How to understand what kind of rash in the baby. Red rash on a child's body: What are the reasons and what to do

  • Date: 03.11.2019

Few parents know how to well focus in the basic symptoms of children's infectious diseases and allergic reactions. If red all over the body appears, then mom or dad usually doubt the causes of education. Even experienced specialists sometimes cannot distinguish the rashes of infectious and non-infectious origin from the first time. The reason must be determined as quickly as possible to provide timely and effective assistance to the child.

In medicine, skin rashes are called "Exanthem". The doctor at the reception is important to determine whether the red rash has the consequence of infectious infection or skin disease (dermatosis). Specialists inspect a small patient and mark morphological features and other characteristics of the examine. The first of the elements of the rash are formed spots, papulas, blisters, pustulas.

Roseolates and stains arise on a limited section of the epidermis, differ from healthy skin with color, can slightly rise above it. Large red or purple rash is called "Erythema". The nodules, papulas resemble a small cone or a cavity seafront inside. Bubbles, blisters - stripe elements containing liquid inside. Form - oval or round, color - from white to red.

If the child was covered with a red rash, consisting of sprinkling nodules and blisters, allergic reactions may be the reason. Irriters are chemicals, microbes, simplest, helminths, their toxins.

Inside the pustula is the cavity filled with pus. Red dots and stars in the skin - hemorrhage - arise as a result of damage to the blood vessel. The primary elements of the rash are evolving and secondary - hyperpigmented or depigmented areas, scales, crusts, ulcers remain instead.

Infectious Exanthemes

Viral, bacterial and fungal diseases, helminthoses sometimes pass asymptomatic. Some do not need specific treatment. From the most dangerous kids infections vaccinate according to the national vaccination calendar.

Classic children's diseases are 6 infectious test: 1. Cor. 2. Scarlatina. 3. rubella. 4. Infectious mononucleosis. 5. Infectious Erythema. 6. Sudden Exanthema (Children's Roseola).

Acute inflammation in the child is often accompanied by fever. Typical rash on the body is formed with diseases such as chickenpox, rubella, sudden exammatime, cortex, scarlatine. To most infectious experts, life immunity is formed, a person becomes unresponsive.

Doctor to the house should be called if:

  • body temperature of the patient kid is above 38-40 ° C;
  • rash spreads through the body, an unbearable itch occurs;
  • vomiting appears, convulsions, myalgia, confusion of consciousness;
  • rash has the form of numerous point and star hemorrhages;
  • the rashes are accompanied by edema of the throat and the difficulty of breathing, asphycia.

It is forbidden to squeeze the guns, open bubbles and blisters, scratch your crusts on the body of the child. It is necessary to trace the kid not combing the affected skin. Immediately before the arrival of a doctor or a visit to a specialist in a clinic, it is not recommended to lubricate the elements of rash with greenflower, Castellani liquid, iodine.

Viral diseases with rash


Children sick children aged 2 to 5-10 years old. Virus Viocel Zoster during primary infection provokes formation on the body of a characteristic rash, represented by itchy papulas, watery bubbles and dried crusts. The body temperature rises either remains normal.

Herpes ishing

Causes a disease of the windmill virus. There is a painful and itchy rash under the mouses, on the chest, in the inguinal folds. Red papulas are located in groups, give rise to bubbles.

Enterovirus disease

Rash occurs in 3-5 days after the end of the incubation period of the pathogen. Spots and nodules of bright pink colors on a body, differ from rams during rubella in children a variety of forms and sizes. Other signs of infection by enterovirus: Gerpepina, fever, abdominal and headaches.

Mononucleosis infectious

The stains of the wrong shape are observed on the whole body. The child rises the temperature, hurts the throat, the liver, spleen increase.


Round spots and nodules are formed behind ear sinks, then cover the whole body. The evolution of rash is in the appearance of peeling, impaired pigmentation. The symptoms of measles also include fever, light-free, conjunctivitis, cough.


The lymph nodes are increasing on the neck, a red minor rash is formed on the body in a child (point, fine-tempered). Changes to the skin occur on the background of subfebrile or febrile temperature. First, the face opposes, then the red specks apply to the whole body. Pink-red rash disappears without a trace for 2-7 days of illness.

The rash is not formed 30% of the total number of cases of rubella.

Erythema infectious

First, redness arises on cheeks, resembling traces of slap. Then the ruby \u200b\u200brash goes into the body. Gradually, the painting of the stains darkens.

Exanthema sudden

The causative agents of the disease - the Viruses of the 6th type of herpes. The beginning is sharp, then the temperature is normalized, and after 3-4 days, red spots and papula are formed. Rash disappear without a trace per day.

Streptococcal infection causes the appearance of a shallow red rash in a child on the body. The disease is accompanied by tonsillitis, general intoxication. First, roseola is formed on the cheeks, then the rashes are moving on the body and the limb. Initially bright elements of the rash gradually pale.

"Flaming Zev", a pale nasolabial triangle - the differences between scarletna from other classic children's infections.


The rash is formed in the first hours of the disease or the next day. Spots, nodules stand out against the background of pale skin, become even more noticeable when they turn into hemorrhages. The body temperature rises greatly, the child appears cramps, inhibition, confused.


The disease occurs after the bite or scratches from cat claws and penetration through the chlamydium wound. The inflammatory fitting of lymph nodes begins. Originally observed on the body red painless acne. Gnoves are formed in their place, which subsequently heal without the formation of scar tissue.


The disease causes bacteria related to the genus of the Iersinium. With pseudo-tuberculosis, rashes appear from the second to the fifth day of the disease (simultaneously). Small red rash in the child is localized mainly on the sides of the body and in the inguinal folds. Bright red roseolates, stains and nodules are located on the inflamed skin. The sick child experiences itching, he starts swelling in the form of "gloves", "socks", "hood". After the disappearance of the rash, pigment stains and peeling remain.

Borreliosis (Lyme Disease)

The causative agent of the disease is the Barrelian genus bacterium - is transmitted by ticks. First, a large erythema in the form of a ring is formed at the bite place. Later, rash may appear in the form of a cluster of blisters.

Leishemaniosis skin

The disease cause spirochetes whose carriers are mosquitoes. Characteristically appeared on open areas of the skin of itching papules. In their place in a few months, no longer healing ulcers appear, then the scars remain.


The causative agent of the disease is Giardia, the simplest organism. There is a rash anywhere on the body in the form of stain clusters and papules. Skin manifestations were called "Atopic dermatitis" ("A" - denial, "Topos" - a place, that is, not dedicated to a specific section of the body). The child feels abdominal pain, eats badly; Analyzes can identify dyskinesia of biliary tract.

Redness of the skin, the appearance of rash and itching is accompanied by helminthoses. Most often in children are discovered ascarides, sharp, trichinells.


A characteristic feature of the disease is a red rash on a child's body without temperature, but with a strong itch. Small spots and blisters are formed between the fingers and on the wrists of the hands, in the navel area, on the face along the migration migrations of the garlic tick in the horny layer of the skin. When applied to the affected areas of sulfur ointment, positive changes are associated.

The formation of blisters and other elements occurs after mosquito bites, OS, bees and other insects. Dermatitis in such cases develops in open parts of the body. There is a strong itching, the child combs blistering and often brings a bacterial infection.


Streptococci and staphylococci cause purulent-inflammatory lesions of the skin - pyodermia. So the epidemic bubble of newborns arise, vesiculopustuez, pseudofurunculese. Piedlemias may be complications of atopic dermatitis. Large stains are formed - up to 4 cm. Elements of rashes of pink or red color are usually localized on their hands, face.

Non-infectious red rash

The character of allergic rashes is varied: most often spots and blisters of bodily or pink-red color, medium or large sizes are formed. The rashes are located on the chin and on the cheeks, on the limbs, less often affect other parts of the body. Allergies for food and medicines are a very common phenomenon in pediatrics. If the effect of an irritant substance continues, the rash does not disappear, on the contrary increases.

There is a group of diseases of infectious-allergic nature, for example, multiform exudative erythema in children. On the body, round spots and papula pink or light red color are formed. Sometimes the elements merge, there are peculiar "garlands" on the shoulders and on the chest.

The infectious form of erythema occurs as a reaction to herpess, ORVI, mycoplasma, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoan organisms.

The toxic-allergic form of erythema is developing after treatment with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, sulfanilaminamide drugs. The launcher of this disease is sometimes associated with the introduction of a sera or vaccine child. For a heavy variety of erythema, the spread of the whole body and mucous membranes is characteristic. Multiple round spots are formed, pink-red nodules.

Urticaria is the most common allergic defeat. Arrives after entering the body of a child of an irritating substance immediately or in a few hours. Redness appears, itching occurs, then blisters are formed on the same skin of the skin, nodules that differ in shape and diameter.

Red rash on the body of children, patients with rheumatism, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, usually localized in the area of \u200b\u200baffected joints.

Allergic reactions must be prevented, and if it failed, it should be treated correctly. In most cases, rash disappears after taking antihistamine drugs or by itself, without treatment. However, it may be necessary to visit the pediatrician and a dermatologist in cases where the cause of rash is unknown, the child is experiencing severe itching, pain, elements occupy large areas of the skin.

Kids are adorable and beautiful. Each mother cherished her baby and relieves from the slightest irritation. And if the rash appears in the infants, then this state becomes a faithful reason for anxiety. In this case, loving parents are simply obliged to find out for what reason the rashes appear and do everything for their disappearance.
Types of rash in infants

As soon as pathological elements appeared on the skin, the mother immediately begins to study them with marginal scrupulsiness. After all, often the reason for their appearance lies in it. Although the types of rash in infants are quite varied. In each of them, it is necessary to figure it out, for what reason the rash appeared and do everything possible to further prevent it.

Main types of raishes in infants:

  • allergic rash;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • infectious rash;
  • prickly heat;
  • peeling dermatitis;
  • drug rash;
  • neonatal rash;
  • infectious rash;
  • atopic dermatitis.

The species of rash are quite a lot and which one is observed in the infants will definitely say a pediatrician. As soon as the rash appeared in the infants, it is necessary to contact a specialist, especially if other symptoms appeared on her background.

Allergic rash in infants

The most common is allergic rash in infants. It may appear for many reasons and have different localization. Often, the allergic rash in the infants appears due to the fault of a loving mom trying to diversify its diet with various products to improve the nutritional value of their milk. As a result: broths, shoulders, handles and tummy tummy "bloom" with a brown color of red spots. Soon they will grow into peeling flakes or take a look of the corros. Timely react to such manifestations on the skin of the baby must be Mom. After all, the child is on breastfeeding. And this means that it is a nursing motley that used to eat exactly what causes irritation. It is urgent to exclude such an allergen from food. In this case, it is originally necessary without an allergenic diet.

For kids on artificial feeding, rash can be caused by incorrectly selected mixtures. Each mixture has its own special structure, which can both approach perfectly and completely not to meet the needs of a particular baby. In this case, in addition to the rashes on the skin after receiving the food, the child can be observed abundant belching. Breast rash will take place if you choose another highly adapted mixture.

Often, the allergic rash in the infants also appears as a result of the evaluated dust. The digestive tract of the baby has not yet been filled with all the necessary enzymes. As a result: correctly digest all the food, it is simply unable. It is necessary for a while to refuse the assignment of the feeding of these products and change it to another.

Hormonal rash in infants

Acne newborns arises from ¼ babies in the first weeks of life. Basically, the hormonal rash of the child appears on the cheeks, the podoldy part of the head and neck. These skin rashes are absolutely safe and not contagious. Get rid of them with special ointments, tinctures and other folk methods is not recommended. It is in this way that you can easily cut the baby's skin and provoke a cut. Elementary hygiene will help to cope with the problem. The hormonal rash in the child does not pass through for 3 months can be cured using special drying ointments.

Type of rash in infants

Red rash in infants

The reasons for which the red rash occurs in the infants somewhat. The most common problem causing the appearance of red spots is hyperhydrosis. Such skin rash appears due to overheating. As a result: skin pores are blocked. They are assembled in a large amount of liquid. Small red bubbles appear. Basically, such a red rash in infants arises armpits, under the knees and in places of dense adjacent of a large number of clothes. Elementary hygiene, air baths and bathing in the brave of a turn will help to quickly cope with skin rashes.

Red rash in infants may appear due to toxic erythema. Such skin rashes can appear on the skin of the child in the first weeks of life, mostly on the face. After a couple of weeks, such skin changes pass by themselves.

Because of the improper departure in the field of groin, children often arise diameters in the form of a red rash. With them you can cope with exceptionally timely and full-fledged hygiene and drying ointments.

In rare cases, mostly in children on artificial feeding, a rash of infectious nature appears. Along with her, there may be a temperature and some other symptoms. It is necessary to urgently inspection of the pediatrician and possible hospitalization.

Small rash in infants

Almost always small rash in the infants appears on the background of allergies, both contact and food. If the allergen stopped entering the blood, then the body's allergic reactions stop and the rash passes by itself. It is important to remember that cosmetic elimination of the rash with creams can only take off external manifestations. Internal inflammation will still remain.

If the small rash of infectiousness begins to grow and acquire a more pronounced form, the reason may become an infectious disease.

Location raishes in infants


Often rash on the face in the baby, localizing in the cheek area occurs as a result of diathesis. Baby, both on breastfeeding and artificial, received their share of allergen from a mixture or milk mother. As a result, "ruddy" brushes that do not bring any joy. After one or two days, peeling can begin. It is necessary to observe the diet.

To say unequivocally, for what reason the rash appeared on the face of the infant is very difficult, since there may be a lot of reasons:

  • hormonal predisposition;
  • change of temperature regime;
  • contact allergy;
  • genetic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • incorrect operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

First you need to visit the pediatrician capable of external signs to correctly determine the nature of the rash and send to the necessary specialist.

Breeding on the head

Almost always rash on the head in the infants is due to Seborin dermatitis. Falling, the skin is separated by small scales of yellow color. It requires correct hygiene to get rid of this type of rash.

In infants rash on the body

If the baby has a rash on the body has a light color and does not merge into one spot, then the reason for its appearance is most likely the contact allergy. Perhaps the child occurred an allergic reaction to the washing powder, which was cleared of its lingerie.

In the case of drug allergies, the infants on the body, after the reception of some medicines, initially has the form of small bright dots, the number of which increases with each hour, and the color changes to a red shade. In some places, rash begins to merge. In this case, hospitalization is necessary, since the body intoxication occurred by allergens, which must be derived. Treaty of dropper and reception of antihistamine drugs.

Break on the neck of the baby

Especially in the summer, rash on the neck in the infants may be caused by the Pader. These reddish points are formed throughout the perimeter of the neck, especially in places under the hair. Rash has a reddish hue and look like small bubbles. It is advisable to rational hygiene, refusal of synthetic things, constant purification of the neck surface.

Allergic reactions and infectious diseases can also cause the appearance of rash on the neck. In the first case, the reason can be wounded both in contact with direct allergens and use them together with mother's milk.

If the rash on the neck to the baby begins to change and acquire the form of vesicles, becomes more intense, without contacting the pediatrician, it is impossible to do. Most likely, it is infectious.

Rash on belly in infants

Even a slight rash on the abdomen in infants may indicate serious diseases. Although it is often caused by allergic reactions or non-compliance with hygiene. Prerequisites for the appearance of rash on the abdomen in infants may be:

  • lichen;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • allergy;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • staphylococcus;
  • scarlet fever;
  • scabies;
  • infectious erythema;
  • potnik;
  • blood disease;
  • vascular diseases and others.

If a rash appeared on the abdomen from a child, it requires quick diagnosis. After prompting the rash and comparing the main symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment capable of quickly and painlessly return the old baby's health.

Rash on the pope in infants

It is quite natural that the rash on the pope in the infants arises as a result of non-compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene and the train. In this case, the solution is simple: dry ointment, air baths, proper hygiene, frequent change of diapers.

The rash in the infant phenomenon is quite common and requiring special attention from both parents and pediatricians. On time, reacting to the brewing problem, you can prevent the disease and keep the health of your beloved child without unnecessary losses.

The rash in a newborn can appear for various reasons, ranging from banal food allergies, and finishing a serious infection in the body's body. Rash on the body of his beloved Chad are a serious occasion for worrying mom.

Important. The rash on the body of newborns may indicate functional disorders in the children's body, being a sign of infectious, viral diseases. Therefore, it is important not only to navigate in the main types of rash, but also to establish the root cause of a dermatological problem.

Razki in newborns, which can arise for a variety of reasons - a serious reason for the concern of parents

information for reading

Types of rash in newborns kids

Any mom, noting the rash on the tender skin of his baby, begins to beat the alarm. And it is correct, since the body of the infants in a similar way signals any problems, functional, systemic disorders.

In the first months of life, the child's skin is subjected to various changes, most of which are temporary, and rash in a newborn on the body is one of the most characteristic and common phenomena.

During the first two months from the moment of birth, the rash can suddenly appear on the face, chest, the scalp, the tummy. Significantly less frequent rash in newborns are celebrated on the neck, back, legs, other parts of the body.

Rash in infants can manifest in the form of small red pimples, empty, plaques, papules, vesicles (bubbles filled with liquid). Often, various parts of the body are covered with spots of various shapes and diameters, which are a limited section of the epidermis of the altered color.

  • Papule - Budrock up to 0.5-0.7 mm in diameter without cavity inside.
  • Pustula On the body, the kid is a limited cavity, inside which is contained purulent exudate.
  • Blisters - Swimming without an inner cavity.
  • Bubbles, Vesiculi - Pathological formations on the skin filled with transparent liquid. May have different sizes.

The main types of rash in infants can be attributed:

  • allergic;
  • infectious;
  • neonatal;
  • hormonal (acne);
  • pepper;
  • urticule;
  • contact, atopic, diaper dermatitis;
  • toxic erythym.

Important! Determine the type of rash can only after a series of diagnostic studies. An accurate diagnosis can be put by a pediatrician, after which the baby will be appointed adequate treatment for a dermatological problem.

In any case, before the therapy is assigned, it is very important to find out the reason that caused the appearance of a rash on the body of the child.

Causes of the appearance of rash in newborns

Important! Most often in infants observe small physiological rash, which does not require treatment, and, as a rule, passes on their own in a few days. But often rashes throughout the body in babies provoke infectious, viral diseases, other ex- and endogenous factors.

The rash in a newborn baby can be called:

Often rash on the body of babies, which arise in the first weeks of life are due to hormonal changes in the body, increased activity of dermatophyt fungi, yeast mushrooms.

Allergic rashwhich is often diagnosed with newborns on handles, legs, face, is a kind of protective reaction of the body when contacting any allergen.

Note. The problem of such rashes is most often due to an allergic reaction to food products, drugs that take mom during breastfeeding period.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, the allergic rash in the newborn can be triggered incorrectly selected finished mixtures, namely certain proteins that are part of baby food.

Important! In severe cases, with prolonged exposure to strong allergen, for example, the components of pharmacological preparations, there is a swelling of quinque. A rash for a long time does not come off, swelling is formed on the child's body, which can block the ladies, which will cause a respiratory impairment.

Food allergy - Pink, red rash in a newborn - stands on his face, cheeks, chin, back, neck in the form of peeling small spots. In the systematic effects of allergens, rashes begin to mock.

Drug rash Children has a side reaction of the body to the reception of pharmacological preparations, for example, antibiotics, hormones.

Note. Such rashes can also be provoked by multivitamin complexes.

DiathesisManifested by shallow red rash on the cheeks of the child, develops due to violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be caused by instability in the work of the nervous system or be a reaction to any external stimulus.

Harpivnitsawhich is manifested by small red rash on various parts of the Baby Body, cause various types of allergens - Products, Medicines, Temperature Factors.

Neonatal rash in newborns (, Neonatal Cefalic Pustulose), which manifests itself in the first two or three weeks after the birth of a child, arises due to the impact of mother hormones during embryogenesis.

Note. The boys acne babies showing aged three to 16 months can be provoked by increased development of androgens, male hormones.

The cause of the occurrence pattern It lies in the imperfect thermore regulatory function of the skin of the kids. Dermatological pathology can develop due to incorrectly selected clothing, non-compliance with hygiene rules, as a result of overheating.

Contact rash (contact dermatitis) Breasts develop in response to chemical allergens contained in washing powders, which include fragrances, when using air conditioners, rinsers when washing linen. Materials from which children's clothing are made can also provoke small rash throughout the body in a newborn.

Potna - one of the most frequent types of rash on the body of newborns babies

If peeling is detected, small bubbles, red rash on a newborn, this testifies to the development damage dermatitis. The reason is a long-term contact of the epidermis with a wet cloth, provoking diaper.

Important! Physiological rash in the first months in infants is most often due to the hormonal restructuring of the body. Such a rash does not require treatment and passes independently, as soon as the baby will turn two or three months.

The delay of the sagal secret provokes in newborns the appearance of a coherent cyst, which are localized on the cheeks, chin, forehead, less often on the handles, legs. Externally resemble tiny papules of light yellow, grayish color.

Small rash on the ears of infants - one of the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. Such rashes in the form of fatty yellowish scales can manifest itself in different parts of the body. The development of this pathology contributes to the excessive activity of conditionally pathogenic yeast fungi.

The rash in a newborn, localized in different parts of the body, can be caused by the infection in the wounds, if the treatment with aseptic means was not carried out in a timely manner.

Diseases that can provoke a rash in a child

  • chickenpox (chickenpox);
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • meningocochamia;
  • sudden Exanthema;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • impetigo;
  • scarlet fever.

Rash on the body of babies is manifested with atopic dermatitis, infectious examine, fungal infections, skin diseases of microbial, allergic origin. The ritter disease (bubble) is characterized by the appearance of rash in the form of small solid or soft bubbles with liquid content around the mouth in the infants, with the rapid distribution to other parts of the body.

Streptococcal infection can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in various structures of the dermis, grinding inflammation, which is initially localized in the umbilical zone, quickly extending the nearby fabrics.

Do you need a hike to a dermatologist, if a child has a red rash on the body

When a red rash appears on the body, it may be a sign of an infectious disease. Regardless of where the rash is located at the kid - only on the face or throughout the body, it must certainly be examined by a doctor. For their part, parents must be aware of the various types of raishes in a child in order to take action on time and protect him from complications.

information for reading

If the newborn has a rash that is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to find out the cause of the dermatological problem. Therapeutic techniques must select your attending physician.

Treatment of rash in newborns implies the use of therapeutic ointments, creams, suspensions, non-traditional medicine, systemic therapy. Equally important is the correct care, compliance with the elementary rules of hygiene.

The rash on the child's body has internal causes and is one of the first signs of the disease. Install the exact reason and appoint adequate treatment can only doctor. However, parents need to know the main types of rash and be able to determine their character to provide the child to the first aid and provide the doctor the necessary information to quickly formulate the correct diagnosis.

What it looks like

The appearance on the skin of pathological elements of different shapes, color, size and textures is called rash. Often it is accompanied by other symptoms by which you can define a disease that rash is caused. Among the causes of rash: disorders of the internal organs, infections and allergies. The rash is often accompanied by itching and temperatures. Among the secondary elements accompanying rashes are peeling, peeling, scars, cracks, ulcers and erosion, amplification of skin pattern, pigmentation disorders, skin atrophy.

1. Infections

If the cause of the rash is infection, viral or bacterial, the child rises the temperature, its shiny, may hurt the throat, a runny nose and cough appears. Possible diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain. Rash appears immediately or for 2-3 days.

In the case of viral infection, the child's condition is facilitated by antipyretic agents and soothing external ointments and creams. Antibiotics are prescribed with bacterial rashes. The main symptoms of infectious diseases accompanied by rash are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Disease, reason Incubation (hidden) period Symptoms, the nature of rash
Infectious erythemais caused by parvovirus B19, transmitted by air-droplet, and contact transmission is possible. Especially ill from the age of 2 to 12 years. 4 -14 days
The patient is inflated before the appearance of rash.
Low temperature, headache and moderate cough and runny nose, sometimes arthritis. At first, the rash on the cheeks in the form of small few protruding bright red dots, which, increasing, merge into shiny symmetric stains. Then slightly swelling red spots of rash, sometimes with a bluish tint, spread through the body. Next, the center of the spots will brighten. Rawness most often performs on extensive surfaces. Spots fade gradually, for 1 to 3 weeks.
Sudden Exanthema (Roseola),
Called with a 6-type herpes virus (HHV-6), most often aged 10 months to 2 years, is usually transmitted from adults, air-droplet.
5 -15 days. Dislike, runny nose, redness of the throat, lightweight of the eyelid, an increase in lymph nodes, cervical and rear-ear. The temperature rises sharply to 38 to 40.5 degrees, after 3 days the temperature decreases, and the body appears fine rash in the form of pink specks, sometimes slightly lifted over the surface (saved from several hours to three days). Characteristic irritability, lethargy and no appetite.
Windmill (chickenpox), caused by the VARICELLA ZOSTER virus, similar to the structure with herpes virus. Transmitted by air or contact, most often under the age of 15 years. 10 -21 day, patient contagious until 10 days. Miscellaneous arises in 1 - 2 days before the appearance of the rash, in the form of a headache, sometimes - a non-abdominal pain, a gradual increase in temperature to 38 degrees. The rash, accompanied by itching, appears on the head, face, torso. Red specks in a few hours turn into papulas, and then in bubbles with transparent liquid (vesicles). The next day, the fluid flies, in the center of the bubble there appears the pressure, and it itself is covered with a crust. A characteristic of the windmill is the appearance of new elements (sluts), so that at the same time it is possible to observe different stages of the development of rash: spots - seals (Papulas) - bubbles (vesicles) - crusts. After the disappearance of the rash can remain stains, pass in a week. If itching rashes combing, you can apply an infection, then scars can remain on the skin. Most of the victims of the chickenpox virus goes into a hidden shape, strengthening in nerve cells.
Meningococcal infection, caused by meningococcus (bacteria) is transmitted by air, settling in the nasal cavity and activating when a decrease in the quality of life or viral infections. 2 - 10 days. The period of infection - up to 14 days from the beginning of the disease. The disease is very dangerous - from the appearance of rashes to death can undergo less than a day if meningococcus falls into blood or a spinal fluid.
Finding into the blood, meningococcus can cause blood infect (sepsis) and / or meningitis. When sepsis, the temperature rises to 41 degrees, vomiting begins. In the first day, patients complain of headache, violation of consciousness, photophobia, tension in the head. Against the background of pale grayish skin, rash appears (small bruises, growing and acquiring a star form), it can rise above the skin level, often ulcerated and forms scars. With isolated meningitis there is no rash.
Called a RNA-containing virus from the Paramyxoviridae family of Morbilivirus.
9 - 21 days. The patient is infliced \u200b\u200bto 5 days from the appearance of rash, i.e., about 9 days of the disease. Common malaise lasts 3 - 5 days, with an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, dry cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, glorite, blufaritis, tear. On the inner, mucous membrane, the shelter on the 2nd day appear white-gray dots with a red rim, disappeared within 12 - 18 hours (stains of the Belsky-Filatov-Sokilka), leaving the tears of the mucous. In parallel with increasing temperature, bright tight spots behind the ears and along the hair growth line appear. Characterized by the stage of rash: in the 1st day, the rash covers the face, on the 2nd torso, on the 3rd - limbs, and on the face pale. The rash is accompanied by a weak itch, sometimes small bruises appear. After disappearance of spots within 7 - 10 days, peeling and brownish traces can be observed.
Scarlet fever,
It is caused by streptococci groups A. is transmitted by air-drip and contact path not only from patients with scarletin, but also from diseases of any disease caused by these bacteria (for example, angina).
2 - 7 days the patient is inflated to 10 days of the disease. The ailment begins with the rise of temperature, acute throat pain. Zev bright red, almonds are increased more than with ordinary sore throat. On 1 - 2 day of the disease, a bright red fine-point rash appears, which does not affect the nasolabial triangle, while the sick cheeks are burning, the eyes glitter. Rash is more intense in the folds of the body. Especially in the axillary depressions, elbow pits, in groin. May be accompanied by itching. The skin is red and hot, slightly swept. After 3 - 7 days, the rash disappears, leaving behind a strong peeling (ends after 2-3 weeks).
Infectious mononucleosis, caused by the Epstein Barra virus (from the extensive group of herpes viruses), most often in children and young people, with close contact. Often passes without rash and other characteristic symptoms. The degree of contagiousness of patients is low. The disease occurs with high temperature and an increase in lymph nodes, especially the rear cervical, liver and spleen. With 3 days of the disease, the temperature is possible, inflammation of pelvis and palatal almonds with a white hoist. By 5 - 6 days, fast-go rash may occur, especially if the patient was prescribed ampicillin.
, caused by a virus from the Togavirus group (the Togaviridae family, RubiVirus family), most often in 5 - 15 years. Transmitted contact, air-drip paths. 11 - 21 days. The patient is inflated to 5 days of the disease. Easy malaise with low temperatures is often not noticed. The occipital and revenue lymph nodes increase strongly. After 1 - 2 days, pale pink small specks (disappear when applied to the skin or when stretching it) appear on the face, they quickly spread to the legs per day and disappear usually after 3 days, without leaving traces. The rash may be accompanied by a light itch, located on a normal, non-played, skin. A frequent manifestation of rubella is a moderately pronounced dry cough, an hour and dryness in the throat, headache. On the soft sky, small red elements (Forshheimer spots) are sometimes traced.
Often the disease proceeds completely without rash. The rubella is dangerous for future mothers, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it causes congenital malformations of the fetus.

2. Allergy

Allergic rash can be caused by food products (chocolate, milk, eggs, citrus, etc.), household chemicals, drugs, animal wool, even after touched to nettle or jellyfish, or after a mosquito bite. Rash all over the body is clearly visible and relief. Accompanied by runny nose, tearing and strong itching. Contact contact with the source of its appearance should be excluded, and to take antihistamines and other drugs appointed by the doctor. Allergic rashes differ from the infectious rapid manifestation and good general well-being of the child.

Sweet Qincke. It may occur as a heavy response of an organism on an allergen, most often for drugs or products, but maybe in insect bites, contact with jellyfish or nettle. The rash holds for a long time, accompanied by edema, if they extend to the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper respiratory tract and language - the risk of overlapping the larynx and choking is sharply increasing.

Hives. It occurs as a reaction to products, medicines, other allergens and under the influence of temperature factors (cold, sun), in some cases it is a secondary sign of hormonal failures and pathologies of the internal organs. On the skin there are large blurring pink strongly sparkling blisters.

Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema, neurodermatitis). This is the inflammation of the skin caused by immediate (for the first four hours) by the body's reaction to the allergen. It is chronic nature, it does not fully cure and requires daily attention throughout life. May be accompanied by an allergic runny nose, bronchial asthma and actually eczema. The disease appears in the first year itching rash on the face, on the cheeks, the inner surfaces of the folds and legs. During the period of exacerbation, rash has the form of red bubbles-papules with combs and liquid separated. Burnt bubbles are covered with crusts. Over the years, symptoms mutate, skin rashes change the view and location. The skin becomes dry and coarse, the foci of lesions occur in the ponded and elbow pits, on the chest, on the face and neck. The occurrence of eczema provoke nerve diseases, pathology of internal organs, impaired endocrine system.

3. Break in newborns

The rashes on the body of newborns are called:

  • excess dose of products of allergen products admitted with milk (toxic erythema of newborns most often cause driers, walnuts);
  • inappropriate care (diaperships, diaper dermatitis, the Pader is caused by excessive shutting, rare arms, lack of air baths).
  • Toxic erythema Looks like small white and yellow seals surrounded by a red rim. Only red specks are often poured.
  • Acne newborns It occurs on the face, the scalp and neck. The rash in the form of inflamed seals causes an activation of the sebaceous glands with mother hormones. Requires careful hygiene and moisturizing by the emolents.
  • Prickly heat due to increased humidity of the skin and the violation of the sweat gland when it is overwhelmed. Small bubbles and specks are rarely inflated, do not bother the patient and quickly pass with good care.
  • Vesikopustules (The inflammation of the mouth of the sweat glands caused by pathogen staphylococcus) is characterized by carpentry fine bubbles of white or yellowish color, on the body, neck, legs, hands, on the head. In place of burst bubbles are formed crusts. In order not to give infections to spread throughout the body, careful treatment of detected foci solutions of mangartage potassium or diamond green, and alcohol - skin sections between guns. Bathing the baby can not.

Footprints from bites are formed due to mechanical damage to the skin and the toxins and infections falling into them. The body's response to insect bites from rash infectious diseases can be distinguished by localization and lack of other symptoms. Immediately after the bite, the damaged skin of the skin blues, swells, itching, urticaria, anaphylaxis and acute vascular insufficiency in allergies may occur.

  • Blind bites Looks like linearly located, itching seals and bubbles, appear at night. In the center of rash - a tiny bruise. On bed linen you can find blood droplets.
  • Bloom bites Looks like biting bedbugs, but arranged on the skin randomly.
  • Bees, bumblebees, wasps and horns In the back of the body, they have a sting connected to a bag containing poison. This stare often remains at the bite, and it must be carefully removed.
  • Mosquitoes Leave bites in the form of itchy blisters, which is then developing into a reddish seal, saving from several hours to several days. Sometimes the bite swells. Under the tendency to allergies, the urticaria and swelling of quinke are possible.
  • Chesoccalic pincers Microscopic moves in thin skin (between the fingers, on the wrists, on the abdomen, etc.). Rash looks like red dots, often located pairwise, 2-3 mm from each other, and is accompanied by a strong itch. Scabies fore. Transmitted contact, including through common things, and requires treatment with a dermatologist.

5. Hemorrhagic rash

Raw with blood and vessel diseases (amyloidosis, thrombocytopenic purple, vegetarian granulomatosis, vasculitis, skin hemosiderosis, etc.) arises as a result of hemorrhages in the skin and requires a hematologist. Depending on the disease, it may be in the form of small dots or large bruises of different shapes and shades (from blue to brown and dirty gray). If hemorrhagic rash is detected, you should urgently cause the doctor, and before the diagnosis is to limit the patient's mobility. Among the causes of hemorrhagic rash - Siberian ulcers, meningochamia, pseudotuberculosis, abdominal typhoid, intestinal heersiniosis. The rash may be accompanied by itching and skin pain, an increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes.

What to do

With the appearance of rashes on the skin you need to analyze

  • where and how long was the child;
  • that he ate than he did;
  • with whom or what contacted.

The child needs to show a doctor, the doctor is called to the house as usual. Before the visit of the doctor follows:

  1. Isolate toddler from other children (to exclude the spread of a possible infection), and if possible, limit its mobility.
  2. It is impossible to scatter items in order not to expand the lesion zone (for example, with scabies).
  3. It is impossible to handle rashes by any means in order not to distort the clinical picture for diagnosis.

IMPORTANT!The ambulance is caused by simplying meningococcal infection. And also if rash is accompanied by a temperature above 40 degrees, confusion of consciousness, vomiting, headache, edema and breathing difficulty, or has a view of star hemorrhages throughout the body and causes an unbearable itch.


The easiest and most effective way to prevent infectious diseases (and their serious complications) in children is vaccination under the control of the pediatrician, according to the national vaccination calendar. Most modern vaccines are facilitated: they eliminate components that can cause unwanted reactions. And also have the possibility of combining one.

In children, a fully immune system has not yet been formed, so in order not to provoke allergic manifestations of new products in the child's diet, you need to be introduced gradually, in small portions, checking how it transfers them.

With any pathological change in the skin, it is necessary to carefully examine the child, analyze that he ate, what did, when and with whom it was contacted, calm the baby, to ensure peace and, if necessary, call the doctor.

The skin of children is characterized by high sensitivity to various internal and external factors. The rash on the body in a child arises suddenly, may indicate hormonal rashes - a natural physiological process when a children's body gets rid of mother hormones, as well as serious diseases caused by infectious or viral nature.

Types of rash in infants

The baby's rash can be divided depending on the nature of origin, as well as in appearance. In the first version, the types of rash the child are as follows:

  • Physiological. It does not represent hazards for the health and development of the baby. It includes hormonal rash (another name - acne newborns);
  • Immunological - Education, which are the reaction of the body to any irritant - allergen, hot season, friction, cold, contact with urinous, improper care, etc. To this group includes dermatitis of allergic nature, Padman, urticaria, Atopic and diaper dermatitis;
  • Rash infectious nature.

The definition of the pathological process is caused by skin symptoms - the nature of the rash on the child in the child, the appearance, the region of localization. Requirements are taken into account related manifestations - body temperature, signs of intoxication of the body.

The rash by the infants may look like this (main elements):

  1. The stain is a limited section of the skin, a modified shade (red, white, etc.). Does not protrude above the skin, you can not forgive. The structure of the skin is not changed.
  2. Papula is characterized by a tubercle up to 0.5 cm in diameter, the inner cavity is missing; Performs above the skin, you can try.
  3. Fucker - Low-formation of a large area, raised above the skin surface. If there is a clear drawing and thickening, then you can talk to the liquidation.
  4. Bubbles and vesicles - pathological neoplasms having liquid in cavity; differ in size. When vesicles exceeds a diameter of 0.5 cm, called a bubble.
  5. Pustula - cavity filled with purulent masses.

Important: The hormonal rash of the newborn appears on 5-25 days of life outside the womb. Treatment is not required, passes independently within 2-3 weeks.

Neonatal Pustulose: etiology and symptomatics

In the first few weeks after birth, the baby is experiencing a hormonal crisis, which is characterized by skin rashes. The boys swell the scrotum, in the girls of the dairy glands, from the genitals there are sections with blood admissions.

While in the child's body there are mamines hormones, hasty ducts, only beginners function, from time to time fail, as a result of which a larger amount of fat is produced. Hormonal rash appears on the face of the child - forehead and cheeks. Less often solitary formation on the neck and chest.

The main differences of neonatal Pustulusa from other diseases:

  • Good kid health;
  • Basic localization is a person.

Harm rasions is solely in an unattractive aesthetic form. Treatment is not required, everything is leveled independently. The only danger is a pimple damage, and an open wound is a direct way to penetrate the infection.

The rashes of allergic nature: species and causes

The baby's skin is extremely susceptible to any inner and external stimuli. Food, household, natural and chemical factors are capable of acting by pathogenic stimuli, which lead to a rash on a child.

Food allergy

Small rash of red or pink shade covers the cheeks of the child, much less often is observed on the body. Accompanied by hyperemia of the skin of different severity.

The reason is the penetration of allergens into the digestive tract. The etiology of development is due to food products that the baby receives during the dust - the first juice, porridge, puree. In accordance with the recommendations of WHO, it is permissible to purchase a child not earlier than 4-6 months, depending on the presence or lack of breast feeding.

The lore should be consistent and gradual. You always need to look at how the kid's body reacts to the introduction of products.

Infants get a children's mixture or mother's milk. In these embodiments, the physiological response of the body cannot be eliminated. When choosing a mixture, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

  1. For compliance with the age group.
  2. Structure.
  3. Hypoallergenicity.

Focusing the child for the first time with a new mixture, it is recommended to closely monitor its condition and the presence of alarming symptoms - rash, liquid stools with an admixture of foam.

If skin peeling joined to the rash, with 100% probability it can be argued that there are allergens for a child. When problems with the work of the digestive tract are identified - the individual intolerance to the components.

During the lactation, the mother should take carefully to its menu. It is recommended to comply with a specialized diet that eliminates potential allergens and products causing increased gas formation:

  • Sweet and dairy products;
  • Smoked, preservatives;
  • Oranges, tangerines;
  • Red vegetables.

Tip: Nursing woman should eat diverse and calorie. Products in the diet are introduced gradually, no more than once in 7 days, necessarily waiting for the presence of either the lack of a kid reaction.

Contact allergic reaction

Red rash on the body in a child can signal about household allergies. Develops due to the contact of the skin with any irritant. These include home dust, woolen things, animal wool, etc.

It is recommended to pay special attention to bedding, children's clothes, tools for washing - powder, rinse. The risk group includes creams, gels, powders, etc.. Means for hygienic procedures.

Allergy of medicinal nature

Vitamin and mineral complexes, syrups and antibiotic drugs can provoke red rash on the body of the kids. The cessation of admission leads to the normalization of the situation without the appointment of medical correction.

If the fact of the negative effect of drugs is reliably installed, it is replaced by a similar means that does not cause allergic manifestations of the baby.


Pathology is characterized by shallow red rash on the skin of the child, is able to convert into bubbles of different shapes and size. The urticaria appears the launched form of the skin allergies, is fraught with the development of swelling of the quinque.

Important: If the baby has rashes, in appearance resembling burdens burns, it is recommended to immediately call the medical team.

Allergic manifestations can be caused by any irritant. Usually they pass on their own. However, the newborn can instantly develop choking. There is a chance that the acute form of urticaria is transformed into a chronic disease with constant relapses.

Prickly heat

Breast rash can be a stepper. The pathological process is not allergic in the literal sense of the word, but relates to immunological types of rash. Manifested by hyperemia and small tubercles throughout the body. Because of the wrong thermoregulation, it is observed on the forehead, under the hat, in the groin, on the back, in the armpit depressures.

The etiology of development is due to heat and high humidity in the room, on the street, warm clothes, as well as weather. These factors lead to a violation of heat exchange, as a result of which rash appears in newborns.

Diaper and atopic dermatitis

Breast rash (as in the photo) in places of contact with diapers or wet diapers are called diaper dermatitis. Vital products contribute to the irritation of susceptible skin, leading to pathological rashes.

In the absence of proper care, the rash is transformed into strong dealer, cracks, mocking ulcers are formed. To prevent, it is necessary to use high quality diapers, wash the child with each diaper change.

Atopic dermatitis is a pathology characterized by shallow red rich on the skin in children. The rashes are capable of merge into large colonies, covered with crusts. Breast rash more often amazes cheeks, pens, inner side of the hips and buttocks.

Types of infectious rash

The rash in newborn viral nature is dangerous. If the nature of the disease is viral, then there are other anxious manifestations - an increase in body temperature, lethargy, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Infectious diseases that manifest themselves with a rash for kids:

  1. Roseola is characterized by an instantaneous leap of temperature in infants. Three days keeps at a high level, after declining. Simultaneously with the normalization of the temperature mode, the appearance of a flat rash - Exanthemes.
  2. Rubella. Manifests as small red rash. Along with rashes, there is a high temperature, cough, diarrhea, vomiting.
  3. The windmill is characterized by small bubbles with muddy content. Blishers after opening are covered with crusts, there is a characteristic itch.
  4. Scarlatina is manifested by a rash of a pronounced red shade, localized on the neck and top of the baby's body. Additional signs: inflammation of almonds, no rash in the nasolabial area.

Rash in the child have different etiology of occurrence. With one easily cope with hygiene procedures and temperature normalization in the room. Others require adequate drug treatment, which is prescribed exclusively to the doctor.