Educational and methodical materials. What is a teaching manual

  • Date: 26.09.2019

Tutorial - a tool that you can apply to eliminate stress element from your educational process. When you have a tutorial, a folder with a lot of lectures, a mountain of homework and working notebooks may be difficult to decide where to start. But if you learn several formatting features, search for information in the right place and use the textbook, best using the limits of your capabilities, you can make training much more efficient. Interesting? Start from step 1 to learn more about it.


Part 1

Structuring your tutorial

    Let the form correspond to the content. There are many different types of textbooks, and each of them has a format corresponding to a certain goal and a learning style. For whatever you use it, there are tutorials suitable not only to this learning subject, but also a certain goal of learning when studying this subject. Structure the information in the most convenient to use you are a textbook.

    • If you easier to learn visually, Think about the use of broken blocks in a textbook or use ideas mapping techniques to highlight information and make it easily accessible.
    • If you have a linear mind, Organize information chronologically or in alphabetical order so that you can learn something one of the row, and then go to the next one.
    • If you need an emotional connection with the materialTo understand it, give your entries a narrative form; So they will be easier to teach. Move the concepts from the language of mathematics to the language of the story, the story to which you can feel involvement, then organize your tutorial as short storywhich you can set out in the details to remember the use of formulas.
    • If you can quickly memorize information, Use a format that will help you effectively memorize, for example, in the form of recording by your voice of dictionary words and definitions, then listen to on your player all day or create animated flash cards and check yourself.
  1. Draw cognitive cards to connect the main ideas and arrange priorities in the information. When creating cognitive cards, every important idea is written in a separate rectangle, which then connect according to their chronology and importance. Then tie the branches associated informationderived from basic ideas. This method of creating a tutorial provides a good visual scheme of how the material studied in the overall concept is combined with each other.

    Use the comparisons scheme to highlight the differences in key concepts. Create textbooks using comparison or table schemes when you need to compare and show the difference in the associated group of ideas. You can use tables to create clear parallels in history or biology, or in order to compare different writers in literature.

    • For example, in the names of the columns of the comparison scheme features different species Plants are likely to be a kingdom, a family and a genus. This will help organize information for quick comparison and viewing.
    • You can also benefit from the comparison scheme when learning the literature, prescribing the names of the heroes of the story in the headlines of different columns, under which to write them distinctive features or other information. Similarly, information from two different novels can be conveniently structured into a similar table.
  2. Use flash cards or concept cards to remember terminology. Flash cards usually make from empty accounts 13 x 18 cm, and they may contain so much or so little information as you want, because it is one of the most effective techniques Memorization of individual words, or definitions of individual concepts. Thanks to this, they are most effective in learning. foreign languages and history.

    • Write 1 key concept on the front side of each card, and on back side Write the facts and key concepts that are associated with this fact. Survey the cards yourself or ask someone to the corrosion to ask you using these cards. To make sure that you really remember what you need, walk back-forward, starting with the front side of the card, and then from the turn. It works especially well when memorizing new foreign words.
  3. Write your own sample test for academic purposes. Writing the test of the test may be an exceptional way to analyze the information on which you will be asking from two points of view: if you think that it is worth incorporated in the test, you will think as a teacher, and if you can foresee these questions, you will be per step Ahead.

    • Try to find out if you will give a test with a set of answers options, the text in which you need to fill the spaces or will need to answer the questions in writing. Prepare accordingly, writing out the types of the type with which you will be checked.
    • Many teachers will want to provide you with old versions of the test, if any, so that you can use them as a tutorial. Tests are often included test samples that are an excellent learning method. Although the passage of the test more than once may turn out to be an additional stress, it can be a great way of learning, and even can bring you to the types of questions that will be in the test.
  4. Learn, using many tutorials immediately. Create a combined type textbook using basic concepts and clarifying information that you selected from training materials. You can write a draft manual on paper, from hand or using a computer using a text editor, a table or specialized program By creating textbooks to structure your information.

  5. Exercise on the schedule. Make a tutorial as soon as possible and highlight enough time to learn over them before you fall the test. A few weeks before the test, divide your time to explore all different items and highlight your place to each studied item to be confident that you have enough time for each separate information block. Do not postpone everything at the last minute.

    • If you suffer from stress, anxiety and have a tendency to panic before testing, it can be a particularly good idea to expose last time learn individual chapters or topics. If you know that you need to go through the first two paragraph this week, before it is a crime to the third and fourth on next weekSo you can devote all week to it, and during this time you will not be able to worry about 3 and 4 chapters.
    • Highlight different temporary intervals, and focus on one subject at a time. No need to switch there and back between five different objectsuntil you learned everything first.
  • Selected words and definitions from the textbook are often key points and good indicators Material for textbook.
  • Remember that each type of benefit has its own strong and weak sides And there are many different learning styles. Therefore, choose the right type of textbook on the desired subject or to different learning styles, for which it may be necessary to use more than one type of benefits. For example, visuals can best approach cards and charts, while the listeners can more arrive with which they will be able to read out loud.
  • Try to be as laconic as possible. Avoid unnecessary information.

Often among researchers scientific work And teachers arise the need to publish the educational publication. This species Editions has a number of features compared with the preparation of scientific. About these features and requirements for educational publications leading educational and methodological associations and will be discussed below.

Let's start with the definition of the concept of "training edition". According to GOST 7.60-2003 training edition - This is a "edition containing systematic information of a scientific or applied nature set forth in the form, convenient for studying and teaching, and designed for students. of different ages and learning steps. "

The same GOST highlights the following types of educational publications:

Training editions:

  • textbook: Educational publication containing systematic presentation educational discipline, its partition, part corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication.
  • tutorial: The educational publication, complementing or replacing a partially or fully textbook, is officially approved as this type of publication.
  • teaching manual: Educational publication containing materials on the teaching methodology, study of the academic discipline, its partition, parts or education.
  • educational guide: Educational ishing containing materials to assist studying, teaching or upbringing.
  • workbook: A training manual having a special didactic apparatus that contributes to the independent work of a student over the development of the educational subject.
  • tutorial: Educational publication for self-studying of something without the help of the head.
  • reader: An educational publication containing literary and artistic, historical and other works or excerpts of them, which make up the object of studying the educational discipline.
  • workshop: The educational publication containing practical tasks and exercises that contribute to the assimilation of the past.
  • problemist: Workshop containing educational tasks.
  • training program: Educational publication, defining content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching the academic discipline, its partition, part.
  • training kit: A set of educational publications intended for a specific learning step and includes a textbook, a textbook, workbook, reference edition.

In a letter of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation from 09/23/2002 I read "On the definition of the terms" textbook "and" Tutorial "noted that" the textbook is the main study book For specific discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge, mandatory for learning to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the state educational standard and fully disclose an exemplary program for specific discipline. The name of the textbook must comply with the name of the discipline of the federal component of the state VPO.

The tutorial is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may cover not all the discipline, but only part (several sections) of the exemplary program. Unlike the textbook, the manual may include not only tested, generally recognized knowledge and positions, but also different opinions For a particular problem. "

In this way, first feature of the educational publication - These are the requirements for the correspondence of the name and content of the textbook name of the discipline of the federal component of the FGOS VPO (portal of federal state educational standards of higher education - and portal " Russian education»-

The second feature of the educational publication, compared with the monograph is the presence of a methodical apparatuswhich may include:

  • questions for each textbook paragraph, reflecting its structure and allow you to secure read material;
  • tasks to the seminar lesson;
  • tasks for independent work at home;
  • analysis of specific situations on examples from practice;
  • various types of tests;
  • task search (selection) and a review of literature and electronic information sources on an individually specified course problem;
  • task to perform home control work, providing for solving tasks, performing exercises and issued in practical classes;
  • task for preparing for control work and certification;
  • themes of abstracts (essays, reports, scientific articles) on a given problem, etc.

The methodical apparatus may be designed for both students and to help the teacher in conducting classes.

Also, the training publication may be supplemented by various reference materials - vocabulary, glossary, regulatory acts, samples and examples of documents, etc.

The next feature of the educational publication is the requirements for its content. If monograph B. obligatory Must contain a certain novelty and copyright results, the training edition may be a compilation various sources. The textbook must contain basic information on discipline. Also, the training edition must have such quality as visuality. The text should be accompanied by schemes, figures and photos that make it easier for the perception of the material, but not repeating it.

The structure of the educational edition may be like this:

Introduction or / and preface. The educational publication may include the introduction and preface, or, only the introduction, as most often happens. The introduction should include the objectives of the study of discipline and curriculum, in terms of the content and volume of discipline necessary and sufficient to implement the requirements of a particular state educational standard (the hours and objectives of the study of discipline are taken into account). It is also fashionable to specify the competences for the acquisition, which the study of discipline is directed, etc.

Preface (according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is an accompanying article placed at the beginning of the publication, which explains the purpose and features of the content and construction of the work. In it can be outlined summary Each chapter.

Introduction (again according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) is the structural part of the main text of the publication, which is its initial chapter and introduces the reader into the essence of the work of the work.

According to the same GOST, which we have repeatedly referred to, the largest part of the text is a section. He is divided into chapters, which in turn are divided into paragraphs (§).

A compulsory part of the educational publication is a list of used literature and other sources.

The author who wrote a worthy tutorial, as a rule, would like to get a direct training and methodological association that this training edition is admitted (or recommended) UMO as a textbook ( electronic textbook) or training aids (e-learning aids) for students of higher educational institutions, studying in the direction (specialty) of training VPO. Observing the rules recommended by us, the training of training publications you can easily cope with this task!

In conclusion, we will give some tips to pay attention to what to minimize the amendments made to the text editors and correctors.

2. It is necessary to check the numbering of all drawings, tables and formulas on the text. Does the link there is a link to each drawing or table in the text, and are there in the manuscript drawings and tables to which there are links in the text.

3. List of references - if the list is voluminous and includes sources of different types, it is better to split it into sections.

4. Deciphe all abbreviations when used. Do not overload the text by abbreviations, especially consisting of two letters. This makes it difficult to perceive text by readers. Do not use abbreviations in headlines.

5. Avoid too multiple repetition in the links "ibid. P. 220. Such links are inconvenient to use the reader. Especially if the full link to the source was for many pages to "there. P.220.

6. The manuscript must be well subtracted. Experienced editors do not deduct manuscripts from the computer screen, they print the text and read it with breaks, several pages. The computer can not always reveal the error in the test. Drew attention when set text Word. did not emphasized the word " test"Although it comes, of course, not about flour product, O. text. Such errors can only be seen when attentive fusion. If the author does not want to do this, accordingly, it is necessary to pay work on the manuscript of the corrector.

Successful publications!

Any of us is studying or studied at the university, and has a colossal luggage of knowledge, but on the question, what a teaching and methodological manual, "blows away" every second. No, of course, we all understand that we are talking about the textbook, the directory, literature that helps to learn; But that's what it is specifically, only units know. Well, let's try to figure out together.

What is a teaching manual and its features

So, teaching manual - This is the official print edition, the content of which is fully consistent with the curriculum for a particular specialty in the university.

If we talk simple and available languagethen this is the most ordinary methodichkawhich from the course to the course is transferred to students in temporary use.

This is a small reference book, a hint or even a summary, which most often affects only one topic, but in detail.

According to techniques, not only perform practical and laboratory works In the audience, but also correctly draw up reports, according to the Ministry of Education that pretended by the Ministry of Education.

So we can safely say that a teaching manual is an indispensable assistant at lecture and practical classes at the university.

Since I am so trusting this printed edition, it's time to talk about its weighty benefits, against the background of the rest of the literature, which in the open access is available in every student library or reader's hall.

Advantages of educational and methodical manual

1. This publication offers brief theses on a given topic, which is much easier to digest with consciousness and remembered.

2. The technique is a kind of instruction or a cheat sheet, how to perform tasks in practice, and what aspects of your work must be paid attention to.

3. The technique helps with the design and presentation of the work, and, as is well known, an additional score is also added to the final assessment.

4. The number of pages of the methodology does not exceed 30 - 50, which means that wearing such a book in a backpack or a bag completely nonsense.

5. The method is desired and skills can be used on the exam as a real tip on the topic. When there are no cheat sheets, and in the head drafts - this is the perfect solution, so it's better not to forget the responsible exam.

However, this teaching manual has its significant drawbacks, which you also need to know in advance so as not to remain "with the nose":

1. Methods enjoy in high demand among studentsTherefore, to knock on the library to the subscription an extra copy sometimes simply not provided. We have to ask for a neighbor on the desk, or copy on a copier at its own expense, naturally.

2. The techniques have invisible "legs". Yes, yes, this is the printed edition that may in the middle of the couple disappear in an unknown direction and no longer return.

Again, increased demand affects, so it's best to keep the Ear Egor, and your own method is in sight, otherwise there are simply not avoiding problems with a strict librarian in the future.

3. The techniques have a subjective opinion on one topic, but this is explained simply - they are created edited by one of the teachers of the Department.

Personal hostility and eternal competition of teachers, and your response on the methods is not just erroneous, but "the most real mockery" over science (I remember).

But in general, it is not worth paying attention to such trifles, because the educational and methodological manual, as not twist, is listed in mass, and this is a grand advantage for narrowing students.

So reserve the techniques and in the fight for new knowledge. The main thing is that the Guard does not run away from your scatter.

Loss of the methodology

I do not want to scare anyone, but to warn simply is obliged that the loss of the methodology is not just a nuisance, it is a tragedy of a universal scale for librarians.

First, they begin to sigh and protect against the heard recognition, then transmit this information from shift to shift, then come up with a penalty to the student with scattered and, finally, remember his name and put "on a pencil".

Believe me at the moment when you have lost a teaching and methodological manual, they have acquired enemies in the face of everything service personnel Libraries, including a cleaner. Out of the situation two:

1. Open the same methods and provide a library;

2. Buy new book to the library in its compulsory desire.

After that, the conflict has been exhausted, but the librarian will still throw you for a long time with each visit to the library and, moreover, taking a book on hand.

Where do the methods come from?

The question is, of course, are silly, but in this topic a very relevant. So, who publishes such instructions?

The answer is obvious: open the first page and read the name of the author. As a rule, the authors are teachers of their own departments, which recommend the acquisition of a specific technique. Well, from modesty, our teachers will never die, but the methods are rocked by order.

The most ridiculous that every author praises only his own creation, and on the methods of its conditional competitors and does not advise at all to pay attention. But, you want - do not want, and we all studied according to the techniques and continue to do it in modern student.

Here we came to the second main issue, which stands on the agenda and especially concerns many graduate students and teachers who have not yet been dealing with writing such printed publications.

How to write and make a methods?

In order not to write anything superfluous, let's go to the topic directly, and the process of writing a technique also with a plan, for greater convenience, so to speak.

1. It is necessary to decide on the topic that the planned printed edition will be devoted. You can start by S. easy informationWell, in subsequent methods, there are already more global scientific issues.

2. Study information on the topic is preferably not from the Internet, which many consider the "messenger pit." It is not necessary to risk, because in the network you can take an inaccurate source as a basis, and for a big chance. Pay attention better on proven authors, real books and actually the original sources, which in the library abound.

3. So that the learned theory does not seem meaningless, it is necessary to mentally translate it into its practical knowledge, so that in the end, to have a clear idea, which will be in the future you will write an educational and methodological manual.

4. It is advisable to start your work with a preliminary plan, which may consist of short proposals or capacious theses. It is very important, otherwise you can miss some important information The topic studied.

5. The technique is a cheat sheet, so it must answer in detail the list of major issues. That is why it is desirable to think about their content in advance, and no one is misunderstood.

6. The methodology according to its content should not be complex, and the entire presented material should be described by the Emko, but simple and easily readable language, so that the student does not lose interest and not threw it after the boring reading of the first paragraph.

7. All literature used must be witnessed after the content, and its design also complies with certain standards and rules that are important to comply with.

8. Examine all the rules for paperwork and transfer to the further writing of its first educational and methodical manual.

9. Ready job Check by using the services of the corrector (if you, of course, are not a philologist).

10. Turn to check, and then to the publication.

If you decide to write your teaching and methodical manual, you must remember the elementary rules that will raise your labor rating, and will not leave it long years Dust on the shelf in the library without need.

Rule first. It is very important to explore the curriculum that the methodology corresponds to the topic, and not turned out to be useless or irrelevant.

Rule second. The structure should not only correspond to one topic and do not voy, but also contain current information, recent information and new discoveries, knowledge. In general, the educational and methodological manual should not fall into the category "Moral and Outdated Literature".

Rule third. The material chosen to write must necessarily be structured, affordable, logical, viable and understandable for students. It is advisable to use short phrases and small paragraphs, numbered and marked lists, theses, various graphic allocations, and the need for tables and graphics.

Rule fourth. The list of references must be tank and detailed, and is compiled in accordance with the requirements.

Rule fifth. Complex terminology is not welcome, but if it is not necessary to do without her participation, it is desirable to explain in detail the meaning of this or that word, phrases, expressions.

Otherwise, your teaching and methodological manual is unlikely to assist in school good half of the students.

Conclusion: Do you need a technique? Choose the most embossed - it is clearly popular and in demand in the masses! You decide to write your teaching and methodological guide, then set out your thoughts simply, accessible, concise.

Only then such a fascinating publication students will definitely take note.

Now you know about what is a teaching manual.

Tutorial - a training edition that complements or partly (fully) a replacement textbook, officially approved as this type of publication (in the USSR - GOST 7.60-90; in the Russian Federation - GOST 7.60-2003).

Each section of the Tutorial is accompanied by control issues and / or tasks of a training character, designed to help in mastering knowledge on discipline.

Usually, the tutorial is issued in addition to the textbook. However, the textbook may:

 Temporarily to be the main educational publication on the discipline due to the change in the state standard of the Specialty and the emergence of the new discipline of the federal component in the curriculum, which has not yet been established by the textbook made or recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia;

 To be the main educational publication on the discipline relating to the regional component, the component of the choice, the optional component.

Since the allowance is created more promptly than a textbook, it includes a new, more relevant material for specific discipline. However, this material must be supplied in the row of fundamental knowledge set forth in the textbook.

Unlike the textbook, the manual may include not only tested, generally recognized knowledge and provisions. It may also include controversial issues demonstrating different points vision on a solution to a particular problem.

Mandatory requirements To the textbook (hereinafter referred to as UE):

1. The structure of the UE includes the following mandatory elements: table of contents (content), introduction, conclusion, reference bibliographic apparatus.

2. The introduction includes the following aspects:

· Purpose (appointment) of publication, compliance with the curriculum

· Reading address

· Type of educational publication and its place in the system of other educational publications in the discipline, relevance, the degree of novelty, the features of the author's concept

· general characteristics ELE's structures, features effective use Edition apparatus (didactic, bibliographic, reference, etc.).

4. Thematic sections should contain conclusions that generalize the training material of the section, and the didactic apparatus (test questions, examples, exercises, tasks, tests) for self-control of students.

5. It is necessary to observe the sequence of presentation. educational material on the principle of "from simple to complex"; Definitions and formulations must comply with generally accepted scientific terminology.

6. The conclusion performs the function of generalizing the educational material and includes the following aspects:

  • the main results and conclusions,
  • characteristics of unresolved and incited problems,
  • recommendations for further independent study subject
  • prospects for the development of discipline (science industry).

7. Reference bibliographic apparatus (taking into account the type of publication) consists of touching annotation with the reader address, a bibliographic list, a list of contractions and conventions, pointers (nominal, alphabetically substantive, chronological, systematic, etc.). In the training editions of more than 10 copyright sheets, it is recommended to include a nominal and alphabetically substantive indicators.

8. The design of the manuscript must comply with the standard of educational institution (the procedure for planning, preparation, publication and distribution of educational and scientific literature produced in the university). The bibliographic list is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5.-2008 "Bibliographic link. General requirements and the rules of compilation. " The volume of educational publications is expressed in the author's sheets (1 author's list - 40,000 characters with spaces).

A letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 23, 2002 No. 27-55-570 / 12 "On the definition of the terms" Tutorial "and" Tutorial "" normalizes the concept of a textbook as follows:

The tutorial is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may cover not all the discipline, but only part (several sections) of the exemplary program. Unlike the textbook, the manual may include not only tested, generally accepted knowledge and position, but also different opinions on a particular problem.
In the case when a new discipline is introduced into the curriculum or, new topics are introduced into the curriculum, the release of the study manual is initially organized. The textbook is usually created on the basis of tested benefits.

Manuscripts expert evaluation criteria

Requirements for the structure and maintenance of the review

Review should be given objective assessment Manuscripts, analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, recommendations for use in the educational process.

The review consists of three parts:

· Common part;

· Patchwork ("post-post comments");

· Conclusions.

  1. The first (general) part of the review contains a manuscript estimate for the following criteria:

1 - compliance with the requirements of the educational standard,

2 - compliance with modern scientific ideas on this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, taking into account the level of professional educational programs,

3 - compliance with the content of educational and educational and methodical material goals of the educational discipline,

4 - compliance with the requirements for the structure and methodological apparatus of educational materials,

5 - correctness in the aspect of interdisciplinary ties,

6 - availability of specific goals and objectives in the logic of the competence approach to learning and orientation on the result,

7 - compliance with the internal standards of the quality of the educational institution,

8 - degrees of innovation, novelty, having an original author's concept,

9 - the correctness of the use of special terminology and designations,

10 - clarity, availability of presentation, lack of duplication of content, completeness of the use of literature, availability of references to sources,

11 - degree of conformity control issues and tasks of the content of educational material,

12 - expediency of incorporating illustrations, compliance with their text, performing corresponding functions (ensuring the visibility of objects, processes, identification of links between them, commenting, explanation, deepening the meaning of the text, assistance in memorizing and learning knowledge), the correctness of the placement of illustrations, their quality,

13 - availability of logical and stylistic errors.

Second Part of the review (travelers) must contain:

· A detailed list of dispersed disprofits of manuscripts (inaccurate or incorrect wording, semantic and stylistic errors, etc.);

· An indication of the individuals of manuscripts to be, according to a reviewer, reducing or processing.

In the third part of the review (conclusion) there is a clear reasonable conclusion about the feasibility Publications of a peer-free manuscript (taking into account the comments made) and its use as a teaching aid on discipline __________ .. For specialties (directions) ... ____________.

If there are critical comments and proposals to make corrections to the manuscript, then the author's response should be attached to the review, which indicates which comments and review of the reviewer by the author are taken into account, and which are not, and for what reason.

Requisites Reviews:

  • name of the type of document (review);
  • the exact name of the manuscript to which the review is given;
  • surname, and. about. author;
  • contents of the review
  • surname, and. about. reviewer, his scientist degree, title, position, organization name;
  • signature of the reviewer;
  • date;
  • surname, position and signature of the person certifying the signature of the reviewer;
  • date of certification of the signature;
  • print.

Collective review further comprises:

  • date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the scientific team (Department, Department, Laboratory, Council, etc.), which took place a discussion of manuscripts;
  • surnames of the staff of the scientific team (departments, department, laboratory, council, etc.) who participated in the discussion of the manuscript;
  • recommendation for publication given by the team, with the signature of the head of the scientific team.

Textbooks and teaching aids are actively used in schools and universities. What are those and other sources of knowledge?

What is the specifics of textbooks?

Under textbook It is customary to understand the main source of knowledge in a framework of a particular discipline or subject - at school, an average special institution, university. By its structure, it complies with the rules and standards enshrined in sectoral and other regulatory sources.

The textbook is intended for:

  • involving a student in the process of mastering knowledge due to an interesting, systematic and complex presentation by the author;
  • providing a student of specific information necessary for better development of materials in the lesson;
  • the formation of the student of the ability to analyze the facts, skills to memorize and systematize the text.

Tutorials are classified for several basic varieties:

  • workshop (publications allowing students to consolidate knowledge in one way or another);
  • krestomatia (publication in which information on the topic is presented very excoil, supplemented by various comments, illustrations);
  • dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias (publications allowing the student to get acquainted with various facts on the topic under study presented in a wide variety).

Tutorials usually contain a large number of Pages are several hundred, sometimes produced by series. The development of materials with the help of textbooks requires a very long time from students, in many cases - also explanations from the teacher on one or another formulation given in the source.

Information in textbooks are mainly theoretical. The applied aspect of the topic is already considered in class educational institution.

What is the specificity of tutorials?

Under tutorial It is customary to understand the complementary textbooks or lecture classes in the knowledge source for any discipline or subject. It is structured in such a way that the student is for a short time had the opportunity to get acquainted with key facts on this topic.

That is, a textbook is a source:

  • in which information is posted in sufficient measure Briefly and Emko, often - theses;
  • which has a small size, for example - in several tens of pages;
  • which can be used in order to independently develop a particular part curriculumSince the wording given in the manual usually do not require additional clarification by the teacher.

Thus, the textbook is a source adapted for independent development by a student theme. But, as a rule, a small and only part of a more large-scale program.

Tutorials Classified:

  • on methodical;
  • on visual;
  • on abstracts;
  • on catalogs;
  • on illustrated sources (atlases, schemes).

Each of the specified types of tutorial allows the student to master the topic in a certain way. Toolkit Most likely it looks like a textbook on the structure and method of presenting information. Visual and illustrated sources contain useful visualization of various facts on the topic. Abstracts allow the student to master the maximum amount of fixed facts on the topic studied, catalogs - find new sources of knowledge in the area under study.


The main difference between the textbook from the textbook - in the destination. The first source in most cases is an integral element of the educational process in the audience or class. The second is designed primarily for independent development by students of knowledge. From here - the difference in the structure, the method of presenting information in textbooks and teaching aids, on the basis of the relevant sources, in the principles of their classification.

It turns out that textbooks and teaching benefits cannot be considered as completely interchangeable sources. The first, of course, can be complemented by the second, but to present the entire volume of facts reflected in the textbook and the topic necessary for mastering the topic, the benefit is extremely difficult. Moreover, the information obtained from the textbook, as we noted above, in most cases requires clarification by a qualified teacher. It is also problematic to state in a relatively small way.

From the point of view of exam preparation, a tutorial is a great resource for systematization of knowledge, while the textbook can take significantly more time and efforts from the student. However, from the point of view of knowledge that can be obtained from the benefit, it is extremely unlikely that it will replace the facts necessary for the development of the textbook, as well as lecture materials. Therefore, to prepare for exams only on the basis of teaching aids - unproductive.

In turn, to use in similar purposes only the tutorial is also not enough. The fact is that it is set out, firstly, general knowledge, and secondly, the facts requiring additional explanation by the teacher.

Thanks to an impressive volume, the textbook may contain a large number of illustrations and other elements of the material visualization. While in the textbook, information is mainly represented by only text, sometimes in small tables, schemes.

The textbook is often significantly more fundamental work, requiring the author of a large amount of knowledge and competencies. Often, publishers are considered as potential authors of textbooks - to conclude contracts with them - only specialists with a degree, professors. The textbook may publish, in principle, any person who has the necessary knowledge - preferably, of course, so that they are obtained in the university. In addition, the author should be ready to present them in a convenient to master students.

By defining what the difference between the textbook and the study manual, reflect the conclusions in a small table.


Textbook Tutorial
It is a source general Knowledgerequiring usually explanation by the teacher at the lecture or in the lessonIs a source of knowledge of more narrowly specialized, but presented in less than in the textbook, the volume
As a rule, directly related to educational process in an educational institutionCan be used in order to independently mastering the topic of the student
Has a large volume - a few hundred pagesHas a smaller volume - often in several tens of pages
Can be supplemented large quantity IllustrationsUsually complemented by small tables, schemes
Textbooks are written by candidates and doctors of sciences, professorsIt can be written by a person, in principle, dismantled in the subject, but preferably - also having a higher education