Making silicon water at home. The importance of silicon for the human body

  • Date: 11.12.2021

Silicon water brings considerable benefits to the human body, strengthening the immune system and restoring the correct course of vital processes. There will be an application for it in the household.

Water plays an important role in human life. Existence is impossible without it; it must be present in the daily diet. The mineral substances contained in the water bring undoubted benefits to the body. Silicon water is gaining popularity lately. It has many useful and medicinal properties, and is often used as a prophylaxis for various diseases.

The benefits of silicon for the human body

Silicon is a chemical element that is part of the stone of flint and other minerals, as well as silica. Flint is widespread in nature. It has a color from black, dark gray to light and belongs to the family of quartz and chalcedony, which also includes: jasper, opal, carnelian, agate, amethyst, rock crystal.

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of silicon for the body, studied its medicinal properties and applied the knowledge gained in practice. They knew how to properly prepare the necessary remedy with it.

Powder made from flint was sprinkled on wounds to avoid blood poisoning. The walls and the bottom of the wells were trimmed with this stone to obtain pure, healing water.

Silicon plays an irreplaceable role in the human body. It is observed in the composition of hair, nails, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. It is found in the tissues of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and pituitary gland. Participates in the metabolism, the formation of hormones, enzymes. Thanks to him, the body is able to assimilate more than seventy different vitamins, and silicon also participates in the immune system and helps fight viruses.

Lack of silicon in the body can lead to the following disorders:

  • softening of bones;
  • wear and tear of cartilage in the joints;
  • diseases of the eyes, skin, hair, nails and teeth;
  • the appearance of kidney stones;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • erysipelas.

Also, it cannot be ruled out in view of the lack of silicon and the development of diabetes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, oncological and a number of other diseases. For normal functioning, the body needs to get at least 10 mg of silicon per day, but, unfortunately, most people do not get even half of this, given that the loss of such an important element is approximately 9 mg daily.

Silicon water and its healing qualities

When interacting with water, silicon is able to change its properties, purify and saturate with useful qualities. At the same time, the taste of the water also changes, it becomes much more pleasant. Silicon water promotes the production of hormones and enzymes, and also increases blood clotting.

Also, water containing silicon can provide the following benefits:

  • improve immunity;
  • to strengthen and restore the vascular wall, as well as its functions;
  • restore the intestinal microflora;
  • dissolve stones and rid the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder;
  • heal bruises, cuts and burns;
  • lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improve kidney function;
  • relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis;
  • normalize metabolism.

And this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties that water containing silicon and other minerals can bring to the body.

There is a myth that silicon completely purifies and filters water. This is not true. Silicon enriches water perfectly, and even partially enriches it.
But first you need it.

In addition to drinking the liquid inside, it can also be used externally, which contributes to the following positive processes:

  • strengthens the gums, treats runny nose and sore throat (when rinsing the throat, mouth and rinsing the nose);
  • reduces the risk of stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • eliminates or reduces various inflammatory processes on the skin: diathesis, allergies, dermatitis, etc.
  • helps with conjunctivitis;
  • used for cosmetic purposes: eliminates wrinkles, acne, acne, tones the skin;
  • strengthens hair, improves its quality, promotes growth (when rinsing).

In everyday life, silicon water is no less useful. For example, it is used to water plants and flowers and extend their flowering period. Increases the productivity of trees and vegetables, and seeds soaked in silicon water germinate better. To protect plants from harmful rot, mold and mildew, they should be sprayed with this kind of water. If flint is placed in an aquarium, it will prevent water bloom.

In addition to the beneficial properties, silicon water also has contraindications. For example, people prone to cancer should stop drinking such a liquid, it can be harmful. In general, the properties of this water have not yet been fully studied and therefore, you should not be zealous with taking it inside without the advice of your doctor. But externally, as well as for economic purposes, it can be used as much as necessary.

Cooking method

The recipe for preparing such water is quite simple, it does not take much effort. The first step is to find a glass or enamel container and pour water into it. Then you should put stones inside (bought at a pharmacy or on the Internet), cover the container with gauze and put in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.

You need to insist such water for two or three days, after which it can be used for drinking or cooking. If the preparation of water takes more than five days, then it will not only become purified, but also acquire medicinal properties. The prepared water should be poured into another container and tightly closed with a lid. The liquid remaining at the bottom in the vessel with stones must be drained, since all heavy metals, refined with flint, accumulate there.

Silicon is one of the most common minerals on Earth, it is part of silicas (flint) and silicates. The benefits and harms of silicon water still cause debate among supporters and opponents of its use. The dispute about its medicinal properties arose after publications in the late seventies of the last century. Although, for a long time, a layer of silicon was laid on the bottom in wells. The water in them was distinguished by its purity and pleasant taste.

Mineral properties

Silicon, which is the basis of flint, is widespread on the planet and has been used by humans since primitive times. With its help, fire was made, the first tools of labor were made from it. The antiseptic properties of silicon have also been known for a long time. Silicon is a part of famous stones such as jasper, agate, carnelian, belonging to the quartz family. They are based on silicon dioxide, which is called silica. Pure silicon was obtained in the nineteenth century. Its name comes from the Greek word for "mountain".

Modern science confirms the antibacterial properties of the mineral. Silicon is involved in the following biological processes in the body:

    the formation of enzymes, hormones;

    collagen formation;

  • prevents obesity.

fragility of nails is observed;

joint cartilage wear out quickly;

signs of osteoporosis appear;

deposition of kidney stones, gallbladder;

the development of arthritis, cataracts;

vascular sclerosis progresses.

Silicon water - preparation method

If the intake of a mineral from food does not sufficiently replenish the body, then silicon water is used as its source. The preparation method is very simple. Two components are needed: clean water, preferably, and silicon. Silicon is taken at the rate of about ten grams per liter of water. The stone must be purchased in pharmacies, health stores.

Before the first use, the stones are treated by keeping them in a solution (1 teaspoon of acid per half a liter of water) for half an hour. Pour boiling water over. With further use, if a white bloom appears on the stones, they are kept in the same solution for several hours. After rinsing, the mineral is placed in a container (three-liter jar, plastic bottle) and filled with clean water. The dishes covered with gauze are placed in a place without direct sunlight. After three days, the silicon water is ready for use. You can insist for seven to ten days to get a saturated solution.

It is recommended to pour the prepared water into another dish, and wash the stones and dry them in the sun. You cannot boil water together with stones, they must first be removed. After using silicon for six to eight months, they must be replaced with new ones, since stones are capable of accumulating harmful substances from the water. Prepared water can be used for cooking, drinking raw. Watering plants with silicon water improves their growth and accelerates development.

The benefits and harms of silicon water

The undeniable antibacterial property of water infused with silicon. External use when washing your face can get rid of pustules on the face, youthful acne. It is useful to rinse your hair to strengthen it and eliminate dandruff. Silicon water is used to treat and prevent diseases of the throat, inflammation of the gums as an additional treatment. Lotions with water are used to treat pressure ulcers and trophic ulcers, dermatitis.

Disputes about the internal use of silicon water, its benefits and harms do not subside. Skeptics advise not to get carried away, to limit the intake of liquids to two glasses a day. For diseases associated with metabolic disorders in bone tissue and the development of osteoporosis, fractures, it is useful to drink silicon water. With liver disease and the risk of developing atherosclerosis, it is advised to take it orally. Silicon water is biologically active, therefore it is indicated for strengthening immunity, lowering sugar, blood cholesterol, and increasing hemoglobin.

We have already mentioned the use of silicon water for watering plants, soaking seeds. A bouquet in a vase with activated water does not fade longer. It is useful to give water to pets, which contributes to the strength of teeth and bones, improves the condition of the coat and immunity.

There were no obvious contraindications for water infused with silicon. But, given its biological activity, it should be used internally with caution. Contraindications are the presence of neoplasms or a hereditary tendency to them, thrombosis, exacerbation of vascular diseases. Therefore, it should not be consumed in large quantities. Better yet, consult your doctor if you have chronic diseases.

But on the external use of silicon water, no restrictions were found. Therefore, you can safely wash your face, rinse your head and make lotions and compresses, rinse your nose and gargle. Buy flint only in pharmacies and specialized stores. Pay attention to the color of the stone, which should be brown, but not black.

Sulinka silicon (Slovakia).

The first motto of how silicon works in the body is flexibility and elasticity!

In 1957, the French scientists M. Leper and J. Leper confirmed that patients with atherosclerosis have a very low silicon content in the tissues of the vessel walls.

In the case of a deficiency of silicon in the blood, its content also decreases in the walls of blood vessels. The lack of silicon in the vessels is replaced by calcium, and they become solid. "Bad" cholesterol begins to settle on calcium deposits, cholesterol plaques form, vascular atherosclerosis.

Due to the deficiency of silicon, "good" and necessary for the body cholesterol is not completely absorbed, and is not used to form membranes of new cells, and so, aging processes are accelerated, damaged tissues heal slowly. The level of fatty acids rises in the blood.

The lumen of the vessels narrows, the blood supply to the heart and brain deteriorates, diseases such as angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.

Lack of silicon in food and water is a significant factor in the occurrence of many diseases and, above all, cardiovascular.

If calcium is the main element of solid bone structures and the musculoskeletal system, then silicon is an element that determines the property of flexible structures: connective tissue, tendons, periosteum, cartilage, synovial fluid of the joints.

Science has proven the "highest" role of silicon in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides during the formation of motor cartilage in connective tissues. Especially a lot of silicon is contained in human nails, hair and skin.

But in fact, silicon is also important for bones, since calcium cannot be absorbed if there is not enough silicon in the body. Scientists claim that, in addition to calcium, silicon is involved in the metabolism of another 74 chemical elements.

A deficiency of silicon in bone tissue leads to osteoporosis, arthrosis, weakness of joints and ligaments, periodontal disease, poor posture, and a tendency to injury.

The second motto is “cleanliness is the guarantee of health”.

Due to its chemical properties, silicon forms colloidal electrically charged systems in the body, which are capable of "sticking" to themselves and neutralizing viruses and pathogenic microbes.

It is interesting that useful intestinal microorganisms, for example: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, do not tend to "stick together" with colloidal systems of silicon, which is very important for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the prevention of dysbacteriosis.

To neutralize and remove toxins that come from the intestines into the blood, also need silicon colloids, which are formed from certain concentrations of it in the blood.

Silicon imbalance is reflected on the immune system, the body's resistance decreases to inflammatory diseases, infections. Since it exhibits analgesic and antiseptic effects, it can be used for inflammatory diseases.

In urine, silicon forms protective colloids that prevent salt crystallization and thereby prevent the formation of urinary stones.

The next motto of silicon is youth and beauty!

The expression “sand is pouring out of a person” has a biochemical meaning - the body loses silicon.
Skin, hair, nails, blood vessels, cornea and iris of eyes, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, thyroid gland are especially rich in silicon.

Silicon is rightly called the element of youth, since aging is largely due to a decrease in its content in the body. It is silicon that provides us with smooth skin, beautiful teeth and nails, lush hair, healthy blood vessels.

Decreased silicon levels indicate a tendency to enlarge the thyroid gland (goiter), as well as diabetes,
cataracts, kidney stones and gallbladder.

To strengthen the hair, it is recommended to moisten it well silicon water and massage, so that water penetrates to the hair roots. In this case, you need to drink this water daily. In the presence of wrinkles and blackheads, it is recommended to wash with silicon water or wipe with ice prepared from it.

One of the main conditions for the completeness of breastfeeding is the selection of food products for a nursing mother with a sufficient amount of silicon.

The full health of your child can only be with a full-fledged nervous system. The word "nerve" means connection. It will play a very important role in the connection between the brain and the body, especially in a young body.

Silicon is very necessary for young children for the normal formation of communication the brain- body, so that child T.

Silicon for our body is one of the most important elements.

With a long-term deficiency and a low content of it in the body of 1.2-1.8% (at a rate of 4.7%), we can develop many diseases: atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, diabetes, mental disorders, cancer, hepatitis , anemia, osteomalacia (softening and looseness of bones), diseases of the joints and tendons, poor functioning of the heart valves and gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, etc.

The healing properties of silicon.

Everyone needs silicon, especially pregnant and lactating women. According to scientists, silicon is involved in many processes, especially in the assimilation of other trace elements, in the synthesis of proteins and cholesterol. Silicon forms colloids in our body that have the ability to attract various viruses, candida, yeast, mucus, and other microorganisms not characteristic of humans both in the intestines and in the blood, and through feces, urine and sweat they remove all this evil from the body ... In addition, silicon is essential for the good condition of our blood vessels, bones, tendons, heart valves and gastrointestinal tract, and eye lenses.

Scientists also note that silicon can be displaced from our body by a more active element - strontium.

Sources of silicon:

Infusions and decoctions of horsetail, flowers and roots of dandelion and marshmallow.

Salads from the color and leaves of dandelion, asparagus, celery, leeks, cucumbers.

Potatoes baked in peel; outer shell of cereals (bran); outer shell of roots and fruits.

The use of healing clay (see the section "The healing properties of clay").

The use of mineral waters (water from Pyatigorsk, Jermun (Armenia), Paratunka (Kamchatka), Starye Therms (Georgia)).

Swimming in the sea water, the bottom and the banks, which are covered with stones.

And the most important source is the regular use of unboiled water infused with silicon stones (preferably small ones, because this increases the contact area).

Silicon stones can be pure brown to dark gray in color. In addition, silicon is found in other stones (black crystal, chalcedony, agate, amethyst). To detect the presence of silicon in stones, they need to be hit with sliding movements against each other. At the same time, a specific smell of silicon is felt, and a spark is visible in the dark.

Silicon water.

Silicon water preparation technology.

Rinse silicon stones (at the rate of 10-30 g per liter of water) and stand for 24 hours in a strong solution of salt (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water). Then place in a transparent glass container and fill with water. Insist on light, but not in direct sunlight for 3-5 days. Use unboiled silicon water, as well as for the preparation of decoctions, infusions, food, washing, douching and enemas, etc.

Do not use the bottom layer of sediment (2-3 cm) of infused water, but pour it out. Wash the stones, insist again in a saline solution, and the cycle repeats indefinitely. At the same time, silicon stones transfer homeopathic doses of silicon compounds to the water, and such water combines the structure of melt water and the bactericidal properties of silver water. After all, it was not for nothing that our ancestors covered the bottom of the wells with flint stones.


The Russian language separates the words "silicon" and "flint" (or "flint" with an emphasis on ё). The first is derived from the word "silicon" - a well-known chemical element, while the second comes from the word "flint" - the mineral described in the article and respected for many centuries. Very often, because of the similar sound, these words are confused. But as we found out, these are completely different substances, which, moreover, have a different chemical composition:

  • - the mineral flint is designated as SiO2;
  • - the chemical element silicon, like Si.

Even our ancestors in the distant Neolithic era knew that flint is extremely useful. The sharp edges of this stone were used to make various tools that help in everyday life and during hunting. In addition, thanks to flint, our ancestors could make fire.

Later, in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of European countries used flint:

  • - as a means for treating walls in rooms where meat was stored;
  • - as a material for the manufacture of millstones for mills;
  • - in some villages of present-day Germany, flint was added to dairy products, thereby preventing their premature souring;
  • - in Russia, the inside of the wells was lined with this stone, due to which the water in them became much cleaner.

The medicine of those times did not pass by the useful properties of this wonderful stone:

  • - ground stone, due to its antiseptic and bactericidal effect, is widely used as a means of promoting the early healing of scratches and cuts.
  • - in Britain, flint was used in infusions on water, which, like crushed stone, were used as a remedy for the treatment of wounds and various diseases.

Nevertheless, despite such popularity of flint among our ancestors, due attention to the useful characteristics of this stone, or rather, water containing flint, was allocated only in the 70s of the last century. The impetus for the research was the study of the composition of the water of one of the lakes near St. Petersburg. This lake had a certain mystical fame, because there was no biological life in it, however, people who often bathed in those waters noted accelerated healing of cuts and abrasions, their hair and nails became stronger and grew much better, and the general condition of the body improved. ...

Later, at the bottom of the lake, researchers discovered deposits of flint, after which much more attention was paid to this mineral, the features of flint and water based on it began to be studied and investigated more thoroughly.

Upon completion of these studies, scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus published information about the beneficial properties of silicon water and its positive effect on the human body.

Today, flint is widely used as a natural water filter and activator. Moreover, this mineral is popular not only in everyday life:

  • - water for balneological procedures and for the manufacture of medicines is prepared using flint;
  • - also water based on this mineral is used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and starch.

Mineral-organic composition of flint

Flint is a mineral containing chalcedony (a variation of quartz) and opal. In turn, the basis of these two elements is silica, in addition to which there are also about 20 chemical components, including Cu, Ca, Vg, Zn, P. Silicon also contains silicon dioxide, which in significant quantities contains a significant part of the entire earth's crust. Moreover, silicon is also present in human organs and tissues.

The color of flint is diverse (it can be either black or yellow or red) and depends on the presence of manganese and iron oxides in it.

Opal-chalcedony flint, widely used as a filter-activator of water, contains a mass of once fossilized unicellular organisms, which many thousands of years ago were part of the flora of rivers and lakes of that time. Researchers believe that it is the presence of fossilized organic matter in flint that gives this stone pronounced bactericidal properties and endows it with the ability to activate water, giving it a lot of useful properties.

The role of silicon in the functioning of the human body

Researchers have shown that a lack of silicon in human food may be the cause of most common diseases. As a result, our body feels a deficiency of this essential trace element.

  • - Silicon is not only an accelerator of redox reactions in the human body, this element also plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body, actively participates in the formation of various enzymes and hormones.
  • - Moreover, silicon, which is the main component of the silicon water activator, can fully assimilate about 70 useful elements, including zinc, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus and others.
  • - Another important feature of silicon is that this trace element is involved in the synthesis of collagen (a protein that gives flexibility, elasticity and strength to all human connective tissues).

Silicon is also contained in the cellular structures of many other human organs: blood cells, liver, thyroid gland, etc.

A deficiency of this trace element in the human body can cause the development of many diseases:

  • - osteoporosis;
  • - atherosclerosis;
  • - dysbiosis.

In addition, a lack of silicon can provoke:

  • - hair loss;
  • - nervous conditions;
  • - incorrect work of hormones;
  • - insomnia;
  • - decreased immunity;
  • - violation of male sexual function.

So, the above information suggests that the silicon content in the human body must be carefully controlled. The lack of this microelement in our daily food products can be replenished by introducing activated and purified silicon water into the diet.

Flint is a natural filter and water activator.

Purifying water with flint

By supplying your body with flint water every day, you give it a lot of benefits:

  • - harmful salts and slags accumulated in it will dissolve much faster;
  • - the blood of a person who regularly uses flint water is purified;
  • - the work of the muscular system is getting better;
  • - also regular use of silicon water improves the functioning of the prostate, pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • - the hormonal background is stabilized and maintained at the proper level;
  • - in addition, due to the normalization of metabolic (in particular, lipid and carbohydrate) processes, systematically drunk silica water helps prevent obesity and perfectly helps people who are struggling with excess weight.

So, thanks to the many healing features (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal, immunostimulating) that silica water contains, we have a wonderful chance to use it both as a prophylactic agent and as a means in the systemic treatment of many ailments:

  • - Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Due to the systematic use of silicon water, the amount of bad cholesterol in human blood cells is significantly reduced, while the flexibility of blood vessels and heart valves increases.
  • - in this regard, following a diet based on flint water is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, angina pectoris and other "heart" ailments;
  • - also this water is an excellent prophylactic agent that prevents the occurrence of heart attacks;
  • - we add that silicon water stabilizes blood pressure, blood clotting indicators and increases the level of hemoglobin. As a result, such water is useful for hypertensive patients, people with a lack of iron in the body and ailments, the cause of which is unsatisfactory blood clotting.

Digestive tract diseases... By means of flint water:

  • - the beneficial intestinal microflora comes to a normal state;
  • - the risk of stones in the liver and gallbladder decreases, existing stones disintegrate to some extent;
  • - the separation of bile becomes better, the inflammation occurring in the digestive system is stopped;
  • - the work of the sphincters becomes more active and better;
  • - harmful substances in the digestive tract are absorbed by water and naturally excreted from the body;
  • - silicon water introduced into the diet contributes to the fight against many diseases of the digestive system: dysbiosis, heartburn, peptic ulcers, cholelithiasis, constipation, hepatitis, diseases of the pancreas.

Diseases of the skeletal system, joints and teeth... Silicon water significantly increases the amount of silicon in the human body. Silicon, in turn, takes an active part in the metabolism of elements such as phosphorus and calcium, which, along with silicon itself, are present in sufficient quantities in our cartilage and bones.

  • - in this regard, experts recommend regularly using flint water as a means of preventing and combating diseases such as rickets, rheumatism, osteoporosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • - silicon water is also recommended as an adjuvant for the speedy healing of bones and the resumption of the work of tendons, cartilage, connective tissue in case of fractures, sprains, dislocations;
  • - in the case of dental diseases and when for some reason it is impossible to get to the dentist silicon water that can reduce pain. In addition, this water will strengthen the tooth enamel and dentin.

Viral diseases, diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and oral cavity... The unique composition of silicon water helps to neutralize the influenza virus. Due to this, during the period of activity of this disease, experts especially recommend using flint water:

  • - its bactericidal composition allows the use of water on flint not only as a drink, but also as a means for rinsing the mouth, which contributes to the fight against tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, periodontitis and others;
  • - in addition, flint water can be instilled into the nose, this will quickly get rid of the aggravated rhinitis, rhinitis;
  • - regular consumption of silicon water contributes to better functioning of the lung tissue, and is also an excellent prevention of such diseases of the bronchopulmonary system as bronchial asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis.

Fungal diseases and various mechanical damage to the skin... Due to its pronounced antiseptic effect, water infused with flint has long been widely used by folk medicine as a means of cleansing various cuts and even purulent ulcers (while gauze or bandage abundantly moistened with healing water is periodically applied to the sore spot):

  • - due to the antifungal effect of flint water, it is actively used in the fight against candidiasis, which manifest themselves as ulcers in the oral cavity, nose, urogenital organs;
  • - water infused with flint is also popular in the fight against acne, dermatitis of various origins, shingles, diathesis, cuts and other skin lesions. In this case, water is used in the form of a rinsing agent, or when performing lotions and compresses based on silicon water.

Moreover, the daily internal use and external use of flint water entails a significant improvement in the psychological and emotional state of people with alcohol problems, struggling with neurological disorders, chronic fatigue, insomnia, migraines.

Experts also draw attention to the importance of drinking water saturated with flint for the elderly. Since along with age, the silicon, which is so necessary for it, is excreted from the body, silicon water will naturally replenish the body's need for this substance.

Silicon water in home cosmetology

Silicon in the composition of water activated by silicon is known as the "element of youth" and thanks to it, this microelement so necessary for the human body, we owe the wonderful condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Silicon takes an active part in the production of such a substance by the human body as collagen - the basic protein in the connective tissue, which contributes to better elasticity, flexibility and firmness of the skin.

  • - Thanks to regular procedures for washing the face and the whole body with water infused not with flint, our skin is toned, and the wrinkles that bother us all with age appear much less.
  • - In addition, silica water removes various inflammatory processes of the skin, minimizes the formation of various redness and peeling of the skin. In this regard, silica water is very popular as a remedy for combating acne (blackheads) and other cosmetic troubles on the surface of human skin.
  • - Home cosmetology widely uses flint water as a hair and scalp care product.
  • - By rinsing your hair after washing with silica water, you will strengthen your hair follicles, promote hair growth, give them a chic shine and a healthy look.
  • - In case of dandruff and itching on the surface of the scalp, silicon water will relieve these unpleasant sensations and will contribute to a more effective treatment of a disease such as seborrhea.

When using water, infused with flint, as the main component of a cosmetic bath for nails, the growth of the latter is significantly accelerated, in addition, they become stronger and stop exfoliating.

Methods for obtaining and using silicon water

The healing effect that silicon has on the human body is very difficult to overestimate. However, the amount of this trace element in the foodstuffs most common among the inhabitants of our latitudes is most often insufficient and does not reach the norm recommended to meet the daily requirement of the human body. Nevertheless, with the regular use of water infused with flint, a person receives his dose of this substance, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Silicon water is widely used as a drink and as one of the ingredients in food preparation. In addition, it is very popular as a prophylactic agent, as a remedy for combating various diseases and as one of the means of cosmetology.

Daily external use of water infused with flint does not entail absolutely no contraindications. The same can be said about the ingestion of flint water. The recommended daily intake of flint-based water in order to increase the immune function of the body or to prevent certain diseases is about 200 g per day. It is recommended to drink 50 g of water during the day, thus dividing the frequency of intake up to 4 times.

Method for preparing flint water

To prepare flint water, flint, first of all, must be thoroughly washed, preferably under running water. After that, the flint is placed in a glass container, filled with water (for 20 g of stone, 2 liters of water are needed), covered with a thin cloth or gauze and placed in a dry, dark place.

Thus, the water should be infused for 2, more often 3 days. The water infused in this way is not used all, but only its upper layers. This is due to the fact that substances dangerous to the human body accumulate at the bottom of the dishes in a layer of liquid that only slightly covers the flint.

After each infusion procedure, the stone should be thoroughly washed under running water and then ventilated outdoors, in the fresh air.

If plaque appears on the flint activator, the stone must be immersed in a solution of water and salt for a couple of hours, after which the activator must be removed and carefully rinsed under running water. Then the stone is again put into the solution for a couple of hours, now soda, after 2 hours the stone is taken out and carefully washed.

It is recommended to change the flint activator every six months to 8 months, so it will be more effective as a means for activating water. In order to increase the therapeutic and filtration effect of flint, experts recommend using it along with a quartz water activator.

Silicon water prepared in the above way should not be boiled or stored in cold places (in the refrigerator or outside the window in winter). It is recommended to store it in glass containers at a temperature not lower than + 4 ° С.

The use of silicon for water purification in wells

Already many centuries ago, our ancestors actively used flint as a means for purifying water in wells and wells: they carefully lined the inside of the well with this stone and received, as a result, crystal clear water, devoid of any harmful substances. In addition, such water is not only pure, but also has a pleasant taste, long shelf life and unique healing power.

In order to improve the quality of water in modern wells, flint is added directly to the well, while only 10 g of stone is enough for 1 cubic meter of water. After 3 days, the water in the well will become not just a liquid suitable for quenching thirst or preparing food from it, but also an excellent source of healing and extremely useful substances.

The use of flint water in gardening and home canning

  • - Seeds soaked just before planting in flint-infused water will sprout much faster.
  • - Seedlings, which are watered with flint water, are less susceptible to the appearance of harmful fungal organisms on it in comparison with seedlings watered with ordinary water.
  • - Vegetables, berries and fruits grow much faster and fertility more abundantly if they are watered with flint water.
  • - Water infused with flint is also popular in food canning. Due to the addition of flint to the canning water (at the rate of 1 cm³ of substance per 1 three-liter dish), the products will not sour quickly, they will acquire a more pronounced taste.

The benefits of flint water for indoor plants and pets

By watering plants with flint-added water, you:

  • - make them more resistant to fungi;
  • - accelerate their growth;
  • - make their flowering period much longer.

Flint-infused water is also useful for our beloved pets:

  • - it significantly improves their health;
  • - makes the bones and teeth of pets stronger and stronger;
  • - increases the protective reserves of the animal's body;
  • - helps him to more effectively fight various infections and diseases associated with helminths.

The use of flint in aquariums is also justified:

  • - water with the addition of this stone will stay transparent longer;
  • - it will be less prone to "bloom" and the appearance of green bloom on it.
  • - of course, the quality of life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, in turn, will also become an order of magnitude higher.

Contraindications to the use of silicon water

Absolutely everyone is allowed to use flint water, since long-term use of this element has not recorded any side effects.

Best before: within 3 years.