Recovery of lung tissue after pneumonia. Recovery and rehabilitation after pneumonia

  • Date of: 04.03.2020

Rehabilitation after pneumonia in children and adults at home.

Comprehensive rehabilitation after pneumonia can literally revive the broncho-pulmonary system.

Even despite the seriousness of the disease.

The consequences of the disease are dangerous only if you forget about them and do nothing to strengthen the body.

Lifestyle after pneumonia

Goals and objectives of the recovery policy:

  • protect the lungs from possible relapses;
  • take care of strengthening pulmonary system and bronchi;
  • take control of your breathing.

It must be understood that rehabilitation after that will take a lot of time, it will require perseverance, strength and patience.

The recovery period will take a long time. In fact, now you will always have to remember about the illness you have suffered.

And with this fact in mind, reformat the rest of your life.

What are the main areas to consider in order for recovery from pneumonia to be truly effective:

  • systematic;
  • full sleep;
  • diet, diet, fortification of nutrition, abundant water intake;
  • restoration of microflora;
  • oxygen saturation (breathing exercises; physical activity);
  • visiting sanatoriums.

Inhalation for pneumonia

Without special inhalations, the rehabilitation of the respiratory tract in pneumonia is hardly possible.

The fact is that the lungs have accumulated a fair amount of toxins. They must be taken out.

And that's why:

  • the process of respiration is provided by the alveoli - small sacs at the end of the bronchioles (in the bronchi). It is this structure that is responsible for taking in carbon dioxide, and in its place “supplying” oxygen to the blood;
  • sputum accumulated in the alveoli interferes with normal oxygen metabolism;
  • as a result, growths (like skin scars) form on the connective tissue.

To recover as soon as possible, it is necessary to do warm inhalations using essential oils:

  • fir;
  • thyme;
  • cedar;
  • incense;
  • eucalyptus, etc.

They have antibacterial and expectorant properties.

Ordinary baking soda also performed well.

To prepare an inhalation solution, dilute 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of boiling water.

The tool enhances the processes of sputum output, and rehabilitation after pneumonia is significantly accelerated.

Good sleep with pneumonia

During the illness, the body was subjected to deep stress.

Deep sleep in a well-ventilated area is a great way to:

  • restore the nervous system;
  • balance all metabolic processes;
  • normalize blood flow.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day (this does not include the period of falling asleep). Provide normal conditions - space, access to oxygen through ventilation.

Diet and nutrition after pneumonia

In order for rehabilitation for pneumonia to be effective and consistent, carefully review your diet:

  • more fruits, vegetables;
  • less smoked meats, fried, salted and pickled (preference for steamed dishes);
  • also after pneumonia, vitamin complexes are required (aimed at tissue regeneration and increasing immunity) - there must be vitamins A, C, B and E;
  • accelerated recovery contribute to iron, magnesium, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, proteins and fats in the complex;
  • be sure to include in your diet dairy products(yogurt, kefir, curdled milk);
  • completely forget about smoking and drinking alcohol (smoking already rapidly destroys the respiratory system, and alcohol has the ability to lower immunity - at such a moment, relapses of the disease are more than likely);
  • give up coffee, strong tea;
  • make it a rule to drink herbal decoctions and teas more often (chamomile, mint, thyme, lemon balm, St. John's wort, calendula) - they suppress bacteria, strengthen the immune system;
  • drink more water - it helps to eliminate toxins, literally "washes" your every cell.

Taking antibiotics for pneumonia

A very important element to recover is antibiotics. They are discharged at the end of the course of treatment.

Medications should be taken strictly. Feeling good should not be a reason to neglect the recommendations of a doctor.

The fact is that the tissue of the lungs and bronchi is severely affected. A hidden threat lurks in the bowels of these organs.

Only long-term use antibiotics according to the scheme will be able to guarantee the complete neutralization of pathogen strains.

Spa treatment after pneumonia

Not everyone can afford to relax in expensive resorts.

However, there are "local" specialized sanatoriums in almost every region.

As a rule, beneficial factors are:

  • restorative procedures;
  • massage;
  • Exercise therapy under the supervision of a competent instructor;
  • life and rest without stress;
  • physiotherapy, especially UHF (affected organs recover well, high level recovery has been repeatedly recorded by statistics).

With the help of restorative medicine, the rehabilitation of the lungs and pneumonia is several orders of magnitude more effective.

Breathing exercises after pneumonia

Do not forget that a set of special exercises helps to strengthen the respiratory system.

Even in ancient times, people understood that the transport of oxygen can be enhanced artificially.

Deep breathing

Exercise is done sitting or standing:

  • hands on the waist;
  • the body is relaxed;
  • as much air as possible is inhaled;
  • when filling the lungs, breathing is held for 5 seconds;
  • further - full, maximum exhalation;
  • 10 times in one set, only 3-4 sets throughout the day.

Breathing with pursed lips

This exercise reduces the consumption of carbon dioxide, but at the same time restores the efficiency of the lungs with the circulation of oxygen:

  • the body is relaxed;
  • standing or sitting position;
  • the back is straight;
  • inhale through the nose for 3 seconds;
  • before exhaling, purse your lips as before a kiss;
  • exhale through pursed lips for 5-6 seconds;
  • don't hold air in your lungs.

This exercise is ideal for people with shortness of breath (it will disappear with time). Repeat it systematically.

Huff cough technique

The purpose of the exercise is to induce a cough reflex in order to expel bacteria from the respiratory tract:

  • sit up straight;
  • relax;
  • take 4-5 deep breaths / exhalations;
  • now draw air into the lungs and hold your breath for a while;
  • tighten your stomach and chest;
  • push the air out of you in such a way as if you are coughing;
  • if everything is done correctly, the cough reflex will work;
  • as a result, sputum will separate, which is stuck in the respiratory tract.

Exercise helps to clear the airways of mucus.

Today, the rehabilitation of adults and children with pneumonia relies on breathing exercises as one of the pillars of success.

remember, that rehabilitation period This is not a whim, but a necessity. Follow all the recommendations of the doctor, be physically active, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Pneumonia is a severe disease of viral or microbial origin, characterized by complete or partial damage to the internal respiratory organs. The course of treatment lasts quite a long time, and recovery from pneumonia requires even more time and effort. This is due to a significant weakening of the body after an illness and the danger of developing severe consequences that may develop after an illness.

Types of pneumonia

There are three types of pneumonia - focal, parenchymal and interstitial. Making an accurate diagnosis is necessary to form the correct course of treatment and take measures to restore the patient:

  • Focal - characterized by damage to a specific area of ​​​​the lung. At the same time, the remaining tissues of the organ were not damaged.
  • Parenchymal - only the lobes of the lungs and connective tissues are affected. At running forms there is damage to the upper respiratory tract.
  • Interstitial - inflammation develops on the connective tissues, while the process does not extend to the alveoli.

Goals of rehabilitation

After recovery, the patient is assigned a number of rehabilitation measures, which are aimed at:

  • Prevention and neutralization of freshly formed sclerosed areas.
  • Prevention of the development of tuberculosis.
  • Increasing the resistance of lung tissues to viral microorganisms.
  • Restoration of normal lung volume.
  • strengthening immune system to prevent relapse.
  • Normalization of the general condition and strengthening of the protective function of the body in specialized sanatoriums and resorts.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to regularly engage in therapeutic exercises, use vitamin preparations, massage, and adhere to a diet. Also, the doctor will recommend a vaccination that will allow you to develop antibodies that prevent recurrence pneumonia.

Recovery features

It is important to remember that treatment with antibiotics without performing gymnastic exercises can lead to side effects manifested by the underdevelopment of the respiratory system. And incorrectly carried out rehabilitation procedures often become the reason that potent drugs provoke the development of dysbacteriosis or hypokalemia.

In addition, improper restoration or its absence can lead to the following consequences:

  • Rapid pneumonia leads to the intensive formation of dead tissue in the lungs and the accumulation of fluid, pus and blood in the pulmonary alveoli. Due to pulmonary edema and destruction of the walls of the alveoli, oxygen is not properly absorbed, and the absorption of pus into the blood provokes poisoning of the body.
  • Insufficient resistance of the body to the inflammatory process and accumulated pus can lead to the development of an acute abscess and sepsis.
  • The presence of an acute inflammatory process in the alveoli leads to an increase in temperature, which can be fatal. Too rapid destruction of the alveolar membranes leads to the growth of connective tissue and scars in the lungs, which causes a decrease in their plasticity and a deterioration in oxygen supply. Thanks to the restorative procedures carried out after an inflammatory lung disease, the formation of fibrous tissues can be prevented and the patient's future life can be facilitated.
  • Due to the death of nerve cells and elevated temperature, the activity of the nervous system can be disrupted.

How to recover from pneumonia

Rehabilitation after pneumonia in adults includes two stages:

  1. First of all, measures are taken to neutralize the acute inflammatory process and maximally mitigate the course of the disease. If the patient has no complications, the first stage of rehabilitation lasts about 12-15 days. During this period, antibiotics are used, the action of which is aimed at combating the causative virus. Rehabilitation measures are carried out in a hospital.
  2. The second stage of rehabilitation includes recovery at a resort, sanatorium or at home. In the latter case, the patient is under the supervision of the attending physician. Also, this stage should include a strict diet and therapeutic exercises aimed at.

How long does it take for the body to recover?

The duration of the recovery of the body depends on the type of disease, the severity of its course and the individual characteristics of the human body.

The scars that form on the lungs after pneumonia can periodically provoke inflammation of the organ. Therefore, well-conducted recovery will help minimize the traumatic effects of the disease.

Recovery of the body occurs gradually. Sometimes the duration of the rehabilitation period is more than 3 months.


After all the symptoms of the disease have finally disappeared, the patient can begin to perform simple breathing exercises, which eventually need to be replaced with gentle workouts. It should be remembered that patients are not allowed to work physically during the recovery period..

Exercises are performed twice a day. It is advisable to do two breathing exercises in the morning, and two simple ones in the evening. exercise. To evenly distribute the load, it is important to periodically replace the exercises with new ones.

Breathing exercises

  • Inhale as strongly as possible and, holding the air, count to ten and exhale.
  • Inhale the air jerkily without exhaling.
  • Take alternate shallow breaths and one exhalation. Then, after a 5-second breath hold, exhale.
  • Sit on a chair and lean on its back. In this position, alternate quick deep breaths and exhalations.

Physical exercise

  • Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, bend to the right and left side. Do 10 sets.
  • In the same position, bend forward without bending your legs and reaching your fingers to the floor. Repeat 10 times.
  • Stand up straight and do body turns in each direction 10 times.
  • Lie on your back and pull your legs up to your chest. Do 10-15 approaches.

It is also useful to inflate balloons and take small runs. The latter can be replaced by brisk walking.

When can I exercise after pneumonia?

People who are used to leading active image life and exercise regularly, seek to resume training immediately after recovery. However, after inflammation of the lungs, this is absolutely impossible to do immediately.

Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the patient's condition and the presence of complications, go in for sports without high loads it will be possible only in 3-6 months. Until that time, only simple gymnastic exercises are allowed.


Physiotherapy procedures can be carried out both at home and in the hospital. Inhalation and electrophoresis with the use of aloe have a good effect. To perform inhalations at home, you can use a soda solution, frankincense essential oil or fir oil. These components contribute not only to the cleansing of mucus and phlegm, but also to the elimination of inflammation.

Physiotherapy allows you to eliminate clots of sputum and mucus from the bronchi and alveoli. Its accumulation can lead to the proliferation of connective tissue.

Folk methods

A good effect is provided by the treatment of folk remedies, which is used as an addition to the main therapy. Before using self-prepared medicines, you should consult your doctor. He will determine whether they can be combined with antibiotic drugs, whether the patient is allergic to the medicinal plant used:

  • Wraps with garlic ointment. To prepare the ointment, you will need to grind the garlic to a mushy state and mix it with goose fat in equal proportions. The resulting product is used for rubbing the back and chest. After rubbing, it is necessary to wrap the torso with a warm wide scarf.
  • Decoctions and infusions of herbs. Many medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory, antitussive and thinning effects, and also help to increase immunity. Therefore, after pneumonia and during its treatment, it is useful to use infusions and decoctions of chamomile, calendula, ginseng, St. John's wort.
  • A mixture of garlic and Cahors. This remedy facilitates and accelerates the process of mucus discharge and restores the alveoli. To prepare the medicine, Cahors is mixed with garlic slurry. The resulting mixture is consumed three times a day.
  • Propolis. Daily resorption of propolis allows you to quickly restore lung tissue.
  • Inhalations with fir oil. Fir is an excellent tool that allows you to quickly dissolve the mucus accumulated in the lungs. To prepare a solution for inhalation, fir oil should be poured with boiling water and insisted for three days.

Also, natural fruit drinks, compotes, juices from berries can be attributed to folk remedies. Such drinks allow you to saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients, which improves the functioning of the immune system and has a general strengthening effect on the body. The number of drinks consumed can not be limited, since with pneumonia and during the rehabilitation period they help to improve the discharge of mucus.

Proper nutrition

With pneumonia, you should choose foods that contain all the necessary substances, and at the same time do not overload the body. It is necessary to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits, natural juices and compotes, low-fat chicken and fish, dairy products, broths, honey, jam, cereals.

According to the recommendation of some doctors, during recovery it is useful to drink a little red wine every day - it perfectly eliminates the feeling of weakness, raises strength. However, it should be borne in mind that wine should not be consumed while taking antibiotics, as this can lead to the development of unpleasant health problems.

It is also necessary to drink plenty of fluids every day - it effectively removes toxins that have accumulated during the illness.

Spa treatment

30 days after the patient has fully recovered, the doctor may recommend a rehabilitation course at a sea or mountain resort. The most optimal regions for recovery after this disease sanatoriums of Vladivostok, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Dead, Red or Mediterranean Seas, as well as sanatoriums located in the Alps or mountainous Switzerland are considered.

Especially useful for patients of sanatoriums that have salt mines, as they perfectly restore lung tissue and suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In sanatoriums, patients are prescribed a whole range of therapeutic and preventive procedures, which include:

  • Physiotherapy and massage.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Psychotherapy sessions.
  • Wraps with paraffin and ozocerite.
  • Galvanization with medicines.
  • Electrical stimulation of the diaphragm.
  • Procedures with infrared radiation.

Prevention of pneumonia in adults

These measures include:

  • hardening.
  • Regular execution breathing exercises.
  • Timely elimination of foci of inflammation in the body.
  • Massage.
  • Exclusion of communication with sick people.

It is also necessary to protect the body from hypothermia, avoid stressful situations and take measures that will strengthen the body's defenses. Complex vitamins after pneumonia are recommended to be taken for several months.. And it is better to exclude salty, fried, smoked and other harmful foods from the diet for a whole year after the illness.


Maria Bogatyreva

Pneumonia is a serious disease that requires a long recovery period and compliance with a number of restrictions and rules.

Even after the victory over the disease, its objective or subjective manifestations may persist. Clinical examination and rehabilitation are aimed not only at restoring breathing, but also at preventing and preventing complications.

Today's article will help you understand the topic related to recovery and rehabilitation.

Recovery period

The removal of the acute inflammatory process and the elimination of the pathogen does not yet mean a complete cure. What to do for the final restoration of the body? In order to fully restore all impaired functions, it is necessary to be observed by the attending physician for six months and follow his appointments.

As a rule, if there is no pronounced decompensation of the functions of the respiratory apparatus and other organs, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation course on an outpatient basis or at home. This is carried out for several reasons, the main one being the reduction of the period, which in turn reduces the risk of highly virulent flora.

Rehabilitation measures can be performed according to indications and together with a physiotherapist, physiotherapy instructor in a clinic or independently at home. The patient has the right to refuse all procedures and activities, considering them an unnecessary waste of their own time. However, the doctor must explain to the patient the importance of their implementation in order to fully recover and restore lost functions.

The duration of the recovery period can be different, it varies depending on the nature of the course of the disease, associated complications, individual characteristics of the person and many other factors. On average, it takes from 2 to 6 months.

Calm walking stimulates the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Intense physical and mental stress, trips, long brisk walking or travel are recommended to be minimized during the rehabilitation period.

Otherwise, it is possible to develop not only the respiratory function, but also the cardiovascular system.

  • Protective mode– it is necessary to avoid any unreasonable physical exertion on the body.
  • Complete- the diet should be balanced, rational, complete in terms of essential nutrients, include animal protein, vegetable fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fresh fruits and vegetables, a sufficient amount of liquid.
  • Sufficient exposure to fresh air. When the air temperature outside is up to 25°C in summer, up to minus 10°C in winter, in the absence of strong wind and rain, walks are required. Walking of moderate intensity will have a good stimulating effect, Nordic walking will help the heart and blood vessels recover.
  • Airing and cleaning- to prevent the accumulation of allergens, microorganisms, dust in the air masses where the patient lives.
  • Healthy and full sleep- plays an important role in the restoration of the body, as it normalizes and restores all disorders, promotes the activation of repair processes.
  • And- in order to restore lung ventilation, improve drainage function, correct obstruction;
  • Rejection bad habits - Alcohol abuse and smoking in adults not only delay recovery, but can lead to complications.
  • Prevention of complications- avoid hypothermia, overheating, avoid places of increased crowding of people, follow the recommendations of the attending physician.


Medical rehabilitation is carried out at the inpatient and outpatient stages.

The first includes physiotherapy and exercise therapy. At the end of the first week, with positive dynamics, physiotherapy procedures begin to be connected.

At the outpatient stage, exercise therapy is carried out, anti-relapse courses of anti-inflammatory, expectorant, treatment of the disease.

In addition, additional measures aimed at restoration are carried out:

  • drug therapy- it must be continued in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions, for the complete removal of the pathogen and the elimination of symptoms;
  • diet- the body must receive a sufficient amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates for the normal functioning of the immune system and to provide the energy component chemical reactions necessary for tissue repair;
  • - physical therapy and breathing exercises help cleanse the lungs, restore mobility and prevent the organization of adhesions and scars;
  • Spa treatment will allow you to combine all the necessary procedures and a climate suitable for the respiratory system.

Important! The attending physician during the period of discharge from the hospital is obliged to draw up a rehabilitation program for each patient, taking into account his individual characteristics.

How to choose a sanatorium after discharge?

Maritime climate is not a contraindication during the recovery phase, but excessive solar radiation leads to a decrease in the activity of immunity, which is undesirable during the recovery period.

You should opt for sanatoriums located in areas with a temperate dry and warm climate (Anapa, Yalta, Gelendzhik, Gurzuf), mountain climate (Caucasus, Abkhazia, Kyrgyzstan). Suitable weather conditions are also in Belarus (sanatorium "Solnechny", "Aksakovshchina", "Belarus").

Reference. Climatotherapy occupies a special place in the rehabilitation period of pneumonia. It contributes not only to the full restoration of all functional disorders, but also to stabilization, improvement, and also strengthens the immune system.

Residual effects

The complex of signs that make up the stage of recovery after pneumonia is called “residual effects”. These include:

  • and scars at the site of the lesion;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • immunodeficiency.

Residual effects are considered to be the result of structural and functional failures in the body caused by the disease. However, they can be eliminated with the help of rehabilitation measures.

What are they not?

In some cases, they may last for a long time minor symptoms, which are often confused as residual effects, but this is an erroneous opinion.

The disease can recede against the background of proper therapy and go into a less active stage (latent), and if antibiotic treatment is not continued at this stage, it can quickly acquire.

The following symptoms of the body do not belong to the residual effects of pneumonia:

  • prolonged, not passing cough;
  • shortness of breath during physical exertion and emotional shock or at rest;
  • periodic or constant increase in temperature;
  • chest pain;
  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • the presence of bacteria in the blood;
  • leukocytosis, elevated ESR for more than 2 weeks after normalization of temperature.

Such manifestations may indicate the persistence of infection in the patient's body or a complication.


Pneumonia is serious illness, which can leave behind a number of past consequences and complications from the heart, lungs, and nervous system. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor and undergo a course of recovery in order to prevent them.

Inflammation of the lungs - severe infection requiring antibiotic treatment, and in some cases, antimycotic or antiviral therapy is needed. The disease develops in people with poor immunity. Most often, small children, the elderly and people weakened by protracted chronic diseases get sick.

After the cure, the body is exhausted, so special recovery after pneumonia is required. If a person does not adhere to the instructions issued by the doctor, then a relapse is possible. In this case, the disease can have a severe course with the likely development of complications.

Rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at combating the disease. The sooner treatment is started, the shorter its duration, the lower the risk of developing undesirable consequences, the lower the price of treatment, since fewer drugs are prescribed, and the person will be able to restore his working capacity faster.

The main tasks of the rehabilitation process are:

  • stopping the acute phase of the inflammatory process, stopping the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • return of lung function to normal;
  • aimed at preventing relapse and the development of negative manifestations and complications;
  • restoration of the body and increase resistance to infectious diseases.

How long the patient will recover from pneumonia depends on the following factors:

  • complexity of the disease and features of the diagnosis;
  • the duration of the disease without proper therapy;
  • the state of the patient's immunity;
  • patient's age;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • response of the body to the proposed therapy;
  • features of the anamnesis;
  • compliance with all prescribed instructions.

Recovery from pneumonia in adults and children takes place in several stages, which are described in detail in this article.

Periods of the recovery process

When the lungs are affected by infectious pathogenic agents, tissue deformation, destruction of the alveoli and even entire segments can partially occur in them. Everything will depend on the characteristics of the disease, however, in most cases, fibrous changes remain in the lung tissues, which can be seen on an x-ray photo.

With the development of the disease, a person undergoes severe intoxication, in most cases the patient has a fever, and breathing becomes difficult. At the same time, the quality of life deteriorates significantly. If so, it is relatively easy to carry.

With lobar pneumonia, the patient's condition worsens, it is not uncommon for the patient to be urgently hospitalized, they can even be treated in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit in case of a sharp deterioration in the condition.

Note. If a patient is diagnosed with lobar pneumonia, he will have to go to the hospital (pulmonology department), while focal forms can be treated on an outpatient basis.

Lobar pneumonia is treated longer and more difficult, and the rehabilitation process can drag on for several months. In order to speed up the process of treatment and recovery, the patient is recommended to fully comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat right and follow the principles of physical rehabilitation. There are two recovery periods.

First stage of recovery

After the onset of signs of pneumonia, the patient is examined, he is diagnosed and treated. The basis is in combination with symptomatic treatment.

The duration of this period is on average from 7 to 14 days, depending on the complexity of the diagnosis. After normalization of temperature and reduction (or absence) of symptoms, you can proceed to the second stage.

Its essence will be the restoration of lung function, stimulation of immune processes and preventive measures, the purpose of which is to prevent reinfection. Treatment can be considered successful and complete if there are no signs of an inflammatory process in the lungs on a second x-ray.

Second stage of recovery

The essence of the complex of measures taken during this period is to restore pulmonary activity to the extent that it was before pneumonia. If the alveoli do not work at full capacity, this will lead to insufficient gas exchange, which will develop into pulmonary insufficiency.

With timely treatment (with antibiotics), as a rule, there are no complications, and the rehabilitation process is successful, and the risks of relapse are minimal. Proper Behavior during recovery, reduces scarring of damaged lung elements during regeneration. The following activities will help the patient quickly return to their previous form, because after drug therapy the body is quite weak.

Note. In the recovery period, diet is important. It is advisable to consume a sufficient amount of protein foods, dairy products, eat more berries and fruits. This will help increase the protective functions of the body.

The second stage of the recovery period, the patient can take place in a hospital, in sanatoriums or at home.

In this case, the main directions will be:

  • , for example, UHF, heating with ozocerite, inhalations, electrophoresis and others;
  • medical and respiratory gymnastics;
  • drug therapy: probiotics, vitamin and mineral complexes, mucolytics and expectorants;
  • diet compliance.

Breathing and gymnastic exercises

Immediately after treatment, the body is very weakened, therefore, in the first week after the normalization of the temperature regime, only breathing exercises are shown. After the condition improves, the person proceeds to light physical activity.

It is desirable that all stages of the rehabilitation process are controlled by the attending physician. It is important not to overwork, fix the load, increase it only as you recover.

The note. When doing therapeutic exercises, you do not need to overload the body with excessive efforts. It is quite enough to do a few breathing exercises in the morning, and in the evening pay attention to exercise therapy.

It is good when the exercises are varied and not repeated. To do this, you can make a program for a week or several days.

When the condition improves and the weather is good, it is recommended to take walks in the fresh air. Physical and breathing exercises increase blood circulation in the lungs and other organs, cause the secretion and discharge of sputum, increase the mobility of the diaphragm and increase overall muscle tone.

All this helps the body to quickly cope with the consequences of the disease. The video in this article shows the basic principles of breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises.

Spa treatment

For persons suffering from diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, the best option there will be a visit to health resorts located on the sea mountain coasts. In our country, these are the sanatoriums of the Crimea and the Caucasus.

It is advisable to plan a visit no earlier than a month after the illness. The best period is from May to October inclusive.

In addition to healing natural resources, the following procedures will be offered to the patient:

  • electrical stimulation of the diaphragm is indicated if pleurisy develops during pneumonia, the procedure will speed up resorption in the area of ​​the former inflammation;
  • infrared radiation therapy is intended as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • the use of pulsed currents to stimulate blood and lymph flow;
  • autotransfusion of blood (ultraviolet irradiation) is indicated in the presence of an allergy that has arisen after severe intoxication;
  • warm applications on the area of ​​​​inflammation of paraffin or ozocerite;
  • balneological procedures;
  • phytotherapy;
  • massages;
  • psychotherapy sessions;
  • medical galvanization
  • inhalations with vapors of essential oils, antiseptic and medicinal herbs.

Note. Herbal inhalations help to restore the functioning of the lungs very well. They can be made at home. To do this, it is better to use an extract of calendula, propolis and eucalyptus.


As a rule, a special diet for pneumonia or after it is not required. A person may not change his usual diet, since this does not significantly affect the quality medical process. However, it should be borne in mind that properly selected products can help the body in the fight against the disease.

For the formation of stable immunity, daily intake of protein, vitamins and minerals is important. All protective mechanisms consist in a certain interaction of proteins, without vitamins it is impossible to provide immunity, minerals play a role in cellular metabolism. The table shows recommendations for acceptable food during illness and rehabilitation.


Inflammation of the lungs is a common disease of the respiratory system. It can threaten a person's life and is prone to repeated exacerbations. To prevent the resumption of the pathological process, it is necessary to implement proper rehabilitation after recovery - this is a rather difficult and long period.

If the disease has affected the entire organ, then it can drag on for 3 months or even longer. It is important to understand what residual manifestations can be and how long it takes to recover from pneumonia.

Residual effects after pneumonia are almost always found. Their danger should not be underestimated, as they continue to threaten human health and life. In accordance with this, the stages of rehabilitation are selected. Residual effects after pneumonia include:

  • Scars on the lung. The body during the confrontation of the disease begins to limit the reproduction of bacteria through scarring of tissues. These scars are not life-threatening and usually resolve completely after proper rehabilitation. Adhesions on the lung provoke a persistent cough.
  • bacteria. In the patient's blood after recovery, there is a lot of pathogenic bacteria, which at this moment can affect other organs. Such a condition, if not properly restored, can lead to death.
  • Often a person after pneumonia is affected by pleurisy, when fluid accumulates in the lung. Lack of rehabilitation is fraught with serious consequences.
  • Endocarditis. Due to the proximity of the lungs to the heart, it often also suffers from infection. The bacteria first enter the anterior membranes, but may affect the interior and posterior.
  • Cyanosis. When the drainage in the respiratory system is disturbed, copious production of sputum begins and it becomes difficult for oxygen to enter the lungs. Because of this, oxygen deficiency develops, manifested by blue lips, fingertips.
  • Respiratory failure. A dangerous disorder when the respiratory muscles stop working properly.

The doctor should advise how to recover from pneumonia. To prevent pneumonia from starting to develop with renewed vigor, you need proper rehabilitation after pneumonia, which includes several stages:

  1. Rehabilitation for pneumonia. This is the direct therapy in the course of the disease. It involves the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and the reduction of acute symptoms. Drug treatment with antibiotics is carried out. The period lasts until the x-ray shows the complete absence of lesions.
  2. Rehabilitation after illness. It involves taking medications and implementing other methods of lung tissue regeneration, preventing complications and normalizing the functioning of the immune system.

Basic recovery methods

During recovery, the patient is assigned different methods:

  • maintenance therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • diet.

After recovery, it takes time for normal recovery from pneumonia in adults and children. To improve the functioning of the respiratory system and digestion, courses of medications are implemented, the doses and treatment time of which are set by the doctor:

  1. Prebiotics and probiotics. Due to the use of antibiotics, the intestines suffer greatly. Probiotics will help repopulate it with new beneficial bacteria- drugs in this group include Acipol, Linex, etc. prebiotics help beneficial microorganisms to grow and multiply properly - Duphalac, Normaze.
  2. Immunomodulators. The recovery phase also includes taking immunomodulators. They improve the defenses, herbal or synthesized medicines are usually used - lemongrass extract, ginseng tincture. These drugs include Pantokrin, Immunal, etc.
  3. Preparations for the correct metabolic processes in tissues. After inflammation of the lungs, people often find themselves deficient in magnesium and potassium. To replenish these trace elements, a course of Panangin or Asparkam is required. They regulate metabolic processes and help eliminate tremors and cramps in the limbs.
  4. Sorbents for the intestines. They neutralize the influence of bacterial toxins - vitamin E, Polyphepan.
  5. Vitamins for pneumonia. Specific complexes are selected by the doctor.

If the disease has only receded, it is recommended to start doing light breathing exercises, then add simple physical training as you recover. No need to overwork, the number of exercises should be at least 2 - 3 per day. Loads are added gradually. Should be done 2 times a day.

Physical gymnastics should be reinforced with daily walks, it is better to do this in good weather so that there is no relapse.

Physiotherapeutic methods include inhalation, electrophoresis with aloe extract. They will help to remove phlegm and thick mucus from the bronchi and alveoli. Also for inhalation, essential oils are suitable - frankincense or fir. Ordinary soda dissolved in water is also suitable. These remedies will relieve swelling and stop inflammation.


The therapeutic diet will differ depending on the stage of the lesion or rehabilitation. general principle proper nutrition becomes the need to reduce the signs of intoxication and maintain the strength of the patient.

Calories should not be too high, you need to limit fats, salts and carbohydrates, you need to consume plenty of fluids. The intake of vitamins in the body increases - from dishes with vitamin B, milk. Such a diet corrects electrolyte and water balance.

It is important to adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition in order to normalize digestion faster. Rehabilitation for pneumonia allows you to gradually expand the diet, the calorie content of meals and products can also be slowly increased.

Traditional medicine recipes to strengthen immunity

Methods of traditional medicine help to organize the process of recovery of the body after a disease more efficiently.

  1. Honey. Everyone is well aware of its restorative properties, especially after inflammation of the lungs. Honey is also good for children, you can add birch buds to it, boil it with boiling water and strain. Drink the drug at night, with daily long-term use pneumonia won't come back.
  2. Echinacea - is the best stimulant of the immune system of plant origin, the plant has a mild antibacterial effect. To prepare echinacea, mix with mint and lemon grass, pour 500 ml of boiling water and infuse for 5 minutes. Drink this tea should be a maximum of 2 times a day.
  3. Fig milk. This remedy will effectively treat cough during rehabilitation after pneumonia. For cooking, 2 dried figs are poured into a glass of hot milk, the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. It is recommended to drink the medicine before meals in a tablespoon 3 times a day for 2 months.


Most often, pneumonia develops as a complication of other respiratory infections. With their incorrect or not timely treatment, a focus of inflammation in the lungs is formed. The main methods of prevention after pneumonia for a child and an adult include:

  • responsible attitude to one's own health;
  • strengthening and maintaining the immune system;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • breathing exercises;
  • conducting healthy lifestyle life;
  • the ability not to react to stress and negativity.

Rehabilitation after pneumonia consists in the implementation of a set of measures that patients need to perform to normalize lung function and strengthen immunity. Strict observance of all the rules will allow for proper recovery and avoid recurrence of a dangerous disease.

Pneumonia is a serious inflammatory disease that requires long-term treatment and a rehabilitation period after the removal of acute symptoms. Recovery after pneumonia is carried out at home on the recommendation of the attending physician. Activities are aimed at removing sputum, regenerating damaged tissues, and normalizing blood circulation.

Rehabilitation after pneumonia is aimed primarily at restoring weakened immunity. To strengthen the body in adults, it is necessary:

  • sparing mode of work, physical activity;
  • a complete nutritious diet rich in proteins and vitamins;
  • regular ventilation of the room;
  • wet cleaning;
  • it is useful to walk in the fresh air;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • take a shower, take a hot bath is impossible;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoid hypothermia.

An important role in recovery phase plays vitamin therapy. Useful substances should be ingested with food or with pharmaceutical preparations. Medicines contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins to normalize the functioning of the lungs, strengthen the immune system.

A set of procedures and activities will help restore the body after serious illness, reception. An irresponsible attitude to the doctor's recommendations can cause a relapse or the development of complications.


In pneumonia, the inflammatory process affects the alveoli. Pathological microorganisms in the process of life produce toxins that cause a violation of gas exchange in the lungs. It takes much more time to restore the normal functioning of the organ than to relieve acute inflammation. Therefore, after completing the course drug treatment prescribed rehabilitation procedures.

With addition antibacterial agents, essential oils, herbal antiseptics help expand the bronchi. Inhalation of hot steam medical preparations get directly into the respiratory tract and have a local effect. The procedures help to remove exudate from the lung tissue, the swelling of the mucous membranes decreases, and bronchospasm is relieved.

You can perform inhalations in the clinic or at home using an inhaler. It is useful to add fir, eucalyptus or thyme oil, iodine, chlorophyllipt to the treatment solution. These drugs have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Such treatment can be carried out only in the absence of temperature.


After inflammation of the lungs, it is useful to perform a special one that helps strengthen the muscles of the chest, prevents the formation of adhesions, congestion, normalizes the ventilation of the organ, drainage functions the focus of the lesion.

It is useful to take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth, hold the air for a few seconds, inflate balloon. As you exhale, you need to sing the melody of the song. These exercises restore lung function, relieve bronchospasm.

Breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method stimulate tissue respiration improve oxygen saturation of the body. Training is performed in various positions, while almost all parts of the body are involved, so the muscles of the chest are actively worked out. In addition, the procedure increases the overall tone of the body, relieves fatigue, stimulates brain activity.

Gymnastics after infectious pneumonia is recommended to be done in combination with physical exercises, chest massage, physiotherapy procedures.

Rehabilitation after pneumonia is carried out gradually, with a moderate increase in physical activity. It is useful to walk in the fresh air, it is recommended to visit a park or suburban areas where the air is cleaner. Walking helps to normalize breathing, promote sputum discharge.

The duration of being on the street should begin with 10 minutes, gradually it can be increased. You need to walk in dry calm weather. Rain, dampness are a convenient breeding ground for bacteria.

Sport after the disease is recommended in moderate exercise. Restoration of the body should occur gradually, until the normal functioning of the lungs and the whole organism is normalized. Excessive exercise can cause relapse or complications of the disease in adults. During the rehabilitation period of the body, the immune system is strengthened, excessive loads will force to concentrate all forces, the person will become vulnerable to viruses and infectious diseases.

You can do therapeutic exercises when the period of exacerbation has passed, the body temperature does not rise. At home, you need to do exercises with a moderate load every morning. It is advisable to do this outdoors or in a ventilated area.

After the patient gets a little stronger, sweating disappears, you can do a light jog, walk longer on the street, go in for walking.

For those patients whose sport is a professional activity, it is necessary to return to active activities gradually, as the condition improves and the functions of the respiratory apparatus are restored. First, you can take a short walk on the street, then add running.

After physical activity, it is allowed to wash in the shower, the water should not be too hot. You can't take a bath. This can cause an increase in body temperature.

Percussion chest massage

To strengthen the muscles of the chest, discharge exudate, improve bronchopulmonary ventilation, restore blood circulation, you can do percussion massage. The patient's back is rubbed in the region of the shoulder blades, then the intercostal tissues are worked out with blows with the edge of the palm, with a fist, patting, tapping movements are used.

Mechanical irritation of the muscles causes expectoration bronchial secretions, increases the depth of inspiration, improves blood supply to the lung tissue. The therapeutic course consists of 10-15 sessions. It is recommended to do massage 2-3 times a day.

Can take another form medical procedures is a vacuum massage. Rehabilitation is carried out with the help of special medical jars. This effect helps to eliminate congestion in the lungs, provides deep heating of muscle tissue.

Diet food

The body, weakened by the disease, needs to make up for the deficiency of protein and vitamins. The patient's diet should be dominated by:

  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • a fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery.

In the cold season or when it is not possible to make a full menu, you need to take vitamins, mineral complex, immunomodulators. For supporting water balance per day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water.

After taking antibiotics, the microflora is disturbed digestive tract. Restoration of intestinal motility can be performed with probiotics, fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, yogurt). Essential Vitamins contained in:

  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • citrus;
  • cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • cottage cheese.

Vegetables and fruits contain vegetable fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the removal of toxins from the body.

Rehabilitation after pneumonia consists of a set of procedures that patients need to perform to restore lung function and strengthen the immune system. Physical activity, walks in the fresh air, physiotherapy procedures contribute to the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, and prevent the possibility of relapses.

Pneumonia is a serious disease that affects the lung tissue. His treatment should be immediate so as not to cause a number of serious complications. Immunity after taking antibiotics and other medicines weakened, it takes several weeks to recover, and in severe cases (for example, after bilateral pneumonia) several months. The rehabilitation program for pneumonia is an integral part of the treatment, aimed at accelerating it. Ignoring the recovery period can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition.

The first stage of the patient's rehabilitation begins on the 3rd day of illness and lasts up to 14 days, but in acute pneumonia it may take a little longer. Such treatment is carried out in stationary conditions under the constant supervision of the attending physician. The first stage involves taking medications that are aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and eliminating the characteristic symptoms ( high temperature body, chills, fever). These include antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. At the end of this treatment, an x-ray diagnosis is carried out, which, with successful treatment, should show the absence of foci of inflammation on the x-ray. After that, you can move on to the second stage, which consists of important actions and procedures.

Rehabilitation with medications

Medicines that can be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician will help restore immunity. In order to prevent, it is recommended to drink a course antiviral drugs(arbidol, rimantadine). Bacterial preparations (for example, imudon) are popular. Vitamin therapy plays a significant role in restoring immunity, so doctors often prescribe drugs such as complivit and neuromultivit. In order to restore the microflora, various probiotics are taken.

Recovery after pneumonia with physiotherapy

Airway inhalation is an important rehabilitation measure for patients who have had pneumonia. The lungs are main body who was seriously affected by pneumonia. After the first stage of recovery, the lungs may contain phlegm and mucus clots that need to be expelled. If this measure is neglected, there may be serious complications, such as proliferation of connective tissue. For inhalation, various essential oils (thyme) or baking soda are used. Essential oils are produced positive effect because they have anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The procedure can be carried out both in medical institutions and at home.

After severe pneumonia, the use of physiotherapy methods is especially important. In addition to inhalations, UHF therapy is used, during which the respiratory organs are affected by an eclectic field of ultrahigh frequency. Also, for preventive purposes, electrophoresis can be used, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is aimed at normalizing metabolism.

Recovery with therapeutic exercises

Gymnastics plays an important role in rehabilitation. To begin with, attention should be paid to breathing exercises (maximum breaths, alternation of deep and shallow breaths), and only then proceed to active exercises. Exercise stress should be moderate so as not to cause negative consequences. Gymnastics is carried out not only as a general strengthening method, but also to restore the intercostal muscles, increase lung capacity. To warm up the muscles before starting a workout, you should perform a warm-up, lasting no more than 10 minutes. Let us consider in more detail the complex of the most effective exercises:

  • Tilts. Starting position: hands at the waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Make tilts forward-backward, right-left (at least 8 times in each direction). During execution, watch your back, when tilting, it should be straight.
  • Turns. Starting position: similar. Carry out turns in both directions (with maximum twisting), 10 times in each.
  • Leg lift. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body. They do leg raises to a right angle, hold for a few seconds and lower them down. The lower back is firmly pressed to the floor. Repeat at least 8 times.
  • Pose "baby". At the end of classes, you need to sit on your knees and tilt your body forward, stretching your arms in front of you. This will relax the spine and muscles after a workout.

During the performance of all exercises, it is important to monitor breathing, it should be even and calm. The recovery period for all patients is different, since it depends not only on the form of the disease, but also on the patient himself (physical condition, age and other factors). After doing gymnastic exercises, it is recommended to take walks in the fresh air. It is useful to engage in swimming or running (moderate).

Folk remedies

It is difficult to imagine rehabilitation after pneumonia in adults at home without the use of natural products. ethnoscience includes many tools that help restore the body after suffering pneumonia. Let's take a closer look at the most effective recipes:

  • Echinacea infusion. Echinacea is a medicinal plant that increases the activity of the human immune system, restores its functions. In order to prepare the infusion, you will need to mix echinacea and mint (in equal amounts, 20-30 g each) and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave in a dark place to infuse for 10 minutes. You can use the resulting infusion 2 times a day.
  • A decoction of figs. Figs helps to restore the body, relieves a person of residual cough. To prepare a decoction, take 3 dried figs and pour 300 ml of milk. The resulting mixture is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. Use a decoction 1-2 times a day for 3 weeks.
  • Honey compress. The chest is smeared with honey, and a gauze cloth soaked in vodka or pure alcohol is placed on top. They are first covered with cellophane, and then wrapped with a warm cloth to increase the effectiveness of the compress. Keep the compress for at least 2 hours.
  • Garlic inhalation. Garlic is pre-crushed (you can cut it thinly or pass it through a garlic press) and wrap it in gauze. They put it in a glass and begin to inhale: inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day for 10 minutes.
  • A decoction of medicinal herbs. Take 1 tablespoon of elecampane root, 1 teaspoon of licorice root, 0.5 tablespoon of thyme, grind all the ingredients, mix and pour 500 ml of vodka. The resulting broth is left to infuse for 10 days in a dark place. Before use, strain, dilute a little with water and take 3 tablespoons 2 times a day.

Diet after pneumonia

In addition to the methods described above, rehabilitation therapy after pneumonia includes proper nutrition. It helps to reduce the risk of complications, helps to improve weakened immunity. Before starting a diet, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines with a laxative.

During the recovery period, it is desirable to completely eliminate (or minimize) fried, salty and spicy foods from the diet, as they interfere with the healing processes in the affected organs. Drinking should be plentiful (at least 1.5 liters of water per day). It is recommended to replace black tea with green tea, it removes harmful substances from the body and activates the processes of digestion.

IN daily diet need to add healthy foods rich in minerals (phosphorus, calcium) and vitamins (mainly groups A, B and C): fermented milk products (cheese, milk, cottage cheese), low-fat fish, legumes (beans, lentils), fruits and vegetables. It is desirable to eat fractionally, in small portions. Without following a diet, it will not be possible to quickly restore the body after pneumonia.

Regardless of the transferred form of pneumonia and the methods of its treatment, due attention should be paid to the restoration of the body. In order to fully recover from pneumonia, an adult must follow a medical rehabilitation plan. Correctly rendered rehabilitation treatment will help prevent the occurrence of a recurrence of the disease.

The infectious-inflammatory process in the lungs does not go away quickly. The occurrence of residual effects is associated with a violation of gas exchange in the affected tissue. Sometimes bad feeling does not go away for a very long time - residual effects after pneumonia affect various functions and may lead to undesirable consequences.

Pneumonia is characterized by accumulation in lung alveoli certain secret. Formed adhesions:

  • block gas exchange;
  • narrow the lumen of the alveoli;
  • disrupt breathing.

The main function of the lungs is to enrich the circulating blood with oxygen. This process takes place in the alveoli. If the lung tissue is affected by the disease, then the alveoli suffer. These spherical formations have a large number of small blood vessels. With the development of pneumonia, respiratory function is impaired.

As shows medical practice, residual pneumonia is the toxic effect of pathogenic microorganisms on the lungs.

Important! If there are chronic ailments, then they become aggravated. The body's defenses weaken, and reduced immunity is a favorable factor for the attachment of various secondary infections.

The main reasons for the appearance of residual phenomena are:

  • poor functioning of the immune system and decreased immunity;
  • the presence of a chronic inflammatory process;
  • strong virus attack.

With immunodeficiency after pneumonia, many diseases of the throat, bronchi, and nose often develop. The patient has cough, runny nose, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. If, after pneumonia, a person is attacked by influenza, then the disease proceeds in a more complicated form.

A weakened body is unable to cope with attacking foreign viruses. Very often, diseases of the bronchi and lungs are caused by a pathogen such as pneumococcus. Infection with this pathogenic microbe occurs by air, so it is quite difficult to protect yourself from the addition of a secondary infection. As medical practice shows, the main residual effect after pneumonia on the lungs is bronchitis. It is usually accompanied by a persistent cough.


How do you know that pneumonia is cured when a cough is present? An X-ray of the lungs is required. Sometimes there are residual effects after pneumonia on x-rays - small blackouts on the lung tissue are clearly visible on the film. After the transferred inflammation of the lungs on the lung tissue are observed:

  • scarring;
  • adhesions;
  • development of bacteremia;
  • endocarditis;
  • pleurisy.

The microbes present in the bloodstream disrupt the blood circulation in the lung structures. To eliminate the residual change after a previous pneumonia, additional treatment and spa rehabilitation will be required.

The lungs and heart are in close contact, so pneumonia often affects the functioning of the heart organ. Its functions are disturbed, the infection migrates through the bloodstream and causes an inflammatory focus in the heart. endocarditis develops. The disease is associated with damage to the heart membrane and circulatory disorders.

Pleurisy is a change in the structures of the lung that requires immediate treatment. The lungs are enveloped by the pleura. The inflammatory process in a paired organ often passes to this tissue. Adhesions and scars develop, limitation of motor activity, accumulation of excess fluid in the slit-like space. Residual effects are manifested in the onset of shortness of breath and cyanosis. Under load, fatigue is possible, and general weakness is often observed.

Treatment Methods

If there is residual pneumonia, the treatment regimen is prescribed by the attending physician. In no case should you self-medicate. This can lead to a dangerous complication.

The nature of the complication depends on how to treat residual pneumonia. Pulmonary pathology requires a detailed examination and delivery of all necessary tests. The development of pulmonary insufficiency can be fatal, so therapy should be started and continued until complete recovery.

Initially, you should definitely give up bad habits. In no case should you smoke after suffering an inflammatory process in the lungs. It is very important to quit smoking. This measure will help restore respiratory function and normalize gas exchange in the paired organ.

Basically, the treatment of residual manifestations is reduced to taking antibiotics. Medications are prescribed by the doctor depending on the nature of the complication and the results of the studies. With a strong respiratory failure air flow may be blocked. In severe cases, the patient is connected to artificial ventilation organ. The use of antibiotics and thoracentesis helps to reduce pressure on the walls of the organ. The inflammatory process is reduced. Prescribing an antibiotic helps to treat residual inflammation of the lungs without complications.

Often, pneumonia develops cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the organ. in such a case, it is required to stabilize gas exchange in the lung tissue and stabilize breathing. For these purposes, drugs are prescribed that eliminate the inflammatory process and improve biological reactions in the body.

Advice! If pain is felt in the chest, soreness in the throat, shortness of breath, complex therapy is required.

When residual pneumonia is present, treatment is limited to the use of several methods. In complex treatment are used:

  • vibration massage of the sternum;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • assisted ventilation of the lungs;
  • for liquefaction of sputum;
  • inflation of the rubber chamber;

The above measures help to stabilize the condition and normalize the respiratory function. After carrying out all the necessary procedures, the residual symptoms after pneumonia cease to disturb the person. Pass cough, shortness of breath, respiratory failure.

Spa treatment

A huge role in the rehabilitation period is played by treatment in a specialized sanatorium under the control of pulmonologists. The sanatorium helps to remove the residual phenomenon after pneumonia for a full course of stay on a ticket. Spa treatment includes:

  • procedures using pulsed current;
  • electrical stimulation of the diaphragm;
  • mercury-quartz baths;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • speleotherapy.

Sanatoriums for patients who have had pneumonia are located on ecologically clean coasts or in forest areas. Treatment in them is aimed at eliminating pathology and adhesions, improving lymph circulation and blood circulation. Modern spa facilities are equipped with all necessary equipment to eliminate the residual effects of pneumonia.

Strengthening immunity

An increase in the action of the body's defenses contributes to the fact that residual pneumonia in adults passes without a trace. Necessary:

  • daily walk moderate walks in the fresh air;
  • gradually increase physical activity;
  • regularly engage in physical therapy;
  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.

Important! After the process of treating pneumonia is completed, it is required to adhere to the above methods to strengthen immunity. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes, as well as to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and protein foods daily.

The correct mode of the day, the rejection of bad habits, daily walks and healthy eating contribute to the elimination of residual manifestations of pneumonia. Strong immunity will restore health and help to forget about the disease.

Pneumonia - inflammatory disease lung tissue of infectious origin, leading to disability, without timely and adequate treatment threatening serious complications and the development of respiratory failure.

An organism weakened serious illness, need help to restore vital resources, support immunity and proper rehabilitation.

Stages of rehabilitation after pneumonia and the duration of the recovery period

Rehabilitation measures are classified into three stages: the first and second of them are carried out directly in stationary conditions, the third - after the patient is discharged home.

The duration of the recovery period depends on the severity of the course of the disease, the body's reserves, the state of the immune system and is determined by individual terms for each patient. The recovery process can take from 3 weeks to 3 months.

If on the 3rd-4th day of bed rest in a hospital, a patient with pneumonia feels satisfactory, the temperature does not exceed 37-37.20C, he is shown the 1st stage of rehabilitation:

  • turns in bed;
  • breathing exercises to improve the ventilation function of the lungs;
  • vibration chest massage.

After the patient is transferred to the ward regime, the second stationary stage of rehabilitation begins. Its methods include:

  • walking;
  • elements of exercise therapy;
  • breathing exercises with technically more complex elements;
  • physiotherapy treatment.

Early verticalization of the patient, physical activity provided that the acute inflammatory process is stopped, they have a positive effect on the recovery time, significantly reducing them.

After discharge from the hospital home, the third stage of rehabilitation begins: its patient is under outpatient supervision of a doctor, and the general state of the patient's health in the future largely depends on the quality of its implementation.

The rehabilitation period is not inferior in importance to the process of treatment and getting rid of the pathogen. The pathogenesis of pneumonia is very complex and disrupts the function of not only the lungs, but all organs and systems. The task of rehabilitation is to help the body, tissues, cells recover, strengthen the immune system and forget about the disease without health consequences.

Rehabilitation methods

Recovery methods after pneumonia include:

  • Drug treatment with prebiotics, immunomodulators.
  • Breathing exercises
  • Exercise therapy, massage.
  • Diet food.
  • Spa treatment.

If the patient has suffered mild focal pneumonia, his rehabilitation is limited to a hospital and observation in a clinic.

If a patient has a widespread lung lesion with severe intoxication or complications of pneumonia have developed, such patients are sent to a rehabilitation center or a specialized rehabilitation department after discharge from the hospital.

Diet food

In the early recovery period in the hospital, the patient is recommended to consume up to 2.5-3 liters of fluid:

  • mineral water;
  • boiled water with lemon juice;
  • cranberry juice;
  • fruit juices;
  • vitamin infusions (rose hips).

The diet includes a variety of easily digestible foods, chicken broth. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited.

In the future, a diet with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins is prescribed. Since the body has spent a lot of energy to fight the disease, in no case should you starve; the diet should be saturated and include foods enriched with protein.

During the period of convalescence it is necessary to use:

  • lean boiled meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey);
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • fruit;
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt.

Nutrition should be balanced and enriched with vitamins and microelements.

It is better to eat in small portions, but more often, avoid long breaks between meals, as well as “dry snacks” or on the run. Alcohol, carbonated sweet drinks, marinades, smoked meats, spices, pickles, mushrooms, fried foods should be excluded from the daily diet.

Medications during the recovery period

Almost simultaneously with antibiotic therapy or antiviral treatment (depending on the etiology of pneumonia), the patient will be recommended drugs that "work ahead of the curve" - ​​they do not allow intestinal dysbacteriosis to develop due to a massive chemotherapeutic attack on the gastrointestinal tract. This prebiotics and probiotics drugs that form local immunity in the intestine, preventing the growth of pathogenic microflora. These drugs include:


The drug contains live lyophilized lactic acid bacteria, lecto-bifidobacteria. These beneficial microorganisms synthesize substances that prevent the reproduction of pathogenic flora, including viruses, bacteria, some fungi, and also synthesize vitamins B, K, C. The combination of microorganisms that make up the drug provides its bactericidal and antidiarrheal effect.


The bacteria that make up the drug inhibit the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms maintaining the intestinal microflora in normal condition, contributing to the normalization of absorption and synthesis of vitamin K.

To another important group medicines, which are shown during the rehabilitation period for pneumonia, include immunomodulators and adaptogens. Reduced immune status occurs in all patients with this pathology. The following drugs can speed up the restoration of immunity:

  • Immunal (in the composition - the juice of the herb Echinacea purpurea);
  • Eleutherococcus extract;
  • Tincture of Chinese lemongrass;
  • Pantocrine;
  • Derinat.

These funds are assigned courses up to several months. They normalize the activity of the cellular, humoral immunity, stimulate the production of interferons.

Antioxidants this is the third most common group of drugs recommended during convalescence and in the recovery stage after pneumonia. With this pathology, peroxidation is activated and many cell membranes are damaged. Restore membrane disorders help:

  • Vitamin E, you can take it orally or inject it into the gluteal muscle daily for 2-3 weeks;
  • Essentiale.

Physiotherapy methods

An integral part of recovery after pneumonia is physiotherapy. Procedures are carried out at normal body temperature, severe intoxication and fever are a contraindication to their implementation.

Inhalation therapy

It is used to enhance the ventilation function of the lungs, with an anti-inflammatory purpose. You can inhale decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage), infusions of coltsfoot, plantain.

For liquefaction of sputum use:

  • acetylcysteine ​​inhalation.
  • electrophoresis
  • Electrophoresis with calcium chloride, potassium iodide, lidase reduces inflammation.

If a patient has bronchospastic phenomena after pneumonia, electrophoresis with eufillin, magnesium sulfate is recommended, with cough and chest pain - with novocaine, dicaine.


The UHF electric field accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory focus, reduces exudation and intoxication, and has a bacteriostatic effect.

UHF can be combined or alternated with electrophoresis of calcium chloride or potassium iodide.

exercise therapy and breathing exercises

Already on the 2nd-3rd day of the decrease in body temperature, the patient is recommended some elements of exercise therapy and breathing exercises to improve the air exchange of the affected lung, reduce the likelihood of formation of adhesions with the diaphragm. The patient needs to lie 3-4 times a day on a healthy side, take a deep breath through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth, slightly pressing his hands on the chest and upper part abdomen on exhalation.

As well-being improves, breathing exercises are combined with exercises for the limbs and torso, diaphragmatic breathing is trained in a lying or standing position.

When doing exercise therapy, the mobility of the chest increases, VC increases, the body's defenses increase, the body recovers more quickly after pneumonia.

Spa treatment

Rehabilitation in a sanatorium is indicated for patients who have had pneumonia not earlier than a month after recovery.

A good healing effect is produced by climatic resorts with a sea, mountain climate. Local sanatoriums with the usual temperature and humidity are also shown to people after pneumonia.

In Russia, the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk, the Caucasus, and the Urals are popular. In Belarus: the sanatorium "Belarus", "Bug", "Alesya" of the Minsk and Brest regions.

In Ukraine, patients after suffering pneumonia are often sent to specialized sanatoriums in Kiev and Vinnitsa regions.

It is obligatory for any patient visiting a sanatorium to have a sanatorium-resort card, in which all chronic diseases and analyzes are noted at the moment.

Traditional medicine methods

Doctors do not prohibit trying non-traditional methods of treatment in the recovery period after pneumonia with one condition: before starting treatment with one method or another, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

  1. Helps to quickly forget about the residual cough after suffering from pneumonia a glass of boiled fresh milk with two fruits of white dried figs. Drink twice a day in a warm form, 200 ml after meals.
  2. Mix wax and goose fat in a ratio of 1:4 until a homogeneous ointment is obtained, rub into the chest or back at night.
  3. Elecampane roots (150 g) boil in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes; strain, add 2 tbsp to the broth. honey. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Patients who have had pneumonia must undergo a recovery period, which includes rehabilitation measures carried out under medical supervision. This contributes to a more complete recovery, avoids complications and the return of the disease.