Packing hernia in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment methods and possible complications. Methods of surgical treatment

  • The date: 05.04.2019

Dana pathology is not as often as a rule, in 2% of cases. Packing hernia is nothing but to protrude the contents of the abdominal cavity through the groin canal, in children this process can disappear independently. It will appear hernia, capable of both on the one hand and from two at the same time. Often it is diagnosed with boys under the age of one year.

Code of the ICD-10

The International Classification of Diseases includes diseases of the digestive system, and this includes hernia. It was noted by the code on the ICD 10 - K00-K93 diseases of the digestive organs. A separate niche here is given directly to hernias - K40-K46. They can be different, including both one-sided and bilateral. The causes of their development are also collapsed.

K40 groove hernia. This includes hernia belly. K40.0 bilateral inguinal hernia With obstruction without gangrene. Including intestinal obstruction. K40.1 Double-sided grocery hernia with gangrena. K40.2 Bilateral grocery hernia without obstruction or gangrene. K40.3 One-way or unspecified grocery hernia with obstruction without gangrene. Including intestinal obstruction. K40.4 One-way or unspecified grocery hernia with gangrene.

K40.9 One-way or unspecified grocery hernia without obstruction or gangrene. Including groin hernia.

Code of the ICD-10

K40 groove hernia

Causes of groin hernia in children

There are several main factors that are able to cause the development of pathology. A special role is played by the overweight of the baby, the underdevelopment of the abdominal wall, which can be hereditary and trauma of the abdominal wall. These are the main reasons that are able to cause the development of groin hernia in children. This list includes physical overvoltage.

Most often, the pathological change is observed in boys than girls. Such a confluence of circumstances is associated with some features of the development that occur inside the womb. At its stage of development, embryo testicles are near the kidneys. When their omission comes into the scrotum, they are fond of the peritoness part. This process forms the so-called pockets in the scrotum, the connective tissue is based on it. By the time the baby appears to the light, the pockets begins to overcome and is a crayon. Sometimes this does not happen, so the abdominal organs fall into it.

Thanks to its special structure, girls do not have a similar process. Therefore, the hernia is evolving not so often. It may appear both at birth and show yourself with time. There are several factors that contribute to its development. This is a weak coupling cloth, usually meets immediately after birth. Low to pathology can severe physical overvoltage. It is not necessary to lift the gravity, the cough and even vomiting can provoke the process. Eliminate congenital pathology is easy, even as acquired. It is enough to carry out high-quality treatment or remove it surgically.


Before the birth of the boy's testicles are located in the close side of the kidneys. Over time, they begin to fall into the usual place, you mean the scrotum. They overlook from the abdomen through an internal inguinal ring. This process occurs for the body of the peritoneum. The testicles start their passage through the groin canal. Thus, they gradually fall into their permanent location, then beat the scrotum. This process is a pathogenesis, but sometimes it can be broken. So, if the process went wrong, the testicles capture a pocket pocket with them and descend ahead.

After the ovarian is omitted, the pocket begins to disappear. If it did not happen, the so-called pocket can stay open. Thus, it is involved in the formation of a special hernia bag. Open pocket is observed in most cases. Most often, he meets in premature babies. Basically, the closure of the pocket occurs to two years. This process is determined by the penetration of guts into it, which leads to the stretching of the inguinal ring. If the pocket is closed on the side of the ring, but it is open outside, it is possible to form the cavity of the filled liquid. That is why oblique inguinal hernias refer to the number of congenital defects. Conducted to be a violation of atrophy.

Protrusion can occupy from birth or develop a little later. The hernia appears much later, is the result of the fact that the intestine or in the bag penetrated the loop. Moreover, the hernia pocket himself could develop even before birth. Direct inguinal hernias occur due to weak muscles located at the bottom of the inguinal canal.

Symptoms of groin hernia in children

Externally, this pathological process is represented by a small protrusion, triangular form. It is above or the label's duck. In this case, the straight hernia is diagnosed. If it is located above the scrotum, then oblique. When a child cries or screaming, pronounced, pronounced, and may become much more. You can enjoy the hernia yourself, pressing on it with your hands. But it is real only if it is wrong. Often the symptoms of the presence of groin hernia in children include a visual increase in the scrotum.

For the pathological process, the manifestation of a sharp pain that is localized in the groin area is characterized. Often it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In this case, the front muscles of the abdominal cavity can be strongly voltage. Most often, the last symptom is manifested near the pricking of hernia. If the pathological process can be eliminated by refueling, the procedure can sharply become painful. The pain pokes in a few hours. At the same time, the baby is pale, its condition is worsening, there is general ailment and exhaustion.

If there are some suspicions, the baby needs to immediately send an appointment with the children's surgeon. It is necessary to diagnose the availability of a problem and address it.

First signs

The most basic symptom is the presence of a protrusion having an oval shape. If the baby begins to cry or shout, it becomes clearly pronounced, this is the first sign of the problem. In a calm state or during sleep, it is almost impossible to see the protrusion. For boys, the pathological process can spread not only in the groin area, but also smoothly go to the scrotum. Usually, the hernia can be installed, it is simple. For proper work Light rumbling.

There are cases when hernia is infringed. Usually the removal of such a complication is not hazardous. For this pathology, the presence of a strong pain that is acute. The swelling may appear that it is impossible to remove by refueling. This process requires immediate elimination. Infringement is most often complicated and can develop without any reason. To facilitate the state of the kid, it is necessary to begin timely treatment.

Congenital grocery hernia in children

This condition may arise as a result of the incomplete development of the abdominal wall Go and the diaphragm. In general, congenital groin hernia is an anatomical concept, it arises both in children and adults. A significant increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity may well cause its development. In turn, it arises due to severe physical overvoltage. In kids, this process bears only oblique character. The internships enter the groin canal and Kosos pass through it. This condition is characteristic of 3% of all cases. Often the pathological process arises under the age of 6 months. Localization of hernia on the right side is occurring much more often, in the left only 30%.

Often, the boys suffer from hernia. Premature kids are also subject to this disease. This process is to get out internal organs through lumen. He, in turn, is formed in the abdominal process. Over time, he must close. If this process has not happened, the abdominal bodies begin to fall into the resulting pocket. A similar phenomenon is observed in girls. Normally, the ovary must remain in a small pelvis. The inkhan canal contains a round uterine bunch. The protruding process closes over time. If this did not happen, the hernia is formed.

It is easy to notice the presence of a pathological process. It is characterized by the presence of education or swelling, which can be localized in groin, scrotum or sexual lips. With a strong abdominal pressure, a protrusion occurs. It's just enough baby to shine or shout.

Patch-screaming hernia in children

This condition is characterized by the output of the abdominal organs for their limits. This is due to the presence of abdominal pocket. If it does not close on time, negative consequences begin to manifest themselves almost immediately. In most cases, the groove-scrotal hernia is a congenital pathology in children.

Most often, it develops on the one hand, its location is the area on the right. Main process meets in boys. This is due to the disruption of the eagle omission process. Acquired pathology meets not so often, mostly in boys older than 10 years. Cause its development can excessive physical exercise. This is especially dangerous if there is a weak front wall of the abdominal cavity.

Basically classifies two types of pathology: inguinal and inguinal-scrotal. The last form is subdivided into two subspecies: quantum and testicular hernia. The contents of the abdominal pocket are loops thin gut. At the older kids there is an ordinary gland. Girls in the hernial bag is the ovary.

Packing hernia to the left of the child

As a rule, the straight and oblique hernia is found. It all depends on how omitting in the groin canal. Provoke it can like inguinal ringand the presence of a defect in the abdominal wall. On its localization, the groin hernia in a child can be both on the left and right. There are cases of bilateral education. Most often, pathology is formed to the left. The boys most often suffer in teaching protrusion, there is often a groin-scrotal phenomenon.

It is easy to notice the presence of a pathological process. With the crying or excessive activity of the child, hernia is protruding and it is very clearly visible. The swelling does not bring any discomfort and is painless. For this state, the presence of a drawing pain, which manifests itself in the lower abdomen. Often she gives in the thigh.

If you do not fix swelling, it can entail complications. The most dangerous of them is infringement. Child ugly sharp unbearable pain, There is a circulation disorder. Often the constipation appears, intraperous pressure increases, displays a meteorism. Infringement can provoke problems with the reproductive system at any age.

Packing hernia to the right of a child

The pathological process is manifested in the form of ordinary swelling. Its location is a groin area. So, the groin hernia is able to increase when driving and worrying in a child, standing out on the right. With proper right, it disappears.

If the swelling spreads to half the scrotum, it means that it is a scroll-groove hernia. Sometimes you can hear the second name - the egg yarba. Parents themselves can be suspected when the baby is inspected. When discharged, the doctor should consult a doctor for further treatment. Left-sided hernia is found in 60% of cases.

Before the appearance of complications, it does not bother the child. Moreover, it can be installed without a certain treatment. But if the infringement occurred, the condition worsens. The child has acute symptoms, in this case it is necessary to start high-quality treatment. This will avoid problems with the reproductive system in the future.

Two-sided groin hernia in children

This condition is characterized by manifestation of hernia on both sides. Most often, pronounced protrusion is visible in the groin area. Much less often location is changing. Eliminate the bilateral inguinal hernia in children can be possible with the help of surgical intervention. Preference is given to hernioplasty.

This pathology captures the inguinal channels to the right and left. It is characterized by the loss of the organs of the peritoneum and its parts. Men has one feature of the anatomical structure of the inguinal channel. The fact is that it is much longer and thinner than in women. Therefore, pathology is most often found among representatives of a strong sex.

Bilateral education occurs not so often. It is formed during the period of intrauterine growth of the kid. In adulthood, its developed provoke excessive loads. It is manifested in the form of external signs. As a rule, these are tumor-like formations, which are located in the groin on the left and right. They do not show themselves and do not bring discomfort to the child.

Packing hernia in children up to year

This is a tumor formation, presented by the yield of fabrics and organs beyond the abdominal cavity. In this case, it is meant either the bowel loop, or the span of the gland, coming out of the baby's abdominal cavity through the groin canal. Most often, the groin hernia is found in children up to the year. It manifests itself in the form of swelling, which is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. It is most pronounced with high activity.

The main danger of such a process is associated with the possible development of the infringement of hernia. In this case, the condition of the child deteriorates significantly. If ordinary swelling can be installed, then here without surgery can not do. After all, in the future this can lead to the development of serious problems with the reproductive system.

The main feature of the presence of swelling is the reduction or complete disappearance of the protrusion when the body is horizontal. She most noticeably manifests himself with anxiety, during laughter and crying. To the touch, the emphasis has an elastic form. It is very easy to correct, and completely without pain. Often to protrude the character oval or round form.

Packing hernia in a premature baby

The pathological process may occur for a number of reasons, which are in the number of prematurity. The body of the kid has not yet managed to adapt to environment. Moreover, it is not yet formed as it should, therefore the risk of developing pathological processes is on high level. Premature births also create risks to distribute many pathologies. One of them is a grocery hernia, which is quite often diagnosed by a premature child.

This process is congenital. Often it is observed in boys. This pathology is most often found in newborns, but even more often in premature babies. It is characterized by presence of a protrusion that is clearly visible in the groin area. It has the ability to increase with excessive loads. The hernia itself consists of a hernia gate, a bag and its contents. Under the contents implies the abdominal organs.

The main risk factors for the development of such a process is the male floor, genetic pathology, presence and congenital villocks fetal development. In any case, the problem is quickly eliminated, but only if there is no infringement.


The most dangerous complication may be the infringement of hernia, as well as its contents. This process is characterized by acute manifestation. The child pins strong pain, flatulence and disorders of the digestive tract. Often, the consequences may be unagreering. Blood disorder can lead to tissue necrosis. It is important to notice the presence of a problem. Make it can both the parents themselves, because the baby becomes concerned, he is constantly crying and his vomit is pivot.

Another state is possible. So it is impossible to enable her aid, it is characterized by its pain, an increase in temperature and hardness of education. Over time, pain can decrease, but the child still remains sluggish. He has a latency of the chair. If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to immediately contact the hospital. After all, complications may be more serious. Moreover, to prove themselves are capable of adulthood. If you failed to correct the hernia, an operation is immediately carried out. This will avoid the death of the disadvantaged organ.


If it does not start to eliminate the hernia in time, the development of severe consequences is possible. In most cases, infringement may develop. For a small patient, this is the worst complication. If you do not start the removal of pathology, it can lead to the dying of the pinched organ. The cause of such a state can be an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Most often it arises against the background of a strong cry, outrunning, meteorism and disorders of the intestinal functions.

Determine the complication is quite simple. The kid not only clearly visible hernia, but also her soreness appears. The swelling becomes solid and it is impossible to correct it. At the same time, the child brings vomiting, it is overcited, constantly crying and capricious. With time pain syndrome May disappear, but lethargy and the general weakness of the body is preserved.

When the first signs of the pathological process appears, the kid should be attached to the doctor. After all, if not starting treatment, the situation may be aggravated. It is possible to develop problems with the reproductive system. In addition, the threat to the child's life is preserved.

Disadvantaged gentle hernia in children

In the hernia bag may well get a loop of the intestine. If you do not notice pathology on time, it is not excluded to pinch directly in the inkhan canal. As a result, the venous outflow is disturbed and swelling appears. This leads to the difficulty of arterial blood circulation. Ultimately, the disadvantaged groin hernia can die, thereby keeping the high danger to the life of children. The development of peritonitis is not excluded.

Girls in the hernial pocket is the ovary. If the infringement occurs, it is possible death of a part of the ovary or necrosis of the fallopian tube. As a result, they will have to delete what will affect reproductive function. The right will not help here, the operation is performed in emergency mode. You can diagnose hernia in children of any age. The pathological process arises as a result of muscle spasm. It is he who prevents the return of published internal organs.

This condition is characterized by the appearance. acute symptoms. It is usually a strong pain syndrome that can calm down with time. The baby becomes extremely concerned and capricious. When palpation swelling occurs easy sensations. Eliminate the problem in this case must be immediately.

Recurner of groin hernia in children

The appearance of hernia is reused - is the most terrible postoperative complication. The appearance of bleeding and suppuration is not excluded. Despite the simplicity that seems at first glance, the recurrence of groin hernia is a complex problem, especially in children. Therefore, a few decades ago, the search for other ways to remove swelling surgically began.

Surgeons of hospitals are engaged in eliminating hernia. Specialized centers are engaged in the problem of developing recurrent "outflow". After all, it really is serious problem. In order to avoid re-development of swelling, try to resort to the removal of hernia without using a mesh implant. With a standard approach, the operation is complex and traumatic. It should only be carried out by specialists, because the removal is technically complex. It is impossible to predict the development of recurrence, it is necessary to simply monitor the patient's condition after removal.

Diagnosis of groin hernia in children

Detect swelling can parents. To see the presence of the presence of a children's surgeon or a pediatrician inspecting the child. Thus, the diagnosis of groin hernia is based on the collection of data from the history, inspection and palpation in children. As an additional research measure, ultrasound use.

To detect swelling, the child will fit enough, lean, walk or plow. When palpation is tested elastic and soft fabric, rounded form. In the horizontal position of hernia, it is almost not hardening, but it is quite possible to correct it. It is desirable to make this specialist. If the contents of the junk bag are the intestine, then when you can hear a characteristic rumbling. After the process was completed, an extended inguinal ring is tested with palpation.

An ultrasound of the abdominal organs is widely used to clarify the analysis. Girls are desirable to hold an ultrasound pelvis. If necessary, resort to irrigography.


Spend full examination The body is necessary before carrying out surgical intervention. Despite the fact that in most cases the operation must be emergency, it is prohibited without analyzes. In the pathological process, it should be resorted to generally increasing research. They include general analysis blood. It will allow the number of leukocytes in the blood and on the basis of this to diagnose the pathological process. They are also observed for the erythrocyte sedimentation indicator, more precisely during the time of this process.

In addition to the analysis of blood, the overall analysis of urine is surrendered. If necessary, the blood test is performed on clotting. This will avoid force majeure situations during the operation.

No additional analyzes are not needed. In addition to them, instrumental research can be appointed. This will allow you to confirm the diagnosis and begin immediate treatment. Conduct surgery without special data in no case.

Instrumental diagnostics

After the hernia is finished, it is quite possible to forgive an extended inguinal ring. To eliminate all sorts of force majeures, you should resort to additional instrumental diagnostics. Its main study is to conduct an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Such a survey is carried out by boys, and the girls need to pass an ultrasound of a small pelvis organs. In case of acute need, they resort to the help of irrigography.

Irrigography is a method x-ray research Colonse. But before this, it is necessary to fill its X-ray infant. The barium suspension is used as it. With this technique, you can diagnose the anomalies for the development of colon, as well as colitis and intestinal obstruction. The procedure is carried out immediately after cleaning the intestine. A child has a study to diagnose intestine anomalies, its size, functionality and other features.

Uzi groan hernia in a child

With groin hernia, they resort to the help of ultrasound. Ultrasonic research allows you to identify the contents of a junk bag. It can be like intestinal loop and liquid. Due to this, it is possible to distinguish the pathological process from the formation of water in the testicle. So, the ultrasound of the groin makes it possible to identify the localization of swelling and its features of the child.

The boys are carried out an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. It allows you to see pathological processes in organs by registering on the screen of reflected ultrasound waves. Such a study is applied quite often. It helps to put an accurate diagnosis.

Girls are conducted by an ultrasound organs of a small pelvis. In children's gynecology, it is used to diagnose early pathological processes. The study is carried out by a transabdominal method. During the scanning process, the condition of the internal organs is estimated. Moreover, it becomes possible to view the localization of hernia and the contents of its pocket.

Differential diagnosis

Before resorting to surgery, a number of generallygic research should be carried out. So, differential diagnosis is an important stage Before eliminating the pathological process. It is important to pass the overall blood test and track the level of leukocytes, as well as the SE indicator. As additional Mer For rent overall urine analysis. If necessary, blood is reduced to the definition of coagulation. This will avoid possible bleeding During the operation.

Differentiate the pathological process in a child costs from hydrocel, cysts and cryptorchias. The last phenomenon is common among boys. A thin line is carried out between the hernia and a circular round bundle of the uterus, femoral hernia and inguinal lymphadenitis. An important role in differential diagnosis Disposal diaphanicopy scrotum and ultrasound scrotum. The diagnosis and further treatment is raised on the basis of the data obtained differential and instrumental research.

Treatment of groin hernia in children

It is possible to eliminate the congenital pathological process only by surgical removal. The operation is carried out planned, the conservative treatment of groin hernia is not able to bring a constant effect, so children retain the risk of infringement. Waiting for complications is stupid, it is necessary to eliminate the problem.

Operational intervention can be used between the ages of 6. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 15 minutes. In view of the fact that the inguinal ring is formed not to the end, surgeons simply cut off the hernial pocket. Concerning conservative treatmentit is the use of a bandage. They put it in the lying position, at first he gives discomfort, after coming coming.

Premature and weakened babes, the hernia is simply just running. For this, antropine, pantopone and commotol solutions are introduced. The main recommendation is the reception of warm baths. If there is no positive dynamics, it is recommended to resort to emergency operation.

Treatment without surgery

Conservative treatment can give an effect only if it was started on early timing. The main thing in time to identify the pathological process. In this case, the treatment of hernia without surgery is possible. The earlier the elimination of swelling will be started, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

If for some reason failed to achieve positive dynamics, an emergency operation is carried out. Most often, they will be ordinary by refreshing. Make it should experienced specialist. If the intestines were in the hernial bag, in the right, the characteristic sound of the yard will be heard. If the swelling has become solid and painful, it is no longer possible to correct it, it should be resorted to surgical interference.

You can try to eliminate hernia with a bandage. It is put in position lying and wear exclusively during the time of wakefulness. In the absence of positive dynamics also resort to surgical intervention.

Massage with groin hernia in children

It is worth noting that light swelling disappears on its own. This is possible only if it started to develop immediately after birth. It is not worth relaxing in this case, because recurrence can occur for 4 years. If for the first time the years of life, the groin hernia does not bring concern and does not picked up the child, the surgical intervention is not practiced here. You can try a massage with groin hernia, in children this process is characterized by positive dynamics.

Treatment can occur by massage and special exercise. The main load should strengthen the front wall of the abdomen. Massage must be done in the back position. The child massaging the tummy clockwise. At the same time, it is necessary to slightly compress the muscles of the tummy. After that, the child turn over the tummy and massage the back. Massage is necessary daily, for 7 minutes, until the hernia disappears. If by 5 years the swelling did not disappear, you need to show the baby to the surgeon.

Bandage with groin hernia in children

The main indication for the use of the bandage is the presence of groin hernia. This pathological process is today quite common. It arises against the background of genetic predisposition and can occur due to strong physical exertion. This type of swelling is characteristic of male representatives. Help will cope with the problem, will help the bandage, it is widely used in children with groin hernia. But only if the pathological process does not bring discomfort and does not differ in soreness.

Wearing a bandage is needed during the time of wakefulness. If the patient peshes cough and sneezing, it is worthwhile to wear it and at night. At least once a day he is removed. At first, the bandage will deliver discomfort, after it comes to it. When wearing such a lock, weakening the abdominal muscles is observed. They seem like lazy. Therefore, the bandage is not considered as an alternative to surgical elimination.

Drug treatment

To eliminate the pathological process, drug therapy is not carried out. It has no effectiveness, and in general the medicines are not able to give positive dynamics. It is possible to eliminate it exclusively by refueling or the surgical method.

If observed pain syndrome is observed, the baby can be given an anesthetic. But this question is solved individually with the doctor. Paracetamol, Panadol and Ibuprofen suitable. You can take them 2-3 times a day on one tablet. The dosage depends on the state of the child. To resort to the help of painkillers is not precisely because the painful hernia requires immediate surgery. Wait for the condition will improve yourself - stupid.

Sometimes a bandage is applied, but in the event that there is no threat to the development of complications. Behind the baby with hernias must be carefully monitored. This is allowed to prevent infringement. In general, swelling is worth removing surgically in a planned manner.

Popular treatment

To eliminate the disadvantaged hernia to resort to help folk Medicine In no case can not. This pathological process carries a special danger to the child, it is not worth risking his life. If the hernia is ordinary and it is waiting for a scheduled elimination, you can try in waiting period popular treatment. Everything is worth it carefully, because there is a risk of aggravation of the child's condition.

You can try to eliminate the swelling with the help of a compression based on the branch is wormwood. Positive effect promises cabbage and brine sauerkraut. It is enough just to apply these ingredients to swelling daily.

The place of lesion should be washed with a weak solution of acetic acid. This technique also promises a positive effect. You can make a compress from a decoction based on the bark of oaks, its leaves and an acorns. To do this, it is necessary to chop ingredients and pour them in red wine. Leave the tool is needed on 21 days, it will be quite enough for full preparation. A positive effect promises alternation of compresses.

Conspiracy of groaning hernia in a child

In the old days, many diseases were eliminated by conspiracy. In the last century, people believed in virtue of thought. They believed that if he was strongly desired and asked, it would surely come true. Based on this, with the help of conspiracies eliminated the inguinal hernia in a child. The effect was really positive. Unfortunately, it is not possible to learn about the wonderful stories of healing, but it is quite possible to try to make a plot.

Wanting a child of good, young mothers try to help him with all ways. Therefore, they resort to help not only traditional medicine, but also other methods. So, there are certain conspiracies that help facilitate the state of the baby. It can not harm, in any case, try his action every mom.

The easiest plot. It is necessary to bite the hernia of the child and at the same time start repeating a specific text. You can send hernia for the sea, oceans and wide fields. The main thing is to read prayer while pronouncing the text. First you need to slip three times through the left shoulder, then read the prayer and repeat the action.

There are not so few texts of conspiracies. But is it worth doing this if there is standard schemes treatment? No need to risk the health of the kid. It is necessary to entrust his professionals in his case.

Treatment of herbs

Try treatment by folk methods can everyone. But not always such a risk is justified. Of course, the treatment of herbs is not able to cause serious harm to the body. But the desire to eliminate everything in such a way can lead to the aggravation of the state of the baby and cause serious complications. You can try the treatment with the help of herbs during the waiting period of the operation.

  • Recipe number 1. It is necessary to pour the dry grass of the clover with two glasses of boiling water. The main ingredient at the same time you need to take a tablespoon. After that, everything is covered with a napkin and leaves alone per hour. After the specified time expires, the agent is fastened and used for a third of a glass before meals.
  • Recipe number 2. It is necessary to take 3 teaspoons of crushed cornflowers of cornflowers and pour them 500 ml of boiling water. Treatment should be prescribed in the thermos throughout the day. After that it is cool, focusing and accepted on a third of a glass up to 5 times a day.
  • Recipe number 3. The Tollga grass is poured with a glass of boiling water. It is enough to take one teaspoon of the main ingredient. After that, everything is covered with a lid and wrapped. Leave the tool is needed for a couple of hours, until complete insteada. Then straighten it and use small portions throughout the day.


Homeopathic preparations have managed to establish themselves for a long time. Their effectiveness lies in a special composition based on herbs and natural components. True, such treatment may not be suitable for everyone. The infringement of hernia carries the risk to the child's life, so homeopathy may not cope with this problem. Here it is necessary exceptionally surgical removal.

Some doctors resort to the right of hernia, but not always possible and efficiently. In any case, this process must be complemented with high-quality treatment. But it is worth understanding that induced hernia does not always lead to a positive result. Finally, surgical intervention is also able to entail negative consequences.

In order to eliminate possible complications, I resort to homeopathy. In the treatment of the pathological process, such drugs such as Belladonna and Nux Vomica have proven well. In the third and 6th dilution. But such treatment is a special risk. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to proven methods.

Operation to remove the groin hernia in children

Operational intervention will avoid possible negative consequences. An operation to remove the groin hernia is carried out on the fact of the installation of the diagnosis in the affected children. Most often to surgical interference resorted aged 6-12 months. Newborn babies, operational treatment is not technically difficult. Yes, and at this age, the anesthesia is carried out much easier, and carries any danger. It is not necessary to postpone the operation, perhaps the development of infringement. When a doctor decides to do the operation. Operation is planned and does not require emergency removal. But the long-lasting delay is undesirable.

The principle of surgical removal lies in the disagreement of the abdominal cavity and hernia bag. It is also necessary to prevent internal organs into it. The operation is delicate and requires special technical skills. It is important to preserve all the anatomical formations of the seed rope. For operational intervention, the kids do not use mesh implants. The operation is always performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the removal of the hernia does not exceed 30 minutes.

Laparoscopy groin hernia in children

The most common way to get rid of hernia is its plastic. This procedure was called laparoscopy. Apply it to inspect the opposite side in patients suffering from one-sided hernia. If it is available on the other hand, the plastic is carried out open manner. Two-sided groin hernia in children is not as often as often, but it can be eliminated by means of laparoscopy.

There is a risk of missed hernia or the danger of complications after such an intervention. Perhaps damage to the structures of the seed rope. The safety of the procedure has been proven when removing hernia through a hernial bag. In this case, a positive result is observed.

Which method to use, the doctor is solved on the basis of possible mortality, the complexity of the situation, as well as observing under normal audit. Laparoscopy showed many advantages. Even despite the fact that the probability of the presence of a pathological process on the other hand is at a high level.

Postoperative period

Nursing care implies a change of dressing and treating the resulting wound. For the first time after the operation, the bandage often mocks. This process is physiological and does not require any additional processing measures. In the postoperative period, you need to ensure the baby with decent departure.

If used silk suture MaterialYou can remove the seams for 7 days after the operation. To date, the Ketgutsky Saturase-free threads are beginning to acquire greater popularity. When using them, the scar is almost impaired.

Postoperative treatment is reduced to the admission of painkillers. It can be paracetamol, Panadol and Ibuprofen. The dosage is prescribed depending on the sharpness of pain syndrome. During the recovery period, it is necessary to eat correctly. It is advisable to give the baby food rich on fiber. Exclude products capable of leading to increased gas formation.

It is often recommended to wear a bandage, it will ensure the uniform distribution of intra-abdominal pressure. In addition, it reduces the compression on the scar, it contributes to its regeneration. The duration of its wearing is determined by the doctor and depends on the complexity of the operation.

Mainly in the postoperative period, provoking factors should be eliminated. These include exercise, cough, constipation and overweight. Behind the baby must be carefully monitored. The probability of recurrence is maintained during the first 3 years.


The best preventive measure is the fulfillment of the morning charging. It is real for children who already know how to walk. Moderate activity is sufficient for newborns. The baby must crawl, play, but do not lie in a fixed state. It is worth wearing in his hands and entertain. Adhesive walks will benefit - this is the basis of any prevention.

The child needs to normalize sleep mode, prevent overeating. Excess weight Promotes the development of the pathological process. Do not allow an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Provokes its growth constipation, coughing And excessive physical exertion. Kid need to feed food, rich fiberIn order to eliminate the likelihood of constipation. All concomitant diseases also need to be eliminated. Including cold and flu.

When strange symptoms appear, immediately access the doctor. This will avoid possible serious consequences. Preventive measures Assist to avoid the development of the pathological process.


Results after the operation carried out mainly carry positive. To date, the operation is carried out in a hospital, where the baby is still some time after removing hernia. Here, behind him, experienced specialists who will not allow the deterioration of the child's condition. In most cases, the forecast is favorable. But only subject to the timely elimination of hernia.

The risk of complications is still preserved. It can be lymphostasis in the testicular, high fixation of the egg or infertility in the future. If you do not ignore the treatment and not to delay the pathological process of deleting the forecast will always be favorable. Its positivity depends on the speed of responding to parents and carry out the operation itself.

Preventing the development of the pathological process occurs due to the rational nutrition, the exclusion of strong physical exertion and the treatment of constipation.

The pathology of the protrusion of internal organs in the child in the groin area is the visible omission of the abdominal bodies under the skin.

Common causes of groin hernia in the child are weak muscles of peritoneum, generic injuries, hereditary predisposition, overvoltage and excessive pressure in the area of \u200b\u200bthe body of a small pelvis and peritoneum.

There is no illness almost always painlessly, the naked eye is noticeable pathological protrusion, which can increase in size in size during physical activity and disappear in a state of rest.

If hernia for a long time It does not pass independently and in the patient there is its increase, it is possible to develop complications: infringement of groin hernia, inflammation of the internal organs.

Disease requires comprehensive diagnostics To determine the degree of complexity of pathology and the likelihood of its self-deflection. Most often resort to operational method The treatment of groin hernia in children.

The groin hernia has a child under the age of two years, more often occurs in boys than girls (about 3 cases of incidence of 5). This feature is explained by the development of genital organs. In the process of ripening, the testicles migrate into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity, which can entail the development of hernia.

Congenital pathology is usually determined by a violation of the vaginal process inherent in which cells are delivered for the construction of genital organs. The vaginal process in this case becomes a junk bag, which creates a predisposition to a disease of the disease.

The outer ring of the inguinal canal acts as a hernia gate, through which intestines fall into the bag, a large gland, uterine tubes, ovaries.

11.5% of the case of groin hernia in a child have a hereditary nature. One or both parents have previously transferred similar ailment. This is explained by the structure of the abdominal wall, not cope with pressure, in the formation of internal organs.

The formation of domestic organs in the groove zone is found in adolescents and adults who are engaged in severe physical labor, while having undeveloped or weakened back and abdominal muscles. It can be accompanied by the omission of the small pelvis and the abdominal region, inflammation, infringement.


Surgeons distinguish congenital and acquired inguinal hernias developing in early age In children (boys). About the reasons different species The protrusion we talked above.

The following types of congenital pathology are found in hospital practice:

  • oblique, descending through the ink inner ring;
  • straight, overlooking the defect in the abdominal wall of the outer ring;
  • right-sided;
  • left-sided;
  • bilateral;
  • scratch-scrotal;
  • rod;
  • egg.


In the first years of life, the formation of hernia pathology can be seen by the naked view of the parents of the kid. It manifests itself in the form of a circular or oval swelling in a groin area, which is capable of growing at a straight, crying, laugh, and decrease in a calm position. When pressed, it is easy to go inside.

Most often, the protrusion does not bother the baby, creating only a visual defect. However, there are cases of pain, manifested by pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen and thigh.

Patch-scrotal pathology in kids is noticeable when the hernia squeezes falls into the scrotum or large half Grub, creating an asymmetry of the genital organ.

There are individual symptoms of groin hernia in a child who will help to diagnose this pathology. To do this, contact your doctor.


The most dangerous consequences of the development and treatment without an operation of groin hernia, the child of the doctor is called the infringement of hernia (it ceases to edit) and internal organs located close to it.

When infringement, the contents of the hernial bag and disruption of blood circulation in these organs occurs.

The reasons for the development of complications of this type can be intestinal disorders, obstruction and constipation, excessive load on the muscles of the press.

Kids often cry, complain about bloating and pain in the groin zone. Pathology becomes painful and inflamed in appearance, ceases to be refused when pressing. With constipation and obstruction of the intestine, provoked by the infringement, the kid has bloated, vomiting. Such complications can lead to deposits - peritonitis.

Since the infringement of the hernial bag and its contents applies to the organs of a small pelvic (ovaries - in girls, testicles - in boys), this can lead to tissue necrosis, which will entail the development of infertility in adulthood.

ATTENTION! Relations are possible, even after removing hernia and recovery normal function A small pelvis organs. In the risk group:

  • premature children;
  • faces with weak muscles bark;
  • the presence of a human connection fabrics;
  • conducting others, after which the complication is manifested in the form of hernia.

With improper conducting hernioplasty, the development of lymphostasis, abnormal fixation of the internal organs, infertility is likely.


Pathology easily detects the parents of small children or their relatives with swimming, massage and visual inspection. It was said above that the symptoms of groin hernia in a child are noticeable to the naked eye or are tested during palpation.

Childish Surgeon makes a diagnosis of pose pathology on the basis of analyzes conducted and medical examination. The baby needs to pass an anamnesis, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and the groove region, irrigography.

At the inspection, the surgeon will ask the child to be in a natural position, as well as rebuild, plow, bend down to create conditions under which pathology can express themselves more clearly, thus approving the diagnosis.


The child's groaning hernia is a great danger to the health of the sexual system and other kid organs, therefore conservative treatments (such as, LFCs) are not applied to the children.

In a planned order, the surgical operation of hernias is used for the children age from six months to a year.

Herneoplasty is the removal of the contents and removal of the hernia bag, the restoration of the normal anatomical structure of the groin.

The operating method is used - laparoscopy, which is carried out under general anesthesia.

By decision of the doctor, the inguinal channels and muscles are strengthened, avoiding the hook of seed ducts and the vessels of the testicles, in order not to cause the death of these structures.

Operational intervention is required immediately if the surgeon diagnosed the infringement of groin hernia in a child, because in such a situation the risks of death tesquil: ovaries and uterine pipes (in girls), testicles and seed cakes (in boys).

The penerioplasty feature is that the surgeon is important to assess the viability of the hernial content before the start of operational intervention. If the organs in the infringement were donated, during the operation, the doctor will resets them. Herneoplasty is carried out in an outpatient mode, the patient's restoration lasts several hours, after which it will be discharged.

The result of the operation of groin hernia in children is the restoration of the anatomical structure of organs, blood circulation in a small pelvis, the elimination of inflammation and risks of development of serious complications. Female outcomes for surgical intervention This type is observed in 0.5% of cases.


The occurrence of congenital pathologies to predict is very difficult, since external factors may not be completely specific to a specific disease.

The doctors advise parents of newborns to regularly undergo surgical examinations for predisposition to protrude internal organs.

It is also important to follow the health of the child: to perform the strengthening massage muscles, prevent or treat intestinal disorders, follow normal work intestines and not to expose the kid with severe physical work.

We were lucky with my son to grow in a groin.
Where she came from, I do not know. He does not raise anything at all, just does not like to strain in life ... I have such a son :)
Very moving, runs ..
In general, on the medical examination they revealed this hernia unhappy.

It was necessary to make an operation. Operation is not urgent, but since I myself recent times Pregnancy, decided to hurry with the operation, to my childbirth. After all, as the doctor said, pinching hernia can happen, and it would be more serious and the sick for a son.
In general, they made analyzes a child and me. We went to the hospital.
Hospital Perm No. 15 on Bauman 17 a.
Before you go to the hospital, reading feedback on the Internet expected a very worst, but the hospital was very good, a new clean building, with spacious corridors, a large hall and high windows on each floor. In the planned surgery department, a special room with a TV, a game for children. In each chamber of the shower toilet combined.
The chambers are usually two or three places small, we lay in the big ward on five. Neighbors got funny kids with samented (that rarity) moms and grandmother.


The image is reduced. Click to see the original.

The image is reduced. Click to see the original.

Of the disadvantages of the hospital - a small confusion in elevators with floors, the first floor, this is the base, and our third floor in the elevator is fourth, well, it should only be proven :)
Yes, I had to catch doctors, as you could often forget about you and leave home without giving a response that you for example are waiting.
But about the operation itself:
In the dining men did not felt particularly, that is, it seems to be fed a bit, but I did not like it, since I was a vegetarian, and preferred my food, which my friend and relatives were brought to me, but of course the hospital food does not happen, so my son is also It was fell by pleasure :)
In the morning, on an empty stomach, all the operations were collected in the expectation room, in turn took children to the operating room. Operation itself lasted 15 minutes no longer. Rucked me out of my son on the catal, usually mom simply put on the hands of small, but since I am with a belly, I was brought to my externally damaged to the chamber.
As the anesthesia explained to me was the most soft, soared through the mask. Son woke up in about twenty minutes later with a scream and a complaint against abdominal pain (groin)
But I did not ask the anesthesia, all the same injection is another torment for the boy, even if the pain is removed, and the effect is temporary.
Sit down the whole day blew on the Pusico, more with the least withstand. The son realized that if not to move, it was not so hurt, because he was headed by Tikhonechko, not moving, but I wore him food from the dining room and toys from the game.
The rest of the children who have done the operation moved along differently, one girl after anesthesia moved, the other jumped out how nothing had been running, but he had an operation on his finger.
We the next morning carefully looked like and fled ahead of Mamka, in general, I also moved my son.
For all the time the hospital we spent 7 days. On the last day they took the seams and let go home under the supervision of the local surgeon. Now everything is fine, again went to kindergarten.

Hernia- It is a pathological protrusion that may arise in various anatomical areas. The hernia consists of a junk bag, hernia content, as well as a hernial gate, from which a hernia bag with content. We will focus on the inguinal and navel hernias, because They are most common.

Packing hernia in children

What are inguinal hernias?

The groin hernia in children is a protrusion in the groin region, due to the presence of an unlocked vaginal process containing an intestine, an oil seal or ovary.

Such hernias are found more than 5% of children, but they have premature trials found 3-5 times more often than among the donoshennies. In children suffering from violation of the development of connective tissue against the background of genetically determined diseases, the hernia of the anterior abdominal wall can be observed in 2 - 3 times more often. Frequently often inguinal hernias are combined with various congenital orthopedic pathologies. For example, congenital dislocation defects nervous system, Spinal hernia.

The ratio of boys and girls. suffering from this disease is, according to various sources, from 3: 1 to 10: 1. It is possible that this is due to the process of omitting the test (testicles) in boys from the abdominal cavity in the scrotum. According to some authors, boys in 60% of cases there are right-sided groin hernia, and in 10% of cases - bilateral groin hernia. Girls in more than 50% of cases diagnose inguinal hernia on both sides. When studying hereditary predisposition, it was found that 11.5% of children with inguinal hernias were previously operated on about the same disease.

Manifestations of the disease

The main symptom of groin hernia in boys and girls is a protrusion in the groin area. With inhabric-scrotal hernia, hernia protrusion spreads to the bottom of the scrotum. A particularly noticeable protrusion becomes after exercise, when crying, a child's cry, which is associated with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Uncomplicated groin hernia has a soft-elastic consistency, when pressing it easily, it is easily upgraded into the abdominal cavity, sometimes with the ration, if the containers are the intestine loop. Palpation and the right of uncomplicated groove hernia does not cause any discomfort to a child.

Herge bag

The egg shells are often found in newborn boys. At the same time, the swelling in the scrotum region is visually determined, the disappearing, then increasing, especially when screaming, crying.

As a rule, the water membranes of eggs in young children go spontaneously during the first year of life. When the water is maintained at an older age (after 2 years), operational treatment is required.

The appearance of the hernial protrusion in the groin or inhabric and scrotum region should alert parents and become a reason to appeal to the children's surgeon. Currently, the planned operational treatment of inguinal hernia in children is made immediately after diagnosis. However, in children up to 6 months of life, especially with any concomitant pathology, in the presence of free right of hernia content, operational treatment can be postponed until the second half of the first year of life. It should be remembered that this child It should be under the supervision of a children's surgeon, and parents must be informed about the symptoms of the infringement of hernia. Even one episode of infringement is an indication for a planned operation.

Why and how does the groin hernia occur?

The main role in the formation of inguinal hernia in children is played by the "vaginal process", which develops in the abdominal cavity of the fetus from 12 weeks intrauterine development. In fact, the vaginal process is the abutment of peritoneum into the inguinal region, beyond the abdominal cavity. The main task of the vaginal process is to reduce the gonad (the process of omnoving the eggs from the abdominal cavity in the scrotum). After the eases are omnovy, the hormone-dependent process of obliteration (inquiry) of the vaginal process is happening. It is violation this process And creates prerequisites for the development of inguinal hernia, the watering of the shells of eggs or the cyst of the seed rope. Introduction to the vaginal reinforcement of the seal, loops of the intestine, and in girls - the ovary in the overwhelming number of cases leads to the formation of groin hernia. Thus, the vaginal process is a junk bag, back wall Which boys pass the elements of the seed rope, and the girls are a round bunch of uterus and accompanying it elements.

Infrovered inguinal grozhi

Infringement - This is a compression of the contents of the hernia bag with the development of circulatory disorders in the infrinalized organs up to necrosis (tissue homation). The infrigious inguinal hernia is often observed in children under 1 year, usually in premature. The boys most often joined the loop of the intestine or strand of the gland, in girls - the ovary, less often - the uterine tube or the intestine loop. The contents of the junk bag through the inner groove ring penetrates the ink channel. The infringement is associated with the development of the gradual edema of the contents of the hernia bag, impaired venous and lymphatic outflow, the strengthening of edema, which leads to compression. The influx of arterial blood is disturbed and necrosis develops. At the same time, it is possible to visually determine the signs of compression (stagnation) of the contents of a hernia bag: hernial protrusion is dense, expressed painful, in the groin area there are swelling and redness.

The most sensitive to the cessation of blood supply to the tissue of the ovary of girls. Even a small duration of the infringement can lead to an organ necrosis. The infringement of the ovarian also causes the death of eggs, which may reflect on reproductive abilities.

putting these circumstances, in the infringement of inguinal hernia, girls are accepted for emergency surgery.

Upon admission to the hospital, the boy with a small limitation of the infringement of the groin hernia and the lack of symptoms of the compression (ragulation) of the contents of the hernial bag is taken to carry out a complex of conservative measures aimed at relaxing muscles, a decrease in edema and the rightness of hernia content. The brewed is introduced spasmodics, soothing drugs.

With the right of groin hernia and improving the condition of the child, it is recommended to perform a planned operational intervention. With a satisfactory condition of the child and the absence of any severe concomitant diseases, it is not necessary to postpone the operational treatment for a long time, since there is always a threat of re-infringement, which can leak less safely. In addition, repeated infringement of inguinal hernia make it difficult to intervene in connection with the formation of dense battles between the hernial bag and elements of the seed rope.

In the absence of an effect from conservative events in accusable inguinal hernias, surgical treatment is carried out in an emergency order. With a high prescription reduction and presence of symptoms of the compression of the contents of a hernia bag to the operation, immediately without attempts to conservative treatment.

Due to the anatomical features of the technique of operation, girls are somewhat simpler than that of boys. With infrained inguinal hernias during the operation, the state of the disadvantaged organ (loops of the intestine, glades, ovary) is evaluated. In case of circulatory impairment, a complex of conservative measures aimed at restoring the viability of the latter is carried out in the infringement authority. In the absence of effect, the necrotic organ is removed. Fortunately, this happens quite rarely: according to foreign authors, when the intestine hinge is infrained, the resection of a non-visual site (removal of part of the body) is required in 1.5% of cases.

Another complication of the infringement of groin hernia in the boys is a violation of the "egg blood circulation. This complication occurs in 5% of children with infrained inguinal hernias and, in cases of late diagnosis, can lead to atrophy (decrease in the size and termination of work) of the testicle.

The recurrences of the inguinal hernia, according to world medical literature, are less than 1% and most often arise from premature children and in children with diseases of the connective tissue. Some authors argue that quite often the recurrences of the inguinal hernia arise after emergency operational interventions. Thus, the timely diagnosis of inguinal hernias with subsequent planned treatment makes it possible to reduce the number of complications and the risk that is always present in emergency operations.

Immediate Consultation The doctor is necessary when changing general status Child (a sharp concern, pain syndrome, vomiting, in children up to a year - a tripping legs, rejection of food, temperature increase) in combination with the appearance in the groin area of \u200b\u200bdense, painful education, unrelated to the abdominal cavity. This state is regarded as the infringement of groin hernia. Delegation in addressing medical help It may lead to severe consequences: necrosis of infrainment of organs, the development of atrophy tesculus.

Is it possible to "speak" a hernia?

Among parents are widespread the view that some folk healers They can "speak" herriation - and it will disappear by itself. Is it so? Everything is explained simply. Shamans and obstacles know about the possibilities of spontaneous closure of the defect of the umbilical rings in children up to 3-5 years. These scientific knowledge give them the opportunity for certain material benefits Effectively "treat" children. This is a win-win version that allows you to support the myth of the extraordinary possibilities of non-traditional treatment methods.

According to our observations, unconventional methods The treatment of inguinal hernia (including conspiracies) not only does not lead to recovery, but also make it difficult for subsequent operational treatment due to the development of the adhesive process. Inclusion B. safety process The seed-winning duct can lead to its closure with the development of impaired reproductive function. Often, a huge faith of parents by virtue of conspiracies and the dullness of their vigilance lead to late appeals to the hospital in the infringement of hernia, which is fraught with the development of the complications listed.

Packing hernia in children

Underfloor hernia is one of the most frequent surgical pathologies of children's age and occurs in each fifth child, and among the premature children - each third. At birth, the minimum defect of the umbilical ring is determined by almost every newborn. When screaming, the baby's crying appears hernia protrusion, which is usually alarming parents. Often parents connect the child's concern with the presence umbilical hernia. However, cases of infringement of the umbilical hernia are extremely rare.

Basic hernias are prone to spontaneous closure. At the same time, the size of the defect of the umbilical ring is important: when it is diameter, less than 1.5 cm, as a rule, the closure of the defect is noted by 3-5 years of life. If the umbilical hernia is preserved after 5 years, then operational treatment is necessary.

If there is a defect defect for a large diameter, the independent closure is almost impossible, which also requires an operation - perhaps at earlier age (3-4 years). Thus, the umbilical hernia requires the observation of the child from a children's surgeon to determine the tactics of treatment.

Practice showed that the baking of the navel, applying coins to the navel region does not give any effect and quite often cause irritation of the skin of the octopup region.

Conservative activities aimed at closing the defect of the umbilical ring in children under the year can be attributed to a common massage, a massage of the anterior abdominal wall, lad out on the belly, therapeutic physical education. Common massage and medical physical education carry out masseurs and physical people. The massage of the front abdominal wall is stroking the abdomen clockwise - can do any parents before each feeding, after which the child is recommended to lay out on the belly for 5-10 minutes. However, with hernias big size Do not mention these methods.

The purpose of the operation with an umbilical hernia is to embroof the defect of the umbilical ring. The incision of a small size is produced above the navel in the skin fold, which, along with cosmetic seams, makes the postoperative scar with almost imperceptible. With age elasticity of tissue decreases, and a small defect of the umbilical ring, not eliminated in childhood, turns into a large umbilical hernia in adults. Often, the umbilical hernia begins to increase after childbirth in women. Basic hernia in adults are prone to infringement and frequent recurrences. Therefore, around the world, it is customary to treat hernia front abdominal walls in childhood, better before school.

The groin hernia in boys is a frequently encountered disease in young children up to three years. Such pathology often has a congenital nature of acquisition, but also encountered hernia in groin and acquired. Newborns may be born with already existing hernia, but more often it happens in premature babies.

The hernia itself is the extinguishing of the internal organs of the abdomen shrouded in the abdominal sheet through the inguinal ring in the region of the paha. Predominantly this pathology It is found in boys, but the girls also suffer, although much less often. The high frequency of the formation of groove hernia in boys is explained anatomical features Male body.

How and why the formation of a protrusion

During the period of intrauterine development in the first few months, the testicles are in the cavity of the peritoneum. During the ripening of the fetus, the testicles are lowered into the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen and pass through the ring located between the departments of the peritoneum and groin. Closer to birth, fetal eggs are completely lowered into the scrotum and are there until the end of life.

However, there is one essential nuance: tests, dropping into the final destination, the part of the peritoneum is pulled by the inguinal canal. Thus, a small anatomical pocket is formed, which is called a vaginal process.

In the course of normal development, the latter must fully influence, but due to a number of reasons for this may not occur, and the internal organs of the peritonean may fall after the testicles.

However, it should be remembered that this channel sometimes overgrowns completely, and during life, on the background of provoking factors, the abdomen can easily go into the cavity of the scrotum. Pathology with such a development option is called oblique hernia. The name she received due to its oblique location. There is another variant of the children's groin hernia, in which the protrusion passes through the actual abdominal wall, without affecting the groin canal.

Girls are drinking in this area 20 times less than that of boys. It is also explained by the anatomical features of the female body. There are no testicles in girls, and the ovaries from the beginning of the formation of the fetus for the female type remain in the field of a small pelvis. That is, during the development of girls, there is no trust leaf that could pull behind them. Another protective factor is that the girls in the inguinal canal are located a royal bunch that strengthens the passage itself.

Not always groin hernia happens congenital. Older boys also suffer from such a disease.

Causes provoking the development of acquired hernia in groin:

  • operations;
  • injuries such as shocks, falling on the stomach or groin;
  • diseases of internal organs, namely organs of the digestive tract;
  • respiratory diseases accompanied by a constant strong cough;
  • excess body weight;
  • learning high gravity leading to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

The risk group includes those boys who from birth in their constitution are weak and "chili". Their restraining intra-abdominal pressure factors are not capable of compensating for the rendered load. It often happens that parents give their child to sports sections where power and endurance are required, without giving themselves the report in the consequences.

Gnight varieties

Pathological protrusion is different by origin, structure and flow.


  1. Congenital - These are the hernias that were formed during the period of intrauterine development.
  2. Acquired - hernia, which was formed during the lifetime due to a number of reasons contributing to the weakening of the abdominal muscles.
  3. Combined - It is a discovering, having several hernial bags in their structure with different organs.
  4. Complicated and uncomplicated.
  5. Fitted - those hernia that may disappear on their own for a short period.
  6. Unable. They are not eliminated without interfering of medical personnel and treatment. Such hernias are usually fragmented, that is, the contents of the hernia are connected to inner side Herry bag walls.
  7. Depending on the side of the location: right-sided, left-sided or double-sided.

Congenital grocery hernia and its signs

The hernia, like any disease, is manifested by common and specific symptoms. The first group of features is determined by the reaction of the organism on the appearance of the disease.

These include:

  • malaise;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • headaches;
  • irritability;
  • the child often cries and concerned without a visible reason.

What does hernia look like in groin? In the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, there is a small tumor formation of elastic consistency. Externally can resemble a small bump, discovering from the skin. Education in shape can be round and oval.

The second group of signs is determined by the local action of hernia to neighboring organs and surrounding fabrics.

Specific symptoms include:

  • middle up to 10 cm;
  • digestive tract disorders: constipation, bloating, gases disorder, belching and nasty smell from mouth;
  • strong pain in the area of \u200b\u200bpah or scrotum; Pain in this case has a good character;
  • externally observed swelling of the scrotum, also this part of the body can be much increased in size;
  • if the child is older - he can complain about the feeling of burning in the lower abdomen;
  • difficult urination;

It is important to remember that the protrusion can independently disappear. In addition, the hernia at the first time of its development often does not have a pronounced clinical picture.

Diagnostic features

The study of the disease implies an assessment of a general condition in a boy, the specifics of hernia, its size, position. For this, the doctor can assign a number tool methods Research.

Among them are allocated main ways:

  1. Ultrasound diagnosticsthat can give accurate information about the contents of a junk bag, its location and the state of the entrance gate;
  2. Gastroduodenoscopy. - A method that allows us to evaluate the state of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. In this case, this allows you to study the involvement of these organs into the pathological process.

Also, the diagnosis of the disease implies differentiation with pathologies that have a similar clinical picture.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with such ailments:

  • ovarian ovarian;
  • cryptorchism.


Such a type of hernia is subject to surgical treatment. Conservative therapy In this case, it does not prevent a number of complications that can arise after treatment in the hospital. The main method of operational intervention is called hernuty.

The surgical process consists of several stages:

  1. Introduction general anesthesia And the introduction of a child into sleep state.
  2. A small incision is performed in 3 cm, thus access to the hernial bag.
  3. The latter is led by studying and evaluating. The content is investigated.
  4. The bodies in the bag are subject to refueling towards their normal location.
  5. A cross-section of unnecessary tissues is performed and the bag itself is removed.
  6. Sunning and fixing the peritoneum.

In the usual case, this operation does not cause difficulties in surgeons and it is performed for no more than half an hour.

However, there is always the risk of operating complications:

  • infection of the wound;
  • egg injury or surrounding structures (artery, veins);
  • recurney, in this case, a re-execution of the operation is required.

Recurney is a frequent phenomenon in hernia surgery. The re-occurrence of pathology is due to several reasons.

Recurious factors:

  • errors in the intervention process;
  • background diseases of the intestine, accompanied by excess gas formation;
  • strong physical exertion at first after the operation.

The postoperative period involves active patient management. Behind the boy is careful care.

Also at this stage, lifestyle correction is carried out:

  1. Exception of some foodswho can lead to the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Avoid any physical exertion.

Despite the fact that the next day the child will feel a significant relief, should not be observed to comply with these restrictions.

The forecast for the boy's life is favorable.

It is important to remember that insufficient attention rendered to hernia in a child can lead to a complication of the disease. Consequences include infringement - sudden fast compression of organs in the jewelry bag.