Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student's personality: Methodical instructions. General recommendations for compiling the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class

  • The date: 28.09.2019

For the effective implementation of educational and upbringing functions, it is very important to be able to find an individual approach to students based on knowledge of the age and psychological characteristics of their personality, activities, various aspects of relationships that arise between children and teachers, as well as their parents, peers.

The main goal of compiling a characteristic is to study and get to know the child more fully, on the basis of this, to help in the development and formation of his personality, to determine the optimal ways of interacting with him.

To draw up a detailed psychological and pedagogical characteristics, it is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm:

    Select a student to write characteristics.

    Observe this student in various life situations with the fixation and analysis of the observed facts.

    With the help of psychological techniques, to conduct a study of some of the characteristics of his personality.

    Write a psychological and pedagogical description, reflecting in it different spheres of personality, characteristics of behavior, communication at school and at home according to the proposed scheme.

    Assess and compare the student's attitude to general education subjects and physical culture and sports, substantiating their reasons with the collected material. To characterize, within the framework of the collected material, the personality of the student in terms of all-round development.

    Outline tasks for further improvement or correction of the student's relationship to educational and sports activities on the part of the teacher physical culture and the student himself.

It should be noted that the characteristic is not compiled in the form of answers to the points of the indicative scheme. A characteristic is a coherent, holistic description of the various aspects of a student's personality. It is significantly "enlivened" by examples and cases from the life of a schoolchild, emphasizing one or another of his features and making it possible to form a clear image of a person's unique individuality.

Psychological scheme pedagogical characteristics personality

Schoolchild in connection with his attitude to educational work

I. General information about the student.

    Last name, first name, age.

    Family composition, profession and specialty of parents, their attitude to sports.

II. The student's attitude to general education subjects, his interests, abilities, character traits and other personality traits manifested in educational work.

    Progress in the last two years in various general education subjects.

    Views on the importance of educational activities (considers it mandatory important matter; learns in good faith, accurately completes the lessons; learns with enthusiasm, with interest, learns because they are forced, reluctantly, etc.).

    General intellectual development and interests (describe the general outlook and other signs of mental development, list all interests, hobbies, well-read; does he like to read, what he reads, etc.).

    Abilities for educational work (quickness and accuracy of perception of material, intelligence, independence of judgments and conclusions, quickness and strength of memorization, stability of attention, imagery, expressiveness, literacy of oral and written speech etc.). Are there any special abilities (for music, drawing, singing, poetry, for a certain type of work, for sports - indicate the type of sport).

    Diligence in academic work (are there habits for long-term study work, punctuality in doing lessons, accuracy in keeping notebooks, etc.).

    Organization in educational activities (is there a habit of preparing lessons every day, planning time, doing everything on time, etc.).

    Discipline in the classroom.

    Volitional qualities (the ability to show purposefulness, perseverance, endurance, self-control, initiative, etc. in educational matters).

    Interest in knowledge (seeks to know more than is provided for in textbooks, studies with interest, without interest, reluctantly, etc.; note - in which subjects especially).

    Academic skills (the ability to work with a textbook, draw up a plan, a synopsis, rationally organize memorization, find additional literature, etc.).

    Satisfaction with academic achievement.

    Feedback from teachers about attitudes towards academic work:

a) in mathematics (or physics)

b) literature (or history)

III. Attitude to physical education lessons and sectional classes; interests, abilities, character traits and other personality traits manifested in these classes.

    Progress in physical culture (over the past two years), sports specialization, category, participation in competitions, sports experience, best sports achievements, etc.

    Views on the importance of physical education and sports lessons.

    Peculiarities physical development(according to the school's medical center and according to the physical education teacher):

a) height, weight, volume chest; dynamometry, spirometry;

b) health and physical fitness;

c) results in running, jumping, throwing, swimming, walking: skiing, etc .;

    Psychomotor abilities (the level of possession of sports skills, the speed of mastering the technique of movements, the time spent on preparing for the performance of a sports category, the level of development physical qualities, quickness of reaction, orientation in space, memorization of movements, tactical thinking, emotional stability, etc.).

    Diligence, organization, diligence and discipline in the process of physical education and sports (regularity of attending lessons and training sessions, doing morning exercises, behavior in the classroom, attitude to sportswear, equipment, etc.).

    Outlook in the field of sports (reading sports newspapers and magazines - what, attending competitions, favorite teams and athletes; is there an ideal athlete - what is it; knowledge of the goals and objectives of physical culture and sports; awareness of the theory and methodology of sports training).

    Volitional qualities manifested in physical culture lessons and at competitions (when performing "dangerous" exercises, when working "for endurance", if necessary, restrain emotions and manifestations of feelings, etc.).

    Interest in physical education and sports (engaged with enthusiasm, with interest, without interest, reluctantly, etc.).

    Skills (hygienic habits associated with sports, the ability to overcome fear, focus on one's condition, manage emotions, etc.; the ability to successfully combine study and responsibilities with sports).

10. Satisfaction with the results achieved in physical culture and sports.

11. Feedback from teachers and coaches about the attitude to physical education and sports:

a) attitude to physical education lessons (teacher feedback

on physical culture);

b) attitude to sectional classes (coach's feedback).

Writing a pedagogical profile is an integral part of individual and group planning. correctional work, summing up the results of all pedagogical work.

The purpose of writing a pedagogical characteristic for a child is documenting his psychological characteristics, knowledge gained, stages of his development, for further use for selecting the optimal option for an individual educational route. The modern education system allows on the basis of detailed characteristics students to build the most the best option assimilation school curriculum and relief working together teachers, specialists and parents of the child. The result of this work should be help to the child in mastering the school curriculum.

Characteristics of the development of the child should be a document, structured reflecting information about the characteristics of development, skills, character traits, achievements of the child. With its help, an idea is drawn up about the level of development of the child, the work carried out by the teacher and further pedagogical or correctional work is built.

Drawing up a pedagogical description requires a comprehensive study of the child. The main methods of the teacher, in addition to observation in the educational process, study school grades, there should also be conversations with the school doctor, parents, the use of psychological and pedagogical methods, observation in extracurricular activities.

The plan (structure) of writing the pedagogical characteristics.

Young teachers often have difficulties in how to write a description for a child. When compiling a pedagogical characteristic, it is necessary to adhere to a certain structure in order to describe the features of the child's development as accurately as possible and not miss important characteristics. Proposed structure for characterization of younger children school age contains the main points, without which the description will not be complete. The structure can change depending on the particularities of the situation of use and pedagogical needs, it is possible to add and expand some positions, analytical part.

The structure of the pedagogical characteristics for a child of primary school age:

Surname. Name. Middle name.

The age of the student.

From what period has been studied in this school, class, according to what program. During training - in the CCM since when was the transfer made.

The effectiveness of mastering the material of the studied program. Analysis of reasons in case of academic failure: behavior disorder, absenteeism, individual somatic weakness, presence chronic illness, lack of horizons. This part of the characteristic may contain the conclusions of the teacher. Possible formulations: the material of the school curriculum assimilates completely / partially / with difficulty / satisfactorily in spite of the potential /, without difficulty, as evidenced by belonging to the good ....

At this point, you need to indicate the features of the assimilation of various subjects of the program. Recommendations of specialists about the transition to training in another program (indicate what type). With training recommendations on special program specifies the reason why the child continues to learn in the classroom.

Characteristics of educational cognitive activities student. Unlike the previous point. Here it is not the result of assimilation that is revealed, but the process of assimilation, the reasons for which the result is achieved.

When describing educational and cognitive activities, one should take into account how the child accepts the educational task: accepts / does not accept / in accordance with the mood / state of health / does not fully understand the task / independently / with the help of a teacher. The ability to hold on to a task, to bring what has been started to the end is analyzed, loses the goal, goes to secondary factors, gets distracted. In the course of completing the task, it is taken into account whether the child needs help, the nature of the help: leading questions, multiple training help, organizing help. Planning the solution to the problem. Ability to plan a solution independently: planning, in need of help, not able to plan. Methods for solving educational problems: finding the path of least resistance, refusing to solve in case of difficulties, trying to avoid difficulties, shifting the solution to another, uses all means to achieve a result, uses rational methods of solving, is capable of choosing from the proposed answers.

The ability to evaluate one's own actions, the ability to correct mistakes, to accept the teacher's assessment.

Description of the features of obtaining knowledge, mastering skills. This paragraph describes the features of perception, difficulties in writing and assimilating material by ear, in independent reading, reading comprehension, and mental arithmetic. The degree of meaningfulness of the material by the child, the ability to act by analogy, to apply knowledge in new conditions, the ability to apply in practice.

Characteristics of cognitive processes. Explanation of the above listed features:

- attention: arbitrariness, volume, stability, switchability;

- working capacity: high-low, stable-unstable during the lesson;

- characteristics of perception: its volume, completeness, speed and activity, the formation of sensory standards, spatial orientation, dominant indicators of information processing);

- characteristics of the prevailing memory.

- type of thinking of the child: activity, inactivity, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to form and operate with concepts.

Speech activity.

Characteristic emotional sphere student. The strength and degree of manifestation of emotions, brightness of manifestations, irritability, aggressiveness, dysphoric disorders, manifestation of a feeling of euphoria, character accentuations, balance or lability of mood, the presence of affects. Characteristics of the level of self-esteem. The development of volitional regulation, the ability to volitional efforts, criticality, the ability to control their own actions. Propensity to antisocial behavior... Character traits that facilitate or interfere with educational activities, interests, their stability.

The degree of acceptance of the role of a "student" (assimilation and acceptance of the role of a student completely - non-acceptance of the role of a student) Characteristics of educational motivation: formed, not formed, partially formed, Characteristics of the prevailing motives: achieving success, avoiding failures, play, educational, professional, asocial, personal, arising under the influence of momentary desires. Stability, activity and the degree of external manifestation of motivation. Ability to comply with the requirements for students, compliance with the norms of behavior, the ability to organize educational activities during and after lessons.

Features of communication. Development of communication skills, especially contacts with strangers. Characteristics of relationships in the children's team. Motives of communication. Striving for leadership, fulfilling social roles. Age preferences in contacts. Ability to keep a distance when communicating with adults, a tendency to familiarity. Communication style, the presence of demonstrativeness, affective outbursts, psychopathic manifestations. The forecast of the development of communication skills, the prospects for being in the children's team, the possibility of carrying out measures to correct behavior.

The completeness and practicality of the provided data can become a defining moment in the decision on the future educational route child. When drawing up the characteristics, the teacher needs to build on the facts, characteristics of the child and indicators of educational activity, and not subjective opinion.

The characteristic should be as objective as possible and reflect the actual state of affairs, then on its basis a decision will be made in the interests of the student, which is the main task of the education system.

A sample of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student:

Material for writing psychological and pedagogical characteristics was collected in the period from 04/11/2011 to 05/07/2011. In the process of collecting material, the following methods were used: observation during training sessions, during breaks; conversation with the student, class teacher and other students in the class, subject teacher; testing; study of a cool magazine, personal files.

1. General information about the student

Ivanov Andrey Aleksandrovich - pupil 6 "B" class of secondary school No. 10 city N. Born on May 31, 1999. Based on the results medical examination he is listed in the 1st health group. The medical group for physical education is the main one. Medical workers have given recommendations for hardening.

2. Conditions for family education

The family in which Andrey Ivanov lives is complete in composition. Father - Ivanov Alexander Alexandrovich - works for ... Mother - Ivanova Elena Mikhailovna - as a teacher in ... In a conversation with the class teacher, it turned out that the psychological situation in the family contributes to the development of the child. Friendly relationships between family members play a fundamental role in the full development of a boy. Parents pay sufficient attention to teaching their son, if necessary, help with homework.

All conditions for normal development have been created for Andrey. The boy has a place for solitude - his own room, where he can calmly do his homework.

From the answers to the questionnaire provided to Andrey, it turned out that the boy also has responsibilities around the house: go to the store, wash the dishes, take out the trash, especially the boy likes to water the flowers.

This indicates that parents instill in their son hard work, accuracy, love of order.

According to the class teacher, Andrei Ivanov's parents regularly visit parenting meetings, participate in the social life of the school. They are also interested in the success of their son, consult the class teacher on the upbringing, development of certain inclinations of Andrei. It is also important that the boy's parents regularly look through the diary, sign on time, react to entries in the diary, which indicates responsibility and active parenting.

3. Educational activities student

The first thing that needs to be noted after observing Andrey Ivanov is his conscientious attitude towards studies. He has a high level of attention: he notices mistakes made by students when completing assignments on the board, quickly responds to questions during oral work. The boy has a well-developed thinking, he easily generalizes the material, systematizes and analyzes it.

Andrey has good academic performance in all subjects. Favorite subjects are the following: mathematics, computer science, Belarusian and Russian languages, Belarusian and Russian literature. The overall GPA in all subjects is 8.3 points.

Andrey Ivanov is very active in the classroom. He is one of the first to answer the teacher's questions, always raises his hand. Despite the fact that the boy's answers are not always correct, his activity indicates diligence in his studies. It is also important to note the fact that Andrey is interested in various subjects: both in the exact sciences and in the humanities. The boy does his homework carefully, always tries to answer the teacher's questions. This may indicate dedication and leadership qualities.

According to the student himself, he likes to study, and it is not difficult, but at the same time he would like to study better.

4. Labor activity of the student

Andrey Ivanov shows interest not only in educational activities, but in different types extracurricular activities. He attends an elective in computer science and mathematics, a sports section (basketball), a music school. IN free time Andrey also likes to play computer games or spend time outdoors with friends.

If a boy is entrusted with a public matter, then he performs it in good faith.

Despite the fact that Andrei is still only in the 6th grade, he has already decided on the choice of a profession: according to his own words, in the future the boy dreams of becoming a “great mathematician” and would like to “study in Italy”.

5. Psychological characteristics of the student's personality

As a result of observations of Andrei, it was established that such qualities of the emotional-volitional sphere as purposefulness, perseverance, independence, activity are inherent in him. The predominant types of temperament are sanguine (55%) and choleric. These types correspond to such characteristics of the student as high working ability, but at the same time instability in interests and inclinations; optimism, sociability, responsiveness; decisiveness, energy, perseverance; average level strength of nervous processes, high balance of nervous processes, very high mobility of the nervous system.

The method of studying self-esteem showed that Andrei has a somewhat overestimated self-esteem. He often lacks self-control. For example, he very quickly answers the teachers' questions, although his answers are not always accurate, although the boy has a well-developed speech. But Andrey is characterized by self-criticism: the student quite adequately assesses his capabilities, is confident in himself.

Despite the active position of the student both in educational and social activities, he is characterized by modesty, kindness, accuracy, sincerity, and responsiveness. Andrey worries if he makes mistakes and tries to correct them.

The boy is doing well in all subjects. But in the questionnaire, he replied that his favorite subjects are the following: mathematics, computer science, Belarusian and Russian languages, Belarusian and Russian literature.

The student quickly memorizes the material, correctly establishes connections between new and learned material, quickly finds the right rule to complete the assignment.

Andrey is very active in the classroom. He is one of the first to answer the teacher's questions, always raises his hand.

The boy is very sociable, does not conflict with anyone in the class, and has many friends. I would also like to note high culture communication Andrey: he is always polite, tactful, respectful of his parents, teachers, elders.

6. Features of cognitive activity

As already mentioned, Andrey has a high level of attention (he always notices mistakes on the board). He is distinguished by the ability to timely switch and distribute attention, which was repeatedly noticed by me in the lessons of mathematics and computer science.

In Andrey, the most developed types of memory are motor-auditory and combined (the memory coefficient in both types was 70). The auditory type of memory is less developed (the coefficient was 60).

Also, the boy has a well-developed thinking, he easily generalizes the material, systematizes and analyzes it. Andrey has a very well-developed speech, in most cases he correctly formulates his thoughts. In general, the level of general mental development is quite high; in some situations, the boy is ahead of his peers.

7. General psychological and pedagogical conclusions

On the basis of the presented data and their analysis, we can conclude about the versatile development of the personality of Andrei Ivanov. He is a very capable, purposeful, inquisitive, broad-minded student.

Andrey is very sociable, not conflicted, he knows how to accept criticism. The boy skillfully combines educational and extracurricular activities. Andrey has great potential for the ability to study the exact sciences, where it is necessary to apply logical thinking, but there is also an interest in creativity. He should continue to develop in these directions.

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Elena Nizova
Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a senior preschool child sent to PMPK.

Dear colleagues! Very often, the responsibilities of the MBDOU educator include writing psychological - pedagogical characteristics for pupils during the period of graduation to school, transferring to another preschool educational institution, and especially for children of speech therapy groups. Therefore, I bring to your attention an example psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a senior preschool child.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschool child, sent to PMPK.

Full name Born. G.

The child visits the eldest speech therapy group MBDOU No.….

Family composition: full family, mother - full name, education - higher education, m. work -…. ”, position -… .; eldest child is a son: FULL NAME., …. b., student ... class MBOU secondary school № ... city ....

The family is socially prosperous, the moral situation is satisfactory. The style of family education is democratic (it is built on a relationship of trust and consent, where interests are taken into account baby). For successful development baby favorable conditions for games and activities have been created.

The boy is experiencing slight difficulties in speech development (pronunciation of some sounds - in isolation he pronounces all the sounds correctly). Difficulties are temporary character. To kid the following levels are inherent development:

Artistic and aesthetic development (average level)

formed: - skill and interest in listening to works of art (reads poetry expressively, participates in dramatizations); - visual skills, the ability to convey images of the surrounding reality in a drawing based on their own observations, is not enough formed: skills in working with scissors; - does not always move rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Physical development (high level)- corresponds age norm... Egor participates in games - competitions and games - relay races.

Informative - speech development (average level)

Child has a sufficient stock of vocabulary images, uses synonyms and antonyms in speech, owns the forms of inflection. Boy make up well simple sentences and distributes them homogeneous members... Pace speeches: moderate, speech - intonational and expressive. Sounds have been formed, but pronunciation in play and free speech activity has not yet been fixed. Egor is familiar with letters and the skill of reading syllables with passed letters has been formed; knows how to compare and classify objects according to different criteria; skills have been formed about the time of year, changing parts of the day, the order of days of the week, etc.

Socially - personal development (high level)

Have preschooler communication skills, emotional responsiveness, imitation are well developed. He is well acquainted with the rules of behavior, forms of communication, responsive, able to sympathize and take care of others. She is happy to carry out work assignments, knows how to bring things to an end, and has self-service skills.

The boy exhibits the following skills in productive forms activities: - owns different ways sculpting (knows how to sculpt animals, birds, different subjects) ; - creates compositions using the applique technique; - knows how to draw with different materials on presentation and from nature. It is not always possible to depict objects and phenomena in motion, symmetrical cutting.

Reaction to failure - adequate: Demonstrates efforts to overcome difficulties. In work with child caregivers, speech therapist use an individual, differentiated approach, as well as work with parents to overcome speech difficulties in development baby.

Egor knows how to manage his behavior, readily responds to demands and comments; can ask for help, is oriented in the environment. Character activities steady, works with interest.

Cognitive state processes:

Perception matches age... Visual and auditory perception not violated; in the perception of spatial relationships is oriented; a holistic image of the object is formed - he collects cut pictures on his own; he is well oriented in temporal representations.

Memory prevails: visual, auditory, motor. Voluntary and involuntary memorization is well developed.

Verbal and logical thinking is formed and corresponds age... Visual - effective thinking correlates with visual - figurative.

Cognitive imagination is formed, child builds an image by supplementing actions with various details. Creative imagination manifests itself in the plot - role-playing games... Attention is steady.

Speech development: vocabulary corresponds to the norm, the grammatical structure of speech is formed, coherent speech is logical and consistent, phonemic hearing, sound and syllabic analysis correspond to the norm; sound pronunciation is formed, but not fixed.

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflicting, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; shyness is manifested in unfamiliar surroundings. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, communicates easily and quickly.

Teachability, program material and interest baby to obtaining knowledge at a high and intermediate level. Psychologist- pedagogical indicators correspond age.

Head ___

Educator ___

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Educational institution

"Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin "

Department of Psychology

on the psychological part of the practice

Student: (full name) Shustala Evgeniy Leonidovich

Faculty of Physical Education 3 course

Full-time form of education)

Place of internship: (district, school, class) Moskovsky district of the city of Brest, general education institution GUO Gymnasium No. 4

Head of the psychological part of the practice (full name) Danilenko A.V.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student

During the period of industrial pedagogical practice in the general educational institution of the city of Brest, secondary school GUO Gymnasium No. 4, I observed the behavior of children of secondary school age, studied the peculiarities of mental processes, the peculiarities of the process of the formation of motor skills. The main purpose of this pedagogical observation was: the study of the psychological characteristics of the consciousness and personality of the student and the compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics. We assume that this observation contributes to the improvement of the teacher's skills, in particular to navigate, in educational educational process to respond to the individual psychological characteristics of each specific student. As a result, the teacher can distinguish not only individual traits and properties of the student's personality, but also see him as an integral personality. To write the psychological pedagogical characteristics, I chose two observed students (students of grade 6 "A"). To obtain the information I needed, I used the method of pedagogical observation and personal conversation with students.

Student 1

Sevashko Daria Pavlovna

1. General information about the student:

Sevashko Daria Pavlovna 12 - years old. The level of physical development is satisfactory. For health reasons, it belongs to 1 main health group, has no mental abnormalities. Family composition: father - Pavel Konstantinovich (born on August 21, 1974), mother - Svetlana Evgenievna (born on August 30, 1971), the social and cultural level of the family is high, the category of the family is complete.

Sevashko Daria Pavlovna - the level of academic performance is excellent, there is a penchant for humanitarian subjects and enjoys attending physical education lessons. From Daria's personal words, he likes to study. She enjoys going to school and tries not to miss classes.

Motives for educational activities. At school, Daria behaves in a disciplined and responsible manner, which was confirmed, in particular, by the class teacher Irina Iosifovna Chernenkaya, from her words I also recorded that Dasha is always happy to fulfill the instructions of her teachers, she can often offer help, often classmates turn to Dasha as on issues related to the educational process, and on everyday life situations... Attending the Belarusian literature lesson, I noticed that Daria had such a peculiarity as a little experience (excitement) about failures, failures in her studies. For example, in the lesson reciting a verse, the student got confused, as a result, she told the teacher that he did not feel very confident in front of her, to some extent it confuses her. Receiving a portion of praise in her address, Daria does not show much pleasure, she takes it for granted. He tries to defend his point of view on the reprimands directed at her.

Ability to learn: As a rule, the learning process is not possible without completing learning tasks. Sevashko Daria, as indicated by many teachers, accepts educational tasks with ease, never when he does not panic ahead of time. When preparing for her homework, Daria is responsible and independent in making decisions. Always cooks faithfully homework, if difficult questions arise, parents are ready to help Daria. As the student herself said, she does not pursue marks, she most often agrees with the teacher's assessment. The Internet is most often used as a source of additional information. psychological personality student motive

Activity in the classroom: If she knows that she is ready to answer a question, then she is more often called herself, raising her hand, the student is most often interested in actual cognitive activity, stands out as an attentive interlocutor. The predominant type of attention in the lesson is arbitrary or deliberate. It arises as a result of the fact that the student sets herself a goal, realizes the task. The student expresses her thoughts mentally.

Features of memory: The predominant type of memory is learning auditory, motor. The dominant way of memorizing material is meaningful. In literature class, I noticed that Daria had a feature of repeating, covering her ears.

Features of thinking: The student thinks abstractly, logically, is able to independently analyze educational material, is deeply rooted in the essence of the disclosed issue, makes independent conclusions.

Features of speech: In most cases, expresses his thoughts orally, has a sufficient vocabulary, builds a question-answer system logically and clearly. When answering, he often uses a figurative representation.

Characteristics of abilities: As noted earlier, the girl is more inclined to humanitarian subjects. There are certain abilities for imagination, reasoning. General level I would rate the interest and ability for knowledge as high, this is clearly confirmed in conversation with teachers and classmates.

Composition 6 "A" class 22 people, of which 6 boys and 16 girls are trained. The class showed itself during the practice as a friendly, capable, responsive team. The general level of performance in the class is high, most of the class is always ready for lessons, and they work with a high degree of productivity. The class should also highlight such diligent students as Artem Polyuga, Anna Bondaruk, Pavel Khomuk. The guys actively work in the classroom, participate in cultural mass events schools that responsibly approach assigned tasks observe discipline of behavior at school and in the classroom. There are children in the class who like to make noise and fool around, for example: Egorov Denis and Kozyrko Anna, the guys are not assiduous, sometimes they do not complete the teacher's tasks, they like to be noticed by their classmates, for this they are ready to cross the border of general cultural norms. However, in general, I would still note that the class is good during the period of pedagogical observation, I did not observe any particular violations of it. Daria in the team of her classmates is an example to follow. In the class, all the children are friends with her and speak well of her. Several children consider Daria to be their best friend. According to Irina Iosifovna, it can be noted that there were no interpersonal conflicts for Daria, if they are brewing somewhere, then the girl tries to compromise and get around the quarrel. In communicating with classmates, the girl is simple and not too verbose. He often shows his organizational skills. For example, Daria is a member of the “Members of the School's Big Council”, she is part of the cultural sector of the school. Daria, both at school and beyond, is a kind and responsible person, sincere in conversation with peers. Has many friends. Any negative traits character (cruelty, envy, deceit, intolerance, indifference, callousness, rudeness, etc.) I did not notice for Daria.

Attitude towards public assignments: As I already said, Daria actively manifests herself in the school's mass events. Defends the interests of the school at city Olympiads, acts as part of the school at physical culture events.

Relationships with parents: In relations with parents, Daria behaves with respect, as she herself said, she loves her parents very much. They often help her, in any unsolvable situations. As the second mother often says, this is a teacher - Daria respects her class teacher very much, who always finds mutual language with a girl.

The need-motivational sphere of the student: Daria sees the main goal of her studies as preparation for her future profession, however, she does not yet know which one. She likes the field of activity of the teacher, perhaps this is due to the preferences of the parents. In addition, the girl is interested in sports, she really likes volleyball, she is always aware of the sports news that is happening.

Features of self-awareness: Daria never especially puts herself above someone else, he prefers to live in reality, her life image is built by his real actions. When I asked a girl in a physical education lesson how she would assess herself based on the results of the lesson. She replied, you are a teacher, you have evaluative norms of behavior, grades for completing the assignment, so I deserve what I did.

Emotional-volitional sphere: The girl is more dominated by asthenic emotions, real feelings control her. The girl is not inclined to affective reactions, if there is any problem, then she is rather a product of long-term action. She knows how to manage her emotions, retreats in those moments where it is not needed. The girl is independent in making decisions regarding both her studies and small life situations.

4. General psychological and pedagogical conclusions. Firstly, I would like to note the fact that his parents play a great role in the child's upbringing process. As teachers in education, parents confidently control and correct the cultural behavior of their child. In my opinion, this largely determines the good behavior and performance of the Girl at school. An important place in Daria's behavior is played by the sincere need for her actions in public life. For the future mental development of the girl, I would recommend creating controversial, but reasonable situations more often. Daria is very fond of interesting discussions. She cleverly defends her point of view. Daria needs constant activity of actions. The girl sometimes has a certain indecision and uncertainty in future actions. In my opinion, I would suggest Daria in the future to connect her life with public speaking. For this, she has good abilities (memory, speech, thinking). She is not afraid of the mass of people and reasonably answers the questions posed. In addition, Daria is in good interpersonal relationships with her peers and parents. The girl has no motives for her own rise above someone. For me personally, Daria is a person to follow in given age... In any case, a person from whom you can take some example.

Student 2

Egorov Denis

1. General information about the student:

Egorov Denis Dmitrievich (17.08.2001) 12 years old. The level of physical development is satisfactory. For health reasons, it belongs to the 1st main group of health, mental abnormalities (according to the doctor, it does not). Family composition: father - Victor Petrovich-stepfather, born on April 11, 1986; mother - Maria Olegovna, born March 29, 1982; brother - Roman Viktorovich (02.12.2012) b. at home; parents' place of work - the stepfather is temporarily not working; mother - temporarily not working (maternity leave). The socio-cultural level of the family is average, the category of the family is complete.

2. Educational activity and individual psychological characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the student.

Egorov Denis Dmitrievich - The level of academic performance is low, he has no inclination to certain subjects. She enjoys attending physical education lessons. From Denis's personal words, he does not like educational activities. However, he goes to school regularly, but without any share of joy and interest.

Motives for educational activities. At school, Denis does not behave in a disciplined manner, does not take responsibility for any assignments. According to the class teacher Irina Iosifovna Chernenkaya, I also recorded that Denis is a very mischievous boy, he has the ability to learn, but he refuses to do anything. Teachers sometimes offer the boy interesting assignments, but he does not show much interest in this. While attending the Belarusian literature lesson, I noticed that Denis had such a peculiarity as the absence of anxiety (excitement) about failures, failures in studies. For example, he came to class unprepared. Didn't have enough educational supplies with me. More than once the teacher approached Denis with remarks. Receiving a portion of censure in his address, Denis did not show any particular frustration, he takes it as something unimportant.

Ability to learn: Egorov Denis, as pointed out by many teachers, is very difficult to perceive learning tasks. The boy is irresponsible in preparing for his homework. Denis almost always comes to classes not ready. I could not find out anything about the help of the parents in the boy's educational activities. But as the student himself said, grades are not important to him.

Activity in the classroom: It is unlikely that when a boy, he can answer any question. Sometimes he tries to get away from the conversation with the teacher in a mocking manner. The student is most often interested in sports activities, in a conversation with friends he is quite active. The predominant type of attention in the lesson is fasting, arbitrary. It arises as a result of the fact that when performing any activity that does not arouse a certain interest, at first it is required to organize the focus of attention and efforts of will to maintain it, but as difficulties are overcome, the activity carries the boy away. The boy expresses his thoughts better in writing.

Features of memory: The predominant type of student's memory is short-term intermediate. The dominant way of memorizing material is meaningless.

Features of thinking: The student thinks clearly, figuratively does not know how to independently analyze the educational material, does not know how to draw conclusions on his own.

Features of speech: In most cases, he expresses his thoughts in writing, does not have a sufficient vocabulary, it is difficult to build a question-answer system.

Characteristics of abilities: Does not have any special inclinations for certain types of activities. In my opinion, the boy loves to imagine. In a lesson, a boy can sit for a long time and draw something or think about something. I would rate the general level of interest and aptitude for knowledge as low, this is clearly confirmed in conversation with teachers and classmates.

3. Psychological characteristics of communication and personality of the student.

Egorov Denis in his class does not have a certain level of reputation. Along with Pavel Antonov, the guys are not assiduous, sometimes they do not fulfill the teacher's tasks, they like to be noticed by their classmates. Attending the lessons of the 6th grade, I would note the fact that Denis, for the most part, is still somewhere in himself. He may not hear the teacher, not fulfill his assignments, but at the same time the boy does not interfere with others. Talking to the class, I learned that many guys still speak negatively about Denis more. However, in general, I would still note that the class is friendly towards the boy, I often saw him in the campaign of classmates. During the period of his studies at school, Denis was noted with several minor violations. In the classroom, Denis always sits with Pavel Antonov. Sometimes they can calmly communicate in the classroom until they are seated. According to Irina Iosifovna, it can be noted that Denis did not observe particularly significant interpersonal conflicts, if they were brewing somewhere, then the boy himself sometimes tried to compromise and get around the quarrel. In communication with classmates, the boy is humorous and verbose. The boy was not found to have any special organizational skills. Denis is in charge of collecting waste paper and scrap metal in the class. I did not notice any negative character traits (cruelty, envy, deceit, intolerance, callousness, rudeness, etc.) for Denis.

Attitude towards public assignments: As I already said, Denis is inactive in the mass events of the school. But sometimes physical education teachers attract a boy to city competitions.

Relations with parents: The boy himself did not talk to me on this topic. According to the teacher, the boy's relationship with his parents, though not entirely good, is sometimes respectful. A mother can come to school weekly to find out about her son's studies. As Irina Iosifovna said, mother often shields Denis in controversial situations. I didn’t manage to find out why the boy comes to lessons not ready.

The need-motivational sphere of the student: I do not see the main goal in Denis's studies. The boy needs an individual approach. The boy does not think about his future profession yet.

Features of self-awareness: Denis is a noisy boy, but he never puts himself above someone else, he prefers to live in reality, his life image is built by his real actions.

Emotional-volitional sphere: Asthenic emotions prevail in the boy to a greater extent, real feelings govern him. The boy is somewhat prone to affective reactions, sometimes a storm of emotions can take over the boy.

4. General psychological and pedagogical conclusions. In many ways, what we see in Denis's behavior is, of course, a product of his parents' upbringing. Here I would like to note the fact that the parents do not fully educate the boy. In my opinion, it is possible that the parents great attention render youngest child... And Denis's life is somewhat less affected and discussed. Interest in activity plays an important role in Denis's behavior. If a boy is interested in something, then he is quite obedient and reasonable. For the future mental development of the boy, I would recommend more often find an individual approach to create exciting situations for him. Denis loves humor very much. Why, based on this, not to attract him to the culturally mass circle of the school, where the boy could fully demonstrate his abilities. Denis needs constant activity of actions. The boy sometimes has a certain indecision and uncertainty in future actions. In my opinion, I would suggest Denis in the future to connect his life with art or acting. For this, he has good abilities (charisma, calmness, thoughtfulness). He is not afraid of the mass of people. Denis needs to change somewhat in his character. Following this, people will be drawn to him. After all, the boy, as they say, is interesting for himself. The young man has no motives for his own rise above someone. For me personally, Denis is a person in whom many potentials are not revealed, he needs an individual approach at this age.

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