natural contraception. How to avoid pregnancy without birth control

  • The date: 18.04.2019

Let's stop at physiological methods of contraception. They are not intended to be used medicines, various devices and manipulations. Knowing the characteristics of her body, a woman can plan an intimate life in such a way as to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy. Who is shown these methods and how effective are they?
Physiological, or biological contraceptive methods refer to natural methods of family planning. Consists of abstaining from sexual intercourse during the fertile phase menstrual cycle(the period during which a woman can become pregnant).
During the menstrual cycle, a woman's body prepares for conception and pregnancy. If conception does not occur, this process is repeated again. The duration of the menstrual cycle is determined from the first day of menstruation (beginning spotting), until the first day of the next and is 21-36 days, more often - 28 days.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle (in the first 14 days of a 28-day cycle) in ovaries there is a growth and maturation of the follicle (vesicle with an egg inside). The growing vesicle secretes estrogens(female sex hormones). Under the influence of estrogen, the mucous membrane grows uterus - endometrium. On the 14-16th day of the cycle, the follicle bursts, and a mature egg, capable of fertilization, comes out of its cavity, that is, ovulation.

Natural family planning methods can use:
  • women reproductive age having a regular menstrual cycle
  • couples who are religious, ethical and other beliefs do not allow the use of other methods of contraception;
  • women who, for health reasons, etc., cannot use other methods;
  • couples who are willing to abstain from sexual activity for more than one week in each cycle.

Should not use these methods:

  • women whose age, number of births or health conditions make pregnancy dangerous for them;
  • women with an irregular menstrual cycle (breastfeeding, immediately after an abortion);
  • women with irregular menstrual cycles;
  • women who do not want to abstain from sexual activity on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

Types of physiological methods

To biological (physiological) or natural methods family planning (EMPS) include: calendar (or rhythmic), temperature, cervical mucus method, symptothermal (a combination of the two methods listed above), coitus interruptus, lactational amenorrhea method (during lactation, there is a physiological suppression of ovulation due to the baby sucking on the breast), abstinence (refraining from sexual intercourse).

Calendar (rhythmic) method of contraception

To determine the fertile phase, it is necessary to analyze at least 6-12 menstrual cycles. During this period, abstinence from sexual activity or protection is necessary. barrier methods of contraception.
When analyzing the menstrual calendar for 6-12 months, the shortest and longest cycles are distinguished. The number 18 is subtracted from the number of days of the shortest and the day of the beginning of the "dangerous" period is obtained, and the number 11 is subtracted from the number of the longest menstrual cycle and the last day of the "dangerous" period is found out.
Let's give an example of calculating the "dangerous" period with a constant menstrual cycle of 28 days.

  • The beginning of the "dangerous" period: 28 - 18 = 10th day of the cycle.
  • End of the "dangerous" period: 28 - 11 = 17th day of the cycle inclusive.
  • The duration of the "dangerous" period is 8 days. It starts on the 10th day of the menstrual cycle and ends on the 17th day.

Attention! This method can be used only with strict accounting of all menstrual cycles in the calendar and with a small spread of the menstrual cycle during the year. If you have not marked the duration of the menstrual cycle on the calendar for 6-12 months and cannot say with accuracy about the stability of the cycle, then this method is not suitable for contraception, as well as for calculating the most favorable days for conception.

Temperature method of contraception

The temperature method of contraception is based on determining the time of temperature rise in the rectum ( basal body temperature).
It is known that at the time of ovulation, the temperature in the rectum decreases, and the next day it rises. By daily measurement basal body temperature for several (at least three) months and abstinence from sexual intercourse in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, including the first three days of a rise in temperature after ovulation, a woman will be able to determine when she ovulates. The effectiveness of the method depends on the accuracy of determining the timing of ovulation.
Therefore, it is necessary to measure the temperature, observing the following rules: always in the morning, within 10 minutes, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, using the same thermometer and with eyes closed, because bright light can provoke the release of certain hormones and contribute to a change basal body temperature. The thermometer is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 4-6 cm. The temperature value is noted on the graph.
Schedule basal body temperature (see graph 1): normal from the very beginning of the menstrual cycle (its duration is calculated from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next one) until the onset of ovulation basal body temperature below 37 degrees C and can fluctuate within small limits, for example, from 36.6 degrees C to 36.8 degrees C. At the time of ovulation, the temperature drops slightly (for example, to 36.4 degrees C), the next day basal body temperature rises above 37 degrees C (37.2-37.4). At this level, she keeps until the next menstruation. The decrease in temperature and the subsequent jump beyond the line of 37 degrees C allows us to determine ovulation period. In a 28-day cycle, a healthy woman usually ovulates on days 13-14 of the cycle. It should be noted that due to the increase in body temperature during various diseases numbers basal body temperature also get high.

But can only these two days be considered "dangerous"? Far from it. Even having clearly defined your individual ovulation period, you cannot protect yourself from accidents. If you are nervous, overworked, the climate has changed dramatically, and sometimes for no apparent reason, ovulation can occur 1-2 days earlier or later than usual. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the viability of the egg and sperm. If, on the eve of the expected menstruation and especially on the date of the expected, but delayed menstruation, several fever in the rectum, this allows you to suspect a pregnancy that has already occurred.
Temperature method of contraception determining the period of increased fertility implies sufficient discipline of the woman and the exclusion of haste in the morning. The inconvenience of the method is associated with the need for daily temperature measurement, and a rather long abstinence. However, when used correctly, the effectiveness is quite high. In women suffering from diseases of the genital organs, the schedule of basal temperature may change. In this case, the question of the advisability of using this method should be discussed with the doctor.

Cervical (cervical) mucus method

In different phases of the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus is produced in the cervix, different in quantity and consistency. Its quantity and consistency is influenced by female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). At the beginning of the cycle, immediately after menstruation, when the level of estrogen is low, there is little mucus, it is thick and sticky. This thick and sticky mucus forms a fibrous network that "plugs" the cervix and creates a barrier to sperm entry.
Besides acidic environment vagina quickly destroys spermatozoa. Rising levels of estrogen gradually change the cervical mucus, which becomes clearer and thinner. Nutrients appear in the composition of the mucus to maintain the vital activity of spermatozoa, and its reaction becomes alkaline. This mucus, getting into the vagina, neutralizes its acidity and creates an environment favorable for spermatozoa. Such mucus is called fertile, its amount increases 24 hours before ovulation. The last day of slippery and wet slime is called peak day. This means that ovulation is close or has just occurred. After ovulation, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, cervical mucus forms a dense and sticky plug, which prevents the advancement of spermatozoa. The vaginal environment becomes acidic again, where the spermatozoa lose their mobility and are destroyed. 3 days after the appearance of sticky, viscous mucus, a phase of absolute sterility begins, during which, until the start of the next menstruation, pregnancy will be impossible. Application method of cervical (cervical) mucus with the aim of contraception involves keeping records. In this case, a number of codes can be used (see graph 1).
It is believed that the first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle, subsequent days are numbered. Phase of relative infertility: red squares with an asterisk indicate days of menstrual bleeding; green squares indicate a period characterized by dryness in the vagina, the so-called "dry days". The fertility phase (yellow squares with the letter M, day 11 of the menstrual cycle) begins with the appearance of mucus in the vagina. Ovulation has not yet occurred, but the sperm that has entered the woman's genital tract at this time can remain viable and "wait" for the egg. As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus becomes more abundant and elastic. In this case, the tension of the mucus (when it is stretched between the thumb and forefinger) can reach 8-10 centimeters. Next comes peak day (M). This means that ovulation is close or has just occurred. The fertility phase continues for another 3 days and its total duration in our case is 7 days (from 11 to 17 days of the menstrual cycle). The phase of absolute sterility begins on the fourth day after the maximum discharge (on our chart from day 18) and continues until the first day of the next menstruation.

Since mucus can change its consistency throughout the day, watch it several times a day. For this big and forefinger inserted into the vagina and take the available discharge. Further, the mucus is evaluated for consistency and ability to stretch between the fingers. There are no discharges on dry days. Every night before bed, determine your fertility level (see below). conventions) and place the corresponding symbol on the card.
Abstain from sexual activity for at least one cycle to determine the days with mucus.
After the end of menstruation during "dry days" you can safely have sex every second night (the rule of alternating dry days). This will prevent mucus from being confused with semen.
If any mucus or feeling of moisture in the vagina appears, sexual intercourse should be avoided or barrier contraceptives should be used at this time.
Mark the last day of clear, slippery, stringy mucus with an X. This is the peak day - the most fertile period.
After peak day, avoid sexual intercourse for the next 3 dry days and nights. These days are not safe (the egg is still viable).
Starting from the morning of the 4th "dry day" and before the onset of menstruation, you can have sexual intercourse without fear of becoming pregnant.

The effectiveness of this method is low: 9-25 pregnancies per 100 women within 1 year of use.

Coitus interruption method

consists in removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation (ejaculation) begins, so that sperm does not enter the vagina and cervix. Its advantage is that it does not require any training or special devices, can be applied at any time and does not require monetary costs. The method requires considerable attention on the part of the man, since some men have spermatozoa in the secret that stands out even before orgasm.
In addition, sperm, getting on the skin of the genital organs, retains fertilizing properties for some time. There is a widespread opinion regarding the violation of the sexual function of partners using coitus interruptus. Harmless application of this method is possible with a high sexual culture of partners, with sufficient motivation for choice. It is not recommended for young, inexperienced men and those who have difficulty with erection, potency and premature ejaculation.
Instructions for partners:

  • Partners should discuss their intention to use method of interruption before intercourse.
  • Before sexual intercourse, a man should empty bladder and wipe the head of the penis to remove semen that may have been left over from a previous (less than 24 hours ago) ejaculation.
  • When a man feels that ejaculation is about to happen, he must remove the penis from the woman's vagina in order to sperm did not get on her external genitalia. A woman can help him by moving back a little at this time.

Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

use of breastfeeding as a contraception. It is based on the physiological effect that the child has on the suppression of ovulation by the suckling of the mother's breast (physiological infertility develops during lactation).

Who can use MLA
Exclusively breastfeeding women who are less than 6 months postpartum and have not yet started menstruating.

Who Shouldn't Use MLA

  • Women who have resumed menstruation.
  • Women who are not exclusively (or almost exclusively) breastfeeding.
  • Women who have a baby already 6 months old.

It's important to know!

  • Feed your baby from both breasts on demand (about 6-10 times a day).
  • Feed the baby at least once at night (the interval between feedings should not exceed 6 hours). Note: The child may not want to eat 6-10 times a day or may prefer to sleep through the night. This is normal, but if any of them occur, the effectiveness of breastfeeding as a contraceptive method is reduced.
  • Once you start replacing breast milk other food or liquid, the baby will suckle less and breast-feeding cease to be effective method pregnancy protection.
  • The resumption of periods means that your fertility has returned and you should immediately start using other methods of contraception.
abstinence- abstaining from sexual intercourse. This method of contraception does not affect breastfeeding. With abstinence, the effectiveness of protection against pregnancy is 100%. But for some couples, long periods of postpartum withdrawal are difficult to bear. Therefore, abstinence is convenient to use as an intermediate method.

There are many methods by which a woman is able to determine the most auspicious days to conceive a child. One such method is the evaluation cervical secretions, that is, discharge from the cervical canal. Observation is primarily concerned with the quality of these secretions. This method is named after the names of the authors - the Billings spouses, and, in fact, is a way to determine the cherished moment of ovulation for every planning woman.
Really, structural changes a secret released from the cervix can indicate the time of release of the egg from the ovary. cervical mucus is, as it were, a mirror of all the processes occurring in the female gonads. It is noticed that during the period of ovulation, it becomes more transparent and liquid, which often causes discomfort to a woman. Such changes in the cervical secret are laid down by nature itself - in liquid medium The sperm gets to the egg faster, which significantly increases the chances of conception.
Cervical secretion is a fluid present in the cervical canal that helps sperm reach their target, the egg. The environment of cervical secretions, in contrast to the environment of the vagina, is alkaline, which plays an important role in maintaining the viability of male germ cells that have entered the vagina. The properties of cervical secretion change depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, and are under the control of female sex hormones - estrogen. Therefore, by carefully following these changes, a woman has a chance to track ovulation without the use of expensive tests or ultrasound diagnostics.

Assessing the quality of cervical secretions:

The time when the onset of pregnancy is almost impossible is accompanied by the release of a thick cervical secret. A viscous liquid clogs the lumen of the cervical canal, thereby preventing infection from entering the uterine cavity. It is very difficult for spermatozoa, like bacteria, to enter the uterus during this period. Due to its dense consistency, mucus practically does not stand out. When building a cervical discharge chart, a woman should put a “dry” mark on it.
Closer to the moment the egg leaves the follicle, the cervical mucus liquefies, and when you feel it with your fingers, it stretches between them. The discharge becomes like egg white. It must be remembered that this is the most favorable day for conceiving a child. Once ovulation has passed, discharge by type egg white disappear, and they are replaced by a cloudy and viscous liquid.
Of course, the described method does not have one hundred percent reliability, because it is far from always female body works perfect. For example, hormonal disorders significantly affect the nature of cervical secretions, making them either cloudy and viscous, or liquid and transparent, regardless of the period of ovulation.

Time to watch:

Filling out the change schedule cervical fluid, you need to pay attention not only to the nature and properties of the secret, but also to your own feelings.
The study can be carried out at any time of the day. Normal secretory changes look like this:
Immediately after menstruation: there is no cervical discharge.
On the eve of ovulation: sticky liquefied secretion.
At the time of ovulation: clear liquid discharge like egg white.
At the end of ovulation: again a sticky liquefied secret.
At the end of the cycle: the discharge is insignificant or disappears altogether.

Some women use the method of monitoring secretions as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But you should know that this is rather unreliable and does not give one hundred percent result.

Advantages of the method:

Availability in use for any woman.
No side effects.
This method determining ovulation is suitable both in the case of protection against unwanted pregnancy, and to determine the highest chances of conception.
By monitoring the changes in mucus, you can determine not only the moment of ovulation, but also identify some inflammatory diseases.
The method can be practiced even during lactation.

Cons of the method:

Individual characteristics secretory changes.
Unreliability of data in concomitant inflammatory diseases, in particular, in cervicitis and colpitis.
Due to dependence on hormonal background, the method can be applied only after the establishment of a stable menstrual cycle.
Difficulties in assessing the nature of the discharge after the use of spermacides.
Insufficient reliability of the method as a means of contraception.

Some rules for evaluating cervical discharge:

1. Mucus assessment is carried out throughout the entire cycle, excluding the days of menstruation. 2.
2. A mucus sample is taken three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). You need to do this with your finger, after washing your hands. Mucus can be taken directly from the surface of the cervix.
3. Pay attention to the color and quality of the mucus, determine how sticky and viscous it is.
4. Watch for stains on your underwear.
5. The more often you make observations, the more accurate the result will be.
6. Write down the results of your observations. By evaluating throughout the cycle, you can reliably answer the question on which day ovulation occurred.

Natural (biological) contraception is one of the most safe methods contraception for women's health, but it is not effective. Even in case correct application, these methods are not very reliable.

Natural contraception is based on observations of physiological signs, allowing to identify cases when a woman is fertile (fertile) and when she is not fertile (infertile). The main purpose of this method is to determine the period when the ability to fertilize is highest.

Methods natural contraception can be used by many couples: when a woman cannot use other methods; if a woman has a regular menstrual cycle; couples who may refuse intimate relationships on certain days of the cycle; when other methods of protection are not available.

Natural contraception has a number of advantages: no side effects; free; both partners participate, which helps to strengthen relations in a couple; can be used to plan pregnancy; for some couples - more pleasure after abstinence in dangerous days.

Natural contraception has the following disadvantages: pregnancy in almost 50% of cases; does not protect against sexually transmitted infections; difficulties in identifying dangerous days, especially for women with a non-permanent cycle; up to three months of instruction and counseling required; tension often arises due to uncertainty about the effectiveness of the methods used; well, etc.

Natural contraception includes: sexual abstinence, coitus interruptus, calendar method, temperature method, cervical method, symptothermal method.

If you need reliable method contraception, if you have contraindications to the use of hormonal drugs, if you are shocked that the spiral does not prevent conception, but only leads to mini-abpts every month at very early dates, if you know that the spiral can lead to infertility, and you want to have children in the future, if your husband does not want or cannot use condoms, if you do not want to use hormonal agents during the breastfeeding period, if vaginal tablets or calendar/temperature methods of counting days do not suit you because of too much insecurity, then this method is just right for you.

Few people know about this method of contraception. cervical method - This is a method for determining the fertile phase by changes in the nature of cervical mucus.
The method is based on the fact that before and during ovulation a woman changes the nature of vaginal discharge. These changes are clearly visible if you know what's going on. But in order to figure it out, you will have to spend a month or two on the daily measurement of basal temperature and comparing changes in this temperature with changes in discharge. But then for many years you can live happily ever after. Later I will write what to do if you are breastfeeding and the cycle has not yet recovered, but for this you still need to know the theory:

1. The egg after ovulation lives no more than 48 hours, if fertilization has not occurred, therefore, two days after ovulation and up to menstruation, it is impossible to get pregnant (if a woman became pregnant on the 25th day of the cycle, this only means that her ovulation was delayed and did not occur on the 14th, and on the 25th day). The first thing that the method of natural control gives is that a woman sees: ovulation occurs or is delayed, or will happen earlier.

2. Spermatozoa after isolation can live up to 5-6 days, but only in the fertile cervical fluid, which is released from a woman shortly before and during ovulation (usually this is the middle of the cycle). At the beginning and end of the cycle, this fluid is absent and the spermatozoa die within a few hours. The second thing that the method gives is that a woman knows exactly on which day before ovulation she needs to start contraception or not have sexual intercourse if she does not want to become pregnant.

So, only a few days in the middle of the cycle should be protected, and these days are precisely known.

The first two months you will have to draw a graph of temperature. Basal temperature is measured in the morning without getting out of bed, preferably at the same time, preferably in the vagina (the main thing is not to fall asleep with a thermometer :-) During menstruation, it is unnecessary to measure the temperature.

In addition to your basal temperature, you will need to record under the graph changes in vaginal discharge during the cycle. Like this:

I decipher:

1. dry - when there is no discharge or they are very small, spermatozoa in such an environment die immediately.

Some women never have "dry", immediately after menstruation and after ovulation until the next menstruation - the second type of discharge:

2. sticky secretions - white, in small quantities, not viscous, if you try to stretch them between your fingers, droplets in the form of white tubercles remain on the fingertips. Is not fetal discharge, spermatozoa die in a few hours, and a few more days before ovulation.

The main thing is not to miss when the sticky discharge starts to turn into the following form:

3. watery (or creamy) - transparent like water or whitish like highly diluted milk, completely liquid, and for some more like a liquid hand cream. This is already fetal discharge, in which spermatozoa can wait five days before ovulation.

4. “I. b." - on the day or on the day of ovulation, discharge appears, similar to egg white, the discharge becomes thick, viscous (stretched between the fingers), translucent, there are a lot of them. Many women have such discharge, at least 1 day, for some it is 2, 3 days. This time is the most favorable for conception. Some women do not have "protein" at all, but simply the amount of watery discharge increases greatly. It also happens that the discharge appears only on the cervix and almost does not go out. In this case, they can be taken directly from the neck with two fingers with clipped nails. (You must also remember that semen can greatly distort the nature of the discharge, do not confuse the remnants of semen with fetal fluid).

On the day of ovulation (on the last day most secretions), the basal temperature is not yet rising, and for many it even drops by one tenth of a degree - the lowest temperature for the cycle (a tooth directed downwards is obtained on the graph).

As soon as ovulation has occurred, the discharge again becomes sticky or disappears altogether, and the temperature rises by about 0.5 degrees and remains elevated (about 37 ^ C, but not lower than 36.8) until the end of the cycle, that is, about 16 more days. After ovulation, you can get pregnant for another 48 hours, although there is no more fetal fluid, but there is an egg in the uterus, to which spermatozoa can get faster than die.

If the body reacts slowly to progesterone, then after ovulation the temperature rises slowly and reaches 37 degrees three to four days after ovulation, BUT there is no decrease in temperature during these 4 days. In this case, all the same, the infertile period begins 2 days after ovulation, and not 2 days after the high temperature. If the temperature does not rise, then ovulation has not occurred, then either it will occur later (in this case, the discharge pattern will repeat) or this cycle will be non-ovulatory (and this happens).

So, it is necessary to be protected or not to have sexual contact:

Starting on the day the sticky discharge turns into creamy, and for even greater reliability - the day before the appearance of creamy discharge (if the cycle is regular, they will appear on a certain day of the cycle, if irregular, then - when "dry" turns into "glutinous". If but you don’t have a “dry” state, then when the amount of sticky secretions begins to increase).

Finishing on the third day after ovulation - when the discharge decreases, and the basal temperature of the second day is kept at a high level.

To do this, you need to observe your discharge and measure the temperature for 5 days of the middle of the cycle: starting from the day of the greatest discharge - egg white or very strong watery (you can start measuring earlier if you doubt the nature of your discharge) and three days after the decrease / cessation secretions to make sure that ovulation has occurred and the temperature does not drop for three days in a row.

When breastfeeding

Until the cycle is restored, it makes no sense to measure the temperature. After childbirth, when bleeding stops, observe yourself for ~2 weeks. If within 2 weeks there is no discharge ("dry") or they are sticky, you can not protect yourself. But sometimes you will observe individual manifestations - a sticky liquid can become watery or “dry” will turn into “sticky”. In the first option, you can consider yourself safe 4 days after the disappearance of the aqueous liquid, in the second option - 2 days after the disappearance of the sticky. And so on until the appearance of the first menses. It may happen that a sticky liquid appears and remains for at least 2 weeks, then consider this a new version of your infertility, up to the appearance of a watery liquid. (And remember that on the day of intercourse, the remnants of sperm can distort the picture - do not mistake them for fetal fluid). A small number of breastfeeding women have discharge that is consistently "watery" rather than sticky. In this case, it is recommended to protect all the time until the cycle is restored.

Additional (not all women have them) signs of ovulation - a slight cutting pain in the lower abdomen (can be felt only with a sharp squat), small bloody brown discharge.

In sickness/colds, when the overall body temperature rises, the basal temperature also rises, and if this happens in the middle of the cycle, it is difficult to determine whether or not ovulation has occurred. In this case, after recovery, it is recommended to wait for three days to measure body temperature (should be 36.6), and monitor basal (around 37 degrees for three days in a row).

There are other signs of ovulation, they are not used in the above method, but maybe they will come in handy if the cycle is very irregular or some gynecological problems:

1. there is a test for the determination of glucose in the urine, a paper strip that changes color depending on the amount of glucose. In the area of ​​​​the day of ovulation, the amount of glucose in the composition of the cervical fluid increases, the strip, if this fluid is dropped on it, begins to change color two to three days before ovulation and stops changing color two to three days after ovulation. The most saturated color of the strip acquires on the day of ovulation;

2. during the period of ovulation, the cervix opens and becomes soft, and immediately after ovulation it closes (a small gap remains in women who have given birth) and becomes hard.

Note: if you do not have sexual contact on "dangerous" days, then the reliability of the method is very high - 98%. If condoms are used on dangerous days, then the reliability of the method will be equal to the reliability of protection with a condom.

More than once I met women who stubbornly insist that it is impossible to determine the time of ovulation. Of course, if the egg were equipped with a tiny bell that would accompany it in wandering through the fallopian tube with a special ringing, our life would be much easier. And why not pay attention to other external signs, characteristic of the fertility phase, instead of a non-existent bell. After all, it is not difficult at all!

Mucosal loss differs in women. It is possible to lose it at one time, but also in small amounts over several days. Typically, pregnant women do not realize this because parts of the mucosa that are gradually detached are mixed with vaginal secretions.

Is the birth close?

One Loss: For some women, the mucus plug "slips" in one go. Mucosal loss does not necessarily mean that it is inevitable. There is no real rule. This index does not necessarily indicate the start of work, but nevertheless announces the approach of childbirth. Namely: the loss of the mucous plug is absolutely not systematic!


At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the cervix is ​​covered with thick mucus. As the egg matures, the release of estrogen into the blood increases. The glands located in the cervix are very sensitive to estrogen appearing in the blood and under their influence begin to produce mucus. At first, the mucus is cloudy and viscous, but, gradually changing, it becomes extensible, transparent and slippery. Its number is increasing. The woman begins to feel that in anticipation of the vagina it becomes wet and, as it were, oily. Outwardly, such mucus looks like raw protein. chicken egg. This is a characteristic mucus of the fetal type.

In case of isolated loss of the mucous membrane, it is useless to run to motherhood! You can, however, inform your midwife who will advise you. Several possible scenarios are possible. Mucosal loss: a sign of childbirth. It is this transformation that leads to the loss of the mucous membrane, which has become more fluid. In most cases, birth occurs within 48 hours of the event.

The mother-to-be knows then that the dilatation of the cervix has already begun since she has been drawn into real contractions several times, but the plug is still there! Indeed, some mothers-to-be are losing their mucosa, and the work has already begun. In this case, delivery is inevitable, go to motherhood without waiting!

The process of changing mucus from the moment it appears to reaching the consistency of the protein of a raw chicken egg lasts about six days.

At the end of this process, ovulation occurs, that is, the egg leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. After ovulation, the cervix no longer produces fetal-type mucus and closes again with thick mucus.

Rupture of a water bag necessarily requires an emergency consultation. Loss of mucosa: but delivery is not inevitable! The cervix doesn't have to be open! In this case, mucosal loss should not be interpreted as a sign of impending delivery!

It should be known that these contractions are purely physiological: they cause the abdomen to tighten, but have nothing to do with the true uterine contractions that announce the start of work. In this case, the cervix is ​​probably not open and delivery will not occur for days or hours after the mucus plug is lost.

The presence of mucus of the fetal type is necessary to maintain the life of spermatozoa. Spermatozoa can live from 3 to 5 days only in the presence of this specific mucus. Without it, they die within 3 hours.

Looking under a microscope different types cervical mucus, we can notice that the viscous and thick mucus has a dense structure, which makes it impossible for spermatozoa to move through it (Fig. 11).

In this case, the birth of children can be very far away! Published. The natural protective barrier of the vagina, the guardian angel of sperm, and sometimes contraception: cervical mucus has more than one rope on the nose. What are the aspects of cervical mucus? Find out everything you need to know about cervical mucus.

What is cervical mucus?

This is not a subject that is freely discussed, but gynecological health is critical. Among the elements that contribute to good vaginal health is cervical mucus. Also called cervical mucus, cervical mucus is a viscous substance produced at the level of cervical mucus.

As seen under a microscope (Fig. 11), the clear and extensible mucus forms straight channels. In this type of mucus, spermatozoa rise up, as if they were moving along express lanes on a freeway.

Mucus of the fetal type is saturated with nutrients intended for spermatozoa that enter the vagina after intercourse.

What are the benefits of cervical mucus?

Cervical mucus plays several important roles! On a daily basis, it is a natural protective barrier: thanks to its special texture, it coats and captures pathogens such as bacteria and viruses and prevents them from entering the body. Outside of fertile periods becomes more compact to prevent sperm from ascending to the genital tract.

It will also protect them from the acidity of the vagina, which they don't like, and provide them with the nutrients and energy they need to fertilize an egg. While cervical mucus makes it easier for sperm to reach the genital tract during ovulation, it nevertheless forms a mesh tight enough to prevent poorly formed sperm from passing through.

Once in the vagina, spermatozoa rise up through the cervical canal and swim into small depressions - crypts located on inner walls cervix. There they rest, feed, mature in mucus, and the weak are weeded out. From here begins their journey up to the uterine cavity. From the uterine cavity, they move into the fallopian tubes to meet the egg there.

Cervical mucus and pH: why is it important?

To better understand the model of the female genital organs. Cervical mucus provides protective function but also the function of fertilization. Because sperm cells become immobile under an acidic pH, its pH is very important. Cervical mucus is seen during leucorrhea, also called.

Before menstruation, the lining of the cervix is ​​thick, sticky, and slightly pasty to prevent semen from entering the genital tract. Its texture and its appearance are not uniform up to 100%, this is normal: the transition is ready with the arrival. The term "egg white" is often used to describe the appearance of cervical mucus at this time of the cycle. After menstruation, cervical mucus is more profuse, moist, and more slippery. . This cervical mucus is the sperm of choice and is most interesting if you want to conceive because it allows the sperm to move easily while being properly protected from the acidity of the vagina.

They can be compared to long-distance motorway drivers. Drivers stop at roadside campsites. Having rested and refreshed there, they set off on a further journey with renewed vigor.

Under comfortable conditions, spermatozoa can wait up to 5 days to meet the egg until it gets out of the ovary. AT medical literature the facts of a seven-day waiting for an egg cell by spermatozoa are given, which retain their viability for this period - of course, only in the presence of mucus of the fetal type.

Calculate your ovulation date!

As ovulation approaches and during the latter period, cervical mucus is thinner. Once the ovulation period is over, the cervical mucus becomes thicker and creamier to block sperm movement as much as possible. On the colored side, it may appear whitish or yellowish depending on the woman. In some women it is just watery, giving them a feeling of misery. . Our ovulation calendar allows you to quickly and easily calculate your ovulation date and your fertile period.

We have already mentioned that a woman is fertile only when an egg is released from the ovary, which can live no more than 24 hours. Spermatozoa, on the other hand, live in fetal-type mucus for 3 to 5 days. Thus, we can only talk about the joint fertility of the spouses. This joint fertility is determined by the lifespan of the spermatozoa and the lifespan of the egg. How ridiculous and absurd are the claims of men who reproach their wives for excessive fertility.

Cervical mucus and conception

Do you want to know the best period for pregnancy?

Cervical mucus: a way to predict ovulation

By monitoring your cervical mucus regularly, you will easily know the day when you will be optimal. However, this method requires training and perfect knowledge of your body.

Cervical mucus: a method of contraception?

To understand how cervical mucus adapts to it, you might think that just listening and observing your body is enough to develop your own personal contraception. These are the principles of the Billings method based on changes in cervical mucus.

Now we know for sure that fertility can only be joint, therefore both spouses - a man and a woman - are equally responsible for the conception of a child.

Ignorance biological rhythms leads to the fact that many couples cannot conceive the desired child because they do not know how to determine the best days for this purpose and enter into intimacy at the wrong time, for example, when a woman does not have fetal-type mucus, and then when the phase of absolute infertility begins (Fig. 16).

Although the Billings method is of worldwide importance, it is not 100% reliable. If you do not want to become pregnant, it is better to do another contraception. Also, don't forget that this type of method does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

White Loss and Cervical Mucus: Same Fight?

Good to know: 18 methods of contraception and their reliability. White losses are all women, and this is completely normal! If they are associated with cervical mucus, they are not exclusively composed. They are also made up of old cells that line the walls of the vagina that need to be cleared out after cell renewal, as well as bacteria and other pathogens that your body has chosen to keep them out.

Let's try to remember: The time of fertility - the feeling of "wet" and "slippery" - conception is possible. Time of infertility - feeling "dry" - conception is impossible.

The characteristic dryness appears twice in: the first time at the end of menstruation and does not last very long; the second time, dryness occurs for a longer time, starting 3-4 days after ovulation and remaining until the end of the cycle, that is, until the next menstruation.

Cervical mucus is what is commonly referred to as "white discharge" or "yellow sheath". The husk secretes it via estrogens from the ovaries, and it takes on a different aspect depending on the evolution of the menstrual cycle. The rules are over, the cervical mucus is scanty, then gradually becomes rather sticky and white. This cervical mucus is not conducive to conception as its structure is similar to conception with very close meshes. Compact, it does not favor sperm motility.

Gradually this white and sticky cervical mucus revitalizes the more fluid but also watery aspect. Modification of cervical mucus indicates that ovulation will not take long. When cervical mucus is like egg white, it is abundant and clear, it announces that it is time to make galleries for conceiving a child. Its structure is now very favorable for the free circulation of spermatozoa. This period of fertility lasts an average of 2 to 4 days, but it depends, of course, on each woman.

Position of the cervix

Another sign of fertility is a change in the position of the cervix, which can be examined not only by a doctor. A woman herself can learn to assess the position of the cervix, its density and degree of disclosure. A specialist in fertility recognition methods can help her with this. Such an examination is not recommended for girls. At the same time, it can be extremely useful for women who are breastfeeding, during the period of menopause, or for women who want to get pregnant, but for some reason they do not succeed.

In terms of child design, cervical mucus plays a critical role in helping sperm ascend along the genital tract to the egg. An indicator of a woman's fertility period, cervical mucus is easy to observe, but needs to listen to his body. Look at her underwear to see what it looks like. But what is also a good indicator, is just a feeling of moisture that is felt as the mucus changes. The sensation of drought means that the cervical mucus is not yet fulfilling its role as a "mediator" of the concept.

A sensation of moisture at the level of the vulva gives rise to the childbearing period. Its name, of course, is not glamorous, but still, cervical mucus is far from being a useless substance, on the contrary! It plays a very important role in fertility and during pregnancy. Do you have questions that you don't dare to ask?

Before ovulation approaches, the cervix is ​​dry, hard, closed, and dipped into the vagina (Fig. 13). Such signs are characteristic of infertile days. As ovulation approaches, the cervix becomes soft, wet (due to the abundance of mucus), the cervical canal opens, and the cervix itself rises and takes a position in the upper part of the vagina.

Cervical mucus is a whitish, viscous and thread-like substance that, formed by the cells of the cervix, then flows through the vagina: these are the famous white lesions that give a feeling of moisture. and texture during the menstrual cycle, so his observation proves useful when trying to have a baby.

Cervical mucus: changes in the cycle

The consistency and amount of cervical mucus varies during the menstrual cycle as its function changes over time. At the beginning of the cycle, after menstruation, the mucus is not abundant, whitish, "creamy", thick. We are outside the fertile period, and the role of mucus is to protect the cervix from bacteria by closing it "hermetically".

Immediately after ovulation, the cervix, under the influence of progesterone, very quickly descends to its lower position, closes and becomes hard. All these changes are easily assessed by women who have some experience in observing themselves.

Another practical tip: in the phases of infertility, the cervix is ​​as hard as the tip of the nose, and in the phase of fertility, it is soft, like an earlobe.

As ovulation approaches, the mucus becomes more spread and translucent, and its consistency is more liquid and spiny because its meshes expand, making it easier for sperm to pass towards the uterus and tubes. Cervical mucus is a highly adapted environment for sperm, facilitating their movement, protecting them from germs and providing them with the various nutrients they need.

After ovulation, the mucus thickens and becomes cloudy again. The white loss disappears and the mucus closes the cervix again to prevent bacteria as well as sperm from entering. Sometimes a little bit of mucus comes out a few days before your period, signaling in some way that they won't come soon.


Immediately after ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone noticeably increases, which causes a change in the basic (basal) body temperature, which in turn makes it possible to determine the onset of the post-ovulation phase of infertility. A sharp increase in temperature is called a “temperature jump”, the appearance of which means that the release of progesterone has begun, which means that ovulation has occurred shortly before. The temperature should be measured every morning, at the same time, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Women who work at night take their temperature after a three-hour sleep, lying down, always at the same time. More accurate results are obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum or vagina. You can measure the temperature in the mouth, always under the tongue, with closed lips.

cervical mucus during pregnancy

The fertile period is when the mucus is very sharp and clear and the sensation of "wet" is more intense. By identifying these characteristics of mucus, one can thus recognize the fertile period. Or intensify the test of babies, on the contrary, to avoid pregnancy: this is a natural method of contraception, called the Billings method. However, be careful because this method, like other natural methods, requires perfect knowledge of your body and is never 100% reliable. During pregnancy, cervical mucus is opaque and very thick: it forms what is called a "," which serves to protect the fetus from bacteria and infections that can originate from the vagina.

The measurement time depends on the type of thermometer and the place of measurement.

To measure the temperature, you can use special thermometers with a more accurate scale. Let's hope that soon they can be bought in every pharmacy. In the absence of a special one, you can successfully use an ordinary medical thermometer, on one condition - use the same thermometer all the time.

Basal body temperature rises immediately after ovulation by at least 0.2 C and falls again at the end of the cycle, before the onset of the next menstruation.

Usually in each menstrual cycle we can observe two phases of temperature.

Thus, you can use the graph of the basic (basal) body temperature as another sign of fertility.

All this is clearly and in detail seen on our map, where four cells correspond to a temperature of 0.2 C (Fig. 17).

If a woman did not have a temperature jump, then this means that in this cycle there was no ovulation, that is, there was no release of a mature egg from the ovary. In other words, this cycle was fruitless - anovulatory, temperature test allows you to determine the end of the fertility phase easily and simply, without material costs for its implementation.

Sometimes there are women who are dissatisfied with the need for daily temperature measurement. They claim they don't want to live under the "tyranny of the thermometer". But, on the other hand, all people have to brush their teeth every day, and I have never heard protests against the "tyranny of the toothbrush." It is just as easy to get used to the daily temperature measurement.

In antenatal clinics, a temperature (thermal) test is often used as the first indicator of a woman's fertility.

Such studies help women suffering from infertility to achieve conception of a child. Infertility doctors also conduct other tests to determine the cause of infertility.

Other signs of fertility

We already know how to determine the time of fertility and infertility by observing the cervical mucus, the position of the cervix and temperature. There are other, additional signs that accompany ovulation. Their appearance is not observed in every woman.

These are the following signs:

Tension of the mammary glands, sensitivity of the nipples;

Pain in the lower abdomen, on one or the other side - the so-called ovulatory pain;

Ovulatory spotting, in which an admixture of blood appears in the mucus.

Needless to emphasize how important it is for spouses to be able to distinguish in each cycle those few days when conception of a child can occur, as well as most of the remaining days when conception is impossible?

Laureate Nobel Prize Mother Teresa of Calcutta introduces this science to illiterate women like this: "When it's dry, nothing grows. When it rains, then the grass grows."

Cervical mucus belongs to the category of specific fluids produced by the female reproductive system. There is nothing wrong or reprehensible in its appearance: such a phenomenon is part of the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. However, if the discharge is too strong or has an unpleasant odor, it is better for a woman to be examined by a doctor.

General information: cervical mucus - what is it

Most women do not even suspect what cervical mucus is until they encounter a number of related problems. In fact, this phenomenon is a fluid produced by the cervix. It is necessary to maintain the viability of spermatozoa, which, once in an acidic environment, have no chance of survival. However, due to the fact that the cervical fluid has alkaline environment they manage to survive. And not only to survive, but also to give rise to a new life.

According to the functional load, the purpose of the cervical fluid resembles the functions of the seminal fluid in men.

It is believed that the time when abundant discharge occurs is a sure sign of impending ovulation. Immediately after this, the so-called dry days begin, during which the risk of conception automatically tends to zero. However, there are exceptions to all rules, so no one has canceled compliance with the rules of contraception.

You don’t have to worry about your own health if the cervical mucus:

  • It has a transparent structure, in which fragments of the epithelium are not present;
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • Has no clots;
  • Appears at regular intervals.

Meanwhile, about once a year, a woman simply has to go through medical examination in order to once again make sure that nothing threatens her health.

Observations: cervical mucus

In order to determine at home how well or bad things are going with the health of the reproductive system, it is necessary to conduct a whole range of studies. Subsequently, these data will be useful to the attending physician, if there is a persistent need to contact him.
As a rule, observations are carried out for about 2-3 months. It is categorically not recommended to interrupt them earlier, because then the picture will turn out to be blurry and blurry, and the process will need to be restarted.

The complex is built on the basis of the following indicators:

  1. The nature of the mucus in the smear. You can determine the degree of viscosity, the amount and color of the discharge yourself, taking samples from the vagina several times a day. However, before carrying out this procedure, you must carefully take care of the implementation of hygiene rules: wash your hands with soap and dry beforehand.
  2. Excretion intensity. The greatest peak is observed mainly a few days before menstruation. If the discharge during this period is scarce, it is worth considering and consulting a doctor.
  3. Presence or absence of odor. Often, periovulatory fluid has no odors. If it appears, you need to go to the hospital immediately!

All data by day, as well as the time at which observations were made, must be recorded. It is absolutely impossible to keep everything in your head! But to raise data for the past period (especially, being on inpatient treatment), patients have to often enough.

Details: cervical mucus by day of cycle

It is quite simple to predict how mucus will be released on the days of the cycle, even for women without a medical education. The peak occurs just before the onset of menstruation or a few days before it, during the period of ovulation.

The secret allocated in large quantities indicates that the woman's body is ready for fertilization. During this period, you need to be especially careful for those who are not yet ready to have offspring.

The so-called "dry days" are a relatively safe period in which pregnancy is extremely rare. However, during this period, sexual intercourse can cause significant discomfort!

  • Temporarily refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • Use appropriate lubricants.

The period of "dry days" does not last long - only 2-3 days and does not look as scary as it might seem at first glance. Then it is replaced by a plentiful discharge procedure, during which a woman may not notice at all. Subsequently, the woman can return to her Everyday life without worrying that the body was harmed at the most vulnerable moment.

Is cervical discharge possible during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's body is waiting for a global restructuring associated with bearing a baby and large quantity hormonal changes. No one will say whether there will be discharges in the canal or whether such a phenomenon will be postponed until better times. The thing is that a woman's body is very individual, and therefore develops from it according to its own laws.

The absence of such a phenomenon is associated with:

  • woman's lifestyle;
  • The duration of pregnancy;
  • Diet;
  • The state of health.

If no discharge is observed, a woman should not worry ahead of time. The urogenital canal, of course, undergoes changes due to pregnancy, but sometimes this can be avoided.

You should consult a doctor who will surely find an appropriate explanation for this phenomenon. This means that the pregnancy process will proceed without complications and the female genitourinary system will not suffer.

Expert opinion: what is cervical mucus

Discharge from the cervix, experts consider it quite normal and do not accept any panic. It is enough for a woman to carefully monitor her state of health so as not to encounter irreparable problems, which are signaled by cervical uterine fluid.

To control your health you need:

  • Visit a doctor annually to make sure that the body is normal;
  • Avoid random connections;
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Treat any problems that arise in a timely manner.

What is cervical mucus (video)

Cervix, as the Latin says, is a thick mucous preovulatory fluid that forms in the body, and then leaves it, regardless of the desire of the woman. Why this happens is a rhetorical question, which is not even worth looking for an answer. It is enough just to constantly monitor yourself and carefully monitor your health, to undergo an examination on an ultrasound machine in a timely manner to see if a traffic jam has formed in the passage. Then the problems of the gland will certainly be avoided, and even improve the state of one's own health.

Fertility methods (i.e., the physiological ability of a female or male body to participate in fertilization), also called "natural methods of family planning" - a cycle of methods based on tracking changes in the body when it signals readiness for fertilization. A woman may only be fertile for one part of her menstrual cycle. By controlling certain changes in her body, a woman can more or less predict the time of the fertile phase and during this time, if she does not want to become pregnant, refrain from sexual intercourse. She may also use barrier methods if they are not prohibited by religious beliefs.

temperature method

To determine the most likely time of ovulation, and therefore the time of the maximum possible conception, a woman should measure her basal body temperature, which rises and falls in accordance with hormonal fluctuations.

Every morning, before getting up, a woman must measure the temperature with a special basal thermometer and mark the result on a graph - a paper map. Measure it in the rectum at the same time every morning (for example, before getting out of bed). She should pay attention to the days of menstruation and sexual activity. The so-called "fertile window" is 6 days. They start 5 days before ovulation and end on the day of ovulation.

High chances of fertility give, as it is believed, 10-17 days in the menstrual cycle (from the 1st day of the period, ovulation occurs approximately 2 weeks later).

However, not all women can conceive during this time period. Women who have more or less long menstrual cycles may have different periods of fertility.

Immediately after ovulation, in about 80% of cases, body temperature rises sharply. Some women can usually ovulate without this temperature regimen. By studying temperature fields over several months, a couple can anticipate ovulation and plan their sexual activity accordingly. In order not to lose spontaneity, couples should try to avoid scheduling their sexual activity and use, for example, barrier methods of contraception.

Here are some tips for using the temperature method:

Take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed, preferably at the same time and in the same area of ​​the body.
- If possible, use a special thermometer to measure basal body temperature.
- After each measurement, enter the temperature readings in a special graph.
- During the period of ovulation, the basal body temperature rises by 0.2-0.5°C.
- Days of the greatest chance of conception, or days of fertility, last as long as the basal body temperature remains elevated for three consecutive days.
– Keep a close eye on your health to be sure that the temperature rise is not caused by any other condition or disease.

The cervical mucus method (or ovulation method) requires a woman to monitor her cervical mucus. She must record every day for at least a month its quantity, appearance, consistency and mark others physical signs associated with the reproductive system.

Cervical mucus changes in a predictable way during each menstrual cycle:

Six days before ovulation - mucus depends on estrogen and becomes clear and elastic. Ovulation can occur on the last day when the mucus has these properties;
- immediately after ovulation - mucus depends on progesterone, it is thick, sticky and opaque;
- separate models in the analysis of cervical mucus can provide a high and accurate guide to conception;

To observe, use the following rules:

Every day for three times a day after the end of menstruation, determine the nature of the cervical mucus. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and take a sample of mucus from the vagina. It is possible to take a sample directly from the cervix with a finger.
- Look at the quality of the slime (liquid, sticky, dry)
- Check if the mucus is viscous, for which just spread your fingers
- Check your underwear (for stains)
- Try to make observations as often as possible (for example, when visiting the toilet)
- Determine the amount, color of mucus
- Try to identify cervical mucus (possible presence of male seminal fluid, lubrication. It can also be spermicides if you use them)
- Record the results of the study daily and in detail. Note the consistency of the mucus (dry, sticky, creamy, like egg white); its malleability; the presence of stains on linen; sensations in the vagina (dry, wet, slippery).

Number of days based on a 28-day cycle

Slime Features


Present but not noticeable due to menstrual bleeding

These days are not safe, as ovulation can also occur during menstruation.

"Dry Days"

Mucus is absent or present in small quantities

Sexual contact is allowed, but there is still a minimal risk of conception

"Wet Days"

Cloudy, yellow or white color has a sticky texture

Refrain from sexual contact or use other methods of contraception.


Transparent, slippery, moist, viscous, with the consistency of raw egg white. The last day of slippery and wet mucus is called peak day, which means that ovulation is close or has just occurred.

Refrain from sexual contact or use other methods of contraception.

After the peak day, avoid sexual intercourse for the next 3 dry days and nights.

"Dry Days"

Small amount of cloudy, sticky mucus or no mucus

From the morning of the fourth dry day until the onset of menstruation, you can safely have sexual intercourse

"Dry Days"

No mucus, or very little

Safe days

Wet Slime Days

Transparent and watery

Safe days

calendar method

The calendar method (or rhythm method) is considered the least reliable fertility method. Women who have very irregular periods may have even less success with this method.

A woman first records her periods for 6-12 months, then subtracts 18 short cycle days and 11 long cycle days from the previous menstrual cycle. For example, if a woman's shortest cycle was 26 days and her longest cycle was 30 days, she should abstain from sexual intercourse from day 8 to day 19 of each cycle;

Here are some tips to make this method easier:

Keep a menstrual calendar for 8 months, marking the length of each menstrual cycle from the first day of your period (the first day of your menstrual cycle) to the day before your next period (the last day of your menstrual cycle).
- Determine the longest and shortest menstrual cycles.
"Use the chart to determine your likely fertile days." The first day of fertility corresponds to the length of your shortest menstrual cycle, and the last day to the length of your longest menstrual cycle. Thus, the days with the maximum possible conception are in the interval from the first to the last - dangerous days.

The duration of the shortest cycle

Your first dangerous day

The duration of the longest cycle

Your last dangerous day

Symptothermal method

This method combines the temperature method, the cervical mucus method and the calendar method. Therefore, it is considered the most effective method of fertility. In addition, women track signs that can identify her fertile period. These symptoms include changes in the shape of the cervix, breast tenderness, pain, and cramps.

Who is natural contraception suitable for?

Due to the high risk of pregnancy, natural methods of contraception are only recommended for couples whose religious beliefs prohibit standard, especially barrier, methods of contraception. Couples who want free from commandments sex life use barrier contraception during the fertile phase and no contraception during the rest of the cycle.

However, they must understand that the risk of pregnancy will be higher with this method. To be effective against pregnancy, a method-based cycle requires attention, and on the part of the people involved, dedication, discipline, perseverance and cooperation with a partner.

Advantages of the method

Natural methods are safe and cause no side effects
- Acceptability for all faiths and cultures
- Involving a partner in the family planning process, increasing feelings of closeness and trust.

A cycle based fertility method is not recommended for women unless they are in a stable, monogamous relationship and cannot rely on the willing participation of their partner. Awareness-based birth control methods do not protect against STDs.

Some factors can interfere with normal fertility signs, such as:

Recent discontinuation hormonal contraceptives
- recent miscarriage or abortion
- recent childbirth
- lactation
- regular travel in different time zones
- an infection in the vagina, such as thrush or an STD

Other factors affecting the biological signs of ovulation:

Temperature measurement time
- alcohol consumption
- taking certain medications
- diseases.

Efficiency natural methods contraception is about 60%, which means that up to 40 women out of 100 who use this method become pregnant during the year.