Grocery hernia in men Operation on Liechtenstein. Treatment of gentle hernia - Operation of Liechtenstein

  • The date: 04.03.2020

Operation on Liechtenstein is a variant of plastics with groin hernia with the strengthening of the herniated gate with a mesh implant. This technique of hernias is carried out by children and adult patients more often than others, but has both advantages and disadvantages.

Liechtenstein's operation with groove hernia is a "gold standard" surgery to remove a defect in groin without tensioning natural tissues surrounding a hernia. During operation, polymer or composite grids are used, which have the ability to dissolve and contribute to the healing of injured tissues.

How to hernioplasty is carried out

Operation has a small number of contraindications and risks, special preparation for surgical intervention is not required. Plastic of groin hernia for Liechtenstein is carried out under the spinal anesthesia, it is less likely to use general anesthesia.

Stages of operation:

  1. Creating access to the hernial bag - a section is performed about 5 cm.
  2. Dissection of the aponeurosis oblique muscle to the inguinal ring.
  3. Fixation of aponeurosis holder.
  4. Isolation of hernia, the return of the organs on its anatomical place.
  5. Installing a surgical grid.
  6. Cutting aponeurosis, overlapping sinking seams.

The method of Liechtenstein is suitable for hernia in the groin of any kind. This is one of the main options to get rid of hernia with the minimum risk of relapse. When other techniques suggest the embedding of a defect with surrounding tissues, the hernioplasty for Liechtenstein uses a grid that prevents re-emphasis, which is the main advantage of the method.

The criterion for the quality of the operation will be wrinkling the mesh implant, this indicates a plastic without tensioning fabrics, which gives a guarantee of good maintenance of the hernial gate.

Contraindications to the operation

Restrictions and contraindications for plastics on Liechtenstein:

  • nonconsidiance It may be an obstacle to the execution of the operation, the anesthesia will in this case end with complications;
  • with the disadvantaged hernia An emergency open operation is carried out, plastic is transferred or completely canceled;
  • when there are symptoms of acute abdomen The operation is not carried out until the exact clinic is clarified and the causes of severe condition;
  • with a large hernia Some surgeons refuse to carry out a Liechtenstein operation, predicting recurrence after plastics;
  • previously postponed operation on the abdominal cavity is a contraindication to plastic with the fixation of the mesh implant;
  • chronic heart disease, blood coagulation disorders will also limit the choice of surgical treatment;
  • absolute contraindication will be intestinal obstruction.

Advantages of plastic on Liechtenstein

The operation was widespread due to the lack of factor of tensioning the fabrics surrounding hernia, which reduced the number of patients with recurrence after surgical treatment. This technique also eliminates many postoperative complications associated with the cardiovascular system.

What other advantages has plastic in the groin canal on Liechtenstein:

  • reduction of postoperative complications 10 times;
  • relatively short rehabilitation period;
  • lack of pronounced pain syndrome after surgery;
  • the ability to conduct plastic under anesthesia without anesthesia;
  • simple implementation technique, which reduces the risk of a surgeon error.

Disadvantages of the method

Among the minuses of plastics on Liechtenstein surgeons are distinguished by the following factors:

  • risk of injury and damage to the nerves in grointhat it can end the loss of tissue sensitivity in the operated area;
  • risk of infection There is always, but after surgery, doctors are doing everything possible for the prevention of purulent inflammation, and much depends on the patient himself;
  • women have risk of uterine bundles, resulting in its omitting, for this complication is characterized by bleeding and expressed pain syndrome;
  • scar changes May be caused by ischemia, testicle atrophy and impaired glands.

The probability of complications and recurrence of the hernia will depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis and professionalism of the doctor, especially when it comes to the operating of young children.

The reason for the recycling of the disease can be fixed in the size of the implant and poor-quality processing of a hernia bag. In addition to the recurrence of groin hernia, there are other no less disturbing effects of the operation.

Possible complications

The surgeon always warns about the risk of complications:

  • infection of wound and suppuration of seams;
  • damage to organs in the jewelry bag and injury of surrounding fabrics;
  • inaccurate fixation of the implant with its subsequent migration;
  • repeat the disease, the development of postoperative hernia;
  • complications after the introduction of anesthetic drug;
  • hemorrhage with the formation of hematoma.


Most of the complications can be preventing the rules of prevention in the early postoperative period. After plastle, conducted under general anesthesia, the initial recovery lasts 2 days, then the patient is discharged home, but for 2 weeks there is a surgeon. In the first 14 days after the plastic, a gentle diet is assigned, excluding constipation and bloating. The patient should abandon physical activity and regularly wear a groin band during everyday affairs.

In the early period after surgery, you can observe changes in the field of groin:

  • swelling of the skin in the crotch;
  • damage in the field of surgical seam;
  • numbness or increase sensitivity;
  • small bruises.

These symptoms are a normal response of the operated area on herniation. So that the condition remains and remains within the normal range, it is important to comply with precautions.

In the first week it is recommended not to drive a car, it is also important to eliminate states that provoke a strong cough or sneezing. A few days after the plastic, the scar needs to be protected from water. In the late period after the operation, the doctor may appoint medicinal physical culture and physiotherapy.

Hergelessness on Liechtenstein is an effective way to eliminate the inguinal hernia, which arise both in children and in adults. Artificial implants are used to close the hernial gate, which strengthen weakened tissues and speed up the recovery process.

Benefits of the method

The main advantages of hernioplasty for Liechtenstein:

  1. Low risk of early postoperative complications. The difficult course of the rehabilitation period is observed in 2-4% of cases, the remaining patients undergoes operation without consequences.
  2. Less intensity of pain syndrome occurring after eliminating hernia.
  3. Reducing the duration of the reducing period. The person returns to the usual way of life after 8 weeks after the intervention.
  4. Low probability of re-formation of the hernial gate and the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the late postoperative period.
  5. The possibility of conducting hernioplasty under local anesthesia. This is especially important for patients who are contraindicated by common anesthesia.
  6. Easy performed compared to other dozy techniques.

Hernia belly symptoms, causes and treatment

Live healthy! Hernia hernia retail. (10/20/2016)

Inguinal hernia. What it is

Indications and contraindications

The operation is shown in the presence of groin hernia of any type. Contraindications to intervention:

  1. Individual intolerance to anesthesia used during surgery.
  2. Large hernia affecting the nerve endings, which during operation may be damaged.
  3. Blood diseases. Any operations are contraindicated to persons having problems with blood clotting, such as hemophilia. No drug is capable of providing a stop of bleeding, which multiple increases the risk of death from blood loss.
  4. Chronic heart or respiratory failure. The operation increases the load on the heart, which aggravates the severity of the disease.
  5. Infringement of hernia. When performing hernioplasty by the Liechtenstein method, the surgeon does not have the opportunity to carry out a full inspection of fallen organs.
  6. The appearance of symptoms of acute abdomen of unclear origin. In this case, an additional examination was shown to identify the associated pathologies.
  7. Acute intestinal obstruction.
  8. Transferred in recently surgical interventions into the organs of a small pelvis. Performance of hangeal increases load on this body area, not to have time to recover.

Preparation for the operation

Preparation for surgical intervention includes the following steps:

  1. Patient examination. It involves conducting general blood and urine tests, the study of blood for hidden infections and coagulation, ultrasound of the hernial content and abdominal cavity, ECG, fluorography. It helps to determine the volume of the upcoming operation, identify the testimony and contraindications.
  2. Anesthesiologist consultation. At this stage, the type of anesthesia is selected, the presence of allergic reactions to painkillers is found.
  3. Compliance with a special diet. From the diet, it is necessary to eliminate products that slow down the intestinal peristalsis and possessing an annoying effect - fat, fried and sharp dishes, flour and confectionery, alcohol.
  4. Refusal to receive some drugs. 2 weeks before the operation cease treatment with anticoagulants, increasing the risk of hematomas.
  5. Failure to eat 12 hours before surgery.
  6. Purgation. For this purpose, the enema is used or laxative suppositories.
  7. Preparation of the operating field. The patient removes the hair in the groin area, performs the necessary hygienic procedures, puts on clean linen.
  8. Binting lower extremities. Performed on the day of the operation with the aim of preventing veins thrombosis.

Technique for holding

The procedure for performing surgical intervention includes the following steps:

  1. The formulation of epidural or general anesthesia.
  2. Production of skin cut. The operating wound has a length of 5 cm, runs in the region of the pubic bone parallel to the groove bundle.
  3. Dissection of subjectable tissues. The surgeon layerly cuts the subcutaneous tissue, the fascia and the outer oblique muscle and the outdoor opening of the inguinal canal. The edge of the muscle is separated from the seed cord, which is captured by the holder.
  4. Department of hernia content and its inspection. At this stage, the viability of the fallen bodies is determined.
  5. Return of organs in the abdominal cavity.
  6. Overlay explant (grid closing the hernia). The first seam fixes the grid on the velocity of the lane, the next step is to cross the lower edge of the implant with a groin bunch. The last seam fixes the edge of the grid behind the seed rope.
  7. Sewing oblique muscle, overlay cosmetic seam on the skin. Installation of drainage, providing an outflow of inflammatory fluid.

Live healthy! How to prepare for the operation. (09/12/2016)

Live healthy! Three tests before surgery. (09/23/2016)

Three types of anesthesia. Live healthy! (14.10.2016)

Possible complications

After the operation made by the Liechtenstein method, the following complications may develop:

  1. Reducing the sensitivity of the groin area. Surgical intervention is characterized by a high risk of damage to the nerve endings responsible for the innervation of the small pelvis organs.
  2. Scarring of tissues located in the field of seed rope through the embedded implant. Promotes blood circulation disorders in the testicle, leading to atrophy and loss of endocrine function.
  3. Damage to round uterine bundle in women. It is accompanied by the omission of the organ, the main symptoms of which are vaginal bleeding, urination problems expressed by pain syndrome.
  4. Infection of the operating room. In case of bacterial infections, the suppuration and inflammation of the surrounding tissues are observed. In this case, antibacterial drugs are injected by the patient.
  5. Recurney hernia.


The recovery period takes the following activities:

  1. The introduction of painkillers and antibacterial drugs.
  2. Restriction of physical exertion. In the first weeks after the operation, you can not wear gravity, make slopes and sharp movements. However, the implementation of simple exercises during this period is useful. Walking is allowed for the next day after intervention. You can be sitting no earlier than in a month.
  3. Wearing a bandage. The device holds the implant in the correct position, prevents the fallacy of the organs. Hard bandage worn 2-4 months.
  4. Compliance with a special diet. In the first days after the operation, feed liquid and semi-liquid food. In the future, products contributing to the rapid restoration of the body are introduced into the diet, - fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, fermented milk products, fish.
  5. Spa treatment. The sanatoriums ensures the correct care for patients who have suffered surgical intervention.

Lichtenstein In the 70s, the concept suggested the concept with inguinal hernias on the principle of the non-flaws of tissues using the implantation of the mesh endoprosthesis.

Hernealaloplasty technique for Liechtenstein

This method is quite simple in execution and does not require a very thorough preparation.

Liechtenstein operation is usually under the spinal anesthesia. The skin incision is made from the pubic tubercle laterally, parallel to the groove bundle.

When performing the operation of Liechtenstein, there is no need for wide muscle dissection, the cut of the skin does not exceed 5-6 cm.

After cutting the skin and dissection of the subcutaneous tissue, make a dissection of the aponeurosis of the outer oblique muscle to the very surface rings of the inguinal channel.

The upper sheet of aponeurosis mobilize from the underlying muscle for 3-4 cm.

A sufficient mobilization of the aponeurosis has a double value, since it allows you to visually find the iliac-grade nerve and creates an extensive space for implantation of the mesh allotransplant. Then mobilize the seed rope, but it is necessary to avoid possible damage to the vessels and damage to the nerves.

If oblique, then in the elements of the seed rope find a hernia. With small sizes of the bag, it is immersed in the cavity of the abdomen. With inhabric-scrutiner hernia, it is stitched near the base, tied up and excised. With direct hernias, it is invaded into the cavity of the abdomen. With big hernias, sufficient release of the hernia bag is quite traumatic, requires in some cases extraction into the wound of the egg, is accompanied by damage to the seed vessels, which leads to ischemic orchitis and egg atrophy in the future. Therefore, in such cases, a number of authors propose not to highlight a fully fever bag, but to cross and ligate it at the level of the inner ring of the inguinal channel. In order not to arise the yachka, the front wall of the hernial bag is fragile, the rest of the hernial bag is left. After selecting the bag, carefully examines the inguinal channel, and through the Borgos space - a femoral channel for the presence of femoral hernia.

Topping the rope, the rounded end of the mesh fixes the monofil thread to the pubic tubercle. This is a decisive moment that ensures the reliability of the entire plastic. The seizure is required by the first 2-3 seams of the upper pubic ligament to prevent the femoral hernia. The grid is fixed with 4-5 nodal seams or continuous seam. The last seam should be located laterally in a deep inguinal ring.

According to the outer edge of the mesh, a cut is performed in parallel to the groove bundle, forming two ends: wide (2/3) on top and narrower (1/3) below.

The top, wide, end is carried out over seed cords, it crosses and is located on top of narrow. Thus, the seed rope passes through the window in the grid. Both ends of the mesh are stitched by nodal seams. The "window" in the grid should have a diameter of about 1 cm. Then fix 4-5 nodal seams of the upper-medial edge of the grid to the muscles. An important criterion for the quality of the plastic is to shrink the grid after the end of its fixation phase, which provides plastic without tension. Crossing the two ends of the grid to form a "window" creates a configuration similar to the natural fusing fascia, which is considered responsible for the integrity of the inner ring in normal. Surpluging the grid along the lateral edge is cut, while the inner ring is left at least 5-7 cm mesh. The residue is supplied under the aponeurosis of the outer oblique muscle, then stipulated over the cordially unseasonable seam "End to the end" without tension.

After operation

After germination of the grid, the granulation tissue intra-painted pressure is evenly distributed to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe grid. Uponeurosis firmly holds the grid in place, by performing the role of an external support with an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity.

Video: Operation Liechtenstein

The grid after the Liechtenstein operation quickly sprouts granulation - complete rusting occurs in 3-6 weeks. Therefore, patients recommend a certain limitation of physical activity after the Liechtenstein operation in the first 2 weeks. Starting with the third, patients proceed to physical work, sports.

The surveillance in the surgeon is required in the first weeks of two after surgery for early detection of postoperative complications (hematoma, gray in the zone of operation, postoperative wound suppuration).

Video: TApp with recurrent gnjezhe

Having examined the results of Liechtenstein operations in 5,000 patients, his student R.K. AMID noted a very small number percentage of postoperative complications - not exceeding 1-2%. Legge recurrences were observed in total in 4 (0.08%) patients.

Removing hernia is a fairly frequent operation. It is called hernioplasty and can be stretched or not enough. The most famous way of removing groin hernia has been proposed in the 70s of the XX century. This is a non-heavy plastic for Liechtenstein. The operation is carried out fairly simple method and does not require special training. For the closure of the hernial gate, special mesh endoprosthesis is used.

When they resort to the method of Liechtenstein

Hergened with plastic on Liechtenstein is done in the hernias of the inguinal canal. This method is currently considered universal, however, as any surgical intervention, this operation can not always be performed.

Restrictions and contraindications

  • Blood blood coagulation
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Symptoms of acute belly of unclear origin,
  • Serious cardiovascular pathologies.

Such operations are carried out in scheduled mode. If emergency intervention is required, then first perform another type of operation, and the hernia plastic on the Liechtenstein is made later, as soon as this possibility is. Absolute contraindication can be low blood clotting, when any operations are practically impossible. The presence of pronounced heart failure or other diseases of the heart can be an obstacle to the operation. In such cases, you should compare possible risks and choose the least dangerous option for the patient. Operational intervention and anesthesia adversely affect the state of the heart and its activities, which is fraught with a significant deterioration in the general state of the patient.

Pros and cons of the method

Like any method of treatment, plastic of groin hernia in Liechtenstein has both the advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered when choosing a variant of surgical intervention. The features of the body of a particular patient are necessarily taken into account, this can be avoided by unwanted consequences.

Pluses of plastic on Liechtenstein

  • Low risk of postoperative complications (3-5%),
  • Fast rehabilitation.

Minuses of operation

  • The risk of damage to the inguinal nerves,
  • The possibility of scar changes and disorders blood supply to eggs,
  • The probability of dissection of circular bundles of the uterus leading to its pathologies,
  • The risk of infection of the operating wound.

How is the operation going

The Operation of Liechtenstein with groin hernia is the so-called gold standard of non-tangible hernestream. It is carried out using a mesh implant, with the help of which weakened tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hernial gate are strengthened. Thus, it is possible to close the slot in the tissues through which the hernia falls.

Technique plastics in Liechtenstein involves the use of endoprosthesis in the form of a grid area made of polymers or composite materials. The most modern implants after some time after their installation are partially or completely absorbed in the body. Their composition is such that they affect the surrounding tissues and stimulate their regeneration properties. In most cases, the final result of the operation can be considered the strengthening of tissues in the region of the former hernia and the absence of relapses.

Stages of intervention

Special preparation for this type of surgical treatment is not necessary. The henioplasty scheme is quite simple and does not require careful preparation. It is possible to perform it under general anesthesia, but spinal anesthesia is most often used. This method of anesthesia is the most gentle and fairly effective. It allows the patient not to feel pain during surgery, and risks and negative impacts are minimal.

The course of the operation on Liechtenstein involves the implementation of a small cut of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. Next, the surgeon dissets the aponeurosis of the outer oblique muscle, which is separated from the seed rope. It is highlighted with a hernia bag, which is placed on the natural place in the abdominal cavity. It can be done without additional efforts with small or medium sizes of hernia. When the hernia is large, then the usual isolation of the hernia can be traumatic, therefore additional manipulations are required. When inhabited-screaming hernia, it is necessary to flash a hernia bag at the base, to tie it up and partially exposed to excision. When the bag is extracted, the surgeon examines the groove and femoral channels to determine the presence of other pathologies.

The next stage is plastic hernia gate, namely, overlaying the grid. For this, the patch of the required size is cut. With inguinal hernias, the average size of the finished area of \u200b\u200bthe implant is approximately 6x10 cm. To secure the grid, the threads of the same composition are used. The fixation of the implant begins with a pubic tubercle. If everything is performed qualitatively and correctly with the capture of the upper pubic ligament, then all plastic in the inguinal channel according to Liechtenstein, as a rule, is successful. Next, fixation is performed to the groin bale and the side of the deep inguinal ring. For the seed rope in the grid there is a small incision.

An important indicator of a qualitatively performed fixation of the implant - wrinkling the grid after completing the work. This means that plastic is made without tension, which provides good support for tissues.

The last stage is the embedding of the aponeurosis and the execution of the cosmetic seam.

What happens after surgery

The grid installed during the operation germinating the granulation tissue and is firmly held by the aponeurosis, fulfilling the role of support for internal organs. Complete rotation of the grid lasts 3-6 weeks. In the first two weeks, restriction of physical exertion and activity is required, during this time the patient needs an observation of the surgeon. From about the third week you can return to the usual life, having previously coordinated the load with the attending physician.

Herneoplasty is a surgical way to eliminate hernia. It happens the stretch, and this method is good with first for the first time formed and having a small dimensions of the protrusion. And it can be a stratifying, this is an invasive way to eliminate hernia using mesh implants. One of the frequently used methods of non-delicate dozing is plastic for Liechtenstein. The operation is performed with inguinal hernias and does not require special patient preparation.

Packing hernia: Definition, description

Putting the bodies of the abdominal cavity beyond the boundaries of its anatomical location through the groin canal are called groin hernia. In operational gastroenterology, from all pathological, the abdomen of about 80% is inguinal hernias. Men are subject to a disease much more than women.

The hernia consists of elements, each of which has its name.

  • The hernia bag is a plot, closely connected with the peritonean wall, which goes through the weaknesses of the serous shell, covering the wall of the abdominal cavity.
  • Herry gate - defective venue of the abdominal wall, through which the hernial bag with content is made.
  • Herkeeping contents - usually these are movable abdominal organs.
  • Sheath hernia. For direct groove hernia - transverse fascia, for oblique - shell of seed rope or round bundle of the uterus.

Classify the emphasis on anatomical features and are divided into direct, oblique, combined. In the inguinal hernia code on the ICD 10 K40. This class includes all types of anticipation of organs through the elongated slit in the lower vehicle of the abdominal wall.

Surgical methods for the treatment of groin hernia

The main and cardinal method of treatment of hernia is a surgical operation. Using a bandage - a measure doubtful and applies only if the operation is impossible.

Preferably, the operation is extremely simple and affordable, small-acting and reliable. Manipulation includes surgical elimination and elimination of damage in the abdominal wall. Recreation of the integrity of the abdominal wall and the closure of hernia damage can be made by aponeurosis (own tissue) or nebiological transplant.

The most effective is the use of a non-prosthetic invasive method using a mesh prosthesis. The hernia doors are strengthened by a polypropylene grid from the inside, which is a frame and an obstacle to regenerate organs. In Surgery, there are several ways to carry out surgery: Shuldais, Bassini, Trabukko. Plastic on Liechtenstein is most preferable in operational gastroenterology. Such a method of surgical intervention significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of groin hernia and can be applied both in childhood and in old age.

Liechtenstein method: essence of operation

Lottenioplasty is more preferable, since the risk of re-hernia is minimal. Herneoplasty for Liechtenstein is applied not only for inguinal, but also for the hernia of the abdominal wall (umbilical) and the protrusion of the abdominal cavity organs.

The process itself can be divided into two main stages. Initially, the surgeon operation reveals the hernia bag, inspects its contents for the presence of hick stones, bile concrections, evaluates the likelihood of inflammation. If there are no complications - removes back to the abdominal cavity. The final stage of the operation, it is the main - plastic of the hernial gate using the composite grid. From how professionally plastic is made, the probability of recurrence depends. In contrast to other methods, this method does not imply dissection on the muscles. The implant is muted to aponeurosis located under the muscles.

Indications and contraindications

Plastic hernia on Liechtenstein is appointed to everyone who has a pathological protrusion of the organs of the peritoneum in the region of the inkhan canal. Doctors strongly recommend the use of this method, if the course of the disease is complicated by the following factors.

  • Recurient inguinal hernias. In particular, if the protrusion appears due to an incorrectly selected method of hernioplasty.
  • High likelihood of necrosis when squeezing a hernia bag (reducing hernia).
  • The intolerance to the previously installed implants.
  • Danger of tearing a hernial bag.

The use of plastics according to Liechtenstein is not possible in the presence of certain indications.

  • Individual intolerance to synthetic implants.
  • Recently transferred operation on abdominal organs or reproductive system organs.
  • Blood diseases: coagulation disorder, leukemia.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Pathology in acute phase.
  • The presence in the abdominal cavity of malignant tumors.
  • Very old age.
  • Inoperable condition.
  • Failure of the patient from the operation.

How does the operation of hangeal on Liechtenstein are performed.

Herneoplasty can be performed both in the traditional way and with a laparoscope.

Children who have reached a seven-year-old having a hernia of the abdominal wall is carried out by the method of laparoscopic hernioplasty by Liechtenstein. On the abdomen in the nesting area, three small cuts are 1-2 cm. The trocars and laparoscope with the camera are introduced into them. The camera reflects the operation of the operation on the monitor, and the tool is introduced into the cavity through the tubes (trocacres), with which all the steps are performed as in traditional intervention. Such an operation has several advantages. Small cuts reduce blood loss during the process and provide fast recovery, which is especially important in childhood.

Stages of hernioplasty

The operation is carried out under the spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia. A 5 cm long screw is produced in the region of the pubic tubercle parallel to the groove bunch.

The surgeon gradually cuts the parenteral tissue, the coupling shell, the outer oblique muscle to the surface canal. Aponeurosis is separated from the seed rope and captured by the holder. The hernia is isolated, inspected and returned to abdominal cavity.

Meet the grid, in the lower half of which they make a longitudinal cut. Select the implant with a continuous seam from the Lonatic tubercle to the inner ring. For fixing the grid to the inner oblique muscle, separate seams are imposed. Manipulation is done with special accuracy, trying not to hurt the iliac-assembled and iliac-inguinal nerves.

The extreme tail of the grid formed as a result of the cut is placed and secured by one nodal seam. The operation ends with crosslinking the subcutaneous seams of a wide tendon plate of the outer oblique muscle above the implant.


All inguinal hernia has the code on the ICD 10 the same, and postoperative measures are similar to all surgical interventions after the treatment of the protrusion.

After hernioplasty, a short medical care is carried out. It includes active drainage, the introduction of painkillers and assessing the state of the operated organ. If there are no complications, the patient is discharged in a few days. After the operation on groin hernia, rehabilitation is quickly and without complications, subject to medical recommendations. Usually they are as follows:

  • restriction, and better exclusion of physical exertion for 2 weeks;
  • extremely desirable wearing a bandage for 2 months;
  • compliance with diet.


These include:

  • reduction of sensitivity at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • the likelihood of constipation is high (if the operation was carried out on the hernia of the abdominal wall);
  • the omission of the uterus, accompanied by strong pains (may occur when dissection of circular bundles of the uterus);
  • the discrepancy of the seams followed by the recurrence of hernia;
  • inaccurate or improper fixation of the synthetic grid followed by its migration;
  • internal hematomas.

Basically, the operation passes normally, mortality is less than 0.1% of all cases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Plastic hernia on Liechtenstein has several advantages over other operations.

  • The probability of recurrence is practically zero.
  • Complications occur only in 5% of patients and in most cases are associated with non-compliance with recommendations in the postoperative period.
  • Composite grids are made of high-quality materials, the rejection of their organism is single.
  • A short rehabilitation period, in particular, if the operation was carried out with a laparoscope. The ability to return to the usual life after 7-8 weeks.
  • Operation can be carried out from a seven age.

The Liechtenstein method, like any other, has its own minuses:

  • the formation of scars about the seed cord can lead to a violation of blood circulation in the tissues of the egg and, as a result, to its atrophy;
  • route infection: at least doctors and try to observe sterility, statistics show that the emergence of infection during the operation period was observed in 2% of patients;
  • the likelihood of damage to the sensitive nerves located near the groove bundle is high, which can lead to innervation violation.

When making a diagnosis of "Pahnaya hernia", it is important not to delay with surgical treatment. Qualitatively made plastic on Liechtenstein will avoid complications and relapses and again return to the familiar rhythm of life.