Amoxiclav with elevated leukocytes in the blood. Gynecology increased leukocytes in a smear treatment

  • Date: 04.11.2019

Gynecological research on the microflora of the vagina allows you to identify possible inflammatory processes of the sexual sphere. The perfect "pure" smear from the vagina contains a single number of leukocytes and a sticking flora.

The number of leukocytes in the smear up to 15 It is considered the norm. The excess of this value indicates the development of pathological processes or signals a possible sexual infection.

An increased number of leukocytes is considered in conjunction with the bacterial flora of the vagina. Distinguish 2 degrees of negative smear:

  • The number of leukocytes is 30 - 40, the flora is predominantly coccal.
  • A large number of leukocytes, the absence of a lactobacilli, in the microflora there are various organisms, trichomonas and gonococci can be released.

Self mail on microflora Does not reveal the main cause of the increase in leukocytes and changes in microflora, but it indicates the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

For the diagnosis of possible diseases with negative smears, additional laboratory tests are prescribed - smears on bacterial sowing and oncocytology, blood for the presence of hidden infectious diseases. Also shows the colposcopy to determine the status of the endometrium.

The reasons

Any inflammatory process in the body is characterized by leukocytosis. An increased number of leukocytes in a smear of a woman signals the diseases of the sexual system, which classified as follows:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the lower departments and the organs of the small pelvis: Cervicitis, Colpit, Vulvit, Endocervicitis, Endometritis, Parameters
  • Viral and infectious: Gonorrhea, herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV and others.
  • Nonspecific: Candidiasis, ureaplasm, mycoplasma, staphylococcus, etc.

For its course of the disease, the disease can occur in a chronic (asymptomatic) and acute stage.

Inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs may be a consequence of transferred abortions, intrauterine contraceptives, chronic diseases (diabetes), hormonal disorders. Chronic stress, smoking, alcohol, sleep mode violation - Factors affecting the development of voyage. Infection of infectious diseases in 99% of cases occurs through sexual contacts.

During pregnancy

Due to hormonal restructures, leukocyte levels in the vaginal microflora of a pregnant woman can be somewhat elevated, but not more than 20 leukocytes in the smear. Negative strokes during pregnancy also testify to inflammatory processes of the sexual system and require additional examination.

Most frequent causes of Leukocyte Leukocyte During pregnancy - candidiasis (thrush) and cervicitis, the reason for which are: change the hormonal background, violation of the usual lifestyle, stress and fatigue.

Treatment with drugs

For the treatment of inflammatory genital diseases apply the following methods:

  • Drawing the vagina with antiseptic means: Miramistin, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate;
  • Antibacterial vaginal suppositories: "Genferon", "Hexicon", "Terezhin", "Viferon";
  • When candidias are taken inside the drugs "Fluconazole", "Flukostat".

Treatment of infectious diseases requires intravenous administration of antibacterial drugs: "Ornidazole", "Cyprinol", Metronidazole. Together is assigned to the local dysfunction of the vagina with antiseptics. Upon completion of the treatment, a course of rehabilitation therapy is carried out to the population of the vagina with useful bacteria, with the help of Eubiotics: "Bifidbacterin", "Lactobacterin", Vagilak "and others.

Important:all drugs should be taken strictly on the prescription of the doctor. Self-treatment with antibiotics carries a mass of side effects.

Treatment with folk remedies

  • A tablespoon of chamomile flowers, calendulas, nettle downtown (to choose from) poured a glass of water, bring to a boil, removed from the fire and insist for half an hour. Before use, the decoction should be strain through a sieve or gauze.
  • 6 Covers of crushed garlic pour 1, 5 liters of hot water, leave to the night, before applying to strain.
  • Two chopped garlic cloves pour 2 hot water cups, add 1.5 tablespoons of apple vinegar, mix and strain.
  • During the thrush: 1 dose of dry bifidumbacterial mix with a teaspoon of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of vaseline. Imprease the tampon with the resulting ointment and insert into the vagina for 10 hours. Course treatment: 7 - 10 days.

The increase in leukocyte is a signal on the presence of inflammatory, infectious diseases, and many of them may be asymptomatic. Detection of the cause and its elimination should be carried out immediately. Otherwise, a woman exposes his health with great risk.

The consequences of inflammatory diseases:
  • Infertility;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Complications during pregnancy;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Oncology;
  • Impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • Adhesive processes leading to infertility;
  • Myoma uterus.

For the prevention and timely detection of sexual diseases, a woman should pass a gynecological examination every 6 months.

Cells that are in the human immune system - leukocytes. They are designed to protect the body from different infections. A large number of leukocytes in a smear (more than 15 units) indicates the presence of inflammatory processes.

What is leukocytes in a smear

Destroy pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the vagina microflora, leukocytes are capable of leukocytes. The level of increase in such cells reflects the severity of the inflammatory process. What they are more, the hardest passes. The presence of such protection helps only to identify inflammation, does not make it possible to determine which infection is the cause of the development of the disease.

Microscopic storing of the smear is a standard procedure conducted by a gynecologist with every visit to women. There may be such an examination in men, a sample for analyzes they take from the urethra. Women are encouraged to conduct a study several times a year. The analysis will identify elevated leukocytes in a smear that signals the presence of disease at an early stage, when their treatment is most effective.

Symptoms of leukocytosis

A condition that is characterized by an excess in the blood of blood white Taurus (leukocytes) is called leukocytosis. Cells protect a person from the invasion of viruses and do not allow their reproduction. A constant elevated level of leukocytes - the result of the inflammatory process of different etiology, which is often accompanied by such symptoms:

  • feeling of burning and unpleasant smell from the vagina;
  • pain when urination;
  • white curls from the vagina;
  • painful sexual intercourse;
  • a failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • itching genitals;
  • unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant;
  • temperature increase;
  • dizziness.

Why in a smear a lot of leukocytes

Increased content of white blood cells may mean the beginning of the inflammatory process. Taurus focuses in an infected place, after which they start fighting dangerous viruses or bacteria. The more microbes accumulate, the more significant the number of protective cells. The causes of the occurrence of leukocytes in the smear is an allergic reaction, infection, poor impact of polymorphoid pathogens. In addition, the following factors can provoke an increase in cells:

  • intestinal wand;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • sTDs - diseases that are transmitted by sexual means (gonorrhea, trichomonosis, ureaplasmosis);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • staphylococcus;
  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • stress;
  • reception of drugs;
  • oncology.

Under what diseases leukocytes are increased

In women, heightened leukocytes in the smear indicate various diseases of the internal organs and the reproductive system. The body instantly responds to the disease, so using the study you can determine the presence of an infection at an early stage. Even if there are no visible symptoms of the disease and the woman does not bother, the laboratory analysis can show another picture. As a rule, the increased number of cells cause the following diseases:

  • endometritis - inflammation that can flow in the uterus;
  • cervicitis - increased leukocytes in the cervical canal;
  • adnexitis - diseases of appendages;
  • colpit - inflammatory process in the vagina;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • ureretrite is the inflammatory process of the urethra;
  • sex infections (chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea).

Women smear

The number of protective blood white calves in women in the smear should be up to 15 units - this is the norm. In the urethra channel, the number of such cells should not be more than 5 units, in the cervix - 15 units, in the vagina - 10 units. If the level of protective bodies go over the norm and shows from 20 or more units, this suggests that there are infectious and inflammatory processes.

Increasing a small number of leukocytes (up to 30) can be observed before menstruation - this is a natural phenomenon. In addition, the growth of cells after the first analysis is sometimes unreliable, because Material may be missed. For example, the "thick" smear is practically not visible, since the entire field is covered with clusters of cells superimposed on each other. To exclude all risks, a woman needs to pass again.

Increased leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy

During the expectation of the kid, a pregnant woman gives a series of analyzes and is being examined. One of them is a gynecological smear showing the number of leukocytes. As a rule, the number of cells during pregnancy can be high, which is considered the norm and will not require interference from the gynecologist. At the same time, the woman constantly needs to be observed by a doctor to exclude the occurrence of inflammatory processes. If you do not conduct therapy on time, complications (pregnancy interrupt and negative impact on the fruit may appear.

In the norm, leukocytes during pregnancy range from 15 to 30 units. If their content exceeds, it means that an infection is present in the body. In many cases, chronic diseases are simply sharpened in pregnant women. Although often the increase in white blood cells can talk about fungal (candidiasis) and genital infections: genital herpes, gonor, syphilis. If protective bodies in pregnant women exceed the norm, additional studies are carried out: bacteriological crops, PCR diagnostics, immunological examination.

How to treat leukocytes in a smear

When revealed to increasing blood cells in women, the doctor can prescribe treatment, but only after the reason for such growth will be accurately established. In some cases, it is impossible to find etiology, and a specialist resorts to observation - the patient will regularly need to be survened. The main task of therapy is not a treatment to reduce leukocytes, but the fight against the disease that caused their growth. Methods of treatment:

  • During the thrush, the doctor prescribes antifungal agents (nystatin, sector, pimafucine, vagnal cargo candles).
  • If the increase in leukocytes is caused by chlamydia, antibiotics should be passed (levofloxacin, amoxicillin, doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin). Treatment The patient's sexual partner should be underway.
  • For the treatment of gonorrhea, women and men are prescribed ceftriaxone, azithromycin, doxycycline.
  • The increase in blood cells during syphilis is treated with preparations containing Penicillin (ceftriaxone, ampicillin).
  • Sanitation of genital organs.
  • With elevated leukocytes in the smear, dyeing well helps with a solution of chlorophyllipte and warm baths.
  • The use of special tampons with aloe juice and honey.
  • Rarely - Treatment by folk remedies: Drafting the chamomile tincture, decoction of the bark of oak or a hunter.

Video: Flora smear indicators

Basically, it is inflammation of the vulva and vagina (colpites, vulvovaginites), cervix (cervicitis), the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometritis) and its appendages (adnexites), urethra (urethritis). Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, inflammation has an infectious nature. In the role of an infectious agent can be bacteria (pale treponema, gonococcus, intestinal wand), viruses (cytomegalovirus, herpes), fungi (candidate), simplest (ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasma). In this case, it is not at all that the infection is transmitted by half.

The stronger the infectious-inflammatory process, the greater the number of leukocytes in the smear. Sometimes, with the purulent nature of the discharge, leukocytes in microscopy cover the entire field of view. In pregnant women, the increase in leukocytes may indicate the revitalization of the "dormant" infection. This infection has not previously showed itself, but intensified due to the decrease in immunity due to pregnancy.

Other reasons for the increased content of leukocytes in the smear in women are possible:

  • domor monomal disorders;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the genitourinary system;
  • dysbacteriosis vagina and intestines;
  • frequent stress;
  • severe concomitant diseases of other organs and systems;
  • systematic reception of some drugs.

In some absolutely healthy women living with a stormy sexual life, a moderate increase in leukocytes in a gynecological smear is possible - up to 20-25.

Causes of leukocyturia in a smear

Diseases that cause an increase in leukocytes

Gynecological disease Short description
Urethritis Pathology is the inflammation of the urination channel. Diseases do not represent any serious danger to the patient, however, can bring a mass of discomfort and negative sensations in everyday life, based on this, requires compulsory treatment.

Pain and burning appear when urinating. External genitals are able to become a red shade. Not excluded the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra

Endometritis It is considered a disease of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Inflammation is associated with the transfer of abortion of complex nature, infertility, miscarriage, as well as a postpartum problem.

This disease is capable of developing also in non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Another reason for the manifestation of endometritis is infectious pathogens, namely: Klebsiella, Enterobacter, mycoplasma, intestinal wand, and others

Adnexit Under the adexite it is necessary to understand the inflammatory process of uterine appendages. This disease requires urgent treatment, since it is capable of worsening not only the way of life of a woman, but also to lead to serious consequences of the deterioration of the work of the reproductive system.

The causes of the disease are infections, such as: gonococci, diphtheria, tuberculosis infections, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, intestinal wand, and others.

During the disease, the inflammatory process leads to the formation of pus in the ovaries. Also this disease is called inflammation of the appendages. Some of the leading symptoms are considered: soreness at the bottom of the abdomen, nonypical discharge from the vagina

Cervicit This disease is characterized by inflammation in the vaginal segment of the cervix. For him, purulent and mucous membranes are typical. The pain at the bottom of the abdomen, namely - stupid and cutting. When sex, a woman can experience unpleasant sensations, as well as when urination. The main reasons can be considered precisely infections: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis
Colpit It is considered pathology transmitting only sexually. Bacteria, called Trichomon Vaginal, fall into the vagina, and begin to multiply in a rapid way, thereby hitting the mucous membrane. The main signs of the disease are: an increase in body temperature, itching in the genital organ, burning, discomfort, feeling of the decline of forces, physical fatigue and malaise, pain when urinating, discharge from the vagina (can be both transparent and white and yellow, green)
Oncology There are a number of reasons provoking the manifestation of oncology in women. More extent, women never giving birth to this problem, or suffering to obesity, diabetes.

Pathology manifests itself in the early stages of its development. Due to this, the woman has the likelihood of complete recovery, starting immediate treatment.

The main symptoms include: bleeding from the genital organ. For accurate diagnostics, specialists can recommend the CT procedure

Vaginal dysbiosis Among the causes of the manifestation, it is possible to distinguish: the long use of antibiotics, which in its form poorly affect the microflora, violation of the balance of hormones, infectious or viral inflammation of the small pelvis organs. As well as a number of other factors, such as: stressful situations, overwork, non-compliance with the norms of personal hygiene.

As a result, it appears itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse, separation of gray-white or yellow

The reasons from the norm may be caused by the causes of several groups, first of all these are inflammatory processes in reproductive or urinary organs (if a stroke is taken from the urethra):

The pathogenic microflora, which causes the listed diseases can be represented including (but it is not necessary) infections that penetrate the body during sexual contacts. The same pathogens can cause their specific pathology (STD). They can be divided into 4 groups. In the 1st group of bacteria may cause:

  1. Gonorona (Gonokokki) and Chlamydia (chlamydia) - can cause cervicitis, endometritis and proctitis.
  2. Syphilisa (pale spirochete), venestic lymphogranuloma and granuloma (Klebsiella) - common skin manifestations (ulcers) common for these venzabols.
  3. Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis - cause vaginitis, may be accompanied by inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis. Characterized by abundant gray or blessed discharge with the "fish" smell.
  4. Tuberculosis of genital organs (Koch stick) - infection can enter the body not only by sex, but also lymphogenic or hematogenic means (if there are other foci). It may be asymptomatic, or to be expressed in the absence of menstruation and a sharp weight drop, subfebrile temperature, sharp pain and night sweatiness.

2 Group are protozoa infections represented by Trichomonov. It ranks first in prevalence among venereal diseases. Trichomoniasis is characterized by pain syndrome (with sexual intercourse and urination), abundant secretions of yellow-green shade with the smell of "fish", edema, itching and burning of the outer organs and the mucous membrane.

The group 3 consists of viral infections:

  • HIV determines the flow of AIDS and other concomitant diseases;
  • viruses of a simple herpes of second type and papillomas of a person - pathology have pronounced skin manifestations;
  • cytomegalovirus - develops almost imperceptibly, possibly fever possible.

To 4 groups (fungal infections), first of all, should be attributed to the milk. The main cause of the candidose is to reduce overall immunity, but the disease is also indulging in a sexual partner, which allows you to enable it in the list. Symptoms are expressed in itching, burning, curl discharge, sharp smell from the vagina, as well as pain when urination and intimate proximity.

The cause of deviation from the norm can be oncological diseases of the sexual sphere - the key symptom will be bleeding without physiological reasons. However, scheduled inspections are more efficient detection measure.

The reason for increasing leukocytes in the smear can also be vaginal dysbiosis, developing against the background of active reproduction of conditionally trap microflora - intestinal sticks, Gardnell, fungi. If the disease is not accompanied by other inflammations, the female complaints may not be at all, or there are foamy dirty and white discharges with fish smell, increasing after sexual intercourse or before starting critical days.

Increased leukocytes in blood test - a symptom of some inflammation, it knows almost everything. But what to do next with this analysis? Anton Rodionov, the author of the book "Decoding Analyzes" describes in detail about elevated and lowered leukocytes, the NORM SEE and how the role can be played by antibiotics and painkillers.

If I had taken to write a book on this topic for doctors, it would probably would be, perhaps, carrying volumes of pages by 500, and maybe more. The fact is that diseases that are accompanied by an increase in leukocyte levels (leukocytosis) or a decrease in leukocyte levels (leukopenia), a lot. Well, I find out where the patient has taken an increase in the rate of settlement of the erythrocytes (SE), is the highest pilot of the therapist. Of course, I will not be able to tell about all diseases accompanied by changing these indicators, but we will still discuss the main reasons.

What do leukocytes and soe mean

Leukocytes, they are white blood cells - this is a general name of quite different in appearance and functions of uniform elements of blood, which nevertheless work together over the most important problem - the protection of the organism from foreign agents (mainly microbes, but not only). To speak in general terms, leukocytes capture alien particles, and then die along with them, highlighting biologically active substances, which, in turn, cause familiar symptoms to all of us: swelling, redness, pain and temperature increase. If the local inflammatory response proceeds very actively and leukocytes are dying in large quantities, the pus appears - it is nothing more than the "corpse" of leukocytes that fell on the battlefield with infection.

Inside the leukocyte team there is a division of labor: neutrophils and monocytes Mainly "respond" for bacterial and fungal infection, lymphocytes and monocytes - for viral infections and production of antibodies, eosinophila - For allergies.

On the analysis form you will see that neutrophils are divided into chicken and segmented. This division reflects the "age" of neutrophils. Sharkoidal - these are young cells, and segmented - adults, ripened. The more young (rod) neutrophils on the battlefield, the more active in the inflammatory process. This bone marrow sends to war not yet to the end of trained and non-truthful young soldiers.

The rate of sedimentation of red blood cells (ESO) is an indicator that characterizes the ability of the erythrocytes to stick together with each other and fall on the bottom of the test tube. This speed increases when the content of inflammation proteins increases, primarily fibrinogen. As a rule, an increase in ESP is also considered as an indicator of inflammation, although there are other reasons for its increase, for example, when the amount of erythrocytes (under anemia) decreases in the blood.

If blood leukocytes are elevated

First of all, it should be noted that laboratory standards for leukocytes are not strict, that is, indicators that are several tenths differ from the norm specified in the table (or on the letterhead) - not a reason for anxiety. Leukocytes can slightly rise during pregnancy, in the premenstrual period, as well as after eating and just in the evening. That is why they usually ask for blood on an empty stomach.

A significant increase in leukocytes is always a serious symptom, which requires clarification of the cause. There may be a lot of reasons, but the main three:

  • infectious diseases (acute and chronic), and this is not only an ARVI and the inflammation of the lungs. Let's say, with pain in the stomach, elevated leukocytes help to distinguish appendicitis from intestinal colic;
  • oncological diseases, including tumors of blood system (leukemia);
  • inflammatory diseases, for example, some rheumatic.

A certain prompt gives a change in the "leukocyte formula" - so doctors call the ratio of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. Increased neutrophils more often indicates a bacterial infection, lymphocytosis often accompanies viral infection, and eosinophilia is a sign of allergic diseases or melting invasion.

Leukocyte and antibiotics

By the way, from what I wrote now, as it is a paradoxically, one very important thesis follows.

With an uncomplicated acute respiratory viral infection (ORVI), it is not necessary to "just in case" to hand over a general blood test.

You will definitely see lymphocytosis there and will worry where he came from! You will throw out the reasons for leukocytosis on the Internet, you will definitely find horrors about leukemia, you will not sleep for two nights, write to the hematologist ... And leukocytosis in total in this case was a "witness" of viral infection. And it can be stored in blood up to a month after transferred cold.

And the second very important idea: leukocytosis is not a disease, but only a symptom of a wide variety of states. Hence the conclusion that is not worn to remind not only patients, but also many doctors.

It is impossible to prescribe antibiotic treatment on the detection of leukocytosis, without putting the diagnosis and not finding the focus of infection.

The fact is that there is no universal antibiotic "wide range of action"; With different infectious diseases, completely different drugs and their dosages are used. As a rule, an attempt to prescribe treatment in a situation where the disease was not found, but the doctor says: "You have somewhere in the body infection ...", only leads to a further diagnostic confusion.

The fact is that the pathogens of infectious diseases are simply so floating in a circle in the blood, they always strive somewhere "settle down", causing a picture of some particular disease. Not to mention that far from any fever and not any leukocytosis is signs of a bacterial infection, which, in fact, should be actuated by antibiotics.

So, I repeat, with a rare exception, you should not take antibiotics until then, until there is no answer to the question, what is called the disease that we treat.

Reduced leukocytes

A few words about the low level of leukocytes. This is a situation that always requires certain diagnostic maneuvers, since the oppression of blood formation is quite serious symptom. Consequently, the advice here is very simple: if the leukocytes are below the norm - go to the doctor. The diagnostic path may not be very simple, but it must be passed.

By the way, one of the reasons for the reduction of leukocytes can be, oddly enough, pills from headaches. Yes, banal analgesics with frequent and regular reception can coop the function of the bone marrow. Do not forget about it, those who are painting painkillers grinding.

A young woman comes. Nothing bothers, only leukocytes in the blood test. In several repeat analyzes, the indicator<2 тыс./мкл. Больше никаких явных жалоб нет. Приглашаю гематолога на консилиум, расспрашиваем подробнее. Иногда головные боли беспокоят.

- Anesthetics? Well, yes, I take it sometimes: Analgin and other different analgesics that are sold in pharmacies. Often, yes, almost every day.

They conducted a complete hematological examination, including the puncture of the bone marrow, and nothing bad, fortunately, was not found. It was forbidden to take painkillers, after a couple of months, blood indicators were recovered.

Neckless analgesics are not a toy. Metamizole based preparations (analgin, barallgyne, etc.) Let it be rarely, but they can cause a very heavy damage to the bone marrow.

High SEE

As for the ESP (erythrocyte sedimentation speed), then the situation is even more complicated here than with leukocytes. The fact is that EE increases almost in response to any inflammatory disease, and sometimes in itself, therefore, it is possible to evaluate this indicator only with other analyzes. In the West, the doctors are asking not to demonize the rise of ESP and do not try to twist the body inside out when the elaboration increases, say, up to 40 mm / h without signs of obvious disease.

But if EE is higher than 50 mm / h, then it is necessary to be examined. Among other analyzes, it is necessary to pass the blood to the electrophoresis of proteins, since the synthesis of anomalous Paraprotein's abnormal protein becomes often the cause of the increase in ESP, which although not always need to be treated, but it is necessary to know about it.

Situations in which even in the absence of symptoms need to be referred to a doctor

  • Leukocyte level increase\u003e 15 thousand / μl
  • Raising the share of neutrophils or lymphocytes\u003e 90%, even at the normal level of leukocytes
  • Increased lymphocyte\u003e 5 thousand / μl
  • Reduced leukocyte levels<3 тыс./мкл
  • Reduced neutrophil levels (granulocytes)<1 тыс./мкл
  • ENGLISH ESP\u003e 50 mm / h


Good day! From December of the month of leukocytosis lasts 12.5-15.5. Soe is normal. Highlights are hanged- 8. Milocytes and metamyelocytes were twice. 1. From the symptoms only occasionally the temperature 37. The ultrasound of attitent organs showed nothing. In what direction to move? What else to believe? Thank you

03/10/2019 16:16:20, Svetlana

Comment Article "Deciphering blood test: leukocytes and meto. Elevated, lowered, norm?"

More on "Decoding of blood tests: leukocytes and soe":

Girls, who had it? The therapist immediately appointed antibiotics, but from which he treats, and did not explain, he says can and can and can and completely (some kind of !!!) process in the body. As the ones, orange juice drink (((.

i recently passed a general blood test. All is normal, but EE 40, at a rate of 12-15 on average. I feel in principle not bad. A month ago, I went to relax, there was temperature and then allergic to the sun was climbed. Maybe this is the reason? Since I read that after illness it happens. On Saturday I go to the doctor, but I managed to read the horns on the Internet and I'm already afraid .. Maybe someone came across such?.

At the daughter of High ESI 40, all other indicators are normal, urine too, nothing to complain about what it can be connected with? The only thing for what complain is so small diathesis (apparently moved sweet) and the far tooth is growing 6-ka and gums in that place is inflamed strongly. The doctor will only fall in 2 days.

the child (4 G. 8 months) is elevated hemoglobin (133 norm 108-132), and most importantly - red blood cells (5.33 norm 4-4.4). The volume of erythrocytes and the color indicator are reduced. The doctor said to recount in a couple of days, and then think what to examine and what to do. horror written on the Internet. The child is healthy, surrendered analyzes by chance, at the same time with the sister, which has a high temperature. Has anyone come across? what could it be?

We are experiencing a month for a month. Delivered blood. ENT says the elevated value of lymphocytes - 55. He came running home - I looked through all the information about the norms on the Internet. It seems 55 at our age norm. But what about ENT? Maybe someone knows here? I'm scary guesses. Moms do not throw .... fucking.

All indicators are normal, except SE, is very high. Blood surrendered from his finger on an empty stomach, in Invitro. The second day I do not find myself places, the doctor of the fabul is to recall in 2 weeks, I go crazy for these two weeks with such me. The child is externally healthy, cheerful and playing. It was very surprised, having received such a result. What do you think???

I was very alarmed increased level of lymphocytes. Movages say that this is normal ... I looked at the child's card, they were elevated in all blood tests: 53,63.68. And in past all blood tests, the neutrophil was lowered segmented 24-26 (at a rate of 47-72), the leukocyte level was raised once. Doctors always said that the analyzes are normal. It is really normal when leukocytes are increased, and neutrophiles segmented lowered ..

Purchased blood test, discovered a minor increase in leukocytes, per unit (norm 11.4, at 12.7). There are no external manifestations of ORZ type, there is no level. The pediatrician says that they can climb their teeth and against the background of this such an analysis that there is nothing terrible that it makes no sense to treat "tests", but I still worry something (((maybe someone had it?

In the process of preparing for the operation to remove adenoid adenoids, the blood test and its results of ESP - 22. The child coughes, but the doctor did not hear anything in the lungs, so that can allergic. With her EE rises? Well, adenoids themselves can give such a result? What to do that?

Son 4 years rushed today all morning. They were frightened, let's go to the hospital. Blood clinical analysis and leukocytes up to 13 thousand units have been increased there. at a rate of up to 10 thousand. Make drink antibiotic augumentin. Is such an increase in leukocytes unconditional signal to appoint antibiotics? Are leukocytes increase with viral infections?

Hello! The situation is as follows: Son is almost 5 years old. In January, they had to do tonsillotomy and, in this regard, began collecting tests. Blood Analysis showed EE 31 leukocytes 8, lymphocytes 37, the analysis relocated the resort ESE 17, but still high, and therefore the operation was transferred.

Today I received tests and again ESO - 50, leukocytes - 12, hemoglobin truth rose to 117. What can all this mean? I am very worried.

Made a blood test. Erythrocyte sedimentation speed - 14, above the norm; (what can it talk about? To the doctor only tomorrow, and somehow scary; (((and they also said that hemoglobin is elevated, which is also not good; ( - 119.; ((

Who knows what this indicator says? And then I handed over the tests in the sanatorium, the doctor said that everything is fine. But I look at the analysis data - this indicator is above the norm. Norm 7-15, and I have 22. In the LCD, while reluctant, maybe nothing terrible?

Zh Summer Boy was sick for 2 weeks raised a cold, at the end of the second they made a blood test. Soy level 32, a week later, no visual signs of the disease, in addition to the red "loose" throat, again, blood test, soy - 48. Doctors say it is necessary to pierce the course of peniciline antibiotics 4 times a day. I do not want. Does anyone have the same experience?

Someone can suggest that means in the general blood test of the following numbers: neutrophiles segmented 14 at a rate of 47-72 and lymphocytes 76 at a rate of 19-37. The girl now she has 2 months old pyelonephritis with 3 miestes. And these numbers in the analyzes are always like that. Whether they do not want to explain what it means that they themselves do not know.

Leukocytes are immunity cells whose action is directed to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that can penetrate the vagina. In a normal situation, leukocytes are represented by a minor quantity, varying within 10 - in the vagina, and 20 leukocytes directly in the cervix.

Attention! The number of leukocytes increases depending on the deterioration of the processes in the female organism, that is, from inflammation.

To identify one or another problem, you need to make a smear by visiting the gynecologist directly. This procedure is considered standard during each visit to a specialist doctor. Normally, gynecologists recommend to take an analysis on the smear planned, at least once every six months, if there are any health problems, or once a year in the absence of any pathologies.

Causes of increased leukocytes in a smear

The smear is done when a woman complains and feels uncomfortable sensations in the authority, also with the presence of such symptoms:

  1. Strong pain.
  2. Burning, itching, reinforcing your action during sexuality.
  3. Soreness when urination.
  4. Menstrual cycle failures.

It's important to know! With the aim of prevention, doctors it is recommended to hand over a smear in medical examinations. Also taken analysis on the smear, it will not be superfluous after the long-term use of anti-inflammatory or hormonal drugs.

The macale taking procedure is considered rapid and painless, which in its form represents an inspection of a gynecologist "mirror" inside the vagina, taking a smear, with a sterile disposable spatula, from the walls of the vagina.

What is leukocytes

The resulting smear is applied to the glass slide, sent directly to the laboratory. The results of the analyzes are ready for three days.

Causes of increasing leukocyte performance

Diseases that cause an increase in leukocytes

Leukocyte functions

There are a large number of reasons for increasing leukocytes in the body of women, however, in practice, the following pathologies are considered the most common:

Gynecological diseased Description
UrethritisPathology is the inflammation of the urination channel. Diseases do not represent any serious danger to the patient, however, can bring a mass of discomfort and negative sensations in everyday life, based on this, requires compulsory treatment.

Pain and burning appear when urinating. External genitals are able to become a red shade. Not excluded the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra

EndometritisIt is considered a disease of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Inflammation is associated with the transfer of abortion of complex nature, infertility, miscarriage, as well as a postpartum problem.

This disease is capable of developing also in non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Another reason for the manifestation of endometritis is infectious pathogens, namely: Klebsiella, Enterobacter, mycoplasma, intestinal wand, and others

AdnexitUnder the adexite it is necessary to understand the inflammatory process of uterine appendages. This disease requires urgent treatment, since it is capable of worsening not only the way of life of a woman, but also to lead to serious consequences of the deterioration of the work of the reproductive system. The causes of the disease are infections, such as: gonococci, diphtheria, tuberculosis infections, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, intestinal wand, and others.

During the disease, the inflammatory process leads to the formation of pus in the ovaries. Also this disease is called inflammation of the appendages. Some of the leading symptoms are considered: soreness at the bottom of the abdomen, nonypical discharge from the vagina

CervicitThis disease is characterized by inflammation in the vaginal segment of the cervix. For him, purulent and mucous membranes are typical. The pain at the bottom of the abdomen, namely - stupid and cutting. When sex, a woman can experience unpleasant sensations, as well as when urination. The main reasons can be considered precisely infections: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis
ColpitIt is considered pathology transmitting only sexually. Bacteria, called Trichomon Vaginal, fall into the vagina, and begin to multiply in a rapid way, thereby hitting the mucous membrane. The main signs of the disease are: an increase in body temperature, itching in the genital organ, burning, discomfort, feeling of the decline of forces, physical fatigue and malaise, pain when urinating, discharge from the vagina (can be both transparent and white and yellow, green)
OncologyThere are a number of reasons provoking the manifestation of oncology in women. More extent, women never giving birth to this problem, or suffering to obesity, diabetes. Pathology manifests itself in the early stages of its development. Due to this, the woman has the likelihood of complete recovery, starting immediate treatment.

The main symptoms include: bleeding from the genital organ. For accurate diagnostics, specialists can recommend the CT procedure

Vaginal dysbiosisAmong the causes of the manifestation, it is possible to distinguish: the long use of antibiotics, which in its form poorly affect the microflora, violation of the balance of hormones, infectious or viral inflammation of the small pelvis organs. As well as a number of other factors, such as: stressful situations, overwork, non-compliance with the norms of personal hygiene.

As a result, it appears itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse, separation of gray-white or yellow

Causes of increasing leukocytes in a smear

Indicators of the norm of various forms of leukocytes

It's important to know! Leukocytes in high form are capable of demonstrating how the inflammatory process occurs. The more leukocytes in the smear, the more dangerous is inflammation. Increased leukocyte content can be associated with a disease such as thrush.

The norm of the forms of leukocyte

Increased leukocyte and pregnancy

In the process of registration, the girl is obliged to make a smear. The results of the analysis will show a minor increase in the number of leukocytes - in the range of 15-20.

In the case of a high deflection from the indicators of the norm, the specialist checks the pregnant for the presence of an inflammatory process and infection. The patient is sent to additional analyzes, which include Bakposposev, PCR and determining the level of the immune system.

Infection may not necessarily occur during pregnancy. Hidden infection could have been in the body for a long time, and then, activate due to changes in the hormonal background and restructuring the entire body.

Causes of the appearance of leukocytes in a smear

It is important! After the woman became pregnant to keep track of the level of protective immunity functions, since in case of its reduction, hidden ailments may appear. Confirmation will be a high leukocyte indicator.

Very often, during pregnancy women, thrush is disturbing. The exacerbation occurs in the last months of tolerance. It is extremely difficult to treat this disease, since most antibiotics are prohibited to be used to avoid negative effect on the fruit. When diagnosing pathology, the leukocyte indicator is significantly increased.

Do not exclude more complex diseases - STD. At the first months of pregnancy, a woman can infect gonor, syphilis, herpes, ureaplasm. At the same time, the smear will show the oversized level of leukocytes. In this case, the threat increases for the fetus, since urgent potent treatment is necessary.

For what you need leukocytes

How can you reduce the amount of leukocyte content in the smear?

First of all, it is necessary to normalize the organism microflora, restore its balance. To do this, you can seek help from the folk remedies, namely therapeutic herbs: Aloe leaves, chamomile, oak bark. Creaters are able to help, for this, a solution of chlorophyllip is taken for this. Remove inflammation capable of warm baths (hot baths are excluded).

From drug intervention, a gynecologist can make a treatment plan, which, probably, can include drugs such as special candles: pimafucine, Terezhin, etc.

A highly qualified specialist will tell about the standards of leukocytes in the smear.

Video - Leukocyte standards in smears

Leukocytes in a smear: normal and increased indicators, treatment of increased leukocytes

Leukocytes in a smear: normal and increased, causes and treatment - timely diagnosis will allow you to heal from unpleasant diseases.


  • Leukocytes in the smear
  • Raising leukocytes in a smear
  • Leukocytes are white (without coloring) blood cells having poison. Their main function is the protection of the body from internal and external malicious factors. They absorb and digest foreign bodies.

    If many foreign bodies penetrated the body, then the leukocytes are absorbed, increase in size and die. The released substance causes inflammation, which is accompanied by an edema, an increase in temperature and redness of the affected area.

    New leukocytes come to the place of the death of leukocytes and the presence of alien bodies, they continue to destroy these bodies and die. The accumulation of a large number of dead leukocytes forms pus.

    Leukocytes in the smear

    Microscopic storing of the smear is carried out in order to determine the most important microflora indicators, one of which is the number of leukocytes.

    Leukocyte rate in the smear in women

    Leukocytes in a smear - norm up to 15 units (in the urethra to 5, in the vagina to 10 and in the cervix to 15 units).

    Raising leukocytes in a smear

    The number of leukocytes in the smear increases sharply with inflammation of the vagina: - Colpit, - vaginitis.

    The more leukocytes in the smear, the sharper the disease flows. In acute inflammation, the leukocyte value of the gynecological smear will be "up to 100 leukocytes in the field of view" or "leukocytes cover all the field of view."

    The reasons for the increased content of leukocytes in the smear

    Why are leukocytes in a smear elevated? An increase in the number of leukocytes in a smear analysis is usually associated with an inflammatory process.

    At what pathological conditions in gynecology there are raised leukocytes in a smear?

    Most often, the leukocytes in the smear are raised for diseases: - Colpit - inflammation of the mucous membrane, - cervicitis - inflammation of the cervical (cervical) channel, - urethritis - inflammation of the urethra (urethra), - endometritis - inflammation of the mucous meter, - adhesitis - inflammation of the uterine's appendages (ovarian, pipes) - oncological diseases of the genital organs - sexually transmitted infections - vaginal dysbiosis,

    Intestine dysbiosis.

    Causes of elevated leukocytes in a smear of virgins

    Inflammatory processes in the genital paths are not only among girls and women living in sex. Various diseases, including infectious nature, can be transmitted not only by sexual path, but also contact-domestic (general objects of use, impaired intimate hygiene, etc.). Therefore, leukocytosis in the smear may be virgins who did not have traditional sexual relations. To clarify its reasons, analyzes are also surrendered. Single for the diagnosis of smear, PCR and sowing of virgin is carried out in the same way as in women living in sex life. However, the gynecological mirror is not used, the taking of a material from the vagina is carried out through a hole in the virgin spleen with special thin soft visions. According to the testimony and, at will, take the material to study from the urethra and other localizations. The fence procedure carried out by our gynecologists, painless, damage to virgin splava is excluded.

    Why leukocytes in a smear are increased, and there are no diseases?

    If there are many leukocytes in the smear, the reason is infection. Just the smear does not allow it to reveal - its diagnostic value is limited to a narrow spectrum of the studied microbes. The same list of possible infections in which the causes of elevated leukocytes in the smear are taken, it is possible to identify only by other diagnostic methods: - PCR, - sowing, - IFA blood test This to you should tell your gynecologist and send to the appropriate examination. In fact, to clarify the reasons for increasing leukocytes in a smear in women, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate laboratory surveys - to pass the analyzes of PCR, sowing. Material for the diagnosis of leukocytosis can take from the following seats: - Urethra, - cervical cervix, vagina, - straight intestine,


    Treatment if leukocytes in a smear of women

    According to the results of a full-fledged comprehensive diagnostics, a gynecologist individually selects a diagram of treating the inflammatory process. It is a full-fledged diagnosis that makes it possible to reveal the true cause and carry out the correct treatment of leukocytes in the smear.

    Why, after the treatment of leukocytes in the smear remains elevated?

    Rarely, but the situation occurs when treatment is carried out, but leukocytes in the smear remains increased. This is one of the most difficult problems for solving problems. The extension of leukocytes in a smear in such cases is associated with dysbacteriosis at the level of vagina and cervix. Even multiple antibiotic therapy courses often do not help here, infections after treatment with antibiotics may not be detected. And leukocytes in the smear are elevated and held at a high level.

    In such cases, it is recommended to periodically conduct local sanitation courses (candles with antibacterial components) and maintaining normal intestinal microflora (since the intestinal dysbacteriosis is in most cases and is the main reason for increasing leukocytes in the smear).

    Increased leukocytes in a smear in pregnant women

    The level of leukocytes in the smear in pregnant women is determined several times: - The first smear is taken when a woman is registered on the pregnancy. - During the baby tooling, the normal indicator of the number of leukocytes varies in the range of 15-20 in the field of view. The performance indicator indicates the presence of an inflammatory process due to the indicator. Colport, vaginitis, etc. In order to clarify the diagnosis, immunological, bacteriological research, PCR are carried out.

    The presence of a certain disease is not evidence of recent infection. A woman can be a long-term infection carrier for a long time, which manifests itself only after the occurrence of pregnancy, against the background of occurring hormonal rearrangements and associated imminent immune protection.

    Is it possible to get pregnant with elevated leukocytes in a smear?

    Increased leukocytes are talking about the presence of an inflammatory process. You can get pregnant, but, preliminarily, it is desirable to cure a disease.

    Amoxiclav with elevated leukocytes in a smear

    With elevated leukocytes in the smear, depending on the nature of the inflammatory process, doctors sometimes prescribe an antibiotic amoxyclav.

    On the use of amoxiclava: Amoxiclav: Instructions for use

    Is it possible to engage in sex with elevated leukocytes in a smear?

    Increased leukocytes in the smear talk about the disease. If its reason is installed and there is no risk of infecting a partner or get a complication, and the doctor approved it, then you can.

    Increased leukocytes in a smear in men: Causes

    Increased leukocytes in the smear in men indicate the inflammatory process and the presence of infection.

    If you do not find the cause of elevated leukocytes, the inflammatory process can spread to nearby organs and hit the whole body.

    The causes of elevated leukocytes can be:

  • prostatitis
  • epididimit
  • orhoepididimit
  • pyelonephritis
  • cystitis
  • urethritis

    Causes of increasing leukocytes in the cervix and treatment of pathologies

    An important female health rate is the rate of leukocytes in the cervical uterus. It is determined by taking a smear at the reception at the gynecologist. With a healthy condition, the leukocyte level in the smear is not more than 20. If the norm is exceeded, it means in the body of a woman, namely in the urinary system, the inflammatory process is developing, which must be revealed and start treatment.

    Leukocyte indicators in the smear and pathology of exceeding the norm

    To determine the condition of the genital organs and the system as a whole, sometimes it is enough to take the smear. The increase in leukocytes in it immediately will cause anxiety, since their excessive amount means the presence of inflammatory processes in the neck and other organs, the reasons for which it is necessary to install and eliminate.

    If a woman is healthy, it can be seen from the indicators. In the usual condition, leukocytes should not exceed the following norms:

    • in the cervix, no more than 15, in extreme cases - 20;
    • in the urethra channel, their number should not exceed 5;
    • permissible rate in the vagina - 10.

    A significant increase in leukocytes can talk about the disease of the cervix and not only. The more they are rejected from the norm, the more aggressive disease flows and the faster it is necessary to find its reasons, assign it to be treated. Launched cases are severely treatable and entail great complications.

    The main diseases that indicate an increase in the level of leukocytes in the cervix:

    • inflammatory state of endometrial;
    • infectious diseases of the urination channel;
    • inflammatory processes in the ovaries and tubes of the uterus;
    • the presence of microbial imbalance in the intestine or vagina;
    • diseases excited by infections that are transmitted by sexual act;
    • malignant neoplasms in the genitals;
    • changes in the cervical canal, its inflammatory state.

    Interesting video:

    To determine the condition of the sexual system of a woman, it is enough to take a smear on the flora and the results will be treated.

    The main symptoms of changes in leukocytes, which are contained in the cervix:

    1. Change in highlights. They become a curious type and unpleasantly smelling.
    2. Frequent urge to the toilet, difficult urination and almost no stool.
    3. Long-term pain syndrome in a small pelvis.
    4. Itching and burning in genitalia.
    5. Violation of the cycle of menstruation.

    An indicator of increasing the rate of leukocytes, which are present in the cervix, indicates a set of diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, inflammation of the cervical canal (cervicitis). If this disease does not detect in time, it provokes the erosion of the cervix and leads to infertility. The inflammation of the cervical canal with the elevated content of leukocytes in the neck proceeds with such symptoms: the periodic painful syndrome at the bottom of the abdomen, which over time is expensive; Disoccupatory sensations during intimate relationships, burning in genitals, as well as itching.

    Note! The inflammation process usually originates in the vagina and gradually moves to the cervix. The causes of infection may be poor-quality personal hygiene. This needs to be especially followed.

    Exceeding the rate of leukocytes in the smear in the absence of infection

    Diseases of the urogenital system in a woman proceed in different ways. It happens that leukocytes are increased, and there is no infection in the body. Despite this, the examination of the gynecologist and the delivery of all necessary analyzes are a mandatory procedure. Since the increase in leukocytes without any reason can happen. The change in the indicator indicates the presence of pathologies.

    A minor increase in white blood taurus may indicate discomfort, which is present in the cervix and in the vagina. If the number of their small and norm is exceeded slightly - there are no reasons for excitement. This is quite acceptable. If the level of leukocytes in the neck went far beyond, it is worth the treatment immediately.

    It is worth noting that quite often happens when leukocytes are increased in the general blood test, and the smear shows that they are normal in the cervix. Definitely, there is an inflammatory process in the body and it is urgently to conduct further diagnosis.

    Treatment with an elevated content of leukocytes in a smear

    Before starting treatment, after the diagnosis, a woman is still appointed a number of analyzes, with which the doctor can accurately identify any disease. At this time, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of organs located in a small pelvis, to pass tests, and is also carried out bacterial sowing. All these procedures are necessary in order to identify the reasons for the increased content of leukocytes as much as possible and do not appoint extra drugs in the treatment. For example, if it is in the thrush, neither antibiotics cannot be applied. They will only harm the body of a woman. In this case, medicines that provoke an increase in the activity of the body's resistance to viral infections will help.

    Tools of treatment of elevated leukocytes:

    • antiseptic preparations;
    • antibiotics;
    • the means that include bifidobacteria.

    Also, the vagina is treated with antiseptic substances. This is an integral part of therapy against inflammation.

    During the treatment of elevated leukocytes in a cervix, a woman is attributed to the means to strengthen the immune system, as well as the necessary vitamins. It is recommended to make special preparations at this time that will help you save the body from toxins in order not to poison its by the side effect of many antibiotics.

    Important! The excess of the content of leukocytes in the cervix is \u200b\u200ba very serious sign of negative changes and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system of a woman. They can also point to such pathologies as: violation of the functions of both ovaries, a hormonal failure, pregnancy breakdowns.

    It is necessary to remember that the level of white blood cells in the neck of the reproductive organ helps to identify the inflammation of the cervical canal, as well as the endometrium (functional layer of the uterus). If these diseases do not treat on time, they provoke the change in the walls of the uterus, its necks and other diseases, as well as pathology of the adjacent organs. Therefore, you should not ignore even a minor deviation from the norm. Timely identification of one or another disease contributes to successful treatment and can get rid of unwanted problems in the future. Do not be indifferent to your health. Diseases do not sleep and it must be remembered.

    Increased leukocytes in a smear in women: causes, symptoms, treatment and what it means.

    Leukocytes in the body perform the role of defenders from all sorts of infections. They are, in essence, cells of the immune system, which are produced in certain quantities.

    If the analysis of the smear indicates that the number of leukocytes is quite large (more than 15 units), then, with a high probability, it is a symptom of infection or inflammation in the female body. Most often it concerns the genital organs, kidneys, and bladder.

    Leukocytes are constantly present in the body, but their quantity remains within the normal range, if there are no reasons for their additional production.

    In cases of increasing the level of content of these cells, the body launches a protective function, and begins to increase the number of leukocytes to confront various diseases.

    The cause of this phenomenon can be erosion, endometriosis, vaginitis, colpit, thrush, vagodine of bacterial type, and other diseases of the female sexual system. About the stage of development of the disease, one can judge by the number of leukocytes produced.

    Constantly increased leukocytes in a smear: symptoms

    If the increased level of leukocytes lasts a long period, then most often it is possible to notice the irregularity of menstruation, a specific odor of discharge, discomfort during urination, selection from the vagina of white, as well as a feeling of burning and itching.

    Why leukocytes in a smear increased: reasons

    There can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is the diseases of the type of packaglasmosis, gonorrhea and trichomonosis. A violation of the vaginal microflora, intestinal wand, staphylococcus, and oncological diseases of the sexual system can be diagnosed.

    During pregnancy, a minor increase in leukocytes takes place, often it is an indicator of the norm. But you should take it seriously, and undergo all the necessary surveys and analyzes to control their level. After all, inflammation and infections can badly affect health, and carry a threat to the child.

    How to lower leukocytes in a smear?

    The main condition for lowering leukocytes in the smear is the correct microflora of the vagina. It can be improved in different ways, one of which is the use of various herbs for a replacement: aloe, nettle, red root, chamomile, trunk, oak bark.

    You can also do douch using a chlorophyllip solution. However, it is better not to deal with self-medication, and the use of certain herbs is only on the recommendation of the doctor.

    A good method is considered immersion in a warm bath, with a temperature of more than 45 degrees, since the effect of heat has a positive effect on pathological inflammatory processes.

    As drugs, vaginal candles are considered to be the most effective. They help reduce leukocyte levels and support microflora balance. Some of them: Betadine, Hexicon, Terezhinin, Pimafucine-based candles, Genison, Instatin, and Polizinaks.

    If you have discovered an increased level of leukocytes, then before starting effective treatment, you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon. To do this, it will be necessary to pass various additional analyzes that will help identify the causative agent of infection, and, based on this, the doctor will make an optimal course of treatment. However, in any case, the main purpose of such treatment is, after all, the normalization of female microflora.

    It is not worth tightening the beginning of treatment, since pathological processes can overgrow in a chronic form with time, and often the causes of such violations, as infertility, miscarriage, the impossibility of making a child.