How to get rid of eczema balls on hands. How to treat eczema on hands? Topical treatment for eczema

  • Date: 19.10.2019

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can be caused by many different factors, both internal and external. The disease often affects children under the age of sixteen, and many may suffer recurring bouts of the disease throughout their lives. This publication covers issues such as eczema, causes, symptoms and treatments for the disease.

Characteristics of the disease

For the first time, the disease was noticed before our era by the philosopher Democritus, who reflected in his writings his symptoms and recommendations for its treatment. Eczema, the causes of which are described in detail in this article, is a dermatological disease. And the English scientist Bateman spoke about it reliably and scientifically in 1780. Next, we will touch on such issues as the symptoms of the disease, what is dry and weeping eczema, the causes and treatment of the disease, we will small review the most effective means.

Eczema, or neurodermatitis, is an inflammatory disease, it is not contagious and does not pass from one person to another. If the disease is not treated, it can contribute to the development of more serious diseases, such as herpes or impetigo. Many people suffering from this disease are concerned about eczema on the fingers, the causes of which are discussed below. With such a manifestation of the disease, it is impossible to perform even the simplest housework, any touch brings pain and discomfort.

Symptoms of eczema

Eczema can develop anywhere on the body. In accordance with this, eczema is isolated on the hands, on the legs, on the face and other types of ailment. There are different types of the disease, each of which has differences regarding symptoms and causes.

You should visit a dermatologist's office if you notice the following symptoms:

  • skin itching;
  • the appearance of a red rash;
  • dry and cracked skin;
  • weeping purple spots;
  • swelling of the face, arms or legs;
  • blistering;
  • skin irritation;
  • burning sensation;
  • redness of the scalp and face.

Most often, eczema is localized on the head, neck, forearms, elbows, legs, namely on the inner bends of the knees and ankles. Attacks of eczema, in which the manifestations of the disease intensify, can last from several hours to several days. Swelling, redness, blisters, severe itching - this is how hand eczema manifests itself. The causes of the disease are often unclear. Below we will take a closer look at the features of this form of eczema.

The most common form is atopic dermatitis, which often occurs in skin folds, producing an inflamed, bright red rash, flaking, and severe itching. Try not to scratch the skin, as this can damage the epidermal layer and lead to infection in the blood.

Common Causes of Illness

There are types of eczema that do not have certain triggers. In such cases, the causes of eczema may be classified as unexplored. If they are known, then the most common of them:

  • allergies to certain foods, such as milk or seafood;
  • reaction to any medications;
  • contact with plant pollen;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive sweating;
  • no less common is such a cause of eczema as an allergy to cosmetics, soap, aerosol substances (deodorants, air fresheners), household chemicals or jewelry;
  • exposure to woolen, silk or leather fabrics;
  • violations at work immune system;
  • genetic factor.

For example, the causes of eczema on the hands are very often allergic in nature, associated with exposure to household chemicals. Surely among you there are those whose skin does not tolerate contact with washing powder.

Another, more rare cause of eczema is a change in the weather, for example, some people are susceptible to high humidity. Predisposed to the development of eczema are people with a family history of diseases such as asthma, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, food allergies, keratosis, and ichthyosis vulgaris.

According to some symptomatic manifestations on the skin, there is weeping and dry eczema, their causes may be different. Previously, the disease was considered to be genetically determined, and today even the gene responsible for the appearance of the disease has been found. But still, scientists believe that there are several more regions in the DNA molecule that can affect the development of eczema. It has also been found that most often the disease is transmitted from mother to child as a result of changes during pregnancy or through breast milk.

Causes of exacerbations

As a skin disease, eczema is characterized by inflammation, itching, dry scales, and in severe cases, insomnia and fluid-filled blisters. Today it is one of the most common skin diseases in children. Extreme forms of the disease can affect the entire body as a whole, bringing not only a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort, but also destroying the psychological stability of a person. People suffering from eczema are familiar with relapses of the disease, when all the symptoms worsen and literally spoil life.

There are many things that can trigger relapses and complications. Let's look at the most common of them.

  1. The most common cause of eczema, or rather its exacerbations, is emotional stress. Anger, frustration, anxiety, family quarrels, rejection and guilt can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Often there is dry eczema on the hands, the causes of which are often hidden in the use of washing powder, soap, which lead to exacerbations. The only way to avoid this is to wear gloves while doing housework and choose environmentally friendly detergents, not causing allergies, that is, without dyes, flavors and other additives.
  3. Allergens in food and air can also make eczema worse. The products that provoke relapses of the disease most often include:
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • nuts;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • strawberries.

All kinds of infections of both viral and bacterial nature can also lead to relapses of the disease. When the immune system is weakened by any disease, people suffering from eczema become prone to developing exacerbations. A well-chosen diet, ventilation and the use of air purifiers help keep the disease under control. In addition, the condition of the skin can improve significantly in the summer months due to exposure to solar radiation and worsen in the cold season, especially in winter, when the air becomes dry and there is not enough light.


In order to make a correct diagnosis, your doctor must conduct an examination. Talking and taking a medical history can often help a doctor determine the cause of eczema. The symptoms of the disease can be similar to those of a common drug allergy or various infections, so the diagnosis of eczema is a complex and thorough process. In particular, a biopsy may be required to exclude other, more serious skin pathologies. If you suffer from contact eczema, it will be detected by the usual patch test or allergy test, which is done to determine the specific trigger that caused the rash. In addition to these diagnostic tools, special blood tests are also performed, allowing a more accurate conclusion about the nature of the disease.

Varieties of eczema

There are different types of eczema, which differ in the nature of the symptoms and the cause. The most common type is atopic dermatitis. It is always caused by external factors and is manifested by the appearance of red inflamed areas on the skin. This type of eczema aggravates when exposed to any allergens and other environmental influences. Symptoms of atopic eczema often affect those parts of the body where there are skin folds, such as the creases of the elbows, knees, neck, face, especially the area around the eyes. The development of this form of the disease is influenced by the presence in the family of a tendency to develop various allergic diseases, including asthma, hay fever. Probably the most unpleasant manifestation atopic form of the disease is eczema on the face. Its reasons are varied. Atopic dermatitis accounts for nearly half of eczema cases and affects both women and men equally frequently. In this case, the disease is considered the most persistent form of eczema and is difficult to treat. In children, it develops more often in the first year of life and can often disappear on its own with age.

contact eczema

Contact dermatitis, or eczema, occurs when the skin comes into contact with a specific allergen or irritant. These are almost always localized skin lesions, and if you have already had an allergy of this kind, such as hives, then it is more likely that of all types of eczema you may develop contact. This type of disease is divided into two types:

  • allergic contact eczema;
  • irritant contact eczema.

The allergic form can be caused by exposure to perfume, hair dye, glue, other various substances in contact with the skin, as well as costume jewelry containing nickel. Irritant eczema develops on contact with substances that damage the surface of the skin, in most cases these are disinfectants, detergents, cleaners and washing powders.

seborrheic form

There is another type of disease - seborrheic. What is the cause of this type of eczema? What factors influence its development? In most cases, it occurs against the background of a weakened immune system, and modern doctors consider it as a disease of infectious-allergic etiology, to which persons of either sex are equally susceptible. Presence is almost always found in lesions pathogenic microorganisms, namely staphylococci, fungi of the genus Candida and Pityrosporum. Very often, seborrheic eczema develops as a result of seborrhea (skin pathology, expressed in hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands). In addition, this form can occur in patients with AIDS. Often the causes of this type of eczema are transferred chronic diseases, frequent colds and acute respiratory diseases, severe liver pathologies, as well as disruptions in the endocrine system, such as diabetes. Sometimes vegetovascular dystonia also affects. With seborrheic eczema, first of all, the skin of the scalp, especially the scalp, is affected.

Eczema on the feet

As mentioned above, the disease can manifest itself in different parts of the body. There is also eczema on the legs. The reasons may be associated with certain diseases. The two most common options are shown below.

  • Varicose eczema affects the skin in places where dilated veins are present: on the ankles, shins, less often above the knees. Often both legs are affected. Often this form of the disease occurs in older people, especially women.
  • Dyshidrotic eczema occurs on the soles of the feet and palms. Symptoms of this type of ailment include the appearance of scaly yellowish patches on the skin and are often a seasonal reaction to the weather or exposure to allergens.

Can eczema be cured?

Many means and procedures aimed at combating the disease are recognized as quite effective. But, sadly, there is no way to get rid of eczema completely and forever. Scientists and doctors are constantly working to find an effective cure for eczema, and the main focus is genetic research and a detailed study of the causes leading to the development of the disease.


The following types of medicines are used to treat eczema:

  • internal and external antihistamines;
  • creams and ointments with glucocorticosteroids;
  • antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • emollient creams.

The most common form of treatment for eczema remains the use of steroid creams or ointments. They are designed to reduce inflammation and prevent the development of exacerbations in the future. However, it is worth remembering that long-term use of steroid creams is not recommended, and only a dermatologist should prescribe such drugs.

Emollients and moisturizers should be used several times a day, even after the main symptoms of eczema have almost disappeared. Topical steroids - Hydrocortisone, Neosporin and others - allow you to quickly control the manifestations of eczema, soothe inflammation and itching, reduce the risk of infection and heal the skin. Such drugs are available in the form of ointments, creams and lotions.

Weeping eczema often develops, the causes of which in most cases are nervous strain and diseases, including diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism in the first place. With this form of the disease, swelling and rashes appear on the skin in the form of papules and vesicles, when damaged, the affected areas begin to get wet. The main means for the treatment of weeping eczema are antihistamines (Promethazine, Akrivastine) and corticosteroids, such as Prednisolone.

Hand eczema treatment

Why does eczema appear on the hands? The causes of this form of the disease are often complex, and the allergic reaction is the determining factor. At the same time, the sources of the allergen are diverse. Let's name the main causes of eczema on the hands:

  • insect bites;
  • skin contact with cosmetics, household chemicals, jewelry;
  • exposure to dust, allergies to animal hair, flowers;
  • reaction to certain types of food or medicine;
  • constant nervous strain;
  • an infection present in the body.

How is eczema on hands treated? The causes of occurrence affect the choice of methods of therapy. Elimination of the factor causing skin lesions is important. For example, if the disease is provoked by an infection, then the dermatologist prescribes medications to eliminate the focus of the infection - antibiotics or antifungal drugs. In addition, to cope with relapses of eczema on the hands, you must:

  • eliminate sources of stress, observe the regime of work and rest, since the disease can be triggered by banal overstrain, lack of sleep and worries;
  • for allergies, take oral antihistamines, for example, the drug "Suprastin";
  • external use of creams or ointments to eliminate symptoms (mainly ointments containing glucocorticosteroids) and to soften the skin of the hands.

Traditional medicine

Nature has given mankind a whole laboratory of natural medicines. Many homemade recipes can be used to treat eczema. To soften and soothe irritated skin, apply a paste made from banana pulp, crushed aloe vera leaves and honey three times a day to the affected areas. These natural ingredients reduce inflammation and itching.

Lavender, coconut, castor oils can also be useful, half a teaspoon of which should be mixed with 300 ml of warm water. Dip your hands in this oil bath daily to speed up the healing process and soften the skin. If other areas on the body are affected by eczema, then using this remedy, you can make compresses and keep them for 30 minutes.

A recipe containing lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil helps to relieve redness and swelling. Just lubricate the affected areas with this composition. A mixture prepared from camphor (1 tablespoon) and essential sandalwood oil (3-4 drops) is very effective. Lubricate the skin with it until the symptoms of eczema that bother you subside. Another good combination is a mixture of turmeric powder and water, or nutmeg powder and water. With very severe itching, you can not scratch the skin, but you can alleviate the condition by applying gauze dipped in cold water. Keep the compress on the skin for half an hour, this not only relieves itching, but also helps to reduce swelling.

Witch hazel extract has the ability to reduce inflammation and prevent flaking. You can use this to treat eczema by using a cream containing such an ingredient, but it is best to go to a homeopathic pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for a tincture of this plant. Usually it is available in large bottles of 400 or 900 ml. To combat the symptoms of eczema on the feet, add three to four tablespoons of the product to warm water and use this solution as a foot bath before bed.

Eczema in pets

The disease is not limited to humans. There is eczema in dogs, the causes of which are most often:

For the treatment of a pet, be sure to contact a veterinary clinic, since trying to solve the problem on your own can only do harm. An experienced specialist will carefully examine the dog, make necessary tests and prescribe appropriate therapies.

Eczema is a chronic recurrent inflammation of the surface layer of the skin, most often the papillary dermis, of an allergic nature of polyetiological origin.

The name of this disease "eczema" comes from the Greek word "boil", which is directly related to the visible symptoms of the pathology - a polymorphic rash in the form of vesicles and small red-pink spots (erythema) or papules against the background of severe inflammation. Over time, the inflammatory reaction progresses in the place of its localization: hands (hands and forearms), feet, face, neck, ears, small cracks appear, and vesicles burst with the release of a cloudy serous or serous-purulent fluid, as when boiling water.

Previously, eczema was considered one of the subspecies of dermatosis, but since 1808 this pathology has been isolated as a separate disease.

The disease often occurs when there is a violation hormonal background and disorders of the nervous system, prolonged stress and / or in the presence of foci of chronic infection in the body (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media) and diseases of the digestive tract. These background pathologies activate and maintain an increase in the sensitivity of the patient's body to various allergens. In children, eczema often develops against the background of exudative-catarrhal diathesis.

Patients with eczema often have a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions on food (eggs, some varieties of fish, citrus fruits, smoked meats), pollen allergens (flower pollen, house dust), various chemicals (paints, washing powders).

There are several types of eczema: true, microbial, children's, seborrheic and professional forms.

To date, the main causes of eczema have not yet been fully studied, but experts assign the main role in its development and progression to various factors (polyetiology of the disease).

These include:

  • frequent and prolonged contact of the skin with irritating and / or aggressive substances: detergents, washing powder, hard water, rough cloth or other chemical and physical agents within professional activity(nickel, resins, gasoline vapors, cosmetics, chromium, medicines);
  • allergic, often hereditary reactions to food, ticks, pets, pollen allergens;
  • long-term infection of the skin (bacterial or fungal infection).

Predisposing factors for the development of eczema include:

  • nervous system instability (depression, chronic stress, anxiety disorders);
  • decreased immunity;
  • changes in the hormonal background (age-related endocrine changes in the body, taking contraceptive drugs, endocrinopathy);
  • long-term recurrent infections, foci of chronic infection (caries, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, labyrinthitis);
  • sweating or dry skin;
  • prolonged exposure to the skin sun rays, cold or heat;
  • pathology of the digestive tract (functional or organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - chronic constipation, cholecystitis, enteritis, dysbacteriosis, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis).

An important factor in the occurrence of eczema is a genetic predisposition, which directly depends on the absence or presence of an appropriate set of specific chromosomes with a multifactorial type of inheritance.

The main pathogenetic factor in the occurrence of eczema is the activation and increased production of prostaglandins by the cells of the patient's immune system, which contribute to the release of inflammatory mediators histamine and serotonin. In this regard, inflammation of the skin develops, which is characterized by swelling and increased permeability of the vessels of the epidermis and dermis.

In the absence of timely and correct treatment in people suffering from this disease, as a result of immune deviations, irreversible changes in cells are observed, and the individual sensitivity of the skin to any external factors increases significantly, activating the progression of changes in tissues.

eczema symptoms

Manifestations of the most common forms of eczema, their localization and prognosis largely depend on the type and stage of the disease.

Type of eczema


Rash elements


True eczema

Face, dorsum of hands and forearms

Multiple vesicles and papules on the background of significant reddening of the skin. The elements are accompanied by severe itching. After the opening of the bubbles, erosions are formed, with the release of serous fluid

seborrheic eczema

Breast, hairy part head, face, region of the interscapular triangle

It develops against the background of oily seborrhea.

The formation of yellowish-pink nodules with oily scales is noted. Later, these elements are converted into plaques, prone to fusion and the formation of large foci.

Secondary infection

microbial eczema

The back of the hands, shins, scalp (less often)

Develops on affected purulent inflammation areas of the skin with erysipelas, extensive burns and wounds

Erythroderma (spread microbial eczema on all large areas of the skin)

Occupational eczema

Forearms and backs of hands, neck, face

Multiple vesiculo-papular elements against the background of severe skin hyperemia with severe itching. After the opening of the bubbles, point erosions are formed, and a serous fluid is released. It differs from true eczema by a quick cure, after the cessation of exposure to aggressive professional factors, it has no exacerbations

Secondary infection (bacterial and/or fungal)

Types and stages of eczema

Eczema is a kind of chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the epidermis with a possible spread of the process to the papillary dermis. Pathology proceeds with periodic exacerbations and short remissions.

Eczema occurs at any age (childhood, professional, microbial) with the occurrence typical symptoms(rash with itching and weeping) of different localization, with a certain degree of manifestation, which differs in different patients stage and evolution of the inflammatory response. At the same time, activation of an allergic reaction against the background of various provoking and predisposing factors is necessarily present in the pathogenesis.

There are three stages in the development of eczema: acute, chronic and subacute, which differ in the features of the transformation of the elements of the rash.

Stages of eczema

Features of manifestation


Redness of the skin (erythema) with swelling and the formation of papules and vesicles. Cracks in the inflamed epidermis, opening of vesicles, secretion of serous exudate and crusting.


Formation of erythema with subsequent thickening of the skin and pigmentation disorders (lichenization), the appearance of excoriations and scales.


The formation of erythema with lichenification and subsequent hypo- or hyperpigmentation is noted.

In addition to the main types of eczema: true, microbial, seborrheic and professional, there are several forms that are less common and have their own characteristics.

Type of eczema


Rash elements


Dyshidrotic eczema

Hands and feet (fingers, palms, feet)

Multiple sago-like vesicles with extensive hyperemia of the skin without opening erosions. hallmark is an excruciating itch

Attachment of a secondary infection, with the formation of infected wounds and fistulas

atopic eczema

Has a different localization, specific rashes develop as a result of a complicated course of atopic dermatitis

A rash in the form of blisters that burst over time, forming weeping surfaces with severe itching

secondary infection

Mycotic eczema

The back of the hands and feet, rarely the scalp.

It develops on areas of the skin affected by fungal flora with inflammation, which have a long and / or chronic course.

The focus has a clearly defined shape, is covered with lamellar crusts with exfoliation of the stratum corneum along the edges, and after removing the crusts, a weeping surface is formed.

The development of a pronounced edema of the hands and feet with the addition of pyococcal (purulent) infection

Varicose eczema

Legs, feet.

This type of eczema develops against the background varicose disease with prolonged stagnation of blood, which leads to weakening protective properties skin, trophic disorders, a tendency to form superficial ulcers, erysipelas.

It develops more often in older people.

Large lesions with uneven edges. Rash in the form of vesicles, cracks and crusts with severe itching, which is worse after contact with water

Fistula formation.

Coin eczema

Upper limbs with exacerbations in the cold season

Rounded foci (in the form of coins) with pronounced infiltration of areas of hyperemia and lichenification (thickening of the skin and impaired pigmentation)

secondary infection

Horny (tylotic) eczema

Plantar surface of feet and hands

The foci have uneven edges. Distinctive feature considered hyperkeratic processes with the formation of multiple, deep and painful cracks with weeping and itching during periods of exacerbation

Secondary infection, with the formation of infected cracks and fistulas

contact eczema

(eczematous dermatitis)

Hands, face, and neck; in men, it may spread to the genitals

One of the subspecies of occupational eczema.

Multiple vesiculo-papular elements against the background of severe skin hyperemia with severe itching. After the opening of the bubbles, point erosions are formed, and a serous fluid is released. When contact with the allergen is eliminated, the symptoms are quickly eliminated.

Accession of a secondary infection in the form of microbial and fungal flora

allergic eczema

May occur anywhere on the body. It has a seasonal character with exacerbations in the autumn-winter period against the background of a significant decrease in immunity

Multiple vesiculo-papular elements against the background of severe skin hyperemia with itching. After opening the bubbles, erosions are formed, which, after opening, look like "wells" filled with serous fluid.

The development of a pronounced edema of the skin with the addition of pyococcal (purulent) infection or fungal flora

Nummular eczema

The back of the wrists and on the lower extremities (feet and shins)

Rashes have the form of oval rounded spots (about 3 cm) with clearly defined edges and protruding above the surface of healthy skin.

There is severe itching

secondary infection

Weeping eczema

Face, back of hands and forearms, feet, shins

The rash looks like redness and swelling, then small vesicles and papules appear, which merge, forming an erosive weeping surface with itching and burning

Accession of a secondary infection in the form of microbial and fungal flora

eczema treatment

The treatment of eczema consists in the complete exclusion of skin contact with aggressive factors, the elimination of provoking and predisposing factors (normalization of the neuro-emotional background, treatment of concomitant diseases of the digestive tract, endocrine disorders) due to the fact that the nature of this disease in most cases is neuro-allergic.

Therapy for eczema consists in long-term adherence to general recommendations:

  • a dairy-vegetarian diet, with the complete exclusion of spicy, fatty and salty dishes of smoked meats, citrus fruits, eggs and alcohol;
  • as little as possible to have contact with water (especially when eczema is localized on the hands and feet), with contact, microbial and mycotic eczema;
  • avoid contact with household chemicals and other aggressive chemical and physical agents;
  • protect open areas of the skin affected by eczema from exposure to cold or direct sunlight, especially during exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • healthy lifestyle and long sleep.

Also, drugs are widely used in the treatment of eczema: local anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and emollient ointments, gels and creams, antihistamines and corticosteroids (local or systemic) in severe cases of the disease. Additionally, patients widely use folk remedies (decoctions, lotions and baths) for the treatment of eczema.

Eczema, how to treat?

It is important to know that all drugs that are used to treat eczema must be taken as directed and under the supervision of a specialist. A dermatologist determines the list of medicines, doses, frequency and duration of their use.

Calcium preparations, vitamin-mineral complexes, anti-allergic and sedatives are often prescribed.

V acute period when wetting, dressings and lotions from astringent solutions, furacilin and anti-inflammatory creams and ointments are used. When a secondary infection is attached, antibiotics (topically or systemically) and / or antimycotic drugs are additionally prescribed. In severe cases, courses of corticosteroids are used.

Treatment of eczema with folk remedies

It is important to know that eczema is a complex polyetiological disease that is difficult to treat and can progress with constant, ongoing contact with inflammation-provoking factors. Therefore, at present, patients are increasingly turning to alternative methods of treatment, forgetting about the basic principles of therapy for this disease.

Treatment with homeopathic preparations, which are prescribed and controlled by a homeopathic doctor, is also long and complex. In the treatment of eczema with homeopathy, not only the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, but, first of all, comorbidities are cured, in which the root cause of the disease is often hidden. This technique is distinguished by an individual approach to each patient and is based on the intuition and knowledge of the attending physician.

The flesh and/or juice of raw potatoes is widely used to treat eczema. It has a good anti-inflammatory, astringent and regenerating local effect, and also normalizes the functioning of the patient's digestive system.

At the same time, the pulp of raw potatoes is rubbed on a fine grater, wrapped in a soft natural fabric(cotton or linen) and applied several times a day to the affected area, you can alternate it with lotions from potato juice, which are combined with the use of a portion of freshly squeezed juice inside. Also in folk medicine they combine healing properties juice of raw potatoes and honey (1 teaspoon of honey is taken for ½ cup of slurry) and the resulting mixture is applied in the form of compresses during the day, a bandage with propolis ointment is used at night.

Quite often, fresh cabbage juice is used, which is mixed with egg white in the form of medicinal dressings or cabbage leaf, steamed in milk with bran, applied as a poultice 1-2 times a day.

A good result, especially with dry eczema, is corn oil, which must be taken for 1 month inside a tablespoon in the morning and evening, washed down with 1 teaspoon dissolved in 1 glass of warm water apple cider vinegar with honey. This remedy softens the skin, making it soft and supple, and also helps to cure eczema.

Herbs for eczema

Medicinal herbs are used in folk medicine for eczema in the form of:

  • lotions and compresses with decoctions of herbs (oak bark, St. John's wort, juniper, needles, plantain, chamomile, linden, yarrow, mint);
  • wrapping with decoctions of herbs for 30-60 minutes (infusion of burdock root - 5 tablespoons per bucket of water);
  • decoctions of herbs for oral administration (string, plantain, yarrow, violet, blackcurrant, walnut and strawberry leaves, as well as dandelion roots, burdock and chicory).

baths for eczema

good effect have therapeutic baths with decoctions of nettle, celandine, string, calamus root and burdock, oregano and chamomile herbs.

It is important to remember that the use of herbs in the form of lotions, compresses, therapeutic baths or wraps do not always give the desired result, they can provoke an exacerbation of the process, because in many forms of eczema, contact with water and allergenic factors, which are honey, propolis, egg white, concentrated infusions and decoctions of herbs, is excluded.

Caution should be taken when using juice, decoction and infusion of celandine, which, if used improperly, is a poison and can cause intoxication and even poisoning.

Good day, dear readers!

In this article, we will consider with you such an unpleasant disease that often spoils the quality of life of a person who suffers from it, such as - eczema. In particular, we will consider with you - what is eczema, its causes, symptoms, and how to treat eczema with traditional and folk remedies! So...

eczema ( lat. Eczema)- a skin disease, the main symptoms of which are an inflamed skin surface, burning and itching.

Eczema is a fairly common disease, which accounts for about 40% of all, although eczema is not transmitted by contact with another person.

One of the features of eczema, as in similar skin diseases (), is a frequent relapse.

Eczema ICD

ICD-10: L20-L30
ICD-9: 692

Eczema classification

Forms of eczema:

- Acute eczema (weeping eczema);
- Subacute eczema;
- Chronic eczema (dry eczema).

Types of eczema:

- true eczema;
- mycotic eczema;
- microbial eczema;
- - Coin-shaped (nummular) or plaque eczema;
- - Paratraumatic (near-earth) eczema;
— — Varicose eczema;
- seborrheic eczema;

- Tylotic (horny, corn-like) eczema;
- Occupational eczema;
- Sycosiform eczema;
- Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women;

Symptoms of eczema

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, causes of the disease and other factors, experts distinguish the following types of eczema:

In the mild form, eczema manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin (erythema), sometimes with swelling and the presence of itching. You may have noticed a similar one, for example, after changing soap, contact with second-hand clothes, or in other cases. If you do not stop contact with the itch pathogen, and start combing the skin, you can open the upper (protective) layer of the skin, thereby opening the free access of the disease to the body.

Further, a rash appears on the body, and the combed skin is covered with small bubbles with liquid (microvesicles), which, when opened, form weeping serous “wells”, covering the upper layer of the affected skin area with liquid.

This is the first stage in the development of eczema, which is also called acute eczema, or weeping eczema, which is present in all types of eczema.

Over time, the serous fluid dries up, and the combed skin becomes covered with dry crusts of a grayish-yellow color, gradually flowing into the chronic form of the disease. At chronic form, dry skin crusts alternate with the appearance of new weeping sulfuric neoplasms, affecting more and more areas of the skin, but because at this stage, the body in most cases is covered with dry crusts, chronic stage eczema is called dry eczema.

The upper keratinized layer of the skin often cracks and itches severely, often causing the patient.

In addition to dry crusts, the affected skin can peel off, become covered with various pigment spots.

Eczema most often starts from the upper body - the head, arms, torso, gradually infecting the legs.

The chronic form of eczema can last for years.

The source of mycotic eczema is an allergic reaction to fungal infections, for example -, ringworm and other mycoses. The course of the disease is characteristic as in true eczema - rashes, vesicles, weeping serous wells, dry crusts. The only thing is that the foci of inflammation are clearly defined, in turn, the variety of fungi leads to a more thorough study of the disease and the selection of its treatment. Also, in the treatment of mycotic (fungal) eczema, it is highly undesirable to use hormonal ointments, since this can be an excellent basis for more intensive reproduction of fungi, as well as their mutation. Therefore, treatment is carried out separately, and is prescribed by a purely attending physician after a thorough diagnosis.

The source of microbial eczema are various infections, more often and. That is why microbial eczema manifests itself in places of damaged skin - wounds, trophic ulcers, fistulas, etc. Of course, an additional factor is a weakened immune system, which is on guard against various infections.

The course of the disease is complicated by the rapid multiplication of the infection. Weeping sulfuric crusts are strongly compacted, and at the top they can even begin to fester. Clean skin around the keratinized weeping skin is covered with new foci of rashes. The course of the disease is accompanied by severe itching.

Experts distinguish the following types of microbial eczema:

Coin-like (nummular) or plaque eczema. Signs are small foci (1-3 cm), with characteristic, but more attenuated symptoms of microbial eczema at short distances from the main source of the disease. It is most often seen in the upper half of the body. If these plaques are not treated properly, or if they are injured, there is an increase in symptoms, allergic reactions, and small plaques can turn into large lesions, turning into true eczema.

Paratraumatic (near-ear) eczema. Occurs when the upper layer is damaged skin with further infection. The role is played by all the same pathogenic bacteria, a type of staphylococcus. Symptoms are similar to those of microbial eczema. Therefore, it is very important to treat the wound with disinfectants in case of damage to the skin.

Varicose eczema appears and develops exclusively on the lower extremities, in places of dilated veins, varicose ulcers and areas of skin sclerosis. The causes of varicose eczema are - trauma, hypersensitivity to drugs against, maceration of the skin with bandages. Symptoms - moderate itching, clear foci of rash, and other signs characteristic of microbial eczema.

Seborrheic eczema occurs against the background of a disease such as. Places of distribution of seborrheic eczema - areas of skin rich in sebaceous glands- the scalp, cheeks, nasolabial folds, auricles, chest region, between the shoulder blades. Seborrheic eczema is characterized by greasy and scaly yellowish-brown patches with small papules.

Dyshidrotic eczema is localized mainly in places where there is a thickened layer of the epidermis - palms, soles of the feet. As a result, symptoms are mild. When bursting, small bubbles quickly turn into layered serous-purulent crusts. If the disease is not treated, the rash can spread to the backs of the hands, feet, and other parts of the limbs. Moreover, the dyshidrotic form of the disease can turn into a true form. Sometimes, dyshidrotic eczema is accompanied by trophic changes in the nails.

Tylotic (horny, callous) eczema

Tylotic eczema is characterized by callousing of minor symptoms of eczema, which in this form, as well as in dyshidrotic eczema, appear on the palms and feet. In parallel, some rashes characteristic of this disease may appear on other areas of the skin.

Sycosiform eczema

Sycosiform eczema is characterized by follicular pustules, in the center penetrated by hair. Most often manifested in people with sycosis. Sycosiform eczema affects mainly the area of ​​the mustache, beard, armpits, pubis, but can also spread beyond the hairline. Symptoms - severe itching, eczematous wells, wetting, continuous appearance of follicles, the appearance of layered crusts with small scales.

Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women

Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women is characterized by crimson foci, which are expressed in the form of layered crusts and scales, which often become wet and crack. The reason most often becomes - feeding a child or complications.

Occupational eczema

Occupational eczema manifests itself mainly in open areas of the body, which primarily have direct or indirect contact with the causative agent of an allergic reaction - chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries, where a person encounters chemically active substances. The treatment is most often a change of job, because. internal predispositions to eczema may not be observed - no wounds, healthy immunity, excellent physical health etc.

Children's eczema most often begins with the upper body of the child - the skin of the face, scalp, after which, if the disease is not treated, it goes down, affecting more and more new parts of the body.

The causes of childhood eczema are not yet strengthened immune system, the difficult course of pregnancy, as well as hereditary predisposition from one of the parents, especially the mother. In particular, the incidence rate increases if the parents had diseases such as eczema, allergic, neurodermatitis. The causes of children's eczema can also be - artificial feeding, non-compliance, hypersensitivity to various foods, frequent illnesses child , and .

The symptoms of childhood eczema are similar to the symptoms of eczema in an adult, while children are most often affected by true, microbial and seborrheic eczema.

In some cases, when improper treatment eczema in children, especially in early age, the disease can add to itself other diseases, resulting in a fatal outcome! Be careful!

Stage 1 (Erythematous)- redness of the skin, itching;
Stage 2 (Papulovesicular)- rashes, the appearance of bubbles with liquid;
Stage 3 (weeping eczema)- bubbles burst, serous wells are formed, which secrete serous fluid;
Stage 4 (Cortical or dry eczema)- serous wells and near-well areas of the skin are covered with a dry crust of a grayish-yellow hue. At the same time, in other places, new foci of the disease may appear, starting from the first stage. Thus, over time, more and more areas of the body are affected.

Complications of eczema

Complications of eczema can be associated with other infections and diseases that can cause pustules and purulent crusts on the body.

If you do not treat, or treat, but incorrectly, children's eczema, other diseases may be added to it, which in combination can lead to lethal outcome child.

The development of eczema is due to various factors affecting the body in a complex. and etc.
- stressful situations, nervous exhaustion;
- hormonal disorders;
- work in food, chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, where eczema can develop as an allergic reaction to certain substances;

- Allergy to synthetic clothing, household chemicals, drugs, plant pollen, house dust, low-quality building materials used in the construction of residential premises (linoleum, furniture);
- hypersensitivity to food, especially rich in dyes, preservatives, aromatic and other food additives;
- helminthic invasions;
- long-term non-healing skin lesions: wounds, burns;
- in children, against the background of other diseases, for example: atopic dermatitis, diathesis.

Diagnosis of eczema

Diagnosis of eczema is carried out on the basis of a personal examination of the patient by a doctor -.

The dermatologist prescribes an allergic examination, as well as an examination of the immune system. Additionally, you may need a consultation and examination, an immunologist, a nutritionist.

If necessary, a microscopic examination is prescribed for the presence of various fungi,.

The dermatologist can differential diagnosis to exclude diseases such as trichophytosis, etc.

Treatment of eczema is carried out in the following order:

1. Held complete diagnostics eczema;

2. On the basis of clinical and laboratory studies, a comprehensive treatment of eczema is prescribed, which may include local and general treatment aimed at stopping the disease and eliminating its causes.

General treatment for eczema

3. All negative factors affecting the skin are eliminated (dirt, synthetic clothing, chemicals, dampness, parasites, solar radiation and etc.).

Quite a lot of people in their lives have to meet with such skin disease like eczema. The disease is very unpleasant in that it manifests itself most often on the skin of open areas of the body (hands, feet and face). The process is chronic, occurring with periods of remission and exacerbation.

Causes of eczema

Rashes with eczema are accompanied by intense, often painful itching for the patient.

True reasons The occurrence of eczema is not yet fully understood, but it is known for certain that there are a number of factors that play an important role in the development of this disease. Eczema is divided into several types, depending on what reason led to its appearance:

  1. True (idiopathic eczema) is a type of eczema, the exact cause of which could not be established. It is believed that various internal and external factors: emotional and mental stress and mental trauma, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, diseases of the digestive system, hereditary predisposition.
  2. Atopic eczema is an eczema that occurs in people prone to allergic reactions (allergy to food, plant pollen, animal dander), as well as those who have a hereditary predisposition to atopic diseases (bronchial asthma).
  3. Occupational eczema is spoken of when the skin is exposed to chemicals such as chromium, nickel, formaldehyde, dyes, detergents for a long time. Usually, professional eczema first appears at the site of skin contact with the irritant (hands), and then it can spread to other areas of the skin.
  4. Microbial eczema occurs on those areas of the skin where it exists for a long time inflammatory process caused by microbes or fungi. The vital activity of the fungus Malassezia furfur on the skin is the cause of seborrheic eczema, which most often appears on the scalp.
  5. Varicose eczema can occur on the skin lower extremities as a result of her poor blood supply.

Symptoms of eczema

The signs of eczema differ somewhat depending on the type of disease and the stage of the inflammatory process, but in general, they are similar. The main signs characteristic of any type of eczema:

  • the appearance on the skin of a limited area of ​​​​inflammation, which is characterized by redness, the skin looks thickened;
  • the appearance of a rash that different kind with various types of eczema;
  • itching of the skin, and sometimes it can be so strong that it disrupts the normal rhythm of life and sleep;
  • vesicles of the rash open, forming painful cracks and wounds on the skin;
  • during an exacerbation, body temperature may rise and malaise may appear;
  • after the exacerbation subsides, the skin on the affected area becomes dry, inelastic and cracks.

eczema treatment

The dermatologist selects the treatment of the disease individually for each patient, taking into account the type of eczema, the severity of the manifestations of the inflammatory process, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Treatment consists in eliminating contact with irritating chemicals, organizing proper nutrition, elimination of itching of the skin, as well as local impact on the affected area with ointments and creams.

General recommendations for people suffering from chronic eczema:

  • avoiding skin contact with substances that cause exacerbation of eczema;
  • compliance hypoallergenic diet excluding citrus fruits, chocolate, cocoa;
  • skin care during remission is best done with the help of special cosmetics(Bioderma cream, Topikrem);
  • measured lifestyle, excluding nervous tension and stressful situations.

Topical treatment for eczema

The basis of the treatment of eczema is the topical application of glucocorticoid ointments, antiseptic solutions or topical calcineurin inhibitors. Which of the drugs to prescribe, the doctor determines individually.

With eczema, accompanied by opening of the vesicles and weeping of the skin in the affected areas, the doctor may prescribe lotions with antiseptic solutions (weak solution of potassium permanganate, 2% solution of boric acid).

The main treatment is hormonal ointments and creams containing corticosteroids. They help accelerate the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin after opening the bubbles, and also help reduce the intensity of inflammation. Ointments are usually prescribed by Elok, Triderm, Advantan, Lokoid. You can not start using hormonal drugs on your own, because they have side effects.

Topical calcineurin inhibitors (Pimecrolimus, Protopic) are a recently emerging group of non-hormonal medicines who have already proven high efficiency in the treatment of eczema. These medications help reduce itchy skin and inflammation.

For the treatment of microbial eczema, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed.

General treatment for eczema

To eliminate itching of the skin with eczema, antiallergic drugs are usually prescribed (Zirtek, Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin).

Systemic treatment of eczema can be prescribed for severe disease, extensive skin lesions and the absence of the effect of external treatment. Corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets, as well as cytostatics (Methotrexate, Cyclosporine A).

Which doctor to contact

Eczema is treated by a dermatologist. However, it is often a manifestation of other diseases. In this case, it may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist, phlebologist, vascular surgeon, allergist.

Health-saving channel, dermatovenereologist Makarchuk V. V. answers questions about eczema:

All skin pathologies can be divided into two varieties: one category of diseases disappears without a trace after effective therapy, while others become chronic and periodically appear throughout a person’s life. The last group includes eczema on the hands. What provokes this disease, is it possible to cope with it with modern medicines?

Eczema is a chronic pathology of the middle layer of the skin. The affected skin has an unsightly appearance: rashes, cracks, bubbles appear. They can burst over time and form a wound surface that can become infected, and as a result of this process, a purulent secret is formed.

There are several varieties of the disease, but the exact causes of the development of any species have not been established. Most scientists agree that the nervous component of the development of pathology cannot be excluded.

information to read

What causes eczema to develop

Need to know. Doctors refer this disease to a multietiological problem. This means that one negative factor insufficient for the development of the disease.

If, nevertheless, eczema appeared on the hands, how to treat the pathology will primarily depend on the cause of the disease. There are several of them:

  1. Prolonged exposure to water with increased hardness on the skin of the hands.
  2. The influence of detergents or chemicals, if the activity involves constant contact with them.
  3. An allergic reaction of the body to food can provoke eczema of the hands.
  4. Drying hands with a hard towel.

  1. Insect bites.
  2. Contact with poisonous plants.
  3. Infectious diseases of the skin.
  4. Excessive sweating or dry skin can be a trigger for the development of eczema on the palms.
  5. Fungal diseases.
  6. Eating a large number salty, sweet, smoked foods.
  7. Hormonal changes in the body. For example, often eczema on the fingers is diagnosed in pregnant women.
  8. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  9. Allergic reaction to metal alloys from which rings, bracelets are made.
  10. Weakened immunity.

Need to know. If a person often experiences stress at home and at work, then the risk of developing eczema increases several times.

recognize this pathology on the hands is not so difficult, because it is impossible not to notice:

  • Peeling.

  • Redness.
  • The appearance of cracks in the skin.

During the period of remission, the symptoms do not cause much concern, but during an exacerbation they increase several times, which makes patients consult a doctor with the question of how to cure eczema on their hands.

Hand eczema treatment

Need to know. If even the symptoms of eczema appear on the skin, then you need to know that the therapy in this case should also be complex.

With the development of eczema on the hands, the causes are, of course, important for the choice of treatment tactics, but in general, several directions in the treatment of pathology can be distinguished:

  1. Medical treatment:
  • Taking drugs inside.
  • External funds.
  1. Therapeutic baths.
  2. Physiotherapy treatment.
  3. Recipes of traditional medicine.
  4. Power adjustment.

Treatment of eczema with drugs

Considering that many factors can provoke this pathology, including internal malfunctions in the body, medications are indispensable. If you ask a dermatologist how to treat eczema on the hands, then most likely the doctor will recommend using the following remedies:

  1. To cleanse the intestines, it is necessary to take drugs from the group of sorbents and enterosorbents, for example, " Bifilakt", "Polysorb".

  1. It is necessary to replenish your body with vitamins, and especially from group B.
  2. Since the allergic nature of eczema is not excluded, antihistamines cannot be dispensed with. Fits like "Tsetrin", "Suprastin".
  3. If frequent stress and nervous experiences have become the cause of eczema on the hands, then you will have to turn to sedatives for help. You can take herbal preparations, for example, valerian tablets, "Novopassit".
  4. With eczema caused by microbial agents, antibacterial agents are prescribed, but they must be selected individually in each case.
  5. V serious cases hormonal injections are prescribed.
  6. Intravenous injections of "sodium thiosulfate" are necessary to relieve the inflammatory process.

In the treatment of eczema, you can not do without external medications. For these purposes, various ointments are used.

On a note. Remedy from eczema on the hands, used externally, relieve inflammation, eliminate peeling, itching.

A good effect is the use of the following ointments:

  1. Hydrocortisone ointment. It is considered an effective remedy for allergic eczema. You can use it only on the recommendation of your doctor, because there are many contraindications.
  1. Ointment "Dermazin" copes well with the manifestations of the disease on initial stages. If the pathology has become chronic, then positive result most likely won't.

Need to know. Apply this ointment only on dry skin, excluding sores, they cannot be processed.

  1. An ointment can be used to reduce itching, inflammation and allergic manifestations. "Prednisolone". This hormonal drug, so it is not recommended to use it often. There may be serious side effects.
  2. Ointment "Skin-Cap" will help to cope with fungi and bacteria, if they are responsible for the appearance of eczema on the hands. There are no contraindications for the use of this remedy, but it is better to use it after consulting a doctor.

In addition to ointments, creams can be used for treatment:

  • Cream "Dermovate" perfectly copes with the inflammatory process, to enhance the effect after application, it is necessary to cover the treated areas with plastic wrap.
  • Lokoid relieves puffiness and also reduces itching.

  • Cream "Advantan" helps to fight exacerbations of the disease, removes inflammation well, reduces itching and pain.
  • The cream is excellent for accelerating cell regeneration. "Soderm". It also destroys microorganisms and eliminates allergic manifestations.
  • "Elidel" will not allow infection to develop if it has penetrated from external environment. The cream reduces the inflammatory process, relieves itching.

Important. The duration of the course of therapy and the frequency of use of the funds are determined by the dermatologist.

Therapeutic baths for the treatment of eczema on the hands

To speed up the healing process, the use of therapeutic baths can be added to the course of therapy. Patients who managed to overcome the disease, respond positively to the following procedures:

  1. The usual baking soda, available in every home, can be of great help in the treatment of eczema. To prepare the bath, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda in 1 liter of warm water and hold your hands for at least 20 minutes. After the end of the procedure, grease your hands with cream or olive oil.

  1. Take a tablespoon of string, burdock root, oak bark, horsetail and plantain per liter of water. Bring everything to a boil, after cooling, strain and use for the procedure. Hands should be lowered into the broth for 15 minutes. This bath perfectly relieves itching, redness.
  2. Baths with addition sea ​​salt also give their results, especially if the disease is only at the beginning of its development. For cooking, 10 teaspoons of sea salt must be dissolved in a liter of boiling water. After cooling, place your hands in the solution for 15 minutes, and then lubricate them with any moisturizer. It is necessary to carry out this procedure 2 times a day.

Physiotherapy treatment for eczema

During the period of exacerbation of the disease can not do without drug treatment, but during remission, you can seek help from physiotherapy. Her methods will help to remove the inflammatory process, reduce the response of the body's immune system.

The following methods are used for treatment:

  • Electrophoresis.

Need to know. A good effect is given by the procedure with the use of antihistamines.

  • For the treatment of chronic eczema, laser irradiation is used.
  • PUVA therapy.
  • Phototherapy is safe for the body, so it is used even in the treatment of children.
  • The effective effect of magnetic therapy on the skin has been proven.
  • Electrosleep helps to bring back to normal nervous system, reduce excitability.

On a note. The maritime climate has a good effect on the condition of the skin, so spa treatment is indicated for such patients.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of eczema

Many patients are interested in the question of how to cure eczema on the hands forever. Not a single doctor will give an answer, much will depend on the stage of the disease and the reasons that provoked the development of the pathology. But it can be noted that, in addition to medications, advice from traditional healers can also help in treatment:

  1. To relieve inflammation, a cabbage leaf is suitable, but before use, it must be crushed until the juice is released, and then applied to the affected areas and fixed. Leave for 12 hours, and then you can change the bandage.

  1. Elecampane is known for its medicinal properties, they can be used in the treatment of eczema. Take a tablespoon of dry raw materials in a glass of water and boil for 5-7 minutes, and then take 2 teaspoons in a cooled form before each meal.
  2. Cranberry juice will help in the treatment of dry eczema.
  3. When cracks appear, you can boil a geranium leaf and apply to the affected areas.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil helps relieve inflammation of the skin.

Sea buckthorn oil is famous for its wound healing properties, so it is the first assistant in the fight against eczema.

  1. The juice of the home plant Kalanchoe will help dry the wounds, remove redness.
  2. Kombucha is effective remedy against eczema. It is necessary to hold hands in the infusion, and then wait for natural drying.
  3. You can try to get rid of long-standing eczema using burdock root. It should be chopped in the amount of a tablespoon and poured with a glass of hot water, kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Then strain and take 100 ml 2 times a day before meals. Such a composition can also be used for baths, but only the proportions are different: take 3 liters of boiling water for 3 tablespoons of the plant root and boil for half an hour.
  4. Walnuts - not only delicious treat but also an excellent remedy for eczema. It is necessary to send a few nuts to the oven for baking, then detach from the shell and crush. Add 0.5 tablespoon of fish oil, mix well and apply on hands 2 times a day.
  5. Prepare cream from raw egg, water and vinegar and apply on hands. To enhance the effect, wear cotton gloves on top. Helps exfoliate old skin.

How to change your diet

How to treat eczema on the hands, the doctor will tell you in more detail, but effective therapy is impossible without correcting your diet. When the first manifestations of the disease appear, the following products should be excluded:

  • Chocolate and sweets.
  • Fruits of bright color, especially citrus fruits.

  • Smoked products.
  • Seasonings.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet that are not capable of causing an allergic reaction.

Important. In the treatment of eczema, it is very important that meals are taken regularly. The intake of vitamins in the body will strengthen it and help in the fight against the disease.

Treatment of any skin pathology should be carried out by several methods simultaneously. The earlier the disease is detected, the more effective the therapy will be. It must be remembered that it will take a long time to fight the manifestations of eczema, carefully review the diet, follow all the doctor's recommendations - this is the only way to expect a positive result.