Allergic and infectious sinusitis in pregnant women. Sinusitis during pregnancy: medications and other treatment methods

  • Date of: 19.10.2019

Most expectant mothers are faced with the concept of “rhinitis during pregnancy.” Quite often it occurs passively and does not cause severe inconvenience to the woman. But what to do if the usual one develops into real torment with pus and swelling? respiratory tract? We will talk about what it is, why it occurs and how to deal with it in our article.

Why are expectant mothers susceptible to sinusitis?

When does a woman's body begin new life, he directs all his strength to preserving it and It turns out that all the immunity that previously worked for the woman changes priority in favor of the baby, and the expectant mother remains unprotected against various viruses, including sinusitis.

Why does sinusitis occur?

Due to weakened immunity, picking up “snot” is not difficult for a pregnant woman. All for the same reason, a woman does not go away after a week, as usual, but may drag on and acquire chronic form. In such cases, pus often accumulates in the sinuses, and the airways become inflamed and swollen. Breathing becomes difficult, appears headache. This is how it arises. It can also be caused by abnormal nasal anatomy or even a staph infection.

Why is sinusitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Having heard such a diagnosis from a doctor, the expectant mother begins to worry about the question: what is the danger of sinusitis during pregnancy for the fetus. The main threat that mother's sinusitis poses to the baby is hypoxia, that is, lack of oxygen. When the nasal passages are swollen, the sick woman breathes through her mouth, which significantly reduces the volume of air entering the lungs and blood, respectively, to the child. Oxygen starvation can provoke delayed fetal development and the occurrence of various

Signs of sinusitis

If your common runny nose has lasted longer than 5-6 weeks, if you notice pus on a napkin when you blow your nose, if you often have a headache and feel heaviness in your forehead and nasopharynx, you have every reason to suspect that you have sinusitis.

Symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy

Symptoms of this disease include:

  • airway obstruction;
  • admixture of pus in nasal mucus;
  • heaviness in the forehead and nasopharynx;
  • pain in the temporal region of the head;
  • feeling of chills;
  • weakness;
  • sometimes cough.

Consequences of sinusitis suffered during pregnancy

Chronic sinusitis during pregnancy can have serious consequences for the child. In addition to oxygen starvation, which we wrote about above, this disease can cause pus to enter the fetus through the blood. Inflammation of the sinuses can spread to the brain and cause meningitis, which is extremely dangerous for an unborn baby. Myocarditis and dysfunction genitourinary system- all this can become dire consequences of such a disease.

Features of disease diagnosis

Usually, in order to ensure that the diagnosis (sinusitis) is correct, doctors require radiography. But if you are pregnant, this procedure is highly undesirable. To diagnose sinusitis in expectant mother, the doctor performs a nasal puncture. This method involves piercing the nasal appendages and studying the substance that fills them. This is a quick and virtually painless event, which after healing does not leave any marks on the patient’s face. In addition, this disease can be diagnosed in pregnant women using diaphanoscopy, ultrasound of the sinuses or using a thermal imager.

How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

To prevent the situation from worsening, treatment for sinusitis should be started immediately after you are diagnosed. There are several ways to treat this disease, which we will now look at in more detail.

Sinus rinsing and inhalation

These are some of the most useful ways treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women, which can be done at home. Antiseptic solutions, the main ingredients of which are salt and herbal decoctions, will help you with this. The procedure can also be performed in an outpatient setting using a fluid-moving method that people call “cuckooing.” This method consists of the following: the patient, whose head should be tilted face down, is poured into one nasal passage. medicinal solution, which is immediately sucked out from another passage along with purulent impurities. After this, the sinuses are cleared of mucus, and the pregnant woman’s condition immediately improves. This method is absolutely safe for the child. You can also do inhalations using a nebulizer, using vasoconstrictors or other medications, if the doctor prescribed them for you. Or resort to safe steam inhalations, warming up and relieving inflammation from the nasal passages. You can breathe over potatoes, chamomile, and eucalyptus.

Medicines for women in an “interesting” situation

Since the use of most medications during pregnancy is prohibited, the list with which expectant mothers can be treated is very limited. It includes the safest ones, such as Azithromycin tablets, Augmentin and third-generation cephalosporin and, in some cases, drugs.

In an extremely difficult case of sinusitis during pregnancy, the doctor can prescribe treatment that has the lowest level of impact on the fetus, without the risk of disrupting its development.

Important! Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking drugs such as tetracycline, indomethacin, ciprofloxacin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, metronidazole and aminoglycosides. Be careful when choosing medications and do not self-medicate.

Local spectrum drugs

Local spectrum medications include vasoconstrictor drops. They immediately enter the nasal passage, onto the inflamed membranes, and relieve swelling from them. Most often, doctors prescribe Sinupret, Dlyanos, Otrivin, . The use of such drops is highly undesirable, but in some cases you cannot do without them. But remember: Vasoconstrictor drops should be used with extreme caution, under the strict supervision of a physician. Since they can provoke uterine contractions and cause premature birth.

Homeopathic medicines

When the question arises of how to treat sinusitis during pregnancy early stages and at home, doctors often prescribe homeopathy medications. Their advantage is that they do not threaten the health of the woman and the baby, but their disadvantage is that treatment with them requires much more time than usual. Examples of such drugs are Cinnabsin, Asinis, Euphorbium compositum and others.

Did you know? Doctors around the world are divided on the effectiveness homeopathic medicines when fighting diseases. Many doctors consider homeopathy a pseudoscience, and treatment with such drugs as self-hypnosis.

Sinus puncture

This is perhaps the most effective and harmless way. When sinusitis in pregnant women progresses, and treatment at home does not give the expected effect, this method will help you feel an improvement in your condition as quickly as possible. It, as already written above, consists of carefully piercing sinus, use a syringe to suck out the pus from it and pour a medicinal solution inside to rinse and relieve inflammation. Improvement occurs immediately: normalization nasal breathing, swelling and a feeling of “weight” in the forehead and nasopharynx subsides, and the headache goes away. Plus, this method has no effect on the fetus.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy at home

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy with folk remedies at home includes various options, which we will look at below.

Natural remedies for nasal rinsing

This medicine will be a solution of sea or regular salt. For the first option, salt can be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetic store, the main thing is that in the latter case it does not contain dyes or flavors. To prepare the solution, take clean, boiled or mineral water, purified, without gas. For 250 ml of water you will need 2-3 teaspoons sea ​​salt and 1-1.5 teaspoons regular. These are approximate proportions and you can control the amount of salt at your discretion. You can rinse your nose by simply taking water into your palm and inhaling it, bringing your hand to your face. You can use a syringe without a needle, a pipette, or a syringe to inject liquid into the nasal passages. The main thing is to “blow out” all the medicine well, along with the contents of the nose, without leaving it inside the nasopharynx. These procedures are an excellent solution for those who are determined to treat sinusitis in pregnant women without the use of antibiotics.

How to prevent a common runny nose from turning into sinusitis

To prevent a common runny nose from developing into this terrible pathology, it must be treated from the very first manifestation. Rinsing with saline solutions, using various herbal-based drops, warming the bridge of the nose with a warm boiled egg or a handkerchief with salt heated in a frying pan - all this will speed up the healing process and prevent pus from forming in the nasopharynx.

Natural nasal drops for sinusitis

If you are still interested in the question: how to treat sinusitis in pregnant women traditional methods, we have for you several recipes for nasal drops:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil can be used as natural drops with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. It is enough to drop 1-2 drops into each passage 2-3 times a day;
  • Kalanchoe juice - excellent folk medicine from this illness. The juice squeezed from the leaves of this indoor plant need 3-4 times a day pure form put in the nose.
  • - also quite effective remedy in the fight against this disease. To prepare the drops you will need water solution propolis and plain water. By combining the ingredients in a ratio of one to three, you will get a medicine that needs to be dripped 1-2 drops into each nostril several times a day. Alcohol tincture of propolis is not suitable as the main component due to the alcohol content in it.

Prevention of sinusitis during pregnancy

Prevention of this pathology for a pregnant woman is timely treatment the slightest symptom. Try to stay in crowded places as little as possible to minimize the risk of infection. Get in the habit of rinsing your nose saline solution several times a day, upon arriving home from the street, from visiting, from the store. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor for any reason, at the slightest ailment. Remember that sinusitis, which develops from a common runny nose in pregnant women, can have unpleasant consequences for the child, therefore, being “pregnant,” you do not have the right to risk your health and the health of your baby.

Did you know? Any dental disease can provoke sinusitis in pregnant women. Purulent inflammations easily pass from oral cavity into the nasopharynx, so even such a disease requires immediate treatment, as a preventive measure.

This is a dangerous, unpleasant and, unfortunately, quite common phenomenon in pregnant women. In order not to risk the health of your baby, do everything to prevent the occurrence of this disease in yourself, and if you get sick, make every effort to recover as quickly as possible and prevent the disease from developing.

When expecting a child, it appears quite often. Many expectant mothers suffered from this disease, but thanks to the quick response and timely medical therapy, maintained their health and eliminated the risk of developing undesirable processes in the embryo. during pregnancy lies in a weak immune system. The body's protective functions are greatly reduced during pregnancy, so women are exposed to various viral and infectious diseases during this period more often than usual.

Those women who have had sinusitis during pregnancy know that inflammation is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. The task of the expectant mother is to eliminate them as quickly as possible. But it is important to know exactly how to do this without the risk of harming the baby. Therefore o self-treatment in such a period there can be no question. All therapy should be carried out under the supervision of your treating doctor.

– is it spicy or chronic inflammation paranasal tract, during which the patient suffers from nasal congestion, accumulation of mucus, discharge of purulent exudate, as well as painful sensations in the head and temples. Because of heavy discharge the patient notices a feeling of pressure between the eyebrows, breathing problems, discomfort

in mucous tissues. Often sinusitis accompanied by a change in body temperature.

When such a sign appears, the onset of bacterial inflammation inside the maxillary sinuses should be considered. Find out how to get rid of bacterial sinusitis here. Maxillary sinus disease can be cured with complex treatment . If drug therapy

arrived at the wrong time, the doctor may prescribe surgery. The reason for the formation of inflammation lies not only in weak immunity. Sinusitis often appears due to prolonged development of rhinitis, acute respiratory illnesses or due to viral infection

which has penetrated the respiratory tract.

In certain cases where the patient is prone to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs due to contact with irritants. These include food, pet hair, cosmetics, dust, mites, and so on. In this case, therapy begins with identifying the type of irritant and completely eliminating the allergen. In other cases, you can get rid of sinusitis with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that increase the level of immunity.

Consequences of sinusitis The consequences of sinusitis during pregnancy for the child are always unpredictable

. Those women who have suffered from inflammation of the paranasal tract while carrying a baby know how painful sinusitis is.

Sinusitis can cause very dangerous processes.

Danger to mother If the expectant mother does not start treatment on time, sinusitis can become the root cause of meningitis, damage to the renal pelvis, sepsis, myocarditis

. In addition, the accumulation of pus in the paranasal tract can provoke the development of the disease and cause a brain abscess. All these signs dangerous to a woman's health. In extreme cases they can lead to fatal outcome

both pregnant and baby. To others possible consequences

sinusitis include: All of these processes are dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but can also harm the embryo

. It is especially scary if these processes occur in the first trimester. At this time, the baby is not yet protected by the placenta and any use of medications is prohibited.

Chronic form If sinusitis is not cured on time, the patient may formation occurs . In this case, the risk of unwanted effects on the baby increases several times.


In addition to the listed signs, Sinusitis causes nasal congestion. In the absence of nasal breathing, a pathological process occurs in the lungs and heart. If there is insufficient oxygen supply, the baby may suffocate.

Hypoxia is dangerous for the baby due to the risk of cell death.

For reference! Oxygen starvation occurs five days after the onset of acute sinusitis. Find out how to get rid of this type of inflammation here.

Blood pressure disorders

Significant consequences of sinusitis during pregnancy include violation blood pressure. In this case, the child has a congenital pathology.

The level of blood pressure depends on the work of the heart, arterial tone and general emotional state patient.

There is a risk that the child will not be able to study physical activity , since a change in arterial tone will lead to disruption of the heart.

Cardiovascular problems

Sinusitis can be the root cause of disruption of the baby’s nervous system. This part of the body is responsible for the interconnection of all human systems and organs.

Dysfunction of the central nervous system leads to uncontrollable consequences throughout the body.

Uniting the central nervous system, which includes the head and spinal cord, any violation in this area leads to serious consequences and leaves an imprint on the entire body of the patient.

Swelling of the eye tissue

TO characteristic features after inflammation of sinusitis include swelling of the eye tissue. After birth, the baby experiences soreness, constant redness and severe watering of the eye. Often the membranes of the eye are severely inflamed, the disease causes itching and burning.

Swelling of the eye tissue causes profuse lacrimation, which intensifies in cold and windy weather.

Due to dysfunction of the eye tissue, the child cannot move the eye normally, which causes visual impairment.

In addition to swelling of the eye tissue, patients complain of constant lacrimation, fear of light, and a feeling of pressure in the eyes.


If a pregnant woman suffered from sinusitis while carrying a fetus, the child may develop inflammation of the periosteum or periostitis.

Periostitis is an inflammatory process that occurs due to inflammation of the periosteum.

As the disease develops, the baby experiences swelling soft fabric faces and appearance of flux in the maxillary sinus. In addition, periostitis can occur due to improperly treated inflammation of the teeth.

Surgical intervention

If the pregnant woman has not taken necessary measures in the early stages of inflammation, to the expectant mother should pass . The operation requires the use of antibiotics, which can cause disruption in the baby’s development and cause irregular structure cells.

Moreover, one cannot be sure that surgery won't cause adverse reactions in the body of the woman herself. Cases of terrible outcomes due to allergic reaction for anesthesia

The body of a woman who is expecting a child is very vulnerable. Therefore, it is so important not to miss the onset of the disease. And if it is already developing, it is necessary to take qualified help to minimize both the risks of developing adverse consequences for the fetus and the possibility of complications in the mother. Therefore, treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy should be carried out by a doctor. And in case of illness, it is necessary to contact him as early as possible, because any delay will turn the illness to its advantage.

Among inflammatory diseases adnexal cavities(sinuses, sinuses) sinusitis is not the only thing. There are four such sinuses in the human body, and each of them is lined with mucous membrane on the inside.

  1. Frontal.
  2. Located in the lower part of the frontal bone. This is a pair education. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of this sinus is called frontal sinusitis. Maxillary - maxillary. Location: body upper jaw
  3. (above the fangs). This sinus is also steamy. Inflammation of its mucous membrane is sinusitis. Wedge-shaped - main. Located in the body sphenoid bone (behind back wall
  4. nasopharynx). Divided by an internal partition into two asymmetrical halves - right and left. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of this sinus is called sphenoiditis. Cells of the lattice labyrinth.

Located centrally and below the frontal sinuses. Ethmoiditis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of these cells.

How does the disease begin?

As a result, a narrowing or complete closure of the lumen of the outlet openings of the sinuses occurs. Since the mucous membrane of the sinuses contains goblet cells that constantly produce mucus, the cessation of its excretion causes secondary inflammation, which is already called sinusitis.

Types of disease and why it is important to treat teeth on time

Typically, sinus inflammation develops as a result of infection. More rarely, sinusitis is caused by trauma. Highlight the following types sinusitis.

By etiology

  • Rhinogenic.
  • Occurs as a consequence of diseases of the nasal cavity.
  • Odontogenic.
  • The cause is diseases of the small molars (second tooth from the canine) and large molars (third tooth from the canine) teeth of the upper jaw only. Such diseases include caries, tooth root granulomas, and periodontitis.

Traumatic. Occurs during injuries, most often with fractures.

  • Allergic. The reason is allergens. It can be household or industrial dust, plant pollen, and can also develop from medications (usually steroids).
  • By type of pathogen
  • Viral. Most often develops against the background of ARVI. Can be observed with influenza, adenovirus infection.
  • Bacterial. The causative agents are streptococcus and Haemophilus influenzae. Just like viral sinusitis, it occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections or against the background of conditions that cause weakened immunity.

Fungal. It can occur as a result of decreased immunity, as well as during long-term antibiotic therapy.

  • Mixed. If there are several types of pathogen. The nature Acute sinusitis. Pronounced
  • pain syndrome, develops immediately as a complication after acute respiratory viral infection. The duration of the course is up to two weeks. This course of the disease is always accompanied by exudative inflammation, which is characterized by the release of mucus (exudate - from the Latin “exsudo” - I come out). There are catarrhal and purulent sinusitis. In the first case, the discharge is clear and liquid and comes off profusely, while in the second case it is purulent and comes off with difficulty.
  • Chronic sinusitis.

The duration of the disease is more than two to three months. There are serous and purulent, atrophic and some other forms of chronic sinusitis.

  • Recurrent.
  • The frequency of the disease is up to four to six periods of acute sinusitis per year. By severity
  • Mild degree. Temperature above 38°C. The symptoms are pronounced. There is a high risk of complications.

Clinical picture

There are a lot of forms of sinusitis, and the subtleties of the manifestations of each of them are even greater. But if you look at this issue globally, initial manifestations All forms of the disease are very similar. It is worth noting that the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus contains very few nerve endings, so the onset of the disease may be asymptomatic. Any discomfort is often felt when the process is already actively developing. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman, if there is the slightest suspicion of colds Consult a doctor immediately to prevent complications dangerous to the fetus and mother.

The symptoms of sinusitis are as follows:

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • asthenia (loss of strength);
  • body temperature can be as low as 37.5°C, or it can rise to 38-39°C.

The following signs are also noted:

  • nasal breathing is difficult;
  • the voice takes on a “nasal” tone;
  • mucopurulent or purulent nasal discharge;
  • a feeling of fullness and pain when pressing in the area of ​​the sinus projection;
  • feeling of pulsation in the sinus.

If treated incorrectly or too late, sinusitis can lead to severe complications and negative consequences for the mother - meningitis and sepsis. Therefore, it is important to respond in a timely manner to the symptoms that appear, otherwise the question of inability to carry the current pregnancy may arise.

Problems in diagnosing sinusitis in pregnant women

Among the methods for diagnosing sinusitis, in addition to laboratory and instrumental methods research, doctors often use radiography and computed tomography skull bones and paranasal sinuses nose In the pictures you can see cysts in the sinus cavities or the fluid level, and you can also determine the exact localization of the pathological process. But during pregnancy, these types of studies are contraindicated.

Why can't you take an x-ray?

X-ray radiation is dangerous due to development negative consequences for the fetus, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It can provoke various mutations in cells and lead to developmental abnormalities that are incompatible with life. Or, if an X-ray examination was carried out at a period of up to two weeks, then there is a high probability of death of the embryo.

An X-ray examination of a pregnant woman can only be performed if there is a threat to her life and health:

  • when clarifying the diagnosis of cancer;
  • during restoration of bone integrity in case of fractures;
  • when providing emergency care.

In such cases, the research is carried out using all methods and forms of protection.

Conduct x-ray examination mother, if absolutely necessary, with minimal risk of developing consequences for the child, perhaps only in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. MRI or ultrasound may also be used. With these types of studies, the radiation dose is several times less, but doctors also do not recommend performing MRI before 12 weeks of fetal development.

Endoscopy and puncture

Perhaps the safest diagnostic method for a pregnant woman is endoscopy of the nasal cavity, which is performed with a special endoscope. This is not only a diagnostic method, but at the same time, treatment.

This procedure can be used to penetrate the sinus itself. Therefore, the doctor can:

  • assess the condition of its mucous membrane;
  • see the contents of the sinus;
  • in case of detection foreign body- delete it;
  • take material for bacteriological research.

In addition, the doctor may perform healing procedures- rinsing the sinuses with antibacterial solutions.

This method of treating sinusitis, such as puncturing the wall of the maxillary sinus, is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Although its therapeutic and diagnostic value in pregnant women is great, its use local anesthetics and unpleasant sensations push the priorities of this manipulation into the background compared to endoscopy.

What medications can be used to treat sinusitis during pregnancy?

Treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women has its own characteristics. Wide range drugs that can be used in adults are not suitable, since the concentration in the blood harmful substances after taking them may pose a danger to the fetus.

What can the doctor prescribe?

And yet, how to treat sinusitis in pregnant women? There are a number of approved drugs:

  • "Sinupret" dragee. This herbal preparation, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes improved discharge of exudate.
  • "Faryngosept". Local antiseptic in the form of lozenges;
  • "Oxymetazoline". Nasal drops. Reduces swelling of the mucous membrane.

The procedure for rinsing the nasal cavity has positive reviews from doctors. The drug “Dolphin” has proven itself well for this purpose. When puncturing the cavity of the maxillary sinus, Furacilin solutions are used for rinsing.

Antibiotics and folk remedies

In case of moderate and severe course illness, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. But when choosing a specific drug, he will have to focus on many parameters:

  • probable causative agent of sinusitis;
  • gestational age;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • the presence of concomitant pathology.

Before treating sinusitis during pregnancy at home, be sure to consult your doctor. And no matter how you are recommended to use decoctions, tinctures, or treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy with “proven” folk remedies, never use them without consulting a doctor. Remember that it can be dangerous.


As mentioned above, the most important prevention of the development of sinusitis, as well as any sinusitis, is treatment viral diseases in the early stages. Also follows:

  • avoid contact with infectious patients;
  • check the condition of your teeth when planning a pregnancy;
  • take care of yourself and stay away from drafts;
  • dress according to the time of year and weather.

Treatment of diseased teeth should not be delayed until “after childbirth.” If the cause of sinusitis in the 2nd trimester (or at other times) of pregnancy is an odontogenic infection, then it should be treated immediately - be it caries, pulpitis or inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth.

What is also very important is to always be in a good, positive mood. Walk in the fresh air, “bathe” in the rays of the bright sun (if there are no contraindications to this), listen to beautiful music, read your favorite books. All this will bring joy to you and your baby, making you two healthier and happier. And maybe three (if you have twins) or more.

The main point in the prevention of such dangerous complications as sepsis and meningitis is the timely treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy. You need to trust your doctor and take everything essential vitamins And medicines which he assigned to you.


Sinusitis during pregnancy is a fairly common problem, because during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity may decrease. Such changes lead to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic infections (for example, sinusitis). The weakening is especially significant protective functions in the first months of pregnancy, when female body devotes all his strength to preserving the future baby. Under such circumstances, even a mild runny nose can “imperceptibly and easily” turn into a more severe and dangerous inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis). Let's talk about the first signs of sinusitis in pregnant women and the treatment of this pathology.

Why is sinusitis dangerous during pregnancy?

In the absence of adequate treatment for sinusitis, the inflammatory process can worsen, become chronic and complicated by various serious diseases. An infection from the maxillary sinuses can spread and cause the following complications:

  • infection of nearby tissues and organs (brain abscess, orbital phlegmon, orbital periostitis, inflammation of the trigeminal or optic nerve, osteomyelitis of the bones around the maxillary sinus, etc.);
  • spread of infection through the bloodstream to other systems and organs (pneumonia, bronchitis, nephritis, sepsis, etc.);
  • fetal damage through the blood-brain barrier, fetal hypoxia due to maternal breathing difficulties.

Some of the above complications may threaten the life of not only the mother, but also the fetus, or require immediate attention. surgical treatment, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. Their development can be prevented only by paying close attention to one’s own health and promptly seeking help from a doctor when the first signs of sinusitis are detected.


Sinusitis during pregnancy begins to bother a woman with constant nasal congestion, weakness and weakness. Difficulty breathing can be expressed either as unilateral or bilateral nasal congestion. Subsequently other signs appear acute inflammation maxillary sinuses:

  • headaches of varying intensity and bursting nature, which can radiate to the forehead, teeth, gums and root of the tongue or intensify when bending down and pressing on the inflamed sinus;
  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature (its values ​​may depend on the patient’s age, concomitant diseases, condition immune system and characteristics of the body);
  • deterioration in general health;
  • loss of appetite;
  • discharge from the nose of mucous or mucopurulent discharge of white, yellow-green and green color;
  • swelling of the eyelids or cheeks;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • change in voice (it becomes nasal);
  • bad breath;
  • sweating;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth that occurs after eating;
  • watery eyes or photophobia;
  • cough.

Various factors can cause sinusitis:

With chronic sinusitis, the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced.


If a pregnant woman detects signs of sinusitis, she should consult an ENT doctor. After collecting a history of the disease, the doctor can perform a diagnostic puncture of the maxillary sinus, which can also serve as a simultaneous treatment for sinusitis. This procedure absolutely safe and painless.


To treat sinusitis during pregnancy, a set of measures is used that are aimed at restoring drainage and suppressing the source of infection in maxillary sinuses. For this purpose, medications, physiotherapy and folk methods, which are not contraindicated during pregnancy. Also, to alleviate the condition and speed up recovery, the patient may be prescribed a puncture of the maxillary sinus.

Drug therapy:

  • antibiotics: Azithromycin, Augmentin, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Sulbactam, Cedex, etc. (for advanced sinusitis, Spiramycin can be used);
  • drugs for elimination: Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifiform;
  • vasoconstrictor drops: Nazivin, Otrivin, Dlyanos (no more than 2 times a day);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Sinupret;
  • homeopathic remedies: Cinnabsin, Asinis, Euphorbium compositum.


An effective procedure for sinusitis is cuckoo rinsing, which is carried out by a doctor using a special device. For them, anti-inflammatory solutions are used (sea salt, decoctions medicinal herbs and medications).

Physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Sollux;
  • UHF currents;
  • inhalation;
  • mud therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Contraindications to performing physiotherapy during pregnancy may include:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

The puncture of the maxillary sinus is performed with a special needle (after local anesthesia). In this way, the sinuses are freed from accumulated pus. After this, rinsing is carried out with an antiseptic solution.

Traditional methods

Before starting to use any folk remedy To treat sinusitis during pregnancy, a woman should definitely consult with her doctor about the possibility of using it.

To facilitate nasal breathing, a decoction of chamomile or hypertonic solution salt. Before using them, a woman should make sure that her nose is not stuffy, because if the nose is stuffy, the solution can get into the middle ear and cause inflammation.

With absence elevated temperature you can carry out the procedure of warming up the sinuses using boiled eggs. To do this, eggs are boiled, wrapped in thin cotton cloth and applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

During the recovery stage, you can perform a hot inhalation procedure over hot potatoes or decoction pine buds. During the procedure, the face is tilted over a pan with freshly boiled potatoes or prepared broth and the head is covered with a terry towel.

Diluted beet juice can be used for nasal instillation.

Nutrition for sinusitis

During treatment of sinusitis, a pregnant woman should include fortified foods in her diet and avoid eating before bed. Also, some experts recommend eliminating dairy products, caffeine and spicy foods from your diet, as they increase mucus production and dehydrate the body.

With adequate treatment acute sinusitis lasts no more than 10-14 days and is not complicated by the disease becoming chronic. Remember that during pregnancy, at the first sign, you must consult a doctor, follow all his instructions and not self-medicate: this is the most important condition for recovery and normal pregnancy.

The body's defenses weaken during pregnancy. He becomes more vulnerable to various infections. One of them is sinusitis. It is dangerous due to its complications, which can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, at the first suspicion, you should consult a doctor, and start treatment as soon as possible. The choice of therapy methods must be approached carefully, avoiding “aggressive” means that can harm the unborn baby.

What is sinusitis

Sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) – purulent inflammation maxillary sinuses. Inflammatory process can be unilateral (inflammation of one sinus) or bilateral.

Based on the nature of the flow, the following are distinguished: forms of the disease:

  • acute - lasts no more than 5 weeks;
  • subacute - more than 4 weeks;
  • chronic - more than 6 months.

Depending on the pathogen which caused the infection, sinusitis occurs:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • traumatic;
  • allergic.

Causes of sinusitis in pregnant women

Most often, the development of rhinosinusitis during pregnancy associated with significant weakening of the immune system due to perestroika hormonal levels. Various infections can easily enter the body, causing inflammatory processes.

Bacteria, chlamydia, fungi, and viruses are common causes of sinusitis. The disease can be a consequence of a poorly treated cold or rhinitis, as well as a complication of upper respiratory tract diseases. A factor contributing to the development of infection in the maxillary sinuses may be a deviated nasal septum due to injury or congenital anomalies.

Characteristic the first signs of the disease are:

  • constant nasal congestion;
  • pain in the frontal and nasal sinuses;
  • yellow-green discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • headache.

At acute form sinusitis in pregnant women may increase body temperature. Typical symptom For chronic sinusitis is a suffocating cough at night that does not go away after traditional treatment. Patients may experience signs of conjunctivitis.

Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

Detect sinusitis on early stage difficult because it the symptoms are very similar to a common runny nose. To diagnose the disease, radiography and computed tomography are used. But these diagnostic methods are contraindicated for pregnant women (especially in the 1st trimester) due to the harmful effects of radiation.

The diagnosis of “sinusitis” during pregnancy can be determined based on the following studies:

  • diaphanoscopy (examination of the sinuses);
  • puncture (puncture of the maxillary sinuses).

How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

If sinusitis during pregnancy is not treated in time, it can lead to serious consequences for both the woman and the child. From a lack of oxygen due to nasal congestion, the renal pelvis develops, myocarditis, meningitis, and brain abscess develop.

Therapy for rhinosinusitis includes a set of measures that suppress the source of infection and restore drainage function nose How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy?

Treatment consists of three approaches:

  • nasal rinsing;
  • taking medications;
  • puncture.

Complex therapeutic measures is selected by the doctor individually depending on the specific condition of the pregnant woman and the type of sinusitis.

Washing for sinusitis

One of the few acceptable procedures for treating sinusitis during pregnancy at home is washing the maxillary sinuses by moving a disinfectant solution (“cuckoo”). You need to lie on your back so that your head is below the level of your torso. A medicinal liquid is poured into one nostril, and from the other it is sucked out along with purulent mucus with a special device.

At home, you can rinse your nose with saline solution or infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, peppermint).

Drug treatment

Medicines for pregnant women are selected with great care. Preference is given to local drugs that eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane and relieve inflammation. It is better to start treatment by using salt drops: Aquamaris, Humer, Nosol.

It is better to avoid vasoconstrictor drops and sprays during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, the doctor may prescribe medications that are approved for use by infants.

The choice in the treatment of sinusitis is given to homeopathic and herbal preparations. Pregnant women are allowed to use: Cinnabsin, Euphorbium compositum, Sinupret, Sinuforte. Doctors recommend using homeopathy as an auxiliary element of complex therapy.

If the effect of using the above remedies does not occur, in some cases they resort to taking antibiotics (if the sinusitis is of a bacterial nature).

Antibiotic drops: Isofra, Polydexa, Bioparox.

Systemic antibiotics: Azithromycin, Augmentin, 3rd generation cephalosporins.

It should be borne in mind that many nasal drops contain substances that help increase vascular tone. Their use can lead to uterine hypertonicity, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

Puncture of the maxillary sinuses

This the most effective and safest treatment method rhinosinusitis in pregnant women. Using a special needle they pierce maxillary sinuses, and the purulent contents are removed from them. Then it is inserted into the cavity disinfectant solution. After the procedure, the patient experiences significant relief and nasal breathing is restored.

The main way to protect yourself from sinusitis is to promptly treat colds and runny nose.

Preventive measures to prevent illness:

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • In winter, go outside in a hat.
  • Do breathing exercises to stimulate air exchange in the nasal sinuses. Close one nostril and inhale deeply, exhale through your mouth. Do exercises at least 8 times a day.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet.

Video about sinusitis

We invite you to watch a video about sinusitis and methods of its treatment - advice from Dr. Komarovsky.

Sinusitis – dangerous disease, especially during pregnancy. Its consequences can harm the expectant mother and fetus. Therefore, at the first signs of ARVI, you need to visit a doctor. He will prescribe effective and safe treatments, which will prevent the development of sinusitis and maintain the normal course of pregnancy.