even for doctors. Therefore, to predict the cause of the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina is not so simple. We will have to take into account all the features and nuances, changes that occurred in the life of the patient.

As practice shows, red discharge before menstruation, especially if they do not cause pain, are not dangerous. Most likely, it is just a shift of the menstrual cycle. The reason for this can serve a hormonal background. In any case, there should be no concern. So it is not necessary to think that the monthly comes like a clock. Even if earlier critical days occurred strictly at a certain time, no one is insured against the cycle shifts. Remember - allocations can be irrelevant in the first few days, stitching.


The following version of the development of events is often found, but he does not attach much importance. Do you have red allocations from the vagina, but not monthly? Do not rush to panic. After all, if any special discomfort and even more painful sensations, this phenomenon does not bring you, there is no reason for concerns. Why?

Red discharge after menstruation (and to them) is a clear sign of the stress of the body. Flights, strong emotional stress (even with positive emotions), - all this is capable of reflected on your menstrual cycle and state as a whole. Usually, not strong, without mucis, or some other special signs due to stress. After normalizing the situation, everything comes to normal.

By the way, the overwork also can be attributed here. To the allocations stopped (at one point, they can be confused with monthly), it is necessary to simply relax and relax. All this is not at all reasons for a visit to the doctor. Maximum that you will write out - these are antidepressants. And good rest, complete isolation from stress. After all, it is so that the female organism exhibits a protective reaction.


Red discharge, but not monthly - this is still a sign of the presence of any disease. Just do not rush to the doctor, not in all cases it is necessary. Often the erosion of the cervix becomes such a phenomenon. It can bleed from time to time. As a result, on any day you can start red.

As practice shows, they are not abundant, weeding, without impurities and mucus. May continue until menstruation. But also pass in some cases alone. If there are suspicions of erosion, it is best to consult a doctor. He will definitely help you decide whether there is a given disease or not. If necessary, you can burn erosion, for example, by radio waves. After the treatment of the selection is red, but not monthly, stop.


As practice shows, red can appear for many reasons. And you can predict them without the help of doctors. Therefore, you should not fall into hysterics if you notice these changes in your body.

Red (or after them) may indicate a gap of capillaries. Usually such a phenomenon is observed if the woman is much strained. That is why the beautiful half of society is not recommended by severe physical work.

As in all previous cases, the allocation has a separating nature, do not bring special discomfort or some pain. It is worth going to the doctor only if the deviation is accompanied by a pain or too much blood. Just limit physical work and relax. The restoration of the body is required for several weeks. Therefore, do not think that one day of rest is enough to make allocations.


With menstruation, it is a sign of mechanical damage to the vagina. This phenomenon may be accompanied by any painful sensations. For example, pulling pain in the lower abdomen is either direct discomfort inside the vagina.

Typically, this problem worries girls after sexual intercourse (immediately or after some time). Lubricant shortage, too fast tempo, "stiffness" of the process - all this can damage the sensitive vagina. As a result, bleeding appear.

If they do not pass for several days, and even accompanied by discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The same should be done when blood stands out abundantly. The doctor will definitely say, is there any problems more serious. If you do not have any diseases, then the mechanical damage occurs. We'll have to gain patience and wait until the wounds are healing. And henceforth be more careful during intercourse.


Did you have red allocations after menstruation in a week or two? Remember what sexual intercourse you had. Most likely, this is conception. It's no secret that approximately in the middle of the cycle (and this is just about 7 days after the end of menstruation on average) an ovulation comes - a favorable day to conceive a child. After fertilization, the egg must attach the woman to develop further. Just this attachment may be accompanied by bloody discharge.

Although, as practice shows, usually conception occurs without a trace. But if you notice red-brown allocations (during menstruation they are not), and you still had an unprotected sexual intercourse, it is quite possible that in a week or two critical days will not come, and the text for pregnancy will be positive. So keep in mind. Usually allocations when conception continue for several hours, no pain or discomfort is delivered.


Allocations are red, but not monthly, accompanied by a strong and sharp pain, abundant and sudden can be a consequence of miscarriage. This is how natural interruption of pregnancy in small timing is manifested.

Often with miscarriages in the discharge you can detect a little mucus. In any case, if you are pregnant, and here it suddenly got blood from the vagina, there is every reason for panic. Try to keep calm and just go to the doctor as soon as possible. It is advisable to call an ambulance at all.


Sometimes you can safely guess why blood comes out of the vagina. The reason for this can be the most common surgical intervention. A variety of operations, abortions and even the use of intrauterine spirals - all this is capable of causeing bleeding.

Usually this kind of phenomenon resembles monthly. And blood is continued about 5 days. Gradually, it becomes less abundant and stopped. There are no reasons for panic. Just be prepared that after surgery from the vagina, bloody masses may be distinguished. Some discomfort also takes place. But the pain is usually not observed in this case.


With a normally flowing pregnancy, there are usually no red color. Maximum - pink, and then only at the very beginning of the process, when attaching a fertilized egg. Only by the end of pregnancy you can go blood from the vagina.

As practice shows, the allocation of red, but not monthly, in the last periods of "interesting position" most often turn out to be a sign of the beginning of the generic activity. Typically, blood can be seen with mucus. Do not be scared, it should be. Also, you can move water. In principle, the discharge of the mucosa of the plug may also be accompanied by blood from the vagina.

If a certain period of time after discovering the selection, you felt a grapple pain, call close or ambulance - you have started childbirth. Completely normal and natural phenomenon. It should not cause you panic.

After childbirth

Birth - in itself a very difficult process. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that after them you may have dark red allocations. With menstruation, they are not so. Although light-red blood also takes place in some cases. There are no causes for panic - it is a loch. After generic activity, bloody discharges will chase a young mother for some time. Approximately a month and a half, or even all 2. It all depends on how quickly your body is restored from generic activity.

In the first 4-5 days, blood stands out abundantly. Therefore, it is recommended to use special but after (closer to discharge from the hospital) the amount of selection decreases. Over time, they acquire a fraud and disappear.


The last item that is worth noting is that you have any diseases, not necessarily gynecological. If they noticed red allocations, but not monthly, which bring discomfort or suspiciously continue for a long time, - you have a direct road to the doctor. Do not slow!

Try to get a comprehensive examination and find out what cause is the problem. Tumors, polyps, infections and even thyroid disease can cause bleeding from the vagina. As soon as find out the cause of the ailment, eliminate it. Do you instead of men's red selection? Now it is clear what could be the problem. In any case, the doctor's consultation does not hurt.

Update: September 2019

If any unusual allocations from the genitals appear, this is a sign that a woman should pay attention to this, concern and learn the cause of this phenomenon. And if brown isolations appeared in the middle of the cycle? What happens in the body of a woman when blood discharges appear between monthly? And is it dangerous?

According to statistics, almost 80% of women have such discharges if they appear, then in minor quantities, in 20% they are abundant and appear unexpectedly or after sex. If a woman is pregnant, then with any blood or brown discharge, with pain syndrome and malaise, you should immediately consult a doctor, as it can be a sign of spontaneous miscarriage. We will consider cases when such discharge occur in not pregnant women.

When bloody, brown discharge in women can be a symptom of diseases:

  • If blood, brown highlights appear in the middle of the cycle, between monthly and while the woman does not take hormonal contraceptives
  • If it feels the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, itching, burning and dryness in the vagina, the body temperature, painful sexual intercourse
  • If the woman has long been in menopause, and she had no menstruation for more than a year
  • If there is regular bleeding after sex

When are brown, blood discharge between monthly normally?

Brown, dark color discharge in women give blood drops. Absolutely healthy women can be observed in the following situations:

  • Before month in a few days or hours - a sign of approaching menstruation
  • After menstruation for several days - this is the norm, since the uterus gets rid of unnecessary blood droplets
  • In the middle of the cycle, those who take birth control
  • Stormy sex - if at the same time a woman did not have a full excitement and a sufficient amount of lubricant was not produced, it damages the mucous membrane of the vagina and creates microtraums

When first sex and 2-3 subsequent sexual contacts, when the girl is just starting a sex life.

Blood selection in the middle of the cycle - Causes:

Brown allocations in the middle of the cycle may be due to ovulation - period, when there are very great chances of becoming pregnant. If they are scarce, it is considered a physiological norm, of course, if there were no signs of other diseases during the gynecological examination. Usually in such cases a woman does not need treatment and such allocations are safe for women's health.
Gynecologists Any bloody, brown discharge in the middle of the cycle is divided into two groups: intermented bleeding.

Uterine bleeding

it is a symptom of the following diseases and can be a woman at any age:

  • Endometritis Mattik
  • Cervical erosion
  • Fibroma
  • Tumors of Podtatkov
  • Internal adenomyosis
  • Sarcoma

These are very serious diseases that require emergency care, medical intervention. If there are regular bleeding after sexual intercourse, the cause may be erosion or cervical cancer. If the allocations are accompanied by the abdominal nose pain, then this is one of the symptoms of inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.

Intermented bleeding in the middle of the cycle is due to other reasons:

If a woman takes hormonal contraception in any form (hormonal plaster, contraceptive pills, hormonal ring), then intermented bleeding is considered normal during the first 3 months of reception. However, if the hormones are not accepted, the reasons for small blood discharge can be as follows:

  • The use of drugs that influence the menstrual cycle, for example, receiving additives (at the beginning or after the end of the reception), which includes
  • Use of drugs intended for emergency contraception (hynepriston, postinor, etc.)
  • The presence of intrauterine spirals
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland, low levels of its hormones
  • Inflammation of the vagina with genital infections, STDs (sexually transmitted diseases)
  • Injuries of genital organs
  • Failures in hormonal background - hyperprolactinemia,
  • Polycystic ovarian
  • Some gynecological procedures
  • Deep emotional shock, strong shock, stress, climate change

In a sexually active woman, the appearance of oscillations of blood selections may indicate the STD. At the same time, they are accompanied.

If a woman is not protected, then separating selection can be or miscarriage. In this case, a woman usually, very strong pain at the bottom of the abdomen. However, if minor brown appeared, bleeding instead of menstruation, and then a delay occurred, then most likely a pregnancy has come.

With an overly active, regular sex, microcracks may appear, as well as after a strong physical activity or stress, there are brown allocations between menstruation.

Blood selection after sex

Blood selection after sex is sometimes accompanied by pain. At the same time, the absence of pain does not yet mean that a woman has everything in order. If every time after sexual intercourse, brown or blood discharge appear, these may be the following diseases:

  • Cervical cancer
  • Cervical erosion
  • Vagina tumors

In any case, with any brown discharge in the middle of the cycle or between the monthly, it is worth seeking advice to the gynecologist, to clarify the causes of their appearance. If these are signs of any diseases, it is impossible to slow. Since, avoiding a visit to the doctor, a woman can aggravate his state, miss the time, and the disease will be harder to eliminate. And self-medication in such cases is unacceptable.

Brown selection before month or after them - pathology or norm?

Brown allocations before menstruation literally on the eve, that is, 1 day before bleeding is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon. Since menstrual bleeding appears as a result of the death of the egg, it should come out with the uterine discharge and it should not be sharp. Therefore, first menstruation appearance of brown smears or red-brown secretions is quite normal, but if it lasts more than 1 day or occur at all - this is a reason to appeal to the doctor.

The main causes of gas selection before the monthly are:

  • Hormonal disorders, severe stress, climate change
  • Receiving hormonal contraceptives or courses
  • Endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis) or cervix
  • Hyperplasia Endometrial

Light brown discharge after menstruation is also considered an option for the norm if they last no more than 3 days. This is a natural process of cleansing the uterus from menstrual blood. However, if the allocation continues longer than 3 days after the end of menstruation, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist for the examination, it may also indicate endometriosis, the uterus, (see), etc.

The methods of diagnosis of any:

  • Anamnesis of the Patient - the doctor produces a detailed survey on hereditary diseases transferred diseases, all issues relating to sex life and menstrual cycle of women
  • Inspection of cervix, vagina with mirrors, biopsy and
  • Research with vaginal smear
  • Uzi small pelvis organs
  • Hormone Level Analyzes, Common Blood Analysis
  • According to indications, the diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity with a further histological study of endometrial tissues.


Female reproductive health depends on many factors. And women should be attentive to the signals of the body. Between menstruation in adolescents and not only can be quite an adequate way to purify the body from blood surplus or a symptom of a serious illness.

Bleeding may arise both in teenagers and adult women. Generally traditionally, the girl's menstrual cycle lasts from twenty-seven to thirty six days. Blood selection in the middle must be thoroughly monitored with the attending physician.

The reasons

In its structure, menstruation are blood red or brown sections that have usually dense consistency with the presence of a small amount. This is caused by the removal of the spinned particles inside the shell of the epithelium of the uterus, including with a violation of small blood vessels.

Usually, during menstruation, a brown selection is observed and a density densely, sometimes containing small lumps and some clots. These blood discharges are the consequences of the integrity of the capillaries of the internal genital organs, which occur due to complete or partial rejection of the inner epithelium. This is a completely adequate process in the female body to get rid of an extra accumulated blood.

It is also a normal phenomenon at the coming of several days after menstruation. Such pathology is possible if the woman takes hormonal drugs.

There are statistics according to which about eighty percent of women have various genital organs. When receiving contraceptives, there is also the possibility of bleeding. Blood allocations between menstruals, as a sign of pregnancy, a common phenomenon.

Symptoms of the gynecological disease:

  • High body temperature, pain in the abdomen, burning, itching in the genital zone;
  • Painfulness with Coitus;
  • It begins unprecedented;
  • Also, blood discharges are open without receiving any medicines;
  • Observed;
  • There may be cases in which, allocations are also under menopause.

In some cases, sexual relations can become a trigger for the process of manifestation of symptoms of a gynecological disorder, especially if it concerns the sexually transmitted diseases.

The following medical pathologies may also affect the bleeding:

  • Such a dangerous disease like endometriosis:
  • Benign Mioma. Usually require surgical intervention;
  • Polycystic ovarian;
  • Oncological diseases of inner hollow organs;
  • Other polypose neoplasms in the female sexual system;
  • Education of ectopic pregnancy. This is a very dangerous process requiring urgent medical intervention;
  • Pathology (endocrine system);
  • Endomyometritis (deeper layers of epithelium) or endometritis - inflammatory processes in the epithelium of the uterus;
  • Chronic cheek erosion often provokes;
  • Sarcoma uterus. A dangerous disease that requires long-term treatment and operating;
  • (Spiral), so women should appreciate all the pros and cons of this contraceptive.
  • Injuries of the sexual system.

Thus, the reasons for blood secretions between menstruals in girls may be all sorts.

Selection of blood from the vagina between the monthly signal that the woman needs to urgently consult a doctor. Urgent medical intervention will help not bring any gynecological disorder to a pathological condition.

To the other factors of the appearance of gynecological discharge, it is possible to rank psychological loads and nerve experiences, a sharp change of climatic conditions, physical overload and exposure to extremely high and cold temperatures can also affect the female organism. With a gynecological examination, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of unexpected bleeding.


In order to clarify the causes of the nature of pathology, the appropriate method of examination is selected.

The main methods of diagnosing the causes of bleeding are:

  • Anamnesis is surveyed - it is that the gynecologist polls a woman about the previously existing diseases, as well as the complaints of the present moment. This is one of the most important stages.
  • - It is considered one of the most accurate and effective methods in the study of gynecological pathologies.
  • Colposcopy is a diagnostic examination of the entrance to the vaginal zone, for inspecting the cervix and the walls of the vagina using the colposcope.
  • Hysteroscopy is a method of examining the inner cavity of the uterus using several specific methods. It can be therapeutic and diagnostic. In a medical medium, hysteroscopy is considered a fairly accurate method for determining gynecological pathologies, including cancer. But at the last stages of oncological diseases, this method does not apply. When it is done, traditionally painkillers do not apply. , but after a short time expires, it is usually stopped.


Blood selection in the interval between the menstruation requires immediate examination from the doctor. Exclusively after careful research, an individual treatment is prescribed, which can last up to six months. This violation is treated with medication or operational.

Therapeutic treatment methods include:

  • Symptomatic therapy at which the reception of funds aimed at improving the cutting of the uterus and funds aimed at.
  • The course of hormonal therapy for a period of approximately three months, after which the suspension is carried out, to assess how much the therapy is actually effective.
  • Treatment with strengthening agents, it is also necessary to reduce physical and mental loads.
  • Unconditional sexual rest throughout the course of therapy until complete recovery.

With abundant and long-term bleeding, Curetzh can be held. In the occurrence of oncological diseases, a surgical intervention is carried out to remove gynecological organs.

Unpleasant bloody discharges in the period of menstruation usually do not constitute a serious danger to the gynecological health of young women, but to relate to these gynecological manifestations with absolute seriousness.

They may be signs of pathological disorders that require emergency adequate therapy. However, even when the reasons do not have a pathological nature, it is necessary to control the process, not allowing volumetric blood loss, deterioration of the body's condition and. The self-medication do, of course, should not be not to cause situations that will entail the formulation of an inaccurate diagnosis. If there are suspicions that signal about the disease arise, you should urgently turn to the gynecologist or another narrow specialist.

Any violation of the monthly cycle, especially passing on the background of bleeding, signals the existing pathology. When the red color is discharged to the doctor, you should contact immediately.