Tablets for dizziness and headache. Characteristic signs of angiospasm of the head

  • The date: 14.04.2019

Dizziness (Vertigo) - a feeling of involuntary movement of one's own body in space or the movement of surrounding objects relative to one's body.

The feeling of dizziness is accompanied by a feeling of unsteadiness, loss of balance, and sometimes it may even seem that the floor is moving out from under your feet.

Dizziness is usually a harmless feeling and happens to almost everyone, but if it recurs regularly, especially if it can be described as severe dizziness, then you need to see a doctor. this may indicate the presence of any disease.

Most often, dizziness occurs with a sharp change in body position, head injuries, exposure to toxic (alcohol, smoking, narcotic drugs) substances, stress, etc.

In the world community, dizziness is more familiar under a different name - Vertigo.

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Types of dizziness

Vertigo doctors classify as follows:

  • Central vertigo - appears due to disorders and / or diseases of the brain. It can be injuries, hemorrhages, tumors.
  • Peripheral vertigo - occurs as a result of exposure or injury inner ear or vestibular nerve.
  • Systemic dizziness - occurs due to a malfunction in one of the systems that are responsible for orientation in space: visual, vestibular or muscular. This type requires careful diagnosis and complex treatment.
  • Non-systemic (physiological) dizziness - can be caused by neurogenic causes (stress, depression, overwork) or due to lack of glucose (with low-carbohydrate diets, starvation).

Of course, sometimes the reason is much simpler than it might seem, for example: a person got out of bed too quickly on his feet, or he was sick on a boat, an attraction, etc. In this case, the reason is the discrepancy between visual images and physical sensations. This attack goes away on its own.

Help to figure out what kind of disease caused vertigo, can additional symptoms and various laboratory methods research.

Symptoms of dizziness

Signs of dizziness may include the following symptoms:

  • the illusion of movement (spinning), especially when standing up or turning the head;
  • double vision;
  • loss of balance;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • ringing in the ears, hearing loss, discharge from the ears.

In addition, in some diseases, dizziness may be accompanied by:

  • discomfort, pain and limited movement in the cervical spine (with osteochondrosis);
  • violation of speech, muscle sensitivity and coordination in space (with a stroke);
  • severe dizziness in certain positions of the body with severe headache with unilateral deafness (with brain tumors);
  • severe dizziness with nausea, depression and mood swings, up to loss of consciousness (during menstruation, menopause, pregnancy in the 1st trimester).

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness indicates a mismatch of information coming to the central brain from our three physiological systems, which are responsible for orientation in the surrounding space: vestibular, visual and tactile. In this regard, the causes of dizziness can be very many. Let's consider some of them:

  • drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • severe food poisoning;
  • taking some medicines especially antibiotics or medicines for high blood pressure;
  • motion sickness (in cars, planes, ships and other vehicles, as well as on attractions);
  • menstruation (menstruation), menopause;
  • pregnancy;
  • some diets, hunger strike;
  • head or spine injury;
  • viral infections (colds, flu);
  • migraine;
  • epilepsy;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • emotional exhaustion, stress, fear, depression and other psychological disorders;
  • a brain tumor;
  • vegetovascular or neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • impact on the body adverse factors environment: increased or low temperature, high humidity (solar and heat stroke, hypothermia, etc.);
  • Sedentary work. During sedentary work, especially if the seat is not very comfortable, a large load is placed on the spine and cervical region, as a result of which, if you do not get up long time, the blood circulation of the brain is disturbed, and as a result, when a person gets up, a slight dizziness appears;
  • Stroke. Dizziness in a stroke is accompanied by impaired speech, coordination in space, nausea, sometimes vomiting, weakness in the arms and legs, and possibly loss of consciousness;
  • Otitis. With otitis media, dizziness is accompanied by hearing loss, noise and / or ringing in the ears.
  • Vestibular neuritis. In this case, increased dizziness is characteristic when standing up and turning the head. The disease begins abruptly, after 2-3 days the patient feels better. But for some time, the illusion of movement persists after accelerations (lifting in an elevator, braking a car).
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. Dizziness cervical osteochondrosis aggravated by movement of the head, especially aggravated by its sharp turns and rises. Patients sometimes experience unsteady gait and disorientation in space. All this is accompanied by pain and limited movement in the cervical spine.
  • Perilymphatic fistula. It is characterized by dizziness, tinnitus and sudden one-sided deafness. Patients also suffer from nausea and vomiting.
  • Transient cerebrovascular accident (transient ischemic attacks);
  • Agoraphobia. Dizziness occurs due to fear of open space, especially with large quantity of people. At the same time, a person may feel dizzy just from the very thought that you need to leave the house.

Diagnosis of dizziness

If you often feel dizzy, you need to contact a neurologist or a general practitioner who, depending on the clarified cause, will refer you to an appropriate specialist, for example, an otorhinolaryngologist, an endocrinologist.

The neurologist mainly prescribes vestibular tests (caloric test, rotational tests), as well as posturography - a study of the interaction of visual, vestibular and muscular systems while maintaining balance.

For diagnostics possible disease hearing aid tone threshold audiometry, acoustic impedancemetry may be needed.

To know the status blood vessels appointed CT scan or ultrasound.

Electroencephalography (EEG) may also be ordered.

Treatment for dizziness

First aid for dizziness

If a person has severe dizziness, the first thing to do is calm down, do not panic.

With severe dizziness, you need to sit down and focus your eyes on any object, and also try not to close your eyes. If the feeling of dizziness does not go away, at the same time, pain(numbness of arms or legs, impaired speech, strong pain in the abdomen or chest), call the doctor immediately, and before he arrives, find a place where you can lie down. At the same time, try not to move or turn your head.

If the person is at home with severe dizziness, remove tight clothing and provide fresh air. Then put the patient to bed, moreover, in such a way that his head, neck and shoulders lie on the pillow. This position prevents the vertebral arteries from kinking, which is not desirable for dizziness. It is also necessary to avoid turning the head.

To get rid of dizziness and relieve its accompanying stress, you can apply a cold towel to your forehead, previously moistened with a light solution of vinegar, or drink 8-10 drops of a 0.1% solution of Atropine.

If you can’t calm down, you can take tranquilizers: Andaksin - 0.2 g each, Seduxen - 5 mg each.

In order to effectively carry out treatment, it is required to make an accurate diagnosis, therefore, treatment in each case is prescribed only by the attending physician!

Medicines for dizziness

For the treatment of systemic dizziness, drugs are used depending on the symptoms associated with vertigo, but mainly these are:

  • antihistamines: Meclozin, Promethazine, Pipolfen, Diphenhydramine;
  • tranquilizers, to relieve anxiety: Diazepam, Lorazepam;
  • sedatives: Andaksin, Seduxen;
  • against nausea and painful vomiting: Cerucal, Metoclopramide.

With a prolonged attack of dizziness, dehydration is performed ("Eufillin" 2.4% 10.0 ml intravenously, "Mannitol" 15% 200 ml), "Diazepam" 1.0 ml is administered intravenously.

Etiological therapy is possible only with a limited range of diseases (bacterial labyrinthitis, stem stroke, temporal lobe epilepsy, basilar migraine, cholesteatoma and other tumors involving the vestibular analyzer).

Folk remedies for dizziness

Treatment of dizziness with folk remedies is often not inferior, and sometimes even prevails over traditional medicines, because they have a minimum of side effects, unlike medicines. But even here it is worth mentioning that even the reception of funds traditional medicine must be carried out after consultation with the attending physician.

Consider folk remedies from dizziness:

Carrots and beets. On an empty stomach, you need to take juices of carrots and beets.

Parsley. 1 tsp ground parsley seeds pour 200 ml of water. Leave the product to infuse for 6-8 hours. Consume in small portions throughout the day.

Clover. 1 st. l. clover inflorescences pour 200 ml of boiling water. Means to drink after lunch and dinner.

Garnet. Pomegranate perfectly raises the level of hemoglobin, thereby improving blood circulation, and as a result, it removes or minimizes the manifestations of dizziness.

Linden, mint and lemon balm. 1 st. l. collection from the inflorescence of linden, mint and lemon balm pour 200 ml of boiling water. The remedy helps to soothe frequent dizziness. Drink after lunch and dinner.

Seaweed. how prophylactic from dizziness, as well as with its frequent manifestations, seaweed powder (sold in pharmacies) is excellent, which will saturate the body with trace elements responsible for normal work vestibular apparatus - iodine, phosphorus, etc. Also, seaweed can be purchased at grocery stores.

Ginger tea. In addition, dizziness traditional healers recommend taking ginger tea.

Dizziness itself is not life-threatening, but it may indicate serious problems with health. Therefore, in the event that such attacks and headaches began abruptly and are accompanied by speech disorders, weakness and numbness of the limbs, then an ambulance should be called immediately.

Prevention of dizziness

In order to get rid of frequent seizures dizziness, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations of specialists:

  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • exclude table salt from the diet;
  • Minimize your daily caffeine intake
  • exercise daily, especially if you have a sedentary job;
  • eat foods enriched with vitamins;
  • work in moderation, and rest is best spent in nature, especially near water bodies;
  • avoid stress;
  • do not make sudden movements of the head and neck;
  • if you often travel, and at the same time you get sick in transport, you can take special means from motion sickness;
  • if possible, get an orthopedic mattress with an anatomical effect, because. during sleep, the body on it completely relaxes, and rest is much better. It is also worth noting that sleeping on such mattresses prevents bending and infringement of blood vessels.

Traveling on a ship, a sudden proposal of marriage, getting stuck in traffic, stress at work, early dates pregnancy, pungent odors in a restaurant - things that can awaken an unpleasant sensation in the human body called vomiting, nausea. This disease is common without exception, from small to large and has no prevention. But it has a cure. This article discusses the best means from dizziness and nausea.

Medicines for nausea and vomiting

In Russia, a person prefers to wait out the dizziness than to take pills for dizziness, poisoning the liver once again. But such a statement is incorrect. After all, vomiting goes from one-time to multiplicity, when going to the doctor becomes inevitable.

By variety, there are the following types of pills for vomiting:

List of medicines for nausea:

Medicines for nausea during pregnancy

Not a rare case: many drugs to eliminate nausea and vomiting are prohibited for pregnant women. This misunderstanding (because future young mothers make up 80% of all people who feel nausea and dizziness) is justified by the effect of drugs on the nervous system. Such manipulations contribute to the formation of diseases in the baby, and from neurological, physical, to mental, mental.

We present you a list of drugs for pregnant women that can be used during lactation.


  • Diphenhydramine is a proper substitute for Novocaine and Lidocaine, it is quickly absorbed into the body, eliminating nausea in a few minutes.
  • Diazolin - the drug is used for undesirable effects on the central nervous system, the action takes from 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Suprastin, a drug advertised everywhere, really helps with feeling sick, acts as quickly as diazolin.
  • Fencarol is an excellent substitute for diazolin. Best avoided if present cholelithiasis, liver and cardiovascular problems.

Hepatoprotectors - act mainly on the liver, increasing the quality of the organ and helping to eliminate dizziness and nausea.

Enterosorbents - drink a shortened course, normalizing the ratio of vitamins, medicines prescribed on an ongoing basis.

  • Polysorb. Interacts with pathogens of small, large, toxic type and size. The substance allows you to effectively overcome the disease, eliminating the problems arising from fasting for any category of bacteria.
  • Polyphepan. It removes harmful bacteria, leaving the necessary microelements protected, improving metabolism, hematopoiesis.

Vitamin complexes. Toxicosis, which causes a feeling of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, disrupts the ratio of vitamins trying to prevent the effects of toxins on the body future mother. Vitamin complexes restore the missing components of the body, preventing vomiting.

  • Elevit Pronatal - a first-class drug on the shelves of the Russian Federation, contains essential vitamins in the right amount, is prescribed for malaise.
  • Vitrum Prenatal is a foreign drug from the USA, taken with a significant lack of iodine, iron and folic acid.
  • Vitamins for pregnant women Femibion ​​- do not differ from the above drugs, they contain the vitamins necessary for the healthy development of the child.

When feeling dizzy and nauseated, understanding that vomiting is not a symptom or cause the main idea that needs to be kept in mind. First of all, the sick person should calm down and just get some fresh air than stimulate panic and look for cancerous tumors all organs.

The concept of "dizziness" is familiar even to children after visiting some attractions or motion sickness in transport. These are harmless phenomena that quickly pass by themselves when the direct factor of influence is eliminated.

But when dizziness is aggravated by symptoms such as vomiting, headache, increased sweating, tinnitus, the attack itself occurs abruptly and, at first glance, without an objective reason - this is the reason to turn to a neurologist to always have drugs for dizziness with you.

Why is my head spinning and should I go to the doctor

The phenomenon of dizziness, or as it is customary to call it “vertigo” in medicine, is a loss of balance of the body with symptoms of rotation of objects surrounding a person, or of himself. It rarely visits a person by itself. Often present concomitant symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, noise and ringing in the ears, increased sweating, palpitations, general weakness.

The head may immediately spin after awakening, but more often, with sharp rises or turns of the head, in stuffy rooms, transport.

If dizziness is due to motion sickness, hangover, or is the result of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), symptomatic treatment is applied and a visit to the attending doctor is usually not required. When motion sickness in transport or on attractions, to prevent unpleasant symptoms, you can take the drug Dramina, and directly from nausea and vomiting - the drug Cerucal (Metoclopramide).

Hangover syndrome is cured soluble tablet Aspirin and blood sugar rises fast carbohydrate: carbonated sweet drink, regular sugar, raisins, Glucose tablets.

Not all causes of dizziness are so harmless. Loss of balance is often observed in the morning with an incorrect and abrupt rise from bed. Dizziness when changing the position of the body may indicate damage to the vestibular apparatus, and a certain loss of its ability to coordinate the position of the body in space. Nausea usually accompanies these attacks. With vertebrobasilar dizziness, the drug Betaserc is most often prescribed. In addition to a neurologist, in this case, consultation with an otolaryngologist is mandatory. The cause of vestibular vertigo are the following factors:

  • Meniere's disease (disease of the inner ear, hearing impairment is observed).
  • Vestibular neuronitis (affects the auditory nerve).
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Migraine, epilepsy (usually dizziness is a precursor to an attack).
  • Intoxication with various chemicals (some types of antibiotics, diuretics).
  • benign positional vertigo.

The cause of dizziness is often degenerative-dystrophic changes. cervical spine when pinched vertebral artery and the supply of oxygen to the brain deteriorates.

Vascular changes in people older than 50 also provoke headache and limited physical activity. From dizziness and spasms with impaired cerebral circulation in this case, Betaserc (betahistine hydrochloride) is successfully used. More detailed application this tool will be discussed below.

From dizziness and tinnitus for many years, the drug Cinnarizine has proven itself well.

Some patients report loss of balance, vertigo and headache as a side effect of certain medications, such as Euthyrox. Uncomfortable condition is corrected by reducing the prescribed dosage.

Recurring dizziness is the basis for contacting a neurologist so that he can conduct an examination and decide which pills are most suitable in this particular case.

What are the treatments for dizziness?

Medicines for dizziness and tinnitus are presented in a wide range, have different shape release and dosage, depending on the severity of the condition. The most commonly used form is tablets, but in some cases the doctor may prescribe injections (Mexidol, Actovegin, Nootropil, Milgamma, Trental, Movalis). How much, how much and what to take for dizziness in each case depends only on the appointment of a neurologist and an otolaryngologist (if the cause of the balance was damage to the vestibular apparatus).

One of the most nominated and effective drugs from vasospasm and dizziness - betahistine hydrochloride (Betaserc, Tagista, Betaver). It acts on the receptors of the vessels of the inner ear, improves microcirculation in the capillaries and increases blood flow in the arteries. Eliminates imbalance, stops noise and ringing in the ears, stops hearing loss in the early stages of use. Betaserc is well tolerated and rarely gives side effects. This drug for dizziness can also be used as a prophylactic to reduce the frequency of relapses of vertigo.

If the imbalance is caused by cervical osteochondrosis, the patient is prescribed various drugs for treatment, since a complex of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, vascular drugs is needed for its treatment. In addition, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy. It is necessary to apply these methods to restore the position of the vertebrae and normalize blood circulation.

Remedies for dizziness, a list of drugs to treat loss of balance and tinnitus:

A drug

General characteristics

Indication for use

Dosage and administration



Treatment of cerebrovascular accidents associated with vasospasm, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, stroke; migraine; Meniere's disease; Raynaud's disease; reduces tinnitus, improves general state

Inside after meals, 25 mg three times a day. Or 75 mg (capsules) thrice daily as directed


Vestibular disorders;

syndromes characterized by dizziness and headache, tinnitus, progressive hearing loss, nausea and vomiting; Meniere's disease

Tablets should be taken with food with plenty of water, without chewing. With a dosage of 8 or 16 mg, 8-16 mg are prescribed three times a day.

The dosage of 24 mg is taken 0.5-1 tablet twice a day. Daily dose - 48 mg

Age up to 18 years;
bronchial asthma;
peptic ulcer;
period breastfeeding, 1st trimester of pregnancy


Treatment acute disorders cerebral circulation; vegetative dystonia; in conditions accompanied by tissue hypoxia

Inside, 125-250 mg 3 times / day Duration of treatment - 2-6 weeks. Treatment is stopped gradually, reducing the dose within 2-3 days

The drug is contraindicated in severe violations of the liver and kidneys, if there is a history (medical history) of allergy to pyridoxine (vitamin B6)


Treatment of dizziness and related balance disorders; treatment of ischemic stroke; symptomatic treatment of psychoorganic syndrome

2.4-4.8 g/day in 2-3 doses on an empty stomach or during meals with a sufficient amount of liquid

I trimester of pregnancy; lactation; pronounced kidney failure; chorea of ​​Huntington; childhood up to 3 years; individual intolerance

Violations of cerebral circulation (impaired concentration, dizziness, memory impairment);
violations of peripheral circulation of atherosclerotic origin; ischemic and post-stroke conditions

Drink 1-4 tablets 3 times / day during or immediately after meals with plenty of liquid. Tablets do not chew

Acute infarction myocardium; hemorrhage in the brain; pregnancy; lactation; children's age up to 18 years; individual intolerance

What medications to prescribe and in what form, as well as the course of treatment, is determined by the attending physician.

Apart from drug therapy Phytotherapy has been treating vertigo for many years. Red clover has proven itself well. It is able to eliminate loss of balance, tinnitus, migraine, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Used clover tincture and decoction. Use with caution in persons with chronically low blood pressure.

  • Clover decoction No. 1: Pour 1 teaspoon of dry red clover heads with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes in a water bath, leave for 40 minutes, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days, then a 7-day break. Conduct 3 courses.
  • Clover decoction No. 2: 2 tbsp. spoons of clover flowers pour a glass of boiling water, put in a water bath for 20 minutes, and then strain through clean cheesecloth. Take a decoction 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Prevention of vertigo

  1. Vestibular gymnastics (for example, Brandt-Daroff exercises).
  2. Balanced diet (minimizing salty, spicy, fried foods).
  3. Exclusion from the use of alcohol and nicotine.
  4. active image life.
  5. Healthy sleep at least 8 hours.

Dizziness is called a violation of orientation in space.

Cause this phenomenon in the discrepancy between the information received by the brain from the vestibular apparatus and other sensory organs.

Stress, motion sickness, and various diseases can cause dizziness. Therefore, before using pills for dizziness, you should consult a doctor. The names of the drugs, see later in the article.

Before deciding which drugs to take given symptom, you should find out about the reasons that caused this problem.

Real or true dizziness is called "vertigo".

This is a condition in which a person loses the ability to navigate in space, feeling that all the surrounding objects are spinning, like on a carousel. At this time, the vestibular apparatus fails.

Most often, this problem occurs due to a strong emotional shock or as a result of motion sickness.

Vertigo occurs when neuroimpulses from the inner ear are transmitted to the brain with distortion, different from the impulses transmitted to the brain by the senses.

But dizziness can also occur in other, more serious and dangerous reasons. In particular, in the elderly, they can be caused by sudden changes in pressure. Also, dizziness can be initial symptoms stroke.

Often, dizziness combined with weakness can be evidence of infectious or oncological diseases.

If dizziness is accompanied by headaches, vomiting, weakness and nausea, it is necessary to visit a neurologist.

What pills help with dizziness?

What to drink for dizziness? Drugs used to treat vertigo work to relieve the symptoms. The most commonly prescribed reception:

  • diuretics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • vestibulometric means;
  • calcium antagonists;
  • antihistamines;
  • adenoblockers;
  • cerebral vasodilators;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • hypolipidemic;
  • histamine receptor antagonists;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • and other means used to normalize blood circulation and stabilize metabolic processes in neurons.

Depending on the causes of vertigo, the doctor may prescribe drugs that have special features that can eliminate dizziness and the causes of their occurrence.

For dizziness due to cardiovascular disease, appoint the following drugs, which can also be used to eliminate dizziness caused by diseases of the central nervous system and disorders of cerebral circulation:

  • Tanakan;
  • flunarizine;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Ciel;
  • Promethazine;
  • Torekan;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Eufillin;
  • Mekzolin;
  • Seduxen;
  • Relanium;
  • diazepam;
  • Mannitol.

All of the above drugs are prescribed courses. In addition, when taking them, it is necessary to regularly monitor blood pressure to avoid a hypertensive crisis.

For dizziness caused by eating disorders or recurrence of digestive problems, use:

  • Motilium;
  • Mezim;
  • Omez;
  • No-shpa;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Pangrol;
  • Creon;
  • Metoclopramide.

If, in addition to dizziness, symptoms of heartburn or dyspeptic disorders appear, Maalox or Gaviscon should be taken.

For problems with the musculoskeletal system, when vertigo is accompanied by pain and circulatory disorders, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs containing betahistine dihydrochloride are used:

  • Tagist;
  • Diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Reklanium;
  • Promethazine;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Mekzolin;
  • Vestibo;
  • flunarizine;
  • Ibuprom.

With vertigo that occurs due to pathologies of the spine, the medicine for dizziness Betaserc is used.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most frequent type vertigo. In this topic, we will consider the principles of treatment of this condition.

Tablets for the normalization of the functions of the vestibular apparatus

For the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus and the elimination of true vertigo, special medications are used.

The most common remedies for getting rid of dizziness are drugs based on vinpocentine: Cavinton or Betaserc. They are able to eliminate the symptoms. In addition, these drugs are able to stimulate mental processes in the brain and relieve signs of asthenia.

Betaserc is also used to get rid of acute dizziness. Wherein daily dose the drug should not be more than 10 mg per dose and not more than 30 mg per day.

With constant strong and pronounced symptoms of vertigo, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment. It is worth starting with 16-20 mg of the drug at a time.

After a month of taking the dosage should be reduced to 10 mg twice a day (morning and evening).

Such a drug is categorically not suitable for people suffering from peptic ulcers and bronchial asthma.

In addition to Betaserk, Tanakan is often used to get rid of dizziness. The course of treatment is usually designed for three months, during which it is necessary to take a tablet three times a day.

This drug can also be taken by children with neurological abnormalities, when combined with therapeutic exercises, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

To normalize the functioning of the inner ear and vestibular system prescribe the following drugs:

  • Reklanium;
  • flunarizine;
  • Cinnarizine;

Reklanium is chewable tablets. They are an analogue of a drug such as Seduxen. Assign half a tablet three times a day.

Flunarizine at a dosage of 5 mg is taken, depending on the prescribed treatment, in a tablet 4-5 times a day.

Cinnarizine at a dosage of 25 mg is prescribed in a tablet three times a day.

Dramina at a dosage of 50 mg is prescribed one to three times a day.

This drug is also used to get rid of the symptoms of motion sickness.

With severe dizziness and the need for emergency elimination of symptoms, the use of drugs administered intramuscularly is allowed. These are Mekzolin and Promethazine.

These drugs are potent and their dosage should not exceed 2 ml at a time.

Drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation

Drugs to stimulate cerebral circulation are used to combat dizziness in cases where vertigo attacks are caused by oxygen starvation of the brain.

Alpha-blockers, calcium antagonists are used to improve blood flow in small vessels of the brain and stimulate metabolic processes in tissues.

Most safe means for vasodilation are antispasmodics, as they are suitable even for the elderly. Also, to get rid of dizziness, combined agents are used, which include caffeine, alpha-dihydroergocryptine, etophylline.

If vertigo occurs as a result of vasospasm and subsequent oxygen starvation, special medications are used for dizziness and vasospasm:

  • Nitroglycerin and products based on it;
  • Sermion;
  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride;
  • Kordafen;
  • Norvask;
  • Cordaflex;
  • Foridon;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Nemoton;
  • Nimodipine;
  • Vasobral;
  • Instenon;
  • Stugeron.

Preparations based on plant extracts of periwinkle or ginkgo biloba are excellent for stimulating cerebral circulation:

  • Vinpocetine;
  • Bravinton;
  • Telektol;
  • Cavinton;
  • Vero-Vinpocetine;
  • Cavinton forte;
  • Tanakan;
  • Memoplant;
  • Bilobil;
  • Ginkor fort;
  • Gilium.

Before using the above drugs, you must first consult with your doctor.


Antihistamines are also used to treat dizziness. They should not be used by pregnant women, children under 12, and people suffering from allergic reactions to drug components.

Antihistamines are used to relieve symptoms of dizziness and vomiting.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Meclozine (Bonin);
  • Promethazine.

The dosage of funds is selected individually depending on the reasons for use. Usually it is from 25 to 100 mg per day.

Antihistamines have side effects: drowsiness, dry mouth and others.

Dizziness can be cured when the exact causes that caused it are known. Only in this case, the correct therapy can be selected that can save the patient from vertigo attacks.

Feeling dizzy after eating? in single episodes, this should not cause concern, but if this happens constantly, then this symptomatology may indicate hypovolemia and dumping syndrome.

Read about the main methods of dealing with dizziness in the topic. Traditional Methods and drug therapy.

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Spasm of arteries and veins is a phenomenon when the lumen between the walls of the membranes narrows. It occurs with their intensive and prolonged contraction, which entails a violation of blood flow and nutrition of the brain. If this problem is not eliminated in time, then serious consequences can form. To avoid complications, drugs for vasospasm will help.

Why does angiospasm occur?

Cause is a reflex contraction muscle tissue walls of blood channels. The first are broken capillaries and small arteries. Blood circulation through them is difficult or may completely stop. Then oxygen starvation begins in the cells, which negatively affects the central nervous system.

There is a more severe disorder called vasospasm. Occurs gradually and requires treatment. Under the influence of prolonged compression, a lack of blood supply to the cerebral structures is formed. Symptoms persist for several days. If this condition is ignored, the aneurysm may rupture.

Provoking factors

The following effects can cause angiospasm:

  • Overwork.
  • Psychological stressful situations.
  • Oxygen starvation - being for a long time indoors.
  • Diseases of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • Abuse of strong coffee.
  • Osteochondrosis is a complex of dystrophic disorders in the articular cartilage of the neck, which can contribute to pinching of arteries and veins.
  • Obesity.
  • development of kidney disease.
  • Heredity.
  • Elderly age.
  • Sleep disturbance.

Characteristic signs of angiospasm of the head

The manifestation of a spasm depends on in which area of ​​​​the human body it occurred and its duration. The main symptoms are:

  • Headache.
  • Vertigo.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Memory deterioration.
  • Loss of orientation.
  • Increased fatigue.

Important! In case of failure to provide the first medical care the patient may develop complications such as: impaired speech, disorientation, loss of consciousness and memory lapses, which indicates intracranial hemorrhage.

If cerebral convulsive compression of the canals develops, then violations are observed from the side of neuralgia, and the symptoms will be characteristic of the zone in which the pathology occurred.

Manifestation of cardiac pathology

Spasm of the vessels of the heart is an unexpected and rapid narrowing of the lumen coronary arteries. clinical sign causes the appearance of pressing and squeezing pain behind the sternum, which radiates to left hand and a spatula. Its intensity depends on the degree of damage to the bloodstream. If there are severe changes in the three coronary arteries, then contraction will occur even with minimal stress.

This condition can lead to the development of angina pectoris, and in running form- to necrosis of a section of the heart muscle.

Malfunction of the vascular membrane of the eyes

Pathological prolonged narrowing of the opening of the artery of the eye leads to such consequences as: irritation, rapid blinking, temporary decrease in vision, the appearance of black dots. With an aggravated process, retinal necrosis may occur, which will lead to complete blindness.

Spasm of peripheral blood channels

Against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia or vasospasm, compression occurs peripheral vessels. It has several types:

  • Contraction of the bloodstream of the upper and lower extremities- the patient feels numbness of the arms and legs, there is a sensation of tingling and burning.
  • Mesh Livedo - manifested by a mesh pattern on skin thighs and ankles.
  • Acrocyanosis - there is blueness and numbness in the area of ​​​​the hands and feet. Sweating increases.
  • Chill - a condition in which the face, ear shells, hands and feet turn blue. There is a burning sensation and itching. When rubbing the affected areas, pain is felt.

Proper diagnosis is the first success in the fight against the disease

Manifestations of angiospasm coincide with many symptoms of other diseases, so for a correct diagnosis, you need to undergo a series of studies, such as:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the head.
  • Ultrasound of the head and neck.
  • Blood chemistry.

Medical therapy

Important! It is necessary to expand the vessels with the help of high-quality drugs, which clearly indicate the exact dosage of the active substance.

Tablets that relieve spasm of arteries and veins are divided into the following groups:

  • The action of which is aimed at improving blood circulation in the tissues of the brain.
  • Contributing to an increase in the absorption of oxygen by cells.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • vasodilating effect.

Drug relief of angiospasm of the vessels of the head

Drugs that affect the spasm of the bloodstream:

  1. blocking calcium channels.
  • Papaverine - affects high blood pressure, reduces calcium, is responsible for relieving spasm of smooth muscles internal organs and blood channels. It has an expanding effect, stimulates blood flow. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Use with caution in elderly and immunocompromised people. Also, if there is a traumatic brain injury, pathology of the liver, kidneys and endocrine system.
  • Eufillin - active substance stimulates the heart, increasing the strength and frequency of heart contractions, increases coronary blood flow and increases myocardial oxygen demand. Oppresses the tone muscular membranes. It is recommended to drink 1 tablet after meals 3 times a day.

  1. Vasodilators.
  • Nicotinic acid - regulates redox processes, tissue respiration synthesis of proteins and fats. It normalizes the lipid composition of the blood, has a vasodilating effect, improves microcirculation, reduces platelet aggregation. Dosage 50 mg 3 times a day.
  1. Medicines on a natural basis.
  • Ginkgo Biloba is a natural medicine that is an antioxidant. It prevents the formation of blood clots, affects the fluidity of the blood, increases the elasticity of the vascular walls, activates cerebral circulation, and thereby mental activity. Application is carried out in a long period of 3 months. 1 capsule 1 time per 24 hours. Swallow whole with plenty of water.

Therapeutic restoration of blood flow in the retina

The goal of treatment is to improve the blood supply of nutrients to the tissue of the eye with medications such as:

  1. Cavinton - dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood flow, provides tissues with oxygen, reduces platelet adhesion, relaxes smooth muscles. The daily dose is 15 mg. 1 tablet 3 times a day, orally after meals.
  2. Trental - improves rheological properties blood, in areas of impaired blood circulation restores microcirculation, reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance and slightly expands the coronary canals. The number and method of appointment is determined by the severity of the violations. On average, doctors recommend 1 tablet 3 times. At the same time, drink plenty of liquid without chewing. Consume only after meals.
  3. Nicotinamide - is a vitamin agent involved in redox processes in the cell, has an anticoagulant effect, effectively lowers cholesterol levels, expands small capillaries, and provides tissue respiration. Take orally after meals 20-50 mg 2 times a day.

Medicines to stop heart attacks

Relieve pain and restore vascular system possible with the help of such medicines:

  1. Validol - has a reflex vasodilating effect of a moderate nature and a calming effect on the central nervous system, while exerting a sedative effect on it. 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, holding under the tongue until completely resorbed.
  2. Nitroglycerin is a peripheral vasodilator that affects the veins to a greater extent. By reducing preload, it reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle. Depresses pain syndrome. With sublingual use, it quickly enters the systemic circulation. The patient feels relief within 2 minutes after ingestion. If the first symptoms resembling angina pectoris occur, it is necessary to put 1 tablet under the tongue.
  3. Metoprolol - exhibits antiarrhythmic and antianginal effects. With the help of the drug, it is possible to make the heart rate less frequent. Reduces excitability and contractility of the myocardium. When pain syndrome recommend 50 mg of the drug 2 times.

Means for improving peripheral circulation

  1. Curantyl is an angioprotector that normalizes capillary permeability, stimulates metabolic processes in the membranes of the bloodstream, prevents the formation of blood clots, and enhances blood circulation. The drug should be taken 75 mg 1 hour before meals 3 times a day.
  2. No-shpa - exhibits an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles, stimulates the blood supply to internal organs. Drink only an hour after eating, with a small amount of liquid. The dose depends on the degree of the disease. The maximum allowed is up to 240 mg.
  3. Tanakan is a medicinal product made from natural raw materials. Improves brain and peripheral circulation. It normalizes the tone of arteries and veins. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, has an antihypoxic effect on tissues. Assign 40 mg during meals 3 times a day.
  4. Troxevasin - reduces increased permeability and fragility of capillaries, prevents damage to the basement membrane of endothelial cells, reduces edema, increases trophism. The usual dose is 2 capsules every 12 hours, taken orally with meals.
  5. Dimecolin is a ganglioblocker that dilates arterioles and venules throughout the body, promotes the redistribution of blood to the vessels of the lower extremities. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Important! The wrong combination of drugs can lead to the development severe complications. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.

The nature of dizziness: what medications to take?

Vertigo is the loss of a sense of balance, with complaints of a feeling of unsteadiness and whirling. Before choosing a remedy for dizziness, it is necessary to calculate the causes that cause this problem. The provoking factors are:

  • Damage to the vestibular apparatus.
  • Head and neck injuries.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Poisoning.
  • Diseases of the eyes and ears.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Osteochondrosis.

Diagnosis of the disease with frequent attacks

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo such examinations:

  • Pass general analysis blood and urine.
  • MRI and CT.
  • Angiography.
  • Radiography of the head and spine.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes an individual course of therapy.

Effective remedies for vertigo

Medicines for dizziness, depending on what factor provoked them, are divided into groups:

  1. With the defeat of the vestibular apparatus, the best medicine is Betaserk. The action is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the capillaries of the inner ear, stimulates the supply of nutrients to the brain. Eliminates tinnitus, reduces the frequency of occurrence of unpleasant sensations, helps to get rid of the feeling of dizziness. The dose is 10 mg per dose, but not more than 30 mg per day.
  2. At hypertension- Kordafen. Reduces blood pressure, relieves spasm, expands the coronary and peripheral channels. Take orally, regardless of food intake, 1 tablet 3 times a day under the control of blood pressure.
  3. With osteochondrosis - Vestibo. Restores nutrition and supplies oxygen to tissues and organs. Eliminates discomfort circling of the head and oppresses the symptomatology connected with it. The maximum daily dose is 48 mg.
  4. At neurological diseases- Mexidol. Stimulates metabolism and blood supply to the brain, improves the condition of nerve fibers. First, 1 tablet per day, then gradually increase the dosage until a therapeutic effect is obtained.
  5. Vegetative-vascular dystonia - Nicerium. Belongs to the group of alpha blockers. Relieves spasm of smooth muscle tissues, dilates veins and arteries, reduces pressure. Reduces the risk of developing blood clots. Stimulates the transmission of impulses nerve cells. The drug must be taken orally. Swallow whole with a small amount of liquid. An adult should take 20-30 mg per day.
  6. In case of poisoning - Cerucal. Normalizes motility gastrointestinal tract, has antiemetic activity. Prevents oxygen starvation in cells. It is prescribed 1 tablet 4 times within 24 hours. Drink 30 minutes before meals.

Important! The doctor must prescribe an individual course of therapy for each patient, taking into account the degree of the disease and the age category. The dosage and duration of treatment is adjusted only by the doctor.

Drugs that relieve vasospasm and eliminate dizziness are primarily aimed at restoring human health. Therefore, when correct reception medicines positive results will not keep you waiting and bring joy back to life.