Anatomy-physiological features (AFO) endocrine system in children. Tutorial: Endocrine system in children

  • Date: 17.04.2019

Endocrine system Plays a very important role in the human body. It is responsible for the growth and development of mental abilities, controls the functioning of the organs. Hormonal system Adults and children work is not equally.

The formation of glands and their functioning begins even during intrauterine development. The endocrine system is responsible for the growth of the embryo and the fetus. In the process of body formation, connections between the glands are formed. After the birth of the child, they are strengthened.

Since the appearance of the light and before the occurrence of the period of puberty the greatest value have thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. In the pubertal period, the role of sex hormones increases. In the period from 10-12 to 15-17 years, many glands are activated. In the future, their work stabilizes. Subject to observance right image Life and absence of diseases in the work of the endocrine system are not observed significant failures. The exception is only sex hormones.

The most important in the process of human development is given by the pituitary. It is responsible for the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and other peripheral parts of the system. The pituitary mass in the newborn is 0.1-0.2 grams. In 10 years of life, its weight reaches 0.3 grams. The mass of the gland in an adult is 0.7-0.9 grams. The dimensions of the pituitary gland can increase in women during pregnancy. During the waiting period, its weight can reach 1.65 grams.

The main function of the pituitary is considered to control the growth of the body. It is performed by developing growth hormone (somatotropic). If at an early age, the pituitary works incorrectly, it can lead to an excessive increase in the mass and magnitude of the body or, on the contrary, to small sizes.

Iron significantly affects the functions and role of the endocrine system, so when it wrong work The production of hormones with thyroid gland, adrenal glands is incorrect.

In the early youth of the age (16-18 years), the pituitary starts working stably. If its activity is not normalized, and somatotropic hormones are produced even after the completion of the growth of the body (20-24 years), this can lead to acromegaly. This disease is manifested in an excessive increase in body parts.

Epiphiz - iron that functions most actively to younger school age (7 years). Its weight in a newborn is 7 mg, in an adult - 200 mg. The glands produced hormones that brake sexual development. By 3-7 years, the activity of the epiphyse is reduced. During puberty, the number of hormone produced is significantly reduced. Due to epiphysis, human biorhythms are supported.

Another important iron in the human body is thyroid. It begins to develop one of the first in the endocrine system. By the time of birth, the weight of the gland is 1-5 grams. In 15-16, its mass is considered to be maximum. It is 14-15 grams. The greatest activity of this part of the endocrine system is observed in 5-7 and 13-14 years. After 21 years and up to 30 years, the activity of the thyroid gland is reduced.

Parasitovoid glands begin to form for 2 months of pregnancy (5-6 weeks). After the child appears, their weight is 5 mg. During life, its weight increases 15-17 times. The greatest activity of the parachite gland is observed in the first 2 years of life. Then up to 7 years it is supported at a rather high level.

Milk iron or thymus actively operates in the pubertal period (13-15 years). At this time, its weight is 37-39 grams. Its mass decreases with age. In 20 years, the weight is about 25 grams, 21-35 - 22 grams. The endocrine system in the elderly works less intensively, therefore, the fork glands decreases in size up to 13 grams. As the lymphoid tissues of thymus are replaced by fat.

The adrenal glands at the birth of a child weigh about 6-8 grams each. As they grow, their mass increases to 15 grams. The formation of the glands takes up to 25-30 years. The greatest activity and growth of adrenal glands are observed in 1-3 years, as well as in the period of sexual development. Thanks to hormones that iron produces, a person can control stress. They also affect the recovery process of cells, regulate the metabolism, sex and other functions.

The development of the pancreas occurs up to 12 years. Violations in its work are detected mainly in the period before the start of puberty.

Female and men's sex glands are formed during intrauterine development. However, after the birth of a child, their activity is constrained to 10-12 years old, that is, before the start of the pubertal crisis.

Male sex glands - testicles. At birth, their weight is approximately 0.3 grams. From 12-13 years of iron begins to work more actively under the influence of gonadoliberin. The boys accelerates growth, secondary sexual signs appear. In 15 years, spermatogenesis is activated. By December 16-17, the process of the development of male sex glands is completed, and they begin to work as well as in an adult.

Women's sex glands - ovaries. Their weight at the moment of birth is 5-6 grams. The mass of ovaries in adult women is 6-8 grams. The development of the sex glands occurs in 3 stages. From birth to 6-7 years old, a neutral stage is observed.

During this period, hypothalamus for the female type is formed. From 8 years before the start of adolescence, the pre-career period lasts. From the first menstruation and before the start of menopause, a puberty is observed. At this stage, active growth occurs, the development of secondary sexual signs, the formation of the menstrual cycle.

The endocrine system in children is more active, in comparison with adults. The main changes of the glands occur at an early age, the younger and older school age.

Endocrine system in children


The pituitary is developing from two separate adventures. One of them - an ectodermal epithelium (pocket of the Rat) - is laid at the human embryo at the 4th week of intrauterine life, and anterior and average fraction that constitutes adenogipophysis is formed from it. Another germ - the increase in the interstitial brain, consisting of nerve cells, from which the rear share is formed, or neurohypophysis

The pituitary starts to function very early. From the 9-10th week of intrauterine life, it is possible to define the traces of the ACTG. In newborns, the pituitary mass is 10-15 mg, and by the period of sexual maturity increases by about 2 times, reaching 20 - 35 mg. In an adult hypophies weighs 50 - 65 mg of the dimensions of the pituitary gland with age increase, which is confirmed by an increase in the Turkish saddle on radiographs. The average value of the Turkish saddle in a newborn 2.5 x 3 mm, by 1 year - 4x5 mm, and in an adult -9x11 mm. The hypophysies distinguish 3 shares: 1) front - adenogipid; 2) intermediate (ferrous) and 3) rear, or neurohypophysium most (75%) pituitary on adenogipid, middle Share equal to 1-2%, and the rear share of 18-23% of the entire mass of the pituitary gland. In adenogipophysis of newborns dominate the basophils, and often they are degranulated, which indicates high functional activity. The pituitary cells are gradually increasing with age.

The following hormones are formed in the front share of the pituitary.

1 ACTG (adrenocorticotropic hormone).

2 STS (somatotropic) 3. TSH (thyrotropic).

4 FSH (follicitimulating).

5. l g (luteinizing)

6. LTG or MG (lactogenic - prolactin).

7. Gonadotropic.

In the middle, or intermediate, the framed a melanophore hormone. In the rear share, or neurohypophysis, two hormones a) oxytocin and b) vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone are synthesized.

Somatotropic hormone (STG) - growth hormone - through somatomedinus affects metabolism, and, therefore, growth. The hypophysis contains about 3 - 5 mg of STS. STG increases protein synthesis and reduces the decay of amino acids, which affects the increase in the reserves of the STG protein inhibits at the same time the oxidation of carbohydrates in the tissues. This action is largely also indirect through the pancreas. Along with the influence of the protein exchange of STS, it causes a delay in phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium. At the same time, the decay of fat increases, as evidenced by increasing the blood of free fatty acids. This all leads to an acceleration of growth (Fig. 77)

A thyrotropic hormone stimulates the growth and function of the thyroid gland, increases its secretory function, the accumulation of Iodine iron, the synthesis and the release of its hormones. TSH is released in the form of drugs for clinical use and is used to differentiate the primary and secondary pituitary gland hypofunction (mixedma).

The adrenocorticotropic hormone affects the bark of adrenal glands, the dimensions of which, after the introduction of ACTH, can be increased twice for 4 days. Mostly, this increase occurs due to internal zones. The glorose zone in this process almost does not participate.

ACTH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of corticosterone cortisol glucocucleoids and does not affect the synthesis of aldosterone. Under the introduction of ACTH, the atrophy of the thymus, eosinopenia, hyperglycemia is noted. This action ACTH is mediated through the adrenal gland. The gonadotropic effect of the pituitary gland is expressed in increasing the function of the genital glands.

Based on the functional activity of hormones, it consists clinical picture The lesions of the pituitary, which can be classified as follows:

I. Diseases arising from the hyperactivity of the gland (giantism, acromegaly)

II Diseases arising from the insufficiency of the gland (Summon Disease, Nanism).

III diseases in which no clinical manifestations Endocrinopathy (chromophobic adenoma).

In the clinic Very frequent complex combined disorders. Special position occupies the age of the patient when certain impaired pituitary arise. For example, if the adenogiposis hyperactivity occurs in a child, then the patient has gigantism. If the disease begins in an adult when growth is terminated, the acromegaly develops.

In the first case, when there was no closure of epiphyseal cartilage, a uniform acceleration of growth occurs, but ultimately joined acromegaly.

Incenko's illness - Cushing origin disease is manifested due to excessive stimulation of ACTG adrenal function. Its characteristic suggestions are obesity, full-range, acricyanosis, tendency to appear purples, bugs on the abdomen, girsutism, sexual dystrophy, hypertension, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia trend. In obesity due to Cushing's disease, excessive fat deposition on the face (moon-shaped), torso, neck, while legs remain thin.

The second group of diseases associated with the insufficiency of the gland belongs to hypocituitarism, in which the pituitary can be affected primary or secondary. In this case, a decrease in the production of one or several pituitary hormones can be observed. If this syndrome occurs in children, it is manifested by a rise in growth with the subsequent manifestation of dwarfs. At the same time, other endocrine glands are affected. Of these, first are involved in the process of sex, then the thyroid gland and in the subsequent adrenal bark. Children develops a mixema with typical skin changes (dryness, mucous edema), a decrease in reflexes and an increase in cholesterol levels, cold intolerance, decrease in sweating.

The adrenal insufficiency is manifested by weakness, adapt to stressing and reduced resilience.

Simmonds disease - pituitary cachexia - manifests itself with common exhaustion. The skin is wrinkled, dry, hair is rare. The main exchange and temperature is reduced, hypotension and hypoglycemia. Teeth are destroyed and falling out.

With congenital forms of dwarf and infantilism, children are born normal growth and body weight. Their growth usually continues and some time after birth. Usually from 2 to 4 years begin to notice lagging in growth. The body has conventional proportions and symmetry. The development of bones and teeth, the closure of epiphyseal cartilage and sexual ripening are injected. Characterized inappropriate age senile species - wheelchair. The skin is wrinkled and forms folds. The fat distribution is violated.

With the defeat of the rear lobe of the pituitary - neurohypophysis develops no syndrome sugar diabetes, in which a huge amount of water is lost with urine, since the reabsorption H 2 0 in the distal tube of nephron is reduced. Due to the unbearable thirst, patients constantly drink water. Polyuria and polydipsy (which is secondary, since the body seeks to compensate for hypovolemia) may occur and secondally in certain diseases (Ca Harny diabetes, chronic nephritis with compensatory polyuria, thyrotoxicosis). Nonachar diabetes can be primary due to the true failure of the production of antidiuretic hormone (ADG) or nephrogenic due to the insufficient sensitivity of the epithelium of the Nether's distal tube to ADG.

For judgment about functional state The pituitary glands, in addition to clinical data, use various laboratory indicators. Currently, it is primarily direct radioimmunological methods for researching hormone levels in the child's blood.

Growth hormone (STG) in the greatest concentration is in newborns. For diagnostic research Hormone define it basal level (about 10 ng per 1 ml) and the level during sleep, when a natural increase in the highlight of the growth hormone occurs. In addition, the provocation of the hormone is used, creating moderate hypoglycemia by the introduction of insulin. In a dream and when stimulated insulin, the level of growth hormone increases 2 -5 times.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone the newborn in the blood is 12 - 40 nmol / l, then its level decreases sharply and at school age is 6-12 nmol / l

Tireotropic hormone in newborns exclusively high - 11 - 99 μED / ml, in other age periods Its concentration of 15 - 20 times lower and ranges from 0.6 to 6.3 μED / ml.

The luteinizing hormone in boys in junior age has a blood concentration of about 3-9 μED / ml and by 14-15 years increases to 10-20 μED / ml. In girls for the same age interval, the concentration of lu-theinizing hormone increases from 4-15 to 10-40 μED / ml. An increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone after stimulation of the gonadotropin-rilizing factor is especially significant. The reaction to the introduction of the rillation factor increases as it is ripening and from 2 -3-multiple becomes 6-10 times.

Follicle-stimulating hormone in boys from the youngest to the older school age It increases from 3-4 to 11-13 μED / ml, in girls over the same years - from 2 -8 to 3-5 μED / ml. In response to the introduction of the rilizing factor, the highlight of the hormone increases by about twice, regardless of age.


The incident of the thyroid gland at the human embryo is clearly revealed by the end of the 1st month of intrauterine development at the length of the embryo of only 3.5 -4 mm. It is located in the day oral cavity And it is a thickening of ectodermal cells of the pharynx in the middle line of the body. From this thickening to the mesenchym, the increase is sent to the epithelial diverticulum. Extending, the diverticulus acquires a diversal structure in the distal part. The stem connecting the thyroid concrete tongue (securing duct) is felt and gradually fragmented, and its distal end is differentiated into the pyramid of the thyroid gland. In addition, two lateral thyroid incarnations are also involved in the formation of the thyroid, which are formed from the caudal part of the embryonic pharynx. The first follicles in the gland tissues occur on the 6th week of intrauterine development. In the cytoplasm of cells at this time, vacuoles appear. From the 9th - 11th weeks among the mass of the cells of the follicles appear drops of colloid. From the 14th week, all follicles are filled with colloid. The ability to absorb iodine the thyroid gland becomes by the time the colloid appears in it. The histological structure of the embryonic thyroid gland after the formation of follicles is similar to that in adults. Thus, by the IV month of intrauterine life, the thyroid gland becomes quite formed structurally and functionally active data obtained according to the intra-radiation exchange of iodine, confirm that both the fetal thyroid fetal function does not differ from its function in adults. The regulation of the fetal thyroid function is carried out primarily by its own thyroidity of the pituitary hormone, since the similar mother's hormone through the placental barrier does not penetrate. The thyroid gland of the newborn has a lot of 1 to 5 g of about 6 months of age, the thyroid weight can decrease. Then begins the rapid increase in the mass of the gland to 5 -6 years. Then the growth rate slows down until the prepubertate period. At this time, the growth of the size and mass of the gland is again accelerated. We present the average thyroid weight indicators in children of different ages. With age in the gland, the magnitude of the nodules and the content of the colloid is increasing, the cylindrical follicular epithelium disappears and the number of follicles increases flat, increases. The final histological structure of iron acquires only after 15 years.

Hormones play an extremely important role at all stages of the antenatal and postnatal development of the body. The violation of the functions of the endocrine glands leads the child to more gross violations than in adults, but they are more easily corrected. Up to 2-3 months, the fruit is developing under the influence of some mother hormones that pass through the placenta (steroid hormones), as well as placenta hormones. Then the eigen hormones of the fetus begin to be produced. The production of hormones in the newborn is very small, but this drawback is compensated by mother hormones coming with breast milk. Prolactin deficit in maternal milk leads to a violation of the development of the dopaminergic system in the CNS of the child. In turn, breastfeeding (sucking process) reflexively increases secretion in mothers oxytocin and prolactin.

The average pituitary mass in newborns is 0.15 g. By 10 years, the mass is doubled, and by 15 years - it is tripled. In an adult man pituitary Weighs 0.53-0.56 in the functionality of the hypothalamic-pituitary area by the time of birth of the child immature and develops as they grow.

Adenogipofiz It produces trop and effector hormones.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, Corticotropin) Its specific effect on adrenal glands is manifested on the 7th month of antenatal development, and in a newborn hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system reacts to stressing effects. At the moment of birth, the Aktg has little birth, but its development increases rapidly. And the most high concentration of ACTH is noted in newborns, which ensures the processes of adaptation, then its concentration is reduced.

Thyrotropichormone (TSH, thyrotropin) at the moment of birth is available in small quantities, its development immediately increases under the influence of new (extreme for infant) conditions, which ensures an increase in the secretion of TSH and the corresponding metabolic adaptive processes.

Gonadotropic hormones - Gonadotropins (follicularitymuling - FSH, follitropine and luteinizing - LG, Lutropin) During the period of intrauterine development, there are special importance at the end of the 4th month, when the differentiation of external genital organs begins. They enhance the production of sex hormones in adrenal glands and germ glanes. In early childhood Gonadotropic hormones are produced in small quantities, their role is small. The secretion of FSH and LH increases greatly during puberty and reaches the norm of an adult by 18 years of life.

A growth hormone The greatest concentrations are detected in newborns, with which lipolysis enhancement and reduction of glycemia in the postnatal period are related. Then its level is somewhat reduced. There is a clear connection of the concentration of STGs with the stage of the puberty period.

Growth hormone (GR, STG, somatotropin) in the antenatal period and is ineffective to 2 years. It then stimulates the growth of the body to puberty, after which this effect is braked. Its action is implemented by influencing the metabolism, stimulating the growth of epiphyseal cartilage and is carried out with normal content of hormones of the thyroid, pancreas and sex glands. Growth hormone also participates in immune reactions The organism - increases the production of lymphocytes.

Prolactin (PRL). Its blood concentration in children is high enough, it increases during puberty (more in girls than the boys). It is assumed that prolactin activates the growth processes in the fetus, and also participates in the regulation of metabolism. In the body of teenagers prolactin, acting together with Lutropin and testosterone, stimulates the growth of the prostate gland and seed bubbles. The high concentration of prolactin is likely to also contribute to the transient increase in the chest glands in boys (puberty gynecomastia).

Neurohypophysis Vasopressin highlights (antidiuretic hormone - ADG) and oxytocin. These hormones are produced in the suprasoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and in inactive state enter the neurohypophy of them, where they are activated and entered into the blood.

Oxytocin. The peculiarity of this hormone is that it begins to act on the uterus and the dairy glands after the completion of the period of puberty, when the dairy glands are subjected to a long action of prolactin, and the uterus - estrogen and progesterone. Oxytocin in children performs only antidiuretic function.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADG) from the fetus and a newborn baby is contained at low concentrations, and during the year approaches the norm of an adult, and in the first 2-3 months. The life of the kidney to ADG is insensitive, so the child of this age is derived hypotonic urine.

The endocrine system is a complex of several glands, located in the brain (pituitary), digestive system (pancreas), in close proximity to internal organs (adrenal glands), and also completely separately (thyroid and parashydovoid glands, thymus). They are called the glands of internal secretion, because, unlike the glands of external secretion, such as salivary, sweat, digestive, they allocate their secret, called hormone, in the bloodstream.

Each iron produces one or more hormones who participate in the regulation of a strictly defined process in the exchange of substances of the body, each is unique and performs only the assigned functions. However, there is iron, which manages, conducts the entire endocrine system - pituitary.

Pituitary - tiny iron located in the depths of the brain, at its base. Its weight is about 0.5-0.6 g. The pituitary gland is closely connected to the hypothalamus - a brain department that plays a crucial role in the regulation of many processes in the body, including maintaining the constancy of the internal environment, thermoregulation, activities of internal organs. The hypothalamus contains as nerve cellsparticipating in the activities of vegetative nervous system (regulating many of the functions of internal organs) and secretory cells that produce so-called rhythm hormones. These hormones are called upon to provide a strictly specific impact on the pituitary gland, encouraging it to increase or reduce the production of certain hormones depending on the needs of the body. In the number of hormones allocated by the pituitary gland, such as a somatotropic hormone, which has a stimulating effect on growth as the whole organism as a whole, So individual organs. With a lack of any hormone hypothalamus definition, the deficiency of rhythmic hormones is deficiently sends a hypophism signal, which begins to increase the production of hormone, stimulating the activity of that gland internal secretion, which is involved in the synthesis of this particular hormone. Conversely - in the excess of a particular hormone in the blood, the hypothalamus immediately sends a signal to the pituitary signal, and the pituitary stops the production of the hormone that stimulates the work of that gland that is responsible for this hormone. Thus, the most important feedback principle is carried out, providing a dynamic equilibrium of the body's interior.

The pituitary of the child at birth has a lot of about 0.12 g. His height and functional development lasts until 20 years of age. And since the pituitary gland is a regulator of activity of all other inland secretion glands, its functional immaturity determines some instability of the entire endocrine system of the child. In addition, the close connection of the pituitary with a hypothalamus, which is part of not only an endocrine, but also the nervous system, the pathology of the nervous system cannot but affect the functions of both the hypothalamus and pituitary, which can entail such disorders in a state of a newborn as imperfection. thermoregulation, a significant decrease in appetite, violation of exchange processes.

Thyroid Located in the neck in front of the larynx. It produces thyroidine hormones, triiodothyronine and thyreocalcetonin. The value of these hormones cannot be overestimated: they regulate the intensity of the main metabolism, the growth and development of the body as a whole and individual organs, the function of the central nervous system, carrying out their activities in all cells without exception. All thyroid hormones have in their composition of iodine, therefore the deficiency of this trace element primarily affects the functions of the thyroid gland, causing serious disorders in the state of the whole organism. And the insufficient function of the thyroid gland, called hypothyroidism, and its excessive activity - hyperthyroid status - are extremely undesirable and are serious diseases.

Parashydovoid glands (They are also called nearby-shaped glands) are located on the front surface of the neck behind the thyroid gland. As a rule, a person has four parathyroid glands, but there may be options for the norm when the number of porous glands is greater or less. These glands produce the so-called pararathgroon, which is responsible for the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Paranthgamon contributes to the fact that the level of calcium in the blood increases, and the level of phosphorus is reduced. With a lack of calcium in the blood, the production of pararathgamon is enhanced by the brine, and in its excess - on the contrary, decreases. In addition, Parathgarmon helps to transform the inactive form of vitamin D to active. Reducing the function of the nearby glands is the cause of vitamin D-independent form of rickets when the flow of vitamin D does not affect the content of calcium in the blood due to the fact that it does not transform its inactive form to active.

The thyroid and parachitoid glands of newborns also continue to grow and develop after birth. Normally, in the absence of pathology from the pituitary gland and actually the thyroid gland, its function fully ensures the production of hormones at the required level. The most common pathology of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism - congenital diseasecharacterized by deficiency of the function of the thyroid gland and accompanied by a decrease in the production of its hormones. In this case, all the links of metabolism (protein, carbohydrate and fat) suffer.

In hypothyroidism, everything is suffering without exception, but most of the central nervous system, because the state of metabolism is of great importance for its normal development. In hypothyroidism, there is a decrease in the volume of the brain, pronounced changes in blood vesselsfeeding the brain, which cannot but affect the development of the child. In this regard, it is very important early diagnosis congenital hypothyroidism because in the absence of required treatmentstarted as early as possible, not only the metabolism, but also intellectual development Child. That is why all newborns in the maternity hospitals conduct a mandatory study of blood to congenital hypothyroidism.

Adrenal glands- Paired glands of internal secretion, located on the upper poles of both kidneys. Adrenal glands consist of cortical and magazine. The adrenal cortical substance is a vital organ, a sharp decline in the activity of which is directly a threat to life. This substance produces corticosteroid hormones (which, by the way, is produced from cholesterol) and in small quantities - sex hormones. Corticosteroids are directly involved in the regulation of metabolism and energy. The hormones of the adrenal cortical substance ensure the adaptation of the body in extreme conditions when increased requirements are presented to it. For example, in preparing the fetus, the production of stress hormones is activated in advance, which is a kind of training before childbirth.

In addition to adrenaline and norepinenenalin, the corticosteroids include mineralocorticoid aldosterone - a hormone regulating water-salt exchange in the body. Glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone are involved in the regulation of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Sex hormones that are produced in adrenal glands are presented mainly by androgens affecting the formation of secondary sexual features inherent in men. Androgens are produced by both men and women, and only the predominance of his female sex hormones ensures the formation of secondary sexual signs in men. If its synthesis is insufficient, then female sex hormones, which are also present in the body of men, begin to dominate. If the synthesis of androgens in a woman is excessive, then the dominance of them becomes the reason for changing it external view, so I. hormonal disorders, causing infertility Due to the violation of the ovarian function.

In the brainstant of adrenal glands produced such hormones as adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones, called catecholamines, have an extremely diverse effect - they increase blood glucose concentration, adrenaline increases blood pressure and increases the radiation frequency of the heart muscle, noreproynalin, on the contrary, reduces the number of heart abbreviations per minute. The release of catecholamines from adrenal cells provoke various incentives emanating from an external or inner medium - cooling, increase exercise, emotional reactions, changes in blood composition.

The adrenal glands of the newborn during the generic act take over the main "blow", since such pronounced stress factors as hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during childbirth, emotional tension Mother, physical overload, cannot but affect the hardware responsible for the adaptation of the body under stress. On the eve of the childbirth, the fetal adrenal glands begin to produce adrenaline, which is perceived by the fetus by the body as a signal to mobilize all kinds of resources: the metabolism is increasing, the tone of the vessels increases, the blood pressure in the bloodstream increases, the sensitivity to oxygen starvation increases. All this is a kind of training before childbirth: having passed this preparation, the fruit joins the period of more "mature".

The structure of the adrenal glands is changing with age. After the birth of the child up to 14-16, differentiation continues (distinction on the structure and function) of the cortical and brain layers. Development of hormones adrenal glands in children early age lowered compared to those in adults. This applies to the hormones of stress - adrenaline and norepinephrine, is a distinct link between the production of which and stress marks only in children over 5-6 years. Thus, it is necessary to remember that the organism of newborns and young children cannot give an adequate response to pronounced changes in the external and internal environment, cannot protect themselves from stress as it is capable of carrying out an adult organism. We subconsciously tearing the kids from all kinds of stress, but it is necessary to remember that there are significant change in the temperature regime for newborns for newborns for newborns, and the loud sounds indoors and conflicts in the family. It can affect protective mechanisms The body of the kid, since the mechanisms that protect it from the excessive influence of these factors are still immature.

Pancreas - large digestive gland located in abdominal cavity. It combines like gland of external secretion, producing digestive enzymesand the gland of the internal secretion, which are in the so-called Islands of Langerhans. These glands synthesize insulin hormones and glucagon, regulating the exchange of carbohydrates and fats in the body. The main task of the insulin hormone is maintaining at the constant level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. With insulted insulin production, the level of blood sugar increases, with excessive - decreases sharply. Chronic insulin deficiency is the cause of diabetes mellitus, which not only increases blood sugar levels, but also changes in many exchange processes that entail pathology as a nervous system and almost all internal organs.

The pancreas at the time of the birth of the child is formed, and its function in the development of insulin and glucagon quite corresponds to the required level. Normally, the level of sugar in the blood of a newborn baby is supported at a constant level, changing towards decline on the second-third day of the child's life, when physiological hypoglycemia is observed (decrease in blood sugar levels as a manifestation of the period of early adaptation of the newborn body to the conditions of the extratobic existence).

From all this it follows that the endocrine system of the newborn is quite well formed in order to maintain the constancy of the internal environment at the proper level, but as a result of its functional immaturity, it is not able to withstand excessive impacts.

Heavy viral I. bacterial infectionsThe injuries are a risk risk factor for the occurrence of diseases of the endocrine system, therefore, the prevention of viral and the prevention of virus and is plays a colossal role in the laying of its health foundation. cold illness. Heavy flow influenza, vapotitis and adenovirus infection May cause complications from the sides of the internal secretion. Especially vulnerable in this regard thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands. The hypothalamus and the pituitary gland may suffer in the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, the violation of the function of these domestic secretion glands takes place at a particular damage to the central nervous system of the newborn. Therefore, maintaining the health of mother at the proper level, the timely examination of it when planning pregnancy, designed to identify pathology, including the endocrine system, gentlemanship, prevent viral infections are the main links for the prevention of pathology of diseases of the endocrine system.

Organogenesis of most endocrine glands and the formation of the hypothalamic department of the intermediate brain begin on the 5th - 6th week of the embryonic period. Hormonal synthesis occurs after the completion of organogenesis, I trimester of pregnancy, the participation of the hypothalamus system - hypophysis - the cortical substance of adrenal glands in regular activity is already expressed in the II trimester. By the time of birth, the hypophies has a distinct secretory activity, which is confirmed by the presence in umbilical blood Fetal and newborn high content ACTH.

Pituitary gland (cerebral appendage)the most developed by the time of birth. Its histological feature is the absence of basophilic cells, functional - versatile action. The front proportion of the pituitary is producing a somatotropic hormone (STG), or growth hormone, ACTH, thyrotropic and gonadotropic hormones that have an indirect effect through other glands, CNS, liver. In particular, excessive products and stimulation of ACTH adrenal glands lead to the development of the disease of the situation of itoponal origin. In the postnatal period, STS is the main metabolic, affecting all types of exchange and active contra-insular hormone. The rear share of the pituitary gland, closely associated with the hypothalamus (hypothalamic-pituitary system), is the main producer of oxytocin, enhancing the reduction of the uterus and dairy ducts, as well as vasopressin (ADG), which takes part in the equalization of the water balance. Regulation of the synthesis of ADG and its flow into the blood is controlled by the hypothalamus.

Adrenal. In the newborn, they are relatively larger than in adults, the brainstant in the younger age is underdeveloped, the restructuring and differentiation of its elements ends to 2 years. Adrenal cortical substance produces more than 60 biologically active substances and hormones, which, in their impact on metabolic processes, are divided into glucocorticoids (cortisone, cortisol), mineralocorticoids (aldosterone, 11-deoxyacticosterone), androgens (17-ketosteroids and testosterone) and estrogens (estradiol). Corticosteroids and androgens are under the control of ACTT pituitary and interrelated with it, they have anti-inflammatory and hyposensitizing effect. Mineralocorticoids are involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism (delaying sodium and remove potassium), carbohydrate metabolism. ACLT, hormones of germ and other endocrine glands have a significant impact on the activities of the adrenal cortex. The main hormones of the brainstant are adrenaline and norepinephrine affecting the level arterial pressure. In newborns and infants, the adrenal cortical substances produces all the corticosteroids necessary for the body, but the total excretion with the urine is low. The processes of biosynthesis and cortisone metabolism in premature metabolism are particularly tense, and therefore they have the relative predominance of mineralocorticoids.

Thyroid.In newborns, the thyroid gland has an unfinished structure, in the following months and years there is its formation and differentiation of parenchyma. In the initial period of puberty! A distinct hyperplasia of iron tissue appears, a certain increase in the gland is observed, which is detected with an external inspection, but hyperfunction with! This is usually not observed. The thyroid gland synthesizes the two main hormones - triiodothyronine and thyroxin, and, in addition, thyreocalcitonin, which is involved in the regulation of phosphorus-calcium exchange, speaking by an antagonist! Parathgamon. All of them are determined in serum from the first hours and days of the child's life. The thyroid gland is one of the main regulators of the main exchange, has an impact on the excitability of the nervous system, is closely related to the function of the pituitary and brainstabs of adrenal glands.

Parasitovoid glands. In early age, parachite glands have histological features (there are no oxyphyl cells, connecting partitions between epithelial cells thin, do not contain adipose tissue), which gradually disappear to publity age. In the glands, the synthesis of the parathgamon, having together with vitamin D great importance In the regulation of phosphorous calcium exchange. It contributes to the absorption of calcium in the intestine and reabsorption of the latter in kidney tubules. In addition, Parathghammon inhibits phosphate reabsorption in proximal tubules, contributing to the removal of them with urine.

Forks (tomorrow) Iron (Timus). This iron has a relatively large mass of newborns and children. younger ageconsists of epithelial cells and a significant amount of lymphocytes forming follicles. Its maximum development occurs up to 2 years, then the gradual (precision) involution begins, usually under the influence of diseases and stressful situations. It is believed that the intrauterine and in the first two years of life, the fork gland controls the growth and development of the child and stimulates the structural and functional improvement of other endocrine glands. Subsequently, the integration of neuroendocrine functions is carried out by a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (sympathetic and adrenal) system. Milk iron retains its value as a central organ immune system. Premature involution milk gland accompanied by the tendency to K. infectious diseases, retardation of psychophysical development, the emergence of signs of miastic, ataxia (Louis Bar syndrome).

Epiphysis (Pulboid iron). In children, epiphysis has big sizesThan in adults, and produces hormones that affect sex cycle, lactation, carbohydrate and water-electrolyte exchanges.