What fiber gives. Fiber-rich foods

  • Date: 16.04.2019

Fiber (ballast, dietary fiber) is one of the most studied nutrients on the market. Published studies around the world have found benefits of high-fiber diets such as protection against cancer, healthy heart and even weight loss.

Dietary fiber, an often underestimated class, is made up of long chains of individual units called saccharides. But unlike carbohydrates, which are found in starchy and sugary foods, fiber is hardly affected by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. Instead, it passes virtually unchanged through the stomach, thin and colon and is excreted from the body. This is why it is often referred to as gross food that promotes regular bowel movements.

In addition, others note beneficial functions fiber, it contributes to:

  • preservation normal level cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • weight regulation;
  • intestinal microflora health;
  • elimination of toxins.

To better understand how to deal with these challenges, consider two types of dietary fiber.

Soluble fiber:

  • able to dissolve in water;
  • have a viscous form (gel);
  • easily absorbed by bacteria in the large intestine;
  • commonly found in legumes and fruits.

Good sources of soluble fiber include beans, peas, rice bran, oats, barley, citrus fruits, and strawberries. Adding two to three servings of fruits or grains that are high in soluble fiber can provide powerful additional protection for your heart.

Insoluble Fiber:

  • do not dissolve in water;
  • do not have a viscous shape;
  • less susceptible to the fermentation process;
  • they are mostly found in grains and vegetables.

Now that you have an idea of ​​the types of fiber, here are some reasons to include them. large quantity into your diet.

1. The benefits of fiber: lowering cholesterol levels

4. Benefits of fiber: elimination of toxins

When dietary fiber reaches the large intestine, it binds toxins, carcinogens, and excess estrogen for elimination from the body. Otherwise, these toxic substances and excess hormones could be reabsorbed by the body.

5. Fiber Benefits: Maintain Intestinal Health

Billions beneficial bacteria in the intestines, they live in symbiosis with the human body. While some are pathogenic, many are beneficial. Known to help strengthen our immune system, cleanse the intestinal walls, fight pathogenic bacteria... Most interestingly, fiber is food for beneficial microorganisms to grow and create strong and healthy colonies.

New research suggests that dietary fiber contributes to positive changes in gut health.

When fiber is fermented, it produces short-chain fatty acids and other metabolites that stimulate the growth of healthy or friendly bacteria.

Illinois researchers have published a report describing the link between fiber fermentation and bacterial growth. Among the epidemic of obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders healthy intestinal microflora is what is necessary for the human body. It has been observed that people who maintain her health are less at risk of developing diabetes and intestinal diseases... Scientists believe this is the main reason why we need to have more fiber in our diets.

New research from the University of Illinois shows a significant effect of dietary fiber on the amount intestinal bacteria... The subject of study were two types of corn fiber. What is really interesting is the idea that certain types of dietary fiber are capable of producing shifts in the intestinal microflora. This means that in the near future, fiber and probiotics can be personalized based on the characteristics of the microflora of a particular person. This is of great importance for people suffering from obesity, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases.

An action plan to increase the amount of fiber in the diet

To in to the fullest take advantage of dietary fiber, a day you need to consume - 30 - 35 g of fiber. For women under 50, 25 g is recommended, for men - 38 g. After 50 years, the norm for women is 21 g, for men - 30 g.

It will take some time to adapt to this volume. Therefore, here are some tips for beginners:

  1. Gradually increase your fiber intake over several weeks.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids to soften the fibers and make them easier to move through the digestive tract.
  3. Eat a balanced diet of soluble and insoluble fiber to maximize your benefits.

American scientists have witnessed the following statistics: the average US citizen consumes only 12 - 17 g of fiber per day instead of 20 - 30 g. Since many do not want or cannot change their diet, you can use in addition natural products, .

Based on materials from blog.lef.org

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Role plant food in human nutrition is enormous.

- this is not some specific chemical compound, which has a clear always the same structure, but rather a generalized name for a group of carbohydrates, or, more simply, plant fibers.

Dietary fiber includes:

  • Polysaccharides - cellulose, which is found in wheat flour, bran, cabbage, young peas, green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peppers, apples, carrots, cucumber skins;
  • Hemicellulose- component of bran, cereals, absorbs water;
  • Comedy- are found in oatmeal;
  • Pectin rich in apples, citrus fruits, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, strawberries (reduce fat absorption);
  • Lignin(stiff walls plant cells) is found in cereals, bran, peas, radishes, strawberries (reduces the absorption of other fibers, lowers cholesterol).
A daily serving of fiber should be no more than 40 grams. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking fiber.

Fiber is a nutrient that does not provide the body with energy, but takes an active part in its life. Dietary fiber - substance vegetable origin which is found in carbohydrates, which are low in sugar. In their own way chemical composition fiber is made up of complex carbohydrates. They are also called "indigestible carbohydrates".

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble

Soluble fiber Is resin, pectin, hemicellulose. Its source is various seaweed, oranges, apples, barley and oats, fruits, legumes.

To digest such fiber, the body needs long time, due to which the feeling of satiety is felt over a long period of time. Soluble fiber also slows down the absorption of sugar from the blood. It helps to lower cholesterol levels.

Insoluble fiber Are cellulose and lignin. This fiber is stored in grains, vegetables and fruits.

Such fiber speeds up the passage of food through the intestinal tract and absorbs liquid along the way. Thus, insoluble fiber is indispensable for the prevention and prevention of constipation.

The benefits of fiber:

  • Provides fast saturation without extra calories
  • Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar
  • Cleans the body of toxic foods.
  • Fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents stones in gallbladder.
  • Eating fiber - preventing colon and rectal cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  • Foods that are high in fiber have many beneficial micronutrients that our body needs.
  • Fiber significantly slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which in turn has a positive effect not only on the readings of the weights, but also on the blood sugar level.
  • Scientists report that one and a half cups of oat bran a day reduces the amount of harmful substances in organism.
  • It is worth noting that fiber is the main "food" for many beneficial bacteria that live in our intestines. Getting nutrients from it, they produce enzymes and B vitamins.

How can fiber harm?

When consuming fiber, keep in mind the following:

  • While many of us do not really get enough fiber from our meals, skyrocketing fiber intake can cause gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Dietary fiber absorbs water, so you need to consume enough liquid - more than a liter per day. With little water intake, fiber can worsen constipation.
  • At inflammatory processes in the pancreas and intestines can exacerbate the process.
  • With long-term use, fiber helps to eliminate fat-soluble vitamins and minerals from the body.
  • With a significant use of fiber (bran), flatulence occurs.
  • Fiber may interact with drugs, therefore, you need a doctor's consultation.
  • Lignin affects sex hormones by decreasing testosterone activity.

When introducing fiber into the diet, you need to remember:

  1. sufficient intake of vitamins (multivitamin complexes, dietary supplements will help);
  2. sufficient intake of liquid (water);
  3. Adequate calorie intake (since fiber contains few of them);
  4. with a vegetarian diet, you must remember the need for calcium intake.

Most of the fiber is found in bran, almonds, soybeans, young peas, whole wheat, peanuts, raisins, carrots, cabbage, apples, freshly squeezed orange juice.

Any fatty foods, sugar, milk, cheese, meat and fish do not contain fiber at all.

Whole grains and fiber

Cereals are the edible seeds of plants. Whole grains are high in fiber and dietary fiber. Whole grain is used to describe food that contains all parts of a natural grain, including the grain germ (grain embryo), endosperm (the layer that surrounds the embryo that contains carbohydrates and protein for young plant growth), bran (the protective layer around the endosperm) ...

Refined grains are composed primarily of endosperm, while whole grains have three layers. For modern cereal products are used different kinds grains including wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, and rye. The amount of whole grains in food can vary, which affects the fiber content of the final product.

Scientific research recent years showed that people who eat more whole grains and fiber-rich foods are at lower risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease than people who eat few of these foods.

Cereals also contain valuable phytonutrients- naturally occurring plant substances that have a biological effect and are beneficial to the body. These protective elements include plant lignin, phytic acid, antioxidants, and other compounds. Like fiber, phytonutrients are found primarily in the outer layers of grains (bran and germ), and therefore more in whole grains. Sometimes the bran layer is added to the food separately, as in some cereals and breads. Bran has a low the nutritional value, or it is absent altogether. We do not digest or assimilate them. As they pass through the digestive tract, they accumulate fluid and swell, creating a large soft mass that accelerates bowel movement and, by diluting with itself, lowers the levels of fat breakdown products that are associated with the formation of carcinogens. The bran is also sold as a food supplement in concentrated tablet form. When research showed that we would be much healthier and live longer if we ate coarse foods that no longer contain indigestible fiber for digestive tract, many people quite reasonably got carried away with fiber, although most of them did not know (and still do not know) that fiber is represented by different types and different types perform different functions.

Always start your day with breakfast and choose whole grains (look for "whole" or "whole grains" in the ingredient list). Choose whole grain or multigrain breads. Make homemade bread with whole grain flour. Eat whole grain cereals. For a change, try whole (unpolished) or wild rice. Experts warn that the more processed the product, the less fiber it contains.

Increase your fiber levels gradually!

Fiber was considered a ballast substance several decades ago. Official science did not see it great benefit and even at times recognized it as harmful to the body. Fiber has been "rehabilitated" today. Transmission about healthy eating, magazines and websites are full of the term "coarse fiber". How rough is fiber for the human body, and what does it carry in itself - a benefit or a danger?

Fiber - only in plant products

Fiber is a part of plant foods, polysaccharides are combined under the term "fiber" of various structures, that is, in terms of chemical structure, these are complex carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates form the skeleton of the plant. There is no fiber in animal organisms, do not look for it in vain in meat products or fish.

  • Fiber is not digested by digestive enzymes
  • Fiber transits through the stomach and intestines
  • Fiber stimulates the digestive tract

Fiber, or dietary fiber, is insoluble and soluble.

  • Insoluble fibers include bulky and thick fibers that are not able to dissolve in water, participate in the formation of a food lump, and are found in vegetables and whole grains. These fibers are also called coarse fiber.
  • Soluble fibers include small fibers, they can be dissolved in water, they are responsible for normalizing blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol. Such fibers are contained in oat and barley groats, nuts and berries, legumes and fruits.

Most plant foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Raw plant foods are a reliable source of fiber. It is absent in dairy products and meat, in sugar.

The value of grains as a source of fiber can vary: there is a lot of fiber in unrefined grains, but refined, that is, refined products, lose most of the fiber during processing, and therefore become practically useless. Examples of such foods are white bread, refined white rice, rolls, and other pastries.

Why is fiber useful?

The beneficial effect of fiber extends to most human organs and systems. Judge for yourself.

Digestive system

Fiber cleanses the intestines. Its fibers form a lump of food, which is not digested, but gradually moves from the stomach through the intestines. It improves intestinal motility, regulates stool frequency, eliminates the tendency to constipation. In order for the lump of food to pass freely through the intestines, it is required to drink a lot of water. In the colon occurs reverse suction water from food that came here from the higher sections of the digestive tract. With an insufficient drinking regime, all the water from the food lump is absorbed, it is retained in the large intestine, provoking the processes of putrefaction and fermentation.

Therefore, consuming adequate amounts of fiber is inseparable from consuming daily allowance liquids. The recommended drinking regimen is 30 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day. That is, a person weighing 70 kg is recommended to drink about 2,100 ml of water. An important clarification: so much liquid should be drunk, if not chronic diseases for which it is recommended to limit fluid intake: chronic heart failure, varicose veins veins.

Fiber serves as a source of nutrition for the microflora of the large intestine, which is involved in the synthesis of vitamins, destroys toxins.

In addition to "pushing" the food masses through the intestines, the food lump formed by the fiber serves as a sorbent. Micropores of plant fibers absorb toxic compounds and take them out with feces. Activated carbon acts similarly, which is taken when intestinal infections and poisoning for accelerated

elimination of bacteria toxins and products of their metabolism, allergens from the human body.
In laboratory conditions, it was proved that the introduction of sorbents to old animals prolongs their life expectancy by 35-40% in comparison with those individuals who did not receive sorbents. but long-term admission human activated carbon leads to nausea, indigestion, constipation. Fiber such side effects does not have.


Lack of fiber in food can manifest itself skin diseases, in which sorbents are necessarily prescribed "for cleansing the intestines." But first you should rationally approach your diet.
Harmful substances are released through the skin, which do not have time to bind in the intestines with an insufficient amount of dietary fiber in the diet. The lack of fiber in the diet is really "written on the face", it is visible on the condition of the skin of the face.

The cardiovascular system

Soluble fiber, such as bran, is important for improving heart function. They change the ratio of "bad" and "good" cholesterol, remove the "bad" low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. A high amount of fiber in the diet reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome and ischemic disease heart, stroke. Fiber helps in reducing blood pressure, helps to increase the level of high density lipoproteins.


Fiber mechanically fills the stomach, so a feeling of fullness arises faster and a person eats less other food. Fiber is not digested, so it does not burden the body in the form of additional calories. It passes through the intestines without adding "belly folds". The presence of fiber in the gastrointestinal tract slows down absorption fast carbohydrates, that is, sugar. Therefore, fiber protects healthy people from sudden changes in blood sugar levels, and in patients with diabetes mellitus promotes a gradual increase in blood sugar after meals.

Protection against cancer

Fiber is a reliable shield against colon cancer. Only you should protect your intestines daily, and not from time to time. Scientific studies that have assessed the relationship between diet and colon cancer have shown that colon cancer is less likely to develop in people who consume daily dietary fiber.

How much fiber should you eat per day

35 grams of coarse fiber per day in its pure form is the norm for human consumption of fiber. Is it a lot or a little? It seems that 35 grams is not much. But besides fiber, plants contain water and other components. Therefore, to get this amount of fiber, you need to eat about 500 grams of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, for example, lettuce, parsley, celery, apples and cucumbers.

Note that potatoes, beets, and carrots are low in fiber, so eating a pound fried potatoes you cannot dream of normal digestion and low cholesterol.

When fiber gets dangerous

There is back side medals: Fiber can be dangerous. You can not eat foods rich in it, with diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage - with a stomach ulcer or duodenum, at acute gastritis or colitis. But only at the moment of exacerbation, when there is abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. When the condition improves, fiber is returned to the menu. Without it, the intestinal wall, after a few weeks, loses its tone, becomes lethargic, peristalsis slows down, feces stagnate for a long time in the intestinal lumen. The processes of fermentation and decay are intensified, the composition of the intestinal microflora changes. Therefore, when the condition of patients with diseases improves gastrointestinal tract fiber should be gradually returned to food.

Fiber becomes "heavy food" if a person drinks little. As mentioned above, an insufficient amount of fluid inhibits the movement of the food lump from fiber through the intestines. So don't forget about water!

Evgeny Baigarin, Junior Researcher, Research Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

-The term "fiber" is somewhat outdated. Correctly say - dietary fiber, the coarsest part of the plant, which our digestive system is not able to break down. Cellular preparations are the sources of these very dietary fibers. Those of them that are found in plant foods are called dietary ones. And functional - additionally added to finished products or included in dietary supplements.

Due to its structure, dietary fibers are retained in the stomach, and then the effect of imaginary satiety occurs. As a result, a person will need less food, it is easier for him to comply. And due to the fact that hardly digestible fibers enter the duodenum in small portions, the glycemic reaction is smoothed out. The concentration of glucose in the blood does not jump, insulin is released not so sharply and in such quantities. Accordingly, the feeling of hunger does not so sharply declares itself. In addition, dietary fiber serves as a source of nutrition for microorganisms in the large intestine. By stimulating the development of its microflora, dietary fiber has a prebiotic effect.

However, it will not help you lose weight on its own. They should be used only as an addition to a varied diet, which a person switches to, getting rid of extra pounds... We can say that these drugs are a kind of psychological stimulus: "I take them - it means that I will definitely lose weight." But if you add food and rye bran soaked in milk, kefir, yogurt or pulp juice to the diet, the benefits for losing weight will be obvious. This dish can be replaced light dinner so as not to overeat at night. You can also have breakfast with bran.

Eat vegetables!

Galina Sokolova, doctor medical sciences, gastroenterologist:

-Is it possible, trying to lose weight, do without additional intake of fiber from dietary supplements, and limit ourselves only to the one that comes with food? Can. But you will have to minimize the portions of refined foods, giving preference to foods rich in vegetable fiber... Replace white rolls coarse... Thin spaghetti - pasta whole grain. Instant cereals - homemade whole grain cereals. Sweets - fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits.

Don't skip beans, nuts, and mushrooms. Try to have a snack between main meals with vegetables and fruits, but do not cancel them during a meal. Better to eat: when cooked for a long time, they lose half of the fiber they contain.

Women's problem

Mikhail Krylov, candidate of medical sciences, proctologist:

- Fiber is a special honor for proctologists. It copes well with the problem that is dangerous for the colon because the delay in its contents not only contributes to the formation of polyps and anal fissures, but also leads to intoxication of the body. Foods to be isolated from it are absorbed by the walls of the colon. Accordingly, the metabolism in the body is disrupted. And it works not only with a "broom", but also with a "sponge": acting as an adsorbent, it draws in everything that needs to be excreted from the body, contributing to its self-purification.

Many patients, having learned about the benefits of fiber for making stools, make the same mistake: they add dry wheat or rye bran to the menu. But in this form, they only aggravate constipation. Dry bran must be steamed. Otherwise, once in the intestines, they take up all the water and aggravate the problem. I would recommend this proportion: pour 200 g of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of bran. Insist for 20 minutes and take 2 times a day.

Another mistake is often made by women trying to get rid of excess weight... It is known that laxatives are part of the so-called. Indeed, accelerating the transit of intestinal contents and reducing the absorption of high-calorie components (fats) is the basis for weight loss. But here there is a danger: the systematic use of laxatives leads to a serious problem - the intestines begin to "lazy" and become inert. Constipation occurs again and is aggravated after the abolition of the "teas". But if you take enough fiber daily, the rhythm of bowel emptying becomes physiological and regular.

Fiber is a nutrient which, like mineral salts or the same water, although it does not supply the body with energy, but plays one of the main roles in its life. The term "fiber" itself is somewhat outdated today and in most cases you hear the concept of dietary fiber. It is the roughest part of any plant that our gastrointestinal system cannot break down. Therefore, they linger in our stomach, causing the effect of imaginary satiety. And this leads to the fact that in order to feel full, we need to eat much less. As a result, we can say that food rich in fiber is indispensable for those who are trying to lose weight.

Fiber is found in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole beans, and grains. In addition, there are two types of fiber that affect the human body in different ways. Therefore, receive a large number of different types of fiber are better from different foods.

Water-soluble fiber is found in:

  • apples,
  • oranges,
  • carrots,
  • potatoes,
  • beans,
  • oatmeal
  • and barley.

It takes a long time for the body to digest such fiber, so that the feeling of satiety is felt over a long period of time. Soluble fiber also slows down the absorption of sugar from the blood. It helps to lower cholesterol levels.

Insoluble fiber in fiber is found in:

  • vegetables,
  • wheat,
  • corn and rice bran
  • and in most other whole grains.

Such fiber speeds up the passage of food through the intestinal tract and absorbs liquid along the way. Thus, insoluble fiber is indispensable for the prevention and prevention of constipation.

The benefits of fiber

The average person consumes half the recommended rate of fiber, which is 25-30 grams per day.

A number of studies conducted by scientists from all over the world have shown that all of humanity would be much healthier and more active if they ate more rough food. In addition, such a diet has been proven to significantly prolong life. Nowadays, quite a few people have adopted this, becoming quite consciously addicted to the use of fiber. It leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, and even prevents the appearance of stones in the gallbladder.

Many people mistakenly believe that fiber prevents the body from absorbing beneficial trace elements and vitamins, but this is completely wrong. More precisely, absolutely the opposite: food, especially saturated with food threads, namely legumes, vegetables and fruits, are themselves a storehouse of nutritious benefits that are so necessary for our body in the course of its normal life. Fiber significantly slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which in turn has a positive effect not only on the readings of the weights, but also on the blood sugar level.

An increase in the positive effect of eating fiber occurs when we eat foods in which, in addition to dietary fiber, there are also antioxidants such as beta-carotene, E and C, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels. And also, fiber stimulates the work of the digestive device, in particular the intestines, preventing the appearance of constipation and dysbiosis.

It is worth noting that fiber is the main "food" for many beneficial bacteria that live in our intestines. Getting nutrients from it, they produce enzymes and B vitamins.

What is the harm of fiber?

After all of the above, it's hard to believe that fiber-rich foods in some situations can harm the body, but this is a fact. The main danger here is that dietary fiber is able to quickly absorb liquid and moisture entering our digestive system, which can lead to dehydration and bowel obstruction.

BUT! It will not absorb more than its absorption capacity allows. Therefore, just drink more water. But the following information for men: do not overdo it, because an excess of hard fibers in the body helps to reduce the level of testosterone in the blood. That is, everything should have its own norm, which will contribute to solving many health problems, and not vice versa, provoke their occurrence.

The daily average statistical amount of their consumption should be in the region of 30 grams. Here it is worth considering all, without exception, food that has this element in its composition, and not only it. clean view, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Although, the consumption of healthy fiber from natural products has always been and will be a priority.

Fiber content and calorie content (table)

Food (cooked), standard portion Calories Fiber (g)
Peas in pods, half a cup (80 g) 42 2,5
Green turnip, half a cup (72 g) 15 2,5
Okra, frozen, half a cup (92 g) 26 2,6
Collard greens, 1/2 cup (95 g) 25 2,7
Broccoli, half a cup (78 g) 26 2,8
Chopped parsnip, 1/2 cup (78 g) 55 2,8
Tomato paste, 1/4 cup (130 g) 54 2,9
Large-fruited pumpkin, half a cup (103 g) 38 2,9
Sauerkraut with brine, 1/2 cup (70 g) 23 3
Muffin with oat flakes(1 small) 178 3
Barley porridge, half a cup (80 g) 97 3
Fresh orange (1 medium) 62 3,1
Banana (1 medium) 105 3,1
Whole wheat spaghetti, 1/2 cup (70 g) 87 3,1
Brussels sprouts, frozen, 1/2 cup (78 g) 33 3,2
Almonds (28 g) 164 3,3
Apple with peel, fresh (1 medium) 72 3,3
Spinach, frozen, half a cup (95 g) 30 3,5
Raw oat bran, 1/4 cup (18 g) 58 3,6
Canned pumpkin, half a cup (123 g) 42 3,6
Dates, 1/4 cup (45 g) 126 3,6
Dried figs, 1/4 cup (37 g) 93 3,7
Fresh blackberries, half a cup (72 g) 31 3,8
Baked potatoes with peel (1 medium) 161 3,8
Steamed prunes, 1/2 cup (124 g) 133 3,8
Green soybeans, 1/2 cup (90 g) 127 3,8
Sweet boiled potatoes, no peels (1 medium) 119 3,9
Fresh raspberries, half a cup (62 g) 32 4
Vegetable mix, half cup (82 g) 59 4
Wheat groats, half a cup (90 g) 76 4,1
Fresh pear (1 small) 81 4,3
Fresh Asian pear (1 small) 51 4,4
Whole wheat bun 134 4,4
Green peas, half a cup (80 g) 67 4,4
Sweet baked potato, skinned (1 medium) 131 4,8
Crackers, plain rye bread (2 loaves) 74 5
Ripe soybeans, 1/2 cup (90 g) 149 5,2
Cowpeas, half a cup (83 g) 100 5,6
Large northern beans, 1/2 cup (89 g) 105 6,2
Chickpeas, half a cup (82 g) 135 6,2
Canned white beans, 1/2 cup (90 g) 154 6,3
Artichoke, top (1 piece) 60 6,5
Lima beans, half a cup (85 g) 108 6,6
Black beans, half cup (86 g) 114 7,5
Beans, half a cup (86 g) 122 7,7
Lentils, half a cup (100 g) 115 7,8
Shredded peas, half a cup (100 g) 116 8,1
Canned motley beans, half a cup (90 g) 109 8,2
Muesli / flakes (100%), ready to eat (30 g) 78 8,8
White beans, half a cup (90 g) 128 9,5
Muesli / flakes mixed (28 g) 90-108 2,6-5,0
Shredded Wheat Flakes Blend (28 g) 96 2,8-3,4

Cooking fiber at home (video)

For this you will need:

  • flax seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
    + coffee grinder.

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of fiber and many people know about it. Super-expensive and super-cheap fiber is sold in modern stores; it is recommended to be consumed by both adults and children.

For all the health benefits attributed to fiber, it may not be as beneficial to health because we, as consumers, have no control over how and from what it is made in a production environment.

In order to prepare the fiber, one coffee grinder is enough, with the help of which the seeds and seeds are ground into a powder. You can grind them separately, or you can grind them together, depending on how you like it and how you like it more.

Thus, a fiber is obtained that has all the advantages that can only be attributed to it.... The process does not take much time and requires from us only our desire and understanding that it is useful and good for modern man with his diet, refined foods, abuse of all kinds of flavorings.


  • Waking up in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of raw pure water,
  • After 10-15 minutes (while you wash, brush your teeth), eat fiber. For adults - a teaspoon, children can start with half a teaspoon and bring to one tablespoon. At the same time, monitor how fiber will be absorbed by your body and your child's body. Flax seeds and pumpkin seeds contain fats that can cause discomfort as after eating very fatty foods. But this is rather an exception to the rule, since these fats are natural and even healthy in small quantities.
  • After another 15 minutes, you can safely have breakfast. If you are using cereal, cottage cheese, or something similar, then fiber can be added to any dish. For example, sprinkle the same porridge with a tablespoon of fiber and eat both breakfast and fiber in the complex at the same time.

Fiber tastes like raw seeds.
The cost of self-prepared fiber is much lower than that purchased ready-made, and by its quality, nutritional and health value, it is much higher.

You can use the product 2-3 times a day.

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