Aging Men: Five Unpleasant Types. Taking Medication Properly in Old Age Why We Grow Old

  • Date: 08.03.2020

Staying young, lengthening your life and coming up with pills for eternal youth has always been a cherished dream of man, from ancient times to the present day. If earlier those wishing to conquer old age had to be content with various strengthening tinctures or "magic" drinks, today in pharmacies you can buy licensed anti-aging drugs, drugs that can slow down this process. The use of special means can slow down the aging process of various organs, improve the general condition of the body and prolong the youth and life of a person.

Before purchasing any anti-aging agents, you need to understand how they work and how they can biologically affect the processes that cause aging of the body. Until now, scientists are unable to name the root cause or causes of aging. Therefore, there is no remedy that can completely stop aging, there are drugs that can slow down these processes, such as Metformin, Skulachev drops, biopeptides or telomeres, and many others.

Old age pills

Perhaps scientists will soon offer us effective pills for old age.

The fight against aging must be carried out daily. Not a single magic pill for old age will help if you do not monitor your health and do not try to maintain all organs and systems in good, "working" condition.

In addition to taking special drugs, gerontologists strongly advise paying attention to simple and effective means:

  • Antioxidants - the harmful effect of free radicals on the body has long been proven, it is possible that they accelerate or even "start" the aging process. Taking antioxidants in special supplements or just vitamins E, C or selenium helps to remove toxins and aging products from the body, which means it increases the life of cells and tissues.
  • Vitamins - a decrease in concentration and a lack of vitamins leads to the depletion of all organs and systems, due to which the aging process accelerates, regular intake of vitamins is an excellent and safe remedy.
  • Anticoagulants - ordinary aspirin, regularly taken in small (up to 100 mg) doses, can several times reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack, which means it helps to maintain health and prevents aging of the cardiovascular system.
  • Drugs for maintaining heart function and normalizing blood pressure - ACE inhibitors and other drugs that help stabilize blood pressure are considered one of the most effective means for the cardiovascular system, which wears out first.
  • Preparations to improve metabolism and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Human health largely depends on the state of his digestive system. Proper nutrition and drugs that improve digestion will help maintain at least several years of life and slow down the aging of the body.

Aging drops

The development of anti-aging drops in laboratories has been going on without stopping for several decades.

You can slow down aging with the help of various herbal preparations, the most popular of which are the tincture of calamus root, hawthorn, ginseng and many others. A great revival was caused by the appearance of drops from old age Skulachev - an antioxidant drug that can stop the aging process. Today "Vizomitin" is used to treat dry eye syndrome, but the full potential of this drug has not yet been fully explored, and perhaps, in a few years, a drug will be synthesized that can fight free radicals at the place of origin - in the mitochondria.

Skulachev drops

The well-known drops of Skulachev can have a positive effect on youth and health.

Academician V. Skulachev, who is studying the aging process, proposed a remedy called Skulachev's drops or ions - a powerful antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the body. Today, drops for the eyes of Visimitin are being actively offered on sale, and the release of the drug for old age has so far been postponed, since all the necessary tests and studies have not been carried out. In 2016, information appeared that the medicine for old age is already in pharmacies, but so far there is no data on its production and sale.

Anti-aging products for women

The development of anti-aging drugs for women's skin is ongoing.

The state of the female body is largely determined by the hormonal component, and for many women, the fight against old age is the meaning of life after 30 years. Depletion of the supply of female sex hormones or menopause is one of the main causes of rapid female aging. Taking medications containing estrogens helps not only to cope with the symptoms of menopause, but also to delay the manifestations of aging. But if medications with hormones can be taken only as directed and on the recommendation of a doctor, then foods rich in phytoestrogens will be useful to all women: sprouted wheat and soybeans, wheat germ oil, clover, alfalfa and many other plants.

Anti-aging ointments

Various anti-aging creams and ointments usually affect only the epidermis and the underlying layers of the skin, without penetrating deep into the body. Today, stem or embryonic cells, characterized by an active process of division and differentiation, are used to create extracts, ointments, creams and injections. Once in an adult, aging organism, these cells activate the processes of division and growth, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the tissue or the entire organism as a whole.


Metformin is sold by prescription in our pharmacies

The most famous remedy Metformin for old age, when it appeared, many believed that the victory over aging had already been won, but this drug can prolong life and youth, but not forever postpone the onset of old age. Originally, metformin was synthesized as a drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Then it was proved that this remedy can prolong life and improve health. Metformin reduces the concentration of low density lipoproteins to the blood, as a result of which the risk of developing senile atherosclerosis of the vessels decreases, the state of the cardiovascular system and the whole organism as a whole improves.

Elena Malysheva's pills

In her program dedicated to the problems of aging, Elena Malysheva claims that she knows how to overcome old age with the help of quite familiar drugs. All the same aspirin, statins and drugs that regulate blood pressure. These drugs are called "pills for old age Malysheva".

Aging from lack of telomeres

The theory of aging as a result of the loss of the end regions of chromosomes - telomeres, has something in common with another theory - the existence of special peptides that control the state of the cell. Today, based on the theory of telomeres, special “short” peptides have been created that have an effect on human organs and slow down the aging process. There are different types of drugs: for the immune system, bone and muscle tissue, internal organs, organs of vision, brain and endocrine system.

Products to slow down the aging of the body

A person's life expectancy depends not only on genetic characteristics and lifestyle, but also on the nature of his diet - a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals can slow down the aging process of the body. Adequate nutrition ensures that cells are supplied with sufficient oxygen, building materials and energy. This means the cells will live and function much longer.

The most useful products for maintaining health and anti-aging of cells today are considered:

  • Nuts - all types of nuts are sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, "supplying" all the necessary substances to the body.
  • Berries are natural antioxidants that help eliminate toxins and free radicals.
  • Green vegetables - reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood, contribute to the health of the cardiovascular system.
  • Fatty fish is a source of essential fatty acids.
  • Lean meat is a supplier of protein, the "building material" for cells.

Medicines for the lungs

The lungs are the most important organ in the human body, loss of elasticity by the lung tissue, lack of oxygen and the accumulation of carbon dioxide. All these factors contribute to the aging of cells and the whole body, which is why it is so important to maintain a healthy respiratory system in old age. Lung aging can be caused by genetic factors, smoking, air pollution, work in hazardous industries, and many other factors.

American billionaire, president of Facebook and co-founder of several high-tech companies, American Sean Parker recently said: "I can afford the best healthcare, so I'll live to be somewhere around 160 and become part of the class of immortal rulers of the world." What is behind this statement? And what success has medicine really achieved in the fight against aging?

Aging researchers face three challenges. The first is to determine what it is and create a system of biomarkers (indicators) that allow diagnosing the true biological age. The second is to develop systems for non-drug anti-aging therapy. And finally, the most ambitious one is to create specific anti-aging drugs - gerontoprotectors.

Why are we getting old?

There is no definite answer. Some scientists believe that aging is a gradual process of accumulation in our body of many minor breakdowns and imbalances. As soon as they reach a critical mass, irreversible physiological changes begin and "diseases of old age" arise: cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases.

The second point of view: aging is an automatic program of the organism's suicide, which is launched either at a specific point in time, or after the completion of a “mission” (for example, birth and ensuring the survival of offspring up to a certain age). This is a less common hypothesis, but it is supported by the presence of ageless organisms such as the naked mole rat.

How is aging diagnosed?

Many biomarkers are most commonly used to diagnose aging. Some scientists use fairly traditional indicators: cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood, signaling molecules of inflammation. Recently, within the framework of a large European project MARK-AGE, gerontologists examined more than 3,700 people and studied hundreds of indicators. Among them, the researchers identified only ten key biomarkers. Seven of them are universal for women and men. The other three are gender specific. Moreover, five “universals” are associated with DNA methylation, which is the most important process for diagnosing aging.

Not so long ago, biostatistician Steve Horvath created the "epigenetic clock of aging" based on it. The essence of their work is as follows: in our DNA there is a huge number of different genes, but at one time or another, only a few of them are “turned on”. And other genes are temporarily turned off. These processes of switching on and off are regulated by the attachment to DNA of special "patches" - methyl groups (CH3). If the methyl group "closes" a certain gene, then it can turn it off for a long time. By the number and location of such "patches" on DNA Horvath learned to very accurately determine the biological age of any tissues and organs.

So, there are markers, but a difficult task remains - actually prolonging life with the help of drugs or some kind of non-drug therapy. And I must say right away that at the moment there is not a single treatment option or gerontoprotective drug with proven efficacy in clinical trials. But there are several approaches and at least two drugs that look promising.

There are countless animal studies that support low-calorie diets and short-term fasting.

The most famous therapy is fasting. There are countless animal studies that support low-calorie diets and short-term fasting. A beneficial effect was achieved both for yeast fungi and worms, and for mice and monkeys. However, the mechanism of the phenomenon itself remains unclear, so it cannot be considered a reliable, scientifically grounded method.

Therapy without pills

Full and large-scale human studies have not been conducted. Although scientists have collected information by comparing those who eat a lot and those who eat little. The most obvious comparison was the high-calorie diet and life expectancy (average of 56 years) of Japanese sumo wrestlers and the low-calorie diet of Okinawans (77 years). But this, for obvious reasons, cannot be called a pure experiment.

Another way is blood transfusion. Some are convinced that the ancient idea that young blood helps to rejuvenate may not be just a myth. In 2016, a scandal rocked Silicon Valley. It turned out that venture capitalist Peter Thiel, in search of immortality, paid the biomedical startup Ambrosia $ 40,000 for several blood plasma transfusions from an 18-year-old boy. This happened as part of a large-scale experiment started by the founder of Ambrosia Jesse Karmazin. In its course, 600 rich and middle-aged clients received blood plasma from young people. Each such "operation" cost 8 thousand dollars. Ambrosia continues to offer its services to the American market. It is too early to speak about the results of this experiment.

There is still no substantiated scientific confirmation of this method. One study in mice showed that transfusing the plasma of young individuals into the elderly can reduce the damaging effects of Alzheimer's disease. Another study suggests that transfusion helped older mice improve memory and learning ability. No influence on other physiological processes has yet been found. No reliable human studies have yet been carried out.

Magic pills

Among the candidates for the role of gerontoprotectors, there are several favorites. In experiments on rats, it was found that the amount of GDF11 protein (one of the bone morphogenetic proteins) in young mice is greater than in elderly mice. However, if the concentration in the blood of elderly rodents is doubled by injection, then their muscles quickly acquire the strength and structural features characteristic of young mice.

Another unusual drug turned out to be the drug metformin, which helps to lose weight in type 2 diabetes (reduced insulin sensitivity). It turned out that, among other things, metformin helped diabetics in one of the experiments live on average 15% longer than healthy people from the control group. It is believed that metformin affects the glycation process that leads to tissue damage in diabetes, but also occurs during aging.

The third drug, rapamycin, is used in organ transplantation to prevent organ rejection. In 2015, the company conducted a study of a drug very similar to rapamycin, everolimus, now approved in the United States to fight cancer. As it turned out, it is able to rejuvenate the immune system of the elderly and help them effectively resist colds and flu.

Each drug individually affects only one of the systems in the body suffering from aging. However, the combined use of all three drugs can have a significant anti-aging effect, however, it will need to be confirmed many times in clinical trials.

Gene therapy

Biologist and startup Elizabeth Parrish has applied one of the gene therapy options. She introduced herself into an activated form of genes, supposedly allowing her to lengthen telomeres in her cells - the end sections of chromosomes that contract with each new cell division. At the time of the operation, Parrish was 40, according to her, the telomeres in the treated cells were "younger" by 20 years. Parrish did not publish a scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal. The scientific community is skeptical about her method. But many more researchers are likely to try gene therapy to combat aging.

In addition to gene therapy, antioxidants, new types of hormone therapy and stem cell injections are considered promising in the fight against aging. However, even now the best (and proven) way to prolong an active life is healthy sleep, lack of stress, physical activity and a diet with a minimum of sugars, lots of vegetables, herbs, fish and seafood.

News is a way of drawing attention to some structure, personality or idea - attention, of course, not abstract, but leading to the establishment of positive relationships, affecting the increase in sales of goods or services, the growth of authority in society, which, in

Rice. 4.6. Dynamic news development

in turn, has the goal of entering, for example, in the bodies of the executive or representative branch of government. If attention is attracted, it should be at least "kept afloat", and as much as possible strengthened, ie. create news again. It turns out a kind of long-distance running, the size of which is not limited by anyone.

What are the best techniques to use so that this run is not interrupted? One of the most obvious, common and ageless tricks - binding news to a "round" date. However, something else is not so obvious: the information output will be great if you treat a certain date not as a day on the calendar, but as a long and multi-step process.

When, for example, the information strategy for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Moscow Art Theater was developed, the following was meant: on June 22, 1897 (according to the old style), K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Dan -chenko met in during which an agreement was reached on the creation of the Moscow Art Theater. But the theater itself opened more than a year later - on October 26, 1898. And the authors of the idea of ​​the celebration make a decision - to declare the period between the centuries of the two events the year of the century of the Moscow Art Theater. Later, under the banner of the theater's centennial anniversary, a whole series of events was held, and the "informational weight" of each of them was significantly increased by the solidity of the date.

The reason for issuing information can be tied not to a holiday date, but to the one when it happened or should happen important for

the whole society or a significant part of it an event. Moreover, this event itself, and the holiday associated with it, can simply be invented.

Inventing holidays is one of the most widespread methods of promoting information in the West. A good example of its application is the information campaign launched in the United States in 1984 in connection with the upcoming sale of the 50 billion hamburger by McDonald's (Canada).

The countdown began two weeks before the alleged event, when the number of hamburgers sold was 49 billion 990 million pieces. On the day of reaching the anniversary mark on the stage of the hotel Grand hyatt In New York, a new grill was taken out to music from McDonald's commercials, and the president of the American branch of McDonald's, Edd Renzi, personally prepared a 50-billion-dollar hamburger for Dick McDonald's, one of the company's founding brothers.

The event inspired nostalgia for many journalists across the United States. They presented reports with an overview of the work of local McDonald's branches and memories of the eateries of their youth. The story appeared in both the news and themed issues, and was highlighted as an important social milestone.

About 120 media outlets spread the message about the anniversary around the world: while some talked about how much ketchup, potatoes, pickled cucumbers and onions were sold from 50 billion hamburgers; others are about how clever the original McDonald's investors did in 1955. These posts received about 300 million audience responses.

Should the 50 billion hamburger event be considered unique? Not at all: it has become just a logical link in the chain of its own kind! Suffice it to recall that in 1978 the company organized an equally large-scale celebration in connection with the opening of its 5,000th restaurant in Japan; in 1980, the 25th anniversary of McDonald's, the 6,000th restaurant in Germany and the 9,000th in Australia; in 1988 - a bright show in connection with the appearance of the 10,000th restaurant of the company in the USA.

In the same way, the McDonald's company itself is non-unique, using the techniques of inventing holidays. And the holiday events themselves can be invented regardless of the "round" dates. For example, in 1983, the Camp Bel Soup Company (USA) declared January the “national soup month”. Why was this month chosen? Because research has shown: the consumption of soup in January was the highest. This was followed by "weeks" and "days" of soup, in each case saturated with a wide variety of PR-actions. As a result, there was a significant increase in soup sales without increasing advertising costs. For example, at the end of 1983, a 10% increase in sales was recorded, and at the end of 1984, a record 36% jump.

Equally illustrative is the example of Dowbrand, the creator of the Ziplock sandwich bags, which organized the National Day

sandwich "and chose for this November 3 - the birthday of the inventor of the sandwich Earl Sandwich 1.

The technique of inventing holidays is especially relevant for our country, where many people, including media workers, have the attention acquired by the system of a previous life for all sorts of anniversaries. You can safely come up with absolutely any anniversary. For example, when the International Press Club was firmly on its feet, it became necessary to collect VIР(eng. very important person - very important person) and journalists for informal prestigious communication. In the invitations, we wrote: "Welcome to the holiday - the press club is 200 days old." The reason was considered sufficient and even original.

A curious trick is when you, not being sure that your event will be gladly "swallowed" by the media, come up with a second one, preferably a different profile, and thus offer events to choose from, remaining in both cases their author. As an example, let us cite the situation with one of the political parties, which, on the eve of its founding congress, sent a press release to the media announcing two events at once: on February 12, the party will hold a contact karate show tournament, and on February 15, a founding congress. The trick worked, and the party was mentioned from different angles, different media, on different occasions.

But just the same in one event it is worth looking for various components, which can significantly expand the range of media processing your news. So, when preparing the presentation of the new magazine "Road Patrol", it was immediately clear: the news belongs to the events in the media market, and the latter do not like to spread about themselves very much. What else can you attract?

The magazine worked closely with the traffic police, and we asked the founders to invite the heads of the State Traffic Inspectorate to the presentation, which brought legal and automotive issues to the information spectrum. Further: the magazine was the "younger brother" of the TV show of the same name, and the head of the channel was invited to the press conference, which added a television aspect to the information. Finally, the creation of a "new information holding" was declared, thus the economic aspect of the problem was connected. As a result, the information aggregate turned out to be quite weighty and brought the desired results.

To make or "multiply" news is capable of and demonstration of different views, approaches to the same problem. So, once the International Press Club was faced with the need to hold a press conference with the director of public relations of the Russian

1 Harris Thomas L. The Marketer "s Guide to Public Relations. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993.

representative office of the company "Philip Morris" E. White. It was predicted that the media are likely to perceive this press conference as a publicity campaign and are unlikely to write about it. Then we chose a different path: “Two approaches to business development: a joint press conference by E. White and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dovgan corporation V. Dovgan”. And the trick worked!

In a situation with the next aggravation of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, a similar technique was used in the form of one after another press conferences - the President of Ingushetia R. Aushev and the President of North Ossetia A. Galazov; on the eve of B. Yeltsin's visit to China - in the form of a unique joint press conference between the press secretary of President S. Yastrzhembsky and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Russia Li Fenglin.

Of course, each of the figures listed in the previous example is interesting in itself, hence the following conclusion: a good effect is given by strengthening the news through the presence of influential people. Moreover, if a press conference is held by heads of state, leading businessmen or politicians, you don't have to bother attracting journalists at all - they will come to the meeting anyway and give out their comments to the media. But there are few such people, so in most cases you have to think: is it possible to attract someone else?

In the early 90s, while working on the PR support of the Moscow City project, we invented news almost every day, but not all of them, even though they were interesting, were widely covered in the press. And then the former US President R. Nixon came to Moscow, and the opportunity arose to meet with him in a narrow circle. We included only two journalists in this circle: one showed Nixon brochures describing the project and asked questions, and the other took pictures. Naturally, the ex-President of the United States was not going to delve into the details, but he still spoke general polite words about the project. These words turned out to be quite enough for Nixon's comments about Moscow City, which we sent to leading newspapers, to be published along with his photographs.

Here's another example. Once we were approached by a politician who held a significant government post in the early 90s (Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation). He published a book "The Shadow Economy in Russia: Another Way and a Third Force" and intended to present it. But an expert survey of journalists showed that the name of the politician had been forgotten by the time the action was held; moreover, the book was not so much news as it was of a fundamental methodological nature. They began to think: since we are talking about crime, why not

to involve the General Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the presentation? It is possible that the leaders of the first level will not come, but, perhaps, other well-known officials will respond. And not only the current leader, but also his predecessor can be attractive to the press due to his greater relaxedness. In addition, the conversation about the shadow economy directly leads to the problems of the country's security, and in this sense it is quite appropriate to involve representatives of the Security Council ...

Having reasoned in this way, we proceeded to organizational actions and formed a fairly strong composition of participants in the press conference: the aforementioned politician, as well as the former Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the Economic Security Department of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc. The general topic of the meeting, which was very successful, was formulated as follows: "At a briefing for the media, information will be made public on the scale and volume of the shadow economy in Russia, the spheres of influence of shadow capital, and the outline of the state program for combating the shadow economy will be presented."

This formulation leads to the understanding of another technique for increasing the importance of news - combining it with a socially important problem. It's good when such a problem is really “at hand”. However, it also happens: there is an informational occasion, but the ears of personal or corporate interest are clearly sticking out of it, which is why the material gets into the media “with great creak”. So you need turn your problem into a socially significant one.

Let us recall, for example, how, in the case of the negative attitude of a number of government officials to the creation of a high-speed highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg, a public committee “suddenly” was formed to oppose the technological backwardness of Russia, for its right to be among the leaders of scientific and technological progress. And the problems acquired all-Russian significance, and the information went to the media!

In general, I must say that formula "respectable people plus a significant problem" is able to make almost any information media outlet to the writing and shooting fraternity news. An interesting precedent took place in a situation when a not-so-famous lawyer decided to meet with journalists to talk about the case of S. Mikhailov, a Russian businessman who was arrested and imprisoned in Switzerland. After a series of successive creative steps, this meeting from a potentially weak event in its informational content turned into a powerful action, which generated a considerable number of contradictory comments.

mentaries. How did this happen? The answer can be the announcement of the named event sent out in the media:


For reference: Russian businessman Sergei Mikhailov was arrested on October 17, 1996 in Switzerland. For 15 months he has been in Shan-Dolon prison in Geneva on charges of involvement in organized crime, money laundering, illegal acquisition of real estate and violation of the Law on the Residence of Foreigners in Switzerland.

Why does the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation consider S. Mikhailov innocent, and the Moscow RUOP - a criminal? Why are the Swiss authorities currently considering the issue of granting political asylum to a former employee of the RUOP, Major N. Uporov, who committed illegal actions against S. Mikhailov? Why does the US FBI agent R. Levinson give false testimony against S. Mikhailov, and the lawyers of the USA, Switzerland, Russia, Belgium, Israel send a statement to the European Commission in defense of S. Mikhailov? Why is S. Pogramkov, S. Mikhailov's lawyer, denied entry to Switzerland to fulfill his professional duties? Answers to these and other questions will be voiced at a press conference at the IPC on January 30 at 13:00 with the participation of prominent lawyers and attorneys:

S. Pogramkova (Russia);

K. Magne (Belgium, President of the Belgian Bar Association);

R. Clarke (USA, former US Secretary of Justice);

A. Reimond and R. Isenegger (Switzerland);

A. Kronika (Israel).

The journalists will be presented with packages of documents confirming the innocence of S. Mikhailov, including the texts of statements to the European Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation ...

We are sure that the readers themselves will add one more component to the proposed formula - the question: who is this Mikhailov, that such forces are bothering about him ?! And they will get to the very point, since exactly intrigue is the most important engine of news. In the first half of the 90s, when the Majority Party appeared on the arena of Russian politics, a press release was sent out in the media under the headline: "The Party of the Majority: Luzhkovites, Zionists or Comprador Bourgeoisie?"

“This is the party of the comprador bourgeoisie” (E. Gaidar, from a speech on the First TV Channel on February 14, 1994);

"The main ally of the new party will be Yegor Gaidar's party" (Kommersant-DAILY, February 16, 1994);

"It remains unclear whether the Party of the Majority is the very" Luzhkov party "about the likely creation of which there have been rumors lately" (Segodnya, February 16, 1994), and so on.

In conclusion, it was proposed to come to the press conference and get clarifications, and many media outlets liked this proposal.

Better intrigue is only scandal. On the one hand, the organization of real scandals by a public relations specialist is unlikely to be recognized as ethical, on the other hand, who prevents an event from being interpreted as a scandal or even from making up some harmless scandal? Returning again to cases from the short but bright life of the Majority Party (PB), let us give an example. PB Chairman V. Grechnev, a former karate athlete, once listening to the radio statements of the leader of another party - the Liberal Democratic Party - V. Zhirinovsky about his remarkable physical capabilities, suddenly exclaimed: "I will challenge Zhirinovsky to a duel!"

The information and organizational machine began to spin: the transmission of a call, the distribution of a press release, the selection of participants for demonstration performances. On the appointed day, in one of the halls of the CSKA sports complex, there were two chairs with signs “V. Grechnev "and" V. Zhirinovsky ". The latter didn’t come, but the PB chairman came out onto the tatami and defiantly defeated the huge growth of his “colleague”. Result? Scandalchik, and with him a beautiful show took place and was reflected in SM I.

In the early 2000s, the action of the public movement “Walking Together” to confiscate the “bad” books of Pelevin, Sorokin, Erofeev and Marx and exchange them for “good” Boris Vasiliev, turned out to be quite “scandalous” in the early 2000s. The organizers stated that they want to acquaint young people with the presence in Russian literature of more worthy examples than the works of "advertised fashionable writers." And the press competed in mocking comments.

But no matter what tricks you use, news cannot take place without information. We had to meet a lot of civil and military statesmen of a very high rank who suffered failures due to the fact that they continuously reported on the work done, without telling anything new, and answering a sharp and burning question, they said: “I can assure you that all the measures stipulated by the law are being taken here ... ”The effect of such“ revelations ”was close to zero or negative.

What can be news most often? New companies, new or improved products or services, new appointments and promotions, new image, new market, new financial performance and investments, new research and development, new meetings, awards, records, etc.

We add to this that as the list of positions can be substantially supplemented, so any of them contains great potential for creativity.

sky study. For example, if the news is the appointment of a job, then how does the dismissal sound worse with an explanation of the reasons and information about the prospects?

And if any structure is not new at all, then why not look in its activity for an angle with which the word “for the first time” is well combined? What, for example, is a serious informational occasion contained in the next, albeit the 65th, anniversary of the college of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation? However, if you present it as the first press conference of the leaders of this previously closed structure in the history of the college, then the collection of journalists is guaranteed.

As for the investment topic, from investing in a project to raising pensions, the informational reason here is the assumption of investments, and the promise to make them, and even more so a legal document. After some time, you can return to this issue in order to talk about unfulfilled promises, unfulfilled hopes and force majeure circumstances that prevented the implementation of a good plan.

  • Including the rights holders of land plots on which green spaces are located) in the field of creation, maintenance, protection, demolition and restoration of green spaces
  • Validity of experimental psychological research, control techniques, the influence of side variables as ways to increase validity

  • Https://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/97b58d4e815d2f9e9a6101bc72683e50.jpg

    Medicines for the elderly

    In this article, you will learn:

      How to take medicine for the elderly

      What are the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medications for the elderly?

      What can relieve constipation medicine for the elderly?

      What medicine should be taken for tinnitus for the elderly

      Will medication help older people with dementia?

    It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe the same medicines for both young and old people. But the aging of the body is already a signal to take medication for the elderly with caution. The pill that put a man on his feet 20 years ago can put him in a hospital bed at 60.

    How to take medicine for the elderly

    It is not uncommon for older people to have almost hidden symptoms of illness, even if they think they are completely healthy. Unfortunately, nowadays it is difficult to meet an elderly person with excellent health. And the tight schedule of our doctors in polyclinics does not make it possible to understand in detail the complaints of a particular person, when many more such patients are waiting near his office. The doctor prescribes medications for the elderly that are suitable for similar symptoms as a template. So, a misdiagnosis is one of the main reasons for the appearance of adverse reactions to this drug in an elderly person. And another common mistake is increasing the dosage, which may not help, and even harm the elderly. A repeated visit to the doctor follows the same scenario, and the drug is prescribed until recovery. How many doctors refer to reference books of medicines in order to familiarize themselves or recall possible contraindications in this or that case ?!

    It must be remembered that in people over 60 years of age, taking any medication requires prudence and caution. It is very important to know that the medicine that helped you in your youth may absolutely not be effective in old age and even harm.

    What older people need to know about taking medication:

    Over the years, we experience various changes due to aging. Compared to the ever-growing connective tissues, healthy cells shrink. In an aging organism, the amount of water is significantly less in percentage terms, but body weight is greater. The baby's body is almost completely filled with water - about 90%. Over the years, we lose fluid from the body, and in old age, closer to 70 years, only about 40% of the water is retained.

    The main changes are associated with protein metabolism. Almost all drugs are synthesized with proteins, and then enter the tissues of the body through the blood, passing through the gastrointestinal tract. And those drugs that could not combine with proteins move through the blood, synthesizing with other substances in the body. In such a situation, the drug loses its ability to act, and the body receives irreparable harm.

    The changes also apply to the capillaries. Some of them cease to receive nutrition, they change in shape, gradually become empty, a "baldness field" appears. The level of cholesterol rises in the vessels, respectively, blood circulation worsens. As a result, the process of removing waste products from the body is disrupted, since it is more difficult for oxygen to enter the tissues of the body.

    Important organs for the body, such as the kidneys, lungs and liver, also undergo changes at the cellular level with age. They already perform their main functions worse: the liver cannot cope with processing, and the lungs and kidneys with the removal of harmful, toxic decay products. Thus, toxic substances in an aging body can combine with other substances in the body, since the body could not remove them in time. Since all these nuances are not taken into account when developing drugs for the elderly, and the developers do not always consider it necessary to take into account old age, therefore, there are much more side effects from taking drugs in older people.

    2) Take strictly in the dosage in which it should be.

    All tablets have a lot in common, at least an external factor. But often there are medicines for the elderly, produced in different dosages, which the patient and the doctor should always know about, who must indicate the exact dosage. Before taking any medications, be sure to read the instructions, because they are specially created so that we read them. Pay special attention to the item on contraindications and dosage. Elderly people are advised to take medicines in smaller doses - half or a quarter of a tablet and at short intervals. Comparing with a young body, the same pill will act longer on an older person than on a young one. Do not forget about the compatibility of drugs if older people are treated with several at once.

    There may be such a situation with medicines for the elderly, when even a small amount of any medicine can cause adverse reactions. But these days there are a huge number of analogs of medicines, and you can always ask your doctor to replace one medicine with another if you have adverse reactions, or the condition worsens from taking this medicine. Most importantly, never choose a medicine based on the opinions of friends or neighbors, and this also applies to those medicines that are well advertised in the media.

    3) Take NSAIDs with caution.

    The rather popular medicine indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, but not everyone knows that this ointment has a strong effect on the brain, can cause insomnia and dizziness, as well as confusion. Since the elderly often complain of joint pain, this medicine is often used. But few people have information that this drug is not suitable for long-term use, and also requires regular monitoring of analyzes. Herbal preparations are analogs of indomethacin - diclosan, sofia.

    Of the narcotic analgesics, pentazocine has the greatest effect on consciousness.

    4) Take less drugs that reduce blood clotting.

    Elderly people are often prescribed medications from the aspirin group. At the same time, not everyone knows that such drugs should not be used if they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. When taking dipyridamole in the elderly, symptoms such as dizziness may develop, in particular after standing up. This is characteristic of this remedy. And ticlopidine (ticlide) can be completely ineffective, but at the same time it is very toxic.

    It is an absolutely little-known fact that cranberry juice can help reduce blood clotting, but at the same time it is tasty, healing and harmless.

    5) Be aware that antiulcer medications have serious side effects.

    Confusion in the elderly, like other unwanted symptoms, is caused by antiulcer medications. Most often, such symptoms appear after taking cimetidine, but there are a number of drugs where there are fewer complications - ranitidine, nizatidine, famotidine.

    6) Choose antidepressants carefully.

    Among antidepressants, drugs such as doxepin and amitriptyline are considered not quite suitable drugs for the elderly. The anticholinergic effects of these drugs can be harmful to the elderly.

    For depression, vasodilator drugs, cavinton or huato boluses, can help. These medicines help to improve the blood supply to the brain.

    7) Choose non-anticholinergic antihistamines.

    The strongest anticholinergic effect is possessed by drugs such as suprastin, diprazine, as well as combination drugs, which are also often prescribed to the elderly.

    When prescribing these drugs, it is better to opt for such as terfed or claritin. These drugs have no anticholinergic action.

    8) Read the side effects of blood pressure lowering drugs carefully.

    There are many side effects of drugs such as methyldopa or reseprin. These drugs can cause depression, a significant decrease in blood pressure, suppression of consciousness, and cause impotence. The most harmless drugs for the elderly from this group are monopril or enapril.

    Psychotropic drugs for the elderly are not always effective for behavioral disorders - excessive agitation, throwing objects, aggressive state. Quite toxic drugs are chlorpromazine, sonapax, tisercin. Such drugs can cause impairment of consciousness and motor functions. In addition, they have anticholinergic effects.

    Speaking about these drugs, it should be noted that the elderly should treat them very carefully, use small doses and reduce the duration of administration to a minimum. Naturally, this is the responsibility of the attending physician.

    10) Talk to your doctor before taking gastrointestinal antispasmodics.

    For pain, stomach cramps, the doctor may prescribe medications for the elderly such as metacin, buscopan, but their effectiveness may be questionable, and there is no doubt about their anticholinergic effect. With such diseases, it is worth trying no-shpu.

    11) Take antidiabetic drugs with caution.

    When taking chlorpropamide, hypoglycemia can develop - a drop in blood sugar levels. With prolonged use, the amount of sodium in the blood also decreases, which occurs due to water retention in the body.

    12) Strictly monitor your iron supplementation.

    Side effects of taking ferrous sulfate include stool retention, especially if you take more than 325 mg daily.

    13) Remember that sedatives, tranquilizers and hypnotics are long lasting.

    For a long time, such drugs as elenium, diazepam and nitrazepam act on the elderly. They can be prescribed for insomnia or increased anxiety. But you need to know that these drugs can cause increased drowsiness, as a result of which there is a danger of falls and fractures.

    Some older people use diphenhydramine for insomnia but are unaware that the drug has a strong anticholinergic effect.

    The safest drug for the elderly is motherwort tincture.

    Among medicines for the elderly, phenobarbital and nembutal have many side effects. These so-called barbiturates interact well with other medications. In the case of older people, it is better to exclude these drugs, they can be taken only with symptoms such as convulsions.

    What kind of pressure medicine for the elderly is prescribed by the doctor

    Arterial hypertension is one of the main unpleasant companions of the elderly. It is very important to competently approach the treatment of high blood pressure in order to maintain excellent well-being even in old age. Medicines for pressure should be prescribed by a qualified doctor who will conduct the entire range of examinations, and then will carefully approach the choice of one or another drug.

    The most conservative people are the elderly. Conservatism manifests itself not only in the choice of wardrobe, but also in the choice of drugs to lower blood pressure. In almost every grandmother's first aid kit, you will find expired adelfan, citramone and corvalol, a couple of packs of validol and, of course, clonidine.

    If you managed to look into the first-aid kit of your elderly relatives, and you saw something like this there, then you urgently need to take them to a good cardiologist who will select the correct and productive treatment.

    In the treatment of hypertension, such medicines for the elderly as adelfan and all grandmothers' favorite clonidine have long been outdated. It should be noted that these drugs harm more than they cure, addiction can develop to them, and in addition to this, older people take it absolutely haphazardly. By the way, clonidine can be used extremely rarely, provided that a person already has long-term hypertension with severe course.

    A common misconception among older people is that it is enough to take the medicine once to lower the pressure at the moment when it is increased. When diagnosed with hypertension, a medicine to lower blood pressure must be taken for a long time, since it acts in the process of accumulation in the body.

    Not always elderly people know that atherosclerosis (age-related vascular pathology) is the cause of an increase in pressure. Usually, the doctor adds statins and anticoagulants to the medicine to lower blood pressure. Aspicard will save you from a heart attack, as it thins the blood, and atorvastatin improves the elasticity of blood vessels, and also destroys atherosclerotic plaques.

    Constipation medicine for the elderly: 4 groups of drugs

    Medicines for the elderly for stool retention, or the so-called laxatives, are prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. This is a worldwide practice. The reason for this is that any medication that affects the intestines causes side reactions. But our grandmothers very often take these drugs, since the problem of constipation occurs in every second elderly person.

    Laxatives are appropriate to take only when other methods do not relieve the painful condition. If medicinal solutions, infusions, as well as any other drugs prescribed by the attending physician, did not lead to a positive result, then in this case, you can turn to medications.

    Today there are four groups of drugs that affect the gastrointestinal tract:

    For softening feces (osmolytics). These medicines are formulated with substances that hold moisture in the intestines, a liquid that thinns the stool and makes it easier for it to be removed from the body.

    Intestinal wall irritants. The action of this group of drugs is aimed at chemical irritation of the intestines in order to activate peristalsis.

    Fillers. They also promote the absorption of fluids, thus increasing the volume of feces. These drugs have a cumulative effect, so they begin to act in about three days.

    Prebiotics. Promote good digestion of food, as they improve the intestinal microflora.

    The choice of laxative drugs for the elderly should be approached very thoroughly and only on the basis of the doctor's recommendations.

    Some medications:

      Guttalax - a drug that can be called safe and effective for the elderly, since it is allowed to be consumed even by pregnant women. This drug can become addictive, so it is not quite suitable for long-term use. If you need to use it in large quantities, then it is better to replace it with an analogue.

      Regulax- a herbal preparation with a pleasant taste, strong enough, but there is no addiction to this drug. Valid for 10 hours.

      Forlax- a drug that belongs to osmolytics. Of all the drugs, it is better not to take it for the elderly, as it contributes to the loss of minerals in the blood. Especially doctors do not advise older people to take the drug for a long time, because elements for an elderly organism, such as potassium and calcium, are very important, and their reduction can lead to heart disease.

      Prelax - this medicine belongs to prebiotics, it is used for constipation in young children, even newborns. It contains lactulose, the action of which is aimed at drawing water towards itself. If this drug is taken daily, as an additional medicine to laxatives, then it is possible to normalize digestion for a long time. But you need to know that prelax can cause flatulence in the elderly.

    What medicine can help for noise in the head for the elderly?

    Elderly people often face a problem such as noise in the head. This can be the result of a variety of pathologies: from cardiovascular disease to improper placement of dentures, problems with the musculoskeletal system or hearing. The danger of this ailment is the risk of hearing loss or at least significant hearing impairment.

    To get rid of this symptom, you need to find its cause, and for this, older people need to be tested. To begin with, you should visit an otolaryngologist and a surgeon to exclude cranial or ear damage. Also, an ENT can check hearing acuity through an auditory test or audiogram.

    It is imperative to pass general tests, the results of which will help indicate the presence or exclude a disorder of the endocrine system, various tumors and inflammatory processes.

    It is important to undergo tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, which will help find small growths or any abnormalities in the inner ear and cranial region.

    If there is a concern that there are serious problems with the spine, as well as in the cervical spine, then an MRI should be done.

    And also there is a need to undergo an angiography of the vessels of the brain in order to check whether the vessels are narrowed, as well as their patency.

    Thus, you need to understand that noise in the head and ears in older people is not a disease, but simply a signal that something is going wrong in the body. As soon as this disease is found, then it will be possible to talk about solving the problem of tinnitus. In the case of cardiovascular diseases, the patient is prescribed the necessary pills. If hearing aid infections are present, antimicrobial treatment is used. With brain tumors, they are sent to special institutions to see a surgeon. Physiotherapists solve disorders of the cervical vertebrae.

    As you can see, there is no definite treatment for this symptom. On the part of the doctor, there must be a professional approach to each individual patient for the correct choice of medication for the elderly or methods of physiotherapy, which will be supported by the results of all necessary tests and examinations. But at the same time, there are medications that do not solve the problem of the primary source of the disease, but can help improve the general condition and relieve discomfort. Such drugs improve blood circulation, saturate with oxygen, have a beneficial effect on nervous processes, relieve stress. Suitable for elderly people: gliatilin, cerebrolysin, actovegin, capilar, instenon and others.

    What drugs can be taken for memory in the elderly?

    The death of nerve cells in a person's old age is a natural process that leads to memory impairments in the elderly. Usually this period begins after 50 years, and the highest point is the age of 70 years. This explains the forgetfulness of older people, it is difficult for them to remember dates, times, some cases, events. With such symptoms, drugs are usually immediately prescribed to improve memory. Today in pharmacies you can find a sufficient amount of such medicines for the elderly.


    This group has a specific effect on the brain, promotes the flow of oxygen. This, in turn, helps glucose uptake. And without the right amount of glucose, it is difficult to talk about excellent concentration, good mental abilities and wonderful memory.

    For example, there is nootropil - a medicine for the elderly, which is prescribed when a person forgets his name, relatives, way home, address. Usually it is prescribed to use 5 mg per day for a month, and a positive result is already visible after the first week of admission.

    You also need to know that there is a minus in this medication. It becomes ineffective with prolonged use, which entails an increase in dosage, so it is necessary to take breaks or replace it with analogues.

    Such medicines are suitable not only for memory failures, but also for depression, head injuries, and heavy diets.


    Doctors strongly recommend taking vitamins, especially with ginseng, as it is a herbal nootropic that improves memory processes well. A very common complex is Vizhi. It is suitable for both seniors and students during difficult periods of sessions or exams, as well as people with severe mental stress.

    Also from the vitamin complexes of a wide range of actions, you can choose "Biotredin". By gradually improving the state of the nervous system, this medicine improves memory. It helps well with stress and severe, prolonged depression.

    From the herbal group of drugs, Vitrum Memori activates brain activity and blood properties well. It is prescribed when the patient has a decrease in memory, attention, hearing and vision problems, as well as a deterioration in mental abilities.


    Glycine... Now in pharmacies you will find it under the name "Glycine-forte". As a medicine for the elderly, it is prescribed for memory impairment, for diseases such as sclerosis or amnesia. The drug normalizes metabolism, thereby increasing capacity, reduces anxiety, and helps to normalize sleep. This medicine is also prescribed for young people with concussions or other head injuries. Also, the drug helps with emotional fatigue and nervous exhaustion, which is typical for people with increased intensity of mental work.

    The advantage of this medication for the elderly is that it has practically no side effects. Allergic reactions to any components of the drug are possible, including their individual intolerance, and it can also cause drowsiness and tinnitus.

    Intellan stimulates the brain, positively affects its blood circulation, thereby saturating with oxygen. It is prescribed for dysfunction of attention and memory, for stressful situations, prolonged depression. Can be assigned to children with delayed physical and mental development. This medication is contraindicated for elderly people with diabetes mellitus, and it can also cause insomnia if taken before bedtime.

    Piracetam and Phenotropil. These medicines for the elderly have a fairly wide spectrum of action: they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes. Piracetam is prescribed for patients with nervous diseases, memory impairment due to various injuries, and atherosclerosis. It is usually a complementary drug. But he has a lot of side effects: allergic reactions, increased heart disease, insomnia.

    Phenotropil close in action to piracetam, but also has a psychostimulating effect. Recommended for alcohol addiction, trauma, improves memory and mental activity. According to the instructions, it is recommended to receive before lunch. May cause sleep disturbance and increased blood pressure in older people.

    Tanakan and Phenibut... These medicines are only suitable for adults. In case of violations of the thought process, tanakan is prescribed, and with increased anxiety, unjustified fears, or with frequent irritability, phenibut is prescribed. Side effects of these drugs for the elderly include dizziness, stool disturbance, and the possibility of itching and abdominal pain in the elderly. They are contraindicated in gastritis, circulatory disorders in the brain and ulcers.

    What drugs help for dizziness in the elderly, and what, on the contrary, cause them

    In old age, many people have a range of symptoms that worsen their general condition. Dizziness is a fairly common symptom. What to say about the elderly, if even young people often suffer from this ailment. Loses orientation with dizziness. This symptom should definitely be treated in the elderly. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this disease, since over the years various changes occur in the human body.

    It is worthwhile to understand well the causes and symptoms of this disease in order to find ways to cure and choose the right medicines for the elderly.

    Our vestibular apparatus, which is a kind of labyrinth, is responsible for good balance. Located in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe temples. It is because of disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus that the head can be dizzy. And the main reason is the impaired blood circulation of the vestibular apparatus. This may be the result of changes in the composition of the blood, the presence of atherosclerotic plaques and microthrombi. In the presence of such symptoms, a person may have dizziness. Such dizziness is called peripheral, as it is the result of local disturbances in the apparatus. There is another type of vertigo - central. This dizziness can be caused by more serious brain problems such as tumors or strokes.

    Vertigo is divided into systemic and non-systemic. Non-systemic can occur in the presence of stress, overwork, with arterial hypertension, that is, it is more of a neurogenic disorder. In such disorders, the main symptoms are darkening of the eyes and dizziness.

    The causes of systemic vertigo are violations of certain zones of the vestibular apparatus, for example, a violation of the visual analyzer. Even a lack of satiety can make a person feel dizzy. This is a completely different situation in which it is not necessary to take special medications for the elderly.

    There are a number of drugs that can cause dizziness in the elderly: antidepressants, anticonvulsants, diuretics, beta-blockers, analgesics, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, antihypertensives, hypnotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. You need to be especially careful with drugs such as neomycin, kanamycin, and streptomycin.

    A competent doctor will prescribe treatment only after a thorough examination of the body, on the results of which he will rely in the choice of medicines for an elderly person and other methods of treatment. Usually this is a long and difficult process - the treatment of dizziness in people of age.

    Cavinton, memoplant, sermion are of fundamental importance in treatment, as they tone the vessels, prevent the development of ischemia of the vestibular apparatus, and improve tissue metabolism. Vasobral is often used by doctors. Its action is aimed at improving blood circulation, increasing the resistance of brain tissue to a lack of oxygen.

    Nowadays, the most common and effective drugs are drugs that include betagestin dihydrochloride. For example, these are betaserk, betavirin, vestibo, tagista. In addition to these medications, the physician must add medications that detect the mechanisms behind the development of dizziness and imbalance. It is not uncommon to prescribe additional medications for the elderly for depression and increased anxiety.

    Doctors prescribe certain medications based on their actions for specific symptoms. Their action can correct orthopedic, neurological, somatic disorders. All of these disorders can cause dizziness in older people. So, if dizziness appears against the background of Parkinson's disease, then certain drugs, the so-called levodopa, are prescribed. Antiarrhythmic spectrum drugs help with arrhythmias. Upon detection of oncological diseases, a person is sent for examination to an oncologist and further to oncological medical institutions.

    Is there a cure for insomnia for the elderly?

    Older people often suffer from insomnia. Why is this happening? With age, the amount of melatonin in our body decreases, the blood circulation in the brain becomes significantly worse, thereby disturbing sleep. What is especially important is choosing a medicine for the elderly that will not have a detrimental effect on the thought process, does not cause lethargy, drowsiness and dizziness. With all this, of course, it should help with insomnia.

    If a person has transient insomnia, the so-called transient, then in this case there is no need to drink medications, but preference should be given to herbal ones, which relieve increased anxiety and overstrain well. If insomnia is severe, then it is necessary to choose the least toxic drugs, with minimal side effects that will be quickly eliminated from the body.

    Today, among the large number of drugs for the elderly, there is already a particular preference for modern sedatives that help with insomnia. These are drugs such as zopiclone and zolpidem. These drugs are prescribed by a doctor and are available with a prescription. These drugs have a hypnotic effect that creates physiological sleep. There are no special side symptoms, and the next day the person feels good and cheerful.

    What are the most commonly prescribed medications for the elderly after a stroke?

    After suffering a stroke, the elderly should be under the supervision of specialists in hospital treatment. The hospital has many more options for rehabilitation and therapeutic treatment. People who are in a serious condition close to a coma with a lack of necessary vital functions after a stroke are not put in a medical facility. Also, they will not hospitalize a person with mental disorders, with incurable bodily diseases.

    What you need to know about stroke treatment:

      It is necessary to maintain good work of the vessels of the heart. For this, glycosides are necessarily prescribed with a decrease in the contractile function of the myocardium, drugs for the elderly for hypertension, drugs that stimulate the respiratory centers.

      Correction of homeostasis, hypokalemia and hypochloremia. Homeostasis is corrected by the introduction of various solutions: glucose solution 5%, 4% sodium bicarbonate solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Ringer's solution, as well as the introduction of low molecular weight dextrans (rheopolyglucin up to 400 ml).

      Treatment of cerebral edema is mandatory. In these cases, urea, mannitol, glycerin, novocaine and other drugs for the elderly help.

      After a stroke, vegetative changes in the body of the elderly can also occur. So, with hyperthermia, a complex of drugs is prescribed, such as diphenhydramine, novocaine, analgin. In such cases, you can rub the patient with alcohol in order to activate heat transfer, wrap up with wet cold towels.

      In the treatment of hemorrhagic stroke, drugs such as calcium, vicasop, intravenous gelatin, dicinone and others are used. With such a stroke, surgical intervention is possible in the formation of a hematoma.

      If there is an ischemic stroke, then the main thing is to increase the blood flow to the brain. This is achieved by dilating blood vessels, reducing their spasm and improving blood circulation. Here such medicines for the elderly come to the rescue as vasodilators, nicotinic acid, stugerone, trental, etc. To improve venous outflow, cocarboxylase and diethiphene are taken, heparin, phenylin and other drugs are prescribed to normalize blood clotting.

    Will medications help older people with dementia?

    When it comes to dementia in older people, there is no clear treatment plan. The difficulty lies in the fact that in many cases it is very difficult to find the causes of this disease. There are different stages of this disease, therefore, the treatment is selected for a specific case and symptomatology.

    Basically, dementia is treated with medication. But at present, there are no drugs for the elderly for dementia that would permanently cure the disease.

    Mild dementia

    This stage is characterized by slight disturbances in the work of memory and thinking, sometimes it is difficult for a person to find the right words, his behavior and character change. Depression and emotional instability are possible.

    Moderate dementia

    At the moderate stage, more serious changes occur in the work of memory and thinking, a person loses vital skills, can get confused in time, lose orientation. In such cases, the percentage of depression is high, there are cases of hallucinations and delusions. The patient becomes rude, aggressive, non-cheerful, careless.

    Medicines for dementia for the elderly:

    Akatinol memantine... Improves memory, increases concentration, increases the pace of thinking. A person is able to perform all functions for life. There are not many side effects, usually well tolerated.

    It is prescribed for the following diseases: Alzheimer's disease, dementia associated with Parkinson's disease, vascular dementia. The reason for the appointment may be a patient's condition that cannot be called dementia.

    Rivastigmine (alcenorm). The anticholinesterase effect of rivastigmine causes an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine in the PCD and hippocampus and accelerates the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers. Also, this drug acts on the synthesis of the precursor β-amyloid, reducing it, as a result of which amyloid plaques are not formed.

    In the process of treatment with this medicine, the general condition of the elderly becomes much better, activity and interest in life appear, memory, speech, attention impairments decrease, behavior is normalized.

    Patch Exelon... The action of this amazing patch is aimed at the constant supply of rivastigmine. It is used on a daily basis, but is placed on various parts of the body. The patch of skin should not come into close contact with clothing. If water gets on the patch, it continues to work, so water procedures are allowed, with the exception of the sauna.

    Cerebrolysin... Intravenous administration of cerebrolysin increases the rate of penetration of glucose, influencing the level of its consumption in the damaged parts of the brain. In addition, the drug leads to a decrease in the level of cerebral concentration of lactic acid.

    After treatment with this drug, memory improves, learning abilities appear, and the patient gradually returns to normal life.

    The drug is administered through a dropper for about a month. A huge plus of this medication for the elderly is its long-term effect after a full course. He also has no side reactions. It is a fairly versatile drug for any stage of dementia.

    Actovegin... Calf blood is used in the production of Actovegin. It is close to cerebrolysin. The main thing it does is transport glucose into cells and saturate them with oxygen.

    The drug has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, leads to a weakening of the symptoms of dementia, the patient becomes less dependent on others. Can be used both intravenously and as a pill.

    Dementia is often accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms: sleep disturbance, increased anxiety, depression, aggressive state, delirium and hallucinations. Each of these symptoms must be carefully treated, as it negatively affects the general condition and the development of dementia. With these symptoms, such medications for the elderly help:

    Phenazepam... This medicine for the elderly helps to improve sleep. But for long-term treatment, it is not suitable, since it can only worsen the course of the disease and the general condition of the patient. Therefore, it is taken only once, when other medicines do not help.

    Phenibut has a positive effect on cerebral circulation, brain metabolism, normalizes vascular tone. All these actions help in the treatment of symptoms such as increased feelings of fear and anxiety, excessive tension, and sleep disturbances. It has a beneficial effect on memory, improves reaction speed, and improves the condition associated with disorders of motor function and speech. Helps improve mental performance.

    Sonapax... A drug that combines several properties at once - neuroleptic, tranquilizing and antidepressant. The action is aimed at eliminating an increased sense of anxiety, aggressive states, even manic ones.

    Sonapax is prescribed for all stages of dementia. It also works well with sleep inversion, which can be a big problem for those caring for a sick person.

    The article uses materials from the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty.

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