Important geographical discoveries of events in the world. Great geographical discoveries and their historical importance

  • Date: 28.09.2019

This change occurred earlier in Russia - later. Changes reflected the increase in production, which required new sources of raw materials and markets. They presented new conditions to science, contributed to the overall rise intellectual Life human society. Geography also acquired new features. Travel enriched science with facts. They followed generalizations. Such a sequence, although not marked absolutely, is also characteristic of Western European, and for Russian science.

The era of the great discoveries of Western navigators. At the turn of the XV and XVI centuries in three decades, outstanding geographical events were occurred: navigation of the Genoez H. to Bahamas, on, to the mouth of Orinoco and on the coast of Central America (1492-1504); Around South V - Kallikut (1497-1498), F. and its satellites (Juan Sebastian Elkano, Antonio Pigafetta, etc.) Around and around South Africa (1519-1521) - the first round-the-world swimming.

Three main ways of searches -, and Magellan - had, ultimately, one goal: to achieve by the sea through the richest space of the world - from and other areas of this extensive space. Three different ways: right west, around South America And around South Africa - the navigators bypassed the state of Turk-Ommanov, which blocked Europeans to the Europeans to South Asia. It is characteristic that the variants of the glued world paths were repeatedly used by Russian navigators.

The era of great Russian discoveries. The flourishing of Russian geographical discoveries falls at the XVI-XVII centuries. However, Russians and much earlier were collected by geographical information themselves through Western neighbors. Geographical data (from 852) contains the first Russian chronicle - the "Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor. Russian states, developing, looking for new natural sources of wealth and markets of goods. In particular, Richar Novgorod. In the XII century Novgorod residents reached the sea. We began to swim to the West in Scandinavia, north - on Grummeta (Svalbard) and especially to the northeast - to the pelvis, where the Russians founded the trading city by Mangazei (1601-1652). Several earlier began to move to the east of the land, through Siberia (Ermak, 1581-1584).

The rapid movement in the depths of Siberia and the Pacific Ocean is a heroic feat. Few more departure was required by them in order to cross the space from to the strait. In 1632, the Yakutsky Ostrog was founded. In 1639, Ivan Moskvitin reaches the Pacific Ocean at Okhotsk. Vasily Poyarkov in 1643-1646. He passed from to Yana and Indigirki, the first of the Russian Cossacks-Zemlekhodets made swimming in the Amur Liman and the Sakhalin Bay of the Sea. In 1647-48. Erofey Khabarov passes to Sungari. Finally, in 1648, Semen Dejnev envelopes from the sea, opens a cape who nowadas his name, and proves that from North America is separated by the Strait.

Gradually, elements of generalization are gaining great importance in Russian geography. In 1675, the Russian ambassador, formed by the Greek Spafarium (1675-1678), indicating "to portray all the land, cities and the path to the drawing." Drawings, i.e. Maps were in Russia documents of state importance.

Russian early known next four of their works.

1. Large drawing of the Russian state. Compiled in one copy in 1552. Sources for him were "Pisch books". Before us, the big drawing did not reach, although it was resumed in 1627. Geographer Petrovsky time was written about reality V.N. Tatishchev.

2. Book of a large drawing - text to the drawing. One of the late lists of the book was published by N.Novikov in 1773

3. The drawing of the Siberian land was drawn up in 1667 to us reached the copy. The drawing accompanies the "manuscript against the drawing".

4. The Drawing Book of Siberia is compiled in 1701 by order of Peter I in Tobolsk C.O.reizovov with sons. This is the first Russian geographical of 23 cards with drawings of individual areas and settlements.

Thus, in Russia, the generalization method became earlier than the entire cartographic.

In the first half of the XVIII century. Extensive geographical descriptions continued, but with an increase in the value of geographical generalizations. It is enough to list the main geographical events in order to understand the role of this period in the development of domestic geography. First, extensive perennial study Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean by the detachments of the Great Northern Expedition 1733-1743. And the expedition of Vitus and Alexey Chirikov, who during the first and second Kamchatka expeditions opened the sea route from K (1741) and described part of the north-west coast of this mainland and some of the Aleutian islands. Secondly, in 1724, the Russian Academy of Sciences was established with the Geographical Department in its composition (from 1739). This institution was headed by the continuers of Peter I, the first Russian scholars-geographers V.N. Tatishchev (1686-1750) and M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765). They became the organizers of detailed geographic studies The territory of Russia and themselves made a significant contribution to the development of theoretical geography, the pleiad of wonderful geographers researchers. In 1742, M.V. Lomonosov was written the first domestic composition with the theoretical geographical content - "On the layers of the Earth". In 1755, two Russian classical country monographs are published: "Description of the land of Kamchatka" S.P. Krashennikova and "Orenburg Topography" P.I. Rychkov. Lomonosov started in domestic geography - time of reflection and generalizations.

The person is a reasonable - Homo Sapiens, and the thrust for discoveries and the irrepressive desire to develop - "costs" of its genetics. Throughout its history, people researched something. A separate milestone of human development is the era of great geographical discoveries. Her beginning is associated with the name of the Third Son of the King of Portugal Johan First - Heinrich. Enrico was never a navigator, but did not hear the lifestyle. Although the gibraltar did not swim in the gibraltar, but he was in the 15th century (1420) who was invited to the yard of all the cartographers and shipbuilders at the time, the commandments to build invisible ships - Karavella. The sailing equipment of the courts should have allowed them to sail against the wind.

The first marine expeditions consisting exclusively from Karavel were sent to the West Banks of Africa, on Madeira and the Canary Islands. No, before the navigators did not stand the task of opening unprecedented land. They had to replenish the Portuguese treasury with gold, spices, ivory. Portuguese navigators learned the northern and west coast of Africa. At the end of the 15th century (1484), Diego Kano got to the Equator and crossed it.

Travel Routes Seavyzov Epoch of the Great Geographical Discoveries

A little later (1488) Bartolomeo Distas was lucky to reach the Indian Ocean from the West, having encouraged the southern part of the African continent. After returning it, triumph was waiting for him. This is the first stage of mastering the sea route to India and the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries.

Interesting fact. Among the sailors, who, together with Diaz, committed this iconic marine journey, was the native brother of the notorious Christopher Columbus - Bartolomeo.

Seafliers of the era of geographical discoveries

The era of the great geographical discoveries - 15-17 centuries - for this period, "sea wolves" of Europe managed to tell humanity about unknown decisions of the lands and pave waterways to the shores of Africa, open America and Australia, to explore Asia and Oceania. Who are they, the navigators of the era of geographical discoveries?

Marco Polo - one of the first travelers of the era of great geographical discoveries

Spanish Conquistor Vasco Nunese de Balboa. I had high title Adelantado. It is his honor to be the founder of the first European city in America. It was the nice Hidalgo first of European navigators stepped by the Earth of the Pacific Islands. He was accompanied by 190 Spaniards and 600 Indians (belonging to the tribes unknown), which were portrait.

The furrowing of the sea and the oceans in search of production, conquistadors "Along the way" opened new lands

Portuguese Vasco da Gama is a representative of an ancient nobleman, mathematician and an astronomer. Fate and Volia strong Mira This made it one of the most famous seafarers of the era of great geographical discoveries. He belongs to be the title of the sea route to India. The expedition lasted two years (1497-1499), her way lay around the entire African continent. Strictly speaking, Vasco da Gama was simply "appointed" by the navigator, who was necessary to find the sea route to India. The king of Portugal Manuel I did everything so that the expedition would be successful. Subsequently, Da Gama held very honorable posts - the governor and even the vice-king of Portuguese India. Not at all in vain, he agreed to a very tempting proposal of the king.

Portuguese Vasco da Gama - navigator first reached the shores of India

Genoese Christopher Columbus - "Favorit" among the navigators of the era of great geographical discoveries and a very mysterious person: in different sources there are contradictory dates of his birth and death. Presumably - 1451-1506. For the "title" of the Motherland of the navigator claim several cities in Europe. There are no accurate data on the origin and the formation of the discoverer and one of the most famous heroes The era of great geographical discoveries. However, this did not prevent historians to write hundreds of scientific work on his expedition to West-India, and biographers created him a few "legends". In a word, solid riddles that abounds the era of great geographical discoveries. One thing is clear, just a number of islands in the Caribbean.

Having traveled to the three caravels in search of India, Christopher Columbus "accidentally" opened America, calling her West India

Castile and Leon Jernan Magellan (1480-1521) is considered not only the most significant figure of the era of the great geographical discoveries, but one of the most famous for the navigator of the planet. He performed first trip around the world (1519-1522), was his initiator, and commander. Magellan served as a female wife of the King - Leonora and was her favorite, so he was so quickly able to get funds for the organization of an expedition, which pretty replenished the royal treasury.

Spaniard Fernan Magellan first made a round-the-world journey, soving his name in the history of the era of great geographical discoveries

The expedition of Magellan was not without loss. Initially, it consisted of 256 (280) a person and 5 ships, only one "Victoria" and 18 people were reached at home. A little later arrived 18 more, captives by Portuguese. Magellan opened the strait, which is named after him, and the first on the planet crossed the Pacific Ocean. In his honor, a submarine mountain, spacecraft, type of penguins, a crater on the moon and a whole galaxy in space are named.

The Florentine Trader Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) took not only a worthy place among the discovers of the era of the great geographical discoveries - his name is called a whole continent. How did it happen that a simple merchant became a navigator and the discoverer? After all, he, in principle, did not open anything? According to one of the versions of scientists, Amerigo simply asked for an expedition to Alonso de Oxé (1499). Another version testifies that he participated in the travels of Columbus (1492) to the shores of America. Why amerigo for a long time considered the chief of America? Just because Veszpucci first occurred to the idea that unknown islands were not at all asia, but a completely new and unknown rectare of the mainland.

Amerigo Vespucci was the first to suggest that West India is not India at all, but an unknown continent. That's why America was named after him

The National Hero of Russia and the famous Russian discoverer - Yermak Timofeevich (1525-1584) was not a navigator. He did not find new continents, he opened and won for Russia Western Siberia. He and his Cossack squad went along the way, where the Transsib runs today. The expedition was created at the request of the merchants of Stroganov and by order of Ivan the Terrible. The Great Hike began in 1581.

Interesting fact. It was the gift of John Yermaka - Kolchug, and became the cause of his tragic death. She was found in Irtyshe many years after the death of the Cossack Ataman, today it is kept in the Armory Chamber.

The era of great geographical discoveries are still many names and related secrets and mysteries.

In contact with

Great geographical discoveries.

In Zap.-Europe. and rus. Dorevolyts. LIT-RE Under Epoch V. G. O. It is usually understood by a centenary (approx.) period - with gray. 15 to gray. 16 centuries, center. The moments of the movie were: the opening of tropic. America H. Columbus, opening of a continuous Mor. Ways from Zap. Europe around the south. Africa in India Vasco da Ghama, the first round-the-world expedition F. Magellan, K-paradium proved the presence of a single ocean, which occupies most of the surface of the Earth. In owls. Historical and geogr. literature under the Epoch V. G. O. It is understood by a two-year (approx.) period - with gray. 15 to gray. 17 centuries, since only in the 1st floor. 17th century Australia, North were opened. and Sev.-Vost. The coast of Asia and practically proven that Asia does not connect anywhere with America.

Mor. And land expeditions who committed V. G. about., were organized by Portugal, Spain (playing a leading role in V. G. about. 15-16 centuries.), England, France, Rus. State-Nom, Holland. Common reasons The parcels of expeditions were: Growth in European countries of the commercial production, a disadvantage in Europe of precious metals and related searches for new lands, where they hoped to find gold and silver, gems and pearls, spices and elephant bone (in the tropics), valuable fur and wallages (in North. America and North. Asia); Searches for new bargaining. ways from zap. Europe in Africa, India, Vost. Asia - the desire of Zap.-Europe. merchants get rid of bargaining. Intermediaries and establish a direct connection with Asian countries - suppliers of valuable goods (direct. Trade with countries in Asia and Africa was in the hands of the Arab., Ind., Malay and Kit. merchants; tour. Conquests in Front Asia and on the Balkan P-Ove at 15 c. Almost completely closed bargaining. The path to the east through M. Asia and Syria). V. G. Oh. Steel are possible thanks to the successes in the field of science and technology: the creation of sailing ships quite reliable for the ocean swimming, improving the compass and maritime cards, etc.; A major role was played by an increasing idea of \u200b\u200bthe land of the earth (the thought was also connected with her about the possibility of climbing the sea route to India through Atlantic. ok.). Important For geogr. The discoveries of Europeans in Asia and Africa had success in the geogr field. Knowledge and the development of navigation at the Asian peoples themselves.

V. G. Oh. 15-17 centuries. There were events worldwide. values. The contours of the inhabited continents were established (except Sev. And Sev.-Zap. The shores of America and Vost. Australia's shores), a majority of the earth's surface (unknown, however, still remained many extras. Area of \u200b\u200bAmerica, Center. Africa and all internal. Australia ). Thanks to the opening of new bargaining. Trading and new countries trade acquired a world nature, there was a gigantic increase in the goods being in circulation - it accelerated the process of decomposition of feudalism and the emergence of capitalist. relationship in zap. Europe. The colonial system, which arose after V. G. Oh., Was one of the levers of the process. initial accumulation; This contributed to this, etc. "Revolution of prices." In this era of Zap. Africa has become a protected field of hunting for slaves.

Table. The most important geographical discoveries are gray. 15 - Ser. 17 centuries.

Europeans captured a huge terr. all in. and south. America, with which it was associated with a mass, and on the antillest O-WAH, the magnificent extermination of the indigenous population. In the new light there were huge colonial possessions: the group ispan. Vice-Kingdom, Portugue. Brazil, group English. Migrating colonies, Franz. Canada. EU chain was organized. Support points on the shores and O-Wham Africa, southern., South-Vost. and east. Asia; The colonial challenge of many Asia countries began. Great importance For MN. Europe. countries had a movement as a result of V. G. about. Center Economy Life and bargaining. paths from the Mediterranean m. Atlantic. OK, which contributed to the decline of Europe. countries (Italy, partly in Germany and the Dongsky countries) and economy. The elevation of others (Netherlands and England).

Read more about geogr. discoveries on Depth. For continents, see Articles Australia, Asia, Africa, North America, South America.

Lit.: Atlas of the history of geographical discoveries and research, M., 1959; Baker J., History of geographical discoveries and research, per. from English, m, 1950; Bern J., History of Great Travels, Per. with Franz., Vol. 1, L., 1958; Magidovich I. P., History of discovery and research. America, M. 1962; His essays on the history of geographical discoveries, M., 1957; Morison S. E., Christopher Columbus, navigator, lane. from English, M., 1958; Travel Christopher Columbus. Diaries. Letters. Documents, (per. With up.), M., 1956; Hart G., Sea Path to India, (Per. From English), M., 1954; Pigafetta A., Magellan's journey, per. from Ital., M., 1950; Lebedev D. M., Geography in Russia XVII century (Dopererovskaya era), M.-L., 1949; His essays on the history of geography in Russia of the XV and XVI centuries, M., 1956; The discovery of Russian landlords and polar sevagors of the XVII century in the northeast of Asia. Sat Dock, M., 1951; Russian naval in the ice and the Pacific Oceans. Sat Dock, L.-M., 1952; Syl E. G., A Reference Guide to the Literature Of Travel Including Voyages, Geographical Descriptions, Adventures, Shipwrecks and Expeditions, v. 1-2, Washington, 1935-38.

The era of great geographical discoveries - the most important stage In the history of mankind. This is the time when the outlines of the continents, the seas and oceans are becoming more accurate, the technical devices are improved, and the leading countries of that time send navigators to search for new rich lands. In this lesson, you will learn about the maritime expeditions of Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus and Fernana Magellan, as well as about the opening of new lands.


Among the causes of great geographical discoveries can be called:


After the era of crusades, the Europeans have developed durable trade relations with the East. In the east, Europeans bought spices, fabrics, jewels. In the XV century Land caught paths for which Europeans trade was carried out with eastern countrieswere captured by the Turks. The task of finding the sea route to India appeared.


Compass and astrolabia were improved (instrument for measuring latitude and longitude).

New types of shipping, Karak and Galeon appeared. They differed apartments and powerful sailing equipment.

Navigation cards were invented - Portulans.

Now Europeans could make not only traditional coastal swimming (that is, predominantly along the shores), but also go far to the open sea.


1445 - The expedition organized by Heinrich Marithelter reached green cape (Western African Point). Madeira Island, Canary Islands, part of the Azores are open.

1453 - Constantinople captured by the Turks.

1471 - Portuguese first reached the equator.

1488 - Expedition Bartolomeu Diash reached the southernmost point of Africa - Cape of Good Hope.

1492 - Christopher Columbus opened the Islands of San Salvador, Haiti, Cuba in the Caribbean.

1497-1499. - Vasco da Gama reached the Indian port of Calicut, having encouraged Africa. For the first time, a way to east through the Indian Ocean was opened.

1519 - Fernan Magellan goes to the expedition, in which the Pacific Ocean opens. And in 1521 reaches the Mariana and Philippine Islands.


Fig. 2. Astrolabia ()

Fig. 3. Karavella ()

Successes were achieved in cartography. European cartographers began to make maps with more accurate outlines of the coast of Europe, Asia and North America. Portuguese invented navigation cards. On them, in addition to the outlines of the shores, the settlements were depicted on the way of obstacles, as well as the locations of the ports. These navigation maps were called portulans.

The discoverers were becoming spaniards and Portuguese. The idea of \u200b\u200bconquering Africa was born in Portugal. However, Knight's cavalry was helpless in the sands. Portuguese prince Heinrich Navigator (Fig. 4) I decided to try the sea route along the western coast of Africa. The expeditions organized by them opened the island of Madeira, part of the Azores, Canary Islands. In 1445, the Portuguese reached western point Africa - Green Cape. Several later, the coast of the Guinean Gulf was opened. There was discovered a large number of Gold, ivory. Hence it turned out and the name is the Golden Beach, the coast of ivory. At the same time, African slaves were discovered, which traded local leaders. Portugal became the first European country, which began to sell a living product.

Fig. 4. Heinrich Navigator ()

Already after the death of Heinrich Marigolvator, Portuguese in 1471 reached the equator. In 1488, expedition Bartolome Diash reached the southern end of Africa - Cape of good hope. Cutting into Africa, this expedition reached the Indian Ocean. However, due to the sailor renom, Bartolome Diash was forced to return back. His way continued Vasco da Gama (Fig. 5)which B. 1497-1499. He came down in Africa and after 8-month swimming arrived in the Indian port of Calicate (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5. Vasco da Gama ()

Fig. 6. Opening of the sea route to India, route Vasco da Gama ()

Simultaneously with Portugal, finding a new sea route to India Spainin which at this time rules Isabella Castilskaya and Ferdinand Aragon. Christopher Columbus (Fig. 7) offered a new plan - reach India, moving to the West, through the Atlantic Ocean. Christopher Columbus shared the view that the Earth had a spherical shape. On August 3, 1492, Columbus on three Karavellah "Santa Maria", "Ninya" and "Pinta" went from Spain to search for India (Fig. 8). On October 12, 1492, the Karavel "Pint" came a shot. It was a signal: sailors reached the island that they called San Salvadorthat translated means "Holy Savior". Research, they went to the south and opened two more islands: Haiti (then Espanyol) and Cuba Island.

Fig. 7. Christopher Columbus ()

Fig. 8. Route Christopher Columbus ()

The first expedition of Columbus lasted 225 days and opened Caribbean Sea. During the next three expeditions, Columbus opened the coast of Central America and the Northern Coast of South America. However, the Spanish crown did not suit the amount of gold that came to the country. Soon from Columbus turned away. He died in 1506 in poverty, confident that he opened a new sea route to India. Mainland, outdoor Columbus, originally called West India (Western India). Only later, the mainland gave a name America.

Rivalry of Spain and Portugal led to the first partition in the history of the world. IN 1494 year was concluded Tordesillas AgreementAccording to which, in the Atlantic Ocean, a conventional meridian was carried out somewhat west of the Azores. All newly open lands and the sea to the West had to belong to Spain, and to the East - Portugal. but the world's first world tour of Fernan Magellan Adjusted this document.

Back in 1513, the Spaniard Vasco de Balboa crossed Panaman's shelters and went to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. He called him then Southern sea. In the fall of 1519, Fernan Magellan (Fig. 9) went on his journey for five caravels with a team of 253 sailors (Fig. 10). His goal was to find a way through the Atlantic Ocean to Molukski Islands (Spice islands). A year later, Magellan's team entered a narrow strait, which was later named Magellan Strait.. Having passed through it, the team of Magellan managed to go into an early unknown ocean. This ocean got a name Quiet.

Fig. 9. Fernan Magellan ()

Fig. 10. First World Travel of Fernan Magellan ()

In March 1521, Magellan's team reached Mariana Islands, and then landed in the Philippines, where Magellan himself died in a skirmish with the locals. His team managed to reach Molokksky Islands. Three years later, only one ship with 17 sailors returned home. The first world journey of Magellan proved that the earth has a spherical shape.

The development of new light Europeans took the form conquists - conquest. Together with the conquer, the resettlement begins in New World Colonists from Europe.

Great geographical discoveries changed the picture of the world. First, it was proved that the earth has a shape of a ball. A new mainland was also opened - America, as well as a new ocean - quiet. The outlines of many continents, seas and oceans were clarified. Great geographical discoveries became the first step towards creating a global market. They dismissed trading paths. So, shopping cities Venice and Genoa lost their key importance in European trade. The places occupied the ocean ports: Lisbon, London, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Seville. Due to the influx of precious metals to Europe from the new light, the price revolution occurred. Prices for precious metals fell, and at the same time prices for products and raw materials have grown.

Great geographical discoveries marked the beginning of the colonial redistribution of the world and the domination of Europeans in Asia, Africa and America. Operation of slave labor and trade with colonies allowed European shopping crugs to get rich, which became one of the prerequisites for the formation of capitalism. Also, the colonization of America led to the destruction of the oldest American cultures. The great geographical discoveries became one of the reasons for the food revolution in Europe. Previously unknown cultures were delivered: corn, tomatoes, cocoa beans, potatoes and tobacco.


  1. Fighters, MA Magellan's path: Early new time. Book for reading history. - M., 2006.
  2. Vadushkin V.A., Burin S.N. Tutorial on the history of the new time, grade 7. - M., 2013.
  3. Verbinen Ch., Matis G. "Conquerors of America. Columbus, Cortes. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1997.
  4. Lange P.V. Like the Sun ... Fernan Magellan's life and the first world swimming. - M.: Progress, 1988.
  5. ; Artist
  6. What discovery is Fernan Magellan, and what kind of mainland did Christopher Columbus opened?
  7. Do you know any other famous seafarers and territories, they open?

This is the era of great geographic discoveries (V. G. O.) Essential events 1st century period V. G. O. By 1488, Portuguese forgoters examined the entire Western and South Coast of Africa (D. Kan, B. Diash, etc.). In 1492-94 X. Columbus opened the Bahamas, B. and the Small Antilles (1492 - the year of the opening of America); In 1497-99, Vasco da Gama opened (with the help of Arab Kormchih) a continuous seaway from Western Europe around South Africa to India; In 1498-1502 Columbus, A. Othed, A. Vespucci and others. Spanish and Portuguese seafarers opened the entire north coast of South America, her East (Brazilian) shore to 25 ° southern latitude and Caribbean Central America. In 1513-25, the Spaniards crossed Panaman's stakes and reached the Pacific Ocean (V. Nunse de Balboa), opened the Bay of La Plata, Peninsula Florida and Yucatan, and the entire coast of the Gulf of Mexico (X. Ponce de Leon, F. Cordova, X. Grikhalva et al.), won Mexico and Central America (E. Cortes, etc.), examined the entire Atlantic coast of South America. In 1519-22 F. Magellan and his associates made the first round-the-world swimming (around the southern tip of America - through the strait, called later Magellan). In 1526-52 Spaniards F. Pisarro, D. Almagro, P. Valdivia, Kesada, F. Orelian and others opened the entire Pacific Coast of South America, Andes from 10 ° C. sh. up to 40 ° sh., pp. Orinoco, Amazon, Parano, Paraguay. French navigators J. Verryatsano (1524), J. Cartier (1534-35) opened the East Coast of North America and R. St. Lawrence, and Spanish Travelers E. Soto and F. Koronado - Southern Appalachi and Southern Rocky Mountains, Pool Lower Pools. Colorado and Mississippi (1540-42). The most important events of the 2nd century period of V. G. O. After the hike of Ermak to Western Siberia (1581-84) and the bases on the r. Taz of Mangazea (1601) Russian landowners, opening the PP pool. Yenisei and Lena, crossed all North Asia and reached the Okhotsk Sea (I. Moskvitin in 1639), by mid 17 century. traced the course of all the great Siberian rivers and Amur (K. Kurochkin, I. Pontifest, I. Rebrov, M. Stadukhin, V. Poyarkov, E. Khabarov, etc.), and Russian nautical seasons bypassed the North Coast of Asia, opening the Yamal Peninsula, Taimyr, Chukotka, and from the Northern Ocean passed in the Pacific Ocean (through Bering Strait), provinging in such a way that Asia does not connect anywhere with America (F. Popov's expedition - S. Dezhneva). The Dutch navigator V. Barents in 1594 bypassed the Western shores of the new land (to its northern cape) and in 1596 - Spitsberena. The British in 1576-1631 went around the western coast of Greenland, opened the ground to the ground and, reducing the Labrador Peninsula, - the Bay of Hudson Bay (M. Frobisher, J. Davis, G. Hudson, W. Buffin, etc.). The French in North America opened (in 1609-48) northern Appalachi and five Great Lakes (S. Shaped and others). Spaniard L. Torres in 1606 bypassed the South Coast of N. Guinea (Opening of the Torres Strait), and the Dutch, V. YANSZON, A. Tasman, and others, opened the Northern Western and South Coast of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. V. G. Oh. There were events of world-historical significance. The contours of the inhabited continents were established (except for the northern-western banks of America and the eastern shore of Australia), most of the earth's surface were investigated, but many of America, Central Africa and all inner Australia still remained unexplored. V. G. Oh. They gave a new extensive material for many other areas of knowledge (nerds, zoology, ethnography, etc.). As a result, V. G. O. Europeans first met with near S.-H. Cultures (potatoes, maize, tomatoes, tobacco), then spreading in Europe. V. G. Oh. Have the largest socio-economic consequences. The opening of new trade routes and new countries contributed to the fact that trade acquired the world character, there was a gigantic increase in the number of goods that were in circulation. It accelerated the process of decomposition of feudalism and the emergence of capitalist relations in Western Europe.