How to prevent bronchitis in the early stages. Can bronchitis be prevented? In the piggy bank of folk remedies there are many useful recipes that can be used as auxiliary in the treatment of bronchitis

  • Date: 20.06.2020

Prolonged cough is a symptom that patients do not attach importance to for a long time. The cause of the cough may be bronchitis, which, in the absence of adequate therapy, can become chronic. Despite the fact that bronchitis currently responds well to therapy, it is very important to recognize the alarming symptoms in time, make a diagnosis and start the right treatment. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in adults, consider methods of diagnosis and prevention.

In order to get a complete picture of this disease, it is important to understand where the bronchi are located and what their role is in the respiratory system.

The internal respiratory organs consist of the lungs located in the thoracic part of the body under the ribs and the trachea, which is a tube descending from the larynx to the lungs. In its lower part, the trachea branches, forming a network, these branches are called bronchi. They bring oxygen into the lungs and remove carbon dioxide. Also, the bronchi serve as a kind of purifier of the inhaled air due to the mucus and cilia covering the inner walls. When a person gets sick with bronchitis, this tissue becomes inflamed, and the mucus secreted profusely interferes with air circulation. In addition, the entry of microbes into the lungs is fraught with inflammation and lung tissue - pneumonia, which is a more serious somatic pathology.

Causes of bronchitis

Among the causes that cause the development of bronchitis are the following:

  • Viruses are the most common cause. In order to get into the risk zone, it is enough to communicate with a person who has any respiratory infection - a viral cold or flu. The virus enters the body by airborne droplets, that is, when communicating at close range, sneezing, coughing, kissing. If the patient suffers from a decrease in the functions of the immune system, then he is more likely to get ARVI, which, in the absence of adequate therapy, will be complicated by bronchitis.
  • bacteria. Bronchitis caused by bacteria is called infectious bronchitis. The cause of development is most often foci of chronic infection in the body in the decompensated stage: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis. Bacteria circulate throughout the body along with the blood, and antibodies produced by the body serve as protection against them. But if the general level of activity of the immune system or local immunity decreases, then bacterial bronchitis develops in the lower respiratory tract.
  • Mushrooms. Fungal infections are most common in immunocompromised patients, such as those with AIDS or after organ transplants.
  • Inhalation of toxic substances can cause physical damage to the bronchi, followed by inflammation of the mucosa lining them.
  • Contact with allergens. This is more typical for patients suffering from bronchial asthma or angioedema of an allergic nature.

The latter options are much rarer than the first two.

Separately, you can select a list of factors that provoke the development of bronchitis:

  • Frequent colds, after which the immune system cannot fully recover for a long time;
  • Smoking, which negatively affects the entire body, especially the respiratory system;
  • Unfavorable living or working conditions (in cold, damp rooms, in contact with toxic aerosols or paints and varnishes);
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • hereditary factor;
  • Violation of peripheral circulation or heart failure in a small circle.

All of the above points gradually lead to the fact that local immunity in the bronchi decreases, they become more susceptible to the inflammatory process, and upon contact with a potential source of danger, bronchitis will certainly develop.

Symptoms of bronchitis in adults

The symptomatic picture of acute bronchitis begins with general asthenic manifestations:

  • Weakness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • decrease in performance.

There may be discomfort when swallowing, headache, slight fever, runny nose. At this stage, it is more logical to suspect a respiratory disease, for example, acute respiratory infections, SARS, and even influenza.

The second symptom of bronchitis is a cough. At first, sputum discharge is not observed, but soon there is a discharge that has a yellowish or greenish tint. The cough is worse at night, and against its background there are mild pains in the chest area. In some cases, the cough remains dry throughout the entire period of the disease. This is not a good sign, since sputum discharge is an indicator that the process of purification is underway in the bronchi. If the sputum is not expectorated, then it is too viscous. This entails blockage of the bronchi, the spread of inflammation to the trachea or lungs.

With timely therapy, improvement usually occurs within one week, but the cough can persist for longer, up to three weeks, with a gradually decreasing intensity. In the event that the cough intensifies and there is an increase in the temperature of the patient, the doctor may suspect the development of complications.

The picture of chronic bronchitis does not differ in additional symptoms. During the period of exacerbation, which can last up to several months, the patient is tormented by an intensifying cough, weakness, shortness of breath with minor exertion and at rest. Body temperature usually does not rise above subfebrile numbers. Can chronic bronchitis occur without temperature in principle. In the state of remission of the patient, nothing but shortness of breath bothers, however, an x-ray of the lungs shows characteristic changes in the bronchi.

Methods for diagnosing bronchitis

Diagnosis of bronchitis is most often made on the basis of an examination of the patient. The presence of a cough with sputum with a slight increase in temperature is the main symptom of the disease. But in order to differentiate bronchitis from pneumonia, it is necessary to carry out the following examinations and tests:

  • Clinical blood test. The main indicator that you should pay attention to is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. With any inflammatory process, the immune system throws specific proteins into the eyebrow, which should destroy the source of infection. At the same time, these substances "stick together" red blood cells. The second indicator of the inflammatory process are leukocytes. An increase in their level in the blood serum indicates the activity of the immune system.
  • X-ray (fluorography) of the chest. Its task is to assess the condition of the lung tissue in order to exclude pneumonia and lung cancer.
  • Sputum analysis allows you to understand what caused the development of inflammation - a virus, bacterium or fungi, and select adequate therapy. Identified bacteria are tested for sensitivity to antibiotics. For analysis, the patient coughs up sputum, places it in a sterile vessel and delivers it to the laboratory. It is very important that the material gets to the laboratory assistants as soon as possible.
  • Bronchoscopy allows you to see the condition of the tissues of the bronchi from the inside, to assess their patency and contents. The procedure involves the introduction through the nose or mouth into the bronchi of a bronchofibroscope, which is a thin tube. The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia and allows, if necessary, to make a tissue biopsy.
  • Spirography is performed to rule out bronchial asthma. The process is aimed at measuring the volume of inhaled and exhaled air through the mouth, is performed on an empty stomach and does not require special training.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults

When prescribing therapy, the doctor always takes into account the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as the possibility of developing complications. In most cases, bronchitis does not require the appointment of any etiotropic drugs. Bed rest and plenty of fluids are recommended to relieve intoxication. To alleviate the patient's condition, antipyretic drugs (paracetamol), mucolytics and bronchodilators are prescribed in the form of inhalations, which expand the paths of the bronchi, thereby facilitating the breathing process, or for oral administration.

During the acute phase of the disease, it is important to stop smoking, stay away from cold, damp rooms, eat right, and moderate physical activity.

A good effect is given by physiotherapy - electrophoresis with calcium ion preparations. This process is painless and safe, but requires a daily visit to the physiotherapy room.

If, after the treatment, the doctor does not see an improvement in the patient's condition, he prescribes a course of antibiotics, which are selected based on the data obtained on the basis of sputum analysis. In the absence of such an analysis, the specialist will most likely recommend a broad-spectrum antibiotic to prevent pneumonia.

If during the diagnosis it is established that bronchitis is of an allergic nature, the patient is shown antihistamines and the exclusion of contact with the allergen. If the allergen is unknown, then it is necessary to eliminate the most likely: dust, pet hair, household and industrial chemicals, as well as tobacco smoke and drugs.

If bronchitis has passed into the chronic stage, then therapy during exacerbations is prescribed according to the same scheme as in acute bronchitis. During the period of remission, a sanatorium-resort person is recommended, taking immunocorrectors, creating favorable climatic conditions for work and at home. Any bronchitis implies an immediate cessation of smoking, including passive.

Prevention of bronchitis

Preventive measures to protect against bronchitis are as follows:

  • Annual flu vaccination. It is recommended for everyone, except for those who have contraindications: those suffering from autoimmune processes, patients with oncological diseases, infected with HIV. It is advisable to vaccinate children and persons over 60 years of age.
  • Healthy lifestyle, smoking cessation. Smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages lead to intoxication of the body, which makes it difficult for the immune system to work. In addition, inhalation of tobacco smoke has an irritating effect on the bronchial mucosa, which is the first factor in the development of severe, and sometimes incurable, lung diseases.
  • Elimination of foci of chronic infection, timely visits to the therapist, otolaryngologist, dentist.
  • Increase immunity, hardening. It is important to carry out all these activities gradually, without creating an excessive load on the immune system.
  • Taking reasonable precautions during the epidemic season: avoiding crowded places, wearing a gauze mask, using oxolin ointment, taking herbal adaptogens.

Features of the course of bronchitis during pregnancy

Pregnant women are more prone to bronchitis, so they need to be especially careful to follow preventive measures. An increased risk of bronchopulmonary diseases occurs due to:

  • Natural decrease in immunity during the period of bearing a child. The fetus is foreign to the mother's body, so the woman's immune system does not function as intensively as before pregnancy, so that the embryo is not rejected.
  • The developing fetus puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing it to become less mobile during breathing. This entails a violation of blood circulation, and, therefore, can cause the occurrence of pathological and functional changes. The mucus that appears with bronchitis cannot quickly move away with a cough, which delays and complicates the course of the disease.
  • A natural change in the hormonal background during pregnancy entails swelling of the bronchial mucosa.

The symptomatology of a pregnant woman with bronchitis resembles the classic one, however, the manifestations can be much more pronounced - a higher temperature figure, more pronounced asthenia.

It is very important at the initial stage of the disease to consult a doctor in time: a general practitioner, a pulmonologist before 32 weeks of pregnancy, and an obstetrician-gynecologist after 32 weeks. It is necessary to observe strict bed rest to exclude the development of complications. In order for the intoxication that occurs during the inflammatory process not to harm the child, it is necessary to increase the amount of liquid drunk per day by 1.5 times. At the same time, it is important to monitor the formation of edema, the pastiness of the eyelids and dents after pressing a finger on the front of the lower leg will become alarming symptoms. The drinking regimen should consist of water at room temperature and above, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions, milk (if tolerated).

How to treat bronchitis in adults? Effective drugs and methods

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. Most often it develops against the background of respiratory infections, but it can have other causes. To understand how to treat bronchitis in a particular case, it is important to identify these causes. Competent therapeutic tactics will help eliminate the main symptoms of the disease in a few days.

Basic principles of treatment of bronchitis in adults

Treatment of bronchitis is the competence of a pulmonologist, but in mild forms this disease is treated by generalists - therapists.

What drugs, antibiotics help with the disease?

Before prescribing any drug, the doctor determines the cause of the disease. Bronchitis of a viral, bacterial and allergic nature requires a different approach.

Therefore, in the list of drugs for the treatment of bronchitis there are drugs from different groups:

Antibiotics for bronchitis are prescribed only if an infection of bacterial origin is detected. Antiviral drugs are recommended for the treatment of infectious bronchitis of a viral nature. Bronchodilators - with the development of bronchospasm or in cases where hypersecretion of mucus is observed in the bronchi, and they cannot get rid of sputum on their own.

Therapy of bronchitis of various origins also implies the use of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs: Timogen, Aflubin, Immunal. Antihistamines can also be prescribed - Suprastin, Zirtek.

Inhalations as a method of treatment

Inhalations are a mandatory procedure included in the bronchitis therapy program.

Direct delivery of the drug to the bronchi helps to achieve the following effects:

  • liquefaction of thick sputum;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • removal of bronchospasm.

You can carry out inhalation at home using the “old-fashioned” method - breathe over a hot solution, covering yourself with a towel. But it is much more convenient and safer to perform this procedure using a nebulizer.

The nebulizer allows the use of pharmaceutical preparations for bronchitis for inhalation - Fluimucil, Lazolvan, Gensalbutamol, Berodual. In the absence of the device, steam inhalations are carried out with home solutions, which will be discussed below.

Also, this procedure is contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases, a history of heart attacks and strokes, severe pathologies of the respiratory system (emphysema, pneumothorax, etc.).

Folk remedies

In the piggy bank of folk remedies there are many useful recipes that can be used as auxiliary in the treatment of bronchitis:

  • Infusion for inhalation of chamomile and pine buds. Put 30 grams of chamomile flowers and 30 grams of pine buds in a thermos and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Screw on the lid and leave for 1 hour.
  • Expectorant and anti-inflammatory infusion for inhalation. Make a herbal collection: 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus leaf, licorice root, calendula and chamomile flowers, sage herb. Put everything in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and tighten the lid. Insist 2 hours.
  • Propolis solution for inhalation. Pour 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture of propolis into 1 glass of hot water and use for steam inhalation.
  • Expectorant with honey and aloe. Mix 120 ml of honey, 150 grams of butter and 20 ml of aloe juice and store in the refrigerator. For bronchitis, 2 times a day, dilute 2 teaspoons of the remedy in 1 glass of hot milk.
  • Althea root decoction. Put 2 tablespoons of dry crushed marshmallow root into 1 cup of hot water and place in a water bath. Keep covered for 30 minutes, cool, filter and consume 0.5 cup 4 times a day.

With bronchitis, it is useful to drink a lot of warm vitamin drinks. For this, general strengthening infusions of rose hips, dried fruit compotes are useful. At a temperature, you can cook fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, black currants. Raspberry tea is another versatile traditional medicine for the treatment of many respiratory diseases.

Massage and therapeutic gymnastics

Auxiliary methods in the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi - massage and breathing exercises.

Prevention of bronchitis in adults

Prevention of bronchitis in adults can prevent the development of severe lung diseases.

Bronchitis in adults is a disease for which a characteristic manifestation is the formation of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchial mucosa, as a result of infectious and non-infectious etiology.

When bronchitis occurs in a sick person, gas exchange disorders occur, the body does not receive enough oxygen when severe forms of obstructive bronchitis are neglected.

This pathology can occur in the form of an acute or chronic inflammatory disease. It is also divided into a simple and obstructive form of the disease.

With any type of disease, an inflammatory reaction occurs in a person in the mucous layer of the bronchial wall, this causes swelling of the wall, with increased production of mucous discharge.

To clean the surface of the bronchial wall, patients develop a cough, it wears a protective mechanism.

But at the same time, the mucous discharge can be very viscous, and the work of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi can also be disrupted, which leads to the development of obstruction of the bronchial lumen.

With the development of obstruction, the course of bronchitis is more severe. It should also be noted that an adult develops most often obstructive forms of bronchitis, with a chronic course.

Acute forms of the inflammatory process in the bronchi most often develop as complications after suffering acute respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The spread of inflammation occurs from top to bottom. This is possible with a late start of therapy for acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, non-compliance with the home regimen.

This disease is very common among the causes of temporary disability in adult patients.

Reasons why bronchitis develops

As already mentioned, non-infectious and infectious causes that can cause bronchitis in adults can be distinguished. The causes of infectious genesis include the following:

  • viral flora (rhinovirus, adenovirus, RS-virus infections);
  • bacterial flora (streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, mycoplasmal, chlamydial infections);
  • fungal flora (candida).

Fungal infections occur only in the presence of persistent disorders in the patient's immunity. The causes of non-infectious genesis include the following:

  • smoking;
  • inhalation of industrial dust, toxic gases (industrial production);
  • allergic effects;
  • air pollution in large cities.

There are also a number of effects that help in the development of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi:

  • frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • violations in the immune system;
  • severe concomitant pathologies of other organs;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • inflammatory processes of a chronic course in the organs of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries, pharyngitis, tracheitis);
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages.

It can also be noted that the development of chronic inflammation is also possible with untreated acute inflammation in the bronchi.

One can speak of a chronic inflammatory reaction in the bronchi only if this process continues for more than three months over the previous two years.

Cases with a duration of illness less than this period are acute forms of bronchitis.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the development of chronic bronchitis occurs with prolonged exposure to an etiological factor, if chronic bronchitis does not occur in time to eliminate it.

Chronic bronchitis are downstream more unfavorable, since they cause changes in the walls of the bronchi, which are persistent. These changes with the course of the disease only intensify and do not completely disappear.

Symptoms of the disease

Acute bronchitis in adults begins mainly with signs of viral infection, which causes an increase in intoxication manifestations in the first hours or days.

The manifestations of intoxication changes in the body of patients are characterized by the presence of symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • chills;
  • aches in the joints, muscles;
  • severe weakness;
  • general malaise;
  • fever;
  • appetite disorders.

The severity of intoxication changes depends directly on the level of the body's defenses (reactivity), so when they decrease, there is a slight increase in temperature or its absence.

Then the developed inflammation in the bronchial mucosa appears, it primarily includes the presence of a cough.

The maximum severity of cough is present in the first few days of acute bronchitis. It can be frequent, paroxysmal, painful.

Causes sleep disorders of the patient, severely exhausting patients. In this case, patients may experience pain in the chest.

The cough is aggravated by being in rooms with dry air, in a cold room. Over time, patients develop a wet cough, in which sputum is discharged.

The nature of sputum depends directly on what factor caused the inflammatory process. For the infectious process of viral genesis, the presence of light or transparent sputum is characteristic.

And for the infectious process of bacterial genesis, one can note the presence of purulent signs in the separated sputum - a greenish hue, viscous in nature.

If during the illness the patient develops obturation of the lumen of the bronchi, then shortness of breath joins the cough. At the same time, there are violations of the respiratory function, expressed in difficulty in exhaling.

Signs of acute bronchitis are observed in patients in most cases up to 10-14 days, the symptoms of the disease are most pronounced in the first three to five days.

With proper treatment, after this period, a complete recovery occurs, but if the inflammation is not completely cured, it can turn into a chronic form of bronchitis.

The chronic form of the disease can develop as a result of incomplete treatment of acute inflammation, or with prolonged exposure to provoking factors.

Chronic damage to the bronchial tree is manifested by periods of exacerbations and remissions of the disease.

Chronic bronchitis, like acute bronchitis, can be simple and obstructive.

A distinctive feature of simple chronic bronchitis is that during the remission phase, a person does not have any respiratory disorders.

And the exacerbation phase is characterized by the development of all signs of acute bronchitis.

Obstructive forms of bronchitis do not cause severe changes in patients for a long time, a person may complain only of a slight cough during the day.

But in the absence of proper therapy, and continued exposure to provoking factors, an increase in clinical manifestations occurs.

The main symptom of obstructive bronchitis is shortness of breath, but it is not pronounced at first, it occurs during heavy exertion. A person does not pay attention to this for a long time and does not receive treatment.

In severe stages, patients hear wheezing, which may be wheezing (due to obstruction). The severe stage of obstructive bronchitis can lead to permanent disability.

Obstructive bronchitis is dangerous because of the possibility of a person developing respiratory failure, which can be fatal.

A simple form of bronchitis is dangerous for the spread of an infectious process with the development of pneumonia, pleurisy, and sepsis. Frequent obstructive bronchitis can cause the formation of secondary asthma.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Diagnosis of this pathology does not cause difficulties for specialists, the main thing is to apply as soon as possible when the first signs of the disease appear.

During examinations, the form and stage of the inflammatory process in the bronchi are clarified, the cause that caused the inflammatory reaction in the bronchi is determined.

Possible complications are identified. Therapy should begin immediately after the diagnosis is made to the patient.

The therapy includes drugs aimed at removing the inflammatory reaction in the bronchi, for this the etiology of bronchitis is being clarified. The required amount of treatment for bronchitis is determined only by a doctor.

Antibacterial agents are used only if there is a bacterial infection. Treatment begins with the following drugs:

Acute bronchitis of viral etiology is also quite common, then antiviral agents are prescribed:

The second main goal in the treatment of bronchitis is to remove mucus from the bronchi, for this, mucolytic agents are used:

Obstruction is relieved by means that expand the lumen of the bronchial tree:

Comprehensive treatment is always prescribed for bronchitis, physiotherapy is also used as an additional therapy. For physiotherapeutic treatment of bronchitis use:

  • electrophoresis;
  • Diadynamic currents;
  • Inhalations.

Inhalations can also be used in physiotherapy departments, or at home with the help of a nebulizer.

Only a doctor can prescribe any procedure, self-medication cannot be carried out.

Preventive measures

Prevention of bronchitis includes the elimination of all factors that can cause the development of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi:

  • mandatory smoking cessation;
  • compliance with the rules of protection when working in hazardous industries;
  • elimination of allergic effects on the body;
  • dress strictly according to temperature conditions;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • eat rationally;
  • treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity in time;
  • avoid contact with patients with acute respiratory diseases.

Also, the prevention of bronchitis includes general recommendations that will help to avoid many inflammatory diseases:

  • regular wet cleaning of premises;
  • regular ventilation of the premises;
  • humidification of the inhaled air;
  • breathing exercises;
  • regular exercise.

In addition, the prevention of bronchitis includes vaccination:

  • influenza vaccine;
  • pneumococcal vaccines.

Now there are also courses of vaccination against pneumococcal infections with parenteral vaccines.

It is also possible to use products containing lysates of pneumococci. These funds include:

They are used as a course in the autumn period. Before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the prevention of the disease can prevent the development of acute forms and avoid the transition of bronchitis to a chronic form.

Ways to treat bronchitis in a child and an adult

All higher vertebrates in the body have a windpipe. Its branches are called bronchi. They are involved in the process of air transport. If these branches get sick, then this is called bronchitis. Moreover, it can begin not only in an adult, but also in a very small child.

Stages of development of bronchitis

Before treating bronchitis in a child or an adult, it doesn’t matter, you need to know as reliably as possible how much the disease has developed. To do this, you need to contact a doctor who deals with this disease - a pulmonologist.

Inflammatory process in the bronchi

There are two stages of the disease:

If the first stage of bronchitis is detected, a person can be treated at home. But, in the case of the second, you will need to be observed by a doctor or even go to the hospital.

Symptoms of bronchitis

Bronchitis has several symptoms by which it can be recognized. They are the following:

  • The person coughs, sometimes with anguish. In the early days, the cough is dry.
  • He has sputum for 4-5 days.
  • At the same time, the patient coughs not for a day or two, but for more than 3 months.

  • The temperature rises slightly.
  • Weakness, lethargy, apathy.
  • Headache.
  • Shortness of breath is possible.
  • There is pain behind the chest.
  • Increased sweating.

Bronchitis is especially dangerous for women in position. Without wasting a minute, the expectant mother should immediately go to the doctor. Treatment with traditional medicine in this case can only be carried out with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise, there may be a threat to the baby.

Causes of the disease

The disease enters a person by airborne droplets. Against the background of bronchitis, flu or a cold can also develop. The main causes of bronchitis are viruses or tiny bacteria. The disease develops from the fact that the virus enters the body, "prescribes" there and begins to negatively affect the epithelium of the mucosa. Under the influence of such a “neighbor”, the cell will collapse and die, and then become food for other harmful bacteria. The trophism is disturbed, inflammation of the mucosa occurs, the bronchi can become clogged.

Diagnosis and treatment

The first step to recovery is an examination. Blood and urine tests are given. A chest x-ray is required. Further, the doctor already establishes at what stage the disease is, and determines how to treat bronchitis. Since this disease is inflammation, appropriate drugs are prescribed. It is necessary to thin the sputum so that it does not come out with such difficulty. For this, mucolytics are used. And to make the patient easier to endure bronchitis, he is prescribed cough-suppressing drugs. After determining the sensitivity of the flora, antibiotics are prescribed.

Also, the doctor will say that bad habits will have to be abandoned, exercise should be minimized, rest and sleep more, eat not everything, but soft and small, so that inflammation decreases. Salty and spicy foods should be eaten as little as possible.

The more the patient drinks, the better. Perfect for this tea, brewed with herbs. Or you can drink tea with lemon balm, mint and lemon. A little honey is added to the water and also given to the patient to drink. Mineral water is allowed, but only alkaline. For example, "Essentuki" or "Borjomi". Too hot or strong tea should not be given, the same applies to coffee.

Rubbing helps well with bronchitis. In order to conduct them, camphor oil is purchased. "Doctor MOM" has proven itself well. Turpentine ointment can also be used, but for children over 3 years old. And of course, one cannot fail to mention the "star" - Vietnamese balm.

back rub procedure

It is important to know that a common cold can turn into bronchitis. Viruses do not allow the bronchi to work, disrupting their cleansing function.

As the volume of mucus increases, so does the obstruction. Therefore, the main thing is to reduce mucus, to make sure that it leaves the body. To do this, use antibacterial agents ("Macrotussin").

Next, we need such anti-bronchitis drugs, the intake of which will allow the bronchi to expand, stimulating the receptors. These include fenoterol, terbutaline, etc. When the bronchi expand a little, they move on to the next stage of the fight against bronchitis. Now expectorants are prescribed so that sputum begins to stand out. If bronchitis is acute, then medicines are taken made on a plant basis. But in chronic bronchitis, mucolytics are used of synthetic origin, such as lazolvan or ACC. Such drugs will help the epithelium to recover faster, thinning the sputum.

It is important to know that the treatment of bronchitis should be treated comprehensively, taking both antibiotics and mucolytics at the same time. The fourth stage involves taking antibiotics. At an easy stage, it is possible to use alternative medicine.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies also help cure bronchitis. For one of the recipes, pine buds that have grown at least 3 cm are needed. They should be washed well and finely chopped. Then 1 kg of kidneys is added to 3 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After that, the composition should be filtered. Then it must settle, and it is filtered again.

Next, you will need an alcohol tincture of propolis (10 gr.) And honey (1 kg.). Mix with 1 kg of strained kidneys. Stir, heat to 40 0 ​​C. Cool and pour into a bottle, which is corked. Choose a cool place to store it. Jam is eaten like this6 1 tsp. taken half an hour before meals. If honey is not available, sugar syrup is suitable, which is boiled for 10 minutes.

One of the effective remedies for treating bronchitis is radish. They take a baking sheet, cut the radish into cubes, cover it with sugar. Turn on the oven on a small fire and bake the radish there for about 2 hours. Then the resulting mixture must be filtered, and the pieces thrown away - they are no longer needed. The resulting liquid is needed, which is taken in 2 tsp. before meals and before going to bed. In total, they drink 4 times a day.

Radish juice with sugar

Another good remedy for treating bronchitis with folk remedies is onions and garlic. 10 onions need to be peeled, cut very finely. 1 head of garlic is also peeled and chopped. The components must be mixed, take milk, put them in it and cook until they become completely soft. As soon as this happens, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tsp. mint juice. Mix and take every hour all day long.

Butter also helps with bronchitis. It will require 2 tbsp. Mix the butter with 2 yolks. 1 tsp is added there. flour and 2 tsp. honey. All this must be thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass. Use the resulting drug for 1 tsp. a day several times.

You can also take egg yolks, mix them with sugar and take them on an empty stomach.

The effectiveness of black radish as a remedy for bronchitis has long been proven. The product must be grated and squeezed out the juice. Then honey is added to it (for sweetness, because black radish is extremely bitter). What happened is consumed before eating, and also before going to bed. The dose of the composition is 2 tbsp.

For the following recipe for bronchitis medicine, you need carrot juice, which can be purchased at the store or squeezed out yourself. And still need milk. Liquids should be mixed in a ratio of 1:1. Drink a mixture of warm at least 5 times a day.

Do not forget about the anti-inflammatory properties of sage. Moreover, you only need 1 tbsp. It must be mixed with milk (1 cup) and boiled. Then you need to strain and again put to boil. Drink only hot before going to bed.

Chronic bronchitis is different in that the disease progresses, not only branches are affected, but the entire windpipe (bronchial tree).

The bronchi cannot clear themselves due to the influence of various aggressive agents. Various methods are used for treatment. It all depends on what phase the disease is in, what features it has.

Traditional medicine for bronchitis will help in this case. An excellent medicine is coltsfoot, or rather, its leaves. Pour 1 tbsp. leaves 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 1 hour. Filter, drink 4 times a day for 0.25 cups.

Dried linden is used - it needs 3 tablespoons. Pour it with a glass of boiling water, make a water bath and heat it there for 15 minutes. Next, you need to strain, pour boiling water to make a full glass. Drink hot 3 times a day. Take half a glass at a time.

In order for sputum to come out better and the cough to soften, the following infusion is brewed: 1 tbsp. dried tricolor violets are poured with boiling water, then all this should be heated for half an hour in a water bath. Then the solution is cooled, squeezed and topped up with boiling water, so that in the end it becomes 200 gr. Drink 3 times daily. At one time you need to drink a third of the glass.

Field violet is an anti-inflammatory agent. We need stems and leaves. They are crushed, take 1 tsp, pour 1 tbsp. boiled water, insist 60 minutes, then filter. Drink the solution 3 times daily. Dose - 1 spoon.

Plantain has good expectorant properties. You should take 1 tsp, pour boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. The course of admission is from 3 to 4 times a day.

However, it should be remembered that before taking folk remedies for acute and chronic bronchitis, you must consult a doctor who recommends certain prescriptions, taking into account the stage of the disease.

It all starts with a tickle in the throat. An invisible hand draws a feather across the back of the throat. Then a rumble erupts from the depths of the chest. Suddenly, a volcano explodes in the lungs, for the next few minutes you cough, and your mouth fills with phlegm - lava thrown down by the lungs.

You got bronchitis, or to be more precise, bronchitis got you. Bronchitis usually wins as there is little you can do to get rid of it.

“In many ways, bronchitis is very similar to the common cold. It's usually caused by a virus, says pulmonologist Barbara Phillips, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, so antibiotics can't do much. Sometimes, however, bronchitis is caused by bacteria, in which case antibiotics work. Acute bronchitis in most cases goes away on its own in a week or two, but chronic patients can cough and choke for months. Although you should let the disease take its course, there are things you can do to help you breathe easier when you are sick.”

Symptoms that should see a doctor

Bronchitis needs medical attention if:

  • the cough worsens after a week, but does not weaken;
  • you have a fever and cough up blood;
  • you are an elderly person, and you are tormented by a dry cough with another disease;
  • you are short of breath and have long bouts of coughing.

This is the most important thing you can do, especially for chronic bronchitis. Quit smoking - and your chances of getting rid of the disease will increase significantly. “90-95% of cases of chronic bronchitis come directly from smoking,” says pulmonologist Daniel Simmons, professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“Your bronchitis will get better if you stop smoking,” agrees Gordon L. Snyder, a pulmonologist and professor at Boston University School of Medicine and Tufts University School of Medicine. “If you smoke for a long time, then some of the damage caused to your lungs can no longer be repaired, but if you started smoking not so long ago, you are more likely to recover completely.”

Try to avoid the company of smokers

Avoid the company of those who smoke. If your spouse smokes, get him/her to quit. Smoking others can cause bronchitis in you.

“You need to avoid tobacco smoke by all means,” warns Dr. Phillips. “Even if you don’t smoke yourself, but inhale someone else’s smoke, then you become a so-called passive smoker, and this can cause you bronchitis.”

Drink more liquid

“Drinking helps mucus become more watery and easier to cough up,” explains Dr. Phillips. “4 to 6 glasses of fluid a day will help dissolve the mucus properly.”

Warm drink is best - plain water. “Avoid caffeine or alcoholic beverages,” Dr. Phillips cautions. “They are diuretics, you urinate more often and actually lose more fluid than you gain.”

Breathe warm, moist air

Warm, moist air helps the mucus to evaporate. “If the mucus is thick and hard to cough up, a vaporizer will help ease the secretion. You can get up in the bathroom, close the door and turn on the shower, breathing in the warm moisture that fills your bathroom."

Set up a steam bath

“The steam from the washbasin in the bathroom will help a lot,” says Dr. Snyder. “Fill the sink with hot water, cover your head with a towel, set up a kind of tent, and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes every 2 hours.”

Don't expect too much from expectorants

“There is no scientific evidence that there is any drug that can dry out mucus,” says Dr. Phillips. “Any liquids are the best way to clear your throat.”

Listen to your cough

Is your cough productive or not? “If it is productive, such as producing phlegm, do not seek to stop it altogether, as it clears your lungs. Tolerate the cough as long as possible,” advises Dr. Simmons.

Mute the sound

On the other hand, “if you have a non-productive cough, i.e. nothing is coughed up, then it is good to take a medicine that stops the cough. Choose ones that have the active ingredient dextromethorphan,” recommends Dr. Simmons.

Smokers, clean the air!

Smokers plagued by chronic bronchitis can be coaxed into drinking milk using research findings from Melvin Tokman, MD, pulmonologist and assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

"We found that people who smoke and drink milk are less likely to experience chronic bronchitis attacks than those who smoke but don't drink milk." Dr. Tokman found this connection by comparing the medical history and lifestyle of 2,539 smokers.

“Smokers who drink milk consume an average of 1 glass per day. So, concludes Dr. Tokman, “if you can't stop smoking, drink milk.”

“Why milk might suppress an attack of bronchitis in smokers remains a mystery,” he admits, but notes that “no such effect has been found in nonsmokers who drink milk.” However, he does not recommend milk as an antidote for smokers with bronchitis: "Quitting is still the best way to get rid of chronic bronchitis."

A frequently ill child is a concept that does not exist in official medicine, but all doctors and parents know it. It is mainly used in relation to respiratory diseases. Why does a child often develop bronchitis, and what to do in this case?

How does bronchitis appear?

In a healthy state, the bronchi are covered from the inside with a thin layer of mucous membrane.

It performs a protective function: envelops the respiratory tract and retains small particles of dust that enter with the breath.

With the help of a cough reflex and contraction of the muscle layer, the bronchi remove from the body all foreign particles that have settled on the mucosa.

When an infection enters the body, inflammation, swelling appear in the bronchi, and degenerative changes may occur.

The lumen of the path narrows due to excessive production of mucus, which is difficult to expectorate. The same happens with an allergic course, when the provoking factor constantly irritates the respiratory mucosa.

Causes of bronchitis

Inflammation in the bronchial tree can be caused by:

  1. infection. Viruses enter through the respiratory tract much more often than you think. Due to the protective properties of the body, only a small part of them is activated and causes disease. The causes of frequent bronchitis may be a violation of the immune defense, when it is not able to defeat the infection at the initial stage.
  2. Toxins. Irritation of the mucous membrane, for example, with toxic poisoning, leads to an inflammatory process. If the action of toxins has stopped, then the airways begin to heal, and the symptoms subside. However, the recovery process is accompanied by increased sputum production, due to which a person may still complain of a cough. In adults, persistent bronchitis can occur, for example, due to the peculiarities of working with chemicals.
  3. Allergens. Every time you come into contact with an allergen, your body reacts in a certain way. For example, with hay fever, coughing can bother you every time you go outside in the spring. In this case, it is important to distinguish an infectious course from an allergic one.

Recurrent bronchitis

Doctors call frequent bronchitis in children recurrent bronchitis. Its characteristics:

  1. Occurs against the background of a respiratory viral infection.
  2. Rhinitis and redness of the throat in a patient pass much faster than a cough.
  3. It is more common in children under 4 years of age.
  4. Symptoms last 2 weeks or longer.
  5. Acute episodes appear 4 times a year or more.

The cause of recurrent bronchitis is the increased sensitivity of the mucosa, which begins to actively respond to the slightest hit of the virus. This feature is observed in children prone to allergies, as well as non-observance of healthy climatic conditions in the room. For example, children may often get sick when:

  1. Hereditary predisposition to allergies, especially respiratory ones (hay fever, animal hair).
  2. Passive smoking.
  3. Congenital pathologies of bronchial tissue (dysplasia).
  4. Chronic overdrying of the mucosa due to dry and hot air.


With frequent recurrent cough treatment is v:

  • Eliminate the cause of the acute condition.
  • Relief of the patient's symptoms.
  • Identification of the causes of frequent relapses and their prevention.

Standard therapy for acute bronchitis includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antivirals.
  2. Antibiotics. Doctors may prescribe them to prevent the development of pneumonia.
  3. Immunostimulants. Raise the body's own defenses and prevent relapses.
  4. Mucolytics. Liquefies mucus and makes it easier to expel.
  5. Expectorants. Promotes expectoration and cleansing of the respiratory tract.
  6. Antihistamines. Effectively relieve swelling in any etiology of the disease.

With recurring bronchitis, which "are treated for six months", it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Lots of outdoor walks.
  2. Maintain humid and cool indoor air.
  3. In the summer, during the heat, use an inhaler with saline daily to prevent the mucosa from drying out.
  4. Lead an active lifestyle and eat right.
  5. Avoid smoky and dusty areas.

Such activities will help strengthen the cardiovascular and immune systems so that the child does not get sick. They are also the basis for the prevention of many respiratory diseases..

During an illness, patients are often interested in the following questions:

Can children walk with bronchitis? Doctors are allowed to walk on the street if the child feels well, and he no longer has a temperature.

Can adults smoke during bronchitis? Smoking only aggravates the course of the disease. Chronic bronchitis in adults is often triggered by smoking.

Where to glue the pepper patch for bronchitis? The warming effect of pepper and other folk remedies should extend to the focus of inflammation, so they glue it on the back and chest, avoiding the heart area.

Residual cough

Residual is a cough that continues after recovery. It appears as a result of damage to the mucous membrane during an illness. Recovery may take up to three weeks, during which time the cough may persist. As a rule, it is not accompanied by sputum discharge..

The recovery period depends on the strength of the immune system. The bronchi are irritated and easily infected. Again, humidified air and a diet rich in vitamins will help speed up the healing of the mucosa.

Doctor Komarovsky will talk about bronchitis

The doctor will tell you about the causes of obstructive bronchitis and how to treat it.

Is bronchitis contagious or not, and how to avoid infection?

What are the symptoms of the disease and how can you get infected?

Bronchitis- inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the bronchi, which is accompanied by cough and slight sputum. Depending on the pathogen, the pathology can be:

  1. bacterial- caused by staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci;
  2. viral- it is provoked by influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, etc.

Different types of the disease are characterized by different symptoms:

  1. expectoration of greenish sputum- bacterial inflammation;
  2. dry cough- a sign that the cause of the disease was a virus.

Since the route of transmission of the disease is airborne, the relevance of the question of whether bronchitis is contagious to others is especially high during an exacerbation of respiratory diseases. A particularly “sick” question is whether bronchitis is contagious in children, because it is during this period that they are in kindergartens and schools. Since the causative agents of pathology in children are no different from adults, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that yes, bronchitis is contagious to others.

During an exacerbation of SARS, you can increase the intake of vitamins that will help strengthen the immune system.

Are different types of bronchitis contagious?

acute is called an acute illness. To understand whether acute bronchitis is contagious, it is enough to recall the pathogens of the respiratory tract. Since they are transmitted with air and particles of infected saliva, it can be concluded that the acute form is invasive.

Chronic form occurs if the treatment has not been completed and the disease has become chronic. It is characterized by the rapid development of the disease with the slightest decrease in immunity. From the first infection, the disease does not become chronic if properly treated. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether chronic bronchitis is contagious is no, it is impossible to be infected with the chronic form from a sick person.

Obstructive is a type of disease in which the patency of the lungs is impaired due to the accumulation of sputum in the respiratory tract. A large amount of sputum is caused by a bacterial infection of the bronchi, and therefore it is extremely simple to find out whether obstructive bronchitis is contagious - since the cause is a bacterium, it is invasive.

If treatment is not completed in a timely manner, a chronic form of obstructive disease may also develop. The answer to whether chronic obstructive bronchitis is contagious or not will be negative.

How to avoid illness?

To prevent infection, you need to follow preventive measures:

  1. Wash hands every time before eating;
  2. Regular ventilation of residential premises;
  3. Timely treatment of respiratory diseases;
  4. Rejection of all bad habits.

It is appropriate to carry out preventive measures that will be aimed at increasing immunity - playing sports, hardening, rationalizing nutrition, observing the daily routine.

A preventive measure will be a visit to sanatoriums that are located by the sea or in forests. The air of coniferous forests is enriched with phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Sea air has a beneficial effect.

How to avoid bronchitis?

From the beginning of December to the end of March, the number of people with bronchitis increases significantly. How to protect yourself and what to do if the first symptoms have already appeared?

Our expert is a pulmonologist, therapist of the therapeutic department of the polyclinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" of the Ministry of Health of Russia Eldar Huseynov.

Not a bacterium, but a virus

It is believed that bronchitis is the result of a bacterial infection. Actually it is not.

During the cold season, when viruses are especially active, try to stay in crowded places as little as possible. If this is not possible (for example, you travel to work by public transport during rush hour), wear a medical mask. But do not forget: its protective effect lasts no more than two hours, after which it must be changed to a new one.

Take care of your immunity. In the midst of viral activity, it is important to take vitamin complexes containing a lot of ascorbic acid. You can also get it from products, for example, rose hips or citrus fruits (if they are not allergic). In general, the diet should be balanced and contain enough protein.

Follow the rules of hygiene. Viruses survive on many objects, so wash your hands with soap and water when you come in from outside. If you plan to be away from home for a long time, carry wet wipes or antiseptic gel with you. After visiting places where there are a lot of people, it is useful to rinse your nose with sea or just salt water, as well as gargle your throat.

Ventilate the apartment every day, regularly do wet cleaning.

Take care of the air quality in the house: in the winter season it is too dry due to the heating. Such air acts irritatingly on the bronchi of the patient. You can purchase a special humidifier, but if the cost of it was not included in your plans, you can really get by with improvised means. For example, hang a few wet towels in the room.

If a person has treated acute bronchitis in a timely manner, the walls of his bronchi, as a rule, restore their normal structure. And the mucociliary apparatus, which is “responsible” for cleansing the respiratory tract, starts working normally again. If there was no treatment or it was inadequate, bronchitis can become chronic, and the prognosis here is already different. Inflammation in the bronchi does not completely disappear, and the damage caused by it often persists. Fortunately, negative changes are usually observed not in all parts of the bronchi. Unfortunately, during each new exacerbation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation increases, the lesion spreads.

That is why the "chronicles" should approach prevention especially carefully. They need to strictly follow all the rules described above, as well as get vaccinated against the flu. It often becomes an impetus to problems with the bronchi, and after vaccination, the risk of getting sick, although it does not completely disappear, decreases.

Also, for those who suffer from chronic bronchitis, it is important to consult a doctor at the first sign of malaise. However, this also applies to healthy people if they start to cough - acute bronchitis also requires the help of a professional.

You can't joke with antibiotics

Alas, in most cases people are in no hurry to visit the doctor, preferring self-medication. And already on the first day of coughing, in the hope of recovering as soon as possible, they begin taking antibiotics. This is pointless, because bronchitis is mainly caused by viruses that antibacterial drugs do not work on.

But then, when a bacterial infection really joins the viruses and antibiotics are needed, it is extremely difficult to treat those who started taking them ahead of time. There are several groups of antibacterial drugs that are used for respiratory diseases. The doctor chooses a group and a particular remedy, taking into account many factors that patients cannot take into account. As a result, the drug bought at random does not help, the person finally goes to the doctor, and he cancels the drug. It would seem that terrible? And the fact that now the doctor cannot prescribe another remedy from the same group. It will be ineffective, although, perhaps, initially some of the drugs could help.

As a result, the duration of therapy increases, and the risk that prolonged bronchitis becomes chronic increases. This is if you have experimented with one remedy. But what if you managed to try antibiotics from several groups?

Therefore, you need to see a doctor right away. And if this is not possible on the first day of coughing, it is worth taking not an antibiotic, but an antiviral drug. By the way, such remedies are also useful for the prevention of bronchitis. During the cold season, they can be taken as a course according to a special preventive scheme, which is described in the instructions.

Prevention of bronchitis: how to avoid the disease in adults

Prevention of bronchitis is essential in order to avoid this severe lung disease. Bronchitis is a disease for which inflammation in the bronchial mucosa of non-infectious or infectious etiology is typical.

During bronchitis, the patient develops a violation of gas exchange, as a result of which the body experiences a lack of oxygen. This phenomenon is typical for advanced forms of obstructive bronchitis.

Bronchitis can be:

For any form of the disease, an inflammatory process in the mucous epithelium of the bronchi, swelling of the walls and increased secretion of mucous exudate are typical. Cough, which invariably accompanies bronchitis, is a mucosal response to an irritant, that is, it is a protective mechanism.

Acute bronchitis is usually a consequence of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Inflammation spreads in the respiratory system from top to bottom and indicates untimely treatment of acute respiratory infections or its complete absence.

Bronchitis is able to disable an able-bodied person for a long time and put him in a hospital bed.

Causes of bronchitis

Bronchitis can be of infectious and non-infectious origin. The causes of infectious inflammation of the bronchi are as follows:

  • viral microflora (adenoviral, rhinovirus, RS-viral infections);
  • bacterial flora (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, chlamydia, mycoplasmas);
  • fungi such as Candida.

Fungal infections develop only if the patient's immunity is significantly weakened.

Factors of non-infectious genesis of bronchitis: smoking, inhalation of toxic gases and industrial dust (harmful production);

Polluted air in large cities, allergens.

There are a number of additional factors contributing to the development of bronchitis:

  • poor immunity;
  • frequent colds and viral diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • concomitant pathologies of other organs;
  • frequent inflammation of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract;
  • alcohol abuse.

How does bronchitis manifest itself?

Acute bronchitis begins with a viral infection that causes symptoms of general intoxication of the body. The patient begins to feel:

  1. chills;
  2. headache;
  3. weakness in the whole body;
  4. pain in muscles and joints;
  5. body temperature rises;
  6. loss of appetite.

The severity of these symptoms directly depends on the strength of the immune system. After the first signs of the disease have manifested themselves, they are joined by a cough, which indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa.

The most severe cough occurs in the first few days of acute bronchitis. It can be constant or paroxysmal, but always painful. Attacks of coughing keep the patient awake and cause pain in the chest.

When the patient is in a room with dry air, the cough intensifies.

After a few days, a dry cough turns into a wet one, and sputum begins to come out of the bronchi.

Prevention of inflammation of the bronchi

Primary prevention of bronchitis is limited to the following recommendations:

  • eradication of bad habits, in particular smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • it is desirable to avoid those activities that entail the inhalation of harmful vapors (aluminum, lead, chlorides);
  • it is necessary to treat any chronic infections in a timely manner: sinusitis, tonsillitis, folliculitis;
  • during an outbreak, visits to public places and travel by public transport should be avoided;
  • in the cold season you need to dress warmly.

In order for the body to resist disease, it must be constantly tempered. Support for immunity is carried out with the help of a balanced diet, taking a complex of vitamins, good rest and moderate physical activity.

Since influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections most often occur in the autumn-winter period, when the body is weakened, vaccination should be carried out at this time.

The air in residential and industrial premises must be humidified, which is especially important in winter when the rooms are heated.

Secondary prevention of bronchitis is a precautionary measure for a chronic illness. Such prevention of bronchitis is necessary to minimize the number of exacerbations and prevent the development of severe complications. Therefore, the patient must eliminate any factors contributing to the exacerbation.

  1. Diagnosis and treatment of acute bronchitis should be carried out in a timely manner.
  2. During epidemics, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs for prevention.
  3. Treatment of chronic bronchitis should be comprehensive.

Non-traditional methods of prevention

Onion is a food rich in a number of useful elements, including bioflavonoid and quercetin. Both of these substances are able to protect the respiratory tract from infection.

Regular consumption of onions (preferably raw) is an excellent prevention of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

Drinking plenty of water contributes to the rapid thinning and discharge of sputum, therefore, in any form of bronchitis, it is recommended to consume as much liquid as possible. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This measure promotes hydration of the body.

Herbal tea with mullein is an effective remedy not only for the prevention of bronchitis, but also for the treatment of an existing disease. The drink has a calming effect on the mucous membranes and helps to remove mucus.

To prepare this healing tea, you need to brew a handful of dried leaves of the plant in boiling water (2 teaspoons per glass) and boil for about 10 minutes. Strained drink is recommended to drink 3 times a day.

Pulmonologists advise their patients to inflate balloons or blow into a device with a non-return valve. Such a measure trains the lungs and effectively removes mucus from the entire respiratory tract. In addition, you can use chest warming when coughing.

Spices play an important role in the prevention of bronchitis. These are curry, red pepper and other spices that can be found in every kitchen. Spices are used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of bronchitis. Adding spices to food helps the body quickly get rid of pathogenic mucus that has accumulated in the bronchopulmonary system.

Experts will tell you about what bronchitis is and how to prevent it in the video in this article.

In the cold season, the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARVI) traditionally increases.

Common complications of SARS are sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia and, of course, bronchitis, manifested by cough and sputum. Also, against the background of colds, an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis occurs.

Why does bronchitis develop after SARS and how to avoid it?

One of the main causes of complications is wrong treatment. This applies primarily to the treatment regimen, which is often "developed" by the patient himself, without the participation of a doctor. A variety of drugs are used: those that are actively advertised, and those that friends advised, and those that were found in the home medicine cabinet.

Unreasonable medication can be not only ineffective, but also detrimental to the body, which is already having a hard time. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, having previously determined the cause of the disease.

Non-compliance with the regime and lack of treatment- Another reason for the development of complications, including bronchitis. Compliance with bed rest, refusal to attend work or school is an important condition for treatment. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a patient to ignore the symptoms of the disease, continuing to visit public places and doing their usual activities, without attempting treatment.

Such an attitude in the vast majority of cases will lead to a deterioration in the condition and the development of complications, as well as the appearance of chronic diseases or the most sad consequences.

The third factor that provokes the development of bronchitis and other complications after SARS is weakened immune system. Under the influence of a virus, the body becomes vulnerable, since most viruses are able to suppress its protective functions.

Against this background, the causative agents of chronic infections “wake up”, and in addition, the body is poorly protected from the penetration of new microbes from the outside.

Thus, during the period of a cold, we are defenseless against both our chronic diseases and the development of new ones. Any hypothermia, overexertion or malaise can cause complications.

Complications after SARS are divided into pulmonary and non-pulmonary. Bronchitis, as well as pneumonia and bronchiolitis, belong to the first group - pulmonary complications. The second group includes otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, meningitis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchi. Its development is provoked by viruses:

  • pneumococci,
  • haemophilus influenzae,
  • streptococci, etc.

In rare cases, bronchitis can be caused by fungi, contact with allergens, or inhalation of toxic substances.

Why is bronchitis dangerous for children?

The most important thing to know is that the younger the child, the more severe the consequences of bronchitis for him. This is due to the fact that in very young children the respiratory tract is not yet fully developed, which is fraught with the transition of the acute form of the disease into a chronic one, as well as the development of obstruction.

Obtaining such a chronic "sore" as bronchitis as a result of complications of ARVI weakens the immune system in children, and the constant inflammatory process in the bronchi negatively affects the mucous membrane. Edema, proliferation of connective tissue - all this leads to obstruction - narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. As a result: serious respiratory disorders, shortness of breath, oxygen starvation.

Serious consequences of bronchitis in children include:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • acute and chronic obstructive bronchitis,
  • obstructive pulmonary disease.

Why is bronchitis dangerous for adults?

Despite the fact that SARS complicated by bronchitis is less dangerous for adults than for children, it can also lead to the development of unpleasant diseases.

With the transition of acute bronchitis to a chronic form, an ongoing inflammatory process is observed, which leads to metabolic disorders in the lung tissue. The alveoli of the lungs are stretched, lose their ability to contract normally and do not provide enough oxygen to the blood. As a result: constant shortness of breath and oxygen starvation.

Bronchitis symptoms

With the development of complications, the infection gradually moves down the respiratory tract, which is manifested first by a dry, hoarse cough, hoarseness, sometimes loss of voice (symptoms of laryngitis), then a dry cough with pain (symptoms of tracheitis), and then bronchitis.

One of the main symptoms of bronchitis is coughing. At first it may be dry, then sputum discharge begins. By its color and consistency, one can judge the causes of the disease:

  • green or yellow sputum - a bacterial infection in the bronchi,
  • light and transparent - a viral infection or an allergic reaction,
  • cheesy and white sputum in the form of unpleasantly smelling clots - a fungal infection.

Of course, coughing does not always mean the development of bronchitis, but there are special signs by which you can suspect this disease in yourself:

  • Cough becomes frequent and hacking. It may be dry or with sputum discharge, but its duration for several weeks indicates an infection in the bronchi.
  • Wheezing on breathing. Blockage of the bronchi with mucus leads to the appearance of "hard" breathing and wheezing. You may not hear them on your own, but the doctor will definitely identify these signs when listening.
  • If these symptoms are accompanied weakness, lethargy and fever, this can also be considered a symptom of the inflammatory process in the bronchi.

The appearance of shortness of breath, a repeated increase in temperature, a prolonged state of weakness indicates the attachment of a bacterial infection to a viral one or the development of complications of bronchitis (pneumonia).

How to distinguish bronchitis from SARS?

Since bronchitis is often the result of colds, it is very important to understand in time that another has joined one disease.

To understand that you have developed bronchitis against the background of SARS, you need to look at the symptoms of the disease:

  • Dry cough during a cold lasts about 2-3 days, with bronchitis - 1-2 weeks.
  • The temperature does not subside for more than 7 days also indicates an infection in the bronchi.
  • Night cough, wheezing and wheezing in the chest, difficulty breathing are sure signs of developing bronchitis.
  • Reduced or absent sputum production.

Treatment of bronchitis usually requires the use of expectorants. With severe attacks of coughing, drugs that suppress it can also be prescribed.

Important! Taking antibiotics for bronchitis is necessary only if the cause of the disease was the addition of a bacterial infection. H in 90% of the complication in the form of bronchitis is caused by a virus, which means that taking antibacterial agents is not only not effective, but also dangerous!

Bronchitis as a common complication of SARS

With the onset of the autumn-winter period, the inhabitants of Russia are increasingly beginning to suffer from acute respiratory diseases and influenza. Especially often these diseases are sick children of preschool and primary school age. And, if, subject to bed rest and other doctor's recommendations, the disease disappears after 5-7 days, then with insufficient attention to one's health, ARVI and influenza can be complicated by a disease such as acute bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis is one of the most common complications after a viral illness, and is in the top five reasons for patients seeking medical help.

In most cases, bronchitis is caused by influenza, parahippus, adeno and rhinoviruses. Initially, with SARS, these viruses are localized in the upper respiratory tract, but with improper treatment, violation of bed rest and against the background of reduced immunity, the infection can descend into the bronchi and cause inflammation.

Thus, bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system, in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process.

When a bacterial infection is attached, the cause of bronchitis can be pneumococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae and others.

Very rarely, as a rule, against the background of long-term use of antibacterial drugs or with various immunodeficiency conditions, fungal bronchitis may develop.

Symptoms of acute bronchitis :

Complication of the general condition on the 5-7th day after the onset of ARVI with an increase in body temperature, as a rule, up to 38 °, weakness and lethargy.

Accession of a hacking, paroxysmal cough, first dry, then with phlegm. Sputum can be of a different color and consistency, depending on which infection provoked the disease.

It is important not to confuse the sputum discharged from the bronchi with the secretions that form in the upper respiratory tract during a runny nose, which often descend along the back of the pharynx and are expectorated through the mouth, as well as with discharge in the pathology of the oropharynx and larynx.

With bronchitis, the amount of sputum is usually small.

  • Paroxysmal cough that occurs more often at night and causes pain in the abdominal muscles and chest
  • Wheezing on breathing. With inflammation of the bronchi, their lumen is significantly reduced, as a result of which breathing becomes hard and wheezing may appear.
  • Only a doctor can reliably confirm the presence of wheezing in the lower respiratory tract.

    Only a doctor can diagnose acute bronchitis, based on the clinical picture of the disease and laboratory tests. Treatment of bronchitis depends on the provoking factor, the type of course and the form of the disease.

    Taking antibiotics in the treatment of acute bronchitis is advisable only if it is proved that the cause of the disease was the addition of a bacterial infection. But in the vast majority of cases, acute bronchitis is provoked by viruses, which means that taking antibacterial drugs is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.

    Acute bronchitis in an uncomplicated form, with proper treatment and compliance with all doctor's recommendations, lasts about two weeks and ends with a complete recovery.

    • vaccination against influenza and pneumococcal infection reduces the likelihood of influenza in the autumn-winter period and, therefore, reduces the likelihood of bronchitis;
    • timely treatment of colds;
    • balanced diet;
    • hardening;
    • optimal physical activity;
    • giving up bad habits, including smoking;
    • compliance with the regime of work and rest;
    • timely treatment of chronic lung infections.

    Be attentive to your health! Remember that it is better to prevent bronchitis than to treat it later.

    How to avoid bronchitis?

    From the beginning of December to the end of March, the number of people with bronchitis increases significantly. How to protect yourself and what to do if the first symptoms have already appeared?

    Our expert is a pulmonologist, therapist of the therapeutic department of the polyclinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Treatment and Rehabilitation Center" of the Ministry of Health of Russia Eldar Huseynov.

    Not a bacterium, but a virus

    It is believed that bronchitis is the result of a bacterial infection. Actually it is not.

    During the cold season, when viruses are especially active, try to stay in crowded places as little as possible. If this is not possible (for example, you travel to work by public transport during rush hour), wear a medical mask. But do not forget: its protective effect lasts no more than two hours, after which it must be changed to a new one.

    Take care of your immunity. In the midst of viral activity, it is important to take vitamin complexes containing a lot of ascorbic acid. You can also get it from products, for example, rose hips or citrus fruits (if they are not allergic). In general, the diet should be balanced and contain enough protein.

    Follow the rules of hygiene. Viruses survive on many objects, so wash your hands with soap and water when you come in from outside. If you plan to be away from home for a long time, carry wet wipes or antiseptic gel with you. After visiting places where there are a lot of people, it is useful to rinse your nose with sea or just salt water, as well as gargle your throat.

    Ventilate the apartment every day, regularly do wet cleaning.

    Take care of the air quality in the house: in the winter season it is too dry due to the heating. Such air acts irritatingly on the bronchi of the patient. You can purchase a special humidifier, but if the cost of it was not included in your plans, you can really get by with improvised means. For example, hang a few wet towels in the room.

    If a person has treated acute bronchitis in a timely manner, the walls of his bronchi, as a rule, restore their normal structure. And the mucociliary apparatus, which is “responsible” for cleansing the respiratory tract, starts working normally again. If there was no treatment or it was inadequate, bronchitis can become chronic, and the prognosis here is already different. Inflammation in the bronchi does not completely disappear, and the damage caused by it often persists. Fortunately, negative changes are usually observed not in all parts of the bronchi. Unfortunately, during each new exacerbation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation increases, the lesion spreads.

    That is why the "chronicles" should approach prevention especially carefully. They need to strictly follow all the rules described above, as well as get vaccinated against the flu. It often becomes an impetus to problems with the bronchi, and after vaccination, the risk of getting sick, although it does not completely disappear, decreases.

    Also, for those who suffer from chronic bronchitis, it is important to consult a doctor at the first sign of malaise. However, this also applies to healthy people if they start to cough - acute bronchitis also requires the help of a professional.

    You can't joke with antibiotics

    Alas, in most cases people are in no hurry to visit the doctor, preferring self-medication. And already on the first day of coughing, in the hope of recovering as soon as possible, they begin taking antibiotics. This is pointless, because bronchitis is mainly caused by viruses that antibacterial drugs do not work on.

    But then, when a bacterial infection really joins the viruses and antibiotics are needed, it is extremely difficult to treat those who started taking them ahead of time. There are several groups of antibacterial drugs that are used for respiratory diseases. The doctor chooses a group and a particular remedy, taking into account many factors that patients cannot take into account. As a result, the drug bought at random does not help, the person finally goes to the doctor, and he cancels the drug. It would seem that terrible? And the fact that now the doctor cannot prescribe another remedy from the same group. It will be ineffective, although, perhaps, initially some of the drugs could help.

    As a result, the duration of therapy increases, and the risk that prolonged bronchitis becomes chronic increases. This is if you have experimented with one remedy. But what if you managed to try antibiotics from several groups?

    Therefore, you need to see a doctor right away. And if this is not possible on the first day of coughing, it is worth taking not an antibiotic, but an antiviral drug. By the way, such remedies are also useful for the prevention of bronchitis. During the cold season, they can be taken as a course according to a special preventive scheme, which is described in the instructions.

    Or SARS, after which you began to have a strong dry cough, appeared, body temperature dropped below 36.6 degrees or vice versa increased above 38.0 degrees, consult a doctor immediately.

    At low temperatures, you can apply a warming ointment to your chest and back or make a distracting compress from mustard plasters. See your doctor immediately in the morning. You will be prescribed an x-ray, a biochemical and general blood test, a sputum test to determine viruses, and a bronchoscopy.

    Self-treatment of acute bronchitis is unacceptable, especially uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Most often, damage to the bronchi or trachea is caused by viruses, against which antibacterial drugs are powerless. Only a doctor can decide what kind of treatment you need based on the results of the examination and tests.

    You will be advised pharmaceutical preparations, bed rest, drinking plenty of water, taking alkaline mineral waters. The first days of the disease, it is effective to use mustard plasters, alcohol compresses on the chest, foot baths and ointments based on turpentine. With a strong dry cough, you will be prescribed drugs with codeine, bronchodilators, vitamins A and C. You must cure acute bronchitis to the end, otherwise it will turn into a chronic disease.

    Chronic bronchitis is diagnosed in patients who are tormented by a cough with sputum for at least 3 months over a period of two years. The bronchial mucosa secretes an increased amount of sputum, which is poorly coughed up. In wet and cold weather, chronic bronchitis worsens and proceeds with severe shortness of breath, high fever.

    If you have been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, the doctor will recommend taking medications if there are signs of a sharp exacerbation. Most often, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, which must be taken immediately at the first sign of an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

    You will also be prescribed bronchodilators. You should take these funds as soon as you feel an exacerbation, then you need to consult a doctor. You will be prescribed the necessary examination, which is usually used for acute bronchitis. Additionally, a spirogram will be performed.

    Treatment of chronic bronchitis is carried out under the supervision of a physician on an outpatient or inpatient basis.