Objective reality is given. Test "Cognition" Objective reality given in human consciousness is

  • Date: 30.10.2019

Objective reality given to us
From the work "Materialism and empirioticism" (1909) V. I. Lenin (1870-1924), which gave the definition of matter: Matter has an objective reality given to us feeling ...
Just ironically: About any immutable fact, about reality.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

Watch what is "objective reality given to us in sensation" in other dictionaries:

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    The universal property of matter, which consists in reproducing the signs, properties and relations of the reflected object. "... It is logical to assume that all matter has a property that is essentially related to the sensation, the property of reflection ..." ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    reflection - Reflection the main characteristic of knowledge and consciousness in terms of philosophy of dialectical materialism. Cognition and consciousness are understood as part of this concept as O., reproduction of the characteristics of objects existing ... ...

    - (10 (22). 04. 1870, Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk) 21. 01. 1924, pos. Gorki (now Gorki Leninskaya Moscow region) Public and statesman, political thinker, philosopher Marxist. Rod. In the family of the People's Inspector School of Sumbir Lip ... Russian philosophy: dictionary

    Lenin (Nasty Fam. Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich - (10 (22) .04. 1870, Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk) 01/21/1924, pos. Gorki (now hill Leninskaya Moscow region) Public and statesman, political thinker, philosopher Marxist. Rod. In the family of the People's School Inspectors of the Sybirsk lips ... Russian philosophy. Encyclopedia

    Philosophical categories that are ideological foundations of science within the framework of materialist. philosophical exercises. From the point of view of materialist. Dialectics, the material unity of the world, which is a moving matter, serves as a philosophical ... ... Physical encyclopedia

    materialism - materialism (from lat. Materialis real) Philosophical worldview, approving the primacy of matter and the secondaryness of human consciousness. No other consciousness, according to M., does not exist. M. recognizes, in contrast to the subjective ... ... Encyclopedia of epistemology and philosophy of science

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FGOU SPO "Primorsky Polytechnic College"

On the topic: Matter, consciousness.

By discipline: The basis of philosophy.

Performed: student 132g.

Checked: teacher


The concept of matter is the basic concept of materialism. It expresses the essence of the materialistic worldview, recognition of the objective reality of the world, its existence, regardless of the consciousness of people. The concept of matter was produced by materialism throughout the history of its development.

Matter is an objective reality given to us in our sensations. Matter is always in motion, no and there can be no matter devoid of movement, there is no "pure", intangible movement, not associated inextricably with a form of matter. Each individual type of matter is in motion and thanks to it detects its existence. Movement is the form of being of matter. It is also indispensable and indestructible, like the matter itself.

The movement at which a new one occurs on the basis of the old, the lowest is replaced by the highest, simple - complex, is called development. During the development of inorganic matter, organic with its inherent special, higher form of movement arises, and the living matter itself, in turn, undergoes various transitions from one state to another. Human society is also continuously developing. The development of society is a natural historical process in which one social and economic formation is shown. For example, the process of developing capitalism with necessity leads it to death, to the emergence of a new, communist formation.

Movement of matter is divided into types:

Mechanical (driving machine, train)

Physical (movement of molecules, atoms)

Chemical (chemical reactions)

Biological (human change in a few years)

Social (war, revolution)


The main question of philosophy is that primary. The idealists believe that consciousness, materialists that matter.

The idealistic interpretation of the question of space and time is most pronounced in the Cantian and Mahist philosophy. According to Kant, space and time do not exist objectively, regardless of consciousness, but are only a priori (data to experience and independently of experience) forms of our sensory contemplation.

Many philosophers - idealists and individual naturalists denied and deny the objective reality of time and space only because naturally the scientific ideas about them are relative, changeable in nature and over time undergo cool breaking for example, many continue on the question of time and space are clean, deprived of time objective content concept.

The space and time is not only objective, but also absolutely in the sense that they are mandatory, basic, all-piece forms of the existence of moving matter. "There is nothing in the world," Lenin said, "except for moving matter, and moving matter cannot move otherwise, as in space and in time. Any of the particles of matter, it is a star or an electron, necessarily exists in space and time. Space and time are inherent in all types and states of matter as an integral forms of its being. At the same time, the space and the time is relative in the sense that their properties are determined by the specific types and states of moving matter.

Permanent change is performed in the world

Moving in time and space matter. In this universal process of change, each individual form of existence of matter is equally transient, nothing is forever, except for ever changing, eternally moving matter. In eternally existing, none of her attributes can perish. The space and time as an integral forms of existence of matter are also eternal and infinite, like the matter itself.


Dialectic materialism recognizes the infinity of matter in time and in space. Matter is an objective reality that does not have limits, which is infinite as in the sense of the inexhaustibility of the quantitative and qualitative manifold of its states and transformations. The space and time, being universal indigenous forms of the existence of matter, are also inexhaustible in the quantitative and qualitative and variety of their properties, as matter itself. They are infinite, as they express an infinite variety of forms and transformations of moving matter, an infinite sequence of the lengths of material objects and the lengths of the material processes going one by one. But at the same time, individual states of matter and associated specific properties of space and time are limited, finite. In this case, the infinite and finite are dialectically bound to each other, so that the endless exists and manifest only in the final, through the final. In the same time, the end is the particle of an infinite, inexhaustible in its diversity of the material world.

The position of dialectic materialism about eternity and infinity in time and space finds its confirmation in modern astronomy, which, on the basis of scientific observations and research, shows that the universe does an endless process of creation and destruction of individual stars and star systems, but there are no boundaries for the universe as a whole. As the limits of scientific knowledge expand more and more

Objective reality given to us
From the work "Materialism and empirioticism" (1909) V. I. Lenin (1870-1924), which gave the definition of matter: Matter has an objective reality given to us feeling ...
Just ironically: About any immutable fact, about reality.

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"An objective reality given to us in the feeling" in books

Objective reality

by the author Swami Sukhotra

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Normal objective reality without God

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2.2. Matter - objective reality

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2. Myth as an objective reality, alleged or challenged

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Chapter II. Society as an objective reality

Objective reality

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (O) author BSE

Objective reality given to us

From the book Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and expressions Author Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Objective reality given to us in the sense of work "Materialism and empiriocritism" (1909) V. I. Lenin (1870-1924), which gave the definition of matter: Matter has an objective reality given to us feeling ... Justly ironically -Lo is an immutable fact

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A selection of base: subjective and objective reality.doc.
Knowledge is a systematic results of human cognitive activity. Thanks to the knowledge, a person has the opportunity to rationally build its livelihood, relying on the experience of previous generations.

The combination of methods and processes of acquiring knowledge is cognition. Cognition is the study of all processes and patterns of the objective world. The science examining the process of knowledge is gnoseology.

Knowledge - objective reality given in human consciousness

Cognition - the process of transformation and development of knowledge, its constant recess, expansion and improvement

cognition (intellect) - the need for knowledge about himself, about the world, about the meaning and appointment of their life - forms human intelligence, i.e. A combination of mental abilities, first of all, the ability to receive new information on the basis of the one that has a person already.

emotions - Subjective experiences about situations and phenomena of reality (surprise, joy, suffering, anger, fear, shame, etc.)

feelings - emotional states that are more durable than emotions, and have a clearly pronounced nature (moral, aesthetic, intellectual, etc.)


personality orientation

Worldview- Human view system on the world around the world and his place in it:

  1. Structure of the worldview: knowledge, principles, ideas, beliefs, ideals, spiritual values

  2. Formation paths: spontaneous, conscious.

  3. Emotional coloring classification: optimistic and pessimistic;

  4. Main types: ordinary (everyday), religious, scientific.

  5. The role in human life. The worldview gives: Landmarks and goals, methods of knowledge and activities, the true values \u200b\u200bof life and culture.

  6. Features: always historically (differently in different historical stages are becoming
Beliefs- Sustainable view of the world, ideals, principles, desire.

Types of worldview:

  • Ordinary (or life) - is the generation of the daily life of people, in the sphere of which their needs are satisfied

  • Religious - is associated with the recognition of a supernatural principle, supports the hope of achieving the hope of what they are deprived in everyday life. The basis is religious flows (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam)

  • Scientific - theoretical understanding of the results of the scientific activity of people, summarized the outcome of human knowledge.
Types of knowledge:

  • Building - built on a common sense (is empirical. It is based on a common sense and an ordinary consciousness. It is the most important indicative basis of the daily behavior of people, their relationship between themselves and with nature. It comes down to the statement of facts and their description)

  • Practical - constructed on actions, mastering things, peace transformation

  • Artistic - built on the image (holistic mapping of peace and man in it. It is based on the image, and not on the concept)

  • Scientific is based on the concepts (an understanding of reality in its past, present and future, reliable generalization of the facts. Carries out the foresight of various phenomena. Reality is associated with the form of distracted concepts and categories, general principles and laws that often acquire extremely abstract forms)

  • Rational - reflection of reality in logical concepts, is built on rational thinking

  • Irrational - reflection of reality in emotions, passions, experiences, intuition, will, abnormal and paradoxical phenomena; Does not obey the laws of logic and science.

  • Personal (implicit) - depends on the ability of the subject and on the characteristics of its intellectual activity
Forms of knowledge:

  • Scientific - objective, systemically organized and reasonable knowledge

  • Unscientific - disparate, non-systematic knowledge that is not formalized and is not described by law

  • Double-handed - prototype, scientific knowledge background

  • Paranuchant - incompatible with existing scientific knowledge

  • Flashless - consciously using speculation and prejudices

  • Anti-scientific - utopian and consciously distorting idea of \u200b\u200breality

  • 1. Activities - a way to attitudes towards the external world, consisting in transformation and subordination to its human goals (conscious, productive, transforming and social character)

    2. Differences in human activity and animal activity

Human activity

Animal activity

Goaling in activities

Feature in behavior

Human activity

Animal activity

The adaptation to the natural environment through its large-scale transformation leading to the creation of an artificial environment of human existence. A person retains its natural organization unchanged, changing his lifestyle at the same time.

Device to environmental conditions primarily by rebuilding its own body, the mechanism of which is mutational changes, fixed by the medium

Goaling in activities

Feature in behavior

Conscious formulation of goals related to the ability to analyze the situation (disclose causal dependencies, to anticipate the results, think over the most appropriate ways to achieve them)

Submission to instinct, actions are initially programmed

The science - The form of the spiritual activity of people aimed at the production of knowledge about nature, society and about the knowledge itself, which has a direct goal of comprehending the truth and the discovery of objective laws. Science is:

  • social Institute (Research Institute, Universities, Academy of Sciences, etc.)

  • branch of spiritual production (R & D);

  • special knowledge system (holistic system of concepts, laws, theories).

2. Classification of sciences:

  • according to the subject and method of knowledge: natural, social and humanitarian, about knowledge and thinking, technical and mathematical;

  • remote to practice: Fundamental and applied.

3. Science functions:

  • cultural and ideological

  • informative-explanatory

  • prognostic

  • social (social forecasting, management and development).

4. Communication characteristics of science: Rationality, criticality, individuality, sociability.

5. Models of development of scientific knowledge:

  • gradual development of science;

  • development through scientific revolutions and shift paradigms (a set of explicit and implicit (and often not realized) prerequisites that determine scientific research and recognized at this stage of development of science; T. Kun "The structure of scientific revolutions", 1962);

  • development through approximation to cognitive standards of natural science;

  • development through the integration of scientific knowledge.

6. Scientific knowledge - A special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically organized and reasonable knowledge about nature, man and society

7. Features:

  • objectivity;

  • the development of the conceptual apparatus (categoricality);

  • rationality (consistency, evidence, systemity);

  • verifiability;

  • high level of generalization;

  • versatility (examines any phenomenon from regularities and causes);

  • the use of special ways and methods of cognitive activity.

8. Levels, forms and methods of scientific knowledge




- Scientific fact - reflection of an objective fact in human consciousness;

The empirical law is an objective, substantial, specifically universal, repeating sustainable relationship between phenomena and processes.

- Question

The problem is a conscious formulation of issues (theoretical and practical);

Hypothesis - scientific assumption;

Theory is the original base, an idealized object, logic and methodology, a set of laws and allegations.

The concept is a certain way of understanding (interpretation) of any object, phenomenon or process; The main point of view on the subject; Guideling idea for their systematic lighting.


(rigor and objectivity)

  • observation;

  • experiment;

  • measurement;

  • classification;

  • systematization;

  • description;

  • comparison.

  • Unity of historical and logical

  • Climbing from abstract to concrete

  • Formalization

  • Mathematization

  • Math modeling

9. Universal methods of scientific knowledge:

  • Analysis - decomposition of the whole on the part;

  • Synthesis - reunification of the whole of parts;

  • Deduction - the removal of the general situation from the facts;

  • Deduction - the logical removal of the new position from the preceding;

  • The analogy is the similarity of non-liberate objects;

  • Modeling - Playing the characteristics of a single object on another object (model) specifically designed to study them;

  • Abstraction - mental distraction from a number of properties of objects and allocating any property or relationship;

  • Idealization is a mental creation of any abstract objects that are not fundamentally practiced in the experience and reality.

10. Social sciences
- The form of spiritual activities of people aimed at the production of knowledge of society.

11. Classification of Social Sciences:

  1. Science, giving the most common knowledge about society: philosophy, sociology

  2. Sciences revealing a certain sphere of public life: Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Ethics, Aesthetics

  3. Sciences penetrating all spheres of public life: history, law
1) Sensual knowledge: the normal work of the senses exercised in the following forms:

a) sensations - direct impact on the senses, properties of objects and processes.

b) perception - impact on the senses of the holistic image of the subject.

c) representation is a sensual image of objects and phenomena persisted in consciousness without their immediate impact.

2) rational knowledge: / from lat. Ratio is a reason / necessary stage of human cognitive activity.

a) Comparison - the allocation of common essential features. As a result of the comparison, the concept is formed.

b) The concept is a thought that reflects objects or phenomena in their common or essential features.

c) judgment is such a form of thought in which through the connection of concepts or is alleged, or is denied by anything. Logically related judgments are conclusion.

True and false: Truth - reliable proper knowledge. Filosophers-agnity denied the possibility of obtaining true knowledge (agnosticism - inaccessible knowledge). The criteria of truth: in the XVII - XVIII centuries: the dispute of scientists about the sources of knowledge and the mind, or feelings are defining in human cognitive activity. Opinions were divided:

1) Rationalists (mind): There are some innate ideas, the tasks of thinking, independent of sensual knowledge. The criterion of truth consider the mind and for the true knowledge of the theoretically substantiated knowledge.

2) Empirics (from Greek. Empirio - experience): a decisive role in knowledge - sensual experience.

The truth of knowledge is provided by experienced data: what is given to us in sensations, that is, in reality. The goal of science in the pure description of the facts of sensory knowledge. The criteria of truth can also be considered practices like material production, experience and scientific experiment. Practical needs brought to life many accepted scientific knowledge. Knowledge of objects and phenomena can be considered correct if you can do certain things with their help.

A special type of experiment is considered a mental experiment. In the process of such an experiment, the specified conditions are imaginary but necessarily relevant laws of science and rules of logic. When conducting a mental experiment, the scientist operates not with real objects of knowledge, but their mental images or theoretical models. On this basis, this type of experiment relates not to empirical, but to theoretical methods of scientific knowledge. It can be said that it is a binding link between the two levels of scientific knowledge - theoretical and empirical.

Based on testing hypotheses, there is a construction of scientific theories. Scientific theory is called a logically consistent description of the phenomena of the surrounding world, which is expressed by a special system of concepts. Any scientific theory, in addition to the descriptive function, also performs the function prognostic: it helps to determine the direction of further development of society occurring in it phenomena and processes.

The main principles of scientific knowledge are:

1. The principle of causality.

The content of this principle can be transmitted by the famous statement of the ancient Greek philosopher of democritus: "No thing arises unless, but everything arises on some reason due to necessity." The principle of causality means that the emergence of any material objects and systems has some reasons in the preceding states of matter: these bases are called reasons, and caused changes - consequences. Everything in the world is connected with each other with causal relations, and the task of science is to establish these links.

2 The principle of the truth of scientific knowledge The truth is called the compliance of the knowledge gained in the content of the object of knowledge. Truth is checked (proved) practice. If scientific theory is confirmed by practice, hence it can be recognized as true.

3. The principle of relativity of scientific knowledge according to this principle, any scientific knowledge is always relatively and limited by the cognitive capabilities of people at the moment. Therefore, the task of the scientist consists not only to know the truth, but also to establish the boundaries of the correspondence of the knowledge gained by him - the so-called adequacy interval, the main methods used in the process - empirical knowledge are the method of observation, the method of empirical description and Experiment method.

Observation is a targeted study of individual items and phenomena, during which knowledge is obtained about external properties and features of the object being studied. Observation relies on such forms of sensual knowledge, as a feeling, perception, performance. The result of observation is an empirical description, in the process of which the information received is recorded using the tools of the language or in other iconic forms. A special place among the above methods occupies the method of experiment. The experiment is called such a method of studying phenomena, which is carried out in strictly certain conditions, and the latter can, if necessary, recreate and monitored by the subject of knowledge (scientists).

The following types of experiment are distinguished: 1) Research (search) experiment, which is aimed at discovering new, unknown science of phenomena or properties of objects;

2) a check (control) experiment, in which there is an inspection of any testicular assumptions or hypotheses;

3) physical, chemical, biological, co-valid experiments, etc.

A special type of experiment is considered a mental experiment. In the process of such an experiment, the specified conditions are imaginary but necessarily relevant laws of science and rules of logic. When conducting a mental experiment, the scientist operates not with real objects of knowledge, but their mental images or theoretical models. On this basis, this type of experiment relates not to empirical, but to theoretical methods of scientific knowledge. It can be said that it is a binding link between the two levels of scientific knowledge - theoretical and empirical.

From other methods relating to theoretical level of scientific knowledge, it is possible to distinguish the method of hypothesis, as well as the formulation of scientific theory.

The essence of the method of hypothesis is the advancement and substantiation of some assumptions, with the help of which one can give an explanation of the empirical facts that do not fit into the framework of the previous explanations. The purpose of testing hypothesis is the formulation of laws, principles or theories explaining the phenomena of the surrounding world. Such hypothesis are called explanatory. Along with them, there are so-called existential hypotheses, which are assumptions about the existence of such phenomena, which are still unknown by science, but may soon be open (an example of such a hypothesis can be the assumption of the existence of not yet open elements of the periodic table D. I. Mendeleev) .

Based on testing hypotheses, there is a construction of scientific theories. Scientific theory is called a logically consistent description of the phenomena of the surrounding world, which is expressed by a special system of concepts. Any scientific theory, in addition to the descriptive function, also performs the function prognostic: it helps to determine the direction of further development of society occurring in it phenomena and processes.

1. An objective reality given in the consciousness of a person is:

2. The process of transformation and development of knowledge, its constant recess, expansion and improvement is called:

1) Knowledge, 2) knowledge, 3) truth, 4) imagination.
3. Elementary information about nature, people, the conditions of their life, communication allows you to get:

  1. mythological knowledge; 2) philosophical knowledge; 3) Everybody is practical knowledge.

4. Fantastic reflection of reality, knowledge and explanation of the nature and society of folk fantasy allows you to:

1) mythological knowledge; 2) philosophical knowledge; 3) Everybody is practical knowledge.
5. The subject of knowledge is:

6. The object of knowledge is:

1) a set of methods and means that contribute to knowledge; 2) a knowledgeative man; 3) what knowledge is sent to.
7. Select the correct answer:

A. Sensual knowledge is carried out in the forms of sensation, perception and presentation.

B. Concept, judgment, conclusion is the forms of rational knowledge.

8. Select the correct answer:

A. Feeling, perception and concept are forms of sensual knowledge.

B. Presentation, judgment, conclusion is the form of rational knowledge.

1) the answer is correct A; 2) the answer would be correct; 3) there is no correct answer; 4) both answers are correct.
9. The holistic image of the subject directly in live contemplation in the aggregate of all of its parties and connections is called:

10. Public sensual - a visual image of reality, persistent and reproducible in consciousness through memory:

1) feeling; 2) perception; 3) worldview; 4) performance.
11. The sensual image of individual sides, processes, the phenomena of the objective world is called:

1) feeling; 2) perception; 3) worldview; 4) performance.
12. Select the correct answer:

A. Feelings, perception and presentation exist as independent and independent forms of sensory knowledge.

B. Feelings, perceptions and ideas can be viewed as consecutive stages of sensual knowledge.

1) the answer is correct A; 2) the answer would be correct; 3) there is no correct answer; 4) both answers are correct.
13. The definition "The process of a generalized reflection of reality, which ensures the disclosure of its natural links," refers to the concept:

1) knowledge; 2) worldview; 3) thinking; 4) performance.
14. The concept is:

15. The judgment is:

1) The form of thought, establishing links between individual concepts, and with the help of these connections, something is approved or denied.

2) the form of thought reflecting the general laws of communication, the parties, signs of phenomena, which are fixed in their definitions;

3) The form of thought, which is a process and result of reasoning, during which a new judgment is derived from one or more judgments.

4) The holistic image of the subject directly in live contemplation in the aggregate of all of its parties and connections.
16. The conclusion is:

1) The form of thought, establishing links between individual concepts, and with the help of these connections, something is approved or denied.

2) the form of thought reflecting the general laws of communication, the parties, signs of phenomena, which are fixed in their definitions;

3) The form of thought, which is a process and result of reasoning, during which a new judgment is derived from one or more judgments.

4) The holistic image of the subject directly in live contemplation in the aggregate of all of its parties and connections.

17. Select the correct answer:

A. Sensual and rational are two stages of knowledge, they are not opposed to each other.

B. Sensual and rational knowledge is in constant interaction, form an inseparable unity of the cognitive process.

1) the answer is correct A; 2) the answer would be correct; 3) there is no correct answer; 4) both answers are correct.

18. What form of knowledge is greater?

1) sensual and rational knowledge is equally important;

2) sensual knowledge is more important;

3) rational knowledge is more important.
19. Select the correct answer:

A. Intuition is one of the forms of sensual knowledge;

B. Intuition is one of the forms of rational knowledge.

1) the answer is correct A; 2) the answer would be correct; 3) there is no correct answer; 4) both answers are correct.

The science

Science is:

1) a set of knowledge about the world around

2) Research System for New Knowledge

3) Specific organizations and institutions

4) all of the above

2. Are judgments true?

Under science, understand:

A. Knowledge system.

B. Production of knowledge. Replies options:

  1. 1) is true only and 3) is true a and b

  2. 2) true only b 4) both are incorrect

3. Sciences learning the laws of nature are called:

1) physical 3) mathematical

2) Humanitarian 4) naturally technical

4. The laws of the development of society are studying science:

  1. 1) Philosophical 3) Humanitarian

  2. 2) Economic 4) historical

5. Education suggests:

1) Receive knowledge of the environment, society, man

2) creating new knowledge

3) assimilation of ethical standards and values

4) studying someone else's experience

6. A person gets an education as a result:

1) adaptation 3) growing

  1. 2) Socialization 4) aging

7. The education system is adjustable:

  1. 1) State 3) Social Group

  2. 2) society 4) individual people

8. Humanization of education is:

1) Failure to place low marks

2) free visits to schools in schools

3) more attention to individual identity features

4) reduction of learning load

8. List the types of education in modern Russia


9. Dog, primary, main, secondary, secondary special, higher

C5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "relative truth"? Attracting the knowledge of a social science rate, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the criteria (s) of the definition of truth, and one proposal that reveals the features of this type of truth.

OBJECTIVE REALITY - The philosophical category, being (in science corresponds to the concept of matter), the existence and properties of which do not depend on whether his subject perceives (think), or not. All that exists can exist only in objective reality. To describe the matter, there are three objective forms of its existence: D. vIBITION, (cm.). There are objective and subjective reality, which can be defined as a phenomenon of consciousness, sensation, perception by a person of something and all that is connected with this.

In terms of the main issue of philosophy under an objective reality, it is understood that existing independently of human consciousness and primary in relation to it. The need to introduce a category of objective reality as an absolute reality, which opposes consciousness and knowledge, was due to the declaration of the world on the domestic declaration of the world (the world "I" is a subjective reality, phenomena of thinking, consciousness) and external (the world "non-I" - sensual, bodily Things, physical phenomena in space and time). This division of the world has become the philosophical basis of classical environmental education, where objective reality is nature (matter), which the subject knows, based on the sensation and experiment, which can be described as it is, opposing it to the phenomena Thinking and Consciousness (cm.). Materialists usually represent an objective reality as a certain mechanism that works in accordance with its device, and which people can have only limited effect. The look of some religions on objective reality is not very different from the materialistic - the whole difference is reduced to the fact that this "mechanism" was created by God (see Deism ); In addition, God sometimes interferes with this "mechanism" (theism). The agnostics believe that "objective reality", that is, the truth is not available to the understanding of man.

The category of objective reality is also necessary for the preservation of realistic, antisubitivistic ideological orientation. According to some scientists, the term "objective reality", introduced in the Soviet philosophical tradition, is an example of a logical error (pleonism), since already the concept of "reality" denotes a givenness free of subjective influences.

At the same time, the development of science has discovered the gnoseological difficulties caused by the concept of "objective reality". In the process of knowledge, the subject inevitably involves objective reality into the system of his means of knowledge and cognitive actions, which makes the problem of establishing the boundary between the objective reality, as it matches the subject, and the most subject (its means of knowledge and his consciousness).

From the point of view of modern natural sciences "Objective reality" is fundamentally unrecognizable (in full, to the smallest details), since the quantum theory proves that the presence of an observer changes the observed (observer paradox). From here in philosophy there is a feasibility of consideration of an objective reality as being, which exists independently of this subject, from its sensations and thoughts, its cognitive activity, as well as the use of the operational characteristics of the objective reality due to its psychological and practice measurements. An objective reality in this sense manifests itself not only as the world of natural phenomena and processes, but also the patterns of the historical and social being, the institutional structure of society, as well as a set of certain cultural phenomena, ideas, thoughts or submissions of other subjects. Movement, space and time, life (See), etc. - All these properties or manifestations of properties and interactions of various types of matters of matter, which, in aggregate and form the world as a whole or the entire objective reality.