Treatment of endometriosis with hormonal drugs and folk remedies at home. Choice of contraceptive tablets in endometriosis: which drug is more efficient hormonal tablets in endometriosis

  • Date: 01.07.2020

Yes, and even more so, about a third of women who do not receive any treatment, passes on their own. This is due to the work of the immune system, which can recognize "unnecessary" endometrium and destroy it.

How is the endometriosis treat?

Based on the above, endometriosis is not always needed. In world gynecology there are three types of endometriosis:

    Observation without treatment: Such tactics are not suitable for everyone, but only if endometriosis was found randomly (for example, during an ultrasound or surgery for another occasion), the foci of endometriosis have small size and do not bring any inconvenience.

    Medication treatment: the most common treatment tactics. We will talk about it more below.

    Surgical treatment (operation): Usually prescribed if medicinal treatment does not help or endometriosis led to serious violations of the internal organs. Also, the operation may be required if the endometriosis has evolved.

What medicines are used in the treatment of endometriosis?

The main drugs from endometriosis that are prescribed gynecologists are hormones and affect the level of their own hormones of the body. We will talk about 4 groups of drugs that are used in the treatment of endometriosis most often:

    Contraceptive pills (oral contraceptives, OK): Zhanin, Yarina

    Medicines containing progesterone and its analogues: Uremines, Duphaston, Visan

  • Analogs of Gonadotropin: Bususrelin, Zoladex

Each of these drug groups in different ways affects the body

Contraceptive tablets (Zhanin, Yarina) and endometriosis

Your gynecologist can prescribe contraceptive pills (OK) for the treatment of endometriosis: Zhanin, Marvelon, regular and others. These drugs contain various doses of hormones, so before the start of taking medication, you will definitely consult a gynecologist.

Contraceptive tablets help reduce pain in endometriosis shortly before and during menstruation. For the successful treatment of endometriosis, it is necessary to take for a minimum of 6 months. If the effect is noticeable (pain disappear), then your gynecologist can advise to take OK for another 3-6 months. As a result of such treatment, the endometriosis sections can significantly decrease in size.

Uremines, duphaston and endometriosis

Preparations containing progesterone (female hormone) or its analogues, such as uremines, duphaston, depot-provisions, Visaran and some others give a good effect in the treatment of endometriosis. These medicines reduce the production of estrogen in the body, which suppresses the growth of endometrials (both in the uterus and in the foci of endometriosis). It is better to prepare for long-term treatment in advance, since the course of reception of these drugs can delay for 6-9 months.

Danazole and endometriosis

Danazole is a synthetic hormone, which during the reception suppresses the production of female sex hormones, contributing to a decrease in foci of endometriosis. For the appearance of the therapeutic effect of Danazole, it is necessary to take its minimum of 3-6 months.

This drug was previously widely used in the treatment of endometriosis, but in some countries, doctors begin to refuse Danazole for several reasons. First of all, these are the side effects of Danazole, which include an increase in blood pressure, impairment of the menstrual cycle, weight gain, swelling and chest pain, excess hair growth on the face and body, acne, hair loss and others. Secondly, new drugs have appeared in the arsenal of gynecologists, which are effective as danazole, but at the same time are deprived of its side effects.

Bususelin, Gozerelin (Zoladex) and endometriosis

Analogs of gonadotropin-rillation of hormones, to which Buserelin, Gozerelin (Zoladex), Sinarlal and others, suppress the work of the ovaries and reduce the level of female sex hormones in the blood. At the time of treatment you will not have menstruation, as well as symptoms of menopause (heat feeding, mood swings), but this can be corrected by an additional reception of small doses of hormones.

The course of treatment of endometriosis by these drugs is not more than 6 months. After the end of the reception of drugs, the ovaries again begin their work, so you should not worry that they will never "lead". "

Last update of Article 07.12.2019

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent pathology characterized by an abnormal growth of endometrial of the uterus inside and outside the organ. The main cause of the development of the disease Gynecologists consider violation of the stability of the level of female sex hormones. For the treatment of the disease, hormonal therapy is mainly applied. The patient is recommended for a long time to take various contraceptive tablets during endometriosis.

Hormonal therapy is considered the most optimal in the treatment of endometriosis, since it contributes not only to eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of pathology, but also, in contrast to surgical treatment methods, retains childbirth functions. The composition of hormonal contraceptives includes synthetic analogues of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, Coc not only is reliably protected from unwanted pregnancy, but also possess the therapeutic effect in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

COC with endometriosis have such positive actions:

  • reduce or completely remove premenstrual pain;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce the volume of blood loss;
  • reliably protect against non-planned conception;
  • the foci of endometriosis is suppressed, reduce blood flow in them, prevent the emergence of new growths;
  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • prevent complications (endometrial hyperplasia, inflammation);
  • contribute to resist.

Thanks to the rendered hormonal action of the tablets, its own production of female sex hormones decreases, slowing down the progression of the disease. As a result, the menstrual cycle is restored, abundant bleeding is stopped, the hemoglobin level is normalized, painful sensations and discomfort disappear, the overall health of health is improved.

It is important to remember that hormonal therapy helps with endometriosis only at the initial stages of the development of pathology.

In addition, it is impossible to fully cure the disease, even after long-term treatment, relapses often occur. At the last stages of patients, surgical treatment is recommended, endometrous tissues are removed during the operation. In particularly severe cases, it is necessary to completely remove the uterus.

What contraceptives are used to treat endometriosis

The modern pharmaceutical market offers many drugs for hormone therapy Endometriosis. Most of them are complete counterparts of each other, differing only in the composition of the aid, which provide the fastest suction of hormones into the body.

Before assigning treatment, the doctor must determine which hormones are not enough or vice versa too much in the body of the patient. It is from these indicators that the effectiveness of treatment depends. Therefore, careful laboratory and instrumental diagnostics is first carried out, and only after that the tactics of treatment is selected, oral hormonal contraceptives from endometriosis are prescribed.

Gynecologists allocate several of the most popular funds. These drugs are tested by time and deserve recognition among doctors and patients due to the effectiveness and speed of action, as well as the safety of their use.

These hormonal agents combine several active substances that contribute to the normalization of the female hormonal background and eliminate the symptoms of endometriosis.

List of best hormonal

What kind of contraceptive contraceptives are better to take with endometriosis - should determine your attending gynecologist. Independent treatment is unacceptable, as the disease can be seriously aggravated, which is fraught with severe complications.

Uremines, duphaston

Preparations containing progesterone are prescribed by deficiency in the body of this hormone. These drug drugs reduce the production of estrogen, which suppresses the pathological growth of the endometrium. Tablet therapy is particularly effective at the initial stages of endometriosis.

The duration of the course of treatment and the dosage should determine the gynecologist. All hormonal preparations are accepted by a strict scheme. When receiving exactly these hormonal funds it is necessary to comply with all the recommendations of the physician. This is due to the narrow focus of the action and the inability of the drug to influence the severe forms of endometriosis. In the treatment of women after 40 years, permanent medical control is needed.

In the treatment of endometriosis, such adverse reactions such as accycled bleeding, amenorrhea, headache, bloating may appear with hormonal preparations of this group.

Among the main contraindications: A tendency to thrombosis or thromboembolism, uterine bleeding of an unexplained nature, incomplete abortion, malignant neoplasms, disorders of the liver function, individual intolerance.

Zhanin and Yarina

Estrogenous and gestagenic preparations of a new generation are effective in the early stages of endometriosis. Due to its comprehensive composition, the production of natural hormones of estrogen and gestagenov reimburse. These oral contraceptives are applied to hormonal correction, contribute to the essential braking of the progression of pathology, and also slow down ovulation, not allowing to be activated by endometrous foci.

The use of these contraceptives contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, reduces the painfulness of menstruation. Bloodstocks are becoming less abundant, the risk of anemia is reduced. Preparations have antidrogenic activity, due to which the fattyness of the skin and hair decreases, the acne ripening is passed. In general, drugs have a positive effect on women's health and reduce the risk of developing hormone-dependent tumors, so women are often appointed after 40 years.

The positive effect in the treatment of endometriosis is achieved after 6 months of regular use. Basically have positive statistics. Oral contraceptives are used for 1 tablet daily, the course is 21 days, then make a seven-day break. Blisters are easy to use, as the manufacturer inflicts the names of the week of the week according to the days of reception directly to the primary packaging above each tablet. According to the testimony, the doctor can choose another treatment scheme.

Contraindications: Thrombosis, diabetes, pancreatitis, kidney pathology and liver. Before use, learn the instructions.


The nineteent - the combined hormonal drug is mainly used as an oral contraceptive, but is considered an effective drug in the treatment of endometriosis. The main advantage of Novinet is that the drug can be applied several days after the child's birth and during breastfeeding.

KOC reduces the severity of menstrual pain syndrome, reduces the abundance of bleeding, restores the hormonal balance. It is worth noting that the nineteen in endometriosis does not have a cumulative therapeutic effect, so improvements are observed only when receiving the drug, after cancellation there are relapses. In the initial stages of pathology, women can be recommended after 40 years, but with the rapid progression of the disease, it is better to choose another medicine.


Zoely - microdosted combined drug, applied to oral contraception. The active substances here are aegestrol acetate and estradiol. These components are maximally identical to natural female hormones. Therefore, when taking Zoeli, side effects are not often manifested. The positive effect of the drug is in reliable contraception, reducing pain in menstruation, the restoration of the cycle, the prevention of female oncology, the noticeable condition of the skin is improved. It is well suited for women after forty years to reduce the relapses of endometriosis.

Zoeli in endometriosis are prescribed only at the initial stages, with launched pathology, the drug is ineffective.

In one blister there are 28 tablets, which are accepted by 1 tablet at the same time daily. After completion of the first pack, the pills from the second package are taken immediately without interruption. After the cancellation of Zoali is rapidly excreted from the body and does not affect the hormonal background.


Regular - monophasic hormonal contraceptive, that is, each tablet contains the same dose of hormones. The preparation is effective in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, vaginal bleeding, endometriosis. The contraceptive gives a positive trend, reducing the growth of the growth of pathological foci of endometrial.

The regular version is a low-volume hormonal drug, it is well suited for women after 40 years. In case of endometriosis, the regular helps stabilize and facilitate the patient's condition. The drug delays the process of growing the uterus mucosa, normalizes the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis therapy This medicine lasts in continuous mode from 6 to 9 months. According to the results of the survey, the gynecologist determines the need to replace or cancel the drug.

Jess and Silhouette

Jess and Silhouette are low-volume contraceptives, mainly prescribed by young broken women. KOK contains minimal doses of female hormones, used only with complex treatment of endometriosis. Preparations inhibitively act on the ovulation process, making cineal mucus more viscous, protecting against unwanted pregnancy.

With endometriosis, it is possible to study in detail in a separate article.

The positive effect in endometriosis is expressed in stabilization of the hormonal background, a decrease or full removal of pain syndrome, reducing blood loss during menstruation. Also, when taking these contraceptives, the angry rash passes, the condition of hair and skin cover is improved, edema on the periphery are eliminated. Thanks to antimineralocorticoid action during the reception of tablets, the mass of the body does not increase.

Intrauterine tools for the treatment of endometriosis

Spiral Mirena It has a pronounced gestagenic effect with the help of the levonorgestrel contained in it. The active substance acts directly on the cells of the uterus, lowering the sensitivity of endometrioid tissues to female sex hormones and stopping their pathological growth.

The Peace Spiral is used in sufficiently severe cases of endometriosis, when exposed by endometrium tissues were removed by surgically.

Spirals are approved to maintain the stability of the state of the uterus and the prevention of the subsequent uncontrolled growth of the cells of the endometrium.

Mirena is distinguished not only by the unique form and the process of releasing the active substance, but also a duration of action. It is not necessary to replace for 5 years, the hormones contained in it are released every day in the therapeutic dosage of 20 mg. In addition, in contrast to older intrauterine forms, Miren does not grow into the uterine cavity due to increased flexibility.

Ring Nationaling It has similar to action, but it has a very short time of use - 1 month. Then the doctor extracts it, if necessary, waiting time for menstruation, then introduces a new one. The ring is prescribed in less pronounced cases of pathology. It is used to treat erosion of the cervix. Well suited to women after 40 years.

Important! All hormonal agents can be taken only after consulting a gynecologist. Self-meditation leads to sad consequences, so do not risk your health!

The effectiveness of any therapy largely depends not only on the stage of pathology, but also on the patient's care to their health. Timely appeal to the doctor will help reduce the risk of aggravation of the disease and accelerate the process of deliverance.

Efficiency from the use of COC with extensive endometriosis is not very large, but at the initial stage of the disease there are good results. Treatment of such a disease of the uterus, as endometriosis, exists in the form of drug and surgical therapy, sometimes in the combined version. Hormonal drugs are capable of significantly closer recovery only at the initial stages.

Understand the reasons

Anomalous growth of endometrial cells of the uterus (in the organ), ovaries, uterine pipes, even in the lungs, the most optimal in the initial stages to eliminate, using drug treatment of endometriosis. Since the inner layer of the main reproductive organ is inclined to increase during the so-called "premenstrual syndrome" (in the first half of the cycle), it turned out that the disease itself, which approximately suffers from 5 to 10% of women depends on the level of hormones.

During how the eggs remained neither uncommon, it is not attached to the wall of the uterus, it means that the endometrium begins to flap and go out. Sometimes he does not completely go through the vagina, remaining and attached to the places that are not characteristic of it.

There are cases when the advancement of endometrial cells changes the trajectory, and the sections of this uterine tissue are thrown with blood flow to the ovaries, phallopyes of pipes, even breasts.

Endometriosis itself is considered a benign disease, but this is not a reason not to heal. Abnormal neoplasms in the region of the uterus can provoke infertility.
Among the negative processes caused by the ailment are distinguished:

  • Reducing the probability of conception (embryo, if its attachment falls precisely on a benign education, will not be able to hold physiologically).
  • Spontaneous abortions, better known as miscarriages (endometrium - the nutrient medium of the fetus, in the tumor area it is poor quality, so there is a rejection of the embryo or its insufficient development).
  • In the case of a successful course of pregnancy, the child inside the uterus grows, the tumor can also increase, so the fetus becomes closely, it may experience a lack of nutrients, due to such a "oppression" deformation of its body parts can occur.
  • The threat of not only the life of the child, but also the mother, since treatment during an interesting position cannot be full and for the disease, the doctor often has only to observe.

Not only on the development of endometriosis (uterus - most often) an increased estrogen affects. The foci of the disease (tumors, nodules) can also act as manufacturers of this hormone.

Only complete diagnosis (with an obligatory consideration of the hormonal blood test) will help a specialist to choose the correct therapeutic agent, the most effective (and therefore popular) consider combined oral contraception (COC), which is also referred to as contraceptive.

This therapy has received its name (combined) therapy due to a combination of tablets (the most common form of hormonal means, but not the only one) two active substances. This includes estrogen and progestic components, which are controlled by all menstrual cycles and the functions of the uterus itself. In the COF tablets, they are contained as synthetic analogues of natural hormones.

All kinds of hormone therapy also have their testimony, contraindications and mandatory nuances.

So many different hormones

Many women hormonal therapy are either underestimated, so they are used without a doctor's prescription, or they are afraid of it, because they are not fulfilled.

Important! Oral contraceptives can significantly improve the picture of the disease, bring the desired pregnancy to bring the weight and deliver the weight and rid of adolescent races on the face. But perhaps only with a medical destination. In the case of uncontrolled independent use of drugs, irreversible processes can be launched in the patient's body.

Women may suffer unforeseen consequences of hormone therapy, but you need to distinguish the COC from other varieties of the means of this method.

Each honey preparation aimed at the treatment of endometriosis can affect brain centers controlling the production of hormones, and / or the hearth disease itself.

Much depends on the degree of severity of the disease, the age of the patient and other factors.
In medicine there are such groups of drugs containing hormones:

  1. Antiprogestins. The most famous medical staff is "Danazole", "Mithferibon". They completely suppress female hormones, menstruation stops (drugs can then restore this process). Pluses are high efficiency (that is why these funds are still used). Cons - the expression of "male" signs may be observed (a decrease in the mammary glands, agriculture to appear in uncharacteristic places). Another unwise feature can be an increase in body weight (up to 85% of patients encountered this disadvantage).
  2. Gonadotropin-Rilizing hormone agonists. The most common representative is "Bususelin". These funds cause a state similar to menopause. A positive moment is high performance, negative - probable fragility of bones. For more than 3 months in a row, such an application leads to osteoporosis. Honey preparations with such contraindications are capable of not to cure endometriosis finally, then we can make the disease, prepare a childbearing system to the future (estimated) pregnancy. Sometimes these funds are recommended when surgery is contraindicated.
  3. There are other groups of hormonal drugs, but Koks are most secure.

Oral contraception also reduces the production of FSH and LH, which leads to the absence of ovulation. Consequently, menstruation stops.

But the "female" sex hormones in the body are still present (due to the received contraceptive pills), the patient is introduced into a state of false pregnancy, and menstrual sections are terminated.

Endometriosis ceases to progress due to the lack of a natural hormonal "feeding", but the body does not undergo global changes (Yarina, Zhanin).

Who can, and who can not

COC In any case, continues to remain a medication procedure. For oral contraception, there are testimony and contraindications, features.


The advantages of this therapy are considered:

  • Reducing the development of endometriosis or suspension of the growth of a benign tumor (before the planned pregnancy, before surgery).
  • The presence of a contraceptive effect (but from HIV infection, AIDS, venereal diseases does not protect the means).
  • Relative accessibility and different price spectrum. Much depends on the dose of hormones in each tablet, sometimes the cost of the manufacturer's company is influenced by the cost.
  • A small list of side effects (often - individual rejection). Head pains, nervousness.
  • The usual sensations during intimate proximity.
  • Sometimes there is a weight correction, the condition of hair and skin is improved.
  • Convenient application (just drink a tablet).


But sometimes Kok can be contraindicated for a number of medical testimony:

  1. If endometriosis extends outside the uterus, it may arise about the feasibility of such treatment.
  2. The presence of diseases of the endocrine system (in particular - diabetes).
  3. Diseases of the kidneys, liver.
  4. The ailments are affected by the cardiovascular system (a tendency to thrombosis, increased pressure, heart pathology).
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Such contraindications are due to the wide effects of hormones on the body, not only on the reproductive system.

With the disease of other organs, the doctor must, together with COC (or before use), to propose both drugs that will have a supporting function, such as kidney or liver.

In varicose veins, therapy is also carried out, since the COP provoke thrombosis.

Also, a woman in endometriosis should remember such nuances:

  • Some drugs reduce or enhance the effect of combined oral contraception. In case of insufficient state of artificial hormones, there will be no proper effect, and the tumor will grow, with elevated - bleeding and exacerbations can be observed.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol also increases the likelihood of thrombosis.
  • It is necessary to systematically take appointed Kok, otherwise unwanted pregnancy may come.
  • In the diet, gynecologists and therapists are recommended to include oatmeal, cottage cheese, whole grain bread. Iron, calcium and folic acid in such a period are particularly necessary to improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of uncontrolled growth of endometrial cells inside the uterus with such preparations as COC, in the form of tablets affects the gastric mucosa, duodenum, liver and kidneys (organs involved in the digestive and outdoor function).

It is possible to exacerbate previously diagnosed diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the main "blow" is assumed by them.

Oral contraceptives cannot finally cure the "female" disease in the later stages, when multiple growing. Such therapy may lead to the fact that the node will decrease in the amount, but after the cancellation it will begin to grow again.

The mechanism of action of contraceptive pills is as follows: Each tablet contains a dose of estrogen and a gestagen, which are similar to natural, but not identical. Entering the body regularly, hormones provoke a decrease in the production of own by oppression of the synthesis of FSH and LH by the pituitary. As a result, the level of own estrogen and gestagenov decreases, ovulation does not occur. This is the main contraceptive effect.

In addition, the curse of cervical mucus occurs, the endometrium atrophy, as a result of which, in the event of fertilization, the fruit egg cannot attach to the wall of the uterus.

Against the background of taking oral contraceptives, the severity of all symptoms of endometriosis is reduced: the pain is due, the number of secretions is reduced, no longer bothers the masculine. Therefore, for some time it was believed that contraceptive pills are one of the options for treating endometriosis and prevention of progression of alert.

However, the latest research has shown that the reception of contraceptive tablets in endometriosis is not only not recommended, but also can lead to the progression of the disease. Indeed, the symptoms of illness during drug intake are reduced.

  • In the initial stages of young girls, including to obtain a rebound effect - the natural stimulation of ovulation after the cancellation of the drug intake.
  • If the composition of oral contraceptives as a gestagne component is a dienogest.

Rebaund effect after canceling the contraceptive

Studies of recent years have established that as the treatment of endometriosis, the most effective drug after agonists and antagonists of gonadotropic hormones (they act at the level of pituitary and hypothalamus) is "Visanna" based on dienogest.

When taking medication for a 3-x-6 months, not only the decrease in the severity of all symptoms, but also a decrease in the number and size of endometrioid ectopias. And the effect remains for a long time after the cancellation of the medication.

Choosing contraceptive tablets for the treatment of endometriosis, preference should be given to those containing the dienogest. This is "Bonade", "Zhanin" and "Clayra". It is believed that due to dienethest, the foci of endometriosis will decrease, which will lead to the regression of the disease, although not so intense, as with a monopreparation "Visanna".

"Clayra" - three-phase drug. The action is as close as possible in the natural cycle of a woman. It is believed that adaptation to such a medicine should pass more smoothly. Also "Clayra" is recommended to use women after 35 years old before the onset of menopause. You need to take at least 3 months.

"BONADE" (Full analogue manufactured by another company - Zhanin) ̶ monophasis oral contraceptive. The package contains 21 tablets, after receiving which it is necessary to take a break for 7 days, during this woman there are menstrual-like discharge. Each tablet contains the same dose of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg) and the gestagen (2 mg dienogest).

During addiction to the drug, the appearance of acyclic oscillations between the expected days of menstruation is allowed. Treatment should continue at least 3 months, and if necessary or desire and longer.

Treatment of endometriosis by anti-counterfeit agents should only be prescribed to the doctor Taking into account the clinical form of the disease, its prevalence, as well as the Constitution and the preferences of a woman. For women after the 35-Ti-40-ka-ka years, preference is given to the appointment of "Clayra", a young, especially who did not give birth, "Zhanina" ("Bonade").

When endometriosis, other prevention methods can be used. For the treatment of pathology and protection against pregnancy, the intrauterine system "Mirena" can be used. This is a special spiral that contains a microorility with a hormone (Gestagen), which is released gradually and dosed for 5 years.

The use of popular oral contraceptives ("Regular", "Jess", "Yarina", Zoeli, "Silhouette", "Belarus", the Vaginal ring "Obaring" and others) with the established fact of the presence of endometrium foci inexpediently. This will lead to an improvement in the well-being of a woman, but will not stop the progression of the disease.

The use of ordinary helix is \u200b\u200bnot recommended for endometriosisSince this can provoke the progression of the disease. Other prevention methods (spermicidal vaginal pills interrupted by sexual intercourse, condoms) Do not affect the course of illness, but only protect against pregnancy.

For the treatment of endometriosis, other groups of hormonal means are used, which do not give a reliable contraceptive effect, so they cannot be called contraceptive:

  • Gestagens :, "Sutno". They are conversely conducive to the onset of pregnancy. Similar drugs "nineteen", "depot-wire" with long-term use can suppress ovulation and thus protect against pregnancy, but it is difficult to find out when it comes. Reception "Byzanne" also does not protect against pregnancy.
  • Agonists and antagonists of gonadotropic hormones ("Zoladex", "Bususelin",) already on the 2nd month of reception, as a rule, lead to the absence of ovulation. However, fertility (the ability to conceive) is restored often immediately after the end of the preparation. It is usually one month if not the next injection.

Considering that all these drugs do not give reliable protection against pregnancy, during treatment it is recommended to use additional methods of protection, since the effect of drugs for developing fruits is not established, the teratogenic (causing vices) effects are not excluded.

Assigning contraceptives for endometriosisThe doctor pursues several goals at once:

  • reduce the severity of pain during sexual contacts during menstruation;
  • eliminate long-term outlook on the eve and after menstruation;
  • reduce the number of critical days and the volume of lost blood.

The impact on these factors leads to an improvement in the quality of the life of a woman.

Read more in our article about contraceptive in endometriosis.

Read in this article

How to act contraceptive pills

Under the notion of contraceptive in most cases, oral contraceptives are meant. These are tablets that are primarily invented to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The mechanism of action of contraceptive tablets is next. Each contains the dose of estrogen and the gestagen, which are similar to natural, but not identical. Entering the body regularly, hormones provoke a decrease in the production of own by oppression of the synthesis of FSH and LH by the pituitary.

As a result, the level of own estrogen and gestagenov decreases, ovulation does not occur. This is the main contraceptive effect. In addition, it is thickened by cervical mucus, endometrial atrophy, as a result of which, even in the case of fertilization, the fruit egg can not attach to the wall of the uterus due to its changes.

Whether to treat endometriosis

It has long been noticed that against the background of oral contraceptives, the severity of the milestones of endometriosis is reduced: the pain of the selection is reduced, the amount of selection is reduced, no longer bothers the mastery on the eve and after menstruation. Therefore, for some time it was believed that contraceptive pills ̶ One of the options for treating endometriosis and prevention of progression of alend.

However, the latest research was provided with the data that had refuted the earliest opinion. It turns out that the reception of contraceptive pills during endometriosis is not only not recommended, but also can lead to progression of the disease. Indeed, the symptoms of illness during drug intake are reduced.

However, there are some exceptions. Contraceptive tablets can be assigned in case of endometriosis in the following cases:

  • In the initial stages of young girls, including to obtain a rebound effect ̶ natural stimulation of ovulation after canceling the drug intake.
  • If in the composition of oral contraceptives as a gestagne component is a degenegest.
  • If endometriosis is only assumed, but does not have significant clinical manifestations.

Best contraceptive tablets in endometriosis

Research recent years have established that as the treatment of endometriosis the most effective preparation after agonists and antagonists of gonadotropic hormones(They act at the level of pituitary and hypothalamus) is "Visan" Based on dienogest.

In numerous observations, it was reliably proven that when taking medication for a 3-x-6 months, not only a decrease in the severity of all symptoms, but also a decrease in the number and size of endometrioid ectopuses. And, most importantly, the effect remains for a long time after the cancellation of the medication.

Therefore, choosing contraceptive tablets for the treatment of endometriosis, preference should be given to those that contain a dienogest. This is "Bonade", Zhanin and "Clayra". It is believed that due to dienethest, the foci of endometriosis will decrease, which leads to the regression of the disease, although not so intense, as with a monopreparation "Visanna".

Effectiveness "Byzanne" in the treatment of endometriosis

"Clayra" ̶ three-phase drug. The effect of medication is as close as possible in the natural cycle of a woman. In the package of 3 types of tablets with different doses of estrogen and gestagne components. It is believed that adaptation to such a medicine should be more smoothly, also "Clayra" is recommended to use women after 35 years old until the onset of menopause.

There is only an assumption that treatment with this oral contraceptive is effective in endometriosis. There is no reliable research about this. Take the drug you need at least 3 months.

"BONADE" (full analogue manufactured by another company ̶ Zhanin) ̶ Monophause oral contraceptive. Packaging contains 21 tablets, after receiving which it is necessary to take a break for 7 days. During this, the woman appears menstrual-like allocations. Each tablet contains the same dose of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg) and the gestagen (2 mg dienogest).

Addictive to the drug allows the emergence of acyclic oscillations between the expected days of menstruation. Treatment should continue at least 3 months, and if necessary or desire to have permanent reliable contraception ̶ longer.

The use of oral contraceptives involves a daily reception of tablets in a strictly fixed time, otherwise protection against pregnancy is reduced.

See this video about which hormonal drugs are used in the treatment of endometriosis:

How to choose contraceptive contraceptives

The treatment of endometriosis by anti-counterfeit funds should be prescribed only by the doctor, taking into account the clinical form of the disease, its prevalence, as well as the Constitution and the preferences of the woman.

The choice of precisely oral contraceptives is small. With women after the 35-Ta-40-ka-ka-ka years, preference is given to the appointment of "Clayra", young, especially who did not give birth to ̶ Zhanina ("Bonade").

When endometriosis, other prevention methods can be used. For a double effect ̶ treatment of pathology and protection against pregnancy ̶ can be used intrauterine system. This is a special spiral that contains a microorility with a hormone (Gestagen), which is released gradually and dosed for 5 years. The convenience of the Navy "Mirena" is as follows:

Opinion expert

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician gynecologist)

The use of popular oral contraceptives ("Regular", "Jess", "Yarina", Zoeli, "Silhouette", "Belarus", the Vaginal ring "Obaring" and others) with the established fact of the presence of endometrium foci inexpediently. This will lead to an improvement in the well-being of a woman, but will not stop the progression of the disease.

The use of ordinary helix is \u200b\u200bnot recommended for endometriosis, as this can provoke the progression of the disease. Other prevention methods (spermicidal vaginal tablets, interrupted sexual intercourse, condoms) do not affect the course of death, but only protect against pregnancy.

What hormonal drugs do not protect against pregnancy

For the treatment of endometriosis, other groups of hormonal means are used, which do not give a reliable contraceptive effect, so they cannot be called contraceptive. Namely:

  • Gestagens ̶ "Utrezhstan", "Dufeston", "Sutn" ̶ on the contrary, conducive to the occurrence of pregnancy. Similar drugs "nineteen", "depot-wire" with long-term use can suppress ovulation and thus protect against pregnancy, but it is difficult to find out when it comes.
  • Gonadotropic hormone agonists and antagonists ("Zoladex", "Diffelin") already on the 2nd month of admission, as a rule, lead to the absence of ovulation, as a result of which the pregnancy becomes impossible. However, fertility (the ability to conceive) is restored often immediately after the end of the preparation. It is usually 1 month if not to make the following injection.

Given that all these drugs do not give reliable protection against pregnancy, during treatment it is recommended to use additional prevention methods. Since the effect of these drugs for developing fruits is not established, teratogenic (causing vices) effects are not excluded.

What effect to expect

Assigning contraceptives for endometriosis, the doctor pursues several goals at once, trying to choose from all the arsenal the best. Namely:

  • Reduce the severity of pain during sexual contacts during menstruation.
  • Eliminate long-term outlook on the eve and after menstruation.
  • Reduce the number of critical days and the volume of lost blood.

The impact on these factors leads to an improvement in the quality of the life of a woman. Admitting the drugs of an ordinary contraceptive series, you can achieve improving the well-being of a woman, but only for the treatment. The use of dienogest-based drugs has greater efficiency and the result obtained is preserved for another while.

Contraceptive means in endometriosis should be chosen, based on the stage of the disease, complaints of a woman, survey results. The most rationally use drugs with a dienethrode in the composition ("Bonade", Zhanin, "Clayra"), as well as the Navy "Mirena". When appointed, it is necessary to take into account contraindications, possible side effects.

Useful video

See this video about when and how to treat endometriosis:


In recent years, there has been an increase in pathologies related to hormonal disorders in modern gynecology. These diseases are often accompanied by the disorders of the menstrual cycle and are reflected in the reproductive function of the woman, which is usually eliminated by the use of hormones. One of such diseases is endometriosis, which can proceed in various forms.

Endometriosis denotes a pathological condition, within which the cells are distributed, of which the endometrium beyond the inner layer of the uterus. The disease is most characteristic of representatives of the reproductive group, which is fraught with the development of infertility.

Endometriosis is in third place in its prevalence among gynecological diseases, and the amount of diagnosed cases is steadily growing. This is due not only to high-quality improvement of diagnosis, but also with increasing inflammatory processes, deterioration of the environmental situation, early sexual life in the absence of adequate contraception.

The mechanism of development of endometriosis is due to the structure of the uterus, which is presented:

  • endometrial;
  • myometrium;
  • perimetry.

The source of the disease is atypically located endometrial cells, which first increase, and then discharge under the influence of the hormonal system each physiological cycle. The action of hormones is subject to the functional layer of endometrial, since its basal component creates conditions for growth.

In the development of pathology, endometrium cells penetrate into the middle layer, which is a muscular shell and is called a myometrium. This type of endometriosis is called internal, as well as adenomyosis. This is the most common form of pathology.

The myometrium function is to ensure the extensibility of the uterus during pregnancy and reduce during menstruation. The emergence of foci of endometriosis, which look like islands from endometrial cells, disrupts the contractility of myometrium and causes infertility. This is due to the fact that the changed endometrium cannot contribute to the implantation of the egg.

In the further progression of the pathological process, the cells penetrate into perimetry, which is an outer shell. In the absence of adequate treatment, which usually implies the reception of hormonal drugs, the extensions of foci on the tissues of pipes, ovaries, vagina, outdoor genital organs occurs.

The form of endometriosis at which the tissues of the organs of the reproductive female system are affected is called genital. If endometriosis affects the intestines, the bladder, the kidney, the eye conjunctiva, the specialists are diagnosed with an extranegoneal form, however, it is rare enough.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Some experts associate endometriosis with a decrease in fertility, which leads to a natural increase in the number of menstruation, which nature has not provided. The cause of genital endometriosis is endometrium cells that penetrate the tissue of organs during menstruation.

During menstruation, there is a reverse or retrograde cast of some part of the bloody discharges containing endometrial cells into the abdominal cavity. This process is celebrated in each woman. Nevertheless, not every representative endometriosis will develop.

Why one woman develops endometriosis, and in the other - no, science is not yet known. Cell sewing occurs due to immune disorders. An adequately functioning immune system does not allow alien elements to grow into unusual fabrics for them.

Most women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis have hormonal disorders. Gynecologists reveal disorders relating to the level of genital hormones. In particular, such hormones like LG, FSH, prolactin and estrogens are at a high level. While the hormone progesterone has a low concentration. In this connection, hormonal drugs are widely used, for example, Norcut.

Hormonal drugs, in particular, Kok with endometriosis, allow you to achieve the desired values \u200b\u200bof the genital hormones. This is necessary as part of the stabilization of the pathological process of both endometriosis and many other related pathologies.

Often endometriosis is accompanied by other pathologies, which also arise as a reaction to fluctuate of hormone levels. Thus, hormonal drugs, for example, Nigolut not only create the necessary hormonal background, but also treat several violations at the same time.

Gynecologists also distinguish factors that can predict to the progression of different forms of endometriosis.

  • The role of heredity. Endometriosis does not apply to hereditary diseases, however, a family predisposition is established. Scientists revealed the types of endometriosis, which with the greatest share of probability appear among representatives of one family.
  • Inflammatory processes. Infections and inflammation are negatively reflected on a hormonal background due to the lesion of the ovaries, as well as on the state of the endometrium tissue.
  • The beginning of the monthly to 11 or after 16 years. This factor can indirectly indicate a violation of the products of sex hormones, which provokes the development of endometriosis.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions. The bad environmental situation worsens immunity and affects the hormonal system, causing the development of benign diseases.

The mechanism of development of endometriosis is not sufficiently studied. In modern gynecology, many theories have been developed, which can explain from different points of view, as pathology develops.

  • As one of the theories is endometrial metaplasia. Its essence is that some of the tissues of organs can turn into the similarity of the cells of the endometrium.
  • Quite often, the development of the disease after manipulation on the bodies of the uterus is observed. As a result of the violation of the integrity of the internal membrane of the uterus, the elements of the endometrium in the myometrium occurs, and then in perimetry. The further spread of the pathological process is not excluded.
  • Sometimes endometriosis is diagnosed in girls before the onset of the first monthly. However, this pathology is combined with the anomalies of the genital organs. Perhaps this is a consequence of intrauterine disorders, which led to the laying of endometrioid cells in the tissues of other organs.

Endometriosis treatment necessarily includes the elimination of provoking factors, which is possible to achieve with the help of such hormonal drugs as Nigolut and medicines of the COC Group.These drugs create the necessary hormonal background, preventing the development of relapses, in particular, in the postoperative period.


The clinical picture depends on the degree of prevalence of the pathological process and the individual characteristics of the woman. In general, each type of endometriosis has its own characteristic symptoms, for example, with the defeat of the eye conjunctivation during menstruation, blood is noted from the organ.

However, for all species of the disease, it is characterized by the strengthening of signs during critical days. This is due to the fact that the foci are subjected to the same effect on the side of the hormonal system, as well as healthy endometrium in the inner layer of the uterus.

Under the influence of hormones, the cells in the foci are growing and rejected at the end of the cycle. However, bleeding remains in tissues, causing an inflammatory process and irritation. With some forms of endometriosis, the immune system reaction is the formation of adhesions and cyst, which is observed in the lesion of the ovaries and pipes. Education data lead to infertility and often need surgical excision with the subsequent use of hormonal drugs, such as Kok and Nicholat.

The symptoms of endometriosis include the following manifestations.

  1. The emergence of a minor amount of separating seals, which appear as a few days before menstruation and after it.
  2. Pains that are enhanced during menstruation, sexual contacts, physical activity.
  3. Typically, when endometriosis, a change in the duration of the cycle is observed, in particular, its shortening due to hormonal dysfunction.
  4. Sometimes there may be acyclic bleeding, non-monthly. As a rule, this feature indicates a violation of the ratio of some hormones and the possible development of the Moma of the uterus.
  5. One of the most dangerous signs is the appearance of infertility and non-pending pregnancy. Reproductive function disorders are associated with anneviation, which arises due to the lack of adequate products of hormones, as well as changes in the myometry and endometrials itself.

Endometriosis symptoms are borne by the reception of various hormonal drugs. KOC and other groups of hormonal drugs contribute to stabilization of foci progression, eliminating pain and other manifestations of violations from hormone production.

Treatment with hormonal drugs

The main treatment of endometriosis is to apply hormonal drugs, such as Kok. It has been proven that correctly prescribed hormonal drugs during endometriosis normalize the functioning of the ovaries, the development of foci and inflammation is inhibited. Hormones with endometriosis eliminate pain and other symptoms of the disease.

In the treatment of hormonal preparations, for example, norcolut, menstruation is terminated, which leads to a decrease in foci. This effect also has a positive side for women who do not plan to pregnancy.

The advantages of using hormonal drugs include:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • the possibility of treatment without surgery;
  • saving a childbody function.

Hormonal treatment of endometriosis has significant disadvantages that must also be considered when applied. Among the disadvantages of treatment with hormones during endometriosis can be noted:

  • the emergence of failures in the work of the female organism;
  • risk of thrombosis;
  • the possibility of relapses;
  • therapy duration.

In fairly rare cases, treatment with hormonal preparations is contraindicated. Common contraindications for treatment hormones include:

  • allergic reactions to a specific hormonal drug;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • some liver disease and gastrointestinal tract;
  • violations from blood formation;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the kidneys.

When receiving hormonal drugs, side effects may develop:

  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • disorders in the menstrual cycle;
  • migraine;
  • increase in body weight;
  • edema;
  • bleeding;
  • nausea;
  • exchangeable imbalance.

Hormonal drugs include several medicinal groups.

  • Gonadotropin-Rilizing hormone agonists cause cessation of menstruation and reduce the development of estrogen hormone by the body. However, in the treatment of these drugs, manifestations of menopause may appear.
  • Antigestagens inhibit the development of endometrioid elements both in the uterine cavity and in the foci. Against the background of the reception often occurs an increase in body weight and the appearance of acne.
  • Gestagens are analogues of progesterone hormone. Treatment with drugs of this action suppresses the production of hormone estrogen. Quite often, gynecologists prescribe a hormonal treatment of Nigolut. Nigolut is one of the most effective hormonal drugs relating to gestagenam.

Norkut blocks ovulation, and therefore this hormonal drug is not used when planning pregnancy. Nigolut should be taken into the second phase of the cycle, as a rule, from the sixteenth to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle with a course designed for six months.

When receiving hormones that are part of the drug Nigut, strong headaches, migraine, nausea, thrombosis, increased fatigue can occur. With norcolut, you must definitely eliminate malignant tumors of any localization. Moving the appointed dose of Nigolut is not recommended.

Doctors marked contraindications to the reception of the hormonal drug Nigolut:

  • liver disease, kidneys;
  • thrombosis in history;
  • bleeding from the ureter;
  • obesity;
  • acute Herpetic Infection;
  • strong allergic reactions.

It is necessary to consider that the hormones that are part of the drug Nigolut cannot be taken not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding.

  • COC is often prescribed in violations of hormone production. COC normalize hormonal background, eliminate unpleasant manifestations of endometriosis. Some Kok have an antiandogenic effect and help to fight acne, excessive growth of unwanted hair.

COC is used for a long time. Course COC is designed for half a year or more. Thanks to the widespread Kok, you can choose the necessary hormonal drug individually in each individual clinical case.

In the process of treatment with the drug Nigolut, like Kok, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

The appointment of Norcolut, Kok and other hormones should be carried out exclusively after a detailed study of the level of hormones: Estradiol, progesterone, free and common testosterone, Dae-Sulfat, 17-he-progesterone, AMG, FSH, LH and some others.