Disability qualifications. Determination of disability

  • Date: 26.06.2020

If the reasons for depression are quite difficult to determine, then with a decrease in human performance, the causes are usually not so much and they are easily recognizable. Consider these reasons along with those recommendations that, in connection with them, could offer a psychologist-consultant to the client.

Cause 1. Physical overwork man. As a reason for reducing performance, it is mainly acting in cases where a person has to perform work for a long time requiring significant physical exertion. This is basically different types of hard physical work, which in modern conditions are quite rare.

In this case, to prevent fatigue, the physical activity mode should be organized, thinking through it in such a way that the person rested, restoring its performance even before he has obvious signs of physical fatigue.

To achieve this client can as follows. For sufficient time to observe for its work and try to understand when, after a long exercise, he first arises noticeable signs of fatigue. Fixing the time intervals through which they regularly appear, it will be necessary to reduce the time of continuous operation for about 3-5 minutes, i.e. Make gaps between the moments of physical work so that during their explicit signs of fatigue did not appear.

We must always remember that with severe physical work, in any case, it is better to do frequent, but short-term breaks for rest than one large and quite a long break. As a result, a person will be able to significantly increase his physical performance, and at the same time it will be much less to get tired.

Cause 2. Illness or physical ailment may also cause a reduction in human performance. This reason appears when any normal physiological functions are violated in the body. Their change can be subject to the case if the clinical examination of the client really confirms this fact.

Note, however, that simply the poor human well-being, including physical, is not a sufficient basis in order to conclude the existence of this cause, since the physical condition of this kind can be generated by the client listed below by socio-psychological reasons.

In the event that the socio-psychological reasons for reducing performance are revealed, then the client is recommended to rest, but if the full rest is impossible, then for some time it is reduced to a minimum of physical and psychological loads.

True, such recommendations are mostly suitable only for persons who are not accustomed to large loads. As for those who are accustomed to significant loads in life and for whom they are normal, they cannot be recommended a sharp decrease in loads, since the rapid and substantial change in the usual lifestyle can cause them negative consequences. For such persons, physical activity even in the period of ailment should remain quite large, but sat.

Adjust the measure of load should be the client itself according to his well-being. Self-regulation will allow him to maintain its performance at a high level.

Cause 3. Monotonous work can also lead to a decrease in human performance. Such work gives rise to the state of fatigue and lowers human performance, not because it is unbearable for him and heavily, but because of its purely psychological tiriness. This is a very common factor in the reduction of working capacity, practically found in all people, regardless of what they have to do in life, as any type of labor may contain elements of monotony and, therefore, lead to fatigue.

The practical solution to the problem of improving performance in this case is to minimize monotony in human activity, in making it as varied and interesting. To do this, it is necessary to carefully analyze what this person is engaged in during the day, think over the regime of his life in such a way that the conditions and nature of the work more or less systematically changed. As for the definition of time intervals, during which the person's work can maintain a monotonous nature, it is advisable to use the recommendations already expressed when discussing the first cause.

Such a mode of operation is optimal in which significant mental loads in some periods of time alternate in a person with medium or weak physical exertion to other periods of time, and vice versa: substantial physical exertion in some activities are accompanied by medium or weak mental loads in other times of human activity .

Note that at the same time it is not recommended to combine strong or weak physical exertion with the same mental loads, since in this case the strong loads of one or another type can affect fatigue. Weak mental and physical exertion do not contribute to switching attention from one type of activity to another.

The task of alternating mental and physical exertion is to ensure that, restoring the human performance in one form of activity, do not tire it with another activity.

Cause 4. The next reason for reducing performance can be simply not interesting for a person work. Here, the problem of preserving performance at the proper level is mainly motivational and, consequently, a means of improving human performance concerns strengthening the motivation of its activities.

Consider how it could be done practically. But first of all, find out what really affects the motivation of a person. We use this as follows:

Ppm \u003d N.Z.P. Kh V.N.Z.P. X O. U.N.Z.P. + DP X V.D.P. x Oh.D.P.,

Ppm - Motivation activities

N.Z.P. - The most significant need associated with this activity,

V.U.N.Z.P. - The likelihood of meeting the most significant need for the appropriate form of activity,

OU N.Z.P. - Waiting for the satisfaction of this need for this type of activity,

D.P. - Other human needs that can be satisfied with this type of activity,

V.U.D.P. - the likelihood of meeting other human needs in this type of activity,

OU D.P. - Waiting for the satisfaction of other human needs in this type of activity.

Consider the general principles of applying this formula to solve our problems of strengthening the motivation of human activity.

Ppm - This is the strength of a real desire of a person to exercise the corresponding activity. The bigger Ppm, the higher the human performance, and vice versa, the less Ppm, the lower the human performance. The main way to enhance and preserve human performance is, respectively, in strengthening Ppm

What does the motivation of activity depends on? First of all, from the strength of the most significant need that can be satisfied with this type of activity. In the above formula, the power of the appropriate need is indicated as N.Z.P. (Most significant need). If the occupation of the appropriate activity is responsible for this need for a person, it will maintain a person's interest in activities and, therefore, to maintain its performance.

But so, unfortunately, it happens not always, and it often turns out that one, the most significant need for maintaining interest in activities is not enough. Then the motivation of activities must be strengthened by attracting the activities of other motives and the needs of a person who can also be satisfied with the help of relevant activities. There may be several such needs, and they in the above formula are denoted by the abbreviation D.P. (Other needs).

In addition to the needs themselves, additional factors may affect the motivation, such as the likelihood of satisfaction of needs and expecting that in this situation the relevant needs will actually be satisfied.

A person is a reasonable creature, and whenever, starting concrete action, he is guided by certain motives, assesses how much its needs can really be satisfied.

If they can be fully satisfied, his interest in activities and, therefore, performance will be the highest. If, starting an activity, the person does not count on the full satisfaction of current needs in the specified conditions, then its interest in activities and, accordingly, performance in it will be much lower than in the first case.

The same applies to the expectation of success. With one hundred percent waiting for success, the motivation of activity will be stronger than with partial waiting for success. Both are the likelihood of meeting the need and waiting for success - can relate to the most significant need. (V.U.N.Z.P. and OU. N.zp.), So to other needs (V.U.D.P. and OU D.P.).

Consider now on a specific example, as a psychologist-consultant can practically take this formula. Suppose that a client addressed a psychologist who complains that he has long been engaged in creative work, but recently he has significantly decreased performance. Suppose also that all others, still considered the reasons for reducing performance in the process of consulting work with this client, he did not find out and only one, the last reason associated with a possible deficiency of the motivation of the activity remained.

Then the psychologist the consultant will have to start developing this version of the cause and work with the client according to the following plan. For example:

1. In a conversation with a client, try to understand the very need for the client, in addition, to realize the need for the need for the satisfaction of which it is engaged in this type of activity, where it happened to a decrease in its performance. The consultant and customer will have to determine together why the client's performance has decreased.

It is possible that this happened because the exercise of the corresponding activity at the moment is no longer fully satisfying the needs of the client. For example, it could happen that earlier for the results of his creative work this person (he may be a scientist, a writer, an engineer or artist) received quite decent fees, and now his creative work actually depreciated.

2. Together with the client, try to find new, additional incentives in his work. Such incentives could be other motives and needs, which he had not yet thought and who could well be satisfied with this type of activity.

In order to practically find these additional motives, it is necessary to determine, for which, besides satisfying the main need, the client is ready to deal with the same type of activity that is currently engaged in. Having found such motifs and indicating the client, it is necessary to rebuild the hierarchy of its needs underlying the relevant activity, so that the upper step in it now occupied new motives and needs.

Psychologically, this means that you need to change or give a new meaning of the former activities. If, for example, it turns out that the client was previously engaged in creative work, then for the sake of earnings, then for prestige, recognition from the outside people, now it must be tried to convince him that self-esteem may mean no less self than prestige and Earnings. After convincing the client, you can further restore its performance through the amplification of motivation and increasing the internal interest in creative work

3. The third desired step towards the motivation strengthen is to consider the conditions of his life together with the client and to prove that in reality the client has much more chances to satisfy its most significant and other needs with the help of relevant activities, what it seemed to him so far What awaits success with him is objectively higher than he had previously assumed.

In our example, this means the following: explain to the client that with the help of his creative work, you can not only earn more, but to ensure that he is more respected and that he appreciated himself above, as a person.

Consulting the client on these issues, a psychologist, together with him, should find ways and to draw the attention of the client himself on how best to achieve the desired result. In practice, in relation to, for example, the creative person who has lost its performance, in particular, means that, together with it, it is necessary to develop a specific, quite real plan for such practical actions designed for the near future, the implementation of which will have to restore and increase lost efficiency client.

Cause 5. The next possible cause of a reduction in performance can be unpleasant experiences of the client associated with events and affairs in his life, who have no direct relationship to the work performed at this time.

This reason is usually not directly related to the activities that a person is busy, and, therefore, the ways to eliminate it remains outside the regulation of motivation or content of relevant activities.

To the conclusion about the existence of the client, this reason for the reduction of working capacity comes in the event that during the conversation it is not confirmed by the presence of any of the previously considered causes. However, for the unmistakable conclusion that this reason is actually acting, it is necessary to directly confirm the fact of its existence.

This can be done, for example, as a result of the analysis of the client's responses to the following questions (they are usually specified by the Client after it is firmly established that the causes described above are not actually acting):

What happened in your life before the moment or at a time when you really felt that your performance began to decline?

What reaction this event caused you?

What did you do to cope with the problem?

Did you solve this problem? If not succeeded, why?

If in the answers of the client to these questions, it turns out that some significant events in his life have occurred lately if, in addition, it will be found that among these events were very unpleasant who have given long-term, negative experiences from the client, if finally It turns out that the client tried to cope with them, but could not, and the relevant problems were still not solved, then from all this it follows that the discussed reason for reducing performance really exists. In this case, together with the client, it will be necessary to begin searching for the method of its solution and to eliminate the reasons corresponding to it.

Reducing performance is often associated with stress and overloads, but not always the reason for them. Temporary reduction in performance can be a consequence of the disease, the result of the change of sleep and nutrition mode. Loss of interest in the topic, the appearance of distracting factors, age or hormonal changes also affect labor efficiency. It is mistaken to be mistaken by a decrease in performance, when after elevated, intense activity, a person returns to the normal panel of work. In essence, the real decrease in efficiency should only be said when the result of labor clearly does not correspond to the efforts spent and subsequent fatigue.

When is the reduction in performance normally?

A living person, unlike the car, is not able to work stably 24 hours a day and needs interruptions to restore forces. Some decrease in concentration can be noted after 4-5 hours after the start of work. This is one of the reasons for the appearance of a lunch break on most jobs. Resting about 40 minutes, the person is able to work efficiently and efficiently for another 3-4 hours, after which the gradual decrease in mental performance will begin again. With a shift length at 12 o'clock breaks, two are provided, but the last third of the working day will still be less productive, since the fatigue accumulates and there is no clock recreation for full recovery.

The daily decrease in physical performance occurs approximately by the same scheme, but the accumulation of physical fatigue is stronger dependent on the human sports form. Someone reduces the tempo in an hour and a half, someone has a consistently working all shift. In physical work, the usability of the actions and the ability to count on their strength are also important. Small physical work in the machines requires at the same time attentiveness, concentration, accuracy and endurance, and heavy trucks - strong muscles and tendons, balance of balance. And, of course, a decline in performance by the end of the shift is a natural result that should not disturb: enough to eat, relax the body and sleep so that the fatigue is changed to bewilderment and willing to work again.

During diseases, physical, and mental disability is temporarily reduced, so it is not only harmful to health, but less efficiently. Of course, the most responsible cases can be completed with the effort of will, but this may pour out complications and a longer recovery period. Worry due to a temporary reduction of working capacity in the presence of an inflammatory process in the body is not worth it. Just all free resources body spends on the fight against infection.

Menstruation can also lead to a temporary decrease in performance, since pain due to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, the loss of blood, the fluctuations of the hormonal background are seriously loading the body. For a rare exception, the periodic decrease in labor efficiency notice the women themselves, noting that more strength spend on critical days to receive consistently high results.

Dangerous decline in performance

The state of temporary decrease in performance should be alert if the rest does not help restore strength and concentration. For example, if fatigue overtakes in the first half of the day and after the lunch break does not go away. It is even more dangerous if the night rest and a full-fledged eight-hour sleep will not return the usual productivity. There may be several reasons for such a state:

  • severe chronic disease;
  • depression;
  • emotional burnout and loss of interest in work;
  • sharp lifestyle change, diet;
  • unsatisfactory relationships with the team;
  • reception of some medicines.

Another reason for a long-term reduction of working capacity is age. According to the World Health Organization, the elder is now considered a person aged 60 years. Upon reaching this figure, efficiency may decline due to the inevitable age-related changes. However, even in such a situation mental and physical form can be partially restored and maintained at a fairly high level for many years.

What to do while reducing performance?

The first thing to be done by noting a long-term reduction in efficiency or too strong fatigue is to analyze its condition. A long-term reduction in performance concerning the specific scope of activity indicates the need to change. If it is painfully difficult to perform the usual work, you can think about retraining. If a hike in the hall does not cause joy, as before, you can try the pool, dancing or team sports. If tiring became a chat with the family, it is necessary to find an opportunity for recreation - to invite a nanny, go on vacation alone, so that there was an opportunity to analyze what is the difficulty. If it became clear that energy overrun is caused by toxic relations in the team, it is worth thinking about a new job in its field.

Finding out that the external causes are not to be afraid. Need:

  1. Contact the therapist with a quick fastest fatigue.
  2. Visit the endocrinologist and pass tests on the hormones of the thyroid gland.
  3. Give general urine and blood tests.
  4. Visit the neurologist.
  5. Visit a psychiatrist.

Joint efforts, specialists find out what caused disability, and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. Reducing performance, the causes of which are not related to health, means that it is necessary to start working on an increase in its own productivity, both mental and physical.

How to restore performance?

Long-term reduction in performance harms not only career, but also health. Apathy and inability to solve problems at the same pace create stress, the nervous tension negatively affects the sleep, the work of the heart and blood vessels, on appetite, on immunity. Even if the health problems were originally not, they can begin against the background of permanent overwork. In addition, the power of Will also has borders and if you constantly work, overcome yourself, then depression may develop.

Create the body conditions for restoring disability will help walk in the fresh air, reading artistic books (and not articles and notes), regular physical education, listening to foreign speech or learning languages, letter from hand, drawing, modeling clay. Before being taken for development, it will correctly adjust sleep mode, balance the diet and abandon all unnecessary loads that do not bring any benefit. It is necessary to carefully plan a day, if possible, delegate part of the tasks in order not to overwork, and be sure to spend some time alone with you. Such an approach helps to return efficiency after processing, and increase productivity that decreased for incomprehensible reasons.

It is also worth choosing a tool that will support the cardiovascular system during the recovery period. An effective drug with a decrease in performance should help cope with loads, including due to the correction of intracellular metabolic processes. For example, Mildronat optimizes cellular metabolism with loads, providing protection for membranes from damage to incomplete exchange products. Its application allows you to painlessly join the training process, overcome the effects of stress and overload, as well as increase the efficiency of sports and intellectual training.

The performance will increase gradually, so it's not necessary to wait for high results at once. Only a systematic, unhurried, but continuous development will bring a really noticeable result.

Residents of megacols are increasingly celebrating a sense of strong fatigue that does not leave the mind and body even after weekends and holidays. Not only the rapid rhythm of life, dictated by large cities, food and ecology, is responsible for the loss of life energy, but also some negative human habits. It is enough to make a number of changes in the daily routine of the day to improve performance and again feel the tide of strength and vigor.

Instead of pumping the body daily with caffeine, energy drinks, or, on the contrary, sleeping pills and alcohol for relaxation, should turn to their biological clock. Some mobile applications on modern smartphones will help you can easily determine and build an individual sleep and wake mode, so as not to feel broken in the morning and not count the sheep in an attempt to fall asleep late at night.

If you have a sitting work, then it is enough to dedicate training for 20 minutes three times a week to maintain a total tone and walk more. The lack of movements and physical exertion negatively affects the overall endurance of the organism. So, you will lose forces, literally doing anything. It is not necessary to reduce yourself with daily cardio and strength exercises, spending considerable time in the gym. The main thing is not to skip classes, even if there is no mood and forces to do something, thinking that you will keep the rest of vigor. Sport enhances your energy reserves, stimulating the body easier to fight fatigue and recover faster.

Try to keep track of the amount of liquid drunk during the day. Even 2 percent dehydration affects the work of the heart. As a result, the brain receives less oxygen, which reduces your performance and reaction rate. To slow down the circulation of oxygen also affects the lack of iron in the food consumed, what can lead to anemia.

Allow yourself not to delay in the office after the end of the working day and do not miss breaks, even if it is not accepted or your grandilage. The same applies to projects that do not have a clear temporary schedule, and work during the holidays. Time delimitation directly affects the quality of labor. And best of all, this pattern explains the law of Pareto, known to the majority, as the principle of 20/80.

Mental fatigue comes due to various fears and increased human anxiety. We spend a lot of energy for fears and negative thoughts that often arise in the same place. To preserve your vital energy, you need to try to abstract from the disturbing situations or people, as well as learn how to express your emotions to correctly. This perfectly cope with various meditative practices and art therapy.

The feeling of fatigue can occur due to sharp jumps of blood sugar. Therefore, from the daily diet, it is worth excluding products consisting of simple carbohydrates and replace them with complex.

Learn to tell people No, do not let the passage of your personal borders, so that you will not suffer from powerlessness and anger in trying to earn someone's praise.

When you feel the decline of strength, there is a big temptation to leave the mess behind and postpone the analysis of things and documents for tomorrow. However, returning to the office, you will be even more upset, starting day with a bad mood. In most cases, the Bardak does not contribute to a good concentration of attention and does not allow to fully focus at work.

Virtual reality has fallen tightly in our lives and is able to completely change our time perception. Try to limit your Internet access, games and television per hour before sleep, so as not to block the production of melatonin.

Following this simple tips, you can get rid of fatigue and increase your performance several times.

The changes that occur over time in any technical system and lead to the loss of its performance, are associated with external and internal impacts that it is exposed. During operation, all types of energy operate on the system, which can lead to a change in the parameters of individual elements, mechanisms and the system as a whole.

At the same time there is three main sources of influences:

Environmental Energy, Including Man Performed

operator or repairman;

Internal energy sources associated with both work processes occurring in the technical system and with the work of individual elements of the system;

Potential energy that is accumulated in materials and parts of the system components in the process of their manufacture (internal stresses in casting, mounting voltages).

When operating the technical object, the following main types of energy are observed affecting its performance:

Mechanical energywhich is not only transmitted through all elements of the system in the process of work, but also affects it in the form of static or dynamic loads from interaction with the external environment.

Forces arising in the nodes of the technical system are determined by the nature of the workflow, inertia moving parts, friction in kinematic pairs.

Mechanical energy in the system may occur both as a consequence of the cost of energy that occurred in the manufacture of individual parts of the system and are preserved in them in a potential form. For example, the deformation of parts in the redistribution of internal stresses, the change in the volume of the part after its heat treatment occurs without any external influences.

Thermal energy It acts on the system and its parts with the fluctuations in the ambient temperature, when carrying out the workflow.

Chemical energy It also affects the operation of the system. Even air that contains moisture and aggressive components can cause corrosion of individual nodes of the system, and what to talk about aggressive environments.

Nuclear (atomic) energy released in the process of turning atomic nuclei can affect materials (especially in space), changing their properties.

Electromagnetic Energy in the form of radio waves (electromagnetic oscillations) permeates the entire space around the object and can affect the operation of electronic equipment.

Biological Factors can also affect system performance. For example, in tropical countries there are microorganisms that not only destroy some types of plastics, but can even affect metal.

Thus, all types of energy act on the technical system and its mechanisms cause a whole range in it. unwanted processes , Create conditions for the deterioration of its technical characteristics.

Different types of energy, acting on the system, cause processes in its nodes and details that reduce the initial parameters of the product. These processes are, as a rule, with complex physicochemical phenomena and lead to strain, wear, breakage, corrosion and other types of damage. This, in turn, entails the change in the output parameters of the product, which can lead to failure.

The process arising from a particular type of energy may not immediately damage the product. Often there is a period of "accumulation of influences" before the period of external manifestation of the process begins, i.e. Damage to the product. For example, to start the development of a fatigue crack, a certain number of voltage variable cycles is required.

Damage to the material of the product - This is the deviation of its controlled properties from the initial, it is associated with the output parameters of the product by a certain dependence. Not all damage affects the output parameters of the product. Also, the definite degree of this damage may not affect performance indicators.

In the reliability of cars, they often use the concept of a defect, that is, such a state of the product in which it does not correspond to at least one of the requirements of technical documentation, but remains operational. At the same time, the defect is considered as a possible cause of failure.

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Disability loss is divided into temporary and persistent.

Under temporary disability, this condition of the body is meant when the occurrence of the disease or the consequences of injury, depriving the patient the ability to perform professional labor, is temporary and can be eliminated under the influence of treatment. Thus, temporary disability is characterized by a favorable clinical and labor forecast for the nearest period after the development of the disease.

Persistent disability is such a state when the manifestations of the disease and caused by the body's impairment impede the performance of professional work and acquire a steady nature, despite the treatment. This patient's condition corresponds to the concept of "disability", it can be long or permanent.

Disability arises due to various chronic diseases, if they lead to a decrease in the qualifications and wages of a working or fully deprive of its ability to continue labor activity. In varying degrees of disability can decline for a short time. Therefore, both temporary and persistent disability is divided into full of partial.

With a complete loss of disability, the patient temporarily or for a long time loses the ability to perform any kind of professional work.

Temporary partial disability is determined in cases where the patient cannot fulfill its usual work for a certain time, but without harm to health, labor activity can continue to work in favorable conditions with a smaller load. Examples of such states include the following:

The milking collective farm has, shortly before that started for the first time to work on the farm, with a manual daisy of cows, the nonresco developed the tendovaginitis of the fingertips of the left brushes. The patient was appointed outpatient treatment, and in accordance with the conclusion of the WCC, it was transferred for a period of 2 weeks to another work as an account with the preservation of previous wages. After the end of this period, in connection with recovery, it is recommended to continue working on a livestock farm, but only with the use of mechanized milking.

At the tractor driver of the state farm, periodically participating in the transport and unloading of pesticides (in particular, phosphorodurgical), due to the violation of the sanitary rules, acute poisoning was developed with a sharp depression of the activity of cholinesterase of blood, which manifested as an asthmatic state due to bronchospasm and enhancing bronchial secretion. For a period of monthly treatment in the hospital, the regional hospital and the subsequent outpatient treatment for 15 days of the patient was considered temporarily completely disabled.

In the future, the practical recovery of the patient and at the same time existing minor residual phenomena of transferred intoxication (somewhat increased fatigue arising short-term dizziness) gave the basis of WCC to determine the temporary partial disability and recommend a period of 1 month easy utility work in a removal workshop. After this period, the professional working capacity of the surveyed was fully restored and he was allowed to return to the previous work of the tractor driver with the recommendation to exclude contact with pesticides.

Resistant partial disability is characterized by this condition of the patient's body when he needs to change the profession or reduce the amount of production activities, which entails a noticeable decline in qualifications and wages. At the same time, the state of health forces the patient to stop its usual work, it allows for no harm, and often with benefit to health to continue labor activity on lightweight work. Such a partial resistant loss of disability should be found significant.

Unlike it, there is a minor resistant partial disability when the body develops pronounced long or completely irreversible pathological changes that do not impede the fulfillment of the previous work. If necessary, working conditions can be slightly changed, in accordance with the conclusion of WCC, without establishing a group of disability.

For example, a working complex building brigade in the collective farm, which previously performed predominantly painting works (using solvents, varnishes, mineral oils and other irritants), due to the development of severe chronic eczema of the grinding surfaces, the brushes was translated without prejudice to salary for carpentry and Roofing work outside contact with any irritant skin substances.