Skin rash in children. Small rash on the body of a child: causes, diagnosis, treatment

  • The date: 03.11.2019

It is no secret that the skin of babies is very delicate and often becomes covered with a rash or turns red. First of all, it is a signal that the baby's body is exposed to adverse factors. Parents should read the instructions rash on the body of a child photo with explanations not to be frightened at the first manifestation, but to help your child. Parents should have clear ideas of what to do if the child has a rash.

Poor ecology and food products that do not meet standards are the root cause of most diseases. But sometimes we provoke ourselves rash on the child's body.

Such provoking factors can be: the use of drugs without prior examination, the use of aggressive household chemicals when cleaning, washing baby clothes and washing dishes.

Inclusion in the child's menu a large number sweets or citrus fruits, the use of unsuitable milk formula, poor hygiene in everyday life and nutrition. By establishing the causes, there is a chance to restore the health of the child.

Allergic rash in children photo

The reaction of the child's body to allergens is an allergic rash. This is a formidable symptom, indicating that it is necessary to identify allergens and exclude the possibility of their exposure. If you do not take action, then the allergy will develop and turn into severe incurable forms. Risk factors are products containing allergens: chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, rose hips, eggs, milk mixtures. At the first sign allergic rash it's too early to sound the alarm, but the signal of the child's body should not be ignored.
Hint for parents

Babies get allergens from their mother's milk. For example, if a mother eats a lot of oranges, then after feeding the baby, a rash will soon appear on his skin. Pregnant women can reward their baby with allergies if they don't eat right. There are cases when using a rosehip decoction in large quantities, the mother provoked an allergy in her baby, who began to suffer a month after birth. hereditary factors also matter, and if the family suffered from such a formidable disease, then certain forms of allergies will be observed in children.

Rash in a child all over the body without fever

Erythema toxic may cause a rash without fever. red spots irregular shape cover ninety percent of the body . Rash in a child all over the body without fever disappears after three days as the toxins are removed from the body. Water on polysorb or other sorbents will help remove toxins.

It happens in babies up to six months. If you regularly bathe a child with baby soap, the rash goes away without a trace. The sebaceous glands restore their work, and the skin becomes clean and beautiful. Children need more air baths and cleanliness, less chemicals, good nutrition and care.

allergic rash almost never accompanied by fever, but can lead to shock and even suffocation. You should not be especially afraid if this is an isolated case, but if the rash recurs, allergens should be established and treated. Allergies can lead to asthma or psoriasis. In childhood it is easier to recover normal work immune system. If you run an allergy, leaving it untreated, the consequences can be horrendous. AT chronic stage allergies the body destroys itself.

Rash enterovirus infection in children photo

If a rash appears on the face, body of the child and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, then there is every reason to believe that the baby has caught enterovirus infection. Abdominal pain also speaks of a virus. recognize rash with enterovirus infection in children photo will help:

Such a rash has the configuration of red small nodules, with localization of many nodules in the chest and back, arms and legs, and face.

A rash may also appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and tonsils. In this case, the child experiences pain when swallowing, appetite disappears.

It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, since the rash is very similar to the manifestations of measles and an examination and collection of tests will be required. After establishing the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a doctor's prescription. As a rule, a viral rash is accompanied by a cough and runny nose, but disappears within five or seven days without a trace.

Rash on child's back

Rashes on the back are accompanied by itching and the baby experiences discomfort, cries. This localization of the rash is typical for prickly heat when the child is over-wrapped or rarely washed. With prickly heat, a rash on the child's back color pink and very small, itchy.

Pustular pimples on the back appear when vesiculopusulose. They are filled with liquid and constantly burst, causing suffering, while infecting areas of the skin around. Bathing a child with such symptoms is impossible. It is necessary to process bursting bubbles with brilliant green so as not to become infected again.

Rash scarlet fever also located on the back. If before the appearance of the rash there was a temperature and a headache, then these are signs of scarlet fever - an infectious disease. You should quickly consult a doctor for help and do tests. Treatment will help to avoid complications.

Even sunbathing can cause rash on baby's back. The best time for sunbathing - morning and evening, and during the day the skin of the child may become blistered as a result sunburn. After-sun milk or regular sour cream will help relieve redness.

Rash on baby's stomach

At food allergies the rash appears first on the abdomen. For example, if a child eats a bucket of strawberries, then after three hours it will be covered with a rash, starting from the abdomen to the top of the head, arms and legs. There will definitely be itching, and the child will be worried.

Rash on baby's stomach may appear when psoriasis- severe immune disease. But psoriasis is usually preceded by another immune disease - allergies. Such a rash first appears in the form of small pink papules covered with white scales in the navel and between the ribs, in the lower abdomen, but if the scale is removed, the papule becomes bloody.

With infectious scabies the abdomen is also the first to break out in a rash. At the same time, dark dots are visible on the papule - scabies mites nest there. With scabies, the infectious disease doctor prescribes special preparations and ointments, isolates the patient from others.

To prevent the child from getting scabies at home and in kindergarten it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen more often, to avoid contact with the sick.

The appearance of a rash various diseases- only visible part damage to human tissues. Most of the time we don't see it because internal organs and blood suffer more.

Red rash on the body of a child

Accompanied by temperature red rash on the body of a child happens when rubella- an infectious disease.

You can get infected easily, but it leaks rubella difficult, sometimes with complications. With rubella, the lymph nodes also increase. After accepting treatment and restoring health in quarantine mode, the disease recedes, and the skin becomes clear.

scary symptom meningococcal infection is an red star-shaped rash. These are hemorrhages of blood vessels under the skin. The color may also be purplish-bluish. At the first sign of such a rash, parents should take the child to the hospital and preferably immediately to the infectious. They will make the necessary tests faster.

Rash in scarlet fever also red. It starts under the armpits, and then goes down. At the end of the disease, the skin flakes and turns white.

Measles characterized by a red rash. Not only the body of the child, but also the face can become covered with a solid red spot in a day.

Rash - reaction child's body for various changes: the appearance of allergies, the consequences of SARS and other inflammatory processes, and more. Below in the text, the causes of the rash on the body of a child will be spelled out, a photo with explanations.

Rash on the body of a child

A rash on the body of a child can appear for reasons of a different nature. Most often, these are the consequences or signs of the baby's painful conditions. It is important to note that a rash just doesn't appear. To find out the reasons, you need a visit to the doctor.

It is for the reasons for the appearance that the types of rash are distinguished. Classification example:

Allergic rash in children photo

An allergic rash in children (pictured) may appear after different reasons: as a reaction to a new product in the child's diet, or if the child has overeaten any product; for flowering plants, shrubs; on various fragrances or aerosols for the home.

The main difference between an allergic rash and a rash in other diseases is general condition of the child: temperature appears extremely rarely, the child is mobile, the appetite does not disappear. In general, the baby feels and behaves as usual.

When an allergic rash appears, you should consult a specialist. And also parents need to remember that something new has been introduced in the life of the child: a new product, some kind of medicine or vitamins, and it is also possible that they went somewhere to rest, changed their place of residence. State all the information to the doctor, and then simply act on the basis of the recommendations for the child. In such cases, most often appoint antihistamines . AT without fail all possible causes of this allergy are excluded from the life of the child.

Rash in a child all over the body without fever

There can be many reasons for this rash. For example:

All these diseases in most cases are not accompanied by fever. But rash in 99% is. And parents should not panic. A rash in a child all over the body without fever is just a response of the child's body to the virus inside it.

Also, the cause of the appearance of a rash without accompanying temperature can be "classic":

or :

What is correct behavior parents in this case. First of all, no panic; second, immediately call a doctor for examination; thirdly, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the child in the future, transfer everything to a specialist. And lastly, strictly follow all prescribed instructions from your doctor.

The reasons for the appearance of a small rash on the body of a child, which looks like goosebumps (pictured):

The treatment of such a rash is prescribed by a specialist, based on the root cause of the appearance.

Rash with enterovirus infection in children photo

This type of infection is especially dangerous for children. Why? is an infection of "dirty hands". Namely, children, as you know, drag everything into their mouths, try everything, and in most cases they don’t wash their hands. As a result - . In adults, the onset of this disease is most often only from an infected person through touch.

The rash in children (pictured) is a set of small and medium-sized tubercles, collected in small clusters.

The mucous membranes are the first to be affected, for example, oral cavity. Then the rash spreads to the limbs (palms, hands, heels and ankles), then - throughout the body. Importantly, with this disease, the child may experience vomiting, nausea. And areas of the skin where there is a rash, itch terribly.

Treatment consists of admission antiviral drugs , of course, on the recommendation of a specialist after the examination. Each baby's progression is different. Basically, the disease lasts no more than 5-7 days, then with proper treatment the child recovers and fully recovers.

Rash on child's back

A rash on the back of a child is a common occurrence. The reasons for the appearance may be the following:

In each hotel case, a rash is a sign of painful changes. The rash may have different character and kind- small, large, in the form of papules, flattened, purulent or filled with liquid, etc.

Depending on the cause of the appearance, there will be appropriate treatment.

Rash on baby's stomach

The cause of a rash on the abdomen in a child may be, like the most common sweat, an allergic reaction or the appearance infectious disease. So is the result of a serious illness in the body of a baby.

In this case, it’s better not to hope that this is just. It is better call a pediatrician at home Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Or will it give general recommendations child care so that the rash no longer bothers the baby.

Call an ambulance medical care needed in the following cases:

  • There is a sharp increase in temperature after the appearance of a rash on the child's abdomen.
  • The rash takes on the character of abscesses with secretions.
  • The baby becomes lethargic, inactive, drowsy.
  • The appearance of a rash is not only in the baby, but also in other children or parents.

New parents of newborns have a hard time. Their theoretical knowledge about the health of the child is often insufficient. And such a phenomenon as a rash on the body of a newborn may well cause panic.

small rash on the child's body becomes a cause for serious unrest. So that such a nuisance does not take you by surprise, it is worth knowing in advance as much as possible about this pathology.

A rash is an accumulation of pathological elements on the skin or mucous membranes. They are different from normal skin appearance, texture, color. The elements of the rash consist of blisters, papules, blisters, spots.

Doctors say that a rash on a child’s body does not always require special treatment. Because the very appearance skin rashes It has various reasons, children's rashes are divided into the following types:

Parents may be disturbed by the usual redness of the skin of a baby who has just been born. This is an absolutely normal reaction associated with the imperfection of the baby's thermoregulation. A slight peeling on the body and face of a newborn should also not alert you, it does not require any treatment.

Some features of neonatal acne

Acne in newborns looks a little different than in adults. Most often it manifests itself when the child is only a few days old. The rash looks like small bright pink pimples, inside of which a substance is visible white color. Newborn acne has several names - hormonal rash, milia, neonatal pustulosis.

One of the names - hormonal rash - makes it clear what is the cause of the data. skin manifestations. These are ordinary hormonal changes, adaptation of the baby's body to new living conditions, cleansing the blood of mother's hormones.

Acne can also be caused by local accumulation yeast fungus. It is also not considered a pathology; any person has such a fungus. Areas where neonatal pustulosis most often erupts: top part back, neck, head, face.

Acne does not require treatment; at the age of three months, the flowering of the skin stops without any intervention. Recommendations to parents: by no means squeeze out pimples, follow all hygiene rules regarding the care of a newborn.

What is sweating

No wonder they say that the temperature in the children's room should not exceed +22 C. If this condition is not met, the child will certainly sweat a lot. As a result, a small pink rash may appear on the baby's skin, in the folds on the chest and neck, under the armpits.

The affected area looks slightly swollen. Skin rash in children of this kind can occur throughout the first year of life. Most often, it does not cause any discomfort to the child. To make prickly heat pass faster, the affected areas are treated with baby powder.

Recall the reasons for which prickly heat appears:

  • The temperature in the children's room is too high.
  • Failure to comply with the ventilation schedule for the room where the child is located.
  • The desire to unnecessarily wrap the baby in warm clothing.
  • Insufficient hygiene in relation to the child.

Parents need to eliminate these causes, soon the baby's skin will lose swelling and redness.

What does hives look like

This disease has a telling name. Rashes on the body of a baby look exactly like a severe burn caused by nettles. The rash is accompanied by obsessive itching. Subsequently, the rash transforms into blisters that have different sizes and forms affecting the face, head, body. Urticaria is severe form skin allergies, which can rapidly turn into Quincke's edema.

If you suspect your baby has hives, call your doctor immediately. The disease is the body's reaction to an allergen - food or household, it can go away on its own, but in no case is it worth the risk.

One should be wary of Quincke's edema - a formidable complication of urticaria, in which suffocation occurs. The latter can lead to serious consequences.

Causes of hives:

  • hypothermia;
  • heat exposure;
  • stay under the scorching sun;
  • effects severe stress;
  • friction from elastic bands on clothes, from car seat straps;
  • transferred infectious disease;
  • the presence of helminths in the baby's body.

After the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes drugs that eliminate allergic manifestations.

For removal severe itching you will need special ointments, they will also be prescribed by a doctor. If the disease is very severe, effective help will be provided hormonal ointments.

Allergic rash in babies

There are several variants of an allergic rash in children, among them:

  • food allergy;
  • household (contact) allergy;
  • drug allergy.

Food allergies are:

  • many small pink or red pimples;
  • red scaly patches of skin.

These manifestations of food allergies most often appear on the face, but can also appear on the legs, forearms, back, and abdomen. So the child's body reacts to food (mixtures, complementary foods, cereals) or to food from the diet of a nursing mother.

Complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 4-6- one month old, gradually, consistently, carefully observing the child's reaction to the products.

Mothers should exclude from their menu honey, sweets, chocolate, whole cow's milk, smoked meats, canned food, citrus fruits. If the intake of the allergen is not stopped in time, as well as with significant allergic poisoning, the child's rash can turn into a weeping scab.

Household (contact) allergy looks like chafing or red spots with a small rash. Its causes are the mechanical effect on the delicate skin of the baby. Allergens can be: washing powders, rinses, synthetics, hard woolen textiles, dust, pet hair.

Particular attention should be paid to children's cosmetics (shampoos, foams, creams, soaps), which does not at all guarantee the absence of various side effects.

Drug allergies are multiple rashes of small red spots that form anywhere. Allergens can be hormonal agents, antibiotics, sweet syrups.

The pediatrician must replace (cancel) an inappropriate medicine, prescribe a detailed blood test to detect allergens. Sweet syrups are replaced with neutral suppositories.

Diaper dermatitis

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis are blistering, redness, and peeling that appear only in the diaper area. The causes of diaper dermatitis are prolonged contact of the skin with a wet cloth, creases in the diaper. Diaper dermatitis is not an allergy and does not require the use of antiallergic drugs. Treatment of diaper dermatitis consists in the organization proper care timely diaper change.

Before changing the diaper, the child must be washed warm water with baby soap. Replacing washing with wiping with wet wipes is not the best solution. Do not forget about regular air baths, with the help of which the manifestations of diaper dermatitis will quickly disappear.

To heal diaper rash, cracks, weeping sores, you can use special healing ointments. It is necessary to treat diaper dermatitis, because it can join bacterial infection.

Atopic dermatitis

Pathology is peeling, blisters on the skin, on the cheeks, arms, buttocks, the inside of the legs. Rashes are characterized by itching, can merge, forming crusts. This is allergic manifestation to cold, wind, or certain products.

Atopic dermatitis is often accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids. A course of treatment is prescribed: antiallergic drugs, ointments, creams, therapeutic baths. However, drugs only relieve itching. In order to get rid of atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to identify allergen products, exclude them from the diet of the child and the nursing mother.

Rash as a symptom of an infectious disease

Skin rash in children can be caused by some infectious diseases. These include:

  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • roseola (or exanthema).

Chickenpox rashes are small blisters with cloudy contents. They appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes, where they cause a particular itch. An infant is a distributor of infection as long as at least one vesicle remains on its body and mucous membranes.

With scarlet fever, the rash appears most often on the neck, chest, back, and under the arms. It causes itching, affects the skin of the child a day after infection. The features of scarlet fever are inflamed tonsils and a nasolabial triangle clean from the rash. The disease is contagious for 10 days.

At the onset of measles, a child has a high fever, runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis, and photophobia. 2-3 days after these symptoms, a red rash appears, localized first on the face, and then spreading throughout the body. The risk of infection persists for 5 days after the onset of the rash.

When rubella first appears cough, sore throat, fever, inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes, may be vomiting and diarrhea. Then a flat red rash appears on the face and body, the risk of infection persists for 5 days.

Roseola (exanthema) begins with a sharp jump in temperature, rising to 39-40 C. The rash is very similar to rubella rashes, appears 3-4 after the onset of the disease, lasts for several days.

If a rash is found in a baby, parents should call a doctor at home, this will prevent infection of other people. When the rash in an infant is not accompanied by other symptoms, you can simply visit the clinic with the baby. An examination of the baby by a doctor is mandatory, this will help to make the correct diagnosis, to exclude various complications of the disease.

Usually a rash on the body of a child causes a lot of anxiety in parents. Really, common symptom various infections, causing a lot of discomfort. However timely treatment rashes on the skin allows you to quickly forget about itching and burning.

A rash in a child can appear not only on the whole body, but also affect only one area. The number of acceptable diagnoses is reduced, and recovery is faster

On the head

The rash worries babies in different parts of the body.

  • On the back of the head, small pink dots most often indicate overheating and the development of prickly heat.
  • Abundant vesicles and blisters on the back of the head or cheeks indicate an infection with scabies.
  • Inflammation in the cheeks, and on the beard, speak of an allergy to food or medicine.
  • If a rash in a child has formed on the eyelids, then the child has been selected inappropriate hygiene products. If the rash on the eyelids looks like scales or crusts, dermatitis is likely to develop.

around the neck

On hands and wrists

In the abdomen

A rash on the abdomen in the form of red vesicles occurs in newborns from toxic erythema, which passes on its own. The area of ​​the abdomen, and the area of ​​the hips, most often suffers from pemphigus. The disease begins with slight redness, blisters appear, and begin to burst. Similar symptoms are characteristic of exfoliating dermatitis.

In violation of the bacterial microflora in the abdomen appear erysipelas. Do not forget about the permissible small rash from allergies, prickly heat and infections such as chickenpox or scabies.

On the lower back

On the inner and outer thighs

Rashes on the hips of a child usually appear from poor hygiene. Often the baby just sweats in his diapers, suffers from poor-quality clothes. As a result, sweating appears. Allergic reactions often provoke inflammation on the inside of the thigh.

A rash on the thighs indicates the presence of measles, rubella, or scarlet fever. In rare cases, rashes speak of diseases of the circulatory system.

In the groin area

A rash in the groin is the result of infrequent diaper changes or skin contact with dirty diapers. Red diaper rash appears on the skin, bacteria multiply in them. Prickly heat in the groin area in the form of pink spots often appears in a baby as a result of overheating in the sun. Sometimes the source of the rash is candidiasis. Finally, the baby can develop an allergy to diapers.

On the buttocks

The rash on the pope has a nature similar to the causes of groin irritation. Rare change of diapers, violation of hygiene rules lead to inflammatory process. The area of ​​the priests can suffer from allergies to food or diapers, from prickly heat and diathesis.

On the legs, knees and heels and can itch

A small rash on the legs usually appears as a result of dermatitis or allergies. If it itches and resembles mosquito bites, most likely the baby really suffered from insects.

The cause of a rash on the legs can be an infection or injury. skin. If your child has itchy heels, the rash is most likely caused by a fungus. An allergic reaction on the heels manifests itself in the form of flaky spots, itching and causing swelling of the foot. On the knee joints a rash can appear with eczema, lichen and psoriasis.

On all parts of the body

Inflammation of the skin throughout the body often indicates an infection. If the child is covered with a small rash, and it itches, the reason is probably an allergic reaction (see:) of the body to a strong irritant. If there is no itching from the rash, these causes can be excluded. Most likely there is a problem with the metabolism or the work of internal organs.

When the rash all over the body is also colorless, most likely the baby's sebaceous glands are too active. Vitamin deficiency and hormonal disruptions in the child's body can make themselves felt through rashes without color.

The nature of the rash

If you look closely at the baby's rash, you will notice features. Color, shape and structure.

Like nettles

A nettle-like rash is indicative of special form allergies - urticaria. Pink blisters on the skin are very itchy and are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Most often, urticaria is provoked hot water, stress, strong physical exercise. The rash at the same time resembles small blisters on the chest or neck.

Like a mosquito bite

If the rash resembles a mosquito bite, the baby has an allergy to malnutrition. In newborns this reaction often indicates violations in the menu of a nursing mother. mosquito bites- they talk about the effect of any blood-sucking insects on the skin, for example, ticks or fleas.

In the form of spots

A patchy rash is a very common form of skin inflammation. Most often, the reason lies in the disease of the integument itself or in the presence of an infection. The size of the spots and their color play an important role. Rashes that look like spots appear with lichen, allergies, dermatitis and eczema.

Rough to the touch

A rough rash is most often caused by eczema. In this case, the back of the hands and face suffer. The cause of rough rashes, resembling sandpaper, sometimes becomes keratosis - one of the forms of allergies. small pimples at the same time, the back and side areas of the hands are affected, but sometimes inflammation appears inside hips.

In the form of bubbles and blisters

A rash in the form of blisters appears on the body of the baby as a result of urticaria (see:), pemphigus. Among infectious diseases rashes with bubbles are also caused by chickenpox.

Under skin color

Flesh-colored lesions on the skin are called papules. Rash given color indicates eczema, psoriasis or contact dermatitis. Sometimes a colorless rash is caused hormonal changes in the child's body.

Redness due to infections

The signs accompanying the rash often indicate the development of a serious illness in the baby.

With angina

Often, observing the primary signs of a sore throat in a baby (fever and cough), through certain time parents notice a rash on his body. Here, the development of an infectious disease is likely against the background of a weakened immune system. Sometimes redness appears due to tonsillitis. Do not forget that the baby in the process of treating angina often has an allergy to antibiotics.


The appearance of a rash in combination with the usual symptoms of SARS has similar causes. The child may have intolerance to the components of the drugs or an allergy to folk remedies. Most often, redness occurs after a course of antibiotics for SARS.

From chickenpox

From chicken pox, babies develop spots with itching, almost immediately becoming large blisters. The rash occurs on the palms, face, torso and even in the mouth. The disease is accompanied high temperature and headaches. When the bubbles burst, the baby's skin becomes covered with a crust.

The answer to the question of how long the rashes completely disappear depends on the timeliness of treatment. Usually 3-5 days is enough.

With the development of measles

In the case of measles, the baby usually suffers from fever and large red spots that almost merge with each other. The measles rash appears first on the head, and then passes to the trunk and limbs. The first signs of measles resemble the common cold. This is a strong dry cough, sneezing and tears. Then the temperature rises. How many days does the rash disappear? As a rule, the skin is restored on the third day.

From infection with scarlet fever

Scarlet fever signals itself by the appearance of small dots on the 2nd day of illness. Especially a lot of small rash in the area of ​​the elbow and knee bends, on the palms, in the folds of the skin. The speed of treatment usually does not affect how many days the redness disappears. The rash disappears on its own after 1-2 weeks.

For meningitis

A bright red or purple rash appears on the body of children with meningococcal infection. The disease affects the vessels of the skin, so inflammation on the skin is formed different shapes. With meningitis, there are rashes on the mucous membranes, on the legs and arms, on the sides of the body.

When to Call a Doctor

  • The child develops a fever and the temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  • The rash appears all over the body and there is unbearable itching.
  • Begin headache, vomiting and confusion in the baby.
  • The rash looks like stellate hemorrhages.
  • There are swelling and difficulty in breathing.

What absolutely cannot be done

  • Self-squeeze pustules.
  • Rip or burst bubbles.
  • Scratch rashes.
  • Apply brightly colored preparations to the skin (make it difficult to diagnose).

In general, a rash is a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes it leads to serious problems and sometimes goes away on its own. In any case, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.


  1. Timely vaccinations can protect the child from infections (But remember, vaccinations are not always beneficial, everyone is individual!). Now there are already vaccinations against meningitis and rashes on its soil. Learn more from your doctor.
  2. The correct introduction of complementary foods can protect a small child from allergic reactions. It is recommended to teach the child to healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. This will not only prevent many diseases and strengthen the immune system, but also reduce the risk of an allergic rash.
  3. If you suspect that your baby has caught an infection, immediately limit his contact with a potential source of infection.

Summing up

  • An important role in determining the cause of the rash is played by its localization. The areas of the body most in contact with clothing or diapers usually suffer from dermatitis and prickly heat. The baby's face is often covered with a rash from allergies. A rash all over the body indicates the development of an infection or a metabolic disorder in the body.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the rash and its color. Small spots indicate allergic reactions, and large spots indicate infections. A colorless rash is not contagious, and a rough one indicates disorders in the child's body.
  • Follow general condition baby, because other symptoms allow you to accurately determine the factor that causes redness of the skin. However, keep in mind that these diseases, like SARS and tonsillitis, very rarely cause a rash on their own. It is worth observing the daily routine of the child, because the rash often appears after visiting the pool and similar public places.
  • If the rash in a child is accompanied by cough, vomiting and high fever, we are talking about an infectious disease. In this case, the whole body is covered with spots and itches. With proper treatment, rashes in children disappear after 3-5 days. Sometimes a rash and vomiting are signs of dysbacteriosis.
  1. If the rash has become a cause of concern for a newborn baby, the range of its causes is small. Often, pimples without pus appear on the neck and face of children 2 weeks after birth, disappearing by themselves. In children under one year old, a small rash is most often caused by prickly heat due to wearing diapers or tight clothing. Red and pink rashes small child associated with allergies to new foods.
  2. When the rash appears after the sun, they talk about the presence of photodermatosis in the baby. Solar allergy is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin and abscesses. On the extremities, on the face and chest, the rash is usually rough. Crusts, scales, bubbles are formed.
  3. Allergic reactions in a child's body can manifest themselves in a variety of irritants. Often, after visiting the pool, a rash appears on the body of the kids due to the abundance of chlorine in the water. It has already been said that rashes can also form after a course of antibiotics for angina. If we are talking about the treatment of serious diseases such as leukemia, allergies appear after a month.
  4. A small bright rash in children under the third year of life can appear when new teeth erupt. Here, the rash is accompanied by a slight temperature and a weakening of the immune system due to the appearance of teeth. Most often, a rash from teething is localized on the neck.
  5. If the rash in babies does not differ in constancy (appears and disappears), most likely there is contact with an irritant, allergic or dermatitis, carried out periodically. In addition, the rash disappears and reappears with the development of infectious diseases (measles and scarlet fever), urticaria.
  6. To prevent a severe rash in a child, do not try to introduce new foods into his diet too quickly. If the baby shows signs of allergies after the pool, choose another institution where the water is not treated with chlorine.

If the child's rash does not itch or bother, the first possible reason prickly heat. It is a consequence of overheating of children's skin. May appear as blisters or red spots.

At the time of activation sebaceous glands baby on his body, you can observe rashes in the form of acne, but they usually disappear without a trace, after moderate moisturizing of the skin.

It turned out that the child had a red rash on the body or separate parts can appear for many reasons:

  • postpartum rash;
  • poor hygiene;
  • overheat;
  • infection:
  • allergy;
  • eczema;
  • lichen.

For children up to one year old the immune system only develops, so frequent rashes are considered almost the norm. However, the infectious nature of the rash should not be ruled out, so a visit to the pediatrician is mandatory.

Frequent allergies in children are caused by the fact that the immature immune system of the child's body does not adequately respond to all sorts of substances that enter it.

At risk for allergies are children whose parents suffer from allergic diseases.

This means that it is legitimate to talk about a genetic, hereditary predisposition to the development of an allergic reaction. Also, more often than other children, crumbs who were born prematurely or with low weight get to see a pediatrician with skin rashes.

Red rash: when we see it, we begin to worry, thinking what it could be. And there are indeed reasons for concern. Red rashes can be a symptom of serious venereal, infectious and autoimmune diseases. There are many possible diagnoses. It can be both an allergy familiar to many, and some rare disease such as Sweet's syndrome.

We determine what may be the cause of the rash by its location

The localization of the rash is very important point. All diseases have their own characteristics.

Some manifest themselves by the appearance of a rash all over the body. We talked about them in detail in this article.

Others, for example, mycosis or meningitis, prefer to be localized on the limbs. You can learn about them from this article.

Consider other types of red rash - in what places they appear and what they can talk about.

Among the most common causes of skin rashes in children are the following:

If a child has a fever, chills, sore throat and stomach, cough, vomiting, and so on, then the cause of the rash is an infection. Among the most common infectious diseases, physicians distinguish chicken pox, measles, rubella, etc.

These dangerous pathogens can provoke the appearance of various problems, up to the formation of burns on the child's body and scarring. Therefore, urgent intervention of specialists in the field of medicine and prevention of the disease on early stage its development.

Allergic rashes can be associated with improperly selected baby food in the diet and allergens after contact with the environment. In the first case, the allergens are all kinds of dyes, sweeteners, preservatives, tomatoes, eggs, fish delicacies, and so on.

To allergens environment include: washing powders, dust, unsanitary conditions, dirt, individual intolerance to certain foods, natural wool, etc.

An allergic rash will be accompanied by swollen areas around the eyes and lips. summon the strongest allergic reaction a child may have a jellyfish, nettle leaves, mosquito bites. Rashes on the body can become more and more every day. They may have prominent relief and swollen, red skin. Itching may not leave a child for a minute.

The rash itself (whether on the face, on the abdomen, or on any other part of the body) is a local change. normal state skin. The rash may be different types- just a red spot (and not only red, by the way, but almost any shade from pale pink to bright brown), a bubble, a tubercle, and even in the form of a hemorrhage or a bruise.

Despite the fact that the causes of a rash in a child can lie in more than a hundred different diseases, having a good understanding of their main similarities, they can be divided into four groups.

Types of rash

There are several types of rash in children:

  • A spot is a non-relief formation on the skin that differs in color - reddened or, conversely, white.
  • Papule - a nodular rash without cavities, can reach a size of 3 cm.
  • A plaque is a thickening protruding above the skin.
  • Vesicles and blisters - abdominal education containing a clear liquid.
  • Pustule - a cavity with purulent contents.
  • A hemorrhagic rash manifests itself in the form of red spots or dots of various sizes, if the skin at the site of the spot is stretched or pressed against it, the spot will not disappear and will not change color.
  1. Atopic dermatitis.

Genetic disease, is the most common skin lesion, has the character chronic disease, accompanied by periods of exacerbation and remission, usually begins in connection with the transition to mixtures or after the introduction of complementary foods in the first six months of a child's life.

The rash is localized on the cheeks, the frontal zone, it can gradually appear under the knees, on the shoulders, the skin of the buttocks is affected - this is the infantile phase, after 18 months of age the disease passes into the childhood phase and is characterized by red spots that can form solid foci, mainly in the elbows. and popliteal folds, on the sides of the cheeks, on the hands.