Prevention of complications after childbirth. Exacerbation of skin diseases

  • Date: 28.03.2019

Almost every pregnant woman, with the approach of childbirth, experiences that this significant event passed without complications. In fairness, we note that in most cases, fears are in vain. If the expectant mother is in excellent physical shape and psychologically ready to meet the baby, then everything will go well. And yet, today we want to talk about the possible complications of natural childbirth and cesarean section. Every pregnant woman needs to know about this. At least in order to understand how to act in this or that case, so as not to harm either yourself or the baby.

Complications of natural childbirth

Unfortunately, having a baby doesn't always go smoothly. The birth process consists of three periods, and during each of them, the woman may experience complications. Let's look at each of the stages of labor in detail.

Period one - "disclosure"

At this stage, the woman in labor begins contractions, which ensure the dilatation of the cervix and may be accompanied by the following complications:

  • Premature placental abruption is a complication in which the placenta separates from the walls of the uterus even before the birth of the fetus. This pathology can be mild or severe. Most often observed in primiparous women. May pose a threat to both the life of the fetus and the mother.
  • Weakness generic activity- often occurs not only in the first, but also in subsequent periods of the generic process. It is characterized not by an increase in contractions, but by their weakening. As a result, the process of cervical opening slows down and the baby's head does not advance along birth canal... This pathology is characterized by protracted childbirth and leads to fatigue of the expectant mother, who does not have enough strength to complete the birth on her own. Complication is fraught with the development of acute hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Too vigorous labor is the exact opposite of weak. It is characterized by rapid childbirth, which can result in premature placental abruption, injury or even death of the fetus, as well as serious injuries and deep ruptures of the birth canal in a woman in labor.
  • Iron deficiency anemia also adversely affects development contractile activity uterus, provoking long, protracted labor or fast and rapid. True anemia of pregnant women can be accompanied by a violation of the properties of the blood, which is the cause of severe blood loss.
  • Complications of labor stimulation. The hormone oxytocin, which is used to stimulate labor, is synthetic, and, unlike a natural hormone, does not cause the production of its own endorphins. Contractions become more painful, exhausting, and can cause fetal hypoxia. It is highly likely that induction of labor will result in an emergency caesarean section.

Second period - "exile"

This stage begins with the first attempts and ends with the birth of a baby. During the second stage of labor, the following complications may occur:

  • Fetal hypoxia is a complication in which the baby does not receive enough oxygen while passing through the birth canal. This pathology occurs in every tenth woman in labor.
  • Soft tissue ruptures are the most common complication that occurs when a baby moves through the birth canal. Most often it happens at the birth of a post-term or large fetus, as well as when rapid childbirth... In such a situation, a woman in labor can receive not only injuries to the vagina and perineum, but also a rupture of the uterus, its cervix, and pubic symphysis. Quite often, the wall of the uterus, injured during the abortion (perforated), is torn.

The third period - "postpartum"

As a rule, this stage takes place without complications, and only in rare cases the following pathologies can occur:

  • Incomplete separation of the placenta - occurs when part of it is retained in the uterus of the woman in labor. In such a situation, an inflammatory process may develop, accompanied by a loss a large number blood.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage - occurs with incomplete overlap of large blood vessels caused by insufficient contraction of the uterus. This situation is most often triggered by infectious inflammation or hormonal changes in a woman's body.

Complications of cesarean section

Despite the fact that today the caesarean section is used quite often, it is by no means a simple procedure. During and after surgery, some complications may arise:

  • Severe blood loss, especially during emergency labor. A caesarean section involves cutting several layers of tissue to remove the baby. Therefore, blood loss during surgery is stronger than during vaginal delivery. Sometimes a woman in labor requires a blood transfusion.
  • Injury to internal organs when the uterus is cut in the lower third after opening abdominal cavity... Adjacent organs may be affected - the bladder, intestines. These injuries are rarely life-threatening, but can lead to long-term pain and subsequent adhesions.
  • Child injury. With a caesarean section, your baby may get minor abrasions and cuts. They usually heal on their own.

Complications after surgery

After the birth of a baby by cesarean section, a large number of women in labor are faced with consequences that are extremely rare during natural childbirth:

  • Long rehabilitation period... Usually, after a cesarean section, young mothers remain in the hospital for about seven days; with natural childbirth without complications, a woman returns home after a few days. Walking after a cesarean, carrying and caring for a baby is usually more difficult because the wound will still hurt for a while.
  • Wound infection. Even in a sterile operating room, such a situation can occur, provoking pain and difficulties in the healing of stitches.
  • Postpartum discharge also takes longer because tissue within the uterus regenerates more slowly than after vaginal delivery.
  • Adhesions between internal organs and tissues. The consequences of adhesions are chronic pain in the upper and lower abdomen, bowel obstruction, or infertility caused by blockages in the fallopian tubes.
  • Problems in subsequent childbirth: increased risk of uterine rupture, placenta previa.

Complications of community-acquired childbirth

Community-acquired or home births are divided into two groups. The first group is usually associated with medical reasons- fast and impetuous childbirth in multiparous women; remoteness from the hospital or lack of communication facilities. This also includes childbirth on the way (train, plane).

The second group of home births is characterized by unauthorized refusal from hospital conditions. Most often this is due to the desire to unconventional method delivery, national or religious traditions.

In the first group of home births, birth injuries can occur - both from the mother and from the fetus, caused by the rapid birth of a child.

A feature of childbirth in the second group is a high percentage of complications:

  • infection in unsanitary conditions;
  • postpartum septic pathologies;
  • birth traumatism, difficult obstetric situations.

That is why doctors insist on stationary childbirth.

Childbirth with diabetes

Patients with diabetes mellitus rarely carry on pregnancy. The optimal delivery time for them is 36-37 weeks. During childbirth, doctors monitor the nature of labor, the condition of the mother and fetus, and blood sugar levels. Childbirth is carried out through the natural birth canal. Indications for caesarean section operation with diabetes mellitus the woman in labor has the following pathologies: complications from blood vessels, vision, kidneys.

Breech delivery

The baby in the uterus should be positioned with its head down as it represents the widest part of the fetus. In a normal birth, the baby's head should appear first, followed by the rest of the body. However, some women have breech delivery, which is fraught with complications.

The location of the child in the uterine cavity is classified as follows:

  • leg - both hips are unbent or only one of them, and one leg is located at the exit from the uterus;
  • gluteal - fetal legs in hip joints bent, and knees pressed to the tummy and straightened;
  • mixed (gluteal-leg) - the knees and hips of the fetus are bent.

A baby may be born with a breech presentation naturally or as a result of a cesarean section. Complications that can occur during childbirth with a breech or breech presentation are often associated with poor labor. This is because the pelvic end of the fetus is smaller than the head. He weakly presses on the uterus, as a result of which it contracts worse, its cervix opens more slowly.

During labor, the baby's head may tilt back. There is a risk that the baby will be injured. Also, the umbilical cord is often clamped between the wall in breech presentation. birth canal and the head of the crumbs. In such a situation, hypoxia develops. In most cases, with such pathological conditions an emergency caesarean section is prescribed.

Summing up our conversation, it can be noted that natural or surgical childbirth always has a certain degree of risk and may be accompanied by complications. To avoid trouble, it is better to give preference to good maternity hospitals and experienced professionals.

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

In almost every woman's life, a new one comes life stage- pregnancy. Of course, a child is a great happiness. But sometimes it happens that childbirth for a woman in labor may not end very favorably. After them, there is a possibility of developing possible complications, especially if mistakes are made during childbirth.

In contact with

During a caesarean section, obstetricians make a large incision, and even in the sterile setting of a hospital birth, wound infection can occur.

7. Difficulties in subsequent childbirth, after cesarean section

The risk of a woman not being able to give birth again on her own is very high next time, as is the risk of uterine rupture.

8. Pathological bleeding as a complication after childbirth in women

After the childbirth has passed, the woman's uterus begins to return to its previous size, during this process, blood is abundantly released from it. The whole process resembles a menstrual period with profuse bleeding.

Under normal conditions, within a week they have a bright red hue and a thick consistency, and after 1.5-2 months they discolor and disappear altogether.

But sometimes it happens that postpartum "menstruation" turns into a pathology characterized by:

  • the release of thick, bright red blood clots that do not stop for two weeks;
  • the presence of a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • with a serious complication, there is a purulent discharge.

This indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the female genital or reproductive organs. At the slightest suspicion of pathological bleeding, an immediate visit to a gynecologist is necessary.

Another complication may be the delay in these bleeding, or their presence, but in very small quantities, this may be accompanied by:

  • increased body temperature;
  • abdominal pain;
  • chills or fever.

Usually, this complication is caused by harmful bacteria that have entered the uterus from the vagina or from an internal organ affected by an infection.

Epidural anesthesia is the administration of a drug for pain relief during labor and childbirth. This procedure significantly reduces pain during childbirth, but it can have negative consequences.

1. Allergy

A woman who does such a procedure for the first time must be sure that she is not allergic to the drugs being administered. Otherwise, the consequences can be irreparable from the appearance of a rash and edema to anaphylactic shock and death.

2.Permanent headache and low back pain

Under anesthesia, a specialist pierces with a needle meninges and some cerebrospinal fluid gets into the epidurial space. Painful sensations in the back and head usually begin within a few hours after administration of the drug and can last for several months.

3. Paralysis

In very rare cases, the drug can be absorbed incorrectly and as a result after childbirth - a complication in women with legs, or rather their complete numbness.

4. Difficulty urinating, decreased tone of the muscles of the bladder

The consequences of premature birth

Premature births are those that occurred at 22-37 weeks of gestation; according to statistics, they account for 5-10% of all births. In this case, the risk of complications is very high, since the woman's body is not yet ready for the birth of a baby.

1. Tears of soft tissues in a woman

As a rule, preterm labor starts quickly. The body does not have time to tune in, as a result, a rupture in the birth canal can occur.

2. Suppuration of seams

Sometimes inflammatory processes occur at the seams, due to the multiplication of bacteria in them.

3 sepsis

It occurs extremely rarely, is characterized by general inflammation organism and blood poisoning.

This type of childbirth poses a real danger to the child's life, since his body is not ready to live outside the mother's body, therefore, the longer the gestation period, the better the fetus has matured. Premature birth can have the same consequences and complications as normal, the baby suffers most in this situation.


Every woman, having learned that she is expecting a baby, must change her lifestyle for a more correct and healthy one. Here are some tips, observing which complications after childbirth in a child will be minimized, and the birth itself will pass without complications:

  • avoidance future mother, infectious diseases(avoiding hypothermia, observing the rules of personal hygiene, visiting a doctor for any symptom of the onset of the disease);
  • complete rejection of all bad habits (drugs, frequent overeating, excessive use);
  • the presence of moderate physical activity (walks, gymnastics for pregnant women, breathing exercises);
  • compulsory avoidance: stress, nervous breakdowns, worries for any reason;
  • admission, can reduce the risk of complications;
  • observance correct diet eating a lot of fiber, fruits and vegetables;
  • avoidance of abdominal injuries (falling, beating, bruises, etc.).

From the rules of prevention, it is clear that during pregnancy, the most important thing is to healthy image life, do everything so that the baby is born healthy and strong.

How it goes, the video:

In contact with

Postpartum inflammatory diseases are often caused by opportunistic microbes that inhabit the body of any person. They constantly live on the skin, mucous membranes, in the intestines, without disturbing their "owner", but under certain conditions they can cause disease. And childbirth, especially if it is accompanied by large blood loss, leading to anemia and, accordingly, to a decrease in the body's defenses, can become this favorable condition for the activation of microbes. Sexually transmitted infections (gonococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.) can also be the cause of inflammatory processes in the postpartum period. There are also associations of 2-3 microbes that enhance each other's pathogenic properties.

Blood loss during childbirth, anemia, vitamin deficiency, disorders in the blood coagulation system, remnants of placental tissue or membranes in the uterine cavity, surgical intervention in childbirth, cracked nipples, severe course and childbirth, a long anhydrous gap in childbirth - these are the main conditions that support the infection.

Currently, the most common postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the uterus), chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the membranes and uterus during labor), mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland), pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) and, much less often, pelvic vein thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the pelvic veins, often complicated by their thrombosis), peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) and sepsis (general blood poisoning).

To avoid development severe complications very important early diagnosis these diseases at the first symptoms; it is even better to prevent them with preventive measures in the high-risk group of women.

Let's dwell on the most common postpartum complications of an inflammatory nature.

Postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the uterine cavity)

Most often occurs after cesarean section, manual examination postpartum uterus, manual separation of the placenta and discharge of the placenta (if the independent separation of the placenta is difficult due to the violation of the contractile function of the uterus), with a prolonged anhydrous interval (more than 12 hours), in women admitted to childbirth with inflammatory diseases of the genital tract (for example, against the background of infections, sexually transmitted infections), in patients with large quantity abortions in the past.

A pure form of endometritis is isolated, which is much less common (in 15% of cases) and develops without remnants of placental tissue, and endometritis against the background of remnants of placental tissue, retention of the fetal membrane, blood clots, sutures imposed with catgut (0 one of the species suture material, produced from animal tendons, and therefore often causes inflammatory reactions. Now rarely used) after cesarean section.

There are mild, moderate and severe endometritis. As a rule, these forms differ from each other in the degree of severity, in the degree of general intoxication (from the Greek toxikon - poison) - a painful condition caused by the action on the body of bacteria, viruses, harmful substances) of the body and the required duration of treatment.

  • An increase in body temperature, usually from 1 to 7 days after childbirth, depending on the severity of the disease. At mild form endometritis usually body temperature rises only 5-7 days after childbirth, more often up to 38 ° C; in severe form, the first symptoms appear already on the 2-4th day, the body temperature can reach 40 ° C.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. They can be minor and inconsistent in the lower abdomen with endometritis mild and intense, constant, radiating all over the abdomen and lower back in case of a severe form of the disease.
  • Lochia (postpartum discharge from the genital tract) long time(more than 14 days after delivery) remain bright, then turn brown-brown, with unpleasant odor.
  • The uterus contracts poorly, the height of the fundus of the uterus does not correspond to the day of the postpartum period.
  • Phenomena of general intoxication: chills, weakness, loss of appetite, headache.

V general analysis blood, an increased number of leukocytes is detected, i.e. leukocytosis, sometimes - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin. At ultrasound examination in the uterine cavity, remains of placental tissue, fetal membranes, blood clots, subinvolution of the uterus are found (the uterus contracts poorly, its size does not correspond to the day of the postpartum period).

  • When a subinvolution of the uterus is detected, a careful expansion of the cervical canal is carried out in order to create conditions for the outflow of the contents of the uterine cavity; if the contents of MHOGO, vacuum aspiration or curettage is carried out (Vacuum aspiration - suction of the contents of the uterine cavity using a special apparatus. Scraping - removal of the contents of the uterine cavity and the surface layer of the endometrium using a special instrument - a curette).
  • Currently, in many clinics and maternity hospitals, the uterine cavity is washed with chilled antiseptic solutions.
  • Antibacterial therapy the main method of treatment. Antibiotics are used wide range since many infections are caused by the association of several microbes. When choosing an antibiotic, they proceed from which microbe most often causes this or that inflammation, whether the antibiotic is excreted in milk, whether it affects the child. If the antibiotic does not give a sufficient effect within 2-3 days, it is changed to another one. The method of taking antibacterial drugs depends on the severity of endometritis: in case of a mild disease, you can limit yourself to pills antibacterial drugs; with a severe course of endometritis, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
  • Infusion (detoxification) therapy (intravenous administration of drugs) is carried out in order to eliminate the phenomena of intoxication, improve blood circulation. Infusion therapy should be carried out for both mild and severe course endometritis. For its implementation, glucose solutions (5, 10, 20%), physiological solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution), etc. are used.
  • For all forms of endometritis, immunocorrective therapy is carried out, which helps to strengthen the body's defenses, increases immunity (drugs such as Viferon, Kipferon, etc. are used).
  • HBO (hyperbaric oxygenation) is a type of therapy that helps to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen. In infectious diseases of any nature, cells suffer from hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. The process of therapy is that the woman is allowed to breathe a mixture with an increased oxygen content through a mask. This therapy is very effective in the initial manifestations of endometritis, strengthens the body's defenses.

The frequency of postpartum endometritis can be significantly reduced by prophylactic antibiotics with a relatively high risk of its development (after cesarean section, manual entry into the uterine cavity, with an anhydrous interval of more than 12 hours). Also, before giving birth (ideally before pregnancy), it is necessary to conduct an examination and eliminate the infection of the birth canal.

Chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the amniotic membranes)

Most often occurs with premature rupture of the membranes. As the anhydrous gap in labor increases, the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus increases.

  • In a pregnant woman or woman in labor, against the background of a relatively long anhydrous period (6-12 hours), the body temperature rises, chills appear, pus-like discharge from the genital tract, and the heart rate increases. In every fifth woman, chorioamnionitis becomes postpartum endometritis.

When signs of chorioamnionitis appear, intensive delivery is performed (rhodostimulation, and with persistent weakness of the labor forces - cesarean section) against the background of antibacterial and infusion therapy.


During childbirth or surgery, it is imperative to monitor the state of the function of the vital organs of the woman, especially the state of the blood coagulation system, since due to poor contraction of the uterus or / and a decrease in the blood clotting ability, severe bleeding may develop, which sometimes leads to the need to remove.

Postpartum mastitis (inflammation of the breast) and lactostasis (milk stasis)

Postpartum mastitis occurs in 2-5% of cases, more often in primiparous. 9 out of 10 women with purulent mastitis are admitted to the surgical hospital from home, as this disease often begins at the end of the 2nd and during the 3rd week, and sometimes - a month after childbirth.

This is a disease of nursing mothers: if there is no lactation, there is no postpartum. In 80-90% of cases, it is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Infection occurs when a microorganism penetrates through a nipple crack in the lactating gland. This is the main difference between mastitis and lactostasis (accumulation and "stagnation" of milk in the mammary gland), since lactostasis develops without the presence of cracked nipples. Usually mastitis is unilateral, but it can also be on both sides.

  • An increase in body temperature to 38.5-39 ° C and above.
    • Local pain in the mammary gland.
    • Redness of the mammary gland in the affected area (most often in the area of ​​the upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland. The mammary gland is conventionally divided into 4 quadrants: upper and lower external and upper and lower posterior), edema.
  • On palpation (manual examination) of this area of ​​the mammary gland, painful, indurated areas are determined. Expressing milk is extremely painful and, unlike lactostasis, does not bring relief.
    • Phenomena of general intoxication: chills, headaches, weakness, etc.

The initial stage of mastitis should be distinguished from lactostasis. With lactostasis, a feeling of heaviness and tension in the mammary gland is noted, there is no redness and swelling of the skin, milk is released freely, expression, unlike mastitis, brings relief. The general condition of women with lactostasis suffers little, after expressing, the body temperature returns to normal, the pain stops.

Lactostasis treatment

With lactostasis, you can massage your breasts under the shower with a stream of warm water, after which pumping is greatly facilitated. Physiotherapy is also used (for example, warming up, exposure to high-frequency current - Ultraton, Vityaz, etc.), without inhibiting lactation, milk is expressed (20-30 minutes before that, 2 ml of No-shpy is injected intramuscularly, immediately before expressing - intramuscularly). In the absence of the effect of physiotherapeutic procedures in combination with the expression of milk, lactation is inhibited by parlodel or similar drugs.

Treatment of mastitis

Treatment should be started at the first symptoms of the disease, which significantly reduces the possibility of developing purulent inflammation of the mammary gland and surrounding tissues. Previously, when treating mastitis, the amount of fluid they drink was limited, which is now considered a gross mistake: to combat intoxication, a woman must drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. Nutrition should be complete, aimed at increasing the body's resistance.

  • Antibiotic therapy is quite effective in the 1st and 2nd stages of mastitis
  • With purulent mastitis (when an abscess develops - a limited inflammation of the mammary gland - or phlegmon - a diffuse purulent inflammation of the mammary gland) surgery(opening an abscess, removing dead tissue within healthy tissue) against the background of antibiotic therapy.
  • Suppression of lactation by drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment several times. No type of mastitis can be treated without suppressing or inhibiting lactation. V modern conditions complete suppression of lactation is rarely used, only with purulent mastitis, more often they resort to inhibition of lactation. When inhibition or suppression of lactation with drugs, pumping cannot be used, since this stimulates the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland and, accordingly, stimulates lactation. Even at the initial stage of mastitis, you cannot breastfeed a child, due to the high risk of infection, as well as the intake of antibiotics and others in the child's body drugs, inferiority of milk. The question of resuming breastfeeding is decided individually and only after the control sowing of milk after treatment.


It starts from the period of pregnancy, includes balanced nutrition, familiarizing women with the rules and techniques of breastfeeding, timely treatment of cracked nipples, lactostasis, wearing a bra that does not compress the mammary glands, washing hands before feeding, air baths for 10-15 minutes after feeding.

High risk factors for the development of postpartum mastitis:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • foci of purulent infection in the body;
  • mastopathy (the presence of seals and small nodules in the mammary gland);
  • anatomical features nipples (inverted or flat nipples);
  • existing chronic diseases of internal organs, especially in the acute stage.

Postpartum pyelonephritis (infectious and inflammatory kidney disease)

Sometimes an increase in body temperature in the postpartum period is associated with an exacerbation of pyelonephritis (4-6th and 12-14th days are considered a critical period). Chronic pyelonephritis worsens after childbirth or develops for the first time after them as a result of the ascending spread of infection from the bladder and genital tract.

  • Temperature rise up to 40 ° С.
  • Pain in the side (if the pyelonephritis is unilateral).
  • Painful urination, constipation, general weakness.
  • Chills.

With an increase in body temperature, in the postpartum period, along with a clinical blood test, it is also necessary to conduct a urine test so that pyelonephritis cannot be missed under the mask of endometritis or mastitis.


Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs (depending on the severity of the course, tablets or antibiotics in the form of solutions for injections are used). Drinking plenty of water with renal tea is recommended to support normal kidney function. As with other inflammatory postpartum diseases, infusion (disintoxication) therapy is widely carried out.


Oh, and I don’t know what I would do without my gynecologist. A friend of such passions told, she could not sit normally for a month after giving birth, the stitches hurt and did not heal well. My son and I were discharged on day 4, everything was fine, they said that the stitches would dissolve on their own. But they did not say how to care for and how to lubricate. After discharge, I came to the gynecologist, taught by experience. Oddly enough, nothing had to be processed. Only depantol put down the course.

I had mastitis two and a half months after giving birth. Fortunately, I was advised to turn to an experienced doctor, who, after prescribing a treatment, added - never give up! years before she became pregnant again. Really why suppress lactation!

05/21/2004 22:58:32, olesya

finally I know what I had after the cesarean. weakness was attributed to excessive laziness and suspiciousness, the temperature rose slightly - 37C - and the discharge was found on examination on the 10th day after the operation. I was not told the diagnosis, but just started to treat. thank God they cured.

07/22/2003 18:54:47, glass

Rumors about treating mastitis and suppressing lactation to treat it have been greatly exaggerated. The author clearly does not have a modern education in the field of lactation. For information on mastitis treatment and feeding, it is best to seek advice from lactation consultants, La Leche and Ligue, Ammenhelpieu, or any other organization that works with breastfeeding women.

Comment on the article "Postpartum complications"

Postpartum depression After giving birth, you need to try to communicate with a woman more often, ask about what she did, how she spent time with the child, and offer help. Pay the maximum amount of attention, and support her in everything, turning a blind eye to whims, because she endured physical and psychological stress during childbirth. The birth of a child is undoubtedly a delight and joy in the family, but sometimes after the birth of a child, a woman has postpartum depression... During...

At the birth of a child, every woman is faced with the onset of postpartum discharge, scientifically called lochia. These secretions are characterized by abundance and constancy. In a maternity hospital, an oilcloth to protect the mattress and special pads will come in handy. Postpartum pads will have to be changed every 1-2 hours. These sanitary products look a little intimidating as they are much longer and thicker than normal pads. Do not forget to take special underwear to the hospital, it is often convenient ...

Madura super stick for women. Helps to solve not only women's health problems, but also increases libido and the quality of sexual life! Men will be crazy about you! It reduces the muscles of the walls of the vagina, has a powerful constricting effect, creating the effect of "virginity". Activates mutual excitement during intercourse, stimulates the achievement of a bright orgasm in both partners. It is also recommended as a means to improve the quality of the sexual life of partners, especially for couples with ...


One thing I don’t understand is how a super wand solves women's health problems, guarantees a girl a lot of cavaliers, eliminates an unpleasant odor (how?), Prevents fungal diseases (well, how ???), prevents inflammatory diseases (how ????) and erosion cervix (?????).

"Inserted for 1-2 minutes. After use, rinse the stick with warm water, dry with a napkin. Store in a dry place until the next use. Reusable stick." - I also know a "stick" with the same recommendations! ..)))))))))))))

Which of the newly minted mothers did not feel like an unhappy, tortured woman? Everyone has tearful days, but for some new mums, they can escalate into postpartum depression. About what kind of animal it is, read here [link-1]


Of course, there is postpartum depression that occurs at any time of the year. But in winter, the likelihood of this condition after childbirth is much higher. Symptoms Causes of occurrence Where is the way out of depression? Read [link-1] Particularly cute in the article is a photo of a naughty kid.

Baby's clothes *: 2. Thin diapers - 10 pcs. 3. Flannel diapers - 10 pcs. 4. Thin undershirts - 4 pcs. (preferably with closed handles) 5. Blouses with buttons (jersey or flannel) - 4 pcs. 6. Thin hats - 2 pcs. 7. Dense hats (cotton or wool, depending on the season) - 1 pc. 8. Socks - 2 pairs. 9. Socks woolen or cotton knitted booties - 2 pairs 10. Sliders with buttons - 10 pairs 11. Little men (slips) 2-3 12. Bodysuits with short sleeves 3-4 pcs (for summer kids) 13. Diapers ...

Reading time: 8 minutes

The woman's body after childbirth will no longer be the same as before, there may even be health problems. To prevent this from happening, it is important to be observed by a gynecologist, to respond in a timely manner to the first alarming symptoms. Not only the external curves of the figure change, but also the internal health of the woman after childbirth, and there is a number of confirmation of this. It is especially dangerous if labor was accompanied by pathologies. In this case, the consequences for women's health can remind of themselves for a lifetime. It is necessary to talk about such unpleasant moments in more detail.

What is childbirth

This is a natural process female body, as a result of which new life... Simply put, this is the logical conclusion of pregnancy with the long-awaited replenishment of a happy family. Physiologically, in the female body, the fetus and placenta are expelled from the uterus through the birth canal (through the cervical canal and vagina). Natural childbirth is accompanied not only by recurrent pain and specific discharge, more serious problems with health. Such moments are discussed with the obstetrician-gynecologist on an individual basis.

What childbirth is considered complicated

If in the process of labor activity there are certain difficulties on the part of the mother or child, such childbirth in the extensive obstetric practice is considered complicated. The reasons why the pathological process progresses are revealed even during pregnancy or come as a surprise when a newborn is born. In any case, such pathologies require high professionalism and timely coordinated actions on the part of a team of specialists. The health problem can be conditionally classified as follows, the following reasons for pathological childbirth can be distinguished:

  • premature birth (a history of miscarriages and abortions, multiple pregnancy, cervical insufficiency and other pathologies of this important organ of the reproductive system);
  • weak labor (obesity future mom, large fetus or its incorrect presentation in the womb, overwork of the woman in labor during labor, previous inflammatory processes);
  • ruptures of soft tissues (strong tears of the perineum, vaginal walls, cervix against the background of a large fetus, its incorrect presentation in the womb, serious medical errors);
  • a long anhydrous period (accession of a secondary infection during pregnancy, weakness of labor);
  • oxygen starvation or fetal hypoxia (premature placental abruption, excessive fetal pressure of the abdominal wall, entanglement not yet born child umbilical cord with the need for an emergency caesarean section).

The anatomical features of the female body can provoke complications during childbirth in women, among which the naturally narrow pelvis takes the leading place. To avoid the development of such a pathology and serious consequences for childbirth, the leading gynecologist individually determines the ratio of the size of the pelvic ring to the size of the baby's head. If there are visible differences, a planned caesarean section may be required. In this way, you can minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences for the mother and child.

Woman after childbirth

Immediately after the completion of labor, the fairer sex feels empty and overwhelmed, wants to sleep badly. So she enters the postpartum period, which can last from 6 to 8 weeks. All internal organs, except for the mammary glands and hormonal system, gradually come back to normal, restore their usual functions.

Immediately after childbirth, the uterus weighs up to 1 kg, but it gradually shrinks and decreases in size, reaching in weight up to 500 g. It is important to clarify that during breastfeeding, painful sensations in the lower abdomen may periodically occur. This is normal: the uterus contracts, and intense production of oxytocin prevails, causing especially strong contractions of the uterus. But these are not the only changes that a recently given birth woman notices in her own body:

  1. For 5 - 6 weeks, among the consequences, it is required to highlight bloody issues(lochia).
  2. Six months after giving birth, there may be no stable menstruation, or an irregular menstrual cycle predominates.
  3. After delivery, the vagina gradually decreases in size, but it does not always return its prenatal shape.
  4. The mammary glands are enlarged, since during breastfeeding breast milk predominates in them, the concentration of prolactin increases.
  5. In the first days after childbirth, colostrum is excreted from the breast; after a few days, the milk acquires the fat content required for the satiety of the newborn.
  6. Among dangerous consequences there may be no urge to urinate, which is normal for the first 2 to 3 days, but not longer.
  7. If a cesarean section was performed, fresh stitches for the first 2 - 3 weeks continue to hurt, regularly remind of themselves with extremely unpleasant sensations.

In the psychological state, radical changes are also observed, which can be conditionally called "from one extreme to another." At first, this feeling of euphoria from the long-awaited motherhood, but then joy fades into the background, lingering bouts of blues and apathy begin to disturb. This is how postpartum depression begins, from which some women cannot get out without the help and participation of a certified psychotherapist.

Consequences of childbirth in women

A woman does not always feel comfortable and calm after the birth of a baby; certain difficulties with health may appear. The consequences of childbirth can be pathological in nature, cause urgent hospitalization a recent woman in labor. Do not ignore the prevailing problem if a woman has such changes in her body:

  1. Since the volume of blood after the birth of a child in the female body decreases, at first signs of arrhythmia, tachycardia, angina pectoris may prevail.
  2. There is a high risk of blood clots forming and the subsequent development of thrombosis in a woman's body.
  3. In the postpartum period, intestinal motility is disturbed, and one of the consequences of such dysfunction is the development of chronic constipation.
  4. The appearance and increase in the size of hemorrhoids, which must be shown to the proctologist on an individual basis, is not excluded.
  5. After childbirth, bleeding may open, which provokes not only iron deficiency anemia, but also becomes a real threat to the life of the newly-made mom.
  6. Complications of childbirth are accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, which indicates an infectious or inflammatory process in a woman's body.
  7. If traces of specific discharge with an unpleasant odor appear on the underwear, this is a sign of thrush, with the treatment of which it is advisable not to delay.


If the general condition after childbirth is satisfactory, and the young mother is experiencing a sharp deterioration in overall health, it's time to contact the local gynecologist. Otherwise, immediate hospitalization may be required, followed by medication and temporary cessation of breastfeeding. Here are the diseases of the female body of a gynecological nature we are talking about:

  • postpartum endometritis;
  • inflammation of the postpartum sutures;
  • cystitis and other infectious processes urinary tract;
  • mastopathy, mastitis;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • accession of a secondary infection;
  • non-infectious diseases (joints, skin).

The consequences of rapid childbirth for the baby

It is important not to ignore the prerequisites for childbirth, since the delay of the expectant mother can significantly harm the newborn, complicate the process of labor. With rapid childbirth, the potential consequences for a new person are:

  • oxygen starvation (hypoxia), which contributes not only to extensive brain pathologies;
  • anoxia, as one of the types of hypoxia, which is accompanied by extensive death of brain cells;
  • intoxication of the newborn medicines who are involved in an emergency delivery or cesarean section;
  • infection of the child during its passage through the birth canal;
  • syndrome sudden death a newborn, which occurs in the first days of a baby's life.

The consequences of a difficult birth for a child

With complicated labor, the newborn may not survive or die suddenly in the first hours of his life. This is dangerous, so doctors should be especially vigilant about such clinical pictures, timely register for the preservation of expectant mothers from the risk group. Difficult childbirth is a prerequisite for extensive pathologies of the newborn organism. Alternatively, these can be the following states:

  • swelling of the brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • Down syndrome;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • complete muscle atrophy;
  • delay in physical and mental state in future.

Diseases that progress during childbirth, or become an extremely unpleasant consequence of a birth trauma, are considered incurable. Almost always, such a child receives the status of a disabled person already in the first year of life, desperately needs parental care and attention, and later becomes independent (if at all). Such complications of childbirth do not lend themselves to successful correction only by medication.

Recovery after a difficult birth

If labor was complicated, the young mother and child are not discharged from the maternity ward after 2 to 3 days. The doctor observes the woman in labor for a week, after which he gives individual recommendations in terms of the postpartum period. It is important to understand that it will last much longer than the time after natural delivery... Here valuable advice competent professionals in order to avoid serious consequences for women's health:

  1. The first step is bed rest and complete rest of the woman in labor, it is important to reduce the intensity of exposure to external stimuli.
  2. It is important to set up breast-feeding to establish invisible contact with your newborn baby.
  3. It is required to avoid physical activity until the body has fully recovered (this also applies to sports, especially after a cesarean section).
  4. If bleeding has opened, it is important to call an ambulance, since a woman may even die from profuse blood loss.
  5. At first, it is required to wear sanitary pads, control the volume of blood secreted, and avoid hemorrhage.
  6. Kegel exercises will not be superfluous, which only strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, help restore the size of the vagina.
  7. Tablets, creams, ointments and other medications should only be used as directed by a physician after childbirth.


Childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy. We can say that one of the most crucial stages is when a baby should be born. Yes, the female body prepares for this process. But because of individual characteristics sometimes complications occur.

Labor complications in most cases depend on general condition a woman's health (for example, the presence of chronic diseases), from the course of her pregnancy. Often, even the preparatory period when planning a pregnancy can adversely affect a woman's health during and after childbirth. It is important when planning to cure all inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, treat chronic diseases, drink vitamins and change your lifestyle, giving up bad habits. All this will reduce the risk of complications during and after childbirth.

Complications during childbirth

V medical practice Many options for childbirth are considered by doctors to be complicated in advance. This category includes:

  • childbirth in women with late toxicosis;
  • childbirth in women who have chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart and other organs, diabetes mellitus;
  • childbirth of HIV-infected women;
  • premature birth (up to 37 weeks of gestation);
  • childbirth in women who carry more than one fetus, that is, multiple births;

However, doctors prepare for all these situations in advance, if a woman was registered in gynecology, she was observed until the very beginning of labor. Often this category of women is offered to go to the hospital for 37-38 weeks under the full supervision of doctors in order to avoid negative consequences(this does not apply to premature birth, they happen suddenly, if there were no precursors).

Childbirth in women at risk does not necessarily have complications. This is a potential hazard.

But there is a whole group of situations that could not have been foreseen in advance.

1. Pathological preliminary period. The preparatory period is the preparation of the female body for childbirth. During this time, the cervix becomes soft. This helps her to stretch easily during contractions. Normal flow preliminary period passes painlessly and is characterized by an irregular contraction of the uterus.

In most cases, this period occurs at night, when the woman sleeps calmly and wakes up from constant contractions. If a woman is tuned in to terrible painful sensations and is afraid of the birth itself, then the preliminary period can be painful.

Normally, it lasts 6-8 hours. But it also happens that, for unknown reasons, these preparatory contractions do not turn into generic ones for a long time. Then they talk about such a complication of childbirth in women as a pathological preliminary period. It can be recognized by the following features:

  • irregular contractions that cause painful sensations not only at night, but during the day and do not turn into labor;
  • in the presence of preparatory contractions, the uterus does not change, remaining long and dense (this can be seen by the doctor during examination);
  • the fetus during the preliminary period is not pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis (determined by the gynecologist);
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • for a long period of preparatory bouts.

This complication of childbirth is easily treatable with medication. In this case, the woman is offered rest (medication sleep), analgesics, sedatives, vitamins, antispasmodics are prescribed. All treatment lasts no more than 5 days. As a result of treatment, contractions stop and appear again after a while, when the uterus is ripe and the body is ready for childbirth. If the treatment is ineffective, then they resort to surgical delivery.

2. Weakness of labor. The complication is associated with the lack of the woman's body of its own strength to complete childbirth. Weak labor activity is primary and secondary:

  • primary is characterized by weak contractions at the very beginning. The contractions that appear do not intensify to push the baby out;
  • secondary weakness occurs when normal severe contractions begin to subside.

As a result of this complication, the child may develop oxygen deprivation.

Depending on the cause of the problem and the period when it manifests itself, medication (administration of oxytocin) may be prescribed to induce labor. In the case of primary birth weakness, time can be set aside for the rest of the woman in labor.

In severe cases, a cesarean section is used.

3. Violent labor activity. This is the exact opposite of weak labor. In this case, childbirth proceeds rapidly. This can lead to tears in the mother and injury to the baby. Also, with this complication, a woman may experience premature placental abruption. Violent labor is particularly painful, but it is easily amenable to drug intervention, which reduces the tone of the uterus, reduces pain.

4. Earlier rupture of amniotic fluid. Normally, the water leaves after the cervix is ​​completely open. Between the outpouring of water and the birth of a baby, no more than 18 hours should pass, otherwise infection of the baby, prolapse of the umbilical cord or pen from the uterus may occur. In case of effusion, even before the cervix is ​​dilated, they resort to stimulation of labor or surgery.

5. Premature placental abruption. Normally, the placenta exfoliates after the baby is born. Labor is not even considered complete until the birth of the placenta occurs. Premature detachment can occur with very strong contractions or in cases where blood clotting is impaired in such a situation. With this complication, bleeding in the mother and hypoxia in the fetus may occur. Almost always, this situation is resorted to a cesarean section.

6. Narrow pelvis. This diagnosis can be made at the last ultrasound scan before childbirth, or it can already be directly during childbirth. This is due to the fact that normal pelvis women for some reason does not allow the head of the child to pass through it. Maybe the fetus is very large, or maybe the head turned incorrectly at the entrance to the pelvis. Labor is delayed, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus. Here they resort to an emergency caesarean section.

7. Breaks in a woman. Small tears are treated but not considered a complication. Complications include deep tears at the birth of a large fetus or violent labor. The doctor, foreshadowing such a possibility, usually makes an artificial incision, which is then sutured and which heals much easier and faster than a natural one.

8. Fetal hypoxia. In fact, each contraction is a short-term fetal hypoxia - a lack of oxygen. Therefore, they say that proper breathing is very important during childbirth. Your breath is oxygen for the baby. Hypoxia, which in severe cases can lead to death, is associated with violent labor, cord entanglement, early placental abruption. In this case, it is important to eliminate its cause and prompt delivery.

9. Prenatal trauma. This is a trauma to the newborn during childbirth. Such a complication can occur with a stormy course of labor and premature birth when the child is still immature and weak. It is also possible for a child to receive injuries if the head does not enter the pelvis incorrectly and if the obstetricians are unskilled.

Any complication during childbirth can have serious consequences for the baby's health. Therefore, during the entire process, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the fetus. Not only the well-being of the woman in labor, but also the child's child can become an indicator for surgical intervention. Before the operation, doctors eliminate the cause of the worsening of the condition, improve the blood supply to the fetus. Only if there is no improvement, the field conservative methods, start a cesarean section.

Postpartum complications

The recovery period after childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of each woman's body. It lasts from 6 to 10 weeks. During this time, the woman's body must return to the prenatal state. This period is not always painless.

Quite often, the joy of the onset of motherhood is overshadowed by the complications of the mother's health.


  • low immunity or non-compliance with personal hygiene measures;
  • great blood loss during childbirth;
  • vitamin deficiency, poor blood clotting;
  • childbirth interventions;
  • remnants of the placenta or membranes of the fetus in the uterus;
  • long dry period;
  • problems when carrying a pregnancy;
  • cracked nipples.

If you experience any ailments after childbirth, it is important to consult a doctor in time if you have already been discharged from the hospital. Recovery time depends on how quickly you start treatment.

Postpartum complications in women may be as follows.

1. Pathological bleeding. Bleeding after childbirth is normal. The discharge is not the same as during menstruation, it is much more abundant. Normally, a week and a half, these secretions are bright red. Further, they become poorer and become less bright in color. This bleeding stops after 6-8 weeks.

But, if even after 2 weeks the discharge is as abundant as immediately after childbirth, acquires a pungent odor and becomes purulent, then a visit to a doctor should be immediate. This complication after childbirth does not go away on its own.

The opposite problem may also arise: scanty, delayed postpartum discharge. There is no need to be glad that you ended everything earlier than others. This difference in the timing of the end of the discharge may be 1-2 weeks, but not 4-5. The absence of discharge may indicate a bend in the uterus. The problem must be corrected by a gynecologist.

2. Postpartum endometritis - the most common complication after childbirth in women. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Most often it occurs due to the entry of microbes into the uterus. Its manifestations can bother a woman as early as 3 days after childbirth (severe endometritis), and may appear only 5-12 days (mild endometritis). With such a complication, the woman feels weak, her temperature rises, and the discharge acquires a purulent odor. In this case, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

Prevention of endometritis is getting rid of any infectious diseases before childbirth, and better even before pregnancy.

3. Inflammation of the urinary tract. May result from injury due to overlapping obstetric forceps, bladder trauma during childbirth, insertion of a catheter during childbirth. Urinary tract inflammation is indicated by discomfort during urination for more than 4 days after delivery. If such a problem arises, it is recommended to drink more liquid (by the way, there will be not very sweet cranberry juice, which has a good antimicrobial effect on the whole body), to wash more often and empty the bladder every two hours. When contacting a gynecologist, he can limit himself only to such treatment, in the absence of serious consequences.


A good prevention of all of the above complications after childbirth is to observe personal hygiene measures in a special order:

  • wash yourself with clean and cool water (not cold) after each trip to the toilet;
  • change sanitary pads every 3 hours at least. Do not allow them to fit snugly for the first week.

4. Postpartum recovery period may be complicated by mastitis. This complication occurs due to the penetration of staphylococcus into the mammary gland. The breasts become firm and hot. To avoid this problem, it is important to observe the norms and hygiene of breastfeeding:

  • correctly apply the baby to the breast;
  • expressing the remaining milk after each feeding;
  • heal cracks in the nipples in time.

Air baths for 15 minutes after each feed are a good prevention.

5. Peritonitis. This is the most common complication after a caesarean section. Postpartum peritonitis can occur when an infection enters the suture on the uterus, with a disease of the appendages. The woman has a fever, bloating and pain in the lower part of it. This postpartum complication is treated by surgically removing the cause of the infection.

Complications after epidural anesthesia

We should also pay special attention to complications after labor pain relief with epidural anesthesia. Today it is the safest form of labor pain relief, both for the mother and the fetus. It is considered the most effective and convenient.

The method involves the introduction of medications through a flexible catheter into the area at the level of 3-4 vertebrae. On the positive side, the woman is fully conscious and the birth takes place naturally.

With epidural anesthesia, a complication may occur that is associated with intervention in human body... The outcome and response of the body to anesthesia depends on the accuracy of the needle insertion and on the individual characteristics of the spine.

The most common complications are damage to the spinal ligaments and inflammation of the membranes. spinal cord... They are accompanied by back pain, sometimes sensory impairment lower limbs, headaches.

Yes, complications after epidural anesthesia are treatable, but requiring anesthesia in the absence of indicators is undesirable. Let the doctors themselves make this decision in case of a threat to the health of the baby or yours.

Remember that labor pain is not so scary. In most cases, anesthesia can be avoided by setting yourself up in a positive mood for 9 months, and not thinking that childbirth is painful. Everyone goes through it.

It has long been known that a positive attitude is half of a successful outcome. And this concerns pregnancy as never before. Pregnancy is 9 months of waiting. These days should be filled with only positive emotions and thoughts about the future baby. In order for the birth to be successful, you need:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • plan childbirth if possible;
  • tune in to a good outcome and the appearance of a healthy child;
  • strictly follow all the prescriptions of a gynecologist during pregnancy, during childbirth and after the birth of a child.

Let the birth be easy and you will have a healthy baby.

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