The child's mouth smells rotten. Bad breath in a child - causes and treatment

  • Date: 07.04.2019

Children usually smell very good, especially their own - any parent will tell you this. But it often happens that suddenly, in the absence of any obvious illness, an unpleasant, pungent odor begins to be felt from the child's mouth. Why is this happening? And does this smell from the baby's mouth indicate the development of some kind of serious infection? And the main thing that parents care about is how to get rid of such a problem?

Sharp bad breath, including that of a child, on the tongue medical terms called halitosis (or halitosis). Alas, it can be observed in children of any age (sometimes even in infants), and, accordingly, cause a “bouquet” of feelings and anxieties in parents. What if a really sharp nasty smell from a child's mouth is a sign of a serious illness?

Causes of bad breath in a child

Where does bad breath come from? Doctors found out that the main "producers" of the intolerable ammonia-sulfur "amber" are special bacteria, the very essence of which is to break down the proteins we get from food.

Moreover, this act of splitting occurs in us, people, both adults and small, already directly in the mouth. Actually, this is the first step on the way to a long digestive tract... In the process of splitting, some sulfur-containing compounds are inevitably formed, which, in fact, exude an eerie odor.

However, nature foresaw this moment and added a special component to human saliva (namely, a specific type of streptococcus), which, in theory, should neutralize the intolerable "odor" of sulfur. But in practice, there are plenty of examples when this does not happen. Typically, for two reasons:

  • Either there is too little saliva in the mouth;
  • Or there are too many bacteria in the mouth that break down proteins (and too many of them become when they have something to eat - that is, when food debris or dried mucus constantly accumulates in the mouth).

In adults, there may also be a third explanation - there is enough saliva in the mouth, but the same "sanitary" streptococcus is absent in it. However, this reason for bad breath has nothing to do with children - their saliva always has a "correct" composition.

So, the problem of bad smell is always related to saliva. And attempts to "tie" a child's halitosis to stomach problems, gallbladder or the intestines are completely unfounded. The problem of bad smell in the mouth concerns only the oral (well, sometimes also the nasal) cavity and is exclusively limited to it.

Factors that contribute to the occurrence bad smell The child has:

  • Dry air in the room where the child lives;
  • The child actively moves and sweats a lot (which also contributes to a dry mouth);
  • Any (during any cold or airways dry up and an excess amount of mucus is formed in them - on the one hand, these are additional proteins for bacteria, during the breakdown of which sulfur compounds are formed, on the other, an obstacle to the "work" of salivary streptococcus);
  • Any chronic inflammation in the airways (be it, or, or);
  • Bad teeth with signs of caries or periodontal disease;
  • (in which there is also an accumulation of excess mucus from the nasal and oral cavities);

Baby's breath: symptom of illness or wrong menu?

In reality - neither one nor the other! Bad breath has nothing to do with digestion, or with any infections, and indeed with nothing other than the state of the oral mucosa.

So, in almost 100% of cases, when it is a child's mouth that smells bad (up to 13-14 years old), this has nothing to do with any serious illness. Moreover, this phenomenon has nothing to do with any other area of ​​the child's body, except for the oral and nasal cavity. Parents, do not be alarmed: no matter how harshly and badly a child suddenly smelled from his mouth, everything is fine with the gastrointestinal tract system. The cause of "amber" should be sought exclusively in the mouth, or in extreme cases - in the nose.

So if you went to the doctor with the problem of bad breath in a child's mouth, and he prescribed you a "bouquet" of tests (demanding to examine feces, urine, blood - whatever), this doctor, to put it mildly, is mistaken. Everything that is "produced" by the body below the level of the mouth, in this case, it is completely meaningless to study.

It is only necessary to find out one thing - why does the baby develop bacteria, which should normally be suppressed by the components of saliva? Perhaps not enough saliva ... Or perhaps too many bacteria (for example, if the teeth are rotten). It is also possible that the child's adenoids are inflamed - mucus accumulates on them and, undergoing the process of decay, is a source of an unpleasant odor.

How to eliminate bad breath from a child

To eliminate bad breath from a child, two main problems need to be addressed: eliminate dental problems (if any) and restore salivation. To do this, do the following:

  • periodically give the child to drink water with lemon;
  • organize a humid climate in the room (air humidity should be within 60-70%);
  • check the condition of the teeth at the dentist;
  • if the nose is not breathing, rinse the nose with saline (and do this several times during the day);
  • check the condition of the child's adenoids with an otorhinolaryngologist;

So, by and large, contrary to popular belief of parents, bad or harsh breath from a child is not medical problem- There is nothing special to treat. The only thing that should be done is to check the condition of the baby's teeth and tongue (whether food debris accumulates there), to check if there is an inflammatory process in the throat, and finally to find out if the baby's nose is breathing normally.

If the baby is in full order on all these points, then the humid climate in the house will definitely help to solve the problem of bad breath, which will restore the correct salivation in the child and prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. That, in fact, is all the wisdom of dealing with an unpleasant smell!

Halitosis can appear regardless of age group. If a 1 year old baby has bad breath, it may indicate poor hygiene oral cavity. If, after the performed hygiene procedures, the baby's breath still smells bad, this is a cause for concern. If this symptom accompanies the child constantly, you should consult a doctor and find out the reason.

Why is there a problem

The smell from the mouth of an infant should only be milky. If bad breath occurs, the reasons for this can be various, but are mainly associated with improper nutrition of a nursing mother, or with the development of any problems with the digestive system, or with the development of other diseases in the body. If a sour breath appears in a baby, this can be a signal of an increase in acidity in the stomach or the development of reflux. It is very important to visit a doctor as early as possible, since such a symptom is not the norm.

In a baby

Most often, a light sour aroma is felt from the baby's mouth. This is due to the constant use of breast milk... Since the digestive system of children of this age is not yet fully formed, a pronounced sour aroma is sometimes felt. This often occurs after a baby spits up.

In some cases similar symptom occurs in the morning, but if it goes away on its own, do not worry. When the digestive system matures, all troubles will go away on their own, and in the period up to a year, the intestines are colonized with conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is necessary for a full-fledged digestion process. If the number of pathogenic microorganisms exceeds the number of useful ones, dysbacteriosis occurs, it often causes a bad smell and others unpleasant manifestations that accompany the development of the child.

Also, the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms and unpleasant breathing is associated with the following factors:

  • a weakened immune system;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • lack of adequate nutrition;
  • overfeeding, when the intestines do not have time to digest food;
  • overwork or tiredness;
  • transferred acute respiratory viral diseases.

Under these conditions, an active fight of lactic bacteria with pathogenic microorganisms, against this background, acidic halitosis from the oral cavity occurs.

It is much more alarming if the symptom persists and does not go away. In this case, you need to see a doctor who will determine why the child has unpleasant symptoms and what to do if the child is sick with something.

Other reasons for this symptom in infants:

  1. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother. For example, if she abuses harmful, spicy foods.
  2. Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, which leads to dryness of the oral mucosa.

The problem can be easily eliminated, the mother must adjust her diet, humidify the air in the room, use saline solutions to moisten the nose. In the presence of dysbiosis, treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician.

A baby who is bottle-fed

Children who are bottle-fed often have halitosis as a result of a lack of fluid in the body. Another cause of the problem is a disease of the ENT organs. Often this aroma provokes a runny nose or sinusitis. Also causes the problem of rotting food debris in oral cavity if proper hygiene is absent.

These babies often spit up, especially during the first months of life. This can also be accompanied by halitosis. Parents should make sure that the child eats the right amount of formula, exclude overeating.

Lack of proper hygiene

You need to monitor hygiene with early age... If necessary procedures are absent, after eating, there is an active multiplication of bacteria in the oral cavity. Hygiene is very important at any age, even if teeth are missing. In this case, the mouth must be cleaned with a special silicone brush. You can also remove the remaining milk or mixture with clean water.

When the first tooth appears, hygiene measures must be meticulous. Do not think that milk teeth will fall out along with caries, and the molars will be healthy. The condition of the permanent teeth directly depends on the state of the milk teeth. If you have any problems with your teeth, gums, you should contact a pediatric dentist who will take the necessary measures, cure caries and others. possible diseases.

Possible diseases

The appearance of halitosis may indicate possible diseases in the body. Organ dysfunction can cause an unpleasant symptom. digestive system, liver problems, diseases of the ENT system. To establish the cause, you should visit a pediatrician, dentist, otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can determine why such a symptom appeared and eliminate it.

The most common organ diseases respiratory system, which are accompanied by the appearance of halitosis, are:

  • exacerbation of tonsillitis - an inflammatory process on the surface of the tonsils, other throat diseases (laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis);
  • runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis;
  • otitis media - an inflammatory process in the ears;
  • otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ears.

When the baby is gradually switched to complementary foods, foods other than milk or formula are introduced into the diet, the digestive system can respond with bloating, upset, constipation and halitosis. Therefore, when adding new products to the baby's diet, they should be introduced gradually, observing the intervals between each at least two weeks. In some cases, impaired saliva production also causes an unpleasant odor. Do not ignore such a sign, it is better to consult a doctor, determine the cause, and undergo treatment if necessary.

When you need to contact a specialist

If a baby has bad breath, in many cases it is associated with breastfeeding or formula feeding. This condition in a newborn is associated with frequent regurgitation. If halitosis is persistent, accompanied by other symptoms (nausea or vomiting, stomach pain, frequent crying and anxiety of the baby, constipation or diarrhea, ear pain, nasal congestion), it is recommended to visit a specialist.

How the doctor can help

If you have bad breath one year old child, treatment is carried out, depending on the detected problem. The dentist will treat tooth decay and other oral diseases. The otolaryngologist will treat otitis media, runny nose and throat problems. The gastroenterologist will deal with the treatment of pathologies and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. If it smells sour after spitting up, this is the norm, such a symptom will go away on its own after changing the child's diet.

What can be done at home

You can eliminate bad breath by cleansing your mouth. If it stinks, we regularly clean the gums, tongue and inner surface of the baby's cheeks with a special silicone brush, and after teething, everyday hygiene should become mandatory.

Elimination of a bad-smelling odor in a child can also be carried out using products approved for given age(there are special baby rinses with which you can wipe the gums and tongue, dropping not very much on gauze or a piece of cotton wool).

The importance of breastfeeding

Bad breath in a child of 7 months, if he is breastfed or formula fed, is the norm. But only if such a symptom in a child up to a year appears after feeding, regurgitation. It is very important to keep breast-feeding for the baby as long as possible, because with the milk the baby receives a large number of nutrients. Health and nutrition are dependent on each other.

An unpleasant odor in a baby can be eliminated by cleansing the baby's mouth. Future mom must eat properly throughout the pregnancy in order to exclude possible diseases in the future. It is important to ensure normal humidity in the room, if necessary, purchase a humidifier, ventilate the room where the child is as often as possible. Observe the drinking regime.

Does the child have bad breath? Do not ignore this problem: often bad breath indicates development dangerous pathologies internal organs and oral cavity.

Rinsing and freshening alone will not correct the situation. Only an integrated approach with the use of medicines and folk remedies will return freshness to the breath.

Causes of halitosis

Halitosis develops under the influence of various factors. In some cases, children and parents who do not pay enough attention to caring for a child are to blame; in others, diseases of internal organs are associated with the action of infectious agents.

Why bad breath? Main reasons:

  • insufficient oral hygiene. Often, children do not want to brush their teeth (or do it unwillingly, in violation of the rules). At the age of 7-8, it is difficult to understand what are the consequences of violation of hygiene rules. Negative signs of childish carelessness appear quickly: a soft, hard plaque accumulates in the mouth, bacteria multiply, inflammation, caries develops, a putrid odor appears;
  • disruption of work salivary glands. Changes in the composition of saliva, insufficient secretion volume affect the freshness of breath. Causes of the problem: stress, taking certain medications, inflammation of the salivary glands, lack of fluid during the day;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal infections, gastritis, problems with the liver, pancreas often provoke sour or "sweetish" breath, the smell of a rotten egg.

There are other reasons as well:

  • taking certain medications. Allergy medications, antibiotics, medications for bronchial asthma, against mental disorders often change the composition of saliva, cause a bad smell. Applications with Dimexidum are one of the causes of halitosis. Dimexide in the body turns into a substance with a pungent garlic odor. Dimethyl sulfide is excreted by breathing, an unpleasant odor is provided;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane, gums., worsen the condition of soft tissues. Ulcers, bleeding gums, erosion, combined with a soft and hard coating, cause a putrid odor;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing. Parents do not always attach importance to the fact that the child different reasons breathes through the mouth often. Inattention to the problem provokes dry mucous membranes, reduces protective function nasopharynx. Frequent respiratory infections, memory impairment are the consequences of a seemingly harmless phenomenon;
  • frequent consumption of certain types of food. If a child eats onions, garlic, corn, hard cheese more often than necessary, consumes a lot of sweets, a bad smell may appear;
  • fungal infections of the oral cavity. The imbalance of microflora for various reasons causes the activity of putrefaction bacteria and yeast fungi. The genus Candida albicans, which constantly lives in the mouth, multiplies intensively under the influence of negative factors. Fungal colonies form a cheesy plaque, off-white "grains" on the tongue, mucous membrane of the cheeks, and lips. Putrid breath is one of the signs of candidiasis;
  • severe pathologies. The smell of ammonia indicates diabetes, kidney disease, sour - about stomach problems. The smell of yeast appears with fungal lesions of the oral cavity, purulent indicates ingestion foreign body, inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • chronic tonsillitis. Another cause of purulent breath. Children's organism often attacked by microbes, chronic inflammation of the tonsils is a common occurrence in young patients. Disease-causing bacteria multiply in the tonsils, food particles accumulate in loose tissue, the process of decay begins;
  • plaque on the tongue. If children reluctantly brush their teeth, then only a few remove soft deposits from the tongue. Parents do not always cleanse the muscular organ in the mouth themselves, do not demand the same from their children. When germs multiply, a bad smell often appears on the tongue.

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Take a note:

  • list of causes of bad breath in childhood long enough. Sometimes alone negative factor layered on the other, the condition of the oral cavity worsens;
  • poor hygiene "pulls" inflammation of the gums, caries, addiction to sweets provokes abundant deposits, destroys teeth.

Advice! Explore harmful factors: You are probably familiar with many phenomena that disrupt the balance of the microflora of the oral cavity. Take measures in time to eliminate the causes of the stale smell.

Methods and rules of treatment

Continuous attention to the health of the child is the key to successfully treating many diseases at an early stage. If your son or daughter's breathing becomes stale, it means that you missed some details in your daily worries.

How to get rid of bad breath? What to do:

  • the first step is an independent examination of the oral cavity, a conversation with a child, an analysis of the diet. Often, parents immediately understand which factor triggered an unpleasant symptom;
  • the second step is a visit to the doctor. Visit your dentist first. The doctor will examine the teeth, gums, check the condition of the tongue, mucous membranes. If necessary, the dentist will send additional examination: consultation of a gastroenterologist, ENT doctor, therapist is often required;
  • the next step is identifying the reasons, taking tests, making a diagnosis, complex treatment taking into account the age of the young patient. The bad smell will disappear only after the elimination of the factor causing the imbalance.

A therapist, dentist, doctor of another specialization draws up a list of recommendations that parents and a young patient must follow. Only a serious approach to oral hygiene, nutrition, lifestyle change (if necessary) will give a result. Be sure to give your child multivitamins to strengthen the immune system, a mineral complex that strengthens dental tissue.

except drug therapy of the main disease, a sign of which was a putrid odor, supplement the treatment with homemade mixtures, rinses. A good effect in the fight against halitosis is given by pharmacy tinctures, antiseptic solutions according to the age of the child.

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The advantages and disadvantages of bite correction with braces are written on the page.

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  • changing the diet: a minimum of sweets, spicy dishes, refusal of onions, garlic, diet as prescribed by a doctor;
  • teaching the child the rules of brushing teeth, constant supervision of the parents. The greatest effect is provided by personal example;
  • teaching a young patient to cleanse the tongue. Explain how to use the back of a mild spoon, a special brush surface. For babies, gently wipe the tongue with clean gauze dipped in herbal decoction;
  • after 8 years, teach how to use dental floss, an irrigator to clean hard-to-reach areas. Explain what a ready-made refreshing solution or herbal mouthwash is for;
  • prepare a decoction for rinsing. Natural ingredients relieve inflammation, refresh the oral cavity, have an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect. For rinsing, use chamomile, calendula, oak bark, mint. Squeeze out the aloe juice, apply the healing liquid to the inflamed areas;
  • Chlorophyllipt - inexpensive, effective remedy to eliminate inflammatory processes, fresh breath. The antiseptic solution has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Check if your child is allergic to eucalyptus: Chlorophyllipt contains an extract of a medicinal plant.

Preventive measures

Compliance with the rules will help prevent halitosis:

  • constant monitoring of the state of the child's oral cavity. At the first signs of caries, inflammation, plaque accumulation on the tongue, think about what caused negative phenomena, contact your pediatric dentist;
  • Have you noticed that your son or daughter brushes your teeth incorrectly, misses the morning or evening procedure? Talk to your child, explain what will happen to the dental and gum tissue with poor hygiene. If pictures of defects in teeth and gums (age-appropriate) are unimpressive, make it a rule to do oral hygiene together;
  • there should be a nursery on the bathroom shelf Toothpaste according to age: from 0 to 3, from 4 to 7 years, for teenagers. Each variety contains a specific set of components that strengthen dental tissue. You cannot save, offer kids or schoolchildren the same paste as for adults: too aggressive effect on enamel, gums irritate not fully formed tissues; (Read more about Rocks children's toothpaste; about Splat paste it is written on the page);
  • teach your child to use dental floss, oral irrigator. Explain why you should rinse your mouth after every meal. Buy a pharmacy alcohol-free mouthwash or make an herbal decoction every day;
  • Teach your child to remove plaque from the tongue, a common cause of bad breath. Buy a bright, ribbed brush at back side wide part or highlight a teaspoon with a non-sharp edge;
  • Orthodontist prescribed braces, corrective apparatus or plates? Buy a set of tooth brushes. A simple device will help to thoroughly clean the structures: it is in the locks, under the arc that microbes accumulate, provoking rotting of food debris;
  • twice a year (or more often if poor quality dental / gum tissue) take the young patient to pediatric dentistry. Timely treatment, prevention of caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, other diseases of teeth, mucous membranes, gums, prevent the development of anxiety fear of the dental chair; (For more information about caries in children, read the articles);
  • feed your baby healthy food. Give more vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits. Be sure to include bran, cereals, dairy products... Reduce the amount of sweet, starchy foods. Give chips, crackers less often or refuse them;
  • strengthen the immune system. This item is a prerequisite for the prevention of any disease.

Halitosis, or halitosis, is not limited to adults. When identifying unpleasant symptom in a child, hurry to the doctor: putrid breath, the smell of acetone or a rotten egg are a sign of problems inside the body. An integrated approach to the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and various bodies will return freshness to the breath.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky's school about bad breath in children:

Bad breath in babies can occur in a number of various reasons- this and stressful situations, and problems with the digestive system. Halitosis also appears when the rules of hygiene are violated (untimely brushing of the teeth, dryness in the oral cavity). After timely cleansing and moisturizing, the symptoms may disappear.

What to do if the unpleasant smell persists? There is only one answer to this question - it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, because halitosis is often a precursor of more serious illnesses... A visit to the dentist is advisable to check the gums and teeth of the child. If everything remains unchanged, you will need the help of a pediatrician.

Types of odors and their causes

Smell of vinegar or acetone

If the child's mouth smells like a chemical solvent, plus there is elevated temperature, should be called as soon as possible ambulance... Acetone odor may indicate acetone syndrome, which affects babies of different ages. Before the visit of doctors, the child should be given small amounts of boiled water, but often.

A faint odor of acetone from the mouth indicates the following problems:

  • possible disease of the renal system;
  • improper work of the pancreas;
  • the appearance of worms;
  • the occurrence of dysbiosis;
  • first signs diabetes mellitus.

Whatever it is, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Rotting smell

It occurs as a result of a lack of hygiene measures in the oral cavity or in the presence of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Together with an unpleasant odor, the presence of white bloom on the tongue, nasal congestion, coughing.

Often a putrid odor occurs with diseases of the digestive system, the appearance of stomatitis, and also if the acidity of the stomach is low.

To eliminate the cause, it is necessary to contact a specialist, carry out a systematic cleaning of the oral cavity, and provide a drinking regimen.

The smell of pus

The appearance of this type of smell indicates chronic inflammation, an increase in the amount of lymph in the nasopharyngeal cavity. When the tonsils are covered with a bloom of pus, plugs appear, which serve as a source of a bad smell. The process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the throat is covered with a bloom, a runny nose occurs, and the tongue is coated.

Parents need to take the child, especially if he is a newborn, to be examined by a pediatrician. Perhaps he will be prescribed antibiotics. When the disease will pass, along with it, the unpleasant smell will disappear.


Increased acidity or the onset of the process of inflammation in the stomach is often accompanied by the appearance of sour odor from the mouth in infants. In this situation, you will need the help of a gastroenterologist - perhaps the baby has gastritis.
Sour and sour milk smell can also occur due to the penetration of gastric juices into the esophagus. It is accompanied by heartburn and pain in the hypochondrium.


The occurrence of liver disease is very often accompanied by a sugary, sweet smell from the mouth. If such a symptom occurs, you need to contact a gastroenterologist to help determine the disease.


The presence of a chemical component indicates problems with the digestive system, gallbladder.

Most often, the symptom occurs with bile duct dyskinesia.


Increased bleeding of the gums, the occurrence of periodontal disease leads to the appearance of a chlorine odor with a metallic impurity. To get rid of the disease will help contacting the dentist, checking the gums and teeth.


It often occurs with an increased iodine content in the body, which means that you need to be examined by an endocrinologist. It can cause discomfort after many days of rest in the maritime climate, taking iodine preparations, and the development of thyroid disease.

In infants, it can occur with Klebsiella. The bacterium can enter the body with poorly washed fruits, which leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines.


Poor bile flow results in a bile odor from the mouth. It is necessary to consult a doctor for an ultrasound scan of organs located in abdominal cavity, and pass the necessary tests.


Iron deficiency, which causes anemia, results in a metallic taste and an iron-like odor in the mouth. It is necessary to take a blood test and determine the level of hemoglobin.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then vitamin complex containing a sufficient amount of iron.

There are other reasons leading to its appearance: gastritis, high acidity, dysbiosis, diseases of the gastric system.


An unpleasant ammonia odor indicates kidney problems or the onset of diabetes. Violation of carbohydrate metabolism, reduced level insulin is the main cause of diabetes.


A baby smelling feces is an extremely rare phenomenon and is associated with heredity. It can occur when metabolism is disturbed, and in acute intestinal dysbiosis.

The correct diagnosis can be made by an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

Smell of hydrogen sulfide

Belching, accompanied by a hydrogen sulfide odor, the appearance of a white bloom - all this indicates a possible gastritis, ulcers, liver diseases, disruption of the bile ducts.

If such symptoms are found, it is necessary to be examined by a gastroenterologist.


Candidiasis is accompanied by just such a smell. Stomach disorders are another cause of yeast aroma. Only a specialist can establish it, he will also prescribe the necessary examination.

How to fix the problem

In most cases, no special measures are required. You need to periodically perform a thorough cleaning of your teeth and gums, balance your diet, reduce the consumption of sweets, and provide your baby with a sufficient amount of drink. If everything is followed correctly, then the symptoms disappear on their own.

If the disease continues, you need to go to specialists for help.

Prevention measures

The following steps should be taken to prevent unpleasant odors from developing.

  1. Observe oral hygiene, brush your baby's teeth 2 times a day, as soon as the first tooth erupts. Once your child learns to rinse your mouth, you can do it with herbs, such as chamomile.
  2. Eat a healthy diet. Baby should eat vegetables and fruits in the required amount, products containing phosphorus and calcium.
  3. Do not eat sweets. Instead, you can give honey if the baby is not allergic to it.
  4. Provide the child with the right amount of drink.
  5. Visit your dentist periodically.

Bad smell from the mouth of a child cannot but worry his parents. Indeed, this phenomenon does not always have relatively harmless reasons associated with insufficient hygiene or food eaten the day before. Sometimes such a baby needs a full medical examination, which will help identify the cause and eliminate it. We will tell you about why a child can have bad breath in this article.


A strong unpleasant fetid odor from the mouth in medicine is called "halitosis". This concept does not imply any one specific disease. This is a whole complex of problems with the human body that can cause rapid growth anaerobic microbes that create this "flavor".

If a child has bad breath, this is not always a signal that the problem lies in the ill health of the oral cavity. "Malfunctions" can be caused by "failures" in the ENT organs, and in the digestive system, and in the kidneys. Thus, the root causes of the onset of bad breath can be quite varied, and the mechanism is always the same. In the mouth healthy child live and develop aerobic microbes. Their task is to prevent the development of anaerobic "brothers", which include streptococci, colibacillus and a number of other microorganisms.

If the balance of microflora in the mouth is disturbed for some reason, and anaerobic bacteria begin to quantitatively and qualitatively prevail over aerobic bacteria, a fetid odor appears.

Anaerobic (foul-smelling) bacteria feed on protein deposits on the tongue, teeth, gums, and when they multiply, they release volatile sulfur and non-sulfur compounds. Depending on what kind of connection will be formed, what will smell from the mouth depends:

  • methyl mercaptan- the simplest gas, giving the smell of rotten cabbage and feces;
  • allyl mercaptan- a colorless gas that forms the smell of garlic;
  • hydrogen sulfide- gas with sweetish smell, giving the smell of rotten eggs, feces;

  • dimethyl sulfide- a gas compound that gives a pronounced chemical smell of sulfur or gasoline;
  • putrescine- an organic compound that gives off the smell of rotting meat;
  • dimethylamine- a compound that causes the smell of fish and ammonia;
  • isovaleric acid- a compound that explains the smell of sweat, spoiled milk.

There are about two dozen such compounds, and there are chemical compositions and features do not have for parents practical application... After all, the main task is to find the source of the spread of anaerobic microbes.

Halitosis is eliminated only when its true cause is eliminated.

Common Factors

The reasons why a child has bad breath can be physiological and pathological. In the first case, we can talk about:

  • violation of hygiene rules- insufficiently thorough cleaning of teeth and gums, rinsing the mouth;
  • dietary habits- bad breath becomes due to the products that the child eats (garlic can spoil the exhaled air even a day after eating it, and the onion smell persists for up to 8 hours);
  • small sores and sores in the mouth due to natural causes (teething, for example).

The list of pathological causes is more extensive, it includes various ENT ailments, dental diseases and problems with the digestive organs:

  • caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease, etc.
  • pathology of the upper respiratory tract(chronic or lingering rhinitis, adenoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis);
  • lower respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia);

  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, stomach ulcer, enzyme deficiency, which leads to disturbances in the digestive process);
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease, renal failure;
  • malignant tumors and neoplasms of internal organs.

Nonspecific reasons deserve special attention. Children often have bad breath, not only because they have a certain disease. The smell may have psychosomatic causes - severe stress, fear, fright, long-term psychological experiences. Another reason that parents should be aware of is disturbances in the surrounding microclimate. If the child breathes in too dry air, the mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx dry out, as a result of which aerobic microbes cannot effectively resist anaerobic microbes, and bad breath develops.

If the child does not eat regularly, skips meals, the smell may be the smell of food that is not completely digested in the stomach, and rises up the esophagus. This does not mean that the child has digestive disorders, in this case the smell is a signal for parents to establish proper and balanced nutrition. Most often, in children, odor from the mouth becomes a consequence of gastro-oesophageal reflux, which is very common in childhood. With them, part of the food is thrown back into the esophagus. This problem is age-related, and in most cases it is successfully "outgrown" by babies.

At the same time, children with helminthic infestations often do not suffer from bad breath, and their parents bring them to the doctor's office due to completely different symptoms.

The nature of the smell

Some pathologies in their symptoms have unpleasant and characteristic symptoms halitosis. So, there are smells that should definitely alert parents, and make them immediately pay a visit to the pediatrician:

  • Acetone. Acetone from the mouth of a child may smell due to the development of diabetes mellitus. And if the child has an unpleasant acetone odor on the background high temperature, then this may indicate the development of acetone syndrome. A faint acetone odor can accompany periods of fasting.
  • Rotting. A putrid odor appears with complicated caries, with serious dental problems. If there are none, then you should definitely examine the child at pediatric gastroenterologist since the smell of rotting meat often accompanies stomach ailments, duodenum, pancreas. It is characteristic that he appears on the very initial stage ailments.

  • Sweetish smell. A pronounced sweet smell with sugary shades can speak of purulent process... It usually develops in the nasopharynx, mouth, throat. Such a smell can be observed in a child with angina, bacterial rhinitis, adenoids. If the ENT doctor does not find any pathologies, it is imperative to show the child to a gastroenterologist who examines the baby's liver. Some liver pathologies are accompanied by the appearance of a sharp sweet odor from the mouth.
  • Sour smell. The appearance of a pronounced sour odor may indicate that the child has reflux. In infants, such a smell can occur often, as the body's reaction to the introduction of complementary foods, to a change in the mixture. In this case, the smell has a certain shade of sour milk. A sour smell in children at the age of 2-3 always indicates stomach problems. Survey is required.

  • Smell of ammonia. Such a smell appears during periods of severe illness associated with intoxication of the body. If the appearance of the smell was not preceded by a disease, this should especially alert - an ammonia smell with a sharp manifestation often accompanies kidney disease, the development renal failure... A weak ammoniacal odor may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Yeast smell. Fresh yeast from the mouth of the child can smell due to candidiasis. Fungi of this family, multiplying, emit a specific smell.

  • The smell of rotten eggs. This smell usually appears in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes it resembles the smell of feces. Symptom requires compulsory examination at the gastroenterologist.
  • Smell of iodine. The aroma characteristic of this antiseptic in children usually appears due to the oversaturation of the body with iodine. This substance tends to accumulate, and therefore if a nursing mother takes iodine preparations, and the same substance is contained in complementary foods (in a mixture, for example), then from the mouth little child a corresponding odor may appear. In children over 10 years of age, the appearance of an iodized odor may indicate an iodine intolerance.
  • Metallic smell. The smell of metal from the mouth of a child may indicate that he has ailments associated with the onset and development of anemia.


Parents need to watch carefully to understand what else has changed in their child besides bad breath. Everything internal diseases usually have additional symptoms and signs:

  • With a sour smell, it is important to make sure that the child does not have heartburn, does not bother with the stomach, and that everything is in order with the stool. And with a hydrogen sulfide "aroma", it is imperative to monitor whether the child has belching, nausea, and whether vomiting often occurs.
  • With a bitter smell you need to examine the tongue and oral cavity of the baby for the presence of yellow or grayish bloom, which are characteristic of many pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. When an acetone or ammonia smell appears, you need to measure the baby's temperature, collect urine for analysis and then go to the clinic.

Sometimes bad breath is a contrived problem. Overly impressionable mothers and grandmothers find him where he really is not.

After all, if a child's breath smells unpleasant in the morning, before he has had time to wash and brush his teeth, this does not mean pathological reasons phenomena.

There are home tests for halitosis. The first is carried out with a spoon. With the handle of a cutlery, they gently take a little plaque from the child's tongue and assess it for smell. The second implies the ability of saliva to "absorb" odors. The child is asked to lick the wrist and wait for the saliva to dry, after which its smell is assessed. Both methods are quite subjective.

More details about the presence of smell and its probable reasons can tell the doctor, after conducting an accurate medical test for halitosis. Research is called halimetry. It involves a simple procedure - the child will be asked to exhale in special device, and analysis of the exhaled air will show whether it contains hydrogen sulfide, sulfur and non-sulfur compounds. The entire study takes no more than fifteen minutes. If bad breath is detected, the doctor may take samples of plaque from the tongue and inner surface cheeks on bacteriological examination... The child's saliva samples will also be sent to the laboratory in a sterile container.

Parents will be given referrals to visit specialists such as a pediatric dentist (dentist), otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, and nephrologist. The dentist will examine and sanitize the oral cavity. If sore teeth or gums are found, the baby will immediately receive necessary treatment... ENT will assess the condition of the tonsils, nasopharynx, larynx. In case of detection of diseases, he will prescribe adequate therapy. The gastroenterologist will do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, if necessary - endoscopy with a mandatory sampling for the analysis of gastric juice for acidity (especially with sour breath). The nephrologist, based on the analysis of urine, will make a conclusion about the state of the child's excretory system.

To get the most reliable result, the day before visiting the doctor, the child does not need to be given products containing sulfur compounds - garlic and onions, as well as spicy foods.

If possible, you should refuse to take all drugs... In the morning before going to the clinic, the child should not brush his teeth, rinse his mouth, use a freshener or chewing gum.

How to get rid of?

Treatment for halitosis should be based on treating the cause that caused bad breath, since there is absolutely no point in dealing with the effect without eliminating the cause. Usually, treatment for bad breath includes general and specific guidelines. The general ones apply to all reasons without exception. Private - are relevant when the underlying disease is identified.

  • The child must brush his teeth properly. This should not be done immediately after the baby has woken up, but after breakfast, and then in the evening after dinner, just before bedtime. The brush should be comfortable, moderately stiff, with a special "platform" for cleaning the tongue and cheeks. Show your child how to use it correctly. Children from 6-7 years old during the evening brushing of their teeth may well use a special device - dental floss, since only brushes for full cleaning of the oral cavity from small particles food and protein deposits are not enough.
  • At the age of one year, the child can start using children's toothpastes. They are created taking into account the fact that the toddler can swallow them and do not cause any harm to the health of the child.

  • All dental problems must be identified and treated in a timely manner., therefore, the child should be taken to the dentist at least once a year, or preferably two, for examination and sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • Proper nutrition will help keep your breath fresh. Sugar, sweets and baked goods contribute to the formation of protein deposits on the tongue, gums and teeth. Fresh fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, help cleanse the mouth and promote normal digestion. Fermented milk products must be present in the child's diet - they contribute to the formation of the correct digestive function.

Not worth giving in large quantities food that promotes the formation of molecules of organic compounds of a sulfurous and non-sulfurous nature. These include onions and garlic, corn, cabbage, sodas, and especially soda.