How is a hydrocele treated? Conservative and surgical treatment of hydrocele

  • The date: 19.10.2019

Testicular hydrocele (dropsy) is a disease when fluid accumulates excessively in the cavity located around the organ, the testicle enlarges and becomes inflamed. The disease can manifest itself in both children and adults. Treatment for hydrocele can be non-surgical (sclerosis of the testicular membranes) and surgical. It depends on the age of the patient. The sooner treatment is started, the better its effect.

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The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

What is testicular hydrocele

Hydrocele is a unilateral process of an increase in the size of half of the scrotum, bilateral is rare, may indicate the presence of serious diseases.

The liquid accumulates in volumes from a couple of milliliters to 1 or even 3 liters (the latter happens in advanced cases).

But, nevertheless, there is a possibility of simultaneous occurrence of dropsy of both the right and left testicles.

The treatment is exactly the same.

Causes and symptoms

For a long time the patient does not feel anything, since the process of dropsy formation is painless. A trip to the doctor is justified mainly by cosmetic inconveniences (when going to the bathhouse, to the beach.).

Here are the most common causes of testicular hydrocele:

  1. Injury.
  2. As a complication after surgery (kidney transplant), varicocele.
  3. It occurs in parallel with another disease, when the epididymis becomes inflamed, with gonorrhea, tuberculosis.

With this problem you can be born or acquired.

Until the 20th century, dropsy of the testicle was a consequence of gonorrhea.

Often - this is the result of injury, and it is so small that a person does not even pay attention to it.

After 2 or 3 weeks, a tumor forms and slowly grows in the damaged half of the scrotum without pain.

In chronic cases, this lasts a couple of years without leading to any disorders.

Discomfort begins when the dropsy reaches a large size (even with the head of a child), there are problems with urination, sexual disorders.


Diagnosis of a hydrocele consists in the fact that the diseased area of ​​​​the scrotum is palpated and examined, revealing the disease itself, its stage, checking for tumors, it is important to do an ultrasound.

It will show the amount, volume of accumulated fluid, it will become clear whether everything is in order with the epididymis.

How to treat dropsy without surgery

Hydrocele is treated medically and surgically, but the latter method is not applicable to children with congenital dropsy up to 1-1.5 years old, it is not always allowed for the elderly.

When a disease is detected, it is treated by puncture, fluid is extracted from dropsy. But this method is called more diagnostic than treatment.

Six months later, dropsy can again make itself felt.

This procedure is done mainly for elderly patients, when surgical intervention is unacceptable or they simply refuse it and want to forget about the difficulties with the aesthetic appearance for some time.

European countries and the USA are approaching the treatment of the disease with the help of new modern methods and technologies - produce sclerosis of the testicular membranes.

Previously, liquid is sucked out of the dropsy, then sclerosants (drugs) are introduced into the cavity, the effect of which is that they suppress the production of fluid in the dropsy itself. This fluid is produced by the membranes around the testicle.

The procedure is carried out once or 2 times, for the effect. But the injected drug also has contraindications, it can damage the tissues in the testicle.

More often this method is used in older people who do not have the opportunity to undergo surgery.


Surgical treatments

During surgical intervention, plastic surgery of the testicular membranes is performed, which is considered the most optimal in the fight against this disease.

Here are the operations that are more effective than others:

  1. Winckelmann.
  2. Bergman.
  3. Lord.

Which of these methods to apply is determined by the doctor during the duration of the operation.

For example, with an excess of shells, their thickening ( big sizes dropsy), methods of Winckelmann, Lord are rejected.

According to the Lord's method, they will not operate when the disease has become chronic, since the corrugation of the hard shells of the testicle will lead to an unnatural appearance of the scrotum, damage the aesthetic appearance.

Operations for testicular hydrocele of Winckelmann and Bergman are more traumatic compared to Lord's method. This is due to the fact that testicular hypotrophy occurs, there are failures in the production of testosterone and spermatozoa.

Operation by Bergman

In these situations, Bergman's operation remains, in which the anterior surface of the scrotum lends itself to a five to six centimeter incision, which is made in layers.

Then the testicle is removed. The fluid from the testicle is pumped out with a syringe. The vaginal membrane is excised around the testicle itself.

Catgut sutures close the cut membrane that remains. Then, the testicle is returned to the scrotum, layer-by-layer suturing of the membranes of the scrotum and skin is performed.

A small rubber drain is placed in the wound at the end of the operation to drain excess fluid. Ice put in place surgical intervention in the first 2 hours after surgery, so that hematoma does not develop.

In ten days, the sutures will completely dissolve.

Lord's surgical technique

When the hydrocele is small, it would be wise to operate using the Lord method, which is the least traumatic. The dropsy sac is opened, having previously made incisions in the skin, testicular membranes.

The testicle is removed into the wound, sutures with tightening properties are applied to the dropsy sac ( suture material dissolves).

At the end of the operation, the testicle returns back to the scrotum, the wound is sutured layer by layer, drainage is not done, but a pressure bandage is applied.

Winckelmann operation

With this operation, access to the testicular membranes is opened using an incision, as in the Bergman operation. The clamp helps push the shells apart.

The testicle is removed into the wound, the serous substance is removed. The periovial membranes are turned inside out and sewn together.

The principle works like this: the epithelium forms a fluid that accumulates between the sheets, and after the operation, the surrounding tissues absorb the fluid.

Adults are given local anesthesia, children - general.

There may be some communication between the inguinal canal and the scrotal cavity, the vaginal process, the lumen, is sutured. Catgut sutures are applied, drainage is established.

Rehabilitation in the postoperative period

After all types of surgical intervention, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is additionally carried out.

The longer you wait, start the disease, the more difficult the treatment will be.

And trusting your health to any specialist, you need to be completely confident in it, because any mistake made during surgery leads to a relapse.

Help of folk remedies

The treatment of hydrocele is a complex process, requiring only an individual approach in the choice of methods. Self-medication can provoke a deterioration in the condition, so even the use of the most simple means requires expert advice. AT traditional treatment hydrocele requires surgery. Home treatment avoids surgery and long-term follow-up rehabilitation.

Many patients use folk methods and most of them, judging by the reviews, are effective:

  1. Pea compress. A decoction is used in which peas were boiled for 1 hour. Dip a clean cotton cloth in the liquid and apply to the sore spot. The broth must first be cooled to room temperature. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. The use of a pea compress is necessary once or twice a day. If after 3-4 days there is no improvement and the scrotum is still increasing in size, the treatment should be stopped and immediately go to the hospital.
  2. A decoction of parsley. Prepared only from fresh leaves plants (800 gr) and only fresh milk (1 l). Parsley with milk should be simmered in the oven for 4 hours. Strained broth should be drunk every hour throughout the day, 30 ml. The prepared product should be used within the first day. The next day the medicine is prepared again.
  3. Sweet clover and coltsfoot in dried form are used in the preparation of infusion. Raw material medicinal herbs taken in equal proportions and infused for 30 minutes. To relieve the symptoms of hydrocele, it is indicated to drink at least 4 tablespoons 5 times a day. The components of this tool have a decongestant effect and help remove fluid from the scrotum.
  4. Calendula ointment with the addition of baby cream, easy to use and effective. The components are used in equal proportions. Healing ointment is applied to the diseased testicle daily at bedtime. After application, the product is covered with a bandage and you need to wear thick warm underwear. You need to use this recipe until the dropsy passes.
  5. Common agrimony in the amount of 100 g is boiled in one liter of white wine for about 5 minutes. The resulting broth must be filtered through a fine sieve. This medicine is used as gauze lotions for dropsy for 30-40 minutes. This should be done at least 2 times a day until the fluid is completely removed from the scrotum.
  6. Chamomile flowers, especially freshly picked, help to remove signs of hydrocele at the beginning of formation. The plant must be passed through a meat grinder and the resulting slurry applied to the swollen testicles. It is enough to carry out such treatment for 20 minutes at a time 3 times a day. The anti-inflammatory and deodorizing substances of the plant help to get rid of dropsy of the testicles in 10 days.
  7. You can take hemp pulp, which, like most medicinal herbs, should be taken as herbal tea.
  8. Herbal collection of chamomile, sage, black currant, jaundice should be taken as a decoction for 20-30 days. Before eating.
  9. It is recommended to use lotion from sheep bile with honey in the treatment. The method is effective if used periodically.
  10. You can drink an infusion of lily of the valley leaves or a decoction of flaxseeds.

All folk recipes safe for health. The uniqueness of each of them lies in the targeted effect on the hydrocele, as general strengthening the body of a man.

Nutrition Features

The use of spicy and fatty foods provokes the growth of dropsy of the testicle at a rapid pace. Alcohol, smoked meats, carbonated drinks are not recommended. Exacerbation of hydrocele is helped by the use of heavy food, especially meat.

During the period of hydrocele disease are shown:

  1. Pumpkin juice, in an amount of 100 ml, copes with the function of removing excess fluid. It is useful for men to eat other pumpkin dishes.
  2. Onion juice with sugar. The drink is prepared in the evening, at the rate of 2 finely chopped onions and a pinch of sugar at a time. During the night, the onion will release all the liquid that needs to be taken in the morning.
  3. An indispensable product in the fight against dropsy is grapes. Every morning ten berries for a month and the signs of hydrocele will disappear.
  4. Healing decoction of watermelon peels, a popular diuretic.
  5. Some prefer a vegetarian diet during the period of exacerbation of hydrocele, with the predominant consumption of cucumbers, eggplants, fresh cabbage.
  6. Instead of tea or the usual coffee, it is shown to switch to freshly squeezed black radish juice with the addition of natural honey.
  7. Useful for men dish of grated horseradish roots with lemons.
  8. You can cook a healing salad of watermelon, citrus fruits and apples.

Along with proper nutrition, doctors advise a three-day fast. Effective in the fight against hydrocele massage of the scrotum.

Consequences and complications

The risks of self-medication can provoke significant complications. Before using traditional medicine, you should consult a urologist or surgeon. Doctors rarely insist on a surgical operation, this is a cardinal method. Proper Treatment help to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The risk group is made up of men over 20 years old. The occurrence of dropsy of the testicle has a bad effect on the reproductive function. An inflamed testicle worsens the quality of sperm. The appearance of dropsy is accompanied by a lesion of the urinary system, the work of the kidneys worsens. drug therapy in the treatment of this disease does not exist.

Predominantly conservative methods are used:

  • Compliance with a relatively moderate lifestyle;
  • Antibacterial agents;
  • The use of a suspensor;
  • Fluid evacuation by puncture.

These methods do not get rid of the hydrocele forever. Only surgery allows you to get rid of the disease and its complications.


The inflammatory process that occurs in pathology provokes an increase in the size of the scrotum. The rate of development of the disease depends on the immunity of the patient, the presence of acute or chronic diseases. Doctors advise avoiding trauma to the genital organs, which can provoke the development of a hydrocele.

Inflammation of the epididymis in 55% of cases provokes the development of pathology. The disease is complicated in the treatment by the fact that in 100% it recurs. Prevention of hydrocele is important for all men without exception, especially those under the age of 35.

Or babies.

The reason is the non-growth of the abdominal process, as a result of which the serous fluid moves freely between the membranes of the testicle.

The abdominal process may partially overgrow, resulting in an isolated dropsy of the testicle or spermatic cord. This pathology is easily identified and quickly treated.

The disease also occurs in adult men. The risk group includes people 20-30 years old.

The cause of dropsy can be:

  • mechanical damage (strong blow with a blunt object);
  • sports injury;
  • weight lifting (weightlifting, work as a loader);
  • chlamydia, gonorrhea and other bacterial infections;
  • a consequence of surgery to eliminate or inguinal hernia;
  • damage to the lymph nodes;
  • heart failure.

On the initial stage pathology is almost imperceptible. Gradually, fluid accumulates in the cavity between the shells.

This may be lymph or pus resulting from an inflammatory process.

The scrotum increases in size, the patient feels an unpleasant heaviness, pain and general discomfort. Possible local swelling, fever.

On palpation, the testicle is poorly palpated, but it is felt that it is enlarged in size. In severe cases, the volume of accumulated fluid reaches several liters.

An acute condition may not last long, with insufficient effective treatment malaise turns into chronic phase. The earlier the disease is identified, the more successful the therapy will be.

In severe cases, surgery is indicated. All decisions must be made by a urologist, for an accurate diagnosis, a visual examination, careful palpation of the genital organs, ultrasound or transillumination with special devices is carried out.

Delaying treatment is dangerous.

Developing dropsy not only causes discomfort, but also threatens with serious consequences, including:

  • necrosis of testicular tissue;
  • uncontrolled ejaculation during sexual intercourse;
  • infertility.

About dropsy in children, see the video:

The effectiveness of traditional medicine for hydrocele

How effective are folk remedies for the treatment of dropsy of the testicles? Urologists are unanimous - only surgical intervention can get rid of hydrocele once and for all.

Preparations for conservative treatment remove unpleasant symptoms, but cannot completely remove the accumulated fluid.

This applies to both medicines and traditional medicine.

However home treatment hydrocele folk remedies not useless at all. It helps at the initial stage, when the doctor monitors the development of the disease and makes decisions on further actions.

Folk therapy will help during recovery period after operation. Proven recipes strengthen the body's defenses, accelerate the outflow of lymph, removing local edema, and prevent fluid from accumulating in the tissues.

Decoctions are used in the treatment medicinal plants, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, alcohol tinctures suitable for compresses and rubbing.

Indications and contraindications

Treatment of dropsy with folk remedies is indicated at the initial stage of the disease and also during recovery. postoperative period. It can also be used as a preventive measure for men at risk.

Recipes are suitable for people professionally involved in weightlifting or traumatic sports, men suffering from varicocele who have undergone treatment for sexually transmitted infections.

Home recipes relieve unpleasant symptoms well and alleviate the patient's condition. You can start treatment after consultation with a urologist.

Home herbal therapy is contraindicated in:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • excessive volume of liquid accumulated in the shells (more than 1 liter);
  • severe heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • bowel disorders (diarrhea);
  • individual allergic reaction.

Particular caution should be observed in patients undergoing antibiotic treatment. Active application herbal therapy can weaken the effect of drugs.

In case of an overdose, headache attacks, dizziness, nausea and vomiting occur, swelling, rash or pruritus. With persistent unpleasant symptoms an unsuitable prescription is immediately canceled.

Treatment of folk remedies for dropsy of the testicles in men

The simplest, most affordable and useful folk remedies for dropsy of the testicles are fruit and vegetable juices with a diuretic effect.

They accelerate the outflow of fluid, alleviating the patient's condition, nourish the body with vitamins and microelements.

On the day you can drink 500-700 ml of freshly squeezed juice along with the pulp.

Perfectly removes excess liquid fresh from cucumber, tomato, celery, watermelon, melon, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, beets, apples and pears.

Juices can be mixed, for better absorption of vitamin A, a few drops of vegetable oil or a spoonful of natural cream are added to them. It is better to drink fresh juices half an hour before meals, breaking the daily allowance into 3-4 servings.

Freshly squeezed viburnum juice mixed with honey (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of liquid) will help strengthen immunity. The mixture is slightly heated and drunk on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

Good effect gives a decoction of flaxseed. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and heated for 15 minutes over low heat. The finished broth is covered with a lid and insisted for 1 hour.

After that, it can be filtered and drunk in small portions throughout the day. The infusion should not be stored, a new portion is prepared the next day. The optimal course is 3 days.

Alternative folk remedy for dropsy of the testicle - birch broth. 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped birch leaves and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of birch buds is poured with 500 ml of boiling water.

The mixture is infused under the lid for 60 minutes and filtered. The liquid is divided into 2 servings to be drunk in the morning and evening. Full course - 5 days.

To enhance the effect of decoctions and juices, massage the testicles with the use of Kalanchoe tincture will help.

5-6 freshly picked leaves are passed through a meat grinder or blender, after which they are poured with 1 glass of vodka or medical alcohol.

The container is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then the tincture is filtered and used for rubbing.

For one procedure, 2 teaspoons of the drug are enough. Rubbing is carried out clockwise, the movements should be strong, but not painful.

Massage can be done with another homemade drug. Mix 1 teaspoon of baby cream with 0.5 teaspoon of an alcohol tincture of calendula bought at a pharmacy.

Apply the mixture to the scrotum and rub until completely absorbed. In the first minutes, a slight burning sensation may be felt, but soon it passes, only pleasant warmth remains.

Try compresses from chamomile well removing local edema. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with 0.5 cups of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes.

The resulting slurry is distributed over gauze folded in several layers, and then applied to the affected testicle for 15 minutes. The procedure is done at bedtime for 10 days.

Very often you can hear such a question: “Will a saline compress help with testicular hydrocele and how does milk thistle help with dropsy?”. Among the folk methods of treatment, we have not identified recipes using salt and milk thistle.

What to add to the treatment?

Supplement folk methods of treating dropsy and increase the chances of a cure will help proper diet. Foods that retain fluid in the body are excluded from the menu: fatty meat, solid animal fats, canned food, smoked meats, deep-fried dishes.

It is advisable to limit the amount of salt and spices and avoid drinks containing caffeine: natural and instant coffee, strong black tea, energy drinks. Alcohol is very harmful, causing vasodilation and accelerating the development of the disease.

During the treatment of hydrocele with folk remedies, it is necessary to lead a measured lifestyle, rest more, and avoid stress. Showing moderate physical exercise: walking, swimming, gymnastics at home or in the gym. It is important to avoid heavy loads, not to overstrain, to protect the genitals from injury.

Treatment of hydrocele with alternative recipes is possible only in the initial stage of the disease. home therapy or folk treatment dropsy of the testicle will help to recover after surgery, and is also suitable for prevention.

To avoid complications, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor who will decide in a timely manner on surgical intervention or advise extending home treatment.

In case of balanoposthitis, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the etiological factor in the first place.

  • Primary balanoposthitis often develops as a result of hygiene violations, therefore, first of all, you need to think about hygiene measures.
  • Secondary balanoposthitis requires treatment of the underlying disease. For example, syphilitic or gonorrheal requires specific antibacterial treatment. Known forms of balanoposthitis with systemic and endocrine diseases. Balanoposthitis often develops in diabetes mellitus, it is treated difficult and long and depends on the compensation of the underlying disease.

For all types of balanoposthitis, treatment methods are divided into general, which act systemically, and local, which are aimed directly at the glans penis and foreskin.

  • To common methods treatment applies antibiotic therapy and the use of drugs to stimulate the immune system.
  • to the local medicines include ointments, creams, gels and antiseptic solutions. Ointments and gels vary in composition and may have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antifungal and other effects.

In order to eliminate phimosis, which provokes balanoposthitis, after the signs of inflammation are eliminated, an operation is performed.

  • What are the terms of treatment for balanoposthitis?
    In case of balanoposthitis, treatment continues until the symptoms disappear completely and the cause is eliminated. The terms of treatment depend on the form, severity of the disease and the type of pathogen, and in acute balanoposthitis, on average, they range from two to three weeks.
  • Tortured balanoposthitis - what to do?
    First of all, you need to pay attention to hygiene and carry out full examination in yourself and your sexual partner in order to identify the cause. After that, according to the doctor's prescription, it will be necessary to undergo a course of treatment.
  • How to treat balanoposthitis so as to cure forever?
    To do this, you need to apply all the recommendations of the doctor. If balanoposthitis has passed into chronic form, then it is quite difficult to cure it. Immunity to balanoposthitis is not developed. To prevent relapse and re-disease it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene and avoid casual sexual intercourse.
  • Found balanoposthitis - which doctor should I contact?
    Balanoposthitis is treated by specialists in the field of urology and venereology.
  • What is the treatment for balanoposthitis in diabetes mellitus?
    In diabetes mellitus, the treatment of balanoposthitis should be primarily directed to the treatment of the underlying disease, which consists in the selection of antidiabetic drugs. It is combined with local and systemic antibiotic treatment.

The main list of antibiotics in tablets for balanoposthitis

Antibiotics for balanoposthitis are often taken in tablets, and they are prescribed taking into account the etiology. Since balanitis and balanoposthitis can be caused by any microorganisms, including coli, streptococci, staphylococci, neisseria, as well as Koch's bacillus, clostridia and other microorganisms, both aerobic and anaerobic, then treatment is first carried out with antibiotics with the widest spectrum of action, and then adjusted for sensitivity.

  • Antibiotics are not taken orally for mild forms of balanoposthitis. Systemic antibiotic therapy is connected either in severe cases, for example, when purulent form or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Antibiotics are not used for fungal infections, allergies and viral diseases.
  • Of the drugs with a wide spectrum of action, antibiotics from the group Levomycetin and doxycycline.
  • macrolides are used Erythromycin, Oletetrin, Roxithromycin.
  • Quinolone derivatives are also used, for example Nalidixic acid or Nevigramone, derivatives of nitrofuran ( Furagin) and oxyquinoline derivatives ( Nitroxoline).
  • For anaerobic infection nice results showed Azithromycin.
  • Sulfonamides can be used Biseptol.
  • When specific infection use penicillin drugs, cephalosporins, for example Tsiprolet.
  • With candidal balanoposthitis, antifungal drugs are used, such as clotrimazole or flucanosole.
  • For chlamydia and ureaplasma infections, drugs from the metronidazole group.

The medicine for balanoposthitis for systemic action can be taken not only in the form of tablets. Effective drugs have an effect in the form intramuscular injections and intravenous infusions, which are carried out depending on the nature of the symptoms of balanoposthitis and the severity of the condition.

Both partners should be treated with antibiotics. During the period of antibiotic treatment, there are restrictions on the intake of alcohol.

Ointment from balanoposthitis Levomekol and its analogues

Local treatment with balanoposthitis, it is carried out with the help of ointments. In case of balanoposthitis, the ointment for treatment should correspond to the cause of the disease.

  • In fungal diseases, creams and ointments based on antifungal drugs are prescribed - this is Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Candide, Fluconazole. combination of antifungal and hormonal drugs contained in the ointment Pimafukort.
  • For suppression autoimmune reaction, inflammation and allergies use ointments based on hormones, for example Oxycort or Locacorten, Lorindel, Lamisil, Dermozolon and others.
  • Triderm is a combined preparation consisting of an antifungal agent, an antibiotic Gentamycin and hormone. It is used for allergies, eczema, neurodermatitis and ringworm. With balanoposthitis Triderm shown as local remedy in the presence of a mixed infection.

Ointment Levomekol from balanoposthitis

The combined drug Levomekol has a wide spectrum of action. Levomekol is prescribed for balanoposthitis in case of a proven non-specific bacterial infection.

It consists of two components - antibacterial chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which stimulates tissue repair. The combined use of these medicinal substances in ointment Levomekol has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.

Ointment Baneocin from Balanoposthitis

Baneocin has strong antibacterial activity, which can also be used in the form of ointments. It consists of neomycin and bacitracin, two strong antibiotics, together with a wide spectrum of action. It can be used when microorganisms are sensitive to it with limited and superficial inflammation.

Antiseptic and drying ointments are also actively used, for example, with zinc oxide.

Given the different etiology of the disease, only with the help of a specialist can you choose the best ointment from balanoposthitis. The use of ointments is carried out for a long time, it is applied to the affected area from two to three times a day.

Miramistin, Chlorhexidine and other solutions for balanoposthitis

Local treatment for balanoposthitis is also performed using solutions containing antiseptics. A man can carry out these activities on his own, at home.

The widely recommended solutions of potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate, should be taken with caution. This is due to the fact that the dissolution of potassium permanganate crystals in water is not complete, and chemical trauma to the skin or mucous membrane on which this solution is applied can occur.

Of the solutions, it should be noted water solutionChlorophyllipta, which has an active antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply rinsing Furacilin, Rivanol, Dioxidin.

With sores and erosions, you can cauterize them with an antiseptic preparation. Fucorcin or Castellani liquid. It acts on both bacteria and fungi.

Has proven effectiveness Chlorhexidine with balanoposthitis. Its full name is chlorhexidine bigluconate. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, it is used in the form of baths, instillations or irrigations.

It has a similar effect in the disease balanoposthitis Miramistin. Both of these drugs have an antibacterial effect on wide range microorganisms, however, they should be used with caution, as they can cause dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.

How to use miramistin for balanoposthitis?

The use of Miramistin for balanoposthitis is desirable as prescribed by a doctor and under his control. Surface treatment is carried out after hygiene measures from one to several times a day.

Of the non-drug agents, it can be noted folk methods, for example, the use of decoctions and infusions of antiseptic herbs, chamomile, currant, sage, oak bark, and in some cases soda. Such funds are usually used for mild forms of balanoposthitis, and before using them in an adult or child, it is better to consult a doctor.

Anaerobic balanoposthitis, chronic, erosive and chlamydial: how to treat?

Some specific forms of balanoposthitis have features in the treatment. In the case of anaerobic balanoposthitis, treatment should include both systemic therapy and local measures.

  • Antibiotics are used from the group of lincosamides ( Lincomycin) and nitroimidazoles ( Metronidazole, Metrogyl, Tinidazole and others). It is better to determine the sensitivity and adjust after receiving the results of antibiotic therapy.
  • use vitamin complexes and immune stimulants.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate, hormone-containing creams are used locally; if local ulcers or erosions appear, they can be cauterized with silver-based preparations.

In the case of erosive balanoposthitis, treatment requires determining the pathogen and prescribing, first of all, etiotropic drugs.

  • A distinctive feature of the treatment of this form will be frequent washing, up to four times a day, solutions of antiseptics.
  • Can be applied Levomekol, which has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action and promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Also use Fukortsin, Chlorophyllipt, cauterization with silver preparations, for example Protargol.

If chlamydial balanoposthitis is detected, treatment should be carried out systemically, with antiprotozoal drugs, and locally with antiseptics and ointments.

  • Chlamydia balanoposthitis often gives complications in the form of urethritis and becomes chronic, so its treatment should be carried out as early as possible and strictly following all the doctor's prescriptions.
    In case of chronic balanoposthitis, treatment should be aimed at increasing immunity and eliminating the pathogen, both by local and general means.
  • If a chronic balanoposthitis contributes to the presence of phimosis, then an operation is performed.
  • In some cases, circumcision is performed.


In all cases of balanoposthitis that suggest an infection, it is imperative to treat not only the sick person, but also his partners with whom there was unprotected intercourse.

In both children and adults, remedies for balanoposthitis should be selected individually, taking into account sensitivity and the pathogen or the effect on the etiotropic factor, after examination and under the supervision of a specialist.

After the symptoms of inflammation disappear with balanoposthitis, a second examination and tests are performed to confirm the cure for this disease. Transferred balanoposthitis does not guarantee that it will not recur, especially with poor hygiene and phimosis for all ages and promiscuity in adults.

The price for the treatment of Balanoposthitis consists of a consultation with a urologist, tests and cost medicines, and the most expensive will be the tests and the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. A consultation with a urologist in different cities costs from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Very often in men there is an unpleasant disease called dropsy of the testicle. In medical terminology, there are many names for this disease. Someone calls it a hydrocele of the testicle, someone calls it dropsy of the testicular membrane. Because of the change of names, the essence of the problem does not change in any way. Every man should be aware that at any time he may encounter this disease. He must know what to do in such cases, and how to protect himself.


In total, physicians distinguish two types of dropsy of the testicle:

  • congenital dropsy;
  • acquired dropsy.

Congenital dropsy of the testicle is formed long before the birth of a man, that is, in the womb. According to all medical standards, the boy's testicles should fully descend into the scrotum just in time for the end of the 9th month. The lumen that forms in the peritoneum as a result of this process must close. Otherwise, the baby is born with a slight pathology, that is, with dropsy.

Acquired dropsy can appear in a man at any age. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. There may be several reasons:

  • injuries that affected the scrotum and perineum;
  • inflammatory diseases of the scrotum;
  • violations of the lymphatic outflow, etc.

There is another classification this disease. Dropsy can be:

  1. isolated;
  2. communicating.

If the accumulated fluid does not flow into other areas, then such dropsy is called isolated. If a man has a communicating hydrocele, then this means that the fluid can easily “move” into abdominal cavity and return back to its original position.


Every man should take care of his “male power” and his health. Therefore, he must know all the significant symptoms of dropsy of the testicle in order to promptly consult a doctor for qualified help.

Physicians distinguish the following characteristic symptoms diseases:

  1. swelling of the scrotum. The testicles increase in size. The swelling may remain permanently, or it may subside periodically. Most often, the swelling subsides after the night. This is due to the fact that at night the fluid "moves" into the abdominal cavity.
  2. A man constantly experiences pain in the scrotum.
  3. In the case of an inflammatory process, redness of the skin in the scrotum area may occur.
  4. If dropsy is due to an infection, then a man's body temperature begins to rise for no reason.
  5. If dropsy appeared as a result of any injury, then the man constantly experiences heaviness in the groin and pain.


After seeking help, the doctor must first examine the man to establish an accurate diagnosis. Not always characteristic symptoms signal one disease. Some diseases are so insidious that they can hide from doctors. Therefore, the doctor complete diagnostics. To determine the presence of dropsy, several methods are most often used.

First of all, the doctor examines and palpates the external genital organs of a man. So he determines the presence or absence of the disease, as well as a possible focus of inflammation.

Next, the doctor must perform a procedure called diaphanoscopy. The examination is completely painless and simple. The doctor using a special light source shines through the organs of the scrotum. So he can see dropsy.

Of course, not without ultrasound. The specialist conducts an ultrasound of the scrotum in order to finally verify the correctness of the diagnosis, as well as to understand how the disease is “launched”.


There are two types of treatment in total:

  1. treatment of dropsy of the testicle without surgery;
  2. surgical intervention.

Most effective method treatment is surgery. It helps to permanently get rid of the problem. But, there are times when the patient refuses to treat the hydrocele in this way. Then doctors resort to a more conservative and gentle method.

If the patient has chosen treatment without surgery, then he undergoes one of two procedures:

  • puncture;
  • sclerosis.

It should be noted that puncturing does not completely relieve a man of the disease. It helps to get rid of dropsy for a maximum of six months. Punctuation in a simple way can be called as the suction of fluid. Most often, this method is used to treat testicular hydrocele in the elderly. If the patient chooses this method of treatment, then he must be prepared for the fact that he will soon have to return to the hospital again.

Sclerosis is most common in Europe. This is enough new method treatment, and not all doctors fully trust him. The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. First, fluid is sucked out.
  2. Then the doctors introduce special preparations. They are called sclerosants.

Medicines affect the production of the testicle and each time reduce its volume. After several such procedures, the patient can get rid of the disease.

It should be said that the most effective method of treatment is surgery. Do not be afraid of her, because the removal of dropsy is a simple procedure. Any experienced doctor will cope with the task brilliantly, and the patient will be able to forget about this problem forever.

Folk method of treatment

Many men, in order to avoid surgery, resort to folk methods treatment. First of all, they keep proper nutrition. It is best to eat vegetarian food:

  • raw cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • pumpkin and other healthy vegetables.

For testicular hydrocele, use various decoctions and juices:

  1. a decoction made from black elderberry;
  2. onion juice;
  3. radish juice (black);
  4. pumpkin juice.

Possible Complications

If a man has dropsy of the testicle, the treatment is not carried out properly, then some complications of the disease may occur. On the early stage hydrocele can cause:

  • constant pain and discomfort in the scrotum, which is especially felt during urination;
  • hematomas;
  • violation of blood circulation and even spermatogenesis.

If a man for a large number time does not go to the doctor with this problem, then he risks earning serious complications. Among them:

  1. Infection. It can cause testicular inflammation. This will lead to an increase in temperature, reddening of the skin, etc.
  2. Violation of spermatogenesis. This leads to infertility.
  3. Testicular cancer. In rare cases, dropsy can be the first sign of cancer.


Not a single man in the world is immune from the appearance of dropsy of the testicle. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and attentive. First of all, you need to avoid various injuries of the genital organs. But, if this happens, then it is urgent to consult a doctor, even if the man does not experience any pain and discomfort.

It is necessary to treat everything in time infectious diseases. For this, regular examinations by a urologist are necessary. Any inflammation must be removed immediately.

Hydrocele in men (hydrocele) is a well-known disorder that occurs in both children and adults. This disease is characterized by the accumulation of serous-type fluid in the inner lining of the testicles, which causes swelling of the scrotum and its enlargement. AT children's period you can observe the occurrence of hydrocele from the moment the child is born - physiological feature, which is quite common. Its appearance is due to the still defective formed reproductive system of the boy, but during the first year this phenomenon disappears by itself. In adult men, this disease is an acquired feature, the causes of its appearance may be various injuries or inflammatory processes. Doctors, based on the root cause of the disease, distinguish 2 types of its development - the primary hydrocele, it appears on its own and is not associated with other pathologies, the secondary disease - its appearance is always due to the development of an anomaly already existing in the body.

The secondary development of a hydrocele can also be caused by the consequences of injuries in the testicles, for example, due to sports activities (cycling, etc.), strong blows to inguinal zones men and various inflammatory processes.

The onset of the onset of the disease in the affected area of ​​the testicles can be caused by various phenomena - trauma, orchitis, epididymitis, various infectious processes, tumor neoplasms, heart disease or liver failure, etc.

In this situation, it is necessary when a hydrocele occurs, it is necessary to immediately start curing this disease. Dropsy can be unilateral, or develop in a bilateral direction. The unilateral nature of the disease develops in the area inflammatory processes in the zone of the appendages, and bilateral dropsy is usually noted as a consequence of chronic diseases, for example, due to heart disease or liver disease. Hydrocele leakage can also occur in an acute form, which then becomes chronic syndrome. acute form is formed unexpectedly, first the infected areas of the scrotum increase, appear more painful sensation in the groin There may be various signs of intoxication of the body, a change in temperature, etc.

Complications after dropsy

Due to the lack of a treatment procedure, there may appear various complications diseases:

  • The process of accumulation of pus - pyocele, general deterioration patient's condition, increase in body temperature, expansion of the inflammatory process by different organs in the body, etc.;
  • The accumulation of blood between the membranes of the testicle - hematocele, appears due to trauma to the vascular system;
  • Testicular atrophy - is a consequence of squeezing the blood channels, testicular tissues do not receive useful trace elements;
  • Rupture of the membranes of the testicles due to the process of stretching the accumulation of excess fluid;
  • The occurrence of a scrotal hernia;
  • Possible infertility.

Diagnosis of the disease

Surgeons and urologists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The doctor will examine the patient, listen to his complaints, and based on the data obtained from the anamnesis of the violation (its development, injury, etc.) and possible chronic diseases, inflammatory processes occurring in the reproductive system, the specialist will already be able to draw preliminary conclusions about the presence of dropsy in a man.

After that, the doctor will study in detail the development of the disease, make a detailed examination of the patient.

Treatment of the disease

If the hydrocele process developed in the area inflammatory diseases flowing in the scrotum, the volume of fluid is small, it is possible to treat dropsy of the testicle without surgery in men using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory methods. The doctor prescribes a quiet mode of life for the patient, and a suspensorium is also used to maintain the scrotum. In this situation, the process of blood supply to the testicles is restored, the liquid is evenly distributed, reducing its amount. These situations of the course of the disease are rare, without surgical intervention.

The main indications for surgery are attacks of pain and possible risk testicular atrophy. The operation associated with a hydrocele, which is performed by surgeons, is called a hydrocelectomy, and its implementation is possible in several ways.

The main methods of surgical intervention are the methods of Lord, Bergman and Winkelman - these are simple surgical methods under local anesthesia. The type of operation is prescribed by the doctor based on the medical parameters of the patient. For example, with a large dropsy or a long and progressive disease, the specialist will most likely prescribe Bergman - when the surgeon makes a dissection of the scrotum, the testicle is in the wound, and then the accumulated fluid is removed with a syringe. Then the doctor opens the membrane and sews it up, lowering the testicle into the scrotum, leaving a small rubber drainage, which is subsequently removed after a couple of days. But a container with ice is applied to the wound area. After a week, the patient can return to his ordinary life, but physical activity and sexual intercourse will be banned for some time. But there are situations when the operation becomes impossible, for example, due to the advanced age of the patient. In this case, dropsy is usually punctured with suction of the contents. But at this method a relapse of the disease is possible, after a while, fluid will again accumulate in the same place, therefore, a pronounced therapeutic effect this method does not cure dropsy.

There is a treatment for testicular hydrocele with the help of sclerosis of the testicular membranes, namely, suction of the content from the testicular membranes, special substances are introduced into the resulting cavities - sclerosants, they help to reduce the secretion of the testicular membranes under the influence of synthesis. This procedure must be repeated many times to obtain the desired result. side effect Because of these substances, there is a possible harmful effect on testicular tissue, because of this, this method of curing dropsy is not recommended for young patients, but it is usually done with dropsy in older men who do not agree to other types of surgery.

Treatment of pathology with folk remedies

If the course of the disease is controlled, and the state of the reproductive system does not deteriorate significantly, then it is possible to treat this anomaly with folk remedies. These folk ways known since ancient times. It should be remembered that any method of treatment should always be under the supervision of a physician.

Pea compress and parsley help eliminate swelling of the scrotum. To make such a compress, you will need - 50 g of dry peas, 500 ml of water and a clean cotton fabric edge. Peas are poured with water in a container, after a while, when it swells, this container is placed on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes. After the mixture has cooled to a warm state, a piece of tissue for a compress is moistened in this decoction and then applied to the swelling of the scrotum for 15 minutes. This procedure helps to remove puffiness. It should be performed at least 2 times a day until complete cure.

Also, dropsy has long been treated with useful properties parsley.

To prepare the broth you will need - parsley leaves and a liter of fresh milk. The bottom of the container is filled with clean parsley leaves, and then everything is poured with milk. The container is placed in the oven, where it stands for 3-4 hours, the milk should not boil, but only slightly get tired. After reducing the milk volume, the contents are cooled and filtered. This decoction should be consumed inside a man for a whole day, 15-30 ml one dose per hour. Repeat this procedure the next day.

You can also eliminate dropsy with the help of decoctions from medicines, for example, by making a tincture of dried sweet clover and coltsfoot flowers, taken in equal proportions and pouring everything with boiling water, then use the decoction during the day. Or prepare a mixture of calendula ointment and any baby cream, apply it to the swelling of the scrotum, covering it with a bandage or a piece of clean cloth.

The first stage of the disorder is cured with the help of flowers. medicinal chamomile, from them you should prepare a gruel, then wrap everything in a bandage and apply to the swelling of the genital organs.

Often in folk medicine dropsy is treated with some freshly squeezed juices, such as pumpkin juice or black radish juice with honey, it is also considered useful to use grapes during illness.

Many folk healers advise men to use more cucumbers, raw cabbage, eggplants in their diet during the course of this disease.