Choosing children's vitamins for the eyes: a list of the best vitamin and mineral complexes for improving vision. Indications for performing exercises

  • Date of: 14.04.2019

Computers, e-readers and tablets bring not only tangible benefits, but also harm to our eyes. Therefore, today, as doctors call it, it has ceased to be a rare problem.

Microelements and vitamins are part of the enzymes necessary for proper eye function. Therefore, their deficiency is noticeable, especially if vision is no longer ideal. But which multivitamin complex is suitable for improving vision?

IMPORTANT! You cannot take two or more drugs at the same time - you can exceed the daily dosage and suffer from hypervitaminosis. Excess vitamins can be dangerous.

Complexes with blueberries

Blueberries are the most famous berry for treating eyes. Its extract is produced in the form of syrups, capsules and tablets. The benefits of blueberries include anthocyanin, flavonoids and tannins - natural antioxidants. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to slow down the processes of age-related changes in the eyes. Blueberry extract has its main effect by improving blood circulation in the smallest vessels of the eye.

The most famous:

  • Blueberries forte with vitamins and zinc – 250 rubles;
  • Blueberries forte with lutein – 200 rubles;
  • Blueberry syrup with echinacea and rose hips – 130 rubles;
  • Blueberries forte in sachet – 800 rub.

The daily dosage is different, depending on the amount of the main extract. Blueberries forte in a sachet are prescribed only once a day, and blueberries forte with vitamins and zinc can be taken up to 4 tablets per day. Blueberry syrup is convenient to give to children and is not recommended for people with diabetes. Since all drugs are herbal and have a weak effect, the course should be at least 1 month. Side effects are rare, the most common being an allergic reaction.

Preparations with lutein

Lutein is a substance found in retinal pigment cells. It is used as a food additive, it slows down the aging processes in the eyes. Lutein protects the retina from harmful ultraviolet radiation, prevents the eyes from aging prematurely and helps make vision clearer. Lutein effectively improves vision in both adults and children. Therefore, there are drugs for each age category:

  • Orlit – 900 rubles;
  • Lutein complex – 300 rubles;
  • Lutein complex for children – 250 rubles.

Orlit contains the maximum dosage of lutein; drink it one capsule per day. Lutein complex is taken twice a day, and children over 11 years of age are prescribed children's lutein 3 times a day. The course is 1 month, repeated if necessary. There are practically no side effects, but individual intolerance to the drug cannot be ruled out. For this reason, it is better to take the medicine in the morning for the first time in order to notice a reaction in time.

IMPORTANT! Adult multivitamins should not be given to children - they may exceed the maximum daily dose.

Solgar Vision

Multivitamins from a well-known manufacturer of dietary supplements contain vitamins A,
E, C, lutein and anthocyanins from blueberry extract. This helps improve blood flow in the eyes, reduce visual fatigue and maintain sharp vision.

Solgar Vision also contains microelements - selenium and zinc. They are part of pigment cells and prevent complications of myopia and the development of cataracts and glaucoma. Solgar Vision is produced in a package of 60 capsules, take one capsule twice a day.

The price for a one-month course is about 1,500 rubles.

Vitrum Vision

This drug is a type of multivitamin from a popular American company. Like the entire Vitrum line, it contains a full range of multivitamins and microelements. The main difference from other variations is the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as an increased amount of copper and zinc. Lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and from radiation from monitors. Copper has a similar effect and improves the clarity and acuity of vision. They take the drug one tablet 2 times a day, the price per package per course is about 1,300 rubles.

Complivit ophthalmo

A vitamin complex similar to Vitrum Vision has a slightly less diverse composition. Complivit Oftalmo includes several vitamins, their combination improves blood flow, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces eye fatigue. Complivit Ophthalmo is indicated for visual fatigue, poor twilight vision, and also when wearing lenses. Contact lenses constantly injure the cornea to one degree or another, and multivitamins promote its healing and regeneration. Complivit Oftalmo is taken one tablet twice a day. The price for a package of 60 tablets is about 400 rubles.

IMPORTANT! All multivitamins for the eyes are contraindicated for myopia in pregnant or breastfeeding women. For this period, it is better to stop treating the disease with glasses or contact lenses.


A multivitamin complex that includes several types of vitamins and microelements. Okuwait also contains lutein, which helps avoid early aging of the retina and the progression of myopia. Selenium is a strong antioxidant, so it protects the eyes from aggressive substances.

Vitamins C and E strengthen the walls of small vessels, which improves blood supply. A course of Okuvayt will help slow down the progression of myopia, reduce eye fatigue at the end of the working day, and improve vision at dusk. The drug is taken once a day for a month. The price of the package is about 700 rubles.


This dietary supplement prevents vision from deteriorating and has a positive effect on the retina and pigment cells. All thanks to the presence of high concentrations of natural lutein and zeaxanthin. Added zinc and vitamins C and E enhance the effects and reduce eye fatigue. The peculiarity of “Makulin” is the presence of omega-unsaturated fatty acids. These substances slow down the aging process in retinal cells and vascular walls. The drug is prescribed once a day, the price per course is 500 rubles.

IMPORTANT! Multivitamins should only be purchased from official, trusted pharmacies. In dubious online stores you can buy counterfeit, dangerous drugs.

Which ones to choose?

If the question arises about choosing vitamins, then you should start by visiting a doctor. He will tell you whether vitamins are needed at all, and whether there are any contraindications to their use. The doctor will be able to indicate which drugs will help most effectively: with lutein, blueberries or multivitamin complexes. For people whose main complaint is decreased visual acuity, retinol and lutein are indicated. For severe eye fatigue, preference is given to blueberry preparations and natural antioxidants - vitamins E, C.

When a child is being treated for myopia, the dosage form is important. It is much more convenient for children to give syrups or chewable tablets. Active, working people often forget about taking medications on time. Therefore, when treating a young man, the doctor will give preference to multivitamins, which are taken once a day.

Useful video

A video that will help you understand what vitamins your eyes are missing:

Multivitamins alone for myopia will not be able to restore previous visual acuity. It is important to choose good glasses or lenses and avoid excessive visual strain. But an effective multivitamin complex would be an excellent addition to such therapy. It will reduce visual fatigue, strengthen the retina and improve blood supply to the eye as a whole. Only this combined approach to the treatment of myopia will maintain clear vision even at the end of the working day.

Throughout the day, children's eyes are subject to high stress. Children learn about the world around them and reality through drawing, learn to write and read, and do homework. While performing all these activities, their vision undergoes great strain.

To ensure that children’s eyes are always healthy, it is important to initially wisely organize a gentle regime of study and proper rest. For this purpose, it is necessary to ensure regular consumption of eye vitamins for children. So, how to choose them and what should you take into account?

Children's vitamins for eyes for farsightedness

Today, the problem of farsightedness can be eliminated using various methods. This vision can be corrected using contact lenses or glasses, as well as laser surgery. Although such steps in no way exclude taking vitamin supplements, which can help in the fight against the disease.

First of all, adults need to balance the diet of baby food, which must necessarily contain fresh foods with the maximum content of healthy natural vitamin substances. Their use will bring considerable benefits to the child’s body, which will have a positive effect on the quality of vision. That is, it is desirable that children with farsightedness eat “live” vitamins. First of all, the diet should contain foods with a large amount of potassium in its composition: apricots and bananas, peaches; walnuts and prunes, dried apricots and raisins; potatoes and beans, carrots and peas, cabbage and tomatoes. Foods that contain vitamin C are especially useful: oranges and lemons, kiwi and strawberries, peppers and spinach, as well as rose hips. No less useful are foods containing vitamin A: apricots, watermelons and melons, broccoli and zucchini.

For farsightedness, eating wild blueberries is invaluable, because this berry contains anthocyanins - biologically active substances that significantly improve vision in children. These active elements help eliminate eye fatigue and restore good blood circulation.

When diagnosed with farsightedness, children need to take vitamins: beta-carotene, B12, as well as zinc, selenium, lutein. Lutein is found in spinach and celery, as well as kiwi. This element is able to protect the visual organs from premature aging. Zinc and selenium have properties that can restore nerve conduction in the eyes.

Natural vitamins are much healthier than their artificial counterparts. It’s just that adults need to take very carefully and seriously the preparation of the daily diet of a child with farsightedness, control the quality of food and competently regulate the amount of food intake. But sweet and fatty foods must be completely excluded from the diet of such a child.

In addition to vitamin foods, you can use special vitamin complexes for the eyes, especially during periods when fresh foods are not available. These complexes are developed by the world's leading ophthalmologists, and they contain all the necessary elements that are so necessary for children with farsightedness. Problems may arise only with the choice of such a complex. After all, there are a considerable number of these products, both domestic and imported. In this case, you should rely on the opinion and advice of your doctor. Experts recommend giving preference to drugs containing vitamins B2 and A: these are Complevit and Revit, Biofit blueberry and Visioned. To strengthen the blood vessels of the eyes, you can use the drug Okovit. Vitamin complexes for the eyes are used in courses.

Ophthalmologists also advise combating farsightedness with the help of special eye exercises, which will significantly help solve the vision problem.

Eye vitamins for children with myopia

Overcoming myopia in a child is not very easy. This process takes a lot of time and must consist of a whole range of measures: the use of special glasses, regular vision exercises, special exercises, a balanced diet and taking the necessary medications. Taking vitamins for myopia is simply necessary.

Today, many special vitamin complexes have been developed for children with visual impairments, which should not be taken on their own. Parents should definitely consult their doctor, because he will tell you exactly which complex will be optimal for your child.

For myopia, it is important to consume foods containing vitamin A (retinol), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the retina and the transmission of impulses along the optic nerve. But you should know that retinol is only soluble in fats, so products with vitamin A should only be consumed with vegetable oil or butter.

Equally beneficial is the use of B vitamins:

  • B1 normalizes the function of the optic nerves.
  • B2 contributes to normal oxygen metabolism and nourishes the optic nerves. Its absence or deficiency is manifested by increased eye fatigue and redness of the eyelids.
  • Vitamin B6 has a soothing effect on the eyes. It can also be used for the purpose of prevention.

Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant that significantly strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Its use promotes proper blood circulation, as a result of which oxygen and useful substances are supplied to the organs of vision.

It is very useful to take calcium for myopia, which promotes the stability of the connective tissue of the eyes. After all, myopia is a consequence of the elongation of the eyeball.

Vitamins with this diagnosis should be taken for at least three months. After a thirty-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated. But it is better to consult your ophthalmologist for advice.

Good eye vitamins for children

Nutrition properly organized by parents for children with vision problems, under the strict guidance of the attending ophthalmologist, is the best vitamins for the eyes. A healthy, balanced daily diet is the main source of vitamins and a component of proper effective treatment. It is thanks to this step that you will save yourself from going to doctors and offices; your children will not need to put drops in their eyes, take pills or wear glasses. Remember that vision problems in your children can be avoided if you initially take care of your child’s diet, which contains all the microelements and multivitamins important for health.

During the period when fresh vegetables and fruits are not available, you can take specially designed vitamin complexes.

Let us remind you once again about the vitamins that children with vision problems need:

  • vitamin A - maintains the tone of the retina of the eyes;
  • vitamin C - for the functioning of the eye muscles:
  • vitamin B1 - has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • vitamin B2 - helps improve metabolism;
  • vitamin B6 - activates blood circulation, eliminates the risk of blindness;
  • vitamin B12 - activates blood circulation;
  • potassium - necessary for strengthening vision and heart muscle.

In autumn and winter, you should additionally take children's vitamin complexes to improve vision, which contain all the important substances. They are, as a rule, very pleasant to taste and safe for health if you follow the rules of administration and doctor's instructions.

The best eye vitamins for newborns - Polivit baby. For children after one year of age, ophthalmologists recommend Sana-Sol, Pikovit and Alphabet, Our Baby. Children after four years of age can take Multi-Tabs Classic and Vita Mishki. For older children, Alphabet Optikum (over 14 years old) and Vitrum Vision (over 12 years old) are recommended.

Vitrum Vision is a vitamin complex that is used during frequent and severe eye strain. Alphabet Optikum is the leader among all special complexes.

There are many dietary supplements designed to improve vision. But the attitude towards them among ophthalmologists is ambiguous. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision on the use of dietary supplements for vision correction only after consultation with a doctor.

Vision problems are common not only to adults, but also to children of kindergarten and school age. Eye strain begins when kids get acquainted with TV and computers. Cartoons and educational programs are constant companions of modern children. Then the little ones test their eyes when their parents send them to early development schools and pre-school clubs. Sitting over books and notebooks for a long time, improper lighting while working reduces visual acuity. At school the workload increases even more. Schoolchildren spoil their eyesight not only while sitting at their desk, doing homework and reading books, but also spending a lot of time playing virtual games, watching shows, TV shows and cartoons.

Intense school loads affect a child’s vision, and its quality gradually decreases

Medical statistics say that one third of schoolchildren suffer from myopia and other vision problems. Twenty percent of preschool children also have visual impairments. Most periodically experience pain and a feeling of dryness, blood vessels burst, and eyelids swell. How to protect your baby's eyes? For what reason, under equal living conditions, some children develop serious vision problems, while others do not?

It's a matter of heredity, environment and the amount of vitamins and microelements that protect the retina and eye tissue. Beneficial substances enter the body mainly through food, but they can also be obtained by taking special vitamin complexes for the eyes.

Let's figure out what vitamins and microelements help maintain visual acuity.

What vitamins support visual acuity?

The following vitamins support the health of children's eyes:

  1. Retinol or vitamin A. Involved in all visual processes, one of the most important vitamins for acute vision. Helps to see at dusk and in the dark, produces visual purple, allows you to quickly respond to light stimuli and color contrasts.
  2. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. In addition to the fact that ascorbic acid perfectly increases the body's resistance to colds and rejuvenates, it is also responsible for muscle tone in the eyes, normalizes capillary permeability and ensures blood movement through the vessels, and relieves fatigue.
  3. Vitamin E. Protects the retina from detachment, prevents capillary fragility, and does not release useful singlet oxygen.
  4. Riboflavin or vitamin B2. In cooperation with retinol, it forms purple, improves color perception, develops the visual parts of the brain, and activates the synthesis of flavin nucleotides.
  5. Rutin or vitamin P. Strengthens blood vessels and reduces capillary fragility.
  6. Vitamin D. Activates the eye immune system and fights inflammation in the cornea and fiber.

Vitamin A is considered most important for maintaining good vision

Vitamins can lead to more than just positive results if they are used haphazardly and too often. Hypervitaminosis is manifested by nausea and vomiting, increased intracranial pressure. An excess of retinol causes drowsiness, scotoma, desquamation, and photophobia. The use of vitamin complexes, especially when it comes to children, should be agreed with a doctor.

What microelements maintain visual acuity?

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Carotenoids essential for healthy vision:

  1. Beta carotene. Found in the tissues of the eyes, it is provitamin A, which accumulates only in the amount required by the body. The system is as follows - using a certain mechanism, provitamin accumulates in reservoirs, then, using liver enzymes, is converted into beta-carotene as needed.
  2. Lutein. Protects the retina, prevents lens clouding and prevents age-related changes in the retina, cornea and lens.
  3. Lycopene. Protects the choroid. Prevention of cataracts.
  4. Zeaxanthin. Ensures the functioning of the fundus of the eye.

Zinc, which helps absorb retinol and maintains the structure of the optic nerve, and omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which reduce the risk of cataracts, take part in the functioning of the eye apparatus. Acids resist corneal dryness and ensure the outflow of intraocular fluid. In addition, zinc deficiency reduces the myelin layer of nerve cells, contributing to the occurrence of optic neuropathy and retinal ischemia.

Zinc is an essential mineral that helps absorb retinol and prevent the development of cataracts

Beneficial substances can be obtained from food, plants, berries and pharmaceuticals. They are found naturally in food, so don’t forget to eat vegetables and fruits, blueberries, nuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Don’t overload your baby’s eyes; don’t let studying be detrimental to your health. Ensure optimal operating mode, proper lighting, and measure the amount of time spent in front of the TV and computer screen. Let the baby go outside more often and look at natural colors, get a dose of vitamin D from the sun's rays, and enrich the cells with oxygen. Eye training is an important aspect. Get into the habit of doing gymnastics during breaks between studies and just for fun.

What does vitamin deficiency lead to?

A lack of vitamins is an excellent springboard for the development of various vision problems, ranging from the effect of “dry” eyes to myopia, cataracts and glaucoma. Vitamin deficiency is especially dangerous for children. It threatens to disrupt the functioning of the entire body and delay growth. We present a table in which we reflect the consequences for the condition of the eyes of a lack of one or another vitamin in the body.

AA feeling of dryness in the eyes caused by a lack of secretion secreted by the lacrimal gland. The conjunctiva of the sclera may turn red and swell. Clouding of the cornea, Iskersky-Bito plaque (changes on the conjunctiva), photophobia, and panophthalmitis may occur.
AT 2A deficiency causes night blindness, that is, the inability to see in twilight and darkness. An imbalance of oxidative processes in tissues occurs.
WITHA deficiency provokes cataracts and glaucoma because antioxidant processes are disrupted.
ECauses photochemical damage to the retina, provokes myopia and hypermetropia.
DA deficiency reduces visual acuity and causes myopia.
FThe deficiency provokes an increase in intraocular pressure. Hypermetropia is possible.

A lack of vitamin F can lead to increased intraocular pressure, which is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist.

Myopia in children

Myopia is also called myopia. It is characterized by the fact that the image, when a person looks, is formed not on the retina, but in front of it, so patients see well only what is very close. Most often the disease is hereditary. Do mom and dad wear glasses? Most likely, a child will develop the disease at some age, especially after prolonged exercise.

It turns out that there are two ways to obtain useful substances: through food (natural) and while taking medications (therapeutic). The optimal balance is achieved by combining both forms of admission; you should not give preference to only one. Medicines will not replace fresh and healthy foods, and food alone will not provide a sufficient concentration of vitamins in the body.

If you are nearsighted, it is good to drink:

  1. Calcium. Prevents the main cause of the disease - elongation of the eyeball and deterioration of the connective tissue.
  2. Group B. Maintains the condition of the optic nerves.
  3. Omega-3 acid. Provides significant assistance for already formed myopia, can qualitatively improve vision with parameters up to minus 3.
  4. Vitamin E. Improves vision with progressive myopia.
  5. Ascorbic acid with riboflavin. Stops progressive myopia.

Calcium can help people suffering from myopia because it eliminates the root cause of the disease (we recommend reading:)

Farsightedness in children

Farsightedness is characterized by the fact that the image is focused not on the retina, but behind it, so a person sees well only those objects that are far away. Treatment of farsightedness is carried out in a comprehensive manner; you cannot forget about vitamins and microelements. The following elements are especially useful for this defect:

  1. Lutein. Nourishes the fundus of the eye, improves visual acuity.
  2. Zinc. Helps absorb riboflavin.
  3. Selenium. Improves color perception. Objects become clearer.
  4. Blueberry. Relieves eye fatigue, increases visual acuity, improves blood circulation.

The main thing to remember when taking vitamin complexes for the eyes is the need to consult a doctor. You need to start with a small dose to check if the baby has an allergy or individual intolerance to the drug. A child’s body may react with hives, vomiting, nausea, and headache to one or another component. This does not mean that the complexes are not suitable for the baby in principle. Doesn't blueberries with lutein suit him? Try giving just blueberries or blueberries with zinc. Is your baby vomiting from a multivitamin? Just try riboflavin. All experiments should be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

Foods indicated for vision problems

Beneficial substances that are sold for children in pharmacies can be in different forms. Gummy bears, tablets, lozenges, syrups, gels, powders for dissolution in water, capsules. Taking medications does not exclude variety in the diet, because vitamins and microelements are best absorbed from food.

Foods rich in beneficial substances for the eyes:

  • vitamin A is found in butter, carrots, apricots and pumpkin, and milk;
  • group B is found in blueberries, pork, nuts, prunes, fish, grapes, carrots, dates;
  • C is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, black currants and cranberries, and tomatoes;
  • P is found in citrus fruits, cherries, olives;
  • D is found in fatty fish, some mushrooms, cheese and yeast;
  • E is found in legumes and vegetable oils;
  • essential fatty acids are found in nuts, fatty sea fish, sunflower seeds;
  • lutein is found in spinach, zucchini, broccoli, black currants, raspberries, cherries, blueberries;
  • zeaxanthin is found in pumpkin and corn, mangoes, peaches, and melon;
  • Oysters, beef and nuts, eggs, sesame seeds are rich in zinc.

The baby's diet should be varied. Let's eat more vegetables and fruits, they are good not only for vision, but also for the whole body. Accustom your child to beef, pork, chicken and fish; do not raise your baby as a vegetarian, otherwise he will not receive a huge amount of vitamins and microelements from meat. Let your child drink juices and cocoa often, introduce him to seeds by giving them in their purified form. Remember that food, like vitamin complexes, should be given in small doses. Check if there are any allergies or individual intolerances to a particular product, especially for fish and other seafood, eggs, red vegetables and fruits. Give butter and legumes carefully, as they can overload the digestive tract.

Fatty fish are rich in vitamin D and contain unsaturated fatty acids

Vitamin complexes for children: table

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers many vitamin complexes that support vision. Many differ in composition and direction of action. There are medications that are taken to improve the well-being of the eye system, help for prevention, relieve fatigue, a feeling of dryness in the eyes, and prevent a decrease in visual acuity. Some are taken during chronic eye diseases, some help recover after operations. Multivitamin complexes are most often given to adults and children of the older age group, because children may develop hypervitaminosis. Special preparations for children contain small amounts of useful substances.

You can also use just vitamin complexes for children. They, as a rule, contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, including those that support vision. Such drugs increase the body's resistance and strengthen the immune system. With their help, you can improve the condition of hair and nails, they contribute to the healthy development of all systems. We will present a list of the best special and general vitamin complexes, their composition, indications, release form and features of use.

In addition to a healthy diet, you can buy children's vitamins with a suitable set of components
Drug name Release form Compound Age at which the drug is given Features of application
PikovitDepends on age: from 3 and 4 years - chewable tablets; from 1 year - syrup; from 4 years – lozengesThe syrup contains 9 vitamins. Chewable tablets for children over 3 years old contain 11 vitamins and 8 minerals (more details in the article:). Lozenges contain 10 vitamins and 2 minerals.Depending on the form of release - from one year, three or four years.May cause an allergic reaction due to the high content of dyes. The lozenges and syrup are delicious and kids enjoy using them.
Vitrum KidsPills12 vitamins and 10 mineralsFrom 4 years oldChewable tablets, dosage – one piece after a meal.
Multitabs Classic11 vitamins, no mineralsFrom 4 years oldDosage – one tablet after meals, without chewing. Quite an allergenic drug.
Vitrum VisionBeta-carotene, lutein, zinc, copper, zeaxanthin, ascorbic acidFrom 12 years oldPerfectly protects vision under significant loads.
Alphabet Optikum13 vitamins and 10 minerals, blueberry, lutein, lycopeneFrom 14 years oldA special complex for maintaining eye health in children, very useful for older schoolchildren.
Blueberry forte EvalarBlueberry extract, group B, ascorbic acid, zincFrom 3 yearsIt is difficult for small children to take tablets; crushing them is undesirable
SlezavitCapsules6 vitamins and 4 minerals, blueberry, lutein, zeaxanthinFrom 3 yearsDosage – one capsule after meals, the contents can be poured into a spoon and mixed with water, tea or juice. It is given to prevent hereditary myopia and rapid eye fatigue.
OftalmoVit7 vitamins, selenium, zinc, carotenoidsFrom 14 years oldTake two capsules of different colors a day - yellow and brown, which differ in composition.
Blueberry-forte with lutein Pharm-proBlueberry extract, carotenoids, ascorbic acidFrom 3 yearsFor young children, the contents of the capsule can be poured into juice, tea or milk.
blueberryGel9 vitamins, blueberries and potassium iodideFrom 3 yearsDosage: a measuring spoon twice a day; the gel can be applied to dry cookies. The baby eats with pleasure.
Vita Bears Focus+Chewable lozenges3 vitamins, blueberries and zincFrom 3 yearsThe lozenge is chewed during meals. After 7 years, take two lozenges. The kids accept it with pleasure.
Cavit junior lutein11 vitamins, calcium and luteinFrom 3 yearsVery rich in lutein, lozenges with apricot flavor.
Alphabet Our babyPowder in sachet11 vitamins and 5 mineralsFrom one and a half yearsThe powder must be mixed with 30 ml of liquid. The one-day package contains three different sachets, which are taken before different meals.
Polivit BabySolution9 vitaminsFrom birthDrops are added to food or drink, or even to breast milk. The most convenient form of release for newborns, there is no taste or smell.

The main task of adults, so that their children do not suffer from discomfort in the eyes and do not develop a real disease, is to dose the amount of time spent in front of the TV and computer screen, diversify the diet and periodically give maintenance medications. You shouldn’t go to extremes; don’t deprive your offspring of the joys of life and don’t feed them to the point of recklessness. Those with a history of frequent eye diseases should be more vigilant.

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a condition in which a person difficulty seeing distant objects, while he perceives close objects well.

The main cause of the disease is impaired refraction of light rays in the optical system of the eye, caused by an incorrect focus positioned between the retina and lens.

According to statistics, people suffer from myopia one third of people living on Earth. For most of them, the disease began to develop in adolescence.


The reasons why myopia occurs are divided into acquired and congenital. Among the latter are:

  • change in eye shape due to injuries, eye pressure and thinning of the sclera;
  • failure in the functions of the ligaments lens or ciliary region;
  • systematic overvoltage of the visual analyzer(more relevant to teenagers or office workers);
  • reading in low light or incorrect posture when working at computer;
  • incorrect selection contact lenses or glasses;
  • poor metabolism, leading to a slowdown in blood supply;
  • chronic diseases(rheumatism);
  • lack of vitamins in the diet.

Reference. Hereditary myopia is predominantly common among women.

Symptoms of myopia

It often happens that the disease is detected at one of the later stages. This occurs due to a gradual decline in vision functions. A person who is previously unaware of ophthalmological problems does not notice that he has to squint to see an object. In the early stages of the disease with imptomatology is weakly expressed.

It's difficult to recognize on your own. Only a doctor can diagnose the development of pathology. But There are symptoms of myopia that should alert you:

  • blurred vision;
  • headache;
  • eye fatigue and fatigue;
  • poor visibility of distant objects.

Methods for correcting visual functions in diseases

Various methods are used to treat myopia, which are usually are used in combination.

The best medications to improve vision: tablets, drops and others

Medicines that form an integral part of therapy are not the main method aimed at stabilizing vision functions.

They are an auxiliary means of action, since no dosage form is able to return the lens to its previous position.

Strix Forte, Vitalux plus, Mirticam, Actovegin, Vitrum Vision and other drugs are designed to activate the nutrition of the internal ocular structures due to a set of individual properties.

  • To the complex Strix Forte includes zinc, selenium, blueberry extract, excipients. Tablets are prescribed as part of therapy for the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, to strengthen vision, to relieve fatigue and after eye surgery.
  • Source of vitamin E, polyunsaturated fats, zeaxanthin, lutein, zinc - drug Vitalux plus. It improves the general condition of vision, retinal function, activates the body's defenses, and plays the role of a barrier against oxidative stress for the retina.
  • Mirticam syrup, produced from plant substances, relieves tension and inflammation from the eyes, has a disinfecting and antioxidant effect and strengthens the walls of the eye vessels. Its intake activates retinal enzymes and accelerates the regeneration of rhodopsin.
  • Actovegin activates metabolic processes, actively restores tissue, acts as a stimulator of regeneration. For myopia it is used topically. When used, it increases the rate of transportation and accumulation of glucose with oxygen, leading to increased utilization within cells.
  • Vitrum vision, containing vitamins, minerals and carotenoids, replenishes their deficiency during eye strain. Taking it normalizes vision function, reduces the risk of retinal degeneration and protects tissues from the action of free radicals.

Photo 1. Packaging of Vitrum Vision, 30 tablets. Contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant carotenoids to improve vision.

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What vitamins will help restore vision?

When vitamins enter the body, they relieve tension and support visual functions. Particularly important for this purpose retinol And B vitamin group, and calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin and zinc. Lack of vitamin A aggravates the condition of myopia.

Products containing retinol:

  • eggs;
  • oil;
  • margarine;
  • Cod liver.

Improves binocular vision and relieves muscle fatigue thiamine Vitamin IN 1 present in nuts and flour products (coarsely ground).

Reception riboflavin (vitamin B2), contained in apples, grains, milk and liver, reduces the feeling of fatigue and strengthens blood vessels.

Niacin provides blood supply to the tissues of the eye. AT 3 found in beans, mushrooms and meat.

Pyridoxine responsible for cellular metabolism. To complete the content AT 6 you need to eat cabbage, fish, milk.

Present in cheeses, yolk and liver cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). It is needed for the formation of red blood cells.

In almost all medicinal preparations you can find lutein, which protects the retina from rays and damage.

Has a similar property zeaxanthin. Ingredients important for the eyes are found in beans, spinach, peppers, and corn.

Gymnastics for the eyes - an effective addition to medications

Doctors recommend combining eye exercises aimed at reducing fatigue, preventing myopia, and strengthening muscles with gymnastics for the spine. Problems with it affect the blood supply to tissues and often cause vision impairment. Charging can be performed once a day, during breaks between daily activities:

  1. Close your eyes, rub your palms and apply them to your eyes (not tightly) for ½ minute.
  2. In between reading or working on the computer blink for a minute, and then close your eyes for a few minutes.
  3. Cut a circle with a hole inside from thick green cardboard. Attach the circle to the window. Look at the circle, first focusing on it, and then on the hole.
  4. Sit up straight and look 20 times up and down, and then left-right.
  5. While sitting, roll your eyes in both directions 20 times.
  6. Close your eyes and count up to 40. Then open your eyes and look at distant objects. Watch while counting up to 40. Repeat everything 15 times.
  7. Extend your hand and look at your thumb. Lower your hand, raise it, move it to the sides. At the same time, continue to follow your finger. Exercise repeat 6 times.
  8. Sitting on a chair, raise your head, look at the ceiling, count up to 30. Turn your gaze to your knees. Count again up to 30. Repeat everything 5 times.

Photo 2. Variant of a set of exercises against myopia. By moving your eyes you need to repeat the figures in each block.

  1. Close your eyes, rotate your head with your eyes closed 8 times- first to the right, then to the left.

Attention! Gymnastics for vision should be part of treatment therapy. With its help, it is possible to correct a number of deviations associated with excessive stress or, on the contrary, muscle relaxation.

Serious vision problems (structural changes in the eyes, infections and inflammation) using exercises cannot be corrected.

Myopia treatment programs

There are also several famous exercise programs that help eliminate myopia.

Bates system

The Bates program is based on - palming (immersion) allowing for relaxation. Before palming, rub your palms to warm them up. After which it is applied to the eyelids. Relaxation continues with a set of exercises:

  1. Find a letter in a table or book. Close your eyes and imagine the letter in black.
  2. Imagine a multi-colored palette. Achieve greater brightness for each shade (mentally). Spend for each color by the second. Exercise repeat at least 10 minutes.

Relax between exercises 2 and 3 to achieve improved vision.

  1. Imagine in your mind flower. Decorate it with leaves and stem in your mind. Imagine insects on a flower and trace their flight path. There is no time limit for the exercise.
  2. Take Sivitsev’s chart for a vision test and place it at a distance of 6 meters. Choose one of the smallest letters and palm. Remember the letter in its darkest form. Then open your eyes, trying to see a row of the smallest letters in the table.
  3. Look at the large letter on the top line. Then close your eyes and imagine that it has shrunk and darkened. The image must be very clear. Spend on exercise 60 seconds.

Indications for the program:

  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • presbyopia.


  • retinal detachment;
  • rehabilitation after surgery.

Avetisov method

Avetisov's program is intended for schoolchildren and consists of 3 different complexes.

Complex 1 to improve blood flow:

  1. 6-8 times close and open your eyes, pausing for about 5 second.
  2. Blink quickly throughout 15 sec. Then close your eyes and massage them.
  3. Close eyes, 4 times press on them (lightly), holding your hand over your eyes 3 seconds.
  4. Press on the eyelids in the area of ​​the brow ridges.

Complex 2 to strengthen the eye muscles:

  1. Without moving your head, look alternately at the floor and ceiling 8-12 times.
  2. Move your gaze diagonally - from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa. Repeat everything 12 times.
  3. Rotate your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, trying to look at objects in your field of vision. Do 12 reps.

Complex 3 to improve accommodation (ability to focus) of the eyes:

  1. Determine the farthest point on the horizon. Extend your index finger. Move 12 times looking from a finger at an object.
  2. Use your index finger to touch the tip of your nose, without taking your eyes off your finger. Number of repetitions - 10 times.
  3. Draw a dot on the window. Focus your gaze on her. Move your gaze from the point to any object outside the window. Change focus continuously 7 minutes.

Indications for performing exercises:

  • the appearance of discomfort, redness and burning in the eyes.