How the windmill flows. Windmill in adults - symptoms and treatment, incubation period, photo, first signs

  • Date: 31.03.2019

When children are infected with the windmill their parents worries the question of the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The tables below will help parents on symptoms to determine the wind ESPU in children and to teach the disease at different stages of its development. Also in the article you will find information about the modern methods of treatment and possible complications With windmill.

« Chickenpox light, but very infectious infectious disease caused by herpes virus, which is transmitted by air-droplet "

How the windmill is manifested in children: symptoms

The chickenpox mostly sick children and significantly less often adults. Infection occurs due to the passage of the virus through the mucous membranes. The spread of the causative agent for the organism causes specific symptoms. Virossessers are patients and persecuted people during remission, which lasts two weeks after recovery. Due to the high contagiousness (contagious), the disease takes a massive character. However, overdue once, an immune response is formed.

To facilitate the diagnosis of the disease, we present to your attention the table of symptoms of wind sieves.

Symptom How manifests windmill Other diseases with similar symptoms How to distinguish a windmill from another disease
Temperature Sharp increase, possibly up to 40 degrees Influenza, ORZ, The difference between the windmill in the presence of specific signs - rash.
Intoxication Headache and Muscular Weakness, Floodiness, Sleep Disruption, Appetite Reduction Most diseases have signs of intoxication For proper diagnosis It is necessary to take into account the whole complex of symptoms
Rash The appearance of small reddish spots of small size, which will grow into watery bubbles. They are localized throughout the body, excluding foot and Palm. Insect bites, Natural Ospa, Herpes, Cor A chickenproof rash appears gradually from a spin to bubble, cover almost the whole body. The contents of bubbles are watery, dimensions are small.
Crust Within 3 days, bubbles decrease in the amount and leave behind their crusts dropping in a couple of weeks. , bullous dermatitis, streptococcal impetigo In dermatitis, impetigo, papules contain hemorrhagic fluid, rash is located directly at the place of lesion. And with a windmill, rash, and then crusts are located all over the body.
Itch Ospina cause severe itching. Their combing can lead to additional skin infection. , deprive, scab When allergic, deprived, scabies itch is not accompanied by the formation of Papulous rash - it is the main difference from the windmill.

For clinical manifestations, the windmill is divided into typical or atypical.The atypical windmill form can be characterized by a strong manifestation of all the symptoms accompanying this disease, and may proceed at all asymptomatic - rudimentary. Typical chickenpox may be light, medium or severe:

  • Light form manifest minor symptomscharacteristic of for this disease. When saving normal temperature The appearance of several bubbles on the body is possible.
  • Medium gravity of the disease accompanied by an increase in total temperature up to 38 degrees and significant rash.
  • Heavy windmill Currents are in most cases in an adult population. The main symptoms are very high temperature, heavy itch. Ospina cover the whole body of the patient.

Stages of windmill development: what to do parents of a sick child

Incubation (initial) windmill period can flow up to 3 weeks. Its duration depends on susceptibility immune system, disease presence chronic flow, diet, etc. Acute period Diseases develop from 4 to 7, depending on the resistance of the immune system. The period of remission (crust formation) lasts usually 2 weeks.

The duration of the course of the disease depends on the intensity of immunity and the characteristics of the body. On average, it is assumed that the main period of the disease lasts up to 10 days. Traces of the disease on the body are approaching for 3 weeks.

How to treat a child at different stages of windmill development

Stage of the disease Characteristic symptoms What to do parents
Incubation period Last 21 days, usually asymptomatic Isolate a child for 21 days after contact with the sick, if the child has not yet sick with a windmill.
Promotional period Lasts a few hours, accompanied by a deterioration of well-being Symptomatic treatment: antipyretic drugs at high temperatures, painkillers, etc.
Rash The duration of the period is up to 7 days. It is characterized by redness, then the papula is formed, turning into vesicular rash. Ospins are treated with a solution of diamond greenery. In case of severe itching special preparationsfacilitating the itchy state.
Education of crusts 3 days after the formation of vesicles, dried to the formation of crusts. The whole period of drying is lasting about 10 days. Try not to allow mechanical removal of crusts. Remember that within 2 weeks after drying the crusts, the child remains a virus carrier.

Windmill treatment: what to do is impossible, innovations in the treatment

In the treatment of windmill, it is necessary to comply with the following rules.:

  • During the treatment of windmills full nutrition, abundant drink.
  • The patient with a chickenpox is recommended to comply with bed mode and avoid overheating.
  • You can not allow combing vesicles so as not to incur an infection and not complicate the course of the disease.
  • It is not allowed to use drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid. This may lead to the progression of the disease and the occurrence of hemorrhagic syndrome.
  • It is important to follow the nails of the child, in time to cut and clean from dirt to eliminate the possibility of infection of the wound during combing.
  • You can not allow the child's swells to not enhance itching. For the prevention of sweating, you can use the talc or make a washing with mangartee-acid potassium. Also, to reduce itching, the child can quickly take a warm shower and gently dry the body with a towel, but not to wipe it to avoid damage to the crusts.
  • Be sure to ventilate the room where the patient is located.

New approaches to the treatment of windmills in children:

  • Modern medicine proposes to use Calamine Losen. He relieves itching, drying the wounds, reduces swelling, slows down inflammatory process. Due to the stimulation of regeneration, the drug avoids the formation of shmilov.
  • Based on plant raw materials and successfully used in the treatment of wind smallpox, drugs such as Helepin, State Piece, Alpizarin and Flacoside. Instead of the greenstone, Castellani solution can be used to process rashes.
  • To date, for the treatment of chickenpox use antiviral therapy Using the drug acyclovir. However, in the case of light and middle Form Currents This therapy is inexpedient.
  • The famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends using antihistamines and anti-inflammatory agents in a tablet form to relieve itch. But ointments are not desirable, the risk of overdose is so great.
  • If necessary, you can use the antiallergic gel phenyatil. Apply dotted on chickenpiece.

How to avoid complications after windmill?

A chickenpox usually passes without serious consequences. Sometimes unauthorized scars can remain - the consequences of combing vesicular rashes. In case of lesion nervous system The consequences of the windmill may be epilepsy, paralysis, mental retardation and etc.

When complicated with an additional infection (hemorrhagic form), mortality can reach 25%. In order to reduce the likelihood of complications, it is necessary to comply with the treatment rules and minimize the likelihood of acquiring concomitant diseases.

Such an infectious disease as chickenpox is difficult to confuse with other diseases. The first signs of the windmill in a child are not much different from the disease of an adult. Although most people endure this disease in childhood, some are not infected with them before mature years. There is no reasons for this reason, because the older the person becomes, the more difficult the disease proceeds. What does windshish look like, with what first signs you can recognize it, you will learn by reading it with information, photos and stock footage.

What a windmill looks like

A characteristic rash in the form of small pink spots with a diameter of one to five mm spreads through the body very quickly, without excluding the mucous oral cavity, the nose. After a few hours it turns into the stage, when bubbles appear that are filled with liquid. Pink halo around the bubble is saved for several days. When the inflamed bubble bursts, a crust appears, which will independently disappear after full healing. In order for the process to go faster, rash is lubricated with green. Rash can repeat wavely several times.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the age, the overall condition of the body, the level of immunity of physicians determine the three main forms of the development of the disease according to certain features. It is important that despite the itching, the dried crusts were damaged, because otherwise repeated infection can occur and go to a more complex heavy formwhich may entail a number of complications and scars on the skin. Common Information:

  • A light form of the disease is often observed in children from two years of age and to twelve years. Windmill B. easy form It may be accompanied by a minor short-term increase in body temperature and non-delicate rash for 2-3 days.
  • With an average of gravity, the windmill form is observed abundant rash, increased temperature, itching body. After 5 days, the rash ceases. The temperature is normalized when at all places of inflammation appear crusts.
  • The heavy shape of the wind pump is accompanied by strong rashes throughout the body, including on the hair part of the head, genitals, mucousa, mouth, mouth and nose. High temperature, no appetite, severe headaches and itching accompany the patient more than a week.

The first symptoms of the disease

Where does the windmill begins? Most. characteristic sign Chickenpoxes are considered rashes throughout the body, high temperature, sometimes reaching up to 39 degrees and above, chills, headache. The incubation period of the virus is up to three weeks. Rash may appear on both the tenth and twentieth day after infection. Depending on the resistance of the organism and the age of the patient, the course of the disease passes in different ways.

In children

Children can not always explain that they are concerned at the time of the beginning of the disease. The first days of symptoms are similar to colds: The child disappears the child, it becomes capricious and sluggish, the body temperature rises, the belly aches. A few days later skin Pokrov The first traces appear in the form of pink acne. When the child is still small, it cannot control itching. It is important to ensure that the OPINKI is not damaged. Lubricating the appearing watery bubbles with green, it is easier to track when new painful and itchy spots cease.


Being on breastfeedingLittle kids up to the year are rarely infected with a chickenpox. Immunity to various kinds of diseases appears with antibodies coming from breast milk. If the infection still happened, incubation period Newborn windmills is 7 days. The form of the disease may be easy with minor rash and heavier accompanied by high temperatures and multiple papulas with suppuration.

In teenagers

Cases of chickenpox in the teenage period are heavier. This is due to change hormonal background, reduced immunity. High temperature 39.0-39.7 can hold over for several days. The rashes are often abundant, purulent, which leave snaps and scars on the skin after recovery. It is important that the first duplicate papulas do not confuse with adolescent rashes and start to smear them in a timely manner.

In adults

The symptoms of the windmill in adults are manifested by common malaise, headache, fragile, increasing temperature. A couple of days after the exacerbation of the state, a rash appears on the body. Adults are very hard to endure the disease, the high temperature is not reduced until all of the Ospini will be angry. The danger of a windmill in adulthood is such that complications may be found (pneumonia, arthritis, loss of vision, meningitis are inflamed and increased in the size of lymph nodes).

How the re-windmill begins

Until now, there are disagreements in the world of medicine on the issue whether the chickenpox can repeat. The symptoms of the windmill are similar to herpes rashes, they relate to one category. There are cases when these two diseases are confused and put an incorrect diagnosis. But like each rule, the windmill may have exceptions, therefore cases of repeated disease of the wind inspiration were recorded.

Symptoms and the development of the disease are the same as primary disease: Increase temperature, rash with several stages of change external view, general malaise. There is a chance that for the first time the doctors could not accurately determine the disease, because most of the doctors tend to think that people only once sick windmill. With suspected repeated wind oil, it is better to withstand quarantine in three weeks so as not to be infected with others.

Video about the first signs of chickenpox

To make it more clear how the first well-known signs of the windmill look like, we offer to see a selection of video materials with a visual illustration of a rash at different stages of the disease. Theoretical knowledge will help not miss a responsible moment when the disease is only in initial phaseto start proper treatment Under the supervision of the doctor. Learn about the prevention of chickenpox in the form of vaccinations. A detailed list of symptoms will help properly diagnose the disease at the first sign of the windmill.

Popular children's Doctor Komarovsky will help find an answer to the question whether it is necessary to use traditional green to lubricate the bubbles that appeared. What impact has an antiseptic diamond green solution on the development of the disease and has medical properties? Is it possible to abandon the zeam and what it threatens? find out interesting information From Komarovsky, looking at the proposed video.

Start windmill

Komarovsky about rash

Everyone should be aware of how the chickenpox begins in children and adults, what is her first signs and how to treat chickenpox at home folk and medical means.

Everyone knows that he is a windmill. Contrary to external simplicity, this insidious disease It takes hard and gives serious complications. The disease is easier to carry reoxoite and schoolchildren primary classes. With adults harder.

If the child contacted a sick chickenpox, she will not be able to become a surprise. Before the appearance of the first signs of infection, at least two weeks will take place, since the incubation period continues on average 15 days. If parents do not know that the child communicated with the patient, they will detect the disease they are not immediately.

Sometimes the skin is covered with characteristic bubbles and is accompanied by malaise, headache, minor increase in temperature or rhino. Parents disoriented melkotochny rashappearing at the beginning of the disease for several hours.

Inexpressive start - the main cause of the rapid spread of the windmill. Parents, without noticing the first signs, send a child to school or kindergarten.

Rash with windmill

The detailed picture of symptoms is accompanied by wind rash. At first, it is represented by an oblong spexy, which rises above the skin. Then in the center of formation appears filled with a transparent bubble with a diameter of about three millimeters. Such rashes appear wavely and accompanied by increasing temperature.

After a few days, bubbles are silent and form crusts. Since new formations continue to appear, spots and bubbles, and filled crusts can be simultaneously on the body.

Often, rash appears on the mucous membrane. Here bubbles quickly burst and transformed into surface erosion. Such rashes are formed on the mucous membrane of the larynx, genital organs, oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx and eye conjunctiva.

The duration of the rash is different. If the windmill is easily proceeding, it is three days, although it is often estimated by two weeks. In any case, the period is extremely difficult for children and parents, especially if the civory is a lot.

Frantic itch makes the baby scratching the skin that is dangerous because viral infection It may be aggravated by bacterial infection. Parents are recommended carefully follow this. The first sign that bacterial infection aggravated the situation, the blurred bubbles are considered. Without a call, you cannot do. In all other cases, the windmill is easily flowing, and the child may return to school or garden five days after the last rash.

Video advice of Dr. Komarovsky

Leakage of disease

Heavy flow Wind smallpox is not uncommon. In this case, the rash is hemorrhagic. After a few days the disease rises, and the rash acquires brown tint.

The windmill often cause bleeding. We are talking about nasal bleeding if you are amazed airways, or about bloody vomiting, when the virus has encroached on the state of the stomach or esophagus. This form of the disease is rare, but it is recommended to treat it in the clinic.

Often, a chickenpox receives a gangrenous flow. Deep lesions of the skin contributes to the elimination of tissues with further rejection and the appearance of an ulcers. This type of windmill occurs hard and long, and in some cases complemented by a bacterial infection. Therefore, the doctor should do treatment.

The most dangerous is the windmill, which affects the internal organs, among which and the brain, and this is fraught with the appearance of windmill encephalitis. The disease is rare, and they suffer from weakened children and adults with weak immunity. Often this form requires resuscitation.

Now consider the totality of symptoms and talk about the treatment of windmill in adults and children.

Windmill in adults - symptoms and treatment

Chickenpox is considered to be a child infectious disease, but she is found in adults. Therefore, the theme of further conversation will be the windmill in adults.

Virus, causing diseasecharacterized by high volatility. It is transmitted to people with a kiss, cough or sneezing. The duration of the incubation period of the windmill in adults is 16 days. Throughout this time, the virus sneaks into the blood, multiplies and disseminated by the authorities.

First symptoms

Since the adult windmill occurs hard, the brain swelling is originally observed, and the nervous system is involved later. All this is accompanied by convulsions, vomiting, weakness, nausea and fear of light.


  • Rash.
  • Repeated rashes.
  • Heat.
  • Intoxication.
  • The rapid appearance of complications.

I want to draw your attention to the last item. The list of common complications is represented by the defeat of the respiratory, kidneys, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Often exacerbate chronic diseasesAnd on the skin after ravis, scars are formed.

Treatment at home

In an adult, the windmill often appears again in the form of deprivation. The rash is located on the back and abdomen, forming a circle. At the same time, the virus is not transmitted by the air. Repeated windmill An adult is accompanied by painful syndrome, burning, itching and tingling.

  1. Since the windmill is carried out difficult, initially it is recommended to provide peace. Twist to a minimum mental and physical exercise. If the windmill is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the bed mode is required.
  2. Since the elevated temperature contributes to the accelerated removal of fluid and useful substances From the body, more often drink. Fill the loss of beneficial substances is recommended by plays, compats and fresh juices. It does not hurt and diet based on vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
  3. Watch for cleanliness and pay attention to hygiene. Twice a day, take a shower, but remember that during water treatments Tear crusts or rub the skin with washcloth is prohibited.
  4. Symptomatic treatment does not hurt. At high temperatures, use antipyretic agents: paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is not recommended, as it can cause liver damage.
  5. To accelerate healing and eliminating, the doctors are prescribed antihistamines, among which "Tueguil" and "Supratin". Since the windmill is striking and skin, and a mucous membrane, wechit purph cavity antiseptics.
  6. Do not disregard antibiotics. It is recommended to use them carefully and by appointing a doctor. Use reduces the risk of developing complications.

Medicine develops and annually appear new drugs. But there is I. ethnoscience, whose influence is invaluable. In particular, the crusts helps to dry the crusts, and the decoction of chamomile or oak helps to cope with itching. For rinsing of the mouth, a weak solution of manganese is suitable.

How to treat chickenpox in children

As practice shows, the windmill is ill almost all kids preschool age. Virus, exciting disease, flying and easily penetrates adjacent rooms. If the sick child goes to the kindergarten, it is possible that in a few weeks the virus will spread to all children.

Babies up to six months do not hurt with windmill, because in the framework of the intrauterine period, temporary immunity is obtained from Mom. The kids over 10 years old are sick with windmill less often, but the disease occurs hard and accompanied by complications.

Symptoms in children

Let's start with the symptoms. It is impossible to confuse them with signs of another disease, because they are completely manifested in the shortest possible time.

  • Initially, the body temperature is up to 38 degrees. Over the course of several hours, the child's body is covered with flat rashes pink colour. At first, rash does not bring discomfort.
  • Later in the center of the spots appear tiny bubbles with transparent content. This is accompanied by itching. Parents are recommended to ensure that the baby is not scratched, otherwise the likelihood of infection will increase.
  • After a few days, bubbles dried and covered with a brown crust. During the week every two days, new foci of the disease appear on the body, which contributes to the increase in temperature.
  • After a half months, the crusts are going, leaving behind insignificant pigmentation, which over time disappears.


Since the disease before recovery, the child is weak, he eats badly, suffers from insomnia and irritable. It is recommended to take into account during the treatment, which is carried out at home. The exception is only an extremely serious flow of the windmill or the appearance of complications.

  1. To combat windmill in children, special therapy is not needed, and safe medicine not yet. Stick up the beddown, more often change underwear, follow the diet and drink abundantly.
  2. To prevent layering purulent infection Twice a day, the rash is treated with green. This is all the well-known windmill does not treat, but it helps to understand at what stage there is a disease.
  3. To combat high temperatures, it is recommended to use nooofen or Panadol antipyretic. Diazoline is suitable for the removal of a strong itching - antihistamine drug.

Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to swim in a chickenpox. Doctors never agreed in this matter. Fabric doctors are confident that the souls soothes itching. According to doctors from Russia, contact of the affected skin with water is unacceptable with the exception of a warm bath with the addition of manganese.

If the windmill provide the child to the child, the disease will pass Without complications, without leaving a single track. In the case of suppuration and inflammation of bubbles on the skin, tiny scars can remain. As for the extreme heavy complications, it is a rarity.

Prevention - how not to get a windmill?

The windmill at the moment of the appearance of the rash and the lophans of bubbles. The liquid with which they are filled, contaghen, and even clothing is not an obstacle for the virus. The disease is dangerous and at the time of the appearance of brown crusts. They can not be sidewged, otherwise the infection lens to the body, and the scars will remain on the skin.

Vaccination . Remember, if a person picked up the virus, stop the development of the windmill. If such a script does not like, make a special vaccination. In many European countries, it is present in the planned schedule of vaccination of children. By making a dam, protect the child. But if one of the family members got sick with a windmill, a vaccine is useless.

Under the term "windmill" imply a wind oil. This is infective viral disease from high levels Contachinginess in children proceeds in most cases in a fairly light form. The difficult course and complications are not excluded in infants, adult patients, as well as children with low immunity. With adequate treatment, complications are not developed often.

Herpes Zoster (Herpes Zoster). It is distinguished by high environmental resistance.

As a rule, the virus is transmitted by air-droplet. The infectious agent penetrates the body through the mucous cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes and the upper respiratory tract. The contact path of infection with the virus is also not excluded. In the incubation period, the disease can be from 1 to 3 weeks (but not more than a week and at least 21 days). Infectious for those surrounding the passive ceases to be 7-10 days from the appearance of the first clinical signs Diseases.

note: The patient can convey the infection by others, not even knowing what is sick.

The infectious period of the disease, usually begins 1-2 days before the occurrence of a child characteristic of the chickenpox. The patient diet is dangerous for others, until the appearance of a new rash is stopped, and the previously arising will not get dry and does not cover a crust.

Symptoms of chickenpox

The first signs of the windmill in children are usually indistinguishable from the "ordinary" ARVI.

The child appears:

  • high temperature (up to 39.5 ° C),
  • foreign reaction;
  • middle intensity headache;
  • pain in the abdominal area (not always);
  • general malaise;
  • signs of intoxication (possible nausea and vomiting);

The main symptom of the windmill is a characteristic rash (first small pink stains, and then bubbles with transparent liquid).

The appearance of bubbles is accompanied by a strong skin itemthat is very poorly tolerated by young children. The rash is localized mainly on the torso, head (as a face, so the scaling part), as well as on the genitals and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In the mouth bubbles most painful.

Initially, rounded redness of the skin is formed, and then in its place it is formed a bubble with a transparent liquid. After some time, they dry, acquiring the look of crusts. The windmill may differ in a wavy flow, so the characteristic rash on the skin can appear several times over a single disease.

The stage of rash in the windmill in children

Some basic stages pass on the body of a patient with chickenpox.

The stage of the stage is characterized by the appearance of small bodied red dots, increasing over time and when calculating

Stage II - the appearance of bubbles filled with transparent liquid

III Stage - Slowing Bubbles

In some cases, the first stage can immediately go to the third. In the midst of the disease on the body of the child, you can see a variety of rashes. The skin of the patient with the windmill looks like this:

Possible complications of chickenpox in children

After the transferred windshield, a resistant immunity is formed, so they are sick, as a rule, just once in life. Probability re-infection Very small.

For wind Spap A virus falls into the body, which in some cases can re-activate in adulthood. At the same time, the rash appears, known as the herpes sliding (also called "Lishe").

On the skin of the child can be noted on the site of the rash elements, especially if they are construed by negligence. Traces are usually visible for quite a long time - from 6 months to 1 year.

The overall weakening of the body against the backdrop of chickenpox in some cases leads to the development of hazardous bacterial infections (secondary). It is not excluded, in particular, such a complication of chickenpox, like encephalitis.

Important: Encephalitis is quite rare complication; It is manifested by such symptoms as the confusion of consciousness, hyperthermia and intense pain with irradiation in hand and legs.

In case clinical manifestationsallowing to suspect complications, the patient should urgently hospitalize

Treatment of windmill

What if you suspected a windmill at your child? First of all - do not panic! Therapy is to overcome unpleasant symptoms. In any case, you should contact the treatment doctor, which will be the tactics of treatment

The light shape of the windmill is usually treated outpatient. The doctor's call is obligatory if the child's high temperature holds longer than 4 days. The patient needs to be isolate to avoid the spread of infection.

Compliance with strictly bed mode is not a prerequisite, although the moving games are contraindicated in connection with the general weakening of the body.

Note: With severe general condition (Significant skin manifestations and symptoms of damage to the nervous system) are necessary therapy in the hospital.

Medical treatment of windmill combines pathogenetic (reception antiviral drugs) and symptomatic therapy. It is important to avoid the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. An excellent external antibacterial and drying drug is Kalamin Lotion. You can also use a conventional solution of a diamond green, a solution of fuccin or so-called for the processing of the rash. Castellani solution.

For the speedy removal of toxins from the body, it is recommended to consume more liquid as possible. To reduce the overall body temperature, the child is given ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetylsalicylic acid is not recommended).

If necessary, the doctor may also appoint eye gel Acyclovir or rectal suppositories Viferon.

If the child has damage to the oral mucosa, then it needs to adhere to a gentle diet, avoiding salty dishes, citrus and other products that annoy the oral cavity.

In the event that rashes are noted in the parts of the body where the skin is particularly gentle (for example, on genitalia), and the windmill is accompanied by itching or pain, it is recommended to use (externally, locally) pharmacological means With analgesic effect. The infection will help to cope with an antiseptic bath, for example - potassium permanganate (manganese).

Walking in the fresh air can already be performed upon the occurrence of reconvalues \u200b\u200b(recovery). When you can attend school or kindergarten In this case, only the precinct pediatrician solves.

If an injection is formed on the site of the element, this is an indication of the use of antibacterial ointment. The addition of secondary bacterial infection may require the beginning of antibiotic therapy.

Important: The sick chickenpox ceases to be infectious only after the independent separation of the last crust.

Folk Medicine in the Treatment of Windmill

With windmill, treatment is possible folk remedies. It is advisable to give fresh blueberry berries or ink juice. Active substances The fruits of this plant possess antiviral properties. It is also recommended to eat children in the mixture linden color, raspberry berries, yves bark and anise fruits (brewed at the rate of 300 ml of water on 1 tbsp. l. collection).

A fastening effect has honey with lemon juice or nuts.

FROM skin ramp With wind inspection, swimming in the chamomile brave (60 g of raw materials per liter of water) will help faster. Inside can be taken (1/3 cup four times a day) decoction from herbal collection, which includes the root of the burdock, calendula and chamomile flowers, as well as overhead parts of chicory and coltsfoot. Twice a day after meals, it is shown to be used inside the blade from the calendula mixture, Melissa, Basilica and Chamomile.

Treatment should be started as soon as possible (within 1-2 days after the appearance of the first, even single, rashes).

Windmill in Breastnikov

It must be remembered that any child aged from six months can get sick with a windmill. In most cases, the course of the disease in the infants is quite complicated: such small children are poorly tolerated symptoms, they cannot complain and cannot perceive tips. As a result, they need more thorough care and constant attention from the mother.

The windmill in newborns is characterized by the same symptomatic, but in children younger age The windmill occurs in a particularly difficult form, can cause serious harm to the body, affecting the development internal organs. Treatment of windmill U. baby babies Must occur under the strict control of a qualified pediatrician.

We must try to ensure that the child does not move his crust with drying rashes, because This will only strengthen itch and increase the risk of re-infection. The hands of the child need to wash more often, because on the skin and under the nails there may be a virus-causative agent. Nails must be briefly sked. At night it is recommended to wear a baby cotton gloves.

Windmill prevention

A number of medicines, as well as a timely vaccination of Obvaac preparations or varielrix, can prevent the infection of a person in contact with the patient if you enter a vaccine into the gap between 2 and 3 days from the contact. Avoid infection within one family is almost impossible (the probability of infection is 90%).

Vaccinations against chickenpox make children who have reached 6 months of age.

Children with low levels of immunity, as well as those who have undergone a bone marrow transplantation surgery are exposed to a special risk. They need to protect themselves in every way against infectious children and adults.

In other cases, remember that they suffer with a windmill just once in life, and it is much easier to get a windmill in childhood than tolerating the disease in a more mature age.

To obtain more information About the treatment of chickenpox in children, we recommend viewing this video review: the pediatrician tells the windmill, Dr. Komarovsky:

Chumachenko Olga, pediatrician

Parents must know how the windmill begins in young children, in order to recognize and do not miss the first signs of the disease, the transition to a complex form. As a child, the windshield is transferred much easier than in adult lifeAnd leaves immunity after himself forever.

Often the disease passes on a typical scenario and manifests itself on day 14 after infection. It is observed:

  • sharp increase in body temperature up to 38-40 degrees;
  • the appearance of flat spots of pink color almost simultaneously with the beginning of fever;
  • an increase in the number of races for several hours;
  • conversion skin manifestations in convex bubbles with liquid content;
  • worsening well-being, increase lymph nodes, headache, weakness;
  • restless behavior, sleep disorders, rejection of food.

The rash covers the child's body (except palms, stop) and is accompanied by itching, but it is dangerous to combing it, since it is possible to apply.

Features of the disease:

  1. The rashes that appeared first dried after 3 days, covered with a red crust. With an interval of 1-2 days on the skin of the baby, new stains arise, at the same time the body temperature rises.
  2. The active phase of the chickenpox in children lasts 6-8 days and is completed after the last rashes appear. The spots on the skin are spontaneously open, and in their place they are formed red crusts, which disappear after 1-2 days.

If in the period active phase The baby combed rashes, and a bacterial infection joined, then after recovery on his skin, scars or scars will remain.

The first signs of the windmill little child Recognize not difficult. Having done this, it is necessary to ensure the baby bedding, and limit communication with households.

How does the windmill begins in children

The first windmill symptoms in young children are typical for infectious diseases. Throughout the incubation period, which lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, the virus breeds in the body.

Production (the beginning of the disease) is not accompanied by manifestations or has the following symptoms:

  • an increase in body temperature (usually insignificant);
  • malaise and headache;
  • reduced appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea;
  • the feeling of scratching throat;
  • sometimes - the appearance of quickly disappearing reddish rashes.

Further, the child begins the active stage of wind sieves, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees. The stronger the fever in the first day, the greater the skin area will be amazed by rashes. In some kids, the disease passes in a light form. At the same time, the temperature rises slightly, but there is a rash.

Remember! The first signs of the windmill in children can be completely absent or manifested by a sharp increase in temperature of up to 40 degrees. In any case, recognize the disease and designate competent treatment Can only a doctor!

Features of rash

Acne in the windmill appear quickly, rapidly diverged on the skin and mucous membranes, without affecting the palms and feet. First, they are converted into bubbles with liquid content, which are burst through 8-10 hours. After some time, the affected areas are covered with a crust. At the same time, new rashes arise, provoking an increase in body temperature.

In particularly severe cases, the windmill pimples in children may appear on the palms and feet. The rashes can last from 4 to 8 days, then the recovery period comes. Corks disappear in about a week. If the baby has not combed the affected skin, then the trace of them does not remain. Otherwise, Ospinka is observed.

Shedsham temperature

For chickenpox, children are characterized by a high temperature, but its range is variable. It all depends on the form of the disease:

  1. With a light form, the temperature is low. At the same time, fever, headaches and malaise in the baby are practically absent.
  2. A medium-severe form is characterized by a temperature not higher than 39 degrees. The rashes are developing for 5-6 days.
  3. The hard form in children is infrequent. It arises in adults who did not move the windmill in childhood. At the same time, the temperature rises to 40 degrees.

Symptoms atypical hazardous forms Chickenpox in a child:

  1. Hemorrhagic. Accompanied by high temperatures, intoxication, sometimes with nasal and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  2. Visceral. It is characterized by the damage to the internal organs, the nervous system, high temperature and pronounced intoxication. In the risk group there are premature children.
  3. Generalized. It is usually developing in individuals who have taken drugs depressing immunity.
  4. Gangrenous, at which the child's rashes merge in erosion and ulcers, and skin fabrics gradually die.

The beginning of the windmill in children is usually typical. Easy form meets in persons with strong immunity or habitual resistance to the disease.

Nausea and diarrhea, as the first signs of the windmill in children

On the initial stage The manifestations of the disease become obvious, but sometimes the child's well-being deteriorated in the long period. Then there are poor appetite, a feeling of scratching in the throat, malaise. However, the reluctance to eat is observed at the beginning of the pathology. Bad appetite Not a specific sign of the windmill and does not make it clear that the child has this disease.

Vomiting and diarrhea indicate intoxicating the body, as a result of the penetration of the virus. If they are concerned about the child 1-2 times, this indicates that the body is getting rid of toxins. The patient gives abundant drink to avoid dehydration.

These features represent the normal response of the body on the pathogen, provided that they are observed at the initial stage of the disease. Often vomiting, loss of appetite arise from a child up to the year. In children under 3 years old, symptoms from the head of the gastrointestinal tract sometimes indicates that the disease has acquired aggreed manifestations and moved into a complicated form.

Weakness, problems with sleep and capriciousness

These signs are manifested at the initial stage of the windmill in children. Bad Son. due to fever or strong itchwhich delivers rash. Detergence of well-being caused by intoxication of the body.

The newborn disease does not occur if they are on breastfeeding, providing natural protection.

Other first manifestations of the chickenpox

Understanding how the chickenpox begins in children, helps not miss the first signs of the disease. In addition, it is important to detect complications in time to which the following are:

  1. The gangrenose chickenpox is characterized by the fact that the rash is converted into flabbing bubbles with manifestations of necrosis. Ulcers are formed on the skin, in which the infection penetrates, blood infection begins.
  2. Secondary infection. In this case, foci of purulent dermatitis arise on the skin.
  3. Otitis, pneumonia, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc. Diseases caused by weakening immunity.
  4. The hemorrhagic chickenpox, in which blood accumulates inside bubbles, after which bleeding from the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, nose.
  5. Windmill encephalitis, when severe fever and pronounced headaches occur.

These complications are developing when using some medicines, incl. hormonal and glucoricosteroids.

How to distinguish a windmill in a child from other skin diseases


With wind pump, the rash is rapidly diverged by the body. In addition, it is waveled. This means that new stains arise with an interval of a few days. And simultaneously on the skin of the child there are also semi-dry bubbles, and fresh rashes.

Unlike allergies, the windmill is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being and fever. At the same time, the specks appear first on the face and head, and then diverge through the body without affecting the palms and feet.

Moreover, allergic manifestations They have a clear location, often pass by the type of urticaria, occur after interaction with the allergen and disappear against the background of antihistamine reception.

When scabies, like in other skin diseases, rashes are localized in their hands, which is not observed in the windmill. Cut and rubella are characterized by a single appearance of specks on skin sections.

Windmill is well tolerated into childhood And leaves no negative consequences. In kids with normal immunity and infants who received maternal antibodies, it proceeds easily.

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