Learn my purpose. "Three days" - the test for the fact that in life is intended for fate

  • The date: 24.09.2019

The person who wonders about his destination has already risen on the path of spiritual self-knowledge. Three effective method Assist to you to assert and find your true goal.

Most people are not accustomed to think about such complex issues and allow their lives by the course of circumstances. Of course, later they reap the bitter fruits of their own mistakes, but it becomes too late. A spiritual person knows that it is possible to radically change your life with the help of the strength of thought.

How to find out your purpose in life

Take the leaf and handle, divide the sheet into two columns. One will enter all your desires, and in the other - the qualities that, in your opinion, are necessary for the incarnation of a dream under current conditions. So you will see that hidden inside you. Develop the main features of the person independently or referring to the help of close people or mentors.

The purpose in life most often can not be one - as a rule, there are several of them. For example, if you love and want to sing, then you can learn to this and realize yourself in art, and in addition - to teach this other people.

Second way: find yourself using communication

Another person, especially whose advice you listen, can specify you on. Feel free to ask people than you are different from others that, in their opinion, you get the best. A person is a public creature, knowing his personal calling in life through the relationship with others.

Also useful will communicate with developed, self-sufficient personalities. Especially with those who achieved really considerable heights. The positive experience of another person is able to open your eyes and strengthen faith in your own strength.

Find people of interests by refusing personalities pulling you on the bottom. Try to communicate with those who do not sit on the spot, grows spiritually and has already been ahead of you in development. Internally, you will draw to such people, which means you will be able to see what was hidden from you earlier. Remember that friends are a reflection of your essence.

Third way: permanent self-improvement

The essence of this method can be expressed by the saying "Age Live - Age Learning." Only a person who constantly cultivates himself spiritually, learns a new one, goes ahead and purposefully working to eradicate its vices and the development of advantages, can realize its purpose. Forming your identity, cleansing from obsessive thoughts, uncertainty and fears, you will find the meaning of life and the path of personal implementation.

Spiritually Development is not only work on yourself and constant self-improvement, it is also strong faith, morality and high desires. Such a person constantly gets the prompts of the Universe, which indicates the true path leading to happiness and abundance. Your destination is largely the result of personal work on yourself.

The code of fate and the formula of your personal success is hidden in the date of your birth. Having calculated them with the help of numerology, you will get tips on the way of gaining personal happiness. Remember that only you are the Creator of your own well-being. Be happy, i wish you success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

12.07.2017 06:03

Even a person who does not have extrasensory abilities can learn about what happens to him in ...

Did you think about what is the meaning of your life? "Why do I live? Is there anything important that I need to do in life? " Most often, people ask themselves these questions aged 36 - 42 years. And this is due to the fact that at this age we revise our life values, overestimate what is important and what does not matter for us really.

Perhaps once you succumbed to the influence of society or your relative environment and chose "not that" the occupation, "not the" profession, "not the" person. In other words, they did not choose, did not hear themselves. And for many now, at this age, the question remains unresolved - and the way I go? Do I have a destination and if so, what? About, how to find out your destinationThis will be discussed in this article.

What is the purpose

Different philosophical currents understand the purpose in different ways, and some are completely denied.

But if you have experience browsing past lives, then you understand that there is a plan for every embodiment, and if you followed him, then you have a sense of satisfaction at the end of life. But if you did not follow this plan of the soul, then at the end you are waiting for disappointment, wines or condemnation yourself. The task is transferred to the next embodiment.

I support the point of view that each soul has its own definite destination that she needs to fulfill in most of its embodiments.

Such tasks of the soul can be grouped in 3-4 groups and such a point of view is supported by many philosophical current flows:

  • in the ancient-Slavic tradition, this is called "Varna": artisans, merchants, warriors, teachers
  • in the ancient Greeks, in particular in the ideal state of Plato, there is a similar separation between people, called "classs": the first class - artisans, delints and peasants, the second - the guards (warriors), the championship - the wise men (philosophers),

and many other traditions.

As you can see different times and different cultures, and speak by and large about the same thing.What is the basis of such division of people into groups?

4 species of purpose

All these groups differ in their destination of the soul. If you do not recognize the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a soul, (as Buddhists do), here we are talking about that the deformist part of our consciousness, which is reborn in life. And the reincarnation of Buddhists do not deny.

Here are these 4 types of destinations that follow the soul from the embodiment in the embodiment:

  1. Master some profession, become a master in the profession, to find and use your talents for this, work with your hands - this is the purpose of the "artisans" group. This group, as well, many include Leonardo da Vinci.
  2. Learn to trade, establish communication, the exchange of information is the purpose of "merchants"
  3. To serve other people, keep the word, adhere to the concepts of debt and honor, protect the country, to serve society, voters, the country is the purpose of "warriors". For example, many politicians, military, company executives are just examples of people of this group.
  4. Store and transfer knowledge, including about the meaning of life, to train not only the subject, but also spiritual truths, to bear love, wisdom and mercy is just the purpose of "teachers" or "philosophers."

Reincarnation works through immersion inside itself, work with the subconscious, viewing past lives or early childhood.

Astropsychology is a method at the junction between astrology and psychology and helps to see with what talents or unresolved tasks a person came into this life.

In reincarnation, the client works himself, in the immersion "goes" for the voice of the conductor consultant, and together we collect information from your past lives or images that you come.

In astropsychology, I watch your card planets at the time of birth (the formula of the Soul) and tell you that it is written in it.If there are some unresolved tasks (programs), then I, as a psychologist, suggest you as these tasks decide.

For example, programs are visible from the formula of the soul as:

  • "Financial support from the husband is not wait, become the bread itself" (when there is this program, then any man, as soon as it becomes your husband, immediately takes this program and ceases to be a minider in the family)
  • "I am looking for a husband perfect" (then there is a risk for a long time to stay and stay alone)
  • "All men are deceivers" (such a woman has a man deceive her or even change)
  • sacrificial love (such a person will feel a victim in any relations he creates)
  • high offending (such a person will perceive any relationship as a problem)
  • negative karma of kind (and then you need to watch generic programs)
  • and other programs brought from past lives.

From the formula of the soul is also clearly visible to the purpose of the current life, as well as the type / activities that correspond to this purpose.

Numerology is faith that numbers carry information and affect a person. This is a system of views on the world and per person in it, in which the numbers we rule.

Numerology branches: Pythagorean, Kabalistic, Vedic or Generic Shaman Baba - for many centuries, and there is no scientific confirmation. Science is almost always for generation-two lags behind intuitive knowledge and discoveries, but for the Millennium it remains unproved - it is too long.

Numerology destination is not yet science. Numerologists are not scientists, but adherents and followers of this philosophical point of view on the fate of a person. So, to trust her to decide what kind of mission you have on Earth or not - you decide.

Recommendations are too high flying, abstract and with a million different variations and interpretations. Purpose 7,300,000,000 people laid out only 9 boxes. Because, numerology works with numbers just: from 1 to 9. No specifics wait.

Purpose of man in the understanding of numerology

A person is seen as a player on a very long distance, in 50-100 lives. Planetary School: With a karmic cargo, reincarnation and homework, which you need to learn to move on.

  • Took money B. last Life And did not return - it's time to give in this.
  • Broke the heart of his beloved in the XV century, in this - she breaks you.
  • I complained about the bad fate in the past life, in this - you will pray that at least not shot.

The purpose of man is to develop, gain experience, to give debts of the past. Purpose ≠ Favorite business and ≠ Professional vocation. Purpose is an individual task, mission, meaning. For what purpose did you decide to be born on Earth, or so, they just decided to smoke the sky.

Purpose is not a profession

If you read the interpretation of your destination, I will understand - it depends entirely on the worldview of what has written. There is a joke: how many philosophers are so many philosophical points of view. Similarly, how many numerologists - so many opinions.

Two identical descriptions of your purpose numerologists will not give. If some aunt wrote an article / book, and her head under the word "creativity" appears a fan artist in a cap with a bubber - will say your task - to write by oil Eiffel Tower, running through the streets.

Often, the purpose of man is reduced simply to the profession in which you can be successful:

  • born on the 7th - engineer or researcher;
  • 19-numbers were born - an artist or poet;
  • and if the 10th is a janitor or plumber.

Even in tests on professional orientation, everything is clearer and more practical.

Numerology does not give a clear and unequivocal answer to the question "How to find your destination? "But shows the direction and ideas for reflection. I hope the calculation of your date of birth will obey you on thinking about your life from a new point of view.

Calculate online your destination

"The number of life path" is most consistent with the purpose of man based on Numerology Pythagora. We write the date of birth and summing the numbers.
For example: 27 (day), 09 (month) and 1987 (year) - 2 + 7 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 \u003d 4 + 3 \u003d 7.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 Month 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2006 2002 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990 1990 1989 1988 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1959 1959 1958 1954 1954 1955 1954 1953 1954 1954 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1939 1934 1939 1932 1929 1929 1922 1919 1916 1918 1919 1916 1915 1914 1913.

Decoding the purpose of man

Interpretation according to the book E. Korovina and Numeroscop.ru:

The purpose is the realization of extraordinary plans, lead people.

Form: Leader, leader, pioneer, but also the destroyer, no obductor.

Motto: Who if not me?

Like all normal children, you dreamed of growing up and become big, "because you will not need to" obey your mother. " However, this is a rejection of the subordinate position, which others "goes" in other junior class high SchoolIn your case, not only did not disappear, but continued to grow with you. Early manifested qualities of the leader in full extent Provided the eligibility of your desire for independence.

As a rule, the next stage is the formation of organizational qualities, gradually strengthening its position in any team, whether it is a student group, a working brigade or an informal youth association. Satisfying personal ambitions, self-affirmation, desire to such a situation in which your opinion is decisive in any situation - key motives in this period of time.

As for the possibilities of the professional plan, while you are young, full of strength, ambitious hopes and new ideas, There is almost no area where you could not find applications. There is a mass of directions where the courage, the originality of thinking, the ability to take the leadership and willingness to be responsible will not be easily in demand, but also necessary. As a result, fast career growth, tangible material well-being, confidence in tomorrow.

Unfortunately, many very vaguely imagine themselves, what exactly they want to be confident and what should this very "tomorrow" day should be. Saying the imaginable significance of his "everyday victories," you at some point suddenly realize that your leadership leadership led you to the position of the link in the chain, the permanent place of residence at one of the steps of the social staircase, where all neighboring steps are occupied by the same leaders. And from the chain of this you do not break out, and from the stairs - do not get away. Because you are the "component part".

If your number life path - "Unit", you should always remember that you are a "soloist", and genuine satisfaction you are able to experience only when you do something yourself, and the end result depends only on you.

Purpose - live among people and instruct them.

Form: Peacemaker, assistant, adviser, contactor, but also a gossip-envious, intrigue or headphone adhesive.

Motto: Contact? There is a contact!

The number of life path "Two". All your life is a search for generally acceptable solutions, compromises, peaceful settlement of all arising contradictions. Over time, you will realize that this seemingly obviously passive position can actually be very active, if you learn to see the situations where it will be to the place.

The value of the presence of a wise and balanced peacemaker in the occurrence of various life conflicts is difficult to overestimate. The most titled one is called the Secretary General of the United Nations, but it is not necessary to mark so highly at all. At any level, whether it is a settlement of family conflict, business mediation, social activities related to the protection of someone's interests - all of these areas where you can find yourself, be useful, even indispensable.

Your ability to correctly evaluate the situation, sympathize with whom it is adversely reflected, to seek the very insignificant opportunity for a decent solution to the situation will bring you deserved respect, and in most cases there is also a material reward.

Try only that your compassion does not lead you the role of an agreement that is trying to please everyone regardless of the principles of justice and common sense. It threatens the loss of not only authority, but also your own face.

Purpose - raise the spirit of others, to jump, merry.

Form: Enthusiast, Lucky, Baloven Fortune, representative of the spoiled "golden youth".

Motto: Smile, gentlemen!

Optimist and Welfare by nature, you will pretty early to understand that our world is overcoiled by sullen, derived, compacted by people who are needed as air. And, consequently, the cheerful temper, wit and friendliness is the most advanced currency on which you can gain pleasant, trust, admiration, even adoration.

For some time it will be enough for you, but only until you see that there is a "product" much more valuable - gratitude. However, and "pay" for him will have something that is valid by banal jokes and encouraging views. Your reserves will be required - creative abilities, artistry, congenital artistic taste. And then the prospects for a completely different level will open. You will understand that it is possible to bring joy to life not only "leading to the feeling" of another, separately taken neurasthenics, but also in a much broader scale.

This may also play a decisive role when choosing a life path in its professional plan. You are liberated to choose among all existing directions of creative activity, which most of all you like. Purify on paper, on canvas, in music or dance, build palaces and temples, grow unprecedented flowers, create unique scenic images - all this is organically and able to bring anything to you.

Just never forget that your calling is to give, not to take, give, and not accumulate. Otherwise, one day you risks with surprise and disappointment to find that "for the soul" you have one rhylad - was the fame, a couple of dozen forgotten friends and as many unsuccessful novels. And the most valuable - appreciation and love - you never got.

Purpose - business in the world of business, with a practical, technical bias.

Form: Worker, practitioner, administrator, hope of this world.

Motto: Always worth doing effort!

Your whole life is work. You still realized that any life benefits would not be in hand without effort. Such as you will not see in the hall of playing machines or in the kiosk, where lottery tickets are sold. You will not be trapped along the seashore in the hope of catching a goldfish, which one feels will solve all your problems.

You initially divided your life to the steps. Actions at each of the stages are clearly defined, positive result - We expect, but failure is absolutely unacceptable. In this case, you will simply find another way to achieve the goal. Your confidence in the correctness of your actions of all-fabrices. Any external influencescapable of negatively affecting the efforts planned by you - break down "on the root".

The above qualities will make you a welcome officer in any organization, which has more than one person. The fact that any retreat from the rules is completely unthinkable for you, for your employees will be a guarantee of your reliability. You will be trusted. Thus, in your hands it may be to control large material and human resources, the distribution of financial flows, the organization of production processes of any level.

And since your actions at the first stage of life will be directed to education, the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills, you will not have difficulties with the implementation of tasks assigned to you. Just do not turn into a bay and petty bore, for which the compliance with the rules is more important than understanding and meaning. Stay correctly in everything, keep common sense under any circumstances, and then your capabilities are unlimited.

Purpose - movement, travel, fantasy.

Form: Free-Polants, adventurer, traveler, warrior, spy, man is a symbol of his era.

Motto: Risk is a noble thing!

To say that you are a leaf that the wind is changed from side to the side, without worrying about the choice of a certain direction - it would probably be too much. But the fact that the desire to change, constantly updating is the main feature of your character is undoubtedly. The need to determine the desired direction on the life of the risks, which turns others into a state of dull bewilderment, for you - the moment of the highest happiness, because it is the symbol of the possibility and the right to make a free choice.

As a result, independence, courage, resourcefulness and foresight are the most developed of your qualities. Of course, there will always be someone who will call your courage to rashness, the resourcefulness - freakiness, and the ability to foresee the results of certain actions - a simple luck. Therefore, if you want to work in the team, you will have to constantly prove the eligibility of your views and actions. But, as you know, the dogs hate the wolf because it is free, so you have to be not easy.

However, you will get common sense to reconcile with the fact that free man - Lones by definition and not "cling" for a group. You can choose any kind of activity, for the implementation of which you will have enough one. The lack of responsibility to the team will give you the opportunity to constantly try yourself in new qualities, never stopping at what happened.

This is how you can realize yourself as a person and, that ultimately, it is equally important, to bring tangible benefits around own example Proving that he is freedom - not just a word of newspaper editorial, but the fundamental right of any person.

Purpose - support people.

Form: The mentor is the one who cares about humiliated and offended, instructs humanity on the right path.

Motto: We're the same blood.

At the very young age, you looked at the unlawful travelers in disapproval and there were thereby "coward", which at the last moment is trying to dissuade the comrades from the implementation of risky clauses. In these cases, no timidity or indecision was not at all. You just wanted to protect them from danger and save from punishment. Your desire to take care of the surrounding born together with you and will forever remain the basic principle of existence.

In the early stages of the life path, the manifestations of inconsistency, the desire to teach themselves and advise, can lead to painful disappointments, in particular, personal. Youth of the dip on manifestations of originality and even some recklessness in the opposite sex representatives, and extremely intolerant to all kinds of restrictions and encroachments to freedom of action. Therefore, you should be prepared for charges in the bore, cosiness and intolerance. Let it be embarrassing you - with the onset of maturity, everyone wants to have a person's judicial, caring and devotees next to him. And the more your guardianship neglected in adolescence, the higher it will appreciate it in the later stages of your life.

Concerning professional activity, then you should choose to choose a type of work where your qualities would be needed, and the desire for sacrifical ministry would meet understanding and approval. The desired types of professions are abounding the areas of medicine, pedagogy, religion, sociology, as well as service of any level.

You can not doubt that in the end of the years you lived, you will decorate the chosen profession, an excellent family man and the wise adviser, with whose opinion will always be considered.

Purpose - to know the world.

Form: Truth seeker, researcher, predictor, symbol.

Motto: Learn unrecognizable.

"The Ways of the Lord are non-defined" - Aphorism is not from your charter. You are not from those who declares their head with reverence before the secrets of being. If questions arise, then they must be answered - in this principle, according to your deep conviction, everything is built. On the same principle you build and own life.

Your desire in any case to get to the truth, to reduce the complex situation to simple equality without the "unknown" at first, can play a nevertal joke with you. In particular, you will not immediately understand that in personal relationships are not so unambiguous as it seemed to you. As a result, serious disappointments are quite possible. In fact, it's still easier than you thought, however, the understanding of this will come only with age.

But in a professional plan, no problems will arise. Moreover, your inquisitiveness and meticulousness in studying the subject of interest will allow you to become an expert in any, even an arbitrarily selected area. The ability to correctly set the task and expose it to comprehensive analysis opens up the widest perspectives as in scientific activityand in practical work, in short, wherever the clarity of thinking and perseverance are required in search of the optimal solution.

It is likely that mature age You will have time to decorate the walls of your office diplomas of various scientific societies and testimonies of patent offices, or, if you are more prone to work with hands, let all at your disposal of the room invent "bicycles" inventors. In any case, on the slope of the years you will be proud of.

Purpose - ensuring the increase in and distributing the energy of money throughout the planet.

Form: The owner, a man who made himself, financier, banker, merchant, entrepreneur.

Motto: Wealth is not a sin, they do not fall into hell for him.

Life path of the voluntarist. The desire to rule is to have the right to unitely make decisions and give orders not to be discussed. And inseparable from this right cargo responsibility, which will fall on your shoulders, barely come out of adherally.

In the early stages of life, your desire for independence and autonomy can lead to conflicts, and in some cases a complete breaking of relationships with loved ones. Very soon you will understand that the chosen path is the path of loners, since the use of someone's help and support will mean the loss of the ability to ruin autocratic. In order to avoid a similar situation, you will need to strengthen your position in knowledge, armed with the highest qualifications in the area you will choose for yourself. This will give adversely positive effect - In your advice and instructions, even those who are not directly subordinated to you, whose work is not connected with yours. So you can if you do not get friends, at least to increase number of peopleSomething to you obliged, respecting your opinion, and therefore, strengthen your influence.

The field of activity can be chosen arbitrarily, but, once having made such a choice, you are most likely no longer able to collapse from its own way, because any rejection of power, neglect of responsibilities and responsibility will inevitably be associated with the loss of all achieved, with the loss of your own person.

Your marital status will be decent, perhaps even enviable, but hardly prosperous. Your rejection of equality, including the family, will be the foundation for the relationship in which respect and reverence will be present, but not love. However, you will not have such a state of things.

The purpose is to create your own happiness, and at the same time turn the usual world into the world of beauty and harmony.

Form: A wanderer who goes to perfection, a gardener who bleasting a wonderful pink bush in the middle of the harmony garden.

Motto: Hold on the edge! Fell - Stand!

Susceptibility, turnout, the ability to penetrate the essence of things will be the light accompanying you on the life path. Regardless of sex and age, you will always be someone best friend, attorney, and personal affairs "shoulder", for which I want to rely on. This peculiar talent will manifest even in early childhood, so by the time of the onset of age you will not have doubt that you should devote my life. Your path itself will choose you.

The fact that your purpose is to create a good everywhere where there is a need for this is completely indisputable. Another question is what exactly you should make a "tool" to implement this purpose. Here you should trust your a little, remember what skill caused your delight, admiration, perhaps even envy. Not that the error in preferences could play a fateful role in your life, depriving the qualities mentioned above. You just can not use them fully, having deprived yourself of all the completeness of moral satisfaction. And this is important for you.

Your responsiveness and humans will most likely find their use in medicine and social work. However, if the creative start in you prevails, nothing prevents you from trying yourself in any of the types of art, not forgetting, of course, the humanistic emphasis must be present, socially useful orientation.

Many people managed and managed not bad. Remember your favorite book or film that has not done a strong impression. These are the fruits of the works of people whose sincere warehouse is largely similar to yours. They told their word. The queue is yours.

How to understand your destiny and mission on earth

All numbers have a common or direct hit with me.

How to understand your destination? - You need to follow your interest and leads feelings. Watch Like / Do not like what happens in life; I want / do not want to do what you do; Must / should not have something to do before.

First you need to find internal freedom - let go of psychological clamps, remove the limiting beliefs and prejudices. Learning to act and think not stereotypically and consciously.

Then you need to gain external freedom - it is not highly dependent on the source of income, from relatives, work and other dependencies taken not by their will.

Early re-read the interpretation of each number and appreciate how much it is similar to you. I will do it on my example.

My number of fate - 7. Calculated by the date of birth, the purpose is to know the world. Main trait - curiosity and search for truth. In general, in its 30 years I actively show these "talents" of fate.

I take another number - 1. The purpose is to be the organizer, to implement a creative thing.
The last decade is busy. All about me.

Next number - 2. Purpose - live and instruct.
Oh my God! Also similar to me. Assistant, the adviser - why not. Each grandmother at the entrance has such a purpose.

Numerology of the number - 3. The subhead is merry.
For sure I! I am also optimistic love. It was not born that day.

Numerology - 4. Mission on Earth - conduct business with a technical bias.
100% wrote from me. And on education, I will go, and on business.

Numerology - 5. Purpose - Movement, Travel, Fantasy.
200% about me. For the sake of fun with children, I can invent the root of the world of the wonders of Alice, then into the future to travel, then some kind of mythical animal invent - easily.

Numerology - 6. Purpose - maintain and instruct people.
If for thirty years I already perform these roles, then the older, the wiser I will perform these roles and with a greater hunt.

Numerology - 8. Purpose and mission - to twist money on Earth.
Money I love to earn and pay them. I am an entrepreneur, your favorite occupation - to manage finance in the morning.

Numerology - 9. Purpose - to create good and harmony.
A kindness is one of my noticeable qualities, although hidden for jokes.

All this says - that I am a whole person. Implemented a full range of roles, show different traits of character. Not crumpled and not coached the outside world. Live and active participant in the construction of his fate. Why learn your destination if you can create your own hands.

Review about numerology by date of birth

I was given a personal advice, and on Numeroscop.ru for $ 25 I bought access to extended information: numerology date of birth and name, motivation, profession, periods of life - water diluted water.

When you read - it sounds very tempting, but there is no benefit. For 5 years, periodically read, compare with what I have - almost not a single decision, taking into account what I read - did not. In addition to one - write this review.

If you carefully read the interpretations, not 1-2 articles, and 2-3 books, collecting lines with common sense. Make sure that everything is about the character of a person, about the tendency, aspirations - such tremendous traits of a person who are difficult not to see in themselves. Numerology does not open the secret of your birth, only hints at the obvious. And inherent in all people, although in varying degrees.

Self-analysis, monitoring, consultation with a psychologist, or even banal psychological tests - will give an order more information For reflection and analysis. And you can collect it for several years, watching it, and not once "calculate the purpose". So that later from it to catch at least one useful idea.

Specify the purpose of the destination, and all the liberated energy attached to its implementation, and not in search of an answer "from above."

Adult, we are increasingly thinking about the meaning of life, trying to determine our place in this world. For us it becomes important to find your purpose. After all, the understanding of the goals largely facilitates their achievement. And the sooner the correct tasks are set, the better for all. Especially for the surrounding world, because it is so important that man implements his mission. The purpose of man is not only his personal responsibility to himself, but also before the whole universe that he endowed with this task. This article will be dedicated to the issue of finding his life plan.

What is the purpose

The purpose is the goal of a person's life laid before his birth. We are talking about the mission of each of us in this world. If you dig deeper, it turns out that the floor, the color of the skin, the nationality and the rest drops out to people not by chance. It is not even in a combination of genes or coincidence, namely, in the unique role of a person who is predetermined by him over.

The concept of purpose can be viewed in two planes.: Mystical and Social. The first is faith in the certainty of being by the highest forces. It is called fatalism, but herself - Fatum. At the same time, a person always has the ability to choose. That is, he can go as his own way, so to get off him.

For example, in Indian mythology, there is a concept of Sansary - the wheels of life, multiple reincarnations, in which a person clears his karma. Go to more high level He can only realizing its purpose in the previous. IN chinese philosophy Waiter is spread in the lot, which falls a person and according to which he should live. Not accurate recommendations to action. There is only the ultimate goal and the need to achieve it, and how this will happen to anyone not known.

When social interpretation of this term We are dealing with the concept of society and harmony in it. Such a definition of life mission goes its roots in the past, when the son of the leader became the leader, the son of a fisherman - a fisherman, and the son of a slave is a slave. Especially brightly, this process found its manifestation in India's culture with its custom structure.

Fortunately, in our time, society has become more democratic, discovering before the immigrants from various social groups Wide opportunities for life implementation. Still, how to find out your destination?

How to find out your destination

Given the importance of this issue for a person's life, it is important to treat him with maximum seriousness and attention. From how early we will understand our mission, the possibility of achieving our life goals is depends. The benefit of the case, people thought about this issue for a long time. Methods How to understand your purpose is invented quite a few. About them and will be discussed.

Analyze your hobbies and talents

In this way, you can rather, that is, what "soul lies". The life mission is not, but helps to come into harmony with himself. And already, thanks to this, you can safely and think about the destination. After all, these concepts are inextricably linked. What makes a feeling of joy and happiness in life will certainly be present in it. And perhaps it is these concepts that are a subconscious prompt that we are on right way. We must listen carefully to your inner voice, he is rarely mistaken.

Enable imagination

Another good way to understand your destination. Sometimes in reality people are unsure in themselves, they are afraid even to imagine something. But, there is a limitless world of fantasies, in which everything is possible. And in order to understand yourself, sometimes it is enough to give will to your own. Draw the perfect world, with your laws and rules. The most important thing is to find your place in this world. And then compare fairy tale and reality. Determine the common points of contact and try to realize them. And even if in fictional world The man turned out to be an archman of the third round, this does not mean that in of real life There is no alternative for him. Perhaps the role of the doctor of physico-mathematical sciences sells hidden potential is no worse than alchemy.

No wonder there is a saying "on the part more visible." And very often relatives, friends, acquaintances or colleagues for work can have an invaluable service in finding himself. This is especially true of the closest environment that know of this person Since childhood. And communication can be started different ways. Or a long time to walk around and about, asking for leading questions as if anything about. Or take and ask the forehead - "What do you say? What is my purpose? " Sometimes an unexpected question helps to get an extraordinary and correct answer. The main thing to remember that people express their subjective opinion. To listen to their advice should only be if they find some kind of response to ourselves.

Ask numbers, stars and horoscopes

The desire to shift responsibility for his life on someone else sits in a man from birth. First, on parents, then teachers and teachers. When an adult comes, many are trying to find tips from higher strength. And you can hear them by numerology, astrology, chiromantia (divination by hand), folding cards and producing many other intricate actions. Believe such tips or not, everyone's case, but sometimes it is so nice to shift the solution on others. In addition, these teachings exist already for a long time. And, as you know, the smoke without fire does not happen.

Find a spiritual mentor

In search of the meaning of life, you can seek help from an enlightened person who has secret knowledge and abilities. These can find millions if you enter the appropriate question in the search engine. If seriously, then the real spiritual teachers of the unit. Their search may be no less long than their life path. But, it is likely to find the first, a person will gain and second.

Perhaps it was so conceived in the world? Perhaps the purpose of such a person is not just in finding your teacher, but also in the ability to become a mentor for others. Not only representatives take a similar role. different religions, but also numerous personal growth coaches and coaches. The main thing to remember that people engaged in it are much more than real specialists. And the life of a person depends on their work. Therefore, in search of an individual path, you should very carefully choose your assistant.

The purpose of man is a complex and multifaceted concept. It is not determined only by the profession or success in creativity. The mission is laid before birth and is the question for which each of us is trying to answer. Someone in youth, others in maturity, and someone is looking for an answer to this question all the time. The main thing is in search of your destination not to forget about the life itself, which is essentially the main meaning of human being.