Is it possible to make a pregnant cherry? Benefit or harm? As is safe and needed by the use of sweet cherries during pregnancy and with breastfeeding, it is possible to have a cherry every day pregnant women.

  • The date: 18.03.2021

With the arrival of summer, one of the first fruits appear that pregnant women want to be destroyed. In addition, the fruit is very sweet and attracts with its freshness after a long period of cold weather and the lack of natural products, the fruits of cherry in their composition have a large number of vitamins and microelements that can help, so harm the child and the most future mother.

Few people can refuse him, so our duty to get acquainted with the fruits closer and learn whether the benefits of sweet cherries during pregnancy.

Cherry during pregnancy

Cherry fruits contain only useful substances. It is zinc, and calcium, which is so necessary to grow in your toddler's tummy and you personally. You can save songs and stories about a large number of vitamins in this berry.

The cherry is the first fruit of not greenhouse origin, which appears on the shelves. Its season - from the beginning of June and before the beginning of July. The earlier fruits are not recommended to buy, since natural products with the least amount of chemicals should be used during pregnancy. Now consider the elements and vitamins in the fruit:

  • The first are iodine, necessary to improve the work of the thyroid gland, and iron. Both components contribute to the improvement of blood formation and raising hemoglobin;
  • Potassium and calcium many are confused due to the name. But if they consider their quality better, we learn that calcium is used to maintain and strengthen solid tissues, and potassium is soft. Therefore, for use in preventive measures, they are better not to be confused;
  • Copper and manganese actively help in the development of cells and maintain blood composition, which always benefits for any organism;
  • Zinc and fluorine are of particular importance for humans, as the bone tissue can be fragile. During pregnancy, a woman's bone is weak due to the need to maintain a new life and at the same time develop it;
  • Vitamins of group B served excellent means to raise the immune system and make a woman more energetic. Thanks to them, the metabolism is normalized, and the protein is synthesized, and makes it possible to improve the work of the heart muscle and the brain;
  • The most important are vitamins C, E and PP. Their sufficient amount of cherry fruits improves the metabolic processes of the whole organism, without giving them age or fail.

The darker the fruits, the higher the presence of antioxidants. But the yellow sweet cherry does not have allergens, and RR and with it several times more. All varieties have low calorieness, which serves as excellent help during diets.

Use of cherry

In pregnancy, very often hear complaints of the intestinal work. If you use fruits in a fresh form, then they will serve naturally labeled, and at the same time they will bring all harmful substances and the digestive tract will lead to normal. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, otherwise diarrhea may happen during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e.

Just do not use the cherry in the dried form. After all, she will then become a good fastening agent, and the intestines will cease to be freed from the feces.

If fresh fruits eat regularly, but not oversaturated with them, then the benefits will be visible and tangible in everything:

  1. removes toxins and slags;
  2. removes swelling and improves the work of the kidneys;
  3. excellent diuretic;
  4. reduces cholesterol levels and cleans the liver;
  5. conducts blood pressure.

But not only the berries themselves are helping to improve the well-being of a woman during pregnancy.

  • Frames and leaves used in the form of decoctions improve the work of the cardiovascular system and the kidneys. And this is a clear plus of cherries during pregnancy in late terms. What happens to a woman and baby during this period, read in Article 3 of the Trimester of Pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  • In winter and autumn periods, a cooked compote will replace strong medications with an expectorant effect. It will also raise immunity and will help protect the female organism from colds infections. What to do is not to get sick and what means can be treated during this period, read in the cold article during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  • Cherry can be used for skin care. Pregnant women often suffer from swelling and swelling, as well as, due to the lack of vitamins, skin covers do not always retain their elasticity. The use of pulp, like masks, smooth and eliminate wrinkles, as well as moisturizes dry skin;
  • For oily skin, benefits will be no less. The combination of strawberries and sweet cherries in the fresh form will be an excellent face scrub. He gently remove the top layer of the epidermis, which began to peel. At high pores on the face, such a scrub will not only be cleaned, but also narrowing the pores;
  • Often, pregnant women complain about the desire to use a lot of fluid. If you do not want to drink a lot of compotes and other drinks, the sweet cherry will help here - the berry is perfectly quenched thirst;
  • Do you have insomnia or regular stressful situations at work and at home? Then be sure to attempt the cherry. They will work as a sedative, as well as solve the problem with mood swings;

Harm from cherry and contraindications to her use

Is it possible for a sinner during pregnancy? Even need, but if there are no contraindications.

  1. Dangerous consuming sweet cherries if there is a diagnosis of sugar diabetes. Berries are saturated with sugar, which helps the body, but with a given disease, it suffers a threat;
  2. Do not eat them and those who suffer with adhesive disease. Is there an intestinal obstruction? Then there is definitely no;
  3. There was an aggravation of gastritis or acidicity rose? A physician consultation is needed, who will say more specifically, after the examination, how much the amount of cherry does not cause harm. Also read the article

Cherry is a tree with oval red fruits and a solid bone inside. Height usually does not exceed 3 meters. It has dark green leaves with a pointed end. The birthplace of the cherry tree is allegedly considered the Caucasus, Crimea. However, it grows in other territories. The most common in Russia.

This fetus has a mass of beneficial properties, thanks to the part of vitamins and minerals. Especially useful cherry during pregnancy. It is consumed in natural form, boil jam, make juice, add like filling in pies and cakes. No less useful leaves of this tree are considered. They are used in the form of a decoction, infusion. Such a drink is considered therapeutic and can cope with some diseases. No less useful tea with the addition of cherry leaves.

Vishni varieties

Cherry is a few species. Grows in Russia. Most popular varieties:

  • Vavilov's memory;
  • Nord Star;
  • Deep;
  • LOM;
  • Star;
  • Wreath;
  • Novodvordskaya;
  • Wreath.

Ordinary cherry during pregnancy is the most useful compared to other species.

On the territory of Japan, a completely different kind of Cherry - Sakura grows. Which became popular thanks to its blossom. During this period, the entire tree is covered with a white or pinkish bedspread, and a beautiful fragrance spreads to kilometers. But the fruits of such a tree are small, dark color. They are practically not eaten. Since to taste, they are far behind the other varieties. Recently, Sakuri began to cross with other species. This kind of cherry in Japan is called Sakurabo. Such fruits are juicy and tasty, although externally, rather, resemble a cherry.

Main varieties:

  • Sutonisiki;
  • Nania.

In Mongolia and China, they grow such trees bring a large harvest. The fruits are very sweet and tasty.

There are also steppe and bitter types of cherries. Such fruits are practically not eaten. They relate to wild trees.

during pregnancy

Is this berry useful? Many pregnant women wonder: "Is it possible to cherry during pregnancy?" Definitely, only the doctor can answer such a question. These fruits have a lot of useful properties and certain contraindications. First of all, the cherry is rich in Vitamin V. Group, they have a positive effect on the nervous system of both a pregnant woman and her future child. Also, the cherry has folic acid necessary for the correct bookmark of the kid organs. Therefore, it is desirable not to give up this berry in the first trimester of pregnancy. Except for cases when there are pronounced contraindications. Many vitamin C cherry, which provides strong immunity. Protects the body from various infections. Vitamin E in the composition of the cherry favorably affects the elasticity of the skin and vessels. Important for hair and nails. Also these small berries contain such necessary substances as:

  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine.

Cherry during pregnancy helps to cope with low hemoglobin, which is a common problem during this period. At the later deadlines, the mother's body requires a lot of iron to ensure itself and the future child with the necessary trace element. But the cherry bones eat in food at all. They contain a poisonous substance - silic acid. In large quantities, it can cause serious poisoning. Even a few such bones of use will not bring the body.

The benefits of cherries during pregnancy is undoubtedly great. But it is still not worth abuse. Cherry berries contain many acids. They can cause some health problems. For example, the daily abuse of cherries may cause inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines, which, in turn, can move into chronic diseases and even peptic lesions.

Harm cherry during pregnancy

Who is the cherry contraindicated during pregnancy? The benefits and harm of this berry depend primarily from the state of health. Condifically contraindicated cherry people:

  • With ulcene diseases of the stomach, intestines, a 12-rosewoman.
  • With inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract (colitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis).
  • With diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders.

All the rest of this product will not bring any harm.

Cherry juice

Cherry during pregnancy is useful in any form. Berries that are not amenable to thermal processing, keep most of their useful qualities. If you cook jam from fruits, then the vitamins will remain there somewhere half. Much more useful berries just handover with sugar. Many women during pregnancy prefer to use in their useful properties it is practically not inferior to berries in solid form. Therefore, there is no particular importance how to use this product in food. It all depends on taste preferences.

How do cherry leaves use?

Cherry leaves during pregnancy are no less useful than fruit. From such leaves, vitamin teas are brewed, decoctions and infusions make. They contain many useful substances. Such teas are distinguished by a light pleasant taste and gentle aroma, have a small sedative effect. Also indispensable for conservation of cucumbers and tomatoes. Add them to the sauer cabbage. In addition, the cherry leaves are widely used as a healing agent. Infusions made of cherry leaves helps to get rid of jaundice, stop bleeding.

Cherry for children

Many children love these delicious berries. They bring tremendous benefits for a small organism. Vitamins and minerals that are part of the cherries provide a strong health growing organism. Useful berry for the development of the nervous system and strong sleep. Enhances hemoglobin, reducing the risk of anemia. Improves blood circulation and maintains vessels in the tone. Gives strength and energy. Contraindicated product for diseases of the digestive tract. Another significant contraindication is the development of allergic reactions. If there are no such problems, you can safely give the cherry to children in moderate quantities.

A woman deciding to become a mother, should pay close attention to his nutrition. Food must be diverse, and the menu is balanced and full. From the first days of pregnancy, a woman serves as a source of nutrition and useful substances for the future kid. Therefore, its body so acute needs additional vitamins and minerals. The richest useful elements is a sweetheart.

Cherry: General Information and Chemical Composition

Cherry is a tree that achieves 10 m in height. The shape of its fruit can be a spherical, oval or heart-shaped, color - from light yellow to dark burgundy. Ripening of berries occurs since the end of June to early July.

Calorie Cherry

Cherry, despite the sweetness, low-calorie berry. In one hundred grams of fresh cherries are contained about 52 kilocalories. The weight of the medium-sized berries is about 8 grams. Consequently, the energy value of one cherry berry is about 4 kilocalories. Therefore, a woman can eat a cherry without risk to recover. However, it is not necessary to get involved in the sweet pregnant woman.

One hundred grams of fresh sweet cherry contains 52 kilocaloria

Table: Vitamins contained in 100 grams of cherry

VitaminsWeight per 100 grams of cherryProperties of vitamins
Vitamin A, Retinol Equivalent2.784 μgResponsible for the development and formation of tissues.
Vitamin B1, Tiamine0.024 mg.Regulates the exchange of fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B2, Riboflavin0.031 MG.It helps burn sugar, improves energy mechanisms.
Vitamin B4, Holin6,034 mgRegulates metabolic processes, improves intestinal activity.
Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid0.194 mgParticipates in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Plays an important role in the production of energy cells.
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.043 mgImproves the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids. Together with calcium helps to function muscles and heart. Promotes the strengthening of immunity.
Vitamin B9, folates3,572 μgWe are necessary for the growth and development of blood and immune systems.
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid6,562 mgStrengthens the walls of blood vessels, dysen, bones and teeth. Helps the body to absorb iron.
Vitamin K, Phillokinon2,078 μgProvides blood intake.
Vitamin PP, niacin equivalent0.152 mgParticipates in the process of converting fats and carbohydrates into energy.
Vitamin E, tocopherological equivalent0.067 mgEffectively removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body, prevents the formation of carcinogens. He also strengthens the vessels, improves blood circulation and, in general, positively affects the cardiovascular system.

Useful elements in cherry

In addition to the high content of vitamins, the sweet cherry contains a large number of micro and macroelements, as well as many mineral substances.

100 grams of cherry contains:

  • 0.347 mg of iron;
  • 59,021 μg of copper;
  • 1.919 μg of fluorine;
  • 0.062 mg of zinc;
  • 0.063 mg of manganese;
  • 221,981 mg of potassium;
  • 10,593 mg of magnesium;
  • 20,043 mg of phosphorus;
  • 12.883 mg calcium.

Nutritional value of cherry

The nutritional value of 100 grams of cherry is:

  • 85,612 grams of water;
  • 10,573 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.356 grams of fats;
  • 1,074 grams of proteins;
  • 1,089 grams of fiber;
  • 0.577 grams of organic acids;
  • 0.466 grams of ash;
  • 0.092 grams of starch;
  • 10,412 grams of sugars;
  • 0.021 grams of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • 0.026 grams of omega-6 fatty acids.

The benefits of sweet cherry during pregnancy, in which quantity you can use the product

Cherry is an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances necessary for a pregnant woman

All berries bring huge benefit to the body, and are saturated with its useful elements.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is not only a guarantee of the normal development of the fetus, but also avoiding many problems in the life of a bareborn baby.

Irina Pilyugina, Ph.D., doctor gynecologist of the highest category

Magazine "Rasting a child", № 9, 2012

The sweet cherry is rich in various vitamins and minerals. In addition, the berry contains:

  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • antioxidants.

It also includes many additional beneficial substances necessary for the health of the future motley and the correct development of the baby. Daily consumption of sweet cherries helps the body of a pregnant woman to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis and relieve the ethnicity. Also, the cherry has a laxative effect.

However, it is not necessary to get involved in berries. Excessive consumption of cherries can lead to the development of allergies to the product, and a pregnant woman has a stomach disorder.

Possible harm for women and baby

Despite the many positive feedback on the cherry, sometimes negative consequences are happening:

  • the development of allergies in mom or baby;
  • improving blood sugar;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea.

I really like a sweet cherry. As a child, I am with my parents and an older sister traveled to gardens to collect yellow cherry. Naturally, my sister and her sister and spruce. But after an hour, nausea appeared, there was a heaviness in his stomach, and everything ended with an urgent campaign to the toilet, where we fled to distillation. Since then, I have learned a lesson that there is a cherry need not as much as you want, and not more than 500 grams. It is better to eat even time to feel unpleasant consequences at once.

Contraindications and precautions

There are also contraindications for consuming sweet cherry during pregnancy. It:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis and increased acidity;
  • allergy;
  • increased gas formation;
  • low pressure.

It is strictly forbidden to use fresh cherry in winter. Cherry is a seasonal berry, and its winter analogue "stuffing" by preservatives and nitrates that are very dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman and baby.

Cherry in 3 trimester

Most pregnant women in the third trimester suffer from deaths, and a cherry is a real salvation from them due to their diuretic properties. You only need to adhere to the recommended daily amount of berries and do not abuse them.

Many women in late pregnancy suffer from bloating. If this happens, then the berries are better to eat in an hour after eating no more than 400 grams.

Do not forget that the fresh berry is much more useful to thermally processed. After all, the heat treatment of any berry loses a number of useful substances. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to freeze the berry. So it will bring more benefit.

How to choose a cherry, which variety is more useful

When choosing a cherry, we first pay attention to the appearance of the berries. Good fruits should be different not only the appearance of the berries themselves, but also a fruit tree. Berries must be dry, dense and shiny, fruit - green and elastic. If the fruit is dry and lost color, it suggests that the cherry is overripe or was kept for a long time.

Another feature is the darker the berry, the more vitamins in it. Regular consumption of cherries has a cleansing effect on the body, removes toxins and slags.

Two types of sweet cherries are for sale on the shelves of our stores and markets: yellow and dark red. Pregnant woman should know several facts for choosing a cherry:

  1. Yellow berry contains more vitamins C and PP.
  2. The red berry contains more vitamins of the group B and iron.
  3. Than saturated the color of the pulp of berries, the more vitamins in it.
  4. The darker the berry, the greater the chance of developing allergies.

Buying a cherry is necessary in stores or specially equipped places. It is not worth buying berries in the natural markets, since there is a possibility of acquiring cherry rich toxins and pesticides.

Pregnant woman should exclude dubious products from the menu.

Why pregnant woman wants sweet cherries

Throughout the pregnancy, the mother's organism is exposed to the strongest stress. All the forces of the woman, all vitamins and nutrients go to the development of a new life. That is why a pregnant woman so wants to be rich in vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements of a cherry. The body of women requires the replenish stocks of vitamins and minerals. And this can be done with such a tasty and useful way, just tasted a tasty berry.

Crescent Recipes

Very useful for a pregnant woman to eat fresh cherry. However, firstly, not always the pregnancy proceeds in the berry season, and, secondly, I want to diversify your menu. There are many dishes that can be prepared from both fresh and frozen sweet cherries.

Rich, useful and rich in vitamin lunch - chicken liver salad with cherry berries

Products required for the preparation of salad:

  • 300 grams of chicken liver;
  • a glass of cherry without seeds;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • balsamic vinegar.

Salad cooking process:

  1. We cut the berries of cherry, remove the bone and marinate in sauce:
    1. Olive oil;
    2. Salt;
    3. Pepper;
    4. Balsamic vinegar.
  2. My liver, wearing and roasting on the oil.
  3. Deep plate decorate lettuce leaves, top with the liver.
  4. We lay out the cherry and water the sauce obtained from berries.

Video: Cherry Pie

Dumplings with sweet cherries - Delicious and useful breakfast for pregnant woman

Products needed to prepare dumplings with sweet cherries:

  • for dough:
    • 4 cups of flour;
    • 1 cup of milk;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • for filling:
    • 600 grams of fresh or frozen sweet cherries;
    • 100 grams of sugar;
  • for sprinkling and feeding:
    • sugar;
    • sour cream.

The process of cooking dumplings:

  1. Preparing the dough:
    1. In a bowl, we hide the eggs with salt.
    2. We add milk and beat well.
    3. Flour sifting and constantly stirring gradually add to the dough.
    4. Mix the dough well.
    5. The finished dough is covered with a towel for 30 minutes.
  2. Preparing filling:
    1. My fresh squeaker and dried on a paper towel.
    2. Frozen sweet cherry first defrost, then mine and dry.
  3. Preparing dumplings:
    1. Rolling the dough, form a roller and cut into equal pieces, of which there are cakes.
    2. On the middle of the cake laying several berries of sweet cherries, sprinkled with 1 teaspoon of sugar top.
    3. We cover the edges of the dough, form dumplings and put them on the flour-graced board.
  4. Cooking dumplings:
    1. In a large saucepan boil water.
    2. We sat down.
    3. We lower the dumplings and gently mix so that they do not stick out and do not stick to the bottom.
    4. When dumplings will float cook 5 minutes.
    5. Get noise and fold on the dish.
    6. Top sprinkled with sugar.
    7. Serve with sour cream.

Kissel - a very useful drink that can be prepared all year round

The products needed for cooking cooking:

  • cherry - 400 grams;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 60 grams;
  • starch - 40 grams.

The cooking process of cooking:

  1. A frosthed cherry is placed in a saucepan and pour water.
  2. We bring to a boil, add sugar and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Focus compote.
  4. Starch is drained in warm boiled water and add to compote.
  5. We cook for 5 minutes.
  6. When Kissel cooled, it is ready for use.

It's nice to pamper yourself and close cool jelly from cherry hot summer day

Products necessary for cooking jelly:

  • 270 grams of cherry;
  • 1 tablespoon gelatin;
  • 200 ml of grape juice;
  • several leaflets of mint.

Jelly cooking process:

  1. My cherry and envy.
  2. We remove the bones and divide into four parts.
  3. Fill with cherries and mint prepared creamian.
  4. Well heated two spoons of juice.
  5. Gelatin pour into hot juice.
  6. Well, stir up to the complete dissolution of gelatin.
  7. Add juice and mix thoroughly.
  8. Folded with a juice with a cherry.
  9. Creams put in the refrigerator.
  10. After 30 minutes, we get out of the refrigerator and omit in a hot water dish for 15 seconds.
  11. We carry out a sharp edge of the knife along the walls of the cremanka, so that the jelly is lagging behind the mold.
  12. I turn over the jelly on the plate and decorate mint leaves.

Daily consumption of cherries saturates the body of a pregnant woman with the necessary vitamins, gives a charge of cheerfulness for a whole day and a lot of good mood.

The issue of balancing nutrition during pregnancy always becomes acute and relevant.

Many pregnant women during this period of their lives begin to suffer from various ailments that are connected with incorrect meals, lacking the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

The sweet cherry is a berry, with which you can avoid some diseases associated with iron disadvantage during this period.

Cherry - Use for pregnant women

Since the period of pregnancy is always characterized by the weakening of the immune system, the diet of a woman in this period should be filled with various vitamins and microelements.

Cherry in this case is the storehouse of these healing substances. Cherry contains: Vitamins A, B, C, E, R and PR, Potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, fluorine, iodine, boron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, pectins, sucrose, fructose, copper, zinc, apple, lemon , salicylic, succinic acid organic, carotenoids, antioxidants.

In addition to the wealth of micro and macroelements, the cherry has a balance of all of them, and therefore in the human body is very easily absorbed, which is extremely important for any woman prone to completeness, and especially during pregnancy.

Thanks to all this, the sweet cherry is capable of:

  • beneficially influence the development of the placenta, the fetal egg and the fetus organs;
  • prevent the iron deficiency;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • prevent thrombosis;
  • warn swelling;
  • clean the body of a woman from toxins;
  • establish the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promote natural emptying of the intestine;
  • restore the intestinal microflora;
  • normalize the work of the kidneys;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • restore metabolic reactions in the body;
  • improve the process of supplying nutrients to the fetus;
  • strengthen bone and muscular fabrics, both the parent organism and its fetus;
  • improve emotional mood.

Cherry has a beneficial effect on the body during the toxicosis of a pregnant woman. The sweet cherry is quenched and hunger, and thirst. This fills the organism with the necessary micro and macroelements, especially after vomiting during toxicosis.

With constipation, the consumption of fresh berries of sweet cherry is relaxing. But, berries in dry form possess fastening effects, and therefore during pregnancy it is better to refrain from consuming sweet cherry in dry form.

Contraindications of sweet cherries during pregnancy

Despite its versatility in use and useful qualities, the cherry still has its own contraindications.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to take a cherry with such a disease as intestinal obstruction. Also, with sugar diabetes, the intake of cherry can be carried out only after careful testing of analyzes and recommendations of the doctor.
  2. During pregnancy, such a quality of cherry should be taken into account as the ability to cause it and increased gas formation. If a pregnant woman suffers from high levels of gas formation, it is better to give up from cherry, especially from sweet varieties.
  3. If you abuse sneakers, use it in elevated doses, possibly.
  4. Allergies should also be inlated. The cherry at the low work of the body's immune system can also cause allergies, and not only in the future mother, but also in a child.
  5. Before using sweet cherries, it is best to know where and in what conditions a berry has grown how clean it is its ecological state. In addition, always rinse the berries thoroughly before use, they can also for ten to twenty minutes "soak" in cool water.
  6. Among other things, doctors recommend using a sneaker separately from other products, fruits and berries. Then it will be better assimilated by the body.

Harm and the benefits of sweetheart during pregnancy.

In addition to one hundred percent dangerous food, there are products that cannot be unambiguously say - it is possible to eat pregnant or it is impossible. Such controversial products include the main character of this article - a cherry.

Let's try to figure out whether a sweet cherry can harm a woman in a position or not. And also find out who categorically impossible to eat a cherry, and for whom it will become an indispensable source of benefit.

Is it possible for a sinner during pregnancy?

  • Cherry is a very useful spring berry, which almost all for her unobtrusive sour-sweet taste. A healthy person who does not suffer from any chronic diseases or intolerance of this berry, the cherry is not only possible, but also need to eat
  • Seasonal reception in food cherries will help enrich the human body near the vitamins and nutritional trace elements
  • As for pregnant women, specifically, each case should be considered individually. Only leading pregnancy, the doctor can determine if it is possible to eat his patient to eat a cherry or not. And then such a decision will be made only after a careful survey and familiarization with the history of the disease
  • If a leading specialist believes that there are no contraindications to the reception in the food of a woman of cherry, then she still needs to know that the daily dose of this berry should not exceed five hundred grams

How is a cherry for pregnant women?

  1. Cherry is a berry saturated with fructose and glucose. Therefore, having to have such a useful product, pregnant can feel the tide of strength and positive emotions. In addition, it quit its appetite for a long period of time
  2. Cherry, eaten on an empty stomach, will help a woman to clean the intestines and cope with so relevant for all pregnant problems as constipation
  3. Also, this berry is an excellent diuretic, which is important for girls in the position suffering from strong edema
  4. Women with permanent strong toxicosis, a sweetheart will help get rid of nausea. Also she can act as an aperitif

In addition to those listed above, the positive qualities of the cherry are simply oversaturated with a huge amount of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - is responsible for the correct development of the retina of the crumbs, his skeleton and nervous system
  • Vitamin B1 - is responsible for the correct metabolism
  • Vitamin B3 - necessary for the processing of utility substances in energy
  • Vitamin B6 - participates in the metabolism, the work of the central nervous system, the formation of hereditary material, strengthening the protective functions of the body
  • Vitamin B9 - participates in the formation of a genetic background
  • Vitamin C - strengthens immunity, participates in the development of a fruit egg and placenta, has a positive effect on the state of the vascular system
  • Vitamin E - participates in the development of the placenta, supports her youth, contributes to the development of prolactin
  • Vitamin K - is responsible for blood clotting and platelet generation
  • Vitamin RR - helps cells breathe and get rid of free radicals

The composition of the sweet cherry includes not only vitamins, but other useful substances:

  • Iron - prevents the appearance of pregnant anemia, helps in the formation of red blood cells
  • Pectin - promotes the purification of the body and bringing harmful substances from it
  • Calcium - responsible for the formation of the bone system
  • Magnesium - participates in the adjustment of the tone of the uterus
  • Zinc - is also an indispensable uterus assistant when having tolerance of her baby
  • Phosphorus - participates in the metabolic processes of the body
  • Copper - promotes the absorption of iron
  • Manganese - responsible for the formation of the bone system and cartilage

Cherry for pregnancy - contraindications

The sweet cherry is contraindicated by those women who have had the intolerance to this berry before pregnancy.

In addition, the sweet cherry can cause an allergic reaction, because there is better to give up to avid allergies to apply it to food.

In the process of eating cherries, a pregnant woman can be observed active gas formation, which brings a bunch of inconvenience and discomfort.

The following diseases and exacerbations can also be contraindications for admission to food in food during pregnancy.

  • intestinal obstruction
  • spikes in the gastrointestinal tract
  • gastritis
  • ulcer stomach and duodenal
  • acute cystitis
  • stomach upset
  • hypotension

Cherry for pregnancy in 3 trimester

  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, the sweet cherry will be extremely useful for the placenta and development of the fetus
  • In addition, it is shown for women suffering from varicose veins, which is very often found in pregnant women at later timing.
  • Eating pregnant sweet cherry will help her get rid of constipation and edema, so common in the third trimester

Cherry for pregnancy in late terms

A few weeks before the birth, the district doctor may limit the woman in the reception of a large number of products, including cherries.

If this does not happen, it is necessary to know which rules it is recommended to adhere to so that such a favorite berry does not cause trouble:

  • eat a day no more than half a kilogram of cherry
  • rinse thoroughly before taking it in food
  • acquire a cherry preferably in proven, reliable places
  • use the berry only in the season - out-of-arctic products are often processed and do not contain any beneficial substances.
  • to eat a cherry for at least half an hour after the main meal in order to avoid the appearance of the abdomen

Perhaps, that's all about sweetheart of sins during pregnancy. Good appetite!

Cherry Use: Video