How to come to normal after drinking. Why it becomes bad after alcohol

  • Date: 24.04.2019

Alcohol abuse ends with headache, nausea, weakness and impaired coordination the morning after binge. There are many effective means of how to quickly recover from alcohol and restore the body to working condition.

Why it becomes bad after alcohol

There are several reasons for feeling unwell:

  • individual intolerance to ethyl alcohol;
  • unstable liver function and lack of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which oxidizes alcohol to ketones and aldehydes;
  • insufficient kidney function;
  • excessive amount of alcohol drunk;
  • alcohol surrogate.

Poisoning can occur even during a party. The effects are added in the form of vomiting, headache, increased irritability, increased sweating and tremor of the limbs the next day. A pathological condition develops ─ hangover syndrome, which is aggravated by guilt feelings.

How to recover after alcohol

Eliminating dehydration will help eliminate toxins from the body. It will restore the normal level of salts and pH in body fluids, stimulate the liver and the excretory system. The use of special preparations for hangovers will help the rapid neutralization of toxic substances.

Priority measures

If the intoxication is severe, vomiting should be induced. To do this, first drink as much liquid as possible and press on the root of the tongue. The procedure for effectiveness must be repeated until the stomach is completely free from the effects of the feast.

It is necessary to take a contrast shower. It will reduce the amount of toxins that are excreted with sweat on the surface of the skin.

Airing the room and a walk in the fresh air contribute to enhanced ventilation and quick recovery. You can not go to bed, sleep can prevent you from tracking deterioration: changes in pressure and heart rate, fever, loss of consciousness. Then you will need an appeal for help to the health facility.

Smoking aggravates poor health, additional toxins enter the blood. From bad habits should be abandoned.

All measures taken together give a good result if they are supplemented with a sufficient amount of liquid to be drunk - pure water without gases with the addition of 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, orange, grapefruit. Sugar can not be added. Green tea with mint, natural ground coffee, sports drinks ─ coconut water and Gatorade will help tidy up after a binge.

A good remedy is to pickle pickled vegetables. Its effectiveness is comparable to the effect of the drug Regidron, which is prescribed for poisoning to normalize the water-salt metabolism.


The first meal should be extremely light so as not to overload the body. After stress, which is a hard drinking, the body's digestive abilities are limited.

Breakfast should be easy to prepare and include magnesium and potassium containing foods. They will return to the body lost during drunk substances.

To maintain the cardiovascular system and normalize digestion, you need sources of vitamins and trace elements. These can be raw fruits and vegetables ─ banana, apple, kiwi, tomatoes; greens and berries ─ cranberries (and juice from it), raspberries, currants. They have anti-inflammatory and sedative effects, stimulate regeneration processes.

For the first meal, low-fat dairy products are suitable: kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka, airan, bifidok, koumiss. This protein breakfast can be supplemented with a raw egg or scrambled eggs. Lecithin is easily absorbed by the liver, has a beneficial effect on its recovery, increases biliary excretion.

In the menu you can include weak fish broths and soups from chicken. They will enrich the body with iron, improve metabolism.

It is useful to eat porridge for breakfast. For example, sticky rice porridge acts as a sorbent, enveloping the stomach and reducing intoxication. Oatmeal contains a whole range of nutrients and vitamins. It helps to neutralize the acidic liquor. You can add to the food tonic herbal tea containing ginger. It reduces pain in the stomach and eliminates the feeling of nausea.

Salty foods (sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes, homemade salads) should be eaten in small quantities. They can additionally traumatize the mucous membrane of the stomach with a high content of acids.


Before you start taking any medication, you should carefully study the composition of the drug and a list of contraindications. This will help not to cause allergic reactions and deterioration.

It is forbidden to use medicines that have expired. The dose should not be exceeded for accelerated deliverance from withdrawal symptoms, overdose will require emergency medical assistance.

Among the drugs are symptomatic agents (painkillers, heart, anti-inflammatory) and drugs that eliminate the cause of poor condition - sorbents. They absorb slags, actively removing them from the body.

Activated charcoal will help relieve the symptoms of a hangover. It costs a penny and works quickly, preventing the absorption of toxins. Paste Enterosgel performs a protective function, reduces toxicosis, relieves heartburn. Almagel is an effective sorbent, it reduces the acidity of the stomach, it can be drunk before and after drinking.

  1. Aspirin. Active ingredient ─ acetylsalicylic acid. Eliminates pain, fever, inflammation with a hangover.
  2. Alka-Seltzer with aspirin and citric acid can be taken several times a day. Quickly relieves headaches.
  3. Antipohmelin. Natural remedy based on fumaric and succinic acids, well restores performance.
  4. Alco Buffer. Hepatoprotector with milk thistle gently relieves the body of poisons, improves the digestive tract and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Zorex contains antidote unitol. Binds toxic substances in the liver, reducing its damage.
  6. The drug Zenalk consists of an extract of chicory, haritaka, date palm and positively affects the nervous system, restores brain function.
  7. Medichronal relieves severe toxicosis with the combined action of glucose and sodium formate. Binds the decay products of alcohol.
  8. Korda. Contains grape seed extract. Restores energy.

For the common man, this term means the natural way. The body itself struggles with alcohol intoxication, so the hangover is accompanied by headaches, general, nausea, malaise.

To reduce the risk of occurrence, you need to follow simple tips before consuming alcohol:
- do not drink on an empty stomach;
- before the first toast, drink any sorbent (for example, activated);
- it is advisable to eat a fatty dish, due to which the stomach walls are enveloped;
- do not forget to have a snack;
- do not interfere with drinks.

Mixing drinks leads to rapid absorption into the blood, thereby accelerating the process of intoxication.

What to do when you get hangover?

Morning after a hectic fun leaves much to be desired. Usually at the time of awakening a person experiences thirst and other unpleasant drinking. In no case can not start the morning with a repeated intake of a glass of alcohol, as this gradually leads to a drunken drink.

It is advisable in the presence of a hangover to release the stomach from toxic substances. To this end, you need to drink plenty of fluids, then artificially induce vomiting. As a rule, after an exit of contents of a stomach the condition significantly improves.

It will help to recover a cool shower, which the mind and activates the work of internal organs.

In the absence of high pressure and other contraindications, the following drinks will help to cope with a hangover:
- cold green tea with the addition of 1 tsp. honey and a small amount of lemon juice;
- Herbal infusion of chamomile, mint, calendula and hawthorn berries;
- a solution of ammonia: a glass of water is necessary to take 1 tsp. "Assists".

The gradual emergence of appetite indicates the removal of alcohol from the body. During this period, you should not “gang up” on heavy food, since the stomach is weakened. It is necessary to give preference to sparing food: dairy products, oatmeal, salads from fresh vegetables, foods high in vitamin C.

Deep breaths and exhalations contribute to improved ventilation, due to which much faster. That is why after drinking alcohol there is a characteristic smell "". Helps to cope with a hangover inhalation of aromatic oils of lavender, mint, pine, wormwood and others.

Helps to cope with a hangover inhalation of aromatic oils of lavender, mint, pine, wormwood and others.

If folk remedies do not give positive results, it is necessary to contact a medical institution, since in case of severe alcohol poisoning adverse effects can occur.

And at the conclusion of the topic of alcohol, how not to talk about ways to relieve hangover syndrome.

Honey, spinach and “washing for a piglet” will help to heal in the morning

The main problems of the hangover syndrome are dehydration and a vegetative system that has been shredded.

1.   According to psychiatrist narcologist Aleksey Magalif, you can use products based on succinic acid. But just as the lack of minerals and problems with the acid-base balance will fill the hot broth, tea with lemon and honey, sour cabbage soup, khash, apple and tomato juice.

2. But British scientists have recognized honey as the best remedy for a hangover. It removes alcohol toxins faster than all products due to the optimal combination of fructose, potassium and magnesium.

3.   Another tasty and effective way is to ask you to banana-milk shake at the bar. Milk is a good sorbent, and bananas are rich in polysaccharides and nutritious, they will give energy.

4. If you can eat in the morning, order a salad with fresh spinach. This leaf vegetable is rich in antioxidants, which help to quickly eliminate the decay products of alcohol from the body. Also, by the way will have a cup of tea with rosemary - its essential oils will normalize the vegetative system and help to cope with nausea.

5 . French recipe: cocktail “Wash for a pig”. At the bottom of the glass, squeeze the juice of a lemon wedge, then pour half a cup of dry white wine and sparkling mineral water. Drink in one gulp. Very invigorating.

6 . And do not forget about the contrast shower - and first under hot water (it will expand the pores and improve the sweating, and hence the elimination of toxins), then under the cold - for cheerfulness! But to rush into a pond with a hangover is not worth it: a spasm of blood vessels can happen. Put yourself in order first.

7. And if there is a feeling that “storms” (dizzy, no hardness in the legs), you can use the means of motion sickness (aeron, avia-sea, etc.).

Compiled by Elena Ionova

Never pour dry water in plain water, even if there is nothing more to drink and there is no money for a normal "fire extinguisher". Sushnyak will not work, but it will get worse!

Orange juice, lemon ...

I would like to tell you one recipe that was passed down from generation to generation, so here it is very simple and very effective: You need 200 grams of natural orange juice, one lemon with peel and 100 grams of honey. All this, beat on a mixer for about five minutes at will, you can throw one protein. But in general, that's all. Thanks for attention.

Askofen or Kofitsil plus

After a hectic fun, you need to sleep at night, or if someone suddenly wakes up at night, it is also not forbidden, you just have to not be too lazy and go to take a pill "askofen" or "kitsifil plus" from the first-aid kit. Cheap, reliable, practical.

Aspirin + noshpa + activated carbon

6-8 tablets of activated carbon
   2 tablets noshpy
   1 aspirin tablet
   You need to drink it all after drinking for the night. In the morning "hangover" usually does not happen. Activated carbon adsorbs anything, dirty liver helps, and aspirin thins blood, pressure decreases.


From a hangover and bad breath helps vitamin B6 in ampoules. Two vials are poured into half a glass of water and drunk in one gulp.

Super recipes for severe cases

1) Still sober, pour filtered (distilled) water into a vessel with a silver object or have key purchased water (it is impossible to use it from a tap).
   2) In one of the night (morning) getting up, pour two glasses of prepared water.
   3) In the first, thoroughly dissolve 2-3 tablets of simple aspirin and add 1 / 3-1 / 2 tsp. Of soda, shake.
   4) In the second glass drip 14 - 65 drops of Corvallol and 2-7 drops of mint tincture, shake.
   5) Pour 3-10 tablets of activated carbon and 2-5 tablets "No-shpy" into the left zhmenyu, then:
   - lick, without swallowing, all the wheels,
   - type water in your mouth, wait until coal is otpishit,
   - swallow and drink the first glass,
   - bang, exhale.
   6) To wave the second glass, grunt and bainki.
   7) Additionally, you can drink another 1-3 glasses of warm mineral water (water), and gastritis put an antacid tablet under the tongue.

If someone tells you, they say the act. Coal will reduce the activity of other drugs - boldly spit in his face.
   By lunchtime, you are a full member of society and can again elect and be elected.

Air, sun and water !!!

Bring yourself into a state of combat from not very deep hangover can be a simple walk. Preferably without cigarettes. Before the walk, take a couple of dragees of multivitamins (Decamevit, Gendevit), drink a glass of natural juice or rosehip broth. Then go out closer to nature and breathe. You need to breathe skillfully. It is best to do sitting. The breath is not made by the chest, but by the stomach. Without releasing the recruited air, continue inhaling due to the expansion of the chest. Then continue sigh, lifting shoulders. Then exhale, but in reverse order. The approximate duration of one cycle is 15 seconds. Repeat 6-10 times. If you feel dizzy while breathing, then you should stop for a few minutes. Such breathing can be carried out for two or three visits with a break of ten minutes. Then it is desirable to pour cold water. In Russia, this method of cleaning the lungs and the body for more than one century has been used by priests. They knew a lot about it.


Soak gelatin 25 g. For 1 hour in warm boiled water. Dilute 1 liter of boiling or syrup where there are more vitamins. Then heat the gelatin over low heat and slowly pour it into the syrup. Next, taste in the fridge, or drink immediately. And vitamins sea and glycine is.

From the pre-New Year transfer

Cabbage with kefir

If the table was not sauerkraut, after (or during) you can make up fresh, mixing it with kefir and mashing. Very healthy and sobering dish.


Another tip (only suitable for the male half, and however ...):
   When I have a hangover, I use the principle of VLV, these three letters as the three constituent parts of Marxism, K-coffee,
   It is advisable not to confuse the sequence, so:
   You get up in the morning with a hangover in your mouth ka-ka, your legs are shaking hands, your head hurts. Collect the remnants of the will into a fist go into the bath and turn on the water, determine the temperature on the wrist, turn the tap while you can tolerate.

While the water is poured, make coffee, preferably natural. from grains, and stronger. All coffee is ready, go with a mug and go to a hot bath, yes, do not forget to undress, if you have something. 5-6 minutes, lie down and relax, then take a coffee and drink in slow sips enjoying its aroma. (It is important that at this moment, you at least a little bit already have a taste for life.)

After (a little easier to assemble), you abruptly get up and turn on only cold water and begin to vigorously rub under a stream of water, it is especially useful to massage the temples, nose (the hole where the nose and forehead converge), the back of the head at the base of the skull (the hole where your spine head, it is also useful to massage the eyeballs.Well, with anatomy finished, it now remains the simplest, gently wake up his girlfriend, or wife, or wife's friend (who has something at hand) and have sex with her. ( and not love as love games in this state it is very difficult to imagine) It is advisable to repeat the last point of the recipe two times, and then a sound healthy sleep.


If you can and still can make yourself an enema - do it before going to bed. After all, severe intoxication and hangover is poisoning. The better you cleanse the body of toxins and sivukhi - the easier it is to cope with what has already been absorbed into the blood.

Coffee + Lemon + Cognac

The recipe is simple: a cup of hot coffee is taken (if you have heart problems, you can use tea), a slice of lemon is thrown in there (sugar to taste), a couple of tablespoons of brandy are poured and the whole mixture is drunk hot. Warning for smokers: refrain from a cigarette after that for at least 15-20 minutes, otherwise the opposite effect is possible. Improving well-being occurs in the process of drinking this mixture. True, I discovered a strange side effect: after drinking this coffee and brandy mixture, for some reason, it always pulls you to sleep, which can sometimes be completely out of place (especially at work), but if you suffer, then somewhere in half an hour, drowsiness passes.

"Bloody Mary in a dorm"

Ingredients: tomato paste, water - 200 gr., Vodka - 50 gr (do not confuse)
   Preparation: Squeeze the tomato paste to taste in a glass of water and stir to get a red drink similar to tomato juice, add vodka to the glass and mix and drink.

Bloody eye

Such a recipe for a counter hangover is known, called the Bloody Eye Cocktail: the yolk is placed in a glass of tomato juice (do not interfere with the yolk, let it float) and then drink it all in one gulp. I must say that the remedy has never been tested since all the juice was drunk in the evening ... but if you woke up on a tomato field, next to the chicken coop, you can try ... :). Never pour dry water in plain water, even if there is nothing more to drink and there is no money for a normal "fire extinguisher". Sushnyak will not work, but it will get worse!

Lemon with ice

Observe the sequence

One elderly man advised - I checked and approved. Often, vodka and brandy are on the same table. And their effect on the body is different! Drink vodka first, and then polish with brandy - the consequences will be much less sad!

More vitamins

In the morning:
   Two aspirin tablets + 3 liters of mineral water (stretch before lunch). For lunch - fruit or juice. You can not very high-calorie food.

Medical prescription

Medical prescription, but tested on oneself (animals did not suffer during the experiments :))
In the morning, or more simply, after the event, use an increased dose of activated carbon tablets. Then, after 10–15 minutes, you can even drink a cucumber as much as you can for a cucumber or sour-cabbage pickle. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the vicinity of the squatting room and communication with the press. If you repeat the procedure several times, then the head does not bother, but a completely different place. Then go to see the rest of the participants rygaty. Hello from the big Bodun!

We interfere ...

Good time !!! I want to share my very interesting observation, but based not only on my experience of libations :-) I will present in the best traditions of recipes from a hangover, but warning that this recipe is just an observation that did not pass the due stage of testing on a sufficient number of "experimental" : -) ... But it is very interesting.
   "..... If you happened to mix vodka with beer, which happens often enough, and, moreover, vodka with wine and other variants of" cocktails "hehe. Alya" Aunt Klava's Kiss, forcibly given ", "or" Tear of a Komsomol "(see the unforgettable Wreath Erofeev), then in this case it is necessary to" aggravate ", i.e. mix everything that is on hand and in the store, khe.

If you really "mixed", then worse already will not, but !!! , here is a version of the resurrection from the dead is possible. "This recipe has passed some scientific substantiation in the person of Dr. Kochkin, but is only applicable purely voluntarily and is addressed to those who honor the memory of Veneca and should be his appeal - if you really drink, then explore this process to the full, so as not to turn the creative process into a banal booze, for ".... in the morning I am weak-tempered and weak, for that evening - what abysses in me !!!"


With a very strong drink it is better to drink not beer, but steep mineral water. I prefer the "Mirgord". But everyone can choose on their own. Nothing, that after a while you will frighten the toilet (it is you who frighten him, not he), but then you will get a good look and appetite will appear.


I read a lot of your recipes, but the best and proven one is: After a lot of booze without herring, you should drink half a liter of milk before bedtime, in the morning you will be puzzled if there was a booze yesterday or not. You will be as good as new, nothing hurts. Use.

Sound hangover

The tea-drinking corresponding to the rank should simply be accompanied by chanting, or it will end there. And who of us heard the bells in the morning, ... and tried to realize that? The bells are said to heal. And Russian folk songs? The songs of our women, not worse than any amount of alcohol in the morning, can put anyone on their feet. Moreover, Russian folk melodies ennoble any company. A song in the morning is almost a massage.

Imagine - "a huge table littered with candles" - a lot of guests, words and everything. Drinking seems to be over, but the guests do not disagree, and here the law of accumulation comes into force - everyone wants to express everything - but not everyone can. (and what chemistry to you - quantity!). If at this moment arrange a chant; whoever from women (if they are present) will delay what may be popular, ... the eyes of all those present will be crowded at an indeterminate point, while some skirmishes can be avoided, etc. :) And most importantly: the consumption of alcohol, which ends with chanting (although tea drinking may be to blame), improved by the SOUND of the national melodies of our women, leads ... yes, there it is easy in the morning.! 6/02/2000 the fifth hour, almost morning - they sing there. Poor neighbors.

Enjoy Your Bath!!!

The method is known. Kicking hops out of the body with a broom has long been a purely Russian tradition. But in any case it is impossible to overdo it - the steam room can greatly overstrain the cardiovascular system and it is not known how all this will affect the already exhausted body. With the appearance of shortness of breath and failure of the heart rhythm of fun with a broom and steam is better to stop. Doctors even tend to the advantage of a sauna in front of a Russian bath. Hot and dry air will remove the hangover relatively safer. But moderation is needed in everything. After a bath or sauna - Borjomi alkaline mineral water, hot strong tea with sugar or lemon. The only inconvenience of a pair hangover is that after the bathhouse it’s not up to the works of the righteous.

Thanks to the doctors

A prescription from the head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the MGMI from the morning waste: a glass of strong, hot, very sweet tea + a baralgin tablet + a furosemide tablet (lasix).


There is such a thing, called "Spirulina", it is a kind of microalgae. It is sold in pharmacies and looks like a greenish-gray powder, removes slags from the body and has a lot of healing properties, they say that if you drink a third of a teaspoon in the morning after a hectic drink, it will well neutralize the hangover. I have not tested the recipe.

"Streletskaya broom"

The best thing that was invented on opohmelku or, more precisely, to clean up our poor intestines after heavy drinking - this is the "Streletsky broom":
   - 2 pieces of sauerkraut
   - 1 part shredded fresh cabbage
   - 1 part grated carrot
   - half a glass of cucumber pickle
   mix and consume ... in 15-20 minutes you will sit on the toilet and safely empty ... P.S. the riflemen had no toilet bowls ...

Raw flakes

This thing is generally unique: it can be used as a normal meal. Raw flakes (oatmeal, wheat, etc., but necessarily the category "Extra") pour kefir or ryazhenka at the rate of 1st. spoon of cereal per 100g. kefir. You can leave, sugar, who likes what. In spring and summer you can add greens. Although, I would give a couple of hours infusion.

Testing for nationality

The fact is that opohmeloka is a purely individual peculiarities of the organism of each individual. Some individuals have a mass of enzyme produced by the liver, an alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme (which I already wrote about). Therefore, after a stormy night or day there are no problems - a huge amount of this enzyme without any problems copes with alcohol in the body, splitting it into safe substances (which I don’t remember exactly, but I don’t want to climb into books yet). Objects that are not lucky and they do not have enough of this enzyme reserves, due to individual genetic characteristics, the next morning is extremely difficult, because C2H5OH remained in their bodies. What to do: rinse, drink, lie back. But here comes another problem: C2H5OH causes the habit of consuming it again. Therefore, Chukotka so fast and drink. All in the genes! - only the lack of enzyme. So genetically Russian nation has developed a resistance to alcoholism. Obviously, those whose genes are not splashed with purely Russian blood, but with someone else’s admixture, are drinking themselves together.

"Morning happiness"

Once, with a friend from the morning on arrival at the institute, we found behind ourselves the unpleasant symptoms of drunkenness until the dark of the night, an hour and a half of sleep and waiting for attestation work (for which at the beginning of the night we tried to prepare). The result is pain in the head and muscles, pain in the eyes, almost complete absence of presence in reality. Well, not very nice. And the following saved us:
   Two cups of coffee with lemon (plentiful), with the first one being sugar free, the second one from ~ 2 coats (sweet). And drink it all mixed with half a bottle of light unsweetened beer. For every 60-70 kg weight of the victim;)
15 minutes after the start of treatment, we were able to consciously move ourselves. After another 15 minutes, speak and think without significant hesitations.


It helps to bring to life such a worthy dish of Armenian cuisine as khash. Armenians, it should be noted, are Orthodox people and therefore, unlike the southerners of the Muslim religion, which the Quran forbids communicating with the Green Serpent, have strong skills to combat post-alcohol depression. One of the most percussive methods of the Armenian war with a hangover has always been and remains. Its recipe is quite simple, but requires long-term preparation. To make khash, you need to take a fair amount of cow's foot. Preferably with the thickest cerebral gland. Rinse it thoroughly and throw in the pan. Pour water and boil. Salt is not necessary. You need to cook for a long time and hard, at least six hours. After the brew comes ready to eat, remove the mosul, separate the meat, cut it, return the bone (removing brains from it) to the dogs (if any), and return all remaining to the pan. Then peel a little more garlic, put it on top, mix well with salt and fold into a separate bowl.

Khash pour and serve. Near it is desirable to put a lot of greens and thin pita breads like lavash. But if the pita is not, the bread will come down too. Pepper and spices - to taste and needs. So prepared, let's proceed to the treatment. Spoon need to scoop a large portion of garlic with salt, mix it thoroughly with khash and start to eat quickly. The body instantly covers an extraordinary heat, the soul asks out, and the hangover flies to the side. But you cheerfully continue to eat this glorious dish and be sure to feel an extraordinary relief. To top it off, you can take a shot of vodka (if you don’t need to get behind the wheel in the next 12 hours). Naturally, in order to recover from a hangover in this way, it is necessary to adjust your plans in a timely manner. For example, if you decided to drink alcohol in the evening, then do not be lazy to immediately start cooking and khash. In the morning it will be ready and will be very helpful. Forethought and careful planning do not threaten anything but good. In Armenia, I must say, there are no such problems with the production of such a timely and wonderful dish - there are a lot of “khashnyh” in settlements (like our “tea” ones that have sunk into oblivion). It is necessary to assume that if the Ural cookery entrepreneurs take khash into service, they will have a hefty profit.

Have a nice little

The most common way, but not the most effective. The fact is that here you need to know exactly the measure, and any errors lead to the continuation of drunkenness. We have always had a hard time with the measure in Russia. It was cut from the shoulder, slanting a mile on a mile and a half, and the soul was and remains wide. Experts also recommend doing everything so. First of all - better to get drunk with vodka. But vodka is obviously high-quality, not diluted with alcohol or even brandy, namely, good and proper vodka. Further: it is best to delay the moment of sobering as much as possible - the later, the better. Suffering enough, if necessary, to finally come to a normal state, you should take 50 grams of vodka once. And calm down on that. If the hangover is not very cruel, of moderate severity, then take about 100 grams of vodka, and slowly, in two or three times. If it is really bad, the dose can be increased to 150 grams, but at the same time dividing it into five or six glasses.

If it’s too bad, it’s bad and the day is thoroughly spoiled, then you should drink no more than 250 grams of vodka in 6-8 sessions during the day. At the same time drink as much water as possible, pickle, eat cucumbers, cabbage and sleep. If you can not sleep - read good good literature. TV is better not to watch - too much of a negative. And you should take care of yourself, loved one. All these recommendations, no doubt, are of interest only to sensible people and soberly evaluating reality. To some, especially women, they seem malicious or even blasphemous. The question of opohmelki is really very controversial and especially individual. The main thing - do no harm. At one time, I was present at the autopsy quite recently, a very cheerful 45-year-old man, the head of an average enterprise, who died of a hypertensive crisis after a purely official binge on the occasion of a commission. An experienced pathologist said confidently: “If he had drunk half a gram, he would have gone hunting and fishing for half a year.” It is better to accept the world as it is. Such is the moral.



For the run I will use the following methods:
   1. half a liter of cold water, which squeezed lemon juice perfectly helps people with low acidity ...
   2. liter of kefir + liter of water + salt + sugar. Drunk with the words "Budun, come out!"

We will not teach you that it was impossible to drink so much and mix different drinks, but tell you how to quickly get out of this state and come back to normal.

First aid

It is urgent to drink. That's just not what you drank yesterday, but plain water can be mineral.

The fact is that alcohol greatly dehydrates the body. The next morning after a strong drink, the lack of fluid in the body can reach 1.5 liters, and it should start to reanimate it with quenching.

Just do not drink everything in one gulp, otherwise the water will come back. Stretch her reception for 1.5-2 hours. All this is usually enough to reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body.


Do not knock the wedge wedge. Taking alcohol in the morning does not solve the problem, but only postpones it for later. Alcohol, decomposing in the liver, breaks down into two substances - ethanol and methanol. Ethanol is released first and has no unpleasant effect, but as soon as the methanol release begins, symptoms of a hangover occur. If you take a new batch of alcohol, the body will switch the efforts of the liver to ethanol, but then everything will return to normal and even become a little worse.


We remove toxins

Now we will remove the harmful substances from the body. You can take diuretics. If they are not in the first-aid kit, then strong tea or coffee have a similar effect.

Many toxins can be eliminated through sweat. To do this, take a bath or sauna gently. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because, for example, the Russian bath has too much stress on the heart.

Although with a smaller effect, an ordinary shower will help, better warm.

Stretch for salty

They didn’t ask themselves why a hangover would be desirable for a hangover. And this whole organism itself tells you that you need to make up for the loss of electrolytes - potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.

These substances are rich in proven folk remedies for a hangover - cucumber pickle, sauerkraut, bread kvass.

Doctors of ambulance, of course, do not carry such provisions with them, but use more effective medications - panangin and asparkam.

If you do not have all of the above, then make a solution of table salt - half a teaspoon per 100 ml of water.

In the life of almost every person, there were moments when the morning after a stormy party with a drink, a serious condition ensues. It is characterized by general poor health, headache, intense thirst, unpleasant sensations in the muscles and other consequences that hardly please anyone.

How can you quickly recover? And how to do it effectively, without harm to the body? There are a considerable number of proven methods in order to come to a normal state the next day after taking alcoholic beverages. But it would be quite useful first to find out what happens in the body after taking alcohol. These facts will only strengthen the understanding of the harm of alcohol.

Why is it so bad after alcohol?

Every person needs to know about what happens in his body after drinking alcohol. First of all, this is a foreign substance for the human body, and therefore a lot of resources are spent on its processing and disposal. Internal organs suffer from this, the body itself is clogged with slags and toxins.

Some time after it enters the human body, alcohol begins its action, which cannot be called anything other than alcohol intoxication. This condition is caused by the decay products of ethyl alcohol, which is in every alcoholic beverage.

As already mentioned, internal organs are subject to colossal negative influence. And the liver suffers the most. It is she who takes the biggest blow. Over time, this leads to its destruction, the cells of the organ die off, not having time to recover. And this is fraught with complications in the form of cirrhosis or hepatitis.

No less sensitive to the effects of alcohol and the cardiovascular system. The heart takes on a large load, it needs to pump more blood, because of what it works in double mode, it can be argued that it works for wear. And the heart of an alcoholic is a separate topic, because it can be enlarged widowed or tripled due to constant stress, the risk of myocardial infarction increases.

Headache is caused by lack of oxygen in the brain (oxygen starvation is generally characteristic of a hangover), and discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract is also a negative effect of alcohol, which irritates the walls of blood vessels.

And what caused the so-called drywood? Thirst after drinking comes because of this, that the body during the processing of alcohol loses a large amount of moisture. This is necessary in order to cope with intoxication.

It is hard to imagine, but in this short period of time a person can lose about 2-3 liters of liquid. For this reason, in the morning many people are so thirsty.

How can you quickly recover from such a collapse in the body? How to restore your health? To do this, there are several very effective ways that are best applied in a comprehensive way to achieve the fastest possible result and relief.

How to bounce back after drinking? Stage One

The first step is to fill the loss of fluid in the body. Thanks to this, other indicators will also return to normal. But in this case it is important to know how to do it correctly. How and what to drink to recover from a hangover? Mineral water is best suited for this purpose, because along with the fluid, the body has lost a number of important salts for it. It is possible to fill this shortage with the help of mineral water. But she also should not be carried away. If possible, it should be alternated with regular drinking water.

You can not immediately pounce on the liquid. You need to drink in small portions, but often. For an hour and a half you need to drink about 1-1.5 liters of water. This will restore the water balance, and if you quench your thirst at one time, then the kidneys will have too much pressure, and there will be a risk of re-snuffling. Properly consumed water will help remove toxins and wastes from the body.

Copes well with harmful substances and activated carbon. This is a natural absorbent, which contributes to the speedy removal of harmful substances. To do this, drink tablets of coal dissolved in a glass of water. For every 10-12 kg of body weight should be 1 tablet of funds.

Activated carbon will begin to act already 15-30 minutes after its adoption. The maximum effect will be reached in an hour. The state of health will be better, it will be discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract. After all, hangover is often accompanied by diarrhea, and coal is able to cope with it.

It will help remove the abstinence and all the familiar vitamin C. It can be used in its natural form (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemon, and others), and can be in the form of ascorbic acid tablets or powder.

How to recover after drinking: the second stage

Immediately after waking up, a shower with cool, but not too cold water will help you to recover. It is necessary to wash your face.

A rich, fatty and very rich breakfast is another helper in the fight with a hangover.   Oddly enough, but it really helps! For example, you can eat a piece of fried meat with vegetables (vegetables for better absorption). And you can drink all this with kefir, which will help to normalize the microflora in the intestines, improve metabolism.

As for drugs, aspirin and a number of drugs to relieve a hangover will help. These are sold in any pharmacy. If you have a headache, you can resort to the help of an anesthetic, for example, a spasmalgone.

When deciding how to quickly return to normal, one should not forget about the old way - pickle (cucumber or from sauerkraut). He will return the person to the form in a relatively short time, only he cannot be carried away.

Finally, it is possible to recover quickly after drinking and thanks to physical exercises. They have a beneficial effect on muscles and general well-being. Blood circulation and metabolism return to normal.

But to drink the morning after the party alcohol is not worth it. New dose - a new blow to the already tired body. Indeed, more recently, the internal organs of a person have been working incessantly to cope with the task of detoxification, and here there is still a new front of work. It would be wiser to take care of yourself and, in particular, your liver.

Hangover prevention

Any condition is always easier to prevent than to fight with it. And the hangover syndrome in this case is not just not an exception, but the clearest example.

So, to prevent or mitigate withdrawal can be, if an hour before drinking to eat a piece of butter. This will create a kind of protective film in the stomach that will not allow ethyl alcohol to be absorbed at high speed.

A good decision would be to take all the same activated carbon for an hour and a half before the feast. Being in the stomach, he will be able to immediately absorb portions of alcohol, and then quickly remove it.

And, of course, it is important to have a good snack and drink. The amount of alcohol should be supplied with an equivalent amount of water (preferably mineral water). But about juices and sweet soda you need to forget, because sugar only increases the degree of intoxication and absorption of alcohol into the blood.

Here are the best ways to feel much better after taking alcoholic beverages. These are proven methods, after which everyone who tried them came to their senses. But the best that can be advised against a hangover, is quite different. Although it is trite, you just need to know your measure, do not drink more than what your body can handle. This elementary culture of drinking, which everyone should know, who considers himself a man.

Thanks for your feedback.


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone get rid of her husband from alcoholism? My drink without drying I don’t know what to do ((I thought I would divorce, but I don’t want to leave my child without a father, and I’m sorry for my husband, so he is a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now I don’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Duplicate just in case - article link.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    And this is not a divorce? Why sell online?

    Julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies put a mark-up on their mark-up. By the same payment only after receipt, that is, first they looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and now everyone sells on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Reply Editors 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is not really implemented through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. To date, you can only order on official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, did not notice the first information about cash on delivery. Then everything is fine exactly if the payment is received.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? Father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () a week ago

    What only folk remedies did not try, the test as drank and drinks

    Catherine a week ago