How to act a spiral on the body of a woman. Intrauterine spiral: species, prices, how to choose the best

  • Date: 27.04.2021

The intrauterine spiral is a contraceptive that is installed in the uterine cavity. Suitable only for women with a normal menstrual cycle and without signs of hormonal disorders. For broken girls, this method of contraception is not applied.

Intrauterine spiral - a proven contraceptive means

Pros and Cons Navy

If the spiral is established according to the requirements of medical protocols, then the woman does not feel this contraceptive.

Advantages of the Navy:

  • efficiency - from 80 to 99% depending on the type of device;
  • long effect - service life ranges from 3 to 5 years;
  • reversibility - after removal, fertility is restored for 1-2 cycles;
  • not felt like a woman nor a partner;
  • the presence of the aircraft is not a contraindication to the admission of other medicines, carrying out surgical treatment;
  • additional contraception is not required;
  • a variety of models and prices - from budget to expensive.

Despite the large number of advantages, this prevention method has a number of shortcomings.

Minuses Navy:

  • the body of the uterus remains ajar, which contributes to the penetration of pathogenic flora;
  • alien device in the uterus;
  • lengthening menstruation, increasing the volume of elevated blood;
  • the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases 4 times;
  • eXPULLSION - self-loss of the device;
  • probability of spinning the wall of the uterus;
  • does not protect against the STD;
  • the pregnancy - the spiral prevents the normal development of the child, increases the risk of complications in childbirth. Often, such a pregnancy has to be interrupted by surgical path.

Types of intrauterine spirals

On the appearance - in the photo is the adaptation of a small size of plastic and metal T-shaped or annular shape, as well as in the form of a loop or umbrella. The classification of intrauterine concepts depends on the metal from which it is made, the content of drugs, its shape.

Plastic intrauterine spiral

As the contraceptive means improved, 3 generations of Navy were allocated:

  1. Plastic, operated on the principle of blocking the implantation of the fetal egg. Efficiency is low, so currently prohibited for use.
  2. Metal-containing devices. Allocate devices with copper wire, with silver and gold. The latter are more efficient and their validity period is up to 10 years.
  3. Hormone-containing devices. Efficiency is 100%. In addition, they have a healing effect and are one of the forms of endometriosis treatment.

What does nams look like:

  1. The semi-alone or umbrella-shaped is equipped with ripples or spikes, which allows the helix to be reliably held in the uterine cavity. The introduction of such a form is painless, as it is installed in the folded state, and then it is located inside in the unfolded form. Suitable giving birth to women and patients after cesarean section.
  2. Round or ring - when installed, painful sensations are possible. It is not recommended for women after cesarean section, with 1 kindergarten.
  3. The letter "T" - has a gold, silver or copper base and plastic shoulders. It is convenient when installing, does not deliver a discomfort woman. But the risk of spontaneous falling is higher than that of other varieties. It is recommended to patients after cesarean sections or with 1 kind of history.
The choice of shape, size and type of gynecological device is a prerogative physician. It takes into account age, history and physique of the patient.

Principle of operation of intrauterine spirals

All vaginal devices have a comprehensive mechanism of action. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the Navy.

The device blocks the progress of sperm into the uterine cavity, damages them, reduces the life of the egg cell and prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

The mechanism of action spirals on the body:

  1. Braking of ovulatory processes. Against the background of the application of the device, there is a slight increase in products of LH. But the number of estrogen and progesterone does not change. This suppresses the production and ripening of eggs.
  2. Warning implantation. When using the helix, the cyclicity of the formometrium formation is disturbed. The first phase of the cycle is extended, so the mucous membrane is not ready for the attachment of the embryo.
  3. Prestressing the movement of spermatozoa. After installing the Navy develops aseptic inflammation. Leukocyte levels, phage cell production increases. They actively destroy the spermatozoa and isolate the egg cell.
  4. Changes in the nature of the movement of genital cells in the uterine pipes. Minor hormonal disorders, the presence of a foreign object contribute to the change in the peristaltics of phallopy pipes. As a result, the egg in the uterus or does not fall, or penetrates in the period of immature endometrial.

Principle of operation of intrauterine spiral

Overview of the best Navy

It is better to put the device that picked up a gynecologist on the basis of the patient's anamnesis. Popular brands of contraceptive medical devices:

Nova T.

Non-flammal spiral T-shaped. Production material - copper and silver. The use of 2 types of wire allows you to increase the validity of the Navy up to 5 years.

Nova T - Neglonal Spiral

Designed for women with 1-2 kinds of history, as well as episodes of adnexitis and other inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs. The average cost of 4 thousand rubles.


Spiral with levonorgestrel and silver ring. The manufacturer is Bayer Concern. The device validity period is 3 years. The mechanism of action is based on the thickening of the mucus in the cervical canal, the braking of the activity of spermatozoa. It does not apply in boring women.

Packaging Navy Jajdes.

The probability of falling over 3 years is 1%. The most significant side effect is the cessation of menstruation. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the device "Jajdes" is not for sale. The price in Ukraine is 2000 hryvnia.


Copper non-coronal T-shaped spiral. Allowed during breastfeeding period. The pharmaceutical market presents on 2 types of devices with different surfaces of the surface of the copper wire - 250 mm and 375 mm. The life of the first type is 5 years, the second is up to 8 years. The main side effect is to increase the volume of menstrual secretions.

Multiotad - T-shaped spiral with copper

After installing the equipment, it is not desirable to apply tetracycline antibiotics, drugs of the NSAID group. This reduces the efficiency of the contraceptive. The cost of the device is 3,800 rubles.


This brand has several types of contraceptive. T-shaped products with copper, silver and gold wire containing propolis are produced as an anti-inflammatory agent. Allowed to use for patients with chronic diseases of phallopy pipes, endometritis.

Packaging Navy Junon

The cost of the device depends on the material from which it is made. Copper and silver - an average of 550 rubles, gold - up to 4 thousand. rubles.


Hormonal T-shaped spiral with levonorggestrel. The drug suppresses the development of endometrial. This product is positioned as a therapeutic agent under the menstrual disorders of the menstrual cycle, endometriosis.

Hormone T-shaped Peace Spiral

Appoint women over 40 years old. Smoking reduces device efficiency. The spiral works for 5 years. The cost of the device is 14 thousand. rubles.

How do they put a spiral?

The installation of a gynecological device from pregnancy is carried out only in a medical institution. The procedure does not require hospitalization.


Before installing the helix, a comprehensive examination of the gynecologist should be passed. This will eliminate inflammatory processes and contraindications to the implantation of the device.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • examination by a doctor with a fence of the discharge vagina for research;
  • PCR analysis - to exclude STDs - is carried out only if there is a patient complaints;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound and colpicoscopy - to assess the state of the reproductive system, eliminating possible pregnancy.

Before the procedure is prohibited by sexual contacts for 2 days and the use of antibacterial drugs of local action.

Solochoscopy is held before installing the helix


The introduction of intrauterine contraceptives is carried out on 4-5 days of menstruation. During this period, the uterus is ajar, which facilitates the installation of the device. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

Sequence of operations:

  1. The patient is located on an observation chair.
  2. Mirrors are introduced into the vagina, the cervix is \u200b\u200bprocessed by an antiseptic solution.
  3. The doctor with the help of the probe performs measurement of the length of the uterus.
  4. A plastic conductor is introduced, which is included in the instrument. Navy with the help of the piston is pushed into the uterine cavity.
  5. The device is removed. The vagina shows the threads. They are cut to the desired length. They need a patient to control the finding of a spiral in reproductive organs.

In the map, the doctor will celebrate the installation date of the equipment. After 10 days, the patient's control inspection is shown.

Semi life is allowed to start 14 days after the installation of the spiral. In this cycle it is undesirable to use hygienic tampons.

Side effects

Side effects can develop immediately after the implantation of the device, but also against the background of long-term use of the spiral.

Possible complaints after the introduction of the Navy:

  • pain during menstruation, with sexual bonds, out of menstruation;
  • uterine and ectopic pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • individual reactions to hormonal components of the device;
  • allergic reactions to metal components of the helix.
When side effects appear against the background of using the device, it should be removed from the uterus cavity.

After installing the Navy, pain may occur during menstruation

Contrapriating to install contraceptive

Contraindications to use such a method of contraception are divided into absolute and relative.

It is forbidden to install spirals against pregnancy in the following cases:

  • cancer reproductive organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • suspected pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • uterine bleeding of unidentified gene;
  • the presence of several partners, insecuring in sexual relations.

You can not install a spiral when inflammation in the uterus

Relative Contraindications to the formulation of the Navy:

  • chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system in history;
  • presence of ectopic pregnancy in history;
  • impairment of menstrual cycle, abundant menstruation;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory processes in other organs;
  • spontaneous fallout contraceptive in the past;
  • narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • moma;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood.

Possible consequences

Possible consequences and complications after installing a female contraceptive:

  • injuries during the installation procedure, the development of bleeding;
  • spiral fallout;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy, which ends, as a rule, surgical abortion;
  • development of chronic inflammatory processes after removing the contraceptive and on the background of using the device;
  • unsuccessful attempts to extract the device, ending with the surgical scraping epithelial of the uterus;
  • The procedure is carried out only in a medical institution during menstruation.

    Spiral removal is carried out only in a medical institution

    Possible removal options:

    • ambulatory - control threads are captured by the instrument and the Navy is removed from the uterus;
    • with the help of a hysteroscope under anesthesia;
    • laparoscopically through the abdominal cavity - if it is impossible to remove medical equipment through the cervical canal.

    Independently removing the equipment should not, even if you clearly feel the control threads - it is fraught with epithelium and body injuries, cervical canal.

In modern medicine, the intrauterine spiral is popular among women who want to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy. Such a method of contraception is famous for a high level of protection, however, a large number of girls refuses to use the Navy due to information about possible side effects.

In fact, if you correctly select a device and a specialist who can competently put a spiral, take into account the testimony and contraindications, then the IUD will become one of the most reliable contraceptive options.

The intrauterine spiral is called a device made of copper and plastic. It looks like a small anchor T-shaped or o-shaped. The device put in the uterus cavity.

How does the spiral work? The Navy interferes with the movement of spermatozoa, as a result of which their bodies are damaged, the life cycle of the eggs is reduced. In the event of fertilization (which is extremely rare) interferes with the egg to gain a foothold in the uterus.

Modern devices also contain metals and hormones of Levonorggestrel, which additionally protect the female genitals from inflammation. The video below shows how this new method of contraception works:

All vaginal spirals have a comprehensive mechanism of action:

  • Deceleration of ovulation, reduction of ovarian function;
  • Implant failure;
  • Obstacle to the movement of spermatozoa;
  • Changes in the character of the movement of the egg cell along the phallopyane tube.

Spirals are comfortable for women who lead an active sex life. In the case of the Navy, it is not necessary for strict self-discipline, in contrast to the option with the reception of hormonal drugs.

Pros and cons

Navy is an effective type of contraception, proven and reliable, provided that the introduction is carried out by an experienced and skillful gynecologist.

If the device is correctly located in the uterine cavity, no discomfort woman will not feel.


  • High efficiency in terms of contraception;
  • Long validity period - up to 5 years;
  • After extraction, a complete recovery of fertility after several cycles is guaranteed;
  • During intercourse, the woman and her partner do not feel the Navy;
  • The presence of the device will not prevent the use of drugs or conduct surgical intervention;
  • No need for extra
  • Wide selection of manufacturers and various pricing policies.


  • The Taurus of the uterus will be constantly awarded, which is fraught with the pathogenic flora;
  • In the uterus there is a foreign body;
  • An increase in critical days, the amount of blood suspended will be much larger;
  • The probability of ectopic pregnancy increases several times;
  • Perhaps self-loss of the device;
  • Risk damage the walls of the uterus;
  • There is no protection from;
  • Under the pregnancy, the device threatens the development of the baby.

The presence of the Navy increases the likelihood of complications in the process of childbirth, almost always such a pregnancy is required to intervene through surgical intervention.

Types and forms

What are the spirals and which one to choose? There are approximately 50 varieties of devices of various shapes. Due to such a huge selection of devices, the spiral should only be selected by the attending physician.

First generation:

  • The device does not have in its composition of metals or hormone, made only from plastic;
  • Does not prevent the movement of spermatozoa to the egg, fertilization occurs in the usual manner;
  • Only prevents the possibility of penetrating the fetal egg to the endometry;
  • Causes side effects: itching and burning in the vagina region, painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • The device is not excluded.

The first generation spirals are almost not inserted, since other types of devices with fewer side effects have been developed.

Second generation:

  • The second-generation Navy is made of plastic and metals that have contraceptive effect - copper, silver, gold.
  • Devices damage spermatozoa, interfere with their promotion in the uterine pipes, so the probability of becoming pregnant is reduced.

Third generation:

  • Hormonal intrauterine spirals;
  • Used in the form of a therapeutic and contraceptive agent.

Devices may have a variety of shapes:

  • The letter "t";
  • In the form of a circle or semicircle;
  • In the form of an umbrella;
  • Resembling horseshoe.

Selection of the device occurs taking into account the anamnesis, weight, personal anatomical differences, so it is impossible to determine which kind of it is not suitable.


The semi-shape of the contraceptive is called "umbrella" or "hilt". There are small spikes on the external protrusions of the spiral, which firmly fix the contraceptive in the uterus, preventing the device falling out.


Round spirals are called "ring" or "half risk". In some countries, only such types of spirals are used. In the ring-shaped spiral only one curl and absent mustache.


T-shaped spirals are considered very convenient, easily installed, removed and do not deliver discomfort when wearing. The T-shaped device is most firmly placed in the uterus. This kind of spiral is perfect for girls after Cesarean.

Overview of the best

Today it allocate a numerous number of different Navy. They have different names. What kind of intrauterine spirals is better?

Nova T.

Spiral T-shaped, for the manufacture of materials like silver and copper are used. Thanks to the use of two types of wire, operating time increases to five years.

It is suitable for women, several times experienced generic activities and previously suffering from inflammatory processes in the field of genital organs. The average price of installing an intrauterine device Nova T - 4 thousand rubles.


The silver ring-shaped spiral Jajdes is manufactured in the Bayer, has an operating period of 3 years. The device is forbidden to establish not giving birth to women. In Russia, Jaides cannot be purchased, in Ukraine the cost is 2 thousand hryvnias. As a side effect of use, cessation of menstruation.

Multiload - Spiral in the form of the letter "T", allowed to be used during lactation. There are two species that differ in wire thickness - 25 cm and 37.5 cm. Duration of use of 5-8 years.

After installing the spiral, the multiloch is desirable to refrain from the use of antibacterial agents of the tetracycline row. The cost is about 4 thousand rubles.


Navy Junon is presented in the form of horseshoe and the letter "T". Silver and gold wire are used as material. Cost from 550 rubles. up to 4 thousand rubles.


For the manufacture of intrauterine used T-shape. The tool is positioned as the therapeutic device, is used in the disorders of the monthly cycle and endometriosis. The duration of operation is 5 years. Price - 14 thousand rubles.


To put the spiral follow the plan:

  1. A woman is placed on a gynecologist's chair;
  2. The mirror is introduced into the vagina, the cervix is \u200b\u200btreated with an antiseptic agent;
  3. Using the probe, measure the length of the uterus;
  4. The introduction of a plastic conductor is performed;
  5. Using the piston, the Navy is pushed into the uterine cavity;
  6. The vagina does the removal of threads that are cut to the required length.

Threads (helix mustache) are needed to control the finding of the device in the uterine cavity.

After installing the intrauterine spiral, it is recommended to comply with a number of rules:

  • About 30 minutes to sit, get up prohibit;
  • It is impossible to use laxatives;
  • The first day does not take a bath with hot water;
  • During menstruation, tampons cannot be applied.

About two weeks will have to refrain from sex life. It is strictly forbidden to engage in hard sex in order to avoid spiral loss.


Installation of intrauterine spirals has certain contraindications. Before using this contraceptive method, existing contraindications should be studied, which are divided into absolute and relative.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Oncology genitals;
  • Aggravation of inflammatory diseases of genitals;
  • With active sexual life, there is a risk to infect infections transmitted through sex;
  • Bleeding.


  • Chronic forms of inflammatory diseases of the uterus;
  • Monthly, leaking with painful sensations;
  • Too much discharge during menstruation;
  • Underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • Earlier there was an ectopic pregnancy;
  • Cervical distortion;
  • Anemia and other blood diseases;
  • Reduced tone of the cervix;
  • Lack of generic activity in history.


The complications after the use of the helix are included in the following:

  • Damage to the cervix;
  • Painful sensations in the period;
  • Menstrual cycle failure.

It's not a fact that complications will arise, but it is better to familiarize yourself with them and be to this ready.

Spiral removal

Often, the removal of intrauterine spiral is made in the middle of the monthly cycle. The process of extracting the helix is \u200b\u200bnot accompanied by anesthesia. To remove the spiral use special tweezers. This method of extraction of the device is considered the simplest, safe and painless.

It happens that the spiral grows in the walls of the uterus. In this case, its extraction is hampered and occurs only by scraping the uterine cavity with further histological diagnosis.

Sometimes surgical intervention is required if the spiral is located near a large vessels, bladder or threw in the tissue of the abdominal cavity.

Whatever the situation, only a specialist should perform the removal of the spiral. It is strictly forbidden to do this.

The intrauterine spiral is one of the most reliable and modern ways of contraception, which is confirmed by clinical studies and millions of women around the world. Today there are different types of intrauterine spirals (NMS), and in order to make the right choice, you need to know the features and characteristics of different types.

What is intrauterine spiral?

Navy is a small device that can be made of plastic, copper, silver or gold.

The principle of his action is as follows: the spiral introduced into the uterus does not give cavity to come together and prevents the fetal egg fixing. In addition, there are hormonal spirals of a comprehensive action that not only prevent the occurrence of pregnancy by mechanical way, but also affect the hormonal background. As a result, the endometrium thickness that widespread the uterine cavity is reduced, and a thick mucus is produced in the neck, which does not give spermatozoa to penetrate inside. There are such contraceptives about 5 years.

It should be noted that after the spiral from pregnancy is extracted from the uterine cavity, the body quickly restores the ability to childbear, due to which this method of contraception is considered one of the safest for women's health.

How effective are intrauterine spirals?

According to studies, the effectiveness of the Navy is about 98-99%, which can be considered simply an excellent indicator: for example, when using condoms, random pregnancy statistics are 12%, and when taking oral contraceptives - about 3%.

Service life of intrauterine spirals

The validity period of the Navy varies from 3.5 to 7 years, depending on the material of the manufacture, manufacturer companies and other factors. It is important to note that after the established period, the spiral must be removed, since it is fraught with adverse health effects.

Video - "Intrauterine Spiral"

Types of intrauterine spirals

To understand what intrauterine spiral is best to deliver in a particular case, a woman needs to know about the advantages, disadvantages and features of the spirals of different manufacturers. Film supplies Nova T, Junon Bio, Mirena and Multiload are most popular.

Nova T.

The internal coil of the intrauterine T (in the form of the letter T) is made of elastic plastic and copper braid. Flexible ends provide a safe installation of the system, and copper, which enters its composition, has a toxic effect on spermatozoa.

The disadvantages of the spiral include the possibility of allergic reactions, the risk of infection of the urinary tract, as well as the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Juno Bio

Juno Bio helix can be several species.

Navy Junon Bio T is performed from plastic, copper wire and a special monofilament thread, which allows you to control the location of the design in the uterus and remove it if necessary.

Juno Bio T Super is manufactured in a similar way, but at the same time processed by antimicrobial preparations and propolis, that is, further protects the woman from infections.

Juno Bio Spiral with silver has the basis of flexible plastic wrapped copper silver Thread, due to which its validity period is increased to 7 years.

Finally, the Navy ring-shaped form is a ring-shaped device with copper silver The rod that helps control the introduction.

The validity of such spirals varies from 3.5 to 7 years.


The Navy Multiload is a spiral of contraceptive in the form of semi-hired, equipped with soft spikes, which help her to cling to the wall of the uterine cavity, which significantly reduces the risk of spontaneous removal. Duration - 5 years.


Spiral in the form of a T-shaped rod equipped with flexible shoulder and a ring for easy extraction. The rod also contains a drug container with a levonorgestrel with a special shell, which provides a uniform yield of the preparation in the uterine cavity.

The intrauterine spiral of Mirena is considered one of the most expensive, but at the same time the most effective contraceptives, as it acts both both the Navy, and as an oral contraceptive. Duration - 5 years.

One of the most significant drawbacks of this helix is \u200b\u200bamenorrhea, that is, the complete disappearance of menstruation, which is observed about 20% of women, and is associated with the suppression of endometrial growth with small doses of hormones.

What of the spirals is considered the best? It is impossible to answer this question, since the universal Navy that is suitable for every woman simply does not exist.

The choice of a particular spiral should be individually based on the features of the woman's body.

Video - "Intramatic contraceptive" Mirien "

Side Effects and Possible Complications

Each woman who decided to put a spiral must necessarily know about possible side effects and complications that may entail the use of this method of contraception.

The Side Effects of the Navy includes:

  • an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle and the amount of selection;
  • the appearance of "Mazni" between menstruation;
  • spasms and unpleasant sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis during menstruation;
  • risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  • the appearance of unpleasant smell of sex tract;
  • reducing the thickness of the endometrium, which may make it difficult to dry out pregnancy in the future, as well as increase the rigging.

In some cases, with improper selection of spirals or insufficient qualifications gynecologist's doctor The following complications may arise:

  • infection of the small pelvic organs or the development of inflammation, which may be the result of insufficient compliance with the rules of hygiene or not identified in the time of the disease, which the woman suffered;
  • the sprinkling of the wall of the uterus is a rather rare phenomenon that manifests itself after a while pulling pains and bleeding;
  • spiral spontaneous loss.

Video - "intrauterine spiral. Harm to health. "

What you need to know about the Navy before installing?

In order for the helix to fulfill its functions to fully, it should not only correctly select the system, but also know some features of its functioning.

Thus, the overwhelming majority of spirals are not protected from sex infections, so sexual intercourse with an unverified partner still requires additional means of protection against STDs.

In addition, they cannot guarantee protection against unwanted pregnancy by 100%, so in 1-2% of cases it may occur.

Finally, independent installation or the extraction of adaptation is strictly prohibited - to know exactly how they put a spiral and how it is removed, only an experienced and qualified gynecologist can.

When should you consult a doctor?

Another important point when using the Navy is to understand this in time that problems arose with the contraceptive means.

What signs may indicate this? First of all, constant control of the length of the threads in the vagina is needed - if it has changed, it can say that the spiral moved from the place, went deep into the uterine cavity or fell.

In addition, you must contact the doctor in the following situations:

  • an increase in the temperature of unexplained etiology a few days after the installation of the spiral;
  • severe pain or discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis;
  • discharge from the vagina of an unusual color or smell;
  • dropping or displacement of the spiral;
  • delay of menstruation for 3-4 weeks.

Contraindications for installation of intrauterine spirals

Absolute contraindications to the installation of the Navy are:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • congenital or acquired uterine pathologies (fibromatosis, cougium, etc.);
  • pregnancy (estimated or confirmed);
  • uterine bleeding unclear etiology;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the body.

In addition, women who use the Navy are used as contraception, you need to attend a doctor at about once every six months and take tests, as the spiral leaves the cervix open, with the result that infections can fall into its cavity.

Video - "Intrauterine contraceptives"

Properly selected contraception is an effective method for preventing unwanted pregnancy for women of reproductive age. Among the most popular funds should be noted: hormonal contraceptive pills (pills), barrier contraception (condom) and intrauterine helix.

While contraceptive pills involve accurate adherence to the reception rules, the intrauterine helix will not require special actions from a woman. After installing the gynecologist of the spiral, the woman leads the familiar lifestyle without having burdened itself the need to monitor the time for receiving any means warning pregnancy.

Existing erroneous opinions about intrauterine spirals

Some women are afraid to put the intrauterine spiral. This fear is justified by ignorance of the specifics of the action of this contraceptive. Among the most common myths that relate to the action of intrauterine spirals:

  • the spiral has an impact on the menstrual cycle;
  • it is impossible to raise items, more than 5 kilograms;
  • you can provoke erosion and inflammation;
  • it is difficult to choose a spiral, therefore an allergic reaction of a different nature arises;
  • it is impossible to use tampon during the menstrual cycle.

All the above reasons are myths, guesses and unreasonable assumptions. In fact, the spiral does not affect the duration and abundance of discharge during the menstrual cycle. It is worth saying that the Intrauterine spiral is placed only if the woman was examined by the gynecologist. When identifying the inflammatory process of any nature and localization, a course of therapy is appointed. Only after repeated analyzes can talk about the possibility of installing contraception. If the spiral was delivered due quality, and the gynecologist is a professional, the risk of developing side effects is minimal.

As for lifting weights, it is partly not true. It is impossible to raise a woman in gravity. The constant tension of the muscles of the small pelvis lead to the deformation of the internal organs of a woman, including the ultimate udatki.

The myth on the use of tampons is argued by the fact that you can shift the spiral. In truth, to break and disintegrate so the helix is \u200b\u200bimpossible. Inflammation and erosion is the same unreasonable fiction as all the previous ones. Inflammation occurs as a result of changing the hormonal background of a woman, infection, or as a result of illegible sexual ties with different partners.

A spiral for a woman of reproductive age provides reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy (98%). The conditions for its operation are not associated with the special requirements and risks of the development of complications.

Intrauterine helix: Benefits and features of action

The Navy (intrauterine helix) is a compact and miniature device (24-35 mm), which is placed in the body of the uterus and counteracts the fertilization of the egg. A number of advantages allows you to apply this device for women of different ages. Among the main advantages should be noted:

  • high percentage of pregnancy protection (98%);
  • wide price range;
  • permissible use during lactation (after 2 months);
  • validity period - up to 8 years;
  • during installation and extraction does not cause pain;
  • woman leads an active lifestyle. It is not burdened with risk to get pregnant without prior planning.

Classifications Navy

Medicine is developing, and the fact that it was previously new, today is improved and "customized" under the needs of a modern person. The same principle applies to the Navy. Today there are three generations of spirals, which differ in terms of validity, composition and features of operation.

Inert Spirals of the first generation

Such spirals were the first, which means that are ineffective. It is thanks to such spirals there are concerns and risks that are associated with an insufficient level of protection. Their action is aimed at countering the egg, by mechanical exposure to spermatozoa. Such spirals are made of plastic. Many countries prohibit the use of a spiral of this type (since 1985), since there is a risk of displacement and the emergence of the inflammatory process inside the body of the uterus and appendages. Protection against unwanted pregnancy is also dubious - only 70%. For these reasons, modern gynecology does not use the contraception of this generation.
Approximate prices:

  • double Saf-T-Coil - 800-2000 rubles;
  • Dalcon Shield - 700 -1500 rubles.

It is worth reminding that this generation of the helix has not been used for a long time, and therefore their purchase is not an idea.

Metal-containing spirals

The design feature of this Navy is the base of plastic (more often in the form of T-formation), which is wrapped with a metal wire. There are also differences here:

  • copper. The first metal, which began to be used to prevent pregnancy. The effect of this metal is antioxidant properties that adversely affect the spermatozoa. Famous manufacturers - Para Grand, Multiotad. The price of the product varies from 1500 to 3000 thousand rubles;
  • silver. A newer and improved invention of a new generation. Silver has a sperm, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. The price of such a product is already somewhat higher and depends on the manufacturer (1500 - 3500 thousand rubles);
  • gold. The absence of allergic reactions and long service life are features of this device. Gold is the best material for the manufacture of contraceptive spirals. The price of such goods varies from 3,000 to 7000 thousand rubles.

Spiral Third Generation (Lng-Navy)

The most effective intrauterine spirals of the third generation. Their feature is the content of the hormone, which counteracts the formation and ripening of the egg. The low content of the hormone of Progestin-Levonorgestrel has a local impact, does not affect the increase in weight, the emotional state of the woman. In addition, such contraceptives are appointed to women in the period of menopause to prevent the formation of the uterus and the tumors of female genital organs, which arise as a result of hormonal restructuring.

Therapeutic effect is the main advantage of this method. The third generation contraceptives are used for women of different ages, the main requirement is to examine the gynecologist and the delivery of all necessary analyzes. The price of hormonal Navy is the highest due to a long service life (up to 9 years), as well as due to a high percentage of protection against unwanted pregnancy (99%). The cost ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles.

What are the forms of the Navy?

Today there is a wide range of necessary contraceptives. Navy are no exception: more than 50 types of forms and sizes allow you to choose the desired and most effective spiral. The required form is selected and recommended by a gynecologist. The doctor draws attention to the age of the patient, its physiological features, growth, weight and individual wishes. For example, if a woman wants to get rid of his risk for a long time, it is proposed to choose among hormonal spirals that have the longest service life - up to 10 years.

Tip: The choice of the shape of the spiral is also extremely important.

Popular VMS forms:

  • umbrella, pink. The spiral in the form seized with small protrusions in the form of spikes. The peculiarity of this form is a light and painless introduction to the uterine cavity. Gynecologists recommend this form by the annoying and born once women;
  • round spirals with one curl without visible "mustaches", which are visible in the vagina. This species is not recommended for the establishment of women who were born, as well as those girls who have been conducted by cesarean section;
  • T-shaped spiral is the most efficient and popular both among gynecologists and among patients of different ages. The T-shape is easy to introduce into the uterus, it is simply extracted, and during operation is completely not felt. Service life and price depends on the manufacturer and the material used.

Popular intrauterine spirals: Ranking

Modern women are extremely demanding about their own health. Rating of the most popular contraceptive spirals:

  • Miraen. Hormonal spiral, which is highly appreciated among women of different ages. During operation is not felt, no negative impact has. Guaranteed service life of about 5 years, is used to prevent pregnancy and for therapeutic purposes;
  • Juno. It has different forms, length and material. A wide price range allows you to choose a spiral of the desired quality at an optimal value;
  • GOBERD (GRAVIGARD). It is installed for three years, has the shape of a curved seven, an effective and inexpensive spiral, the production of the United States;
  • Nova-T of gold, copper or silver. The average price is 3000 rubles, high quality. During wearing, a woman does not feel discomfort, and the risk of becoming becoming less than 1%.

Intrauterine spirals are a reliable and easy way to control pregnancy. However, in order for this contraceptive to bring discomfort, it is important to pay attention to the individual features of the body, and also be sure to inspect the professional gynecologist.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Each woman comes the moment when she thinks to become a mother. But many girls have sex life earlier than they are ready for motherhood, and to family life at all. Especially in modern women, the child planning is postponed until the fully realization of itself in other areas of life.

Well, if the woman has already become a mother, and maybe more than once, then far away who wants to repeat this feat of a dozen times and give birth every year. That is why since ancient times, people adapted not to be pregnant without desire. In order to deceive nature, the unnecessary methods of contraception were invented (from the Latin word Contraceptio - an exception). We started with various essential oils, fruit juices, tampons, lotions, interrupted contact, fabric bags (predecessor of the condom) and so on.

As can be seen, the spiral affects all the processes required for conception:

  • vital activity and speed of the movement of spermatozoa;
  • ripening egg and ovulation;
  • attaching the fetal egg to the endometry.

Pros and cons of the use of intrauterine spirals

Advantages of the Navy Disadvantages of the Navy
Convenient to useThe spiral is installed for a period of 3 to 10 years and more. Daily procedures are not required, special hygienic care and drinking tablets by hours. In a word, for a long time about contraception, you can not think at all and not be afraid of unwanted pregnancy, but to enjoy your sexual relationships.Not suitable for all womenSince it has a number of contraindications. In some women, the helix does not take root.
Highly efficient method: Pregnancy occurs only in 2 out of 100 cases. Lower efficiency is given inert spirals, and when using hormonal intrauterine systems, the risk of becoming pregnant to zero.Yet there is a risk of unplanned pregnancy with a spiral. In addition, the spiral can fall out and the woman can not notice. But 100% the result only gives the removal of appendages or rejecting uterine pipes and a complete failure of sexual life.
Saving a childbody functionimmediately after removal of the Navy.From using non-neuronal spirals, it is recommended to refrain with young and born womenSince inflammatory changes in endometrials of the uterus and appendages can develop as a side effect, which reduces chances of becoming pregnant in the future.
Does not affect the quality of sexual life,that is, sexual attraction, sexual intercourse for both partners and the receipt of orgasm.Navy can cause painful and abundant menstruation. While hormonal spirals, on the contrary, solve problems of painful menstruation. But guestogen spirals can lead to a lack of menstruation, which also negatively affects women's health.
Low cost. At first glance it may seem that some types of spirals are expensive pleasure. But given the long period of use, this method will be much more economical to the means that require applications during each intercourse, daily and monthly.Possible side effects From the use of spirals, unfortunately, their development is not uncommon.
Navy can be used after childbirth during lactationWhen oral hormonal agents are contraindicated.Increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes genital organs, also helix does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Additionally for hormonal intrauterine systems:
  • can be used for women of any age;
  • used not only for contraception, but also in the treatment of some gynecological diseases (mioma, endometriosis, painful menstruation, uterine bleeding, etc.).
Increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The use of hormonal spirals significantly reduce the risk of pathological pregnancy.
The procedure for introducing the Navy requires a hike to receive a gynecologist, brings discomfort and painful sensationsThe women of women have a painful syndrome are particularly expressed, sometimes local anesthesia is required.

Indications for installation of intrauterine spirals

1. Temporary or constant prevention of unwanted pregnancies, especially if children already have in the family. Intrauterine funds are ideal for giving birth to women with one sexual partner, that is, for those in which the risk of infection with venereal diseases is very low.
2. Frequent unwanted pregnancies, inefficiency or inattention Women in the use of others contraceptives.
3. Preventive pregnancy after childbirth, especially cesarean section, after medical abortions or spontaneous miscarriage, when the offensive of the next pregnancy is temporarily not desirable.
4. The presence of a woman of temporary or constant contraindications to pregnancy.
5. The presence in the family history of genetic pathologies that a woman does not want to pass by inheritance (hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome and many others),
6. For hormonal intrauterine spirals - some gynecological pathologies:
  • mioma of the uterus, especially if it is accompanied by abundant bloody discharge and uterine bleeding;
  • abundant painful monthly;
  • estrogen replacement therapy at the beginning of menopause or after removing appendages, in order to prevent the growth of endometrial.


Absolute contraindications to the use of all intrauterine spirals

  • Pregnancy on any term, suspicion of the possible occurrence of pregnancy;
  • oncological pathologies of the genital organs, as well as breast cancer;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs: adnexitis, colpit, endometritis, including postpartum, salpintingitis, and so on, including the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • a history of ectopic pregnancies;
  • allergic reactions to materials from which the spiral is made;
  • tuberculosis of the sexual system;

Relative contraindications for the use of non-neuronal spirals

  • if a woman has no children;
  • the woman leads an indiscriminate sex life and refers to a risk group for infection with sexually transmitted diseases;
  • children's and teenage age *;
  • age women older than 65 years;
  • uterine bleeding and abundant painful periods;
  • anomalies of the development of the uterus (for example, a counya uterus);
  • hematological diseases (anemia, leukemia, thrombocytopenia and other);
  • endometrial growth, endometriosis;
  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis - acute or aggravation of chronic flow;
  • benign tumors of uterus and appendages (sublimated mioma and fibromyoma of the uterus);
  • failure of intrauterine helix or the development of side effects after the previous use of the spiral.
* Age restrictions are conditional, gynecologists usually do not offer young boring women to use intrauterine contraceptives, fearing to harm. But, in principle, the spiral can be successfully established in any degenerate age, with the subsequent successful occurrence of pregnancy.

Relative contraindications to the use of hormonal intrauterine spirals (systems):

  • matter dysplasia;
  • anomalies for the development of the uterus;
  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis - acute or aggravation of chronic flow;
  • fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • liver diseases, liver failure;
  • heavy cardiovascular pathologies: malignant arterial hypertension, state after stroke or infarction, severe heart defects;
  • migraine;
  • decompensated (uncontrollable) diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis of lower extremities;
  • women's age older than 65 years.

When can I put a spiral after childbirth, cesarean sections, abortion?

The intrauterine spiral can be put on the 3rd day after uncomplicated physiological genera. But usually gynecologists recommend waiting until the end of the discharge of Lohi (on average 1-2 months). So safer will be safer. After childbirth, the uterus is restored, so the early introduction of the spiral increases the risk of developing side effects and early rejection of the device. To start using the hormonal intrauterine system, you need to withstand 2 months after the birth of the baby, it is necessary not only for the complete recovery of the uterus, but also normalizing the hormonal background.

After the operation of the cesarean section, the spiral can be installed in the uterine cavity only after 3-6 months. Time is necessary in order to formed a postoperative scar.

After a medical interruption of pregnancy (in the period of up to 12 weeks), the Navy is better to establish within seven days after the beginning after the abortion of menstruation. But a gynecologist can offer to install a spiral immediately after the abortion performed, without getting up from the gynecological chair. This is possible, but in this case, the risk of developing side effects of intrauterine spirals associated with the complications of the abortion itself is significantly increased. After miscarriage, the decision on the feasibility and security of the installation of the spiral is received only by the doctor, it individually assesses the situation, analyzes the cause of spontaneous abortion, weigh all the pros and cons. If it is necessary to use the helix after miscarriage it is installed in the uterine cavity during the next menstruation.

Do intrauterine spiral set after 40 years?

The intrauterine helix can be used for any woman who has ovulation, the menstrual cycle has been saved and a pregnancy may occur. Hormonal intrauterine systems are installed and in the period after the occurrence of menopause to obtain the therapeutic effect. Therefore, 40 years is not a limitation for the use of the Navy. According to the instructions, the Navy is not recommended for women over 65, but this restriction appeared only due to insufficient study of the use of intrauterine spirals at high age.

How is the intrauterine spiral installed?

The intrauterine spiral is installed only by a gynecologist in a gynecological office. Before the introduction of the Navy, the doctor assesses the possibility and risk of developing side effects of the application of this contraceptive, explains the woman about the possible reactions of the body for the introduction of a particular type of spiral. Before installed intrauterine contraceptives, a woman needs to be examined for a complete exception possible pregnancy and contraindications.

Desirable examination before installing intrauterine spirals:

  • gynecological inspection and palpation (pricking) of the mammary glands;
  • smear from the vagina, if necessary, sowing on the microflora;
  • cytological examination of stalks from the cervix;
  • Uzi small pelvis organs;
  • in some cases, a pregnancy test or blood test for determining the level of hCG;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (for women age up to 40 years) or mammography (after 40 years).

Preparation for installation

Usually special preparation for the introduction of the spiral is not required. When identifying inflammatory diseases, it will be necessary to pre-under the course of appropriate therapy.

Immediately before the procedure, you need to empty the bladder.

What day of menstruation is better to install an intrauterine spiral?

Intrauterine contraceptives are usually installed during menstruation or to its end, that is, within 7 days from the beginning of the menstruation. The optimal period is the 3-4th day. This is necessary in order not to miss the offensive of pregnancy.

The intrauterine helix can be installed as emergency contraception, that is, if a woman had an unprotected sexual act and implies an offensive of unwanted pregnancy. In this case, the device is administered in the period after ovulation, it can prevent the attachment of the fetal egg in 75% of cases.

Intrauterine spiral introduction technique

Any spiral painted in vacuum packaging is sterile. It is necessary to check the shelf life. The spiral must be opened immediately before installation, otherwise it loses its sterility and can no longer be applied. The Navy is a disposable tool, its re-use is strictly prohibited.

In most cases, local anesthesia is not required. Anesthetics in the field of cervicals can be used in unborn women and when installing hormonal intrauterine systems, as they are wider.

Introduction technique for various types of spirals may vary. About the features of the installation of each spiral described in detail in the instructions of the device.
1. A gynecological mirror is introduced into the vagina, with which the cervix is \u200b\u200bfixed.
2. The cervix is \u200b\u200bprocessed by disinfectants.
3. With the help of special tongs, the cervical canal straightens (the channel in the cervix, connecting the vagina with the uterus), opens the cervix.
4. A special probe is introduced through the cervical canal to the uterus cavity to accurately measure the size of the uterus.
5. If necessary, the cervix is \u200b\u200banesthetized (for example, lidocaine or novocaina). The introduction of the spiral itself is proceeded in 4-5 minutes, when anesthetic acts.
6. The spiral is entered using a special conductor with a piston. It is installed on the scale on the scale, respectively, the size of the uterus is necessary in order not to damage its walls. Then impose a conductor with a spiral in the uterus. Having reached the appropriate mark, the doctor pulls a little piston for himself in order to reveal the spirals. After that, the spiral is shifted directly to the wall of the bottom of the uterus. When a gynecologist is sure that the device is installed correctly, the conductor slowly and neatly pulls out. When installing some spirals (for example, ring-shaped), the opening of the shoulders is not required, so the spiral is injected to the bottom of the uterus, and then the conductor is simply pulled out.
7. Threads of spirals are cut into the vagina at a distance of 2-3 cm from the cervix.
8. The procedure is over, it usually takes 5-10 minutes.

Installation of intrauterine spiral - is it hurt?

The procedure itself, of course, unpleasant, brings some discomfort. But felt pain is tolerant, it all depends on the painful threshold of a woman. These sensations can be compared with painful menstruation. Abortion and childbirth is more painful.

After installing intrauterine spirals

Photos ultrasound: Intrauterine spiral in the uterine cavity.
  • The uterus is fully accustomed to the Navy for several months, so during this period some changes from women's health can be observed, it is necessary to listen to their body.
  • In some cases, the course of antibacterial therapy is required after the introduction of the helix, for example, in suspected chlamydia, with other chronic infections of the urogenital system.
  • Blooding outlets and pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the back can disturb within 1 week after the introduction of the spiral. For removal of spasms, you can take but-shu.
  • The hygiene mode is normal, it is necessary to arrange the means for intimate hygiene twice per day.
  • You can only have sex after 8-10 days after installing the intrauterine device.
  • Within a few months, you can not lift gravity, intensively engaged in physical exertion, overheat (sauna, bath, hot bath).
  • It is necessary to periodically try the threads of the spiral, control their length, it should not change.
  • After 2 weeks it is better to visit the gynecologist so that he looked, whether everything is fine.
  • Menstruation in the first months after installing the helix can be painful and abundant. Over time, the normalization of menstruation occurs.
  • When using hormonal intrauterine systems in six months or several years, the disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea) is possible. After the first cycle fallout, pregnancy must be excluded. The menstrual cycle will recover immediately after removing the spiral.
  • If any complaints have to consult a doctor.
  • In the future, the examination of the gynecologist is necessary every 6-12 months, as for any healthy woman.

Can an intrauterine spiral fall out?

If the intrauterine device is incorrectly installed or if it does not fit, the intrauterine helix can fall. Behind this must be followed. The most often VMS loss is observed during menstruation or after severe physical exertion. Therefore, it is important to control, on the site of a thread spiral, inspect the hygienic gaskets.

What is the use of intrauterine spiral?

The deadline for which intrauterine contraception is established, differs depending on the type of spiral.
  • Inert Navy - usually set for 2-3 years.
  • Copper spirals - up to 5 years.
  • Copper spirals with silver and gold - 7-10 years and more.
  • Hormonal intrauterine systems - up to 5 years.
The question of premature removal of the spiral decides the gynecologist.

The use of the Navy after the expiration is not recommended due to the risk of spiral spirals in the uterus fabric. Hormonal spirals lose their properties due to the exhaustion of the reserves of the hormonal drug. This reduces the efficiency of the intrauterine device, which can lead to unplanned pregnancy.

Intrauterine helix (copper, hormonal): installation, principle of operation, efficiency (Pearl index), shelf life. How to check whether the Spiral is on the spot - video

Removal and replacement of intrauterine spirals

Indication to the removal of the Navy:
  • expired utilization, and it is possible to replace the intrauterine spiral;
  • woman plans pregnancy;
  • there were side effects from the use of intrauterine spirals.
The removal procedure, as well as the introduction of intrauterine spiral, can be performed only by a gynecologist in the condition of the gynecological cabinet. The perfect time to remove the spiral is the first days of menstruation, during this period, the cervix is \u200b\u200bsoft, which makes it easier to manipulate. In principle, the Navy can be extracted at any period of the menstrual cycle.

To remove the spirals often do not require anesthesia, local anesthesia will be required when removing or replacing hormonal spirals. The doctor records the neck of the uterine with a gynecological mirror, and then with the help of a special tool (Cootsang) captures the threads of the spiral and gently pulls out the device, while carefully stretching the cervix.

Usually this procedure passes without difficulty, a woman is experiencing less pain than with the introduction of a spiral. But there are situations where the spiral is so simple, then the doctor expands the cervical canal and makes it easier to remove the Navy. You can also face the problem of the thread cliff, then the doctor enters a special hook through the cervix, with which the foreign body from the uterine cavity removes.

But there are situations where the doctor just does not find a thread spiral. The question arises, is there a spiral in the uterus in general? If so, where is she? To do this, the woman is offered to do ultrasound organs of a small pelvic, if necessary, radiography. Sometimes there are cases that the spiral is outside the uterine cavity (with perforation of its wall), then a laparoscopic operation is urgently needed to extract the foreign body.

Replacing the spiral Intrauterine contraception can be carried out immediately after removing the old spiral, the risk of developing any complications does not increase.

Special instructions before removing and replacing intrauterine spirals:

  • the timely replacement of the Navy facilitates the procedure and guarantees a continuous contraceptive effect;
  • the procedure is better to spend during menstruation;
  • removal of the spiral during ovulation or in front of it increases the risk of pregnancy;
  • before replacing the spiral for 7 days, other methods of contraception must be applied (condom, oral contraceptives or sperm drugs) to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy.

Possible side effects

The intrauterine spiral is a modern, convenient and efficient method of contraception. But this is the foreign body that our body can respond with unwanted reactions. In most cases, intrauterine contraception is moved well, but some women have intolerance to this method and the development of side effects, some of which can affect health very negative and lead to severe pathologies. Reduce the risk of developing the side effects of the side effects will help the selection of a spiral specifically for this woman, a detailed assessment of contraindications to its administration, its timely removal and, of course, the sufficient professionalism of the gynecologist, which will be installed this device in the uterine cavity.

Possible side effects and complications when using intrauterine spirals

  • "Own cervical";
  • irritation of the vegetative nervous system;
  • increased emotionality of a woman;
  • the dimensions of the intrauterine spiral do not correspond to the size of the uterus.
Side effect Causes of development How often meets? Treatment of adverse reactions
Pain at the bottom of the abdomen immediately after the introduction of the Navy Often.
  • Anesthetic by local anesthetics cervix;
  • proper selection of spiral sizes.
Spiral fallout from the uterus or expression
  • Violation of the equipment of the Navy installation;
  • improper selection of the size of the spiral;
  • features of a woman - immunity of a foreign body.
  • Adhere to all the rules for the introduction and selection of the size of the Navy;
  • after expulsion it is possible to replace the spiral to another.
Painful and abundant monthly
  • the first months after the introduction of the Navy with copper is a normal reaction;
  • noncommunicable inflammation, as a reaction to the foreign body;
  • allergic reaction to copper;
  • inflammation of ovarian - adnexitis.
Up to 15%.
  • Removal of the spiral and replacement of the Navy on another type of contraception;
  • replacing the copper spiral on the hormonal intrauterine system, in which abundant menstruation does not occur;
  • the appointment of spasmolitics (for example, no-shop) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (ibuprofen, indomethacin, nimesulide and so on) or antibiotics.
Inflammation of the genital organs (colpit, endometritis, salpinting, adnexitis):
  • unusual discharge from the vagina, often with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching I. burning in the region of the vagina;
  • possible bloody issues in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • painting pain At the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back area;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • increase body temperature and overall malaise.
  • The spiral was established in chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the spiral does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, but increases the risk of distribution of venereal diseases from the vagina in the uterus and appendages;
  • non-inflammatory inflammation, which develops as a reaction to a foreign body, increases the risk of infectious inflammation caused by bacteria and mushrooms, is normal in the bacterial microflora of the vagina.
Up to 1% of cases
  • Removal of the spiral;
  • the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy, according to the results of laboratory diagnostics.
Pronounced uterine bleeding
  • Damage (perforation) of the walls of the uterus spiral during its installation or operation;
  • the presence of misa of the uterus.
  • Removal of the spiral urgently;
  • emergency medical care.
  • pallor skin;
  • changes in blood test;
  • weakness.
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • long and abundant periods for more than 6 cycles.
  • It is individually possible to remove the helix or replace it with hormonal Navy;
  • iron preparations (actiferrin, totem and other), vitamins and power correction.
Development of Moma
  • Damage to endometrial during the introduction or operation of the helix;
  • Removal of a spiral or replacement for hormonal Navy;
  • receiving hormonal contraceptives.
Risk of ectopic pregnancy
  • The inflammatory process that the Navy can contribute, in some cases leads to obstruction of the uterine pipes;
  • one of the effects of the spiral is the reduction and spasm of the smooth muscles of the uterine pipes, which may cause pathological pregnancy.
1:1000 Surgical treatment, removal of the uterine tube.
Painness during intercourse, difficulty in reaching orgasm.
  • Inflammatory process in the urinary system;
  • incorrect position and / or spiral size in the uterus;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the helix;
  • damage to the walls of the uterus;
  • ovarian cysts.
Up to 2%.Removal of a spiral or replacement for hormonal Navy.
Beginning of pregnancy The intrauterine helix is \u200b\u200bnot 100% effective method.2 to 15%.Individual approach.
Perforation (puncture) of the walls of the uterus:
  • sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • the deterioration of the general condition, up to the loss of consciousness.
Damage to the walls of the uterus during the introduction, operation and removal of the spiral.
Increase the risk of uterus perforation:
  • early postpartum period;
  • scar on the uterus after cesarean section;
  • anomalies for the development of the uterus;
Rarely.Surgical treatment and emergency medical care.
Spiral rustling in the wall of the uterus
  • inflammatory process in endometrial;
  • using helix over recommended period.
Up to 1%.Removal of the spiral through the cervix with a special toolkit. Sometimes a laparoscopic surgery may be required.
Copper intolerance or Wilson disease individual intolerance or allergies to copper.Rarely.Replacement on another type of contraception or hormonal intrauterine spiral.

Additional side effects from the use of the hormonal intrauterine system (associated with a hormone gestagenom):

  • no monthly (amenorrhea), after removal of the helix, the menstrual cycle is restored;

  • Also, an allergic reaction may also develop on the administration of a gestagena, requiring urgent removal of the spiral from the uterus.

    Intrauterine Spiral (Navy): Composition, Action, Indications, Possible Negative Consequences from Application - Video

    Intrauterine spiral (Navy): mechanism of action, dangerous complications (therapist opinion) - video

    How can pregnancy with intrauterine spiral be processed?

    As it has already become clear, intrauterine contraceptives are not protected by 100% of the occurrence of pregnancy. Most of these "happy" pregnancy proceeds normally, the child can independently push the spiral outside in the second trimester and even be born with her in his hands, for some kids it is such a toy. But not always everything is so smooth, and if the woman decided to preserve such a pregnancy, it should be ready for various problems.

    Basic principles of pregnancy with a spiral:

    1. Difficulties arise with the diagnosis of pregnancy, a woman is confident in his contraception. And the disorders of the menstrual cycle with the Navy are not uncommon, it leads to the fact that pregnancy can be diagnosed late when the abortion is already difficult. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your body and with the slightest deviations, changes and hints for pregnancy to consult a doctor.
    2. At the request of a woman, a medical abortion can be held.
    3. Spiral is not an indication to the medical interruption of pregnancy. In most cases, a pregnancy with a spiral proceeds normally and without complications. But nevertheless, the doctor must estimate the possible risks of pregnancy and can recommend it to interrupt.
    4. Navy during pregnancy can be removed. The copper spiral is often not removed, as it does not affect the development of the fetus. Hormonal Spiral All Pregnancy will highlight hormones that can lead to anomalies of fetal development. The gynecologist can remove the spiral if its threads are saved and it is removed from the uterus easily and freely.
    5. Such pregnancy requires constant observation by doctors, regular control of the ultrasound of the fetus is needed.

    Possible risks of pregnancy with intrauterine spiral:

    • High risk of ectopic pregnancy, need control ultrasound.
    • Such a pregnancy can end the miscarriage on early term, which is associated with the action of the spiral on the endometrium, to which the fetal egg is attached.
    • The Navy can cause the intrauterine fetal infection, as well as the delays of intrauterine development and pregnancy.
    • The high risk of malformations of the fetus during pregnancy with the hormonal spiral.
    Whatever it was, if a woman still got pregnant with such a powerful contraceptive as a spiral, then, probably, the child really needs to be born. Every woman can listen to themselves and decide whether to give a chance to this baby to life or not.

    How to choose a good intrauterine spiral? What spiral is better?

    The selection of the type of spiral, its gynecologist should do its size and manufacturer. Only it can determine the testimony and contraindications of the use of a particular intrauterine contraceptive, individual features of your body. But if a woman is absolutely healthy, the doctor can provide a choice of Navy. Then many questions arise.

    "What spiral to choose, copper or hormonal?" Here the woman needs to choose between efficiency and possible side reactions. The hormonal spiral has more possible side effects associated with the Gestagen, but they are temporary and after a few months stop. And the contraceptive effect of using such a helix is \u200b\u200bmuch higher. If in a woman of myoma, the hormonal spiral is a method of not only contraception, but also treatment. The copper spiral with silver and, especially, with gold, effectiveness is higher than that of a conventional copper device, and the risk of developing side effects below, it is such a middle between hormonal and copper spiral.

    "And how much is the intrauterine spiral?" For many women, the issue of economy is of great importance and determines the choice of spirals. Copper spirals are much cheaper than hormonal systems. Also high cost have spirals with silver and gold.

    "What spiral use longer?" We can use spirals with silver and gold, right up to 7-10 years and more. Hormonal spirals usually use no more than 5 years.

    "What helix will not affect the following pregnancy?" Any spiral can lead to problems with future pregnancies, this is an ectopic pregnancy, and infertility due to the inflammatory process. The risk of developing ectopic pregnancy during the use of the Navy is higher in hormonal spirals due to the action of the Gestagen. Copper spirals give a greater risk of complications in the form of inflammation of uterus and appendages. When removing the Navy, an ectopic pregnancy occurs more often after using copper spirals.

    "What spiral painless?" During installation and removal of the helix, a woman is experiencing some pain. But this should not thoroughly affect the choice of Navy. With the introduction of the hormonal system, these painful sensations are more pronounced, which is why they use local anesthesia. Local anesthesia can be conducted with the introduction of copper spirals in women especially impressionable and emotional.

    Overview of various modern intrauterine spirals: Juno, Mirena, Goldley, Multiload, Extra, Spirals with gold and silver

    Name Description Validity