Certification approximate analysis of work with parents. A message from the work experience “A system of collaboration between a teacher and parents

  • Date: 27.04.2019

Course work

Forms of work of the teacher with parents


Theoretical Foundations of Interaction of Preschool Organization and Family

1 Problems of interaction of preschool organizations and families in the modern scientific literature

2 Features of the interaction of the preschool organization and the family

Forms of work of a preschool organization with a family

1 Traditional forms of work of the teacher with parents

2 Non-traditional forms of work of the teacher with parents



kindergarten preschool child parents family


Current development trends preschool education  united by one important and significant criterion - its quality, which directly depends on the level of professional competence of teachers, educators and pedagogical culture of parents. And although the preschool institution and the family are two links in one chain, the kindergarten cannot replace the family, it complements it, performing its special functions. Their common task: education and upbringing of the future generation, creating comfortable conditions for the full development of personality.

The changes taking place in the field of preschool education today are aimed, first of all, at improving its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the coordination of the actions of the family and preschool organization. A positive result can be achieved only when considering the family and kindergarten  within the framework of a single educational space, which implies interaction, cooperation between teachers of a preschool organization and parents throughout the child's preschool childhood. The most important sign of a single educational space and at the same time the condition for its creation are the definition and adoption by the participants of the pedagogical process of the common goals and tasks of raising preschool children, which are formed in a single program of education, training and development of children.

Modern education programs for preschool children are based on the concept of preschool education, the achievements of psychology and pedagogy. However, parents who are social customers of educational services often do not have in-depth knowledge in this area. Therefore, the goal and objectives of public education should be the subject of a detailed discussion by teachers and parents, during which the teacher needs to convey to his family his vision of the result of raising a child and coordinate it with the pedagogical guidelines of the parents.

Next sign  and the condition for creating a single educational space should be the development and adoption of uniform requirements for the child at home and in the preschool organization. This helps not only to create psychological comfort for the child, but also to strengthen the authority of parents and teachers. An equally important sign and condition for creating a unified educational space is the development of a common approach to solving the problems of upbringing, the allocation, generalization and coordination of pedagogical methods and techniques based on the study of the educational experience of the family and the transfer of technology information to parents educational process.

For preschool  relevant today is the problem of further deepening existing ideas about the family in the light of modern approaches, expanding ideas about the content, forms and methods of interaction with the family and developing an individual approach to it. The works of a number of authors are devoted to this problem: T.N. Doronova, O.I.Davydova, E.S. Evdokimova, O.L. Zvereva, E.P. Arnautova, D.O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, T .A. Markova, D.D. Bakieva, S.M. Garbey, M.I. Izzatova, V.M. Ivanova

There has already been a tendency towards the development of a variable system of social and educational services, in which parents act as a customer and determine the directions of work of educational institutions. Thus, this term paper is relevant.

Goals: To study the forms of interaction between the preschool organization and the family, aimed at the formation of pedagogical culture.

Object of study: The pedagogical process of preschool organization.

Subject of study: forms of work of a preschool organization and family.


To analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research;

To reveal the features of the interaction of the "family";

To characterize traditional and non-traditional forms of organization of work of a preschool organization with parents.

Course work consists of introduction, two sections, conclusion and list of used literature.

The relevance, goals and objectives of the course work, as well as the subject and object of study are described in the introduction.

In the first section, the theoretical foundations of the interaction of the preschool organization with the family are disclosed. In the second section, various forms of work with parents are substantiated. The conclusions of the course work are noted in the conclusion. The list of references consists of 17 sources.

1. The theoretical basis for the interaction of preschool organizations with the family

1.1 Features of the interaction of preschool organizations and families in the modern scientific literature

A dispute has long been waged, which is more important in the formation of the individual: family or public education (kindergarten, school, other educational institutions). Some great educators leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions.
So, Ya. A. Komensky called the mother school the sequence and amount of knowledge that the child receives from the hands and lips of the mother. Mother’s lessons - no change in schedule, no days off and vacations. The more diverse and meaningful life of a child becomes, the wider the circle of maternal concerns. The humanist educator I. G. Pestalozzi: the family is a genuine organ of education, it teaches with business, and a living word only supplements and, falling on the soil plowed up by life, it makes a completely different impression. The reform of the education system, caused by sociocultural, political and economic changes, did not pass by its initial link - preschool education. Significantly changed the attitude of society towards the family as an educational institution. Propaganda of pedagogical knowledge and parental education have switched to a better form of working with the microenvironment - “open” (or partnership) interaction between participants in the educational process.

Studies by E.P. Arnautova, D.O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, T.A. Markova and others confirm the transition to the "open" interaction of the preschool institution and the family. In this regard, scientists studied various approaches to organizing the interaction of kindergarten and family, the specifics of a modern family, the characteristics of child-parent relationships and correction methods, were determined by the most effective forms  work.

In the 70s under the leadership of T.A. Markova, deputy director for scientific work at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, organized a family education laboratory. Typical difficulties experienced by parents, the most significant factors affecting the formation of moral qualities in a child in the family were identified (D.D. Bakieva, S.M. Garbey, D.O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, M.I. Izzatova , V.M. Ivanova and others.). Thus, specialist authors made attempts to determine the content of pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary for parents to successfully solve a number of problems of moral education. Studies have shown that the higher the level of pedagogical preparedness of parents, the more active and successful their pedagogical activity.

From the point of view of the interaction of the kindergarten and the family in raising children, helping parents, the data obtained by V.I. Deserted in the work “Interaction of kindergarten and family in the pedagogical correction of relations of preschool children with peers”. The author convincingly shows that neither the family nor the preschool institution can independently solve the problem of overcoming the deviations of the child in relations with peers, which are related to the living conditions and upbringing of children in the family.

In social work, there was a sharp turn to the family. This turn is fully consistent with the orientation of social work on a person and his environment. This means that a person can be understood and assisted only in the context of those nearest systems of which he is a member. Ovcharova R.V. in the “Reference book of a social educator”, he says that a person in his life has two families “here and now”, of which he is a member and the family from which he came. Therefore, in the life of every person, the family occupies an important place. In the family, the child learns the norms of human relations, and as an adult builds his family relationships  in accordance with what kind of relations his parents had with each other, and how they treated him. The state of the state depends on the state of the family, which is influenced by all the changes taking place in society. In all ages, humanity has understood the importance of the family. Blonsky P.P. spoke of the family as an upbringing body: “the family is the most exalted that can only be thought up to educate our family (Pestalozzi); from the quiet sanctuary of the family comes the happiness of man, and only one family life gives the most important thing for all human life - the development and formation of a good heart. ” According to Ellen Kay, only "in a quiet and cordial atmosphere of family education can a child’s gentle personality develop naturally and normally."

The family is a social institution of education, it carries out the continuity of generations, the socialization of children, which includes the transfer family values  and stereotypes of behavior. Famous domestic psychologist L.S. Vygotsky wrote that the family is an essential element of the social development situation.

The family is the basis of the primary socialization of the individual. It is with the family that the process of individual assimilation of social norms and cultural values \u200b\u200bby a child begins. Sociological studies have revealed that the influence of the family on the child is stronger than the influence of the school, the media, the street. Consequently, from the microclimate in the family, spiritual and physical development  in it, children are most dependent on the success of the development and socialization of the child. This fact cannot but interest the school. The need to change relationships became apparent. educational institution  and family. Partnerships will be studied both by teachers, who often consider themselves to be carriers of truth, who can dictate the behavior model of the parent, and the parent, whose actions are between the poles “we handed you, here and educate” and “give me advice for every minute of my communication with the child ".

The family is a holistic system, which is why the problems of the parent-child dyad cannot be solved only due to the correction of the child and parent. Regardless of what are the features of the main violation in the parent-child relationship, those who seek help usually take the wrong parental position, i.e. their relationship with children is ineffective. R.V. Ovcharova identifies four causes of unhealthy parental relationship:

Pedagogical and psychological illiteracy of parents;

Various stereotypes of education;

Personal problems and features of parents introduced into communication with the child;

The influence of the features of communication in the family on the relationship of parents with the child.

Exploring the problem of pedagogical universal education, OL Zvereva revealed that it was far from being carried out in all kindergartens due to the insufficient preparedness of teachers for working with parents. Practitioners used its various forms: group and general parent meetings, design of stands for parents, folders, folders, etc. Educators noted the fact that parents want, first of all, specific knowledge specifically about their child.

In a number of works by teachers (E.P. Arnautova, V.M. Ivanov, V.P. Dubrov) on the specifics of the teacher's pedagogical position in relation to parents, where two functions are combined - formal and informal. The teacher acts in two persons - an official person and a tactful, attentive interlocutor. His task is to overcome the edifying position by talking with family members and develop a confidence tone. The authors identify the causes of difficulties experienced by the teacher in communicating with parents. These include: a low level of socio-psychological culture of participants educational process; lack of understanding by parents of the very value of the period of preschool childhood and its significance; the “pedagogical reflection” not formed by them, their ignoring of the fact that in determining the content and forms of work of the kindergarten with the family there are not preschool institutions, namely, they act as social customers; lack of awareness of parents about the peculiarities of life and activities of children in a preschool institution, and educators - about the conditions and characteristics of the family education of each child. Teachers often treat their parents not as subjects of interaction, but as objects of education. According to the authors, kindergarten only then satisfies fully  family needs when it is an open system. Parents should have a real opportunity to freely, at their discretion, at a time convenient for them, get acquainted with the activities of the child in kindergarten, with the style of communication of the teacher with the children, and be included in the life of the group. If parents observe children in a new environment, they perceive them with “different eyes”

In an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity to come to a group at a convenient time for them, to observe what the child is doing, play with the children, etc. Teachers do not always welcome such free, unplanned “visits” of parents, mistakenly taking them for control, checking their activities. But parents, observing the life of the kindergarten “from the inside”, begin to understand the objectivity of many difficulties (few toys, a cramped washroom, etc.), and then instead of claims to the teacher, they have a desire to help, to take part in improving the conditions of upbringing in the group. And these are the first sprouts of cooperation. Having become acquainted with the real pedagogical process in the group, parents borrow the most successful methods of the teacher, enrich the content of home education. The most important result of a free visit by parents to a preschool is that they study their child in an unusual environment for them, notice how he communicates, deals with how his peers feel about him.

At present, it is customary to talk about a new philosophy of interaction between the family and the preschool institution, which is based on the idea that it is the parents who are responsible for the upbringing and education of children, and all other social institutions are called upon to support, direct, supplement their educational activities (E. P. Arnautova, T.A. Kulikova, L.M. Klarina).

Recognizing the priority of family education requires other lines of family relations of the preschool institution, which are defined as cooperation, interaction.

The inclusion of parents in the educational process of a preschool institution is due to personal responsibility for raising a child, awareness of their own importance in its development, the ability to present a more objective picture of the development of their child.

Considering the interaction of preschool institutions and the family as a two-way process, V.P. Dubrova, T.M. Korosteleva and other scientists note the possible positions of parents and teachers in this process. They hold the view that parental involvement can manifest as observers, active observers, and partners.

Currently, a wealth of mushrooms has been accumulated for organizing various forms of educator's work with parents (V.I. Bezlyudnaya, V.S. Bogoslovskaya, V.P. Dubrov, L.V. Zagik and others).

A.M. Schastnaya gave a typical example of the classification of forms of work with the family. She singled out three main groups of forms of working with the family: individual, visual - informational, collective. Visual information forms presuppose the design of corners for parents, folders - moving books, handwritten magazines, a library for parents. Individual forms include home visits, discussions with parents, counseling; collective - general and group meetings, parent conferences, disputes, open days, etc. .

The organization of work on interaction with parents must begin with an analysis of the social composition of the parents, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in kindergarten. Conducting questionnaires, personal conversations on this topic will help to build work with parents correctly, to make it effective, to choose interesting forms  interactions with the family.

Parents of children attending preschool educational institutions today can be divided into three groups.

The first group is parents who are very busy at work, for whom a kindergarten is simply vital. But, despite this, they expect from the kindergarten not only good supervision and care for the child, but also full development, rehabilitation, education and upbringing, and organization of interesting leisure time. This parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations, seminars, and trainings due to employment. But with proper organization  they will gladly do family work together with their child for the competition at home, pick up photographs for the exhibition, and at any time convenient for them, take part in pre-announced events, for example, in fun starts or a community work day.

The second group is parents with a convenient working schedule, unemployed grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full communication, games with peers, development and education. The task of teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer, to activate their pedagogical skills, and to involve them in the work of the kindergarten.

The third group is families with unemployed mothers. These parents also expect from the kindergarten interesting communication with peers, skills in teamwork, the observance of the correct regime of the day, training and development. The task of the educator is to distinguish energetic mothers from this parent group who will become members of the parent committees and active assistants to the educators. The teacher needs to rely on this parent group in preparing parent-teacher meetings, holding holidays, contests, exhibitions, etc.

The interaction of teachers with parents involves mutual assistance, mutual respect and trust, knowledge and consideration of the conditions of family education by the teacher, and parents - the conditions of education in kindergarten. It also implies the mutual desire of parents and teachers to maintain contact with each other.

1.2 Features of the interaction of the preschool organization and the family

The content of the teacher’s work with parents includes, in fact, all the issues of education and training of children with whom the teacher introduces the parents of preschool children. There are no secondary topics for discussion with parents, since parents need knowledge about the features of the child’s development, the tasks of upbringing, methods, organization of the subject-game environment, preparation for school, etc. They want to get an answer to the question: “What to do in or otherwise? ”

All parents need pedagogical knowledge, with the birth of a child they are forced to master the profession of educator. Kindergarten teachers are professionals, they are ready to help in raising children. It is important to focus on the needs of the family, the needs of parents, and not just them to read reports or lectures. Modern parents are quite literate, have access to pedagogical information. There are parents who purchase pedagogical literature or write out periodicals, some parents can get the necessary information via the Internet, but often they use random literature, unsystematically. Sometimes they bring up children intuitively, "how they raised me," they are uncritical of one or another manifestation of a child. It is important to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, to spread the positive experience of parenting in the family: spending family leisure time, following family traditions, the experience of tempering children, family reading, etc. The thesis of pedagogical insolvency of the family has already lost its relevance.

Parents of younger preschoolers experience difficulties associated with the crisis of three years, the vagaries and obstinacy of the child, and parents of older preschoolers talk about the problems associated with their early preparation for school. Inflated parental attitudes negatively affect the development of young children, their self-esteem. According to children's psychologists, as a result of discrepancy with parental expectations, a child may have a neurosis, therefore, it is necessary to protect nervous system  child, do not overload him with knowledge. Of course, you need to prepare children for school, to develop their intelligence, but without compromising overall development. Here the task of senior educators is to help parents in solving the problems of children's intellectual development.

Parents of younger preschoolers experience difficulties associated with the crisis of three years, the vagaries and obstinacy of the child, and parents of older preschoolers talk about the problems associated with their early preparation for school. Inflated parental attitudes negatively affect the development of young children, their self-esteem. According to children's psychologists, as a result of a mismatch with parental expectations, a child may experience a neurosis, therefore, it is necessary to protect the child’s nervous system and not overload it with knowledge. Of course, you need to prepare children for school, to develop their intelligence, but without compromising overall development. Here the task of senior educators is to help parents in solving the problems of children's intellectual development. In the development of the content of classes with parents, the priority direction of the preschool institution also plays a role: for children with physical education, such topics for discussion as “Physical education and development of the child”, “Hardening”, “Protection of the psyche of the child”, “Development of movements "," Sports leisure "," Recommendations for parents ", etc. If this is an artistic and aesthetic direction, then the emphasis is on the essence and tasks of aesthetic education, their solution in different age groups. It is advisable to introduce parents to the organization of leisure and holidays in institutions and families, to include them in the preparation and conduct of such events. Subjects of communication with parents may include the problems of teaching children to draw, the development of musical perception. It is good to connect specialists (for example, psychologists, a music director) to the consultation, conduct open views children's creativity.

Working with parents is a process of communication. different peoplewhich does not always go smoothly. Naturally, in any kindergarten, problematic situations may arise in the relationship between teachers and parents. An important point in preventing the occurrence of problem situations is the establishment of personal contact between the teacher and parents, daily informing parents about how the child spent the day, what he learned, what successes he achieved. The lack of information gives the parent a desire to receive it from other sources, for example, from other parents, children of the group. Such information may be distorted and lead to the development of a conflict situation.

Often young teachers are frightened by the appeal of their parents to them with a complaint or complaint. Many inexperienced teachers, instead of understanding the situation, automatically transfer such parents to themselves into the category of difficult, conflicting, try to convince them, prove that they are wrong, convince that in fact everything is going well. This position of the educator, of course, will alert the parent, and subsequently he is unlikely to turn to his teacher with his problems, accumulating negative emotions  in relation to kindergarten. The response to the complaint should be constructive and aimed at readiness to rectify the situation, take quick steps to resolve disputes, establish contact with the child’s parents, and improve the work of the kindergarten on a particular issue. It is necessary at the first meeting to listen to the parent, to let him feel the teacher’s readiness to professionally understand the situation, to schedule an additional meeting at which to tell about the results of the measures taken.

Today's parents will carefully consider the advice of a specialist: psychologist, speech therapist, doctor. But, when it comes to education, many of them consider themselves competent in these matters, have their own vision of the problem and ways to solve it, not taking into account the experience and education of the educator. To prevent such situations, the administration of a preschool institution from the first days a child is in kindergarten must maintain the authority of the teacher, demonstrate that she highly appreciates his knowledge, skills, and pedagogical achievements.

The democratization processes in the education system, its variability, innovative programs necessitated the search for solutions to the problems of interaction between the preschool organization and the family, and the creation of conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Practitioners and researchers have identified and formulated in this regard the following contradictions:

between the rights and obligations of parents, and inability to use them;

between the need of parents for educational services and the lack of conditions for their provision;

between the desire of parents to be active in a preschool institution and the strictly regulating nature of the institution;

between a low level of pedagogical culture and insufficient knowledge of the basics of psychology by parents and the lack of training systems in a preschool organization.

Strengthening and developing the close connection and interaction of various social institutions (kindergarten, family, community) provide the living and educational conditions of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full, harmonious value.

On modern stage  The following principles of interaction are laid:

Parents and teachers are partners in raising and educating children;

This is a common understanding by educators and parents of the goals and objectives of parenting and children's education;

Help, respect and trust in the child both from teachers and from parents;

Knowledge by educators and parents of the educational opportunities of the team and family, the maximum use of educational potential in joint work with children;

Constant analysis of the process of interaction between the preschool organization and the family, its intermediate and final result.

Each preschool institution not only brings up a child, but also advises parents on parenting issues. In this regard, the preschool institution should determine the conditions for working with parents, improve the content, forms and methods of cooperation between the preschool institution and the family in raising children, taking into account changing conditions, varied educational programs and family requests. The teacher of a preschool institution is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

“The issue of working with parents is a big and important question. Here we need to take care of the level of knowledge of the parents themselves, of helping them with self-education, arming them with a well-known pedagogical minimum, their practice in kindergartens, and involving them in this work ”(N.K. Krupskaya). An essential aspect of the interaction of kindergarten and family, N.K. repeatedly emphasized. Krupskaya, the fact is that the kindergarten serves as the "organizing center" and "influences home education", therefore, it is necessary to organize the best possible interaction between the kindergarten and the family in raising children. "... In their commonwealth, in mutual care and responsibility - a huge force." However, she believed that parents who do not know how to raise, need help.

Theorists and practitioners of preschool education, emphasizing the need to connect the preschool organization with the family and the need to improve forms and methods of working with parents, have revealed the specifics of this work and its tasks.

Tasks of the work of the preschool institution for interaction with parents:

establish partnerships with the family of each pupil;

join forces for the development and education of children;

create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, emotional mutual support;

maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

Principles of interaction with parents:

The friendly style of communication between teachers and parents. A positive attitude towards communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of group teachers with parents is based. In the communication of the educator with parents, categoricalness, demanding tone are inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family perfectly built by the administration of the kindergarten will remain a “model on paper” if the teacher does not develop for himself specific forms of the correct treatment of parents. The teacher communicates with parents daily, and it depends on him what the attitude of the family to the kindergarten as a whole will be. The benevolent interaction between educators and parents means much more than a single well-conducted event.

Individual approach. It is necessary not only to work with children, but also to work with parents. The teacher, communicating with parents, should feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. Here, the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent, sympathize and think together how to help the child in a particular situation will come in handy.

Collaboration, not mentoring. Most modern mothers and fathers are literate, knowledgeable, and, of course, well aware of how they need to raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for families in difficult pedagogical situations, a demonstration of the kindergarten team’s interest in understanding family problems and a sincere desire to help.

Getting ready seriously. Any, even the smallest event for working with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is the quality, and not the number of separately taken, unrelated events. A weak, poorly prepared parent meeting or seminar can adversely affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.

Dynamism. Kindergarten today should be in a mode of development, rather than functioning, a mobile system, and respond quickly to changes in the social composition of parents. Their educational needs and educational needs. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should change.

The leading and organizing role of kindergarten in relation to the family is characterized by a complex of factors:

systematic, active dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents;

practical assistance to the family in raising children;

the organization of propaganda of the positive experience of social and family education;

involvement of parents in pedagogical activity;

activation of their pedagogical self-education, etc.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that pedagogy should become a science for everyone - both for teachers and for parents. No matter how successful educational work is, it is completely inconceivable without pedagogical education, raising the pedagogical culture of parents, which is an important component of the general culture.

The pedagogical culture of parents means their sufficient preparedness, the development of those personality qualities that reflect the degree of their maturity as educators and are manifested in the process of family and social education of children. The leading component of pedagogical culture is their pedagogical preparedness, which is characterized by a certain amount of psychological - pedagogical, physiological - hygienic and legal knowledge, as well as the abilities and skills of parents developed in the process of raising children.

In this case, the attitude of parents to education is also very significant. Responsible attitude to parental responsibilities, the desire to raise their children as best as possible is an integral part of the pedagogical culture of parents.

The pedagogical culture is considered in connection with the general social and pedagogical conditions of upbringing, which include the totality of the basic requirements of society for the personality of the parents, the content of the ideological and moral norms that govern intra-family relations, the nature of family relations.

In accordance with this, work with parents is based on the principles of cooperation.

Signs of such cooperation are:

awareness of the purpose of the activity by each participant in the process;

clear separation  and cooperation of labor between its participants;

personal contact between participants in the process with the exchange of information, mutual assistance, self-control;

positive interpersonal relationships.

Work with parents is a complex and important part of the teacher’s activities, including raising the level of pedagogical knowledge, skills of parents; teacher assistance to parents in family education to create the necessary conditions for the proper education of children; the interaction of teachers and parents in the process of development of children.

You can highlight the main tasks facing the preschool organization in working with parents:

Studying families of children;

Involvement of parents in active participation;

The study of family experience in the upbringing and education of children;

Education of parents in the field of pedagogy and child psychology.

Unity in the work of kindergarten and family in raising children;

Mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents, understanding the needs and interests of the child, and their responsibilities as educators; strengthening the authority of teachers in the family and parents in kindergarten;

Establishing the right relationship based on benevolent criticism and self-criticism;

Mutual assistance in working together to educate preschoolers. Kindergarten daily helps parents in raising children. In turn, parents help the kindergarten in a variety of educational and economic work;

Studying the best experience of family education, promoting it among a wide range of parents, using positive methods of family education in the work of the kindergarten;

Individual and group forms of work with parents that complement each other.

Carers do not always know how to set specific tasks, fill them with appropriate content, choose methods: the content of parent meetings, counseling is not differentiated enough, carers when choosing methods of cooperation do not take into account the possibilities and living conditions of specific families; Quite often, educators, especially young ones, use only collective forms of work with the family.

The reasons are:

Insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;

Inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and especially the upbringing of children;

Inability to plan joint work with children and parents. Individual, especially young, educators have insufficiently developed communication skills.

An analysis of the theory and practice of working with the family revealed another problem at the present stage - organization joint activities  parents and children. One of the main tasks of teachers is to create conditions for the development of normal relations in the family, and this can only be achieved with the activities of parents and children, which can be implemented in various forms.

For example, the forms of labor activity are the design of a group’s premises, landing troops for landscaping and landscaping the yard, planting alleys in connection with a significant event in the lives of children and their parents, creating a library, and the like.

Or visual forms: folders - moving books, memos - recommendations for parents, children's drawings, crafts with parents, parental corner.

Holding parent meetings according to the old structure does not meet the expectations of parents. In accordance with the regulatory framework of the preschool organization, parents are customers of educational services and have the right to participate in the organization of the educational process, create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues independently at parent meetings, conferences and other forms of work.

The most important way to implement cooperation between teachers and parents is the organization of their joint activities, in which parents are not passive observers, but active participants in the process, that is, the inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution. By inclusion we mean their participation in:

educational process organization;

the creation of creative groups that actively share their experiences;

organization of modern social - developmental environment in groups;

the provision of additional services;

the development of planning of different types at all levels:

General preschool plans;


Independent activities of children;

Joint activities of children;

the development of their own courses, programs, plans for working with parents, children;

involvement of parents in the assessment and monitoring of the activities of the preschool institution.

To implement this task it is necessary:

Implementation of the methodology, phased inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool organization:

a) increase the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents in order to actualize their educational needs;

b) parenting as real customers of educational services, i.e. their understanding of the purpose, goals, functions of the kindergarten;

c) active, systematic participation of parents in the activities of the kindergarten;

Creation of a set of necessary conditions at all levels and stages of the organization of the educational process for the transition of parents from the role of passive observers to active participation in cooperation with kindergarten.

Thus, the formation of cooperation between children, parents and teachers depends primarily on how the interaction of adults in this process develops. The result of education can be successful only if teachers and parents become equal partners, because they bring up the same children. The basis of this union should be a unity of aspirations, views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational tasks, as well as ways to achieve the intended results.

2. Forms of work with parents

2.1 Traditional forms of work of the teacher with parents

The forms of work of preschool institutions with parents are diverse: a living word, showing educational work, organizing exhibitions, pedagogical libraries, attracting parents to actively participate in the life of a kindergarten, etc. This work is ongoing in two directions: individually and with a team of parents.

The organizer and coordinator of the cooperation of the preschool institution with the parents of the pupils is the head. It contributes to the establishment of a unified system of parenting in the family and in kindergarten, bringing together the teaching staff and parents to solve this problem.

Positive results in the upbringing of children are achieved with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation, with the active inclusion of all members of the collective of the preschool institution and members of the families of the pupils in this work.

As we have already said, the tasks of the kindergarten are: to establish unity in the upbringing of children, pedagogical education of parents, the study and dissemination of best practices in family education, familiarizing parents with the life and work of the preschool. Therefore, the forms of work of the kindergarten with parents of children in preschool age will be:

1.Traditional forms of work;

.Unconventional forms of work.

Traditional forms are those forms that are time-tested and standard for all preschool institutions not only in the city, but also in the country. Consider them. Presentation of kindergarten. Admission of a child to kindergarten is a very important moment for every family. The presentation of the kindergarten is a celebration of meeting new children and their parents with the kindergarten, staff, facilities, programs for which the kindergarten works. The main task is to arouse joy in the child from the first minutes of communication, form a positive image of the kindergarten in the parents' minds, demonstrate a mood for interaction and interpenetration into each other's problems. This event requires a lot of preparation, but brings tremendous returns, facilitates the process of adapting the child to kindergarten, reduces the level of parental anxieties and fears about the child's stay in kindergarten.

Parent meetings. One of the most traditional forms of working with parents. Their goal is to increase the level of educational skills, pedagogical culture of parents.

Parent meeting rules:

The parent meeting must be thoroughly prepared. Two weeks before the meeting, post an announcement in the lobby of the group indicating the topic, date and time of the meeting, prepare booklets for the parents with a brief summary of the meeting. To think over all organizational issues: from the arrangement of furniture to possible questions from parents. You can not put parents in a highchair, and teachers and administration - in the usual. Communication should take place at the same level.

Invite parents to make a presentation on a specific topic. Organize the presence at the meeting of the head, senior educator, teachers working with children in order to give significance to the event; establish emotional contact with parents, demonstrate the administration’s interest in the problems of raising and educating children.

Communication should be informal, friendly. Parents at the meeting are active participants and partners in the discussion of the problem. A dialogue is welcomed, not a teacher’s monologue, with voicing of the rules necessary for parents to follow.

Teachers of the group should respect their parents, take into account the authority of the family and the experience of family education.

Be sure to have feedback, discuss the outcome of the meeting with parents, agree on measures to overcome difficulties and implement child development plans.

Seminars and counseling for parents. The purpose of the seminar and consultation is to increase the pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of raising and educating the child, solving problematic issues, and enhancing the pedagogical skills of parents. Their subjects can be determined by analyzing parental needs and interests, for example, by questioning. Consultation and seminars can be held frontally for a group of parents who are interested in a particular issue, or individually. Their goal is to help parents in solving difficult pedagogical situations, to inform about the successes, achievements of the child.

Visual material. The most important thing in outreach work with parents is the design of visual materials for parents. It can be information stands, booklets, leaflets, memos, an internal newspaper of a kindergarten, a wall newspaper.

Information stand for parents “Visiting card of kindergarten” in the lobby, which presents the following information:

1.Implementation License educational activities;

2.Surname, name, patronymic of the head, hours of reception of parents;

.Name and telephone number of the parent organization;

.Kindergarten activities: a brief description of  groups, programs, list of additional services;

.Personnel information;

.Diplomas and letters of kindergarten.

Information stands in groups are designed to exchange information on the issues of raising and educating children, introducing parents to work plans for the near future, and disseminating pedagogical knowledge.

At the stand can be presented: last names, first names and patronymics of all teachers who work with children of this group, the time when they can talk with the parent about the child; daily regime; Timetable of classes; monthly action plan; ads; menu for the day, etc.

All materials offered to parents for review should be: - aesthetically designed;

design is carried out so as to attract the attention of parents;

booklets, flyers, memos

The advantage of informational booklets, leaflets and memos is their targetedness, that is, each parent receives information personally, he can familiarize himself with it at a convenient time. The booklets can provide information about the kindergarten, the group, the specific direction of the kindergarten, for example, on artistic and aesthetic education, about additional services, etc. You can use photographs of children and teachers, poems about kindergarten.

Flyers are short information about a specific event, an invitation to an open lesson, etc. It is desirable that the information leaflet was framed on colored paper, attracting the attention of parents.

The memo will introduce parents to a set of certain rules in order to implement a unified educational approach of the family and kindergarten, for example, in questions of adapting the child to kindergarten.

The internal newspaper of the kindergarten is dedicated to a specific topic, for example, children's health, game activities, literacy, development of creative abilities, etc.

The newspaper has regular sections:

1.Adults about children;

2.Specialist advice;

.Children's news;

Kids say;

.Our achievements (about the success of the kindergarten).

Issuing a newspaper requires serious work by a creative team of kindergarten teachers and certain material and technical costs. The newspaper should be published regularly.

Pedagogical conversations with parents. This is the most accessible form of establishing a teacher’s relationship with the family, it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, counseling.

Purpose: to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to help achieve a unified point of view on these issues.

The leading role is assigned to the teacher, he plans in advance the subject and structure of the conversation.

Family visit. The teacher of his group should visit the families of his pupils. The purpose of visiting the child’s family can be to support the success of the child, develop contacts with the family, study the experience of family education or discuss together significant for the family and kindergarten material for designing subsequent interactions with parents and other family members.

Open House Days are a form of interaction with parents that opens the door to the world of kindergarten. On this day, the kindergarten team presents their achievements to the families of the pupils. Parents (and other family members) get acquainted with the services of a preschool educational institution; the program of its development and the educational program, in accordance with which the educational process; observe specially organized classes with children, and are also included (with the support of educators) in a variety of activities with children. On this day, it is important to familiarize families with the system of parental education and education developed in the kindergarten (goals, content, forms, methods of work) and invite them to interact in various educational areas: physical education, health, aesthetic, environmental and regional studies, etc.

“Open Day” is relevant at the beginning of the cycle of interaction between kindergarten and family. As the kindergarten and its family strive to develop interactions, move from one quality level to another, Open Doors Day will transform into constant open relationships between children, parents and teachers.

Correspondence of teachers and parents. Very often, parents rush to work, rush home in the evening, and therefore the teacher’s conversation with the parents as such does not work. In addition, many specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, nurse) finish their work day before some parents can pick up their child from kindergarten. In such conditions, the only way to communicate with specialists is a written form of dialogue - a note, a personal notebook (notebook), a letter, a thank you note, a postcard. A written appeal is not just a scribbled sheet of paper, but a guide to action for parents, always at hand. Written appeal guarantees confidentiality of information about family problems. The teacher’s response is more accurate and specific, addressed to a specific family.

A note is a written appeal expressed in a concise, concise form. A note-request indicates the need for business communication to address various issues. A weekly note addressed directly to the parents of the foster child informs the family about the health, mood, behavior of the child in kindergarten, about favorite activities, relationships with peers and other important information.

A personal notebook (notebook) is a written form of a weekly exchange of information between a kindergarten and a family. Such notebooks (notebooks) can run every day between kindergarten and family. In them, parents can inform educators about the success of the child in various fields of activity, special family events (trips, birthdays, visits to the theater), etc.

A letter of appreciation is a letter of gratitude for help in organizing and conducting any activities in the kindergarten (excursions, holidays, promotions, competitions, master classes), as well as for cooperation in raising and educating children.

A postcard is a form of written congratulations on the achievements of the child, as well as on holidays (including family ones) and professional successes of the parents of the pupils.

Such a variety of forms of written communication between adult educators provides both parties (family and kindergarten) with the opportunity to touch on various aspects of the child’s life in kindergarten and at home. The teacher's written message can be read at home in a family setting. All family members living with the child participate in its discussion; this will effectively influence the establishment of uniform requirements for a preschooler at home, as well as harmonize them with the requirements of public education.

Questioning. One of the active forms of receiving and exchanging information on various issues of the kindergarten. The questionnaire helps the teaching staff to get the most complete information on certain issues, analyze it and correctly plan further work in this direction. On the other hand, the questionnaire helps parents to think more seriously on a particular topic, evaluate their pedagogical capabilities, the style of their relationship with the child, etc.

The questionnaire has long and firmly entered the work of the kindergarten, this form of interaction with parents has advantages:

1.Quick information on any problem;

2.Accuracy of information;

.An opportunity to reach all parents.

Analyzing the answers of parents, teachers receive information about the family, the needs and expectations of parents in relation to the kindergarten, about the characteristics of the child, about the parents' willingness to interact with teachers on certain issues of education, quality of nutrition, etc.

The questionnaire must include:

1.Polite address to parents;

2.Brief introduction with the purpose of the survey;

.Questions, if necessary, answers to them;

.Thanks for the interaction at the end of the questionnaire.

2.2 Non-traditional forms of work of the teacher with parents

Unconventional forms of work are new forms of work that help better assist families in raising and educating their children.

The formation of cooperation between children, parents and teachers depends, first of all, on how the relationship between adults develops in this process. The result of upbringing can be successful only under the condition of equal partnership between teachers and parents, as they bring up the same children.

The basis of this union is the unity of aspirations, views on the educational process, and ways to achieve the intended results.

Parents are ready to support the efforts of teachers aimed at satisfying and developing the interests and needs of children. But modern parents are adults, educated, having life experience, who are able to analyze the situation, therefore, in solving a number of problems, the teacher is obliged to use pedagogical innovations, new non-traditional forms of work. These include:

Contests and projects. A variety of competitions can strengthen the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of pupils, to intensify the pedagogical communication of parents with children. An important point of the competition is the competitive spirit, which helps parents of one group to unite, increases the initiative of inactive parents.

The announcement of the competition is posted in the lobby of the group in advance. Additionally, each family receives a flyer with the terms of the competition.

Round table with parents. Purpose: in an unconventional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, to discuss current issues of education with parents.

Parents are invited to the round table meeting, who have written or verbally expressed their desire to participate in the discussion of this or that topic with specialists.

Business games. A business game is room for creativity. It brings the participants of the game as close as possible to the real situation, forms the skills of quickly making pedagogically correct decisions, the ability to see and correct a mistake on time.

There is no specific narrowly targeted scheme for conducting business games. It all depends on the competence, abilities and invention of managers.

The approximate structure of the game is as follows:

) Preparatory stage, which includes the definition of goals, objectives of the game, organizational rules governing the course of the game, the selection of the actor (s) in accordance with the roles, the preparation of the necessary visual material and equipment

) The course of the game, which consists in the fulfillment by all participants of the game of the necessary rules and actions.

) The result of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results.

The purpose of business games is the development and consolidation of certain skills, the ability to prevent conflict situations. Roles in business games can be distributed in different ways. Educators, managers, social educators, parents, members of the parent committee, etc. can participate in it. A referent (there may be several) also takes part in the business game, who monitors his property using a special observation card. The theme of business games can be different conflict situations.

"Clubs" (family). Family clubs are informal associations of parents created to solve the practical problems of education. Usually they are organized by a group of enthusiasts: teachers and parents. The activities of family clubs are voluntary. In family clubs, critically-minded parents can see not only the shortcomings, but also the virtues of their own children (compared to strangers), and enthusiastic parents can see not only the virtues, but also the shortcomings of their babies. Children in family clubs gain valuable experience in dealing with people of different characters, find themselves in different role roles (for example, older, experienced ones for kids).

The family club is one of the effective channels of transmission, preservation and development of the values \u200b\u200bof family culture, as well as an interesting and effective form of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Combining children of different ages and educating adults (parents of teachers), the club provides a live connection between generations, the transfer of all the best that the older generation has. Being an informal source of education, the club presents the best examples of parenting preschool age  in the family and kindergarten.

When designing club meetings, it is important to ensure the unity of three interrelated points: the communication of certain information - its value interpretation - the prompting of the participants of the meeting to practical action.

Q&A evenings. A specific kind of club meetings. They can be one dark and multi-dark. Questions and answers evenings provide concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of questions, which are often debatable in nature, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The role of the evenings of questions and answers in the arming of parents with pedagogical knowledge consists not only in the answers themselves, which in itself is very important, but also in the form of holding these evenings. They should be held as a relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons of pedagogical reflection.

Parents no later than a month announced the holding of this evening. During this time, methodologists, educators, social educators should prepare for it: collect questions, group, distribute them in the teaching staff to prepare answers. At an evening of questions and answers, the presence of most members of the teaching staff, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social educators, psychologists, etc., is desirable, depending on the content of the questions.

How to organize questions from parents? Usually, methodologists and educators use parental meetings, questionnaires, and various questionnaires for this. At parent meetings, they inform the time of the evening of questions and answers, provide the opportunity to think through the questions and fix them on paper, also parents have the opportunity to think through the questions at home and hand them over to the teacher later.

“Meetings, acquaintances” are meetings, the purpose of which is a versatile acquaintance of families of pupils among themselves and acquaintance with teachers raising a child in kindergarten. You can use special methods:

1.“Choose a distance” (the teacher announces a subject as a symbol of the meeting with his parents and puts it in the center of the room. Then he invites parents to stand at such a distance from the subject that could best demonstrate their proximity or remoteness with respect to the topic of the meeting. Each of the parents in one phrase explains the distance chosen by him.

2.“Associative row” (the teacher writes on a poster hanging in the room a word that serves as an incentive for parents to think creatively. This reference word should be directly related to the topic of meeting with parents and affect their emotional sphere. Question mark and second word, which is a parody at first, they can be written side by side. Parents are invited to continue this series at the allotted time at the meeting, coming up with new associations. As a rule, parents do this willingly, not expecting re-stimulation with Rhone teachers).

.“The language of photographs” (the teacher lays out on the floor photographs directly related to the topic of the meeting. Each parent selects one photograph and, having previously named his name and surname, briefly comments on his choice. At the same time, he expresses the associations he had with him in relation to the photograph , thoughts, feelings and establishes their connection with the topic of the meeting).

.“Mirror of the group” (teachers hang a pre-designed poster on the wall and ask their parents to take turns introducing themselves. Each parent briefly talks about himself, and teachers at that time record his personal data and hobbies on the poster).

.“Family symbolism” (teachers offer each parent to draw on the business card near the surname a drawing, image or symbol with which other participants could better remember the surname. During the assignment, parents can consult and help each other while drawing. After of how each participant draws his own symbol, he explains what connection exists between the symbol drawn by him and the surname connection), etc.

Holidays in kindergarten. An important factor in the child’s personal development is the satisfaction of his need for positive emotional contacts with loved ones, primarily with parents. Such contacts help establish family holidays in kindergarten. A family holiday in a kindergarten is a day uniting the families of pupils, teachers (tutors, music directors, etc.) on the occasion of an event.

Organization of family holidays is one of the most effective forms of cooperation between children, teachers and parents, aimed at solving the following problems: overcoming obstacles in communication between adults and children; the development in adult educators of the ability to understand the emotional states and feelings of children; acquisition by parents of experience in holding family holidays, relying on the recommendations of specialist educators.


In recent years, a new philosophy of interaction between the family and the preschool institution has begun to develop and be introduced. It is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are designed to support and complement their educational activities.

Recognizing the priority of family education at the present stage requires a completely different relationship between the family and the preschool. The novelty of these relations is defined by the concepts of “cooperation”, “interaction”, “social partnership”. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of a confidential business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

Many parents make mistakes in education, but do not want to see and correct them; others believe that educators should be involved in raising a child, because "it is their responsibility." Therefore, the task of educators is to properly organize interaction with the parents of their pupils.

To ensure that communication between teachers and parents is not limited to mutual claims, it is necessary to build interaction with parents on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership, taking into account the interests of parents and, most importantly, their experience in raising children. No wonder teachers of the past - K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy - they talked about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. In this, kindergarten teachers can help modern parents, despite the fact that information on raising a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. The teacher communicates daily with children and parents, sees problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He assists parents in many forms.

Currently, teachers use new non-traditional forms of work with parents. But we are well aware that occasional events cannot replace systematic work with parents and have no positive effect.

At the same time, kindergarten teachers are following their parents' wishes, taking into account only their requests and needs for pedagogical knowledge. It is important to take into account the fact that a large flow of information is now falling on parents: a lot of magazines are published, radio and television programs are created, but at the same time they are aimed at some average parent and average child, and mothers and fathers come to the education, who need to know the features the development of their children. Therefore, kindergarten teachers themselves play a leading role in enriching parents with pedagogical knowledge.

The initiator of the establishment of cooperation should be teachers of the preschool organization, as they are professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore understand that its success depends on consistency and continuity in the upbringing of children. The teacher is aware that such cooperation is in the best interests of the child and that parents must be convinced of this.

The initiative in establishing interaction with the family and the qualified implementation of the tasks of this interaction determine the guiding role of the preschool organization in family education.

I would very much like that educators and parents always remember that the family for the child is a source of public experience. Here he finds role models and here comes his social birth and moral education.


1. The state program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.

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Ways to improve the pedagogical culture of parents of preschool children: Materials of the All-Russian Theme. seminar conducted in the city of Penza 26 - 27 oct. 1978 / Ed. T.A. Markova, L.G. Emelyanova. - M., 2002.

Dalinina T. Modern problems of interaction of a preschool institution with a family // Preschool education. - 2000. - No. 1.-S.41-49.

Rybalko E.F. To the question of the particular interests and needs of preschool children. - M.:, 2005.

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Osipova L.E. Work kindergarten with family. - M .: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2008. - 72 p.

Kindergarten and family: modern forms of interaction: A manual for teachers of institutions providing preschool education / T.P. Eliseeva; Ed. M.M. Yarmolinskaya. - Mn .: Lexis, 2004.

OV Solodyankina “Cooperation of a preschool institution with a family, a manual for employees of a preschool educational institution”. Ed. "Arkti", M. 2005

Evdokimova E.S., Dodokina N.V., Kudryavtseva E.A. Kindergarten and family: Methods of working with parents. - M., 2007.

Family pedagogy: Educational - methodical manual. Glazov, 2005, art. 5-9. / Comp. - Cand. psychol. sciences, associate professor of the department preschool ped. N.V. Tabernacle.

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Is it possible to imagine the life of a modern DOW without close contact with parents? For a moment we turn on the imagination and imagine ... In the morning, mothers and fathers bring their children to kindergarten, politely say: "Hello!" - and leave. The children spend the whole day in kindergarten: they play, walk, study ... And in the evening, parents come and, saying: “Goodbye!”, They take the children home. Teachers and parents do not communicate, do not discuss the successes of children and the difficulties they experience, do not find out how the child lives, what interests him, makes him happy, makes him sad. And if questions suddenly arise, then parents can say that there was a questionnaire and we talked about everything there. And the teachers will answer them like this: “After all, there are information stands. Read, everything is said there! ”Agree, the picture turned out to be bleak ... And I want to say that this is simply not possible.

My parents and I have common tasks: to do everything so that children grow up happy, active, healthy, cheerful, sociable, so that they become harmoniously developed personalities. Our preschool institution does a lot to ensure that communication with parents is rich and interesting. On the one hand, teachers preserve all the best and time-tested, and on the other, they seek and strive to introduce new, effective forms of interaction with families of pupils whose main task is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

Practice shows that any joint activity of parents and teachers is effective. For example, a collective discussion of the problem allows parents to feel that other mothers and fathers also faced similar problems and managed to find a way out of them. And this gives rise to a feeling: any difficulties are solvable.

Non-traditional forms of interaction with the family are also important for improving the relationship between parents and children. Parents learn to love the child as he is, unconditionally. They can see the child in an environment different from the family one, observe his communication with peers, teachers.

Yes, in fact, there are many difficulties in organizing communication: this is the parents' lack of understanding of the importance of the kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, lack of unity of requirements in the family and kindergarten. Communication with young parents, as well as with parents from dysfunctional families  or having personal problems. They often treat us, teachers, condescendingly and dismissively, it is difficult to contact with them, establish cooperation, become partners in the common business of raising a child. But many of them would like to communicate with teachers “on an equal footing,” as with colleagues, to come to trustful, “sincere” communication. What makes up the success of communication?

This is the desire to make contact, to establish relationships, to help each other, to see an equal partner in another, to hear him, to recognize the right of another to a different position and to understand this position. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on topics that are common and significant for both sides, if each of them enriches its informational bag in the process of communication.

Who plays the leading role in organizing communication? Of course the tutor. In order to build it, it is important to have communicative skills, to navigate the problems of upbringing and the needs of the family, to keep abreast of the latest achievements of science. The teacher should let parents feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents what he sees in them partners, like-minded people.

All this leads us to the concept of “Professional competence of a teacher in the field of communication with parents of pupils”.

What kind of teacher can be called competent in the field of communication with parents?

Personal qualities and attitudes

(personality component)

  • Willingness to continuous professional development in the field of communication with parents of pupils
  • Awareness of one’s own mistakes and difficulties in organizing communication with parents
  • Setting for confidential and non-judgmental interaction with parents
  • Endurance, tact, observation, respect ...


  • about family
  • about the features of family education
  • on the specifics of the interaction of public and family education
  • about family learning methods
  • about modern forms of organization of communication
  • about methods of activating parents.

Skills (activity component)

  • Ability to overcome psychological barriers to communication
  • Mastery of family learning methods
  • The ability to predict the results of the development of the child in the family
  • Ability to navigate information
  • Ability to design a program of activities with parents
  • The ability to organize traditional and non-traditional forms of communication with parents
  • Communicative skills: to establish contact with parents, understand them, empathize with them; anticipate communication results; manage your behavior; show flexibility in communication with parents; own etiquette norms of speech and behavior.

A teacher who is competent in the field of communication with parents understands why communication is necessary and what it should be, knows that it is necessary for communication to be interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, is active.

Many teachers of our preschool institution have difficulty communicating with parents of pupils. Someone believes that parents are to blame for everything, who do not care about children and their development, who do not want their child to grow up good. It’s hard to agree with that. Parents do not always have enough time for communication, there are also categories of difficult parents, but something else is important. Educators need to see the causes of difficulties - not only in their parents, but also in themselves.

The conclusion is clear: you need to constantly work on the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents. Consider an example code of communication.

Sample Code of Communication:

  1. Always strive to be in good mood  and be pleasant in communication.
  2. Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.
  3. To find an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is the best way  to attract parents to themselves.
  4. Give parents the opportunity to speak out without interrupting them.
  5. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good breeding and tact.
  6. In a difficult situation, try to set an example of pliability - you cannot drop your dignity with this, but you can strengthen it.

Suvatkina Anna Sergeevna
Educator MBDOU d / s No. 42, Timashevsk, Krasnodar Territory.

The education of preschool children is carried out in the family and in kindergartens. At the same time, the goal and tasks facing the family and kindergarten should be the same.
  Public education has a huge impact on the formation of the personality of future citizens of society. In kindergartens, upbringing of children is carried out by specialist teachers who work under a single state program, in specially created conditions. In the family, despite the ever-increasing cultural level of Russians, adult family members do not always have sufficient pedagogical knowledge, are not able to establish the right relationship between themselves and the child, and do not show sufficient care for the harmonious development of their personality. Therefore, the "Kindergarten upbringing program" provides not only direct educational educational work  with children, but also extensive work with parents. In this case, we are talking about the formation of interest in art activities in children of preschool age.
  The teacher is obliged to systematically and actively disseminate pedagogical knowledge in the formation of interest in activities among parents, to help the family, properly educate children, to promote the best experience of family education, to develop continuity between the acquisition of experience in the walls of the kindergarten and family education.

The content of work with parents should cover a wide range of issues, cover all aspects of the development of the child, since the formation of the interests of the child largely depends on the effect that adult family members have on children. An important task of educating preschoolers is the formation of aesthetic qualities. Artistic and aesthetic education has a special influence on a person and becomes the most important factor that activates both mental and aesthetic development.
  It is important that parents take care of the aesthetic development of their children, so that literature, music, paintings, folk art are firmly embedded in family life.
  The types of work of preschool institutions with parents in generating interest in art activities are diverse: mini-seminars, showing educational work, organizing exhibitions, pedagogical libraries, attracting parents to actively participate in the life of the kindergarten, etc. This work is ongoing in two directions: individually and with the team parents.
  Individual forms of work with parents are conversations, consultations, assignments to parents, a round table, etc.
  For the collective of parents, general consultations, group and general parental meetings, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, and circles are organized; information and thematic stands, photo montages are made out; Q&A evenings, round-table meetings, etc.
  Communicating with parents individually, the educator has the opportunity to establish relationships with them based on mutual respect, to outline ways to effectively help the family, and give parents specific advice.
  An important link in individual work with parents is close communication with the family. It allows the teacher to get acquainted with the life of the child, with the general atmosphere in the house. As a result, the teacher can give parents more informed recommendations, find the best ways to create a single line of exposure for the child in kindergarten and at home.
  An effective form of work with parents is private conversations  educators and other staff with adult family members. In these conversations, parents more willingly and openly talk about the disappointments that can sometimes be in the family, about the success of the child. Individual conversations can be initiated by the educator or by the parents themselves. Sometimes such a conversation needs to be arranged in advance, sometimes a conversation in the morning or in the evening is enough when parents come to kindergarten.
The library collected in the kindergarten is of great use in the pedagogical education of parents about the artistic education of children. During a child’s stay in a preschool, parents can read a lot of pedagogical literature, and the teacher has the opportunity to direct their reading and direct it.
  It is better to introduce parents to a particular issue of education allow folders, folders. Usually thematic material with illustrations and practical recommendations is selected; it is systematically replenished, illustrations are replaced with new ones, and a mini-newspaper for parents is also published quarterly, which also addresses questions about the health and upbringing of children.
  Great opportunities are revealed by working with a team of parents - wide pedagogical information, exchange of experience, involving parents in participation in kindergarten life.
  Based on the work plan, individual conversations with parents, observation of the behavior of children in the group, the teacher selects material for collective discussion consultations, group and general parent-teacher meetings.
  Consultations for parents on the issues of art education of a child can be planned and unscheduled. The topics and content of both scheduled and unscheduled consultations are discussed. The time and dates for scheduled consultations are planned in advance. Parents are informed about the timing and topic of the consultation. Unscheduled consultations are appointed both at the initiative of the manager, or educator, and at the request of the parents themselves.
  The main form of work with the parent team is a group parent meeting, which is usually held once a quarter. At these meetings, parents are systematically introduced to the goals and objectives, forms and methods of raising children of this age group in kindergarten and family. This can be a report or information about the achievements of their children in the formation of interest in art activities (the results of work for a certain period are summarized). The topics of pedagogical conversations and reports at group meetings are determined by the teacher in accordance with the annual plan of the kindergarten. In this case, the interests and wishes of the parents are also taken into account.
The meeting of parents and educators becomes lively if it is accompanied by a display of children's work, a tour of the kindergarten or group, where “their child’s hand was attached”. Whether it’s the design activities of children (for example, an assembly hall), applications of "Vegetables" and "Fruits", etc. Thus, parents are encouraged to readily acquire the necessary materials to create the same mini-exhibitions at home.
  Each meeting makes decisions regarding both the kindergarten and the family. Their content should be specific and aimed at improving educational work regarding visual activity. The next meeting should begin with a report on the implementation of the decision of the meeting.
  At parental meetings, decisions are made that are communicated to all parents. A special place in the propaganda of pedagogical knowledge about art education is occupied by the organization of corners for parents. The creative use of this form of work allows parents to be widely acquainted with the issues of raising children. The design of textual and illustrative material in them can be - depending on the conditions - the most diverse; stand, shelf or table to demonstrate children's work. To systematize the content of the corner, you can arrange the materials into sections, and to update the texts set approximate time  their interchangeability.
  So, the section “What we did today” briefly describes the activities of children during the day, demonstrates children's work (drawing, modeling, application, etc.). The materials in the section are replaced daily.
  In the section “What the group lives”, the teachers tell and shows what interesting things, walks, excursions, public holidays are waiting for children this month. The material in this section can be updated once a month.
  The section “Tips and Recommendations” does not give parents a knowledge system on pedagogy, but provides the necessary pedagogical information, introduces parents to the issues of upbringing. Recommendations can also be given to parents on the formation of interest in art activities, a story about the successes of other parents in this activity, showing the best experience of parents. The materials in this section change every 2-3 months.
  The section “About our children”, which tells about what the children achieved, what they learned, learned to do, is the most popular among parents.
Interesting and effective forms of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge among parents in the field of forming an interest in art activities are lecture courses organized by many kindergartens, pedagogical circles, evening questions and answers, conferences on the exchange of experience in family art and aesthetic education, young parents' schools, and universities of pedagogical knowledge.
  An effective form of pedagogical propaganda is a specially prepared visit to kindergarten by parents. Open door days are not only a means of satisfying the natural interest in how children live in kindergarten. This is, first of all, a way to introduce parents to the conditions, content, methods and techniques of educational work, as well as to overcome the sometimes very persistent superficial opinion of some parents about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of a child. Familiarity with the organization of the pedagogical process, with the methods of work of the educator in the field of visual activity, his manner of communicating with children can teach parents a lot, and will help to continue such work with children in the family.
  Work with parents, their pedagogical education on the formation of interest in family activities should be carried out in a certain system. The annual plan of work with parents, first of all, defines the leading tasks that should be closely related to the whole educational work  kindergarten next year. So, if the kindergarten conducts in-depth work on visual activity and artistic and aesthetic education, this should be reflected in work with parents: issues of artistic and aesthetic education will be included in the themes of general and group meetings, group and individual consultations; introducing parents to kindergarten life. It will be possible to show them more broadly the process of artistic and aesthetic education, to organize special open classes; thematic exhibitions, demonstration stands, workshops will be devoted to the same topic; You can also plan the selection of a special thematic library, folders, etc. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the socio-pedagogical block is the task of attracting parents to active cooperation, since only in the process of joint activity of the kindergarten and the family can the child be helped as much as possible
  Appendix No. 1

Section "What do we do in kindergarten?"

The main task is to develop children's interest and desire to engage in visual activities. The beauty of color spots, the expressiveness of lines, the volume of plastic images, children learn, especially in the process of their own artistic experience. The tool-material nature of visual activity requires attention to the development of hand motor skills. This is not a technical issue, but the task of forming the very ability to visual activity. The teacher pays special attention to the formation in children of the foundations of culture in visual activity: the fulfillment of elementary requirements for the external side of a drawing, modeling, application; rules of conduct when performing artwork, handling materials and tools of artwork.
  Artistic activity. In different types of visual activity, create images of objects that aroused interest, joy, surprise, using technical and some visual skills.
  In the subject image, master the skills and abilities to transmit common symptoms  and some characteristic details of the image, the relative similarity in shape, color, size, texture of the surface, using color as a means of transmitting an objective sign and emotional and moral characteristics of the image, as well as their attitude to the image. Highlight the main thing by spatial construction, color, and elements of dynamics; in the plot image, by building on a whole sheet of paper or a strip depicting the earth.
  In the application, create images of objects, decorative compositions using ready-made forms; master the sequence of work: decompose the forms, see if it is beautiful, then take the forms sequentially, smear them with glue on the oilcloth and carefully place them in the same place, pressing with a napkin.
  In the molding, fix familiar methods and master new ones, including the work of fingers: rolling plasticine (clay) at an angle with the palms of the hands; rolling and joining of various forms; rolling and indenting plasticine (clay) with a finger; connection of several parts in one image.
  Possessing the basic visual and technical skills of all types of children's visual activity, it helps to convey some similarities with a real object, enriching the image with expressive details, color, location.
  Appendix No. 2

Section "What does the group live with?"

Preschool children are characterized by a pronounced interest in everything that happens around. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, seek to learn not only their names, but also similarity, structure, color, think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. Supporting children's interest, you need to lead them from acquaintance with nature to its understanding.
  The main concern of the teacher is the development of the interests and abilities of each child, the stimulation of activity, independence. Activities in an enriched developing educational environment allows the child to test inquisitiveness, curiosity, to know the environment without coercion, to strive for a creative reflection of what is known.

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Control General education  Administration of Obninsk

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Center for Child Development - kindergarten" Russian woman "


« Work with parents in kindergarten "


educator of different age group №9

Moskalenko S.N.

Obninsk, 2012

Conditions necessary for organizing interaction between kindergarten and family

According to T.A. Kulikova, "It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it should become an open system."

Let us characterize what constitutes the openness of a preschool institution, including “openness inward” and “openness outward”.

According to T.A. Kulikova, giving the preschool institution “openness inside” means making the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, and humanizing relations between children, teachers, and parents. To create such conditions that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) have a personal willingness to open themselves in some activity, event, tell about their joys, anxieties, successes and failures, etc.

"Openness of the kindergarten inward" is the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten. Parents, family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution, to contribute to educational work. It can be an episodic event, which every family can do. Some parents are happy to organize an excursion, a “trip” to the nearest forest, to a river, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, others will teach children something.

Some parents and other family members are included in ongoing systematic educational, wellness work  with kids. For example, they conduct clubs, studios, teach kids some crafts, needlework, engage in theatrical activities, etc.

“Openness of the kindergarten to the outside” means that the kindergarten is open to the influence of the microsocium, its own microdistrict, and is ready to cooperate with social institutions located on its territory, such as a comprehensive school, music school, sports complex, library, etc.

The content of the kindergarten in microsocium can be very diverse, in many respects determined by its specifics. Its undoubted value is in strengthening ties with the family, expanding the social experience of children, initiating the activity and creativity of kindergarten employees, which in turn works for the authority of the preschool institution and public education in general.

In an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity to come to a group at a convenient time for them, to observe what the child is doing, play with the children, etc.

So, the relationship of the preschool institution with the family should be based oncollaboration and collaboration subject to open kindergartenin and out.

Consider what forms of communication between the teacher and parents exist.

Forms of teacher communication with parents in kindergarten

Today, all experts recognize the importance of attracting parents to participate in the work of the kindergarten, but there is a certain disharmony in the real relationship between educators and parents. Both personal and professional factors can impede the development of these relationships: lack of time, a sense of failure, ethnic stereotypes, feelings of resentment - all this can lead to the formation of personal and professional prejudices that prevent families from becoming active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, caregivers must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using the principle of an individual approach to the participation of parents, it is possible to develop a variety of ways to involve most of the families in the work.

Preschool Presentation

Objectives: to introduce parents to a preschool institution, its charter, development program and a team of teachers; show (fragmented) all types of activities for the development of the personality of each child.

As a result of this form of work, parents receive useful information about the content of working with children, paid and free services provided by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, optometrist, swimming and hardening instructor, social educator, psychologist).

Open classes with children in parental preschool education

Purpose: to acquaint parents with the structure and specifics of conducting classes at a preschool educational institution.

During the lesson, the teacher can include an element of conversation with parents (the child can tell something new to the guest, introduce him to his circle of interests).

Pedagogical advice with the participation of parents

Purpose: to attract parents to an active understanding of the problems of raising children in the family based on their individual needs.

The course of the teacher's council

The theoretical part, which is prepared by teachers in accordance with the theme of the teacher's council.

Questioning parents.

It is carried out in advance to identify the main trends in the opinions of parents on the issue under discussion.

Summarizing the questionnaire.

Interview with parents. Helps teachers to establish an appropriate atmosphere in communication with parents, to establish feedback in the sphere of influence of a preschool institution on a child and family.

Pedagogical situations. Discussion of situations activates parents and makes communication with teachers and specialists useful for both parties.

Helpline. In a playful way, parents can ask any questions that interest them both aloud and in writing. Notes are considered, and based on the analysis, it is planned to work with parents in the appropriate form.

Family visit

The teacher of each age group must visit the families of their pupils. Each visit has its own purpose.

The purpose of the first visit to the family is to find out the general conditions for family education. Repeated visits are planned as necessary and include more private tasks, such as verifying the implementation of recommendations that were previously given by the educator; acquaintance with the positive experience of family education; clarification of the conditions for preparing for school, etc.

There is another form of family visit - a survey usually conducted with the participation of the public (members of the parents' asset) in order to provide material assistance to the family, protect the rights of the child, influence one of the family members, etc. Based on the results of such a survey, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the family (Appendix 5).

Pedagogical talks with parents

This is the most accessible form of establishing a teacher’s relationship with the family, it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, counseling.

Purpose: to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to help achieve a unified point of view on these issues.

The leading role is assigned to the teacher, he plans in advance the subject and structure of the conversation.

Thematic consultations

Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the teacher, conducting the consultation, seeks to give qualified advice to parents.

Consultations can be planned and unplanned, individual and group.

Scheduled consultations are held in a kindergarten systematically: 3-4 consultations per year in each age group  and as many general kindergarten consultations as per the annual plan. The duration of the consultation is 30-40 minutes. Unplanned occur often during communication between teachers and parents at the initiative of both parties.

Consultation, like conversation, requires preparation for the most meaningful answers of teachers to parents.

Parent Group Meetings

At group meetings, parents are introduced to the content, tasks and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family.

The agenda of group parent-teacher meetings includes a pedagogical conversation (report) on the most important topic on this moment; doctor's presentation or nursemusic worker; reports of one of the parents about the experience of family education; discussion of current organizational issues.

At the end of the meeting, parents ask questions that concern them and were not covered at the meeting, consult with the teacher and, perhaps, make complaints.

Round table with parents

Purpose: in an unconventional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, to discuss current issues of education with parents.

Parents are invited to the round table meeting, who have written or verbally expressed their desire to participate in the discussion of this or that topic with specialists.

Conference with parents

At the conference, in an entertaining form, teachers, specialists and parents model life situations by playing them. This gives parents the opportunity not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of parenting, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.

Example 1. Conference for moms "Let's talk about mom."

Dialogue with parents after listening to a tape recording of children's opinions.

Beating situations - designing and analyzing the behavior of the mother in various situations.

Example 2. Conference for dads "My dearest man."

The invited dads are seated in a semicircle, after the introductory remarks by the host, a recording of conversations with the children of the kindergarten about dads is offered for children (children answer questions: what should dad be able to do? Why is it interesting with dad on weekends and evenings?).

Opinions of a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher regarding the problems expressed by fathers in questionnaires.

Design and analysis of father’s behavior in life situations. For example: "Friday, evening. The whole family gathered at the TV and watches the program" Good night, kids ", and suddenly the lights go out ... Do not go to bed without a fairy tale?" Tell your child the tale "Kolobok" or "Turnip".

The practical task. In three minutes to make a toy or souvenir for your child.

Conference topics for parents

  1. Aesthetic education of preschool children.
  2. Raising expectant mothers and dads.
  3. Physical and psychological readiness of the child to study at school.
  4. "School tomorrow" of our children.

General meetings of parents

General organizational issues discussed at meetings teamwork  entire preschool.

At each meeting, a chairman and a secretary (from parents) are elected, a protocol is kept, a decision is made; personal registration is required.

The head of the kindergarten, together with the parent committee and teachers, plans and conducts a general parent-teacher meeting. Meetings must be at least three per year.

Visual propaganda

In the work of preschool institutions it is recommended to use different means of visual propaganda. One of such means is attracting parents to attend kindergarten with setting specific pedagogical tasks for them: monitoring the activities of the group's educator, relations between peers, adults and children, games, activities of preschoolers, and the behavior of their own child; familiarization with living conditions in kindergarten.

Visual familiarization of parents with the life of children in kindergarten is also carried out with the organization of open days, which are held 3-4 times a year on the appointed dates. These days, parents can visit a kindergarten in a particular age group without prior arrangement. Parent activities include overseeing classes, children's games, regime moments. After viewing, a small collective discussion is held, parents ask questions, share their impressions.

In order to visit the pre-school, not only on specially designated days for this are on duty. Parents on duty are invited to participate in excursions and walks with children outside the kindergarten, in leisure and entertainment.

The number of duty hours per week, month, year may be set at the discretion of the kindergarten management and the parent committee, as well as depending on the capabilities of the parents themselves.

During duty, parents should not interfere in the pedagogical process. They can express their thoughts or comments to the teacher, the head, and later write them down in a special notebook.

The traditional means of visual pedagogical propaganda are various stands. In each age group there should be a group stand (corner for parents).

Along with traditional forms, there are modern forms of working with the family.

First visits to kindergarten.

Before the child begins to attend kindergarten, parents should come to classes and introduce teachers, other children and the kindergarten in general.

Introductory meetings.

After the child is enrolled in kindergarten, introductory meetings for parents help them to meet teachers and other parents, to get to know both the child and his family at home.

When to bring and pick up a child

Schedules can be made so that the time when children are taken to kindergarten and taken home is used to communicate with families.

Phone calls.

Phone calls are made in special cases or once a month by all parents in order to maintain informal communication with them.

Conferences of parents and educators.

A conference is a formal meeting designed to discuss children's progress and enable parents to share their ideas and concerns. Conferences can be used to jointly plan individualized programs.

How to use written forms of communication?

When a lack of time or schedule difficulties prevent you from meeting with your parents in person or if you do not have a telephone, some form of written communication will help you keep in touch with your parents.


Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of kindergarten and provide general information about it.


The manuals contain detailed information about the kindergarten. Families can apply for benefits throughout the year.


The newsletter can be issued once or twice a month to constantly provide families with information about special events, changes in the program, etc.

Weekly notes.

A weekly note addressed directly to parents informs the family about the health, mood, behavior of the child in kindergarten, about his favorite activities and other information.

Informal notes.

Carers can send short notes with the child home to inform the family about the new achievement of the child or about the newly acquired skill, to thank the family for the assistance provided; there may be notes of children's speech, interesting statements by the child, etc. Families can also send notes expressing gratitude or containing requests to the kindergarten.

Personal notebooks.

Such notebooks can run daily between kindergarten and family to share information about what is happening at home and in kindergarten. Families can notify educators of special family events, such as birthdays, new jobs, trips, and guests.

Bulletin board.

A bulletin board is a wall-mounted screen that informs parents about meetings for the day, etc.

Suggestion box.

This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, which allows them to share their thoughts with a group of educators.


Written reports on child development are one form of communication with families that can be useful provided that it does not replace personal contacts.

There are techniques for creating roles for parents.

Parents can play different formal and informal roles in the program. Below are some of them.

Guest group.

Parents should be encouraged to join the group to watch and play with children.


Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help teachers in the classroom, take part in performances, help organize events, provide transportation, help clean up, equip and decorate group rooms, etc.

Member of the parent council.

The Parent Council is a group of parents that meets regularly to provide guidance to educators about their theory and practice.

Collaboration of parents with each other.

This is the help of more experienced parents to beginners. Group activities may include meetings for communication or support.

Information for parents and their education.

Kindergarten provides parents with information on the topic of child development that interests them.

Informal meetings of parents and carers.

These are thematic meetings, evenings, etc.

Use of communication resources.

Communication of parents on issues related to employment, health, housing, childcare, education and other needs of families.

Literature exchange.

Kindergarten can create a library interesting books, articles, booklets, video, audio tapes that parents could use.

In a modern kindergarten, it is necessary to use new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents, educators need to involve them in the process of learning, development and cognition of their own child.

The word “interactive” came to us from the English language “interact”, where “inter” is mutual, and “act” is action.

Interactive -means the ability to actively interact with something or someone.

Using interactive methods allows me to solve the following psychological and pedagogical problems:

Interactive methods put parents in an active position:

In a normal situation, this is quite difficult to do: the teacher’s calls to “express his opinion”, as a rule, remain inconclusive. It is difficult for many parents to prove themselves in a situation of a traditional parental meeting, where the teacher plays the leading role. Interactive methods allow parents to become active participants, as a result of which they begin to behave in a fundamentally different way.

Interactive methods break the traditional stereotypes of parental attitudes:

Kindergarten is not just a place where children are taken, but a place where you can always come with a problem and find ways to solve it.

The use of interactive methods increase the willingness of parents to interact with a teacher, psychologist and other specialists:

A specialist who organizes original, unusual events causes respect and success.


Kindergarten plays an important role in the development of the child. Here he receives knowledge, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, to organize his own activities. However, how effectively the child will master these skills depends on the family’s attitude to the preschool. The harmonious development of preschoolers without the active participation of his parents in the educational process is hardly possible.

The concept of “interaction with the family” should not be confused with the concept of “working with parents”. Although the second is an integral part of the first. Interaction necessarily implies not only the distribution of tasks among the participants in the process, but also feedback.

The meaning of working with parents using interactive methods is not only in establishing contacts with parents, but also in the fact that due to the favorable emotional soil created in this way, parents better perceive the advice of the teacher, become more open to the perception of new information.

Today we can say that I have developed a system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistants to the educator, an atmosphere of mutual respect was created.

An analysis of the effectiveness of my experience showed the following:

Parents have an interest in the content of the educational process with children,

Parents of steel seeks individual contacts with carers,

Discussions arise on the initiative of parents, their activity in the analysis of pedagogical situations has increased, parents have also begun to reflect on the correct use of certain methods of education;

Parents began to show more participation in joint creative activities with children.

The effectiveness of the work done is confirmed by the manifestation of the further initiative of the parents in the life of the group and kindergarten.


1. Arnautova, E.P. Social and pedagogical practice of interaction between the family and kindergarten in modern conditions / E.P. Arnautova / Kindergarten from A to Z. - 2004. - No. 4. - with. 23-35.

2. Davydova OI, Bogoslavets L.G., Mayer A.A. Work with parents in kindergarten: Ethnopedagogical approach. - M.: SC Sphere, 2005 .-- 144s. - (Appendix to the journal "Management of DOW").

3. Zvereva O.L. Parents' meetings in a preschool educational institution: methodological manual / О.Л. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova. - M .: Iris - press, 2006 .-- 128c. - (Preschool education and development)

4. Kozlova A.V., Desheulina R.P. DOW work with family: Diagnostics, planning, lecture notes, consultations, monitoring. - M.: SC Sphere, 2004 .-- 112s. (Series "The library of the head of DOW").

5. Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy  and home education: Textbook for students. wednesday and higher. ped textbook. institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 232 s)

5. Skorolupova OA Thematic Planning  educational process in the DOE. Part II - M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium", 2008.

6. Solodyankina OV Planning system in a preschool institution: Method. Manual. - 5th ed. corrected and add. - M.: ARKTI, 2004.

8. Osipova L.E. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Senior group. - M .: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2008. - 64 p.

9. Osipova L.E. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Preparatory group. - M .: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2008. - 56p.

10. Petrushchenko N.A., Zenchenko N.E. Kindergarten and family - interaction and cooperation. // Kindergarten teacher. 2009, № 9.

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 10 KV"

Experience on the topic:

“Social Partnership and Mutual Respect

educators and parents - the basic principle

favorable emotional state of children in the family and preschool institutions "

Prepared by: Senior Educator

T.E. Kiryanova


"From how childhood passed, who led child's hand in childhood that entered into his mind and heart from the world around him - decisively depends on what today's baby will become a man. ”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

In a situation where most families are preoccupied with solving the problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency for many parents to remove themselves from solving the issues of raising and personal development of the child has increased. Parents not owning in enough  knowledge of age and individual features  development of the child, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.

Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first educators. They are obliged to lay the first foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of a child’s personality at an early age. ”

Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that are at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other.

The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten rests heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the nutrition of the child; they believe that kindergarten is the place where they only look after the children while their parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.

How to change this situation? How to interest parents in working together? How to make parents participate in the educational process?

Therefore, in 2008, having recruited a group of kids, I began work on the problem of interaction between kindergarten and familyon the topic “Social partnership and mutual respect of teachers and parents - the main principle of a favorable emotional state of children in the family and preschool institutions”. Work on involving parents in a joint dOE activities  planned in four directions.

    Informational and analytical;

    Cognitive direction;

    Visually - informational;


But our acquaintance began a little earlier. At the end of July 2008, I came to work in a preschool educational institution No. 10 KV. The group in which I was to recruit children was only opening, there used to be a sports hall in it, and we had to go to it by September 1. Therefore, the first tasks before me and my parents were: repair and preparation of the group for the new school year. And this is where our direct acquaintance began. And only then I began to implement my plan for interaction with parents in life.

In 2012, I was appointed as a senior educator. And I decided to continue this topic in working with teachers, increasing their professional skills in communicating with parents.

1. Information - analytical direction.

In order to study the family, to clarify the educational needs of parents and to establish contact with its members, as well as to coordinate educational impacts on the child, we begin with the questionnaire “Cooperation between kindergarten and family”. Based on the collected data, I analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and developed a tactic for teachers to communicate with each parent. This helped the whole team to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, taking into account its individual characteristics.

For myself, I developedthe criterion that called “engagement”   parents in the educational process. At first, this criterion reflectedquantitative indicators the presence of parents at group events DOE:

    attending parent-teacher meetings and counseling;

    the presence of parents at children's parties;

    participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions, thematic classes;

    participation in exhibitions;

    newspaper production;

    visit to the "Open Day";

    parental assistance in arranging the group and the site.

Later singled out for herselfqualitative indicators in work: initiative, responsibility, attitude of parents to the products of joint activities of children and adults. Such an analysis made it possible to distinguish three groups of parents.

    Parents   leaders who know how and with pleasure participate in the educational process, see the value of any work of a child care institution.

    Parents   performers who participate subject to significant motivation.

    Parents   critical observers .

A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in understanding of types of families:

    active participants in the pedagogical process, interested in the success of their children;

    interested, but willing to solve problems with the help of a teacher, other parents or specialists;

    indifferent, living on the principle of "I was raised in the same way and my child will do."

Teachers have the opportunity to have a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.

2. Cognitive direction.

The cognitive direction is the enrichment of parents with knowledge on the issues of raising children of preschool age. The joint work of the DOU specialists (physical education instructor, musical director and nurse) on the implementation of the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, making parents truly equal participants in the educational process.

Based on the tasks of the entire institution, I and the teachers weretasks are formulated :

    Creation of conditions for a favorable climate for interaction with parents.

    Establishment of social partnership, trust and partnership with parents.

    The involvement of the family in a single educational space.

    Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.

5. Work in close contact with the families of their pupils.

For this purpose, in the DOW are usedactive forms and working methods   with parents:

    visiting families of inmates at home;

    general and group parent meetings;


    activities, leisure and holidays with the participation of parents;

    participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays, leisure activities;

    exhibitions of children's crafts made with parents;

    Communication days;

    Open door days;

    decoration of festive wall newspapers and group rooms;

    joint creation of a subject-development environment;

    work with the parent committee of the group;

    conversations with children and parents;


    parent living rooms;

    trust mail and a notebook of reviews and suggestions.

As a result, the level of educational activity of parents increased, which contributed to the development and intensification of their creative initiative.

Knowing how important the atmosphere of friendly relations between the teacher and parents is,first Parents Meeting “Let's Meet You”   educators spend in unconventional form. They prepare very carefully for it, because the success of the meeting is largely ensured by its preparation.

They select music, prepare refreshments, gifts or surprises, try to create an atmosphere of goodness, comfort and warmth in groups. Such meetings begin with greetings and thanks for the work done in preparing the groups and sites for the start of the school year. The game “Let's meet and be friends” unites adults (everyone gets in a circle and tells a little about themselves). At first, all the parents were embarrassed, but this feeling quickly gave way to joy and interest. A moment of acquaintance helped relieve tension, because parents sitting at the same table will need to discuss the situation or issue together more than once during the meeting, and many of them came to the groups for the first time and did not know each other.

Soft lighting, musical accompaniment, and a friendly tone of the story contribute to creating a confidential atmosphere, helping parents to speak frankly about problems.

Teachers constantly prepare exhibitions of children's works or wall newspapers on various topics for meetings. At each meeting, they express gratitude to parents who pay a lot of attention to their children, group and help in teamwork. It is always very nice to see the happy eyes of parents when they are presented with letters of appreciation or gratitude in poetic form:

Our parents are wonderful people,
The meaning of education for them is extremely clear.
After all, only creativity and work,
They will give us a personality in the future.

Thank you very much for your work,
For everything that is done with the soul!

In the dad’s group we have
They are helpers - just a class.
Sawing, mending and planing,
They help us a lot in everything.

Dads, mothers - well done!
They help us in everything.
Whiten, color and sing
  And they will play with us.

Parents become active participants in all affairs in the group, indispensable assistants, learn to interact with each other in the role of game partners.

The DOE team planned a lot of work with parents for 2016-2017 academic year  to prepare children for school.

Summaries of the joint events “Mother's Day”, “Country of Knowledge” - a trip to school, origami workshops, parent meeting at the round table “Factors for the successful preparation and adaptation of children to school”, “Are you ready to send your child to school”? . As a result of such events, the educational experience of parents will be further enriched and the effect of family preparation for school will increase.

Parent meeting topicprompted exciting conversations with parents and analysis of the responses of children in the classroom. It is planned to conduct a survey of parents "Soon to school", interviews and tests with children "Do I want to go to school," an analysis of the drawings of children "How I imagine myself in school."

Collaboration and preparation for various events brought together the teaching staff of the DOE and parents, parents and children, made friends of the family. The atmosphere of goodwill has become characteristic of other common activities in groups. Many parents discovered hidden talents that they did not suspect about until they came to us at the DOW.

The teachers try to invite specialists to the meetings: school teachers, a nurse, a speech therapist, a music director and a physical education instructor.

If in our initial meetings between teachers and parents there was a certain tension, feelings of insecurity, anxiety, now at different events gaiety, mutual sympathy, emotional openness and interest in each other reign.

The work done at the Kindergarten will help to increase the attention of parents to the experiences of the child in the pre-school period of life. Parents will get acquainted with the requirements that the school makes for students, receive recommendations for the development of speech, they will be offered games and game exercises to develop the children's mental abilities, games with letters and numbers.

3. Visually - an informational direction.

Visual information direction includes:

    stands for parents;


    photo stands;

    library for parents

    photo montages;

    family crafts;

    wall newspaper for parents;

The form of work through the parent corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective, it helped educators activate parents, they use stands: “For you, parents” ”,“ Homework"," Business card "," Congratulations "," This is interesting. " The teachers put practical material on them, which makes it possible to understand what the child is doing in the kindergarten, specific games that you can play at home or on the way from the kindergarten, tips, small consultations, recommendations, tasks.

The activity of parents in the creation of photo stands and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. A clear informational direction makes it possible to convey to parents any information in an accessible form, tactfully recall parental responsibilities and responsibilities.

4. Leisure direction.

The leisure direction in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, demanded, useful, but also the most difficult to organize for teachers of a preschool educational institution. This is due to the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from within the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; to test different approaches; see how others do it, that is, gain experience in interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole. In groups held and planned:

    holidays "Mother's Day", "Come on, mothers and grandmothers", "Birthday";

    entertainment "Family gatherings", "April Fool's Day"

    sports leisure " Healthy lifestyle  life "," Day of Growing Up ";

    exhibition of the works “Gifts of Autumn”, “That's what we can do”, “ New Year's toys  from my family ”;

    photo stand "We and nature";

    joint campaigns "In the world of beauty";

Scenarios of holidays and entertainment are developed jointly with parents and other specialists (music director and instructor in physical education).

To make these activities educational for children and parents, we have developed a specificpreparation algorithm   for family holidays:

    The allocation of goals and objectives of activities for children, parents and teachers;

    Consultations for parents;

    Drawing up a plan for the event and the participation of parents;

    Role distribution of adults;

    Preparation of individual numbers (learning poems, dances, songs);

    Individual meetings and consultations;

    Production of attributes, manuals.

This work allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relations.

It was a little scary to spendfirst family holiday   in the second group early age: children are small, parents are unfamiliar. We called it "Family gatherings." But, everything turned out to be quite simple, although some parents were at first wary.

The whole holiday was built on parent-child games, because the purpose of the meeting was: to develop relationships between children and parents through inclusion in joint activities, to enrich relationships through emotional communication. It is not in vain that the proverb says: “A child grows not from bread, but from joy”.

A holiday in kindergarten is a joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children. Parents are the dearest and closest people! They saw that the children were proud of them, they wanted to dance with them, sing songs, play. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that were heard at the festival, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication, the joy of empathy. Some holidays end with the words:

Take care of each other!
Warm up with kindness!
Take care of each other,
Don’t let us offend.
Take care of each other,
Forget the hustle and bustle.
And in the moment of leisure -
Nearby, stay together!
  0. Vysotskaya

In preparation for the holidays, teachers of the pre-school educational institution select music together with the musical director, conduct counseling with the physical education instructor about interesting games, prepare prizes and medals for parents to participate. Parents and children are very happy and happy.

V.A.Sukhomlinsky said: “Children are happiness created by our work. Classes, meetings with children, of course, require mental strength, time, work. But, after all, we are happy when our children are happy, when their eyes are filled with joy. ” Therefore, we with the teachers of the preschool educational institution decided - let the festive meetings take place in our kindergarten constantly and be bright, useful and exciting, because as a result of their holding, positive relationships between parents and their children are formed, emotional contacts are established not only with them, but also with us, educators.

I would like to say one thingimportant point in the system of work with parents . Each person, having done some work, needs to evaluate his work. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. Laroshfuko. I think this is relevant always and everywhere. I always advise teachers to praise parents at any opportunity, and they will repay them in the same way.

In modern conditions of a kindergarten it is difficult to do without parental support. That is why a lot of things in our preschool educational institution were done by the hands of the dads and mothers of our children. They help us make repairs in groups, manuals and materials for GCD, sewing curtains in groups and bedrooms, bedspreads on beds, help clean our walk areas from overgrown trees and unnecessary trees, equip them with various game and sports equipment. With the help of parents dOW groups  framed so that every corner is used for the development of children: a lot of toys, dishes, cars, dolls.

Before starting work on any topic or project, individual teachers conduct individual talks with each of the parents, and samples of the final result are shown. Parents at first say that they cannot, it’s very difficult. But the first crafts or the first assistant should appear, as soon as all the others are included in the process.

Children are very happy that their parents take part in the life of the group. Now our groups simply cannot be recognized - they are very bright and comfortable.

Trust relationships are established gradually in the joint activities of parents with carers. At events such as the repair of toys, furniture, groups, assistance in creating a subject-developing environment, an atmosphere of peace and warm relationships between teachers and parents are established. Together we strive to make the children in the Kindergarten feel good, comfortable. Depending on the work plan, a schedule of parental assistance is compiled together, each event is discussed, problems are solved. Thanks to this, all things are carried out with great enthusiasm, since when they are implemented, everyone brings in particles of their labor, skill, and creativity.

The result of our joint efforts is cozy renovated groups and bedrooms with beautiful curtains and delicate walls, because any work is effective when it is properly organized.

The upbringing and development of the child is not possible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become assistants to the teacher, creatively develop together with the children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and nobler thing than to learn to understand their child, and, having understood him, help in everything, be patient, sensitive respectful, loving and then everything will work out.

Today we can say that our teaching staff has developed  a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work gives the desired results: parents from the “audience” and “observers” became active participants in the meetings and my assistants, an atmosphere of mutual respect and partnership in everything was created.

Work experience showed : the position of parents, as well as educators, has become more flexible. Now they feel more competent in the upbringing and education of their children. An analysis of joint activities and a survey of parents shows: 35% of parents regularly participate in the planning of the educational process, 80% of families take an active part in organizing educational activities, up to 70% in evaluating the results.

Parents began to show sincere interest in the life of groups and preschool children, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child. 90% of parents attend parent-teacher meetings, actively participate in holidays and entertainments, project activities. The groups are no longer observing parents; the number of leading parents increased by 30%; up to 67% increased the number of implementing parents.

Family and kindergarten are two social partners, each of which in their own way gives the child social experience, but only in combination with each other do they create favorable emotional conditions for the small person to enter big world, world of family and kindergarten.

For our DOU and for me personally, this became possible only due to the joining of forces and cooperation of our teachers with parents. Gradually, their lack of understanding and distrust of the kindergarten and the teaching staff. The interaction of parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patient, steady adherence to the chosen goal. We decided not to stop there, but to continue to look for new ways to improve cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life, and we want to believe that our children, when they grow up, will believe in kindness, respect, love and protect their loved ones.

Interaction principles

teacher with parents.

    The ability to create a friendly atmosphere conducive to dialogue

    Attention to the problems of parents, to their subjective experiences.

    Flexibility, mobility of educational strategy.

    The ability to provide psychological support.

    Focus on stimulating parental self-education.

    The ability to see the smallest achievements and inspire confidence in success.

    A positive attitude to talk with parents on any problem (even the most acute).

    The manifestation of pedagogical tact and moral and ethical standards when working with parents.

    A sincere desire to help parents in a difficult pedagogical situation.

    Inadmissibility of comparing a guilty child with others.