Which side is the inner jugular vein. Anatomy of the outer jugular vein

  • The date: 04.03.2020

Jugular vein

Jugular vein

Tireless veins. The inner jugular vein (large) is clearly visible on the left half of the drawing. The outer jugular vein is depicted on the right (it goes superficially). The front metering veins are descended vertically on the sides of the middle line of the neck.
Latin name
Blinds B.

Yarem Vienna (venae Jugulares.) - a few pair veins, located on the neck and carrying blood from the neck and head; belong to the system of the upper hollow vein.


There are three pairs of jugular veins:

  • Inner jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Interna.) - The largest, is the main vessel that reduces blood from the cavity of the skull. It is a continuation of the sigmoid sinus of a solid cerebral shell and begins on the yapper hole of the skull onion-like expansion (the upper bulbs of the jugular vein, bulbus Jugularis Superior.). Next, it descends towards the breast-clavical joint, being covered in front of the sternum-curable-luming muscle. In the lower sections of the neck, Vienna is located in a common connected vagina along with a common carotid artery and a wandering nerve, while vein is located somewhat more superficially and the leather artery. Behind the breast joint, the inner jugular vein merges with the connector (there is a lower bulb of the metering vein, bulbus Jugularis Inferior.), forming a shoulder vein.
  • Outdoor jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Externa.) - less in caliber, located in the subcutaneous tissue, goes along the front surface of the neck, in the lower departments deviating laterally (crossing the rear edge of the breast-curable-bed-like muscle at about the level of its middle). This vein is well contacted when singing, crying or cough, collects blood from the surface formations of the head, face and neck; Sometimes used for catheterization and drug administration. At the bottom, there is its own fascia and flows into a subclavian vein.
  • Front jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Anterior.) - Small, formed from the subcutaneous chin, descends down at some distance from the median line of the neck. In the lower sections of the neck, the right and left front jugular veins form anastomosis, called the jugular venous arc ( arcus Venosus Juguli.). Then the artery goes under the breast-curable-bed-like muscle and flows, as a rule, into the outer jugular vein.

The following veins fall into the outer jugular vein:

  • Rear ear vein ( v. Auricularis Posterior.), collects venous blood from surface plexus, located behind the ear shell. It has a connection with V. Emissaria Mastoidea.
  • Baseline Vienna, V. Occipitalis collects venous blood from the venous plexus of the head of the head of the head, which is bloodlinked with the arteriality of the same name. It flows into the outer jugular vein below the rear ear. Sometimes, accompanying the occipital artery, the occipital vein flows into the inner jugular vein.
  • Supported Vienna ( v. Suprascapularis), accompanies the artery of the same name in the form of two trunks, which are connected and form one barrel, which flows into the end department of the outer jugular vein or into a subclavian vein.

Front jugular vein ( v. Jugularis Anterior.) It is formed from the skin veins of the chin area, from where it is sent down close to the midline, clutching first on the outer surface m. Mylohyoideus.and then - on the front surface m. Sternohyoideus.. Over the jugular tear of the sternum, the front jugular veins of both sides enter into an interfascial coupling space, where they are connected to each other by means of a well-developed anastomosis, called the yapper venous arc ( arcus Venosus Juguli.). Then the jugular vein deviates the duck and, having passed behind m. SternocleIdomastoideus., flows into the outer jugular vein before putting it into a subclavian vein, less often - in the last one. As an option, it can be noted that the front jugular veins of both sides sometimes merge, forming the median vein of the neck.


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Watch what is "jugular vein" in other dictionaries:

    Cervical vein. Inner Jugular Vienna (Internal Jugular) This is a very large steam vein, which is vertically down the side surface of the neck next to the carotid artery. Collects blood from the head and neck. Behind the breast of the clavinary articulation merges ... ... Medical terms

The metering veins are several paired large vessels that are located on the neck. They do blood from her towards the head. Next, we consider in more detail these channels.

Basic branch

Each jugular vein (and in total three) belongs to the system of the upper hollow channel. The largest of them is the top. This jugular vein puts blood to the cranial cavity. The vessel is a continuation of a sigmoid sine solid brain shell. The upper bulb is the expansion of the jugular vein - this is a section of the vessel. It is located at the corresponding hole of the skull. Hence, the jugular vein is directed to the breast-clavical connection. At the same time, the vessel is covered in front of the preceding muscle passing in this zone. In the lower cervical veins, Vienna is located in a connective tissue, with a wandering nerve and a carotid artery vagina. It merges with the plug-in joint joint. In this case, there is a lower onion-like expansion from which the shoulder vein is formed.

Outer Canal

This jugular vein has a smaller diameter. It is located in subcutaneous tissue. The outer jugular vein on the neck passes along the front surface, rejecting laterally in the lower departments. In other words, the vessel crosses the rear edge in the breast-curable-bed-like muscle in approximately the level of its middle. Vienna is clearly contacted in the process of singing, cough, screaming. It collects blood from superficial head, facial formations. In some cases, it is used for the introduction of drugs, catheterization. In the lower part of the vein flows into the subclavian, proceeding its own fascia.

Front branch

This vein is small. It is formed from subcutaneous chin vessels. It passes vein down at a short distance from the line of the middle of the neck. In the lower departments, the left and right branches form anastomosis. Call him with a jugular arc. After the vessel is hidden under the breast-curable-cottage muscle and flows into the outer branch.

Connection of Romel

In the outer jugular branch, such veins are falling like:

Violations of blood supply

The causes of these phenomena should be considered a stagnation of blood arising, in turn, due to the streamlining of the injured area, due to heart failure or long-term seating (for example, with airfares). Atrial fibrillation can trigger a current impairment in the left atrium or its ear, which, in turn, can cause thromboembolism. With leukemia, another malignant tumor, cancer is high risk of thrombosis. By provoking factors in this case, the external compression of blood vessels can be considered. Less often, pathology is due to a violation of the integrity of the blood flow system. This happens, for example, with a cancer of the renal cells, which has crossed into renal veins.

Among provoking factors should also note the use of chemotherapeutic and radioactive methods in the treatment of cancer. Often they lead to additional hypercoagulation. In case of damage to the blood vessel, the body uses fibrin and platelets for the formation of a bunch (thrombus), warning blood loss. However, under certain circumstances, such "traffic jams" can be formed without damage to blood channels. They can freely circulate along the channel. Thrombosis of the metering vein can develop due to a malignant tumor, the introduction of drugs or as a result of infection. Pathology can lead to a different kind of complications, for example, to sepsis, an octoral nerve edema, a pulmonary embolism. Despite the fact that during thrombosis, the patient experiences pain of a rather pronounced nature, difficult to diagnose pathology. This is mainly due to the fact that the formation of a bunch can occur anywhere.

Puncture of the Yarem Vienna

This procedure is prescribed with a small diameter of peripheral veins. Puncture is quite good in patients with reduced or conventional nutrition. The patient's head turns in the opposite direction. Vienna is pinching the index finger directly above the clavion. For a better filling of the bed, the patient is recommended to rebuild. The specialist occupies a patient's head, produces skin surface treatment with alcohol. Next, Vienna is fixed with a finger and punctured. It should be said that Vienna has a thin wall, in connection with which it may not have any sensations of the presence of an obstacle. Check needle, put on a syringe, which, in turn, filled with a drug. So you can prevent the development of an air embolism. Blood arrival in the syringe is carried out in the process of pulling its piston. After the needle was in Vienna, her squeezing stops. Then introduces medicine. If you need to repeated injection, the vein is redesigned over the chosen one.

The jugular vein is a significant pair vessel of the circulatory system, passing onto a person's neck.

Divided by internal, outdoor and front. The main functions are the collection of blood from the soft parts of the head and neck. Each of the jugular veins has a different location, structure and diameter. However, all of them belong to the roof system of the upper hollow vein. Consider in more detail the anatomy of each of the data of venous vessels.

It extends, ranging from the base of the cranial box and reaches the pressed pocket. In this area, the inner jugular vein merges with the connector, which directly forms a shoulder venous vessel. Most of the blood coming from soft tissues of the head, skulls and cervical bodies falls in this vein, so it has an important functional value. The vessel with a large diameter departs from the sigmoid sinus of the cerebral shell (solid).

Beginning of his inner jugular vein takes the hole of the skull, expanding in the form of a bulb and dropping to sternum-clay articulation. In front of it covers the mastoid muscle. In the zone of the lower neck, it together with a wandering nerve and a common carotid artery is located in a common connected vagina. The inner jugular vein passes the lateral of the arterial channel and lies more superficially. The vessel has a bulbous expansion both at its beginning and at the end of the sternum-clavical joint.

Outdoor jugular vein

It begins under the ear shell, opposite the angle of the lower jaw, dropping down the breast-curable-costeid muscle, in particular along its outer surface. Next, it lies in the thickness of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Reaching the rear edge of the sternum-curable-bed-like muscle, the outer jugular vein penetrates through the surface fascia of the neck. In this area, it flows into one of the vessels listed below:

  • internal jugular vein;
  • subclavian vein;
  • venous angle.

Forming the outer jugular vein of two major venous trunks. The first one it is an anastomosis of the outer jugular and understatementless veins, and the second is the rear ear vessel passing behind the sink.

In contrast to the inner, the outer jugular vein has valves and branches. From her away:

  • rear ear vein;
  • occipital branch;
  • supported Vienna;
  • transverse veins of the neck;
  • front jugular vein.

The rear ear takes blood from surface plexus, which is located behind the ear shell. Also, this vessel has a connection with the emissary and deputyid veins.

Blood flows into the occipital branch, which is given to the venous plexus of the head. Below the rear ear veins it is included in the outer meter. In rare cases, the occipital vein accompanies the arterial channel and continues into the inner jugular.

The dumpless venous vessel consists of two trunks, which are combined, fall into a subclavian vein or in the last separation department.

The shell transverse channels accompany the artery of the same name and most often included in the main vein together with the appropriate barrel and the occipital branch.

Front jugular vein It is a circuit formed by skin veins passing in the chin area. Heads to the bottom passing near the median neckline. Initially, Vienna lies on the outer surface of the maxillary-speaking muscle, and then moves along the front of the sternum-thyroid muscle. The vessel is a pair and runs on both sides of the neck, entering into the sternum space and connecting there into one blood channel through a jugular venous arc. After the front jugular vein is bypassed behind the breast-curable-hospital muscle, it enters the outer jugular vein and after the subclavian.

The vessel originates in the jugular cranial hole, filling a significant part of its rear space. Initially, Vienna has a significant diameter - the upper bulbous extension. Next, it narrows and moves down, in contact with the rear surface of the inner carotid artery, and after with the front wall of the outer carotid artery. At the upper edge of the larynx, this steam circular canal passes along both sides of the neck, accompanying the overall carotid artery. Together with a wandering nerve, the inner jugular vein forms a vascular-nerve bundle, which is in a common connected vagina.

Over the breast and key joint, the vessel is expanding again. Here, at the level of the edge of the outer jugular vein there is a lower bulb internal jugular vein. In the upper vein section, valves are merged with a subclavian, as a result of which the shoulder-headed venous canal is formed.

The right-sided inner jugular vein is more developed in most cases, in comparison with left-hand. Both vessels give branches that are divided into extra charge and intracranial.

Like the carotid artery, is one of the main vessels of the neck.


The jugular vein, the anatomy of which is quite complex, divided into parts:

  • internal. Takes the beginning of the hole of the skull, dropping up to the stern-crooking articulation. A large-scale vessel passes most of the blood coming from soft tissues of the head, skulls and cervical organs - that is why, on the inner jugular vein is assigned the main functions on the transfer of blood from soft tissues;
  • outdoor. It is much smaller in diameter and is located in the subcutaneous tissue.

The main function: blood collection from the inner surface of the face and head.

When you need to put the catheter or enter the drug subcutaneously, it is often used precisely outer veins. It is simply explained: Vienna is clearly visible, especially when a person screams, coughs or sings.

Front jugular vein

The smallest of three veins, but it is a steam room. They take place on both sides at a short distance from the middle of the neck, smoothly descending to the sternum region, forming an arc called a cues.


The main functions of the jugular vein of a person are only two:

  1. Reverse circulation. In the shells of the brain, in the cells of the cortex of the brain, as well as in the tissues of the head, the blood is bezed by waste of vital activity, toxins, carbon dioxide and other. The task of the metering vein is to deliver this blood back to the heart so that it passes clean.
  2. Adjusting the normal blood circulation process in the cerebral area.


The jugular vein on the neck of the person most often suffers from three types of diseases:


A variety of situations can be brought to the phlebitis:

  • improper administration of medicines in which part of the drug enters the surrounding tissues;
  • bruises, wounds and other injuries;
  • infection with infection in the formulation of catheters or injection;
  • infection by pathogenic microorganisms that occurred from neighboring organs.

Species of the flubite of the metering vein three:

  1. phlebitis of the vascular wall, when there is painful swelling, but the permeability is generally not broken, and the system is working normally;
  2. perifelhibit. Swells the zone of the jugular gutter, but blood circulation is preserved;
  3. thrombophlebitis. The skin becomes hot, the blood stops passing, all the walls of the vessel are inflamed, a thrombus is formed inside. The situation is extremely dangerous.


Platelet bunches overlap the vessel and make it difficult to circulate blood in the vessel.

May be a consequence:

  • endocrine violation;
  • infections of neighboring bodies;
  • injuries;
  • reception of hormonal contraceptives;
  • strong physical overloads;
  • chronic diseases;
  • strong and sharp dehydration;
  • fixedness of the patient for a long time.

The embolism or the tomb of the tomb from the wall of the jugular vein can lead to the death of the patient.


What is this: due to congenital anomalies or the age of the patient on any section of the vessel there is a pathological expansion of the lumen of the vessel.

May be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. tumors;
  2. spinal injuries, neck, head, cranial box;
  3. osteochondrosis, located in the neck area;
  4. hypertension and ischemia;
  5. violations in the work of the valves;
  6. disorders of the physiological distribution of blood - located under the thickness of the muscles, the blood is poorly flowing into the surface sections.


In most cases, the tireless vein itself is treated, and the disease that caused problems with it is treated.

It can be amazed like anterior jugular vein and outdoor and internal.

Preparations apply a variety of: from anti-inflammatory drugs to medicines that improve blood outflows.

The system is quite complicated, only an experienced doctor can diagnose problems. In addition to inspection, fibroesophagoscopy is usually appointed, which checks, what is the dilatation of veins, and the ultrasound, puncture, phlebography and duplex scanning are also carried out.

First of all, it is necessary to turn to the therapist, then a cardiologist, vascular surgeon, neuropathologist and other narrow specialists are included in the work.

Often patients are asked: when and why the jugular vein puncture is carried out. The puncture is prescribed with a small diameter of peripheral veins. The procedure has long been worked out, no danger to health at high qualification does not represent. The doctor is experiencing vein to fingers, conducts processing and makes an injection, the whole procedure takes only a few minutes, it brings some unpleasant sensations.

If the puncture is shown - this means that there is no other way to assess the state of the metering vein.

Always pay attention to the signals that the body sends you is to save your life.

Inner jugular vein

The human brain receives nutrients and oxygen through blood, so its influx is extremely important to it. No less significant blood outflow. In the case of its stagnation in the brain, processes with destructive consequences can begin. Blood outflow from the brain provides a special vessel. The inner jugular vein is located on the right side, weakly covered with the subcutaneous muscle and is a convenient place for conducting catheterization, along with an elbow.

What is the metering vein

They are also called yugularis (Jugularis) are vascular trunks intended for removal of the blood-saturated blood from the head and neck to the subclavian vessel. Sometimes they converge, forming the middle vein of the neck. Internal, exempt from blood cranial sinus, the beginning of the skull has the beginning. Here the vessel accompanying the occipital artery flows into it, and also the rear ear veins. Next, it descends to the point where the clavicles and the chest come back. It connects with other vessels, forming a shoulder venous highway.

The outer jugular artery has smaller sizes, appointing it: to divert blood from the outer part of the neck and head. In this vessel insert catheters for entering medical preparations. In the outer, the trunk of the neck of the neck, connecting with the appropriate vein. Front Yugular Vienna is one of the smallest among them. Its beginning is located in the chin area.


Most of the blood removes the inner vein from the head. It has a diameter of 11 to 21 mm. The scheme of its location and tributaries is as follows. Start having a cranial yugular hole, it goes down, forming a sigmoid sinus, and further to the clavicle. Near the place where the subclavian vein is attached to it, which is formed by the merger of the outer vessel with the axillary. On the inner vein there is a thickening, called the lower extension, over which the valves are located.


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In the yapper of the temporal bone there is an upper bulb of the jugular vein, as its small expansion is called. The internal veins are believed to include both extra charge and intracranial. The first is the tributaries of the facial vessels connecting with transverse anastomoses with the inner veins along its entire length. In the lower part of the neck, venous trunks converge in the shape of the letter V, called the meter. The anterior yugular vein is in the chin part, which is formed by the surface plexus of venous trunks in a small area.

The compounds in the head of the intermediate intermediate space, the front veins form a jugular venous arc. Intracranial tributaries are sinuses of a solid cerebral shell, in which the veins lead to the brain. They are venous collectors. Sine is connected to trunks and venous plexuses. An important transverse sine is in a furrow of the occipital bone, in the vasching area of \u200b\u200bthe occipital vascular barrel with other vessels.

Exhausting tributaries remove blood from pharyngeal plexus. Intracranial and extra charge veins merge through ligaments drawn through the cavity of the skull. The location of the veins of the jugular directly under the skin makes it easy to grope and notice it if a person coughes or shouts, and sometimes at any other voltage. The transverse sine is located in the furrow of the occipital bone, connects with the sigmoid sine and the occipital brain veins.

In the space between the walled muscles and the branch of the lower jaw there is a walled venous plexus. From here, blood flows through a network of large vessels, with which the anastomoses of the facial veins are connected. The upper thyroid vein passes near the artery of the same name and reaches the facial and inner jugular venous stems. Panitary are dorsal and deep veins of the language. In a large horn of sub-band bone, they merge into one barrel of the pagan veins. Yarema characterizes the presence of a developed anastomosis.


Vascular trunks are critical for the functioning of the human body. Functions is:

  • The removal of carbon dioxide and other products of the vital activity of blood from the brain towards the heart.
  • Formation of blood circulation in the brain area.


When screaming, tension, crying from all people, from babies to adults, vessels can appear, often on the right. This is the norm, although it is often concerned about the new parents. Problems with vessels often occur in old age, but if there are innate defects, they can manifest themselves at a young age. Changes include:

  • Thrombosis.
  • Expansion of the vessel.
  • The consequences of inflammation (phlebitis).
  • Congenital defects, dilatation.


Expansion of the jugular vein is a common phenomenon. Deadly affects a person of any sex and age. Etheasia of the jugular vein arises due to problems with valves leading to blood stag. Deals are often a consequence of diseases. Often, the Etheasia is manifested in women and the elderly. With age, the connective tissue of the vessels is weakened, varicose veins arises, which leads to a violation of the functioning of the valves. In women, similar problems occur during hormonal restructuring.

Due to the deep occurrence of the vessel inside, extasia is difficult to distinguish. Violations of the vascular barrel outside are noticeable to the naked eye. Observed phlebectasia with the right inner jugular vein. It can be almost imperceptible. The appearance of unpleasant sensations on the neck is possible, especially strong when screaming. Serious Etheasia can change the voice, make it difficult to breathe.

Among the main causes of the ailment:

  • Injury, injury.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Valve problems.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Leukemia.
  • New formation.
  • Anomalous work of the endocrine system.


The reason for the appearance of the ailment often becomes the inflammatory process in the middle ear, the tissues of the mastoid process. If it is a contaminated thrombus, then its particles can spread through the body along with the infection. With thrombophlebitis, the patient feels pain, the swelling occurs, swelling, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication. The spread of infection may be accompanied by tachycardia, rash, fever, shortness of breath. The reason for the phlebitis can be:

  • injury or bruise;
  • infection;
  • distribution of medication in tissues near the vessel.

The blockage of the blood clot vessel leads to a violation of blood flow. The view is common that the thrombus is the pathology of the femoral, lower hollow or iliac vein, but blockage can be formed in deep yugular vessels and their branches. It leads to a strong headache and painful feelings in the neck when trying to turn the head, a pronounced venous drawing appears, the swelling of the face. In some cases, pain turns into hand. The blockage is expressed in the seal. Among the reasons:

  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • The consequence of operations, installation of catheters.
  • New formation.
  • Long period of immobility.
  • Hormone use.
  • Pathology of internal organs, inflammation and infection.

It is a rare pathology manifested in children aged two to seven years. An abnormal reason for the development of the fetus, leading to the incorrect development of the vessel connective tissue, is considered. An aneurysta is manifested as an extension of the vascular trunk, increasing when the child laughs, shouts or crying. Among the symptoms: problems with sleep, increased fatigue, headache, restless behavior.

Methods of treating pathologies

Flebectasia does not bear danger to life and is a cosmetic defect. You can remove by means of a one-sided dressing of the vessel, at which the outflow of venous blood will take over collaterals and vessels located on the other side. Thrombophlebitis requires a surgical operation to remove the "patient" vessel, eliminating both thrombotic formations. Treatment of unilateral thrombosis implies conservative methods. To eliminate venous aneurysm, resection of malformation is used.

It is an antipyretic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drug. Used after operations or injuries to remove pain, swelling. There are contraindications: individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Lowers the temperature, relieves inflammation, has an anesthetic effect. Ibuprofen can not addiction, it does not produce depressing action on the central nervous system.

Used for prevention, at the initial stages of vessel diseases, it is recommended for pregnant women and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The drug is able to eliminate swelling and inflammation, has a beneficial effect on the walls of the vessels, makes capillaries less stretchable, increases their tone. Slightly thinning blood, it contributes to her outflow. The drug favors the saturation of oxygen vessels.

Reduces capillary permeability and effective if the patient has venous-lymphatic failure, varicose extension. The drug is characterized by good tolerability, low toxicity, contraindicated only with individual susceptibility to its components and women, nursing.

The drug strengthens the vessels, increases their elasticity, normalizes the supply of tissues with nutrients, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Trental makes blood slightly more liquid, contributes to the expansion of the vessels, improves blood flow, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex.

The catheterization of the jugular vein

For injection and punctures, doctors use vessels located on the right. The catheterization of the inner jugular vein is done in cases where the elbow or patellied fossa is not allowed to conduct a procedure or a point exposure to drugs. Operation on the left side can lead to impaired breast lymphatic duct. Left vein removes the bulk of blood coming from the brain. The procedure is recommended if:

  • there are no other ways to introduce medical preparations into peripheral vessels;
  • infusion therapy is coming;
  • surveys are needed;
  • disinfection.

Photo of the jugular vein on the neck


The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Features of the jugular veins: norm and pathology

High-quality blood outflow from the brain serves as the basis for the existence of the human body. Despite the developed network of all vessels of the human body, only jugular veins play a major role in ensuring normal brain metabolism.

Anatomical features and abnormalities of the structure

The three large vessels of the top hollow vein transporting blood from the head in the side of the neck are called jugular or yugular veins. These include the inner jugular vein, the outer jugular vein and the anterior Yugular Vienna.

The largest vessel that contributes to the ejection of blood from the cranial sinus is the internal jugular vein. The inner jugular vein originates in the sigular hole of the skull, continues to a sigmoid sinus in a solid cerebral shell, from where it goes down through the carotid artery to the place of connection of the clavicle and sternum.

The second in size and significance is the outer jugular vein, which is less than a diameter, is under the skin tissue and falls within the place of the rear-ear, venous blood vessels and the appropriate region. The functions of the outer-sigular vein include the collection of blood from the outer parts of the head and neck. This venous highway passes along the front surface of the neck down, where it is connected to the subclavian venous highway.

Since it is close under the skin, it can be easily discovered with palpation during passing, screaming or singing.

In the practice of intensive therapy, this vessel is used to form peripheral catheters to make it easier to introduce drugs.

Front Yugular Vienna is one of the smallest vessels of this group. It is formed from the superficial chin vessels, goes below on the neck, where under the muscle connecting the sternum, the clavicle and the mastoid process, merges with the outer yugular vein and forms the middle venous vessel of the neck.

Development defects

To the congenital disease, which, although rare, is found, applies to the ectasia or aneurysm of the jugular veins. This pathology is diagnosed at a biennium and requires surgical intervention. Its signs is a spherical protrusion on the walls of the vessel with muscle spasms.

You can detect this deviation visually when the child is tense, shouts - the protrusion is formed in the front area of \u200b\u200bthe neck. She is soft and does not cause pain.

The child complains of sore throat when swallowing, feeling squeezing and headaches. There is becklessness in the voice and slowdown in the child's growth. However, the existence of the sigular venous vessels is dangerous complications. Due to the destruction of the integrity of the venous wall, there is a violation of blood supply, which is fraught with the development of thrombophlebitis and the rupture of the metering vessel due to its expansion.

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The rupture of the jugular vein almost always ends with a lotally due to abundant blood loss, especially if the gap occurred outside the walls of the medical institution.

Not only the existence can become congenital anomaly. An innate defect is also a tireless vein hypoplasia. The clinical picture in this pathology depends on the degree of hypoplasia. With minor deviations, the development of the child and further life do not change, since the second yugular highway performs a compensatory function.

With a large degree of hypoplasia, especially bilateral may require surgical correction of vice, otherwise, blood outflow from the brain is much hampered. The difficulty of blood outflow will lead to unbearable headaches, vomiting, children are very lagged in development.

Changes in pathologies

One of the pathological processes passing directly in the yugular vein is thrombosis. Thrumatic veins thrombosis is a sharp disease characterized by the formation of a thrombus in the lumen of the sigular vessel. Causes of illness are associated with violations in the human blood coagulation system. The resulting thrombus is a threat to a person's life.

The main manifestations of the disease are pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck on the affected side, difficulties due to painful syndrome at the turns of the head. The asymmetry of the neck is clearly visible at the expense of the victim of the affected area.

For the treatment of varicose veins and cleaning vessels from thrombov, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on Cream of Varicose veins cream. It includes 8 useful medicinal plants that have extremely high efficiency in the treatment of varicose varicose. It uses only natural components, no chemistry and hormones!

The disease is diagnosed with ultrasonic duplex scanning of the neck vessels. This pathology requires immediate treatment using standard thrombosis therapy schemes.

Since all vessels lie superficially, then at risk of injuries. This may occur during the damage to the neck. The jugular vein is a large vessel whose injury is accompanied by bleeding, including perhaps fatal.

Many of our readers for the treatment of varicose veins actively apply a widely known technique based on natural ingredients, open by Elena Malysheva. We advise you to get acquainted.

Often, external changes of the jugular venous highways are not connected with pathology directly in them, but are a symptom of other heavy disorders. Such a symptom is the intense swollen jugular venous walls. This is found in the syndrome of the compression of the mediastinal organs by pathological formations, for example, tumors.

The outflow of blood from the yugular highways is broken, and the neck increases sharply in the amount of swollen vascular walls. The skin on the neck at the same time acquires a blue shade. In addition to the mediastinal syndrome, the swelling of blood vessels may cause the lack of right hearts.

Especially vividly visible changes in the neck with a dosed press on the liver area. To help the patient who collided with the problems of the swelling of the neck vessels, you can cure the main disease that caused the symptom.

Thus, the jugular veins perform an indispensable functions in the process of vital activity of the human body. Violations in the work of the yugular vessels may be associated both with their pathology themselves and other bodies and systems. With any violations in the functioning of these vessels, with the aim of preventing fatal complications, consultation of the attending specialist is necessary.

Have you ever tried to get rid of varicose veins? Judging by what you read this article - the victory was not on your side. And of course you do not know what is:

  • feeling gravity in the legs, tingling.
  • feet swelling, increasing in the evening, swollen veins.
  • cones on the veins of the hands and legs.

And now answer the question: does it suit you? Do you can endure all these symptoms? And how many strength, money and time have you already been "merged" for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later, the situation will be aggravated and only surgery will be the only way out!

Read better what Elena Malyshev says, on this. Several years suffered from varicose veins - strong swelling on the legs and unpleasant pulling pain, "rose" veins. Infinite tests, hiking to doctors, tablets and ointments did not solve my problems. Doctors insisted on operations. But thanks to a simple recipe, the soreness of the veins passed completely, the legs stopped swelling, not only the nodes were disappeared, but even the vascular mesh disappeared, and the subcutaneous Xeneva was almost not visible. Now my attending physician is surprised as so. Here is a link to the article.

Jugs of man

Excellent brain work is an important condition for the functioning of the body. In the human body there is a well-shaped blood system. But only jugular vein is responsible for the brain metabolism.

Features location

The inner jugular, outer jugular and front yugular veins are three main and large vessels that are part of the upper hollow vein.

The inner jugular vein includes several pairs of small veins. They are located on the neck and performs the function of blood emissions from the head and neck. The yugular hole is a place where Vienna takes his beginning. Then it passes through the outer cerebral shell in the site of the sigmoid sine and falls to the sternum-clarifying connection.

The inner jugular vein is considered the main component of the shoulder-headed venous system, which is responsible for collecting blood on the surface of the head.

The outer jugular vein is slightly smaller. The rear ear veins fall into it, the occipital and appropriate. The main "duty" of vessels is to collect blood from the outer surface of the head, blades and neck.

Front Yugular Vienna is located in the chin area. It consists of a large number of small surface vessels. In a place where the compound of the breast-crooking department with a conical process of temporal bone occurs, Vienna "meets" with the outer yugular vein.

Development defects

During the muscular spasm on the walls of the vessels, the ball appears in the form of a ball. This disease is the name of the existence or aneurysm of the metering veins. You can detect the disease only after the child has been achieved for two years. Very good pathology can be seen when the child is strongly tense or crying. At this time, a small tumor appears on the neck, which can be easily seen. She is soft and painless.

The kid can talk about throat pain, complaining about headache. The voice of the child becomes husky, slows down his growth. The consequences of the disease can be the development of thrombophlebitis or a gap of the jugular vein, which leads to a fatal outcome.

It is possible to attribute its hypoplasia to the congenital defect of the jugular vein. At the initial stage of the child, nothing bothers nothing. In the second stage, surgical intervention is necessary, since the release of blood from the head ceases to fully function. In this case, the head hurts very much, tears. The child is much lagging behind in development compared to peers.

Changes in pathology structures

The formation of thrombosis of the metering vein occurs due to the inability of the body to maintain blood in liquid state. The affected side of the neck becomes painful, the turns of the head make it difficult. Over the tumor, asymmetry is clearly visible. The diagnosis is confirmed by the ultrasound examination of the vessels and requires a standard trombus treatment system.

The jugular vein is located on the surface, therefore is often injurable. Injuries are accompanied by severe bleeding.

The causes of external changes of the metering veins may be symptoms of various diseases. For example, when the appearance of various tumors, the veins walls begin to swell.

This is due to the fact that blood outflow in the yugular highways becomes worse. Neck skin becomes a bluish shade. The reason for the swelling of the veins may be the insufficiency of the right heart departments. The disease of the liver is often confirmed by the appearance of tumidity during presses.

Violations in the work of the yagular vessels may not only be the cause of their pathology, but also symptoms of diseases of internal organs and entire systems. With the appearance of any external changes of the metering veins, it is necessary to refer to those skilled in the art. After all, it performs the main functions in the vital activity of the whole organism.

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Alphabetical index of drugs:

Jugular vein. Expansion of jugular veins

The metering veins are several paired large vessels that are located on the neck. They do blood from her towards the head. Next, we consider in more detail these channels.

Basic branch

Each jugular vein (and in total three) belongs to the system of the upper hollow channel. The largest of them is the top. This jugular vein puts blood to the cranial cavity. The vessel is a continuation of a sigmoid sine solid brain shell. The upper bulb is the expansion of the jugular vein - this is a section of the vessel. It is located at the corresponding hole of the skull. Hence, the jugular vein is directed to the breast-clavical connection. At the same time, the vessel is covered in front of the preceding muscle passing in this zone. In the lower cervical veins, Vienna is located in a connective tissue, with a wandering nerve and a carotid artery vagina. It merges with the plug-in joint joint. In this case, there is a lower onion-like expansion from which the shoulder vein is formed.

Outer Canal

This jugular vein has a smaller diameter. It is located in subcutaneous tissue. The outer jugular vein on the neck passes along the front surface, rejecting laterally in the lower departments. In other words, the vessel crosses the rear edge in the breast-curable-bed-like muscle in approximately the level of its middle. Vienna is clearly contacted in the process of singing, cough, screaming. It collects blood from superficial head, facial formations. In some cases, it is used for the introduction of drugs, catheterization. In the lower part of the vein flows into the subclavian, proceeding its own fascia.

Front branch

This vein is small. It is formed from subcutaneous chin vessels. It passes vein down at a short distance from the line of the middle of the neck. In the lower departments, the left and right branches form anastomosis. Call him with a jugular arc. After the vessel is hidden under the breast-curable-cottage muscle and flows into the outer branch.

Connection of Romel

In the outer jugular branch, such veins are falling like:

  • Rear ear It collects venous blood from surface plexus, which is located on the backside of the ear shell.
  • Calm. It collects venous blood from the plexus of the occipital part of the head. This zone has the artery of the same name. The occipital vein flows into the outdoor slightly lower than the rear ear. In some cases, accompanying the artery, it enters the inner branch.
  • Overcome. This vein accompanies the artery of two stems of the same name. They are connected and form one channel. This barrel flows into the end department in an outer jugular or subclavian vein.
  • Front. From the chin area where it is formed, Vienna passes down not far from the middle line. First, the channel lies on the outer surface, then on the front area. Over the jugular sternum cutting on both sides, the front branches are included in the surcharge interfasal space. It occurs in it with the help of anastomosis, quite well developed (jugular arc). Next, the channel flows into the outer branch before entering the subclavian. Less often marks direct entry. Sometimes the front branches merge, forming the median cervical vein.

Violations of blood supply

The causes of these phenomena should be considered a stagnation of blood arising, in turn, due to the streamlining of the injured area, due to heart failure or long-term seating (for example, with airfares). Atrial fibrillation can trigger a current impairment in the left atrium or its ear, which, in turn, can cause thromboembolism. With leukemia, another malignant tumor, cancer is high risk of thrombosis. By provoking factors in this case, the external compression of blood vessels can be considered. Less often, pathology is due to a violation of the integrity of the blood flow system. This happens, for example, with a cancer of the renal cells, which has crossed into renal veins. Among provoking factors should also note the use of chemotherapeutic and radioactive methods in the treatment of cancer. Often they lead to additional hypercoagulation. In case of damage to the blood vessel, the body uses fibrin and platelets for the formation of a bunch (thrombus), warning blood loss. However, under certain circumstances, such "traffic jams" can be formed without damage to blood canals. They can freely circulate along the channel. Thrombosis of the metering vein can develop due to a malignant tumor, the introduction of drugs or as a result of infection. Pathology can lead to a different kind of complications, for example, to sepsis, an octoral nerve edema, a pulmonary embolism. Despite the fact that during thrombosis, the patient experiences pain of a rather pronounced nature, difficult to diagnose pathology. This is mainly due to the fact that the formation of a bunch can occur anywhere.

Puncture of the Yarem Vienna

This procedure is prescribed with a small diameter of peripheral veins. Puncture is quite good in patients with reduced or conventional nutrition. The patient's head turns in the opposite direction. Vienna is pinching the index finger directly above the clavion. For a better filling of the bed, the patient is recommended to rebuild. The specialist occupies a patient's head, produces skin surface treatment with alcohol. Next, Vienna is fixed with a finger and punctured. It should be said that Vienna has a thin wall, in connection with which it may not have any sensations of the presence of an obstacle. Check needle, put on a syringe, which, in turn, filled with a drug. So you can prevent the development of an air embolism. Blood arrival in the syringe is carried out in the process of pulling its piston. After the needle was in Vienna, her squeezing stops. Then introduces medicine. If you need to repeated injection, the vein is redesigned over the chosen one.

Jugular veins: anatomy, functions, possible pathology (Etheasia, thrombosis, aneurysm)

Jugular veins (yugular, Vena Jugularis) - Vascular trunks carrying blood from the head and neck into a subclavian vein. Mix the inner, outdoor and front jugular vein, the inner is the most wide. These paired vessels belong to the system of the upper hollow vein.

The inner jugular vein (Vena Jugularis Interna) is the most wide vessel carrying out the venous outflow from the head. The maximum width is 20 mm, and the wall is thin, so the vessel is easily falling down and is also easily expanding at the voltage. In the lumen it is present valves.

The yap starts from the jugular hole in the bone-based skull and serves as a continuation of the sigmoid sinus. After leaving the vein, the vein is expanding, forming an upper bulb, then lowers, to the level of the sternum and clavicle, located behind the muscles, fastened to the sternum, the clavicle and the maternity process.

Being on the surface of the neck, it enters the outside and rear from the inner carotid artery, then slightly shifts forward, lying before the outer carotid artery. From the larynx, it passes in the complex with a wandering nerve and a common carotid artery in a wide capacity, creating a powerful cervical beam, where the outside of the nerve goes, inside the carnival artery.

Before combining with a subclavian veloy behind the joint, the sternum and the clavicle occurs once again increases its diameter (lower bulbs), and then combined with the connector, where the shoulder vein begins. In the zone of the lower expansion and at the place of its imposition to the subclavian inner jugular vein contains valves.

The inner jugular vein gets blood from intra and extra charge. Intracranial vessels carry blood from the cranial cavity, brain, eye and ears. These include:

  • Sinuses of a solid cerebral shell;
  • Diploic veins of skulls;
  • Cerebral veins;
  • Meningeal veins;
  • Eye and hearing.

The tributies running outside the skulls carry blood from soft tissues of the head, the skin of the outer surface of the skull, face. In- and extra charged pans of the metering veins are associated through emissary, which penetrate through the bone cranial holes.

From the outer tissues of the skull, the temporal zone, the neck of the neck in the near the facial, behind the championship of the veins, as well as vessels from the pharynx, language, larynx, thyroid gland. The deep and external tributaries are combined into a thick multi-tiered head of the head, guaranteeing a good venous outflow, but at the same time, these branching can serve as the distribution of the infectious process.

The outer jugular vein (Vena Jugularis Externa) has a narrower increase, rather than the inner, and is localized in the neck tissue. It transports blood on behalf of the face, the outer parts of the head and neck and is easily viewed at the voltage (cough, singing).

The outer jugular vein begins behind the ear, or rather, behind the mandibular angle, then the book on the outer part of the breast-curable-luming muscle is sent, then crosses it from the bottom and rear, and over the clavicle flows along with the front-ygular branch in a subclavian vein. The outer jugular vein on the neck is equipped with two valves - in its primary department and approximately in the middle of the neck. The sources of its filling are the veins coming from the nape, ear and dumplings.

The front metering vein is slightly outside of the middle line of the neck, it carries blood from the chin by the fusion of subcutaneous vessels. The front vein is directed down the front of the maxillary-speaking muscle, slightly below - in front of the sternum-ply-speaking muscle. The compound of both front jugular veins is traced above the upper edge of the sternum, where a powerful anastomosis is formed, referred to as the jugular venous arc. Occasionally there is a connection of two veins into one - the median vein of the neck. The venous arc on the right and the left anastomoses with the outer jugular veins.

Video: lecture on the anatomy of the veins of the head and neck

Changes in jugular veins

The tier veins are the main vessels carrying out blood outflow from the tissues of the head and brain. The outer branch is visible subcutaneously on the neck, is available for palpation, so it is often used for medical manipulations - the formulation of the venous catheter, for example.

Healthy people, young children, you can watch the swelling of the jugular veins when screaming, tension, crying, which is not a pathology, although mom's moms often experience concern about this. The defeat of these vessels is more common in people of the older age group, but congenital features of the development of venous highways are also possible, which are becoming noticeable in early childhood.

Among the changes of the metering veins describe:

  1. Thrombosis;
  2. Expansion (dilatation of jugular veins, existence);
  3. Inflammatory changes (phlebitis);
  4. Congenital vices.

Extasia of the Yarem Vienna

Etterasia of the metering vein is an extension of the vessel (dilatation), which can be diagnosed with both the child and in an adult, regardless of sexuality. It is believed that such a phlebectocation occurs during the insufficiency of Vienna valves, which provokes stagnation of excessive amounts of blood or diseases of other organs and systems.

extasia of the Yarem Vienna

An elderly age and female sex predispose to the ecctasia of the jugular vein. In the first case, it appears as a result of a general weakening of the connective tissue of the blood vessels on a par with varicose limbs, in the second - on the background of hormonal rearrangements. Among the possible reasons for this state also indicate prolonged airfares, conjugate with venous stagnation and violation of normal hemodynamics, injuries, tumors, squeezing lumen veins with the expansion of its overlying departments.

The symptoms of phlebectasia of the metering vein is usually scarce. It may not be at all, and at most that it bothers its owner is aesthetic moment. With large extasses, there may be a sense of discomfort on the neck, increasing at a voltage, screaming. With significant extensions of the inner jugular vein, violations are possible, soreness in the neck and even breathing difficulties.

Not imaging the threat of life, the phlebectasia of the cervical vessels does not require treatment. In order to eliminate the cosmetic defect, one-sided bandage of the vessel can be carried out without a subsequent impairment of hemodynamics, since the outflow of venous blood will exercise vessels of the opposite side and collateral.

Thrombosis of the Yarem Vienna

Thrombosis is a blockage of the lumen of the vessel with a blood convolution, completely either partially broken blood flow. Usually, the thrombosis is associated with venous vessels of the lower extremities, however, in the metering veins it is possible.

The causes of the thrombosis of the tireless vein can be:

  • Violation of the coagulation system of blood with hypercoagulation;
  • Medical manipulations;
  • Tumors;
  • Long-term immobilization after injuries, operations, due to severe disorders of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system;
  • The introduction of narcotic drugs in the cervical veins;
  • Reception of medicines (hormonal contraceptives);
  • Pathology of internal organs, infectious processes (sepsis, severe heart failure, thrombocytosis and polycythemia, systemic diseases of connective tissue), inflammatory processes of ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis).

The most frequent causes of the neck thrombosis are medical interventions, installation of catheters, oncological pathology. In the blockage of the outer or inner jugular vein, the venous outflow of the brain sinuses and the structures of the head is disturbed, which is manifested by a strong pain in the head and neck, especially when turning the head to the side, the strengthening of the neck venous pattern, swelling of the fabrics, fines the face. The pain sometimes irrades into hand from the affected vessel.

In the blockage of the outer jugular vein, it is possible to take care of the sealing section on the neck, corresponding to its move, swelling, soreness, reinforced venous pattern on the side of the defeat, but to try to try or see the thrombian vessel, will speak about the thrombosis of the inner jugular vein.

The signs of the neck thrombosis are expressed in the acute period of the disease. As the blood cloth seals and the reduction of blood flow, symptomatics is weakened, and the formation of the formation is compacted and slightly decreases in size.

One-sided thrombosis of the metering veins does not pose a threat to life, so it is treated, as a rule, conservatively. Surgical operations in this area are extremely rarely conducted, since intervention is much more risk, rather than the presence of a thrombus.

The danger of damage to nearby structures, nerves, the arteries cause to refuse surgery in favor of conservative treatment, but the occasion of the operations are produced in blocking the bulbs of veins combined with sinus thrombosis. Surgical operations on the jugular veins are striving to conduct minimally invasive methods - endovascular thromboctomy, thrombolysis.

Drug elimination of the neck thrombosis consists in the appointment of analgesics, drugs that normalize the rheological properties of blood, thrombolytic and anti-inflammatory agents, spasmolitics (papaverine), antibiotics of a wide range of action at risk of infectious complications or if the cause of thrombosis, for example, purulent otitis. Venotonic (DETRAX, CRKSEVAZIN), anticoagulants in the acute phase of pathology (heparin, fraxipart) are shown.

Thrombosis of the metering veins can be combined with inflammation - a phlebitis, which is observed in the injuries of the tissues of the neck, violation of the technique of introducing venous catheters, drug addiction. Thrombophlebitis is more dangerous in thrombosis due to the risk of spreading the infectious process in the sinus of the brain, and sepsis is not excluded.

The anatomy of the jugular veins predisposes to their use for the introduction of drugs, therefore, catheterization can be considered the most common cause of thrombosis and phlebitis. Pathology occurs in violation of the technique of the introduction of the catheter, too long to find it in the lumen of the vessel, careless administration of drugs, the fall in soft tissue causes necrosis (calcium chloride).

Inflammatory changes - phlebit and thrombophlebitis

thrombophlebitis of the jugular vein

The most frequent localization of thrombophlebitis or flubite of the metering vein is considered its bulb, and the most likely reason is the purulent inflammation of the middle ear and the fabrics of the deputyid process (mastoid). The thrombus infection can be complicated by the fall of its fragments with blood flow into other internal organs with the development of the generalized septic process.

The clinic of thrombophlebitis consists of local symptoms - pain, swelling, as well as general signs of intoxication, if the process adopted generalized character (fever, tachy or bradycardia, shortness of breath, hemorrhagic rash on the skin, violation of consciousness).

In thrombophlebitis, surgical interventions are carried out to remove the infected and inflamed vein wall along with thrombotic overlaps, with purulent otte, the affected vessel dressing.

Aneurysm of the Yarem Vienna

Extremely rare pathology consider the true aneurysm of the jugular vein, which can be detected in young children. This anomaly is considered one of the most poorly studied in vascular surgery due to a small prevalence. For the same reason, differentiated approaches to the treatment of such aneurysms are not developed.

The aneurysms of the jugular veins are found in children 2-7 years. It is assumed that the cause of everything is a violation of the development of the connective tissue of the Vienna base during intrauterine development. Clinically aneurysm can not manifest itself, but in almost all children you can personify the rounded expansion in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jugular vein, which becomes a particularly noticeable eye when weeping, laughter or scream.

Among the symptoms of the aneurysm, which impeding blood outflows from the skull is possible, headaches, sleep disorders, anxiety, fast fatigue of the child.

In addition to pure venous, malformations of a mixed structure may appear, consisting of arteries and veins at the same time. Inheritance, they become interested in their cause, when there is a message between carotid arteries and exhausting. Progressing with such aneurysms venous stagnation, edema of facial tissues, exophthalm are a direct consequence of the discharge of arterial blood flowing under high pressure, into the lumen of the yugular vein.

For the treatment of venous aneurysms, resection of malformations with an imposition of anastomosis, which relieges for venous blood and vessel prosthetics is carried out. In case of traumatic aneurysms, observation is possible if the operation is more risk than the expectant tactic.

Yarer Vienna: Anatomy and common diseases

Yarer Vienna (JAV) or upper cardiac is a system of paired cervical vessels, reducing blood from deep surface vessels of the head, brain, neck to the system of the upper hollow vein.

Recently, I read the article in which it is described by a choulder preparation for cleaning vessels and getting rid of cholesterol. This drug improves the overall condition of the body, normalizes the tone of the veins, prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques, purifies blood and lymph, and also protects against hypertension, strokes and heart attacks.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered the packaging. I noticed the changes in a week: constant pain in the heart, the severity, the jumps of pressure that tormented me before - retreated, and after 2 weeks we were missing. Try and you, and if anyone is interested, then below the link to the article.

Classification, features of the structure and function

The system of JAV consists of three pairs. Inner jugular vein (Internal Jugular) is a pair of main large channels with a diameter of 11 to 21 mm. They disseminate the largest volume of rich blood carbon dioxide through sinus (expansion) from the brain shell, the skull cavity, cerebral and eye areas that feed it.

Vienna heads and neck

The walls are easily discarded, thin, in the lumen above the bottom of the bulbs and under it are two valves.

Inflows of internal javis:

External Jugular (External Jugular) is a pair vessel of a smaller diameter, which is close to the skin surface, starting from the angle of the lower jaw. It is clearly visible when the head, cough or tension turn, cry, because it lies in the subcutaneous tissue. Provides blood removal from a nape, face skin, chin.

Often used in medical practice to influence pharmacological solutions through a catheter.

Front Jugular Vienna (Jugularis Anterior) is formed from small skin canals in the chin area, where it goes down. It was revealed that the front channels from both sides are merged into the median cervical vein.

Location and function

The JV is a structure of several branches - two internal, external and front.

The inner jugular vein begins with the upper extension (bulbs) at the cranial hole, goes on the side of the neck alongside the bedding of the carotid artery, reaching the node of the lower bulb - the section of its connection with the subclavian artery behind the breast-clavinary arterial.

In the lower segment of the cervical trunk, the inner jugular vein lies in the fascial pocket, surrounded by lymph nodes, next to the Vagus (wandering nerve) and a carotid artery.

The outer java, lying in a separate deepening of the lower area (groove), goes on the neck, then down to the plug in the subclavian.

The pair of front jaws goes in front of two sides, going down to the sternum, where they are combined in a fuss (arc). Two tributaries flow or in an external java before it is connected to a connectible, or - in the last one.

The jugular vein performs the following "basic tasks":

  1. Provides inverse circulation - a lead from a carbonated gas, metabolic waste and toxins of blood from cerebral cells, brain shells, head tissues back to heart.
  2. Regulates physiological distribution and normal circulation in the cerebral area.

To clean the vessels, the prevention of blood clots and the deliverance from cholesterol - our readers use the new natural product, which Elena Malysheva recommends. The drug includes blueberry juice, clover flowers, native concentrate of garlic, stone oil, and the juice of abrahe.


The pathological states of the JV are particularly dangerous due to their location near the brain. The most severe and frequent pathologies are typical for all major channels. It:


Symptoms of different types of phleets:

  1. With periphelebit (inflammation of subcutaneous fiber), swelling is detected in the zone of the jugular gutter, but blood circulation is preserved.
  2. When flashing, when the process affects the vascular wall, along it there is a dense convex painful swelling without a violation of passability.

The purulent thrombophlebitis, in which all the walls are inflamed with the formation of the internal thrombus, in the gutter zone are detected by a dense painful swelling. The skin in the field of swelling is hot, blood circulation is blocked.

Without treatment, there is usually an increase in signs of inflammation, intoxication, the formation of purulent abscesses.

Causes of the inflammatory process:

  • traumatic conditions, including bruises and wounds;
  • non-compliance with sterility in injections and setting catheters;
  • the distribution of infection from neighboring tissues, where there are foci of globular pathogenic organisms;
  • finding into the surrounding tissues of medicines (for example, calcium chloride).


The state of pathological expansion of the lumen of the vessel (existence) in a separate section is not associated with the age of the patient and is congenital.

Develops for such reasons:

Many of our readers for cleaning the vessels and reducing cholesterol levels in the body are actively used by a widely known technique based on seeds and the juice of Amaranth, open by Elena Malysheva. We advise you to get acquainted with this technique.

  • spinal injuries, brain, skull, cervical departments;
  • valve dysfunction that cannot regulate blood removal, which accumulating in anomalous volume, stretches the walls;
  • the disorder of the physiological distribution of blood is a flow from areas undergoing muscles into surface areas;
  • myocardial diseases, ischemia and hypertension;
  • forced long immobility due to muscle diseases, spine (osteochondrosis);
  • tumors of any origin, leukemia.

If the patient is determined by the existence, symptoms at the beginning of the disease implicit. The first symptoms are a painless increase in the vessel with a visible spindle-like swelling at the bottom and formation of blowout in the form of a "blue bag" at the top.

Chine thrombosis

It is the formation of platelet bunches, overlapping or impellent circulation in a vessel.

The reason may be:

  • increasing coagulation, blood stagnation;
  • injury, infection, endocrine disorders;
  • receiving hormonal contraceptives (in fertile women);
  • chronic pathologies, physical overvoltage;
  • long immobility;
  • sharp dehydration.

The inner jugular vein is more often susceptible to thrombosis when blocking infected thrombus or with prolonged squeezing during a serious injury.

The main danger is an embolism or a tomb of the tomb from the wall. The thrombus moves along the vessels and, breaking coronary, pulmonary or cerebral channels, causes the death of the body.

The main symptom with the complete blockage of the lumen is a sharp pain in the neck and region of the clavicle, irradiating in hand, growing swelling and empty, squeeze the skin, itching, feeling cold and soreness.

Methods of treating pathologies

Extasia in the normal condition of the patient requires careful observation by specialists (flubog, hematologist, surgeon).

In the case of progression of expansion and negative impact on the body as a whole, the abnormal fragment "is closed" with a transplant, holding back the subsequent expansion, or is removed by surgical path, connecting healthy areas.

If inflammation (with phlebitis) is not complicated by fitting, they use heat in the form of compresses, ointment and capsules of the Thrinksevazine, heparin, omphaol, cammy ointment.

With purulent phleet use:

  • anti-inflammatory medicines (ibuprofen, diclofenac, rope);
  • funds that improve blood flow, microcirculation, overwhelming the process of formation of thromboms (curetyl, evashan, pentoxyphyllenn, trental);
  • preparations activating the tone and strengthening walls (phlebodia, deprovelex).

Often, with insufficient effectiveness of conservative treatment, resection (excision) of the affected area is carried out.

In the case of thrombosis use:

  • nicotine acid for the normalization of fluidity and gradual loosening of the bunch;
  • drugs of the same type as when flashing needed to activate cellular exchange, removal of swelling, pain, inflammation;
  • anticoagulants: with acute form in the hospital, heparin, fraxyiparine, subcutaneously introduced; Ambulatory - Warfarin, Cardiomagnet, Thrombo Ass;
  • package and anti-inflammatory medicines (diclofenac, voltaren);
  • means removing spasm, relaxing wall muscles (but-shpa, spasmalgon, papaverine).

Surgical intervention during thrombosis of the Jav is carried out infrequently.

In the presence of indications, a method is used to resorvate the thrombotic mass - endovascular thrombolysis or removal with a slight excision of tissues (transluminal thrombectomy).

Have you ever tried to restore the work of the heart, brain or other organs after transferred pathologies and injuries? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article - you don't know what:

  • often there are unpleasant sensations in the head area (pain, dizziness)?
  • suddenly you can feel weakness and fatigue ...
  • constantly feels the increased pressure ...
  • about shortness of breath after the slightest physical tension and nothing to say ...

Do you know that all these symptoms indicate an elevated cholesterol level in your body? And all that is necessary is to bring cholesterol to normal. And now answer the question: does it suit you? Do you can endure all these symptoms? And how much time have you already "merged" for ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the situation is aggravated.

That's right - it's time to end with this problem! Agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia - Akchurina Renat Suleimanovich, in which he revealed the secret of treating elevated cholesterol. Read interview.

Read better, which says the head of the Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia Akchurin Renat Suleimanovich, on this occasion. Several years suffered from elevated cholesterol - headaches, migraines, dizziness, fatigue, problems with vessels and heart. Infinite tests, hiking to doctors, diets and pills did not solve my problems. But thanks to a simple recipe, he stopped disturbing the heart, headaches passed, the memory improved, strength and energy appeared. Analyzes have shown that cholesterol is normal! Now my attending physician is surprised as so. Here is a link to the article.

Proinsultmozga.Ru is a project about the disease of the brain and all associated pathologies.

The jugular vein is an important vessel of a human circulatory system having a pair structure and on the neck. Like the carotid artery, is one of the main vessels of the neck.


The jugular vein, the anatomy of which is quite complex, divided into parts:

  • internal. Takes the beginning of the hole of the skull, dropping up to the stern-crooking articulation. A large-scale vessel passes most of the blood coming from soft tissues of the head, skulls and cervical organs - that is why, on the inner jugular vein is assigned the main functions on the transfer of blood from soft tissues;
  • outdoor. It is much smaller in diameter and is located in the subcutaneous tissue.

The main function: blood collection from the inner surface of the face and head.

When you need to put the catheter or enter the drug subcutaneously, it is often used precisely outer veins. It is simply explained: Vienna is clearly visible, especially when a person screams, coughs or sings.

Front jugular vein

The smallest of three veins, but it is a steam room. They take place on both sides at a short distance from the middle of the neck, smoothly descending to the sternum region, forming an arc called a cues.


The main functions of the jugular vein of a person are only two:

  1. Reverse circulation. In the shells of the brain, in the cells of the cortex of the brain, as well as in the tissues of the head, the blood is bezed by waste of vital activity, toxins, carbon dioxide and other. The task of the metering vein is to deliver this blood back to the heart so that it passes clean.
  2. Adjusting the normal blood circulation process in the cerebral area.


The jugular vein on the neck of the person most often suffers from three types of diseases:


A variety of situations can be brought to the phlebitis:

  • improper administration of medicines in which part of the drug enters the surrounding tissues;
  • bruises, wounds and other injuries;
  • infection with infection in the formulation of catheters or injection;
  • infection by pathogenic microorganisms that occurred from neighboring organs.

Species of the flubite of the metering vein three:

  1. phlebitis of the vascular wall, when there is painful swelling, but the permeability is generally not broken, and the system is working normally;
  2. perifelhibit. Swells the zone of the jugular gutter, but blood circulation is preserved;
  3. thrombophlebitis. The skin becomes hot, the blood stops passing, all the walls of the vessel are inflamed, a thrombus is formed inside. The situation is extremely dangerous.


Platelet bunches overlap the vessel and make it difficult to circulate blood in the vessel.

May be a consequence:

  • endocrine violation;
  • infections of neighboring bodies;
  • injuries;
  • reception of hormonal contraceptives;
  • strong physical overloads;
  • chronic diseases;
  • strong and sharp dehydration;
  • fixedness of the patient for a long time.

The embolism or the tomb of the tomb from the wall of the jugular vein can lead to the death of the patient.


What is this: due to congenital anomalies or the age of the patient on any section of the vessel there is a pathological expansion of the lumen of the vessel.

May be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. tumors;
  2. spinal injuries, neck, head, cranial box;
  3. osteochondrosis, located in the neck area;
  4. hypertension and ischemia;
  5. violations in the work of the valves;
  6. disorders of the physiological distribution of blood - located under the thickness of the muscles, the blood is poorly flowing into the surface sections.


In most cases, the tireless vein itself is treated, and the disease that caused problems with it is treated.

It can be amazed like anterior jugular vein and outdoor and internal.

Preparations apply a variety of: from anti-inflammatory drugs to medicines that improve blood outflows.

The system is quite complicated, only an experienced doctor can diagnose problems. In addition to inspection, fibroesophagoscopy is usually appointed, which checks, what is the dilatation of veins, and the ultrasound, puncture, phlebography and duplex scanning are also carried out.

First of all, it is necessary to turn to the therapist, then a cardiologist, vascular surgeon, neuropathologist and other narrow specialists are included in the work.

Often patients are asked: when and why the jugular vein puncture is carried out. The puncture is prescribed with a small diameter of peripheral veins. The procedure has long been worked out, no danger to health at high qualification does not represent. The doctor is experiencing vein to fingers, conducts processing and makes an injection, the whole procedure takes only a few minutes, it brings some unpleasant sensations.

If the puncture is shown - this means that there is no other way to assess the state of the metering vein.

Always pay attention to the signals that the body sends you is to save your life.