Why use contraception after childbirth. When is fertility recovery slow? Contraception for hepatitis B: features and benefits of different methods

  • Date: 19.04.2019

Pick up postpartum contraception you need to be especially careful. After all, there are a huge number of restrictions and contraindications that must be taken into account. After all, a woman who has just given birth is also a nursing mother. Therefore, the choice of contraceptives must be consistent with lactation.

It is necessary to think about contraception immediately after childbirth. After all, the ability to conceive for everyone returns in different ways, and there are many cases when a woman became pregnant again just a month after the birth of a child.

The main danger in the position of a young mother is that the restoration of the cycle for her is imperceptible. Ovulation cannot be tracked if you do not deal with this issue. But getting pregnant is pretty easy. Most women usually do not after the first ovulation, but there are exceptions, and they are not so rare. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly select contraceptives.

According to the WHO, contraception must be started no later than 3 weeks after childbirth. It was during this period that the prohibitions of doctors on sex life.

The number of methods of protection against pregnancy in postpartum period not so small. You can choose from the proposed list any option that suits you.

For example, abstinence is offered as a protection against pregnancy after childbirth, i.e. sexual abstinence. This method is 100% guaranteed. However, it is not suitable for all couples.

Often, young mothers rely on the lactational amenorrhea method. It is based on the fact that after childbirth, the woman's body produces the hormone prolactin, which is necessary for the production of milk. This hormone suppresses ovulation, resulting in a temporary inability to conceive. However, in order for this method to work (and not for everyone), a number of parameters must be very strictly observed. This is the age of the child (he should not be older than 6 months) and the number of breastfeeding (at least once every 3 hours, including the night). Attachments are important because the additional production of prolactin depends on the sucking of the baby. This method has its advantages - it is simple to implement and not dangerous. In addition, it does not affect intercourse in any way.

Permitted as a means of protection and hormonal agents protection. Only it should be special drugs... Those that women usually use are not suitable for young mothers. So, for example, it is allowed to use oral contraceptives or, simply put, pills. These drugs are called mini-pills. They are hormonal pills with a low dose of hormones in the composition, due to which they are not dangerous to the health of the child. The principle of their action is to increase the viscosity of mucus in the cervical region, which makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate. In addition, they help to change the structure of the lining of the uterus, so that the implantation of a fertilized egg cannot occur. The only thing is that you must very clearly follow the instructions for using these drugs - they must be taken strictly by the hour, without skipping or shifting the time of admission. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs.

You can also use such a method of protection in the postpartum period as intrauterine device... It can be given to those women with a history of uncomplicated childbirth. Moreover, it can be installed immediately after them. However, the optimal installation time is considered to be 6 weeks after the birth of the baby. the likelihood of the spiral falling out is reduced. The advantage of this method is that it has a long-lasting effect, i.e. one coil protects for about 5 years.

Various barrier methods are also widely used. For example, using a condom. He is safe remedy and is suitable for the initiation of sexual activity immediately after childbirth. However, there are also disadvantages - condoms can break and fall. To reduce the risk of this, it is recommended to use additional lubricants. Best of all, those that are water-based - they do not irritate delicate mucous membranes.

You can use special caps to protect against unwanted pregnancy. They are installed 4 weeks after childbirth, when the cervix is ​​fully restored. However, it is worth remembering that only a physician can choose the right cap and teach you how to handle it.

The use of spermicides is another way to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the postpartum period. These can be creams, suppositories, ointments, etc. Such substances destroy sperm at the cellular level, as a result of which they either die or lose mobility.

The sexuality of a young mother is undeniable. After all, a woman who has given birth blooms with a new beauty. The first sex after childbirth should be gentle, affectionate and protected. Love and attention are the key to a harmonious family and the birth of desired children.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, situations when soon after giving birth a woman finds out about a new pregnancy are not so rare, judging by the numerous branches on all kinds of "mothers" forums. This happens for the reason that many nursing mothers naively believe that pregnancy is impossible during lactation. And it is not at all necessary to protect yourself if you are breastfeeding. This is not true. How to protect yourself after childbirth so that "kinder" does not come as a surprise?

Read in this article

Changes in a woman's body

During pregnancy, the body alone hormonal background, after childbirth - another. All systems begin to recover female body... And by six months (or even earlier), even if the newly-minted mother supports breast-feeding, reproductive system is already capable of the next conception.

A few weeks after delivery (usually seven to eight), lining the uterus from the inside. Six weeks later, nearly twenty percent of non-breastfeeding young mothers and five percent of breastfeeding mothers experience their first postpartum ovulation. The egg is released from the ovary and the chances of getting pregnant are high again. At the same time, the presence of menstruation is a completely optional condition.

Prolactin help

The hope of the bulk of women is based on belief in breastfeeding: during HB, prolactin is actively produced. A hormone that blocks the maturation of eggs in the ovaries. In order for this method to work 100%, certain requirements must be met. One of which is feeding over fifteen times a day. Including at night. In a situation where feeding is replaced by drinking water, complementary foods, formula and other "surrogates", a young mother cannot count on the help of lactation as a natural contraception. This is especially true for those mothers who, before pregnancy, faced an irregular cycle or gynecological diseases.

Lactational amenorrhea is a completely "working" method, but, as practice shows, difficult to implement. Especially nowadays, when mothers often refuse long-term hepatitis B in favor of bottles and mixtures.

By the way, if there is a preference for this method of "contraception", you should also think that it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Contraceptive methods

What is the best way to protect yourself after childbirth? For a nursing mother, contraceptives, familiar to many, are prohibited for obvious reasons. There are a few options left:

  • barrier contraception;
  • creams (spermicides);
  • preparations containing a minimum of hormones (pills for nursing mothers, implants with a low content of hormones and injections are suitable).

Let's make a reservation right away: you can't do without a visit to the doctor. This is because you cannot know exactly when the cycle will resume. This means that getting pregnant during lactation can be very unexpected. Moreover, do not guess about it. Considering that there was no menses.

We increase reliability

Barrier methods of contraception for women

Doctors advise all breastfeeding mothers to use barrier contraception as a way to better protect themselves after childbirth. Condoms, cervical caps and diaphragms (female condoms) - this option is not the best for those who are not happy with "protected" sex, which, together with stretched vaginal muscles, "steals" all pleasant sensations. In addition, in some cases, no one has canceled allergy to latex.

"Female condoms" are selected at the specialist's appointment. The diaphragm is held for several weeks. A woman can insert the cap right before sexual intercourse. This method of contraception is very comfortable for women who are breastfeeding. For the first 6 months, caps and "prolactin" natural support can be an excellent way of protection.

If a woman used this method before the birth of a baby, you should definitely visit a doctor so that he picks up new size cap. It is logical that after bearing a child and giving birth, the volumes of the uterus have changed.

A little about spermicides

How to protect yourself during lactation? There is where to roam. Vaginal suppositories, all kinds of gels, tablets and creams not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also do not penetrate into milk. Give preference to proven brands - "Erotex", "Pharmatex" or "Patentex Oval". They are based on molecules of benzalkonium hydrochloride, which actively "decapitate" spermatozoa.

The effectiveness of these contraceptive substances is not a cause for concern. But, when applying them, one should adhere to the rules regulated by the manufacturer. Otherwise, there is a risk of “missing the moment”.

Rules for the use of spermicides:

  • You can wash only clean water... Attention: no soap!
  • Cream or gel (candle, tablet) must be injected strictly within the time specified by the manufacturer prior to contact. This is usually done five to ten minutes before intimacy.
  • Remember: one tablet or candle is designed for only one contact.

Spirals as a method of contraception

During feeding, one of the most popular methods is the use of a non-hormonal intrauterine device. The effectiveness of this method ranges from 85 to 95 percent. However, there are contraindications for the introduction of the IUD, therefore, before installing it, it is worth being examined after childbirth.

Hormonal drugs: pros and cons

The myth has long been debunked that it is forbidden to use conventional contraceptives during breastfeeding. The pills just need to be "correct" and not contain estrogen. It has been proven that female sex hormones affect the amount of milk. How to protect yourself after childbirth, so that "one does not interfere with the other"? The so-called "mini-drank" has been invented for a long time. Of course, you need to pick them up with the help of a doctor. The pills allowed for young mothers are based on progestogen. It does not fall into the "rivers of milk" and perfectly protects against unexpected pregnancy. These drugs have one drawback - they should be taken literally by the minute.

What you need to do when choosing this method of contraception: set a reminder on your phone or set an alarm. This is the only way to be sure that precious minutes of reception are not missed.

In terms of effectiveness, these pills cannot be considered as reliable as regular hormone pills. Therefore, during their use, it is best to apply additional methods protection (for example, barrier). And as soon as the HB is completed, switch to COCs (combined oral contraceptives).

Hormonal implants and injections

There are also hormonal implants that are sewn under the skin. Their peculiarity is that the action lasts about five years. There are no estrogens in the composition, which means that this method is quite suitable for a new mother.

How does this happen? A capsule or plate containing hormones is sewn under the skin. Every day, a fraction of the drug is released into the blood, protecting against unwanted pregnancy.

The injections have a shorter duration - the effect lasts only up to three months. Such measures are considered to be quite radical. After all, one injection, in fact, causes a "temporary menopause" in the body (with "bonuses" in the form of the absence of menstruation and ovulation). How the reproductive system will react to such experiments is another question. In any case, these techniques are from the category of prohibited as long as it is planned to give birth more.

This method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is not always allowed for lactating women. Young mothers can use spirals containing progesterone. Such, for example, as Mirena.

Usually doctors advise to wait a couple of months after natural delivery and at least six months after the COP.

There is a stereotype that artificial hormones (pills, spirals) will harm the baby. Allegedly, a "dose" still gets into mom's milk unwanted drugs... However, modern obstetrics denies a negative impact on the baby.

other methods

There are two more ways to answer the question of how to protect a nursing mother. This is coitus interruptus and sterilization of either one or the other partner. Of course, the second method is suitable only for those who seriously understand that they are not planning more children. In this case, during a simple operation, they tie up the fallopian tubes in women or the spermatic cords in men. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that it is irreversible. Before making a fateful decision, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Therefore, we would not advise you to take it seriously. Otherwise, the next baby is able to deliver a lot of trouble with its appearance. The fact is that many simply do not have time to notice pregnancy in caring for a baby, because menstruation after childbirth has not yet arrived. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, the mother should consult her gynecologist on contraceptive methods.

It's nice to see the weather kids play, however, if you do not plan to have two children in a row, then pay the closest and special attention to the question of how to protect yourself after childbirth. Special - since not all of the contraceptives are allowed for use when breastfeeding a baby.

How to protect yourself after childbirth, so that it is absolutely safe for both the mother and the baby, we will talk in this article.

The ability to conceive is restored in each woman in her own, individual terms and is not always the same after the birth of each of the children. The length of the postpartum period depends on the difficulties in childbirth, breastfeeding, hormonal balance, etc. There is an observation that ovulation occurs more likely in those mothers who do not practice breastfeeding.

Unexpected pregnancies can occur if ovulation occurs, followed by fertilization. In this case, menstruation does not occur, and pregnancy develops imperceptibly for the woman.

The postpartum period is characterized by bloody discharge... How to understand if it is menstruation or lochia? There is a rule that all discharge in the period two months after delivery is considered postpartum discharge- lochia, and have nothing to do with menstruation. If, after two months, the discharge appears, most likely it is menstruation that resumed after childbirth. If a woman is not breastfeeding, menstruation may occur in less than 8 weeks. If you have any doubts about this, a doctor's consultation will help. He will also advise the contraception that is right for you.
After childbirth, protection should be started after three weeks. So you absolutely eliminate the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Breastfeeding is not a protection against pregnancy. There is a concept - amenorrhea during the lactation period, but so that pregnancy does not occur during this period, several important conditions must be observed:

  1. Breastfeeding immediately after the baby is born. If a woman, for some reason, did not breastfeed for the first hours and days, then after three weeks, you should start taking contraceptives.
  2. The child feeds only on breast milk, without supplementary feeding and night breaks for more than four hours.
  3. The onset of menstruation indicates that there is ovulation, and there is a possibility of pregnancy.
  4. Protective function breastfeeding exists only until the child reaches six months. Further, there is a possibility of ovulation, and breastfeeding will no longer have a contraceptive effect.
If at least one of these conditions is not met, then the possibility of getting pregnant increases sharply, so contraception is needed.

Contraceptives suitable for breastfeeding:

  • Condom- a universal way with high efficiency contraception. Does not affect the quality of breast milk in any way.
    The disadvantages include discomfort and a decrease in sensations during the act, as well as allergic manifestations.

  • Vaginal suppositories can be suitable for permanent or one-time use. They include components that have a detrimental effect on spermatozoa, which does not enter the mother's milk, therefore, it has no harmful effects on the baby. Suppositories also protect against sexually transmitted infections.
    The disadvantages include allergic manifestations, burning sensation and ineffectiveness under the influence of detergents.

  • Intrauterine device can be installed only by a gynecologist immediately after the birth of the child, or after a month and a half. High contraceptive protection, although there are exceptions.
    The disadvantage can be considered more profuse and prolonged bleeding during menstruation.

  • Oral contraceptive pills- use mini-pills containing progestogen. This analogue of progesterone is produced in micro doses and does not have a negative effect on the baby. Mini-pills are taken from 4-6 weeks after the birth of the child.
    Disadvantages: it is necessary to combine with other methods, due to the fact that they have significantly lower efficacy compared to preparations containing estrogen. Cause dyspeptic disorders. Cycle changes are noticed. A strict reception by the hour is recommended.

  • Injections and implants containing progestins are sewn or injected into the forearm subcutaneously. They contain a progestin that will not harm you when breastfeeding. The effectiveness of such drugs is very high and lasts for several years.
    The disadvantages include prolonged bleeding and inflammation in the input area.

  • Sterilization(tubal ligation) is only suitable for women who do not plan to give birth anymore. It is offered only to those mothers who have already turned 35 years old and who already have two children. Often, tubal ligation is combined with a caesarean section.

After the birth of a child, the mother's body needs time to recover; a woman exhausted by childbirth is not yet ready for a new pregnancy. However, ovulation processes recover very quickly, so the postpartum period is considered especially favorable for the emergence of a new pregnancy.

A competent approach to contraception issues will reduce this probability to a minimum. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is easy to find an effective remedy. It is important for a nursing mother to remember the peculiarities of the lactation period and choose a method of contraception that is safe for the newborn.

When after childbirth you need to start an intimate life

As soon as the baby is born, the woman starts bleeding, which can last up to 30 days. During this period of time, it is better to completely abandon sexual activity. There are the following reasons for this:

  1. Sometimes during generic activity tears of the perineum occur. In the first time after childbirth, the vagina has not yet come into normal condition, and sexual contact is unlikely to be enjoyable.
  2. The level of estrogen, which is responsible for vaginal lubrication, decreases, because the main hormone now is prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk. Together with a decrease in estrogen, a woman's libido practically disappears. It is unlikely that anyone will want to have sex if there is no desire, and frictions are accompanied by pain.
  3. After the placenta is released, the uterus is injured, and it takes more than 4 weeks for it to heal. If you have sex during this period, an infection can enter the weakened body.

It is impossible to determine exactly when it is possible to resume sexual activity after childbirth, because a lot depends on individual characteristics organism. Doctors believe: if childbirth was without complications, return to sexual life can be done in 4 weeks. If the childbirth was difficult, with the formation of ruptures, you need to wait until they heal, giving up sexual relations for one and a half to two months.

During a visit to a gynecologist, you can find out how the recovery process is going. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor recommends the resumption of sexual activity or prolong abstinence for a certain period.

The importance of contraception during this period

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As soon as the woman's body recovers after childbirth, the spouses resume sexual activity, often forgetting about the need for protection. This often leads to unwanted pregnancies.

Some married couples believe that it is impossible to become pregnant immediately after giving birth. Indeed, during lactation, the hormonal background changes. However, there is such a thing as lactational amenorrhea: ovulation occurs during lactation. Thus, postpartum contraception is still necessary for a nursing mother.

Doctors say: so that the supply in the female body is replenished important micronutrients, at least 3 years should pass between childbirth. Studies have shown that if a new conception occurs immediately after the birth of a child, the risk of developing complications increases by 50%. Late toxicosis, anemia, fetal growth retardation are far from all the consequences that arise when there is an insufficient interval between two pregnancies.

Since pregnancy can occur even before the resumption of menstruation, it is necessary to protect yourself from the first intercourse. When choosing a method of contraception for the postpartum period, remember that contraception should not affect the quality of breast milk.

Contraceptive methods

How to protect yourself after childbirth, so as not to get pregnant and not harm the baby? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because it is easier for someone to take a pill, for someone - to use a condom, and some after childbirth prefer natural methods of contraception.

Given that many contraceptives are prohibited during breastfeeding, before using the pill, you must carefully study the instructions and consult your doctor. If the baby is bottle-fed, the mother can take any drugs that prevent pregnancy. Admirers of natural methods should remember that hormonal fluctuations reduce their effectiveness, so it is worth choosing a more reliable remedy.

Birth control pills

A thin layer of mucus covering the cervix protects it from infection. If a woman takes contraceptives after childbirth, the mucus becomes denser and sperm cannot penetrate it. To increase efficiency, you need to follow the rules:

  • drink contraceptives strictly according to the scheme, without missing an appointment;
  • start taking it no earlier than 1.5 months after childbirth;
  • take pills at the same time of day.

Many women prefer the contraceptive pill (read more in the article:). They are divided into 2 groups: containing synthetic progestogens (affecting the functioning of the ovaries, breast milk production) and containing progestogens and estrogens (affecting the functioning of the ovaries, blocking ovulation). The most popular tablets of the first group include: Mertsilon, Charosetta, Fermulen. They have the following advantages:

  • side effects practically do not develop;
  • the taste of milk and its amount does not change;
  • have a prophylactic effect against inflammation;
  • the composition of the blood does not change;
  • libido is not reduced;
  • the ability to conceive is restored very quickly if you stop taking the pills.

Preparations of the second group, containing gestagens and estrogens, are prohibited if a woman is breastfeeding, since they reduce the quality and quantity of breast milk. When choosing a method of contraception using pills, you should consult a gynecologist. The specialist will tell you what drugs will bring maximum effect and will not affect the quality of breast milk.

Protective injections

If there is no desire to drink birth control pills, you can use more modern method contraception - give a protective injection. This method is more than 99% effective. After applying the injections reproductive function recover for about a year, so the injections should be stopped long before planning a pregnancy.

Coil installation

The most rational method of protection after childbirth is an intrauterine device. It is absolutely safe during lactation and is 99% effective. The introduction of the spiral is carried out no earlier than 1.5 months after childbirth, when the uterus acquires normal sizes... In the presence of "female" diseases, the IUD is contraindicated.

Mirena-type spirals containing progestin are very popular. Small amounts of the hormone are secreted over 12 months and prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

Barrier contraceptives

Once the bleeding has stopped and the vagina is normal, barrier contraceptives can be used. These highly effective products are absolutely harmless to mother and child.

The condom protects against pregnancy and infectious diseases... Because of vaginal dryness or allergy to latex products in the postpartum period, the condom is used with lubricants.

The caps used before delivery should be replaced because the size of the vagina and uterus has changed. The gynecologist should select and explain the principle of use. Efficiency in the first 6 months of lactation is 85-97%.

The use of spermicides leads to paralysis and death of the sperm. In the absence of lactation, they must be used in tandem with a condom. The effect is from 75 to 94%, the duration is from 1 to 6 hours.

Natural contraception

Some women refuse to use contraceptives, preferring natural forms of contraception. These include:

  • change in rectal temperature;
  • calendar method;
  • examination of mucus.

These methods are ineffective if applied until the full recovery of menstruation, because until then, determine basal temperature, it is rather difficult to calculate the term of ovulation. In this regard, the effectiveness natural contraception is no more than 50%.

Many couples use coitus interruptus. It consists in removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation and does not require any devices or preparation. This is a risky method of protection, because even before orgasm, some men secrete a secret containing sperm, and sperm that falls on the surface of the genital organs retains the ability to fertilize. So the effectiveness of the method is about 30%.

Not every young mother plans her next pregnancy immediately after giving birth. In addition, pregnancy is undesirable for a woman's health in the near future. Therefore, the need to control sexuality and contraception becomes obvious.

The need for contraception after childbirth

After the birth of the long-awaited baby, many mothers are completely immersed in the atmosphere of household chores and caring for the child, sometimes forgetting about contraception. But the onset of a new pregnancy in the postpartum period, young families most often do not plan. And gynecologists recommend refraining from a new pregnancy after childbirth for 2-3 years. Only after this period the woman's body will fully recover and she will be able to easily transfer the next pregnancy without getting complications for herself or the fetus.

A young mother may not even notice the onset of pregnancy, because there is no period when breastfeeding. This is how the weather children appear. According to experts, more than 85% of such pregnancies in Russia are the result of family ignorance or negligence in postpartum contraception.

Sometimes it also happens that, due to an unplanned pregnancy, a woman decides to have an abortion, which negatively affects her health. Young parents should pay more attention to preventing pregnancy after childbirth. However, not all contraceptives are suitable for a nursing mother, since some enter the milk and affect its quantity or can harm the baby.

Lactational amenorrhea

Many mothers are sure that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. However, gynecologists warn about the need for contraception when breastfeeding immediately after the onset of sexual activity. Every woman's body is different. Indeed, the lactational amenorrhea method works in 99% of cases in the first six months of breastfeeding.

The lactational amenorrhea method is natural way protection from pregnancy, which is based on the absence of ovulation in a woman during breastfeeding.

A 6-month-old baby begins to introduce complementary foods, which means that breastfeeding is becoming less and less. The level of hormones responsible for ovulation in a woman is gradually increasing, the chance of getting pregnant becomes several times greater. The method of lactational amenorrhea is recommended to be used only until the child is 6-7 months old and under the following conditions:

  • refusal from supplementary feeding and complementary foods;
  • breastfeeding at night;
  • feeding on demand;
  • lack of menstruation.

Even if all the rules are followed, breastfeeding cannot be considered 100 percent contraceptive method in the postpartum period. His contraceptive effect it gets smaller every month. The likelihood of pregnancy in the future depends on the characteristics of the body of each individual woman.

Contraceptive methods after childbirth

The basic rule when choosing contraceptives is that they should not penetrate into milk in large quantities and influence the baby. Some of them are unsafe for a woman's body, which is not strong after childbirth. Having familiarized yourself with different methods contraception, it is still worth consulting with a specialist. The gynecologist will help a nursing mother choose the option that is safe, affordable and convenient for her.

Hormonal methods of contraception

Hormonal remedies against pregnancy act on endocrine system women, excluding the possibility of conception.

Subcutaneous implant

A contraceptive is inserted under the skin in the woman's shoulder. This manipulation is simple - it is carried out by a doctor within a few minutes. The size of the implant is approximately 4 cm. A hormonal implant works for about three years and provides a 99-100% protection guarantee. Its action is based on the daily even injection of artificially created hormones into a woman's bloodstream. They block the release of eggs from the ovaries. it contraceptive can be installed 3 weeks after the birth of the baby. If more time has passed after childbirth, then it is necessary to use other means of protection against pregnancy (uterine caps, suppositories) for seven days after the installation of the hormonal implant. The contraceptive does not negatively affect the quantity and quality of milk, therefore it is possible for use by nursing mothers.

The implant protects against unplanned pregnancy for about 3 years

Contraceptive injection

They begin to take effect after one injection. The effect lasts for three months... Then the procedure must be repeated.

Most women in Russia have not yet experienced contraceptive injections, while abroad they have already gained great popularity. Over the past 15 years, more than 8 million people have used such injections worldwide.

The action of injections is based on the introduction of a substance to a woman, obtained from the natural hormone progesterone. The hormone suppresses ovulation, causes a thickening of the cervix and an increase in cervical mucus, which interferes with the movement of sperm. The injection is highly effective and protects against unwanted pregnancy by 99-100%. A contraceptive injection is given to a woman in medical institution once every three months on the fifth day monthly cycle... The drug is injected intramuscularly into the buttock or shoulder. It does not contain estrogen, which means it does not have negative impact for lactation.

The contraceptive injection must be given once every three months.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

It is a small plastic device, T-shaped or otherwise, that contains hormones or copper. It inhibits the entry of sperm to the egg and reduces its lifespan, and in case of fertilization, it prevents the zygote from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

The intrauterine device has an abortive effect, that is, in many cases, fertilization occurs, but due to the presence of the spiral, the egg cannot be accommodated in the uterus and dies. The IUD is inserted only in gynecologically healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle. Only a gynecologist can put or remove it. In the absence of side symptoms or unpleasant sensations in a woman, the spiral can perform its function from 5 to 7 years. For nursing mothers, the installation of such a contraceptive is possible 5-6 weeks after childbirth. For women who have undergone cesarean section, it is necessary to postpone the installation of the spiral until 6 months after childbirth. This method of protecting against unwanted pregnancies does not affect lactation.

The intrauterine device can last from 5 to 7 years

Mini drank

Mini-pills are hormonal pills that do not contain a large number of progestin (300-500 mcg). Progestin also serves as an alternative to progesterone produced by a woman's ovaries. However, mini-pills are different from combined oral contraceptives (COCs) small dose active substance and a one-component composition. They are more gentle on the body, do not contain estrogen. The active substance of the tablets in a small amount enters the child with breast milk, but does not have any effect on it. Also, such contraceptives do not affect the amount of milk produced.

The action of mini-pili is based on the ability of the agent to change the consistency of cervical mucus. The discharge becomes thicker and more stringy, thereby preventing the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Also, the drug reduces the ability of the egg to move along the fallopian tubes towards the sperm. Substances contained in mini-pili contribute to changes in the endometrium: even if fertilization has occurred, the zygote cannot attach to the walls of the uterus. But more often than not, this effect is achieved only when taking mini-drank for several months already.

Mini-drinks do not affect lactation

Mini-pills include the following drugs:

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

COCs, unlike mini-pills, contain estrogen. Their use after childbirth is permissible only in a few cases:

  • if lactation was not initially;
  • if lactation has already been completed.

Combined contraceptives have a two-component composition and, in addition to protecting against conception, can treat any gynecological diseases of women. You cannot make a decision on taking COCs on your own. Must go full examination, after which the doctor will be able to prescribe the contraceptives that are right for you. When you take the correctly selected combined oral contraceptive daily, following the instructions, you can achieve a 99-100% contraceptive effect.

Emergency contraception while breastfeeding

Emergency protection against unwanted pregnancy is rarely used, as it contains a huge dose of hormones and has a strong effect on the body. You can take the pills within three days after intercourse, when other methods of protection (candles, condoms, caps, etc.) were not used or did not help. During this time, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.

Emergency protection after intercourse is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that such preparations contain a very large amount of substances that affect the quality of milk and that enter the baby with it. In urgent situations, Postinor 2 may be relatively safe for lactating women. However, after taking it, it is necessary to stop feeding for 10 hours.

According to studies carried out in which nursing mothers took part, it was found that the maximum number of active ingredient Postinora 2 is achieved three hours after administration. Half-life shows different time: from 10 to 48 hours.

The active ingredient of Postinor 2 is levonorgestrel. It has the following features:

  • inhibits the growth of the endometrium, which does not allow the zygote to gain a foothold in the uterus;
  • promotes inhibition of ovulation, due to which the matured egg does not enter the fallopian tube;
  • promotes thickening cervical mucus, which does not give sperm the opportunity to move to the egg.

The drug is not suitable for regular use. Frequent use of Postinor 2 can provoke pain and bleeding in a woman. Also for drugs emergency contraception include:

As the main contraceptive, emergency contraceptive drugs are not suitable, as they carry a large burden on the body. These medicines have an abortive effect, but the time to stop breastfeeding is different for each drug:

  • Escapel, according to some experts, is absolutely safe for babies. It contains levonorgestrol, which is rapidly eliminated from the body. If you do not put the baby to the breast for 5-7 hours, the substance will enter children's organism in a safe amount. Escapel is taken 1 tablet before the expiration of 3 days after unprotected intercourse.
  • The contraceptives Zhenale and Ginepristone are very strong hormonal drugs, the ingress of which into the body of a baby can cause serious disturbances in the work of his body. Therefore, after taking such contraceptives, it is necessary to cancel breastfeeding for 14 days.
  • When taking Miropriston, experts recommend canceling breastfeeding for three days.

Photo gallery: emergency contraceptive drugs

The active substance of Ginepristone - mifepristone Escapel is rapidly excreted from the woman's body
After taking Zhenale, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding for two weeks.
If you had to take Miropriston, then for the baby's safety, it is recommended to cancel lactation for three days.After taking Postinor 2, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding for at least 10 hours

Barrier method

Barrier methods of contraception include condoms and silicone caps. These means of protecting against unwanted pregnancies mechanically prevent sperm from entering the uterus, where fertilization can occur.


The condom is put on immediately before intercourse on the male genital organ in an erect state. He retains the male seed inside himself and does not allow him to get inside the female body. The effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy is 96–99%. The disadvantage is the possibility of rupture when strong impact on him. Unlike many other contraceptives, a condom protects both women and men from various diseases sexually transmitted diseases. A condom is the simplest and most affordable method of preventing pregnancy, which has no contraindications when used during breastfeeding.

Uterine cap

It is most often made of silicone or latex, in the shape of a cup or a hemisphere. The cap is a reusable product with a lifespan of one to two years. The woman puts on the contraceptive cap herself on the cervix and closes the sperm passage. It does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. The effect of protecting the cap against pregnancy depends on the correct selection and insertion of the cap.

The contraceptive cap can be used repeatedly

Without harm to health, the contraceptive cap can be left inside for 35–45 hours, after which an unpleasant odor may appear.

Before inserting the cap into the vagina, check it for cracks and tears, then wash your hands thoroughly. For the greatest effect, it is recommended to use a spermicidal gel, which is slightly less than half full of the cap. The contraceptive is then inserted deep into the vagina where it attaches to the cervix. It is most convenient to do this with an average or forefinger squatting or lying on the bed.

The advantage of the cap is its reusability. After intercourse, leave the cap inside for at least another six hours: a quick extraction can allow the remaining sperm to enter the uterus. You also need to take out the cap with pre-washed hands, taking a position that is comfortable for you. After removing the contraceptive, rinse and dry thoroughly. The uterine cap has no contraindications for use during breastfeeding, does not adversely affect the condition of the mother and child. However, after giving birth, you should refrain from using such a remedy for at least 4 months, until the cervix takes on a permanent shape.

It is necessary to insert and remove the cap with pre-washed hands.


Sterilization is a surgical method of contraception in 99% of cases. Its essence lies in the mechanical effect on the fallopian tubes, as a result of which their obstruction is created. This is done in one of four ways:

  1. Removal of part of the fallopian tube.
  2. Moxibustion fallopian tubes with the help of a current, as a result of which scars appear in the tube, which impede the movement of the egg and sperm towards each other.
  3. Tubal ligation - tying the tubes and securing them with a clamp, which subsequently dissolves on its own.
  4. Pinching pipes - bridging pipes with clamps. The advantage of this method is that later such clamps can be removed.

With the correct operation, protection against pregnancy is 100% guaranteed. Since in most cases such an effect is irreversible, before using it, a woman needs to weigh the pros and cons of this procedure. Usually, the operation is performed for women who already have and do not want to have more children. It is also indicated in cases where pregnancy can be harmful to health. The woman must be consulted about the methods of sterilization and given an explanation about the irreversibility of the method, after which she must sign documents confirming her consent to sterilization.

If necessary, the clamp can be removed from the pipe using an operation.

Conditions for sterilization:

  • complete examination of the physiological and psychological state women;
  • lack of health contraindications for surgical intervention, for example, sexually transmitted diseases, oncology, psychological instability, etc.;
  • the woman is over 18 years old;
  • a healthy woman must have at least one child;
  • the woman must not be pregnant;
  • written consent of the woman for the operation.

Natural methods of family planning

Calendar family planning is the cheapest and most natural way to avoid unwanted pregnancies. It lies in control menstrual cycle and calculating the days when conceiving a child is possible and when it is impossible. On days when a woman cannot get pregnant, you can have unprotected sex. On the days of ovulation or the days next to it, pregnancy can be avoided by excluding sexual intercourse, or by using contraception. This method of contraception is not contraindicated for nursing mothers, but is only suitable for women who have a regular and stable cycle, otherwise the calculations of non-fertile days will be incorrect. For the correct calculation of safe days, the ovulation calendar will help.

In addition to the ovulation calendar, body signals such as:

  • daily body temperature readings increase by 0.4 - 0.6 degrees;
  • daily vaginal discharge becomes very abundant, sometimes a one-time slight selection blood;
  • increased libido;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • prolapse and opening of the cervix;
  • breast tenderness.

It is important to be guided by both the ovulation calendar and the symptoms of the body in order to natural method family planning worked 99 and 100%. Given the fact that people can make mistakes, be forgetful or inattentive, natural family planning provides only 75-80% protection against unwanted pregnancies.

The PPA method, or coitus interruptus, is another type of natural contraception. Its essence lies in the fact that the man has time to get the penis out of the woman's vagina before the moment of ejaculation. This method is unreliable. Doctors do not recommend using it, since often sperm cells are in the secretions even before the moment of ejaculation, or a man may not have time to remove the penis. Of course, using this method is better than not using any. However, it is worth knowing that in addition to the unreliability of protection against pregnancy, it can bring psychological discomfort to both partners and the fear that a man will not have time to get his penis before ejaculation.

Chemical contraception

Pregnancy chemicals include gels, suppositories, creams, and aerosols. Such contraceptives, due to their active substance, destroy sperm, bacteria and viruses. Chemical contraceptives are non-hormonal contraceptives, their action is based on the destruction of sperm and an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents the passage of damaged sperm into the uterus. Chemical contraceptives should only be used before intercourse. The introduction of suppositories or cream after sex does not make any sense, since the sperm have already managed to penetrate the uterus.

Chemical contraception drugs include:

  • Erotex;
  • Benatex;
  • Evitex;
  • Pharmatex;
  • Gynecotex.

Contraceptive suppositories and creams are not 100% protection against pregnancy. It is advisable to combine such contraceptives with other means of contraception (condoms, caps). Using only a chemical contraceptive provides 75-90% protection against unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, women who are sexually active should choose other methods of protection.

Because contraceptive suppositories and creams are non-hormonal agents, have a local effect and do not fall into breast milk, their use is possible during lactation. They are suitable for women in case:

  • rare sexual intercourse, in the case when the installation of the coil or reception hormonal pills doesn't make sense;
  • breastfeeding;
  • the presence of contraindications for the use of hormonal pills or the installation of a spiral;
  • perimenopause (the period before menopause, when the production of sex hormones gradually decreases);
  • additional protection when using the uterine cap or skipping the hormonal birth control pill.

To achieve 100% protection against pregnancy, contraceptive suppositories should be combined with other contraceptives.

It is necessary to enter the candle 10-20 minutes before sexual intercourse in comfortable position(lying or squatting). During this time, it will have time to melt, evenly distribute over the vagina and begin its action. Within 3 hours after using the candle, you must not wash off with soap, as soap can neutralize the spermicide and its action will be ineffective.

Contraceptive creams, gels and aerosols have the same properties and protection parameters as a candle. Their essential difference from each other is only in the form of release.

The set with the cream usually comes with a tube with a special tip. It is also necessary to inject the cream in advance - 10-15 minutes before intercourse. With frequent use, it can cause vaginal dryness and lead to dysbiosis, therefore regular use of the cream is not recommended. Another disadvantage of the cream is that when interacting with water and soap, it protective properties are lost. Washing immediately after intercourse or having sex in the pool can neutralize its effects.

Contraceptives Pharmatex are available in the form of cream, tablets, suppositories