Products strengthen the brain vessels. Yarrow juice to strengthen the capillaries in the nose

  • Date: 18.04.2019

Without any doubt, weak and fragile vessels are a guarantee of the development of many diseases. Human vessels "envelop" the whole body, with their help the blood circulation occurs, which, in turn, is responsible for the metabolism in the body.

If the “blood pipeline” has lost its tone or is clogged, then the blood will not be able to get to the desired area, and this will inevitably provoke a decrease in human activity. As a result, a bad mood may appear, the pressure will decrease, appetite will disappear. To avoid this, you should know how to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain.

Symptoms worth paying attention to

The body in violation of the vessels of the brain delivers certain signals, such as:

  • pressure and temperature drops;
  • poor heat tolerance;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • meteorological dependence;
  • orthostatic fainting;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • cold limbs;
  • constant motion sickness;
  • darkening of the eyes when changing position;
  • aching joints;
  • weakness in the morning and feeling unwell during the day.

How to identify the problem?

In order to diagnose the state of the vessels of the brain and determine how they need strengthening, use several methods of research:

  • Angiography - with the help of the injection of a contrast agent, it is possible to display brain vessels on the x-ray. The conclusion about the work of the circulatory system is done in terms of speed and consistency of blood vessels filling the vessels.
  • Electroencephalography - the procedure is based on fixing the electrical potentials of the brain. It reflects abnormalities in its tissues.
  • Computed tomography - a combination of computer diagnostics and radiography helps to recognize the size, location, and nature of dysfunctional foci of the brain.
  • Rheoencephalography - oscillations of electrical resistance of tissues are taken into account.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - allows you to display the brain with lesions and explore its blood flow.

What to get in the pharmacy

If you have found similar symptoms in yourself or any of the diagnostic methods performed revealed a violation of cerebral circulation, then you should seriously think about taking medications to strengthen the cerebral vessels.

Nowadays, the pharmacy network offers a huge number of medicines that contribute to the activation of brain activity, improve concentration, memory and intellectual abilities.

In addition, these drugs can stop the aging process, restore microcirculation, eliminate the formation of blood clots. The components included in the medicinal products, when used correctly, strengthen the blood vessels and return them elasticity and strength. They also thin the blood, which saves the human body from complications such as stroke, heart attack and blood clots.

Drug List

  • To strengthen the walls of blood vessels: askorutin, dihydroquertecin;
  • Nootropics (increased mental activity): Aminalon, fenotropil, piracetam, nootropil;
  • Homeopathy: edas - 138 and cerebralik;
  • To improve blood circulation: boluses huato, detralex, gingko biloba;
  • Rapid improvement of intellectual activity: Semax, Chinese Schizandra, Fenotropil.

What exactly you need medications and in what dosage, the doctor must decide on an individual basis.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Alternative medicine has in its piggy bank a lot of tools that help normalize the work of cerebral vessels.

  • Lemon juice - you need to drink daily for 2 glasses diluted with water 1: 3. This product perfectly strengthens the vascular wall. So that the drink does not seem very sour, you can add honey. For the prophylactic cleaning of the vessels, it is necessary to drink a course of garlic-lemon tincture once a year.
  • Leaf black or green tea - after brewing it should be consumed with the addition of milk and honey. It should drink during the day at least 3 cups, but better more.
  • Tincture or rosehip syrup (sold in a pharmacy) - thanks to the shock concentration of vitamin C, this plant is just a salvation for injured blood vessels. You can also brew tea from the hips, you should prepare this drink immediately before use, so that it does not lose all its beneficial properties.
  • Tincture on alcohol lemongrass, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea and ginseng. Mix and consume daily 80 drops (divided into 3 doses);
  • Pour boiling water on a 20g tartarnik prickly or immortelle to insist and drink at 1 st.l. 3 times a day;
  • Take equal parts of wild rose berries and grass motherwort, meadowsweet, dried lice, pour with a liter of boiling water and set to infuse overnight. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  • Mix honey with carrot, lemon, beet and horseradish juice (200 ml each), add 50 ml of vodka. Drink a drink during the month.
  • Get in a pharmacy alcoholic infusion of barberry drink during the month for 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • In the morning and evening, take 1 tsp sea buckthorn oil.

Products for strengthening the vessels

In case of vascular diseases, fats are contraindicated, but it is completely unacceptable to stop using them, since the normal functioning of many organs and systems depends on them.

The amount in the diet of meat should be reduced or replaced with fish or poultry meat. Instead of butter, it is desirable to use vegetable fats. All caffeinated beverages wear out the circulatory system. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten without restrictions. Completely refuse salt is not necessary.

Eat in small portions, as stomach overload delays a significant amount of blood from the general bloodstream, and this negatively affects your well-being. Drink a day at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Foods that should make up the diet:

  Useful to drink grape juice

  • hot chocolate - protects nerve cells from the harmful effects of oxidative processes;
  • fatty fish varieties (salmon, sardines) - promote the production of serotonin, a pleasure hormone that stimulates the brain;
  • grape juice is an antioxidant that enhances short-term memory;
  • wild berries (blueberries, cranberries, blueberries) - normalizes blood pressure, increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • cabbage - a source of vitamins and folic acid, which restore the level of homocysteines in the body, protecting against Alzheimer's disease;
  • olive oil - normalizes cholesterol and lowers blood pressure;
  • garlic and carrot - products suspending vascular aging;
  • spinach - helps to assimilate information and increase intelligence;
  • nuts (almonds, walnuts) - lower the concentration of cholesterol, strengthen the coronary vessels;
  • soy sauce - contains the minerals, vitamins and amino acids necessary for sick vessels.

In order to strengthen the vessels 100% successful, use other tips in addition to the above recommendations (they are also great for headaches):

  • Contrasting showers or contrasting foot and hand baths are an excellent massage for vessels. It will invigorate the body for the whole day, which is precisely what is missing for people with impaired cerebral circulation.
  • Bath - regular bath procedures help cleanse the entire vascular system. Read the contraindications.
  • Get used to the correct sleep mode.
  • Keep an active lifestyle.
  • Spend breathing exercises - breathing is not chest, and stomach.
  • Do self-massage of the face and head (palms, brush).
  • Warming up hands and rubbing the palms perfectly enhance blood circulation.
  • Peace of mind is very important - rest more, do not overwork.

Prevention methods or how to avoid illness

It is much easier to prevent any disruption in the body's work than to engage in treatment and recovery. Therefore, in order for the brain vessels to wear out at a minimum it is necessary:

  1. Do not let into your life stress, quarrels and depression.
  2. To refuse from bad habits. It is nicotine and alcohol that lead to thickening of the blood and depletion of the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Watch what you eat. So that the vessels do not become blocked with cholesterol plaques and the blood does not stagnate, reduce the amount of salty, fatty, fried and spicy foods.
  4. Do not forget about the sport.

The main thing is not to be lazy and help your body, be attentive to the signals for help that it gives us. Then you can avoid a lot of health problems and your head will always be “clear and fresh.”

Unfortunately, the fragility of blood vessels - in our time is an extremely common problem, perhaps affects the lifestyle of a modern person or the environmental situation in the world, but more and more people suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Bad vessels are the cause of many ailments, because they enclose the whole of our bodies with a whole mesh, and blood circulation disorders without proper treatment will necessarily lead to the development of a disease. That is why for many such question is important, how to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain? But first, let's list the main causes of vascular fragility, as well as consider the symptoms of this pathology and all possible ways to strengthen the blood vessels.

The reasons

It must be remembered that the fragility of the blood vessels of the brain over time leads to stroke. WHO data are disappointing, namely, stroke is one of the most common diseases with fatal cases. So, what weakens our vessels? There are several internal and external causes of vascular brittleness that must be considered when referring to a doctor.

Various diseases can affect vascular resistance, such as:

  • increased estrogen production;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • congenital pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of internal metabolism;
  • various blood diseases (leukemia, thrombocytopenia and others);
  • diabetes;
  • genetic pathology of connective tissue.

Also, the weakness of cerebral vessels can cause insufficient intake of certain vitamins, minerals. For example, vitamins C, E, A, and P are among the most important substances for the entire cardiovascular system. Most often, the lack of some trace elements occurs in the autumn and winter periods of the year, when there is a lack of sunlight and low intake of trace elements with food.

Due to the deficiency of beneficial substances, the brain's vessels lose their resistance, symptoms of their fragility appear, which leads to the development of a number of diseases.

And the most important vitamin in this situation is ascorbic acid (C), its shortage is observed in the following cases:

  • in chronic forms of respiratory diseases;
  • in allergy sufferers during the exacerbation of the course of allergies;
  • with various cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • with overweight.

Bad habits can also worsen the work of cerebral vessels, one of the main enemies of the body is smoking: nicotine and harmful substances that make up cigarettes can lead to a spasm of the intima of the vessel. The excessive use of alcoholic beverages also leads to the destruction of blood lines. Constant stress, food, poor vitamins and minerals, junk food and inactive lifestyle also affect the weakening of the work of blood vessels. And of course, this problem develops with age, older people more often than others suffer from this ailment.

How is the disease manifested

Symptoms of impaired vascular resistance are manifested not only in the elderly, but also in patients of young and middle ages. Any artery or vein has a muscular layer, while reducing its tone, the patient begins to respond, for example, to changes in weather or atmospheric pressure. The main signs of weakening of the blood arteries are frequent headaches, especially the reaction is observed to temperature changes, this is caused by a decrease in the muscle tone of the head vessels.

Along with the above factors, the following symptoms also indicate weak brain vessels:

  • the appearance of black spots or blurred spots before the eyes;
  • feeling of dizziness;
  • with a sudden change in body position, it may darken in the eyes;
  • frequent fainting;
  • panic attacks;
  • feeling of fear for no apparent reason (nightly fears);
  • insomnia;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • causeless depression;
  • as mentioned above, frequent headaches, migraines;
  • sudden numbness in the arms or legs;
  • "Ice" limbs;
  • poor heat tolerance;
  • dyspnea;
  • strong meteorological dependence;
  • noise in ears.

Unfortunately, people often do not pay attention to most of the signs of weakening of the blood vessels, which over time leads to aggravation of the state of the circulatory system. Therefore, at the very first symptoms of cerebral vascular fragility, it is necessary to consult a specialist, and the attending physician, after detailed examination, will prescribe proper treatment and give necessary recommendations.

Also among people there are risk groups, and patients included in this list should periodically undergo preventive examinations of vessels and monitor their timely strengthening.

Risk groups

Of course, everyone should monitor the state of their body, but especially with age, many factors appear that negatively affect our health. Certain categories of patients need to more closely monitor the work of the brain and the entire cardiovascular system:

  • professional athletes, because sometimes they experience the strongest physical exertion, during this period the blood is especially hard on the walls of the blood vessel, and it must withstand such pressure. Any weakening of the vessel wall can lead to irreversible effects;
  • people with a sedentary, sedentary activity, especially office workers. When a person denies himself motor activity, blood begins to flow more slowly, which can lead to the appearance of edema and the formation of blood clots. And with increasing physical activity improves blood flow;
  • people experiencing chronic stressful situations. During severe stress in the human body, hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are released, which lead to a sharp decrease in the lumen of the brain vessel, which affects the destabilization of the entire vascular system;
  • patients with obesity, unfortunately, being overweight has a very negative effect not only on the blood supply, but also on the work of the whole organism;
  • patients with cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the endocrine system;
  • people who have close relatives suffered strokes and heart attacks, here the hereditary factor is taken into account;
  • smokers;
  • alcohol abusers.

And now let's talk directly about how to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels of the brain, what measures should be taken to increase the tone of the blood arteries?


First, in order to strengthen the thin wall of the vessel, it is necessary to monitor the sufficient intake of vitamins and microelements. So what kind of vitamins affect the vascular state?

Retinol (A) strengthens the venous wall, improves its structure, is responsible for elasticity. Per day, the necessary intake of this vitamin should be at least 3-7 mg. Vitamin A is found in large quantities in carrots and greens, especially in parsley, tomatoes, and plums.

Tocopherol (E) is responsible for accelerating the resorption of blood clots, preventing their formation, and also enhances the strength of capillaries. A person needs about 20 mg per day. Vitamin E. The main sources of tocopherol are sprouted wheat grains, nuts, seafood and some cereals.

Rutin (P) strengthens and thickens the walls of veins and capillaries, and also enhances the beneficial properties of the same vitamin C. This vitamin is especially useful for older people to prevent age-related changes in the cardiovascular system. An adult's need for a routine is about 60 mg per day.

The highest concentration is present in products such as black currant, black chokeberry, rose hips and green tea.

Ascorbic acid (C) helps to strengthen the inner wall of blood vessels, and also prevents its destruction, improves vascular tone. The daily dose should be at least 1.5 grams. Most of all vitamin C is found in sauerkraut, cranberries, black currant berries, in all citrus fruits. According to doctors, every day you need to eat up to 500 grams of fruits and vegetables, which contain a large amount of vitamins that help strengthen blood vessels.

Also, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to use trace elements such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium and chromium. If the diet is not enough foods rich in the above vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Complevit, etc.). Remember, a well-chosen diet is the key to a long life, clean blood vessels and a healthy circulatory system.


Special exercises can be used to strengthen the vessels, but it is rather difficult to train the indicated vessels, because if the vessels are located between the muscles in the whole body, then they lie in the brain tissue in the head.

However, there are several exercises that are aimed at improving the blood circulation of the brain vessels, which, accordingly, contributes to their strengthening:

  1. Improves the stimulation of capillaries and increases blood microcirculation gymnastics called "Aspen leaf trembling in the wind." To perform it, you must lie on your back, the upper and lower limbs are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the spine. It is necessary in this position to shake hands and feet for three minutes, then rest for four minutes and repeat the exercise again.
  2. Accelerates blood circulation in the vessels exercise "Goldfish", which is performed in the morning without getting out of bed. It is necessary to extend the arms upwards and toe the toes, in the fixed position it is necessary to turn the body, imitating the movements of the fish.
  3. Also improving blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels contribute to such strengthening exercises as head rotation and tilting from side to side, you need to perform this simple gymnastics every day.


There are a number of therapeutic agents that help to strengthen and improve the tone of blood vessels, as well as improve blood circulation in the brain. The following medications must be taken to increase the resistance of the blood vessels:

  • ascorutin and Dihydroquertecine are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • nootropics (Nootropil, Fenotropil, etc.) are used to increase the mental activity of the brain;
  • detralex is used to accelerate blood circulation and strengthen the walls of the veins and capillaries in the brain;

However, it is not necessary to self-medicate and strengthen the blood vessels at home with the help of medicines, which drug and in which dosage should be prescribed by a competent doctor. At the first signs of reduced tone, you should seek medical advice.

Hardening of blood vessels

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels it is useful to apply hardening procedures, but it is worth remembering that an abrupt change in temperature should be approached gradually, the body should be prepared. To start during the week it is better to wipe with a towel soaked in cold water, it is recommended to wipe after a warm shower. After, about seven days in a row, you should pour your hands and feet with cold water. Hardening enough body, you can proceed to the procedure of a contrast shower. A contrast shower is taken after a warm shower, first adding hot water and pouring the body for about half a minute, then you need to change the water to cold and pour it in for about 20 seconds. It is worth remembering a few rules: dousing with hot water should be longer than dousing with cold, and each procedure should always be finished with hot water. Contrast douches are an effective remedy for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving the blood supply to the whole body.

Also, to improve the tone and elasticity of the blood vessels of the brain, there are many recipes of traditional medicine, but it must be remembered that it is recommended to use only popular and proven methods of traditional healing. Do not forget that it is better to carry out preventive measures in time than later to resort to the medical method of strengthening the vessels. You need to constantly monitor your nutrition and proper intake of vitamins, move more, play sports, control excess weight and increase cholesterol, and then diseases of the cardiovascular system will not affect you.

In contact with

No one is immune from vascular diseases, and the consequences can be very deplorable: hemorrhage and the occurrence of thrombosis, which leads to a loss of mental abilities and confines to a wheelchair. In the most serious cases, diseased brain vessels are fatal.

There are many popular and medical ways to strengthen the vessels of the brain, which allow to avoid the development of diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

  1. Vertigo, dark eyes, fainting.
  2. Fast fatiguability.
  3. High weather dependence.
  4. Pressure drops.
  5. Cardiopalmus.
  6. Loss in the joints.
  7. Poor heat tolerance.

If you find the above symptoms should immediately consult a doctor. What tests need to be passed to diagnose the state of the brain vessels

  • Electroencephalography - the oldest and most reliable method of research. He identifies violations in the electrical activity of the brain.
  • Magnetic resonance - is considered the "gold standard" of the study: it is on its basis and taking into account the other procedures that an accurate diagnosis is made. This is an introduction to the bloodstream of a special substance that allows imaging of brain vessels on x-ray images, which helps determine the speed and sequence of blood vessels in the vessels.
  • Computed tomography is a combination of two diagnostics that helps to identify diseased brain vessels and the nature of the disease.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which includes a number of methods - studies that allow you to explore the vessels of the brain and detect their defeat.

If a predisposition has been identified or diseases of the cerebral vessels have been detected, it is necessary not only to drink a course of medication, but also to make adjustments to the normal routine of the day.

Proper nutrition to strengthen the brain vessels

  1. Compliance with the diet.

To strengthen the vessels, it is necessary to include the following products in the daily menu:

  • Grapes and grape juice: it enhances short-term memory and is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Blueberries, lingonberries: normalize blood pressure and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Garlic and carrots: have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
  • Cabbage: Increases levels of vitamins and folic acid.
  • Fatty fish varieties: stimulate brain activity.
  • Olive oil: lowers cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Nuts: strengthen the brain vessels.
  • Soy sauce: nourishes and restores affected vessels.
  1. Compliance with the regime.

There is often a need - 6-7 times a day, but in small portions, as a dense meal negatively affects the general circulation, which leads to an increased risk of vascular diseases.

  1. Compliance with water consumption.

For normal body function, it is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of water per day.

Physical exercise

Physical activity is an excellent tool for the prevention and control of vascular diseases. With regular physical exertion, the condition of patients with vascular dystonia improves significantly: the pressure returns to normal and the blood begins to circulate normally.

You need to be engaged at least 3 times a week, avoiding overwork. Those who have never played sports should start small: 15 minutes of physical therapy a day, gradually increasing the period to 1-1.5 hours.

In this case, you can do swimming, dancing, yoga, oriental gymnastics - in general, any sport that does not require overvoltage and gives you pleasure.

Water treatment

A contrast shower in the morning will not only give you vigor and strength, but also help keep your vessels in good shape. A weekly visit to the bath or sauna with cold water hardening perfectly strengthens the vascular system in particular and health in general. And foot baths with contrasting temperatures and infusions of healing herbs not only help to strengthen the vessels, but also reduce pressure.

Proper rest

Be sure to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Rest should be active: do not sit in front of a computer or TV, walk, go hiking, attend theaters, concerts and exhibitions. Your schedule should be as varied as possible, and rest should have a positive effect on mood and health.

Learn to breathe correctly: not with your breasts, but with your diaphragm. Engage in respiratory gymnastics - this allows you to saturate the blood with oxygen, which is very important for the power supply of the brain vessels.

What medicines and supplements are needed?

If you have a risk of vascular diseases of the brain, or is already worth the appropriate diagnosis, you need to purchase several drugs to strengthen the blood vessels. Fortunately, now pharmacies offer a wide range of natural medicines that do not cause side effects and complications, but they perfectly help the brain work, improve concentration and attention, help restore memory and intelligence. In addition, most drugs that help the brain, also prevent the occurrence of blood clots and restore blood microcirculation, strengthening blood vessels and restoring their elasticity.

To improve blood circulation:

  • Calcium antagonists (relax the arteries and improve blood flow): "Isoptin", "Finoptin", "Kordafen", "Adalat", "Diazem," Lomir "," Foridon ".
  • Herbal preparations (and have a positive effect on brain function): Bravinton, Vinpocetine, Kavinton, Telektop.
  • Gingko biloba drugs (complex effect on the blood supply to the brain): "Tanakan", "Bilobil", "Gingium".

All of these products are sold without a prescription, but you should consult with your doctor and clarify whether this or that drug is right for you.

  • Nicotinic acid derivatives. They also help to reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevent the appearance of "plaques" on the walls of blood vessels: Nicotinic acid, Enduratin, Nikoshpan.

These medicines are only available on prescription.

Preparations that strengthen the walls of blood vessels:

  • Vitamin P is an element necessary for the operation of capillaries. The largest content is in blueberries and irghe. Drug - "Askorutin".
  • Potassium, silicon, selenium. Useful for cerebral vessels.

You can get these medicines without a prescription from your doctor, but you should carefully read the contraindications.

Drugs that increase mental alertness:

  • “Aminalon”, “Phenotopil”, “Piracetam”.

What exactly do you need medications, in what quantity and in what dosage, the doctor should say.

There are also a number of recipes for traditional medicine that help normalize the vascular system.

  1. The main assistant in strengthening the walls of blood vessels is a lemon. 2 tablespoons to dilute in a glass of water and add honey to taste. Drink daily, preferably before breakfast.
  2. Green tea. Drink freshly, at least 3 cups per day.
  3. Rosehip syrup or tea.
  4. Pour a tablespoon of a teterer in a cup of hot, but not boiling water, and drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  5. A tablespoon of dry berries of wild rose, dried motherwort and meadowsweet, pour 1 l. boiling water and leave overnight. Drink 2-3 tablespoons per day for 2 months.
  6. Carrot and beet juice (1 glass each), 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink for a month.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil to take a teaspoon before breakfast and after dinner.

Disease prevention

The main cause of diseases of cerebral vessels is a violation of the functions of the nervous system. Stress, depression, difficulties at work, quarrels in the family and the loss of loved ones can lead to this.

Another cause of vascular disease is the presence of bad habits. Regular use of alcohol and tobacco is extremely negative for the vascular system and the brain. Alcohol causes blood clots and blood clots, and smoking increases the load on blood vessels.

Improper diet can also cause vascular dystonia. Regular consumption of spicy, fatty, salty and fried foods causes an increase in cholesterol and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. And if the lifestyle at the same time inactive, then the vessels quickly weaken and literally swim in fat.

To avoid problems with blood vessels, you need to avoid stress, give up bad habits and follow the right diet. Sports will also help you never know what vascular dystonia is.

The walls of cerebral vessels lose their elasticity and density with age; they cope worse with their function. Blood circulation is disturbed, the risk of hypertensive crisis, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke increases. To prevent thrombosis and senile dementia, it is recommended to change the dietary habits, revise the daily routine and pay attention to medical or homeopathic ways to strengthen the blood vessels.

Fresh tomatoes instead of grilled sausages

Chicken or pork kebabs, cakes with an abundance of cream, soda and chips - all this is delicious and tasty, but it leads to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body. The substance clogs the vessels, narrowing the gaps between their walls, an atherosclerosis plaque is formed, which can burst at any time.

Is it really necessary to eat only porridge boiled in water and raw vegetables? Not only. Of course, you should forget about the existence of a frying pan and make friends with a double boiler, buy apples or citrus instead of sweets, but the diet will not consist of two or three courses. It is enough to replace several products so that nutrition becomes full and healthy:

  1. Instead of animal fats and butter, use olive oil, which helps vessels to clear cholesterol deposits and prevents the formation of plaques.
  2. Normalize the pressure is capable of red fish, in which a lot of omega-3 acids. Salmon and salmon are expensive, so they are recommended to replace them with unsalted herring, mintai, hake or sprat. It is advisable to use caviar or fish oil, sometimes to buy cod liver.
  3. Replace cakes and cakes should be bitter chocolate. The more natural cocoa beans in it, the healthier the dessert. Dark chocolate activates the production of the hormone of joy and at the same time increases blood flow to the brain, normalizing intracranial pressure.
  4. Garlic is a blood clot prevention. The product contains blood thinning and pressure stabilizing agents. 2-3 cloves per day reduce the risk of heart attack by 10-15%.
  5. Ascorbic acid, which is abundant in grapefruit, mandarins, rosehips and pumpkin, can increase the tone of blood vessels. Combine foods containing vitamin C, should be with new potatoes and dried apricots, rich in potassium. The mineral along with ascorbic acid strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  6. To normalize intracranial pressure, you should include fresh blueberries or lingonberries in the menu. Soy sauce can restore damaged vessels, and grapes help improve memory.

Breakfast should be oatmeal or brown brown rice with a vegetable salad of cucumbers with slices of tomatoes. Dine lean meat or fish soups, stewed or steamed meat. Instead of sandwiches to hire dried fruits: prunes, dates and dried apricots, or nuts: almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts. It is better to have a dinner with several young potatoes baked in the oven. As a side dish fit vegetables, fresh or stewed, salad with the addition of avocado or onion.

Coffee and black tea to replace fruit juices, for example, pomegranate. Useful carrot-beetroot cocktail and herbal decoctions made from rosehips or hawthorn. Not prohibited, and even recommended green tea. The drink provides the body with antioxidants that rejuvenate and support the work of the brain. But no more than 6–8 cups of drink should be drunk per day, instead of sugar, add a few spoons of honey and a slice of lemon.

Tip: Do not forget about water. During the day the body must receive at least 1.5 liters of fluid, otherwise the blood becomes thicker, the work of the internal organs deteriorates, the risk of blood clots increases.

Proper rest and water treatments

The brain is like a processor that executes thousands of commands in a second. He, like a computer, needs good rest, otherwise it overheats and fails. You can not spend the day without a break in front of the TV or laptop, fall asleep in an embrace with the phone and stay completely healthy. When the body is in a lying or sitting position 24/7, blood stagnates, and vessels that are difficult to pump thick, viscous fluid are the first to suffer.

No one forces a person who has not lifted anything heavier than a bag with products to demonstrate new sports records. But the load is one of the prerequisites for healthy vessels. You can start by walking long distances or give yourself a subscription to the pool. Buy a rope or jogging in the fresh air. Each exercise, even if it is morning exercise, accelerates blood and oxygenates it, increases the elasticity and tone of blood vessels throughout the body.

Lazy people who find it hard to force themselves to squat and push ups off the floor should sign up for a dance or download a few video yoga lessons. Rumba, waltz or lotus pose is one of the best antidepressants, relieving the effects of stress and emotional tension.

There are exercises through which you can strengthen the blood vessels of the brain without getting out of bed. Waking up from the sound of the alarm clock, you should stretch carefully, and then lift your upper and lower limbs and shake them vigorously for 3–6 minutes.

The second exercise is also performed in bed:

  • Fingers twist and put under the head.
  • The legs should be straightened, the feet should reach to the chin.
  • Shake and "vibrate" with your whole body, trying to use the maximum number of muscles.
  • Finish after a pleasant pulling sensation in the torso and limbs.

After a little warm-up it is useful to swim, but not in a hot bath, but in the shower, under contrasting streams. Due to the alternation of warm and cold streams, the tone and elasticity of blood vessels increases, blood circulation increases.

Tip: After water procedures, the body is recommended to be rubbed with a hard towel until the skin turns red. Massage invigorates and promotes dilation of the arteries, improving blood circulation in the internal organs and the brain.

If you do not have enough time to walk and jog, you should do a small exercise every day for 5–10 minutes. The starting position for all exercises is the same: the legs are set a little wider than the shoulders, the arms can be lowered along the body or the palms are rested against the waist.

  1. Make rotational movements with your head in a clockwise direction for 2–3 minutes. Change direction, repeat.
  2. Raise your hands above your head, clasping your fingers like a lock. Without lowering the upper limbs, tilt the torso forward, simulating movement, as when splitting firewood. Enough 6-8 repetitions.
  3. In this exercise, the arms should be raised and spread apart. It is necessary to alternately swing legs, trying to reach the opposite palm.
  4. Slightly bent knees, take a comfortable stable position. Upper limbs lift and dilute to the side. It is necessary to do non-synchronous swing hands: if the right moves forward, then the left goes back and vice versa.

Strengthening the blood flow to the brain helps posture "Birch". You need to lie on the floor, put your hands under your lower back, and raise your legs up. If physical fitness permits, lower limbs should be lowered and returned to their original position. Legs do not bend at the knees, always keep straight. At the end of the exercise, lift the lower limbs upward so that the heels are parallel to the ceiling, and fix them in this position for 5 minutes.

Homeopathic remedies designed to strengthen blood vessels, are prepared from natural ingredients, so they are relatively harmless to the body. It is important to remember that the result of the use of popular recipes appears after a few months if the person strictly observes all instructions and adheres to the instructions.

Garlic help
  It will take 4 small or 3 large lemons that need to be thoroughly washed under a tap. Crush citruses in a blender, add 4 peeled garlic cloves, smash the products a second time until smooth. Pour the billet into a three-liter jar, pour boiled water. Drink should insist 3 days in a dark place. Next, the liquid is separated from the remnants of lemons and garlic, poured into another container. Put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, closer to the freezer. Daily use of 100 ml of medicine, and then eat lunch or breakfast. Course duration - 1–1.5 months.

For the second recipe you need 500 g of fresh or frozen cranberries, which are passed through a meat grinder along with 15 g of garlic. Mass defend 3 days. Juice, squeezed out of cranberry pulp, mix with 100 g of honey. Take the syrup twice a day according to the dessert spoon, store the product in a cool place.

Nuts for strong vessels

  1. Take 4 medium sized lemons, rinse under running water and wipe. Grind, add 20 hazelnut kernels. Nuts are cleaned and turned into small chips. Pour the ingredients into a 700 ml jar, pour buckwheat or lime honey on top. Stir the products, use 30 g before a meal, until the lemon-nut mass is over. Make a 3-month break, repeat if necessary.
  2. Walnuts and hawthorn tincture will be needed. 300 g of dry raw material 500 ml of liquid. Connect and insist 2 weeks, hiding from the sun. Strained walnut tincture taken three times a day, 10-15 ml. The course should not last more than 7 days.

Herbs for strong vessels

  1. A sweetcorn is useful: put a spoonful of a plant in a mug of hot water, leave for 30 minutes so that the drink is infused. The tool is used in small portions: 20-30 ml three times a day.
  2. Prepare a mixture to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain can be from the fruits of wild rose, groundwort and dried motherwort. Herbs take in equal parts, chop and pour in a jar. Brew in a cup of boiling water 2 pinches of the mixture, leave for 12 hours. Drink 3 tbsp. spoons per day. Course duration - 3 months.
  3. Pour 100 g of Badan root with boiling water, evaporate the broth over low or medium heat, so that 50% of the liquid remains. Strain the drug stored in a container with a lid. Consume strictly 30 drops for 24 days. First the medicine, then the meal.

In the morning, you can drink 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil, and people with a healthy stomach are recommended to have freshly squeezed lemon juice, which must be diluted with boiled water (1 to 3) with 2 spoons of honey.

Preparations for strengthening blood vessels

Before buying any pills, you should consult with a specialist, because all drugs are dangerous to health if used improperly. To strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase mental activity, it is recommended:

  • Askorutin;
  • Piracetam;
  • Aminalon;
  • Bravinton;
  • Bilobil or Tanakan.

It is better to strengthen the cerebral vessels with proper nutrition and sports, and to resort to medicines only on the recommendation of a doctor. You need to take care of yourself and your body, and then even in 90 you can remain active, cheerful and sane, which is not threatened with sclerosis and senile insanity.

Video: how to clean the brain vessels

Even the smallest failure in the structure of blood vessels can cause irreparable malfunctions in the whole organism, especially when it comes to the blood vessels of the brain. Weakened and fragile in this area reduce the viability of a person, limit his ability, lead to a series of diseases. Perhaps the worst thing to expect is danger.

The first signs of weakness in the blood vessels of the brain

When the vessels are disturbed and when they are weakened, the body usually sends the following signals:

  • heat intolerance, meteozavisimosti;
  • frequent drops in body temperature and;
  • discomfort, darkening of the eyes during abrupt rising;
  • fatigue, increased heartbeat, regular orthostatic fainting;
  • the limbs are always cold;
  •   , feeling of "aching" in the joints.

After 30 years, most of the above symptoms become typical for almost every second person. These signs do not yet indicate the presence of any diseases, but they are indisputable signals indicating the need for vessel strengthening.

Change in passive lifestyle

Strengthen the vessels   brain, you can adhere to simple, but also pleasant recommendations:

  1. Contrast shower every other day. Procedure forces vessels the whole body drastically shrink and expand (depending on the water temperature), doing a good "charge" for them.
  2. Bath at least once a week. Bath procedures help the entire vascular system to cleanse, remove toxins from it and prevent blood stasis, which can also cause the vessels to weaken.
  3. Breath of the stomach. Breathing is not breast, and the stomach 2-3 times a day for two minutes, the circulatory system will work more actively. Having gained a full belly of air, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead one can feel a not very pleasant sensation of compression. After a month of breathing practice, when the vessels are strengthened, this uncomfortable phenomenon will disappear.
  4. The correct sleep mode. Nothing hurts blood vessels more than the need to work without rest.
  5. Self massage. Every day, before going to bed, a five-minute massage is necessary to activate blood flow in the head area. To carry out such a procedure, you can use a hair brush, a special massage device or fingertips.

Not less strengthening and preventive action have active sports, which should be carried out at least three times a week. For those who already have problems with vessels, the load should be moderate, not leading to increased pressure.

Products to strengthen the brain vessels

The most important taboo for weak cerebral vessels is fats, but they cannot be abandoned at all, they are necessary for the full functioning of the brain. A great source for the daily intake of healthy fats will be one avocado, 30 grams of nuts or seeds.

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels and facilitate their work will help the following products:

  • wild berries and dark grapes (thin the blood, facilitating its flow);
  • dark chocolate (protects vessels from oxidizing processes);
  • olive oil (reduces pressure);
  • almonds, walnuts (make coronary vessels stronger);
  • spinach, cabbage, carrots (rich in folic acid, act as a preventative against Alzheimer's disease).

Their need for increased activity strengthens their blood vessels in a remarkable way, and abundant drinking of water will help in this.