Valuable recommendations for the development of memory in younger students. The best for memory and brain function for schoolchildren: methods, products, preparations

  • Date: 28.09.2019

Rules, dates, formulas, theorems - lion's share academic success depends on memory. If the memory is good, the teacher's explanations given in the lesson are enough for the student. If there is “wind” in my head, long cramming will not help either. How to develop a student's memory?

First, a little test to assess how good you and your child are at soldering. Read the words below within 2 minutes. Close the list. Play the words that you memorized: Chair, cup, leopard, pants, peach, plane, birch, lake, palm, thunderstorm, basketball, flute. If you memorized 12-8 words you have high level memorization. 8-6 words is an intermediate level, so far there is no cause for concern. 6-0 words - time to take action.

According to Aleksey Alekseev, a neurologist at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University named after M.V. THEM. Sechenova: “In office centers you rarely meet a person without disturbing memory impairments. Such people do not need to be treated, they need to be explained that they need to look at their lives differently. They live by the principle: the doctor prescribed a pill and everything will be fine. At the same time, the factors that actually cause anxiety, memory impairment will not go away and the brain will not improve. " And the whole problem is solved by the correct mode of sleep and wakefulness, so it is important for the student to get enough sleep and get loads that are adequate for age.

A. Alekseev: “During active cognition, for example, study, the brain grasps information, but its sorting and assimilation occurs mainly during sleep. Therefore, the more new information is piled on you, the more you should sleep. In life, everything happens the other way around. The more stressful work and study, the less time you have to sleep. But if you have a lot of things to do and you are still constantly worried about whether you managed to do everything today, then it is better to increase the amount of sleep. " If your student gets enough sleep, but the problems with memorizing and sorting information do not go away, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Types of memory

There are the following types of memory: figurative and verbal-logical (by the type of mental activity); voluntary and involuntary (by the nature of the goals of the activity); direct and mediated (with direct mechanical memorization, the memorization process occurs without the participation of thinking; with memorization mediated by logic, thinking, the material must first be comprehended); short-term and long-term (in terms of material preservation time).

Figurative memory includes visual, auditory, motor and emotional memory. Indeed, some children perceive information easier when they read it aloud (auditory type of memory), or vice versa, if the child himself reads this material (visual type). For some children, memorization of the material is better if it is written down or spoken (motor type), and some remember only if the memorized material made an impression, caused some kind of emotion (no matter, positive or negative), as you guessed it emotional memory. As a rule, not one type of memory is more pronounced in a child, but several.

Let the child try to remember the material. different ways: not only read aloud yourself, ask your child to read it. Also make you recite learned material out loud (speech-motor type of memory). In memorization practice foreign words teachers of the old school often advise to write them down several times in a row, pronouncing to themselves the sound and meaning of the word.

There is a calculation for the triggering of several types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

The problem of developing memory, attention and the ability to concentrate on tasks in the case of the developing brain of a student may arise as a result of the action of several factors: psychological, physiological, behavioral, etc.

  • In some cases, for the development of memory and for schoolchildren, it is proposed to change the way of life and activity, to enrich the diet (including with the help of dietary supplements).
  • In others - by medical indications apply complex treatment stimulating drugs and nootropics.
  • Thirdly, the solution is sought in an individual approach that takes into account the peculiarities of perception and memorization of a particular student, as a result of which parents adjust the school curriculum for their child.

Factors to consider when working to improve student brain function

Medical factor

Most often, in the context of considering the action of this factor, they speak of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Not all healthcare providers, teachers, and parents acknowledge this neurotic-behavioral disorder, but for most ADHD - medical fact, full way getting rid of which has not yet been found.

It is believed that the syndrome is more common in boys than in girls. But the variety of criteria for making a diagnosis, research methods and methods of localizing groups do not make it possible to establish not only the exact proportion, but even the prevalence of ADHD. Numbers from 3: 1 to 9: 1 are quoted in the ratio of boys to girls with this syndrome. The overall estimate of the prevalence of the disorder ranges from 1 to 30% of the total population. It is also believed that one third of children with ADHD are outgrowing or adapting to the syndrome. Difficulty in classification also arises from the fact that some of the signs of ADHD appear sporadically and from time to time.

Phenomenological characteristics include such diagnostic criteria, how:

  • inability to maintain attention to detail, as well as to concentrate on completing tasks and goals set during games,
  • forgetfulness and absent-mindedness in everyday situations, which is also accompanied by the frequent loss of things,
  • avoiding involvement in processes that require the maintenance of prolonged mental stress, etc.

Recognizing ADHD in a child allows for correct stimulation adjustments brain activity a student, which in the future gives him the opportunity to count on success in the professional field, eliminates problems with adaptation in a team, difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

Although approaches to dealing with the disorder differ in different countries, it is generally accepted A complex approach, which includes non-drug psychotherapy and individual behavior modification with the help of psychostimulants and nootropics (if pedagogical and neuropsychological correction does not help).

The danger of prescribing stimulants to children is due to the fact that overestimated doses of drugs can be addictive, as a result of which cases are recorded when a teenager uses high doses to achieve narcotic effects. Addiction is partly due to the short-term effect of the drug, which therefore needs to be taken several times a day. So the action of most of them lasts no more than 4 hours, but methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine with a duration of up to 12 hours remain addictive.

An alternative to such drugs is becoming vegetable origin such as HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis, which have an effect on improving the nutrition of the brain, blood circulation, energy metabolism and the tone of the cortex, not immediately, but gradually, as the state of tissues and communication functions in neural networks improves. Due to their "mild" action, these same drugs are used more often than others in the correction of a physiological nature.

Physiological factor

The most common physiological cause interfering with the student's brain in to the fullest unleash its potential, is considered to be impaired blood circulation in the brain, as well as a lack of nutrients and oxygen. This situation may arise due to:

  • genetic factors,
  • birth and postpartum injuries associated with injuries cervical, asphyxia, hemorrhage,
  • diseases suffered by the child or mother during pregnancy,
  • unbalanced diet and difficult environmental conditions,
  • habits due to which the student systematically breaks the rules healthy way life and behavior.

The last two points relate to those that can and should be influenced for your child.

Socio-psychological factor

A child's success or failure in acquiring new knowledge may directly depend on the degree of psychological comfort of the learning environment and teaching methodology that is appropriate individual characteristics perception. So, a child studying in a hostile team, in principle, cannot be focused on the assimilation of knowledge, since he is busy with his own "survival". With all the intelligence of the student and the activity of the brain, his formal effectiveness will remain at a low level.

A child-"visual", inclined to more easily perceive the subject's information in the form of images, diagrams, visual images, printed texts, will memorize worse oral speech and an attempt to convey information in verbal dialogue. And vice versa - it is easier for a child-"auditor" to see information than to hear it, which also needs to be taken into account when assessing the individual abilities of a student and the processes of stimulating his brain.

Finally, the child just needs to be taught some memorization techniques in order for his effectiveness and learning ability to dramatically increase. Most of these techniques use associations, emotions, and rhythm as learning aids. So a vivid emotional image associated with the object of memorization and built into the space of a consistent story is much better remembered.

Means to improve the functioning of the child's brain

Drugs and dietary supplements that affect the state of memory, the ability to concentrate and the quality of sleep do this indirectly - through the improvement of microcirculation and supply of the brain, as well as through the "activation" of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances different groups(peptides, amino acids, monoamines) that mediate in the transmission of an electrochemical impulse from a neuron. Most of the drugs created to activate brain activity have such a "mediator" in their composition.

« Glycine". A drug called a neurotransmitter amino acid that reduces the release of excitatory amino acids and causes an inhibitory effect. The drug helps to normalize sleep and increase mental performance. To improve sleep, it is used 20 minutes before falling asleep, 0.5 tablets for children under 3 years old and 1 tablet after three years of age. In similar doses - 0.5 and 1 tablet according to age, but 2-3 times a day - it is used to remove psycho-emotional stress, increasing the memory and mental performance of the child. Duration of admission is 14 days. If necessary and in agreement with the doctor, the duration of the appointment can be increased to 30 days. At the same time, with prolonged use, children under 3 years of age reduce the dose (up to once a day) and the period (up to 7-10 days).

« Pantogam". Here as active substance gamma-aminobutyric acid is used, which is one of the most important neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. The remedy is prescribed for disorders of attention, speech, weakening of memory and a decrease in mental performance. For small children "Pantogam" is prescribed in the form of a syrup with a gradual increase in dosage. At long-term use means stops taking drugs of this group in order to avoid excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. The "glycine" mentioned above enhances therapeutic effect Pantogama.

« Biotredin". In combination with "Glycine", it is recommended to take another nootropic - "Biotredin", which is drunk in courses of 7-10 days in the "three times a day, 1 tablet" regimen. The product contains vitamin B6, activating the cognitive functions of the brain, improving the attention and memory of schoolchildren. but vitamin complex group B is more widely and fully represented in the herbal preparation "Optimentis".

« Optimentis". A natural herbal remedy, in which, in addition to pyridoxine (B6), which improves metabolism and increases the efficiency of the brain, and biotin (B7), which normalizes metabolism, other vitamins of this group are also presented. Tocopherol is responsible for improving oxygen supply, and for energy level and blood circulation - vegetable base, consisting of a composition of Ginkgo Biloba extract and ginseng.

Go to official site.

". The main competitor of "Optimentis" in the group of natural herbal nootropics is called "HeadBuster", which, due to its composition, compensates for the lack of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, it also contains extracts of ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, which are responsible for microcirculation of brain tissues. Children from 12 years old can take this dietary supplement on an equal basis with adults half an hour before meals three times a day for a month.

Go to HeadBooster official website.

Sooner or later, any parent asks how to improve a child's memory. Most often, such a moment comes when the baby goes to school, and a huge amount of information falls on him at once. However, there are simple ways that you can not only improve your child's memory, but, possibly, get rid of forgetfulness yourself.

It is worth remembering that poor memory in children is very rare, most often it is simply not sufficiently developed, and this problem is not so difficult to cope with.

Method 1. Ask how your child's day went

Each evening, ask your toddler to tell you about their day. With all the smallest details. This is a great memory trainer. Such monologues will help your child learn to build a chronology of events, analyze them.

At first, the child's story will be confused, but over time, his speech will become more coherent, he will remember more and more details and small details.

To help the baby, you can ask him questions, "What did your friend Katya do when you played doctor?", "What color was her dress?" etc.

Method 2. Read books with your child

While the child is still small, read to him, for example, before bedtime interesting memorable tales or poems. Try memorizing small quatrains together. This will have the most beneficial effect on your little one's vocabulary. And when he learns to read on his own, try to instill in him a love of this business.

Let the book become good friend for a child. Even if the child does not really want, let it be a mandatory rule for him to read several pages a day of a book. And be sure to ask him to retell what he read and express his attitude.

Method 3. Play words with your child

  • Tell your baby 10 words and ask him to repeat them. You can choose words of a specific topic (fruits and vegetables, food, toys, trees, flowers, what objects are in the room, etc.). All the words that the child did not name, he definitely needs to be reminded. It is believed that if a child of 6-7 years old can repeat 5 words out of 10, he has a good short-term memory, and if he calls 7-8, his long-term memory is also well developed.
  • For the development of visual memory, you can lay out pictures in front of the baby(for example, 5-7 pieces) and ask to remember them... Then you can remove one or two and ask what is missing, or shuffle all the pictures in places and ask the kid to put them in the original order.
  • With older children, you can play this game a little differently. Place a photo or picture in front of them with lots of detail. Have the child look at it for 15-20 seconds, trying to remember as many details as possible. Then remove the picture and ask him to write a list of everything he has memorized on a piece of paper.

Method 4. Train your child's attentiveness

Remember, in magazines of our childhood like "Murzilki" there were puzzles in which it was necessary to find out how one picture differs from another. Even now, such tasks can be easily found in books on child development, of which there are a great many. These exercises are not only very fun, but they are also great for training memory, attentiveness and imagination.

Method 5. Master the Cicero method

The essence of this method is to mentally place objects that need to be remembered in a well-known space - this can be his own room, an attic, or any room that the child knows well. The main rule of this principle of memorization is that we mentally reduce large objects, and increase small ones.

For example, a child needs to memorize 5 words - umbrella, bear, orange, hippo, sea, chair. All these words need to be mentally placed in the room: hang an umbrella on the door handle, put a large orange on the windowsill, put a chair in front of the bed, send a tiny bear for a walk under a flower on the window, and send a little hippo to sleep on the bed, and the sea to rage on TV. After some training, the child, in order to reproduce the chain of words, will only need to restore the interior of his home in his memory.

Method 6. Teach your child the association method

This method will perfectly help to remember information if a chaotic set of facts does not want to fit into a coherent classification. Teach your child to build relationships between the memorized word and something very familiar and understandable to him. Ask the kid what he associates with this or that word, or come up with it together. Associations can be familiar or funny, familiar to everyone or understandable only to you and your baby.

Method 7. Learn a foreign language with your baby

It's a great memory workout, just like any new skill, like playing an instrument or even learning to dance. 10 new foreign words a day or a couple of simple phrases - remembering them will not take much time, but it is very useful and in the future this skill will definitely come in handy for the child. And be sure to repeat what you learned the day before the next day.

Method 8. Give your child to sports

Make your child friends with sports. It would seem, where is the connection with memory? However, any physical exercise especially outdoors, stimulate blood flow and promote better blood supply to the brain, which in turn has a beneficial effect on memory. Do not neglect walking with your baby, often ventilate his room, especially before bed.

Method 9. Teach your baby to strain memory

The most in a simple way memory development is workout... Does it sound corny? Yes, but without regular exercise, nothing will work. And in our age of tablets, smartphones and the Internet, it becomes more and more difficult to strain memory, because the easiest way is to look for something forgotten on the vastness of the world wide web. And children learn these skills almost from the cradle.

Therefore, it is so important to teach a child, if he forgot something, let him first try to remember on his own, and only if nothing comes out within a few minutes, let him go into a dictionary or the Internet.

Method 10. Make the right diet

Of course, one proper nutrition It is impossible to develop good memory in a child, but there are basic foods that contain substances necessary to improve brain activity, and therefore to improve memory.

That's why include in your child's diet:

  • fatty fish
  • bananas,
  • walnuts,
  • carrot,
  • spinach,
  • broccoli

- Yes, children are not happy with some of these products, but they should be present in the child's menu at least in small quantities.

Hello, friends! In one of the blog articles, I promised you to write about the development of memory. Remember? No, don't you remember? Well then, read it all the more. There is no memory in school. After all, children constantly have to remember something, remember, remember. The rules, the multiplication table, the poems are different. Therefore, the development of memory in younger schoolchildren is one of the primary tasks of both parents and teachers.

You can develop it! Even necessary! I'll tell you how. But first, I propose to get to know her better. To know exactly what we are going to develop.

Lesson plan:

What is memory?

I'll start with a definition.

Memory is psychological process, performing the functions of memorizing, preserving and reproducing material.

Now her about the types.

Types of memory

Have you looked at the diagram? You see how much is written there. Now we will figure out what's what.


It is also sometimes called kinetic. This is the ability to remember, save, and then reproduce movements. Great dancers have it. If your kid easily copies someone's gait, animal habits or dances coolly, then he is doing well with motor memory.


It is the ability to remember feelings. Turning to mothers, I will ask: "Do you remember your emotions when your husband proposed to you, or when your baby was born?" Of course remember! But this cannot be seen or touched or heard. So emotional memory worked here. And yet, if any information evokes emotions in a person, then it is easier to remember.


This is memorization and reproduction of sensory images.

This concept complex structure... I even drew a special diagram for her to make it clearer.


The ability to remember what we see with our eyes. It is well developed among artists and engineers, but it is absolutely important for everyone. It is easier for a person, especially a small one, to remember what he can imagine in the form of visual images. There is a close connection with imagination here.


The ability to remember what we hear. This is perfectly mastered by musicians, composers, philologists, sound engineers. This skill will not hurt us either, since at school the bulk of the information will have to be perceived by ear. And in general, 70% of all information a person receives and stores thanks to hearing.


Smells can be memorized too. This is unlikely to be useful in your studies. You rarely have to sniff at school in class. But in life, this ability plays a significant role. And not only in the lives of great perfumers. For example, you have a good memory of dangerous odors such as gas or spoiled food. It could save your life.

My youngest son Artyom is very keen on smells. He can easily determine who came to us in his absence, relying only on the smell. All other household members do not even feel this smell.


Taste memory. Well developed by good chefs. Without even seeing the cooking process, they can determine which ingredients are used in the recipe. They remember tastes different products... A well-developed gustatory memory is inherent in winemakers, who, according to their taste, determine the harvest year of the grapes from which the wine is made. But in studies, this ability means little.

Tactile or tactile

Everything is touch based. This ability is well developed in people who are blind. But sighted people also use it, for example, those who knit a lot. After all, some masters can knit, even without looking at the knitting needles, and be guided only by their tactile sensations. Tactile memorization can also be developed.


Here in the process of remembering the main role word and logic play. You have to remember thoughts. Everything is about thinking. At school, verbal-logical memory is used to memorize various definitions, proofs, logical schemes. It is widely used in mathematics lessons and cannot be involuntary. And how is it, involuntary?

Involuntary and voluntary

Involuntary memory is when memorization occurs automatically. This does not require any effort. This method of memorization is characteristic of small children, they do not remember information specifically in order to use this information later. Arbitrary memory begins to form at the age of 4-5.

And arbitrary is when you definitely need to remember something, for example, you are making an effort to do so. You remember the information on purpose and are going to use it in the future.

According to the duration of memorizing the material, memory is:

  • short-term;
  • operational;
  • long-term.


Short-term - memorizing information for a short period of time, up to 20 seconds. The information that gets into the short-term memory is not fully memorized, not thoroughly, the most essential elements are perceived. Moreover, only that information that arouses the increased attention of a person gets there.


Special memorization of information for a period from a few seconds to days. This term is determined by the task at hand. After completing the task, the information disappears as unnecessary. For example, if you ask your son to tell his grandmother that Stas Mikhailov's concert will take place on Wednesday, the boy will remember this information, but when he gives it to his grandmother, the info may be forgotten. Random access memory is an intermediate link between short-term and long-term memory.


Storing information for a long time. This term is practically unlimited. Information in long-term memory is memorized very accurately. The more often you reproduce information, the more firmly it will be anchored in long-term memory storage. When you try to remember something, then at this moment you turn to your precious storehouse. Let's try?

  1. Please remember the formula for water.
  2. Continue the poem "Our Tanya is loud ...."
  3. How much is 2X2?

How does it work?

Memory of junior schoolchildren

What transformations occur with memory when a person begins to study at school, what are its features? First and second graders are not much different from preschoolers in their ability to memorize. Memorization is visual - figurative in nature. It is much easier for children to remember what they see and can touch with their hands. Therefore, visibility is one of the basic principles of teaching in primary school.

Also, young schoolchildren will quickly remember such a chain of words as:

  • flag;
  • spoon;
  • bird;
  • sausage;
  • Cactus.

Than this:

  • loyalty;
  • creation;
  • courage;
  • fright;
  • lovely.

Why? But because they can call up internal images of objects from the first chain of words (use visual memory) and cannot represent words from the second chain in the form of specific images. But there are more than enough such "unimaginable" concepts, definitions, proofs, rules in school.

It is clear that figurative memory is not enough. And here its verbal and logical form comes onto the stage. This is what teachers are trying to develop, trying to prepare students for education in secondary school.

And one more feature of younger students. If the teacher sets a text, the student will mechanically memorize it using the method of multiple repetition. This mechanical approach must be fought. You need to learn how to use your memory correctly. To highlight the main thing, to discard the insignificant, to find logical connections.

Does this mean that you can forget about figurative memory? Of course not! It will come in handy more than once in a lifetime.

How to develop memory?

Having studied a lot of information on this issue, I was able to identify five such global recommendations:

  1. Use your memory! In order for it to develop, it needs to be used. More often ask your little student to remember something and convey to someone. Ask to remind you of something very important. In the evenings before going to bed, be sure to remember the events of the past day. Talk about books you've read, movies you've watched, places you've visited.
  2. Use innate abilities. We are all different people. It is easy for someone to remember what he sees, to someone what he hears. And some have developed motor memory. Pay attention to this, observe the child, understand what is easier for him. And then teach him to use his ability to remember. For example, if you need to learn a poem, then pictures drawn based on the poem will help a student with developed visual memorization. If the child perceives everything better by ear, then he needs to read the poem not to himself, but aloud and with expression. Well, small owners of good motor memory can be offered a dramatization of a poem. Support each line or quatrain with an action.
  3. Do specific exercises. There are many exercises that contribute to the development of memory. They can be found in special literature, in children's development magazines. How do you know if the exercises are working? To do this, I advise you to check your memory before starting classes. There are special techniques for this. After a month of classes, check again. The results will tell you if you are heading in the right direction.
  4. Don't overload your memory. Do it, but know when to stop. Do not burden children with facts, events, materials that will definitely never be useful to them. There will be no sense from such activities, and you will definitely get displeasure in return. Remember that classes require regularity. 25 - 30 minutes a day will be sufficient.
  5. Play classes. Through play, children perceive everything more easily and with pleasure. And from classes "with pleasure" there will be more benefits. An element of play can be introduced into any of the most serious exercises, the main thing is to turn on the imagination. Also, do not forget that there are and that also help to develop the memory of children.

Dear friends, let us fix in our long-term memory that the future of our children is in our hands. Caring and loving. If we can help this future be wonderful, then let's do it!

Well, if this information does not want to be recorded, then I advise you to check your memory) Right now! Watch the video)

Exercise, develop and may everything be fine with you!

If you think that this information may be useful to your friends, share it in social networks... I look forward to your comments and say goodbye to new meetings on the blog pages.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Sometimes parents are faced with a situation when their child for a painfully long time cannot remember a seemingly simple rhyme given at school, and some awkward song, heard once, remembers instantly. How to explain such "selective" memorization, is it possible to improve and develop memory? How to do it? These and many other questions worry parents, and interest in this topic is by no means idle: a good memory is the key to successful studies. Fortunately, this human resource is trainable. According to psychologists, the main thing is to choose the right technique.

What are the types of memory

To choose suitable exercises for the development of memory, it is worth understanding how the memorization process takes place. For this we turn to the generally accepted classification of memory.

  1. By duration:
  • short-term (information is easy to remember, but also easy to forget);
  • long-term (data is stored in memory for a long time);
  • operational (information is held for some time).
  1. Type:
  • auditory (what you hear is better remembered);
  • visual (visual images are easier to remember);
  • motor (everything related to movement - remembers the body);
  • figurative (emotional, associative);
  1. By the degree of application of efforts:
  • involuntary (no effort is required to memorize anything);
  • arbitrary (you need to try to remember the event or object);
  • direct (memorized mechanically, thinking is not "turned on");
  • mediated (requires building a logical chain, understanding data).

By the way, it is the mechanical memory that is well developed in babies, therefore experts recommend starting the study foreign languages before school.

How does human memory "work"? There are three stages here:

  • memorization;
  • data storage;
  • extraction (playback) of data.

Three whales of good memory

Getting started with your child, pay attention to three "whales" or three "laws" on which memorization is based:

  • First- try to get a vivid impression of what is remembered (for this - to concentrate and be attentive).
  • Second- repetition.
  • Third- association.

How to develop long-term memory?

Human memory is quite subjective, since after each subsequent reproduction of information, memories are distorted.

The task of the parents is to develop and train the long-term memory of the child. For this you need:

  • Practice retelling by a child any information he has received - a cartoon he has watched, a story read, an experience experienced (trains memory, develops speech, allows you to correctly form sentences);
  • Memorize poems, tongue twisters, solve crosswords;
  • Gradually move on to memorizing prose (here you can offer one interesting exercise). For example, read a small piece of text in a magazine, cut this piece out. Then cut it into pieces, give the child one part and offer to restore the whole plot based on it.

Training auditory memory

The more we train our memory, the more we can remember. So, we proceed to exercises for the development of auditory memory in younger schoolchildren. Classes can be conducted both as a group and individually.

  • Add your

This exercise is good for a group. Here is the principle. An adult offers a simple plot, for example, a trip to a trip or a trip to the store. It starts like this: "I put a book in my suitcase (bag)." The child should repeat this sentence from the beginning and add something of his own. For example: "I put a book and pencils in my suitcase (bag)." The second participant repeats everything from the beginning again (the phrase is already longer) and adds his own.

  • Memorize the rhythm

With a pencil or stick, you tap the table in a certain rhythm and invite your child to repeat it. You need to start with simple sounds, as the student copes, the rhythm can be complicated.

  • Singing songs

For the development of auditory memory, such a simple technique as singing songs with the voices of familiar cartoon characters, for example, effectively helps. In order to portray someone else's voice, the child will have to remember its timbre, volume, intonation and rhythm.

  • Looking for a couple

The workout consists of two stages. In the first step, you read a couple of words. For example: a flower is a vase, a school is a student, a hare is a forest, a river is a bank. At the second stage, you call one word from the read pair and ask the child to name the second. If your student copes, then everything is in order with his memory and logic.

  • We play associations

This is a more difficult exercise, although your child will love it. Prepare several cards on which depict objects, animals. For example, fox, sweater, sun, bus. Place the cards in front of the child. Set a task: you name the words, and the child selects a picture for them. Words can be like this: forest, clothes, weather, garage.

Visual memory

To develop this type of memory, you can apply the following exercises:

  • Color pictures

It will take three to five pictures different color... Show them to your child in sequence and ask them to repeat them. Check correctness.

  • Geometric figures

This exercise trains well photographic memory... Draw a cartoon character in the form of geometric shapes on a piece of paper. As a rule, it is either a robot or an astronaut / alien. Geometric shapes there should be no more than four. Show your child the drawing for 30 seconds so that he can study it in full detail. Then ask to portray what is remembered. Three drawings can be prepared in advance. On each subsequent one, slightly change some detail. When checking the assignment, pay attention to how accurately it is completed.

  • Describe the picture

It is necessary to prepare up to five variants of drawings, which depict several objects. The shape and color are different. Let the child study the picture for 10 seconds, then let him close his eyes and describe in detail what he remembered. Gradually, the task can be complicated by increasing the number of objects in the picture.

We develop associative memory

The development of associative memory in students elementary grades is a very powerful method. There is a whole science for training the formation of associations - mnemonics. Exercises for the development of associations include diagrams, tables, pairs of words that are not related in meaning. Regarding the latter, name a couple of words that are different in meaning and ask your child to come up with a story using these words. And diagrams, tables with pictures will teach children to compose stories; perform some manipulations in a certain sequence, for example, dress. Mnemonic diagrams help to increase vocabulary, quickly memorize text. They say that a poem is best remembered if it is "seen".

How to improve a student's memory?

If you see that your student is inattentive, does not remember well what is said to him at school and at home, cannot concentrate, of course, you should not put up with this state of affairs. It takes an effort and your child will learn better, become more focused, and generally more successful. There are several simple ways to do this.

  • Read good literature

Of course, modern child it is difficult to tear yourself away from correspondence on social networks, watching cartoons, computer games... But for loving parents, nothing is impossible. Convince your child, moreover, by personal example, that reading is not only useful, but also fashionable. Present him with an e-book so that he can read whenever possible. Find good literature for him.

  • Learn new things

Mastering new skills trains memory very well. If your kid does not play sports and does not attend hobby groups, tell him that all this exists and is available. If he is already doing something, suggest mastering a new sport or attending a music school, at the same time find out what your child has a soul for.

  • Develop vocabulary

Not only reading books will help here. You can organize such a game at home: every day is a new word. Introduce your child to complicated words, the Internet will help to interpret them. It will be interesting and useful for parents as well.

  • Learn by heart

Study the poems given at school with your child. Tell him about your poetic preferences, about how you memorized poetry as a child.

  • Memorize numbers

Perfectly influences the development of memory memorization of numbers. These can be the dates of birth of relatives and friends, numbers mobile phones... Tell your child how best to memorize them. If there are more children in your family, organize a “Who will remember the most” competition between them.

  • Rest properly

Get enough sleep for a young child school age(at least 10 hours in a well-ventilated area), as well as walking in the fresh air (up to two hours daily) perfectly stimulate the brain and, accordingly, have a positive effect on memory. Don't neglect these simple rules.

10 products for a child prodigy

To improve memory, you need to eat right. Your student's diet must include foods containing essential vitamins and minerals. Here are ten foods that will help your child master the school material perfectly:

  1. Fish (preferably seafood, contains iodine, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, which has a beneficial effect on the brain).
  2. Eggs (contain protein and choline, which helps focus).
  3. Garlic (will speed up blood circulation, add to meat dishes).
  4. Red grapes (antioxidant, protects body cells from aging and damage).
  5. Broccoli (just a storehouse of vitamin K, which improves brain function).
  6. Legumes (contain vitamins B6, B12, folic acid... Improve short-term and long-term memory).
  7. Tomatoes (also a powerful antioxidant).
  8. Lemon (vitamin C improves memory).
  9. Walnuts (contain omega-3 fatty acids, protein, lecithin. 5 nuts per day - and the child's memory will be in excellent condition).
  10. Honey (glucose has a positive effect on brain and memory function).

Remember to give your child plenty of water to drink, not soda!

Educational games to improve memory - on the IQClub website

To develop memory, not only exercises are used, but also games. IQclub is an Internet service that offers educational games for training memory, attention, reading skills, thinking of a child. To use the services of this Internet portal, you need:

  • register in the system;
  • child - take a test that interests him.

After that, IQClub specialists will select an individual training program for your kid, based on an analysis of his strengths and weaknesses.

A team of professionals is engaged in the development of games - the best psychologists, teachers, designers.

Parents can track their learning outcomes online. Useful games on the IQClub website is a great simulator for the development of a child's intelligence.

Memory is given to each of us at birth, but not everyone can use it correctly. The task of parents and teachers is to teach the student the techniques of memorization, so that he later uses them unconsciously. The child must himself understand how it is easier for him to memorize information. However, any science will not be useful if the student is not motivated to study. In such a situation, the sacred duty of parents is to interest the child, and for good result- conduct classes systematically. During these sessions, educational psychologists recommend that parents pay attention to the following:

  • make sure that the child understands the material that he memorizes;
  • Have the child review the learned text the next day;
  • when working on memorizing the text, break it into small fragments, but not very small ones, so that your student does not forget what happened at the very beginning;
  • while memorizing the text, ask the kid to say it out loud;
  • motivate the child to memorize classes, show imagination: offer for study only those texts that are really interesting to him;
  • work with the child for no more than half an hour, and at first for 15 minutes. If you see that the baby is tired, take a break;
  • always praise the child for even the smallest successes, encourage him to study.

While studying with the child, help him to complete the tasks, tell me which memorization tactics are better to use. Thus, your baby will not only learn to memorize, he will perceive information consciously and then it will remain in his memory for a long time.