Speech therapy examination of juniors. Speech therapy examination of schoolchildren with mental retardation

  • Date: 29.09.2019

Olga Nikolaevna Danilovskaya
mathematic teacher
the highest qualification category
MOU "S (K) OSHI No. 4"
the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region

Methodologyspeech therapy examination of children

In system comprehensive survey younger children school age one of the central places in diagnostics is the assessment of speech development, since speech is almost always an indicator of one or another deviation in the general picture of the child's neuropsychic state.
Speech therapy examination assumes, first of all, the definition of speech disorders, which are manifested both in oral and written speech, which is reflected in the success of mastering the program material on the Russian language and reading. The teacher asks the speech therapist to find out the reason for the student's school failure. The speech of students with developmental features is accompanied by characteristic violations of sound pronunciation, peculiarities of the lexical and grammatical structure (difficulties in word formation, the selection of synonyms, antonyms, difficulties in understanding lexical and grammatical structures, insufficient formation of coherent speech), lack of formation of phonemic processes.
The features of the speech function are compared with the indicators of a doctor, a teacher-defectologist, a teacher-psychologist. A speech therapy conclusion is made taking into account the data of all specialists teaching the child. Speech therapy examination is carried out according to a certain scheme. Based on the data obtained, after studies of speech development, the structure of the defect is determined, a speech therapy conclusion is made and the ways are outlined. correctional work.

Scheme of speech therapy examination of a child

1. Collection of anamnestic data.
  • the nature of the course of pregnancy
  • character generic activity
  • data on the early development of the child (when he began to hold his head, crawl, roll over on his stomach, stand, walk, when his teeth got out)
  • speech development (humming, babbling, animation complex, first word, sentence, phrase)
2. Examination of general motor skills.
  • static (Romberg pose)
  • dynamic exercises (the ability to switch from one movement to another)
3. Examination of fine motor skills.
  • statics (exercises "ring", "bunnies", "goat", "cow")
  • dynamic exercises
4. Examination of articulatory motor skills.
  • static (exercises "spatula", "cup", "mushroom")
  • dynamic exercises (exercises "swing", "watch")
5. The state of the organs of articulation.
  • lips
  • teeth
  • sky
  • language
  • lower jaw
  • sublingual ligament
6. Survey of the prosodic side of speech.
  • speech rate
  • rhythm of speech
  • smoothness
  • the height and strength of the voice
  • timbre
7. Survey of sound pronunciation.
  • work with an album (picture material)
8. Examination of phonemic hearing.
  • repetition of syllables
  • selection of a given sound from a series of sounds
9. Survey of the syllable structure of the word.
  • different types of syllables (open syllable ma-tu-ro, closed or-um-as, syllable with a combination of consonants stra-arm-bars)
  • words with different syllable content: 1 syllable - stump, poppy, house; 2 syllables - lamp, magnifying glass, anchor; 3 syllables - basket, car)
  • compound words: thermometer, cyclist, excavator, TV transmitter
10. Examination of the skill of sound analysis (sound - syllable - word - sentence).
  • determine the place of a sound in a number of sounds, a number of syllables, in a word, in a sentence
  • make a word from syllables (for, co - goat)
  • come up with a word with a given consonant, vowel sound
  • come up with a sentence with a given word, draw up a graphic diagram of a word, sentences
11. Examination of the vocabulary (subject pictures).
  • active dictionary
  • passive dictionary
  • identification of the lexical stock of words of different parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, numeral):
noun: I'll throw the ball at you and ask the question WHAT? or who? and you come up with a word that would answer this question (WHAT? - ball, day, stone, house, broom, window. WHO? - man, bear, elephant, crane, rook.) and return the ball to me. What word is superfluous (day, night, evening, sleep, apple)?
adjective(what?): I will tell you a word that denotes an object, and you name its sign: ball, table, nest, sky, pen, bird.
adverb(how to do it?): Let's figure out how to perform an action (speak - loudly, write - neatly, study - in good faith, eat - slowly).
pretext: Insert the missing word: color (on) the window, dog (from) paper, chair (at) the table.
numeral: I will name the number, and you sum the word as if we were talking about the number of the month (six is ​​the sixth, twenty is the twentieth, one is the first).

12. Examination of the grammatical structure of speech.

  • examination of the ability to change words with the help of endings, prefixes, suffixes, change by numbers and cases
  • - connect the parts into a word (you, ride; for, ran; for, gon; with, did)
  • - form such a word so that it becomes possible to reduce a large object, to make it small: a ball - a ball, a chair - a chair, a stump - a tree stump, a nail - a carnation
  • the formation of compound words
  • - combine two words into one: everywhere it goes - an all-terrain vehicle, a steam carriage - a steam locomotive
  • insert the missing words into the text
  • deformed sentence
  • drawing up a story, retelling, text
13. Reading survey.
  • knowledge of letters
  • knowledge and reading of syllables
  • reading words
  • reading sentences
14. Examination of the letter.
  • auditory dictation
- individual letters
- individual syllables
- the words
- suggestions
  • copying from printed text, from written text (translation of printed letters into written ones)
  • independent letter
  • analysis of written works.

List of methods of speech therapy examination

I. Material for the study of the phonetic aspect of speech.
  • object pictures containing sound in different positions (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word)
  • speech material (words, phrases, sentences, texts containing different sounds)
II. Material for research phonemic side speech.
  • pictures and speech material to determine the ability to differentiate sounds by opposites: voiced - deafness, hardness - softness, whistling - hissing
III. Material for the study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.
  • pictures of the actions of people and animals
  • pictures depicting homogeneous objects that differ in some way (size, height, width, number)
IV. Material for researching the state of coherent speech.
  • plot pictures
  • series of plot pictures (2-5) for different age groups
V. Material for the study of language analysis and synthesis.
  • speech material (sentences, words, different sound and syllable structures)
  • sentences and plot pictures
Vi. Material for researching the state of writing.
  • reading texts of varying complexity
  • syllabary tables
  • letters
  • texts of dictations and sentences
  • printed and handwritten texts for cheating
  1. Lalaeva R.I., Venediktova L.V. Diagnostics and correction of reading and writing disorders in younger students: Study guide... - SPb .: Publishing house "Soyuz", 2001. - 224 p .; silt
  2. Repina Z.A. Neuropsychological study of children with severe speech impairments: Textbook of the Ural State Pedagogical University. - Ekaterinburg. 1995.
  3. Bessonova T.P., Gribova O.E. Didactic material on the examination of the speech of children. Ch.P: Sound side, grammatical structure., vocabulary, written and coherent speech. - M .: ARKTI, 1997 .-- 64 p., Color. tables.
  4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Express examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age. A guide for speech therapists. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001. - 16 p., Color insert.

Trubnikova N.M.

Schoolchildren with oligophrenia

And infantile cerebral palsy.

Yekaterinburg 1992.

When drawing up guidelines we were guided by the principles of speech pathology analysis formulated by R.E. Levina, the methods of examination of speech disorders proposed by L.F. Spirova, G.V. Chirkina, tests for the study of motor functions recommended by A.R. Luria, N.I. Ozeretsky, M.B. Eidinova. Techniques and methods of examination of the authors' data were used and adapted taking into account the research and the contingent of the surveyed.

It is recommended to start a speech therapy examination with a study of the medical and pedagogical documentation available for the examined child, with the collection of information about him from medical personnel, teachers, educators and relatives, and then conduct a study of the state of general motor skills and motor skills of the fingers, articulatory apparatus (its anatomical and motor features), the phonetic side of speech (sound pronunciation and prosodic organization of speech), phonemic processes, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, reading and writing. In the course of a speech therapy study, a speech map is drawn up for each subject - a speech examination map, in which the speech therapist writes down all the data received in a certain sequence.

I. General information

1. Surname, name, patronymic

2. Date of birth

3. Home address

4. Conclusion of a psychiatrist (neuropsychiatrist)

5. Diagnosis of a neurologist

6. Condition of hearing organs and nasopharynx

7. Data of the ophthalmologist

8. Attends (has visited) preschool(specify special or not)

9. Attends (attended) school (special or not), indicate the class of study

10. a brief description of the child according to pedagogical observations (stability of attention, efficiency, orientation in the environment, self-service skills of the child's attitude to his speech defect)

11. Complaints from relatives

12. Data on the child's parents (age, health, profession, social conditions)

13. General history

a) from what pregnancy the child;

b) the nature of pregnancy (illness, injury, toxicosis, place of work, alcohol consumption, smoking);

c) the course of labor (early, urgent, stimulation, forceps, asphyxia);

d) weight and height at birth;

e) on what day he was discharged from the hospital;

f) feeding (breastfeeding, artificial);

g) nutritional features (sucked actively sluggishly, was there any choking, at what position of the head the feeding proceeded freely, at which it was difficult, whether he was tired during the feeding period, was restless, how he breathed while feeding, crying, at rest, how he chews and swallows solid and liquid food);

g) diseases suffered by the child, intoxication injuries

14. Early psychomotor development

a) when he began to distinguish between auditory and visual stimuli, reach for toys.

b) when he began to hold his head.

c) when he began to sit down, walk on his own;

d) when the teeth appeared.

e) the behavior of a child under one year old (calm, restless, like sleeping):

f) the emergence of self-service skills.

15. Speech history:

a) humming (time of appearance, characteristic)

b) babbling (time of appearance and its nature)

c) the first words, phrases (time of their appearance and characteristics)

d) how the development went (spasmodic, intermittently, gradually the causes and time of deviations in development)

e) since when was the speech impairment noticed?

f) speech environment

f) did you work with a speech therapist (from what age and how long, the results of the lessons)

g) characteristics of speech at the present time (by parents, teachers, educators)


II. General motor tests

Reception Contents of the assignment The nature of the execution
1. RESEARCH OF MOTOR MEMORY, MOTION SWITCHABILITY AND SELF-CONTROL WHEN PERFORMING MOTOR TEST a) the speech therapist shows 4 movements for the hands and proposes to repeat them: hands forward, up, to the sides, on the belt; b) repeat the movements after the teacher, with the exception of one, predetermined "forbidden" movement q, q, i, w, s, n, m, i note: the quality, correctness, sequence of the movements, the peculiarities of switching from one movement to another.
2. RESEARCH OF ARBITRARY BRAKING OF MOTIONS march and stop suddenly at the signal note: the smoothness and accuracy of the movements of both legs, the correspondence of the motor reaction to the signal.
3. STATIC MOTION COORDINATION STUDY a) stand with closed eyes, put the feet on one line so that the toe of one leg rests on the heel of the other, arms are extended forward. Execution time - 5 seconds, 2 times for each leg; b) stand with closed eyes on the right and then on the left leg, arms forward. Execution time - 5 seconds note: holding the posture free or with tension, swinging from side to side: balancing with the body with arms, head: leaving the place or making a jerk to the sides touches the floor with the other leg: sometimes falls, opens his eyes and refuses to perform the test.
4. STUDY OF DYNAMIC MOTION COORDINATION a) march, alternating step and clap with palms. Clap in between steps b) perform 3-5 squats in a row. Do not touch the floor with your heels, perform only on toes note: performs correctly from 1 time, from 2-3 times, strains, alternation of step and clap fails. note: performs correctly with tension, swinging, balancing with the torso and arms, becomes on the entire foot.
5. STUDY OF SPATIAL ORGANIZATION (by imitation) a) repeat after the speech therapist walking movements in a circle in the opposite direction through the circle. Start walking or center circle to the right walk the circle back to center left. Pass the office from the right corner through the center diagonally, go around the office and return to the right corner diagonally through the center from the opposite corner, turn around in place and jump around the office, starting from the right b) do the same on the left; c) according to verbal instructions to do the same tasks note: errors in spatial coordination: ignorance of the sides of the body, leading hand, lack of confidence in performance.
6. RESEARCH RATES a) for a certain time, keep the given pace in the movements of the hands. shown by a speech therapist. At the signal of the speech therapist, it is proposed to perform the movements mentally, and at the next signal (clap), show which movement the subject stopped at. Move the arms forward, up, to the sides to lower the belt. b) writing test: it is proposed to draw sticks in a stretch on paper for 15 seconds at an arbitrary pace. Draw as fast as possible for the next 15 seconds, then draw at the original pace for the next 15 seconds. note: pace is normal, slow, accelerated
7. EXPLORING RHYTHMIC SENSE a) tap a rhythmic pattern behind the teacher with a pencil: (I II II III I II II II III II I II III II III I III I III II) b) a musical echo etc.), the child must repeat exactly what he heard note: errors during reproduction of a rhythmic pattern are repeated at a faster or slower pace compared to the sample: violates the number of elements in a given rhythmic pattern


Examination of organ motility

Articulating apparatus

Investigation of the motor functions of the articulating apparatus

Reception Contents of the assignment The nature of the execution
ALL TASKS MUST BE PERFORMED WITH REPEATED REQUIRED MOTION. 1.STUDY OF LIP MOTOR FUNCTION BY VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS IS PERFORMED AFTER THE TASK ON THE SHOW a) close your lips: b) round your lips, as when pronouncing the sound "o" - hold the pose; c) stretch the lips into a tube, as when pronouncing the sound "y", and hold the pose; d) make a "proboscis" (stretch out the lips and close them), hold the pose up to 5; e) stretch the lips in a "smile" (no teeth are visible) and hold the pose; f) raise upper lip up (upper teeth are visible); g) lower the lower lip down (lower teeth are visible); g) simultaneously raise the upper lip up and lower the lower one; h) repeatedly pronounce the labial sounds "b-b-b", "p-p-p". note: execution is correct: range of motion is small; the presence of friendly movements; excessive muscle tension, exhaustion of movements, the presence of tremor, salivation, hyperkinesis, active participation of the right and left sides of the lips: closing of the lips on one side; movement fails.
2.the study of the motor function of the jaw is carried out according to the show, then according to verbal instructions a) open your mouth wide when pronouncing the sound "a" and close; b) make a movement of the lower jaw to the right; c) make a movement to the left; d) make the movement of the lower jaw forward note: the execution is correct; insufficient jaw movement; the presence of friendly movements, tremors, salivation; movement fails
3. RESEARCH OF MOTOR FUNCTIONS OF A LANGUAGE (RESEARCH OF THE VOLUME AND QUALITY OF MOTION OF A LANGUAGE) BY SHOW AND VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS a) put a wide tongue on the lower lip and hold it under the count from 1 to 5; b) put a wide tongue on the upper lip and hold it from 1 to 5; c) translate the tip of the tongue alternately from the right corner of the mouth to the left corner, touching the lips; d) make the tongue "shovel", "needle"; e) protrude the right and then the left cheek with the tongue f) raise the tip of the tongue to upper teeth, hold under the count from 1 to 5 and lower to the lower teeth; g) close your eyes, stretch your arms forward, and put the tip of your tongue on your lower lip; g) movement of the tongue back and forth note: correct execution, tongue movements have insufficient range; friendly movements appear: the tongue moves awkwardly with the whole mass, slowly inaccurately: there are deviations of the tongue to the side, is the tongue held in a certain position; exhaustion of movements, the presence of a tremor of hyperkinesis, salivation; movement fails.
4.Study of the motor function of the soft palate a) open your mouth wide and clearly pronounce the sound "a" (at this moment, normally the soft palate rises) b) hold a spatula, probe or piece of paper rolled into a tube across the soft palate (normally a gag reflex should appear) c) with protruding puff out your cheeks between the teeth with your tongue and blow strongly as if a candle flame was blowing out note: the execution is correct; the volume of movement is limited, the presence of friendly movements, low mobility of the palatine curtain, Hyperkinesis, salivation, movement fails
5. study of the duration and force of exhalation a) play any wind instrument-toy (harmonica, pipe, flute, etc.) b) blow fluffs, a piece of paper, etc. note: the strength and duration of exhalation; shortened exhalation (depending on the age of the subject)

Conclusions: movements are performed in full, correctly; the period of inclusion in the movement is expressed; exhaustion of movements; the movement is performed in an incomplete volume, at a slow pace, with the appearance of friendly movements, tremor, hyperkinesis, salivation; holding the pose fails, movements are not performed.

Vi. Syllabary survey


In oligophrenic children with cerebral palsy, incorrect pronunciation of words is not limited to a lack of sounds. Often there is also a violation of the syllable structure of a word, therefore, the child's ability to pronounce words of various syllabic complexity is examined. First, the child is offered object pictures for the name, then the speech therapist names the words for the reflected pronunciation. The results of completing both types of tasks are compared, it is noted that it is easier for the child to complete. Words that are pronounced without distorting the syllable and sound composition are especially noted. It is important to note whether the words, the syllable structure of which is distorted, of learned sounds or unassimilated ones, the pronunciation of which syllable structures in the child is formed, and which are not. The examination protocol is drawn up.

Protocol of examination of the syllable structure of a word

Type of syllable structure of a word Optical stimulus (picture) Speech response to an optical stimulus Speech response to an acoustic stimulus Note
Monosyllabic words with a closed syllable poppy house cheese
Bisyllabic words of 2 straight open syllables hand rose paw
Bisyllabic words with 1 closed syllable sugar sofa fence
Bisyllabic words with concatenation of consonants from the middle of the word doll brand duck watermelon pocket
Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word table chair wardrobe
Monosyllabic words with a concatenation of consonants at the end of a word wolf tiger
Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word grass eyebrow book
Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning and middle of a word strawberry flower bed
Bisyllabic words with concatenation of consonants at the end of a word ship binoculars
Three-syllable words of 3 open syllables panama ditch raspberry
Trisyllabic words with the last closed syllable wallet machine gun phone
Three-syllable words with concatenation of consonants candy monument rifle thermometer tractor driver
Quadruple words with open syllables cobweb turtle
Polysyllabic words from similar sounds tangle spikelet basket picture

To identify non-gross violations of the syllable structure of the word, the following sentences are proposed for improvement:

"Petya drinks bitter medicine"

"There is a policeman at the crossroads"

"An astronaut controls a spaceship", etc.


Xii. Reading survey

Contents of the assignment Speech and visual material Child's answers
Letter Acquisition Survey 1 Name the specified letter Split alphabet letters
2. Find letters denoting sounds (similar in the method and place of formation and acoustic characteristics) p, b, s, h, w, w, r, l, s, c, k, g
3.Name letters written in different fonts A, a, A, a, B, b, B, b
4. Indicate a correctly written letter next to its mirror image P, Z, C, G, b,
5.Name the letter crossed out with additional strokes P, N, R, S, T, U, K, H
6.Find the desired letter among similar letters la, lm, hell, ld, gb, vr, vz, you, rt, ge, kzh, rp, pi, psh, shts, syu, co, kx, no, op
Syllable reading survey 1. Read straight syllables sa, shu, ha, well, os, rm, yeah
2. read backward syllables um, ah, ac, op, un, us, at, om
3. Read consonant syllables hundred, cro, tru, glo, tsvi
4. Read syllables with hard and soft consonants ta-you, ka-kya, zu-zyu, lo-le, sa-sya, doo-du
Examination of reading words 1. Read words of different sound-syllable structures (familiar and uncommon in speech) cancer, wasps, pit, soot, moon, glasses, squad, sled, woodpecker, backpack, snowball, scissors, towel, matches
2. Read the words and answer the questions: “Where did you see this object? What are they doing? " eyebrow, crane, stochka, pan, motorcyclist, health resort, squirrel, beam, ram, banks
3. When examining the understanding of words, the following tasks are proposed: a) read a word, find its image by the picture, put the appropriate inscription pictures with images of objects, animals, etc ..; cards with captions for these pictures
b) read a word, print it on a card, and find the corresponding picture from memory pictures and cards with captions for these pictures
c) read words that are similar in letter composition, and after reading, find pictures that correspond to paronyms Tooth-soup, beetle-bitch, daddy-baba, goat-braid, duck-fishing rod, wardrobe-scarf, table-trunk
d) read words with missing letters hand ... ka, ... apochki, k ... shh ... ah, escort ...
Sentence Reading Survey The following tasks are proposed:
a) read the sentence and take the appropriate action Cards with tasks: "Show the eye", "Come to the wall", "Take a pen", "Get up from the chair"
b) read the sentence, find the corresponding picture (phrases of various syntactic constructions are suggested). Then answer the questions Scene pictures and cards with sentences: "The lamp is on a round table", "Mom is pouring soup from the pan into plates", "The owner's dog ran into the garden", "The owner of the dog tied her to the kennel", "Olya is older than Katya"
Text reading survey Conducted on the basis of retelling and answers about what was read The stories of L.N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky and others, corresponding to the knowledge of the child, available in volume and content, meeting the program requirements of the class in which the subject is studying

Conclusions: non-assimilation of letters, letter-by-letter reading, word-by-word reading, distortion of the sound structure of a word, violation of reading comprehension.

XIII. Letter survey

Reception Speech and visual material Child's written work Note (nature of execution)
Writing by ear: 1. Write down the letters:
a) lowercase (in case of forgetting, mark the letter with a dot) and, and, w, t, s, w, h, c, f, g, l, d, y, b, c, w, b, x
b) uppercase G, Z, D, R, S, K, H, U, E, T, C, P, L, V, M, F, E, F, Shch
c) close by the place of formation and acoustic features s, w, h, x, h, c, l, r
2. Write down the syllables:
a) straight na, ba, sa, ko, ku, sho, chi, me, nya, la
b) reverse an, from, as, yar, ats
c) closed cancer, catfish, sleep, us, there, dam, com
d) with the flow of consonants hundred, draw, tru, milo, cool, mto
e) syllables in which the same consonant sound enters either a soft or a hard syllable ma-me, lu-li, ta-cha, ra-ry, sa-Xia, zu-zyu, ka-kyu, do-de
f) opposition sa-za, pa-ba, ta-da, ku-gu, sha-zha, vo-fo
3. Dictation of words of various structures bush, pike, rook, ducks, nature, skiing, scarf, strong, spring, old lady, reading, fall asleep
4. Recording a sentence after listening once Green grass on the lawns
5. Dictation from the text must meet the program requirements and include words containing sounds similar in the method and place of education to acoustic signs 1 class Zina has a brush. Zina is cleaning shoes. Mom praises her daughter 2nd grade Our school is big. Quiet everywhere. Lessons are coming. Our class is bright. At the board Dima. Dima writes. We also write in notebooks Grade 3 It's spring, the puddles are dry. Yura and Zhenya Chulkovs in the garden. Here is the dog Bug. She barks at the birds. The guys are planting apple trees. It's a big day. You can work for a long time 4th grade The children came to the forest. There is silence in the forest. Only a light breeze rustles the leaves of the trees. The children sat down to rest by the stream. The boys were looking for sticks for the fire. They found a hedgehog in the bushes. He buried himself in dry leaves. The guys put the hedgehog in the hat and took it home.
6. Copying: a) words from handwritten text key, circles, removed, stork, peephole, street, clean, porch, hammer
b) words from printed text Bow, mock, fall asleep, carry, scissors, starling, nest, carrot
c) prepositional from handwritten text our soldiers defended the city on the Volga
d) sentences from printed text White fluffy snowflakes flashed in the air
e) text In Moscow, Moscow is the center of the country. Moscow is good in the summer. Green trees adorn the city. There are many flowers in the gardens and boulevards
7. Self-writing a) write uppercase vowels, lowercase consonants
b) write down different syllables (closed, open, direct, reverse)
c) write one-, two-, three-, four-compound words
d) sign subject pictures (words) pear, apple, scissors, candle, hare, tomato, cucumber, plate, moon, bush, river, tractor
e) come up with a sentence and write it down
f) give signatures to plot pictures(suggestions) Subject pictures: a girl watering flowers, a boy playing with a dog
g) compose sentences from these words and write them down under, lies, bunny, bush, rain, after, puddles on, leaves, birch, turned yellow
g) compose and write down a story based on a series of plot pictures (for students in grades 2-4) plot pictures
h) compose and write down a story on a specific topic

Writing error analysis table

Error type Type of errors Number of mistakes An example of an erroneous letter
1.DISGRAPHIC 1) Errors in audio content a) replacements of vowels b) replacements of consonants c) omissions of vowels e) omissions of syllables and parts of a word f) permutations g) insertions g) separate spelling of parts of a word
2) Lexico-grammatical a) replacement of words by sound similarity b) replacement of words by semantic similarity c) omission of words d) continuous spelling words e) violation of agreement f) violation of control f) incorrect designation of the boundaries of the proposal
3) Graphic a) replacement of letters by the number of elements b) replacement of letters by spatial arrangement c) mirror writing of letters
2.GRAMMATIC errors in spelling rules in accordance with the program requirements of the class in which the child will study


Conclusion of a speech therapist

The results of the survey allow us to formulate the conclusion of a speech therapist, which indicates the level of speech underdevelopment (I, II, III) according to the classification of R.E. Levina and the form of speech anomaly. Examples of speech therapy conclusions can be the following: general speech underdevelopment of the III level, caused by persistent impairment of cognitive activity and dysarthria; general speech underdevelopment of the II level, caused by persistent impairment of cognitive activity and alalia, etc. The first part of the speech therapy report reflects the state of speech, which is associated with a primary intellectual defect, which served as the basis for admission to a special school (specific class). In the second part of this conclusion, the specific difficulties of the student are indicated, due to the clinical form of the speech anomaly, which must be taken into account when organizing an individual approach, both individual and at the front.

Bibliographic list

1. Volkova G.A. Logopedic rhythm. M., 1985.S. 91-98.

2. Gudoshnikov F.F., Korkunov V.V., Repina Z.A. Methodology for the selection of children in auxiliary schools: Uch. manual / Sverdl. ped. in-t. Sverdlovsk, 1980.70 p.

3. Danilova L.A. Methods for correcting speech and mental development in children with cerebral palsy. L., 1977.117 p.

4. Luria A.R. Higher cortical functions of a person. M., 1969.375 p.

5. Mastyukova E.M. Clinical characteristics oligophrenia in students with cerebral palsy // Defectology. 1980. No. 3. S.3-10.

6. Mastyukova E.M., Ippolitova M.V. Violation of speech in children with cerebral palsy. M., 1985.189 p.

7. Methods for examining speech disorders in children: Sat. scientific. tr. M., 1982.S. 5-93.

8. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / Ed. R.E. Levina. M., 1968.364 p.

9. Petrova A.V. Development of speech of students of a special school. M., 1977.220 p.

10. Chirkina G.V. To the methodology of teaching children with pseudobulbar dysarthria // Defectology. 1973. No. 4. S. 45-50.

11. Eidinova M.B., Pravdina-Vinarskaya E.N. Baby cerebral palsy and ways to overcome them. M., 1959.275 p.

Trubnikova N.M.

Speech therapy examination of juniors

F.P.- phonemic processes;

Z.B.A.- sound-letter analysis;

G.S.R.- grammatical structure of speech;

OHR- general speech underdevelopment;



NCHiP- reading and writing disorders;

m / s - interdental pronunciation;

g / s - - labiodental pronunciation;

y / y-- labial pronunciation;

mountains l. - throat pronunciation;

side. - lateral pronunciation;

one.- one-hit pronunciation;

on - -

v- the presence of "errors;

Single errors;


The use of antonyms.

Selection of synonyms.

trouble - ... hurry - ...

joy - ... fight - ...

Selection of related words.

garden- ... salt- ... .

pain- ... Earth- ...

Complete the phrase.

The shop works ...

The border is guarded ...

The table is set...

Delivers letters, magazines ...

9. Name the cubs:

Formation of adjectives from nouns.

winter- winter oak- oak

Linden- ... morning - ...

lemon- ... Fox- ...

meat- ... bird- ...

milk- ...

Education relative adjectives from nouns.

What is the name of the juice from: apples- ...

oranges- ...

strawberry- ...

Soup from: fish- ...

mushrooms- ...

Chicken- ...

Formation of possessive adjectives. Whose head, whose tail?

The head is a fox, and the tail ...

The head is a squirrel, and the tail ...

The head is wolf, and the tail ...

The head is bearish, and the tail ...

Formation of verbs using prefixes.

He walks - leaves, comes, enters, exits, leaves, passes, approaches ...

Sew - sew, hem, sew, embroider, alter ...

Compose a sentence with each of the words using the prefixes: in-, at-, for-, re-.

He flew, walked, wrote.

Cat and bird

The appropriate text is selected depending on the age.

9. To write off the handwritten text (2nd grade, the beginning of the school year).


Have Bugs were born puppies. Masha and Petya took one. The puppy whined loudly. The children fed the puppy.

For students in other grades, more complex and voluminous texts are used.

10. Write a dictation (2nd grade, the beginning of the school year).

Have Misha lived a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. Ginger's tail is fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.

The texts of the dictations, as in the previous task, are selected in accordance with the age and duration of training.

Write down the names of the pictures.

12. Compose and write down a short story based on a picture or a series of plot pictures. Students can complete the proposed assignments on an individual form.

Testing writing skills

Last name, first name ________________________________ class _______.

1. Write down the handwritten words:

bream, beetle, snow, bow, mouse, arctic fox, skates, zebra, woodpecker, fly, wagon, T-shirt, autumn, evening, acorn, wagon, turkey, butterfly.


2. Write down the following words:

raincoat, mole, stork, flag, insect, birch, ladder, pupil, crack, fun.

3. Write down lowercase letters for dictation:


4. Write down capital letters under dictation:


5. Write down the syllables under dictation:


6. Write down the words under dictation:


7. Record the sentence after listening once:


8. Copy the handwritten text (2nd grade, the beginning of the school year).


Puppies were born to Zhuchka. Masha and Petya took one. The puppy whined loudly. The children fed the puppy.

9. Write off the printed text (2nd grade, the beginning of the school year).

Cat and bird

The cat was sleeping on the roof. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close, birdie, cats are cunning.


10. Write a dictation.


11. Write the names of the pictures:


12. Compose and record a short story based on the picture.


Diagnostic dictations

To test your writing skills

(proposed in the works of I.N.Sadovnikova, L.I, Tikunova)

In the woods

Here is a large forest. There is a river behind the forest. Children are walking there. And the cibic is here. Zoya and Zhenya are looking for mushrooms. Yura and Yasha found a hedgehog.

On the river

It was summer. Zoya and Sasha went to the river. Zoe picked flowers in the meadow. Sasha was fishing with a rod. Here is Zhenya. Zhenya has a pike.

Misha had a cat. The cat's name was Ryzhik. Ginger's tail is fluffy. The boy often played with the cat. They were friends.


Maple grew near the house. Birds sat on maple branches. These are jackdaws. Seryozha gave them crumbs of bread and grain.

In the meadow

Ksyusha was in the meadow. All around high grass... A bumblebee sat on the white porridge. It hummed menacingly. The girl was not afraid of him.

By the sea

I lived by the sea. The sound of the waves woke me up. During the day I loved watching them play. The white crests were beautiful.


Here is our school. Lush asters grow at the entrance to the school. Wonderful roses grow on the flower beds. I love my school.


Ducks are swimming. Olga and Alyosha throw pieces of bread to the birds. Soon the birds will leave the pond. They will fly away to warm lands.

A meeting

Kolya was fishing. The reeds rustled. I crawled out onto the grass. The boy did not touch him. I was already basking in the sun. Snakes are not poisonous.


I'm walking through the woods. There are many secrets and wonders in the forest. Here a fluffy tail flashed. Who was that? It's a jumping squirrel.

Fedya the cat

Yasha had a cat Fedya. The cat loved to play in the bushes. Yasha was looking for a cat for a long time. And he was sitting on the roof.

Spring is coming

The sun is shining brighter. The snow has darkened. There are large puddles all around. The buds puffed out on the branches. Green grass on the lawns. Fast streams murmur. Spring is coming.

The children were walking in the meadow. Seryozha and Lera were collecting flowers. Sasha tore up sorrel. Misha has a net. He catches a butterfly. Time to have lunch. Children go home.

The cat catches mice. The dog guards the house. The cow is giving milk. The horse carries loads. Sheep provide wool and meat. Rabbit fur is used for fur coats and hats.

The car brought in a lot of coal. We heat the stove with coal. Smoke is coming out of the chimney. In winter, there are severe frosts. Blizzards often sweep. And the house is always warm.


April has come. The loose snow is melting. Streams murmur all around. There is a big puddle by the porch. The kids removed their skates and skis. They are launching boats. Everyone welcomes spring.

Children in the woods

The guys went out onto the lawn. Good spring in the forest! A fragrant lily of the valley blossomed. Birds chirp. The children saw a hedgehog. He curled up into a ball. The guys will not touch the hedgehog.

Autumn soon

Autumn was approaching. Rains began to fall more often. The ground in the garden is already covered with yellow leaves. The voices of songbirds are less often heard. They are preparing to fly to warmer regions.

Forester's hut

A forester lived in the forest. The forester had a granddaughter Sasha. Sasha felt good with his grandfather. There was silence all around. Only the brook gurgled and the birds sang. Grasshoppers chirped in the grass.

To the dacha

Children go to the dacha. They will live with their grandmother. There is a grove there. Behind the grove there is a river. Boys will fish, girls will pick flowers.


December has come. Fluffy snow fell. He covered the ground with a fluffy carpet. The river is frozen. The birds are hungry. They are looking for their own food. Children put bread and grains in the trough. In summer, crops need protection. The birds will save the harvest.

On the hunt

In the morning I went to the grove with the gun and the dog. There was a wonderful silence. A hundred steps away, one could hear the squirrel jumping over dry knots. The air was fresh, fragrant and pleasantly pinched the eyes and cheeks. A thin web stretched through the air. This is a sign of warm weather.

Who met winter like

The bats climbed into the hollow. The hedgehog covered himself with dry leaves. The frogs buried themselves in the moss. The bear sleeps in a den. The squirrel changed its fur coat for the winter and repaired its hollow. The fox in the hole made a bed for herself from the leaves.

Holidays are coming soon

Holidays are coming soon. Children will go to the camp. The day of departure has already been announced. Sasha will stay at home and go to the playground. Seryozha will leave for the village. It's very good there. On the weekend, his parents will go there. There are many flowers.

Brave deed

Sasha Zhukov walked home from school. Larks sang high in the sky. The road passed along the bank of the river. Suddenly Sasha saw that he was drowning little boy... He, dressed in clothes, threw himself into the water and pulled the boy out. The next day, everyone learned about the student's deed. Sasha was thanked on the line.



Old and small mice gathered at the mink. Their ears stick up, they listen. Vasya the cat is lying by the stove, waiting for the mice.

Cat and bird

The cat was sleeping on the roof. A bird sat down next to the cat. Don't sit close, birdie, cats are cunning.

(According to L. Tolstoy)


Here comes September. Clean and fresh air. Sounds are heard far away in the forest. Thin honey mushrooms huddle on old large stumps.



A small fortress was built on a high hill many years ago. The years passed. The fortress grew and grew rich. More and more houses were built along the banks of the Moscow River. Many goods were brought by merchants and merchants. The fortress became a great city - Moscow.

Yasnaya Polyana

There are many beautiful places in Russia. Here is Yasnaya Polyana. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born here and spent almost his entire life. Here he planted a birch grove. Nice grove in early autumn! All of it is worth gold. It was the writer's favorite place. He rested and worked here.

Dunno and the beetle

Once Dunno was walking around the city and wandered into a field. At this time, a May beetle was flying by. He is blindfolded

bodies on Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno fell to the ground. The beetle disappeared. Dunno got up and looked around. It was quiet all around.

(According to N. Nosov)


In Tsarskoe Selo

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin studied at the Lyceum, which was located in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg. A beautiful extensive park began right under the windows of the lyceum. In the heavy foliage of oaks and lindens they played freely Sun rays... The marble statues gleamed white among the green. Bird song was heard everywhere. The water in the lake was quietly splashing. Pushkin was very fond of this old park and often walked in it.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was a talented and hardworking person. In his dictionary there are more than two hundred thousand words, thirty thousand proverbs, sayings, riddles. Collecting material for his dictionary, Dahl traveled all over Russia. He was even in Siberia and the Urals. Vladimir Ivanovich loved and understood his native language, knew how to see beauty in the living Russian word. Dal was a great friend of Pushkin.


The old Russian name for October is "mud-nik". Autumn rains with sleet turned the earth into mush. In Russia, October was also called "leaf-beating", "golden autumn", since it falls on the time of yellowing of the foliage.

And how many autumn signs were in Russia! "Late leaf fall - by the harsh winter." “The willow early became covered with silvery frost - long winter will".

Based on the results of the survey, the speech therapist teacher analyzes the nature and types of mistakes made by students and completes study groups, draws up a schedule of classes, develops a correctional program and conducts speech therapy classes.

Speech therapy diagnostics at school

The work of a speech therapist in a general education school is quite relevant and multifaceted. From year to year, a large number of children with deviations in the development of oral and written speech enter the primary grades of mass schools, which, in turn, prevents the successful mastery of this category of students in the main subjects of the school curriculum.

The system of work of a speech therapist teacher at a general education school can be represented as follows (Scheme 1).

The above diagram shows that the system of work of a school speech therapist includes the following main directions:

Diagnostics - examination of the state of oral and written speech;

Correctional and developmental process, represented by speech therapy classes;

Consultative and preventive work;

Professional development work and self-education, etc.

Each of these areas is important in its own way and solves certain problems.

Diagnostics is a speech examination that gives an idea of ​​the state of the child's speech development and allows the speech therapist to determine the type of speech pathology, its form and the severity of the speech defect.

The main tasks of diagnostics are: identification of deviations in the development of oral and written forms of speech;

Determination of the structure of a speech defect;

Speech diagnosis formulation;

Drawing up a program of correctional work. The relevance of this area of ​​work lies in the fact that the program of corrective action, and ultimately the effectiveness of speech therapy work with children, depends on the timely qualified diagnosis.

According to the Regulation on speech therapy points and the Instructional-methodical letter on the work of a speech therapist at a general education school, students with speech pathology are identified twice a year: from September 1 to 15 and from May 15 to 31. Inspection of the state of the letter is carried out during the holidays. The results of the survey are recorded in the log of the examination of oral and written speech (Table 1).

The following conventions are used to fill out the journal:

F.P.- phonemic processes;

Z.B.A.- sound-letter analysis;

G.S.R.- grammatical structure of speech;

OHR- general speech underdevelopment;

FFN- phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment;

FNR- phonetic speech underdevelopment;

NCHiP- reading and writing disorders;

m / s - interdental pronunciation;

g / s - - labiodental pronunciation;

y / y-- labial pronunciation;

mountains l. - throat pronunciation;

side. - lateral pronunciation;

one.- one-hit pronunciation;

on - - non-automated pronunciation;

v- the presence of "errors;

Single errors;

! - persistent, common mistakes.

Such a journal is kept for each class. This allows you to receive not only detailed information about the speech development of each specific student, but also allows you to see the full speech characteristics of all students of a particular class, which largely helps to cooperate with teachers and carry out advisory and educational work with parents, both individually and parenting meetings... In addition, such a journal allows you to monitor the movement of students and track the dynamics and effectiveness of speech therapy work.

All students with speech disorders identified as a result of the examination are registered in the list, which we propose to maintain as follows (Table 2). It is advisable to keep the list by parallels (1, 2, 3, 4 grades) and by the similarity of the speech defect. This method helps to control statistics on the number of students with different kinds speech pathology, as well as completing groups, taking into account the structure of the defect and the age of the students. The proposed form also makes it easier for speech therapists to compile annual digital reports.

For each child enrolled in speech therapy classes, the speech therapist teacher fills out a speech card. The methodological association of teachers-speech therapists of secondary schools in Novorossiysk offers the following version of the speech map (see below).

The first page of the speech card is filled in by the speech therapist in the presence of parents or persons replacing them. It contains general information about the child, which is recorded from the words of the parents. The second page is filled in by a speech therapist during an individual examination and is supplemented during the entire period of training at a speech center. The speech map is accompanied by diagnostic written works of students that demonstrate the state of writing and allow you to track the dynamics in the process speech therapy classes... In the speech map, all manifestations of speech impairment of each student, identified during the examination, are recorded.

Filling in the speech card begins with the child's passport data. Then the real level of knowledge of the student in the native language and other subjects is ascertained. In cases of complex speech defects, these data can be very important both for determining the exact speech therapy conclusion, and for establishing the primary or secondary nature of speech underdevelopment.

Anamnestic data of students are filled in from the words of the parents. During the conversation, it is important to get an idea of ​​how the early speech and physical development child. It turns out whether you have previously asked for speech therapy help; if so, what is the efficiency. The features of the speech environment are fixed.

Before starting the examination of speech, the speech therapist teacher must make sure that other functions (hearing and vision) are preserved and reflect the data obtained in the speech card. Also, during the examination, the speech therapist teacher pays attention to the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus (lips, teeth, tongue, palate, bite), to the clarity and intelligibility of speech; reveals the level of formation of all aspects of speech: sound pronunciation, phonemic processes and skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, grammatical structure of speech and vocabulary.

All types and nature of errors in reading and writing are analyzed and recorded in detail; the speech map reflects examples of mistakes made by the child. Particular attention is paid to the personal and behavioral characteristics of students: the ability to switch, observation, organization, independence, mobility, impulsivity, etc.

For students with phonetic disorders, you can draw up an abbreviated version of the speech card, which looks like this (see below).

Almost all Russian and foreign researchers of the problem of dysgraphia and dyslexia agree that violations of writing and reading are based on set of dysfunctions: insufficient speech formation, manual skill, bodily scheme and sense of rhythm. The difficulty of analyzing and reproducing the exact spatial and temporal sequence is noted as an important factor. Professor Ananiev B.G. also points to the connection between errors in reading and writing in some younger schoolchildren with difficulties in spatial discrimination.
One or another degree of impairment of writing and reading is predetermined by the level of formation oral speech.

If the defect in oral speech is limited by the immaturity of its sound side, then reading and writing disorders are due to phonetic-phonemic or only phonemic insufficiency. In these cases, the most typical mistakes are substitutions and confusions of consonant letters denoting the sounds of various opposition groups.

As for reading and writing disorders in children with OHP, along with errors reflecting the lack of formation of the sound side of speech, they also have errors associated with the lack of formation of the lexical and grammatical means of the language.

There are a number of techniques for diagnosing writing. Before listing the main tasks, I want to remind you that during the examination, the speech therapist should pay attention to the nature of the writing process: does the child write down the presented word at once or pronounce it several times, selects the desired sound and the corresponding letter, what difficulties it experiences, etc. .NS.
The survey of the letter can be carried out both collectively and individually. In the course of reading, you should not make corrections and comments.

So, the examination of the letter includes:

1. Cheating:

a) from handwritten text;
b) from the printed text;
c) complicated by tasks of a logical or grammatical nature
(for example: in a sentence about birds, underline the word,
consisting of 3 syllables).

2. Auditory dictation.

In addition to the usual dictation with visual self-control (proposed by Sadovnikova), this type of dictation corresponds to the principle of interaction of the analyzers participating in the act of writing.
It is carried out as follows: after the students have written the dictation, the text of the dictation written on the blackboard opens for a few minutes, and the children are invited to find their mistakes and correct them with colored pencils. Pencils are used to distinguish between errors corrected by visual self-examination and
corrections made during the writing of the dictation, and from subsequent corrections by the speech therapist. When evaluating the work, the speech therapist must take into account and total amount mistakes made and the number of mistakes corrected by yourself.

3. Self-writing.

This includes tasks such as:
- give captions to subject pictures (words);
- give captions to plot pictures (proposals);
- writing a presentation or essay.

Grade 2.
Communication with the program material has been carried out. It was taken into account that the following topics were studied in the 1st grade: proposal, capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names, combinations of zhi - shi, cha - schcha, chu - schu, -ь- to indicate the softness of consonants.
Speech therapy tasks: check how paired consonants, optically and kinetically similar letters are differentiated.

Children love to walk in the grove. There are oaks and maples. Fluffy squirrels gallop along the branches. The spotted woodpecker hollows the trunk. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. Tits sat on top of an oak tree and chirped loudly. Bright sunspots glide over the foliage.

Grade 3.
Suggestions have been added and disseminated, since the topics have already been studied: "Unstressed vowels checked by stress", "Paired voiced and voiceless consonants", "Separating -ь- sign", "Difficult words".

In the grove.
My friends love to walk in the grove. There are birches, oaks and maples. Fluffy squirrels gallop along the branches. The spotted woodpecker gouges the hard bark with its sharp beak. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. Tits in a friendly flock sat on the top of an oak tree and chirped loudly.

The old maple has an anthill. It is interesting to watch its hardworking residents. A light breeze rustles the foliage. Bright sunspots lie on the grass.

4th grade.

Funny tongue twisters.
The mouse hid under the hill and quietly gnaws at the crust. Hemp has five honey agarics again. Varya lost her mittens on the boulevard. They threw bananas at a funny monkey. Thirty-three striped piglets have thirty-three tails hanging. I need a mouse for dinner. Teapot with a lid, a lid with a knob. In the grove of grass stirring, we will nibble sorrel. Little Lucy was frightened by geese. Throughout the garden, a wise mole leads a water supply to the hole. Good grandmother Marina has a compote of apples and raspberries.

Reading Disorder Diagnosis begins with a study carried out on the album of optical tests developed by the staff of the Department of Speech Therapy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen and includes:

Knowledge of letters (printed and handwritten);
- recognition of letters in complicated conditions: unfinished, dashed, incorrectly placed in space, written in different
mirrored, “noisy” fonts, etc .;
- recognition of letters superimposed on each other (by the type of Popelreiter's figures);
- recognition of letters similar in style, given in pairs or in letter
- construction of letters from separate elements.

A.N. Kornev's methodology is based on a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of reading disorders and includes clinical and dynamic. encephalographic, neuropsychological and psychological research. The author of the technique proceeds from the fact that the most important factor in dyslexia is the difficulty of finding the starting point in space and time, as well as in the analysis and reproduction of the exact spatial and temporal sequence.

This technique includes the following tasks:

A series of clauses (for example, listing in order of the seasons or days of the week);
- reproduction of the rhythm (strikes with a pencil on the table);
- test "Fist - edge - palm";
- test "Repetition of numbers" (first you need to reproduce the named row of numbers, for example 4-4-4-7 - start with 2 and bring to 5) then the named numbers are proposed to be named in reverse order... For example: 5 - 7 - 4, and the child should say 4-7-5).

The 1st part of this test characterizes the auditory-speech memory, the 2nd part - the operative memory)
- for check visual perception and visual - motor coordination can
use tasks for drawing figures, letters, isographs (table).

When examining read states it is useful to use the following tasks:
- Search a given word(table);
- reading a number of words similar in structure, similar in sound (table);
- reading words with the need to restore them:

FL ... G ... (i, a) K ... B ... N ... (a, u, a);

Reading text with missing one or more letters ("Broke
- finally, reading plain text (preferably of a narrative nature).

Performance is assessed according to three criteria:
- for first graders - method, speed, correctness of reading;
- for students in grades 2, 3 - speed, correctness and understanding of the meaning

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the revealed deficiencies in reading are compared with the data of a survey of writing and speaking. This will make it possible to determine in each specific case what exactly is prevalent in the picture of a speech defect: whether the child is dominated by insufficient lexical and grammatical means of the language or underdevelopment of the sound side of speech and, above all, phonemic processes.