How to get pregnant with ovarian inflammation. What is dangerous cervicit

  • Date: 31.03.2019

Among all gynecological diseases, inflammatory diseases occupy the first place in frequency, making up almost 65% of the total number of appeals to women's consultation.

The frequent change of sexual partner, the early start of sexual life, the broken current of most inflammatory diseases leads to the fact that they are flowing into a chronic form. It is worth noting that more than 80% of patients with such problems are not yet giving birth to women under 25. Often, pregnancy arises against the background of certain inflammatory diseases or does not occur at all.

Inflammation of the uterus or her appendages is a very insidious disease. Perekaya sometimes practically imperceptibly, not carrying a serious threat to the human life, it attacks the most vulnerable ability of a woman - the ability to have children. According to statistics, each fifth woman suffering from inflammation of the uterus became fruitless.

In its normal state, the ovaries and uterine pipes are completely sterile, there are no microorganisms in them. But under certain circumstances, harmful microbes can penetrate there, causing inflammation of the appendages of the uterus.

What provokes the inflammation of the appendages of a healthy uterus?

When the patient is diagnosed with inflammation of the uterus, the causes of the disease learn to learn quite useful. Consider a number of factors that provide significant support to microbes, helping them to penetrate the uterus and its appendages. So, for inflammation of the uterus, there may be several reasons. Among them:

  • any intrauterine intervention (abortion, introduction of intrauterine spirals and so on);
  • fast change of sexual partners;
  • sexual intercourse without the use of barrier methods of contraception (contraceptive pills and other contraceptives of this kind can not be protected from transmission of infection, which is why immediately before conception should be examined to identify certain infectious diseases of the small pelvis);
  • childbirth;
  • transferred inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (they leave the likelihood of preserving the inflammatory process, its transition to the chronic stage, and also contribute to the development of vaginal dysbiosis);
  • the supercooling of the genitals.

Inflammation of the uterus: symptoms

The asymptomatic flow of female genital diseases is not uncommon, inflammation of the uterus of symptoms may also not have. But in most cases, the inflammation of the uterus gives symptoms, among which:

  • various nature of the selection of the vagina;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • discomfort and pain during urination;
  • general malaise, fever;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • irregular menstruation.

How do inflammation diagnose in uterine pickups?

For a doctor, sometimes it happens quite difficult to diagnose "Inflammation of mucosa of the uterus" or its appendages. The gynecologist must first appreciate the results of the overall blood test. If an increased level of leukocytes is seen, it speaks of a high risk of the presence of the inflammatory process.

The next stage is an inspection. On it, a specialist will be able to identify the soreness of the ovaries or the cervix, in this case, the diagnosis of inflammation of the mystery of speech does not go.

In addition to the procedures described above, the doctor must take vaginal strokes and PCR (DNA). These analyzes are needed in order to determine the causative agent of infection. In special cases, through small cuts on the front wall of the abdomen, it is necessary to introduce special tools in a small pelvis (laparoscopy) so that there is an inspection of the ovaries, uterine pipes, uterus, as well as to confirm the inflammation of the uterine mucous membrane.

The consequences of inflammation of the uterus and appendages

Inflammation of the appendages and uterus, as well as the rest of the female genital organs, is the most common cause of infertility. With inflammation of the uterine of the initial stage, the treatment plays a very important role. If, with inflammation of the uterus, treatment immediately, quickly eliminating the pathogen and extinguished the reaction, then the likelihood of the end of the disease without any consequences.

If, after the inflammation of the uterus was diagnosed, treatment was immediately immediate, the process can lead to chronic inflammation of the uterus. And then without severe consequences for the body, it is definitely not to do.

What is happening in the case when a woman progresses chronic inflammation of the uterus? The infectious process captures the uterine pipes, striking them, provoking the appearance of connective tissue. This, in turn, leads to a narrowing of uterine pipes, and hence both their complete or partial obstruction. What is dangerous such a situation? In case of obstruction of the pipes, the sperm cannot reach eggs for its fertilization.

If a woman is diagnosed with "chronic inflammation" of appendages or uterus, or with frequent inflammation in the small pelvis organs, the probability of infertility will constantly increase.

According to the latest statistics, a woman who has suffered inflammation of the small pelvis organs, has a 15% risk of becoming fruitless. After a repeated disease, the risk increases to 35%, after three cases exceeds 50%, and during chronic inflammation, it is high as much as possible.

Why does the inflammation of the appendages of the uterus lead to infertility?

In addition, which during chronic inflammation of the appendages and uterus, the patency of the uterine pipes is disturbed, the connecting tissue on the ovarian shell also grows. The ovarian capsule becomes stronger, thickened. It can happen and this: it will become extremely dense, so during ovulation the follicle simply will not break. In this case, the ripening egg remains "in imprisonment", without having to leave the follicle. In this case, the pregnancy is simply impossible.

In addition to the ovaries and the uterine tube, the inner sheath of the abdominal cavity is affected by inflammation. In order not to give infections to grow in the peritoneum, the connecting tissue grows up, forming spikes. They immediately glue the layers of peritoneum, without giving inflammation to grow up, but also damaging the internal organs of mobility. In this case, the inflammation of the uterus becomes the reason for the reduction of the mobility of the uterine pipes, without which the full transfer of the egg to the uterus is impossible.

Summing up, it is safe to say that after inflammation of the mucous meal or its appendages, a large number of reasons for the development of infertility appear. In almost every stage of the child's conception, obstacles will appear, overcome which will be almost impossible. It is important to understand that this form of infertility is very difficult to treat.

In particular, the inflammation of the appendages of the uterus strongly affects the normal operation of the ovaries and uterine pipes, when the disease is long or has a chronic course. The acute inflammatory process, if not treated properly, almost always leads to chronic inflammation of the uterus. That is why when the first signs of inflammation appears in the uterus, it is impossible to expect that everything goes by itself. This disease, in addition to infertility, is fraught with very serious complications, among which the purulent abscess leading to peritonitis.

When the work of the uterine tube is disturbed, the egg cell can still be fertilized, but the embryo through the pipe in the uterus will not be able to get. At best, an ectopic pregnancy will end with surgery and the removal of the pipe, in the worst - intra-abdominal bleeding caused by the rupture of the fallopian tube.

The inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bone of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. According to statistics, about 70% of patients who applied for the help of a gynecologist are facing statistics. Most often it is girls and women in childbearing age. As itself, inflammation and its complications can adversely affect the process of tooling and born the child and the very possibility of conception.

Photo Cervicit

The cervix is \u200b\u200ba muscle tube about 4 cm long and about 2.5 cm wide, covered with epithelium. This is the place of the compound of the vagina and the uterine cavity. The main function of this organ is to prevent the penetration of the pathogenic infection in the uterine cavity, and then in the phallopy of the pipes and ovaries.

The cervical canal, located in the vaginal part of the cervix - a fairly narrow education. It interferes into the uterine cavity of malicious microorganisms due to the mucosa of the plug closing it, and also due to the secret, which is allocated by the iron of the cervix. If such protection is broken, then the cervical canal can no longer perform its barrier functions and the process of inflammation of the cervix or cervicitis begins.

If inflammation occurs on the outer part of the cervix, leaving the vagina, then they are diagnosed with extocerevicitis, if the epithelium of the cervical channel is inflicted, they say about.

During the inflammatory process of the walls of the walls of the cervical canal, the swelling is acquired, the vessels of the uterus increase, vasculitis occurs. With a protracted course of the disease, varicose veins can also develop.

The shell of the walls of the cervical canal produces a large number of immune cells to deal with the infection. If they cope with this task, the disease passes. If, due to various reasons, this does not happen, the process goes into the stage. In this case, it can last for years, periodically exacerbating.

Causes of Cervicita

Cervicitis is a disease of an infectious nature in which the pathogenic microflora causes an inflammatory response. It can be

  • infectious agents entering the body exclusively by sexually. They can not be infected if, for example, sunbathing in solarium without underwear or to visit the sauna. This is a specific microflora: the pathogens of gonorrhea and syphilis, as well as trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasm, chlamydia and other pathogens of the STD.
  • microbes, which are customary to be called conditionally pathogenic - nonspecific microflora; Conditional pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the cervix through blood, lymph, or from the rectum. It can be staphylococcus, streptococcus, a fungus of the Candida family, an intestinal wand, Chlebseyella and others.

Cervicitis can have a different character

  • Purulent, as a result of which the cervical canal is filled with pus. As a rule, the causative agent of this form of the disease is gonococci or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Productive, when in the process of healing of inflammation, excessive connecting fabric occurs, scars and partitions.
  • The proliferative, as a result of which the epithelium of the cervical canal grows and the formation of polyps.

Inflammation of the cervix can be caused by a variety of reasons. These are diseases provoking the development of cervicitis, as well as the lifestyle of the patient.

  • The main reason for the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bsexually transmitted diseases. First of all, it is a gonorrhea and - they account for about 25% of the occurrence of cervicitis. But, as mentioned above, inflammation can be caused by other bacteria and viruses penetrating the body during sexual contact. Provice the disease can ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and other similar diseases.
  • The disease of the inflammatory process becomes both viral diseases, as well as ailments, whose pathogens are staphylococci, streptococci. This may be a disease of the gastrointestinal tract of bacterial nature and even angina or pneumonia.
  • There is a risk of the beginning of the inflammatory process on the surface of the cervix with a general weakening of immunity and the vaginal dysbiosis arises in its background.
  • Affect the condition of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the features of sexual life: the constant change of sexual partners, the improper use of contraceptives, in particular spermicides, sinking with acid-containing products.
  • There is a risk of cervicitis when injuring the cervix during the artificial interruption of pregnancy, conducting a hysteroscopy procedure or installation and removal of intrauterine spirals.
  • Cervicitis can develop in women during Klimaks. The so-called age inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bassociated with the fact that the number of estrogen in the blood of women during the postmenopause period is reduced. As a result, the secretion of the cervical canal decreases, and it is thinned and therefore it can begin to stare.
  • In rare cases, allergic to latex can be the cause of inflammation of the cervix, from which condoms are manufactured, as well as spermicidal agents and lubricants used during sexual contact.

What is dangerous cervicit

This disease does not threaten the patient's direct life, but the following consequences may arise:

  • The development of chronic inflammation of the cervix, which in the future can spread to the uterus and appendages, hit the peritoneum, bladder and kidneys.
  • In the launched cases, the abodes of a small pelvis are developing, as a result of which a woman cannot be pregnant in a natural way.
  • Sometimes inflammation in the uterus becomes the cause of development.

Recognize the disease is quite difficult, especially if its flow is chronic. A woman, especially pregnant, can easily accept minor changes in well-being for the manifestation of psychosomatics.

You can suspect acute cervicitis if the following signs are observed:

  • The nature of the vagina is changed, their number increases, they acquire unusual color and consistency. The nature of the selection may vary depending on what inflammation was caused. So, with purulent cervicitis, they have an unpleasant smell, yellow-green and thick consistency. With viral inflammation or chlamydia, a muted yellowish or white mucus is observed.
  • Could disturb pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, sometimes a woman is experiencing pain during sexual contact. However, often inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot accompanied by painful sensations.
  • A small amount of blood discharge from the genital organs may be observed before or after menstruation. Allocations become especially abundant after sexual contact.
  • In the acute form of the disease, a sharp increase in body temperature is possible up to 38-39 degrees, an increase in close lymph nodes, signs of general ailment.

Chronic cervicitis can proceed almost without. Often, the only signs of the disease are the selection of the genital organs of white or yellow, almost odorless, as well as uncomfortable sensations and pain during sexual intercourse.

In rare cases, if the cervical canal completely lost the permeability, a long delay of menstruation can be observed. In this case, women most often appeal to gynecology about suspected pregnancy.

Cervicitis and pregnancy

Many women are asked if it is possible to get pregnant if the diagnosis of Cervicitis is diagnosed.

In most cases, the cervical canal retains its permeability and does not create obstacles to the penetration of sperm. Thus, pregnancy may occur naturally.

If there are spikes or scars in the process of inflammation, or the walls of the cervical canal have become much thicker and denser, it creates an obstacle to natural fertilization and a woman is diagnosed with infertility. Return the patient the ability to conceive in this case is possible in a surgical path, restoring the patency of the cervix, or applying extracorporeal fertilization (ECO).

Inflammation of the cervical of the uterus can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the results of childbirth:

  • In the initial term, an upward infection from the cervical canal may strike, which will lead to its death or the emergence of rough defects of development.
  • In the late pregnancy, the inflammation of the cervix can also lead to a delay of intrauterine development and cause the anomalies of the fetus.
  • With such a diagnosis, labor can begin prematurely, and when the child passes through the generic paths, the risk of infection is greatly large. In addition, the postpartum period of the mother can proceed with complications.

When planning pregnancy is better in advance to identify possible pathologies. If inflammation is discovered when a woman is already pregnant, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment with regard to contraindications characteristic of this female condition.

As a rule, the diagnosis of "inflammation of the cervix" is made during a planned inspection or when contacting a doctor for other reasons.

The gynecologist concludes on the basis of the visual inspection data, as well as the results of the tests.

During inspection in the mirrors, the doctor may detect the following signs of the disease:

In the postmenopause period, such a diagnosis can be supplied if the fastening of the mucous membranes of the cervix and external genital organs is observed.

Colposcopy helps to clarify the diagnosis, as a result of which various complications of the disease can be revealed.

As a rule, when the inflammation is detected, a woman is set and a number of related diagnoses, including

This is explained by the fact that the cavisors of Cervicitis are able to reclaim not only the areas of the cervix. They have an active impact on fabrics and organs in close proximity to it.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

The final diagnosis is made only after a number of laboratory studies. The doctor may assign the following procedures:

  • There are strokes from the vagina, urethra and cervix to determine the nature of the causative agent of the disease.
  • The PCR (polymer chain reaction) method is checked for sex infections. This test has a high degree of accuracy and does not give false-positive or false negative results.
  • The smear is taken on with the cervix in order to identify possible pathological changes in malignant nature, in particular, dysplasia and others.
  • After inspection in mirrors, conducting colloscopy and cytological research, the doctor may assign a test on histology - a diagnostic procedure that allows you to accurately identify the possibility of pathologies such as cervical cancer, dysplasia, etc.
  • Bacterial seeding of vaginal discharge allows you to determine the causative agent of infection.
  • Blood is carried out on syphilis and HIV.

To properly assign treatment, it is extremely important to identify the reason that caused inflammation, since the same pathology can be caused by various pathogens. Thus, inflammation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bonly a part of the clinical picture of many diseases caused by completely different reasons.

Treatment of cervical inflammation

To effectively treat inflammation of the cervix, use an integrated approach that includes

  • reception of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs;
  • measures to restore normal vaginal microflora;
  • reception of immunomodulators;
  • conjunctioning therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

During pregnancy, surgical methods are not applied, conservative therapy is used to treat the disease.

Different drugs are prescribed as a means of conservative therapy, depending on which microorganisms are causative agents of the disease.

  • Under the damage to the cervix, chlamydial infection is used antibiotics from a series of tetracyclines (doxycycline), quinolones (Tarivid), macrolides (erythromycin) and azalides (azithromycin). With a specific cervicitis caused by trichomonas or gonducts, the treatment takes place not only a patient, but its partner.
  • If the defeat is fungal, uses oral preparations (flukostat and analogs), as well as local treatment in the form of rectal and vaginal candles and vaginal tablets (clotrimazole, isokonazole);
  • With damage to the cervix, cyclicostatic drugs (5-fluorouracil) are prescribed by virus papillomavomy.
  • An indication for the use of candles containing hormones (solidin) is atrophic age-related inflammation.
  • With damage to the cervix viruses, treatment lasts especially long. The reception of antiviral drugs is combined with the purpose of polyvitamins and immunomodulators. In this case, the drug is generated with immunomodulatory properties and an anti-zone, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs is performed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, taking into account the drugs to have a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

In pregnancy, antibiotics cannot be applied, therefore, they are prescribed mainly local treatment.

Before using any medicinal product, carefully examine the instructions!

However, the acute stage of the disease is the so-called terry inflammation of the cervix - is often observed in the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, indomethacin preparation is shown. Unlike traditional drugs, it does not contain hormones in its composition, while having an effective anti-inflammatory and anastable effect. Indomethacinic drugs are recommended to use before pregnancy.

The effectiveness of this fund is evidenced by the review:

"Assholes perfectly and have effectively removing inflammation. Repeated me more than once "

Local therapy

Local treatment of cervicitis is effective if inflammation is in the chronic stage. When sharp phenomena subsoine, apply the processing of the vagina with a solution of silver nitrate solution, 3% domexide or 2% chlorophyllip. It is also possible to dry the weak solution of mangartage, soda or boric acid.

As a local antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent use vaginal tablets and suppositories (Betadine, Terezhinan).

The means are also used in the treatment of inflammation of the cervical cervix as auxiliary.

It will help to facilitate the course of the disease and the use of the next composition of herbal fees inside:

  • Adonis, wormwood, mint, chamber, juniper berries and raspberry leaves.
  • Oak bark, wormwood, cherry flowers, rosehip fruits and strawberry sheet.
  • Leaves of Sage, Yarrow and Eucalyptus, Pijmas Flowers, Juniper Fruits and Olkhovy Corses.

Considering that the inflammation of the cervix during the baby tooling creates a certain risk to the health of the fetus and women, it is worth approaching his health. During pregnancy planning, the gynecologist must be examined to identify all the pathologies of the reproductive system and go through the necessary treatment in advance.

Compliance with the elementary rules of sexual life, the presence of a permanent sexual partner, attentive attitude towards its body will prevent the risk of inflammation of the cervix or identify the problem in the early stages, preventing the serious consequences of this disease.

Video: How to treat inflammation of uterine appendages

Video: Treatment of inflammation

Video: Treatment of inflammation in women at home

Is it possible to get pregnant with inflammation of the appendages and other genital organs, depends on the availability of complications, the development stage of the disease, age and physiological characteristics of a woman. In modern gynecology, a special course of the treatment of ovarian inflammations was developed, designed to restore the work of the sexual system of the woman and for further normal pregnancy and childbirth without pathologies.

Is it possible to get pregnant with inflammation of the appendages

You can become pregnant with inflammation of the appendages if the connecting tissue does not have dense formations that create the impassability of the uterine pipes for the egg. Also, harmful microorganisms may disrupt the functioning of the egg and prevent its promotion to the uterus. Such pathological changes can lead to ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

With inflammation of the appendages, ovulation passes slowly and a sufficient amount of progesterone is not produced. Pregnancy can be late or interrupted in the early stages.

Inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy can lead to its ectopic type, so a thorough examination is required in the presence of inflammatory processes in the appendens.

Also, inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy can cause damage to the internal tissues of the uterus and reduce its protective functions from viruses and microbes, and the embryo can be perceived by the body as an alien object that harms.

You can get pregnant with inflammation of the appendages, but the fruit egg is often attached to the lower parts of the uterus, so the risk of bleeding during pregnancy is high. Inflammatory processes can provoke the production of antibodies with the organism and the development of thrombohemorgic syndrome. The main complication of this syndrome is the formation of thromboms and discontinuation of the placenta.

It will help to determine whether it is possible to get pregnant with inflammation of the appendages, ultrasound examination, urine and blood tests, carrying out the genital bodies. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs, as well as a course of vitaminotherapy. Pregnancy must come no earlier than 6 months after complete recovery.

Consequences for inflammation of ovaries

The inflammation of the ovaries is the most common gynecological disease in women. The question becomes an urgent problem whether it is possible to get pregnant with inflammation of the ovaries.

The most frequent causes of ovarian inflammation are microbes and viruses during sexual intercourse or poor body hygiene. In some cases, the causes of ovarian inflammation may be abortion, infectious and inflammatory diseases, reduced immunity, supercooling and overwork, stress.

Inflammation of the ovaries during pregnancy can cause:

  • chlamydia;
  • streptococci, staphylococci and gonococci;
  • mycoplasma;
  • pathogenic microorganisms of viral type.

Inflammation of the appendages can lead to the following pathological processes:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • the absence of an embryo in a fruit egg;
  • throw out;
  • fetal infection;
  • premature childbirth.

The chronic form of ovarian inflammation during pregnancy can cause the hormonal background of women, violations in the development of the fetus and infertility.

In order to become pregnant after inflammation of the ovaries, it is necessary to restore the functioning of the reproductive system, to adjust the hormonal background, normalize the metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

The frequency of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs ranks first among all gynecological diseases and is about 65% of all appeals to the female consultation. The early start of sexual life, a frequent change of sexual partners, as well as the erased for most inflammatory diseases leads to the formation of their chronic forms. It should be noted that among all patients with such problems, more than 80% are annoying women under the age of 25, so often pregnancy arises against the background of various inflammatory diseases.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

The inflammatory diseases of the genital organs include: colpit - inflammation of the vagina; Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix; SalpingoForit, or adnexitis, - inflammation of appendages (ovaries and uterine pipes); Endomiometritis is chronic inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus.

The chronic chronic salpingooforitis and endomyometritis are leading among these diseases. The main reason for their occurrence is infections transmitted by sex: trichomonosis, mycoplasmosis, etc. As can be seen from the name of this group of infections, the pathogenic microbe falls into the body of a woman mainly when sex with a infected person. Especially I would like to note that hypothermiasis cannot be the cause of inflammation of the appendages - it can be a provoking factor for the exacerbation of the already existing inflammatory process or to activate the conditionally-pathogenic microorganisms (they normally have each person: intestinal wand, streptococci, etc.), Which will cause an inflammatory process in the uterus and her appendages.

Long inflammation of uterine pipes and ovaries leads to the development of dense connective tissue, which replaces the dead cells. As a result, the already very thin lumen of the pipe (only 1 -2 mm in diameter) can easily "infant" by connecting tissue, and the pipe will become impassable for the egg. In such conditions, the meeting of the sperm and eggs does not occur, therefore fertilization is impossible. In addition, in the process of inflammation, cells linseling the inner surface of the uterine pipe are affected. They contribute to the advancement of an egg cell on a pipe, besides, many microorganisms, such as chlamydia and mycoplasma, can be broken into these cells and their vital activity to break their operation. Therefore, the affected uterine pipe cells cannot "deliver" an egg from the ovary to the uterus. As a result of such changes, infertility is formed, may occur.

Manifestations of diseases

Whether the woman has inflammation of appendages to pregnancy, it is possible to judge the results of tests carried out before pregnancy, as well as on the presence of the following complaints: moderate, occurring periodically, stupid, pulling, painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen, amplifying during cooling, as well as violations that becomes Unstable - with delays, intermenstrual discharge. Pain is usually felt at the bottom of the abdomen, in the inguinal areas, in the region of the sacrum, in the vagina. Often, its intensity does not correspond to the nature of changes in the genitals, i.e. Inflammatory changes in organs can be minimal or as a result of treatment, they can be eliminated, and pain, as a residual phenomenon, remains for a long time. Such a state can continue for a long time, without a well-pronounced beginning and end of the disease. The signs of chronic inflammation of the appendages of the uterus and the uterus itself also include pathological discharge from sex tract - more or less abundant, sometimes with an unpleasant odor.

What are the inflammatory diseases?

During pregnancy

The inflammatory process in the ovaries can lead to a violation of their work, with ovulation - the exit of the egg from the ovary - does not occur at all (in this case the pregnancy is impossible) or comes late. So, if ovulation is normally in the middle of the cycle, then with chronic salpingo-phorite, as a result of disrupting the development of ovarian hormones, it comes later, almost before menstruation. At the site of the egg after ovulation, special iron is formed - the yellow body. This iron produces progesterone hormones that ensure the start of pregnancy, are the main supportive factor in. In case of chronic salping-phorite, ovulation occurs in a non-time, and the yellow body works deficiently, producing an insufficient amount of progesterone. This factor is often the reason for the threat of abortion in.

As already mentioned, the main cause of ectopic pregnancy is also an inflammatory process. As a result, the junction of the connective tissue and the narrowing of the lumen of the uterine pipes occurs. In addition, the work of the ciliation of flicker epithelium - cells covering from the inside of the intelligence of the uterine pipes and contributing to the promotion of the egg to the uterine cavity are disturbed.

It must be said that with an ectopic pregnancy, a pregnancy test is often positive, a woman can experience the same subjective sensations as in the uterine pregnancy (nausea, dizziness, etc.). Therefore, knowing about the presence of a chronic salpingoophorite and suspecting pregnancy, it is necessary to contact the doctor as soon as possible to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

Your negative influence of the inflammatory process can show at different times of pregnancy.

Thus, damage to the inner layers of the uterus leads to a change in the system of protection inside the uterus. The inner layer of the uterus, trying to protect against the factors of aggression (microbes, viruses that caused inflammation), perceives the embryo as well as an alien agent, the embryo is rejected, miscarriage. If still, the fetal egg can be attached, then in most cases it happens in the lower parts of the uterus, that is, low attachment is formed or. These states, in turn, serve as risk factors for the occurrence of bleeding during pregnancy. Chronic inflammatory process can lead to a change in the antigenic structure of infected endometrial cells: the body begins to produce antibodies to its own cells, that is, the destruction of cells of its own organism occurs. The specified process is the most common cause of the development of disseminated intravascular blood coagulation syndrome. One of the symptoms of this complication is the formation of thrombosis. During pregnancy, the appearance of microtrombosis in the area of \u200b\u200bthe placenta leads to a detachment of the placenta, the intrauterine delay in the growth of the fetus, the development of gestosis - the complications of pregnancy, often manifested by the appearance of protein in the urine, swelling, an increase in blood pressure.

In the conditions of the chronic inflammatory process of genital organs against the background of pregnancy, a malfunction occurs in the immune system, which serves to recognize and eliminate alien substances from the body. Blood cells involved in the immune response have a toxic effect on the development of the embryo and the formation of the placenta.

All listed violations in the body arising from the inflammatory process of genitals can lead to the following pathologies:

  • anembonia, i.e. the absence of an embryo in a fruit egg;
  • undeveloped, or frozen, pregnancy (the death of the embryo occurs);
  • spontaneous miscarriages at various deadlines;
  • premature childbirth;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • infecting the fetus.

Intrauterine infection is possible if the inflammatory process is activated during pregnancy. In the early period of pregnancy, intrauterine infection can lead to the formation of various malformations of the fetus development, at later - to the fetal growth delay syndrome. Such a baby after childbirth is worse adapted, sometimes requires additional treatment. Therefore, newborn, whose moms suffered from chronic inflammatory diseases of genitalia, especially transmitting sexually, is carried out additional research on these infections.

During childbirth

Inflammatory diseases of various sections of the sexual system can have a negative effect on the course of labor. One of the most frequent complications in childbirth is premature or early oral influence.

Most microorganisms have a set of special enzymes that are capable of affecting the fetal shells and lead to a non-period of ammunition of the oily water. If the water is strengthened, when the fights are already undergoing, the neck of the uterus is completely or almost completely open, then in the presence of inflammatory lesions of water can be streaming until the beginning of the battle. It is possible to develop the weakness of labor activities; In addition, a long-term anhydrous gap is a predisposing factor for infection of the uterus, the fetal shells. Multi-way, which often accompanies inflammatory processes, also leads to the development of primary or secondary weakness of generic activity. In this situation, the uterus is excessively stretched, can not be well shrinking during childbirth. Protective labor against the background of the prematurely spent sputum waters, as well as the need to use rhodiummules in the development of the weakness of generic activities, ultimately adversely affect the state of the newborn.

After childbirth

The inflammatory process of genital organs does not pass without a trace and in the postpartum period. The likelihood of the development of postpartum endomyometritis is increasing, which is manifested by an insufficient reduction in the uterus, an increase in the temperature, the appearance of pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the enhancement of bloody discharges, the appearance of characteristic silent secretions. Such a condition requires treatment in the hospital.

Thus, the chronic inflammatory process that occurs most often in the hidden form leads to pronounced changes in the immune system, the hemostasis system (blood coagulation) and formidable complications during pregnancy, in childbirth and in the postpartum period.

During the baby tooling, all women who suffered before pregnancy with inflammatory diseases of genitalia, conduct research to eliminate infections, including sexually transmitted. When identifying certain pathogens produce appropriate treatment.

All women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of genitals, conduct treatment aimed at preventing oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) of the fetus, prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation in the placenta.

Each woman should come true with a special responsibility. The examination to pregnancy and the elimination of foci of inflammation will help to avoid complications during pregnancy, in childbirth and in the postpartum period.

Marina Vasilyeva
doctor obstetrician-gynecologist, maternity hospital №4, k.m.n., Moscow


in general, I thought that there was inflammation during pregnancy and now I learned that it was not, thank you so I learned the answer to my question

08/11/2008 10:16:43, Zhanna

Honestly, it would be better not read this article. And without it we are experiencing during pregnancy on any trifle ... in general, frightened once again.

12/27/2005 14:08:37, Larisa

15.12.2005 17:05:04

15.12.2005 17:05:03

Comment Article "Inflammation of appendages. How will pregnancy pass?"

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Various research methods can help assess the course, the outcome of pregnancy, childbirth in women. In women with inflammatory diseases of the appendages and urinary tract, if there is a history of medical abortions, there is a high probability of diagnosing hepatitis B in the case of a viral hepatitis during pregnancy, there is a possibility of complications in the first and second half of pregnancy. In the first trimester - toxicosis, threat of miscarriage. In the second trimester - gestosis, threat of interrupt ...


Is he hepatitis with a testimony to Cesarean section, or can a woman give birth to herself?

Yes, such signs of hepatitis are definitely complicating pregnancy, possible. But sometimes the disease proceeds asymptomatic, does not show itself and does not have a negative impact on no pregnancy or directly on under.
However, it is strictly necessary at the beginning of pregnancy to pass tests for hepatitis! Because even the absence of external manifestations, this disease negatively affects the body of a woman and requires treatment

Why pick up the abdominal ??? Everyone knows that as soon as some tingling occurs at the bottom of the abdomen - it means that the body that is in the abdominal cavity gave the work fail. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of the occurrence of pain on its own, it requires a thorough medical examination. Often the reason why the colitis of the abdomen is difficult to determine even a professional doctor, as pain can occur on the right, and the source of pain is located on the left side of the abdomen. Today...

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I don't understand one, how does the super wand solve the problem of female health, guarantees a lot of cavaliers, eliminates the unpleasant smell (how?), Prevents fungal diseases (well, how ???), prevents inflammatory diseases (as ????) and erosion cervical cervix (?????).

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One of the most common diseases of the reproductive system of girls are inflammatory diseases of genitals, which constitute more than 50% of all applications of parents and adolescent girls to the gynecologist. Girls include inflammatory diseases of the genital organs: vulvits, vulvovaginitis, salpintingitis and salpingooforites. In the structure of gynecological diseases of girls up to 8 years, vulvits and vulvovaginites are 60-70%, which is associated with some features of children's physiology ...

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1. The girlfriend was appointed at the 24th week of pregnancy - "Genipral" and "Kuraltil". How to take them and for what they are appointed? Ginipral is a drug to preserve pregnancy (it may have symptoms of the threat of pregnancy interruption), the chief is used to improve blood microcirculation in the placenta (as preventing placental insufficiency). The obligation of acceptance is determined only by a doctor who observes pregnancy. 2. It was scraping. 3 months drove hormonal. Is it possible ...


Chronic adnexite is a disease in which the appendages are inflamed. Dr. It may be called SalpingoForit. Women who think that can get pregnant with the inflammation of the ovaries and give birth to a child, the wrongs are rooted. Chronic adhesitis can give complications, as well as provoke an ectopic pregnancy.

Tip! Before you to conceive the future son or daughter, it is worth passing a preventive inspection of a gynecologist who will confirm a negative diagnosis of chronic adnexitis.

Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic adnexite

Chronic adhesitis is developing in the infection of the organism by various pathogenic microorganisms. They can act:

  • staphylococci;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonococci;
  • other dangerous bacteria.

Attention! More than half of women aged from twenty and to thirty years are susceptible to this disease.

The occurrence of chronic adnexitis during pregnancy reduces conception to zero due to the fact that the connecting tissue grows up, and its shell is compacted. If suddenly she becomes too strong and can not break during ovulation, the ripening egg will not leave the follicle. She will stay inside. Pregnant will become impossible.

What does the probability of conception depend on

If the spermatozoa still succeeds in the egg cell, it will not be able to pass through the pipes. Functional epithelium functions are broken. Because of this, the egg cell will not be able to move. In this case, the fruit egg is attached to the wall of the ovary or the uterine tube.

Further formation of the fetus can break the uterine tube and cause bleeding. Extra help of the doctor will need. Surgical intervention will be carried out with the removal of the uterine tube.

If chronic adnexitis is complicated by polycystic ovarian, the woman will not be able to become pregnant either. The follicle will grow and turn into the cyst. Ovulation will not happen.

How inflammation of the ovaries affects pregnancy

Usually, acute inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy does not occur, since chronic adhesitis is preventing conception. If the conception occurred, then the wearing of the fetus usually ends with miscarriage.

The miscarriage is due to progesterone deficiency. With its lack, the fruit egg implantation will not happen. If the inflammation of the ovary occurred during the wearing of the fetus, then the infection may fall into the placenta. Will it will be promoted or anomalies in development.

Pregnancy during the remission of chronic salpingooforita will force a disease to sharpen. This may be provoked by a decrease in immunity.

A warning! In order not to confuse the inflammation of the appendages with pregnancy, it is important to turn to a qualified specialist in time.

Inflammation of the appendages during pregnancy: symptoms and diagnostics

Salpicooforitis during pregnancy is highlighted by the following symptoms:

  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the sacrum;
  • pain strengthening when going to the toilet;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • target disorders.

Tip! If there are pain at the bottom of the abdomen during sexual intercourse or there is a decrease in sexual entry, it is recommended to contact the doctor.

The miscarriage during the inflammation of the ovary during pregnancy occurs after conception in 2 - 2.5 months. Chronic adhesitis provokes regressive pregnancy. When the embryo dies, and the egg is not peeled.

Blood selection occurs only two weeks after the death of the embryo. They may be scarce. Toxicosis disappear and signs of the presence of the embryo in the body:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • drowsiness;
  • changes in the vaginal secret.

Diagnose chronic adhesitis can be followed by the following features:

  • delay in the development of the fetus;
  • multi-way;
  • premature childbirth;
  • placental insufficiency.

The gynecologist diagnoses the disease during inspection. When palpation areas of appendages and ovaries, he will pay attention to the painful sensations of the patient.

Confirms the diagnosis of ultrasound examination of the ovaries. Ovaries, uterine pipes increase in size during illness. Perhaps the spikes are formed in the ovaries. Using ultrasound, the doctor will determine the presence of inflammatory processes.

Inflammation of ovaries in pregnant women: treatment

Acute form is treated with antibacterial drugs. The doctor defines medicines that will not harm neither mom or baby. Therapy lasts during the week.

Important! Woman herself must decide, keep the fruit or not.

During chronic adhesitis after conception, treatment is not conducted. Medicinal preparations are not prescribed if the disease does not go into an acute form.

If complications appear, then the following drugs are prescribed:

  • vitamins;
  • antispasmodics (if there is a threat of interrupting pregnancy);
  • with a multi-way and fetal infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed;
  • when sex tract infections are prescribed drugs that restore the vaginal bioflora;
  • laparoscopy is also used with adnexite to restore the patency of the uterine pipes.

If the disease has become a complication after syphilis or gonorrhea, the gynecologist can assign a pregnancy interrupt. And with a unreleased infectious process, when the fruit can be infected during childbirth, the doctor recommends making a cesarean section.


To protect against the infection of the body by this disease, it is necessary to understand why chronic adhesitis is formed.

Chronic adnexitis woman is infected with the following factors:

  • indiscriminate sex life;
  • supercooling;
  • the influence of such bacteria as chlamydia, trichomonas;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina and outdoor genital organs;
  • sex during menstruation;
  • installation of intrauterine contraception.

Therefore, first of all it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • sex only with a regular partner;
  • comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • wear underwear only from cotton products and other natural materials;
  • take the vitamins that appoint a doctor to increase immunity;
  • be sure to visit the gynecologist once every six months for preventive inspection;
  • use only barrier contraception methods.


It is almost impossible to get pregnant with inflammation of the ovaries, especially give birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, only adherence to preventive rules will help avoid the appearance of chronic adhesitis. Then the health of women and the health of the future kid will be in perfect order.