Symptoms of lung disease in women how to treat. Lung diseases list

  • Date of: 19.10.2019

The respiratory system, in particular the lungs, play a huge role in ensuring the normal functioning of our body. In them, the most important of the processes takes place - gas exchange, as a result of which the blood is saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide is released into the environment. Therefore, the violation of this function inevitably affects the whole organism as a whole.

Such phenomena are due to the fact that at the molecular level, most of the processes of our vital activity are associated with oxidation, which cannot be carried out without the participation of oxygen known to all of us. If a person can live without food for weeks, without water for days, then without air a few minutes. The cerebral cortex under standard conditions environment after stopping breathing and blood circulation, it dies within 5-7 minutes.

As a result of hypoxia (oxygen starvation), the reserves of macroergic bonds (in particular ATP) are depleted in the body, which leads to energy deficiency. Along with this, there is an accumulation of metabolic products, resulting in the formation of acidosis (acidification of the blood). This is a rather severe condition that can eventually lead to death. That's where all the symptoms come from. Therefore, it is sometimes not necessary to treat respiratory disorders so negligently.

Signs of lung disease are very diverse and largely depend on the pathogen, severity and extent of damage. According to the modern classification, all lung diseases are divided into two large classes: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

The former include various kinds of pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.), and the latter, most often, occupational pathology (anthracosis, silicosis, asbestosis, and others. In this section, we will consider only those that relate to inflammatory processes.

In order to perceive the picture more clearly and to orientate a little in the variety of everything stated below, let us recall a little anatomy respiratory system. It consists of the nasopharynx, the trachea of ​​the bronchi, which in turn are divided dichotomously first into two large ones, and then into smaller ones, which eventually end in sac-like protrusions called alveoli. It is in them that oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the lungs and blood, and it is in them that all the diseases that we will talk about in this article occur.

The first and main signs of lung disease

1. Breathlessness is the feeling of lack of air. It occurs both in the pathology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The occurrence of shortness of breath of respiratory genesis is characterized by a violation of the frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing. I distinguish the following types:

  • Inspiratory shortness of breath - when the process of inhalation is difficult. It occurs in connection with the narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, trachea, bronchi (foreign bodies, edema, swelling).
  • Expiratory shortness of breath - when the process of exhalation is difficult. It occurs in diseases such as bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, obstructive bronchitis.
  • Mixed shortness of breath - when both inhalation and exhalation are difficult. Occurs during the development of certain lung diseases, such as lobar pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc., when the supply of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide are disturbed.
  • Choking is an intense attack of shortness of breath that occurs suddenly. Most often it accompanies bronchial asthma, embolism or thrombosis (blockage) of the pulmonary artery, pulmonary edema, acute swelling of the vocal cords.

2. Cough- a complex reflex-protective act that occurs as a result of inhalation foreign objects or accumulations of secret (sputum, mucus, blood) there, due to the development of various inflammatory processes.

  • Cough can occur reflexively, as in the case of dry pleurisy.
  • Dry cough is observed with laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma, when the bronchial lumen contains viscous sputum, the discharge of which is difficult;
  • Wet cough occurs during an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, when the bronchi contain a wet secret, as well as inflammation, tuberculosis, abscess (in cases of breakthrough) and bronchiectasis. Phlegm happens:
    • Mucous, with acute catarrhal bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
    • Purulent, during purulent bronchitis, ruptured lung abscess;
    • Rusty sputum is characteristic of lobar pneumonia;
    • In the form of "raspberry jelly" in cases of lung cancer;
    • Black, fetid with gangrene of the lung;

Sputum in the mouth, especially in the morning, is characteristic of an abscess rupture, bronchiectasis.

  • Persistent cough is characteristic of chronic diseases bronchi and lungs (chronic laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, foreign bodies into the respiratory tract).
  • Periodic cough occurs in people who are sensitive to cold, smokers and those with bronchiectasis.
  • Periodic paroxysmal cough is observed with whooping cough.
  • A barking cough is characteristic of laryngitis;
  • Silent, hoarse cough occurs when the vocal cords are damaged in tuberculosis, syphilis, when the rotary nerve is compressed;
  • Quiet coughing occurs in the first stage of lobar pneumonia, dry pleurisy and in the initial stage of tuberculosis;
  • Night cough is noted with tuberculosis, lymphogranulomatosis, malignant tumors. At the same time, the lymph nodes of the mediastinum increase and irritate the bifurcation (separation) zone of the trachea, especially at night, when the tone of the vagus nerve increases;

3. Hemoptysis occurs with tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, abscess, gangrene and lung cancer. Fresh blood in the sputum is characteristic of tuberculosis. In the presence of pulmonary bleeding, the blood has a frothy consistency, an alkaline reaction, accompanied by a dry cough.

4. Pain in the lungs.

  • The pain that appears after a deep breath, coughing is characteristic of dry pleurisy (when fibrin is deposited on the pleura and friction between the sheets occurs). In this case, the patient tries to delay the cough and lie down on the sore side;
  • Slight pain may appear after suffering pleurisy as a result of the formation of adhesions (sticking together of sheets);
  • Severe pain in chest characteristic of malignant formations of the pleura, or the germination of a lung tumor into the pleura;
  • When the phrenic nerve is involved in the inflammatory process, pain can radiate to the arm, neck, stomach, simulating various diseases;
  • Acute, intense, sudden onset pain in a limited area of ​​the chest is characteristic of pneumothorax at the site of a pleural rupture. Parallel to this, there is shortness of breath, cyanosis and decreased blood pressure as a result of compression atelectasis;
  • Pain intercostal neuralgia, myiasis, herpes zoster is aggravated by tilting to the affected side;

5. Increase in body temperature accompanies inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, as well as tuberculosis;

6. Weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, lethargy and decreased ability to work- these are all symptoms of intoxication;

7. Change in the color of the skin.

  • Pallor of the skin is noted in patients with exudative pleurisy;
  • Hyperemia (redness) on the affected side in combination with cyanosis (cyanosis) is characteristic of croupous pneumonia;

8. Herpetic eruptions;

9. Position of the patient:

  • The position on the sore side is typical for such diseases as dry pleurisy, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, etc.
  • Orthoped - semi-sitting position is occupied by people with bronchial asthma, pulmonary edema, etc.;

10. Symptom " drumsticks"and" watch glasses "(due to chronic hypoxia there are growths bone tissue in the area of ​​​​the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes) is characteristic of chronic lung diseases;

Signs and symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

  1. An unmotivated increase in temperature to 37.2-37.5, especially in the evening;
  2. Night cold sweat;
  3. Intoxication syndrome: weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite;
  4. weight loss;
  5. Cough. It can be dry or wet, it can be insignificant and disturb the patient only in the morning or constant and frequent;
  6. Hemoptysis occurs during rupture of blood vessels;
  7. Shortness of breath, as a rule, occurs when the process is localized in both lungs;
  8. Glitter of the eyes;
  9. Blush on cheeks;
  10. Increase lymph nodes neck, armpits, groin, etc.

Croupous pneumonia or pleuropneumonia:

  • Syndrome of intoxication:
    • weakness,
    • fatigue,
    • loss of appetite
    • headache,
    • muscle pain;
  • Common Syndrome inflammatory changes:
    • feeling hot,
    • Chills,
    • Temperature rise,
  • Syndrome of inflammatory changes in the lungs:
    • Cough;
    • Sputum;
    • Pain in the chest, which increases during breathing, coughing;

Pneumonia is characterized by an acute onset. The body temperature suddenly rises to 39-40 degrees, which is accompanied by severe chills and severe pain in the chest. The pain intensifies during breathing, coughing. At first, the cough is dry and painful, and after 1-2 days it appears rusty phlegm. Then the sputum becomes mucopurulent, and after recovery, the cough disappears. Symptoms of intoxication are expressed. At the same time there are herpetic eruptions on the lips, wings of the nose.

The fever is constant, lasting an average of 7-12 days. The decrease in temperature to normal is carried out within a few hours (crisis) or gradually (lysis). With a crisis decrease, a decrease in blood pressure is possible, a frequent, weak “thread-like” pulse.


If bronchopneumonia develops against the background of bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, etc., the onset of the disease cannot be established.

However, often, especially in young people, the onset is acute and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • An increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • Cough (dry or with mucopurulent sputum);
  • chest pain;
  • increased breathing (up to 25-30 per minute).

Symptoms of lung disease sarcoidosis

Signs of sarcoidosis of the lungs may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Malaise;
  • Anxiety;
  • fatigue;
  • General weakness;
  • Weight loss;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fever;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Night sweats.

With intrathoracic lymph glandular form half of the patients for pulmonary sarcoidosis are asymptomatic, the other half are observed clinical manifestations in the form of symptoms such as:

  • weakness,
  • pain in the chest and joints,
  • cough,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • appearance of erythema nodosum.

Flow mediastinal- pulmonary form sarcoidosis is accompanied

  • cough,
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pains.
  • skin lesions,
  • eye,
  • peripheral lymph nodes,
  • parotid salivary glands(Herford's syndrome),
  • bones (symptom of Morozov-Jungling).

For pulmonary form Sarcoidosis is characterized by the presence of:

  • shortness of breath
  • cough with phlegm,
  • chest pain,
  • arthralgia.

Symptoms of a fungal lung disease

The most common culprits of fungal diseases are actinomycetes.

Symptoms of actinomycosis of the lungs at the initial stage of the disease resemble clinical picture bronchopneumonia. In patients:

  • body temperature rises
  • there is profuse sweating,
  • prostration,
  • wet cough, sometimes with blood in the sputum

In the second stage of actinomycosis of the lungs, the fungus affects pleura, causing dry pleurisy, which eventually turns into an exudative form. Micelles of the fungus penetrate into muscle tissue chest and lead to the formation of dense infiltrates. These formations are quite painful, they are characterized by the so-called fire soreness.

The third stage of actinomycosis is accompanied by the formation of fistulas, the process of granulation and the release of pus.

Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Not so long ago it was called pneumology.

Pulmonology is a vast field of medicine, consisting of various sections. Main directions:

  • study of non-specific diseases (inflammatory, allergic, obstructive, etc.);
  • study of specific diseases (for example, pulmonary tuberculosis);
  • study of occupational diseases;
  • study of tumor processes.

Pulmonology cooperates closely with other specialties, especially with resuscitation and intensive care, since after surgery and in severe cases, many patients require artificial ventilation lungs (connection to the device artificial respiration).

Respiratory and lung diseases are very common throughout the world. Our lifestyle, ecology and genetic factors have caused an increase in the frequency of reported cases of disease.

The bronchopulmonary system consists of the following structural formations: respiratory tract, through which air enters, and lungs. The respiratory tract is divided into upper (nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx) and lower (trachea, bronchi and bronchioles). They are responsible for the following functions:

  • carrying air from the atmosphere to the lungs
  • purification of air from pollution;
  • protection of the lungs (microorganisms, dust, foreign particles, etc. settle and are removed on the bronchial mucosa);
  • warming and humidifying the incoming air.

The nose is the main protector of the respiratory system. It humidifies and warms the air, detains microorganisms and harmful substances, and he is also able to sense various smells and is responsible for the sense of smell.

Sinuses are confined spaces filled with air.

The pharynx is the organ that contains a large number of lymph nodes, the largest of which are the tonsils. Lymphatic tissue protects the body from various microorganisms.

The larynx follows immediately after the pharynx. It contains the glottis and ligaments.

The lower airways are hollow, elastic tubes of various diameters, the largest of which is the trachea. They smoothly pass into the lungs.

The lungs are formations consisting of many interconnected sacs (alveoli) filled with air. They look like bunches of grapes. The main function is gas exchange, namely the supply of oxygen to the bloodstream and the release of waste gases, especially carbon dioxide.

Causes of diseases

Only a qualified specialist can tell you the name of the lung disease in your case and determine the cause of its occurrence. Most often, these are microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi). allergic reactions, genetic abnormalities, hypothermia can also cause lung diseases.

The names of lung diseases are often compiled according to the cause of their occurrence (for example, the ending "-itis" indicates inflammatory processes, "oz-" - about degenerative, etc.).

Risk factors:

  • bad ecology;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • diabetes ;
  • heart diseases;
  • chronic infections;
  • stress.


Pulmonologists know all about what lung diseases are. Nowadays there is no single generally accepted classification. The list of lung diseases is quite wide. It is compiled on the basis of several characteristics and parameters. According to the signs manifested in the patient, the following types of lung disease are distinguished:

  • obstructive (difficulty exhaling air);
  • restrictive (difficulty breathing).

According to the localization of damage, they make up the following list of lung diseases:

  • respiratory diseases. This pathology is caused by compression or blockage of the airway. These include asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis;
  • lung tissue disease. This group of diseases damages lung tissue, preventing it from fully functioning and expanding, making it difficult for patients to breathe in and out. These include fibrosis and sarcoidosis;
  • diseases of the circulatory system of the lungs. This defeat blood vessels. They affect gas exchange.

Many diseases are a combination of these types (for example, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cancer, pneumonia, pneumothorax, etc.).

A list of lung diseases can be compiled based on the degree of prevalence of pathology - local and diffuse lesions. Infectious diseases lungs, as a rule, cause local changes. Diffuse associated with other external and internal reasons.

The list of lung diseases can be compiled according to the nature of the course - acute or chronic processes. But it is rather difficult to classify lung diseases according to this principle, since some acute processes can quickly cause a tragic outcome, and sometimes they are asymptomatic and immediately turn into a chronic pathology.


There are many diseases of the respiratory system. So what are the most common symptoms of lung disease?

Diagnosis and treatment

After watching a video of a lung disease, everyone should realize the seriousness of the pathology, because without full breathing there is no life. Many upon the appearance characteristic symptoms they begin to browse sites and look for what lung diseases are. As a result, they prescribe their own treatment.

Remember: self-treatment can only bring temporary benefits. It causes severe harm to the entire body, since only a doctor can carry out a full diagnosis.

In addition to collecting complaints, an external examination, the doctor uses additional methods diagnostics: X-ray, CT, bronchography, fluorography. After receiving the results of the examination, the pulmonologist makes a final diagnosis and draws up a treatment plan.

All treatment should be comprehensive, individual and phased. Do not be afraid of the complex names of lung diseases, because if all the doctor's prescriptions are followed, the chances of recovery are maximum.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the cause of the disease, the symptoms, the severity of the condition and the presence of complications. After analyzing the data obtained, the pulmonologist prescribes certain medications that contribute to the reduction pain, affect the cause of the appearance, restore the functionality of the lungs, remove clinical manifestations (cough, shortness of breath, etc.).

After the subsidence acute period(decrease in temperature, lack of weakness, etc.) physiotherapy is prescribed, a certain diet, daily routine, Spa treatment.

With absence positive results from conservative therapy resort to surgical methods treatment.

Lung diseases - symptoms and treatment.

Pulmonary embolism causes a blood clot to lodge in the lungs. Most embolisms are not fatal, but the clot can damage the lungs. Symptoms: sudden shortness of breath, sharp pain in the chest when taking a deep breath, pink, frothy cough discharge, acute fear, weakness, slow heartbeat.

Pneumothorax This is an air leak in the chest. It creates pressure in the chest. Simple pneumothorax is treated quickly, but if you wait a few days, you will need surgical intervention to unload the lungs. In those affected by this disease, sudden and sharp pains are felt on one side of the lungs, a fast heart rate.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

COPD is a mixture of two various diseases: chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Narrowing of the airways makes breathing difficult. The first symptoms of the disease: rapid fatigue after light work, even moderate exercise makes breathing difficult. Chest feels cold, expectorant discharge becomes yellow or greenish color, uncontrollably losing weight. Bending over to put on shoes, there is a lack of air for breathing. The causes of chronic illness are smoking and protein deficiency.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous tissue that covers the bronchi. Bronchitis is acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial epithelium caused by an infection, a virus. Bronchitis One of the common symptoms of bronchitis is coughing, an increase in the amount of mucus in the bronchi. Other general symptoms- sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, mild fever, fatigue. At acute bronchitis it is important to drink expectorants. They remove mucus from the lungs and reduce inflammation.

The first symptom of chronic bronchitis is a persistent cough. If for two years the cough does not leave for about 3 or more months a year, doctors determine the patient has chronic bronchitis. In the case of chronic bacterial bronchitis, the cough lasts longer than 8 weeks from copious secretions yellow slime.

cystic fibrosis
is an hereditary disease. The cause of the disease is the entry of digestive fluid, sweat and mucus into the lungs through the producing cells. This is a disease not only of the lungs, but also of pancreatic dysfunction. Fluids accumulate in the lungs and create a breeding ground for bacteria. One of the first clear signs of illness is the salty taste of the skin.

Protracted persistent cough, breathing with a sound like a whistle, sharp pain during inspiration - first signs of pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura. The pleura is the covering chest cavity. Symptoms include dry cough, fever, chills, sharp pain in the chest.

Asbestos is a group of minerals. During operation, products containing fine asbestos fibers are released into the air. These fibers accumulate in the lungs. asbestosis causes difficulty breathing, pneumonia, cough, lung cancer.

Studies show that asbestos exposure is linked to the development of other types of cancer: gastrointestinal tract, kidney, cancer, urinary and gallbladder, throat cancer. If a worker in production notices a cough that does not go away long time, chest pain, poor appetite, a dry sound similar to crackling comes out of his lungs when breathing - you should definitely do a fluorography and contact a pulmonologist.

Cause of pneumonia is a lung infection. Symptoms: fever and breathing with great difficulty. Treatment of patients with pneumonia lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. The risk of developing the disease increases after the flu or a cold. A weakened body after an illness finds it difficult to fight infection and lung diseases.

As a result of fluoroscopy nodules are found? Don't panic. Whether it is cancer or not, a subsequent thorough diagnosis will reveal. This difficult process. Nodule formed one or more? Its diameter is more than 4 cm? Is it attached to the chest wall, are the ribs muscles? These are the main questions that the doctor must find out before making a decision about the operation. The patient's age, smoking history, and in some cases additional diagnostics are assessed. Observation of the nodule continues for 3 months. Often, due to the patient's panic, unnecessary operations are performed. A non-cancerous cyst in the lungs can resolve with the right medical treatment.

Pleural effusion this is an abnormal increase in the amount of fluid in the circumference of the lungs. May be the result of many diseases. Not dangerous. Pleural effusion is divided into two main categories: uncomplicated and complex.

The cause of an uncomplicated pleural effusion: the amount of fluid in the pleura is slightly higher than the required amount. This disease can cause symptoms wet cough and chest pain. A neglected simple pleural effusion can develop into a complex one. In the fluid accumulated in the pleura, bacteria and infections begin to multiply, a focus of inflammation appears. If the ailment is not treated, it can create a ring around the lungs, the fluid eventually turns into an astringent mucus. The type of pleural effusion can only be diagnosed from a fluid sample taken from the pleura.

affects any organ of the body, but pulmonary tuberculosis is dangerous because it is transmitted by airborne droplets. If the tuberculosis bacterium is active, it causes tissue death in the organ. active form tuberculosis can be fatal. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to eliminate tuberculosis infection from open form in closed. It is possible to cure tuberculosis. You need to take the disease seriously, take medications and attend procedures. In no case do not use drugs, lead a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most serious problems world health today. The success of their treatment depends on timely and correct diagnosis, as well as the correct selection of ways to combat these diseases. If you try to compose full list of all lung diseases, in total it will include more than forty names of ailments of various nature, including: bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, cancer, pneumoconiosis, pulmonary vascular disease, tuberculosis, pulmonary fibrosis etc.

Having carried out a conditional generalization, the entire list of lung diseases can be conditionally divided according to the specifics of their occurrence into:

  • acute respiratory diseases of the lungs caused by infection;
  • lung diseases that were provoked by certain external agents;
  • chronic diseases lungs COPD.

The main task of the lungs is to provide the body with oxygen. In addition, they also perform an excretory function, the excessive overload of which leads to most diseases. In addition, a malfunction in the functioning of other organs and systems of the body can also become one of the causes of some diseases from the list of lung diseases. It is safe to say that the leading place among all the items on this list is occupied by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or, in short COPD. It accounts for more than 50% of the total number of respiratory diseases.

COPD is a lung disease whose history is characterized by a partially irreversible restriction of airflow in the airways. Ultimately, this can lead not only to a decrease in a person’s ability to work, but also, in the worst case, to disability. Such lung disease as COPD It has rapid current. This is especially facilitated by the presence of other diseases of the respiratory and cardiac systems. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease in time and take the necessary measures.

Causes of lung disease

Environmentally unfavorable conditions, work on harmful production and, first of all, smoking is the cause of the development of lung disease (COPD) after all, it is smoke, penetrating into the body when inhaled, that irreversibly damages the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli, causing negative changes in the respiratory system. Many mistakenly believe that only cigarettes are a threat. Along with them, the cause of the development of chronic pulmonary diseases and COPD can become hookahs, pipes and smoking blends. And although on early stages the disease does not manifest itself, after 7-10 years it will definitely make itself felt not only with shortness of breath and wheezing in the chest, but also chronic bronchitis , and perhaps even cancer.

For medical history COPD comprehending every 5 smokers is characterized by a progressive nature. The only study to diagnose COPD is spirometry - the analysis of the air exhaled by the patient using special device to determine the nature of the symptoms of the disease.

Inflammatory Lung Diseases

Pneumonia. The most common inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract is pneumonia. This disease is also called pneumonia. Unlike viral diseases respiratory system pneumonia is bacterial in nature, which makes its course more severe and requires antibiotic treatment. Often the disease proceeds with pronounced intoxication: a sharp increase in temperature to 37.5-39C, wheezing in the lungs, sore throat, chills. The picture of the medical history of such a lung disease as pneumonia looks quite optimistic if the disease is detected in time with the help of a blood and sputum test. Already after the first days of taking antibiotics, the patient has a positive trend: the temperature decreases, the general physical condition improves. However, weakness may persist for up to 2 weeks after complete recovery from pneumonia.

It should be noted that the most important thing in the treatment of pneumonia is the correct selection of antibiotics. The fact is that some bacteria can be resistant to the components of a particular drug, and, accordingly, positive effect from its use will not follow. In order to identify the causative agent of such an inflammatory lung disease as pneumonia, an appropriate blood test is performed.

Antibiotics are serious drugs for fighting bacterial infections. Their use can lead to a violation of the microflora of the body, so the independent use of these drugs for lung disease, in particular pneumonia, without prior consultation with a specialist who will tell you which group of antibiotics the patient should take, is highly undesirable.

remember, that pneumonia is a serious lung disease, complications of which can lead to lethal outcome therefore, when the first symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe an individual drug suitable for treatment.

Prevention of lung diseases

Do not forget about the other mandatory complex methods of dealing with infectious diseases lungs, in particular pneumonia, namely: drinking plenty of water, taking antihistamines and expectorants; eating vitamins; ventilation and wet cleaning of the room in which the patient is located.

important role in the fight cancer, COPD, inflammatory lung diseases plays prevention, which, first of all, should be to eliminate risk factors. Avoid contact with sick people, strengthen the respiratory system by spending more time outdoors and playing sports, stop smoking and remember that preventing a disease is always much easier than curing it.

Various lung diseases are quite common in Everyday life person. Most of the classified diseases are severe symptoms acute illness lungs in humans and, if not properly treated, can lead to bad consequences. Pulmonology is the study of respiratory diseases.

Causes and signs of lung disease

To determine the cause of any disease, you should contact qualified specialist(pulmonologist), who will conduct a thorough examination and make a diagnosis.

Lung diseases are quite difficult to diagnose, so you need to pass the entire list of recommended tests.

But there is common factors, which can cause an acute pulmonary infection:

There is a large number objective signs characterizing lung disease. Their main symptoms:

Lung diseases affecting the alveoli

Alveoli, the so-called air sacs, are the main functional segment of the lungs. When the alveoli are affected, they are classified individual pathologies lungs:

Diseases affecting the pleura and chest

The pleura is called the thin sac that contains the lungs. When it is damaged, the following respiratory diseases occur:

Blood vessels are known to carry oxygen, and their disruption causes chest diseases:

  1. Pulmonary hypertension. Violation of pressure in pulmonary arteries gradually leads to the destruction of the organ and the appearance of primary signs of the disease.
  2. pulmonary embolism. Often occurs with vein thrombosis, when a blood clot enters the lungs and blocks the flow of oxygen to the heart. This disease is characterized by sudden cerebral hemorrhage and death.

With constant pain in the chest, diseases are isolated:

Hereditary and bronchopulmonary diseases

Hereditary respiratory diseases are transmitted from parents to a child and can have several types. Main:

Underlying diseases bronchopulmonary system is an acute respiratory infection. Most often, bronchopulmonary infectious diseases are characterized by mild malaise, gradually turning into acute infection in both lungs.

Bronchopulmonary inflammatory diseases are caused by viral microorganisms. They affect the respiratory organs and mucous membranes. Wrong treatment can lead to the development of complications and the emergence of more dangerous bronchopulmonary diseases.

The symptoms of a respiratory infection are very similar to the common cold caused by viral bacteria. Infectious diseases of the lungs develop very quickly and have a bacterial nature of origin. These include:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • respiratory allergies;
  • pleurisy;
  • respiratory failure.

Infection in inflamed lungs develops rapidly. To avoid complications, a full range of treatment and prevention should be carried out.

Chest diseases such as pneumothorax, asphyxia, physical damage to the lungs cause severe pain and can cause breathing and lung problems. Here it is necessary to apply an individual treatment regimen, which has a connected character of priority.

Suppurative diseases

Due to the increase purulent diseases increased the percentage of suppurative inflammation causing problems with damaged lungs. Pulmonary purulent infection affects a large part of the body and can lead to severe complications. There are three main types of this pathology:

  • x-ray;
  • fluorography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • tomography;
  • bronchography;
  • testing for infections.

After all the studies carried out, the doctor must determine an individual treatment plan, necessary procedures and antibacterial therapy. It should be remembered that only the strict implementation of all recommendations will lead to a quick recovery.

Compliance preventive measures in lung diseases significantly reduces the risk of their occurrence. To exclude respiratory diseases, you should follow simple rules:

  • conducting healthy lifestyle life;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • hardening of the body;
  • annual vacation on the sea coast;
  • regular visits to the pulmonologist.

Every person should know the manifestations of the above diseases in order to quickly identify the symptoms of an incipient respiratory disease, and then seek qualified help in time, because health is one of the most valuable attributes of life!